Agenda 04-04-00April 4, :2000 Z. OPENZNGS: · FZLL ~ · G~/E ] · I Call to Order - Mayor Jerry Broening I, nvocatJon - Reverend Dr. Randy Gill - First Presbyterian Church Pledge of A legiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Charlie Fisher E. Agenda Approval: Additions, DeleUons, Corrections ~ AdopUon ZZ. ADMINTSTRAT/VE: A. Appointments to be made: Appointment: To Be Made Board Length ofTerm ExpiraUon Da;,, [ Weiland qhildmn & Youth Advisory Board Alt I yr term to 4/OI II Black Children & YOuth Advisory Board Alt Iyr term to 4/01 III Sherman Children & Youth Advisory Board Reg 2 yr term to 4/02 ~V Fisher Children & Youth Advisory Board Reg 2 yr term to 4/02 Mayor Broening Children & Youth Advisory Board Reg 2 yr term to 4/02 ! Weiland Children &Youth Advisory Board Reg 2 ~,r term to 4/02 T! Black Children & Youth Advisory Board' Stu/Reg/VoUng ! yr term to 4/0]. IZI Sherman Children & Youth Advisory Board* Stu/Reg/Voting I yr term to 4/01 IV Fisher Children & Youth Advisory Board Sb~Reg/NonVoUng 1 yr term to 4/0! III Sherman Bldg. Board of Adjustment & Appeals Alt 1 yr term to 4/01 IV Fisher ' 81dg, Board of Adjustment & Appeals Alt 1 yr term to 4/01 Mayor Broening Brdg, Board'of A~ustrnent & Appeals Reg 3 yr term to 4/03 [ Weilan~ Bldg. Board of Adjustment & Appeals Peg 3 yr term to 4/03 -,:..Fisher Hayqr B~i~lc~ ' WeUand IV Fisher 11! Sherman IV Fisher Mayor ,Broe0in~i I Weiland~ Blad~ Sherman F;~her Hayor Broening [ Weiland 11 Black [1[ Sherman IV Fisher Mayor Broening Rag Rag Alt Code Compliance Board Alt CommunitY R~.at3'ons Board ~lt Commun tY ~Uons Board ~eg comm~nit~l~Fatm~s~ ' ~E [1! Sherman Library Board IV Fisher' UbrarY Boar~ Mayor Broening Ubrary Board [ Weiland Library Board [! Black Library Board III Sherman tV Fisher Mayor Bmening I Weiland I Weiland II Black III Sherman IV FiSher Mayor Bre~ning I Weiland III shem~an IV Black Mayor B~hing I Weil~and II! Sherma~ IV Fisher Mayor Broening I Weiland II Black Nuisance Abatement Board Nuisance Abatement Board Nuisance Abatement Board Nuisance Abatement Boar~ Board Senior Advisory Board Senior AdviSOry Board Senior Advisory Board Senior AdV'm~rY Board Senior AdVisory Board ~tu Alt Alt Rog Rog Reg Alt Reg ,Rog Reg AIt' ?eg It Alt 3 yr term to 4/03 3 yr barmm 4/03 i yr term I yr ~erm ~o 9/00 1 Yr term~to4/O0 3 ~rterm't° 4/03 2 Agenda Regular City Commission April 4, 2000 ZTZ.. ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTAT~ONS:- A. Announcements: ~'Breakfast In Boynton & Green Market" -Saturdav, April 8, 2000 from 8:00 a:m. to 11:30 a.m. - Library Lawn - TNT ( ,2000 from 6:00 p.m. -to 9:00 p.m. at Oceanfront 1. Proclamations~ ae "Build ng Safety Week" - April 2-8, 2000 "PowerCard: Passportto the World of Reading Week" - April 9-15, 2000 c. "Dr. Robert E. Rabom Arbor Day" ~ April 14, 2000 CON SENT AG ENDA: Matters in this seddon of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the City Manager for Consent Agenda approva of the action indicated in each item, with all of the accompanying material to become a Dart of the Public Record and subject to staff comments. A. Minutes: Special Oty Commission Meeting of March 15, 2000 Agenda Preview Conference of March 16, 2000 Regu ar City Commission Meeting of March 21, 2000 Bids - Recommenct Approval - All expenditures are approved in the 1999-2000 Adopted Budget: Award the "PURCHASE OF ONE (1) NEW GASOLINE OR DIESEL HYDRAULIC VIBRATORY ROLLER'; Bid #038-2516-00/KR, to United Rentats of Pompano Beach, in the amount of $9,375 F~enew the bid for "TWO YEAR CONTRACT FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION PARTS AND REPAIRS" to National Transmissions, Inc. of Boynton Beach, Florida, with an estimated annual expenditure of $17,500 (NEW BID #053-2516-00/0JD) Agenda Regular City Commission April 4, 2000 Award "FIRE STAT[ON #3 PARKING LOT AND DRIVEWAY EXPANSION" t total utilizing the NETWORK 7,000 Resolutions:~ . 1. i No. R00- Re: ApprOVing letter addiUon to an~l the accompanying the construction of Intersection the a Joint in Trail Re: 'Approve addendum to Bi:iynton Beach changing 18, 2.000 to March 7, 2000 , Re: Auth0dzing the of Boca Beynton Beach to Communications Re: a .loint Beach County in Road Agenda Regular City Commission April 4, 2OO0 Proposed Resolution No. RO0- Re: ApProving and accep[ing a Le[ter Of Credit submi[ted for the proje~ ~(nown as WaI-Har~ Stores, Inc., and issued by Bank of America, (No. 3024021) in ~he amount of $201,888.50 RaUfication of Planning & Development Board Action: None - Amendment t~, to CH2M Hill for addi[~onal engineering in the amount ur~it 3f a bicycle program Z50 Thermal-Imaging Camera for ~;12,987. Raytheon is the sole supplier of this H. Approve the donation,Of surplus SCBA equipment to another fire agency cTrY HANAGER'S REPORT: PUBLZCAUDIENCE: INDIVIDUAL SPEAKERS WILL BE LZt4ZTED TO 3-1qINUTE PRESENTATIONS PUBLIC HEARZNG~ 7:00 P. t4. OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMZ'rs None VIII. BIDS: None DEVELOPf4ENT PLANS~ None 5 Agenda Regular City Commission April 4, 2000 X. NEW BUS~NESSg XI. LEGAL= A. Ordinances ~ 2n~ P~eadjtlg- PUBLIC HEARING !. ~[nterim is for Ordinances- i= Reading p~onosed Ordinance No O00- Re: Amending Chapter 2, Administration, ~-nn~ ~2-12 2¢al .oroviding for two additionai members of the Community ~l~'~'~t'~g~ncy, to i:~ appointed by the City Commission in accordance with ~e ~rOV~ions Of Chapter 163.357(i)(c), Florida StatuteS No. O00- P~e: Development public use conditiona[ use Resolutions: io Proposed Resolution No. R00- ' Re: Appointing a Representative and Alternates to the Pletropolitan Planning Organization 2. Proposed Resolution No. R00- Re: Appointin~ a Representative and Alternates to the Palm Beach County League of Cities p ...... ,_,~_. ~,~ nnn Re' Aooo nting a Representative and FOPOSeQ ru:bu~uuu. ~u. r~__- · ~__ . .......... p~ Alternate to the Coalition of Boynton West Res~dentJalAsso~ardon L~.u~w ) proposed Resolution No. R00- .- Re: Appointing a Representative and Alternate to the Hultijurisdictional Issues Coordination Forum 6 Agenda Regular City Commission April 4, 2000 Other: 1. Accept agreed upon sett ement with plaintiff in the amount of $30,000 in Case Caddad Samovsky v. City of Boynton Beach Review of bills from Slavin Management Consultants Beach XH. UNFINZSHED BUSZNESS: None XZZZ. OTHER: of 8oynton XIV. AD3OURNMENT: NOT~CE IF A PF.R~ON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION IVlAOE BY THE CITY COHHISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY HATI'ER CONSIDERED AT (~.s. 286.0105) CONTACT 3OYCE COSTELLO, C56I) 742-6013 AT LEAST TWEIfI'Y-FOUR HOURS PRIOR TO 'I}IE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE FINAL AGENDA- 0313112000 12:07 PM 3: ~SH~ATA ~CC\WP\CCAGEN D&\04101g0 ,DOC Requested City Commission Meetiu~ Dates [] March 21, 2000 [] April 4, 2000 [2] ~P~ ~,2ooo [] May 2, 2000 III-ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTATIONS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ITEM B.l,a, AGENDA ITEM.REQUEST FORM Date FinaIForm Must be rumed into City Clerk's Office March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.rm) March 22. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 5.2000 ~5:00 p.m.) April I9, 2000 (5:00-I~.m4 Requested City commisffmn ~eetin~ Dates [] May I6, 2900 t~] June 6,2000 [~. June 20; 2000 [] July 5, 2000 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to CiW Clerk's Office May 3. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 7, 2~00 (5:00 p.rm) June 2[, 2000(5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] ConsentAgenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Un!Vmished Business [] .announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: We recommend that the City of Boynton Beach proclaim the week of April 2-8, 2000, as Building Safety Week and sign the attached proclamation. Please remm a signed copy to our office, thank you. EXPLANATION: Proclamation for Building Safety Week. PROGRANI EMPACT: N/A FISCAL EVIPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: ~ent ~Iead's ~ig~amre Department of Development Departmemt Name · 7 "~,i"tyMamg~'sg£gnature City Attorney Finance / Human Resources \\CHkMAINkS HRDATAkDevel opmentkBuilding-6870kDocumentsWlis¢\Agenda Item-Building Safety Week.doe WHEREAS, the CJ~ et Beya!0n Beach joinsr the~National Conferer~ce of S~es on Building Codes and Standardsl and the C°uncii 'Building ~cial~'in ~yi,g ~b~t~0 those~wh° i~ro~i~e ~.ie~nforcement Of the laws andordinances which proteCt~ur citize~' health~ safety,~arid Welfare; andl WHEREAS, bu [ding;safety~ th~egh bi~ d ng coclas~.dedi~t~l to-structora[~ ntegrity, energy conservation, agd el~cat ~ plumbing and HVAC ~sa[~ is e~rcad bY B~ ~j~d!@$~ Ot~ qi~%~,~pectOrs~ Engine< A~hitects,! ~nd Con~ctors; and ~. · ~ ~WHEREASi citizens spendnth~ty point (90%} of their natUral lives within buildings; and WHEEEAS, such men as George Washimjton and Thomas Jefferson encouraged the development of building regulations; and WHEREAS, it has.been a fundamental part of the d~c prir~iplas of this nation to involve all interested parties from b~th tiie public and private sectors in the formulation, adoption and admthistmtion of such laws and ordinances; and WHEREAS, building construction standards can be traced back over 4.000 years, and codes affect the understand ng and cooperative relationship among owners, indust~, and government;, and ~-~ WHEREAS, National Building Safety Week began in 1977, in order to inform the Amedcan public of the ~.~ important mle~that state and local building departments and officials play in theircommunity to ensure public and worker safety. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gerald Broening, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Boynton Beach. Florida, hereby proclaim the week of April 2 through Apdl 8, 200~, as; BUILDING SAFETY WEEK IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seat of the City of Boynton Beach, Florids, to be affixed at Boynton Beach, Florida, this 4~ day of Apdt, Two thousand. ATTEST: Gerald Bmening, Mayor City of Boynton E~each City Cterk ~ (Corporate Seal) Reques~d City Commission ~] March 21.2000 [] Ap~ 4, 2000 [] A~ Is, 20oo [] May 2, 2000 CITY OF AGENDA Marehg, 2000 (5:0Op.m.) Marclt 22.2000 (5:00 p.m.) April $, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Ap~,119, 2000 (5:00'p.m.) III-ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTATIONS ITEM B.l.b. FORM Requested City Con~nission bl~g Dates [] May 16, 2000 [] June 6, 2000 [] Jun~ 20, 2000 [] J~y~,2ooo Date Final Form Must b~ Turned '_m ~o City Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5~00 p.m.) May 17,2000 (5:00 pzn.) June 7,2000 (5:00,p.m.) June 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA I'It~M [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [~ Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached Proclamation proclaiming April 9 -15, 2000 as "PowerCard: Passpor~ to the World of Reading Week". EXPLANATION: The Library Cooperative of the Palm Beaches, in partnership with the School District of Palm Bench County, and the Educational Media Association, has established the PowerCard program to ensure that aH Palm Beach County students will be able to acquire free public library cards in their choice of 21 library locations. The Boynton Beach City Libr.ary ~ a member of the Library Cooperatiye of the Pa~. Beaches and Library Director Virginia K. Farace is co-chair of the PowerCard TaSk Force. The six other municipal members of the Library Cooperative, aS well aS the County Commi.qsion and the School District, will be adopting similar proclamations. PROGRAM IMPACT: The Proclamation will call attention t~ the PowerCard project and encourage local school sindon~s to obtain and use library cards from their public library. FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES: Department Head's Signature LIBRARY Depariraent Name Do not join with the other governmental entities adopting similar proclamations. City Manager s Signature City Attorney / Finance / Htunan Resources S:kBULLETfNWO1LMSXAGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC WHEREAS, a p~ershiP of the Libmi7 Cooperative of the PalmBeaches.theSchool District of Palm Beach County, and the Educational' Media Association of Palm Beach County has established the Powc:vCard program to ensure that all Palm Beach County students will be able {e acquire free library cards in their choice of'21 library~loCations;and -~ , : . ~ WHEREAS, in jo~t'~elebmtion with the National Library Week, which encourage~ reading at all levels; and WHEREAS, the Powercard pmgrem is a powerful tool to enhance literacy; and WHEREAS, PowerCard provides students accese to combined library collections of immense value and scope; and WHEREAS, Powercard encourages children to develop a 10ye of ~eeding, learning and libraries; and WHEREAS, PowerCard builds for the future in ensuring areading and well-educated public. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gerald Bmening, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida,,do herebypmclaim that April 9.15, 2000 is:- "POWERCARD:' PASSPORT TO THEWORLB OF REAl)lNG WEEK" lN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Boynton Beach. FIorida, to be affixed this 4"' day of Apri, n the year TwO Thousand. ATTEST: Gerald Bmening, Mayor City of Boynton Beach City Clerk (Corporate Seal) TI'Z-ANNOUNCEMENTS 8= PRESENTATi'ONS I'TEM B.I.c. WHEREAS, in 1872, J. Steding Mod33n proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of flees; and WHEREAS, this holiday, called Arbor Day, was first observed with ~ planti~ of~more than a mtition trees in Nebraska: and WHEREAS, Arbor Day ~s now observed throughout the na~n and the world; and WHEREAS, trees can reduce the erosion of our precious topsoil by wind and water, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, dean the air, produce oxygen and provide habitat for wildlife; and WHEREAS, trees are a renewable resource gNing us paper, wood for our homes, fuel for our fires and countJess other wood products; and WHEREAS, trees in our City increase property values, enhance the economic vitality of business areas, and beautify our community; and WHEREAS, Boynton Beach has been resognizedas a Tree Ci[7 USA by the nation Arbor Day Foundation for the 16~ consecutiveyeer and desires to con~nueits tme-plenling ways. NOW, TH EREFORE, I, Gerald Breeni~g, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, do hereby proclaim Apdt 14, 2000 be named as: DR ROBERT E. RABORN AEBOR DAY in the City of Boynton Beach, and I Ul'~e ail citizens to support effor~ to pmtoct our trees and woodlands and support our City's urban forestry program; and FURTHEE. I urge all dlJzens to plant trees to gladden the hearts and to promote 11~ weII being of present and Mura generations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the SeeI of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, to be affixed this 4t~ day of April, in the year Two Thousand. ATTEST: Gerald Broening, Mayor City of Boynton Beach City Clerk (Corporate Seal) Requested C[ly Commission Meetin~ Dates [] March 21, 2000 [] April 4, 2000 [] ApAI 18, 2000 [] 'May 2, 2000 IV'CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH iTEM B.1 AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM April 5, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 19, 2~00 (5:0Op.ra.) Requested City Comm/ssion Meefln~ Dates [] May 16~ 2000 [] June 6, 2000 [] June 20,2000 [] July 5, 2fl00 Date Final Form M~t be Turned in m Ci~ Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 ~5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.l June 7, 2000(5:00 p.m.) June 2I, 2090 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Adm/m'sWa~ive [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Heafing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Bus/ness [] Almolmccmcm [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to award the "PURCHASE OF ONE (1) NEW GASOLINE OR DIESEL HYDRAULIC VIBRATORY ROLLER"; Bid ~3S-2516-00 ~at~, to UNITED RENTALS, of Pompano Beach, in the amount of $ 9,375.1}0. EXPLANATION: On Maceh7, 2000, Procurement Services received and ol~ned six bids for the above mentioned vibrato_fy roller. After review it was determined that United Rentals, of Pompano Bench, was · lowest most responsive, responsible bidder who meets all speeifienttons. Roher~ Lee, Fleet Administrator, ~u~'°~ Wo;ks Department concurs with this award (see attached Memo #00-041). PROGRAM IMPACT: The purpose of this bid is to secure a source for the purchase of one (1 new, gasoline or diesel, hydraulic v~ratory roller to be used in,he Roads & Streets Division of the Public Wur~ Department. FISCAL IMPACT: BUDGET ACCOUNT # BUDGETED AMOUNT 501-2516-519.64-31 $16,000.00 ALTERNATIVES: Deputy Director of F/nancial Services Procurement Services Deparmaent Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:kBULLETINSFORMS~,GENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC . DEPAR~TMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSMEMORAND~ ~00-04t~ To; From: Bill Atldns, Deputy Director of Finance Chris Roberts~-Interim Public W0r~ Director'n~ RObert H. Le~ Fleet Admi~stmtion f Suhj: Bid #038-2516-00/KR Date: March 10, 2000 After reviewing all the bid packages provided by the various vendors, talkingwith'':Roads & Streets managemem team~ we-feel that bid- #038-2516-00/KR should be awarded to United Rentals of Pompano Beach, Florida in the moUnt of $9,375.00. I would like to also point out that this vendor, by the tabulation Sheet, was the low bid for. this product. Fleet Administration accoUnt #501-2516-519.64-31 has 75.00. the City of Boynton Beach $6,625.00. , saving attch: letter from United Rentals stating exact model bid cc: road warriors F~M : JJNITED RENTALS ~653 PHONE NO. : 9~4975S990 Mar. 0S 2000 10;35AM PI United Rentals Branch #663 4~90 ~\ ~ow~iue MR BOB LEE: Facs i To: c!T~ OF BO[~NTON ATT: BOB LSE ,~Fax: 561.742.62il From: BARRY MANDELL Date: 3/9/00 Re: 13OYNTON BCH Pages: i ~ including this BCH ME AT UNITED RENTALS IN POMPANO BCH ARE STATING THE ACKNOWLEDEMENT OF TH~ BOYNTON BCH BID FOR THE WACKER RDltA 18hp UNIT. THANK YOU . BARRY MANDELL ~ ~]~l~S:; DEPUTY DIR~C.TOR OF-FINANCIAL SERVICES RO~E~RT ILB~.~ ~LEET ADMINISTRATOR **LOWEST MOST RESPONSIVE, RESPONSIBLE BIDDER PURGHASE OF ONE (1) NEW GASOLINE ORDIE~EL H~DRAULIC VIBRATORY ROLLER "Offers from the vendors listed herein are the only offers BID OPENING DATE: MARCH 7, 2000 received timely as of the above receiving date and time. BID OPENING TIME: 2:30 P,M. Al[ether offers submitted in response to this solicitation~ BI D #: 038-2516 -00/K R ~....... ....~ny, are hereby--'~rejected ......................................... as late" ~/E'NDORS SMITH BROTHERS CONTRACTIN~(~ ;IR'ITED R'ENTAI~S JNITED RENTALS EQUIPMENT, INC. ~7,~0"NORTFI PO~/E~L/NE ROAD ~250 W 45TH STREET 5731 N. MILITARY TRAIL ~MPANO BEACH, FL 33073 ,'VEST PALM BEACH, FL · WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33407 ' ATTN: DOUG CONNELL ~TTN: MICHAEL COSTANZA ATTN: SIMON SMITH (954) 975-9990 :56~1) 616~5000 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF (561) 689-9880 ADDENDUM #1 YES YES *YES HYDRAULIC VIBRATORY ROLLER: UNIT PRICE - GASOLINE $11,400.00 $9,375,00 $11,788.00, UNIT PRICE - DIESEL OPTIONS: BACK-UP ALARM $56.00 INCLUDED ' . $250.00 R.O.P.S.(ROLL OVER PROTECTION SYS) STANDARD COMES WITH I INCLUDED TOTAL BID AMOUNT $11,456.00 $9,375.00 $12,038.00 CALENDAR DAYS FOR DELIVER 30 DAYS *ONE WEEK 45 DAYS NUMBER OF BIDS SUBMITTED ONE ONE ONE SPECIFICATION "CHECK-OFF" SHEETS SUBMITTED YES *YES **YES PURCHASE OF ONE (1) NEW GASOLINE OR DIESEL HYDRAULIC VIBRATORY ROLLER BID OPENING DATE: MARCH 7, 2000 '!Offers from the vendors listed herein are the only offers BID OPENING TIME: 2:30 P.M. received timely as of the a_bove rec~ v ng da e and time. B ID #: 038-2516-00/KR ^, other offers submlffed in response to this solicitation. if any, are hereby rejected as late" IVENDORS SMITH BROTHERs CONTRACTING [UNi/EL) RENTALS UNI'I;ED RENTALS EQUIPMENT, INc. 14~790 NORTH PQWERL NE ROAD 3250 W. 45TH STREET 5731 N. MILITARY TRAIL POP'AN0 BEACH,.FL 33073 WEST PALM BEACH, FL WEST PArM BEACH, FL 33407 ATTN: DOUG CONNELL ATTN: MICHAEL COSTANZA ATTN: SIMON SMITH (954) 975-9990 -- __ 56~89-9880 . (561) 616-5000 WARRANTY INFORMATION SUBMITTED ~ ' ' *YES **NO · . YEs MANUFACTURER WACKER WACKER STONE CONSTRUC'TION EQUIPMENT, NC MODEL RD 11A RD 11 WOLFPAC 3100 ~NTI-KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT SUBMITTED ' YES · YES YES CONFIRMATION OF MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS SUBMITTED YES/NOT YES/NOT ~ION OF DRUG-FREE __ YES/NOT COMPLETED WORKPLACE SUBMITTED YES YES YES ' NOT ATTACHED ~, IVI::D BY FAX 3/8/00 ~'NOTATI~ WARRANTY INFORMATION '~*NOTATION.q BROCHURE INCLUDED NOT ATTACHED PL ONE (1) NEW GASOLINE OR DIESEL HYDRAULIC VIBRATORY ROLLER "Offers from the vendors lismd herein ~re the only offers BID OPENING DATE: MARCH 7. 2000 received timel~ as of the above recelvingdatearldtime, BiD OPENING TIME: 2:30 P.M. ~,~ other offers submitted in response to ~.his solicitation, if ahy, ere hereby rejected as late" ~ENDORS 3849 W. BLUE HERON BLVD. ~2,; ~'~S FL ~3029 ~ ~ BEACH'FL 83404 561)848-4336 , (5 ~) 8 ~'* ' ~CKNOWLEDGEMENT OF YES YES '- ADDENDUM ~1 . HYD~ULIC VIB~TORY ROLLER: ' $12,990.00 UNIT PRICE - GASOLINE $t 1,299.00 UNtT PRICE - DIESEL 3PTIONS: $50.00 $~20,.0~ BACK-UP ALARM STANDARD R.O.P.S.(ROLL OVER PROTECTION SYS' STANDARD ~ . .. ~.. .- ; $10,911.32 TOTAL BID AMOUNT $11,349.00 $13,310'00 -- - 14 DAYS IVER CALENDAR DAYS FOR DEL 20 DAYS 90 DAYS .~ .- , ONE ONE ' ' NUMBER OF BIDS SUBMI I t ~U ONE SPECIFICATION "CHECK*oFF" "~E~ ...... SHEETS SUBMI~ED YES *~ES ,~AR~N~ INFORMATION SUBMI~ED 1 YR. PARTS AND LABOR **YES , . NOTED ' ' INGE~8OEE ~ND ............ WACKE WACKER MANUFACTURER RD 11A OD 12 ¢ RD 11A PURCHASE OF ONE (1)NEW GASOLINE OR DIESEL HYDRAULIC VIBRATORY ROLLER "Offers from the vendors listed here~n are the on[; offers BID OPENING DATE: MARCH 7, 2000 receivea tlme[yasoftheabove receivlngoateancttlme, BID OPENING TIME: 2:30 P.M. All other offers suDmiffed in resoonse to this solici{auon. BID Cf: 038-2516-00/KR if any, are hereby rejected as late" VENDORS HERTZ EQU PMENT RENTAL CORP, LINDER'INDUSTRAIL MACHINERY CO. NEFF RENTAL 3849 W. BLUE HERON BLVD. 20900 TAFT STREET 3933 MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD. RIVIERA BEACH, FL 33404 PEMBROKE PINES, FL 33029 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33404 ATTN: WILLIAM SWISHER ATTN: KENNETH HOLZ ATTN: WALTER GILL S ANTI-KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT (561) 848-4336 954) 433-2800 (561) 881-7368 SUBMITTED YES YES . YES CONFIRMATION OF MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS SUBMITTED YES/NOT YES/NOT YES/NOT CONFIRMATION OF DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE SUBMITTED YES YES YES 3,OMMENTS *COMMENT SHEET ATTACHED *EXCEPT ONS PAGE INCLUDED *WARRANTY INFORMAT ON **WARRANTY INFORMATION NOT ATTACHED NOT ATTACHED BIDDER'S SI~'-)IN SHEET (Please-Print) NAME OF BID: PtJRCPIASE OF ONE (1) NEW GASOLINE OR DIESEL HYDRAULIC VIBRATORY ROLLER BID NUMBER: 038-2516-00/KR BID OPENING DATE: MARCH 7, 2000 BID OPENING TIME: 2:30 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) NAME OF COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE ~ ADDRESS Requested City Corrma~ssion Meetin~ Dates [] Marctt21. 2000 [] April 4. 2000 [] April 18.2000 [] May 2, 2000 IV-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM B,2 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Cit~ Clerk's Office March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.m.~ March 22, 2000 (5:00 p.rr~) April 5, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April [9, 2000 (5:00 p.m.j Requested City Commission Meetang Dates [] May 16. 2000 [] lune 6, 2000 [] June 20, 2000 ~ Jllly 5, 2000 Date Final Form Must be Turned in toCitg Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.ra3 May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m3 June 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Iune 21, 2000 (5:00 p.rm} NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Armouncemem [] Presemafion RECOMMENDATION: A motion to renewthe bid for: "TWO YEAR CONTRACT FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION PARTS AND REPAIRS" to National Transmissions, Inc. of Boynton Beach, Florida with an estimated annual expenditure of: $17,500.00. l~W BID#053-2516-00/CorD~ CONTRACT PERIOD: APRIL 6, 2000 TO APRIL 5, 2001 Procurement Services requests Commission's review, evaluation and award approval. EXPLANATION:The purpose of this bid is to secure prices for a period of two (2) years for miscellaneous parts and repairing of automatic transmissions for our Vehicle Service department. At the City Commission of April 7, 1998, the bid was awarded to National Transmissions, Inc. This company has provided us with satisfactory service for the past two (2) years. This bid will expire on April 6, 2000, but according to the Terms and Conditions of the bid, we have the option to renew the bid and extend the prices for an additional year provided both parties agree (see letter from National Transmissions,Inc.); Robert Lee, Fleet Administrator concurs with this request per memo #00-035 attached. FISCAL IMPACT: Deputy Director of Financial Services Procurement Services BUDGETED ACCOUNT: 501-2516-519.46-31 DepartmentName ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $17,500.00 City A~omey / F~ce Hm R~o~ces C: Bob Lee - FleetAdminis~rator File S:~B ULLETINWORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM #00-035.:~..,~ TO: Carol Doppler, Procurement Thru: From: Sub j: Roberts, Interim Public Works Director ~/~-~ Robert H~L ee, ~leet Administration ~.~ Automatic Transmission Repair & parts Contract Date: March 6, 2000 Fleet Maintenance would like to extend the current "two year contract for automatic transmission parts and repairs". The current bid expires in April 2000. We have received very good service. and support from the current vendor over the term of this bid. awarded; If approved, we will quire additional funds added to account #501-2516-519,46-31, in the amount of $17,500. cc: R. Dauta E, Brenner RECEIVED PU.;~CHA.S;NG O,'~"FiC E ,lne Oty of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beeozh Boulevard P.O. Box310 Boynton Beod-t, Florida33425-0310 City Ho~[: (561) 375-6000 FAX: {561) 375-6090 MARCH 9, 2000 NATIONAL TRAxNSMISSIONS, INC. 502 N.E. 3m~ 5TREE BOYNTON BEACH. FL 33435 REFERENCE: TWO YEAR CONTRACT FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION PARTS AND REPAIRS CoNTRAcT PERIOD: APRIL 6, 2000 TO APRIL $, 2001 BID NUMBER: #041-501-98/CJD The above mentioned bid will expire on APRIL 6 2000. The City would like to extend the existing contract under the same tea'ms and conditions for an additional year. Please indicate your response on the following page and return it to the Procurement Services Depamnent ar your earliest convenience. [fvou should have any o?estions, please feel free to call my office~ (561) 742-6323 Sincerely, Bill Atkins Deputy Director of Financial Services cjd Central File Bob- Lee File - Fleet Administration Revised 2/10/97 A erua qmeway to G d tream NAME OF BID:'TWO YEAR CONTRACT.FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION PART~ AND REPAIRS BID#: 041-501-98/CJD~ Agreement between the. City. of Boymon.. Beach, Owner NATIONAL TRANSMISSION (Company's Name) No, I do not wish to renew the cont~ NAME OF COMPANY ' ' ~ NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE (please print) Yes, ! .agree to renew the existing contract under the same Terms and Condiuons, and agree to sttbmit a Certificate of Insurance iflong with this agreement and w/Il, name the City of B0ynton Beach the additional insured. 3NATURIT. TITLE DATE (AREA CODE) -~ TELEPHONE NUMBER Revised 2/10/97 ~ 14. KO~.~ER, PURG~AgING AGIg~ I~0~ LEE,' S~VISOR] v~f~E SVCE. TWO YEAR CONTRACT FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION PARTS.A.~.P ,REPAIRS .._ : "Off~rs from the vendors list~ h'erein are the only offers BID OPENING DATE: MARCH 10, 1998 r~ceived timely as of the above r~eiving date and time· BID OPENING TIME: 2:00 P.M, *********** '. All other 0ff~tS ~bbmi~6d in r~ )onse to this solicitation ~IQ~Q~.Q~!~50~:98/C~D .... f ~ny, ate h~r~by t~j~ed as I~ ~." ' 502 NE 3RD STREET · BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 ' (561) 737~7551 MICHAEL A DECHANTs GM FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNiT FLAT RATE HOURS t0 HRS PER HOUR RATE ........................................ $,'~'~t~. .......................................................................................................... THROUGH ONE TON: ........ FLAT RmE HOURS 7 NBS .~ ,....~ ..... ,, ............. , ............ ,.i~: ....... :_.,....~., ..... :...,,~, ................ :.: ...... : ...... :.,.., ...................... FLU~OS N~DED . $~2.00 ~OnD ~0~ WH~ On~VE UNiT .... ~L~T.a~[~9~ .... ..... ~:~U~S .... · ................ ..... F~'~'~6O'~' a~TE ..................................... ~' ................................................... ~ ....................... ..... ~'"';~OVE H~UL ....... K~T ............................................. $~20,~ ............................................................................................ - . .: --:- .,: . .... . . .......... FLUIDS ..................................................... NEEDED t~Fi._$. ~ ................... .......... ' ...................................................... " ~o~d ~E~R WhEE[ ORatE Ob~rs THROUGH ONE TON FLAT RATE HOURS 7 HRS ......................................................................... .... ............ .................... ................... .................. ~F---, ........................................................... ..................... ..... ~r6~-~[5~5 ................. $~ 2.oo T~ ~.~ ............................................................................... TWO YEAR CONTRACT FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION PARTS AND REPAIRS "offers from the vendors stedhere n are the only offers BID OPENING DATE: MARCH 10, 1998 re~eiy.~e~.~ {iii~l~ias 0f the above rece ring data and t me BID OPENING TIME: 2:00 P.M. 'All.~th~i'dffe~ i;bbmitted in i'~ponse tO this solicitation, VENDORS ',=~,,., ~,.~- .-,r',r., o-,-,-,,--,-.,.NATIONAI2TRANSM'rSSIONS1NCT ....... BQYNION BEACHr FL-33435 MICHAEL A. DECHANTS , r,,~ , o~.ER'FRO~ WHEEL 'DRIVE UNI? ........... .. ::::::::::::::::::::: :: :2. ........ , ........................... ~.~.._~___~~m~m=,n.~-~r~_~ __ ........ ·._-._."-~_~"~ ..~ -~__"__.'"' ,~ ...................... ~ ..... ~~.~-...~ ....................... ~ ....... CHRYSI~ER-F~E~WHEE£ DRIVE - ~ ' FLAT RATE HOURS ~2 ,- ........ . ....... .. ......... . .......... ~. .............. ............... HEA ~ FLEer UNITS THROUGH FLAT RATE HOURS *'15 HRS : ..... ~NEE~ ........... ' ...... "' .... ~ ............... ~=~'=""~"~=~"'"?'~"' ..... ~-,',, ................................. LIST PRICING EXTENDED TO THE Cl~ **20% PRICE LIST SUBMI~ED ~ ~ NO PRICES SUBMITTED I TWO YEAR CONTRACT FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION PARTS AND REPAIRS "Offers,frQ, m the venders listed herein are the only offers BID OPENING DATE: MARCH 10, 1998 mceiv'ed timeiyas 0f the above receiving date and time. BID OPENING TIME: 2:00 P.M. Ail othe~ Offers subm tied in res )onse to this solicitation, ~i~any~ al:e hemb}; rejected as a /ENDORS NATIONAL TRANSM SS ONS N 502 NE 3RD STREET 3OYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 ' (561) 737-7551 DECHANTS · MICHAEL A. SPECIFICATION "CHECK OFF" SHEETS SUBMITTED **YES ANTI-KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT FORM SUBMI'I-FED YES su~a,,,~u .............. 0 M CONFIRMATION OF MINORITY F R " OWNED BUSINESS SUBMITTED NOT A MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS CONFIRMATION OF DRUG-FREE ' NORKPLACE SUBMITTED YES COMMENTS: **SEE NOTATIONS · 'l¥SOdOltd lt&IA~ DlqOq¥ O~I&JAIAIBI1S ~tlt Ol :ID¥fl Sill& amn-. pug al~p qons Jal/e sX~p (06) ~lamu. u.atlutx. . u~mpqlu*, aq ~ou ~m pue [[llallJ. 'IYDO"D 'I~['a 00:: IqYILL it~ILY~I ON '866I '0I IIDlt¥I~ :raj palqpoqos ~umado. p~q. asu~uatllO, pag~oads. SSalun mSm~daCI ~ms~qomd. aql m. pauado aq lpg. sprit. ~IVDO'I) 'I~'d 00:~; hlVRl. H~t~I2~l ON '8661 '0I HDHVI4I (51BII.I: :~tt pa^!aoa~I P!B ' OID/g6-I0~-H'0# :JaqmnN P!~t b-'l:lI¥&W80N¥ SIBVd NOISSIIAISNVNI. DI&¥BIO:tfI¥ HO~I :[DVB. JMOD ItV~II (g) OM.L :OI1LL 8661 'g X.remqa:I :(Xl!D) oI~CI ~U!l!~IN :oi sp!B l!mqn$ PROPOSAL BLANK BID PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA To All Bidders: Date ~- The undersigned declares that he has carefully examined the specifications and is -thoroughly familiar with its pr°visi6ns and with the quality, type and grade of sen4ce called for. When submitting more product and/or service, indicate are to be tabulated and considerect Attach for eack TWO (2) ~R CONTRACT FOR AUTOMTIC TRANSMISSION PARTS AND REPAIRS: GM Front Wheel Drive Units: Flat Rate Hours PerHour Rate Overhaul Kit Fluids Needed I ~0v° GM Rear Wheel Drive Units Through One Ton: Flat Rate Hours Per Hour Rate Overhaul Kit Fluids Needed Ford From Wheel Drive Units: Flat Rate Hours |0 Per Hour Rate Overhaul Kit Fluids Needed Ford Rear Wheel Drive Units Through One Ton: Flat Rate Hours Per Hour Rate Overhaul Kit FlUids Needed - Ch~sler Front Wheel Drive Units: Flat Rate Hours Per Hour Rate Overhaul Kit Fluids Needed THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER 13 FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE BID PROPOSAL CONTINUED: Chrysler Rear Wheel-Drive Units Through One Ton: 8; Flat Rate Hours Per Hour Rate Overhaul Kit Fluids Needed Fluids Needed q ./ Number Of Bid Proposal prices submitted Specification "cheek-off" sheets submitted COMPANY NAME Tg.!.