Chair Waldman, Chair Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Carole Lundquist
Hattie Miller
Kathleen Wilkinson, Student Reg.
Dr. Tiffany North, Alternate
Lori Wilkinson, Alternate
Carla Colebrooks
Dr. Stephanie Hayden, Vice Chair
Mary Morera
Valencia Spells- Anderson
I. Call to Order
Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance /Moment of Silent Reflection
Kathleen Wilkinson led the the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment of silent
reflection. Self- introductions were made.
Ms. Claude noted four regular members were absent so the alternates would participate in a
voting capacity.
III. Approval of Minutes of June 25, 2015
The minutes were not available.
IV. Approval of Agenda
Chair Waldman added to New Business, B. Rolling Green Elementary School.
Dr. North moved to approve as amended. Ms. Lundquist seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
B o y n t on each, Florida July 23, 2015
V. Announcements /Presentations /Correspondence
Ms. Claude reminded the members a presentation regarding Hunters Run Tennis Pro David
Codrey would be made at 6:30 p.m. at the August 4 City Commission meeting for his
assistance with the Tennis Carnival. Dr. North had agreed to upload photos of the event from
a thumb drive onto a digital photo album as a gift from the Board. She would return the drive
to Ms. Claude the day of the meeting.
A. Presentation by South Tech Academy Director Jay Boggess
Jay Boggess, Director of Programs at South Tech Academy, thanked the Board for
hosting the presentation. He has been in the position one month and was learning about the
City and how to serve the stakeholders. He is from the School District of Palm Beach County
and was in the Choice and Career Education Department for three years. Prior to that, he was
an assistant principal for about six years, and a teacher before that. He came to South Tech
because of its reputation and he reviewed the history of South Tech over the past 37 years.
South Tech offers 13 different academies. They have their own governing board, and they
make decisions that best suit their students. For the last three out of four years, they were an
A -rated school with a 93% graduation rate.
What makes South Tech Academy different is the focus on providing students with a college
ready experience. Students in grades 9 through 12 must take career academy classes every
semester. They provide a nurturing environment and are at their maximum capacity of 1,200
students. They have an 84% minority population and students must meet the minimum
passing GPA to enroll. They look for disciplined students, which is a key difference that makes
the school successful and changes the way students view education. Students have a
contractual agreement with the school and their parents.
They recently added the South Tech Rock and Roll Academy incorporating Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, (STEM) and Science Technology Engineering Arts
and Mathematics (STEAM) curriculums. They offer college readiness programs and have two
campuses: one on Woolbright Road and another at 1325 Gateway Boulevard, formerly, the
Charter School in Boynton Beach.
Mr. Boggess explained sometimes students change their mind about which program to pursue.
In those instances, they have parent/student guidance conferences and make the transition
the following semester. Students often have no idea what their major will be and Mr. Boggess
did not have statistics about percentages of students in a specific vocation continuing on in
that field. He noted in the medical and veterinary fields, students can receive multiple industry
Ms. Wilkinson thought it was a great program. The other academic areas are filled and they
offer advanced placement and dual enrollment classes with FAU, Kaiser and Lynn
Universities. The focus is on the career education side, but they have a rigorous academic
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
B oynton Beach, Florida July 23, 2015
Mr. Boggess requested when the members are out and about, if they have the opportunity to
speak about South Tech Academy, they recommend to others they look into the school.
Chair Waldman explained at a prior meeting, they had discussed inviting principals to the
meeting and Mr. Boggess was invited to attend. He advised the Board meets the 4 th Thursday
of the month, and agendas are posted earlier in the week on the City's website.
VI. Public Audience
VII. New Business
A. Process for Donation Requests
Dr. North distributed a first draft of the Donation Policy and request form. The only thing she
added to the request form was language that only applications completed in their entirety will
be accepted. This was something the Board had previously discussed. She took the
document Ms. Claude gave her as a template and sought feedback.
Chair Waldman thought the procedure requiring the request to be made 45 days from the date
of the project was not workable for the schools and it should be less than 45 days from the
project event.
Ms. Wilkinson commented the criteria for eligibility should be funds would only be awarded to
entities residing in the City limits of Boynton Beach, but noted there may be times they may
want to donate to students that live Boynton Beach that may attend Santaluces or Atlantic High
School. The question was if the entity had to be in Boynton Beach, if the requestor be a
Boynton Beach resident or both. Ms. Wilkinson thought a little of both. Dr. North inquired if
the intent was the Board was trying to preclude money going to an entity outside of Boynton
Beach even it was an individual that lives in Boynton Beach who applied. She learned that
was the intent. Discussion followed it would not be fair to preclude those students because
their school is not within City limits. A student who lives in Boynton Beach and attends Atlantic
appears before the Board for football helmets for the Atlantic football team would not be
eligible, but if the student asked for himself and not the Atlantic team, he could be funded. It
was noted there were not many individuals that appeared before the Board.
Ms. Lundquist thought the Board became lax about making decisions while the requestor was
present. A decision will not be made at the meeting in which they are present.
Dr. North pointed out that was addressed through the 45 -day provision. Ms. Lundquist
commented they could leave the room. Ms. Claude explained sometimes people think they are
required to be present to answer questions about the request. When the Board had reviewed
applications, there were times they had questions and no one was present to answer them.
The Board meetings are public meetings. Ms. Wilkinson thought the Board should have
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boy Beach, Fl July 23, 2015
flexibility, but if a decision needed to be made to meet again, they could ask the requestor step
out. There are scenarios they should be flexible with. If they fill in the application details, the
application could answer the Board's questions.
The members discussed if the recipient failed to demonstrate to the Board the funds were
used for the stated purpose in the allotted time, they will lose their eligibility for future funding.
Dr. North noted anyone could ask for funds, but how would they know it was used for the
intended purpose. Chair Waldman recalled in the past, Odyssey of the Mind had requested
funds and came back and conveyed their experience. Documentation could be a photo, report
or some type of evidence the money was used as intended. Appropriate evidence would be
loosely defined. Chair Waldman pointed out they would need to provide the requestor with a
place to send the documentation.
Dr. North inquired about limiting the amount of times they can receive funds from the Board
per year and a maximum of three times per year was agreed on. Ms. Wilkinson inquired about
the Freedom Shores Garden. When they made the original request, they asked for money for
the garden, the gifted program and books. She inquired if it mattered if they were requesting
funds for three different undertakings. Dr. North commented the premise was to have a
relationship with the entity. It would be nice for the Board, if funding the Garden Club, to be
invited to see it or have a picture. It would be one application for one project. They should not
have an application with three different projects on it. Ms. Wilkinson agreed. Dr. North
requested if the limit was three projects per entity and one project per individual. In the past,
when Freedom Shores appeared, they were funded and invited to come back for further
funding because the Board was low on funds. It was noted one organization asked for $500,
but the Board only had $200. Dr. North thought language should specify applications that are
submitted are not necessarily approved in their entirety. The Board reserves the right to
expend funds as it sees fit for each application and the members agreed.
Dr. North asked if entities could be approved for three requests and individuals for one. Ms.
Wilkinson thought there should be some flexibility. In one instance, the requestor was invited
back because they did not have the funds, but they would in three months. That was the
Board's doing, but the rules should say one individual one time. Additionally, the Board could
decline the request. If an individual requests $500 and the Board only had $200, it would force
the requestor to be resourceful to find the other $300. The point was some requestors feel
there is a level of entitlement. Chair Waldman pointed out what the requestors expect and
what the Board decides on was often different. If the Board cannot afford or is unable to give
the same amount of money, they decide the amount to donate. He felt when people ask for
$1,000, they do not expect that amount from the Board, but they want to get something. The
Board operates within its budget and they give what they think is appropriate.
Dr. North thought if someone asked for $500 and the Board does not have it, the Board should
not say come back. They should encourage people to be resourceful to make money. The
Board should be the last resort for funding. Ms. Lundquist and Chair Waldman agreed, but
Chair Waldman thought they should be able to invite groups to return to the Board later,
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
B o y nton Beach, Florida July 23, 2015
There was consensus the limit should be times per entity and once per individual. The
members agreed the application should be filled out entirely and there is an expectation from
the Board that they have taken actions to raise the funds themselves prior to approaching the
Board. It was noted oftentimes, the presenters advise the Board of their fundraising efforts.
The members thanked Dr. North for her work on the policy.
Ms. Claude suggested a language change to detail the purpose of the policy is to provide
guidance. Other changes were to item 4a, change Commission to Board. She also
recommended considering some type of procedure for notification to applicants when money is
not awarded because presently there was no notification to the requestor such as a call or
letter. Notification either way would be appropriate. Ms. Wilkinson agreed to provide a letter
from the Greater Boynton Beach Foundation. Ms. Claude agreed to create a letter or modify
the one provided.
The Boynton Beach Police Department was asking for school supplies for Rolling Green
Elementary and Chair Waldman read a list of items and contact information for those willing to
donate supplies. Chair Waldman asked if the Board wanted him to donate $50 for Rolling
Green. Brief discussion followed the Board has a contact at Rolling Green and thought they
would have been alerted if there was a desperate need. There are also many additional
resources in the community. Ms. Miller commented a member could shop for supplies, but the
Board did not have to fund the request and the members agreed. Dr. North disagreed.
VIII. Old Business
A. Boynton Reads Update
Chair Waldman attended a meeting and left everything from the meeting that was needed to
make a report to the Board in his car which was stolen. The information included the name
and phone number of the Boynton Reads Chair. He apologized for the lack of information, but
advised they are working on the Board's suggestion to become an official non - profit
B. Shred- A -Thon
Ms. Claude contacted the company and advised they were happy to keep participating in the
event. All dates in October were open. She suggested selecting a date and an alternate date.
The members agreed on October 3r as the first choice and October 17 as the backup. Ms.
Claude had advised they would hold the event three times a year on a regular basis and they
were amenable to the third event. The event would be held from 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon. The
event will open to the public at 10 a.m.
(Kathleen Wilkinson /eft the meeting at 7:08 p.m.)
C. Youth Volunteer Bank/Bob Borovy Awards
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynt each, Florida July 23, 2015
There was no report given.
Chair Waldman drafted a letter to the school principals. If acceptable, he had a list of principals
to send it to which the members reviewed. There were some language changes suggested for
the letter. The purpose of the meeting was to disseminate information about the Board,
volunteering and how they can partner with the schools. It did not always pertain to funding.
After brief discussion, there was agreement to invite the principals to the September 24
IX. Future Meeting Dates: August 27, 2015
September 24, 2015
October 22, 2015
Ms. Claude announced a non - voting member was appointed to the Board at the last City
Commission meeting.
X. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Wilkinson moved to adjourn. Dr. North
seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist