Mayor Michael V. Michael
Vice Mayor Vincent J. Gallo
Councilman Gilbert H. Collins
Councilman Leonard E. Nylund
Councilman Thomas ~. Summers
City Attorney Gene Moo~e
City Manager Grady W. Courtney
City Clerk Tereesa Padgett
Mayor Michael called the meeting to o~der at 7:30 P.M.
Rev. Douglas Smith, of Presbyterian Chumch, gave the invocation.
The Mayor recognized M~. Walter Brown and the students from the civics
class of Boynton Beach Jr. High School.
The Mayor reported that Skip Cra~ford, Chairman of oum Civil Sex,ice
Board had come thru surgery fine.
R..egular Megting~ - Novembe.r. 4.~. 1968
M~. Nylund moved that the minutes of Nov. 4th be accepted as presented.
Motion seconded by Mr. Gallo and unan/mousty carried.
Discuss pendin~ court casg. - (On the Table}
M~. Gellomoved that this item be removed from the table and further
consideration be indefinitely postponed. Motion seconded by M~.
Nylund and unanimously carried.
Rev. Douglas Smith expressed his appreciation to the City Council for
the fine job being done by them. This statement received an applaud
from the audience. Mayor Michael expressed the Council's appreciation
to Rev. Smith for his kind remarks.
Set time tq receive..~lection returns.
It ,Nas the unanimous decision of the Council to meet at 8 A.M., Wed-
nesday moz~aing, November 20th to canvass the ballots of the Pr/ma~y
Consider request for chgnge order - Fire Station.
The Fire Chief requested that two 12'x12' doors be added to the repair
NOVEMBER 18~ 1968
bay of the new station and suggested that the partition in said bay be
deleted. The Building Official estimated the additional cost for such
a change to be $424,80, Mm. Gallo moved that the Chan~e Order be
issued on this basis. Motion seconded by Mm. Collins and cazTied unan-
ResDlution 68-N ,e,.s, tablishing chaz~je fo~ settin~ g~ave markers.
The, City Attorney ~ead Resolution 68-N in its entirety setting the
charge fora placing grave marke~s in the cemetemies.
M~. Nylund moved that Resolution 68-N be adopted as read. Motion sec-
onded by Mr. Gallo and unanimously
O~dinance 68-27 amend,~nq Sec. 13 o~ the, Code re Undelx$~ound Trash Cans.
Mm. Moome read OTdinance 68-27 in its entirety.
Motion made by ~ Nylund~ seconded by Mm. Collins to adopt Ordinance
68-27 on !st ~eading, amendinq Section 15 of the Code in refemence to
underground garbage cans. MmMr, Summers and Mr. Gallo expmessed a desime
for t~e Ordinanue not to effec~ in any way pmesent users.
M~, G, M. Ecke~t appeared be~o~e the Council pointing out the problem
this woul~ c~eate in Hampshime Gardens. By unanimous consent the
City Attorney removed the part of Omdir~nce 68-27 having to do with
cans at,early in use. Mm. Nylund and Mr. Collins reaffirmed rheim
motion and on ~oll e~%ll the Ordinance as amended was approved on 1st
reading by a unanimous vote.
Requests for chg, n~e in zoning
Pamcel I: Lots 12 to 16 incl., Block 15, Boynton Heights Addn.
Request: R-1 to R-2
Location: 204-210 S.W. 1st Ave.
Owner: Margaret F. Yates
Mayo~ Michael called ~or anyone in favo~ of subject mequest.
M~. Bill Yates spoke in favor.
Mayor Michael called for anyone against subject request. No one spoke
aga ins t.
The Mayor noted that the Planning g Zoning Board fmvored the change.
The City Attorney Tead 0Tdinance 68-28 affecting the requested change%
NOVEMBER 18: 1968
Mr. Gallo moved to adopt Omdinance 68-28 on 1st reading. Motion sec-
Onded by Mm. Summers and carried unanimously.
Parcel 2:
West 75' of the East 412' of Lot 3: Sam B~own Jrts S/D
Request: R-IA to R-2A
Location: 628Lakeside Hambor
Applicant: Howard Stripling
Mayor Michael called for anyone wishing to come fc~ward in favor of
subjeet~equest, No one came forward.
Mayor Michael called lcd anyone against subject request. No one spoke
against same.
M~. Gallo moved to accept the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning
Board and deny subject ~equest. Motion seconded by Mr, Collins and
unanimously carried.
Parcel 3:
The South 1125 feet of S.W.~ of N.W.~ of Section 5:
Township 46South¢ Range 43 Eaatof Palm Beach County¢
lying E. of Congress Ave,, a distance of 1300 feet
containing 54 ac~es~ more or less.
Request: R-]AA to M-1
Location: East side of Congress Ave. & South City limits.
Applicant: Stommont Realty~ Inc.
Mayor Michael called for anyone in favor of subject r~quest.
Clyde Worrell spoke in favor of subject request but no one spoke
against it.
Mr. Summers moved to table this request and request our Master Planner
for his recommendation on same as soon as possible. Motion seconded
by M~. Gallo and carried unanimously.
Parcel 4:
That part of the W. 167' of S, 162,5' of N.W.~ of
S,W.~, less Hwy R/W, Ac. Sec. 22-45-43, lying E.
of C-2 zoning according to official zoning map of
the City.
Request: R-iA to C-2
Location: 710 N, Fed. Hwy
~pplicant: Morris B. Simpson
Mayor ~chael called for anyone in favor or against subject request.