~pHONE NUMBER PEII',rl~D NAME THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED AI,ONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER 14 FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE MV:F4)011 t SPEOiFiCA-ilON6 "GIIECK-OI~F'' SHEET *. ~, ,47~ ~?. *ceded ,.yin b~, ~+ o,;¢:, ESe ?0% Our n,lnte i~ for Bennh I Ini~ Ontv TWO (2) YEAR CONTRACT FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION .PARTS_ AND REPAIR The purpose of this bid is to secure a qualified and responsible vendor to repair malfunctioning automatic transmissions. The City fleet is diverse and the successful bidder must be able to handle all the needs of the fleet. The fleet has both front and rear Wheel drive vehicles, the light duty fleet will contain GM, Fordand Chrysler units~through'~a one ton~chassi's...' ~- The hea~:.fleet .will containmn[ts through class 8, the units in this field of the fleet will be operating AiIisOns automatic transmissions throughHT-740 and the later models will be electronically controlled_ We understand that it is impossible to quote a major repair without the unit tom completely down, so we are requesting your bid take, in the following; flat rathe hours for the j~b} s~ft parts for the job and all the necessary fltiids for the job2 Also required will be yOUr shop hourly rate for these flatrate quotes. What is the hourly rate for major repairs? Please place an (X) on the blank line next to each item ifa specification is met. If exception is taken (alternatives), bidder must explain using a separate sheet of paper. Bidder must submit specification "Check Off" sheets with the proposal sheet in order for a bid to be considered. All contract repairs will carry a warranty for parts and labor of 12 months or 12,000 miles. REPAIR REQUIREMENTS: The contractor shall submit their quote, to include but not limited to the following repairs and repair practices~ provide all materials and supplies for the following: A. Transmission Reseal B. Basic Overhaul '/ C. Torque Converter D. Hard Parts · THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE BID SPECIFICATIONS CONTINUED .............. If the comractor does not meet the "Down Time" requirement quoted, the City of Boynton Beach reserves the fight to have the vehicle returned to the City's facilities 24 hours after the expiration of "Down Time". ~ · The removal .of the vehicle from the contractor's facility and return tothe City of Boynton Beach will be at the expense of the con~l'aL~or~ ~this option is ~,_x~, _rcised by the City of Boynton Beach, the City of Boyn~0n BeaCh s °nly liability shall be t~ paY:for Work already performed. ADI~FFIONAI~ COST AN~D ADDITIONAL "DOW.N TIME'* The contractor, after being awarded work, shall notify, the shop supervisor within 48 hours, of any additional labor, parts cost, or "Down Time" that may be required to repmr previously hidden damage. ~( The contractor shall not perform, or bill for any additional work ~. until they have received the shop supervisor's written prior p- approval. D Comractor is. responsible for the safe transport of the vehicle to be repaired froTM the City of Boynton Beach's facilities to the repair location. The contractor shall return the repaired vehicle to the City of Boynton Beach from which the work was generated not more than 24 hours after completion of same, unless directed otherwise by the shop supervisor, in writing. Equipment and vehicles being returned must be returned between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. *'~NOTE: The shop supervisor may waive the pick-up and delivery requirements for Medium/Heavy duty vehicles on a case by case basis when it is deemed to be in the best interest of the City. THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE 2 ANTI-KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY~OF PALM BEACH ) ': SS officer of the corporation. [, the undersigned hereby duly sworn, depose and say that no portion of the sum herein Bid will be paid to any employees of the City of B6ynton Beach as a commission, kickback, reward ofgif~, directly oi' indirectly by rn~ or any member of my finn or by an By:' Sworn and subscribed before me This /,~ day of ~ , NOTAR~ PUBLIC, State o ' At Large ' Printed Information: NAME TITLE "OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL" STAMP THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER 15 FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE CONFIRMATION OF MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS A requested form to be made a part of our files for future use and information. Ptease fill out proposal pa~ of your Bid response. BLACK HISPANIC WOMEN (sPecify) Do you possess a Certification qualifying your business as a "Minority Owned Business . YES NO / If YES, Name the OrgaviTation from which this cemficafion was obtained and date: Issuing Organization for Certification Date of Certification THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER 16 FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE CONFIRMATION OF DRUG-FREEWORKPLACE IDENTICAL TIE BIDS Whenever tie~ program 1) prohibition. 2) Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in"the workl~ace, the business's policy rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, ~ be imPOsed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 3) Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual se~ices that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (!)- 4) Inthe statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employee that, as a condition of working on the commodities ,or contractual services ,that.are under bid, the employeelwill abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any to, any violation of chapter 893 or violation 5) Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory p,.ar[i.'.cipation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program ifsuch is available in the emploYee's community by, any employee who is so convicted. ' ' 6) Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-flee workplace through implementation of this section. As the person authorized to sign the statement,t/~l cel~~' ' ~ ' lly with the above requirements. ' ~ \~ndoes signature I THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER 17 FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE City of Boynton Beach Risk Management Department INSURANCE ADVISORY FORM Under the terms and'conditions of all contracts, leases, and agreements, the City requires appropriate coverages iStin.g; the City of Boynton Beach as Additional Insured. This is done by providing a Certificate of Insurance listing · ' " ' ~ate H I " " the Ctty as Certtfic o der and The Ctty of Boynton Beach is Additional Insured as respect to liability~" (NOTE: ~In insurance contract.or binder may.be accepted as proof of insurance if Certificate is provided upon select~on of vendor.) The following is a list of types of iasuranee required of contractors, lesSees~ ete.~ and the lim~ required by the City: (NOTE: This list is not all inclusive, _and the City reserves the right to require additional types of insurance, or to raise or lower the stated limits, based up0~ identified risk.) TYPE (Occurrence Based Only) MINIMUM LIMITS REOUIRED General Liability Commercial Ge~neral Liability Owners &.Contractor's Prot. Liquor Liability Professloual Liability Geaemt Aggregate $1.000,000.00 Products-Comp/Op Agg. $1,000,000.00 Personal & Adv. Injury $1,000;000.00 Each Occurrence $1,000,000.00 Fire Damage (any one fire) $ 50;000.00 Med. Expense (any one person) $ 5~000.00 Couffac~or$ Build~ef~ Risk:02imits based on Project CosO AIL~amed Autos dch.~te~ Autos :AU/Os ~-o:wned Autos Plel~asic [memaodat Garage Liability Any Auto Garage Keepers Liability Excess Liability Umbrella Form Workers Compensation Employer's Liability Combined Single Limit Bodily Injury (per person) Bodily Injury (per accident) Property Damage Trailer Interchange $1,000,000.00 to be determined to be determined to be determined $ 50,000.00 Auto Only, Each Accident Other Than Auto Only Each Accident. Aggregate $1,000,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $ 1,000,000.00 Each Occurrence Aggregate to be determined to be determined Each Accident Disease, Policy Limit Disease Each Employee Statutory Limits $ I00,000.00 $ 500.000.00 $ 100,000.00 INSURANCEADVISORYFORM02 Revised 06/9~ The Plastridge Agenoy, In=. P. O. Drawer 730 Delray Beach FL 33447 COVERAGES- ' ~ . r THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT TYPE OF IJ~S~ANCE BNW9850425488 35226 ............... _C_OMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE West America~ I~surance CO. FCCI Mutual ;~ CONOITIO~N OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT ~N ~.['~. RESPECT ~0 WHICH THIS 'HE POLiCiES DESCRIBED ~IEREIN l§ SU~ECT TO ALL THE TERMS, POLICY EFFECTIVE LIMITS 07/02/97 Ol/Ol/9e 07/02/98 Ol/O~/99 $ AUTOONLY-EAACCDENT s 1000000 Certificate h61der is included as additional insured as respect to Liability 1000000 1000000 100,000 500,000 100,000 CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION City of Boynton Beach, Purchasing Department City Hall 100 East bo~nton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach FL 33425 -031 [CORD 25-S (1195) CITYB-9 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUING COMPARY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 10 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT. © ACORD CORPORATION 1988 MARY OF INSURANCE / / F~)r: National Transmissions, Inc. / 502 N.E. 3rd Street / Boynton Beach, FL ~J 33435-3832 Prepared: 01/24/97 The Plastridge Agency, Inc. P. O. Drawer 730 Delray Beach, FL 33447 561-276-5221 Page I bb~er~.- Amoum r mpan¥:: Poligy..fk~.''''- ~ Eft E~:: '.: Pr~i[ Workers Compare, on FCC[ Hutua[ 001~C97~5226 01/01/97 01/01/98 ~91 ~ States= FL E~Loyer's Lfab~[ity J Each Accid~t 100~000 Ois~se - Po[icy Limit Dise~e - Each E~[oyee 100,0~ Hi~ae[ Oe~ants Exc. Jul ia Dechan~ Exc. Jose~ Dechants ~nc. * S~ Attach~ Ratfng Info~tion Requested City Corrmaission Meeting Dates [] March 2I, 2000 [] ^phI4, 2000 [] -April 18. 2000 [] May 2, 2000 IV-CONSE NT AGEN DA ITEM B.3 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) March 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 5, 2000 ~5:00 p.m,) Requested Cit~ Commission [] May 16, 2000 [] June 6. 2000 [] June 20, 2000 April 19, 2000 (5:0Op.m.) [] July 5, 2000 Date Final Form Mast be Turned in to Ciw Clerk's Office May 3. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Iune 21, 2000 (5:00 p-mO NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] PubLic Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unt'mished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: MOTION to award "I~IRE STATION #3 PARKING LOT AND DRI~'EWAY EXPANSION" and appropriate additional funding from CIP funds in the amount of: $11,263.23 BIDg031-2210-00tCJD to FLORIDA BLACKTOP, INC. with a total expenditure of: $108,360.23. Procurement Services requests Commission's review, evaluation and award approval. EXPLANATION: The purpose of this bid is m secure a contractor m expand the existing blacktop driveway located at the East side of the Fire Station #3, add a new parking lot and extend the rear driveway at Fire Station #3. On January 27, 2000, Procurement Services Department opened the above mentioned bid and received only one (1) bid. Florida Blacktop, Inc. is the sole bidder and met all specifications. Bill DeBeck, Facilities Manager concurs with this recommendation (see attached memo #00-032). FISCAL IMPACT: BUDGET ACCOUNT#: 001-5000-590-02-20 302-2210-522-62-01 APPROPRIATE CIP ADDITIONAL FUNDING TOTAL EXPENDITURE Deputy Director of Financial Services Procurement Services Deparanent Name C: Bil/DeBeck -Facilities Manager William Bingham - Fire Chief Steve Gale - Deputy Fire Chief File BUDGETED AMOUNT: $47,150.00 $49,947.00 $11,263.23 ' ~ C~y M~m~ger s Signature City A [{.~me~ / Finance I Human Resources S:~BULLETFN~FORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC ************* Sole Bidder who meets all specifications Bil~i~Atk~-n-s, Deputy Director of Financia% Services FIRE STATION #3 PARKING LOT AND DRIVEWAY EXPANSION B~il ~e~e~,%F~cili~es M~nager "Offers from the vendors listed herein are the only offers BID OPENING DATE: JANUARY 27, 2000 received timely as of the above receiving date and time. BID OPEN NG TIME: 2:00 P.M. AIl other offers submitted in response to this solicitation. VE~IDORS FLORIDA ~LA( roP, 1280 S. POWERLINE ROAD IPOMPANO BEACH, FL 33069 1954) 979-5757 ATTN: ELIAS SHAOUY EXPAND EXISTING BLACKTOP DRIVEWAY $16,979.43 (EAST SIDE OF FIRE STATION #3) NEW PARKING LOT ' $74,381.83 EXTEND REAR DRIVEWAY $16,998.97 I TOTAL SUM $108,360.23 5% BID BOND SUBMITTED YES . . UNITED PACIEIC INSURANCE COMPANY STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS YES BIDDER'S SITE INSPECTION CONFIRMATION SUBMITTED NO NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT OF PRIME ' - .... BIDDER SUBMITTED YES ANTI-KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT SUBMITTED YES FIRE STATION #3 PARKING LOT AND DRIVEWAY EXPANSION BID OPENING DATE: JANUARY 27, 2000 BID OPEN NG T ME: 2;00 P.M. BID #: 031-2210-00/CJD ~¢0~'~ fi:o~ ~[~e ven~0m~li~{ed h~ein are the only offers received timely as of the above receiving date. and time, ;~, Atl ether offers subm. i[ted iQ response to this~olicitation, if any, ere hereby rejected as late" VENDORS FLORIDA BLACKTOP, INC 1280 S. POWERLINE ROAD POMPANO BEACH, FL 33069 . (954) 979-5757 ATTN: ELIAS SHAOUY CONFIRMATION OF MINORITY ~ OWNED BUSINESS SUBMITTED FORM SUBMITTED/NOT A MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS CONFIRMATION OI~ DRUG FREE WORKPLACE YES SAFETY PROGRAM COMPLIANCE SUBMITTED YES ~ . COMMENTS SUBMITTED ORIGINAL AND TWo COPIES OF BID BIDDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Submit Bids To: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton:BEach, Florida 33425-0310 Telephone 561-742-6323 Mailing Date (City): December 28, 1999 Bid Title: FIRE STATION #3 PARKING LOT AND DRIVEWAY EXPANSION Bid Number: #031-2210-00/CJD Bid Received By: JANUARY 27, 2000 NO LATER TITAN 2:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) Bids will. be :open_ed inithe Procurement Services Division unless specified otherwise and may not be vathdrawn within ninety (90) days after such date and time. All awards made as a result of this Bid shall conform to applicable sections of the charter and codes of the Ci .ty. Name of Vendor: Federal I.D. Number: A Corporation of the State of: Area Code: Mailing Address: City/State/Zip: Vendor Mailing Date: Certified or Cashier's check is attached when required in the amount of$ ~. A Name T~d- THIS PAGE TO BE S~MITT~ ~ONG WITH PROPOS~ BA 1 ADDENDA CITY OF BORON BEACH, FLORIDA BID TITLE: FIRE STATION #3 PARKING LOT~ DltlVE'vVAY EXPANSION ~"; BIDDER: DATE SUBMITTED: We propose and agree, if this Bidis acceptefl,'~O contract V~ith the City of BoyrrtonBeach, in the Contract Form, tO~sh a!~ material, equipm~nt~ machine, tools~,: ~pp~atus~ mean~, .of , rk transPortation, construction, c0o~tiqt~ and labor necessary to cons:trucr anct comptete wo specified by the Contract documents.' Having studied the Drawings and Project Manual prepared by: / and having examined the project site (when in~cated La these specifications to do so), we propose to construct the work of this Project accorcling to the Contract documents and the following addenda which we have received: ADDENDUM DATE ADDENDUM DATE THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG Wrr~ PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE AA1 BID PROPOSAL The Bidder agrees to accept as full payment for the: FIRE STATION//3 PARKING LOT AND DRIVEWAY EXPANSION as defined in these Contract documents based upon the undersigned's own estimate of quantities and costs, the following total sum of: EXPAND EXISTING BLACKTOP DRIVEWAY (EAST SIDE OF FIRE STATION #3) NEW PARKING LOT - ~,c_. EXTEND REAR DRIVEWAY TOTAL: C~xc, r~ xc_o~,,-~x> G_Lfi..xw ~-o,~,,~ \~-~q ~,~,oc~9 Dollars and '~c~,.~%-~x--x.~. - \~'~ "~- Cents (mount written in words has precedence) The undersigned bidder agrees to commence work within ten (10) calendar days after the date of the Notice to Proceed and shall complete the work within the time limits as follows: 6Ocalendar days after the commencement date to be indicated in the written "Notice to Proceed". The undersigned bidder hereby represents that he has carefully examined the drawings and the .Contract including all Contract documents and will execute the Contract and perform all its ~tems, covenants and conditions, all in exact compliance with the requirements of the specifications and drawings. The bidder, by and through the submission of his Bid, agrees that he has examined and that he shall be held responsible for having theretofore examined h/mself as to the character of the route, the location, surface and underground obstructions, the nature of the mgr~und water table, conditions and all other physical characteristics of the work, in order that he ay thereby provide for the satisfactory completion thereof, including the removal, relocation or replacement of any objects or obstructions which will be encountered in doing the proposed work. - THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE BP 1 The bidder, by submission of this Bid acknowledges that the bidder has been advised that in the event bidder ocontests the award of this project to another bidde~,ithat the bidder, damagfis, fi.any, are limited tO actual Bid preparation costs and bidder h~.eb7 ~ai~es any. elai~ it maY na~e ~or other damages coming from the City's failure ~tO .~waf~i ~ proJedt:biddek THIS PA~E ~O BE SIIBMITTED IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAOE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE BP 2 Date (Name of bidder, Corporation. Finn or Individual) By _ Signa etu~/ Printed Name ! Title Telephone Number Florida Contractor's License Number THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE BP 3 BID BOND STATE OF ] COUNTY ( KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that as Principal, and , as Surety, a CorporatiOn charter and e~isting under the laws~ of,the State of Florida, with its principal offices inthe City of Boynton Beach, and authorized to :do bus~s ia.the State of Florida are held and firmly bound unto the Owner, in the penal sum of Dollars ($ ) lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which ~m will and truly to be made, we bond ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that whereas the Principal has submitted the accompanying bid, dated ,199 , for: FIRE STATION #3 PARKING LOT AND DRIVEWAY EXPANSION NOW THEREFORE, A. If the principal shall not withdraw said Bid with/n ninety (90) days after date of opening of the same, and shall within tan(10) days after the prescribed forms are presented to hira for signature, enter into a written Contract with the Owner in accordance with the Bid as accepted, and give bonds with goods and sufficient surety or sureties, as may be required, for the faitlffal performance and proper fulfillment of such Contract, then the above oblig~itions shall be void and of no effect, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Bo In the event of the withdrawal of said Bid within the period specified, or the failure to enter into such Contract and give such bonds within the time specified, if the principal shall PaY the Owner the difference between the amount specified in said Bid and the amount for which the Owner may procure the required work and supplies, if the latter amount be in excess of the former then the above obligations shall be void and of no effect, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. BIB 1 I~. WITNESS WHEREOF, the above bounded parties have executed this insUamaent under then: several seals, this day of , being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of is governing body. WITNESS: (IfS01e Ownership or Parmership, two (2) Wimesses required). (If Corporation, Secretary only will attest and affix seal). PRINCIPAL: WITNESS: Name of Firm Signature of Authorized Officer (affixed seal) Title Business Address City and State BIB 2 corpormte Surety ' WITNESS: Attomey4~- fact (aft~x seal) Business Address City State Name of Local Insurance Agency CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE PRINCIPAl, I, ,&57o/~ ~ ~..~,Oz~,~ ., ce~ that I am the Secretary of the Corporation named as Principal in the within bond; that ~---tS/~_~ ~/~,qot.~ who signed the said Bid Bond on behalf of the Principal. was then ~r-~o~{;-- of said Corporation; that I know has signature, and his sign~e hereto is genuine, and that said bond was duly signed, sealed;and attested for and in behalf of said Corporation by au~, STATE OF FLORIDA) ~"~goveming body. (corporate seal) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) Before me, a Notary Public duly commissioned, qualified and acting, personally appeared t/~oO~-~t~ ,,~,q,~,.,,. to me well known, who being by me first duly sworn upon oath, says that he is the ~ for the /z'/o/-~:~,~ I~l,~ct_-~ ,' ~--ac_. andthathehasbeen authorized by ~ ,~ ~ ac> ~ , to execute the foregoing bond on behalf of the Contractor named therein in favor for the Owner, the City of Boynton Beach. BIB 4 STATEME~ OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS Each ContractOr biddi!~g on work inctuded in these GeneraI Documents shall prepare and submit the;d~ti~i ~eqti~Sfdq:l {n ~ follo~ing %Waedule df iiffonn~tion. ~-.-.. . TI/iS ~:must be}ifiCluded in and made:part, of each bid:document.. F~l_~e to: c~oaI~..ply w~th tiff instruction may be regarded as justification for'rejecting the Contractor s propos . * attach additiongl sheets giving the information Name of Bittder: Business Address: When Organized: Where Incorporated: How many years have you been engaged in the contracting business under the present finn name? Contracts on hand: *GROSS AMOUNT: *(Each Contract) e"_.~.,L ~.~-~ Ac~ze,_k~' General character of work performed by your comp y. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? If so, where and why? ~ C'~ 10. 11. 13. List of more important structures erected by your company, including approximate cost. * Have you ever defaulted on a contract? If so, where and why?* List your major equipment. * ~y'o'~, ~-J~t Experience in construction of work similar in importance to this project. * Background and experience of principal n~embers of your personnel, including officers. * 14. Credit available. (If requested) THIS PAGE MI;ST BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL SBQ 1 15. List all lawsuits (design and/or construction related) to which you have been a party and which: * A. arose fi:om consumction projects: * B. occurred within the last 4 years: * C. provide'Case number and style * 16. Financial statement. (Ifrequested). * Dated at: this ~7_'~ day of (~aen si~at~e) Name Title (printed or typed) THIS PAGE MUST BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL BIDDER'S SITE INSPECTION CONFIRMATION BID TITLE: FIRE STATION #3 PARKING LOT AND DRIVEWAY EXPANSION BIDDER: 031-2210-00[CJD Before me, the undersigned authority, authorized to take 'aekno~wledgements personally appeared: as an authorized representative of: .. (hereinafter called the bidder) located at and that said bidder has visited the site of the work and has carefully examined the plans and specifications for said proj eot and checked them in detail before submitting his bid or proposal. CITY EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE DATE O1~ INSPECTION THIS PA~ TO BE S~BM~TTED ALON~ WITH PROPOSAL IN OP. DEi~ FOR BID pACKAOE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE A~D ACCEPTABLE BSI-1 NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT OF PRIME BIDDER State of '~---~z. ,~ ) : County of ~-~,, c~,~ ~-~-) ) 1) , being first duly sworn, deposes and says that: . '~ifle) ~ ~ ~e of Co~rafion~or F~) * ' bidder ~at h~ submiRe~ ~e aaaehed ~id: 2) He is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached bid and of all per~inem ~ircumst~es reSPecting such bid; 3) Said bid is genuine and is not a collusive or sham bid; 4) Further, the said bidder nor any of its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest, indluding this affiant, has in any way colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly with any other bidder, firm or person to submit a collusive or sham bid in connection with the Contract for which the attached bid has been submitted or to refrain from bidding in connection with such Contract, or has in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement or collusion or communications o~ ConferenCe with any other bidder, firm or person to fix the price or prices in the attached bid or of any Other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit or cost element of the bid price or-the bidpfice of any other bidder, or to secure through any collusion, conspiracy, connivance or unlawful agreement any advantage against the proposed Contract; and (Local Public Agency) or any person interested in the s) The price or prices quoted in'the attached Bid are fair and proper and are nor tainted by any collusion, conspiracy, connivance or unlawful agreement on.the par~ of the Bidder or any of its agents, representatives, owners, employees, IW.~arties/ln in~cr~t, including this (Signed) - -~. ' "~ ~ ) (Title) ~?c~% ~ x-~L~~'~' Subscribed and sworn to before me or~ o, oflOOo This c~'/ dayof~.- ,19 My commission expires BID PACKAOE TO BE CONS]IDERED COMIPLETE AND ACCEPTAIILE ANTI-KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) : SS ) · that no portion of the sum herein Bid will BY: Sworn. and subscribed before[n~e ....... , . . , , ~d~9~90, tUs 077day of Printed Information:. 2q'OTARY PUBLIC, State of Florida at Large COMPANY "OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL" STAMP ["~:'~3 MY COMMISSION # CC ~[l~tq:~.~ EXPIRES: September 9, 2(~2 1THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE AKA 1 CONFIRMATION OF MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS A requested form tO be made a part of our files for future use and information. Please fill out and indicate in the appropriate%paces provided which Category best describes your company. Return this form with your Bid proposal sheet making it'an official part of your Bid response. () ( ) AS~ ( ): BLACEi ( ) ,HISPANIC ( ) WOMEN ( ) OTHY_~ (specify) Do you possess a certification qualifying your business as a "Minonty' ' Owned Bus~ness' "? YES NO _~ If YES, name the Organization from which tiffs certification was obtained and date: Issuing Organization for Certification Date of Certification THIS PA~E TO ~E SUBMITTED ALONO WITH P~OPOSAL MOB 1 CONFIRMATION OF DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE IDENTICAL TIE BIDS ~ businesses with drag-free workplace programs, Whenever,~rwo or ~ procedures 1) Publish. a st atement ri°ting en!pl°Y~: ~ ~ ~Law~. ! ¢ e',~tr~-ut,~5- --d dispensing, pOSsession, or us~ o(a contact!ed S~Ce)s prqm~tu .m~or? Specifying the actions that ~fll%e taken against em~Ioyees for vmlations o~ such prommtmn. business's olie of 2) Informemployeesaboutthedangem°f~g~us~mth~w~'r~P.!~e;~,e-, .* }}' p~c y ~, ..: ~ :corms ' ~ ~t~habmtation, aha maintaining a drug, free workplace, ;troy ~7~!~ ~g ' ~¢ ~ employee assistance programs~ and the pena!lie~.th~ may 1~ lm~s.,¢ p P drag abuse violations. --'- . . - - 3) Give .each employee eng3ged.~ prqvi~g~.~ c,o..n~?, odities or contractual services that are under bic/a copy of the statement speci~fec~.in subsection (I). 4) In the stateraent specified ,in subsecfi°n (!}' notify the c'mpl°yee th-at.' as-a c°nd!ti°n °f .- working on the commodities or contra??:~fi~ that a~.un,~d,~..b~, the e~. p.ioyee w~nnlea abide by :the termsof the statement ar(d~ w{:lt ~Ot!~'th~ er~_ ~kloy''' ~of ally cobb,eta,on ,of,~or of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of chapter ~u~ or or any contronea suesranc~ la~ of the United States or any state, for ~/vi~lation occurring in the workplace rio later than 5 days after Such convicfibn. mpose asan*tionon, rehabilitation program if such is availabI~in the employee s commum[y ay, mty iJ y who is so convicted. 6) Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of this section° As the person authorized to sign the statement, [ certify, this fi co ' s fully w the above requirements. · . . Vendor's Sign~g~r-~f THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONO W~TH PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AHD ACCEPTABL~ DPW - 1 SAFETY PROGRAM COMPLIANCE Safety is a high priority in the conducting of business in the City of Boynton Beach. Preference shall be given to contractors with an established safety program following O.S.H.A. guidelines, and documented results establishing a safe working environment. Bidder shall provide a copy of the Safety Program(s) to be in effect for the, duration of the Contract (attach to tl/e back of this form).. The City reserves the right ~o conduct periodic safety inspections of the contractor, subcontractor, employees, agen[s, etc. throughout the duration of the Contract. The City reserves the right to terminate the Contract where it is determined that the contractor or subcontractor is in non-compliance of the safety terms~ regulations or requirements established by O.S.H.A. or the State. As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this firm complies fully with the above requirements. This PAOE TO BE SUBMITTED ALON~ W. IT~ PROPOSAL SPC - I PRODUCER ¥.R, Jones & Company 1780 North Krome Avenue H?~stead, FL 33030 Donna Semple Florida Blacktop, Inc. 1280 S. Powerline Road Suite 29 Pompano Beach, FL 33069 FAX (305)2 8-8543 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANY Ext: 260 A COMPANY B COMPANY c COMPANY D COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE ~ational Th~st ~nsu~ance Co. Hartford Insurance Company THATT CERTIFICATE MAY D BYTHE EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POUC ES L M TS SHOWN MAy HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PA D co A ~-' CL~IMS~ X occuR~GL0100003487 03/29/1999 i 03/29/2000 ECHEDULEDAUTOS C. AU0100003487 03/29/*r9919 ~ 03/29/2000 ~ICH THIS THE TERMS. 2,000,000 1,000,000 St000 1 9oo Do0 GARAGE UABILITY ANY AU'FO EXCESS LIAmUTY UMERELL~ FORM OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM WORh.=~ COMPENSATION AND BINDER 04/01/1999 OTHER PRO PERTY CAtvM~GE $ '= . T~.O~Ry~L MffS ER 04/01/2000 iEL EACH ACCIDENT $ 500,000 EL DISEASE - POUCY LIMIT $ 500,000 EL DISFJ~SE - EA EMPLOYEE $ S00,000 City of Boynton Beach License Division Building & Zoning 200 North Seacrest Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33425 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POUCIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPiRATiON DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL .. 10 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBUGATION OR LIABIU'i~ BID BOND STATE OF FLOKIDA) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) KNOW ALL MENBY THESE PKESHNTS, that FLORIDA BLAcKtOp, INC. as Principa, and i United Pacific Insurance Company , as Sure~, a Corpora6on ch~ner and ex/sting under the laws of the State of Florida, with i~ pfinMpaI,offices in the City of Boymon Beach, and authorized to do business in the Sm~e of Florkla arc held and firmly bound unto thc Owner, City of Boynton Beach in thepenalsum Of Five Percent of Amount Bid Dollars ($ 5Z ) lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum will and truly to be made. we bond ourselves, our heir's, executors, administmtors,-and succe.~sors, jointly and severally, firmly by these p~ent& THE CONDITION' OF Tiffs OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that whereas the Principal has submitted the aecompanyingbid, dated Jan. 2/. 20Ogfor: I i i FIRE STATION #3 PARKIING LOT AND DKIVEV~ AY EXPANSION NOW TI-I~R~FOR~, If the principal shall not withdraw said Bid within ninety (90) days at, er date of opening of the same, and shall within ten ( I O) days after thc proscribed forms are prescntcd to him for signature, enter into a written Contract with the Owner in accordance with thc Bid as accepted, and give bonds with goods and sufficient surc~ or sureties, as may be required, for the faithfill performance and proper fulfillment of such Contract, thcn the above obligations shall be void and of no effect, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. l i In thc event of thc withdrawal of said Bid within the period specified, or the failure to enter into such Contract and ave such bonds within the time specified, if the principal shall pay the Owner the difference benveen the amount specified in said Bid and thc amount for which thc Owner may procure the required work and supphes, if the latter amount be in excess Of the former then the above obligations shall be void and of no effect, otherwise to rerna/n in full force and effect. t I i I I i ! i i !i i !i IN ,WITNESS ,WHEREOF, the above bounded parties hav~ signed by WITNESS: duly (If CO~po~ Se~t~ only will-attest, and affix sea!)o ; - ' - PRINCIPAL: Florida Blacktop · Inc.* Name of Finn Signature of Authorized Officer (affixed seal) Fltie P. Shaouy, President Title 1280 South FowerlineRoad, #29 _ ~usin~S Address Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 City and State SURETY: United Pacific Insurance Com~nv Nielson, Attorney-in-Face Floor Philadelphia, Pannsylv~ 19102 Smt~ Collinsworth, Alter, Nielson, Fowlers& Dowling, Inc. Name ofLocallnzuranceAgency C~I~.TtFICAT~ AS TO COR.POP,~-~T~ PPd~CI?AL certiS/that I ~ the Secre~ry or,he Corporaion n~ned as PHnclpal in thc within bond; that -~. L~.,~'. _%~,/~ :~ who signed the said Bid Bond of said Corporation; tha~ I know h~ STATE O~ FLORIDA) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) Before me, a Notary Public duly commissioned, qualified and acting, personally appeared Charles D. Nielson tO mc well known, who being by mc first duly ~vom upon omb, says --~ United Pacific and ~at he has been fl~at h~ ~ thc Attorney-in-Fact, for ~h¢ Insurance Company authorized by them [0 cX~CU~ th~ foregoing bond on behMfofthe mmission expiree: March 7, 2003 RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY RELIANCE INSURANCE COMI'ANY UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY RELIANCE NATIONAI~ INDEMNITy COMPANY - % ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE. PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA PO~ OF ATTO~I~¥ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PR.E.S~ENT~ that RELIANCE SURETY COMPANy ioa co r ' ' aware, and that RELIANCE INSURANC~ CQMPANY a' UNl'r;f~ PA,'imf .de~ mgl.~P~°~.°=n, duly organized under the laws of the State of O of the Commonwea th of P ' . ~ -~::~2- -~- :'~' ,...~,~A,.~... ,-OMPANY, are oorpotatior,~ dui ' enne~¥enre and that RELIANCE NATIONAL IN , . , y ergamzed under tha lewa the State of W'mconme (hareie =bi e=ti~,ai~,b~l~4 -~-- ,~--:-~ ...- --. D. EMN!TY COMPANY · a ©orperatiat] duly or~nized under trueC°nst~mte end appmnt'Ch~ J N~. Ctrerl~, D.:~r .... I~!~y O. A .ce~. W~,enC°thP- pnmaM. ~bY &nrtue of, mgnature end ~eale ~do her. eby make .,.,~a~.nc~& i~a, wf~l. Attornsv(s).,n.F~ to ma~, exacu~e~, sod ~ d~ v~r:fof ~1 th~i, hd~h~ ,~_~L_L~_~ ~E~.C~I~.,, -.y.-Trmu~.g~.. m aum~. and to bind~ the Co.~mpames thereby__ al fully ahd M ~:h~";~'L:'?a r~ ac.m~r, act and deed mty ~d ell b~d~ acd w. ntmgs oo,gatoW m the nato~e thereof were ~gned by an ExecutiVe Officer of the ? e~x~. ~t a~.~r au. oh bo~da and undertakings and other officere, and hereby ratlfie, and confilml all that thek sa~l AttomaY(a)-in:Fact ~1~ do i~puC~a~n~erelo;.~nd end atteated by one other of such This Power of Attorney is gractad under end bY the authority of Article VI of the By*l. awl of RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY, pRrEoUviAs~NflC~EalrNoSnUoRwAinNCh~q fCoFO~Po~fUi~N~TE~dDiPi~ACo~Flfo~oiwNoS:URANCE COMPANY. and RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY which STATE OF Pennsylvania $ COUNTY OF Philadelphia ) se. RsiianceNat~°nsilnd~nitvCom=afl'v'a~d';"~t~t*A,:,',"'~. . . --. -- - --- -.-- -- ~.., u~:~"'e--f'r-'~-?m' _o~ ~ol~r~o InSurance CompanY~utr~ Unitnd Pacifio Insurance Co. ~any =onM~ by mgreflg t~ ~ of t~ coca,on'by ~ms~f ~ d~vn~"~. --.~nz~ ~ ao o~c~.S°' ex~t~ ~e f~tng m~mment for the ~osa th~n In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and offioial seal. 1. Notary Pub#o in and for ~he State of Paflna¥1vahia Residing at Philadelphia l, Anita ;Sppaci, Sacretaw of REUANCE SURETY COMPANY, RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, UNITED PACIFIC NSURANCE COMPANY REUANCE NA?IONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY do hereby oe~ that the abe--- ---' ....... :':' - -- , and exacuted by said Compahioe, whioh ia still in full fords and ~f~L .. -. =,,~ .urul~,ng le · [rue emi corre=t Dopy of the Power of Attorney IN WrTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the ~eal~ of said Companies th~s -?7_._ day of ~az~ua~'¢ 200~ . J W THESe WHEREOF, the Companma have caused the.e present, to be signed and thetr corporate seals to be hereto affixed, this De,ember 20. CONTRACT a Florida Corporation ~.(~ -) a Florida G~ncral Parm~er~ip.( ', SoIe: op'i t°r ( ) h~r~r:call~. CONTRAC~O~ .. Check One That unde~ the due procedure of law, bids were heretofore received by the City qa~ssiqn Of said City;:~.~ ~ i~i~p~ff0rmance 0f ~ork 'and supplying .materials, hereinafter described, and-smd Co~iss~ ~m:~ng ;canvassed said bids, had determined that. ~nbi~.~.~ ej £~ [HREE CEN Y , . · ..... .- '~ .T:w~ ~ : 5~'¢' TS submitt~ b the aforementioned coNTRACTOR Was the best a,,,t ~m~d~ l~bid SUbmitted, and has authorized the execution oi tins. contract-. 1~0~,, T~ORE; in consideration of these premises and the mutual conditions and ~0¢dh~ai~ ~di~taihed kerein, the parties agree as foiio~si' 1.0 ~1.1 ':~ The qlTY does award the cqntract to and d~oes hire and employ the CONTRACTOR and the cONTR~CTOR does aecei~t the awar~ Predicated UPon the bid of the CONTRACTOR, dated , which is hereby incorporated by reference into this agreement, and the CONTRACTOR does agree to furnish the necessary labor, tools, equipmem, materi,alS and aUppfi~s, etc., and to peiform fall the w. ork prov]ded m the bid, contract ~i~c~u-nentS, bond documents~ plans and spemfications for: Bid Title:~'mE STATION#3 PARKING LOT AND DRIVEWAY EXPANSION Bid Number: #031-2210-00/CJD · o ton Beach, Florida, all of which are ~ncorporated h?rein by reference C~ty of.B .yn . . · ' ~ · ' id at such umt prices/or lump sum prices as specffied m CONTRACTOR S b totaling $108,360.23. C-1 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES 2.1 2.2¸ 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 CONTRACTOR further agrees to furnish all materials, supplies, machines, equipment, tools, superintendents, labor, insurance, and other accessories and services necessary To complete said project in accordance.w/th the conditions and prices as stated in the contract conditions, supplemental general conditions and special conditions of the contract, plans which include ail maps, plats, blueprints, and other drawings and printed or written explanatory matter thereof as contained in the bid, contract documents and specifications for the project. All the work and labor performed-under,this contract:shall be performed, and all of .~e material fuiuiShed shall be, in strict- conformitY with Said plans and specmcations, and CONTRACTOR accepts and consentsI to the conditions contained'in :said Plans mud specifications ~nd cxp~resslY: agrees tO-comply with everyrequi~ent:and Stipulation ~erein contained .to he-performed by the party contracting {o do said work. ' The CONTRACTOR further agrees to furnish all tools, eqmpment~ materials and supplies and to do ail the Work above mentioned in a first-class, substantial and workmanlike manner, and in conformity with the detail for ,~ald wart- ,,,, aT,~ ;,, ot'fice of the CitY Engineer' of the City and strictly in accordance with the spe6ificatinns, general stipulations and plans which are hereby referred to and made a part of this.contract, as well os to the satisfaction of the City Commission anti City Engineer of the said City, and in strict obedience with the directions which may be given by the City Manager or his authorized representative, at and for the prices herein plainly set forth. Upon receipt of written notification from the CITY, to correct any defective or faulty work or materials which may appear within one (1) year after completion of the ¢ontract~ and receipt of final payment. CONTRACTOR shall make the necessary corrections within ten (10) days of receipt of the wriuen notice. To comply with the provisions ef Section 255.05, Florida Statutes, if applicable. To pay promptly, before final settlement, any and ail claims or liens incurred in and about this work. Furnish release of liens forms from ail subcontractors and suppliers of materials. Forms to be supplied by CITY. The CONTRACTOR shall remove and clean up all rubbish, debris, excess material, temporary structures, tools and equipment from streets, alleys, parkways and adjacent property that may have been used or worked on by the CONTRACTOR in connection with the project promptly as such section or portion is completed and ready for use, leaving the same in a neat and presentable condition. C-2 Paymem of monthly or partial estimates may be withheld until this has been done to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Final acceptance and payment for the entire project will not be made until the site is satisfactory to the CITY, , ~ ::2~.8 :, ,The CONTR~C~TOR:::ShaFI~a~ ali times obse~e andcomply with'the provisions of the charter;,,0rdi~ anc~~/~a;,; qo~le& and ~egu!afions :of the City! of':~loynton Beach~ Florida. he work, ,~ himself, by ~ with 2.9 2.10 f the bul catch my and defects the 3.0 2.11 The ~ONTR~:CTOR ~11 be held ~¢sponsihle for the care,, protection and ¢~aqi~n?bf all work until final completion and acceptance thereof, and will be reqffi~ed to makegood at h~s own cost any damage or ~nlury occurring from any cOMMENCEMENT OF WORK 3.1 3.2 CONTRACTOR hereby, agrees to commence work under this contract on or before a date to be:specified in the written "Notice to Proceed? of:the CITY and to fully complete the project within 60 days following the commencement date as specifier[ in same. Time is 'the essence or. the contract. In the event the CONTRACTOR shall fail in ~he gerfonUance of;the~work~ specified and required to be performed within, the time itim[t set: forth .in/the contract, after due allowance for any extensmn or extensions of time made in acc9rdance with herein before set forth, the CONTRACTOR shall be liable to the CITY, as liquidated damages and not as penalty, in the amount :stipulated therefore in the special conditions or in other C-3 documents for each and every calendar day that the CONTRACTOR shall be in default of completion. The CITY shall have the right to deduct said liquidated damages from any amount .due, Or that may become due the CONTRACTOR, or to collect such hquidated damages from the CONTRACTOR or his Sure .ty. 4.0 3.3 CONTRACTOR shall, as soon as practicable, after signature of contract, notify City Engineer in writing of names of subcontractors proposed for principal parts of work, and for such others as City Engineer may direct, and shall not employ an that architect may, w/thin a reasonable time, object to as incompetent or as unfit. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 4.1 The CONTRACTOR further agrees, to pay .$.250.00 per day as liqn/dat~d damages, for faili~e to begin w/thin ten (10) days of "Notice to Proceed" or ~i~e. ~t0. ~c0.m, plebe, .the_ work. within 60 caler~dar days from the commencement uare m ~e mo~cated ~n the written "Notice to ?~oceed". 5.0 PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES 5.1 5.2 The CONT~CTOR warrants that prices include the protection and continuous use of all emstmg: sewers, conduits¢ drains, pipes,:buildings, walks, bridges, guard rai!s'and other construction encountered, and the prompt repairing of any damage done to them during the progress of the work, or from insufficient support thereafter; also:, all tl~ filling, backfilling, ramping, rammin , uddlin and i . ~ . g P g consol~datmg; the.removal and diSp, osal of all t'Ubbish and surplus material; also alllpumping b~[ng dr~in/ng or uriwatering of all excavations} incidental to the e×ecmion 0fthe~ork~ ~tso the furnishing of al~ necessary labor, tools, equipment materials and sUpplies,;bte. :and the performanci¢ Of the whole work mentioned in the detailed plai~s and speci~cafions necessa~ ~to give a fin/shed result, and includin all e ense- inc ' · ,... g , 5p ~ urred In or m consequence of the suspension or ~sconfinua~ ~ce Of the s~d w~ orl~ specified and a faithful compliance with each and every One of flie~reqmrdments of.the contract and for the maintenance of the entire work and construction ia good condition and repair until final acceptance. The CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility and expense for the protection of ali public and pnyare property, smacmres~ water mains, sewers, utilifiesi :etc.,~b6? above hnd below ground, at or near the site or sites of the work being performed under the contract,' or which are in any manner affected by the prosecution of the work or the transportation of men and materials in connection therewith: The CONTRACTOR shall g~ve reasonable written notice in advance to the department of the CITY having charge of any property or utilities owned by the CITY and to other owner or owners of public or private property or utilities when they shall be affected by the work to be performed under the contract, and shall make all necessary arrangements with such department, depamnents, owner or owners for the removal and replacement or protection of such property or utilities. IN~E~Vlk~,[~ICATION 6.1 The agents, its demand, or cause of performance of actions and 7.0 and the by the be 6.3 obligate yell herein. [in and 6.4 ect to available to pAYMENT 7.1 The. CITY am'ees m nav,tke CO~TRACTOR in c ~ur~rent, .~nds: for. the performance of the, contract, ~jajc~ct~ to, ad~dit~olls and: deductions as provided tn th Specifications. - C-5 8.0 CHANGES IN THE WORK 8.1 8.4 8.2 8.3 The CITY, without invalidating the Contract, may order extra work or make changes by altering, adding ro or deducting from the work, the Contract sum being adjdSted hccordingty. Xll Such work gall be executed t~nder the conditions of the original Contract. Any claim for extension of time caused thereby shall be ' made in writing at the time such change is ordered. All change orders and adjustments shall be in writing and approved by the City Manager or City Commission if required; otherwise, no claim, for extras will be alldwed. ~he General.~C°n~rac.[or and all of his subcontractors shall be apprised of, and familiar with, :the following conditions and procedures govem~g extra work ~der the cbi~tmct: ' - 8.3.1 Any el~unge order~has to be.recommended by the City Manager and 6ffieiafly' ~pproved by the City Commission before a~ay steps are taken to implement the: change order. 8.3.2 Should:the CONTRACTOR or any of his subcontractors commence with the work without making a claim in writing for unfo}eseen extra work he eneotmters, it will be construed as an acceptance and agreement by him that any such work is required under the contract and no furore claim for extras will be considered or allowed by the CITY 8.3.3 N~ cl~m for extra work w?tI be allowed unless and until authority for same_~.by._wri. 'tten Change Order has been obtained from the City Manager or the City Commission of Boynton Beach, if necessary, which authorization wilt be signed by the Mayor. 8.3.4 Clmnges in the work directed in writing by the CITY'S Representative under th~ following procedures shall become a part of the Contract by a written Change Order. 8.3.5 Information regarding changes in the work involving claims to the CITY for additional work, credits, and/or adjustments under the contract sh _ .. all be prompny transrmtted in writing by the General CONTRACTOR to the CITY'S Representative with full explanations and justifications for his consideration in preparing a Change Order to the Contract. The value of an chart e ordere Y g d trader the Contract for extra work and/or any reductions in WOrk required, shall be determined under one or mere of the following procedures before a writteh Change Order'is issued: 8.4.1 8.4.2 lay By such applicable unit prices, if any, as are set forth in the Contract except in those cases where increases in quantifies exceed fifteen (15) percent of the original bid quantity and the total dollar change of that bid item iS sf~can~ ~he 0pinion'or-:the Eng~eer; ~emmt ,price shall be subject ;to reviO---e~V to: detei~iie'if a hew unit ~elsl/6n[{b~:'iiegofiated; or If no such unit prices are set,forth, then by a:lump sumor other unit prices mutually t/~reed upon by ~heCITY and the CONTRACTOR; or direct to local for ~ An upper The CONTRA~p~ s~l ~ubmit s~iex~ c°st and pricing data ,,, ,~.;*a~; ~h~ : ff~r: m rlet~ix/e' the' necessity and ': ,: reamiiabI6ne~':0~ ~ml~ ,.~amounts ~p~jed and the allowability and, eh~ib~lity o~o~s.~i~is0sed. ' The CONTRAC~R" sh~l~' have an a~0unting system whic~ accounts :for such .Costs .in accordance ~.th generally accepte accdunfi~'~rinCit~tesi~his ~ystem-sliall provtde for the tdentificaUon~}'.iac~ and seg!¢g~ion of allowable and unalldWa~ie C~mg~.~m:costs. ' Wh, ere it is2indica~t~d ~at the Contract is Federally or State as~ist~d~il~[:~l~rOR'S at/ent[r~n is directed to the applica~iO ~sia~A.~[~U,'ons relative t6 cost pnnciples which must be ~e6'f~r ~ dg~~ination and all0wability of costs under grant. 8 4 3 4 In no :case slml,1 fring.~ benefit costs on direct labor costs exceed forty (40) percent of direct labor costs. In. no~case ,shall the CONTRACTOR and,Subcontractors' general overhe~ad~ an(~ ~mftt in the aggregate exceed fifteen (15) percent of th; total; :c0s~ibf direct 'la~r,' fringe benefits; direct overhead, matefi~[~ s??li~s, i equipment and directly related services s~/Ppli&d ~y'hi~. Amcmg: the items considered as general overhead are bonds, i~asurance~ incidental job burdens, supervlsmn and general office expenses. 9.0 8.5 In no case shall the CONTRACTOR'S cost for administering subcontracts exceed five (5) percent of the subcontractors' cost not mcludmg subcontractors profit. For special equipment and machinery such as power driven pumps, concrete mixers,: trucks, and tractors, or other equipment, required .for the economical performance of the authorized work, the CONTRACTOR shall receix~e payment based on the agreed rental price for each item of equipment and the actual time of its .us~ 0n,~he xvork provided that the rental price shall not exceed the curZren~mtes p~b,~shertby the EquiPment Guide BOOk Com.,p, an~y in the Bleue Bgok' ,Rental Rates for COnstruction Equipment Rate shall be daily, weekly or monthly as appropriat~ Records of extra work done shalI be reviewed at the end of each day by:the CONTRACTOR and the Engineer, Such daily records shall clearly distinguish between the work done under the contract and that d~ne. ~r the Change Order.. Duplicate copies of the accepted daily records shall' .be made, signed by the Coi(ITRACTQR and ~he Engineer and one copy retained by ~ch. Claim of paymem for ~extra.work' shall be .s~ubmitted by the. CONTRACTOR upon certified statement isapportedi by receipted bi!Is: Sueh~ statements sh~l be submitted for the' 6Urre~ Contract paymen~ for th~ month in .which the work was done. No claim for extra work ishall be allowed unless that same was ordered, in writing, as aforesaid and the claim presented at the time of the~ first estimate, after the work is completed. PROJECT ENGINEER 9.1 9.2 9.3 The project engineer shall be POST, Bt/CKLEY, SCItUIt & JERNIGAN The Engineer shall have general supervision and direction of the work. The Engineer is the agent of the CITY only to the extent provided in the contract documents and when in special instances he has the authority by CITY to act, and in such instances he shall, upon request, show CONTRACTOR written authority. He has authority to stop the work whenever such stoppage may be necessary to insure the proper execution of the contract. ' ' As the Engineer is, in the first instance, the interpreter of the conditions of the contract and the judge of its performance, he shall side neither with CITY nor with CONTRACTOR, bat shall use his power under the contract to enforce its faithful performance by both. 10.0 INSURANCE 10.1 The CONTRACTOR shall maintain during the term of this contract commercial liability, motor vehicle~ and prope/ty damage ins ,urance, acceptable te th~.C!TY: covering the work contracted and al/ Operations connected herewlth,~ ~al~,O. wl~ene~er any of the work inthe Coraract'iS to be sublet, CONTRACTOR S contingent Cr.protectiV~.tiabffitY :and property damage, insurance. Such ~n.surance. sliall:~pr0~(ide.!limit~ n0t:les~-than~0se ~e~.f~rth.~on the insurance reqmrement schedule:attached as' ~ttachment "A . 11.0 10.3 11.1 prevent the the ; as they or other consu'uction or , in case of All the work shall be guaranteed to remain in good condition for~ one year from date of acceptance. 12.0 TERMINATION OF CONTRACT 12.1 If the:work to be performed under the contract is assigned by the CONTRACTOR other'than provided for herein; if the CONTRACTOR should be adjudged as barikmpt; if a, ganeral a~ssignmem of his assets be made for the benefit of his ~creditors; if areceiver should be appointed for the CONTRACTOR or any of his property; if a~ any time the Engineer shall certify in writing tO the City Manager that the p,erformance of the work under the contract is being unnecessarily d~l.ayed or that; ~. CONTRACTOR is willfully violating any of the condttmus, provisi&ts, or covenants 0Fthe contract,; plans Or specifications., or that he is executing the sai~e in bad' faith or otherwise not in accordance w~th the terms of the contract; if the work be not fully completed Within the time named for its completion or within the time to which such completion date may be extended; or if other just causes exist, the City Manager may serve ten (10) days' written notice C-9 ~f%; ~e~ONTR,~_ CTOR of the intent to terminate the contract for the CITY and me CONTRACTOR shall not, prior to ,the effective date of tenninanon set forth m such notice, take' such measures as will, in 'the judgment of the City Manager, ensure the satisfacto!y performance of the work, the Cit5 Commission and the Ciiy Manager may d~cl~re 'the c0~tract terminated on the ~ffective date specified m such notice, or any date subsequent thereto. In the event of such termination, the City Manager shall notify the CONTRACTOR and Surety and the CONTRACTOR shall ~edia~ly respect such notice and stop work and cease to have any fight: to the possession of the groUnd and shall forfeit his contract. UPoa SUch termination, the City Manager shall provide the Sur~ with written ngii~e 0ftheC~¢s ac~on d ~ ' · ' .; · i" .~ .:. ~ th,~ Surely shall w~thin.ten (10).days of receipt of sma nonce rcnnedy the_default or tlie Surety shall as expeditiously as possible: 12.1.1 Complete the contract in a~cordance with its terms an({ conditions, or 12.1.2 Obtain a, biff.of,.., bids for comolefin~ ~ the contract ~n accordance with its errns and con.ditinns, and, upon deterrmnanon by Surety and the CITY of the loWest responsible bidder, make available ~s worl~ progresses (even though there should be a default or a succession of defaults Under the contract or contracts or completion arranged under this paragraph) sufficient funds to pay the cost of completion less the balance of the contract price; bnt not exceeding, including other costs and damages for which the Surety may liabl~ hereunder, the amount set forth in the first paragraph hereof. Th~ term balance of the contract price", as used in this paragraph, shall mean the total amount payable CITY to CONTRACTOR Under the Contract and any amendments ~bY~eto, less the amount properIy paid by CITY to CONTRACTOR. 13.0 CONTRACT CONTROLS 14.0 13.1 The subject contract between the CITY and the CONTRACTOR shall supersede any and all documents executed between the parties relative to the project. In the event of any inconsistencies, the terms, provisions and conditions set forth in the subject contract shall supersede all other documents and shall be controlling. TIME OF ESSENCE 14.1 Inasmuch as the prov, sions hereof, and of the plans and specifications hereto, and of all the other contract documents relating to the times of performance and completion of the work are for the purpose of enabling the CITY to complete the construction of a public improvement in accordance with a predetermined program, all such time limits are of the essence of the contract. 15.0 REMEDY FOR DELAY 15.1 In the event of any delay in the project caused by any act or omission of the C-10 CITY, its agents or employees, by the act or omission of any other party, or delay caused by weather conditions or tmavailability of materials, the sole remedy available to CONTRACTOR shall be by extension of the time allocated to complete the ,project.;N~':~mone~:.'~an~g~:-st~all' b~ ela/m~e~pr awarded to ~ COI~TR:AC'~OR in ~tSSOe"~fi~.W~t!i ~ny 6~[ay'/n the P(bjelt Caiiied by an act or omission of the CITY, its agents 0r employe~s. ' ' 15:2 ~.Failure on: r~quest for an waiver by 15.3 All requests for ext:ensiQ~ of ~0 ~o ~ompl~te ~e w~rk sh,~ll~ be made in hecordaknc~ with th~G~ai lq l ~ar the m~mose of this~s~ti~ ~e ¢~e:"~e CITY,~its agents ~d employees" Sh~l. inctude~but [shall ;not :be 4i~teG~to':the:~c~tect; prqect m~ag~ ~d co~g enginee~s,~ C-il IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the CITY has caused these presents to be signed by its Mayor, attested by the City Clerk with the Corporate Seal of the said CITY and the CONTRACTOR has executed these presence the day and year herein before written. Signed, sealed and witnessed ~ the presence of: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR/DA Mayor Attest: Approved as to Form: City Clerk City Attorney Signed, sealed and witnessed in the presence of: Contractor President or the Vice President Attest as to Contractor C-12 State of Florida County of Palm Beach ) ) Personally appeared before me duly authorized to administer oaths to me known to be the persons described herein and who execl~ted the for~go~g ~ ,Into3, .gnt and have acknowledged before :me and they have executed same Notary Public My Commission Expires: 11/15/96 nc C-13 ZV-CONSENT AGENDA I'TEM B,3 RESOLUTION NO. RO0- A RESOLUTION OF THE ClTY COMMISSION OF THE CITY 'OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE AWARD :OF A BID (NO. 031-2210:00/C.]D) TO FLORIDA BLACKTOP, INC.., FOR FIRE STATION #3 PARKING LOT. AND DRIVEWAY EXPANSION IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $108,360.23, WITH $11,263.23 BEING APPROPRIATED FROM CIP FUNDS; AND 3'HE BEACH AND FLORIDA WHEREAS~ bids were opened on 3anuary 27, 2000, by the Procurement ~ervices Department and Florida Blacktop, Inc., was selected as the most :omplete and responsive bidder who met and exceeded all specifications; NOW, THEREFORE, i BE l't RESOLVED BY THE CIT,[ COMMISS:~ON IF THE CI'i'Y OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, qereby approves the award of a bid for Fire Station #3 Parking Lot and Driveway ~xpansion to Florida Blacktop, Inc., in the total amount of $108,360.23, with ;11,263.23 being appropriated from C~P funds and authorizes the Mayor and City .'lerk to execute an Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Flodda ~lacktop, Inc., a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 2. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately. PASSED AND ADOPTED this Clerk ;:Reso\Bid Award\Rre StaUon 3 Expansion 032900 day of April, 2000. :, C[T'~ OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOP]DA ? Commissioner Commissioner Requested City Commission [] March 2~,2000 [] April 4, 2000 [] April 18. 2000 [] May 2. 2000 IV'CONSENT AGENDA ITEM B.4 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.m./ March 22. 2000 ~5:00 p.m.) April 5. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 19, 2000 (5:00 p-mo Requested City Commission Meefin~ Dates [] May 16, 2000 [] June 6, 2000 [] June 20. 2000 [] July 5. 2000 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) ,rune 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 21. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] ComentAgenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: MOTION to approve the purchase of s ION CHROMATOGRAPH WITH ACCESSORIES in the amount of $ 34,716.43 from DIONEX CORPORATION, Atlanta, Georgia utilizing the FLORIDA SNAPS AGREEMENT #4931765-L EXPLANATION:' Procurement Services recetved a request from UTILITIES DEPARTMENT to purchase an ION CHROMATORGRAFIt WITH ACCESSOPJES .utilizing the FLORIDA. SNAPS AGREEMENT #4931754-1 Ceontraet period February 10, 2000 throfigh February 9, 2001). Procurement Services requests Commission's review, evaluation and purchase approval. PROGRAM IMPACT: The use of this instrument will allow the Water Quality Division ro enhance efficiency by consolidating six (6) manual wet chem/cal tes[s into one insmLmant analysis. FISCAL IMPACT: The funds for this capital purchase are allocated in the Water Quality Division FY1999/2000 Budget as follows: Account Number Descrintion Amount 401-2819-536-64-02 General Equipment $ 35,000.00 ALTERNATIVES: To continue the curremprocess of performing chemical tests. Deputy Director of ~mancial Services Procurement Services Department Name cc: Barb Conboy - Utilities Hoyt Johnson - Finance File /~y IVl~a~er~s Sign~r~ ~ City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:~BULLETIN~ORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC SNAPS Agreement Page 1 of 1 SNA~S AGREEMENT TITLE: ANALYTICAL TESTING EQUIPMEN'I AGREEM~,NT NUMBER :4931765-1 TERM OF AGREEMENT: Begin date: 02-10-2000 End date: 02-09-2001 Renewal Begin date: 02-10-200t Renewal End date: 02-09-2002 VENDOR: DIONEX CORP 1820 WATER PL SE STE 250 ATLANTA, GA 303392071 SPURS NO: F942647429-011 MIlE CODE: NON-MINORITY (A) cONTAcT: GREG cuZZORT FX 770-432-8300 PHONE: 7704328100 COMMODITY CLAS~ :493 COMMODITY GROUP: 010 DELIVERY: 60-90 days ARe WARRANTY :1 yr hdwre APPROVED PRICE SCHEDULE & DATE: 1.) Price list eff. July t999 Expii:e date: 02-09-2001 CONTACT VENDOR FOR COPY OF PRICE SCHEDULE & CONTRACT INFORMATION. Analytical testing equipment for the sample preparation and quantitative indentificafion of chemical mixtures. Equipment used m industry~ municipte water facilities and research labs. Laboratory chemicals, culture media-prepared and ingredients, plastic lab~are ~t6rile glagsware, miscellaneous expendable suppolies which list for less than $500 or which list for more than $500 but are not meclmaically or electrically Operated apparatus or appliance, are on the laboratory supply contract 490-000-96-1 and are not purchasable under this SNAPS Agreement. http://fcn~state~~~us/~raweb/~wa/snaps-www~agreem~nts~sh~w?agree-number-str--4931765 03/16/2000 UTILITIES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 00-0063 TO: FROM: Bill Atkins, P~ro curer~e~t/S~fm e s Utilities D~ector DATE: SUBJECYE~ March,8, 2000 ion Ch, r. omatograph- Capital Outlay Purchase- SNAPs Agreement Ag~.. nd/a Item iTohre,,W, ater Qugl~ i~Divlsign~ funds, $35,000.00, allocated in the current budget for the purchase of an on Claromatggr~/pll. he USe Ofthis instrument will enhance efficiency by conSolidating 6 manual, wet chemical tests iht6 0iib ~nstmment analysis. We have demd~ d that a ]~ionex DX-320 Ion Cl~...omatograph will best suit our needs. Dionex has a Florida SNAPS a~reem~ ~gt.(see attached)to facilitate.the purchase The total cost for the equipment is g34, 716.zB. ' '' Tl~e.funds are in Acc0~;~:~01~28t9-536-64-02. Please place this item on the next agenda for comnmssmn approval. ,;U~fih approval we vall process the attached requisition If you haye any questi~s or concerns, please contact Steve Evans, Water Quality Supervisor, at Ext. 464i I appreciate y0~i~Sls~ance2 Attachments /acl cc: ,Pete Mazzella Steve Evans Barb Conboy Dale Sugerman File RECEIVED 2000 REQUEST FOR REQUISITION Clerk: Procurement Ass't: Director: City Manager (non budgeted capital and/or $5000+): ' REASON FOR PURCHASE: VENDOR I~6~MATION' , DIVISION: . :~t [QN: : ~. L Add~ess: - 1~ Phone¢onmct): . -- ~ - L~' ' ~]:~ ~u6 ( ) ' E,~40 ( ) VendorNumber: PWMaiat. ' ( :),~ ~m, , ( ) ~ITIATOR: Sewage ' ( )': : ( )~$~d~;~smcti°ns: PRO~ED ~W~. AP : ( '~j~t~ber: ~ ' ~ ~ Quan. Unit Price' Description & part Number F~d; Dept- 'Basic ,~;EMm -. bj Amount TO: DIONEX Steve Evans City of Boynton Beach 124 E. Woolbright Rd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Phone: 561-375-6464 Fax: 56'1~731-0065 Dionex Corporation ~,~ 1820 Water Place, Suite 250 Atlanta. GA 30339 ;, · 770 432 8100 770 432 8300 (Fax) DATE: 17-Jan-00 QUOTATION NO.: 1502-1040 WE ARE PLEASED TO SUBM T THE FOLLOW NG QUOTATION SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS SHOWN: ITEM QTY PIN DESCRtPT ON UNIT PRICE EXTENDED I 1 56155 -IC20 Isocratic Pump & Conductivity Detector, Standard Bore, F 12,555.00 '~ 12,555.00 32 ~ 51702. ~kC25 chromategrffphy O~er} PEEK~Rea~ Loading ' . 5,?~?.00 ' 5,839.00 5~997 ~LC2.~ Regulator -' i20.90f 120.90 4 44129 Bottle 2L, Plastic 5 12 130.20 260.40 46124 ionpacAS14 Analytica~ Column 4mm 674.25 ,- 674.25 6 461'3~ '10npacAG14 Guard Column, 4 204.60 ~- 204.60 7 ~ 53946 Suppressor AsRS-ULTRA, 4mm ' 790.50 790.50 8 I 37'15'/, ;Combined ~ Anion Std., t00 mL(10x Concentrate) 91.14 91.14 .190 ~ 37'162 ;Carbonate Concentrate, 0~5M 500 mi_ 69.75 69.75 37~1_6.3,, :Bicarbonate Concentrate; 0.SM 500 mL 69.75 /. 69.75 11 ~ 54~01 Peaknet5.11 Control(CD-ROM) 5,115.00 5,115.00 4602~91: -AS4OAutom~ited ,S~mpl~rwtStarterVia Kit, 5 0 mL ......... 4,929.00 r- . 4 929.00 12.13 ~ 55249 !; Dell Pentium II 400 with Windows ,95 2,139.00 " 2,139.00 38141, !Poly~als'aJld Filter Ci/~s, 5mL, 280 [~ach- ' ' - 91.14 " 91.14 · ~'~,~ 3 960708` Line Cord, 3 COND, North America ;-* No-Charge ~. No-Charge '~17 1 55515 Printer, HP Las~rJet 1100 X (600 dpi 8ppm, 2MB RAM) 571.95 571.95 ~ Option I Total 571.95 - O~tion 2: Traininq Course i18 1 31255 DX120 Maintenance & Troub eshooting and Operaton w/Peaknet 950.00 950.00 · Option 2 Total 950.00 '~19 I 29060 I year Extended Service-Agreement(reflects a 14% discount 3,750.00 3,750.00 incentive) : Please Note: This pricing reflects a discount under SNAPS Agreement # 493856 Warranty: One year parts and labor ', Consumables: 90 days parts and labor RESPECTEULLY, SUBMITTED: DIONEX CORPORAT ON EXPIRES 17-Mar-00 BY QUOTE , ' · i - ?. ' 4 ': : ' ' ' TITLE Sr. Techriical Sales Rep. EST MATED DELIVERY FR~M · . RECEIPT OF ORDER. Within 30-60 days ADDRESS - 1820 Water Place, Ste. 250 B POINT Sunnyvale, CA Atlanta, GA 30339 'i T~RMS Net 30 days PHONE (770) 432-8100 Ordering: Order should be made out to Dionex Corporation and sent to the corporate office in Sunnvvale, California DIONEX F~bmary 24, 2000 Ms. G-w~ Baker Bept. Of Mana~ment SNAPS.II Thank you for your help. new produc~s added. ple~ let nm know. If a ~r~ut ~uo~ would b~ s~me m you. · To be ¢omp!eled by the Vendar LeVel ~00 2. 3. SNAilS II agreements ,the prc~ducts or servlce~ by State Purchasing. b) Invoi~ing purchasing staff. char~es the real be pfaM~U_~:~ submissi~ of Pml~rly certified invoices to the purchaser at 1 of 9 35.81 35:~ - 35.81 35.81 35.8~ '358'I '~ ~ '. 35.8~ 35.~1 - ~.81 35.81...35.81 35 8~ -. ,. ~.8I ~35.81 -: 35.8 5 1395 13~ ~ ~I3g~ page 2 of 9 Federal Supply Schedule Prict U&t July,~,9~S F~ral Supl~¥ $che~lule Price July, 800'~ July, ~ Page ? of 9; FeStal S~l~ly Scl~dule price list F~I Supply. Schedule i)dce LJ~ July, 1999 pageOof9 SNAPSP~ Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] March21,2000 [] April 4, 2000 [] April 18,2000 [] May 2, 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned Ln to City Clerk's Office March 8, 2000 (5:00 p,m. March 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 5. 2000 (5:00p.m.) April 19, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commisston ~Meeting Date~ [] May I6, 2000 [] lune 6, 2000 [] Jtme 20, 2000 [] July 5. 2000 IV-cONSENT ITEM B.5 Date Final Form Must be Turned i!x m CiW Clerk's Office May 3~ 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Admin/strative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfmi/ned Business [] Announcemem [] Presentation motion to award "CO-OP LIQUID CHLORINE, CALCI~JM .AND SODIUM RECOMMENDATION: ~id #055-1411-00/KR to JCI Jones Chemical, Inc. and Leslie's Swmammg Pooh HYPOCHLORITE", Supplies, for an estimated annual expenditure of $87~000.00. This Palm Beach County Co-Op Bid #2000-046 was opened on February 2.2, 2000 by the City of EXPLANATION: · ~ ~ ~ ........ * ~ ...... al is attached/awarded the Liquid Chlorine caRaton On March 21, 2000, theCttyoll~OCaRatontcupy~'~PP'v~ . .' .~ .~ ,;___. ~o°~tion of t~is bid to JCl Jones Chemical, Inc. of Ft. Lauderdale, F~... LesH. e's Sw, .m. mt.n.g, r~e°°,' e~dPoPr~;e;;esent the Chatsworth, CA, was aWarded the Calcium and Sodium Hypochlorite portion. Botu m roes ~ P lowest, most responsive, responsible bidder who meet all specifications, we agree with this award based on our past experience with Jones Chemical and the low bid received from Leslie's Swimming Pool Supplies. John Guidry, Utilities Director, concurs with this recommendation (see attached Memo 00-066). CONTRACT PERIOD: APRIL 1, 2000 TO MARCH 31, 2001 CT. It ~s the intention of the Cooperative Purchasing Council of Palm Beach County to purchase PROGRAM IMPA ' ' . ~ - ...... * ........roe of sunnlv thht will give prompt and Liquid Chlorine, Calcium Hypochlonte a,.~aei~caal;I~r~YmPe°~n~Uot~;;7~a~s~nd Wes~ter Treatment Plants asa convenient shipment and service, These cn disinfectant. FISCAL EVIPACT: BUDGET ACCOUNT # 401-2811-536.52-28 ALTERNATIVES: Deputy Director of Financial S Department Name s: BULLETINXFORMSkAGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC EST. ANNUAL EXPENDITURE $ 87,000.00 ~' /~ty Manager's SignaUtre Ci.ty Attome~ / Finance Human Resources TO:. FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 00 - 0066 Bill Atkins Deputy Director of Financial Services John GuJdry Utilities Director ~J March 14th, 2000 Co-Op Liqu d Chlodhe and Calcium Hypoch o/'ite Bid Agenda Item This year's Palm Beach CQunty Co-Op Ch or ne B d ( B d # 2000-046 - · .. ) was received. Chlor'n s u~ed .~t both water treatment,, plants~ as a d s nfectant. Chief .,."~ ,,ook~'~ ,,~,,""L~ u~u" -' on- a cooDerat~vee bas~s w~th area utilities su~fUi ~ for several ..... -r~._.~. ~ _ . -- for chlorine -urchases for t' ;;: Y~'" °' ..u~u[ure, we wlsn to continue us ng th s bid P ne next year. This year JCl Jones Chergi,~cal Inc. was the lowest bidder for liquid chlorine in the 150 pound and one ton cylinder sizes. We have done business with Jones Chemical for a long time arid their service s satisfacto This r Les' ry. ~/ea es Swmmmg Poe Supp es had the Jowest price on the calcium hypoch orte rtl[he '100 PoUnd'drams. ' · There is $87,000 available in Account # 401-2811-536.52-28, ( Chlorine ), The chlor ne usage should continue to be the same as last year. Please present this requ,e~t to the C0mm~sion for their approval to award the bid for liquid ch odne to JCl J0n~ Che~ cal(~8~?00~) aha the calcium i~g~ct~lo,~*~ ~-; ..... : ~ - ~ . . ~, ..~= u~u ~u ~-us es ~wimming i~o0~ Supphes ($2,000). ' "~= · ' ' cc: Bob Kenyon Barbara Conboy John Reynolds Dave Ailstock Dora Formanek File PUEHflSING BECfl ~RTDN Fax :561-$95-798~ Hat 22 '00 11:07 P. 02 COUNGIL APPI~V.