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Minutes 01-02-68
MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COU~CIL ~-~ETING HELD AT CITY HALL: BOYNTON~ BEACH~ FLORIDa: TL~ESDAY~ JA~fOARY 2~ 1968 at 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Diichael V. Michael~ Mayor Thomas A. Summers, Vice Mayor Gilbert H. Col!ins~ Councilman Leonard E. Nyiund ~ CounCilman A. Clyde Wo~ell, Jr., Councilman Grady W. Courtney, City MaDmger M~s. Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Mayor }.iichael called the Meeting to order. The Invocation was given by Rev. Vernon Perlcins o~ the First Baptist Church and the Flag Salute was led by Grady Courtney, City Manager. Reeo~unition of Guests Mayor Michael recognized folvaer Mayor, Walter Madeen, M~. Curtis Weaver, Mr. L. '~lackie~ Blacketer and wife~ Ezell Hester~ Judge g Mrs. Martin Durkin, Mew Councilman and Vice Mayo~ Vincent Gallo g Mi~. Gallo and two sons, M~s. Collins~ Mrs. Nylund~ M~s. Worretl, Mr. Cess Farrar President of the Chamber of Comme~ce~ Mrs. Summers~ 14r. Joe DeMarco~ Past Councilman and two past mayors~ John Archie and Jim Mahoney. Ivm. Nylund moved that the Minutes of the Regular b'~e~ing of December 18~ t967 be appTov~d as presented. Seconded by ~r, Cotlins~ and unanimously carried. OLD BUSINESS Request for Beveraqe License - Kenneth Lyma. n (On the table) Mr. Summers moved that this be removed from the table~ SecOnded by Mr. Nylund. ~nanimously carried. Discussicunheld. Mr. Summers moved that we authorize this beverage license for take-out beer. Seconded by Mr. Nylund. Motion carried 4 to 1. Mr. Worrell opposed. %ppoint Charter Study Committee (On the table) No motion ~s made; therefor~ it remains on the table. Awardin~ of Bids One Motorcycle Mr. Courtney adwised that the Tabulating Committee advises that all bids were in ex~ess of the item and it was therefore ~equested that all b~ds be denied. -1- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~'~ETING JANUARY 2~ 1968 Mr. Summers moved that we take the recommendation of the Tabulating Committee to deny the bids. Seconded by Mr. Collins. Unanimously carried. Two Police Mobile .Radios and One Base Station Mr. Courtney advised that the Tabulating Committee advises that we should have received more than one bid and suggested that the one we received he rejected due to question in specifications. Mr. Su~ners moved that these two items he denied. Seconded by Mr. Nylund. Unanimously carried. _One Tractor with Backhoe g Loader ~. Courtney advised the Tabulating Committee agreed to accept the low bidd pr. oviding it met the specifications. The low bid did not meet speciflcations and there is some confusion at this ti~e and would re- commend that this item be referred to the next workshbp meeting for further study. Discussion held. [~. Worrell moved that this item he held over to the next workshop meeting. Seconded by ~:~. Collins. U~nimously carried. One Crawler Tractor Mr. Courtney advised the Tabulating Committee found all bids were in excess of the funds provided for this item and that the committee cOmmended that all bids be rejected. We are going t~request the Council to let us rebuild the model we already have by the Caterpiller Company in West Palm Beach. They can do this for a good bit less than we have in the budget and we will receive a guarantee from them. This will cost approximately $8~000, and take approx/matety ~0 days for the work to be comgleted. Discussion held. Mr. Nylund move~ that we deny all bids for this tractor due to the fact that they are all over the budgeted amount. Seconded by Mr. Summers. Hnanimously carried. Two Garba~qe Packers A. Cab $ Chassis: Mr. Courtney advised that the Tabulating Committee recommended the low bidder, Benz Chevrolet~ be accepted. The amount of their bid was $10,824.76. Mr. Summers moved .that we accept the Tabulating Committee's recommenda- tion and award ~he bid to Benz Chevrolet. Seconded b9 Mr. Worrell. Hnan/mously carried. -2- :© MIRrdTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING JAIYUARY 2, 1968 B. Packer Body: Mr. C. ourtney advised the Tabulating Committee ~e- commended Tom Wood