Minutes 09-11-67MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL t~ETING, HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA~ MONDAY, SEPTE~'iB-ER 1t, 1967 AT 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Michael V. Michael~ Mayor Grady W. Courtney, City Manager Thomas A. Summers, Vice [v~ayor Ronald Fruda~ City Attorney Gilbert H. Co!lS~ns, Councilman Tereesa Padgett~ City Clerk Leonard E. Nylund~ Councilman A~ Clyde Worrell~ Jr.~ Councilman Mayor Michael opened the meeting. The Invocation was given by Rev. Vernon P. Perkins, First Baptist church and the flag salute was led by Vice Mayor S~mmers. The Council recognized representatives of Civic Organizations as follows: Mr. Howell and Mr. Farrar representing the Chamber of Commerce; and ~. Penney representing the Boat Club. MINUTES Mr. Worrell moved that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Bugust 21, 1967 be accepted as written. Seconded by Mr. Nylund. Motion carried. Mr. Summers did not vote because he was absent from the Bugust21 meeting sus rsss Con~ider sewer rates for restaurants (On the table) Mr. Summers moved that the sewer mates for ~estaurants be removed from the table. Seconded by }.~. Nylund. Hnanimously carried. Discussion %~s held. Mayor Michael advised that considerable amounts of water at many restau- rants were used for things other than being returned to the sewer such as watering grass~ shrubs~ etc. Mr. Worrell inquired of the City Manager if it v~u!d be possible to install a second meter fom water used on the outsideOf the buildings. He advised that this could be done. Mr. Worreli moved that we do not change our policy for establishing sewer rates for restaurants with the fact that separate meters are avail- able to them to help ~elieve the gmoss amount of %~ter for sprinklers. Seconded by Mr. Summers. ~nanimously carried. BIDS - AWARD - ANALYTICAL BALANCE City Clerk advised that the low bidder was William Ainsworth & Sons in the amount of $550,00. The tabulating committee have checked this out and approved it. Mr. Nylund moved that we accept th? tabulating commit- tee~s recommendations and award the bid to William Ai~sworth & Sons, Seconded by Mr. Collins. Unanimously carried. -i- MINOTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~EETING SEPTEMBER 11~ i967 PHBLIC HEARING Request for ChanGe in Zoning: Parcel 1: ~nat part of the North 421 ft. of Lot 3 of Subdivision of Sec. 33, Township 45S~ Range 43E, lying West of the West line of Seac~est Boulevard. Request: R-1 to R-3A Location: 2003-2109 S. Seacrest Blvd. Owners: Michael Susik & H. H. Thiele Mayor Michael asked if t-here was anyone in the audience in favor this change to please come forward. Mro Thiele~ part owner: came forward and gave several reasons why a rental unit of this type would benefit the City of Boynton Beach, and considerable other information favoring the matter. Mrs. Joan Durante~ 203 S.E. 4th Avenue~ came forward and presented a Petition to the Council with 85 names ~ who agree with her that Boynton Beach needs rental apartments. The Cit}, Clerk read the first paregraph of the Petition. Col. Wehrell, member of the Planning & ZonJ~ng Board and a resident of B~ynton Isles, came forward to defend himself againstthe newspaper pub- llcity in ~ecent %~eks~ and explained his reasons for voting the way he did at the Planning & Zoning Board meetings on the above mentioned zoning chan~e request. Mr. Joseph Tomberg: representing Mr. Rose - adjacent Droperty owner, came forward to advise why his client did not %~nt the zoning changed and that he was against any change. Mr. Bill Humphreys of 143 S.W. 24th Avenue came forward and presented a petition from residents in Westchester Heights and ~joining properties- He also read a letter he had w~itten to the Council~ but did not mail it in time for this meeting. Mr. Michael Susik~ part owner of the property requesting the change~ came forward in rebuttal of ~at had been said by the prior people. Mr. Richard Johnson~ 115 S. Boulevard~ High Point, came forward advising that he purchased an apartment in June and paid $12~5~O. etc. He ob- jected to the rental units being built next door stating~ they would attz'act a different type of people as those already in High Point~ etc. Mm. Summers advised he feels that this City does need rental units, but where to put them is a good question. We now have in the budget $5~000 mome to bring the Master Plan up to date~ and suggestqd %~ wait until the master plan is brought up to date before we decid~ whether it is advisable for us to proceed. MIh~JTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING SEPTEMBER i1~ 1967 Mr. Nylund agreed there is a need for ~ental apartments. Said he feels tb~t Seacrest has so much traffie on it now that rental units like this would be an asset and would bring in tax dollars. Mr. Courtney stated the City would be ahead of the ga~e with apartments as it would have no exemption. However, he would hasten to say that in zoning you don't ~lange to get the most tax doilarwise. Mr. Worrell said that as far as he can see the planning is good~ the spacing is not against the present appearance in the area. He can't see where ~his would be detr/mental to the area, or w~e~e the master plan is going to bring us anything further that we don't already know. Mr. Worrell moved that we approve the zoning change f~om R-1 to R-3A. Seconded by Mr. Collins. Roll call vote: I¥~. Nylund - Yes Mr. Summers - No - reason not against zoning but we should have master planner make decision first. Mayor Michael - Yes Mr. Collins - Yes Mr. Worrell - Yes Motion carried 4-1. Mayor Michael explained his opinion in this matter and the only thing he can say at this t~ne is that contrary to what they have done in the past it seems that this area has already been planned for this type of building. I don't feel that anyone would purchase this property parti- cularly from 15th to 23rd and build a residential home. Parcel 2: Lot 7~ and all that part of Lot 8~ West o£ Seacrest Blvd.~ and North of Westchester Heights; Lots 63 and 64~ Crestview S/D; also Lot tl and that portion of W% of Lot t2, lying North of $.W. 2Srd Avenue, Section 33~ Township 45S~ Range 43E. Request: R-l, R-1A~ R-iAA to R-SA Location: West of 2001-2329 S.Seacrest Blvd. LN. S.W.23 Owners: Florida Harbor Hills, Inc,- ~reat Ave. Neck Communities; Robert Rose, ~rie Rose & Robert Rose~ Jr. Mr, Joseph Tomberg~ representing the Rose interest, .c~.me forward in ~avor of the request for change of zoning: advising they requested this change so they can go in with multiple units. Dr. Manthey~ 800 Chapel Hill Blvd, came forward against the change and stated the Council had made a mockery of the zoning situation in the Cit Mr. Don Besecker, 139 S.W. 24th Avenue, came forward and advised he -3- MI%~TES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~P~ETiNG SEPTEI,~BER !1 ~ 1967 was also against this change as that is a meal nice section in that area and he would hate to see it do%~ngraded. Mm. Curtis Weaver: 148 S,W. 24th ~venue~ Westchester Heights came for- ward and in opposition to the requested change. Mm. Summers advised that 1-95 will have some effect on this ~rea and again mequested the Council to delay a decision on this matter until the Master Planner advises on this area. Mayor Michael stated that this request covers a large area and there is no continuity between the two pieces of property. I am against down- grading this area and it should be kept as residential. P~, Worrell said on the first parcel ~here was a usage plan presented. To the moment I do not know anything about a plan on this parcel we are now discussing. Mr. Nylund moved we deny the request on Parcel #2. Seconded by Mm. Collins. Unan/mously carried. Request denied. PUBLIC AUD~NCE Mr. Robert Byron a new res ident of Sterling Village came forward ad- vising he thouqht condominiums improved the area rather tt~an degenerated it. City Clerk read let*er from the Sterling Village Association signed by C. E. Barner= President: regarding homestead exemption for condominiums. Mr. Courtney mentioned that just a ~ew meetings back he remembered that this Board was very proud to have the condominiums in town. Mr, Su~aers sta'ted that he said that if this law passes for each apart- ment in a condominium be given homestead exemption o~ $5 ~000. that ail the cities in Florida are in trouble for taxes. The cities will have to find other means of taxation to make up for this loss. Dis cuss ion held. NEW BUS iIYESS There was no new business LEGAL OrdinanCeGardens 67-10 (2nd Reading) rezoning Lots 8~9~10 g 11, Lakeside City Attorney mead Ordinance 67-10 on second reading. Mr. Nylund moved that Ordinance 67-10 be approved on second reading. Seconded by Mr, Worrell. Unanimously carried, -4- MI~dTES REGULAR CI.~Y COUNCIL i~ETING SEPTEMBER I1~ 1967 Ordinance 67-11 (ist reading) adoD,ting 1967-6S Budget, City Attorney read Ordinance 67-11 on first reading. Mr, Summers moved that the Ordinance 67-11 be passed on first read~ ~_ng, Seconded by ~i~, Nylund. Unanimously carried, Ordinance 67-12 (ls__t reading) setting the 1967 millage, City Attorney mead O~dinance 67-12 on first readimg, Mr, Summers moved that Ordinance 67-12 be passed on first reading, Seconded by lit, Collins, Unanimously carried, Resolution 67-R establishing rates for garbage pickup and, dump chgs, City Attorney read Resolution 67-R, Mr, Nylund moved that Resolution 67-R be passed and~ adopted as written. Seconded by ~im, Summers, Unanimously carried, Resolution 67-S establishing Utility Deposit Bank AccounT, City attorney z~ead Resolution 67-S, ~ir, Worrell moved that Resolution 67-S be passed and adopted, Seconded by ~4r, Collins, Unanimously carried, _R,eport on legal advertising City Attorney read opinion submitted to the Council August 23~ 1967~ and advised that Boynton Beach News Journal meets the requirements of the Chamter and the City can publish legal publications in ths t paper, Mayor ~ichael read his letter to the Council suggesting that the Boynton Beach Mews be given an opportunity to pmint the City legal ads, Boynton Beach Star h?s had ~ monopoly up to- this time and we should give them a chance cna an opportunity to receive our adve_~tisem~nts, Discussion held. Mm, Summers moved that this be tabled until the nex~ workshop meeting, Seconded by Mr. Collins, Unanimously carried, ADMINISTRATIVE ~A_pDlications for permit to solicit 1, March of Dimes The city elemk read letter from Mamch of Din~s, Considerable discussion was held, Mr, Summers moved that we permit MI~dTES REC~JLAR CITY COUNCIL MEET/~NG SEPTE~iBER lid 1967 the March of Dimes to have their solicitation Ln January 1968. Sec- onded by ,~i~, Nylund~ Unanimously carried, 2. .Bo,~nton Beach Child Care Center Mr. Worretl moved that the Boynton Beach Child Care Center be given permit to solicit. Seconded by Mr. Collins. UD~%nimously carried. Appoint Election Board - September 26th, Special Election City Clerk read the memorandum~ and advised we need 1 Clerk~ 1 Dep- uty and 7 inspectors. Mr. Worrell moved they take them numbered 1 through 8 from the list as follows: ~h-s. Edythe Hood, Clerk Mrs. Mildred Lofley Mrs. Erna Weaver Mrs. Mildred Ha!lief Mrs, ~,~rjorie Ki~kpatPick Mrs. Zetta Tergesen Mrs. Dorothea Rich Mrs. Helen Brutl Hr. C. U. Penney~ Deputy Motion was seconded by ~r. Collins and unanLmously carried. Committee repor~ on street repairs Mr. Summers gave his report that Mr. Nylund and M~, Courtney and he drove all over the City and that there were so many si~eets needing work that they don't k~now which one to start on first. Discussion held. Tabled to next workshop meeting. Approval requested to solicit bids on Traffic Lig'ht. Mr. Sum~ners moved tha~ we go out for bids on traffic light. onded by ~Ir. Worre!t. Unanimously carried. Sec- Establish meeting date for 2nd readin~ of Budget O~dinanees. They will have to have a special meeting September 27th~ morning after election and they can be read at this meeting. P~. Nvlund moved to call Special Meeting for second reading of Budget Ordinances and eanvasing election metu~ns for September 27th at 9:00 A.M. Seconded by Mr. Sun%~ers. Unanimously carried. Establish policy requiring financial statements from organizations re- cei~raunity promotion funds. . Mr. Worreti moved that any organization receiving mone~ from the City -6- C MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING SEPTEMBER !1. i957 of Boynton Beach will supply~ prior to receiving any funds~ a financial statement covering last years activities as certi£ied by their duly elected or appointed treasurer. Seconded by Mr. Nylund. Unanimously carried. This does.~ not include band uniforms, etc. It would be for organiza- tions lm~e the Chamber of Commerce~ Jr. Woman's Club ~Beau~y Pagent), Boynton Beach Jaycees (Soapbox Derby), etc. City Clerk advised Chamber of Commerce expenses for August 1967 were $1~063.12. Mr. Nylund moved that this bill be authorized ~or payment. Sec- onded by Mr. Summers. Unanimously carried. City Clerk advised Pennsalt Chemical bill for $3~879.00 is due for payment. Mr. Sunmers moved that this bill for Pennsa!t Chemical be paid. Seconded by Mr. Nylund. Unanimously carried. OIIqER Nothing. ADJOUP~W~.~NT Mr. Worrell moved the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Mr. Summers. Unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M. Tereesa Padget~City Clerk Lee