~ ~AL PROCUREMENT RECOMMENDATION TAR_~. T~AGENDA DATE: March 21, 2000 Suhject~ Bid Num~e~. Department: Procurement Method: Liquid C 2000-04 Utility ,~ Sealed ~todne & Sodium Hypochlorite vices Bid Opening Date: 13 Bids Solicited 4 No-Bids S Responses Award Amount:, Contract Period: Award to; Uqu;d Chlorf~, t Ton Cylinder* (Product is not utilized by City of Approvals: Buyer; Februad $ 222,01! This is th option to maximun Acme Product~{h-.¢. NO bid 22 2000 ,first year of the contract award period. The CAy reServes the 'anew anntJa y subject to appropriation cf funds not to excescl a of 3 one year renewals. Low Rapons~ve Respo~ns_ibte Bidders Jones Chemical, Ft, Lauderd~le, FL and Leslies Swimming Poc~ Supplies, Chatsw0rth This pr urement provides fOr the purchase of liqukJ chlorine (one ton Cylinders1 and calcium hypochlodte. These products are utilized on an as need~Jd basis for the Water Treatment Plant and the. Wastewater Treatme~ Plant. Estimated quantities to be purchased are 740 one ton cylinderst'of chlorine end fifty 100 lb, drums of calcium hypochlcrite. This bid ~li be utilized by the Palm Beach County Co-op, A lied Un vel'eel, Harcro$ Cl~ernicals. Jones Leslle's Swimming orp. I nc, Chemical Inc. Pool Suppli~ $ 46.50 No bicl s o&oo ~ $:96`oo No bi $ , Purchasing Manager: Financial Sen4ce$ Dire~tor~ OMB Director: Funding Source(s): Utility Services/Ct~emical Supplies FY 9~00 FY 00/01' 47D-4221-533-SZIS,~N'i'P $ ~10,259.50 $ ~0§.840 47G.423t-S35-B215~NVTP $ 5.880.00 ~-ILL ATKINS, DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES RO~ERT L. I~'~YON,/DEPU~DIRECTOR OF UTILITIES BID NO. 200Q-Q46 *LOWEST, MOST RESPONSIVE, RESPONSIBLE BIDDER WHO MEE~S ALL SPECIFICATIONS LIQUID CHLORINE AND CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE 2122100 3:00 P.M. ACME UTILITY ALLIED UNIVERSAL HARCROS CHEMICALS, JCl JONES CHEMICAL LESLIE S SWIMM NG PRODUCTS, INC. CORP. INC. ' INC. POOL SUPPLIES EST UNIT UNIT UNiT UNIT UNIT ITE DESCRIPTION QTY PRICE TOTAL PRICE PRICE TOTAL PRICE PRICE TOTAL PRICE PRICE TOTAL PRICE PRICE TOTAL PRICE ,iquid Chlorine ·, ~,~,~,' ~ ,, ~ ,~ ~. 1 I ton cylinder 2,308 $,~¢,.~.~.~,. '~'.~ ,~ ., ~".'"-~ ........ $ 409.00 $ 943,972.00, $ $ Liquid Chlorine - $ 294 00 $ 678,552,00 $ 2 1508 cylinder 37~ $' ' "" $~"~?:~';~:~ ' $ 51.85 $ 19,184.50 $' $ 46.50 5 17,205.00 '$ $ Calcium Hypochlorite __ - $ 3 100~drum 210 $ 103.00j $ 2~,630.00 $ 98.00 $ 20,580.00 $ 96.00 $ 20,160.00 $ $ $ 88.9~ $ 18,687.90 GRAND TOTAL, F.O.B. DESTINATION $ 21,630.00 $ 983,736.50 ~Shaded area ~pmsents no bid ' $ 20,160.00 $ 695,757.00 $ 18,687.90 Acme Utility Products, Inc. Allied Universal Corp, Harcros Chem ca s, Inc. , NO comments No comments minimum order requirements: minimum order requirements: Minimum order requirements: 1 pallel (161~00~ drums) 9 drums Cai Hypo 1000 lbs to all locations excep Delive~ charge of $25 on order under 1 pallet Boynton Beach waslewater plant=200 lbs ' FAX COVER SHEET CITY: OF BOCA RATON PURCHASING DIVISION 201 W. PALME'I-I'O PARK ROAD, BOCA RATON, FL DATE: February 23, 2000 TIME: TO: 12:30 PM FROM: RE: Chlorine Co-Op Members (Boynton Beach, Delray, Lake Worth, Riviera Beach, West Palm, S. Central Reg. Wastewater Tmt. Plant, Tequesta, Wellington, Lantana) Lynn Kunkel PHONE: [561-393-7874] Sr. Buyer, Purchasing Division FAX: [561-393-7983] Results of Liquid Chlorine & Calcium Hypochlorite Bid PALM BEACH COUNTY CO-OP BID NO. 2000-046 Page I of 2 Attached is the tabulation for the above bid. I will be sending you the bid resoonses for Jones and Leslie's Swimming Pools in the mail for your files. If you have any concerns with the award being recommended to Jones Chemical (Chlorine products) and .L.eslie's Swimming Pools (Calcium Hypochlorite), please call me as soon as possible. I spoke with the representative from Leslie's Swimming Pools and they prefer a two day window for deliveries or use of a pre-scheduled delivery date. They have no minimums, but the representative requested that each entity let her know what kinds of quantities they will be ordering so she can make sure she has enough supply locally. Boca Raton will be taking this award recommendation to the March 21, 2000 council meeting. The contract period will start on Apdl 1, 2000. In regards to the market, the pricing did go up, but we are still paying less than the Broward Coop. They are paying $317.10/ton Bid No. 2000-046 Item DesCription I Liquid Ch orine, One Ton Cylinder 2 Liquid Chlorine, 150# Cylinders . 3 Calcium Hypochlorite, 100 # drum minimum order requirements: I'~¢yr.~ GRAND TOTAL, F.O.B. DESTINATION There shall be no drum deposit charges or additional delivery charges. Est. Qty/U.O.M. forCo-Op Unit Price 2,308 1 ton cylinder $ 370 150 # cylinder $ 210 100# drum $ ~;~ qci .Tota Price cyl $~ cy $_ drm$ /2:, BIDDERS CHECKLIST All bids shah be submitted on the City provided Bid Package forms. Failure to do so may cause the Bid to be rejected. All blanks on the proposed forms must be completed. Supplemental informatio~ may be attached to the bid package forms, Bidder shall return a complete set of all bid packageforms as listed as ~ follows. Failure to submit the required documents may result in your bid being considered non responsive, 1. Is Qualificationof bidders informationinctudedwith Questionnaire(items A-J) 2. Islicenseinformationsubmitted? 3. Is proof of insurance submitted? 4. Is Drug FreeWorkplaceformsubmitted? 5. Are all bid pages signed? 6. Is bidders certificatiotfform notarizedand submitted? 7. s bid submitted in duplicate (one original one copy) 8, Are addendum (if any issued) submitted? 10. Is alt requested product specificationinformation submitted? 11 Items bid are as specified in the specification section with no deviations (RevJewof alternate specificationsto be submitted6 days prior to bid opening) Yes '/ No Yes .._._~,._ NO j/~Ot Yes._~:._~ No Yes ~/ No Yes ~ No Yes / ,No__ Yes Yes ~'~-' No Yes v/' No Yes '~-T-~, No 14 Bid No. 2000-046 -~ ~, (This form must be signed in the presence of a Notary Public or other officer authorized to administer oaths). The. u~i:lemgn.ed bidder ce?titles that this bi~ p e~!s submitted in accordance with~the sgecificationin its I en[~,r~ty an~d w~h, ~!1 undersLanding of ~9~!~[~ gO~ze~githis bid~, · , _.. ~ ., df Bi er Streit. Address Ck~, State, Zip _ ~nature (~ / Signature (~ted, Title) WITNESSES: Telephone Fax No. Federal I.D. No. COUNTYOF: ~L~5/b~(Fc-,>, 'te /°regoing ?strumentwas ack"owledged before me this /-5~ day of , ~ [~u,t, , ~, 90m. bv Lor~e ~ ~,,-~, ej~ who ts (who are) personally ~nown to me or w~ has produced as Men~cationand who did (did noo take aa oath. NOTARY PUBLIC SI~AT~ NOTARY NAME,P~NTED, T~ED OR STAMPED Commission Number: //3 2--,~.~ My Commission Expires: NOTE: All bids shall be in a sealed envelope and marked qn the exterior "Sealed Bid No. 2000-046". Ail bids must be submitted in duplicate Bid opening as stated in instructions to bidders, Boca Raton City Hall Purchasing Division. 201 W. Palmetto Park Road, Boca Raton, FL. 15 8id No. 2000-046 QUALI FICATION,OF*BIDI~ER$ilNFORMATION A. REFERENCE LIST The following is a list of at least three (3) references that the Bidder has provided similar supply contracts to a simila~ size organization in the past three years. I Name of Fh"ml City, CountyorAgertcy: ~,-l~-r~ ?~- Service Dates:/-[ U {t~' ~'~') / ILl If4 (~ } Bid NO. (if applicable) 2. NameofFirm, Ci~,CountyorAgency: G(~L¢ ¢ ProductSupplie~ }~ ¢OIGIU~ 3. Name of Firm, gity, Coun~orAgency: 0,k ~- ~[%~,. ProductSupplied: J~. ~ C ~ICt(,I~ I%l?oq/,lo, NOTE: Additional references may be provided and attached B. Description & location of physical plant'and facilities to supply this.~d;. C. Descrip!ion of Delivery Fleet used for this bid: CFc -F;c., D. Number of Years your firm has been in business: ..~'? Company Name: ( LC- O --~'~ 16 No. 2000-046 E. Summary or Proof of quality control program in place at plant. F. Vendor Representat ve from Firm submitting bid Name & Title: Phone No. Beeper, No. Fax No. G. Summary of safety procedures in place regarding deliveries/offloading of, product Inc udeany train ng programs that drivers are required to partake in. ' : : ' H. In-houseYatve cleaning and overhaul procedure (may be submitted as an attachment): Company Name: 17 Bid No. 2000-046 QUALIFICATION OE I. Citations and or violations of environmental regulations (may be submitted as an attachment): J. Emergency Crew information: Location of nearest emergency station: Name of person in chad"ge of emergency crew:;.-1 Telephone numbers to be called for emergency service and/or normal maintenance: wa/ Time periods during which se~ice will be available from the number(s) indicated: Company 18 Bid No. 2000-046 Bid No. 2000-046 The undersigned vendor in accordance with Elofida-Statute 287.087 hereby' c~rtifies that does: (Name of Business) Publish a statement, nofifying, employees~that the .unlawful manufacture, ~i~,~i~utio,n, dispensing posseg~ion, or use ora cont[~le~gbS~¢ iS,~pmhibire~in ~,~o~k l~c~a~¢,i~ ,~di. )h~ {h~' ';: ' hat ~ill: be mken.agatmt:~pr0ye~ for v[olatmns of-such pro~bmon, Iffo~ employees about the dang~s of ~ abu~ in ~e. ' ' ' :' ' . . , ~ = ~ w0Ek ~ace, the hmmess;s ohc of malntalnlns a a~g~Iree ~o~ lacec~n a~aflabl ~ ~e. ~ ' ...... ~_ .... assmance'~pr0gmm, aM~e p.en~fieS'ihai may..b~ impOSed ~pgn employed:for drag abme Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1). In the statement specified in subsection ~1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bki, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of Chapter 1893 or of any controlled substance law of the United State or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such convicnon. Impose a sanction on. or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehab, ilitationprogram if such is available in the employee s community, by any emp.oyee who is so convlcte& Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drag-free workplace through implementation of this section. As the person authorized to sign the statement. I certify that this firm complies fully with the above requirements. d,d~( s~Signature 2O ONLY AND CGNFERS NO RIGHTS UPONTH~ CE~TIF~CAT~ NOL~ER. THiS CER~FJCA~E DOES NOI AMEND, ~END OR A~T~R TH~ COV~GE AFFCRDE~ ~Y ~E PO~CIE$ ~EL~ iNSURERS AFFORD NG COVERAGE ~NSU~ e: ~U Instance NY~2517288 ~.1/~1/~9 p.e. Box 2108 Chatswo==h CAg1313-2108 ,; · C~rt[ficate of ~n§u~ance ' TH;S CERTIEICATE:[S ISSUED AS,A MA'i-~ER OF ~NFORMATION (~_y AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON YOU THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER TH~S CERTIFICATE iS NOT AN iNSUIRANCE POLI~CY-AND DOES NOT AMEND EXTEr~O.,OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIE~ LISTED'BELOW This is t~ Cei'tify that ~] CONTINUOUS TYPE OF POLICY BI EXTENOBD . POLICY NUMBER LIMIT OF:LIABILITY ] WORKERS ,, '3-1'-2001 ', WO2-161.-031627-;0BO .~.S~A~TR~EsW~,,:. ]~MP~0;'/ERS L ABILITY . ' . : , $1 000 000 Each . A¢ci¢ ~ ,BediJy Injury By D sease ' : $1 000;000 , Limit I ' Bodily njt~-y By D sease ~ $1 000 0.00 i GENERAL LIABILITY General Aggregate - Other than Prodec~lComple~ed Operations i Product. s/Compleled Operations Aggregate i [] OCCURRENCE NOT WITH LIBERTY [] CL~,IMS MADE MUTUAL Bodily Injury and Pro[~er~y Damage LiaPlti~ Per Personal and AdvedJsing Injury RETRO DATE ~ Other 3ther L I AUTOMOBILE Each Acoiden~ - Single LIABILITY BJ. en~ ~.D. Combine< [] OWNED NOTWITH LIBERTY Each Person MUTUAL [] NON-OWNED Each AccidentorOccurr [] HIRED Each Acciden~or Occurr OTHER LESLIE'S POOLMART. INC I 20630 PLUMMER ST Name and CHATSWORTH CA 91311 ~ address of Is, a~ [ne ~ssue date of this certificate insured by the Company Onder the po cy(es) sted be[ow, The insurance afforded by he istec policy fee s subjec tc thei~ terms, ~Plusions and conditions and s not ~ttered by any requ foment, term or cond tion of any contract or o her doc~men w th respect to which certificate ma~ s.sued ' ' ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RECORD ONLY NOTICE OF CANCELLATION: (NOT APPLICABLE UNLESS A NUMBER OF DAYS IS ENTERED BELOW.} BEFORE THE STATED EXPIRATION DATE THE COMPANY WILL NOT CANCEL OR REDUCE THE INSURANCE AFFORDED UNDER THE ABOVE POLICIES UNTIL AT LEAST 30 DAYS ~--~ES LIE'S POOLMART 20630 PLUMMER ST HOLDER CHATSWORTH CA 91311 Liberty Mutual G~endale (8!8J 502-1500 01/01, OFFICE PHONE NUMBER DATE Sid No. 2000-046 Item 1 2 Liquid Chlorine, One Ton Cylinder Liquid Chlorine, 150~ Cylinders Calcium Hypochlorite, 100 # drum minimum order requirements: GR~ND TOTAL, F.O.B. DESTINATION Est. Qty/U.O.M. for Co-Op Unit Pdce 2,308. 1 ton cylinder $ 294.00 370 150 # cylinder $ 46.50 210 100# drum ~n ATT) There shall be no drum deposit charges or additional delivery charges. TotalPrice cyl$ 678,552.00 cyl$17,205.00 drm$ un BTD $695.757.00 BIDDERS CHECKLIST All bids shall be submitted on the City provided Bid Package forms. Failure to do so may cause the Bid to be rejected. All blanks on the proposed forms must be completed. Supplemental information may be attached to the bid package forms. Bidder shall return a complete set of all bid package forms as listed as follows. Failure to submit the required documents may result in your bid being considered non responswe. Yes X No__ 1. lsOualificafionofbiddersinformationincludedwithQuestionnaire(RemsA'J) Yes X No 2. is licenseinformationsubmitted? Yes X No 3. Is proofofinsurancesubmitted? " 4. is Drug Free Workplace form submitted? Yes ~ No Yes No __ 5. Are all bid pages signed? 6. Is bidderscer~ificationform notarized and submitted? Yes X No Yea X . No . 7. Is bid submitted induplicate(oneonginal,onecopy) YesN/A NO 8. ,Are addendum (if any issued'~ submitted? 10. isallrequestedproductspecificationinformationsubmitted? Yes ~' No 11. Items ~3id are as seecified in the specification section with no deviations Yes X No (Review of alternate specificationsto be submitted 6 days prier to bid opening) Company Name: 3CI JONES CHEMICALS, INC. Date: 2/16/2000 14 Bid No. 2000-046 (This form must be signed in the presence of a Notary Public or other officer authorized to administer oaths). liThe undersignedbidder certifies that this bid package is submitted in accordance with the specificationin its enUrety~and w~th full understanding of the conditions go,reining this bid JCI JJ0NES CHEMICALS~ INC. Name of Bidder 1800 N.W. 22ND STREET Street AA~ss - FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA City~ State, Zip; Signature (Written) 33311 WILLIAM BROWNLIE /~ MANAGER Signature (Printed~ Tkle) 2/16/2000 (888)293-8321 (954)491-1474' Date Telephone / Fax No. 16-0809645 Federal I.D. No. STATE OF: FLORIDA COUNTY OF: BROWARD ~ll]~ll~llq ~060101~1~ ~ ~s ( oa dperso~knowntomeor~tohasproduced as identi~cationand who did (did noO take an oath. ~Y P~LIC SIGNA~ / NOTARY NAME, P~NTED, T~ED OR STAMPED .~ ......... ac.... ~ NOTE: All bids shall be in a sealed envelope and marked on the exterior Sealed Bid No. 2~46 . All bids must be submittedin dupli~te. Bid opening as stated in inst~cfions to bidders. Boca Raton City Hall ~rchamng Division. 201 W. ~lmetto Park Road, Boca Raton. FL. ~.Bid No. 2000-046 QUALIFICATIONOF BIDDERS INFORMATION A. REFERENCE LIST ~ '~' The following is a list of at least three (3) references that the Bidder has provided similar supply contracts to a similar size organization in the past three years. 1. NameofFirm, City, CountyorAgency: PALM BEACH COUNTY Address: 50 S. MILITARY TEAIL - SUITE i10-WEST-PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33415-3199 Telephone: 561-233-1511 Contact: DENNIS LEAF /Title SENIOR BUYER Service Dates: 11-1-98-5-1-2000 Bid No. (ifapplicable) 97092 ProductSuppliect LIQUID CI~0RINE IN ONE TON AND 150LB CYLINDERS 2. NameofFrm, City, CountyorAgency: INDIAN RIVER COUNTY Address: 262,5-19TH AVENUE, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 Telephone:561-567-8000 Contact: FRAN POWELL ServiceDates:10/1/99-9./30/2000 Bid No. (if applicable) 9010 ~roductSupplied: CHJ.~ORINE TONS AND CYLINDERS 3: NameofFirm, City, CountyorAgency: MARTIN COUNTY -BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Address: 2401 SE MONTEREY P,D-STUART, FLORIDA 34996 Telephone: 561-288-5509 Contact: BETSY L. IVERSON ServiceDates:4/19/99-4/18/2000 BidNo. [ifappi[cable) A/R99-113 Product Supplied:. CHLORINE NOTE: Additional references may be provided and attached. B. Description & location of physical plant and facilities to supply this bid: 180(] N.W. Z2ND STREET FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33311 /Title PURCHASING MANAGER /Title PURCHASING ADMIN. C. Description of Delivery Fleet used for this bid: INTERNATIONAL F9400 AND F9500 TADsl TRACTORS . WITH TRAILERS RANGING FROM 26' co 45' D. Number of Years your firm has been in business: Company Name: JCI JONES CHEMICALS, INC. 18 68 YEARS Bid No. 2000-046 QUAEIFICATIONQF BIDDERS INFORMATION E. Summamj or Proof of quality control program in p ace at plant, PLEASE SEE 'ATTACHED TABLE OF CONTENTS FROM THE JONES CHEMICALS QUALITY ASSURANCE I'.t~NUAL. F. VendorRepresentativefrom Firm submitfingbid Name & Title: WILLIAM BROWNLIE/ MAiq'AGER (954)484-3035 C~[/ 954-93k29894 Phone No. Beeper No, (954) 491-1474 Fax No. G. Summary of safety procedures in place regardingdeliveries/offloading of product Include any training programs that-drivers are reciuired to partake in, PLF_~A. SE SEE ATTACHED RECORD OF TiLA_INING FORM (2 PAGES) FOR DRIVERS. H. In-house valve cleaning and overhaul procedure {may be submitted as an attachment): ATTAC~rH~WT INCLUDED Company Name: JCl JONES CHEMICALS, INC. 17 Bid No. 2000-046 QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS INFORMATION I. Citations and or violations of environmental regulations (~ay be submitted as an attachment): N/A J. Emergency Crew information: Locationofnearestemergencystation: ].800 N.W. 22~TD STREET-FT. LAUDE[~DA~E, FL. 3333-3. Name of person in charge of emergency crew:. WILLIAM BRO~..tE Telephone numbers to be Called for emergency service and/or normal maintenance: . - (888~ 2~-8~21 Time periods during which service will be available from [he number(s) indicated:. 2.4 HRS/DAY- -7 DAYS/WK Company Name: JCI JONES CHEMICALS, INC. 18 Bid No. 2000-046 STATEMENT OF NO BID ' ~ ~:~Bid NO;.:2000+~: ' If you are not bidding on this service/commodity, please complete and return this form to: City of Boca~., Raton Purchasing Department, 201, W. Palmetto Park Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33432. Failureto respond may result m deletion of vendor s name from the quahfied b~dder s hst for the City of Boca Raton. COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: SIGNATURE: DATE: We, the undersigned have declined to bid on service/commodity because of the following reasons: .Specificationstoo "tight", i.e., geared toward brand or manufacturer only (explain below) Insufficienttime to respond to the Invitation to Bid We do not offer this product or an equivalent Ourproduct schedule would not permit us to perform Unable to meet specifications. Unableto meet bond requirements _Specificationsunclear (explain below) Other (specify below) REMARKS: 19 Bid No. DRUG-FREE WORKPLA~CE FORM Bid No. 2000-046 The undersigned vendor in accordance with Florida Statute 287.087 hereby certifies that JCI JONES CHEMICALS, INC. does: (Name of Business) i. Publish a s[atement notifying employees that the ,unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing. possession, or Use Of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the action~ : tiiatwill'10e taken against employees fo~ viblationsofsuch prohibition. 2. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a d~g-free ~tkptace, any available drug fiounselin~, rehabiiitatibn, and employee ;~iS~on~se' programS, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse o Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid 'a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1). In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a eondition.0f::working, on the commodities or contrac~al Services that are under bid, the employee will al~ide by ~he terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to. any violation of Chapter 1893 or organS, controlled substance law of the United~ State or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee convicted, who is so Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of this section. As the person authorized to sign the statement. I certify that this firm complies fully with the above requirements. Bidder's Signature FEBRUARY 16, 2000 Date 2O Board of Coun~ Commissioner~ Browa~ County Rorida * C~- BROWARD COUNTY OCCUP. ATIONAL UCENSE TAX FOR PERIOD OCTOBER 1, 1999 TH~RU SEPTEMBER 30 2000 ~· RENEW_.sE~:~T_E~iBE~ON OR BEFORE30~ 200(~ ABOVE Lt29 Branch Identh~c~don: E.P..A. LD. Number: U.S. ~.P.A. Re,on: State Envir. op. mental Region: Facility Location (Plant): Fort Landerdate FLDO10430999 Southeast Re,on South Florida (954,~ 48~3035 O~.e Hours: M-F. 7:30 Physical Location IOffice) and Mailing Address: 1800 N.W. 22ND STR_E_ET,P.0. BOX 6067 Fort Lauderdale. Ft, 335~Q " Telephone Number: (954~ 484-~03~ Offic~ Hottm: M.F. 8:00 - 5:00 Mailing_ Address: P.O. BOX 6067 Fort LalJderdaIe, Fl '33q10 2. Emergency Coordinator : NAME HOME OFFICE ADDRESS CELLULAR PRONE, (954)931-9894 (954)484-3035 .LPT. #2B FORT LAUDERDALE,FL. '33334 ~ ICHARD REBECK (561) 477-0069 Alternates: · 20352 HACIENDA COURT CELLULAR iPHONE (954)931-9896 1954)484-3035 .BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33498 Special: I NOTE: TltE FAIERGEaNCY COOILDINATOR OR A.N ALTERNATE MUST ~R BE ON ~ pILF-aMISESVXf AT ALLTI/VIES OR ON C,a r3. ,%.ND AVA rrABLE TO RESPOND TO ~ E3IERGENCY wrl/-IIN A SHORT PE/tlOD OF TIA, IE. SEE ATTACHE~ ~S~¥EHICLES/$PEC~,L ~T£#s ~ II. JONES CIIEMICALs, INC. A. Policy...... III. IV. ~SO~) ........................... 3 Produc~ Sp~ficat~ons Sodium Hydroxide (NeOH) 5.0% Solution ........................... ° ° 1 14.0% Solution ........................... 16.3% Solution ......................... 18.0% Solution ............. 4 19 0% Solution 20.0% Solution ............................. 7 25.0% Solution ...... ... 8 50.0% Solution Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) Sunny Sol Bleach (5.25%) ................... 11 Sunny Sol "I00" (9.2 %) ................... 12 Sunny Sol "100+" (10.0%) .... 13 Sunny Sol "150" {12.5%) ..... 14 Sodium Bisulfite (NaHSO~) 38.0 - 40.0 % Solution ..................... 15 Good La~oratoryPractices General Cleaning ........................... 1 Cleaning a Buret .............. ' ...... ~°' .... 2 Cleanlng a Pipe= . Using a Buret ............ 5 significant Figures...'~ ' ' 6 Rounding Numbers ...... ~ 7 Glossary of Terms - JC FT FL 0000886 Rev. 11/12 QualityAssuranceManuat Table of Contents Page 2 Test Me~hods Raw Material Sodium Hydroxide in Caustic Soda ........... ... Sodium Oxide in Caustic Soda .......... Iron in Caustic Soda ....................... Product Availa ...... Electr~ Lc Portab 3 Fa~ '5 Cert 6 Wei( 7 Produ=t "Cer~ifica~e,s of. Analysis-' Policy ....................... 2 1 Sodium Hydroxide (JNaOH) 5.0% Solution,, .... 2 14.0% Solution ...... 18.0% S~lutiOn; ..... '. 18.5% Solution ............................. 6 19.0% S~iution ............ ' 7 20.0% Solution ....................... S lu i ..l ..... . ........... 30.0~ s6~uti0~. ..... , ......] ..... ].... . 9 50.0% S61Uti6~ ........ ' ......10 Sodium HypocbIorlte (NaOCI) Sunny Soi Bleach (5.25%) .... 12 ..... 13 Sunn9 S0~ "100~" (10. %) .... ....... ]. [' ''' 15 14 Sunny SO1 Sodiu~Bisulf~te 38.0 - 40.0 % Solution ..... 16 1 2 3 VIII. ~.~ IntentionallyLeft Blank JCFTFL 0000887 Rev. 11/12/96 Quality Assurance Manual Table of Contents Page 3 IX. XI. XII. XIII. Introduction to C"nem~stry Table of Contents ............................... Introduction .................................... 2 3 13 22 24 26 C. 2 3 4 5 7 9 13 14 15 18 Purpose/Program. Sodium'Hydroxide (NaOH~ Raw ! Cu~ : 2 3 4 5 Branch PrOdUCt QC Program Program ....................................... .. I Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCI): Proficiency Test~ngSGhedulel ............ 2 Proficiency Test~n~ Wo'rkshee~.. i ''.. 3 Available Chlorine PT Method... ~ 4 Sodium Bisulfite (NaHSO~) Profi~lency Testing Schedule .... ] '.... 7 Profi:ien= Te ting W rkshee .[.[. Q~ar=erly T~loi=al Analysis Program ......................................... Schedule ........................................ Worksheet ................................. ... . 1 JC FTFL 0000888 Quality ~surance Manual T~le of Contents page 4 Branch Quality Audit Procedure .................................... 1 Quality Control Designate ..................... 2 Chlorine - Ton containers ..... '' o ........ 2 Chlorine - 100, 150# Cylinders ......... ....... 3 Bleach Platform - Vat and/or Machine.°~....... 3 Bleach Platform, cont ..... 4 sHlfur Dioxide - Ton'Containers..,... 4 Dru~s /'Carboys.i ...... ................ '' 6 6 Drums / Carboy Filling ............... Totes / Tuff Tanks ................... 7 Shipping ................. 8 Warehouse .......... [...:.... .... :Z:ZZ"~:Z:::[':[.. . 8 Valve Room ...................................... 9 ENB Sysi~em ......... ~ ............................ 9' Branch :Laboratory .............................. 10 Qua~t~ Assurance/Quality Control..~ ........... 10 Waste Keduction/Recycling ...................... 11 OveratliAppearance of Facility and Grounds ..... 11 JC FT FL 0000889 Rev. 11/12/96 ining Program General Safety Rules (Safety Hanual) Plant Safety Rules (Safety Xanual) Emergency Evacuation Plan (Eran~h*s Contingency Plan of E?ergency Eyevash & Safety Shover Personal Protective Equipment (Safety Hanual) Respiratory Equipment Training (Safety Hanual); - ESCape Respirator - Ilalf or Full Face Respirator (including fit testing) - SCBA (including fit testing) First Aid Training (Safety Hanual) Ilazard Reporting Procedure ~(Safety Ha~ual) Forklift Training Program (Safety Hauual) Prevention/Use of Fire Extinguishers Hanuat) Leak ur Release Guidelines tal Ranual) Haterial Handling Training (Sa[ety Training Hanual) ~ TRAI#P.R,S SIGNATURE -- ~8~R~U°T~°~dnuz quu~ o63~D ([~nuB# ~'e~-'- - ~o~ dOS liilfllr Yf~IS S ~ HHNIVILL (lunue# uol3onpo~d) eJa~ue& HulPeo[ufl/HUlpeo1 (lenueN ) qJoh~aded ITu uo eP°S Ul3sneD .~ Pl~¥ 'u (lenueH JeD ~Ue~ - D 3IX - HUlUlej~ ~l~ eJauleluoD uox - O 11~ - BUl.lejx MIIN~vHJ. f~llNIV~dO Ve CHLORINe. ~VALVE REPAT~ A. TANK TRUCK ( FORTHcoMING ) 1. RECONDITIONING - "STANDARD ANGLE VALVES" 2. TESTING PRv! B. TON & CYLINDERs .. RE¢~NDITIONING OF CHLORINE VALVES PURPOSE: TO a. PROCEDUREs WHICH USE. PERSONAL PROTE.CT~ EQUIPMENT: Safety shoes, side shield safety glasses, gloVes and b~mp cap. (1) Disassemble & Preparation (Refe= to DWG. $1, $2] (a) Disassemble all valves completely. (b) Remove and separate the two (2) rings .... of packing. Retain the top ring for a second use. This wilI be placed on the bottom position of the valve stem. Always discard the bottom ring. (c) Inspect the valve parts for the following defects which will be cause for condemning or rework. (1) Stems which are broken, burred, or have worn, corroded or gouged thrsads. (2) (3) Bodies which have badly worn, corroded, or gouge~threads, either inside the body, at the outlet, packing nut area (top), or inlet (bottom). Packing glands that are worn, corroded, or cracked. (4) Packing nuts that are cracked, or have worn or corroded threads. JC FT FL 0000892 REV 10/27/92 (2) Cleaning (a) Clean all stems. (c) Clean all valve bodies using the Valve Cleaning Machine. (Refer to Production Manual, Sect. VIII) The packing glands, top and bottom, and the packing nut are cleaned in the small glass bead blast t~hler. Inspection and Repair (a) Valve Body Carefully inspect the cleaned bodies for the following defects which are cause for rejection: a. EXcessive wear, corrosion, or pitting. Deterioration of the fusible metal in valves with poured fuse plugs. Severe thread damage that is not repairable. (3) Ail threads must have integrity to ensure good engagement with stem, outlet cap, packing nut and cylinder/ton openings. Minor nicks or worn outlet threads can be corrected with a re-threading tool (Superior Valve Part No. 1547). The proper tool must be used, as the outlet threads are not standard pipe threads. Bad or worn threads in the valve body, which result in poor contact with the stem, are one of the causes of a spinner or merry-go-round condition, and a reason for re]ection of the valve body. Valve seats must be flat and smooth. Reseating should be performed~when required using the ~proper reseating tool,(See page 5, Chlorine Valve Reseating Tool Inst~-uction Sheet) If the seat does no= cor~:ain enough metal, this can als~ cause a spinner or merry-go-round condition. REV 10/27/92 JC FT FL 0000893 (4) NOTE: The reseating tool must be kept sharpened and replaced when it no longer cuts ~h-- metal seat. The valve must be free Will nicks Fuse Plugs (See DWG. $3) 'sander. (4) (C) PackingGlands The packing-glands must for signs of cracks A comparison should be new one for sizing. (d) Packinq Nut and Outlet Cap Threads The packing nut and oUtlet cap must have good threads to provide good contact and seal properly. Assembly of ChlOrine Valves (a) First apply the packing ring which was retained for a second use on the bottom position. Second apply a new Garlock 6130 Polyester Reinforced Graphite Packing Ring on the top position. NOTE: ring and apply two (2) new ones. Testing ~Refer to DWG. ~4) (a) With the valves in the closed position, without outlet caps, insert twovalves into the =es=er. The valves are immersed in water by either raising the container or lowering the valves. Nitrogen a= 500 psig pressure Always check for sign of deformity, cuts and/or impressions. If noticeable, discard JC FT FL 0000894 PRV 4 is applied to the valves for fifteen (~5) seconds while the valves are immersed in the water. The water must cover the outlet. Any leak through the valve will be detected by bubbles rising through the wa=er. If a leak is detected: Check the seal between the bottom of the valve and the test apparatUS. 2. Tighten the fuse plug. 3. Open and close the valve and re-test. Dismantle and re-inspect valve body seat and stem surface and re-test. Dry the vaIve by blowing with 30 psig pressure air. (c) After drying, apply a coa:ing of clear lacquer, i.e., ~per~o 440 by Benjamin Moore or equivalent. 2. CHLORINE VALVE RESEATING TOOL INSTRUCTION SHEET Prior to reworking, the valve body should be cleaned with the new valve cleaning machine. The bodylshould be blown clean with compressed air. This will.insure obtaining the longest life possible for the cutting tool by removing the corrosive products which form in any chlorine valve body. Although .t~.ese particles are very fine, they are qulte hard and have a .~istinct tendency to dull the surface of cutting tools if theyare not' removed. The body should be examined for nicks, scratches or corrosion of the see=. If needed, proceed ash,low. Secure the valve body in the vise. Inser~ the reseating tool into the cleaned valve body and pull the nu= up hand tight. (See DWG. JC FT FL 0000895 d~ PR V 5' Put an additional 1/4 to 1/2 turn beyond hand tight engagement on the nut. been take which will This ~pportunity needed, adhered & 2500 of the cutting shoulder seat The when the maximum het~ at 1.71 When the reground a amount must be shoulder to REV 10/27/92 JC FT FL 0000896 Valve Stem Packing Packing Packing .BI~%'* PR V 7 JC FT FL 0000897 JONES CHEMICALS, INC. CALEDONIA, NEW YORK DRAW~IG NUMBER Valve Stem "'~'ackin~ G1 and,N P Packing Coll~ I ! ! ! Melting Point of Fusible Me=al: 158° to 165oF. Packi " JC FT FL 0000898 JONES CHEMICALS, INC. CALEDONLA, NE'W' YORK N )Utlet CHLOR, OCEAN NETWORK EMERGENCY PHOI~E 1-888-2891-911 THIS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS) HAS BEEN PREPARED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FEDERAL OSHA HAZARD COMI~TJNICATION STANDARD, 29 CFR 1910.1200. THIS PRODUCT HAy BE CONSIDERED TO BE A HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL UNDER THAT STANDARD. (REFER TO THE OSHA CLASSIFICATION IN SEC. I,}~ THIS ~tNFORMATION IS R~QUIRED TO BE DISCLOSED FOR SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE. THE EXPOSURE TO THE COMMUNITY, IF ANY, IS QUITE DIFFERENT. I -- PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Product Name: C~11orille Synonyms: None Chemical Family: Halogen Formula: Use Description: Chlorinating and oxidizing agent~ disinfectant~ organic s!zn~hesis, water and westewazer treatment, plastics, pharmaceuticals Hazard Classification: Irritant or ~orrosive; skin, eye and lung hazard: toxic by inhaia~ion; ~omPressed Gas; oxidizer Revision NO.: 1 Product Codes: 105015, 2.05189 File NO.: MSDS0100 II - COMPONENT DATA Product Composition CAS or Chemical Name: Chlorine CAS Number: 7782-50-5 Percentage Range: 98-100 Volume percent __~za~dous Per 29 CFR 1910.12~0: Yes Exposure Standards: OSHA (PEL) ACGIH(TLV) ppm mg/m~ ppm mg/~3 TWA: None None 0.5 1.5 CEILING: 1 3 None None STEL: None None 1 2.9 III ~ PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE I~ANDLIN~A~D STOI~AGE DO NOT TAKE INTEP~A~LY'.--AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN, EYES AND CLOTHINg. UPO~ CON%A~ ,,.__.W~_T~__SK~N OR EYES, WASH OFF'WITH WATER. DO NOT BREATHE GAS OR VAPOR. 1 of 11 STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilaued place S~P;i,F LIFE ~,TMTTATIONS~ ~ I~0MPAT~R~,~ ~T~T~.S FOR N~TiCE - ~u~u ncu De repackage~ except by ~alified ~C~GING: ~a~d ~rained Derso~et. ~ INCQ~T~BLE ~E~I~ ~QR ~k~lis reducin~ agents organic materials IV -- PHYSICAL .DATA Vapo Votatites, pH @ 25° -~3~'Deg.C (-29 Deg.F) .cable cubic feet au 63 Deg. F icable on: 123.67 BTU per pound 5 (0.7537 lb. per cubic feet au 32 Coefficienu ( Distri~oution': V - PERSONAL PROTECTI%~E EQI~NT i~EQUIREMENTS Personal Protection for Routine Use of Product: Respiratory Protectioni If air'~oncentr~tions above the TLV are possible~ wear a NIOSH approved respirauor Ventilation: Use local exhaust ventilation to raaintain levels to below~the TLV. Skin and Eye Protection: Wear gloves, boots, apron and a face shield with safety glasses, A full impermeable suit is recommended if exposure is possible to large portion of body. 2 of 11 Other: 'Emergency eye wash and safety showers must be provided in the immediate work area. Equipment Sl~ecifications (When Ap~licable~: Respirator Ty~e: ~ear NIOSH approved fuI~face respirator e~ipped with Ch~cal cartridges for chlorine a Protective Clothing T~e: GL0~ TYF~: Neoprene, or butyl rubber (~is includes: g~ove~, ~oots', ~ ~OOT TYPE: Neoprene, or butyl r~ber apron, pro~ive ~ui~. ) ~PRON ~PE: NeoDr~e, or butyl ~bber ?ROTECTi~.SUIT: see sectio~ XI. for ad~tiona~ info~tfon VI - FIREAID EXPLOSION ~ ~NFORMATION Flammability Data: Ex%Plosive: N/A Flaramable: No Combustible: ~ No Pyrophoric:i No Flash Point: $ Not Applicable Autoignltlon TemperaEure: Not APp]~oable F/~Bte Limits at Normal LEL - Not Applicable Atmospheric Temperauure UEL - Not Applicable and Pressure (Percent Volume in Air): NFPA Ratings: Health: 3 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0 Special Hazard Warning OXIDIZER Ratings: Health: 3 Flammability:I 0 Reactivity:10 Extinguishing Media: Use extinguishing media compatible uo surrounding materlals. Fire Fighting Techniques an~ Comments: Use ~ater to cool containers exit=ed to fir~, however, direct spray between fire and containers. DO NOT spray directly on container unless absolutely necessary. Water reactive ma=erial; DO NOT spray with water. Contact with reactive metals e.g. aluminum may result in the generation of flammable hydrogen gas. See Section ~ 11 for protective equipment for fire fighting. 3 of 11 VII - REACTIVITY INFORMATION Conditions Under Which This Product May Be Unstable= Summary o£ Reactivity: Combustion will be supported in carbon steet ystems and eq~ll~men~ conrail i I . ; . ~ ,~g a Chtor!ne ~ ~e~?~zr°nment at~ tempera~ures~ 9~e~te~ ~t~ ~80 De~ ~ F. P~op~r!y purge ~St~s: ~ c0~d~etinq Hot W0rk~ Explosive: Oxidizer: Pyrophoric: Organlc Peroxide: INo Water Reactive: I Yes Corrosive: Yes VIII - FIRST AID Immediately flush with large amounus of wauer for au leasu 15. minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Seek medical attention at ~once. Skin Immediately flush with wauer for at least 15 minuu~s. Seek medical a=uention. If clothing, shoes and/or jewelry come in contact with the product, they should be removed immediately and laundered before re-use. Zngestion Immediately drink large quantities of wa~er~. DO NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical auuenuion at once. DO NOT give anything by mouth if the person is unconscious or if having convulsions. 4 of 11 Znhalation Ifperson experiences na=sea,-headache or dizziness, person should stop work ~immediately and move t0f=esh ar= unt!l thesa~ sYmPtoms disappear. If breathing is :difficult, administer oxygen, keep theperson warm and au res=. Seek medical auuention~ In the event tha~ an individual inhales.enough vapor~to lose consciousness person should be mo~ed to fresh air at once and seek medical autention immediately. If ~braathing has stopped, artificial respiration should be given immediately. In all i cases, ensure, adequate ventilat~o~s~ud~rovide respirator, y protectien before the person returns ~o Work. IX - TOXICOLOGY AND ~IEALTI~ INFORMATION Routes of Absorption Inhalation, skin, eye, ingestion Warning Statements and Warnin~ ProDer~ies HARMFUL IF INHALED. CAUSES EYE. SKIN IA~D RESPIRATORY TRACT BURNS. DAMAGE. CAN CAUSE LUNG Human Threshold Response Data Odor Threshold:t Approximately 1.7 mt/m3 (0.3 ppm). Irritation Threshold:i The irritation threshold is [ , I pproxlmately 0.5 ppm. Immediately Dangerous ~o Life or Hea~th ~ 0.0 ppm Signs, S3~m~toms and Effec~s of Exposure Inhalation Acute: Toxic if inhaled. Inhalation of this material is irritating to the nose, mouth, throat and lungs. It ~ay cause inflammation to the respiratory tract with the production of lung edema, which can result in shortness of breath, wheezing, choking, chest pain, and impazrment of lung function. The inflammation of the respira=ory urac~ is most evident in the upper portions, but bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveoli may also be affected. There zs no evidence tha: acuue inhalation of chlorine au low to moderate levels will cause permanent lung damage. At high levels, chlorine is corrosive to the respiratory crac~ and may cause lung d~m~e. I Chronic: Repeated inhalation exposure may cause impairment of lung function and permanent lung damage. It may Contribute to the development of bronchitis. 5 of 1t Skin Acute: T Dermal exposure can cause irritau!on characterized by redness, swell--' ~and scab formation Contact with li~-,~ -=~ · ing ~=oton---d -~-. '~-~ ~',' ~- ~ - :- ~ ~,~ ~Aor!r~e, mal~. cause bur~s~with .~ m ' ~= ~unuagz-ca~s3%ng ~es~ction of the de~is Wi~ imD~ '~ ' the ~kin a~ ~'ite' ~' ' :~>: ':~- - .... ': ' ~ ~ t f ~ ~ ~f con~act ~o~ req~n~te Eye of vision and: corneai~-d~m~e~ Ingestion Acute: If liqUid is swallowed gastrointestinal ,lrr~tatlon andYor burnscan Occurto~the 'entire · ura~ tncl~dln~ the stomach and intestines, 'eh~rac~erized by na~se~' v~m%tzng' dzarrhea~abdominal p~in,'bl~e~ihg, and/or tissue Ulceration Ingestion is not a major route of e~os~hre b%¢aus~ Medical Con~itimns Aggravated by Ex~osure Asthma, respiratory and cardiovascuiar~d~sease~ In~eractionsWi~ 'None know or ted. Animal ToxlcoIo~ ity Acute Targe~ Organ Toxicity Inhalation LC 50:293 ppm (1 hour, rat) Oral LD 50: No not applicable. Product is a gas at room temperature. Dermal LD 50: Not applicable. Product is a gas at room temperacure. Severe irritan= to eyes and skin. Contact with the liquid chlorine may cause burns · uo eyes and skin. Contact with chlorine vapor may cause severe eye irritation Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity ' There are no know ~r reported eff~cus on reproductive function or fetal · development. Carcinogenicity This product is not know or reported ~to be carcinogenic by any reference source including IARC, OSHA, NTP, or EPA. 6 of 11 Mutagenicity i This product is nOT know or reported bo be mutage~ic.~ Aquatic Toxicity ~C 50 Bluegill: 0~44 mg/1/96 ~ours C 50 Y~llow pe~ch 0.88 mgll/i'hr. LC 50 Channel ca~fish (fingeriing): 0.07 mg/1/96 hrs LC 50 DaDhnia manna: 0 017 rog/l/46 hr~ CHRONIC T~RGET OROANEFFECTS IN LkBORATORYANIF~ALS InhsLatio~ exposur~ ~as uroduc~d p~t~h~10gical change in the lu/%gs and nasal i passa~es ~f m0nksys and rats Qha~a~ized by infimaUnation~ epithelial h!rperplasia of loss of s~lla. In add~tio~, d~ama~g~ was' observedin liver and kidneys from treated rats. These effects were se~en~ at concentrations much higher than those expected from occupational exposure. X -- TRANSPORTATION INFO~MATiON THIS FiATERIAL ISREGULATED AS.A, DOT!.HAZARDOUSMATERiAL. DOT Description from the Hazardous-Ma~erials Table 49 CFR ~72.101: Land (U.S. DOT)?]Chlorine, 2.3,~UN10t7, Poison Inhalation Hazard - Hazard Zone B - Marine Pollutan= Water (IM0}: ! Same as,~LAND a~ove' Air (I-ATA/ICAO): FOR~IOD~ Hazard Label/Placard: ~ Poison Gas,'Corros~ve ReDortable Quantity: i 10 lbs.' (Per ~9 CFR 172.101, Appendix) XI - FOR AL~ Repoitable Quantity: CHEMTREC AT 800-42&-9300. This product is subject to a Reportable Quantity with respecs to chlorine. RQs are subject to change and reference should I be made to 40 ~CFR 302.4 for the current requirements. 7 of 1~ Spill Mitigation Procedures: Hazardous concen=ra~ions in air may be found in local spill downwind. Do ~his prod~c~ a Water Release: Land Spill: S~ii1 Residues: Dispose of per i · ~./~ i ' ' ~ ~ gu deilnes under Section 13,'WASTE DISPOSAL. This material may contac= OCEAN a= Personal Protec~ In case of fire. fi~e For response ~o Chlorine gas ~t is ~ec~mm~ded ~o use~as, a minimum level ~B" protection that is ,compatible to Cl~lorineiS~n~%or ~i~id ~Pills i6 is: reco~ended splash hood). Responders can..refer~nc~ ~hi~i~ in~t~ p~ph~e~ ~5 ~n PPE. Addlt!onal protgctAve clo~ing mu, st ~,~ worn ~o preven~ personal contact w~th thzs material. Those i~s include but are not limited boots gloves, hard hat s . . . ~ ' ptash-P~gf goggleS, full f~c~ shield and Compatible mauerials for respons~ to-t~is ~at~euia% arel ~oprene and butyl ~bber. Protection concer~s,m~t a!s9 a~s~ ~he D,~enti~l of~ the Dhvsic~ characteristics of th~s product~as ~ c~ressed gas, corrosive ~d a 8 of 11 XII - WASTE DZSPOSAL If this productbecomes a waste,.it meets the criteria of a hazardous Waste as defined'under 40 C~R 261 and would have the following EPA hazardous waste number: D003, D001. If this product becomes a hazardous waste, it will be a hazardous waste which is subjec~to the Land Disposal Restrictions under 40 CFR 268 and must be managed,accordingly. As a hazardous liquid waste, it must be disposed of in accordance With local, state and federal regulations in a permitted hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposalfacility bytreatment Chlorine can exist in a gaseous state, and controllmd evaporation may he warranted. CARE MUST BE TAKEN TO PREVENT ENVIRQ~N~dITAL CONTAMINATION FROM THE USE OF THIS MATERIAL. THE USER OF THIS MATERIAL HAS THE RESPONSIBILITY TO DISPOSE OF UNUSED MATERIAL, RESIDUES AND CONTAINERS IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL RELEVANT LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL~LAWS AND ~REGULATIONS REGARDING TREATMENT, STORAGE AND DISPOSALFOR HAZAI~DOUS AND NONHAZARDOUS WASTES. XIII - A/DDITIONAL~i~EGULATORY STA~FJS INFORMATION TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT: This product is listed on the Toxic Substances Control Act inventory. NSF LIMITS: NSF Maximum Drinking Water Use Concentration - 30 mg/1 as chlorine SUPERFUND _AMENDMENTS AND REAUTHORIZATION: ACT TITLE III: HAZARD CATEGORIES, PER 40 CFR 370.2: HEALTH: Immediate (Acute) Delayed (Chronic) PHYSICAL: Sudden release of pressure Reactivity EMERGENCY PLANNING AND COMI4IrNITY RIGHT TO KNOW, PER 40 CFR 355, APP.A: EXTREMELY HAZARDOUSSUBSTANCE - THRESHOLD PLANNING QUANTITY: 100 lbs. SUPPLIER NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS, PER 40 CFR 372.45: This mixture or tradename product contains a toxic chemical or chemicals subject ~o the reporting requirements of Section 313 cf Title III of the Superfund A~endments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR 372. CHEMICALS LISTED ARE: Chlorine XIV -- ADDITIONAL ~NFORMATION t MSDS REVISION STATUS: The Ch!or/Alkali MSDS Control Group update this MSDS May, 1999. 9 of 11 XV MAJoa AlbinJ: ~at~. ~du ........ ' in ~==aa~ ~o-rest Laboratori~, ~c., 1810 Fro~a~e Road, Nort~rook~ Illinois 60062, IBT No. B758c. April 18, 1972. 2. ~ar~ow~ C. S. e~ al. ~ Inhalation Toxicity Study of Chlorine and ~ Pha~acolo~ 49 77 Shi ' ._ .... -~ 3. mmzu,, M. et al. T~ Results of'Migrobial Mutation Test V6i...2~,..(1~.8~).~. _ ..... ~ .... ~. zn~. Health, ~= ~osure to Chlorine Gas ~eric=~ Dise~e, ~o1~ 9~ ~,19~1 ~ .... P ato~ P~i, L. R. S. et ai, The Health o~ Diaphra~ Cell Workers ~ ed to C~orine. ~r~c~ ~ndus~ :%~ HYgiene Associati JQ~ ~i~.V~i~e 31 .No~: :~ ~ '~' ~ on 8. anna ~lon OZ Chlor=ne Gas. So. M~d~ J. 75, 23~ (1982) Hasan, F. M. eu al. Resolutio~ ~f PuI~on~ ~sfunction 9. Chester, E. eu al. ~e .PreKal~nce of ~onic Obstr~c~iv~ Pulm0na~ Disease iff :hi~: ~S Workers. ~eric~ Review of Respirato~ Disease~ Vol~e 99~ (1969). 10. Klo~e~ D. R. e~ AI~ "~5~a~ lnhala~ion Toxicity Study of Chlormne zn ~esus Mo~e~{~(~qa~a mu~atta) . ~Fund~ent~t~ and Applied Toxicolo~ 9, 557~2~2~ ~(~98~i. 11, Jones, R. N. eE al. L~g ~ngtion af~E~ Acute Chlorine E~osure. ~. Rev. Respir~ Dis., 13~(b), D 1190~1195. (1986}. Grant, W. M. Toxicolo~ Of the Eye~ Second Edition, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 197~. 13. Elle~orn, M. J. and D. G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicolo~, Dia~osis and Treaumenu of M~ Poisoning. New York: Elsevier, 1988. 14. Conlon, P. C, Ed. ~ergency Action Guides. Association of ~erican Railroads. (1984~. 15. ~n~ol~, ~ e~ a~. EdS.~ ~The ~erck Index. ~ Encyclopedia of 16. =~emlca~s, mrugs, ~d Biologicals. Tenth Edition. (~983). ~t~a~l~i~Chlorine. U.S. DeDar~ent of P~ er 1978. 17. Material Safety Data Sheet~30H~S046O01 Occupational Health Se~ices, Inc.o. 1-11. 10 of 11 CHI. DR A1 _KALI THE INFORMATION IN THIS MATERIAL SAm'~'i'y DATA ~'l' SHOULD BE PROVIDED TO tALL WHO WILL USE, HANDLE, STORE, TRANSPORT, OR OTHERWISE BE EXPOSED TO THIS PRODUCT~ THiS INFORMATION HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THE GUIDANCE OF PLANT ENGINEERING, OPERATIONS AND MANAGEI~ENT AND FOR PERSONS WORKING WITH OR HAAIDLING THIS PRODUCT. OLIN BELIEVES THIS INFORMATION TO BE RELIABLE AND UP TO DATE AS OF THE DATE OF PUBLICATION, BUT MAKES NO WARRANTY THAT IT tS. ADDITIONALLY, IF THIS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IS F/ORE THA/q THREE YEARS OLD, YOU SHOULD CONTACT OLIN AT THE PHONE ~ER LISTED BELOW TO MAKE CERTAIN THAT THIS SHEET IS CURRENT. ORC ~SDS CONTROL GROUP Olin Chlor Alkali 1186 Lower River Road P.O. Box 248 gharleston, TN 37310 Phone Number: (888)-658-MSDS (6737) 11 of 11 Requested City Commission [] thatch 21.2000 [] April 4. 2000 [] April 18.2000 [] May 2, 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOR vi IV-CONSENT · ITEM B.6 Date Final Form Must he Tur~ed in to City Clerk's Office March 8. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) March 22. 2000 (5:00p.m.) April 5, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Request;d City Cdrnmission Meetin~ Dares [] May I6.2000 [] June 6, 2000 [] June 20, 2000 April 19,2000 (5~0g.rn.) -' ~ July$;20~0 Date Final Form Mast be Turned in to City Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m,) June 7. 2000 (5:00 p,m.) June 2t. 2000 [5:00 p.m.) J-] Admlnlstmtive NATURE OF : [] Consent Agenda AGENDA ITEM [] Public Hearing [] Announcement [] Development Plans [] New Business Legal [] Unfm./shed Business [] Presentation RECOIVIMENDATION:.MOTION to approye a "piggy-back, for a LEASE OF A XElk~OX DC332SX NETWORK DIGITAL MULTIFUNCTIONAL DEVICE COPIER ut/I/zing the DAYTONA BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE /'r~"~'~RFP~MU0226g. The ESTIMATED ANNUAL EXPENDITLrRE is $6,02400 (Base lease cost of $378.36 per month which includes 7,000 copies, and estimated g,000 extra copies per month at $.0155 per copy). ED~X~L~.~A~J.A~TI.~O_.N.:._P_ro_c_ur_e~ent Services received a request from FIRE DEPARTMENT for the LEASE OF A XEROX ~--~oz~.x ~'~lWOle. K. DIGITAL MULTIFUNCTIONAL DEVICE COPl~..g~ nHli~.o ~ nAv'l-t'~n COMMUNITY COLLEGE RFP#MU02268. This ts a soeclalized cooier which can fax s,'.- ah ...... .~ ~.,~ network pm3tmg from a desktop computer. This lease will be for THIRTY-SIX MONTHS WITH RENEWAL FOR TWO ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR:~ TERMS BY MLrI~AL AGREEMENT as stated in the CORPORATION - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR RFP#Mu02268. Procurement Services requests~Comm/as/on's review; evaluation and "piggy-back" purchase approval PROGRAM IMPACT: Th/s lease agreement will allow F/re Department to acquire a special/zed copier which will have the capability to blast fax, sc ,ann/rig of.decuments, andne~w0rk capability for printing of decumen~ wF,IS.C, AL. ,I .MPA.CTI T~,e costs for the Xerox copier lease for the remainder of FY1999/2000 is e~fimated at $4 612.00 men mcluaes the oase lease cOSts, the estimated extra Copies costs, a Xerox Anal3;st ($840.00) ko assist in the network .c~onnec?on and training of network admwastrators, and Xerox Trainer ($760.00) costs to train Fire Deparanent staff in use of t~e copier. BUDGET AMOUNT. Copy Maching Rental $4,612.00 ALTERNATIVES: To lease tha Xerox Model'5830 whicl'/will not meet the nee.~ of the department. ,~ ~ Deputy Director ofFm !anclal Services _ · ' -//~it~- iV/ana~er's $igilatum' ' - ~' ~ Procurement Services ~/ ~9, ~'e',k~' Department Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources cc: Jim Ness - Fire Department S:\BULLETIN\FORMSL~GENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC FireDepartment Memorandum 00-011 To: Bill Ark/ns Erom:- Depmy ChiefJ ~"ess. q~q~ Date: March 8. 2000 '~ Re: Xerox Copy Machine Upgrade After res~arctiing the specific n~rts, ofbiir EMS~ Training, and E.M~S Bill, lng offices, it has become agpam~;thaZ~e ne~d to :upgrade th e}~c~g machifie ,~sh~d ~e~h the x6r°x surcey The XerOx moc~ei-5830 that w~:assign~d to the EMS and:Tiaining office is inadequate for their needs. The upgraded machine Will p~vide.the foilowing: ~ Abili~ and EMS :~ demanded by these ve~ ~ Quality r other training copying .r manuals and do ~ ment · Network capable. The new copier will be:eonueetefl ~ thg,gi~iden~ .ark system. This allows other 'dep~ents ~;~e the ~c~r, fax and ~r~fin~ ~!bt~}t~7~t't~s.umt d~rectly [ havre recmved aquote from Xerox ~r a p;ggyback from Da~o~na Beach, ~contract No MU02268) m the amount of $~36~per, .· , m ,(~ ,~, I w~:~, l~e ,~SU ~l;Lr~mng~ . ~ are. qms~tmn for, the 60 onth lea~ as derailed m that ¢~g~ct; pleas.iass~st hieiiiil}h~ prep~t~on:of the, agenda request for this pr6ject. CAven~the,m~t~fU~-CfiOg~:~d netWqiB,~g~.iliti~ of/his macl~i~e} it makes sense to m6ve f6~rd' Your assismce ig ~pr~eiated attachments Madc~t DC3~X Daytona Beach Community College ConWact # MU02268 (~0 Month Fair-Market Value I~..ase Freo Toner and Developer ~' DC332 w/DADF, 4 Tray including: )~ CRU32METR ~' DC32FIN, F'misher w/Stand ~> DC32LNFAX, LAN Fax 3> DC32FAX, Fax Option ~' SCANFXK!T, SCan/FAX Enablement ~, DCrKAYENV, Envelope Tray ~' DCSCAN4, DC Scanning Services )> DC32FI. Foreign/nterface DC332 wi 4 Trays~ DADF, HICAP/FIN, FAX, and LAN Fax ~' CRU32METR }> DC32ENV, Envelope Tray ~' DCSCAN4, DC Scanning Services DC332 q/4 Trays, DADF, HICAP/FIN, FAX, snd LAN Fax ~> CRU32METR ~ DC32ENV, Envelope Tray ~' DC32FL Foreign Interface Device ~' DCSCAN4, DC Scanning Services Monthly Monthly Excess Lease Copy Copy $403.16 7,000 $0.0155 $.t78..t6 7,0OO $0.0155 $38O36 7,000 S0.0155 Bob ippolito, Account General Manager Florida Gogemment and Education Contract E. ffeefive January 1, 1999 through December 31, 2001 Revised ~anuaty 26. 2000 File Name: "DBCC LEASF.6.DOL" XEROX DC332SX BEACH CO~fiMIflVITY COLLEGE CONTRACT # MU02268 60 MONTH LEASE ~ Xerox DC$32SX monthly cost Inck/d~?4-p~l~-~"~,~', DB~U~eh~ Feedii,-D~ge~ Hi Capacity Paper Tray, FAX, LAN/FAX, Scan and Envelope Tray, supplies (except paper and staples), 7,000 copies per month $378.36 7,001+ ~ .0155 per copy ADDITIONAL CHARGES Analyst ..... Full System Charge ...................... Includes: Complete connect/on to your network, warn, network Ar~minlstrator, loads print driver, sets up sc~n~h~g services .......... $840.00_ Trainer -.Full-System Charge for (copying, printing, f~xlng, scanning) $760.00 -- In~ludes:.' tra~ning for 4 people;Irzln~ng on,cOpy/rig, faxing, a'ubmitfing ................... Documents for printing; faxing, from thedestktop a~d/how to scan ................... Document and util/ze PapcrPorl: (SC~n~ing software) The above charges are less on less fcaVarcd eqtfipment CONTRACT COMPARISON CHART EXPENDI'I~JRE $34,800 O0 - Terms and Conditions T~LEOFCO~E~$ GENERAL TERMS ...... SOe l WARE TERMS ....................... MASTER CONTRACT .................... DOCUTECH LEASE PURCHASE TERMS _ - ...... 5 DOCUCENt'tzR AND BK3S FIXED RENTAL/LEASE TERMS ..................... The following terms apply to all transactions 1 Products: The term 'Products' shall refer collectively !o all equipment, software, anti supplies ordered under this ContracL 2. Equipment Statue: 'Fha Equipment provided under thi~ Contract ara defined es follows: A. Newly Manufactured Equipment is fsc. lo,y produced and contains new. re,recessed. recovered parts. The customer is the first user Newly Manufactured Equi[oment. n. Factory Produced New Model Equipment is r~ serialized factory produced equ~ment The odginal equipment model is no more that; (3) years old includes additional features and/or functions followMg disassembly to predetarmJned standard, and contain3 new, Page A. 'All 45 · and/or recovered pans~ The you era not orderad equ~t, } years in only to by the er. all eisetr~:al, and Customer is and maintain ! and to space for a parts and I be delivered an'J installed within cualomers notice )Oder as per the atlached Oetarmin,as the EauiDment to as aemonstrated by routines. g ,cartridge and toner COntaine~;s used ~n some Xerox equipment modets to cease !uncfioning a/tar a predetermined number of ~mpressions. In sold as Customer remain Xerox return them to Software Support for equipment requiring connection to a PC or workstation. 10. Meter Readings and Copy Credite. CusTomer provfde accurate and timely read nge in the manner preecdbed, by Xerox If ~-~.,_. -, time~.' ~e_~. .; - ~,u~omer OOes not provfde ~__'.,~ ac~ngs,~.x~rox may estimate them and bi ~.,u=s[omer accorolngiy, il A. All vail be~ oma Xerox' resu~ of ailerationSo the 'Customer Equipme~ for on them, if Basic c~rtlfdges oumhased authorized r~sellers in the as the or greater be Page 2 12. one copy that is the invoice as a charges days month. 30 day proof gross and A. it is their intent this no the has who c may I prior for which funds, appropriate that funds the notice sums I of all must befng r~ ~s not similar tatum to location ~ a when returned, the Equipment Wit! be free of all liens Xerox C and encumbrances. 13. 15. I Customer will then be make any: Xerox £etain ng~a will Xerox f and shag above. Xerox shall be resoonsible Ior its equi~6~e share of any and all Claims. liabilities, judgments. Neither direct whole or and payment, liable for This Cont~.~ . be In shall entitled to by is [.-terms apply to accompanying the software · on the apply to software and : Software ~,~. Page 3 Xerox defined as so ~fl~e =Ut lized bY Xerox pemonnel to maintain and repair its equipment and software. A. Xerox grants Customer a non- . decompile, or Application in same. C° ,under which ~uJ~ment. and under A. ils with o[~ software its lioensom errors or that its that Xerox Xerox will Software Application with its toll free hours for Base and releases of the al are provided available to considered Rase Page 4 or Applicalions Software governed by t~e Base SoftWare terms and condilions. C. Xerox will use reasonable eftorts, either directly and~or wffh its vendors, to resolve coding errors or ProVide. workarounds or patches, provided Customer report problems in the manner specified by Xerox. Xerox does not gUarantee that it or its vePdors will be able to fix c~fing errom or provide workarounds or patches: D. Xerox shall not be obligated to remedy coding errors when Customer have made medification~ to the Base or Applications,Softwaro o maintain the or may be Software So,ware and/or tioeasnd by allow third parties to Customer agree the unauthol'ized use or Soh'wars. Year 2000 Performen~:COmplient. A. Xerox sertifies that the Document Center 220 and 230. the DocuTech 6180. and the BookMark 35 are Year 2000 compliant; B. Xerox represents that products (equipment and software) sold to tbe.q~ust~..o~-oer she be 'Year 2000 performance Ce~l~iant .andithus,be able to accurately ProcesS,~at~data r(~n~,~udng bi~ not limited to calculsting~ ¢oraparing~ and Sequencing) from, into, and between the twent~th and twenty- first Centuries no laier the;n Decemhef31. 3999. in the event Xerox does' a~ot cure. or elects not to cure any breech of thisi~ warrant.~ with n n ne (~0) days after written no~cstmn qf such breach through either:. (a) r~pa~ or (b) ~Ubet tut on of warranty-complaint pr~dU~js equal=, to or better than the Warranted ~md~ets, the C~stomer may as Its sole remedy terminus any ag,reements with Xerox to the extend they cover eon-compliant Warranted Products.~ In ~s event. Xerox shell retain an'/ Monies paid ~ ~t by lbs Customer relating io the non-c~mp ~nt Wsrra~tad Products prior to the dale Of ta~l~pafion ~eXCept for any purchase price or perpstu~l iicense fees paid by the Customer. which shall result in a relund of the (or T,ef ~the Diagnostic se). prm:lucts and (28) School Florida's political and conditions, unit order, for the The will be subject to the same the initial D~cuCenter DC220 title to the Equipment shall until the Customer The risk of as welt as pfion to Individual d under this will remain finn (no individual Equipmem Price Structure and Billing. During the term of the Monthly the Gensral : toner, black of month the the and supply Price. title to the strict 'AS e individual demand by Customer may. in remaining finance. tl~, Page 5 and Conditions Protection Of Xerox' Rights, Unless and unit/ the Customer .purc,~h~:.~e~s~/~th.e isassd Equ~n/, Ihs C~tomer nem~ a~hoflzee Xe~ or ~ age~ to ~ney e~n~ mter~t that ehe~ affach to afl DOCUC~NT~R AND RK3~; FIxFr) 1. T/tie And Risk Of Lose:, The lifts- to ~he. Eq[dpment shell remain wflh Xerox u~isss and until the Customer exercf~ss the Equipment p, urcheae option. The rl~k of · t er disappearance, shell pass to emmet Insta~ for ~h ~k ~ ~ ~ pssl ~n sh~ment from ! Xerox o~ I~. of ~ ~e to ~ o~er =a~es sha~ m~ln ~h Xerox ~le~ ~d ~til ~stomet ex~ee ~elr ~sse ~e E~enL 2. Indl~duel Equipment Ag~ment. Ind~ai Equ~t Ag~m~te placed ~r ~ie C~t~ ~mme~ f~ ~u~menl ~la~n and e~im ~ the I~ day ~f ~e st~ (~) ~u~ telstar mon~ Pr~S ~r ~M E~ment Renta~ea~ Agra~enls ~ rema~ fl~ (no p~e thm~h Ihs entire Agreement PHee Stmet~ i~ B/tl~ng. Dudng the te~ of each in(~at ~ ~ Renta~esse A~ee~nt, the Mon~ ~nimum Cha~e ~ ~mpo9~ of (~) char~ f~ the ~e of the equ~ment ~ng a ~arantssd numar of copies (~y a~o~n~); (2) ~ ~ment'l So.es Pro~ded =~h ~ ~ ~e ~ral Te~ a~ C~I~s; and (3) ~ t~er. bla~ de~o~r, I :and [~ a~ ~abJe a~ ~ems. ~ ~nth~ Minimum R~ta~ea~ ~om~ ~ollo~hg Equ~ment ~s~aEati~ for ~ese ~i~ ~ be ~isd and ~ed al the a~unt le~l and billed ~a~e~ ~ a~am, EaHy Te~inatlon A~ Breach. Te~inet~n prior to  e .~lrati~n of ~e in~al E~ment y ~uszomer snail m~ In Early Te~ati~ ~ng ~sess~ e~al lo ali rem~l~ ~n(h~ Mlntm~ ~arges In the in~duel ~lt'e A~eem~t te~, C~tomer ehe~ ~ any case, pay ~Ess and u~ald ~nlhN a~ E~eee Co~ End of TI~ Renewal OplJ~. U~ Customer pro~ee ~en nol~ to Xerox at M~I 30 da~ ~fore the end of the Renla~ease te~ oF inlention not to renew the agreement ior one addttlunai 12 month period, the rental/lease wt/i ~ deem~ a~omat~al~ r~e~d ~ a m~th-l~month basis Dufl~ thM mne~l ~. Mt~ s~de may th~ ~ass ~ al ~asl ~ da~ not~. 8, End of Te~ C~tomer Purchase Option. C~tomer may Pu~ase t~ e~pment at ~he the ~dua~ E~u~nf Agreement te~ at ~e ~m~8~ ~tiofl Pfl~, ~ M the then a~able air Ma~el Value p~e for'the ~enl Wh~ th~ a~o~t has ~eh f~ paid ~e n~al Unit ~n~a~ te~ ~ te~inale and ~tie to ~e ~ut~ent -~, m~ paragon ~ dee~ InSPect EqU~nt ~ M~ ~ sbld o~a sl~ 'AS IS. WH~E IS' bss~ 7. End ~ Te~ Customer Return ~ion. ~ ~_ ._~ ~ mend ~ Xerox pumuunl ,emro ~ ~m~t and any reisled ex~te an~ ~en~ rea~a~ or n~ese~ ~ ' ca~.~ Ih~ a~e~nt, orto pmt~. or ena~ Xerox to e~e R. d~ he[e~r. Xerox may cons~ ma~ equ~ment to ~ow E M the Ihs?of and ~tom~ ~y not place any ~n~ict~g - - Last item -- The person signing th~ addenda warrants that he / ~ha ~ a duly authorized representative of the Customer and has the authority Io execute this addenda In the Customer's behalf. Customer: . aytona .Beach C~mauniC¥ College Name: Hr. Charles $. Lich~tFm=n 'rifle: Chat=man, DBCC District Board of Dale: 11/9/98 Trustees N,me: adb lrq:~oltio ~ T~IJa: _ t~ccount General Mensqer Page 6 Requested City~ommission 'Meeting Date~ [] March 21'. 2000 [] April 4, 2000 [] ^pffi ~s. 20oo [] May 2, 2000 IV-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM C.1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOR ** Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.m:j March 22. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 5, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 19, 2000 (5:00 p-rrD Request~dCityCommission Meeting Dates [] May[6;2000 [] June 6,2000 [] June 20,2000 [] J¢ly 5,2000 Date Final Form Must be Tumec~ in to City Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m' May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) lune 7, 2000 (5~00 p.rr~) June 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDAITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans _[] ConsentAgenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Busmess [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve letter addition to blanket agreement with the FEC Railway Company, and the accompanying revised fee schedule. EXPLANATION: This amendment is requested by the FEC Railway Company as a prerequisite to construction of the Ocean Avenue drainage improvements project. The liability issue has been discussed with the City s Attorney and Risk Manager, and a copy of Nicholas Igwe's memorandum dated 2/24/00 is attached for your reference. PROGRAM IMPACT: None FISCAL IMt'ACT: this will increase the City?s annual utility license cost to $10,767.50 in fiscal year 2000. ALTERNATIVES: None Utilities Department Name City Iglanager's~ ~ignamre City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources Peter Mazzella (w/attachment) Barbara ConbOy Finance Dept. City Attorney File S :kBULLETIN~ORM S~AGENDA ITEM I~QUEST FORIvLDOC RESOLUTION NO. R00- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CIT~ OF ADD~ON TO TKE ~:LANtCET AGRSSMENT WITH TH~ FE~ AUTHORIff~N~ TH~. DIRECTING ~T~E [MAYOR AND Ct~Y~>e~RK TO 'EXECUTE THE S~/~E; AND' PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE bATE. ' ''" " WHEREAS, uhe City commission of the City '6f Boynuon Beach, upon BE IT RESOLVED B~ THECITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF Seetion ~J T~e City Commission of- the, City of Boy~%on Beach, Flori~ a6Drove~ the ~ette~ Additio~to the BlanKet Agreement with the FE~ R~il~=~yC0mpan9', dats:d ~N0ve~ber 19, !999,'and &uthorizes the Mayor bind' City'!~lerk to'~Xe'cute the same. .- Section 2. This Resolution shaI1 take effect immediately upon ~assage PASSED AND ADOPTED ~his day of April, 20001. CITY OFBOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tom ~TTEST: 2ity Clerk (Corporate Seal) Commmssloner Commissioner Offtce of the Director Industrial Developme~ & l~e~al Estate Phone: (904) 826-2269 Fax: (904) 826-2322 e-maih mbagte~.~r~TON March 16, 2000 UTI LITil::: Blanket File: 312-4-0 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Mr Director of Utilities Addi~onto:BlanketAgreemertt SubFfle:312-53 MP312+t519 (OceanAv~) Boynton Beach, FL 33437 Please refer to past exchanges pertaining to the cepl!oned file, and your letter d??ed 3/10/0~; ~requesting a Schedule"AY change dueto casing size reduction for the storm ~ croSSing from 60" to 3~6". The,mo~C~tion change waS,roMe, thesub~u~e utility!crossing application~bas been approval, and we are he~eby.~dding the CrOssings to the Blanket Agreement dated 11/19/99, and making revisio~ to $~c. bedule "A", as:of ~/6/20~0, at = annu~ ~en~ of $325, SS00 and 200- Tho ~ised Schedul~ ")~".is aUa~ Copies of thb pl~cati0n, andRailwaY~s insurance.r~s for the cons~u~on a~. also ea¢lo~ed. The other abev0graa~:~a~:i~impro~eme~sreq~es~ must be approved and coordinated ~ our ~agineer~g~0t~ Mr. W. S. Stokely, VP and Chief Engineer at 904-826-2375. ; and at least 5 days pdur to you or your contractors or ~ scheduled by catling Mr. b( :~n~..) 826.242s.~n a~itio~,and ~Jso pi~ ~r subgmde work on the licensed premises, you must call said companies will be properly notified and in turn can Additi0nally~ the provisions of paragraphs !4 and 16 of abe Standard Blanket Agree~ant were recently revised. A ~ccordingly, 'tho Blank~ ~ Agreement will be amanded effective. 1~/2000, to replace the~ provisions of pa~a~ giaphs 14 and 16 With the language set forth below: 1,4~_ L~ieensee also covenants and agrees to and shall at all times indemnify, protect and save hamltess Railway, ts[pare ~nt, ~S~.b~e~, and affiliates from and agamst all cost 9r~xpense, including att~rney's fees, ~esutt!ag from any and alii con~ p~lac~man~ altachmant, presence, use, m~ee, repair, altoration, renewal, ~e~ocafion ~r~removal of s~d facfl~ti~ ia; on, about, or bom-the premises of Railway whether such losses and damages be anffered or sustained by th~ Railway~di~.ectly or by its empJgyees, para'OhS, or lieens~s, or be suffered or ~ by o~er persons or corporation, inc~luding 6e~ic~]~e, its emP~6yees am~ agents who may seek tO hold Railway` liable fller~for; and WI~ETHER ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE FAULT, FAR,UREiOR NEGLIGENCE OF RA1LWAY OR OTHERWISE. Howevor~ 312-4-0-BLKADDLTR.DOC March 16, 2000 Licensee ~hallnot be required t0 imiemnify Railway fi'om any such cost or expense arising from the willful or intentional acts of P,a~ay, notwiths~ding ~yth/ng to the conU'ary contained m ?.'s Agreement, no pro.~.s~on hereto is mtendad or shall be constrU?xl as a ~a~fiver 0f~.0ye~ignimmunitY beyond the provisions of § 768.28, Florida Statutes° tho MOB/bib/enclosure By: This day of Sincerely~ 312-4-.0-BLKADDLTR.DO~ o[_ oynton clench C0141 FILE Mr. Pete Mazella Utilities Dept 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach FL 33425 -0310 Date of Agreement Milepost Length Rate 3/10/53 310+ 4176 100 W2 16" cl water maill Slo NE 22 Ave 3124-16 3124-2 312-4-21 312-4-23 5/4/64 311 + 40 2" 844 W3 4 RCP sewer parallel to east r/w line Schedule "A" - Blanket Utility License 312-4-0 Blanket Anniversary Date 11/19/99 Beglnmng on Anniversary date in year indicated County 2000 2001 *2002 Pahn Beach __ 200.00 275.00 SG Palm Beach 1899.00 2532.00 SG 3/19/63 311 + 344 344 W1 6" sewer Palm Beach SG 602.00 860.00 12/14/66 311+ 683 303 W1 ater and 203 parallel 6" water ma/ns 312-4-24 312-4-14 7/28/70 311 + 828 8' sewer and 350 parallel 8" sewer ma/ns 3/5/51 311 + 896 450 WI Palm Beach -- 530.25 757.50 SG Palm Beach 78T50 1125.00 SG 312-4-15 312-,4-21 8/28/52 3/19/63 311 * 1565 311 + 1575 75 W1 Palm Beach SG 75 W1 Palm Beach SG 75 W1 131.25 131.25 187.50 187.50 6" sewer at NE l 5 Ave Palm Beach SG 131.25 187.50 Page l of 4 2000 2001 '2002 wv.--hreement Milepost Length Rate County Date of FILE -- 5/4/64 311 + 312-4-3 24" Cl sewer main in 36" stl easing 2216 311 + 2560 312-4-27 9/13/82 312-43 312-4-J9 312-4-5 312-4-10 6/27/97 311 + 2600 78 W2 PalmBeaChsG 12" water n~am in 24" stl casing at Shore Drive 168.75 225.00 75 W3 PalmBeach SG 976.25 ~800,00 355 W2 PalmBeach SG ,t50.00 206.25 166~25 237.50 1/22/62 311 + 2801 95 WI PalmBe~aChsG 500.00 7/I9/65 311+ 3484 200 W1 PalmBeaehSG 8" vcP sewer line parallel to east r/w line 87250 125.00 5/6/1927 311+ 3490 50 W1 PalmBeaChso 6" water main : 87:50 t25,00 311 + 3490 50 W1 Palm Beach SG 311 + 3507 50 WI Palm Beach SG 312-4-6 10/25/1923 312-4-20 7/15/63 8/21/1925 312+ 863 50 W1 palmBeaChsG 6" Water Main 312-4-8 312+ 312-4-9 9/1/1926 20" sewer mare 87/.50 125,00 87.50 125,00 ' ,~., 200~00 275:00 875 I00 W2 Palm Beach SG Page 2 of 4 FILE Date of Agreement 2000 2001 *2002 312. 890 100 W2 14" sewer main Palm Beach __ -- SG 200.00 275.00 312-4-6 10/25/1923 312+ 895 Water Main 100 WI Palm Beach 175100 -- SG 250.00 312-4-6 10/25/1923 312+ 1205 140 WI Water Main Palm Beach -- SG 245.00 350.00 312-53 1/6/00 312+ 1519 100 36" SG steel casing for storm drainage service at E. Ocean Ave VI/4 Palm Beach SG 325.00 325.00 312-53 1/6/00 312+ 1519 100 Tw . . Wlx2 o 4 SG steel casings for elec~cal service at E. Ocean Ave SG 500.00 500.00 312-53 -- 1/6/00 312+ 1519 100 Wlx2 Palm Beach Two 6" SG steel casings/'or irc/gat/on service at E. Ocaen Ave~ 500.00 · SG 500.00 312-4-0 6/9/79 312 + 1525 100 W2 20" sewer forcemain Palm Beach 200,00 __ SG 275.00 312-4-13 [2/28/50 312+ 1680 100 W1 Palm Beach 175.00 250.00 SG 312-4-6 10/25/1923 312+ 1855 Water Main 100 W1 Palm Beach - ~ SG 175.00 250.00 312-4-6 10/25/1923 312+ 2145 Water Maln 100 WI Palm Beach ~ SG 175.00 250.00 Page 3 of 4 FILE 312-4-15 -- Rate Date of Agreement Milepost Length 10/31/61 312 + 2244 100 W2 7115/63 312-4-20 20 sewer main 312-4-8 312-4-12 312-4-1 County 200.00 Palm Beach SG -- 100 W2 Palm Beach 312+ 3522 SG 2000 2001 *2002 275.00 200.00 275.00 -- 87.50 125.00 PalmBeach 8/21/1925 313 + 847 50 WI SG 6" water main 87.50 125.00 Palm Beach 8/15/47 313 + 886 50 W1 SG 10" wateC mare at Woollbrighl ave -- 200.00 275.00 -- W2 Palm Beach 7/6/65 313 + 2780 100 SG Iff' sewer forcenmin in 18' casing at SE 21 Ave - - 200.00 275.00 313+ 2792 100 W2 palm Beach 12/2/65 SG 312-4-1 8" sewer raain in 16" 86 sleeve at SE 2l Ave 17'5.00 250.00 __ 750 100 W1 palm Beach 312-4-17 7/20/61. 