Steve Waldman, Chair Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Dr. Hayden, Vice Chair
Mary Morera
Valencia Spells Anderson
Carla Colebrooks
Lori Wilkinson, Alternate
Kathleen Wilkinson, Student Reg. Voting member
Carole Lundquist
Hattie Miller
Dr. Tiffany North, Alternate
Jason Braten, Student Regular Non - Voting Member
I. Call to Order
Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance /Moment of Silent Reflection
Kathleen Wilkinson led the members in the Pledge to the Flag, followed by a moment of silent
III. Approval of Minutes of June 25, 2015
The minutes were not available and would be addressed at the next meeting.
IV. Approval of Minutes of July 23, 2015
The minutes were not available and would be addressed at the next meeting.
V. Approval of Agenda
Ms. Morera moved to approve the agenda as presented. Ms. Wilkinson seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
VI. Announcements /Presentations /Correspondence
Chair Waldman advised Harvey Oyer, III, had indicated he would like to donate to the Education and
Youth Advisory Board. He emailed him requesting a donation.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 27, 2015
VII. Public Audience
VIII. New Business
A. Discussion of City's new Education Initiative
Carisse LeJeune, Assistant City Manager, distributed a questionnaire and a copy of the Board's
enacting Ordinance from the most recent Code of Ordinances. Over the past few years, she has
been reviewing the various advisory boards and was pleased to report this Board was one of the
most active Boards in the City. She conveyed the City Commission was very proud of what they
have accomplished over the years.
Ms. LeJeune explained this was an opportunity to re- examine the duties and responsibilities of the
Board. It was an opportunity to update and conform the Code to reflect more of what the Board does
and feels they can give to the community. The questionnaire would assist in this regard.
Ms. LeJeune explained an Education Initiative was identified at the last Strategic Planning Session
held by the City Commission for 2015/2016. When the City Commission and staff met with the
Business Development Board, (BDB) Kelly Smallridge, the BDB President, stressed the importance
of schools. When people, organizations or companies look to relocate, they evaluate the schools
because they want their employees to follow the company, but they would not want to relocate to an
area that has low- performing schools. The directive was to take an active role in helping schools
perform better. It is an all staff committee. The vision and mission statement was in 2018, the
Education Initiative will be a recognized leader, successfully connecting resources that promote
workforce readiness, civic involvement and business growth.
They have five goals stemming from the vision and mission as follows:
• Foster relationships and partnerships;
• Cultivate and promote workforce readiness;
• Cultivate and promote civic involvement
• Cultivate and promote business growth; and
• Successfully connect resources.
Ms. LeJeune explained the City Manager feels the Board could play an important role in what they
are trying to accomplish. There will be a future stakeholder meeting and each member of the Board
will be invited to attend. While the members complete the survey, she requested the members think
about what role the Education and Youth Advisory Board could play. They were looking for the
Board's feedback on reducing absenteeism and drop -out rates, increasing graduate rates, and
building a local workforce were a few of the items that could be reviewed. Additionally, when Boynton
students graduate, they can get jobs in the community. It would be a partnership between the Board
and staff. The end product would benefit the schools and students.
The City Manager selected certain City staff that could make valuable contributions to the effort,
including Wally Majors, Recreation and Parks Director, Craig Clark, Library Director, Eleanor Krusell,
Communications Manager, both the Fire and Police Chiefs, former Development Director Nancy
Byrne, and Ms. LeJeune. They are reaching out to advisory boards, businesses, and organizations
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 27, 2015
such as Career Source, and want to partner with South Tech and local school principals. She
advised she wanted the advisory Board to be part of the initiative. The initiative sought to produce
workforce readiness, civic involvement, and business growth. Ms. LeJeune commented they were
initiating internships. Chair Waldman agreed internships would provide opportunities and exposure.
Youth could also receive volunteer service credits from the schools.
Ms. LeJeune explained the City has had successful internships with local high school students with
the Utility Department. This could be an opportunity for an at -risk student, who may be inspired to
study a particular curriculum based on the experience. Chair Waldman conveyed the basic
resistance was businesses were not receptive to internships. They need to be more open to the
Chair Waldman explained the Board invited several school principals to the next meeting to inform
them about what the Board does, their mission and how they can partner. He thought this information
would be beneficial for them to hear. He invited Ms. LeJeune to attend the meeting. Conversely, Ms.
LeJeune advised the Education Initiative Committee will meet on September 15 and the members
were invited to attend. Ms. LeJeune explained the Committee would facilitate a process that will
continue and have a connection between businesses, schools, the advisory boards and the citizens.
Chair Waldman asked if the survey could be submitted by the October 22 meeting and learned it
could. After the members discuss the matter in October, the surveys should be submitted to the
Board Liaison. The members could submit their individual suggestions and those as a collective
board. Once all the surveys are received, Ms. LeJeune will review them and identify the direction the
Board wants to move in and come back to the Board with a full report. She wanted to obtain as many
opinions as she could. Ms. LeJeune thanked the Board for their time and indicated she would return
to the Board on September 24 with a brief description of the initiative. She will receive the surveys
on October 22 d and return to the Board with the report on December 3rd
IX. Old Business
A. Process for Donation Requests
Two forms were drafted for donation requests, which the members viewed. One issue raised was the
written request being submitted no less than 45 days ahead of the event may be too long. After
discussion, the members agreed requestors should submit a timely written request (preferably 30
days in advance of the event.)
The second issue was how to differentiate between Boynton students and Boynton students with
comingled students not living in Boynton Beach. The same held true for organizations. After further
discussion, the members thought the form requesting consideration for expenditures would clarify that
Ms. Claude requested section 4A of the policy be clarified which pertained to the requestor
demonstrating to the Board the funds were used for the stated purpose within 60 days. Currently, the
Board just sends the check. Chair Waldman pointed out there have been recipients that have
returned to the Board giving an account of how the funds were used, but the reports were on a
voluntary basis. Discussion followed and there was agreement to include the following on the form:
The Recipient is required to provide proof /demonstrate to the Board that the donation was used for
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 27, 2015
the stated purpose /as requested and future donations are contingent on compliance with this
Dr. Hayden suggested having a Q & A form that could be posted online. Ms. Claude explained her
intent was to make the donation request a fillable form, once the language was finalized, but had not
intended to post it online. People find out about the funding through word of mouth and often from
the Board members. Chair Waldman thought they should announce the program to the principals
next month.
Ms. Wilkinson moved to accept the policy as amended. Ms. Colebrooks seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
B. Boynton Reads Update
Ms. Colebrooks was not at the last Boynton Reads meeting. She noted the October Festival was
approaching, but she had no information. When it is received, she would forward it to the members
and advise the members when the next meeting is scheduled.
Chair Waldman had attended and conveyed the emphasis was on getting businesses to donate
something to students who are not tardy, absent, and have perfect attendance during the marking
period. The idea was to reward the youth.
C. Shred -A -Thon
Ms. Claude advised the Shred -A -Thon would be held on October 17 with a November 14 rain date.
The agreement reads the event will run from 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon, but it will be advertised from 10
a.m. to noon because people come early. When the principals come to the next meeting, he will
announce the event. Ms. Claude pointed out Boynton Beach High School has to give permission to
hold the event before the next meeting. Ms. Claude commented the shredding company seemed
very agreeable to having this event three times a year, in October, February and May.
Chair Waldman volunteered to go to the school the next day.
D. Youth Volunteer Bank/Bob Borovy Award
Ms. Claude had nothing to report. There were around 100 volunteers in the Bank.
The Borovy Award application will be advertised in Funfare Magazine on November 1S and has a
late March or early April application deadline. Chair Waldman suggested increasing the Borovy
Award from $500 to $1,000 if more money is raised from the Shred -A -Thon. He noted the award was
originally $1,000.
Ms. Wilkinson had an email list from prior Shred -a -Thon attendees and will send an email blast. She
had a phone list of 90 names and the last time, the members split the list up and made calls.
Chair Waldman commented Carole Lundquist was not at the meeting as her husband fell and was
injured. He requested the members send good thoughts their way.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 27, 2015
X. Future Meeting Dates: September 24, 2015
October 22, 2015
December 3, 2015
XI. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Spells Anderson moved to adjourn. Vice Chair
Hayden seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 6:59 p.m.
LT Catherine Ory
Minutes Specialist