Jerry Taylor, Chair
Joe Casello, Vice Chair
Mack McCray
David Merker
Mike Fitzpatrick
I. Call to Order
Chair Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
II. Invocation and Pledge to the Flag
Vivian Brooks, Executive Director
Tara Duhy, Board Counsel
The Invocation was made by Mr. McCray who led the members in the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
III. Roll Call
Roll call revealed a quorum was present. Chair Taylor advised Mr. Fitzpatrick was out
of the country.
IV. Legal
V. Agenda Approval:
A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda
B. Adoption of Agenda
Mr. McCray moved to approve. Mr. Merker seconded the motion that unanimously
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, Florida December 8, 2015
VI. Informational Items and Disclosures by Board Members and CRA Staff:
A. Disclosure of Conflicts, Contacts and Relationships for Items Presented to the
CRA Board on Agenda Items
Mr. McCray advised on Saturday he received late information that the parade was
cancelled. After considering the weather and the risk it would impose, he thanked City
staff for cancelling the parade and thought the City exercised good judgment
Mr. Merker noted this was the second day of Hanukkah. He commented on Hanukkah
and Christmas and explained when he was in school, he was off for both Jewish and
Christian holidays. He thought the holidays bring people together. He wished all a
healthy, Happy Hanukah, and with the upcoming Christmas holiday, all peace and
Chair Taylor and Vice Chair Casello had no disclosures.
Ms. Brooks advised she and Mike Simon met with Tom Prakis representing developer
Bruce Kaplan on the 211 E. Ocean project. She informed the members this item would
come before the Board in January. They were moving forward with the project and
would apprise the Board on their progress.
Vice Chair Casello inquired about the Little House and learned they want to enclose and
air condition the porch so they can use it in the summer.
Mr. McCray advised he could not attend the tree lighting on December 9th. He asked if
the Police would remove the CAT van from the parking lot. Ms. Brooks advised an
email was sent to City staff and the Police Department to move vehicles.
B. Informational Announcements
VII. Announcements & Awards:
A. Tree Lighting & Concert
Chris Burdick, CRA Special Events Coordinator, advised due to the weather, the
Tree Lighting was moved from last Friday to Wednesday night commencing at 6:30 p.m.
The event was shortened by one hour due to it being midweek and to accommodate the
neighbors. The location remained the same. Santa will arrive via fire truck just before
the Tree Lighting, and Solid Brass will perform immediately after. Food and beverages
from local vendors, retail vendors and children's activities would be available as would a
super slide, bounce house and rock climbing wall. Elves will be on a smaller stage with
a photographer onsite to take photos that will be posted online. The event will end at 9
p.m. Chair Taylor noted the parade and tree lighting had been held on the same night
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, Florida December 8, 2015
in the past, and he had received comments from citizens they did not like a split event.
He suggested next year they hold the events together.
B. Holiday Boat Parade
On Friday, December 11th, the 44th Annual Holiday Boat Parade will take place. The
official viewing area is at the Boynton Harbor Marina. That portion of the event takes
place at 5:30 p.m. with live jazz band, Route Blue, and a visit from Santa, face painting
and balloon artist activities for kids. Judging will take place at Two Georges. Attendees
were encouraged to bring unwrapped gifts for the Toys for Tots program. There is free
on-site parking at the Bank of America lot on E. Ocean Avenue and Federal Highway.
The parade starts at the Lantana Bridge at 7 p.m. and would continue through to the
Delray C-16 Canal. Mr. Burdick anticipated the festivities would conclude by 9 p.m.
Last year, there were 37 boats enrolled. This year there were 35 boats. Any boats that
did not make the deadline could participate in the parade, but would not be judged.
C. Happy Hour Thursday — Music on the Rocks
Mr. Burdick announced this event would be on Friday December 18th and noted there
was a misprint. The November 20th event featured Making Faces. The concert had
been postponed due to rain the month before. They partnered with the Food Truck
Invasion and about 300 people attended. Mr. Burdick anticipated attendance would
grow each month. December 18th would feature the Intoxicators and there would be a
different assortment of food trucks. The event runs from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and has free
onsite parking. January 15th would feature Pocket Change in partnership with the MLK
Celebration and festivities. February 19th would feature Funkabilly Playboys. On March
18th, Professor Pennygoode's Mighty Flea Circus will perform. April was to be
determined and on May 20th, Grinder Nova will perform. The June 17th band was also to
be determined.