314 + SG ,~ _ S" wa,~* ma,n -- · Y75.00 250.00 - - Palm Beach -- SG 312-4-0 11/19/74 314+ 3270 i00 W1 175.00 250.00 l 1/19/74 314+ 3280 100 W1 palm Beach SG 312-28 6" sewer forcemain -- 37 Number o! Records * Increase Based on CPI Page 4 of 4 ) INDEMNITY OF FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY COMPANY "AND INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The Contractor by execution and delivery hereof, agrees that it shall and will at alt times hereafter indemnify, defend and save harmless the Florida East Coast Railway Company from and against all judgments, and alt'loss, claims, damages, costs, charges~ and expenses ("Costs") which it may suffer, sustain, or in anywise be subjected to on account of or occasioned by the operations of the Contractor, or any of the subcontractors, orboth, whether directly or indirectly under, or pursuant to; this ennstruction contract, including any such Costs arising from the death, bodily injury or personal injury of, as follows: .Of any person, including without limitation upon thc generality of the foregoing description, employees-and officers Of Florida E~ast Coast R;fit:way Company, employees and officers of materialtuen, employee~. and officers of tho Contr~ctgr, employees and 0fficer~ of alt ~ubcan~actors, and from loss, da~ag~ ~jury and loss of usa of amJ~ r~l or per~0na propert~ (a) in which Florida East Coast Railway Company ~ha~ any ownership interest~ and (b) p~rs0nai pr0party in tho custody of Florida,East Coast Railway Company under-any transpo~i0a contracts; including without limitation upon the generality of the two foregoing enumerations, all rmlroad eqmpment commonly described as rolhng stock and the contents of the same. In fiartherance of its obligation to indemnify, defend and save harmless, Contractor shall procure and keep!in effect-enm4~rehensive general liability insuranc~ in the limits of $2,000,000.00 each occurrence for bodil$ injury or death and $2,000,000.00 property damage each.ocenrranc¢, covering all obligations of Contractor to indemnify the Railway-by Contractual Assumed Liabilfty. Endorsement. Alternatively, Contractor may procure and keep in effect during the lifo of this construction~ contract, as aforesaid, Railroad,Protective Liability Policies. insuring the Railway directly as insured against losses and damages with the limits specified in this paragraph. In addition to the above, Contractor shall, at its cost and expenses, maintain a Workman's Compensation Insurance Policy as required in the Sta~e of Florida. All such insurance, directly or indirectly, for the benefit of the Railway, shall be in a ~orm satisfactory to Railway's Manager of Insurance and issued by a casualty company/insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Florida that has a "Beat's" rating of A or A+ and a financial category size of Class XII or higher. Requested CJi'/Commission Meeting Dates [] March 21. 2000 [] Ap~l 4, 2000 [] April I8, 2000 [] May 2, 2000 IV-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ITEM C.2 AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORtw Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's.Off[ge March 8. 2000 (5:00 p.ra.) March 22, 2000 (5:00 pa'm) April 5, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Apff[ 19.2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commission MeetingDates [] May 16,2000 [] June 6, 2000 [] June 20, 2000 [] July 5. 2000 Date Final Form Musl be Turned m to City Cl~rk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 7. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 2I, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEI~I [] Administrative [] Developmem Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public He~-ing [] Legal [] Bids [] UnfmishedBusiness [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMlgNDATION: Motion to approve a Joint Participation and Project Funding Agreement with Palm Beach County in the construction of Boynton Beach Bonlevard and Military Trail Intersection. EXPLANATION: Certain Utility adjustments will be required in conjunction with the proposed roadway reconstruction. It is County policy to require the Utility provider to bear the expense of all ntility adjustments within County rights-of-way. PROGRAM IMPACT: None. The adjustments will allow ns to maintain water and sewer lines currently in operation. FISCAL IMPACT: $10. 650 based upon bid prices received by the County. Funding is available in the water and sewer renewal and replacement account. City Manager's Signnntre Utihties Department Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources Attachments Xc: Peter Mazzella (w/1 copy of agreement) Finance Dept. City Attorney (w/1 copy of agreement) File S:XBULLETIN~ORM S~AGENDA ITEM KEQLrES T FORM.DOC AND PAR RESOLUTION R00- QF 'THE CITY COMMISSION, OF ~EACH (,CITY} jointly participate ~ .~ents to water distribution and/or Beach Boulevard and Military Trail Intersection WHEREA$,~,both the CITY and the COUNTY declare that it is in the public interest that, the work be constructed with the aforementioned IlProject; ' WHEREAS, the parties hereto mutually recognize, the' need for enfedng info an Agreement designating and setting forth the espons'bTt'es of each party; NOW-, THEREFORE, 'BE IT RE$C~;.VED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF rile CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, :lodda does hereby authorize and direct the Mayor and City Clerk to ~xecute a Joint Participation/Funding Agreement between the City of ~,oynton Beach and Palm Beach County, a copy of which Agreement s attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 2. This Resolution will become effective immediately Jpon passage', PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of ApriJ, 2000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor MaYOr Pro Tem Commissioner Commissioner Alq'EST: City Clerk (Corporate Seal) nepartmlent of Engineering l Paint Beach CounVy Board of County Commissioners Maude Ford Lee. Chair Warren H. NewelL Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. noberts Mary McCarry Tony Masilom County Administrator Rober~ Weisman December 21, 1999 DEC 2 0 1999 City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department 5469 West Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 3343 %2 ! 02 ATT[q: Mr. Peter V. Mazzella~, Assistant to the Directo~ of Utilities 94113 ****REVISED**** Dear Mr. Mazzella: Enclosed herewith are three original joint project participation/funding agreements for your utility work on the referenced project. Please recall, that Ranger Construction Industries, [nc., the lowest responsive bidder, will be awarded this eon~ract which included your items of work in the amount of $ I0,650.00. 0ri~f.~ If yOu have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact. this office. Sincerely, Omelio A. Fernandez, P.E., Director Engineering/Public Works Operations OAF/~jd/Enclosure pc: Edwin Jack, P.E., Deputy County Engineer Marlene EveritU AssistantCounty Attomey-w./Attaehment Carl Miller. Director, Construction Coordination-wJSummary Evelyn Andrews, Director, Administrative Services-w./Summary Joseph F. Bergeron, CPA, Capital Budget Manager/OFMB cc: Tanya N. McConnell, P.E., Program Manager, Roadway Production Division Steven B. Carrier, P.E., Special Projects Manager, Roadway Production Div. Serge Jerome, Project Engineer, Roadway Production Division Carl L. Hussey, P.E., Utility Coordinator, Roadway Production-w./Attach. F:~ROADWAY~AGRMT~94113BBU-LTR-REV.doe AGREEMENT BETWEEN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA AND THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FOR JOINT P ~A~TICI~ATION~AND PROJECT FUNDING IN CONSTRUCTION OF BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD AND MILITARY TRAIL INTERSECTION PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA PALM BEACH COUNTY PROJECT NO. 94113 THIS AGREEMENT~ made and entered into this day of 2000, by and between PALM BEACH COUNTY, a political subdivision in the State of Florida, herein referred to as "COUNTY" and the "CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH", a municipality in the Stateof Florida, herein referred to as the "CITY", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, COUNTY and CITY desire to jointly participate in the consu'action of utility adjustments to water dis~ibution end/or sewage transmission systems and other improvements, hereinafter referred to as the "Work" along the fight-of-way of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Military Trail Intersection improvements, hereinafter referred to as the "Project"; and WHEREAS, Florida Statutes, Section 163.01, allows governmental units to make the most efficient use of their powers by enabling them to cooperate with other localities on a basis of mutual advantage; and WHEREAS, both COUNTY and CITY declare that it is in the public interest that the "Work" be constructed with the aforementioned PROJECT; and NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the Parties to this Agreement agree as follows: 1. The CITY agrees To pay directly to the COUNTY costs attributable to conswactlon of the "Work" along the fight-of-way of the "Project" as outlined and shown in the Bid Documents for Palm Beach County Project No. 94113. AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~' 2; Said summation of cost, is stated in the mount of $10,650.00~in accordant, with :th~ &tracheal bid tabulation (ARaehment "A") and ~ummary (Attachment ;!B;:~) :f0f~/!~ S~4:ified work, ; - } ·; · '.. : 'i ~ 3 .~sls~l;be.~a~Ijusteduponacmaicontraetcostsandcompletionofthe project umng contraet~.:imces and actual constructed quant~t;es,.smd quannnes bejng' me~ as,:~ by~the~;~ezch County Engineering and Public Works Department . . : 4. The CITY agreeS to fund those contributions set forth in Paragraphs, 1 th-rough 3 above within thirty (30) days ofreceiving written notice from the COUNTY that funding is required. 5. The COUNTY is to be responsible for administering the funds in accorclanee with the Agreement. 6. The CITY is to be responsible for, and agrees to provide or cause to be performed ail inspection ~ervices during construction of the "Work" and final certification for the aforementioned "Work" as it relateS to the CITY's work 7. The COUNTY shall obtaln CITY approvai for any change orders which increase the cost attributable to the construction of utility adjustments to water distribution and/or sewage transmission Systems and other improvements to an amount greater than the contract mount as stetec~in Paragraph 2 of this agreemem. The CITY shall be responsible for any.cost caused by the CITY's delays including but not limited to change orders attributable to the roadway improvements as it relates to the CITY's work. 8. In the evem that additional work and funding is required, the additionai cost attributable to said construction of the "Work" as outlined in the specifications for this project is the responsibility of the CITY. In the event of an under mn attributable to said construction of the "Work", as outlined in the specification, the AGREEMENT, WITcH: THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 9. Without waiver of limitation as provided-for in S~ction 768.28 ($), Florida Statutes, and to the extent permitted by law, COUNTY agrees to ind~mnlfy and hoId harmless the CITY from and against any claims, losses, demands or causes of action of whatsoever kind or nature that the CITY, its agents or employees, may or could sustain as a result of or emanating out of the terms and conditions contained in this agreement that result from the COUNTY's negligence or willful misconduct~ Without waiver of limitation as provided for in Section 708.28 (5), Florida Statutes, and to the extent permitted by law, CITY agrees to indemnify and hold hamaless the COUNTY from and against any claimn, losses, demands or causes of action of whatsoever kind or nature that the COUNTY, its agents or employees, may or could sustain as a result of or emanating out of the terms and conditions contained in this agreement that result from the CITY's negligence or willful misconduct. 10. All provisions of this Agreement calling t'or the expenditure of ad valorem tax money by either COUNTY or CITY are subject to annual budgetary funding and should either Party involuntarily fail to fund any of their respective obligations pursuant to this Agreement, this Agreement may be terminated. 11. Any and all notices required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be deemed received three O) days after same are deposited in U.S. Mail sent via certified mail, return receipt requested. All notice to the CITY shall be-sent to: City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, F133435-3838 ATTN: Mr. Peter V. Mazzella Assistant Director of Utilities All notice to the COUNTY shall be sent to: George T. Webb, P.E., County Engineer Engineering and Public Works Department P.O. Box 21229 AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties unto this A cement have set their h~nds and seals on the day and date fftrst~written above. . . CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PALM BEACH coUNTy, FLORIDA, B iTS CO,. TY BY: BY: ATTEST: SUZANNE KRUSE, CITY CLERK ATTEST: DOROTHY H. WiLKEN, CLERK BY: BY: (DATE) (DATE) APPROVED AS TO FORIVI AND LEGAL LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: BY: BY: CITY ATTORNEY COUNTY ATTORNEY . · PALM BEACH_COUNT Weekley Asphalt Paving, Inc. ITEM QTY. UNITS · 46 4" PVC CONDUITS[SCH 40 ) TRAFFIC ( FIBER OPTIC CABLE ) 660 ~ 47 PULLBOXEE&FITTING$ (17" x 30" x 2") 5 EA 48 RESETTNGGUARDRAIL (INCL. ENDANCHORASSEMBLIES) 004 LF 43 SAFETY PIPE RAIL FOR RELOCATED GUARDRAIL 894 LF 50 END ANCHORAGE ASSEMBLIES ( ET-2000 ) 3 EA ~1. IRRIGATION SLEEVES (6" PVC CONDUIT-SCH, 40) 2,700 LF SUBTOTAL REGULAR ROADWAY PAY ITEMS ~INEERING AND PUBL C WORKS DEPARTMENT ~T ON DIVISION ,*BID TABULATION CommunEy Asphalt Corp. Golden Eagle Engineering UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT $12.00 --' ~7,9~0100 -- S24.00 $~f$1840.00 $$.50 $3,630.00 $429,00 $2,145.00 S1,200,00 SE,000.00 $300.00 $1,E00.00 $16.00 $14 304.00 ~9.00 $10~00 $8.940.00 S9.00 $8,0~0.00 $9.00 ' · S8,q46.00 $8,~4~:00 $30.00 S26,820.00 $2,300.00 $E,000.00 $~60(~.0b ~?,~0~;00 S3,0~0,00 $9.000,00 $15.16 $40,932.00 $~3.00 $30~I~0'~ O0 $4,00 S10,800.00 st,487,000:es $1.6E0,084.35 CONTINGENCy ITEMS 02 INLETS { CURB ) { TYPE P-1 } ( CONFLICT STRUCTURE) '1 EA $2,37~.00 53 INLETS'( CURB ) TYPE P 2 ) 54 INLETS [ CURB ) { TYPE P-2 ) ( CONFLICT STRUCTURE) I EA ' $2 470.00 ' I EA $2;~4d 00 73 ADJUST B~JJ. SOUTH DUCT CABLE 5~00 ~FF $0.00 75 MANHOLE TOP IN CURB FOR BET BOX SO0 LF 77~ TEtCKENED EDGE SID~WALK (SEE DETAIL ON PLANS) t EA $900,00 TOTAL S3.$37.E0 S~0.00 $~.~0(~.00 $4,300.00 $~.62 S4,6.48100 $13,000.00 $,L20 S17,937. E0 ~7:~6 $%S~0.OO S~qO.eo St,2b0.0o 09o0.oo s~2,oo s~ 4bO. OB 0220.oo $330.00 $8 dO .SOhO.gO S31000.00 ~.00 S800,~0 $2,250.00 $8.00 $3,000.~0 $12.00 $900.d0 $600.00 I1600.00 $2.400,00 $1~J~0 01,000.00 $700.00 $tE,00 ST~O.O0 $900.00 $22.00 8t,t00,0o S87,730.00 S94,00E.SO $1 ,E75,389.88 $1,E76,0f8.04 $8,8o0,o0 $3,S00.00 $3,800.00 $3,800.00 $4,000~00 $4,00o.00 S4,000.00 S4~000,00 S3,400.00 $3,400,00 83,600;00 $3,600.0~ $4,000;00 $4,0~0.00 $4,000.00 S4,OO0.O0 $0,6~0:oo $3,6o0.oo $t~.0B $4,000.00 3t t,7s $4~;00 $4.20 $10~500.00 ~7,~s $t$ ae?,s0 $10 ~0,,00 SEOg. O0 S~,~o s'Looo.go S7.00 $1,400.00 SE.00 $$00.00 SE. :0_0 $~00.00 $$.00 $2,$00.00 $5.00 $2;$00,00 $3,000,00 $3,000.00 $2E.00 S2,500,00 $15.00 $T50,00 S22.00 S1,100.00 $97,337,E0 4ot0 PROJECT NAME: BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. AND MILITARY TRAIL INTERSECTION PRO_..t ECT NUMBER: 94113 Weekley Asphalt ITEM QTY'. UNITS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT REGULAR ROADWAY PAY ITEMS I MOBILIZATION t LS $t00,000.08 5100.000.00 2 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC ( INCLUDES pEDESTRIAN M.O.T. ) t LS $174,0(~(~.00 5174,000,00 3 CLEARING AND GRUBBING I LS $110,000.00 $110.000.00 t LS $82,00g.00 $82,000.00 4 GRADING 0 BASEROCK ( g" ) I 2 - 4" LIFTS ) 3,873 SY $18,00 $8t,988.00 6 BASEROCK I DOUBLE COURSE) (10") 6.769 SY St2.00 $69,tg8,0g 7 'TYPE B STABILIZATION (12")(LBR 40) lt.6t9 SY $2.05 $29.628.48 8 TYPE S-10 ASPHALT CONCRETE ( 1.0" ) 2t,187 SY $2.10 $44,429.70 9 TYPE S-1 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE ( t.80" ) 3.873 SY $3.18 $~2 199,95 J0 TYPE S-1 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE ( 2,50" ) 6.759 SY $5.30 tt TYPE S-t ASPHALTIC CONCRETE ( t.25" ] RESURFACIHG 13,622 SY $2.65 $34,736.10 t2 TYPE S-Itl ASPHALTIC CONCRETE (LEVELING & OVERBUILD) 5,561 TN $42.00 5233,$82.00 13 ASPH. CONCRETE FRICTION COURSE (I~00"-) (FC-3) t9,381 BY $2.20 $42 638.20 t4 MILLING EXISTING ASPHALT pAVEMENT It" AVG.) '15.000 SY $2.60 $37.~0.00 t5 INLETS ( CURB ) ( TYPE F'I ] 2 EA $2.745.O0 $0.490,00 46 INLETS { CURB ) ( TYPE P-3 ] 3 EA $3.000.00 $9,000.00 t7 INLETS ( CURD ) { TYPE PoS ) 2 EA 53,O00,go t8 INLETtCURB} TOPS(TYPE 5) 2 EA $2,g00.0O $4,40g;0g g EA $3,t60~(~0 $18,600.00 t9 INLETS ( CURB ) ( TYPE P' 6 ) 20 INLET[CURBJ TOpS{TYPE 6) 2 EA $2.440.00 $4.880.00 t EA $2,215.00 52,270.00 21 INLETS ( CURB ) ( TYPE PS) t EA $6,360.00 $6.360;00 22 INLETS ( CURB ) ( TYPE J-$ ) 4 EA $8,820.00 S26~080.00 23 INLETS ( CURB ) ( TYPE J-6 ) I EA $2,265;00 $2,286:00 24 MANHOLE( TYpE P-7 ) 25 MANHOLE { TYPE J-7 ) 2 EA $8,170.00 $10~84~).~0 26 .MANHOLETOp(TYPE P~7) 16 EA $1,010,00 $16,t60.00 27 ADJUSTMANHOLETOP 3 EA Sg18.00 28 NLET TOP ( U.S. FOUNDRY #5130'6168 ) t EA $1,280.00 $t8280.00 ' ' ' S" 249 LF SSS.00 $14,940.00 29 CONCRETE PIPE CULVERT ~ 1 ) 30 CONCRETE P PE CULVERT ( 18" ) 85 LF S6S.0S $3,576.00 3t CONCRETE P PE CULVF. RT ( 36" ) t6 LF $240.00 $3,840.00 304 LF $5;go $18520.00 32 TRENCH E~AFETY COMPLIANCE ( 30' ,O.R LESS} 33 TRENC~SAF~TY~(~MPLtA~4CE(>S0* ] ' 16 LF $8.00 $t28.00 34 CONCRETECURB {TY,pED) ~ - 2.430 LF 58:60 $20,~8~,00 36 CONCRETE CURB~& GUTTER ( TYpE F ) 8,941 LF $8.00 $T$.9~.~g~ 36 TRAFFIC SEPAIp~TOR CONC ( TYPE tV ) ( 8.8'WIDE ) 27 LF S40,00 $1.080,00 37 CONC SIDEWALK(4"THICK) 3.84t SY $1~8.00 $09,t3~.00 38 COLOR TREATED & STAMPEO CONCRETE (4") (SEE S.P.'S} 480 SY $32.00 $14,400.00 39 ENGRAVING OF CURB FACE 8 EA S167.00 $1,336.00 40 SODDING . 6,226 SY $2.53 $13,221778 41 REcoRD DRAWIN~ i SEE SPECIAL pROVISIONS ) t LS S100.00 s10g.00 42 STORM SEWER PUMPING (EXIST.} ( 24" OR LESS ) (SEE S.P.) 2,500 LF $2.50 $6,250.00 43 STORM SEWER PUMPING (EXIST.) (> 24" TO 48") [SEE S, P.) 2,080 LF $3.28 $6,662,50 44 2" FVC CONDUIT~ (SCH 40 ) TPJ~FFIC ( FIBER OPTIC CASLE ) 2.100 LF $6.00 $12,600.00 48 3" PVC CONDUITS (SCH 40 ) TRAFFIC ( FIBER OPTIC CABLE ) 2,100 LF . ST.00 $14,700,00 PALM BEACH COUNTY ENGINEEt~ING AND PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT ROADWAY PRODUCTION DIVISION - BID TABULATION Community Asphalt Corp, Golden Eagle Engineering Contractors, Inc, 3.of S UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT S140.000.00 S 140~.000.00 $t76,890.00 St76,890.00 $98,S00:00 S98,080.00 $SO,OO0*O0 $5Q~000.00 $183~0~00.00 5 t 83,0~10~00 S212,970.00 8212.970.00 s8o.05o.~o ~eb.(}(~o.Oo .$so,08o.oo DSo,oeo.go $14.00 554,222:00 5'12.00. S~,476.00 $t5.50 $14,00 S80,~26.00 S~.00 $4.26 $49~3B0,75 $2.56 $2.60 $55,008.20 S4.43 S4.50 $7,20 $T.20 S418464.60 $3.~ 53.25 $44.271:50 $2.67' ~.70 $5~28,70 S2,5~.~ S3,fO~ PO' ST,OO0.OO $2,6~0:0~ $4,000,00 S12.~00.00 Sg,6~d,o0 $3,~00.00 $6,200.00 84,oo~:~5 s~ 000.00 $2,00p~oo $~,0oo.oo ss,gEo;o~ $~,dgo.oo S~;~oo:~o s~4,ooo.oo s~;e *~00* S~,ooo.oo ,00 S2,tSO.oo ,o0 ' Sl,3SO.O0 ' Ifl;O0 $?2 9T9.00 s3s.oo s~s 7so. Do $1.90 * ~$9 929,40 S4,o00.00 ~S4,000~o0 S4:~s 's~o,~2s.oo ~40o:oo s~o,soo.oo PROJECT NAME: BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. AND MILITARY TRAIL iNTERSECTiON ~INEERING AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ~JCTION DIVISION . BID TABULATION PI~OJECT NUMBER: 941t3 ITEM PVC ONCG,.s ,SCH 40, TRAFE,C { E,BE. OET,C 47 PULL BOXES & FliNGS (17" x 30" x 2") 660 LF $24.00 $15,840.00 6 EA 51,200.00 $6,000.00 49. SAFE~ p PE ~IL FOR RELOCATED GUARD~IL $9,834.0~ 3 EA $2,800.00 S8,400.00 SUBTOTAL REGU~R ROADWAy PAY TEMS UNIT P~fCE AMOUr~i UNIT PRICE AMOUNT . $3.90 --'~8, t90:00 ' · '8~-~.50 $9,450.00 CONTINGENCy ITEMS 52 INLETS ( CURB ) { TYPE P.t, { CONFLICT STRUCTURE) t EA $2,S00.00 $2,600.00 53 iNLETS ( CURB ) ( TYPE P-2 ) 1 EA S2,700.00 S2,700.00 ~4 INLETS ( CURE ) ( TYPE P-2 ) ( CONFLICT ETRUCTURE} t EA S2,900,00 $2,900,00 85 INLETS ( CURE ) ( TYPE P*3 ) { CONFLICT STRUCTURE) I EA $2,800,00 $2,800.00 56 INLETS ( CUI~B ) ( TYPE P-8 ) { CONFLICT STRUCTURE) 1 EA S2,100,00 $2,t00,00 67 INLETS(CURB)(TYPEP-6)(CONFLICTSTRUCTURE) ¶ EA $2,600.00 $2.800.00 88 INLETS(CURB)(TYPEPB)(CONFLICTSTRUCTURE) ¶ EA S2.400.00 S2,400.00 59 INLETS ( CURB ) { TYP~E J-S ) { CONFLICT STRUCTURE) I EA $5,100.00 $5,t00.00 60 INLETS [ CURB ) ( TYPE J.G ) ( CONFLICT STRUCTURE) I EA S0,000.00 61 MANHOLE (TYPE P.7 ) (CONFLICT_STRUCTURE) $9,500.00 62 MANHOLE(TYPE J'7)(CONFLICTSTRUCTURE) I EA $2,000,00 $2,000,00 63 GUARDRAIL ( ROADWAY ) I EA S4,400.00 S4,490.00 200 LF St7800 $4,200.00 64 TYPE B FENCE ( G' HIGH } {W/TOp RAIL) 400 LF $13.00 $0,200 00 69 STORM SEWER CLEANING (EXIST,) ( 24" OR LESS ) {EEE S.p.) 2.500 LP S4,70 6t 1,~oo~oo 06 STORM SEWER CLEANING {EXIST,) (> 24" TO 48") (SEE S.P.) 2,050 LF $8.00 St7,630.00 87 ADJUSTVALVE BOX ( INCLUDES CONCRETE COLLAR,)* 6 EA 68 SUPPORTWATERMAIH $280.00 $'l,080.00 09 SUPPORTFORCE MAIN 200 LF S0.00 $1,000.00 70 SUPPORT EST CABLE 200 LF $0.00 $1,000.00 71 RAISE/LOWER BET CABLE 100 LF S2.$0 $250.00 72 ADJUST BELLSOUTH DUCT BANK 100 LF $3.70 73 ADJUST BELLSOUTH DUCTCABLE S00 LF $6.70 S3,390.00 74 SUPPORT BET DUCT BANR E00 LF $0.00 S2,000.00 78 MANHOLE TOP IN CURS FOR BET BOX EO0 LF S6.70 $3,360.00 76 THICKENED EDGE SIDEWALK (SEE DETAIL ON PLANE) t EA $960.00 $950.00 77 ABC-3 ( S" ) 10C EY S22.00 $2,200.00 78 ABC-3 (8") 00 SY $12.00 $600.00 SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCY ITEMS 80 SY $t8.00 $900.00 S92,080,00 6h2o.~o $4 I0o. oo $10.16 - $9,074.10 $9.90 se.8s0.00 $2,78o,0o .$e.~s0.00 TOTAL $1.364.$55.95 $2,89o.0o '62,890.00 S3.000.00 S3,000.00 $3,t70.00 S~,~CI O0 $2,720.00 $2,7~0.00 $2,02$.00 $2,825,00 $2,317.00 S2.3t7.00 S3,730,00 $3 730.00 $3.730.00 $3 730.00 S3,730.00 $3,T30.00 $1,620.00 S1.625.00 $13.00 $4,000.00 $13.00 $$~200,00 S3.40 $s.7o st1.685.0o $t70.00 $t.020.00 SI,20 $240.00 $1.20 S2~0.00 $t.20 $t20.00 S3.40 $340.0~0 SS.70 $2,800,00 S6.70 $2,880.00 $t.20 $600.00 $340.00 S340.00 $23.00 $2,300.00 SI 1,70 $18.75 $937.50 S74,147.00 $t.430,283.7S Charles S. Whl~stde, Inc. UN T PRICE AMOUNT $5,00 S.10,600.00 56.00 S3,960.00 S600.00 S2,800.00 $10.00 $8 940:00 $10,00 S9~940 00 $2,600.00 $7 800,00 $7 S0 620,200 00 $ t,376.327.09 AVERAGE UNIT I'RICE $4.47 $840,00 $10.38 $25.30 S2,716.67 St2,80 $3,800.00 s3~000.00 $8,096.67 32,600.00 S2,$00.00 $2.766.07 $3,800.00 $~,800:00 $3.290,00 $3,800:00 $3,000.00 $3,106.G7 $3,600,00 $3.600.00 · $2,041.67 $9,$00.00 $,3,600.00 S2.039.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3.043.33 $6~000:00 SS 000,00 S4,776.67 S0~$00,00 S$,500~00 $4,910:00 $3,000.00 S3,0b0,00 $2,170.00 $6.000.00 $6,000.00 S4,033.33 $15,00 S3,700.00 $t6.00 $12.75 S$,100.00 $12.92 S4.00 S10,Q00.00 $4.03 $G~O0 $1~300.00 $1~7~ S~00,00 $1,200.00 $2t0867 $12.00 S2.400.00 S6,07 '$12,00 32,400,00 $6.07 $8.00 S800.00 $3.90 S8.00 $800.00 S5.03 St9.00 S9,600.00 $10.47 $8.00 $4,000.00 S6.23 St2.00 $0.000~00 S0.63 S600.00 S60~,00 $630;00 $~5.00 $2,600.00 $23.33 S15,00 $760,00 S12.92 $25.00 St8280.00 $20.58 $I099600.00 Sl,4~28877.00 2of8 PALM BEACH COUNTY ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT · ROADWAY PRODUCTION DIVS ON - 13 D TABULATION PROJECT NAME: BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. AND MILITARY TRAIL INTERSECTION Ranger Construction PROJECT NUMBER: 94113 ITEM REGULAR ROADWAY PAY ITEMS I MOB~LIZATIO N 2 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC ( INCLUDES PEBESTRIAN M.O.T. 3 CLEARING AND GRUBBING 4. GRAOtNG 5 6ASEROCK ( 8" ) ( 2 - 4" LIFTS } 6' SASEROCK {DOUBLECOURSE)(16"} 7 TYPE B STABILIZATION {12'{{LBR461 B TYPE S411 ASPHALTCONCRETE { 1.0" 9 TYPE S-t ASPHALTIC CONCRETE { 1.50" t0 TYPE S.1ASPHALTIC CONCRETE (2.00"! 11 T~PESoIASPHALTICCONCRETE {1.25"] RESURFACING t 2 TYPE S-61 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE {LEVELING & OVERBUILD} t3 ASPH. CONCRETE FRICTION COURSE { t.90" } ( FC'3 } 'J4 MILLING EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT (t" AVG.) t6 INLETS ( CURB ) tTYPE P't ) t6 INLETS [CURB/{TYPEP*3! 17 INLETS [ CURB ) { TYPE P-5 } 18 INLET(CURB! TOPS(TYPE E) t9 INLETS [CURB)(TYPEP°6} 20 IN~ET(CURa ) TOPS(TYPE 6) 21 INLETS { CURB ) { TYPE P8 ! 22 INLETS ( CURB ) { ,TYPE ~-5 ) 23 ;NL~.TS { CURB ) ( TYPE J*6 ) 24 MANHOLE { TYPE P-7 ) 25 MANHOLE (TYPE J.7 ) 26 MANHOLETOP(TYPE P-7 I 27 ADJUST MANHOLE TOP 28 INLET TOP ( U.S, FOUNDRY #St30'6168 ) 29 CONCRETE PIPE CULVERT { '1S" ) 30 CONCRETE pIpECULVERT(18" ) 3t CONCRETE PIPE CULVERT (36") 62 TRENCH SAFETY COMPLIANCE { 30" OR LESS ) 33 TRENCH SAFETY COMPLIANCE { > 30" ) 34 CONCRETE CURS {TYPE D) SS CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER [TYPE F) 36 TRAFFIC SEPARATOR CONC ( TYPE IV ) ( 8.S'W1DE ) 37 COHC SIDEWALK ( 4" THiCK ) 66 COLOR TREATED & STAMPED CONCRETE {4") {SEE $'P"s) 39 ENGRAVING OF CURB FACE 4O SODDING 4t RECORD DRAW1NGS ( SEE sPECIAL P,,ROV~SlONS ) 42 STORM SEWER PUMP NG~ (EXIST. 24 OR LESS ) (SEE S- P.) 43 STORM SEWER pUMPIHG (EXIST.} {> 24" TO 49"] (SEE S. P.) 44 2" PVC CONDUITS ( SCH 40 ) TRAFFIC ( FIBER OPTIC CABLE Industries, Inc. QTY, UNITS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE I LS $16,000.00 $76,600.60 $134.275.O0 t LS $49,500.00 $49.$00.00 $8%125.00 I LS $09,S00.00 $09,000,90 $92,600.00 I LS $$5.$00.09 $S5~$00,00 $77,000.00 3,673 SY $t0.90 S38,730.00 S5.60 5.709 SY $t2,00 $69,108.00 $6.80 tl,619 SY $5.70 $06.809,25 S3.95 21,197 SY S[00 $42,9t4.00 $2.30 3,873 SY S0,30 $t2,780.90 $3.25 6,759 SY $4,96 $28.507.00 $$.50 t3,622 BY $2.06 $27~925,t0 52,80 6,66t TN 040.00 $222,440.00 $44.00 t9,301 SY $2.26 $-~3~607.25 $2.90 15.000 SY Sl.00 St S,qO0.00~ 2 EA S0,800.00 511,600,00 3 EA $3.900.00 $9,600.00 $2,600.00 2 EA $2,590.00 $5,000,90 $2,430.00 2 EA $2,100,00 $4,200.00 $t~S0Q.O0 6 EA $3.000.00 $18,000,00 $2.$6~.00 2 EA S2,600.00 $5,200.00 $t,700,03 t EA $2,40~00 $2;400.00 $2,030,00 I EA ST,O00.O0 $1,000,00 $3,620.00 4 EA ~7 160.00 $26,400.00 t EA $2 40~.0~) $2;400.00 2 EA $$,600.00 $11,200,00 t6 EA Sl,000,00 $16,000,00 3 EA $570:90 $t,T10.00 I EA 5~i,300 00 $t,900,00 249 LF S61.60 $15,t89.00 $0 LF $72.00 $3.960,00 t6 LF S270.00 S4,320,60 $68,00 304 LF $1,10 S334,40 ~1:20 16 LF $2.20 $30,20 $1 20 2,430 LF 66,?0 ~16,281.~6 $7.90 8.94t LP S0.70 $59,904.70 ST.SO 27 LF $28,60 S766.00 $32.00 3,841 SY S16.00 $61.456.00 Sl 5.70 450 SY $60.00 $27,000.90 $36,00 8 EA $170.00 $1,360-00 $170,00 5.220 BY $3.00 $15,676.9o S3.O0 1 LS $7,8oo.oo $7,800.00 2.600 LF S4.79 $tl.750.00 51.20 2,050 LF $4.70 S9,636:00 $1~20 2,t00 LF $3.30 $6,930,00 $3.40 AMOUNT 0134.279:00 S92,600,00 $77,000.00 $3.9~151.20 s4s,~5~.0s $31,674.66 S244,6~4,~YJ tS ~64;oo $16 S? 0o UNIT PRICE AMOUNT $79 900.00 $75;000.00 $95:~)00 00 $90,000.00 $96.000.00 S9~ O~0.O0 $0,0oo.oo se~$bo.oo 5t2.0o 546:476.00 $10.oo s~.:~e$.~d S1.TS s2.7s .ss.os S7,00 S40;313~00 $2 GOO+bG S2,sO0:Oo S8:60 $58,1t6.60 S35.00 S946,00 517,60 S6T Z~7~SO 54 .0o 200.00 $s,065oo s3.oo sT;sOo~oo 63 so ~7 AVERAGE UNIT PRICE S95.091,67 $70,208.33 S62,366.6T $46.333.33 S9.27 S4.48 S3.69 S6.82 S2.73 S44.G7 S2,67 $3,GSG.G7 S2,800.00 $2.St0.00 St.900.00 $2.7t6.37 $2.216.67 $2,343.33 $6.093.33 $5,240.00 S2;043.33 $4.233.33 $96E,33 S$60.00 S946.67 S63.83 S68.68 $159.33 $4.47 $?.03 S6.93 S31.67 $16.40 $46.33 St80:00 $2.92 $4,600;00 S2.97 $3.63 $3.40 PALM E~EACH COUNTY ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 'ROADWAY PRODUCTION DI¥1SlON - BID TABULATION PROJECT NAME: BOYNTON REACH BLVD. AND MILITARY TRAIL INTERSECTION PROJECT NUMBER: 94113 Pay Items Footnotes: In the event of discrepancies wlth the plans, the quantifies, as shown above, shall govern. All Structure boxes are '10' or less In depth, unless OIherwise specified. Item ~2 (M.O,T.). includes Pedestrian M.O.T. in accordance with GP-18 and as ~lrected by the Engineer. Item ~4 (Grading)- Includes all earthwork and final grading to complete the work as shown on lhe plans. Items #$-t3 (BaserocidAspha FEte.) - Includes bituminous material & tack coat, as required. Item #t9 (Inlet P.$]. Includes a contingency or one (1). Item #2? (Adjust MH ) - Includes a contingency of two (2). Item #39 (Engraving Of Curb Face) - Shall be In accordance wlth SP-SA or the SpeGial Provisions. Item f~40($oddlhg) - Shall be placed In accordance with GP-3~I of the specifications. Item ~/$I (6" Irrigation Sleeves) - shall be placed In accordance with SP-tl, but longitudinally below the separators. Item #77-& 78 (ABC-3). May be used as an bpflon by the Contractor, where approved by the Engineer, at no additional cost to Palm Beach County. "+" Denotes corrected number Where appflcable. Working days to complete One Hundred Seventy ( 170 ) calender days. BIds as read at opening, November 30, 1999. All bids Subject to O.E.O. compliance and Board Approval. Prepared by: D. B. Landry Checked by: W. Flohs ~ ATTACHMENT "B' PROJECT NAME: BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. AND MILITARY TRAIL INTERSECTION PROJECT NUMBER: 94113~ Ranger Construction Industries, In¢o ITEM ~OUANTITY/UNITS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT REGULAR ROADWAY PAY ITEMS 6 BASEROCK 100 SY $ 12.00 $ 1,200.00 ( DOUBLE COURSE ) ( 10" ) 27 - ADJUST MANHOLE TOP 1 EA $ 570.00 $ 570.00 REGULAR'ROADWAY PAY ITEMS SUBTOTAL $ 1,770.00 15 53 54 55 16 56 17 CONTINGENCY ITEMS iNLETS ( CURB ) ( TYPE P-1 ) (,CONFLICTSTRUCTURE) INLETS ( CURB ) ( TYPE P-1 ) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 52& 15 INLETS ( CURB ) ( TYPE P-2 ) INLETS ( CURB ) ( TYPE P-2 ) ( CONFLICT STRUCTURE ) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 53&54 INLETS ( CURB ) ( TYPE P.-3 ) ( CONFLICT STRUCTURE ) INLETS ( CURB ) ( TYPE P-3 ) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 55 & 16 INLETS ( CURB ) ( TYPE P-5 ) ( CONFLICT STRUCTURE ) INLETS ( CURB ) ( TYPE P-5 ) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 56 & 17 1 EA $ 2,600.00 I EA $ 5,800.00 1 $ -3,200.00 $ 0.00 1 EA $ 2,700.00 1 EA $ 2,900.00 I $ 200.00 $ 200.00 1 EA $ 2,800.00 I EA $ 3,200.00 I $ 400.00 $ 0.00 1 EA $ 2,100.00 1 EA $ 2,500.00 I $ -400.00 $ 0.00 ATTACHMENT "B' PROJECT NAME: BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. AND MILITARY TRAIL INTERSECTION PROJECTNUMBER: 94113 57 19 58 21 INLETS (CURB) ( TYPE P-6 ) ( CONFLICT STRUCTURE ) INLETS ( CURB )( TYPE P-6 ) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 57&19 INLETS ( CURB ) ( TYPE P-8) ( CONFLICT STRUCTURE) INTxETS (CURB) ( TYPE P-8 ) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 58 & 2t 59 INLETS ( CURB ) ( TYPE J-5 ) ( CONFLICT STRUCTURE ) 22 INLETS ( CURB ) ( TYPE J-5 ) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 59 &22 60 23 INLETS ( CURB ) ( TYPE J-6 ) ( CONFLICT STRUCTURE ) INLETS ( CURB ) ( TYPE J-6 ) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 60&23 61 MANHOLE ( TYPE P-7 ) ( CONFLICT STRUCTURE ) 61 MANHOLE ( TYPE P-7 ) ( CONFLICT STRUCTURE ) 24 MANHOLE ( TYPE P-7 ) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 61 8,:24 1 EA $ 2,600.00 1 EA $ 3,000~00 I $ -400.00 $ 0.00 1 .EA $ 2,400.0~ 1 EA $ 2,400.00 I $ 0.00 $ 0.00 I EA $ 5,100.00 1 EA $ 7,000.00 1 $ -1,900.00 $ 0.00 1 EA $ 5,500.00 1 EA $ 7,100.00 1 $-1,600.00 $ 0.00 lEA $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 1 EA $ 2,000.00 1 EA $ 2,400.00 I $ -400.00 $ 0.00 PROJECT NAME: ATTACHMENT "B" BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. AND MILITARY TRAIL INTERSECTION 62 62 25 67 68 69. MANHOLE ( TYPE J-7 ) 1 EA ( CONFLICT STRUCTURE ) MANHOL .E (TYPE J-7 ) 1 EA ( CON. ici sa'RUCTURE ) MANH~OLE~(TYPE J~7 ) 1 EA DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 1 62 &25 1 EA ADJUST VALVE BOX ( rscLrrvEs CONcP-ETE CO~.r~A~ ) $ 4,400.00 $ 4,400.00 $ 4,400~00 $-1,200.00 $ $ 280.00 $ 0.00 280.00 SUPPORT WATER MAIN 200 LF $ SUPPORT FORCE MAIN 200 LF $ CONTINGENCY ITEMS SUBTOTAL- $ ~ 8,880.00 5.00' $ 1,000.00 5.00 $ 1,000.00 GRAN~T~AL $ 10,650.00 3 Kequested City Commission [] March 2I..2000 [] ApriI 4~2600 [] April {~, 2000~ [] May 2~ 2000 IV-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ITEM C. 3 AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORwt Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) March 22. 2000 (5:00 p.m_) April 5, 2000 (5:00 p.r~) April 19, 2000 (5:00p.m.) Requested City Comm~sion MeethagDates [] May t6,2000 [] lune 6, 2000 [] June20.2000 [] July 5, 2000 Date FinaI Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 May I7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June ?~ 2000 (5:00 p~m.) June 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) '- ~ [] Administrative [] Development Plans NATURE (~!? [] Consent Agenda [] New Bus/ness AGENDAiI~ [] Public Hearing [] Legal * [] Bids [] Unfinished Bus/ness [] Announcemmat [] Presentation RECO~}ATION: Approve addendum to contract for Lake Diving Service at The Links at Boynton Beach changing th~ effective date of the contract from Jhnuary 18, 2000 to March 07, 2000. EXPL.A~. A~qN Due to insurance reqnsrements of the subject contract, East Coast wns unabl ake dlxangi~e .r~ ~ces at the Golf Course until March 07, 2000. Those requirements have been met and East Coast agreeablet6'~nging the effective date to March 07. 2000. PROGRAM IMPACT: None FISCAL IMI~ACT: None ALTERNA~S: N/A f ?fi~n~n/t Head's Signature Department Name City Attorney / Finance ~(n an Resources S:~BULLETrN~ORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT FOR LAKE DIVING SERVICE AT THE LINKS AT T~iiS ADDENDUM dated the day of March, 200?/ is ,,entered into between the CFFY"~)F~BOY'I~TON BEACH h~affe~' refer,~e..d ~o ~s ~,ity, and EAST COAST GOLF BALL.COMPANY here naffer referred to :a~ E~st~ Coast, in con~demtion of the mut8a¢ Bedefits: (e~ms, and condi~on~ bere'naffer'Sp~b~fiSd, a~d shall co~ti~te; P;~9?f the or~inaLco~tract.be~een th~:~,an~ EaSt ~oas~. dated Decemb 1,-:.