Minutes 11-06-67MINRJTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL~~ BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA~ ~ONDAY~ NOVE.~'iBER 6, 1967 AT 7:50 P M. PRESENT: Michael V. ~'iichael~ ~4ayor Thomas A. Summers, Vice Mayor Gilbert H. Collins~ Councilman Leonard E. Nylund~ Councilman A. Clyde Worrell, Jr., Councilman Mr. J. Humph~ey, City ~ttorney G. W. Coumtney, City Manager Tereesa Packjett, City Clerk Invocation was given by A. Clyde Wo~rell, Councilman. Flag salute was led by Vice ~ayor Summers. Recognition of representatives of Civic Organizations: Mr. Bob Effron and Mr. HenPy Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. MIk~dTES M~. Summers moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of Oct. 16, be a~epted with the eorrection /n spelling of the name of '~Bracalello" ~on Page 2. Seconded by Mr. Worrell. ~nan/mously carried. Er. Nylund moved that we accept the minutes of the Special Meeting of October 25, 1967. Seconded by Yn~. Collins. ~nan/mously carried. Summers moved that the minutes of the Spec/al ~ieeting of October 50, 1967~ be accepted. Seconded by Ph~. Worrelt. Unan/mously carried. OLD BUSINESS Discuss policu Of charging non-p~ofit O~ganizations deposits (on Table) Mr. Summers moved that this be taken off the table for discussion. Seconded by Mr. Nylund. ~nanlmously carried. Discussion held. P~. Courtney advised that he had contacted the cities of West Palm Beach, Delray Beach~ Boca Raton, Deerfield and Lake Worth and they all charge deposits. The Committee recommends no exception be made to any organization. On the water and sewer~ we feel that after making a study of this that it would be a safe~ sound, business like way to make no concessions to any customer and then if the council wishes ~ they do have a ~ight undem the law to make a cont-~ibution and then it can be considemed a donation. Mayor Michael stated that when we went through the records we f6und that on some of the old accounts we did not charge~ but with some new ones we did chamge and we need to take a definite stand on this at this time. Mm. Courtney stated that the Bond Ordinance requi~es us to collect from everybody and it is against the Bond Ordinance to give any f~ee semviees to anyone. -1- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEF~ER 6, 1967 Mm 0 Summems moved that a deposit be required on all utilities~ Sec- onded by Mm, Collins. Unanimously carmied. P~BLIC A~DIENCE No one came foreword to speak. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. LEGAL Omdinance 67-15 (2nd Reading) - height of hedqes~ etc. City Attorney mead the title of this omdinance. Discussion held. Mr. Summers moved that we table this o~dinance 67-15 on second read- lng. Seconded by Mm. Womrell. Unanimously ca~mied. Ordinance 67-16 (2nd Reading) -,,liming of guns. The City Attorney ~ead the heading of this omdinanee. F~. Nylund moved that Ordinance 67-16 be passed on second reading. Seconded by Mm. Collins. Unanimously carried. O~d, inance 67-17 (2nd Reading) - position of E,l~,ectrical Inspector, City Attomney mead the heading of this ordinance and explained it to the audience. Mr. Wom~elt moved that Ordinance 67-17 be passed on second reading. Seconded by M~. Summers. ~nanimously carried. O~dinance 67-18 (2nd Reading) - position of Plumbing Inspector. City Attorney read the heading of this ordinance and explained it to the audience. Mr. Womrell moved that Ordinance 67-18 be appmoved on second reading. Seconded by M~. Ny!und. Unanimously carmied. O~dinance 67-19 (lst Reading) - Amending Sec. 13-18 of the Code - Re lot cleaminq. City Attorney read the ordinance and gave a ~eport on the purpose of this omdinance. M~, Summers moved that Omdinance 67-19 be passed on first reading. Secor~ded by Mr. Collins. ~nanimously carried. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL h~ETING NOVEMBER 67 1967 Ordinance 67-20 (lst Reading) - Amending Sec. 24-16 of Code - re rigid construction of signs. City Attorney read Ordinance 67-20 and explained the purpose of same. Mr. Summers moved that Ordinance 67-20 be passed on f/mst reading. Seconded by Mr. Worrell. Unan/mously carried. Ordinance 67-21 (lst Reading) - Amending Sec. 24-4 of Code ~_e_ fee sched_ute for signs. City Attorney read the ordinance and explained purpose o£ same. Discussion held. Mr. Nytund moved that we table Ordinance 67-21 until the next workshop meeting. Seconded by Mr. Worrelt. Hnanimously carried. Ordinance 67-22 (lst Reading) - Amending Sec. 2-4.5 of Code - re compensation of City Engineer Position. City Attorney read Ordinance 67-22 and advised that the present ordin- ance specifies a certain amount for the City Eng/neer and this amend- ment deletes the spec/~ic amount ar~ allows the Council to set fee as they see fit. Mr. Summers moved that Ord/nance 67-22 be approved on first reading. Seconded by Mr. Collins. Unan/mously carried. Ordinance 67-23 (lst Reading) - Amending Sec. 30-3 of the Code. The Council decided that this Ordinance should be tabled for workshop meeting. ADMINISTRATIVE Consider request on Special Asses.sment Lien ~66-2. City ~anager, Grady Courtney, discussed this with the Council and discussed the amount of fill that should have been put on the property and the amount of fill that actually was put on the property. Dis- cussion was held and it was decided to table this matter until a complete study of the matter was completed. ~. Su~ems moved to table Special Assessment Lien #66-2 request until next meeting. Seconded by Mr. Collins. Unanimously carried. Consider request o~ Road Planning Committee. City Manager advised the Cotlncil that a survey is needed for this and the money is already in the budget. Hank Thompson, Chairman of the Road Planning Committee, came forward to discuss the latest developments on this matter. He advised that the Turnpike Authority will consider participating with public funds or municipal funds under certain circumstances, but first they require -3- MINUTES REGULAR CITY CO%iNCIL ~.ETING NOVEMBER 6~ i967 a feasibility study be made for approx/mately $3~800.00. We have met with the Turnpike Authority in Fort Lauderdale. They indicated that they would give favorable consideration to Boynton Beach if the traffic count per day indicates 1:000 or more cars per day. If~the traffic count per day is less than 1~000 cars per day they will not consider participation. Dis %uss ion held. He also advised that if the traffic count is less than 1~000 the Turn- pike Authority must ~eceive a ~uarantee fro. m local int..erests, In any case~ they will not proceed with construction unless iT has received traffic reports~ etc. He advised that at the Delray _~terchange the count is in excess of 7~000 to t0~000 cars per day. Don ~organ has estimated about 4~000 cars per day at Boynton Beach. Mr. Summers questioned~fthis money would be absorbed in the overall construction and then returned to the city. Mw. Thompson stated that if the study indicates less than 1,000 it is possible we can still raise the money from private sources. Summers asked if we must make the study before we can do anything. Mm. Thompson stated ~yes~. Mayor ~{ichael questioned as to who makes the survey and who gets the money. ~r. Thompson stated that ~the Turnpike authority~. Mayor Michael requested to know if they will give this to us in Mr. Thompson stated that will be automatic with them. This has been the action in the past. Discussion held. The Attorney was requested to check into this matter and get something in writing to assure us that we would get our money beck if and when the interchange is built. Mr. Summers stated that this is taxpayer's money we are using and we have to make sure it is being spent wisely and that an Interchange would be really great for us. Mr. Su~r~ers moved that for the future development of Boynton Beach he feels it is worthwhile that we spendthe $~800. already budgeted for feasibility survey for Interchange~ upon receipt o~ approval from the City Attorney that we have some assurance that we wl!l get our money back from the Turnpike Authority. -4- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~EETING NOVE~[BER $: 1967 Seconded by Mr. Collins. Unanimously carried. ~Bthorization requested to go out ~or bids: 1. Aquatic Weed Control The City Manager reported about the possibility of permanent control for weeds - make perpetual maintenance part as Alternate Bid. Dis cuss ion held. Mr. Worrell moved that we go out for bids in accordance with perpetual care discussion just held. Seconded by Mr. ~yluna. Unanimously carried 2. Fou? (4) Police Cruisers 3. Two (2) Garbage Packers 4. One (1) Back Hoe 5. One (1) Crawler Tractor Mr. Nylund moved that we authorize the City Manager to go out for bids on items 2 thru 5 inclusive. Seconded by tcm. Summers. Unanimously carried. Application for permit to solicit. 1. League of Women Voters of Pa]m] Beach County - Nov. 14th~ 2. Heart Association of Palm Beach Co. - February~ 1968. ~nited Fund - December 1957 thru February 1968'. 1967 F~. Summers moved that all three permits be authorized. Seconded by Mr. Worrell. Unanimously carried. ~. Summers moved that these charitable organizations pay £or their own advemtis~g. Seconded by ~[r. Collins. Unanimously carried. Applications for BeveraGe License 1. Henri's Restaurant~ Inc. - 1002 N. Fed. H~y. Beer License (on premises and take-out) 2. The Annex - 4t6~ .:.W. 2nd ~venue. Beer & Wine ( take-out only ) Discussion held. Mr. Summers moved that these t~;o applications be approved and licenses granted providing' all inspections are approved. Seconded by Nylund. U~an~nous!y carried. ~[r. Fuller, Building Inspector, advised the Council that Her~i's had -5- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING NOVEMBER 6~ 1967 considerable work to be done yet before any approval could even be cons idered. Consider appoin'~ment of City Engineer and Aetin9 Public ~,~rtcs and Utilities Director, Mayor Michael read letter from the City Manager regarding Harold Hopkins being employed by the City as City Engineer and Acting Public Works and ~tilities Director. IT. Summers moved that we accept the recommendation of Mr. Courtney and appoint ~T. Harold ~ ~' Hopkins at a base salar~ of $9~00. per annum as City Engineer~ Acting Public Works and ~tilities Director. Seconded by ~4p. Wo~rell. Unanimously carried. At this time I,T. Harold Hopkins was introduced by PT, Courtney. ,Receipt of NomLnees for Citv Council City Clerk read letter presentin9- the six (6) nominees for City Council, L. R, (Blackie) Dlacketer Gilbert H. (Gib) Collins Vincent J. (Jbn) Gallo Randolph M. Lee Matthew A. Macaulay Curtis A. Weaver Mr. Su3~mers moved that these candidates be accepted as nominees for City Council for Boynton Beach. Seconded by Mr. Nylund. Unanimously carried. ~,9int Election Board for Primary Election. The City Clerk read the list of names. One (1) Clerk and One (1) Deputy £or each polling place and eight (8) Inspectors for each poll: The following have asked to serve on the Board: 1. Mrs. Edythe Hood !1. ~l~s. Mildred Hallier 2. Harvey B. Stuart 12. Royce Stevic 3. Mrs. Jan Wertz 13. Mrs. Helen Brull 4. Mrs. Irene Sheridan 14. Mrs. Catherine 3affney 5. Mrs. Mildred Lofley 15. ~rs. Dorothea ]%ich 6. Mrs. Erna Weaver 16. hrs. Louise Le Fort 7. Mrs. Marie Deyo 17. ~s. Lilly Mad:;en 8. f{rs. Mildred Dodson 18. Mrs. Myrtle Tal~ber 9. Mrs. Marjorie Kirkpatrick 19. Mrs. Frances ~n Devender 10. Mrs. Lizetta Terges~n 20. Miss Dorothy S]~eppe~d Mr. Nylund moved that we accept the appointees as ~ead IT. ~rrell, Unanimously carried. Seconded by MI~dTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVE~BER 6~ t9ro7 City Clerk read Proclamation on the elections: - Primary the 21st day of November ~ 1967 and General Election the 5th day o~ Decembers 1967, Mr. Su~.~ners moved that the ~{ayor be authorized to sign this Proclama- Tion. Seconded by Mr. Ny%und. Unanimously carried. Receipt of Resignation o~ William D. Kelsh, as Chairman o£ Electrical Examin Ln~ Boa,rd. ~{r. Ny/~lnd moved that we accept the resignation of Mr. William Kelsh from the Elect-~icai Examining Boamd with letter of appreciation to ~ir. Kelsh for his services. Seconded by Mr, Worrell. ~nanimously carried. Consider request of Leroy Parker Post ~288 - re city finding a lot ,for, them to build a club house for Lero,v Parker Post ~88. Dis c%~s s ion held. }.~. Summers advised he would be glad to contact the Le~ion Commander and the Day Care group and maybe they could work out something together and help the Day Care Center defray expenses. Mr. Worre!l moved t~t we regretfully write a letter t? Leroy Parker Post ~288 that the City is not ~ a position at this time to donate ~or construction of the Post. Seconded by l,~r. Collins, Hnanimously carried. Refund requested on siqn permit fee. Mr, Worrell moved that we table this item. Seconded by ~r. Nylund. ~nanimously carried. Approya! of Dills 1. Chamber of Commerce - $1~539.97 2. Fla. League of Municipalities ~or fiscal year 196~68 - S600. 15. 3. Halpin~ Ine.~ 9-67 to 10-87 - $6:704.28 - re Sewer Improvements-A~a 4, Lyndon Lanes Corporation - 8~4!0.00 - City Hall Repairs. Lyndon Lanes bill subject to approval for ~uarantee the cracks be fixed and replace sod where sand was stored. Mr. Summers moved that these bills be paid with Lyndon Lanes Corp, beinq subject to Building Inspector's approval before payment. Seconded by Mr. Worreil. Unanimously carried. OT~R City M~nager Courtney asked for approval from Council re§arding getting permission for having repair work including labor - $500.00 on one -7- C MI-~TES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING NOVE~DER 6~ 1967 of the pickup trucks. Discussion held. 2~i~. Wor~ell moved that the City I~anage~ he authorized to 9-0 out for bids ~om the purchase of a new pickup truck, Seconded by ~. Su~mmers. Unanimously carried. AD .JOURN~NT ~/lr. Sub. ers moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Wo~rel!. Unanimously carried. Meetin9~ adjourned at 10:00 P.M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA h~chael V. MicSael~ PIayor Thon~/A ~ Su~rs.~ Vice ~{ayo~ Gilbert H. Collins~ Councilman Le~6nard E. Nylund ~ Co~ztcilman -8-