, J AN UARY 7, 2016, AT 6:00 P. M.
Dr. Stephanie Hayden, Vice Chair Wally Majors, Director, Recreation and Parks
Carla Colebrooks
Carole Lundquist
Hattie Miller
Angelica Nevin
Dr. Tiffany North
Valencia Spells Anderson
Joshua Braten, Student, Reg. Non - Voting Member
Kathleen Wilkinson, Student Reg. Voting Member
Alana Thomas, Student Reg. Voting Member
Loretta Wilkinson Alternate
Alice Robinson, Alternate
I. Call to Order
Wally Majors, Recreation and Parks Director, announced Board Liaison, Sherri Claude would
not be present. The meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m. Self- introductions were made.
II. Pledge of Allegiance /Moment of Silent Reflection
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment of silent
III. Approval of Minutes of December 3, 2015
Ms. Lundquist moved to approve the minutes. Ms. Miller seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
IV. Approval of Agenda
This item was not addressed.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
B oynton Beach, Florida January 7, 2016
V. Announcements /Presentations /Correspondence
A. Recreation & Parks Presentation
Mr. Majors advised the Recreation and Parks Department is nationally accredited. To attain
that status, they have to attain certain standards, one being educating the public about the
benefits of Recreation and Parks. A short PowerPoint presentation about the the services they
deliver was viewed.
Mr. Majors explained the Department has been accredited since 2006 meeting national
standards for best practices in how they operate their facilities and programs. They have
seven community centers, which he listed. They operate Oceanfront Park, have nationally
certified lifeguards and the Tennis Center. The Department offers youth programs and has a
licensed afterschool program, art classes, school break camps, music and dance classes, as
well as similar adult programs including fitness activities. The Senior Center is a 10,000
square -foot building offering card games, health screenings, meals, social events and trips. It
is one of the City's busier centers and their programs are comprehensive.
The City's and the Department's Strategic Plans both emphasized family fun and strived to
make Boynton Beach a family - friendly place to live work and play. They offer at least one free
event at one of their parks each month.
The Department is updating their Master Plan encompassing City facilities, parks, resources,
and staff levels so they can identify gaps and address them. They have an impressive level of
service. The Greenway, Bikeway and Blueway Plan which were linear corridors that would
permit people to walk, jog, or bike off the street has been updated. The Blueway plan
accommodates paddleboards, kayaks and canoes.
Over the next few years, staff will focus on playgrounds and concentrate on health. Staff is
seeking to minimize sun exposure and will start to cover some of their playgrounds. It is an
expensive undertaking. A State grant was received for a non - motorized vessel launch. The
launch at Intracoastal Park Clubhouse will be upgraded to assist disabled individuals to board
canoes and kayaks with specialized equipment.
The City recently allowed leashed dogs in certain parks for a trial period. There are still
problems with dog waste. The existing park system has 28 developed parks and eight
undeveloped parks. There are three cemeteries in the City, the most popular being Boynton
Memorial Park on Woolbright Road and Seacrest Boulevard. The Master Plan for the Sara
Sims Cemetery included many great improvements and Barton Cemetery is no longer active.
The City has a first -rate tennis facility on Congress Avenue with 21 total courts, 17 of which
have har -tru surfaces. The Recreation and Parks Department strongly believes in getting
people out and staying active. Most people need motivation and they try to educate and
motivate then about the benefits of activity..
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
B oynton each, Florida January 7, 2016
Barrier Free Park, through a grant, has a Fit Zone which is an outdoor fitness area. Of the 17
pieces of equipment, five are wheelchair accessible.
The department conducts outreach at schools teaching about the environment, planting trees,
mangroves and eco- systems. Mr. Majors pointed out they have a strong Adopt -a -Park
program, with two parks eligible for adoption.
He emphasized there is an economic value to have parks and recreation in communities.
Good neighborhood parks add to the value of the neighborhood and it helps minimize criminal
activity due to parks being active and lighted.
The Civic Center has over 200 ballet students that perform in recitals. Students who participate
in City programs have an indirect benefit to businesses as program supplies need to be
Mr. Majors explained if someone builds a home, they must pay impact fees to ensure they
have enough parkland and to absorb the impact of additional growth, especially for residential
areas. Developers have to set aside land for preservation /parks and the department keeps
parks clean. He underscored the value of teen programs and advised the Department of
Justice commissioned a study revealing, given a choice, teens usually make the right choice.