~ ! , (ResaleS!On R00~O6); ' the original Contract presently provides the effective date of the lake the Golf Course as.Januaw 18, 2000; 2O0O; nsurance requirements of the subject Contract. East Coast the take diving Services at;th~ Golf Course until March 07, WHEREAS, City staff has determined that the effective date of the Lake Diving Contract With East'Coast should be amended to read March 07, 2000; WHEREAS. staff has indicated that this revision is necessary for East Coast to provide satisfactory service at the City's Municipal Golf Course. WHEREAS, EAST Coast has consented to this amendment providing effective date of the:Contract as March 07, 2000; NOW THEREFORE, BOTH PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1_. That the effective date of this Contract is hereby replaced in its entirely as of the date of this Addendum as follows: Section 2, The performance of this Contract (effective date) shall commence on March 07, 2000. The term of this Contract shall be for a pedod of thirty-six (36) months from the date of this Addendum. The renewal of this Contract shall be made as providect under paragraph three:(3) of the original Contract. Section 3. All other previsions of the odginal Contract not effected by this Addendum remain unchanged. Section 4. Each person signing this Addendum on behalf of either party individually warrants that he or she has full legal power to execute this Addendum on behalf of the party for whom he or she is signing, and to bind and obligate such party with respect to all provisions contained in this Addendum. this IN WITNESS OF THE FOREGOING, the parties have set their hands and seals day of March 2000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH EAST COAST Mayor Executive Vice President Attest: City Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME, an officer duly authorized by law to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared ,' and acknowledged he executed the foregoing Addendum for the use and purposes mentioned in it, and that the instrument is his act and deed. IN WITNESS OF THE FOREGOING, I have set my hand and official seal at in the State and County aforesaid on this day of 2000. NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: s:ca\~agmts\East Coast Lake Diving Services Addendum RESOLUTION NO. R00- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN ADDENDUM TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND EAST COAST GOLF BALL COMPANY, FOR LAKE DIVING SERVICE AT THE LINKS AT BOYNTON .BEACH; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the C!ty of Boynton Beach entered into an Agreement with East Coast Golf Ball Company (East Coast) on December 31, 1999, by Iion R00-06; and WHEREAS, the origir)al Contract provided for the effective date of the ices to commence January 18, 2000; and WHEREAS, due to insurance requirements of the subject Contract, East as unable to commence the lake diving services until March 7, 2000; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynt0n Beach~ Florida hereby authorize and direct the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Jm to the contract between the City of Boynton Beach and East Coast Company, providing that the commencement date of tJhe Contract shall )e March 7, 2000, for the for lake diving service at The Links at Boynton copy of said Addendum ~s attached hereto as Exhibit '*A." Section 2. This Resolution ~hall become effective immediately upon PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of April, 2000, · N FLORIDA CITY- OF B~OYNTO BEACH, Mayor Mayor Pro Tern Commissioner EST: Commissioner City Clerk (Corporate Seal) ]'V-CONSENT AGENDA ZTEM C.4 RESOLUTION NO. R 00- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE EXECUTE A RESTATED INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOCA RATON, THE CITY OF DEEP, AY BEACH PALM BEACH AN EFFECTIVE WHEREAS, the parties have heretofore entered into an Intedocal on the 2"d day of February, 1998; and WHEREAS, it is deemed mutually advantageous to the parties to enter provides a corfimunication system operation and maintenance services benefiting public safety and local and WHEREAS, Section 163.01, Florida Statutes authorizes local to enter into Intedocal Agreements with each other to jointly ly power, privilege, or authority which such agencies share in common and which each might exercise separately; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida ereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Restated nterlocal Agreement between the Cit~. of Boca Raton, the City of Delray Beach ~nd the City of Boynton Beach, to establish the South Palm Beach County Public Safety Communications Cooperative, said Agreement being attached hereto as Exhibit "A". upon. Mayor FLORIDA Vice Mayor Mayor: Pro Tem Commissioner Commissioner City Clerk RESTA~o INTERLOCAL AGR~,~,MENT to establish S0uth Palm Beach County Public Safety Communications COOperative THIS AGREEMENT, ori~t~nally entered into on the 2"~ day of February, 1998; by and between the CITY OF BOCA RATON, the CITY OF DELR/~Y BEACH and the CITY OF BOYNTONBEACI~ each a Florida munieipal Corporation 10eated in Palm Beach Coumy, Florida, hereinaRer referred to as the "Parties" and amended on this, I7t~ day of March, 2000. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, each of the part/es presently maintains a pol/ce/flr~ department and local government with radio communications services, and WHEREAS, the Parties des/re to enter/nto a cooperative/m'angement to provide a couuaon/cation system with operation and maintenance services benefitin~ public safety and local government; and WHEREAS, thc use of a cooperative of the three tannic/pa.'es W prov/de rad/o co~,--~nicat/ons services expands the geograph/cai use ofava/lable frequencies for mutual aid and day-to-day activities; and WHEREAS, Section ~ 63.01, Florida Statutes. permlt~ public agencies to enter /nto Interlocal Agreements w/th each other to jointly exerc/se any power, priv/legc, or authority which such agencies share in co~;.on and which each might exerdse separately; and WHEREAS, pursuant to thh Interlocal agreement, the mudcipalities' PSCC Intefloeal Revised 3/17/00 respective police and fire departments and local government will be able to communicate with each other benefiting public safety concerns; and WHEREAS, it is deemed ~!~!~ ~ ~ ~ ~va~-a~e°us to eater into this Agreemeat without regard to territor~ boundaries, which shall benefit muP~lly and eq.~l .ly the acknowledged, do bereb~ agr~ as folio~ws: Seetioa L DE--IONS 1. "800 ~ TRUNKED SMARTZONE RADIO (TSR) System'~ or '~3ystem" shall mean the entirety ofth~ joiatly-shared TSR system, to include Backbone Items and User Specific Items, 0z ~ach system will exist following the completion ofthe Project. 2. "Backbone System" shall mean those non-user speci~ ¢lemeats of the System which may be jointly owned, used or shared by tbe Parties and may include, but not be limited to, tbe construction, modification and/or fur~ of new or existing transmitter/receiving sites and related subsystems as required for such System; the construction and/or modification and out-fitting of new or existing equipmeat storage ~ at such sites; security of such item~ base stations, transmitters/receivers, microwave subsystem, ~ Smartzone controllers/system managers, related software and any other jointly owned, used or shared items. 3. ~FCC' shall mean the Federal Communications Commissionor any successor agency. PSCC Interlocal 2 Revised 3/17/00 4. "Project Coordinator" shall mean the person designated by the Cooperative Board of Directors to be respons~le for the interface between the Parties and the day-to-day coordination and management of the Project durlng~he ~annlng and~ construction phases. The Project CoOrdinator shall perform the duties assigned under this and any other Agreement between the Parties relating to the ProjectOr the operation and maintenance of the System. The Project Coordinator is a position required bythe F~:~teralCommunicatiolls Coram~sion (FCC)i The PrOject Coordinator shall be appointed t~om theProject Team. 5. "Project'Team" shall mean tho team composed of representatives designated by each Party to advise the Project Coordinator. The Communications Directors of each Party mus~ be a part of the Project Team. 6. "User Specific Items" .~hal! mean those elements of the System required for each Party's individual communications system, purchased, installed ami/or used individually by each Party and shall include, but not be lhnited to, radios, d~spatch onsoles, encrypt~on devices, computer,terminals, and other coau.~mications structures. F__~ch Party shall be responsfl)l¢ for developing its own requirements for User Specific Items and supervising the ins~ll~ion thereof a~ locations determined by such Pa~. Seetiom 2. TI~. PSCC AND ~ BACKBONE SYSTEM A. This agreement constitutes an Interiocal agreement authorked by Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, being a joint exercise of power shared in common which any City could exercise separately and shall be filed with the Clerk of the CireuitICourt in and for Palm Beach County, Florida. PSCC lnt~rlo~al 3 Revised 3/t7/00 The purpose ofthls Agre~nnent is to provide for the establishment and Bo operation of a cooperative local government and public safety commultication radio C. _The term of this Agreement shall befor ~ (30),years ~om the~ · execution of this Interlo~ Agreeme_ nt by allParfies ~reto, unless sooner ~erminated as D1. Palm Beach County Public Safety Communications Cooperafivel here~ aide. ex referred to as "PSCC". The PSCCshall have the following~g~-~'alpowers by the Parties: I, Lease, sublease~or be ass' ~q~t the leame of real pwperty tham any political subdivision ofthe State of Florida; 2. Receiveflmds, including but.not limited to ~ grants and bequests, ~om any source, public or private,, provided that no power to levy taxes or assessments be inferred here~om; 3. Improve and n~almain any and all resl property acquired by lease, sublease or as~?~t of a lease; 4. Purchase, lease and install fmlures and moveable property appropriate to a local gov~ and publJ~ safety radio Backbone System; 5. Enter into contracts; and 6. Exercise any other power that may be necessary for the operation ora cooperative local government and public ,safety radio Backbone System or that may hereafter be agreed to by all Cities ii' within the common powers of all Cities; DSCC Interlocal 4 Revised 3/17/00 7. Hold titles and licenses for the operation ofthe radio Backbone Systen~ D2. The PSCC shall be governed by a board,of three (3)people to be known as the Board of Directors~ which shall consist of the City Mmiagers of each City or their designee. A chairperson shall be selected by and l~om the Board memborship. A secretary shall be selected by, but not ~om, the Board m~mberahip, Th~ chairperson and secretary shall, serve fora term of one year and may serve suceas~ve termswi3,hout limitation. Board members shall serve without compensation ~om PSCC; howewr, any City may reimburse the member represemfng:that City for expenses incurred for attendance at meetings. Each Board member shall be entitled to one vote. The presence of a representative of each Party shall be required to cono~ute a quorum. Action of the Board shall be by majority vote ofthe Board. Each City Manager shalFselect an alternate member for the Board~ who shall serve in the absence of the reg~dar member for whom he or she is an alternate. The Board shall establish such procedural rules and regulations for the conduct of its meetings asit may deem necessary, including the recording of minutes. The Board shall meet at least once a year and at such other tknes as the Board shall determine. All decisions of the Board shall be published in a set of minutes, prepared by a recording secretary seIected by the Board. The minutes shall be prepared and distributed to the City Manager and City Clerk of each of the Parties within fifteen (15) days following each men, ting of the Board. The minutes sbali be ratified by the City Commlnsion or City Council of each Party. E. The Board of Directors may assign questions relating to the daily admlni~ration and operation of the function of the communications radio system to a committee which shall be known as the Administration Committee. The Adminlntration PSCC Interlocal 5 R~vis~d 3/17/00 Committee shall consist of one r~pres~ff~ativ¢ of each Party to be appoinXed by that Partes City Msn~er. It is the interit of this Agreement that such appo~ will be Ad~t.~rat~on Committee~shail~d~all~meetings of the Boar& Members shall serve represeming the City for expenses incurred for atte~sr~ at meetings. All actions of the ~Committee shall be subject toth¢ review and aPproval of the Board of Directors. F. it is th~ ~ of this Agreement ~hat the PSCC shall bo established with Local GOvernment and Public Safety radio comm/mications as the rr~in~tunction of operation. However, the Board of Directors may from time to time, subject to the approvalofthe governing bodies of all. Parties, add additional functions to the system as it may deem to be in the best interests of the public. ....... ~- -~'~-~,~ ~Goil ~ tho snn~lal operation budget for submission to tl~ Board of Directors. TI~ Aam~nlstrmion Committee shall keep an accurate accountingo£the ~mncial operation of the PSCC and shall report quarterly to the Board of Dire~ors on the firmm~ial condition of the PSCC. I. The Pmx'y, CITY OF DELRAY BEACH's Fin~mce Depmim~ shall act as the tead agell~ with respect {o th~ administrative work in preparing the annual, budget, setting up and monitoring necessary · · '' funds banklna, g accounts and/or special revenue funds, and for disbursement for the,PSCC shared expenses. The CITY OF PSCC Interlocal Revise~ 3117/00 6 DELRAY BEACH Finar~e Department:shall perform this administrative function at no cost to the PSCC or the other Parties. 2~ Each Party/City slmll indepeudently provide monies and~issue purchase orders for the purchase of user specific items. 3~ Each Party/City shall provide monies to the PSCC for the purchase of shared Backbone items. 4. The C1TY OF DELRAY BEACH Finance Deparunem Shal~,maintain all ~nnne~Irecords. II. The ananal budget o~e P$CC sl~ll be approved by the BOard o~ Directors and submitted to the City Man~ge~ of the P~ies ~o later tb~n May ls~ o£ each year. Each ammal opera~g budget o£the Cooperai~v¢ shall be approyed by resolution oftlm independent governing bodies of each Party. Any unbudgeted financial commitments shall also be approved by resolution of governing bodies of each Party. The lirst fiscal year of the PSCC sh~dl, begin with the et~ective date of the Agreement, ending September 30, 1998, and shall thereafter be concurrent with the fiscal years of the Cities. The annual budget for tbe Iirst fiscal year oftbe PSCC shall be prepared and adopted by the Board of Directors no later th~_n sixty (60) days following the et~2tive date of this agreement. L The Parties hereby warrant and represent that each has the full legal authority and ~ ability to operate and maintain the shared Backbone items through the PSCC. PSCC Interlo~l 7 Revised 3/17/00 Section 3. TITLE TO SHARED BACKBONE EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE LICENSES The PSCC:shal! bold.title~o the~shared.:B~i~bo~ equipment~ Proprietary software required for the'operation of th~ Backbone and user specific equipment shall be licensed to th~_PSCC in a. manner which ~permit its indeperidem use by each Party, and include appropriate warranties nra-h~g dir~ to.the PSCC. Seeti0n 4.~_:TOI~T ~ILITY ' To the extent permittedby law, each Party,,theCITY OF BOCA RATON, the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH~ and:the CITY:OF BOYNTON BEACI-I shall each be rcspons~l¢ for its own negligence~ l~odaing herein shall be deemed to'waive any immenitieSgranted, purnm~ to Section'786.28, Florida Statutes. Seetiou $. WITHDRAWAL FROMm800 lVI~z/UHI~ $SR SYSTEM After the comract(s), pursuant to theprovisionsof Section 1.C. above has been executed, and im'tallation of the Project has commenced purs~mnt to such contract(s), any Party may,. upon three O) years prior written notice, as descn'bed below, withdraw from the Sysmm and terminate their interest in this agreement. A. There Shall be no refund of any payments under this Agreemem °f ~ costs of the shared Backbone equipment or software to a Party should that Party decide to cease using the Backbone equipment or soth~are. B. If. this Interlocal Agreement is terminated by any party, then that party may remove all User Specific Items purchased solely by it for attachment or addition to the system, or sell such User Specific Items to the remaining parties at a price_ to be negotiated at that time. If such User Specific Items are removed, all removal expenses shall be the responsibility of the ran~ving Party. PSCC Interlocal Revised 3117100 C. If any Party sells its User Specific Items to an agency that is not a party to this Imerlocal Agreement, that agency shall not become a party by virtue of the purchase of the equipment. D. No Party shall remove or disconnect any User Specific Items from the system that would result or cause the sys!em to malfunction or disrupt service to the system users. E. Nothing con~i!~ herein shall constitute a waiver of the right of any Party to damages occasioned bY any breach of this Agreement by the other Party. F. Sh°uld anY Party elect to withdraw from this Agreement, the other Parties shall make arrangements to relocate all PSCC equipment situated in the city limits of the withdrawing Party. Section 6. ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS, AMENDMEN~ After the Project is completed and the System is operatiorral; no additional parties, cooperative agencies, or additional expansion of the Backbone System may be added or deleted from such System without the written agproval of the Parties and an amendment to this Agreezrlent adding such additional party, agency, or additional expansion to the Backbone System. Upon written consent of the Board of Directors, individual parties may subcontract services tO include talk groups to other government or regulatory agencies. These services shall not ~xceed their respective allocatior~ Seefion 7. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The Parties recognize that this Agreement provides for the planning, acquisition and construction of the Project. The initial cost of certain Radio Backbone equipment shall be shared equally among the Parties to the agreement. Unless the Parties provide to the contrary in the subsequent amendment i~ this Agreement, each Party shall be PSCC Interlocal Revised 3/17/00 responsible for (i) 100% of the cost of operating and maintaining its User Specific Items included in the System, and (ii)each Party is respons~le for one-third (1/3) of the cost ...... :be made anm~a! . The budget maintaining the sharedBackbone equipment Shall ly distributed to ~ City Managers of the Parties shall be based upon the,good faith, which payment by the Parties to the PSCC for maintenance and operating expense of disbursed to the.maintenance vendor. Section 8. AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT This Agreement shall not be amended or modified except in writing executed by the Parties, and'approved by resoluti0n oftbe independent governing body of each Seetioug. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 1. Each person's~ing this Addenclum on behalf of either party indl'vidnat .ly warrallts that he o! she has full legal power to execute this Addendum on behalf of the party for whom he or she is signin~ and to bind and obligate such party with respect to all provisions contained in this Addendnm- 2. The captions and section designations herein set forth are for convenience omly and'shall have no substantive meaning. PSCC Lnterlocal Revised 3/17/00 10 3. Any notice govern pursuant to the terms of this Interlocal Agreement shall be in writing and hand-dalivered or sent by certified marl, return receipt requested. Notice shall be sent to each CityManager ofthe Parties. 4. If any terms or prov/sion of this Interlocal Agreement, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall to any extent be beld invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Interlocal Agreement, or the application of such term or provision, to any person or circnmqance other than. those as to.wMch itis held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected, and every other term and provisionof this Interlocal Agreement shall be deemed valid and enforceabl~ to the extent permitted bylaw. 5. This Agrecment shall be governed by the laws ofthe State of Florida. Any and all legal action necessary to enforce this Interlocal agreement ~ be held in Palm Beach County, Florida. 6. This Interlocal Agreement represems the entire understanding of the Parties, and supersedes ali other negotiations, representations or agreemen~ either written or oral, rehting to this Interlocal Agreement. Nor~'ofthe provisions, terms and conditions contained herein may be added to, modified, ~ or othemdse altered, except by written instrument executed by the Parties hereto. 7. AIl provisions of this Agreement calling for the expenditure of ad valorem tax money by any Party/s subject to annual budgetary funding, and should any Party involuntarily fail to fund any of their respective obligations pursuant to this Agreement, this Agreement may be tetrnlnated as to that party. IN WITNESS WItEREOI*, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. PSCC Interlocal Revised 3/17/oo 11 CITY OFBOCA RATON Hanson Dat~ ARe~: City Clerk, City of Boca Raton Attest: City Attorney ;,Boca-Pat'on, Florida .CLTYDF B ,OYNTON BEACH /Wlt . Mayor of Boynton Beach, Florida City Clerk, City of Boynton Beach Approwd asto Form and Legality City Attorney Boynton Beacl~ Florida R~vis~l 3/17/00 12 Approved as to Form and Legality ~-~City Attorney Delray Beach, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instru~ut was acknowledged before me this day of ,2000, by Mayor , on behalf of the City 0fBoca Raton. He/sh~ is personally known to me or has produced as identification and did/did not take an oath. Nota~ Publi~ Serial Number: My Cora-,i~sion Expires: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instmmem was acknowledged before me this day of ,2000, by Mayor , on behalf of the City of Boynton Beach He/she is personally known to me or has produced as identification and did/did not take an oath. Notary Publi~ Serial Number: My Commit'ion Expires: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH foregoing instnnne~ was acta~wledge~l, before me this ,d }t day of ,2000, by Mayor [~M4,~ , on behaIFof the City of Delray Beach. ~e/she ~s per~o~nal[y known to me or has produced as identif~ation and did/did not take an oath. Not aryfl~blic ' Serial Number:. MY Co,-,-i~ion Expires: PSCC Intexlecal 13 Revised 3/17/00 Requested City Commissio{ Meeting Dates [] March 21, 2000 [] ^p l 4, 2000 [] April 18, 2000 [] May 2, 2000 IV'CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEAC rrEM C.5 AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORrvl Date Final Form Must be Turned Requeste~ City Commission in to City Clerk's Offide ' Meeting Dates March.8. 2000 (5:00 p.rm) March 22. 2000 (5:00 p.rm) April 5, 2000 (5:00 p.ra;) Apr/! 19;2000 I$:00 [] May 16,2000 [] June'6, 2000 [] 1une 20,2000 [] JulyS, 2000 Date F~al Form Must be Turned in ro City Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 15:00 p.m./ May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.' June ?, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Sune 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Admiinslrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfmished Business [] Annoancemen~ [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve a Joint Participation and Project Funding Agreement with Palm Beach County in the construction of Lawrence Road, from Gateway Boulevard to Hypuluxo Road. EXPLANATION: Certain Utility adjustments will be required in conjunction with the proposed roadway reconstruction. It is County policy to ~eqUire the Utility provider to bear the expense of all u 'tii~ty adjustments within County rights-of-way. PROGRAM IMPACT: None. The adjustments will allow us to maintain water and sewer lines~currentiy in operation. FISCAL IMPACT: $28,519 based upon bid prices received by the County. Fundingis available in the water and sewer renewal and replacement account., ALTERNATIVES: None ~ DePartment H ;~d's Signature City Manager s S~gnarare Utilities Department Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources Attachments Xc: Peter Mazzella (w/I copy of agreement) Finance Depc City Attorney (w/1 copy of agreement) File S :kBULLETIN~FORMS~AGENDA ITEM [LEQUEST FORM.DOC RESOLUTION' R00- A RESOLU1:ION. OF THE: CITY COMMISSION OF AND. CITY AND PALM B REEMENT (,CITY) )adway improvements; and [o jointly participate water distribution and/or the dgh'r- ~oluxo Road WHEREAS. both the CITY and the COUNTY declare that it is in the ~ub ic nterest~hat the work be constructed with the aforementioned ~ro]eof; 'esponsibi ities of each party;, recognize the need for nating and setting forth the BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF NOW., THEREFORE~ 'HE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA. THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, :lorida does hereby authorize and direct the Mayor and City Clerk to ~xecute a Joint participation/Funding Agreement between the City of ~oynton Beach and Palm Beach County; a copy of which Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A'. Section2. This ResoLution will become effective immediately ~on passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ATTEST: City Clerk 'Corporate Seal) day of April, 2000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR DA Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Commissioner Commissioner Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 (561; 654-4000 www.¢o.palm-beach.fl.u$ Palm Beach Count~ Board of County Commissioners Maude Ford Lee. Chair Mary McCarty 'An Equal Offpormni(y Affirmative Acffon EmpIoyer' Febmaryl8, 2000 City of Boynton Beach Utilities Departmem 5469 West Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynt0n Beac[, FL 33437,2102 ATTN: Mr. Peter V. Mazzella, Assistant to.the Director of Utilities NO. 95511 Dear Mr. Mazzella: Enclosed herewith are three Original joint project participation/funding agreements for your utility Work orr the' referenced project.' Please recall, that Mora Engineering Contractors, Inc._ the lowest responsive bidder, will be awarded this corm-act which included your imms of work in the amount of $28,519.00. - Originals f6i~ e)~e4uffon byth~:~5== .>- If yon have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office, Sincerely, ~elio A. Fema;gez, P.E., I~ire'ct~ Engineering/Public Works Operations OAF/~.d/Enclosure pc: Edwin A. Sack, P,E., Deputy County Engineer Marlene R. Everitt, Assistant County Attoraey-w./Attachment Carl R. Miller, Director, Construction Coordination-w./Summary Evelyn Andrews, Director, Administrative Scrvices-w./Summary Joseph F. Bergeron, CPA, Capital Budget Manager/OFMB ce: Tanya Ni McCounell, P.E., Program Manager, Roadway Production Division Steven B. Carrier, P.E., Special Projects Manager, Roadway Production Div. William R. Sears, P.E., Project Engineer, Roadway Production Division Carl L. Hussey, P.E., Utility Coordinator, Roadway Production-wdAttach. F:~ROADWAYkAGRMT~95511BBU-LTR.do~ AGREEMENT BETWEEN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA AND THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FOR JOINT PARTICIPATION AND PROJECT FUNDING IN CONSTRUCTION OF LAWRENCE ROAD - GATEWAY BLVD. TO HYPOLUXO RD. FLOP. IDA THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 2000, by and between PALM~ BEACH COUNTY, apolitical subdivision in the State of Florida, herein referred to as~"QOUNTY" and the "CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH", a municipality in the State of Ptorida~ herein referred to as the "CITY", W[TNESSETH:_ WHEREAS, COUNTY and CITY des/re to jointly participate in the construction of utility adjuannents to water dis~ribut/on and/or sewage transmission systems and other hnprovements, hereinafter referred to as the "Work" along the right-of-way of Lawrence Road from Gateway Boulevard to Hypuluxo Road roadway improvements, hereinafter referred to as the '"Project"; and WHEREAS, Florida Statutes, Section 165.01, allows governmental units to make the most efficient use of the/r powers by enabling them to cooperate with other localities on a basis of mutual advantage; and WHEREAS, both COUNTY and CITY declare that it is/n the public/merest that the "Work" be constructed w/th the aforementioned PROJECT; and NOW, THEREFORE, for and. in consideration of the mutual covenants conrainad herein, the Parties to th/s Agreement agree as follows: 1 ~ The CITY agrees to pay directly to the COUNTY costs attributable to cons~'uctlon of the "Work" along the right-of-way of the "Project" as outlined ~nd shown in the Bid Documents for Palm Beach County Project No. 95511. AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Said summation of costs i~ stated in the mount of $ 28,519.00 in accordunce with-the attachedb~d tabulafion(Attachraent A )and ary. for the specified 6~ork. adjusted upon actual contrac~t costs and c°mpleti°n °f the [ qnanIities 4. The CITY agrees to fun~ those contributions set forth in Paragraphs 1 through 3 ~il~ve within thirly (30) days of receiving written notice from tbe COUNtrY that funding,is required. 5. The cOUNTY is to be responsible for adminislering the funds in accordance ~dth the Agreement. 6. The CITY is to be ~aspunsibl¢ for, and agrees ro provide or cause to be performed all inspection s~rvicas during conslraction of the "Work" and final cextificadon for the aforeancntioncd"Work" as it relates to thc CITY's work 7. Tim COUNTY shatt obtain CITY approval for any change orders which increase the cost attributable to the consauction of utility adjnstmcnts to wa~er distribution and/or selvage transmission sysmms and other improvements lo an amount greater than the contract amount as start in Paragraph 2 of this agreement. The CITY shall be responsible for any cost caused by the CITY's delays including but not limited to change orders atlributable to the roadway improvements as it relates to the CITY's work. 8. In the event that additional work and funding is requital, thc additional cost attributable to said construction of the "Work" as outlined in thc specifications for this project is the responsibility of the CITY. In the event of an under nm attributable to said eonstrueti0n Of the "Work", as outlined in the specification, the CITY will be credited the excess amount. AGREEM. ENT ~H THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 9. Without waiver of limitation as provided for in Section 76g.25 (5), Florida Statutes,.and to the extent permitted by law, COUNTY agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the CITY from and against any claims, losses, demands or causes of action of whatsoever kind or nature that the CITY, its agents or employees, may or could sustain as a result of or emanating out of the terms and conditions contained in this agreement that result from the COUNTY's negligence or willful misconduct. Without waiver of limitation as provided for in Section 768.28 (5), Ffotida Statutes, and to the extent permitted by law, CITY agrees to indanmify and hold harmless the COUNTY from and against any claims, losses, demands or causes of action of whatsoever kind or nature that the COUNTY, its agents or employees, may or could sustain as a result of or emanating out of the terms and conditions contained/n this agreement that result from the CITY's negligence or willful misconduct. 10. All provisions of this Agreement calling for the expenditure of ad valorem tax ~ money by either COUNTY or CITY am subject to annual budgetary funding and should either Party involuntarily fail to fund any of their respective obligations pursuant to this Agreement. this Agreemem may be terminated. 11. Any end all notices requinxl or permitted to be given hereunder shall be deemed received three (3) days after same are deposited in U.S. Mail sent via certified mail, remm receipt requested. All notice to the CITY shall be-sent to: City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard~ Boynton Beach, F133435~3838 ATTN: Mr. Peter V. Maxzetla Assistant Director of Utilities All noti¢? to the COUNTY shall be sent to: George T. Webb, P.E., County Engineer Engineering and Public Works Department P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 ATTN: ROADWAY PRODUCTION AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH IN WITNESS wHEREOF~ the Parties unto this A~reemant have set theft hands and seals on the day and date first written aim e. CITY OF BoYNTON BEACH pALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BY: BY: ATTEST: SUZANNE KRUSE, CITY CLERK. BY: · (DATE) ArI'£ST: DOROTHY II. WILKEN, CLERK BY: (DATE) APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: BY: CITY ATTORNEY BY: coUNTy ATTORNEY ( .mt ) (, ( ~d ;IdA.L) ( HaflO ) $.t]llNi /N3W/~IYd:qQ ~;dOM Ol'lOrtd aNY ONI~I3=INIDN3 ALNNOD HDV:qB ~l'lVd 9Jog · I. LSG6 :~dgfl~fiN ZOSrOUd · au OXfI'IOdAH OJ. 'OATM AVA~/V~)' OYON ~3::)N3MARV'I :::lfdVN ~ogrOUd NOI.LV"If~GV.L Ol8 ' NOI$1AIO NOLLOrloOIdd AVMOYOH ' - .LN':IIAI,LI::IVd::IQ S)'JUOM or'll3rld aNY E)NI~3:aNIoN':I ( "81' ) II:I3A"J~D ~dld q t :q:J0NO:) ( ( g'd BdAJ-') (BUOY) ) SLH~INI ZL ( ,0~'< ) ( ;~'d 3dA1 ) (can:) ) sl~*lNi SW:~ll AYd AY~QYOH I. Lgg6 :~38Wrild 103£0Hd oo. Ono,fl QO'OOY*I.$ O0.~ot'~$ O0'OO0'Sl4 oo'o~$ o~'oss'e$ ~Hflo~v norad ].lNfl ~ ~,UOddflS s~ I,t.~S6 :~I~OWflN J.O3roH~l I :)3rO~Jd PROJECT NAME: I~AWRENCE ROAD - GATEWAY BLVD. TO HYPOLUXO RD, PROJECT NUMBER: 95511 NOTES: THE PAY ITEMS AND QUANTITIES. AS LISTED ABOVE, 9HALL TAKE GOVERN OVER'THE PLANS. ALL STRUCTURE BOXES ARE <t0 FEET IN DEPTH, UNLESS OTHERINISE NOTED. ITEM 12 M.O.T. INCLUDES PEDESTRIAN M.O,T. IN ACCORDANCE WITH GpotE. ITEM 115 REGULAR EXCAVATION INCLUDES 22.8t9 C.Y. OF DETENTION POND EXCAVAllON, ITEM E t2 - CLASS I CONC. - INCLUDES A CONTINGENT AMOUNT OF 170 CY. ITEMS # 8-'1'~, 79 & ~0 INCLUDES BITUMINOUS M~TEHIAL & TACK COAT AE REQUIRED, ITEM #37 (~A# CMP) - INCLUDES COMPACTED FILL TO COVER~ AE REQUIRED (SEE SII~I FOR LOCATIONE AND SCOPE). ITEMS t38. ~ COST OF BREAKING INTO EXISTING STRUCTURES IS INCIDENTAL TO COST OF PIPE. ITEM # 5t - PIPE HANDRAIL (ALUMINUM) - INCLUDES A CONTINGENT AMOUNT OF ~00 LF. ITEM E ~0, E 61 & # 80 . (TYPE B FENCE) - THE MESH SHALL BE COVERED WITH GREEN VINYL I~LAD FASRIC. ITEM f~2 (SODDING) - SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GP-3t OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS, ITEMS 166 & 167 -PVC CONDUITS (TRAFFIC) INCLUDE PULL BOXES & FITI1NGS A8 INDICATEO OH PLANS. ITEM ~69 -(~IM&R). REPORTS SHALL BE PAID IN FOUR (4) EQUAL INETALLMENT8 OF THE LUMP SUM UNIT PRICE. 00'6I~"£ $ TqlOIItfllgb~I.~II J&V{I J~¥/t~(IVO}I ltVq_IIDWIt O0'OleV'I $ 00'0~'I 00'L61 $ 00'L61 O0'L~vg'I 00'05'~' I 00'68L $ 00'68L 00'00~,'£ 00'II9'Z 00'£66 $ 00'£66 00'99I'g 00'[LI'Z .LlqflOIAN ' ~{Dl~Id IIMfl SJ, IMfl/AJ. IJ. kTVfIO gI~tJ.I - 'aaI '~o~araluo3 gu.uaaa.~u~I ~,.~ogI II~6 :~I~IltIA~flM &D~f'O}Id '(I~10XfI'-IO.LKlt O.L '(IA'IH AVAk~I&VD o {IVO~I ~[DN~W~AV"I :~[~iVM ..LD:~IrOHd .~I. J~I~LIAIH~)V&.LV ATTACHMENT "B' PROJECT NAME: LAWRENCE ROAD - GATEWAY BLVD. TO HYPOLUXO RD. PROJECT NUMBER: 95511 ITEM 71 72 73 Mora Engineering Contractors, Inc.: OUANTITY/UNITS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT CONTINGENCY ITEMS ADJUST VALVE BOX & 5 EA COVERS ( INCLUDES cONCRETE COLLAR ) ADJUSTAIR RELEASE VALVE 5 EA 200 LF DEFLECT W.M. W/ FITTINGS (8") 74 DEFLECT F.M. W/ 200 LF FITTINGS ( 8" ) SUPPORT & PROTECT W.M. 200 LF & APPURTENANCES (16") 75 76 SUPPORT & PROTECT F.M. 200 LF & APPURTENANCES (10") SUPPORT & PROTECT W.M. 100 LF & APPURTENANCES (16") 78 $ 290.00 $ 1,450.00 $ 550.00 $ 2,750.00 $ 30.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 39.00 $ 7,800.00 $ 13.00 $ 2,600.00 $ 13.00 $ 2,600.00 $ 19.00 $ 1,900.00 CONTINGENCY ITEMS SUBTOTAl., $ 25,100.