D. Movies in the Park
The next Movies in the Park would be held on New Year's Day, featuring Gremlins,
which received a favorable response when they announced the movie. Attendees
should bring beach chairs and blankets. The CRA partnered with local businesses that
provide gift certificates that are given away at the end of the event. Ms. Brooks noted
this is a family -friendly event that falls on New Year's Day. Chair Taylor thought they
may not get any kind of turnout. Mr. Burdick advised they hope for good weather and
the event is a way to calm down after the holiday season. Footloose would be viewed in
February; ET in March; Ghostbusters in April; Labyrinth in May; and Beetlejuice in June.
Vice Chair Casello noted last year they spoke with boat captains about moving the boat
parade from a Friday night to a Saturday night to give more time to decorate the boats.
He asked if there was any further dialogue. Ms. Brooks explained they were trying to be
considerate of Delray Beach because they have their holiday parade on Saturday. They
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, Florida December 8, 2015
were only coordinating with them, not marketing with them. So far they are keeping the
parade on Friday. Vice Chair Casello asked if there would be greater participation if held
on a Saturday and Ms. Brooks responded that was the feedback they received. It is a
lot of work to decorate the boats and it was up to the Board. Vice Chair Casello thought
it warranted further discussion down the road.
Mr. Merker recalled last year a person appeared
but they never heard anything further from him.
not spending any money to continue the parE
explained they leave it to the discretion of the ce
Delray offers prizes to go farther south, that i
coordinate with them. Chair Taylor pointed out
Boynton Beach went out of its way on this matter.
before the Board to help raise money,
Mr. Burdick pointed out the CRA was
de into Delray Beach. Ms. Brooks
ptains to go past the Boynton area. If
s up to them. They were trying to
the Delray Beach Mayor was aware
Chair Taylor commented a suggestion was made for parade participants to submit
photos online to the Communications Coordinator to be judged and give some type of
award for the best floats or bands because people worked hard and the Christmas
parade was cancelled. It was a good way to acknowledge their efforts.
VIII. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of Minutes — CRA Board Meeting November 10, 2015
B. Approval of Period Ended November 30, 2015 Financial Report
C. Monthly Purchase Orders
D. Approval of Commercial Construction Incentive Grant Funding Adjustment
for Hour Cucina, LLC
IX. Pulled Consent Agenda Items:
Mr. McCray moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Vice Chair Casello seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
X. Information Only:
A. Public Comment Log
B. Marketing and Business Development Campaign
C. 2016 CRA Holiday Schedule
XI. Public Comments: (Note: comments are limited to 3 minutes in duration)
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, Florida December 8, 2015
Steven Grant, NE 3`d Avenue, asked if the CRA could add more trash cans and
cigarette disposals and noted there was one on the corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard
and Federal Highway at CVS. He noted there were multiple trash and cigarette
receptacles on Ocean Avenue, but Boynton Beach Boulevard has more foot traffic. Ms.
Brooks advised there is a line item in the budget for a clean program and she was
working with Public Works to determine the coverage area. She noted MLK Boulevard
was included.
Mr. Grant saw the 2008 CRA Master Plan online and asked if there was an update. Ms.
Brooks responded that was the Downtown Vision Master Plan. Currently, staff was
working with the City and the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council on a
Consolidated CRA Plan. She noted they have the Federal Highway Corridor Plan, the
Ocean Avenue Plan, the Downtown Vision and Master Plan, the Heart of Boynton Plan
and it would be difficult for developers to know what plan to use. This would make it
easier for developers and investors to understand what was wanted. The Plan will
immediately advise interested parties, by finding a parcel on the map, about the
permitted density, height and kind of development that was wanted. There would be a
public meeting on March 2nd about the Plan.
In response to Mr. Grant's question about the CRA's sustainability efforts, Ms. Brooks
explained they partnered with the Housing Group on the Seaborne Cove project in 2012
or 2013. It is the largest multi -family green project in the USA, which the City and CRA
are proud of. The project saves a lot of water and electricity for the City, State and
residents. She explained they were partnering with 500 Ocean to do the same thing.
She also noted the City has an online program to retro fit older buildings.
No one else coming forward, Public Comments was closed.
XII. Public Hearing: None
XIII. Old Business:
A. Consideration of Purchase and Development Agreement with Habitat for
Humanity for Two CRA Properties Located in the Model Block Project
Chair Taylor presented the item. Ms. Brooks explained the Model Block project is in the
Heart of Boynton Plan update. It is a partnership between the City and CRA to
revitalize an entire block along the west side of MLK Boulevard and NW 11th Avenue.