No one spoke for or against same.
The City Attorney read O~dinance 68-29 9~anting subject mequest. M~.
Gallo moved to adopt Ordinance 68-29 on 1st reading. Motion seconded
by Mr. Nylund and unanimously carried.
NOVEMBER 18: 1968
Parcel 5:
Lots 8 & 9~ Pine Crest Ridge S/D
Request: Conditional Use (R-2 Zone) for construction
of Medical Clinic.
Location: 103 S.W. 26th Avenue
Owner: Dr. Robert R. Wadlund
Michael called for anyone in favor or against subject request.
Atty. Robert Griffith requested approval of the conditional use as
M~. Gallo moved that the conditional use be granted and that the Build-
ing Depa~tment be instructed to issue the peivnit immediately. ~.btion
seconded by Mr. Summers and unanimously carried.
The City Attorney read Ordinance 68-50 in /ts entirety g~anting con-
ditional use for constTuction of a Medical Clinic in an R-2 Zone.
Mr. Gallo moved that Ordinance 68-50 be adopted on !st reading. Motion
seconded by Mr. Summers and carried unanimously.
Resolution 68-0 ye Use permit SR #804.
The City Attorney read Resolution 68-0 authorizing signatures by posi-
tion rather than by name on all State Road Department matters.
Mr. Gallo moved that Resolution 68-0 be adopted as read. Motion sec-
onded byMr. Collins and unanimously carried.
The Mayor again brought to the attention of Council the need for a
traffic light at Congress Avenue and W. Boynton Road.
Mm. Summers moved that we forward a Resolution to the State Road Dept.
making sueh a request and include reports from our Police and Fire
Departments. Motion seconded by Mr. Gallo and unanimously ca~ried.
Consider proposal of Hazen & Sawyer re Golf View Harbour S/D.
Mr. John H. Klinck~ Russell g Axon, estimated the cost to construct
the force main be~,~een Golf View Harbeur and the sewage plant joining
the Leisureville force main at N.W. 2nd Ave. & Industrial Ave. to be
bet~,~en $125~000. and $150~000.
Mr. Gallo moved to instruct the City Manager to p~oeeed with negotia-
tiOns with Mr. Norman J. Michael in accordance with his proposal of
Nov. 7, 1968. Motion seconded byMr. Summers and carried unanimously.
NOVEMBER 18~ 1968
Consider, , ~eq,uest o~, Mrs, Waite ~e clean-u~ of adjacent' property
Fm. Gallo moved that the Chief of Police and the Health ~Of~icer make
the inspection as required by Ordinance and report back to the City
Manager, Motion seconded by Mr. Collins and cazTied unanimously.
Discuss Fi~e Hydrant charges.
l~P, Gallo moved that this item he tabled until such time as we have a
decision from Ocean Ridge as to whether they will share in the cost of
a Judicial decision. Motion seconded by M~, Summers and unanimously
Authorization ,mequested to advertise for bids on:
1. Executive typewriter
2. 3 Police ears
1 car - Detective division
4. Microfilm Proqram g Reader
Mr, Gallo moved that the City Manager be authorized to go out for bids
on the above listed items plus a Survey T~ansit. Motion seconded by
Mr. Summers and unanimously carried.
Consider request of Seventh DaM Adventist Church.
The request was read to allow them to make their annual drive for funds.
Mr. Nylund moved that their request be granted. Motion seconded by
Mr. Summers and unanimously carried.
Dispuss Employee Christmas Party.
The City Manager requested approval of expenditures from the Contingencs-
Fund (5900-480) of approximately $750.00 for Employee Christmas Parties
which would include a Bar-B-Que for the Public Works employees and
their families and a dinner party ~or City Hall employees and spouses.
Mr. Summers moved that subject request be approved. Motion seconded
by tt~. Collins and unanimously carried,
Approval of Bills
The City Clerk submitted the following bills for approval:
1. Hays & Robinson $11,630.89
2. Gerald Dake Associates 500,00
S. Neptune Meter Co. 969.76
4. Fla. League of Municipalities 600.00
5. Russell & AxOn 900.00
6. Russell & Axon 3,000.00
Mr. Gallo moved that all the bills except Gerald Dake & Russell & Axon
($3,000.00) be approved for payment. Motion seconded by Mr.Summers
NOVEMBER 18, 1968
and unanimously carried.
Mr. Ny!und moved that the requisition to Ed Ctanton for shell~ock in
the amount of $1~537.60 be approved. Motion seconded by Mr. Gallo
and unanimously carried.
List of payments made in October.
The Clerk reported that this list had not been completed.
M~. Gallo moved that this item be held until the following meeting.
Motion seconded by M~. Summers and unanimously carried.
~onsider request for transfer of Beverage License - Alfredo's.
Mrs. Padgett pre.sented the application of.Samuel J. Offie for appro~l
of t~ansfer of tne beverage license now trusted in the name of Alfred6s.
Mr. Gallo moved that the transfer be approved subject to all depart-
ments signing Off. Motion seconded by Mr. Collins and unan. carried.
Vice Mayor Gallo brought to the attention of the City Manager that the
railroad c~ossing light at S.E. t2th Ave. was not functionir~ properly.
Upon motion by M~. Gallo~ seconded by Mr. Sub, ers, the meetin~ adjourned
at 9:20 P.M.
Leo~ard E. Nylund, C6un~lman-
Tereesa Padge~rC-~ty Clerk