Jerry Taylor, Mayor Lori LaVerriere, City Manager
Joe Casello, Vice Mayor David Tolces, Assistant City Attorney
David T. Merker, Commissioner Shana Bridgeman, Assistant City Attorney
Mack McCray, Commissioner Judy Pyle, Deputy City Clerk
Michael M. Fitzpatrick, Commissioner (Arrived 9:18 a.m.) Vivian Brooks, CRA Director
Michael Simon, CRA Assistant Director
Buck Buchanan, CRA Board Member
Woodrow Hay, CRA Board Member
Mr. Sumek opened the workshop at 1:48 p.m. and reviewed the Community Vision and
Mission Statements. Mr. Sumek reviewed there were no changes in Goal 1, Great
Neighborhoods: Safe, Affordable and Livable.
The members had previously identified short-term challenges for Goal 1 as: 1)
consistent and supported Code Compliance; 2) quality of public schools and impact on
Boynton Beach community; 3) follow through and implementing the Heart of Boynton
Plan; 4) removing blighted structures; 5) keeping Boynton Beach affordable for the
workforce; 6) Police gaining and maintaining public trust while performing an unpopular
societal function; and 7) Changing and diversifying community demographics.
The long -term challenge with the highest votes was: complete streets policy. The action
outline was to establish an internal committee starting in July, draft guidelines for a
Master Plan by October 2016, and have a Commission decision by December 2016.
Mr. Sumek reviewed the major projects for Goal 1. The first was the Ocean Breeze
East development. The complete draft agreement for purchase and CRA decision
would be due in July 2015. The Planning and Development Board would address the
land development regulations and zoning in October 2015, and the developer's
application for tax credits would occur in May 2016.
Mayor Taylor commented on the developer's application for the State tax credits for
next year and pointed out if a developer does not need tax credits, they could move the
item up.
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Ms. Brooks pointed out if the provision is in a development agreement, it would be
legally binding. If the agreement is redone in July, they could take a back -up contract.
Mayor Taylor advised he wanted the Commission to understand that if a developer had
to wait for tax credits, they had to wait. Commissioner Merker inquired if, by law, they
were had to give a certain period of time to allow a developer the opportunity to apply
for the credits. Ms. Brooks explained tax credit developers will want several years and
several attempts. The recommendation she included was for one attempt and one try as
they should not tie the property up. She acknowledged there is a timeline developers
need and, if they want to accept the proposal, it would be foolish not to allow them that
Commissioner Merker noted they only received one response, so it was up to the Board
whether to try the company or not. He felt the Board should tweak the company to what
the Board wants. Ms. Brook explained staff put it on LoopNet to promote it for a short
time and she promoted the property to another major developer last Friday. Staff was
also sending emails. She advised it takes time and if the Board wants to pursue a
developer without tax credits, she preferred to receive direction now. She noted
Hudson Holdings may come back with a different iteration of their development proposal
and they would need time to figure out if the project fiscally made sense. Tax credits
are easier because all of the construction is paid for and it is easier to give a letter of
intent. Without the tax credit, it is harder to calculate and there is more that goes into it.
Commissioner McCray commented there are two parcels open for tax credits in the
Heart of Boynton. One parcel on MLK Boulevard was discussed the day before and he
acknowledged Hudson Holdings. He agreed if there was a developer coming forward
with the funds, they should not tie up the land. He wanted to see something occur as
quickly as possible in District II and he agreed with Mayor Taylor.
Mr. Rumpf inquired if they should insert the word, developer application, because it was
the end of the application cycle. Ms. Brooks inquired if she should work on the
document voted on a week ago. Commissioner McCray responded when it was voted
on, they did not have any back -up information about the group or Mr. Schnier. He met
with Mr. Schnier who advised he was terminated by Gardner, and they need to revisit
the matter as soon as possible.
Vice Mayor Casello saw two projects competing for one tax credit and asked why they
were set up for failure. They have a property for a tax credit project and questioned why
they would entertain another project. One project was doomed. He thought they
needed to move in a more positive direction. Ms. Brooks responded no one on staff
recommended tax credits for Ocean Breeze East. When staff receives a letter of intent,
they present it to the Board. The agenda item stated what the caveat was if they moved
forward. There was no recommendation from staff to enter into the arrangement. Vice
Mayor Casello did not want Ms. Brooks and staff to spend more time on a tax credit
project. Ms. Brooks cautioned it would take time to market the property. Vice Mayor
Casello thought staff could be more aggressive. Ms. Brooks commented LoopNet is
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used by brokers who make commissions and the CRA does not offer a commission.
Vice Mayor Casello commented paying a commission worked for attracting businesses
on Ocean Avenue and maybe they should consider it. If staff specifies broker
participation there may be more interest in the properties. She emphasized the way to
market community property is through LoopNet and she believed they have to sweeten
the pot. There is no broker listed on LoopNet. Vice Mayor Casello suggested they
reconsider the matter considering staff was spending time and effort on tax credit and
give direction to Ms. Brooks.
Mr. Buchanan asked what was the deadline to approve a tax credit project and still
make the cycle. Ms. Brooks responded they would need a contract by August or
September because the City would have to approve land use and zoning first for Florida
Housing Finance. It still did not give staff a lot of time to find someone.
Commissioner Merker commented staff was asking who wants the property and who
wants to purchase with 9 %. He inquired if staff was indicating one or the other. Ms.
Brooks responded they do not discuss financing. He asked what would happen if two
companies who do the 9% credits called in. He thought they were fooling themselves
because when it was put on LoopNet, staff did not define it had to be this or that. Ms.
Brooks explained it was only posted on LoopNet for a short time without definition. Staff
was promoting the property as a very dense project.
Mr. Hay agreed with Vice Mayor Casello and Mayor Taylor. Commissioner Fitzpatrick
indicated he would go along with the majority. Mr. Sumek suggested there was
consensus to review the options and hold off on an agreement until August and bring
anything else received in July.
#'The homeless comprehensive strategy and action plan was discussed. Mr. Sumek
gave the. time frames. A presentation would be made in January 2016, and they may
identify short-term actions. Ms. LaVerriere explained they would put together whatever
they could and coordinate efforts and involve Code Compliance. There are behaviors
that will take time to research. In the interim, they will find tools and assemble them to
address the matter. Commissioner Fitzpatrick inquired about the purpose of the team.
Ms. LaVerriere explained the team was composed of staff contacting individuals to
coordinate their efforts and refer homeless individuals to available resources. It is a
peer nuisance issue and this would make it uncomfortable for this population to stay in
Boynton Beach. Commissioner McCray inquired if staff was developing a calendar. Mr.
Sumek commented he would develop a calendar which would lay out all the key
milestones for this item for the next 12 to 18 months.
Mayor Taylor thought it was important to develop an ordinance that gives the Police
something to fall back on. There is a homeless problem at Dewey Park, by Hurricane
Alley, and there is a prostitute operating out of the Park and in the downtown. They will
have a process to respond.
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June 17, 2015
The Model Block Development identified funding options by June. It would come before
the CRA Board and the Commission in July. There will be a Commission decision on a
Resolution of Necessity by September, a Commission decision regarding the Order of
Taking by October, develop an RFP for construction of the road by January and award
the bid in March and complete construction by August 2016.
Mayor Taylor cautioned the Board this is a very expensive project and it may not be
entirely completed this year. They have to find where the money would come from, but
could do part of it, and continue it. Ms. LaVerriere thought one of the largest
components of the project was eminent domain and order of taking. If that did not go,
the project would not move forward. They also had to identify half a million in funding to
move forward. The rest was easy and she noted there are different funding resources
for those portions.
Commissioner Merker inquired about eminent domain. Ms. LaVerriere responded it
was redefined as a partial taking of property and for roadway improvements. It was not
a full taking. Andrew Mack, Building Official explained the right of way on 10 and 11
was substandard so they were taking 10 feet on MLK Boulevard, and 10 feet on NW
11 to widen the street and make improvements. There was also a 10 -foot utility
easement. He explained eminent domain laws should work because the work the City
was doing was legal. Vice Mayor Casello inquired if the timeline changed. Mr. Mack
explained when the Resolution of Necessity goes to the Commission and is approved,
they would negotiate for 30 days and file an Order with the courts, escrow the money
through the Courts and have an order signed by the judge. If not signed, they must stop
the project. Mr. Hay requested confirmation they would use this document to add items
to the agenda. Ms. LaVerriere commented now that they talked about the project and
have the cost, it was a hefty price tag to redevelop two blocks. She asked if they still
wanted to do the project and commit the funds to see it to fruition. The next discussion
was to prioritize it and it will need funding decisions at budget time. Commissioner
McCray commented some owners contacted staff and wanted to sell.
Commissioner McCray, as representative of the District, commented the Commission
wants to implement the plan and they should tell the citizens about it. If the project does
not occur, it gives the residents false hope. Ms. LaVerriere clarified they have the funds
and general capital funds for the roadwork. They were just dedicating funds, but the
project would take place. Commissioner Merker asked if the half million would be
approved after the eminent domain decision was approved. Ms. LaVerriere explained
they have to put the appraisal value in escrow until the judge rules on the eminent
The Cottage District Development action item specified the CRA Board will give
direction in October and put it out to bid by December. They would review responses by
April and then the CRA Board would decide on the developer by July of next year.
Commissioner Fitzpatrick was not in favor of subsidizing single - family homes. He
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recognized the Cottage District was in place before he was elected and would support
MLK Corridor Revitalization included retail with Family Dollar opening in December.