Equipment Company bid on Garwood be accepted. The~e would be a 30 ~y delivery, ~{r. Nylund moved that we accept the Tabulating CommiTtee's recommenda- tion for the Packer~Body. Seconded by 14~. Collins. Unanimously carmied. Ordinance 67%23 - Bmending Trailer Ordinance (On the It was mequested that this Ordinance remain on the table until the January 29th WorkShop meeting. .ProDosed O~dinance re Citv Manager's position. It was recommended that this item be refermed to the next Workshop Meeting, ..Civil Service Rules & Regulations_ It was recommended that this item be r~ferred to the next Workshop Meeting. Code of Ethics It was recommended that this item be refermed to the next Workshop Meeting. Legal Advemtisin~ It was recommended that this item be referred to the next Workshop Meeting. PRESENTATION OF PLAQUES The following were awarded Plaques in Appreciation o~ Service to the City rom Year ~967: Judge Martin R. Durkin, Ymnicipal Judge Fmuda g Humphrey~ City Attorneys Gilbert H. Collins, Councilman Leonard E. Nylund~ Councilman g. Clyde Worrell~ Jr., Councilman Thomas A. Summers~ Vice Mayor Michael V. Michael~ Mayor REI'~IRKS BY RETIRING COHNCIL~N A le~tem from F~uda & Humphrey was read by the City Clerk in which they outlined severa~ suggestions for the betterment of th~ City. Mr. Wor~ell advised he leaves the Council with regretj and that hms term of office has been very educational. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL i~ET!NG JANUARY 2, 1968 AD. MINISTRATION OF, OATHS .gF OFFICE !968-1969 Council members: The City Clerk administered the Oath Collins ~ Mr. Gallo and ~iayor ~ichael. ~e City Clerk administered the oath to Mr. Gallo as Vice-Mayor. OPENING OF BIDS - 8:00 P.M. carried. CommenTs by Council Members Mr. Collins: Advised he was very grateful to the citizens of Boynton Beach ~or electing him for another two years. ~.. ~ylund: Advised ~nat the past Council certainly has done every- thing in their power in the past year to make the people o~ Boynton Beach proud of their leaders. iz~. Summers: Advised he is starting on his sixth yeaF and this is the last Council under the present Charter that will alloW three of them to serve another tez~n. It has ~een a pleasure working with this Council and with a lot of hard work and. cooperation, and a lot Of study, we came out very well. ~yor i~ichael: Advised when he was elected last year he had no idea what was in ~tore ~or him. He.fee/~his term of o~fice has been very educational$ you learn accounting, manaqement~ etc. ahd each is a~st a little business in ttesetf. He further hopes that ~he new 1968 69 Council has a §-ood year and accomplishes one-half as much next year as we did this year. Mr. Gallo: live up to happy. Thanked everybody for electin9 him and he hopes he can the vote of confidence~ and i~ he does it will make him very ~. Courtne¥: Advised he has enjoyed working with the past Council and we just hope that the new problems coming up will bo able to be taken care of as well as we have done since he started ~th the City. Adopt Rules of Order }~r. Gallo moved that we continue to operate the Council under the Roberts Rule of Order. Seconded by ~. igylund. ~nanimously carried. ~ppointmen~ of Citv Officials Citv 1.{anal'er - i.{r. Summers moved that ~ appoint Grady W. Courtney City Manager. Seconded by 1,4~. Gallo. ~nanimously carried. -4- MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 2 = 1968 .C,,itv Attornev: ~m. Nylund moved that Gene Moo~e be nominated City Attorney. Seconded by M~. Gallo. Mayor i,~ichael advised he thinks they are making a mistake and that Fruda and Humphrey have done a terrific job in the past year and it would be my suggestion that you would ~ot appoint ~_r~ }~oore and that we reappoint Frauds & Humphrey. He requested a ~roll call vote. Mr. Nylund Yes ~. Summers - No Mr. Gallo Yes Pi~. Collins Yes Mayor }4ichael No i'4otion carTied 3 to 2. Gens ~foore appointed next City Attorney. Citv Judge - ~.~. Summers moved that Judge Du~kin be appointed City Judge. Seconded by Hr. Gallo. ~nanimously carried. ~ud~e ad Lttem: ~ Mr. Gallo moved that w? appoint Ronald Ewing Judge ad Lites. Seeoneed by t~. Collins, Unanimously carried. APpointment o~ Classi~ieo City, Officials: - (See attached llst' which is made a part of these minutes.) ' Mr. Gallo moved that the officials be reappointed as ~ead. Seconded by M~. Su~mnems. ~nan/mously carried.. ,~9ard of Adjustment The Ci~z Clerk read the following names of persons recommended to the following boards and committees. George Davis J. W. Ridgeway Willi~n H. Yates Ray Allen Curtis Weave~ Robert C. Bmand (Alt.) George Cummins (Alt.) Ezel! Hestem (Alt.) ~. Sallo moved that the above named people be appointed. Seconded by Mr. Collins. Hnanimously carried. 3~,oard of Barber Examiners Wa!ly Koch Gerald Cantor Columbus Daniels ~. Summers moved that the above named people be appointed. by ~. GaIlo. Unan/mously carried. Seconded MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUt, ICIL i~EETIMG JANUARY 2~ 1968 Duildinq igoard William O., Hays Lou Samyn Stuart Fuller Gerald Staley George ~onaghan Clarence Clark Ward Cummings '3atlo~moved that the above mentioned persons t~ reappointed to the Board, Seeonde~ by [~'ir'. ColtS_ns, ~nanimoust~ ~ried, ,Cemetery Doard Edgar Hurfo~d L, Don Combs Jack Maddox Mrs. Bertha Chadwetl Mrs, F, Van Devender ~rs, Tereesa Padgett ~, Collins moved that the above be reappointed, Seconded by Mr, Nylund. ~nanimousty carried, Civil Service Appeals Soard Richard Monahan Clyde .3arner ~, Nylund moved that the above persons be appointed, ~.h~, Summers. ~nanimously carried, Civil Service A~peal~ Board - Alternates Eddie L, Mitchell R, J, MeAfee Seconded by ~, Nylund moved that ti~e above mentioned persons be accepted, onded by Mr, Collins, ~nanimously carried, Bq~rd.o~ Examiners of Electricians Stuart Fuller Thomas J, 'Iow!es Allan Nyquist Ivan ~tlmond Pete Bokisa Sec- Mr. Summers moved that this board be accepted as read. Seconded by PLr, Collins. Unanimously carried, -6- MILmTES REGUIAR CITY COUNCIL JAA~dARY 2~ 19C8 I'~ETING Industrial Commission John Rogers Leonard E. White Edw. Duffy~ Jr. George Wilde Howard Riley Leon A. Ctoutier J. A. Riley Rev. R. M. Lee E, V. Bratenback Bill Beck Chas. Hadley (Omit) t~. Gallo moved that with the exception of E. V. Bratenback~ the above mentioned persons be appointed. Mr. Gallo stated that Mr. Bratenback had requested to be omitted, Seconded by Mr, Summers. Unan/mously carried. .!n,ter-Raqial Committee Paul Johnson ~,~s. Edythe Hood Mrs, Lot~ie Pierce Thomas Rush/rig Leroy Harris William Cuilen ~s. Eleanor Herder Rev. Vernon Perkins Willie Bagtey Willie Miller Sen Cain Howard J. Foley Tom Norfus ~s. Nanie Weaver (added) ~ayor ~,~ichaei advised that ilrs. Nanie Weaver v~uld like to serve on this committee and requested thmt he~ name be added. }~. Gallo moved that the above named persons including i~s. Nanie Weaver be appointea to this committee. Seconded by M~. Collins. Unan/mousty carried. Library Board Mrs. Nan Gordon ~i~s. Mildred White Mrs. Christine Edward Mrs. Nanie WeaveP Hms. Judith Sa~ers l~Ims'. Estelle Schaap ~i~s. Ruby i~tack Collins moved that the a~ve be appo~ted. H~nimous ty ~mmied. --7-- Seconded by ~ir. Gallo, MIIfdTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING JAI~N3ARY 2~ lS6B Plar~ninq~ ~& Zonir~7 Board Robert Olds Maynard Wertz Stanley Weaver Col. Albert Wehrell FoyWamd %~alter Dutch James ~,~c~lpine ~:~. ]alto moved that the ~bove named persons be acce~ted to serve on this board. Seconded by Nm. Collins, Unanimously ~arTiedo Bo~rd of Pt~mbing Commissioners Stuart Puller C. A. Ostrom Prank Kir]~by No!an Williams ~'~ike ~qcLaughlin Willie Sloan Mr. Nylund moved that we accept the above persons to serve on this Board. Seconded by ~.~. Summers. Unanimously carried. Recreation S Parks Board Ray Jara A. Ao St~aart~ Jr. l~s. Helen Kirl~by ~ev. Naaman Grubbs Joseph Hart F~s. John W. Chandler ~s. Pat Greenwood ~r. Summers moved that ~e above persons be appointed.. Seconded by Mr. Collins. Unanimously carried. Road Planninq Committee Henry E. Thompson Harvey E. Oyer~ J~. George Wilde JOseph D~ull Stanley ~¢Jeaver John Rogers George Srosch Michael V. Michael Mr. Nylund moved that ~ accept the above Dmmed persons to serve on this Board. Seconded by ~,~. Summers. Unanimously carried. -8- MLN~TES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING JANL~RY 2~ 19&8 BIDS - OPENING Beach Concession: - No bide received. There are three people operating thie bueinees now bmt none of them submitted any bids. I,~. Summers suggested that ~{r. Court'ney draw up some tZqpe of contract or form that they can use. Mr. Courtney advised that was all taken ear? of in ~he request for bids. This ehould be studied further at our Workshop Meeti~. ~e..~ummers m~ed ~g bring this Beach Concession up at the next Worl~hop ,ee~.g and a~±ow the operators of these three vehicles to continue to operate unti~ we can ma~e some study to correct the s~ ~- Consider request of Boynton Beach Jr. Woman's Club to solicit. Discussion held. ~. ~allo moved that per~ission be granted. Seconded by I'~. Summers. Hnanimously ~arried. Approval requested to purchase leased automobile ~,~. Courtney advised the~ have to act now on whether ~o exereise'our option on the ~eased vehicle for the Inspection Department that we have had for tw~o years~ at a price of $1~$50.00. We feel that this is an excellent buy and that we should exercise our option ~o purchase, Dis~ssion held. ~:~, Su.m~_~rs moved tl~t we purchase the automobile pending the consulta- zon wz~9 the C~ty Attorney as to whether it is le al. Seconded b ~,~o Collins. g Y Discussion held. ~{. Collins wi3hdrew his second on this motion. Mr. Summers withdrew h~s motion~ asking the City Manager to consult with t~e City Attorney to see if it is legal to purchase this way under lease purchase at the next Wor?~hop ~eeting. ~stablish meetim~ date to discuss pension plan It was decided to discuss this meeting date at the next Workshop ~eeting. Authorization requested to advertise for bids Permission has been requested to advertise for bids for the following items: -9- I'~iNUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL JAI~R1ARY 2~ 1968 Advertise for bids: Six (6) new 1968 Standar~ 1/2 ton Stepside Pick-up T~ucl~s Annual Supply of: Water l[eters Chlorine Gasoline & Oil Cast Iron Pipe & Fittings Galvanized Pipe & Fitting~s Tires g Batteries Asphalt and Cold Dis cuss ion held. i~r. Gallo moved that ?~ authorize ~he City Manager to advertise for bids on the named items. Seconded by M~. Su3nmers. ~nanimously caz~ied. L_~_eet~ter f~om~-Robinson Construction l-~a.y~o~, l~ichael mead letter fro~m~_ ,~_..~obinson Construction signed by W~l±iam Q. Hayes commending the Boynton Beach Police Department. Approval of Sills City Clerk advised she had a bill from the Chamber of Commemce in the amount of $758.19 fox payment. ~r. Nylund moved that this bill he paid. Seconded by l~r. Collins. Unanimously carried. Gallo moved that this bill be paid. Seconded by ~fr. Collins. Hnanimously carried. ,PHBLIC ~LF D~. Leroy Harris~ 212 N. W. 12th Avenue: came forward representing the American Legion Post~ re~arding approval of all but one property owner in the area where they had planned to hold the carnival. -- Discussion held, ~{~. Summers moved that the American Leqion should be allowed to have the carnival on the dates they requested. ~otion died ~-o~ lac.~ o~ a second. -10- i,~I~TES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL i.~ETING JARVdARY 2~ 1968 [4r. Collins asked ~'~,_~. Harris if it %~uld be possible locat~n. ~. Ha~is advised it ~uld~eb ~a same thug again one pemson object~ they ~uld have to start ovem a~aln. lJl~. E~it Heste~ N.W. 1st S~eet~ ~me fom~d to s~eak for the a~ve ~eques t. W~tie Daq!ey. 231 N,E. 9th Age. ~me ~6m~ tion. He wanted ~ know why one ~n ~s ~e ~ight of the p~ple ~ the City the mi~ht to have the cu!ar lo~tion. Dis ~ssion held. ~e Council ag~e~ they ~uld asset the Ame~i~n ~gion ~ find~g anothe~ lo~tion for the ~val ~e fimst thin9 O~R There was no othem bus.ess. A ~OU~NT ~,~. Nylund moved we adjourn the meet~g. Sounded ~ Mm. ~11o. ~n~ously ~rmied. i~eet~g adjourned at 10:00 P.~i Tereesa Padget~ity Cierk -11- ,ng the same situa- to deny the rest ral at this patti- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Michael V. ~ichael~ V~~~yo~ Gilbert H. Collins ~ Councilman O nci an Thomas A. Summers