The scope of work included building new single-family homes. The City and CRA own
lots there and were improving the streetscape, providing new utilities on NW 11th
Avenue, and creating an extension so traffic from Poinciana Elementary School does
not back up onto Seacrest. The two homes constructed on MLK Boulevard and 10th
Avenue were sold and two more were under construction.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, Florida December 8, 2015
On October 13t", the Board authorized a Purchase and Development Agreement with
Habitat for Humanity of South Palm Beach to construct two single-family homes on CRA
vacant lots, adjacent to each other. They had to wait for the Notice of Intent to Dispose
of Real Property procedural requirements to expire. Staff anticipated the homes would
be completed within 13 months of the agreement, which has a reverter clause if Habitat
for Humanity could not complete the homes. Since the CRA owns the property, there
are no ad valorem taxes coming to the CRA. Previously, the ad valorem taxes were
$205 annually for the vacant lot and $1,200 from the single-family rental home. Taxes
from the Ocean Breeze West development for the two completed homes were $2,000
per home annually. Ms. Brooks recommended approval of the agreement with Habitat
for Humanity for the two single-family homes. The design schematics were included in
the meeting materials.
Mr. McCray moved to approve. Vice Chair Casello seconded the motion. Vice Chair
Casello inquired, with all the partnerships they have had with Habitat for Humanity, if
they ever used the reverter clause and learned they did not. The motion unanimously
B. Consideration of Amendment to Purchase and Development Agreement
between the CRA and RUDG, LLC for the Ocean Breeze Site
Mr. McCray moved to approve. Mr. Merker seconded the motion that unanimously
C. Consideration of Execution of Local Government Verification of
Contribution — Grant Form for the Ocean Breeze East Project to RUDG,
LLC in the Amount of $493,944
Mr. McCray moved to approve. Mr. Merker seconded the motion.
Mr. McCray explained Tax Increment Financing funds would be used. Ms. Brooks
pointed out it was a different pool of money they were applying for. If successful, the TIF
agreement would become effective. The motion unanimously passed.
D. Consideration of Amendment to Purchase and Development Agreement
between the CRA and Housing Trust Group for the MILK South Site
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, Florida December 8, 2015
Mr. McCray moved to approve. Mr. Merker seconded the motion. This item was the
same as the prior item. A vote was taken and the motion unanimously passed.
E. Consideration of Execution of Loan Commitment Letter to Housing
Trust Group for the MLK South Site in the Amount of $420,000
Mr. Merker moved to approve. Vice Chair Casello seconded the motion. This was the
same as item C. A vote was taken and the motion unanimously passed.
XIV. New Business:
A. Consideration of Purchase Agreement between the CRA and Mary
and Woodrow Carrington for Property Located at 117 W. Martin
Luther King, Jr. Blvd. for the Model Block Project
Chair Taylor read the agenda item.
Mr. Merker moved to approve. Mr. McCray seconded the motion. Vice Chair Casello
inquired if they were paying the appraised value. Ms. Brooks responded they were
paying 9% over appraised value. A vote was taken and the motion unanimously
B. 2016 CRA Board Meeting Dates
Ms. Brooks noted October 11th is the beginning of Yom Kippur and they have a
meeting scheduled. She asked if that would be an issue and learned it would. She
suggested a meeting date of October 12th if the City Commission Chamber was
available. Ms. Brooks also commented November 8th was Election Day, and she
proposed to meet on Wednesday, November 9th. The Board agreed to the changes.
XV. Executive Director's Report:
A. Development Outreach and Contacts
Ms. Brooks explained these were items she was working on with developers and
investors in the various CRA areas. Mr. McCray asked when the Police Substation on
MLK Jr. Boulevard would be operational and learned the substation would be painted
the next week. They have been culling City Hall for furniture and received cooperation
from City staff. She noted pest control was needed. Mr. McCray commented if the
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, Florida December 8, 2015
funds were available, they should purchase furniture. The community wants a top notch
program. Ms. Brooks understood and agreed.
Ms. Brooks explained they will be ordering two Police segways. She met with Lt. Deale
last week regarding scheduling. Mr. McCray inquired how and where they would store
the segways and learned it depended on which model they would purchase. One
model would fit inside the building, but the three -wheel model would not. The Police
had suggested removing the keys and keeping them out front, however, the Board
unanimously agreed they did not want the vehicles stored outside.
Vice Chair Casello recalled staff was talking with a well-known hotel operator about a
Boynton Beach location and inquired how the talks were going. Ms. Brooks responded
they were planning to have a site visit to view various locations. The Board agreed this
should be ardently pursued.
XVI. Future Agenda Items:
XVII. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the Board, Chair Taylor properly
adjourned the meeting at 7:04 P.M.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist