AUGUST 7, 1967 AT 7:30 P.M.
Michael V. Michael, Mayor
Thomas B. Sun%mers~ Vice Mayor
Leonard E. Nylund, Councilman
Gilbert H. Collins, Councilman
The ~yor called the meeting to order. The Invocation by Col. Wehrell
and the flag salute was ted by Rona!d Fruda, City Attorney.
G~ady W. Courtney, City Manager
Ronald Fruda, City Attorney
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Mr. Nylund moved that the Minutes of the Ju~y 17th meeting be accepted
as w~itten. Seconded by M~. Summers. Unanimously carried. ~. Clyde
Worrell was absent from this meeting.
Mr. Summers moved that the Minutes of the July 31st meeting be accepted
as w~itten. Seconded by Mr. Nylund. ~nanimously carried.
Consider Rates for Garbage Collection (On the table)
Mr. Nylund moved to take this off the table for discussion. Seconded
by Mr. Collins. Hnanimously carried.
Mr. Nylund requested M~. Court-ney, City Manager, to give the report on
the Committee,s study on garbage collection. Mr. Court-ney advised that
the Committee feels that the City should charge all single household
units (including apartments) the sum of 81.25 each. This would be
raising the rates 25% to everyone concerned. The Comr~ittee also feels
that businesses, based on the rates they now have, should be increased
25%. If there are apartments only occupied 40% of the time that the
individuals thc t occupy these apartments could come to City Hall and
by signin~ a form would not be char~jed %~i!e the apartment was not in
use. Mr. Nylund advised that they had discussed that matter with apart-
ments and apartment owners and this would only be done if people were
going to be away a month or more a~ a time. Every apartment should have
its own garbage can and those using one garbage can for two or more
families is in violation of the City O~dinance.
Mr. Harry LaForte, 725 Ocean Inlet Drive~ CoQuina Cove, came forward
and wanted to know how much the City expects to run in the red for
1966-67. Mr. ~ourtney a~vised it would be approximately 1/3 or 1/4 or
approximately St8,000~ $20,000, not considering deprecation of equip-
Mayor Michael advised the actual time it takes is nor Of g~eat signi-
ficance, and explained that the City is still going to have the
number of trucks~ same number of me~ ~ ....... same
=~ =~u. ~n~ r~nat is the main concern.
AUGUST 7~ 1967
~m. George Miles, Chape. 1 Hill Boule. vard came forward, and discussed this
urther with the Councit~ and mentioned they have started back several
months ago picking up t~ash every week and it had never been done before.
Suggested they pi~ up trash onc~ every other week instead of every week.
Mm. Paul Anton, Attorney from Holiywood~ re. presenting
and Sterling Village came forward. He advised he was Hampshire Gardens
here to protest
the increase in the cost of garbage collection. Advised that the charge
of $1.25 would be out o£ line for these t~o communities. He also ad-
vised the possibility of these two communities hav/ng outside collection
service come into Boynton and pickup the garbage.
~i~. Ralph Hughes ~ Superintendent of Sanitmtion Depart~ent~ came forward
and advised that the men collecting the garbage would rather pick up
other places than the underground cans a~ the apartments because of the
picking up of the cans. The curb pick-ups are ~uch e~sier fo~. them.
- 3us~ as Long from underground as curbside in
front of a house.
Mr. LaForte came forward again questioning the legali~ of an outside
garbage pick-up service to come into the City. The City would have to
give them a franchise before that would be allowed. Discussion held.
Mr: Ny!un.d a. dvised that they. have also discussed the dpmp charges with
private lnd!viduals coming into the City dump an~ charging County pri~es.
Mr. Nylund moved that we go ahead with this 25% increase on any dwelling
on the rates for individual units and also for our commercial section
and follow County Dump charges ~or our t~ucks from $2.50 a load to $5.
Seconded by Mr. Collins. Hnanimously carried.
.C. 0nsider position of Citv Enqinee~ (On the table)
Mr. Summers moved that this be moved from the table. ~otion failed ~or
lack of a second.
Russe]t g Axon on this.
._ - . . Letter read by M~. Summers.
nas excessmve use or water ~or lawns and shrubs~ etc.
1ness property they should be allowed to operate a sops
that purpose. It would be up to the City ~nspector to
someone doesn't take advantage of this situation. The
have to pay the reTalar rate ~om the in~stallation of a
quired 3/4~ or 1~' meter~ the business would have to pa~
tion purposes he would only be charged a. Pate the same
Report by Vice bi~vor SunLmers on Sewer Rates for Business places
a d shrubs ~ etc. ~nd his complaint
was that the water and sewer were tied together and I ~sked Russell &
A~x~on_~to~ _giv~e ~m~e ~a .report and.we went .l~ek to the beginning of this year
~u ~uu uuc a~£ his wa~e~ anu sewer bills and I have a letter from
f any water ¢usrom~
utside the bus
rate meter fo~
make sure tha~
business would
eter (i~ it re-
it)~ for irmiga-
~s a household.
AUGHST 7~ 1967
Mr. Johnston of Water Department also advised that any business requir-
ing water other than business purposes suc~ as irrigation~ sprinklers~
eta. put in additional meter for the beautification u§e only.
Mr. John Klink~ representative of Russell & Axon~ came forward to discuss
this further,
Mr. Howell came forward and advised that many people who have properties
that should be wa~ered do not water because of the additional expense,
Mr. George Miles c~me forward to discuss this further;
~r~ Nylund moved that we table this until we can go into further study
on the matter. Seconded by Mr. Collins, Unanimously carried.
Discuss contr_act on A~uatic Weeds
The Pennsalt Company in Montgomery~ Alabama: submitted a new bid which
would cover Venetian Isles: Treasume island~ one sec~ion~Golfview Harbor
one section: and Bel-aire one section for $$:879.00.
Mr. Summers moved that we take this proposed bid and authorize the Mayor
to sign the contract with Pennsal~ for the sum of $3~879.00. Seconded
by Mr. Nylund. Unanimously carmied.
Annexation letter presented bv Mr, Nylun~
Mr. Nylund moved that the City Clerk read this letter.~to the minutes
of this meeting. Seconded by ~r. Collins. Vo~e two ih favor and two
against. Request denied.
Considerable discussion was had on this matter. City ~ttorney read news~
paper article and also telegram he had received from Senator Jerry Thomas
regarding ~his, also letter from Hank Thompson
[~r. Nylund stated that the letter was to be made available to the press
so therefore the P~ayor asked that it be read so that the party eon-
cerned (Mr, Prude) could also offer his rebuttal in public.
Mr, Ny!und moved to rescind the vote and prior moEion on this. Sec-
onded by Mr, Collins. Unanimously carried.
The Council agreed that the letter from Hank Thompson addressed to Mr.
Nylund be read. The City Clerk read this letter.
Mr. Fruda advised that the General Law on annexation was declared uncon-
stitutional and the City has no law to annex. He read a letter from a
member of the House of Representatives advising that i% was required to
publish Bill thirty days prior to presentation to the ~ouse. They did
not have time to do this and get it before the House.
Mayor Michael advised that upon learning that the Counc~! had no power
to adopt a pension plan: Mr. Courtney and he were asked to go to Talla-
hassee to this end~ and the other councilmen instructed them not to push
AUGUST 7~ 1967
the annexation bill if it would hurt the chances of the pension plan.
The pension plan should come first. Mr. Humphrey con~acted all the
representatives ~rom Palm Beach County and also the S~natoms and stated
that only the pension bill had any chance. It was further noted that
the Senators said when the pensio~ bill comes before the Se. hate they
ask that it be put on the calendar then they will vote against it.
Mayor Michael advised that the Annan and Banos and Pandelly property
owners have gone to the County Planning and Zoning Board twice and ~ere
were turned do%,~n both times. They will not come in to the City of
Boynton Beach any other way than under their own terms. This is the only
piece of propez~ty that has been pushed for annexation - I wOnder why~.
Considerable discussion was held.
~. Fruda advised again that it would take a special act before 'the
Legislature be£ore we will be able to annex any property.
.Request for change in zonin~
Lots 8, 9~ 10 and 1t, Lakeside Gardens~ as recorded
in Plat Book 8~ Page 57~ Palm Beach County records.
Request: C-! to R-SA
Location: 617 Dimick Road
Owner: Mrs. Effie Keller
~yor Michael asked if anyone present had any objections to this change.
No one came forward. He asked if anyone was in favor of the change.
Mrs. Ketler~ the ov~er and the person requesting this change came for-
ward ~o advise the reason why she wan~ed the re-zoning was so that she
could build a small house for herself.
Mr. Summers moved tha= the mequesT be granted. Seconded by Mr. Nylund.
Unanimously carried,
Col. Wehrel! came forward to advise that South Palm Beach County Commis-
sioner Waz~en suggested recently another South Palm Beach 1-95 Tax
District and he ~nted everyone to know that this woul~ only increase
the taxes approximately 2 mills if this was done~ and he felt we have
enough tax burdens now without any more.
Mr. Don McKone of 718 Shore Drive~ Coquina Cove~ came forward regarding
the reduction of taxes for Coquina Cove. He advised that they have asked
for a hearing and they were assured they would have a ~ublic hearing
before being turned do%ma. Says that was not done~ etc.
Mr. Dittes of 312 S.W. 9th Ave. came forward to thank the Council for
what they did regarding the garbage collection.
AUGUST 7~ 1967
Awarding of Sewer Bid - ProOect 2-C
City Clerk advised that Halpin~ Inc.~ P.O. Box 1532 of Venice~ Florida~
bid $94~380. and work to be completed in 100 calendar days.
~'ir. Sumumers moved that we accept the recommendations of Russell g Axon
and award this contract to Halpin, Inc. Seconded by Sir. Collins. Unan-
imous ly carried.
Resident Inspectipn on Sewer Projec~
Mm. Courtney advised that we have our own inspector already in our
employ who is very capable of taking care of this.
Mr. Summers moved that the City have their own personnel do the inspect-
ing and work with the engineers. Seconded by Mr. Nyl~nd. Unanimously
Mr. John Klink came forward and discussed the situation further with
the Council. Advised it will requime them to sit dowR and work out
some of the details of handling this matter. Discussion held.
Referendum ElectioD for Pension Plan
Mr. Courtney advised that a meeting %~s held with all City employe~s
last week. Of those voting, 55 voted to attempt to hold the electmon
in September. Sixty-six ballots were cast. Approximately 80 were
eligible to vote - 66 vo~ed. Firemen and Policemen are not covered by
Mr. Summers moved tha~ we go out for Spec~ Referendum and instmuct the
City Attorney to draw up the necessary papers. Seconded by~. Nylund.
Unanimously carried.
Report of City Employees preference on increase for Blue Cross-Blue
Shield Benefits.
Mr. Courtney advised that a total of 75 ballots were cast. In favor -
66 and 8 against. The employees would pay an additional $1.08 for
these extra benefits.
Mr. Summers moved that we enter an agreement with the Qew benefits for
the City Employees with Blue Cross-Blue Shield. Seconded by Mr. Nylund.
Unanimously carried.
~peeial Insurance Coverage -.Police and Fire Departments
Discussion held. New State Law e£fective October i~ 1~67 requi~es City
to provide $10~000. Life Insurance for Firemen and Policemen.
AUGUST 7~ 1967
Mr. Cook~ Insumance Agent~ came fomward and advised that if you a~e
running only gPoup terra insurance this would be increased as far as
general li~e insurance, But i~ you put a clause in thePe fop "on duty~'
only it can be reduced fmom that. Advised they (insumanee Company) have
some questions on theiP part as to how it should be appmoached.
M~o Summems moved t~hat we instruct the t>uPchasing Agent to get the speoi~
fications ready to go out on bid for insurance fop Fimemen and Police-
men. Seconded by M~. Collins. Unanimously carried.
Budget session with City Mana~e~
It was agmeed by all the council pmesent that they would meet Tuesday
evening~ August 8th~ at 7:30 P.M. with Mm. Coumtney on the Budget,
License Ordinance 67-9 (lst Reading)
City Attorney read the Ordinance 67-9 on fimst reading (amending Cha~-
tom 15 of the Code of Ordinances).
F~. Nylund moved that this Omdinance 67-9 be passed on first meading
subject to changes discussed. Seconded by Mr. Collins. ~nanimously
Fee Schedule Opdinance 67-9B
The City ClePk Pead the list o~ fees set under this Ordinance
MP. Nylund moved that Ordinance 67-9A be passed on first Peading.
Seconded by M~. Collins. Hnanimously carmied.
Omdinance 67-8 (2nd Reading.) rezoninq Thomas H. Dean Parcel
City Attorney read O~dinance 67-8 on second reading.
Pi~. SummePs moved that this Omdinance 67-8 be passed and adopted on
second Peading. Seconded by M~. Nylund. Unanimously
Discuss updating Master Zonin~ P],a~
Mm. Nylund asked where we would get the funds fop ~urthem updating the
Master,Zoning Plan. ~. Coumt~ey advised that Mr. GeoPge Simon gave
him a $5~000. figure to up-date the Master Zoning Plan. Discussion held.
MayoP Michael suggested that we allow $5~000, for updating the Master
ZOning Plan and when we get over the budget se~sion~ w~ see what we can
do Pegarding the Planning and Zoning Board.
A~GHST ?~ 1967
~ith Boat Club ~e Wa~t_ep~
The City Owns the prope~ty~the Boat Club Owns the Club.
~r. Penny of 3250 E. Sho~e Drive came forward and advised
5 years they Paid everything. It was that the first
take care of anything Over the minimum. It has just gone along that
always the minim~ the City would
The last eouple of months it has been Ovep the minimum ~000 gallons
and Seems to be going higher~ ere. way.
~r. Summema mOVed that
tion On the Water bill we go along with the City Manage.~,s PeOommenda
the min~]um as it is a publio plaee~ Seconded by M~. t? pay al! over
at the BOat Club and that the Ci -
mously ca-tied. Nylu~d. ~nani-
Consldem~ ~eplacement for EuqeRe E. Coo-e~ on Plann
~. Nylund moved that w .... inu g Zonin~ BOard
~om the Plannir~ & Zon.~ept~the resignation o
ly ca~ried ~ ~oar~. Seconded by Mm.~ ~ip EUgene E. Cooper
' Co~'li~s. Unan/mous
~wn~: C.ollins nominated Po
~uzldlng Cont~ac~n~ ~_Y~ ard. Seconded by l~r. Summers .~ (He is a
for several years P~eviously. He is well qualified.)
--~ ~=s Peen since 1958~ and was on the Building Board
MayoP ~ichael nominated Dr. Pilche~ who has been a Mayor of a City in
Georgia and is well qualified.
It was VOted unanimously by the Council that ~fm. Foy Wa~d be appointed
a member of the Planning g ZOning Board.
~_P~ova.%. of Bills
Bates & Dale- _ Re ai~ of WilS~on Pool
Mr. Nylund mOved that we accept the reeommendation of MP. Courtney and
pay Bates & Datey $3~500. Seconded by ~4r. Collins.
Co~]er ce_____Bill
~Onth of July $782.12 _Unanimously
~{P- Summers moved that the bill fo~ the Chamber of CommePce fo~ $782.12
be Paid. Seconded by f~. Nyiund. ~nanimously carmied.
ThePe was no Other b~Siness.
~ip. SummePs moved that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by MP.Collins.
AUGUST 7:1967
Unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned aT 11:30 P.M.
reesa Padget~//City Clemk
~homas ~/-%Summer~V/iee Mayor
~ilbe~t H. Coll~hs ~ ~ouncilman
Leo~ard E. N¥1und~ Co~an