Steve Waldman, Chair Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Dr. Stephanie Hayden, Vice Chair
Carla Colebrooks
Carole Lundquist
Hattie Miller
Mary Morera
Valencia Spells Anderson
Dr. Tiffany North, Alternate
Loretta Wilkinson, Alternate
Kathleen Wilkinson, Student, Reg. Voting member
I. Call to Order
Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance /Moment of Silent Reflection
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag followed by a moment of
silent reflection. Self- introductions were made.
III. Approval of Minutes of May 28, 2015
There was one change to the minutes on page 8 as follows: "Chair Waldman explained
the serend first place winner went to Atlantic High School ... "
Ms. Claude wanted to clarify Item D, the Freedom Shores Donation request was
removed from the agenda.
Vice Chair Morera moved to approve the minutes as amended. Ms. Lundquist
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
B oynton Beach, Florida June 25, 2015
IV. Approval of Agenda
Chair Waldman added VIII, Old Business, Item D, a gift for the Tennis Pro for his work
on the Tennis Carnival. Dr. North recalled the item was previously discussed and a
digital photo album costing $50 or less was decided on. Ms. Lundquist recalled a gift
certificate to Sports Authority had also been considered. Dr. North requested
discussing VII, New Business, Item A, Process Donation Requests at the July meeting.
Ms. Lundquist moved to approve the agenda as amended. Ms. Colebrooks seconded
the motion that unanimously passed.
V. Announcements /Presentations /Correspondence.
Ms. Claude received a check for $135 from the Sister Cities organization as partial
proceeds from their fundraiser in December.
VI. Public Audience
Nadia Stewart, Rolling Green Elementary School teacher, spoke about Boynton
Reads. Ms. Stewart was now handling the program. The organization consists of
business partners and Rolling Green, Forest Park, and Galaxy Elementary School
representatives. They were recruiting a representative from Crosspointe Elementary to
be a part of the organization. The effort educates parents on becoming literate so they
could help their children become good readers. They were reaching out to the
community to create awareness and introduce them to the concept. The event was
planned for the Amphitheater.
The Fall in Love with Reading event would be held on October 3, 2015, and was
planned to be an annual event. They were obtaining a permit from the City, but they
needed to be a non - profit organization to receive tax exempt status. Ms. Stewart
advised they were in the process of incorporating, but to do so, they needed an
address. They were requesting the Board partner with them and allow them to use the
Board's address.
Lengthy discussion followed. Ms. Claude explained Boynton Reads did not have to be
a non - profit to obtain a special event permit, but the fees were different for non - profits
as opposed to other entities. The Board was a City entity and Ms. Claude clarified the
request was actually to partner with the City and not the Board. She suggested they
ask the City to be a partner. Additionally, after becoming a non - profit, if the entity
dissolved and there were any assets, they would need to name who would receive the
proceeds and continue the effort. Alternatively, if there were any debts or liabilities,
those entities would pursue the designee for satisfaction. Ms. Stewart explained they
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 25, 2015
do not have any fees, but there are fees associated with the event which they needed
help with.
Dr. Hayden noted she was working on the donation request form and she did not know
how long it would take the Board to decide on the protocol. Ms. Claude noted it did not
appear Ms. Stewart was requesting funds. If the City co- sponsored the event, it would
negate completing the special event permit.
Ms. Colebrooks praised Ms. Stewart for taking on the challenge and her hard work. Ms.
Colebrooks and Ms. Lori Wilkinson were also members of Boynton Reads. Ms.
Colebrooks explained she invited Ms. Stewart to the meeting, and she also invited the
Education and Youth Advisory Board members to attend the Boynton Reads meeting.
Ms. Stewart planned to invite community residents and parents, and advertise it in the
school as a resource available to families and students. They partnered with the
Literacy Coalition and Children's Services Council to provide the parents with the
information they need to improve their reading and their children's reading. The
Children's Services Council assists with book drives, provides meeting space and
resources such as brochures and printing. If Boynton Reads had their Articles of
Incorporation, they could receive access to other resources. Ms. Stewart estimated
they may be incorporated by October 3 She hoped the Board could assist them
ahead of time.
Ms. Claude suggested Boynton Reads request all fees be waived on the actual permit
application. She asked if there was a certain type of entity that needed to be designated
for the Articles of Incorporation, or if they could designate a non - profit, a government
entity or an individual. Ms. Stewart thought it would have to be a non - profit. The
Education and Youth Advisory Board was not a non - profit. It did not have its own bank
account. Any monies donated to the Board are actually donated to the City of Boynton
Jeanne Heavilin, Sister Cities, commented the City was listed as the designee on the
Sister Cities Articles of Incorporation. It had to be a tax exempt or charitable
organization. Chair Waldman suggested attending a City Commission meeting
requesting they be a partner. Ms. Claude suggested starting with the City Manager.
Dr. North appreciated Ms. Stewart's efforts and asked if there was anything they could
do or volunteer at the event. Ms. Stewart responded volunteers would be helpful. They
had planned to invite the Fire Department, Army Reserves, Barnes and Noble, the
Library, McDonalds, Chick- fil -A, Subway and others to help. Dr. North asked about the
volunteers from the Youth Volunteer Bank. Ms. Claude agreed to forward the
information to them. Ms. Stewart advised she will have more information on July 71n
The meeting would at 4:00 p.m. at the Children's Services Council and she will create of
list of items the Board could help with.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 25, 2015
Ms. Heavilin advised they submitted the winners of the Young Artists /Young Authors
Showcase to Sister Cities International. The author of the winning essay, Max Ragno,
was from Boynton Beach and one of the three international finalists. She had a copy of
a press release. He was a senior at Lake Worth Christian High School and would
attend the University of Florida in August. They were trying to recognize him with a
certificate at the July 21 City Commission meeting. This was the first time they had a
finalist in 12 years. His essay was on the Sister Cities International website. Other
winning essays and art will be featured at the International Conference in July and will
tour 10 U.S. cities during the next year.
Ms. Heavilin announced they were tentatively expecting a delegation from Les Cayes in
Ms. Colebrooks announced last night, she and Ms. Whitfield, the Board of Education
District IV Commissioner, attended a meeting at Lake Worth Middle School, with the
new superintendent. Ms. Whitfield inquired how to invite more community leaders to the
meetings. Ms. Colebrooks contemplated sending flyers and noted the Principal at
Poinciana Elementary School was unaware of the meetings. The new Superintendent
may also attend as he supports community involvement.
Chair Waldman agreed to start the process. Ms. Claude announced she received a
phone call from South Tech Academy to make a presentation at the next meeting.
There have been a few principals that attended the meetings in the past, but the Board
had not sent out a blanket invitation. Dr. North inquired if it would be appropriate to
send information about the Board to them as an introduction and there was agreement
to do so. Dr. Hayden also suggested contacting previous officials. Ms. Lundquist
thought it would be nice to learn the positive activities ongoing in the schools as
opposed to appearing with a request.
VII. New Business
A. Process for Donation Requests
This item would be heard at the July meeting.
VIII. Old Business
A. Tennis Carnival
Chair Waldman explained in the past, the Board had presented the Tennis Pro, David
Cordrey, a gift for his assistance with the Tennis Carnival. Last year, Chair Waldman
presented him with a sculptural gift. The members had previously voted to spend $50
on the gift. One idea was a gift card to Sports Authority. Another idea was a digital
frame and use pictures from the previous Tennis Carnivals as something he could look
back on. Ms. Claude could provide a flash drive with the photographs. A member
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boyn Beach Florida June 25, 2015
would be needed to purchase the frame and give Ms. Claude the receipt so the member
could be reimbursed. The flash drive would then be given to upload the photos. The
members also had to select a date so the presentation could be put on a City
Commission agenda. Dr. North agreed to purchase the digital frame /album and upload
the photographs. Chair Waldman agreed to contact Mr. Cordrey to learn what dates he
was available.
B. Shred- A -Thon
Ms. Claude advised she emailed the company asking to hold a total of three events per
year and the dates. She will follow -up with them as the company has not responded
C. Youth Volunteer Bank/Borovy Award.
Chair Waldman agreed to contact Boynton Beach High School and push the program.
In the past, Chair Waldman had set up a table and had the forms to sign up volunteers
when schools had students and parent events. There was discussion the program could
be expanded to other schools and Chair Waldman agreed to contact Poinciana.
A suggestion was made to contact the Children's Services Council since they have
many in- school programs and Dr. North inquired if they could make a presentation to
them to share information.
Ms. Stewart commented there are middle school students at Rolling Green that help in
the mornings. They do not get credit for the hours, but the Board could give them credit
as they were volunteering their service. Dr. Hayden also noted in May, many students
crunch to find the volunteer hours they need to graduate. It was important to send
information to the principals to make them aware how the Board could help. Dr.
Hayden thought a monetary reward may provide an incentive to volunteer and
mentioned when she worked in Lake Worth and at Congress Middle School, she never
heard of the Borovy Award or the Youth Volunteer Bank.
Dr. North inquired what documentation for community service hours is needed and
discussion followed. Ms. Colebrooks holds workshops in the spring and discusses
community hours. They need to come up with a mechanism to spread the word. In
August, St. John Missionary Baptist Church and St. Paul AME Church are having back -
to- school events. Her Church and the Bridges program were also holding events. Ms.
Colebrooks agreed to speak to those organizations about the program. Many colleges
look for volunteer service over the required amount to graduate. Dr. Hayden
commented the focus of volunteerism is being lost. The Board is going through
revitalization and parents, teachers and students should know the Board could help.
Ms., Miller questioned why the public schools do not know about the Board. She
pointed out it was always in the Palm Beach Post and in FunFare Magazine. Ms.
Stewart explained she never knew about the FunFare magazine until she signed up her
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynt i ri June 25, 2015
child for swimming lessons. Dr. Hayden commented the person must come into the
building. She expressed if one wants to see a change, one must be the change. The
members must be agents for that change.
Ms. Stewart pointed out they were enlisting radio stations 102.3, 88.1 and maybe HOT
105. She also emailed WXEL. Dr. North commented there is a station in Boca Raton
that makes announcements on Tuesday mornings coordinated by the Spirit of Giving
There was $1,900 in the Borovy account. Chair Waldman hoped to raise more funds
from the Shred- A -Thon and pointed out, in the past, the Borovy award was $1,000.
Last year it was $500. He preferred to restore the award to $1,000. The $135 recently
received was reflected in the Community Contributions account. At the last meeting,
the Board requested Ms. Claude transfer $500 from Community Contributions to the
Borovy Award. She clarified the Borovy Award total should be $2,461, and $1,766 for
Community Contributions. She could move the $135 from the Sister Cities to the
Borovy Award account if wanted. Chair Waldman commented he would donate funds to
make the Borovy Award account total $2,500.
IX. Future Meeting Dates: July 23, 2015
August 27, 2015
September 24, 2015
X. Adjournment:
Dr. North moved to adjourn. Dr. Hayden seconded the motion that unanimously
passed. The meeting was adjourned at 6:59 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist