Michael V. Michael, ~ayor
Vincent J. Gallo, Vice Hayor
GiLbert H. Collins, Counoi/man
Leo~rd E. Nyl~nd, Councilman
Thomas A. Summers, Councilman
Gene Moore, City Attorney
Grady W. Courtney, City ~4gr.
Tereesa Padgett, ~ity Clerk
Mayor Michael called the Heeting to order at 7:30
Mayor Michael explained that this meeting was called to allow
the developers of Liesureville, (CaldoS Development Corp.) to
advise the 'Citizens of Boynton Beach of their proposed plans,
and ~ turn, permit the Citizens to e~press their opinion re-
garding this proposed deve2[opment.
ru aha s=a=e~ ~a= a Conoom~nlum type concept ~s being con-
sidered at this time, which will consist of single fam/ly
dwellings rather than an a~art~e~t type.complex. He further
stated that the lots are smaller, the minimum size being 45 ft.
hut only 5% is requested for this size, the remaining 95% are
55 ft. lots. The' streets are 20 ft. in width which are private
and will he maintained by the "Association" which consists of
the home owners. All maintenance such as the lawns, fertiliz-
ing, sprinkling, painting of the homes and roofs, will be
done by the Association.
. .~ _ _. pec cep=zons =ney were requesting
pursu~n~ to ordinance 68-19.
The Mayor asked those in the audience who ~ere in favor of
Ordinance 68-1~ to come forward.
Henry Thompson, Realtor, stated he was in favor of Ord/nance
The M~yor ~than asked for those in the audience who ~ere opposed
to Ordinance 68-19 to come forward.
Robert Griffith stated he consideredan Ordinance of this
nature to be verY discr/minatoryto other Property owners of
smaller tracts.
Marion Greene, stated he did not feel the City Cou~cilwas
qualified to decide this issue.
Joseph Tomberg, questioned,the recommendation of t he master
planner, and suggested the City Council abide by his reco~nenda.
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...SEP~ER 12~ 1968
Donald M~uKone,C~ Cove stated the City should cc~side~
this develo~m~ant quite t~oroughly before rushing into it.
Robert Olds, Chaizman of the PlUg an~ Zoning Board stated
that the Board has had 3 or 4 ~eetings with the Caldos Group
and the master planner, Gerald~ Dake. The Board had considered
this change of' zoning and decided they were in favor of it
only after they were thoroughly advised b~ the master pla~er.
John Archie, S. W. 25th Avenue, quest/oned whether Gerald Dake
the master planner, had actually looked over the ~lans and
also, who paid~ him.
City Attorney read Ordinance 68-19 by caption only.
Reading: A~g~st 30, 1968.
Mr. Nylund moved that Ord/nance 68-19 be passed on second
reading. F~r. Collins seconded. M~tion carried unanimously.
Ordinance 68-24 (1st Reading) Establishing Special Exception
~or Caldos DeveloDers' Inc.=
City Attorney read Ordinance 68-24 in its entirety.
City Attorney recommended that a copy of the letter from
CaldosDevelopers, in whichthe special exeeptions and speci-
fications are indicated, become a part of this Ordinance.
Mayor M/chael stated the City Council was ready to hear from
the Citizens as to whether or not thef were for or against
Ordinance 68-24.
Emily Jackson stated she did not know if she was for or against
this Ordinance, as there were several items which bad not been
Joseph Tomberg stated that it had been rumored the City was
going to enter into a water refunding agreement and wondered
if this were true.
James Mahoney, 2151 N. E, 1st Street, wondered what effect
this proposed development would have on the %~terpressure.
James Sarno, 2409 S. W. 1st Street, asked for clarification
on the s~ecial zoning Ordinance and asked if the zoning
procedure would remain the same.
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.S~-PTEMBER 12~ 1968
Joseph Fodor, Coquina Cove stated that if a lift station is
built by the developers for the development, an~ they aban-
doned their plans, he felt the City would have gained f/nan-
Mr. Summers stated he had worked up a few figures and he would
like th~ Citizens to hear them at this time; tax.value: $180,000
Rrogrem. 100,0 0, wa r. 40, 00 a total of 320,000,
wnach he considered to be quite substantial.
Mr. Collins asked the City Manager what his thoughts were on
this proposed development and Mr. Courtney replied that if
this development goes through, it wo~ld be of great benefit
to the City.
Mr. Summers moved that Ordinance 68-24 be accepted on first
reading and passed to second reading. Mr. Nylund seconded.
.Mayor ~ichael stated he still feels several questions should
be answered, mainly the extension of the water and sewer system.
Motion carried 4-1, ~ayor ~ichael dissenting.
,Appointment of Assis~-~ City Clerk:
Mrs. Padgett advised Counci/ that Mrs. Marilyn Weaver had
resigned as Court Clez~ and would be leaving this week. She
submitted the name of Mrs. Barbara Ma~h for temporary appoint-
ment. Mr. Gallo moved to' accept Mrsl Weaver,s resignation
and to appoint Mrs. Marsh as Assistant City Clerk. Mr. Eylund
seconded and motion carried 5-0.
,,Discuss RUssell & Axon ~Dort on Water & Sewer-
Discussion was held on the need of expanding the City's water
and sewer facilities and the financing of same.
Mr. Gallo moved that the City Attorney and the City Manager be
authorized to negotiate with Alfred Shepard on preliminary
studies in preparation to finalizing the report and financing
of proposed water and s~er treatment expansion. Motion second-
ed by Mr. S~ers and carried 5-0.
Mr. Sa~der of RUssell and Axon suggested that they withhold
completion of their preliminary report and combine same with
Mr. Shepard for a complete package which would be presenta~le
for financing purposes.
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.SEPTP~ER 12, 1968
~lr. Courtney read, Ordinance 68-23 in it~ en~irt~y., l~,. Ga/lo
moved that Ordinance 68-23 be adopted on
Nylund st=onded and motio~ carried 5-0.
Meeting adios=ned at 10:40 P.M.
ce ~ayor
LeOnard -Eo Nyl~nd, '
Thomas A. Su~s-,Co~e~n
(~rs,) Tereesa Padgett~ Cit~ Cl~k
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