The Land Assembly involved Planning and Zoning handling land use and zoning
changes in September, Commission decision on it in October and a developer
application for the tax credit by May of 2016.
Annexation of Palmyra would involve a presentation to the Homeowners' Association
Board and the City should learn of the Board's position this month. Vice Mayor Casello
wanted to be part of that discussion that would take place on June 25 He did not think
it would be an easy sell with the homeowners.
Mr. Buchanan wanted a plan from a consulting firm showing what the Casa DelMar
project will look like and detailing how they can piggy back and not miss opportunities in
that area, He thought this was vital. There were small properties around the project and
if there was no plan, they will have to upgrade the appearance of it. Ms. Brooks
explained this was part of the CRA's Consolidated Plan for the corridors and the plan
addressed a lot of Mr. Buchanan's concerns.
The Federal Highway Corridor plan encouraged assemblage by adding density. There
was not much that could be done beside up zoning and buying the land which was how
new development occurs. Florida Power & Light underground utilities was planned to
be included for the major corridors, but it was a major expense that could be done
incrementally. It was addressed under the CRA Consolidated Plan. Commissioner
McCray commented they discussed property would change and there are ongoing
improvements. Federal Highway was not being neglected and they a have bikeway and
new signs. There will be features on Federal Highway the residents will enjoy.
Mr. Sumek commented his sense was this did not need to be in the Plan because the
City acted on it already. This item will be dropped and included in the Consolidated
Plan. It would be added as a bullet item that needed to be addressed.
Staff indicated there is a Code Compliance report that addresses staffing issues, but it
has not been presented yet. Ms. LaVerriere wanted to ensure it did not fall off the
priority list. Chief Katz commented they did a report and noticed in Fiscal Year 13/14,
the most recent year, they conducted over 24,000 Code investigations. They opened
2,832 cases, 790 went before a Magistrate and 139 cases had sanctions imposed
against the property owner. They looked at Boca Raton who, during the same time
period, conducted 3,634 investigations, opening 925 cases and Delray did 810
investigations and opened 40 cases. He commented the City's Code cases are
remarkable. The office has one civilian administrator and two assistants as office staff.
They eliminated the Chief Code Compliance Officer position and were working to adjust
staffing in the office. In terms of perception that Code Compliance is heavy handed, the
amount of cases that were sanctioned was less than one half of a percent.
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Vice Mayor Casello questioned 24,000 cases compared to Delray and Boca. Chief Katz
clarified they were complaints. The City has a 95% compliance rate and the cases are
settled for compliance. Chief Katz could provide further information at an upcoming City
Commission meeting. Ms. LaVerriere noted they should address some of the budgetary
needs. The current supervisor will retire in a year and needs administrative help and an
additional Code Officer. This should be presented at the Budget workshops and the
next meeting on July 7 Commissioner McCray commented he has been taking
pictures of violations and trash, and when he calls, for the record, the Code Officer that
works in his District says there is a no dumping sign. Commissioner McCray explained
Habitat for Humanity truck was left in District II. He was dissatisfied with the way it is
Commissioner Fitzpatrick inquired how the Code cases are investigated and if they look
for violations. Chief Katz responded in his report, in 4,471 cases, letters were sent. Ms.
LaVerriere responded the Officers have scans of the area. Commissioner Fitzpatrick
noted the CRA was trying to buy property and thought the CRA should direct some of
the investigations. Chief Katz agreed a person could be added to the Clean and Safe
program and the person in that area could be well versed in Code. Ms. Brooks
explained if she has land she is interested in, she lets Ms. Springer know.
Commissioner Fitzpatrick inquired if they want the CRA helping Code investigations.
Ms. LaVerriere commented there are eight Code Officers and each case has a
tremendous workload behind it. Commissioner Fitzpatrick suggested they pick the
biggest bang for the buck. Ms. Brooks explained other cities have a trained Code
Officer that works for the CRA which could be part of the Clean and Safe program. It
was requested this be discussed next month at the budget hearings and Ms. LaVerriere
will bring back a cost for Code Compliance. Mayor Taylor requested a total cost to run
Code Compliance in the City and a cost if the entire Code Compliance program was
contracted out. Ms. LaVerriere noted there are companies that handle this. Chief Katz
commented the total budgeted cost to run Code Compliance was $971,550 a year.
They generate $90,240 in false alarm fees in FY 13/14 and $18,000 for alarm decals.
Ms. LaVerriere commented she will get some ideas from other cities.
Mr. Hay asked, on a quadrant basis, where the 24,000 cases were located; however,
they did not have that information. Right now the Enterprise System tracks case
numbers. He asked how the eight officers were assigned and learned they have
assigned areas. Each area and each district has a workload and some districts were
more demanding than others. Mr. Hay inquired if he could get statistical information by
District and Chief Katz would look into the matter.
Commissioner McCray did not favor using eminent domain if there were Code violations
on land the CRA needed. They have elderly people struggling with nowhere else to go
and it was not the block being displaced: it was the individuals. Vice Mayor Casello
asked if Code inspects City -owned properties. Mr. Livergood explained some vacant
City -owned properties have trash and Code inspects them. Vice Mayor had heard
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Code was citing individuals that could least afford to move, but yesterday they
discussed the Old High School and did not move forward because it would be an
exorbitant amount of money. He thought the City had to lead by example. If they
pursue properties in certain areas, the City should look at itself first. Mr. Buchanan
commented they purchased property owned by slum owners. Ms. Brooks responded
they rarely buy owner occupied properties.
Mr. Sumek reviewed the timeline for the Integrated Water Resource Master Plan,
Comprehensive Plan and Evaluation and Appraisal Report including the Future Land
Use Map amendment. There were no comments on these items.
The Sober Homes impact analysis and best practices timeline was reviewed. Vice
Mayor Casello noted they were being run as a business. He asked if they pay Business
Tax Receipt taxes and learned they did. If the home was not owned by a corporation,
they charge the owner as a rental so they pay two fees.
FEC Corridor improvement project design timeline was reviewed and there were no
comments. The Corridor improvements would extend from 15 Street to Hypoluxo.
PLAY - Police Leading Awesome Youth and the Conrad Pickel Celebration were
reviewed. Conrad Pickel was a stained glass artist from Boynton Beach.
Vice Mayor Casello had questions regarding the Tennis Center being allocated $120K
for poles. It was explained it was for the lights and to make the restrooms ADA
Commissioner McCray inquired about the North and South Federal Highway signs and
Mike Simon, Assistant CRA Director, responded the project was on target for
There were no further questions on the Major Projects for Goal 1. They would not be
prioritized and were reviewed for information only to know when they are done.
There were no comments on the Goal 2, Energetic Downtown Town Square
Development action item.
The Consolidated Plan elements were reviewed. Commissioner McCray requested
when the Plan is advertised, it be sent to the churches and Ms. Brooks agreed. Mr. Hay
inquired how much of the existing Downtown Master Plan was factored into the
Consolidated CRA Plan. Ms. Brooks responded Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal
Highway will have some recommended changes. Staff will hold workshops by area,
combine two districts and hold a workshop for the two districts. Mr. Hay asked what will
change from the meetings held in the past. Ms. Brooks responded most of the changes
were minor and they will send out cards based on the addresses they have so they
could provide input. The Plan was updated and it makes it easier for all to read and find
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the information. Commissioner McCray requested staff coordinate with him when the
District II workshops are held as he wanted to be present.
Clean and Safe program was identified as an initial priority. Mr. Sumek reviewed the
timeline. Ms. Brooks noted the item pertained to developing a litter program and
policing the area. There may be a dedicated officer just for the HOB area. She clarified
she would review what was permitted by the State. Police would handle the area above
the HOB line and Mr. Livergood would handle the area below the line. Mr. Livergood
would issue an RFP for the litter cleanup. Vice Mayor Casello asked if two men could
be dedicated to the HOB area and Chief Katz responded they could. This pertained to
the litter portion of the Clean and Safe program. Commissioner McCray recalled, years
ago there were officers and a bike patrol in the HOB area.
Mr. Hay asked if there was a correlation between the Complete Streets and Clean and
Safe program moving forward and learned Complete Streets had to do with street
design and construction of roadways rather than clean up.
Community Policing in the Downtown and HOB was the next action item. The Juvenile
Arrest and Monitoring (JAM) program was eliminated years ago. This effort would re-
establish JAM and the Youth Violence Prevention Program (YVPP) a /k/a Youth
Empowerment Program, by October and institute quarterly Town Hall meetings. In
August 2013, Chief Katz asked the community what the Department could do better and
they had three groups that indicated the JAM program worked well. The Police
Department had developed relationships with youth. When the budget collapsed they
pulled the program which sent a bad message because the program was a mentoring
program. Chief Katz confirmed there was a PAL program and pointed out they were
supportive of the Wildcats program. The YVPP has cultivated many relationships with
youth and is a full -time program at the Carolyn Sims Center. The JAM and YEP
programs were not about enforcement, rather building relationships with the community.
Old High School direction was discussed. Vice Mayor Casello wanted to save it, but it
was beyond repair and was neglected for years. He moved, if legal, to go forward to
find the funds to demolish the building. Mayor Taylor seconded the motion. Vice Mayor
Casello commented it was an unpopular decision, but it was an eyesore, safety hazard
and it cannot be repaired. Mr. Hay agreed for the reasons the Vice Mayor stated, and
commented he had supported trying to save it, but at this point, it was on its last legs.
He felt a decision should be publically made at a Commission meeting after advertising
it. Mr. Sumek recommended providing direction to bring it back to the next meeting and
Ms. LaVerriere agreed as direction for funding was also needed.
Commissioner McCray reviewed the history of the Old High School. There had been a
high school by the current Poinciana Elementary School. He, residents and clergy from
District II requested the City not demolish it and were told they were standing in the way
of progress. Since then there were two elementary schools, one elementary school that
was changed to a Junior High School, then a Senior High School, and then back to an
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elementary school and then the new Poinciana Elementary School was built. He
favored moving forward with demolition of the Old High School. Staff will prepare a
report detailing what could be done and bring it back for action.
Commissioner Merker commented meetings were held to learn what the community
wanted to do with the building and the City deferred the matter and hired a company to
project for the future. There are valid points and he noted Mr. Livergood said the
construction was not good. Commissioner Merker thought they should hold off until the
public meeting and wanted some form of report stating the condition of the building from
a professional and an update on the lawsuits before moving forward. Mayor Taylor
advised Attorney Cherof had publically indicated the lawsuit has no bearing on what the
Commission wants to do with the building.
Ms. LaVerriere suggested Attorney Cherof advise the members of the status of the
lawsuit individually. Mr. Buchanan commented this was a Commission issue and agreed
it should be properly noticed. Commissioner Fitzpatrick explained the walls are glazed
tile and stucco that are impervious to water and water makes it stronger over time. He
contended the building was repairable. The walls are as strong as, or stronger than
those currently being approved by the City. He noted residents talk about the Old High
School being a Civic Center. If there were insufficient funds, it could still be a positive
community building. He did not support bulldozing the building.
Mr. Sumek commented this item will come back to the Commission in August of this
year. Vice Mayor Casello commented they should get the word out this is something
they will discuss. Ms. LaVerriere will put it on the July agenda as a future agenda item.
Vice Mayor Casello commented they have to make the decision for the safety of the
public. He respected Commissioner Fitzpatrick's opinion.
Mr. Sumek advised they need direction to deal with Downtown parking land acquisition
and structure. Ms. Brooks explained there will be a commuter rail stop in the downtown
and they have no parking for it. The CRA has the opportunity to buy land now rather
than wait and has another opportunity at 4 just north of Boynton Beach Boulevard
which includes a piece of City -owned land offering a cost savings. One complication
was the cell tower that would have to be relocated. Another site is First Financial Plaza.
There are parking spaces there as well as activity which would increase with 500 Ocean
being constructed. Ms. Brooks asked for direction. If they construct a parking lot on 4
it was right on the railroad tracks. Kimley Horn conducted an analysis and learned it
would net about 220 parking spaces on three levels. They could line the street in front
of small shops or offices because they front Veterans Park and it was an easy walk to
the train station and the Marina. Option 2 was the assemblage of First Financial Plaza
which needs to be done, but it was a longer and harder process.
Commissioner Fitzpatrick commented one lot needed to be done soon and the other in
five to 10 years. He questioned if they will need additional parking in five or ten years
and thought they should pursue both. Ms. Brooks agreed and indicated she and Ms.
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LaVerriere spoke and they may be able to roll it into the P3 project. She did not know if
the CRA could afford both, but they could afford the one on 4 Last season, the Marina
was very packed and when the commuter rail and 500 Ocean comes to fruition, there
will be a greater need. She recommended assembling the land today instead of waiting.
Commissioner McCray commented the City uses Palm Tran. He thought they should
use the parking lot that is already there and let commuters be bused to the rail station.
He thought they were jumping too quickly. Ms. Brooks explained All Aboard Florida is
double- tracking for the station. Vice Chair Casello was unaware a station had been
approved and Ms. LeJeune agreed to provide Vice Chair Casello the Regional
Transportation Authority Master Plan showing the train station. He asked if eminent
domain would cover parking and learned it would, but they could not lease or sell the
property to a private owner, otherwise they have to offer the property back to the
original property owner. If there was a hotel, the bottom levels could be used for parking
and the top for a hotel. If only parking was wanted, they could use eminent domain.
Commissioner Merker favored developing parking on 4 Street. He preferred to see if
Mr. Camalier would step up because his previous ideas included having that land too.
He saw it as one project, not several projects, and the idea of bargaining, if one parcel
was purchased, the other land would be more money. He thought if the CRA could
obtain the land through eminent domain, they should make it simple because other
developments on Federal Highway or anywhere else may need additional parking.
Purchasing both properties would be foolish.
Mr. Hay agreed with Commissioner Merker, but asked who would maintain the lot. Ms.
Brooks responded if they own it they would maintain it. They would charge for parking
which would help offset the cost. If the CRA sunsets, the obligation goes to the City and
the revenue goes to the City. Mayor Taylor and Mr. Buchanan also favored 4 Street.
Management -in- progress for Goal 2, Energetic Downtown had two items which would
return in September. The items were All Aboard Florida Quiet Zones and the Ocean
Avenue Art District.
Mr. Sumek reviewed action items for Goal 3, Growing Jobs. The first item, the
Economic Development Program, RFP and Commission decision on a respondent, and
the complete Economic Development Strategic Plan would return to the Board in June
and September 2015, and September 2016 respectively.
The One Ocean Avenue First Class Hotel development action was the second item.
They would meet with the property owner, review the land development regulations and
meet with the hotel developer. Discussion followed elected officials, CRA and City staff
and Ms. LaVerriere should be present to meet with Mr. Camalier to show political
leadership and support. Mayor Taylor volunteered to attend as did Vice Mayor Casello
and Commissioner Merker; however, only one elected official could be present,
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otherwise it was a public meeting. Vice Mayor Casello suggested the Mayor attend.
Commissioner Merker nominated Vice Mayor Casello. The nomination died.
Hospital Area Rezoning for Medical Office item specified the complete assessment,
report and presentation would all occur in September of 2016. Mr. Hay inquired how far
the rezoning radius from Bethesda Hospital would extend, but none was specified.
The completion dates for the Development Atlas Update, New Business Guide, and
Small Business Development Program dates were reviewed and moved to
management -in- progress items for 2015 and 2016.
High Performing City Organization, Goal 4, action items consisted of Police
headquarters report, Commission decision on financing and a referendum. The date of
completion would be determined. This project could be addressed as a stand -alone
project and financed with bonds or through the millage. It is a $25 million project linked
to the Town Square Plan proposal. The cost estimate was already a year old and Mr.
Livergood anticipated it could cost $30 million. The referendum would determine the
financing mechanism. Commissioner McCray requested a copy of the needs
City Hall was also linked to the Town Square project. The next steps were not defined.
Mayor Taylor commented this item was the same as the Police item.
Fire Service Agreements had been discussed. There was direction to go forward to
negotiate a price. Commissioner Fitzpatrick thought if the direction given was to
negotiate without direction or any tie in, he did not agree. He pointed out one way of
approaching this was to speak to the property owner of the shopping center. They are
not looking forward to using an outside company, and it would be a big consideration.
Any private entity would not receive mutual aid from the County. A question was posed
how big a force would be needed to put out a fire in Publix and it was thought it would
take the entire Boynton Beach Fire Department to do so. Commissioner Fitzpatrick did
not see how the Village of Golf could receive that kind of support for less than $22
million. Mayor Taylor commented there was discussion yesterday to let Chief Carter
pursue the issue.
The next item was to gather data for public information on police and fire in relationship
to the County. Ms. LaVerriere noted Boca and Delray went through similar exercises for
Fire Services with Palm Beach County. Boynton Beach shares many similarities with
them and she thought they could obtain a financial analysis and compare it with
Boynton Beach's situation. They could also invite Palm Beach County to submit a
proposal for services. She requested direction for Fire Services. In reference to Police,
she pointed out there was one other community of similar size to Boynton Beach that
uses the Sheriff Department. Commissioner McCray commented if Delray and Boca
had a study, they should be obtained. The Sheriff gave a proposal and they could use
the old information and gather data from other cities. Vice Mayor Casello pointed out
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the report from the Sherriff was not a complete report and Boynton Beach should have
its own report even if there is a cost factor so they could determine if it would be good or
bad. The City has its own circumstances and the dynamics are different. He wanted
fresh data.
Mayor Taylor's only concern, if considering a proposal from the Sheriff or the Palm
Beach County Fire Department, was that it cover a five -year period. He thought there
would be significant financial differences.
Mr. Sumek summarized the City wants a service proposal from the Sheriff and Fire
Department at the City's current service level. Commissioner McCray wanted to know
how much it would cost. Ms. LaVerriere responded they would have to ask if they could
prepare a five -year estimate. Internally, an analysis of the impact on operations, if
outsourced, would be a tremendous amount of work. She pointed out it would be staff
time used, not a consultant. The only area they would need help would be the impact
on the pension and pay for actuary work to determine how the deals are structured and
at what point those payments stop. She anticipated the analysis would be a six to 12-
month process.
Chief Carter explained Boca is different than Boynton Beach. Delray Beach was almost
identical from a Fire Rescue standpoint. They have the same amount of employees and
one additional fire station contracted from Highland Beach. They run slightly more calls
per year than Boynton and their population is about 10,000 less, but operationally, they
are identical. Comparing Boynton to Delray and still obtaining a proposal from the
County could be a good starting point and he could likely get that document within a
week to start the process.
Commissioner Merker commented they were thinking dollars and cents and a major
consideration is what is good for citizens. Outsourcing may not be. He assumed it
would be the same with a Police proposal. He queried if they were questioning the
abilities of the Police and Fire Chiefs and stated he was very proud of them. As to
pensions, he asked if this was a way to get around the pension issue.
Commissioner Fitzpatrick did not agree with a Police takeover. Philosophically, the City
is a democracy which is supposed to have civilian control. The more he learns about the
Sheriff, the more he questioned where the civilian control was. He inquired who actually
runs the Sheriff's Department. Vice Mayor Casello praised the Police and Fire Chief to
handle public safety and pointed out they have to do what is best to keep public safety
at the best possible dollar amount they can for the taxpayers Last year, the Police
Department cost $28 million, and the Fire Department cost nearly $22 million. The
Chief had said recently the City needs new thermo- imaging cameras, there are
problems with the door in Station 1, the Department is down 11 men and there have
been multiple lawsuits from the Police Department. The City paid out $11 million
dollars. The issue was getting the biggest bang for the buck.
Meeting Minutes
Boynton Beach Strategic Planning Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 17, 2015
Commissioner McCray still wanted to see the report from the Sheriff the City already
had and the reports from the Delray and Boca Fire Departments. Commissioner
Fitzpatrick pointed out the letter addressed accountability. Mr. Sumek commented they
would prioritize the matter.
Ms. LaVerriere agreed to obtain the Delray and Boca reports for fire services, the old
Sheriffs report and distribute it to the Commission. She asked if it should be an agenda
item, if they should meet individually, or if she should reach out to either of those
agencies for information. Vice Mayor Casello suggested this be addressed as an
agenda item at the second meeting in July and be addressed at the budget workshops.
After brief discussion, the issue would be heard the second meeting in July or the first
one in August.
City /CRA direction was previously identified. The issue to bring the CRA over to the
West Wing would require the City to hire a space architect by October, have a report by
March and a report by the CRA Board by April of next year. Vice Mayor Casello asked if
the personnel could be accommodated there. Ms. Byrne responded there are
employees occupying part of the space, so they would have to redesign it. It was a
matter of meeting the timeframe and the cost to assess. Commissioner Fitzpatrick
asked if the CRA could break the lease. Ms. Brooks responded they would have to pay
it or sublease it, but doubted they would find a tenant to pay what the CRA was paying.
The CRA pays about $74,000 a year including maintenance and insurance.
Commissioner Merker asked if they could subdivide the office space. If split, they could
make up the amount through two tenants. Ms. Brooks explained they did not own the
property and the landlord would have to agree to it. Commissioner McCray asked when
the lease was over and learned there was another five years to the 10 -year lease. Mr.
Sumek asked if this was worth pursuing. Mr. Hay thought to leave it alone and
Commissioner McCray agreed. Commissioner Merker wanted to pursue it as the
economy was improving and rents were increasing. Mr. Sumek commented there would
be a dollar amount associated with the item and Ms. LaVerriere agreed to bring it
forward. Mr. Buchanan thought they should obtain the cost and any kind of analysis
regarding the West Wing. Ms. Brooks did not think working in the West Wing would
affect CRA staff as they are there all the time.
Commissioner Fitzpatrick did not favor another seven offices in the West Wing and
agreed there would be a cost. Mr. Livergood explained a space analysis was $25K
which would include evaluating the needs of the existing employees, the layout, the
HVAC system and how it can be rearranged to accommodate the needs of the CRA and
City staff. This portion was dropped from the Plan and after brief discussion, there was
consensus to leave it the way it was.
Mr. Hay wanted to pursue an Independent CRA Board as did the majority. Mr.
Buchanan preferred the Commission sit in a dual capacity and Mayor Taylor wanted
whatever the majority wanted. Ms. LaVerriere commented this was a legal item. The
Meeting Minutes
Boynton Beach Strategic Planning Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 17, 2015
members discussed when this would be instituted and ninety days was suggested.
Mayor Taylor recommended waiting until the new Commission was seated before
voting. Commissioner Merker disagreed. Mr. Sumek summarized a decision would be
made by September and then Mr. Sumek will add action items.
A report and recommendations on Oceanfront Park and parking fees would be given to
the Commission in August.
The P25 radio system upgrade was reviewed. Staff would evaluate options by July,
incorporate it in budget discussions for fiscal year 16/17 and it would come back to the
Board in September. Commissioner Fitzpatrick asked if the $1.7 million price was for
Fire and Police. Chief Katz estimated it would be $1.3 million for the Police and the Fire
Department's share was about $400,000. Commissioner Fitzpatrick suggested partially
funding the item. Chief Katz explained they were aware there would be a change in
radio infrastructure. In 2017 and 2018, the radios would be obsolete. Nothing was
included in this year's budget and putting it all in next years' budget would be a
significant amount of money; however, this item was in the CIP.
Commissioner Fitzpatrick conveyed a family situation and asked if he had to refrain
from voting. Shana Bridgeman, Assistant City Attorney explained he had to check with
the Ethics Commission. It was noted he would have no financial gain or loss. Vice
Mayor Casello spoke about escalating costs. Mr. Hay recalled years ago, a citizen
clearly stated they would pay extra for the safety they would get by having full services
and Boynton residents pay for full services. One top priority on citizens' minds was
safety and good response times. Commissioner Merker agreed with Mr. Hay.
Americans with Disabilities was a management item. Mr. Sumek reviewed the timeline
and there were no comments made.
A pension reform letter to hire an actuary and prepare a report would be completed by
April. Commissioner Fitzpatrick inquired when the numbers would come in so the City
would know what to pay and learned it would be in January or February. Tim Howard,
Finance Director, responded, when the actuary prepares the actuarial report in January
they advise the City of the amount. It does not specify the amount needed for the next
year. He also did not think the amount would change much unless a major change to
the existing Plan and enrollees was made. Commissioner Fitzpatrick agreed and
thought they should consider starting and stopping the plans. Mr. Howard explained
that was an option. They could ask the actuary to run the numbers. The dilemma for
the actuary was they have to compile all of their client reports by September 30 and
he did not think they could run other options until December.
Fire contract negotiations were scheduled to be completed by September.
Sewer Board Supervision direction would hopefully be resolved in the next week. Vice
Mayor Casello nominated Colin Groff.
Meeting Minutes
Boynton Beach Strategic Planning Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 17, 2015
Mr. Sumek asked what they wanted to do with High Performing City Organization and
what was presented by the Coalition of Clergy. Commissioner McCray commented they
would meet with the Police Chief. Ms. LaVerriere agreed to join in on the meeting and
report back. The meeting was scheduled for Monday at 1 p.m.
Mr. Sumek recessed the Session for a short break at 4:19 p.m. and reconvened it at
4:29 p.m.
Goal 5, Positive, Exciting Boynton Beach Image, Greenways /Bikeways/
Blueways /Pedestrian Master Plan action item was reviewed. A complete public
charrette final report was due by October. The draft plan will be presented by December
and based on direction; the Commission would identify the first project and funding.
Commissioner Merker asked Commissioner Fitzpatrick if the item had to be planned in
its entirety or would occur as development took place. Ms. LeJeune explained this was
a City -wide project based on what was established, identifying the gaps and some new
network capability in the City to address regional connectivity. Commissioner Merker
asked about the total price of the Master Plan and commented paying for components
of it was more realistic. Ms. LeJeune responded it was implemented incrementally with
dollars broken down project by project. Commissioner Fitzpatrick explained Ms.
LeJeune was the right one to ask about the item because he had not seen the Master
The streetscape and medians action item, direction and funding would have a budget
proposed by July. The Public Works reorganization would be finished in August 2015.
There would be a Commission decision on funding by September 2015, projects
identified by November 2015 and completed by September 2016.
Mr. Sumek reviewed the non - conforming features action item would be incorporated in
the CRA Consolidated Master Plan. Mr. Buchanan inquired if it required changes in the
City Code. Ms. Brooks explained there will be a recommendation for land development
regulation changes that will be in the CRA Master Plan. It will be City and CRA
changes. There was agreement to drop the item from this section and incorporate it
into the Plan.
The Climate Action Plan update would develop a final implementation strategy in
August, prepare an initial draft by October and a Commission decision on approval
would be made by December 2015.
Mr. Sumek asked the City Commission to identify the top seven items as a priority for
the next 12 to 18 months. After polling the members, the top items identified were:
• Ocean Breeze East development
• Cottage District development
Meeting Minutes
Boynton Beach Strategic Planning Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
• Town Square development
• High School direction
• One Ocean Avenue: 1 Class Hotel
• Streetscapes and Medians direction.
Mr. Sumek polled the Commission members for the next eight highest items and the
following were selected as high priorities:
• Consolidated CRA Master Plan
• Community Policing in Downtown /HOB
• Downtown Parking: Land Acquisition and Structure
• City Economic Development Program
• Police Headquarters building
• Police /Fire Study.
Mr. Sumek asked the City Commission members for their six most important items and
after polling the members, the following were identified:
• Complete Streets policy
• Model Block development
• MLK Corridor revitalization
• Annexation: Palmyra
• Federal Highway Corridor development
• Clean and Safe program
June 17, 2015
Mr. Sumek requested the CRA and City Commission members select the top five items
as top priorities for the next 12 to 18 months. These would have action items. The
following items were selected:
• Complete Streets policy
• Ocean Breeze East development
• Comprehensive Homeless strategy and action plan
• Model Block development
• MLK Corridor revitalization
• Federal Highway Corridor Development.
Mr. Sumek thanked the members for their good work and staff for their time. He
commented he would speak with Ms. LaVerriere to follow up.
Mayor Taylor thanked Mr. Sumek and appreciated his involvement. The sessions were
beneficial as it keeps the City on track and their feet to the fire. He looked forward to
working with him again in the future.
Meeting Minutes
Boynton Beach Strategic Planning Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Taylor properly adjourned the
session at 4:56 p.m.
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June 17, 2015