When they do not have any activities to occupy them, they usually turn to gang activities.
Accreditation is a challenge. Mr. Majors praised Ms. Claude, who is the lead in the
accreditation effort. Accreditation involves 158 standards and encompassed everything from
finance, to education and planning. They also have to prove they follow the standards and a
resolution or approval by the City Manager is needed.
Mr. Majors advised the Americans with Disabilities Act standards are a challenge. They
updated riverwalks, paths, trailways, pools, and park access. They recently completed a
transition plan reviewing each architectural feature of each City building. Staff was an integral
part of that effort and they identified issues. They are also going through a departmental
reorganization. They conduct a comprehensive needs assessment every five years and obtain
feedback. The results show special events are always wanted and the Department was shifting
towards that end. One senior manager was reclassified to an Events and Program Manager to
handle the Holiday Parade and Extravaganza, Easter event, and fireworks. He noted they are
almost to the point they may have to limit participation.
Mr. Majors advised they received a grant from Keep America Beautiful. They distributed
cigarette disposal receptacles and reduced the amount of waste around collection areas.
Cigarette butts are still prevalent at the beach and the SandSifters help clean the beaches.
The City has a nationally awarded cheerleading program, an Annual 5K fundraiser for Barrier
Free Park. The Department has become much more involved in sponsorships and
partnerships to help reduce dependence on tax dollars.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
B oynton Beach, Florida January 7, 2016
They obtained a grant through the Department of Elder Affairs and Comcast and offered free
computer lessons on tablets and iPads to all age groups. Many seniors are skyping and on
Facebook. They had about 100 $50 gift certificates for seniors to use to subscribe and stay on
line as much as possible. He noted without access to technology, they would struggle.
Mr. Majors pointed out very few agencies accomplish accreditation. This was the City's third
accreditation and Palm Beach County was going through its first accreditation. The
accreditation organization flies representatives to the City to go through the files. When they
were first accredited, they were one of the first 12% to receive accreditation in the country.
Now, about 25% of Recreation and Parks Departments are accredited nationwide. Staff was
going through the last part of the accreditation process and was compiling its self- assessment
to be submitted at the end of the month. A few months later, they would find out if they would
be accredited once again. He commented the Department is related to the Senior Advisory
VI. Public Audience
VII. New Business
A. Chair /Vice Chair Election
Ms. Lundquist moved to nominate Dr. Tiffany North as Chair. Ms. Spells Anderson seconded
the motion that unanimously passed.
Ms. Spells Anderson moved to nominate Dr. Hayden as Vice Chair. Ms. Colebrooks seconded
the motion that unanimously passed.
VIII. Old Business
A. Shred -A -Thon
Mr. Majors advised Ms. Claude would have a few dates for the Board to choose from for the
next Shred -a -Thon at next meeting
B. Tennis Carnival (April 23, 9:30 -11)
Mr. Majors explained a volunteer for the Tennis Carnival was needed. Ms. Claude had
confirmed the date with the tennis pro, but a volunteer was needed to purchase snacks and
drinks. Ms. Spells Anderson volunteered. Dr. North commented there is an expectation that
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 7, 2016
all board members would participate in events. Dr. Hayden suggested setting up a rotating
schedule for future events. Ms. Lundquist had attended the Tennis Carnival in the past and
advised it is a great morning, but it was very different from the Shred- a -Thon. Several
volunteers are needed for the Shred -a- Thons, but not for the Tennis Carnival.
C. Youth Volunteer Bank/Bob Borovy Award
Mr. Majors advised applications for the Borovy Award are due March 31S and are available on
website. The program will be promoted through press releases. She will send information
directly to high schools, use social media and would email flyers to the members to distribute.
Three judges are needed to choose the winner. Ms. Claude suggested Steve Waldman,
former Board Chair, as a judge this year. There were no objections.
IX. Future Meeting Dates:
February 25, 2016
March 24, 2016
X. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Spells Anderson moved to adjourn. Ms. Nevin
seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 6:31 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist