Minutes 12-04-67MINUTES OF REGHLAR CITY COHNCIL MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL: BOYNTON ~' BEACH~ FLORIDA~ ON MONDAY, ~ECE~'~ER 4th: 1967 AT 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Michael V. Michael Councilman Leonard E. Nylund Councilman A. Clyde Worrell~ Jr. City Attorney: Joseph Humphrey City Manager: Gmady W. Courtney CiTy Clerk~ Mrs. Tereesa Padgett ABSENT: Mr. Thomas A. Summers ~ Vice Mayor who has been ill. [i~. Gilbert Coil{ns, CounciLman (Note: Mr. Collins came in later ) Mayor Michael opened the meeting with the Invocation given by Council- man Clyde Worre!i. The Flag Salute was led by Harold Hopkins~ City Engineer. MInd. S I~. Worrell moved that the Minutes of the November 20th meeting be accepted as presented. Seconded by Mr. Nylund. Hnanimously carried. Mr. Nylund moved that the Minutes of the Special Meeting of November 22, be accepted. Seconded by ~p. Worrell. Unanimously carried.. Mayor Michael read letter from Vice Mayor Summers advising he expected to be beck in action in about two weeks and requested that the ~£ailer Ordinance and City Manager's Ordinance remain on the table until the next regular council meeting December 18th. He also stated he was in favor of the Charter Study but is in favor of being very slow and careful in doing it. Mr. Courtney advised that Mr. Collins called him to advise that he was not feeling well and v~uld not be able to attend the Council meeting. OLD BUSI~SS There was no old business. BIDS - AWARDING FOur (4_)__Po!ic~ C?uisers Mr. Courtney advised the t the tabulating committee met last week and he gave the following recommendation from that con%mittee: Jemmy Eaml Pontiac was the lowest best bidder with a price of $8~393.12 for four police cruisers. Mr. Nylund moved that we accept the Committee's ~eeommendation and give the contract to Jerry Earl Pontiac for the net price .~ $8~93.t2 for four police cruisers. Seconded by Mr. Worrelt. Unanimously Carried. -1- MINUTES CITY COUNCIL t,~ETING DECEMBER 4, 1967 One (1) 1/2 Ton P~kup True~ Mr. Courtney gave a report from the tabulation committee wherein they decided that the best and lowest bid submitted was from Adams Chevro- let and they reco~ ~,ded that the award be made to them. Me. Worrelt moved that we accept the recommendation of the Comittee and that the bid be awarded to Adams Chevrolet in the net amount of $792.00. Seconded by ~,~. Nylund. Unanimously carried, PHBLIC AUDIENCE Chamber of COm~rce - requesting funds for Seacrest Band. Mr. Effron~ President of the Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce came forward and advised that Seacrest High School Football Team who had a 10-0 record this year had been selected to'play in the Meninak (Gator) Bowl Game. It ms the largest hmgh school bowl game in the Natlon. He also advzse that the President of the De~ayChamber of Commerce and he are repre- senting the band: hawketts and the teachers and are t~y~ng to ~aise enough funds so that they will all be able to attend t~is game. There are approximately i00 that played as an important par~ as the football team and the Chambers felt that this group should also be able to go to the game, and they are both working to raise funds for approximately 100 people to go to the bowl game. Discussion held. Mayor Michael asked how much had been raised so far. Mr. Effron advised that Station WDBF was conducting a drive and the last report he had was S1,120,00 had been raised. As of this moment the[Boynton Chamber has raised $523.00. He stated he had no report at thls time on the Delray Chamber. i~rlr. Nytund asked how many othert~ams have been afforded this opportunity. Mr. E~fron advised that this is the third ~am from the State of Florida to be invited in thirty-five years. Mr. Worrell asked ~ the team would receive any remuneration from this game. Mr. Effron advised that the team coaches and official~ would, but that no proceeds will be received from the game itself. The proceeds go to some Charitable Association in Jacksonville. Mr. Ray Allen came forward and requested that Boynton Beach be recog- nized along with Delray Beach when Seacrest High Scho?l,! is publicized. Mr. Worrell moved that the City of Boynton Beach contribute $100. from the Publicity Fund to held send the band and associates ~o the Jacksonville Bowl Game. Seconded by Mr, Nylund. Hnan~mously carried. -2- MII'~JTES CITY COUNCIL ~ETTNG DECEMBER 4 ~ 1967 Mayor Michael stated that as a citizen and also as Mayor he would like to say a few things about some things that came up this past weekend. ~I would like to put some posters on the wall for you to see.~ Two possets ~ere attached to the wall for the public to see. One of the posters was put up at Ocean Avenue & U,S. Highway ~1 at the Howard Johnson Restaurant, and the other opposite the Baptist Church by the Post Office. Considerable discussion was gone into by [~yor Michael regarding the degrading ~ype o- thmnqs implied on these two posters. Mr, Harry LeFort, 725 Ocean Inlet Drive~ came forward regarding the same ~ype of publicity a few years ago, Mrs. Emily JacPson~ 728 N.E, 9th Avenue came forward. She spoke re- garding the questions that were raised when lit. Humphrey presented his bill last month. She asked Mr. Humphrey to read the duties of the City Attorney from the Charter, ~, Humphrey read Section 58~ Duties of City Attorney. Mrs. Jackson reviewed bills paid ~¢o a previous City Attorney and e×- pressed her, satisfaction of the bill presented by ~r. Humphrey. NEW BUSINESS Theme was no new business, LEGAL Ordinance 67-21.,(2nd Readinq,) - Amendinq fee sdnedule for SigQ Permits. City Attorney read the title of this ordinance. Mr. ~ylund moved that we accept Ordinance 67-21 on Second Reading. Seconded by Mr. Worrell. Unanimously carried, Ordinance 67-23 (On the table) - Amendi,nq Trailer Ordinance. Mr. Worrell adv. sea that due to ~1r. Summer's letter~ he felt it should be left on the table. Agreed by the council. Ordinance 67-24 (2nd Reading) - Re HeiqYht of Hedges g Fences,. City Attorney read the ordinance by title only. ~. Worrell moved that Ordinance 67-24 be passed on Seeond Reading. Seconded by ~, Nytund. Unanimously carried~ -3- MIk~/TES CITY COUNCIL I~EETING DECEMBER 4 ~ 1967 O~dina~ce 67-25 (lst ReadinQ-) - Buildinq Code. City Attorney read the sub-titles of this o~dinance and explained the meanin9- of each section. 14r, Nylund moved that O~dinance 67~25 be passed on first reading. Seconded by ~,~. Worretl. Unanimously carried. He requested that this be posed on the Bulletin Board so that the public could read it prior to the next regular meetip, g. O~dinance 67,-,26 ( 1st Reading'),,- Air Conditioninq Code, City Attorney ~ead the ordinance in its entirety. Mr o Nylund moved that Ordinance 67-26 be passed on first reading, Seconded by 1~. Collins, ~nanimousiy carried. NOTE: b{r. Collins came into the meeting' at 8:40 P.M. during the reading of Ordinance 67-26 - Air Conditioning Code, Mr. Collins requested that the Mayor bring him up to date on the charges against h~,]. He advised that he had meceived a phone call at his home advising him some charges were made against him by the Mayor and that is why he arrived a~ the meeting at this time. Fmyor ~iid~el advised Mr. Collins that everything' that was said at the meeting was on the record and he could listen to the recor~ and hear for himse]_f exactly what was said at the meeting. Mr. LeFort as~ed M~. Collins if he reeoqnized the voice of the party that had called hSJn at homo. Mr. Coll~_s said ~Yes: he did$ it ~as Byron Leggett,:' A DMINISTP~A TIVE Consi~e? rgquest rom t-~ansfer of funds: i~r. Courtn~ey requested permission that funds to~alling $5~250.00 in ~ccount 1300-173X be t~ansferred to 1570-110. ~.~. Wor~ell moved that we grant the transfer of funds as requested. Seconded by Mr. Nylund. ~nanimousty carried. Set Time to Canvass the Ballots. Wednesday> December 6th~ at 9:30 be set for canvassing- the ballots. List of Paymen~ts ~ade in October ~,ir. Nylund moved that the list of Payments made in O~tober~ 1967 be CITY COUNCIL ~.~ETING DECENBER 4 ~ accepted. Seconded by Mr. Worrell, and unanimously carried. Consider reGuest for Beverage Licen, se (.Kenneth Lyr~n). Mr. CouDtney advised that they checked with the Beverage District Agent and he also checked with the City Attorney and advised that we should stick with the Ordinance until we can get a ruling from the State Attorney on this. ~. Nylund moved that we table this i~em until we get clar/~ication from the State Attorney. Seconded by Mr. WoPrell. Unan~nously carried. Appoin.~ent of Chamter Studv, Committee. Cit~ Clerk read letter from the Cha~ter Study Committee signed by l~. Nylund. Mayor Michael sugg'ested that by the time the next workshop the council- men can name a committee at that time and then go ahead. Nylund moved that we hold ove~ until the next workshop meeting when can r~ke some tentative appo~%~-,.]ents for approval. Seconded by Collins. Unanimously carried. Approval of Bills. Neptune Meter ComPany - $2~404.80. Mr. Nylund moved that we accept the Neptune Meter Company bill for ~2:404.80 for payment. Seconded by Mr. Worrell. Unanimously carried, Reques~ from ~4erchants Committee of Chamoer of Commerce for use of Civic Center. ! The Pierchants Contmittee has requested use of the Civic Cen~e~ on Dece~ ~oer !~tn-17th~ and feel they should not have to pay the usual rental fee. Mr. Worrell moved that the ~ee be waived and we allow them to use the Civic Center on the dates mentioned in their letter. Seconded by Icm. CoIlin~. Unanimously carried. None. ~pJ~]~ ~P~NMENT Mr. Nylund moved the meeting be adjourned. Seoonded by Mr. Worrell -5- MI~]TES CITY CO~CIL P~ETING DECE~.~BER ~, 1967 Unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA Cou~ilman~ L~onard E. ~lund ~ City mlerk~ ~e~a Padgett -6- PAY~NTS~ADE IN OCTOBER BY DATE OCTOBER 2, !967 OCTOBER 3, 1967 OCTOBER 4-, 1967 OCTOBER 5, 1967 OCTOBER 6, 1967 OCTOBER 9, 1967 OOTOBER 10, 1967 OCTOBER 11, 1967 OCTOBER 12, 1967 OCTOBER 13, 1967 OCTOBER 16, 1967 OCTOBER 18, 1967 OCTOBER ~9~ 196~ GGTOBER ~, 1967 1967 OCTOBER $~ 1967 OCTOBER 3~, ~967 ?, 906. 54- ~3, 919.62 2, 261.20 965.25 655.82 1, 62?. ?4- 4- 7, 339..50 2, ~62.6~ ~6, 252.31 3, ~18.. 