Elizabeth Pierce -Roe, Chair
Michael Byrd
Jeffrey Fromknecht
Charles Kanter
Daniel Shapiro, Alternate
Julie Mondello, Alternate
Renee Stern
Robert Lapin
Wally Majors, Recreation and Parks Director
Debbie Majors, Grants and ADA Coordinator
Glenda Hall, Forestry and Grounds Manager
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m.
Roll was called, and a quorum was present.
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (January and February)
Motion made by Ms. Stern, seconded by Mr. Kanter, to approve the minutes for the
February 22, 2016, minutes with the following correction:
• p. 2, Item V -B: remove 2nd and 3rd sentences
Motion not brought to vote.
Hearing no corrections, the minutes of the January 25, 2016, meeting were approved.
A. Park/Facility Assessments — None
A. Proposed Eco Park in Quantum — Presentation by Eugene A. Gerlica,
P.E. of Gerlica Inc.
Eugene Gerlica stated that the firm was selected to represent the Quantum Park
Overlay Dependent District, and he is the District Engineer. He said the Overlay District
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida March 28, 2016
has been proactive in pursuing the development and the maintenance of their Sand
Pine preserve.
Mr. Gerlica gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Eco park covering the following:
history of the park, size, description of units and office/commercial/industrial space,
school, Conceptual Plan, Master Plan, landscaping, trails, wildlife, proposed pedestrian
entrance, parking, restrooms, habitat, ADA improvements, removal of exotic species,
butterfly garden, and hardscaping.
Mr. Gerlica distributed copies of the Conceptual Plan and the Master Plan.
Mr. Gerlica mentioned that at the Site Plan pre -application meeting with City staff, they
were encouraged to introduce the park to this Board and show how the District and the
City can combine the two lands. He suggested they might have an Eco Center with
educational presentations, meeting space, etc. Mr. Gerlica commented that the City
has a public participation process in the parks, and Mr. Gerlica is willing to help with
that. He asked for the Board's support in the effort to get Quantum Park into the City's
capital improvement budget.
Mr. Gerlica advised they will be sending a draft Interlocal Agreement to the City
Manager's office to get the project moving forward. In order to open the park to the
public, they will need parking, restrooms, and storm water improvements.
Mr. Gerlica opened up the presentation for discussion and questions.
In response to a question about access, Mr. Gerlica said there is nowhere to park at this
time. He added that the Conceptual Plan may take a number of years to complete. It
was noted there would be more entrances than just the one gated entrance.
Mr. Gerlica said they are discouraging bicycles in the Eco Park, but there will be trails in
the City Park with access to the Greenway system. In addition, he said the Preserve
area will be open dusk to dawn, eliminating the need for lighting. However, if they need
security, there may be solar -powered cameras. Electricity is available on the edges of
the park, but not in the middle.
Mr. Gerlica continued there would not be any structures such as pavilions in the Eco
park. Jane Gerlica, with Gerlica Inc., responded that an observation deck is in their plan
for the butterfly garden, and a platform by the waterfront. She spoke of St. Oxbow in
the Port St. Lucie area where the community is very involved in helping with projects.
She said they hope to move forward in that manner here.
Chair Pierce -Roe commented enthusiastically on the educational possibilities for the
project. She suggested using the observatory on Hypoluxo as an example for the
observation tower at the Eco park. Ms. Gerlica mentioned the tower will be about 12
feet high and have ADA rounds that will make it accessible. Chair Pierce -Roe also
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida March 28, 2016
suggested looking at the scrub area across the street from Bethesda Hospital to get
ideas. Mr. Gerlica said they could make arrangements for the Board to tour the Sand
Pine Preserve.
Mr. Majors suggested that if the Board wishes to support the concept, they could
formally give that approval in a vote.
In a vote by consensus, the Board unanimously expressed its desire to support the
concept as presented.
B. Transportation Alternative Programs Grant Application
Debbie Majors, Grants and ADA Coordinator, reported that in November, 2015, the City
Commission approved the Blueways, Greenways, and Trails Plan, A Transportation
Alternative Programs Grant has been identified that can provide up to $750,000 for a
project within the scope of the Blueways, Greenways, and Trails Plan; the application
deadline is April 1, 2016.
Ms. Majors mentioned that the City of Delray Beach has received funding to build their
trail up NE 2 d Avenue, which turns into Seacrest heading north. Boynton Beach is
looking at submitting an application for funding to begin the Bikeway program,
constructing bike lanes on Seacrest from the southernmost border at Gulfstream in
order to connect with Delray, continuing north to Boynton Beach Boulevard (Phase 1)
and eventually to Hypoluxo.
Ms. Majors described the grant application process, noting that, in October, she will find
out if the project has been ranked high enough by the MPO Board to proceed to the
next level. If the grant is approved, construction will begin in 2019-2020. Design would
occur in 2018-2019. She said they would like a letter of support from the Board Chair to
submit with their application. The City Commission will also be asked in mid-April for
their approval; if they do not approve it, it will be pulled.
Ms. Majors noted some items will be needed such as sidewalk improvements,
landscaping where needed, and possibly crosswalks.
In a vote by consensus, the Board unanimously expressed its desire to support the
project going forward and agreed that the Chair can sign off on the letter.
Ms. Majors said she would forward drawings to Mr. Majors so the Board can follow the
project progress.
Chair Pierce -Roe read the letter of support to the MPO Board aloud.
C. Leashed Dogs at Parks Recommendation
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
Mr. Majors advised that the Board needs to put forth a recommendation at the next
meeting on whether to terminate the policy allowing dogs at the four parks: Boynton
Lakes, Dewey, Intracoastal, and Jaycee Park. He said he has not received any
complaints over the past year. Mr. Majors said dog traffic is light, maybe two or three at
each park. The City Commission will be considering the item at their June meeting.
Mr. Majors asked the Board members to speak to their friends and neighbors for
feedback, keeping in mind that not all parks are appropriate for dogs.
D. Upcoming Events
Glenda Hall, Forestry and Grounds Manager, announced Arbor Day at 9:45 a.m. on
April 6 at Jaycee Park. Trees will be planted during a two-hour period. There will be a
teaching demonstration for students from Congress Avenue Middle School.
Mr. Majors also announced that participants in the Barrier Free 5K will be recognized at
the City Commission meeting on April 19.
VII. NEXT MEETING: April 25, 2016
Hearing no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:33 p.m.
[Minutes transcribed by J. Rubin, Prototype, Inc.]