24 ~75.04 PAYMENTS MADE BY FUNDS GENERAL FUND ............... SEWER REYENUE FUND ............................. - - - WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FU?.~ ........................ WATER DEPOSITORS FUND ............................. SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND ........................ SEWER I~EPOSI T e UND ................................ FIRE~IEN'S RELIEF ~ PENSION FUND ........... ~ ....... PUBLICITY FUND .................................... BO~NTON BEACH MEMORIAL PARK ....................... MUNICIPAL SWI~¥,~IING POOL BOI~D SINKING FUND ......... 127,4,68.!5 28, $$5.14 4-?, 1!£. 68 61 ?. 50 16.90 6.50 4-8.5~ 2, 24-8. ~9 100. O0 ?o £$s. 88 213, 191.08 PAYMENTS HADE IN 00TOBER, 1967 OCTOBER 2, 1967 GENERAL FUND 17042 BOBERTa TO~BER~ 85.27 1 7043 S.G. COSBY ENT. 88.89 1 7044 JOSEPZ TONB~R~ 1 77. ~0 170~5 S.g. Cos~Y EN~. 155.90 170~7 BOYNTON AUTO SUPPLY 1~0. 07 170~9 IBH CORPOaZZ~ON 15. O0 17050 JoE's GaZ~ 61.~5 17051 JoN~S' Ee¢r~Nz Co. ~i.60 170~2 H~ Hma~m 73, 75 ~ 7055 HODERN FLtSHmRS INC. 1 7. 85 1 705~ Pos~zs~Z~ 6~. 70 170~5 H.P. HUNTTI~ CO. 1 7058 PIERCE TIRE CO. 25.1~ 17059 PoRzza P~N~ Co. 95. 10 1 7060 SZwE~ Hzaowza~ ~$. 68 1 7061 REcREatioN S=ppLY 10~.00 170~$ PUBLIC PERSONNEL ASS'N. ~.70 1 70~4 S~za P~mss 280. O0 1 706~ J~mm Wmss 18. ~0 17066 F~. Powma ~ LI~z~ 3,~79.82 17067 G~TY OF B.B.-Wz~a D. ~2~.~0 ~, 702.06 SEWER BEYENUE FUND 1879 BOYNTON AUTO SUPPLY 1880 HOmaR INC. 1881TECmNiC INSTRUMENTS 1882 FLa. PowER & LIszT 3.80 71.28 73.27 119.04 267.39 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 10364 BOYNTON AuTo SuppLY 10365 FLa. POWER ~ Lr~T 23.89 1,913.20 1,937.09 906.54 OCTOBER 1967 GENERAL FUND 17068 BOYNTON Bern FIRm DmPT. 1 7069 Wm~T~- MacDoWmLL 17070 Fauna ~ H~pm~mY 17072 FLz. Powma ~ Lr~m~ 17073 SO. BELn TEL. ~ TEL. 455.90 132.00 125.00 2, 483.50 607. 73 15.75 PAYMENTS MADE IN OGTOBER, 1967 OCTOBER 1967 GENERAL FUND 7074 7075 7076 7077 7078 7079 7080 7081 7082 7085 7084 7085 7086 708 7 7088 7089 7090 709I 7092 7093 7094 7'095 7096 77097 7098 7099 So. BmL~ Tm~. ~ Tm~. 66.30 LY~Do~ La,ms GoRp. 6, 410.00 A~rmD G~o~ I~e. 64.50 JOSERN TO~BEa~ 1~. ~ ~. RUSSELL FO~LAW Z. O0 God. macE N~'~ Bz~m ~1.50 D~a-~am Lmzs~ Goap. 100.00 Dm~azY I~r~o~ i~c. GO.~ Box~om A~o S~pp~Y 163. 14 Dom's Fm~ms~o~m 1 7. 04 ~ENma~L ?~¢~ P~a~S 169.91 ~LSEY ~ ~RIFFITN ~5. O~ H.R. H~NW~m~ Go. J~cmsom i~o 2~. 50 Jzcm's G~ Szoam 2S. 72 PIzacm T~am Co. ~3.00 1!~ ~9'0. ~ SEWER REVENUE FUND 1883 FLI. POWER 188~t ALLImD 1885 A~L~n 1886 No. co 1887 BoY~o~ 1888 Do~'s Fz~mszomm 1889 Tmc.~c Ims~mm~s WA TER 10366 1036 ? 10368 i 0369 10371 10372 10373 10374 10375 10376 SYSTEH REVENUE FUND WNZTT HlCDOWELL ~LLIED CHLORYNE AMERre~m C~sT Iaom ~O-OKS PRODUCTS ADDRESSO~R~PH OORP, ~OYNTON ~UTO SUPPLY ~ UIP~ENT 2~$. 03 209. ~3 250. 80 23. 75 51.45 37.18 24.00 825.88 250.80 62.45 ~33.30 60.65 6.70 18.02 32.89 48.00 1,46~.69 PAYNENT£ HADE IN OGTOBER, 1967 (GONT. ) OCTOBER OCTOBER 1967 1967 FIRElfEN'S RELIEF ~ PENSIO~lr FUND 183 H~nOLB P. HmnarNe PUBLIGITI FUND 2~.27 !3. 65 GENERA L FUND 1 7100 J~¢~soN A~To 36. 85 1 7t01 WSrTT NacDowm~, .20 1 7102 R~B~mw~ P~mBzN~ 4~. O0 1 7103 BoxLmY's 8.30 17104 Sz~-~-S~ Ho~ 16.00 ~06.55 WATER SYSTEH REVENUE FUND 10377 W~rITT N~eDowE~L . 5. lq !5', 9~'9 . 62 1967 GEiYER.4L FUND ~7105 STzmB~ns OiL 137.15 17106 fn~z~ FOaD Ta~c~oa 17f07 F~z. PowEa ~ L~z~ 1,038.90 1 7108 OWr~zn A~o 17109 ~HEELER 17110 GZ~Y OE B.B.-PET~y G~ss ~0.00 t7111 Hock, Roos ~ SE~CY 77.2~ 1 7112 T~oprsts Igc. 3. O0 1 7114 B~ao~ess Go~. 324.00 17115 E~s~ Go~s~ P~R Go. 28. 75 17116 FL~. Pa~,v~rNs Go. ~G. 55 1 711 ? G~LOaO Baos. 2~. 6~ 17118 P~LM Bmaem Pos~ f~ms !1.29 17119 C~zY 17120 D~z~I~L SmCaET~aI~L S~CE 57.00 1 7121 GauDY W. Coca,mmv 200. O0 SE~R REVENUE FUND 1890 GrTr om B.B.-W~Tm~ D. 1~7. 78 !891 Wms~r~o~sm E~m¢. 7.25 1892 Hoc.~, Roos ~ SE~aeY 38.63 1~93 Bo~o~ ~o S~m~Y 12.88 WA TER SYSTEM _~VENUE FUND 10378 ,S. s9 2, 261 o 20 PAI~MENTS HADE IN OGTOBER~ 19s? O¢~osEa 6, 1967 OCTOaEa 9, 1967 GENERALFUND EDYT~E HOOD HILDaED LOFLEY MILDRED HALLIEa L. TEaSESEN t 7122 Mas. 1 7123 Mas. 1 7124 Has. ! 7125 1 7126 Has. 1 7127 Has. 1 7128 17!29 Has. 17130 C.U. 1713,~ GzzY OF 17137 Smwm~ H~mwz~e Go. SEWER REYENUE FUN~ !$9~ Cr~Y o~ B. Bo-P~Yao~ 1896 Smwm~ WATER SYSTEH REVENUE FUND 10379 BOYNTON BEACH HEHORI2L PARK 186 A.Jo 25. O0 20. O0 20. O0 20. O0 20. O0 20. O0 20. O0 20. O0 20. O0 141.59 ~60. O0 21.6~ i84.65 $~. O0 £55.91 8.62 324. ~6 34.75 60. O0 40. O0 100. O0 GENERAL FUND 17138 So~z~mam 1 7139 1 7L~O 1 71¥1 1 7142 1 7143 I 7~4~ ~ 714~ 1 71 ~6 !7~47 Go. 32.39 CITY OF B.B.-PmTTY G~s~ 47.80 CITY OF B.B.-PETTy C~SI¥ 147.8~ ALLEN CHEHICAL 00. 11.00 Oo~a~ RzcoaDs ~0. O0 BLuE Gaoss-B~uE SHr~D 226.01 Or~ o~ B.B.-W~z~ DEpm. 151.08 Oa=~wN~ Lzw B~s~N 15.00 1 7!48- ! 7!~9 1 7150 1 1'7152 DO~'S FIaESTONE FT. ~AUDERDILE NEWS HOBEa~ FL~S~EaS INC. 76.88 o$ 25. ~6 10. 50 7, 81-5.12 PAYMENTS HADE IN OOTOBER, 1967 9, 1967 SEWER REYENUE FUND 1895 PEm~.,VS~LaR ARmaTUrE WoRms i897 BLuE ORoss-BL~m S.~ImLn 36.67 10. ~2 ~7. 09 WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 10380 J~ ¢~ S~.~a~E ' S ~N~. 10381 BL~ G~oss-BL~E S~rEL~ 6,000o00 69.84 6,059.8~ 637. OcTo~za 10, 1967 OCTOBER 1!, 1967 GENERAL FUND I715~3 C~ OF B.B.-W~Ea 1 715~ 1 7155 1 7156 1 7157 17158 ATHLETIC ~UPPLY O~sL~Y So~ Go. DoN~s FIRESTONE Do~'s FIRESTONE SEWER RETENUE FUND 1898 PIERCE TI~E Go. WATER 10382 10383 SYSTEI~ REYENUE FUND DoN's FIamS~ONm GENERAL FUND 17159 CITY OF B,B.-Wa~ma D. 17!60 So. Bm~L TmL. ~ Tm~. 1 7161 H.P. kL~s~s WATER 10384 10385 10387 10388 ~0389 10390 10391 10392 SYSTEH REFENUE FUND So. BmL& TEL. & TEL. ~OBBY LINDLEY JlCE A. ~ROWN Bo~maT E. HILLER WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7~8 Ac¢~. oF J~c~ A. B~owN ~'7~$0 Aeo~. oe RosER~ Eo :~2.02 56.25 360.00 ,20.96 70.75 71.72 621.68 307.27 !.$0 308.77 1 ~1.32 ! 7. 80 32~. O0 8. O0 12.70 4.20 3.~ 12.70 3.0~ ~.72 6.20 5.20 59.20 7. 50 ,15. O0 7o 50 965.25 PAYHENTS MADE IN OGTOBER, 1967 OCTOBER OCTOBER 1I, 1967 !2, 1967 15, 1967 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7450 A~cT. OF ROBmR~ MrnsmR 7451 AccT. OF H~RO~ BL~C~ST~m 7453 ACCT. OF 7454 ACC~. O~ B~SSE~ G~zr~o~ 7456 BO~a~ 7460 ACC~. o~ Borsr Lr~r~r 7461 Acc~. 7. 50 7.50 7.50 7. 50 15.00 7. 50 7. 50 15. O0 7.50 7.50 ~12o50 655.82 GENERAL FUND 1 7162 P~,~suRz I~Z~STarES 79.57 17163 PoR~E$ Pzr~.~ 0o. 55.90 17164 So. B~,sz~ GomE Go. 59.10 1716~ R~s~N Oo~s~a~c~oN 69.76 1 7166 Sor~a~ Wrrzss I~c~ 65. ~ 1 7167 X~aox Ooap. 555.8~ 17168 So. B~ fr~. ~ ~r~. 228.55 1 7169 J~s K~L=z 5. O0 17170 ~ ffoo~ 10.00 17171 E~s HcAsor 5.00 SEWER RETENUE FUND 1899 TZsn.~nE' s 50. O0 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 10395 POSTmaSTeR 450,00 10594 So. HET~R & S~Y ~93.04 ~43.04 GENERAL FUND 17175 C~Is E. Wsrs~ 175.00 1 71 74 HANUFAeTU~ERS LIFE 215. 76 17175 CITY OF B.B.-P,~YRo~,~, 12,210.61 171 76 BOYN~o~ Oar~r~ U~ro~ 72~. O0 17180 Gi~r OF B.B.-Pmz~r Gzsm 4.15 SEWER REVENUE FUND i'5~ 3 [29.52 1900 H~N~F~S LIFE ] 3.36 1901 Gr~Y OF BB-PaYRo~L ~!5.~8~  19.20 1,627. 74 PAYMENTS MADE IN Oa?OBER, 1967 (OONT,) 1967 WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 10595 MANUFAWTU1%ERS LIFE 10596 gr~Y or B.B.-PAYaonL 8. 40 1,759. 72 1,768. 12 15, 416.8~ OCTOBER 16, 1967 GENERAL FUND 17177 Gray OF B.B. -Pm~"TY GAs~r 77. 99 1 71 78 BoYNToN WE~L-PaMp 198. 72 17179 G~r OF B.B.-PETTY Cass 41.94 1 7181 JoE's G~ 93, 50 17182 Szaws Rms~zaszN~ 12.75 17185 B.L. G~ammoNs 11.~5 1 7184 JEer's Gamm~ 28. ~2 17185 Hz~zmr & GaxrFzfm ~0.~0 1 7186 MzN~mso~a Mx~rN~ 112. 88 17187 Exes Mo~o~s INc. ~ t95.8~ 823. 95 SEWER REYENUE FUND 1902 ffrr~ or B.B.-PE~TY OAsm 5.00 ~905 DeN's Frrms~m 22.95 1904 RmF~N~rN~ ~ I~aO~. 21,189.07 1905 Faz~xmo~sm E~m¢~a~e 70.98 1906 O'B~rAN AssocrA~ms 15.80 1908 Wm. YA~ES 4.70 WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND ~0598 DAwrs ,~m~ma ~ S=~m~Y 81.73 Z0599 Rm?~N~rN~ & I~or. 2~,856.67 10400 Ror~. G. RaFr~ .80 t0~01 Jos. E. B~ms 10~02 R~r 6ar~r 4.72 10~0~ ~. ~ ~s ~. 95 ~0~0~ W~aam~ Rm~F~ 2.64 10405 Aro~mm LEF~m ~.80 10406 Jo~m U~ ema~ 4.72 10~07 Mz~r f. Lowm 5.20 10~08 fists. C~z~poo~ 5.20 10~0~ Mas. ~. E. Ses~m 1.20 10410 ELI fmomas 5.20 2~, 019.6~ WATER DEPOSITORS FUND ?457 ACer° OF WA~ma A~rm 7.50 7458 T.J. GEISENHOFF 7.50 7462 Ae¢z. OF HAaOnD WmSCOTT 7.50 OC~OBEa 16, 1967 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7~66 ~c¢~. o~ A~o~ LmF~m 7.50 7~67 lee~. o~ Jo~ U~e~a 7.50 7468 Aec~. OF M~ar T. Lowm 7.~0 7469 Aee~. or Gm~z. G~r~oo~ 7.~0 7470 A¢c~. or ~ss. W. E. Se~r 7. riO 7472 Aec~. o~ E~z T~o~s 7,50 ~EWER ~ WATER .DEPOSIT FUND 187 Acc~. or W~,. Y.a~'rr 16~90 47, 3~9.50 OCTOBER 17, 1967 GENERAL FUND 17188 $o=~s Spmmn Smop 17189 $o=~m 17190 W~rzm PUBLICITY FUND 18?'Boom,om Bmzcs 0. OF 9. O0 12.50 85. 64 769.9 ? 877.$1 18, 1967 GENERAL FUND I7191 17~ Bz~m oF Bo¥x~o~ 2~$62.65 362.65 O¢~OBmR 19, 1967 GENERAL FUND 17~92 O~sr CON~R~Ba~rON SEWER REYENUE FUND 1909 1910 O.~zr WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 10411 2las. Da~xr B. CaR~mR 10412 ~rmem~T GmRZ~TZ 10414 ~.~zN~e R~ CoRm. 10~17 O~s~ CON~a~BUF~ON 15,003,, 55 2.50 2211~6. 08 8.79 .72 1.24 22. 70 12.22 5.74 854. 77 MADE IN OOTOBER, 1967 1967 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7473 Mas, Dzvrm B. O.~sTma 7474 Has. L.P. 7475 ~eCT. OF Jo~m S¢~ 7477 Has. N~aJoar 7~81 .Aee~. OF H~J. 7~82 A¢¢~. OF F~xm 7485 A¢¢~. OF 7484 A¢¢~. OF SEWAGE DEPOSIT FUND $32 A¢¢~'. OF YrmeE~ 7.50 ~0 ~50 ~ 50 ~ 50 ~50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7..50 7.50 25~00 ~ 50 15.00 137.50 6. 50 252.31 O¢~osma 20, 1967 GENERAL FUND 17193 G~rms Smarter Or~ 00. 1 7194 BoryToy G~mor~ U~rom 17195 Cr~r OF B.B.-P~raOL~ 17196 G~rr W. COlandEr SEWER REYENUE FUND 1911 WATER SYSTEH REYENUE FUND 10418 CrazES SEi~FTeE OrL ~0. 10419 WATER DEPOSITORS 7488 Aec~. or ls~ 1,052. 33 479. O0 5, 241.70 100. O0 315.84 46.~85 1, OBT. 56 I, 134.41 .7. 50 8, $40.40 22~ 1967 GENERAL FUND 17197 C!T~, ox B,B,-PEv~Y Gzsm 1 7198 1 7199 17200 ! 7201 I ?205 172O4 1 7205 1 7206 ! ?207 ~ 7208 1 7209 172t0 1 7211 17212 1 7215 ~7214 1 7ZiG 17218 1 7219 17220 1 7221 Z 7222 1 7223 1 7224 1 7225 1 7226 20, $8 CITY OF B,B,-Wz?mR Dmpv, $40,62 OITY O.F B,B,-Pm~Y gasm BmNz ~zm~ao~m~ Im~. 9.7! B~ossom Smommm 10, O0 HzaoLm R. H~pm~ms 68.00 B.L. POL~ & Go. !28. O0 Jz~m H, Radisson MD g, O0 SxWm~L H~w~am 19, 99 S.G. gosmY 155. G6 Do~ ' s Frams~omm 1 ~I. 2~ E~ST gozs~ Pzpma Co. 29.65 Po s ~ s ~za ~00 . O0 B=s~o~ms CoRm. 315. G9 ~YLORD BROS. 32. ?0 Xmaoz Goamoaz~rom 129.10 BoYm~o~ A~o SuppLY 162,15 Ma~FaeT~amas L~Fm 21 $. 72 2, 638.29 SEWER REYENUE FUND 1915 BoYN~om 1914 Ymom~Ns BRo~zm~s Co. 1916 H~x~e~mas L~Fm 1917 Do~'s F~ms~o~m 1918 H~c~ Wi4TE£ SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 10420 CI~Y OF B,B,-.¥~'ER DmpT, 10425 Po~xa P~z~ ?.2~ 76.10 8.89 3.36 59.85 $. 67 159.12 22.80 59.10 54. ~1 342. $~ 26. $1 8.40 Oe~o~ 23. 1967 PAYNENTS MADE IN OCTOBER, 1967 (CONT') Oc~o.~a 24. 1967 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND ?489 A¢c~. oF E~NmS? ANr~mws PUBLICITY FUND 188 Boz~o~ Bc~ Hzs?oaze~ Soc. 7. 50 1,,oo. oo GENERAL FUND 17227 FL:~. Pow~ ~ Lz~ Co. 177.35 17228 E~s McA~o¥ 10.00 17229 N~?m~zm~ ~IcO~¥ ~. O0 17230 J~ms Wa~ 5. O0 17251 Wznnz~ goo~ 10.00 1722~ FL~. P~wE~ & LI~z~ 565.6~ 1 7255 F~. Powra ~ L~z~ $$~, 67 17236 C~r OF B.B.-W~TEa Bmr~. 67.~6 17237 G.P. Bm~a 57.41 17238 Rar~ Co~$~aae~roN Go. 211.22 l 7239 A~azcz~ Oz~ Ha~ZZZNE 40. O0 1 72~1 Mzz~r Hz~n 2~. 30 17242 PzaxrNso~s LAWN HOWE~ 21.80 1 7243 Taopr~zs 5.60 172~ So. BE~ Tr~. ~ TE~. 27,4~ 1, 6~0.85 SEWER REVENUE FUND 1919 FL~. Powma (~ LI~I? 1920 F~a. Powxa ~ Lz~m~ 1921 W~am A~mswo~Tm 1922 G~ 0~ Paon~c~s WATER SYSTEh' REVENUE FUND 10426 FL~. 10427 AUTOPRODUCTS INC. 10428 So. 10429 H.J. 10430 C.C. D~MpSZY Ja. 435.53 550. O0 9.60 50. O0 87. 70 16,46 59.1 7 7, 50 1.50 ~ ~OBER O¢~oBEa 2~, 1967 PAYMENTS' MADE IN OOTOBER, 1967 ~ATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7~91 C.E. HOFFM~N 7492 ~¢¢~. OF JOSN Foa~ 7~98 A¢~. o~ J.R. H~Raom GENE£AL FUND 1 7245 ~o. BELL TEL. ~ TEL. SEWED REYENUE FUk-D 1924 Ox~Y OF B. Bo-W.~mR DEpt. WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUI~ I0~$1 So. BE~ Tm~. ~ TmL. 7.50 7.50 7. 50 7. 50 ?. 50 7. 50 ?. 50 7. 50 7.50 288.85 180. 54 4.45 3~000.2~ 73.84 O¢~OmE~ 26, 1967 GENERAL FUND 17~6 FLa. Powm~ & Lz~m~ ~o. 172~7 So. BELL TEL. & TEL. SEWER REYENUE FUND 1925 F~.~. Powm~ ~ Lzs~ 0~. WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 10432 F~.~. POWE~ ~ Lr~sZ Co. WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7~99 HENRY E. TI~O~IPSOA~ 4, 132. 24 102.71 2G. 45 26. 96 270. ~8 ,1~ 657. 89 15.00 6,211.73 O¢~oBza PAYHENTSHADE IN OCTOBER, 1967 (CONT.) 1967 GENERAL FU;F~ 17251BOYNTO~ Cazsz~ U~oN 17252 CItY OF B.B.-P~onL SEWER BEFENUE FUND 1926 Cz~Y OF B.B.-PaYaO~L WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 10433 H.W. K~LrY 10455 CITY OF B.B.-PaYaO~L WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7500 AccT. 7501 AeeT. 711. O0 11,755.18 12, 466.1 <9 ~. 72 1~ 706. 8~ I, 711.56 7.50 7.50 1967 GENERAL FUND 17255 OITY OF B.B.-W.~TEI~ DEisT. 40. 76 17256 lsT B~ OF B.B. 2,391.60 17257 GZTY OF B.B.-PET~r Casz 40.85 1 7258 BOYN~ON A~o S~r~r 96.64 1 7259 CrTY Par~ ~ssz~ Go. 2~. 60 1 7260 GO~EaeE N~ '~ B~Nr 51,50 1 7261 E~S~ Coas~ Pa~za ~0. t3.1 7 17262 JacK's G~E~ CEN~Ea 9.35 17263 J~e~so~ A¢~e E~¢~¢ 16.50 17264 KEa~S fa¢¢-~N~ 22,50 17265 YSr~ ~¢DOWE~ 5, 70 17266 C~Y OF B.B.-Wa~za DEm~. 1~1.22 1726~7 K~¢E¢Ea ~Z~ ~OD~¢~S 10.65 17268 POa~Ea P~rN~ Co. 61.20 1 7269 P~ ~N~ Kr~Ar ~0. 58 17270 R~eg ffo~oas I~¢. 164.20 17271 $~ 156. 7~ SEWER REFENUE FUND 1927 G~TY oF B.B.-WATEI¢ t~EPT. WATER SYSTEM RE~'ENUE FUND 10436 ADD~ESSO~a~t~N CO~P. 1 70.14 5. O0 14,508.58 PAYMENTS MADE IN OCTOBER, 1967 (CON?.) OCTOBER 1967 GE~RAL FUND 1 ?253 17254 17272 17273 17274. 17275 17276 17277 17278 17279 17280 1 7281 1 7282 1 7285 1 ?284 1 7285 1 7286 17287 1 7288 1 7289 1 7290 1 729I 17292 1 7295 t' 7294. 17295 1 7296 1 7297 1 7298 1 7299 1 7500 1 7501 1 ?302 17503 175O4. ~ 7305 1 7306 1 7307 1 7308 1 7309 1 7510 ! 7311 17;312 ! 7515 I 7514 1 7315 ?si 6 1 751 7 1 7518 CITY OF B.B.-P~YaoL~, BOYmTON CammIT UNIOm E~Ic Y~op G~Y W. Go~xmY B~o-D~s~ B~am O~oss-B~am B~m Gaoss-B~E fixer Oily OF B.B.-Pmv~Y G~sz Or~ ce B.B.-Wz~ma Dmm~. CITY OF B.B.-PETTY ~LLEN CH~HTCAL CO~ Ezs~ Go~s~ P~mm~ Go. ~0 YNTOA~ Fmam DEPT. BOILEY ~ S ~ILL Z~m M. HowzaD LrNDoN L~ms 0 ~B~IEN, SUITER ~ O'B~TEN O~ Of B.B.-Pzz~ BOYNTON ~ELL-PUMP DON ~S FIRESTONE ~ON ~ $ FIRESTONE Fn~mrm~o Ozn 153.4'8 50. O0 100.55 1.50 4.9. O0 51. O0 4.. O0 68 7. 50 64.28 84. GO $. O0 60. 50 2.26 4.. O0 10.65 25.67 11.91 107,58 $.7O 90. $8 55. 30 5l. 75 ~_7.~0 601~ $0 132. O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 71 1 11 Ol OCTOBER PAYHENTS NADE IN OOTOBER, 1967 (GONT.) 1967 GENERAL FUND 17319 H.R. HCNTTIN~ GO. 1 7520 OR~I~ EXTEaNZmaTINe 1 7321 S~aw's RmszauaaNT 1 7324 INTERCHE~ICtL OORP. 13.56 25. O0 12. 74 10.39 29.45 24. O0 1 7325 OzTY 1 7326 GZTY 1 7327 GzTY 1 7328 G~T~' 1 7329 CITY 17330 Cz~Y 17331 az~Y 1 7332 Cz ~ Y 1 7333 CrTY OF R.B. -WATER Rmv'. 2, 581.81 OF B.B.-Sp. Ass's. 608.08 o~, B.B.-I~S Frnv~ 270.18 OF B.B.-M~m. Poo~ ~6t9.44 OF B.B.-B. Hm~.Pm OF B.B.-Fr~m B~P I~0~7.97 OF B.B.-SEwa~E F. 585~02 17355 17336 KE~ Tsz¢~o~ Go. 17~7 B~o-D~ I~e. 17338 J~em H. Ra~Ls~em MD 1733~ ZEp ~Z~FAe~aI~ Co. 1~0 ~INIEL 17541 H~LsmY & Ga~FFI~m INC. 1 73~ MODEaN FLASNEBS INC. 17547 Sr¢~ EN¢~NEE~IN~ CO. 173~8 A~¢ZNcm A~a CommrTrONrN¢ 1 7350 A¢To;_~orve~s 17351 Borm~o~ ACTO Sa~rLr I~¢. 17356 DmHza¢o T~e~oa 512. 72 143. 56 39:. 98 30. O0 25. O0 46.25 70. 56 ,38~. 90 5. O0 ~G. 96 5:7 4/. 67 50 1 7359 Fzmzscsza '$ I~,-c. 1 7360 FLa. Lzze¢r OF H~Y~¢. 17561 Dom's FIaESTONE 17562 Fn~. Powma ~ L~mV Co. ~?$~3 ADVANCE AI~ CONDTTIOI¢IN~ 54, 3~ .23 OCTOBER PAYMENTS MADE IN OCTOBER, ~967 1967 SEWER REYENUE FUND 1928 CITY OF B.B.-WaTma 1929 CITY oF B.B.-PmTTr 1930 1931 1932 1953 193~ I935 1936 1937 1938 1939 19~0 19~1 19~2 1943 DEPT. 2.30 Cas~ .56 E~s~ COAST PAPER Co. 11.19 ALLIED CHLORINE ~ CHEH. 752.40 PICaRD CHEMICAL Ce. 5.~5 ?IsDaLm's 100.00 ALLEN ~HE~TCaL CO. 14.00 ~Y OF B.B.-GmNE~L F~Hm CITY OF B.B.-WaTE~ FuNm ~G. O0 CITIES SEa~ICm OIL Co. $0.68 Wo~T~ ffHE~ZUaL ~ P~Z~T 11.02 U~Z~Em STa rES Cemc~mTm 653. 56 Ymo¢~s BROTmERS Co. 2?3.67 WATER 10437 10438 10439 10440 10441 10442 10443 10444 10445 10~6 10~ 7 10~8 104~9 SYSTEM REYENUE FUND LmL ia H. EIcIc Y~LLeP A~m~¢~N C~s~ IaoN P~pm D~Is HETER ~ SUPPLY E~s~ Cm~ST P~PEa Co. WmrT~ M~cDowEnA ~LLIED CNLORINE DON ~S CrT~ om B.B.-~mNma~L F. 9.70 5. 20 26. 64 5.20 45, 94 48. 108. O0 18.76 2~-. O0 250. 80 4. O0 86. 55 ~, 69G. 0~ .20 20~. 7~ 69.66 5.27 19~ 73 2, 645~ $9 OCTOBER PAY~IENTS HADE IN OCTOBER, 1967 (CONT.) 31, 1967 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7502 AccT. 7505 ACCT. OF ROBT. BlaTLEY 750~ ACCT. OF HZaN~NDEZ TExaco 7505 AccT. oF Lznr~ Ba~NT 7507 ~ec~. os P~ Mm~e~m~ ?~08 AccT. ce R~s~ L~w~m~cm 7509 Acc~. OF H.W. fm~sr 7510 Acc~. OF J~c~ H~zas 7511 ~cc~. o~ Y~o~m~m DmOos~o 7512 Acer. o~ W~n ~ O~m 75I~ ~cc~. OF H~S. W. T¢OmE~S FIREMEN'S RELIEF ~ PENSION FUND 189 Ha~oLm P. Hmaa~m¢ PUBLICITY FUND 191 192 MUNICIPAL SWIM~ING POOL FUND Z93 C'r~r OF B.B.-GENm~z~ 7. 50 7.50 15. O0 7. 50 15. O0 7. 50 7.50 7.50 15. O0 7.50 7. 50 7. 50 112.50 2~. 2?. 25.20 1,539.97 l, 365.1 7 7,238.88 777.