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 28,519.00 FAROADWAYYAGRMT~95511 BBU-SUM.do¢ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM ~ in to City Cl~rk's Office, [] March 21, 2000 [] April 4, 2000 [] april m2oo4 [] May 2, 2000 ' R~ques~ed City Commission March $, 2000 (5:00 p.m.} Marcl~ 22,.2000 (5 O0 p.m.) April: 5, 2000 (5 00 p.m.) April 16, 20~0 (5<OOp.mj []'-May 16,2000 [] June ~ 2000 [] June. 20,2000 [~I Jay 5, 2000 IV-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM C;6 Date Final Form Must b~ Turned in to City Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17,2000 r, 5:00 P.m3 June 7,~000 (5:0~p.mj June 21. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) NATUREOF -' ' [] Administrative [] Development Plans AGENDA ITEM [] , Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Aunouncement [] Presentation RECOM/'vIENDATION: Motion to approve acceptance of the Letter.of Credit issued by Bank ofAmerica on Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. in the mount of $201,888.50. behalf of' EXPLANATIONr -This surety is ro guarantee restoration of the s/te, which is re aired excavatzon/filt permit. The surety is to be r~,,,-~ ...... q prior to issuance of th the City. ~ ....... ,,pon sansmctory reclamation of the t~ ...... e ' . ,m~, m~u a sansmctory inspection by PROGRAM LMPACT: N/A FISCAL I1VIPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVEs: N/A John A. Gui&y, Interim Director of Engineering .,,+/',:// ..:., . / / - /t ~zty Marlager s Signature // _7 NG1NEERINGDEPARTMENT /~* ~'C~'~- ~ ~'~ - .'7 Y ance/ Hurt~/~,in Resources :~ ~- 9'CI-B~V~&iNkSHRDATA~Enginecring\Eng. CK~Agenda Imm - Wal-mart Restoration Surely.dot S:\B UL LETIN WOtLMS~GENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC RESOLUTION NO. R00- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE cITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING - iNC)~,;,[~S~EDB~ BANK oF-AMERICA, '(NO~ ~f pRov!DIN~','~FE~TIVE!OATE' ~i ion cf .the City of Boynnon staf~ doem hemeby acgep~ the NOW, IT RESOLVED BY THE CIT~ COMMISSION OF FLORIDA. THAT: .on (No. 2789). Section 2., That the City on as ~wat3~art, ~ , issued by in the amount~of~$201,888'50 as sure~y excavation and fill for the Walk, Mart site . - ' n shall become thms i Resolut~o PASSED AN~ ADOPTED this day of CITY OF BoYNTON BEACH, ,2005. FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Co~missioner ATTEST: 2ity Clerk (Corporate Seal) Commissioner DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERENG MEMO uM NO. 00-056 TO: THRU: FROM: DATE:. RE: J~ .ames Cherof, City Attorney Drone Reese, Finance Director John A. Guidry, haterim Director of Engineering~ Ken Hail, Engineering Technician March 15, 2000 withPleaSeyourreVieWfindings.the subject letter of credit, for legal sufficiency an~d bank rating and provide Engineering their thereapplicantare anyas othersoon aschangeSpossible.needed besides the cancellation notice period, p 1 eaSe call me so I can advise Thank you for your prompt response~ KRH/ck Attachment ,ISSUING 333~S. BEAUDRY AVENUE 19TH FLOOR, ~IL CODE CA9=703-19-23 LOS ANGELES, CA 90017-1466 ISSUE DATE: CLEAN 14, 2000 APPLICANT: WAL-MART STORES, INC.~, 702 SOUTHWEST 8~ STREET BENTONVILLE, AR 72716 BENEFICIARY: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEpA/~TMENT OF DEVELOPME~ 100 E~ BQY~0N BEAC~ BL~. BOYNTOW B~, F~~ 33425,' ATTENTION: ~ ~L~ BUILDING D~ A~OUNT: $20~888.50 TWO HUNDRED ONE THOUSAND EIGHT.HUNDREDEIGHTY-EI~{T:AND507100 USD . WE HEREBY EsTABLiSH OURIRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT' NO. 302~0~1 IN YOUR FAVOR, ~ BENEFICIARY, BY ORDER ANDFQRACCQUNT OF WAL-MART STOP-KB, INC~ 702 SOUTHWEST 8TH STREETi BE~TONVILLE, AR 7~716 UP TO TEE AGGREGATE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ONE THOUSAND EIGNT NUNDREDEtGHTY~EIGHT AND 50/100 U.S.-DOLL~S~ (U.S. 201,888.50) EXPIRING ON MARCH 14, 20~ AT THE COUNTERS OF BANE OF AMERICA, N.A., 333 $. EEAUDRY ~VENUE, 19TH FLOOR, ~0S ANGELES, CA 90817-1466, AVAILABLE BY PAYMENT AGAINST YOUR DRAFT{S) DRAWN ON US AT SIGHT ACCOMPANIED BY: t. A STATEMENT ~URPORTEDL~ SIGNED BY AN AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL OF TNE CITY OE BOYNTON 'BEACH DEPARTM~T OF DE~rELOPMENT, SWORN TO BEFORE A ~OT~Y PUBLIC STATING THAT: THE FUNDS DRAWN UNDE~ LETTER. OF CREDIT NO. 3024021 ISSUED BY BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. ARE DUE BY REASON.OF W~A/~-MART'S FAXLURE TO COMPLETE THE EXCAVATION AND FILLING ~2789 IN BOYNTON'BERCH, FLORIDA, AS SHOWN ON PLANE PREp~dRED BY KI~LLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, VERO BEAC/{, DATED FEBRUARY 24, 2000, THE WOEK'TO BE COMPLETED IS ~ FOLLOWS: [List the work Wal-Mart faile~ to cor~lete;) THE ORIGINAL OF THIS LETTER OF CREDIT. COPY OF BENEFICIARY~$ LETTE~ NOTIFYING THEIR INTENT TO DRAW QN THIS LETTER OF CREDtT. A. PARTIAL DRAWINGS ARE ACCEPT~LE, BEACH COUNTY~ FLORIDA, AND IS TO BE INTERPRETED BY FLORIDA LAW. ~NY DRAFT DRAWN UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT MUST BE ~v~RKED ~DRAWN UNDER IRREVOCABLE LETTE~ OF CREDIT NO. 3024021 ISSUED BY BANK OF AMERICA." iT IS A ~ONDITION OF T~IS LETTER OF CREDIT THAT IT S~ALL BE DEEMED AUTOMATICALLY EXPIRATION DATE UNLESS THIRTY (30) DAYS PRIOR TO SUCH EXPIRATION DATE YOU NOTIFIED BY REGISTERED LETTER 9R OVERNIGHT COURIER SERVICE THAT WE ELECT NOT TO CONSIDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT RENEWED FORA NY SUCH PERIOD. THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SHALL REMAIN ENFORCEABLE UNTIL RELEASED BY A RESOLUTION A~)PTED BY THE CITY WE HEREBY ENGAGE WITH YOU THAT ANY DRAFT DRAWN UNDER AND IN COMPLIA/~CE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS LETTER OF CREDIT WILL BE DULY HONORED ON.THE PRESENTATION AT OUR OFFICE AT 333 S. BEAUDRY AVENUE, 19TH FLOOR, ~L%IL CODE CA9-703-19-23 LOS ANGELES, CA 90017-1466, ATTN: STA~NDBY LETTER OF CREDIT DEPARTMENT; OR BankofAmerica THIS iS AN INTEGRAL pART OF LETTER OF CREDIT NUMBER: 3024021 BANK OEAMERICA, L00 SE 2~D STREET, L3TM FL., MIAMI, FL 33131, ATTN: STANDBY LETTE9 OF CREDIT DEPARTMENT, VIA COURIER SERVICE OR REGISTERED MAIL, ON OR BEFORE THE T~HP~_R~a~TIQN DA~ AS SPECIFIED ~d~O%r~, A/qD TP~T AT LF~T TEN (10) DAYS IN AD~]%NCE OF ~ ~SEN~T~O~ ?~:THs ~I~ D~SO~ F~mENT, THC CITT m~S PROVtOEDTO ELOPER BY ~E~!FIED~2~IL, RETURN RECEIP~ REQUESTED, NOTICE OF THE ~ITY'S INTENT TO DRAW FUNDS ON THIS LETTER OF CREDIT. UNLESS OTHERWISE EXPRESSL~ STATED HEREIN, THIS LETTER OF CREDIT IS SUBJECT TO THE cU~E~ ~?~OO~E~CE ~u~LCTI~E FOR DOCUM~TARY CREDITS {I993 REVisIoN), INTERNATIONAL IC3%TION NO. 500. AUTHOR! Z ED_ SIGNATURE ROSE T AGUST,'N ,~~ CARRILLO, BOLIVAR A~THORIZEDSIGNATUHE THIS DOCUMENT CONSIST(S) OF 2 PAGE(S). RequestedC[ty Comrdssion Date Final ~orm Must be Turned Meet/ng Dates in to City Cl~rk's Office [] March21. 2000 [] April 4, 2000 [] April 18. 2000 [] May 2, 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM March 8; 2000 15:00 p.m.) March 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 5.2000 {5:00 p.rru) Apr/1 19.2000 (5:00p.m.5 Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] May i6, 2000 [] June 6, 2000 [] June 20, 2000 [] Suly 5.2000 ZV-CONSENT AGENDA TI'EM E Date Final Form Mustb¢ Turned ia to City Clerk's Office May 3. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000(5:00 p.m.) June 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 21,2000 (5:00 p.m.i- NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Admiitistrative [m DevalopmentPlans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business ~[ Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids --1 UnfmishedBusiness [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve Task Order 28A, Amendment 1 to CH2M Hill for additional engineering services during rehabilitations of Master Lift Stations 309 and 356 in the mount ~f $17;090.00. EXPLANATION: In May of 1996, Task Order 28 was approved for design services of rehabilitation of Lift Stations 309. 316, 317, 356and 801 in theamount of $71.358.00. In July of 1997, Task Order 28A was approved for construction services of Lift Stations 309 and 356 in the amount of $25,330.00. During this time a FDEP mandate evolved that required fuel tank removal which required additional engineering and electrical services. This mandate extended the project length and added to the scope of construetiou services, therefore the City has incurred additional expenses in engineering. PROGRAM IMPACT: Services were needed to complete the project. FISCAL IMI>ACT: The amount of Task Order 28A Amendment I is $17.090. Funds are available in 407-5000-590- 06-03. SWR080 for $9,420 and 407-5000590-96-04, SWR080 for $7,670. This Amendment I was required to comply with the FDEP mandate to avoid fines. ALTERNATIVES: Incur tin.the F~rida Department °f Envir°nmental Pr°tecti°n)' Utilities Department - ~ ~ · Department Name City Attorney Finance / Human Resources S :\BULLET1N~FO RMS\AGEN DA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC Task Order 28A Amendment 1 February 16, 2000 the Background The ~:zBp~y~flon Beach (C~}~c0t~ ~t474.~q~ with CH,:~'.~.~Li(C under pr~ 1 work ite~:w~e ~io~ed~by CH~ ~L ~at w~ r ' ~ to su~S~ ~plete~e pmlgCt. ~e~k-~ added ~e to ~:project but were not ~dud~'~t~ Task ~ 28~. the construction phase for Lift Station 309 and 356 the projeCt~ length by 217 days over the original contracted length of 240 ~ ~ a~d!tional time was due to the :~r0rk assodated ~ith ren~oval o£ the th?e 0the, r lift stations. These other lift stations were not part of this ~ ~ _~ ,~/~[ ~yas beh3gmandated.by~e FDEP an,d the easiest way to i~ ~, this project. ApPXo~tely 24 additional hours of time was required for the contract extension. removal of the diesel.fuel tanks. As stated :above, the and Extensi°n fuel tanks a~ CI-12M ~LI ' ~a~ ~ef,:~( ~c~ ~?erv!c~s Were provided under Task Order 28A. During the c~ ~urse of ~rojed~. s~gnificaht electrical SDC services Were ~equired for sdCceSSful comp~etio~ ofthe pr~b The electrical SDC services were provided hy a su~_b?,~ns~xl,,~.~ ~4 Is!ffleEs Electrical Engineering, Inc. (HEE). The costs for the HEE work thaLw~er~e iio~r~induded m Task Order 28A were $6.000. ~ · Preparah~on of, A~TB ~uilt:Drawings for the Owner-Fttmished pump control units (PCUs). During the colx~sq :06,th~ project the City elected tO install their o~vn PCUs, after which Cm~,~ t~L~as!i~/,s~itt. ~ 'tied to prepare ~-Built Drawings of the PCUs T~tese As-Builts requirea!$2,06b of ~E ti~e ~a 12 hours of CH2M HiI~, tim~. DFB/981660~07/LSB651.DOC CH2M HILL has participated in negotiations on behalf of the CITY in meetings with the Owner-Furnished pump supplier (U.S. Filter/Davis-EMU) regarding continuing pump problems. This work has resulted in 32 additional hours of CH2M HILL time. C. Compensation Compensation by the CITY to the CONSULTANT will be on a lump sum basis in accordance with Article 2.A of the Agreement, The compensation for the services described in this Task Order is $17,090. The table below sttmmarizes the costs for this work. Additional SDC Costs for Rehabilitation of MA~ter Lift Stations 309 and 356 Labor Contract Extension Hours Bridge Crane Removal of Diesel Fuel Tanks Additional Electrical SDC PCU As-Builts Pump Negotiations Total Labor _o~_ _~!~ ;xr/_..~ses Total 24 $1.800 $220 $2,020 18 $1,350 $150 $1,500 24 $1,800 $120 $1,920 0 0 $6,000 $6,000 12 $900 $2,100 $3,000 32 $2,;400 $250 $2,650 44 $8,250 $8,840 S17,090 APPROVED BY: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA By: Wilfred Hawkins, Interim City Manager Dated this __ day of ,2000. SUBMiTI'ED BY: CH2M HILL, INC. Thomas IVY. McCormick, P.G. Vice President, Area Manager Dated this {q day of ~ ,2000. DFB/98166OOO7/LSB651.0oc Requested City Commlssmn Meeting Dates [] March 21. 2000 April 4, 2000 Apnl t8. 2000 [] May 2, 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Foma Must be Turned in to City Clerk's OITt c e March 8. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) March 22. 2000 (5:00 ~.m.) Avril 5, 2000 (5:00 p m.~ April 19,2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] May 16,2000 [] June6 2000 [] June 20. 2000 [] Jul~ 5. 2000 IVICONSENT AGENDA ITEM F Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Cit~ Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 -15:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.~ June 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m. June 21.2000 (5:00 p.m.i NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfmished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Approve the donation of twelve bicycles from the Police Department Impound to Galaxy Elementary School for the initiation of a bicycle program EXPLANATION: Gary Lamb is a Physical Education teacher at Galaxy Elementary school. He wants to starl a bigycle program and is looking for donated bicycles to use in it. This is Mr. Lamb's own effort and is not suported by any funds. PROGRAM IMPACT: Local children will learn how to properly ride their bicycles and practice bicycle safety. FISCAL IMPACT: The bicycles are a source of revenue at auction for the City. At auction they would bring in between sixty to one hundred-eighty dollars ~five to fifteen, the average we receive for each bike. ALTERNATIVES: Wait for Mr. Lamb or the Schoolboard to find funding or sources for donations .//~Dep~ad's Signature Marshall B. Gage Chief of Police Department Name · '/ty Manager's Signat{tre - City Attorney Finance / Human Resources S :kB U LLETfNZFO RM S~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC Requested City Commission CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned [p to City Clerk's Office March 8. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) March 22. 2000 5:00 p.m.) April 5. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 19,2000 (5:00p.m.) Requ*sted City Comrmssion M~efin~ Dates [] May 16, 2000 [] June 6, 2000 [] lune 20, 2000 [] July 5, 2000 IV-CONSENT AG ENDA ITEM G Date Final Form Must be Tumec[ in to City Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m3 June 7, 2000 (5:00 p.rr~) June 21. 2000 [5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDAITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Heating [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Approve the purchase of the Raytheon Palmir 250 Thermal-Imaging camera for Police Department use. Raytheon isthe sole supplier of this unit. EXPLANATION: The camera will be used to nnage not 6nly objects that heat but also cold. It can be used to Locate suspects concealing th~nselves at night and can also image weapons hidden on a suspect. This type of caraera can also help in locating persons that wonder into remote areas. PROGRAM IIVIPACT: This thermal imaging camera has state of the art technology and will greatly enhance the Effectiveness of the officer in the riel& It will also give them another safety net, as weapons h/dden on a person can be detected before a suspect is even approached. The hidden suspect will no longer have the advantage, as he will have Been seen before the officer approaches. FISCAL 134PACT: The money for this camera will be taken fzom the Law Enforcement Trust Fund 691-5000-590-04-25. This purchase will have no fiscal impact on the city or department budget. The cost of the camera is $12.987.00. ALTERNATIVES: This is the least expensive of the infrared cameras that we have seem. If we do not purchase tltis c,~mera then our officers willbe ata distinct disadvantage. ~D~artmen¢~ [' '/~ Manag&r'~ gign~ture Police Deparanent Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Kesources S :\BULLET tNkFO RMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOP~M.DOC Raytheon Comr rcial infr ed Post Office Bo:- 650246 MS 37 Dallas, Texas -~256 13.~2 North Cc 'tral Expre.~sway MS 37 Dallas, Texas 7. Date: 3/6/00 Number of pages including cover sh~~- -: I__ 'oral Bo¥--;?~ BqachP0~:ce De7 ~ merit FAX NUMBER Message: FROM PHONE NUMBER Just a letter to inform you that Raytheon'.-. '"~m 'R 250 ~nfra~ ,~ Camera is exclusive to us and is only available from Raytheon. Rosiq F~clcrico will bc :-: ~dling your account, as Chartered Merchants is one of our official · c~".lers. Thank yo- Sincerely, Jon Paine Regional Sales Manager Raytheon Commercial Infrared CHOOSING A PORTABLE INFRARED CAMERA HAS GOTTEN A LOT EASIER JUST NightSight has long been regarded as a leader in infrared technology. Now the PalmlR 250 takes our proven technology one step further by putting it in a device that offers the greatest ease-of-use in the entire industry. PalmIR SURVEILLANCE APPLICA~TIONS: Law enforcement, ~nooor grow detection, border Barrel perimeter security, and forest firefighting, 25O Camera MARINE APPLICATIONS: 0 soill response, search and rescue, and navigational aid. INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS: Predictive maintenance inspection for oower transmission and machinery, process monitoring, roofing, energy auolts, and building diagnostics. To find out more about the most affordable, easiest-to-use portable camera the industry has to offer, call us today at 1~00-990~3275 (U.S.) or 972~.~. ~900 (Int.). PalmlR 250. The difference is easy to see. SEE THE UNSEEN Raytheon fNFR~..~TM Requested City Commission M_Meefin ¢ Dates [] March 2L 2000 [] April4 2000 [] April 18,2000 [] May 2, 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Eon~a Mus~ be Tur~d in to City Clerk's Office March g, 2000 (5:00p.m., March 22, 2000 /5:00 p.m.) April 5, 2000 '5:00 p.m.) April 19, 2000 (5:00p.m.) Requested City Commission Meetang Dams. [] May 16, 2000 [] June 6, 2000 [] June20,2000 [] July 5. 2000 IV-CONSENT AGENDA . ITEM H Date Final Form Must be Turned In to City Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:0( p.m. May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m. June 7. 2000 5:00 p.m June 21, 2000 (5:00 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Admfinistrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Present~afion RECOMMENDATION: Donate surplus SCBA equipment to another F~re Agency. EXPLANATION: A small volunteer Fire Deparauent has requested a donauon or suIplus equipment. The Florida Fire Chief s Association has endorsed donating surplus equipment. Small Fire Departments have difficulty in meeting the safety reqmrements without assistance. PROGRAM IMPACT:sysrem.We have rem~ved these se~f-c~ntamed breathing apparatus fr~m service and changed t~ a new FISCAL IMPACT: ApproXmmtely $530,00 ALTERNATIVES: Do not approve~.d~onation. Department He.~ ~ignamre Department Name City Attorney / Finance / Human'Re o~ce~- ~ S:\BULLET[NkFORMS'~kGENDA ITEM KEQUEST FORM.DOC Dear 2336 Hwy. 2 P.O. Box 38 Uampbellton, ¢2orida. 32426 My name. s ~ann ~%re De t '' Y aylor Ch' ,P ,~. ~Z wou~d .,. ~ zef of ua ' . a~d o ,~ ~ .~ I~ke: to t ' mpbelt on · . ~r Stt~a; lo ~ ~ , eS1 you a ", ~ ,Volunteer a very lar~, ~ M~ ~Ppr°xzmate!~ ~ ~,, ~a~t son Uount town ~ J~,' .~c~ Of, timber ~ ~ ~D; hundred: s~ uaEe om ha: , SZde . hundred , s,a o u th~ dist people z P P lation of ~ . rzct. f , ns~de the · - ,- , appmox~ rom three · , czt lz ~ ~tet t · mil · · Y mmts - . ~ hree L r s to zn so but the. di- .zm~ts. Our , me Places -12 · ,~r~ct extort · , population miles ou ' ds fixed zncomes so we ~__has many People wh~ _~s~? the c~ty · ,¢~ a very limited re~=~ ~lderly and on We have three trucks a ~982 engine on loan f of ~oresbry, a 1~72 enine - of waier. ~e are a ~ . and. a 1978 tank · r°m~visiom n all vouu = er ~r~th 2 voluniears, n~er department ,,~ ~3uu gallons In 1999 we responded to and as of Feb ~O,20OO we fgrtY two request for aSsistande. ~999 most of ~ ' have responded eleven times but in but at theSame*"~timeaVenueSdue tofr°mtheWhiChnumberWe ofreceiVere funding declined of our equipment Our eXPenses hay · ~ ,sponses ~nd the age e increased, If your department has excess or surplus zt of much help to us, we Will appreciate any item ems you can be department ~an SPars &nd, . bunker e · h W~ll i s whi _ g ar, a~r , , put them to .... O~your may have. PaCks~ hose and nn~ * gOOd u~. we .... ~u any item you If you have an at 8 - Y q~estions 50 263-~8~6 ,,,, - or Comm Box ~ I C afte~,~O C.$ ents yo~ can c C 4 ampbellton FI '- .T, or Z can he n~,__~n~act me ~ampbellton To~ ~,~ ~f::~2~26, You ~ ~ ~£ c~-y~u~ed at p ampbellton ~ =~,~¢a~ 850-~63_A~x~ ~L ¢ ¢~n~act the ~. ~4b. ~¢~ ~' oy maz& at P.O. Box 38~ Zf you have items you Will be willing to donate ac our depar~men~ contact one and we will of the above addresses or phone numbers make arrangements for del&very to 5303 Hwy. 23~ 0ampbellton, Fla. 32~2~ Sin c erely; ' 'aylor · U,V.~.D. CD_{er ORDINANCE NO. O 00- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 9. CITY ~Ot BY XI-LEGAL ITEM A. 1 FOR FIRE MUTUAL AID A AGRRENfl~NT; the division of and WHEREAS, f~e protection and prevention arc essential to the well-being, prosperity of thc,community and:its residents; and WHEREAS, the City's fire rescu~ department has reviewed the existing provisions red, has deteru//necl tha~ it is inthe best interests of th? citizens and residents of community: to recommend that Section 9-51 be amended to provide that reasonable and the absence of a Mutual Aid or Interlocal Agreement; NOW TI:IEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TItE CITY COMMISSION OF OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TIiAT: Section 1 Section 9-5:1 is hereby amended by creating a new subsection (e) to as follows: e. In the event that Bo,~ntoa Beach Fire Rescue Dgoa~tltient resources, are refluested Section 3. Each and every other provision of Chapter 9 of the City of Boynton Code of Ordinances not herein specifically amended shall remain m full force and 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 t0 11 12 13 14 15 t7 19 20 2~ 22 23 24 25,; 26 27 28 AN ORDINANCE OF THE cITY.coMMiSSiON TIlE CITY OF BOYNTON OF AMENDING XI. LEGAL A. 2 m99, ot~ ~ C/ia~ter 20; Article I, Section 4 of the City's Code of Ordinances provides for the levy and coI~fion of an inter/m s~'v/ces fee upon structu~ in the City as of the. date of the certificate of occupancy; and, WHEREAS, on Stme t~, 1999, the City suspended the collection of the interim services - - - and Tacilit/es fee due to 'the decision of the Florida Supreme Court in ordinances to providei: /nterim sen4ees and faciIities fee. 'in th/,, bes[ interest of the City to amend its ~ 'and collection of the City's CODE: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Sect/on 1: The forego/n~, "wr-rm~, ~.. --0 "~"~.~.~ clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as correct, and are hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof. Words in,~qt~,~ ~ypo ar~ deletion.~ fro · · Words in underlined t~ ~ additions m ex~stmg law; 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 ].3 14 15 17 18 20 22 23 24 25 26 29 3O 31 32 33 '34 35 Section 2~. Chapter 20, entitled, Buddings, Housing, and Construction Regulations, ~Article Lentifl~ ~'In General;' Section 4 entitled "Fees;' is amended to read as follows: the minimum on the value Of the fo~ ora -17 as 36 37 38 39 40 of this as follows: CODE: Words in For the purposeS ~tm]l be made unit, including law; ~ 1 2 3 $ 7 8 9 10 lI 12 13 15 3:6 17 '18 19 20 21 3O 37: 3~ 42 CODE: and/or commercial structure 5y on~ thousand (LO00) square £eet rounded to the nearest t~nth (03). h indusu%l b. Fee determination; .... _ un/t computation shall bo utiliz~a ;_ _ · -pm/anon. The · ~ ,a oonjunction wire ,u ~ "7~umg -forth in Exhibit "B' in compufirr- ,u_ · . -,~ me tee schedu/e set example illustrates how*u~ ;,L~.~"'_'? me. mt ~e~ml services, fee. Tile following ~,~ ,,,,~mn serv/ces t~ is an'ivcd at: Examplo: A 22,565 square foot office building is of occupancy in December ~fany give~ year. issued a cert/ficate 22,565 + t,000,= 22.565 22.6x $10:23 = $23:L20 [uterhn serv/ce~ fee /'or this structure would be $231.20. 3. Procedure. Exc ~ durin the Sua ~-T-_~e d/rector of d~ion Per/od o., prior to the i~,,..,.a -~ -~,~-~_7_, by the d~velopment department ~--~-~ ,,- ¢~rancato of completion uxuc.~ COlt ected · . ent shall ro · pumuant to tiffs sectmn to ,uo ~:,.. ~ .. P mpfly rennt ~ ~$. Elig/bility for mun/ci--, ---. _ ~nsion Period s~t forth ou_. _ .Y~. ~urv~ce~ exc_~ durin the municipal servi~ .~L]', ~'~ r~_no; maprovemen~ · ~ uaaca$ all ~erinl ~,a,.~'~ . ---.. tm ~ulplale for llected into a non-lalaain ...... e director shall demasit P_u~_.~safety, physical environment .... ..-~,.,.aures for (publiu works administration costs), uuuumnauce and sendces for roads and streets, health (animal control), Iibraty and parks and re~eation, which are associated with the properties the funds were collected. Tile ci . ~om which Commission withr~commen~,~,. ~j_t~__ ~er shall provide the ' armual budget process or ~om time to time , ,~ mnus aUrmg the funds shall be limited to a nereenti,- -C':~ n~__~_ ~, Such expenditures of · ,,,~ ut {oral tees collected for each of the wW°°r~ '~ ~ BrPe are deleti°ns fr°m exislin law; anea type are additions g 1 3 5 6 7 9 10 13. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9.2 23 seraces as identified hereim The City Commission by resolution mus~ approve all expenditures fi-om said trust fund upon determination that said expenditures are appropriate. . ~ ' am hereby ordinances or resolutions or pa~ts thereof in conflict herewith If any section, sentence, i!anse;;Or phrase °f this O{dinauce is held to be invalid or- ' · of compet~nt jurisdiction, then said holding shall in noway unconstitutional by any cou~t ' ' p0ttiom of this O~dinancc. affect the validity of the remaining . ' . · ~-~i i commiSSion Of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, that the It is thC:intention of the C. ty be made a part of the City of Boynton Beach or relcttered and the word "ordin~c¢" may be changed to "section," "article," or such other appropriate Effectiv~ Date. that the ~'~sio~i of the levy and collection effeCtiVe lun¢ 14,1999. Comn~ission, providing of the interim service fee shall be retroactively CODE: Words in s~ t~l~e are deletions from existing law; Words in underlined type are additions r~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ~ 25 FIRST READlNG this. day of ,2000. SECOND, FINAL READIYqG AND PASSAGE this _. day of ,2000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA · Mayor Vice Mayor ~ Mayor Pro Tera ATTEST: City Clerk Commissioner = Comrrfissioner MDC:av~XIC, CD~._FSLLIBRARY~ 1990k~0182.BB~ORD~Int~im S~.vicus F~.d~ CODE: Words in s~ type are deletions from existing law; Words in underlined type are additions Xl. LEGAL A. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 ~ 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 C( ORDINANCE 0 00- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION," ARTICLE V l=ldTil'/l=n ,,~,r~= /HI: UI[¥ OF BOYNTON BEACH BY AMENDING SECTION 2-73 ENTITLED DEFINITIONS TO REVISE THE DEFINITIO '"REPEAT 'VIOLATION,,: N OF , AMENDING SECTION 2-76 ENTITLED "ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURE" TO REQUIRE PROPERTY OWNERS 'ro PROVIDE NOTICE OF pENDING CODE PROCEEDINGS TO . PROSPECTIVE 2 79 ENTITLED THE DATE. WHEREAS, Chapter2, Article V of the C~'s Code-of Ordinances govern the enforcement of the City's Code of Ordinances, including the authority and procedures of the city's Code Compliance Board;, and WHEREAS, Chapter 162, .Florida Statutes~.which provides authority for municipalitie~t°~ establ*~sh Code Compllance Boards and to otherwise enforce its Code of Ordinances, was amended by the Florida Legislature effective October 1, 1999; and, WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City to amend its Code of Ordinances to include and address the recent revisions to Chapter 162, Flodda )E: Words in ~ type are deletions from existing law; Words in Underlined type at~ additions Page I of 8 1 2 3 4 5 Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF ratified and ~n and 6 7 8 V entitled "Code )f Ordinances of 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 board attomey of the Code inspector means those authorized agents or employees of the city whose duty it is ~3 inSUre code compliance` R,.e.~l~s_t v~id~tion~ .m.~_~n,~.a.~o~3~ ~f a p~vi,ion ~f a ~de or o~inance by a pemon ~;..c::: ~k= ~c~C cCm~::~ ~c:'~~.~h0 has pm~ous~ been found through a H~ ~nfnr~ma~ ~ or any other ~ m,-judi~al ~ judicia pm~ss to have violat~ or who has: adm~ffed wolafing ~e same p~s~n w~m ~ (5) yearn pno to ~e violaS, no~s~ding ~e violations o~rat d~emnt ~fions. S~on 3. Chapter 2 en~. Admim~o . A~ide V ent~ "C~e Complian~ Boa~". Se~on 2-~6. entffi~ "Enf~m~t pmc~re" of the C~e of O~in~s of the Ci~ of Boynt~ Beach is amend~ tomad as follows: Sec. 2-76. Enforcement procedure. CODE: Words in ~type are deletions from existing law; Words in underlined type are additions Page 2 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 i~31 32 133 ,35 ~36 37 ~3 ~4 (a) It shall be the duty of the code inspector to initiate enforcement proceedings of the vadous codes; however, no member of the board shall have the power to initiate enforcement proceedings. nspector shall notify the a beyond the iotify an enforcement board shall or opti0h of the code ! as or if the (c) ~nd the notic~ violation has been condition and the the violation, The code and shall the code I of such of th. received CQDE: Words.i~ ~ ~pe.are deletions from existing.law; worcls in unded ned.type are additions Page 3 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 c ~, 13 14 15 3. - Disclose, in wdting, to the prospective transferee that a new owner will be responsible for compliance with the applicable code and with orde,~ issued in the cOde enforcement proceeding. Code of 3.7 19 2O 23. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O CODE? that' said time, or. to dollars finds in the case with the In the his section. board taw; 2 (1) The gravity of the violation; 3 4 (2) Any actiOns taken by the violator to correct the violation; and 5 6 C3) 7 8 (c) A certified copy of an order impos 9 10 against 11 owned by the violator, property 12 15 16 17 in a 18 three first.. After 19 the ~-20 ) lien 21 which is a prope~'ty 22 23 .,~, Section 5; Chapter 2i ent' ~Rled~ ,"AdminiStratiort~, Article~ V entitled "Code 24 Compliance Board", S~n 2-8't, e~titled "Service n ' " , - ~ otices of the Code of 25 lows: 26 Sec. 281. Serviceof notices;. _ 27 28 '31 ~34 35 ~B 6 such notic-- CODE: Words in ~type are deletions from existing law; Wok in ~l~erlined type are additions Page 5 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O 42 43 the other of ~ CODE: 2) Hand delivery by the shedff or other law enfomement officer, or other with the provided in Ssuch t locations, of the person posted and the with, or / or by mail as · mait notice as provided in additions ~=xisting law; Page 6 of 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 19 1 2 Section 6. Chapter .2 en' ' . - titled, Administration, Article V entitled "Code Compliance Board", Section 2-83(c)(2), entitled i'Enfomement of the codes and ordinances;, penalties" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach is amended to read as follows: Sec.2-83. Enforcement of the codes and ordinances; penalties. (c) . (1) A code enforcement officer s authorized to ssue a citation to a person ,when based Upon personal investigation the officer has reasonable-cause to bel eve that the person has committed a civic infraction in violation of a duly enacted code or ordinance and the county court will hear the charge: (2) Prior to issuing a citation, a code enforceme, nt officer sba provde no.fi, ce to the ?ep~ .tl~a.t .the perso, has` committed a; viOlation of the code or oromance ana sna, estab~sl~ a reasonable time period within which the person ~aUvSts. c~,~rrect ~.e y~_o_lation~., ..Such.; ti~ pedod.= shall, be no mere than within thirty (30) p;Yrs~n ~;asupon personal mves~gaaon., a code enfOrcement officer finds that the officer enfemement the v~olation. A code enforcement officer does net have to provide the person with a reasonable time period to correct the violation prior to issuing a citation and may immediately issue a citation if a repeat violation is found ~r if the~c0de enfOrcement officer has reason to believe that: the violation presents a sedous throat to. the public health, safety, or welfare, or if the violation is irreparable-( Section.7.? Confiicting Ordinances All prior ordinances or resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 8. Sevembility. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no CODE: Words in ~ type are deletions from existing law; Words in underlined type are additions Page 7of 8 3. 2 way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 9. Inclusion in Code. 4 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ~9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 the provisions of this Ordinance shall becorne,and be made a Part ,of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances; and that rthe sections of this ordinance may be ; mnumbered or relettered and the word "ordinance'? may be changed to: "section," intentions, 2000. day of , ~ ~CtTY~OF BOYNTON'BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Pro Tern Commissioner ATTEST: Commissioner city C~erk ,~ DC:~w\~ICCDE_FS~LIBRARY~I990\9(X)182.B~ORD~ode Con~liaace Beard2.d~ CODE: Words in ~ type are deletions from existing law; Words in underlined type are additions Page 8 of 8 TO: FROM: RE: MEMORANDUM March 29, 2000 Honorable Mayor and City Commission .lames A. Cherof, City Attorney 0~/Aa'j/ Proposed Ordinance - CRA Membership XIiLEGAL ITEM B.1 This proposed Ordinance amends the ex sting CRA provisions of the City Code to add mo (2) members. This proposed Ordinance represents Step I of the process to expand the CRA. Expansion should proceed as follows: Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Amend Ordinance Develop qualification cdteria Seek qualified applicants for appointment Appointment The criteria for a qualified CRA member who is not a member of-the Commission may be established by Motion, Resolution, or Ordinance, depending on the degree of formality the Commission wishes to follow. Florida Statute requires that the minimum qualification for a CRA member is that he or she must reside or engage in busineSS within the City. CC: Wilfred Hawkins, Interim City Manager Central Rle S:ca\Comm'~CRA Expansion Process Memo ORDtN~C~ NO. 0 O0- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITy OF BOYNToN BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2. ADMINISTRATioN, SECTION 2-t3.2(a) PROVIDING FOR TWO (2) ADDITIONAL MEMBERs ~ CITY COMMISSION i~~ ,n-~_APPOINTED BY THE. PROVIsIONs O~ ~L--~ ACCORDANCE WITH . ~PiA~TER 163.357(1) (c), FLORIDA STA~3TEs; ~ROVIDING FOR ~ ~ EFFECT!~ ~TE[ ~IPI~TIoN W~EREAS, it is in the best the City to add two Community Redeve 163.357(1) (c)~ XZ-LEGAL I'TEM B.Z has. deue~ined that citizens and residents of civilian members to the in accordance with Chapter czt orm, :ORZDA. CO z SZO fecal?? lm That Cha te ~-13.2 Shai1 beamended ~- P._r 2. Administration, Section ~M a~ing ~he Wordm and figures in underlined ~e, as S~c. 2-13.2. City Commission as ~overning body of Comm~ity redevelopmen~ agency., (a) The Ci:y Commission is hereby appointed and declared Zo be ~he board and ~he gOVerning of COmmissiOners body of ~he redevelOp~entredevel0pmen~ area.a~ncy for th~ entire Com~ni~M 2000. the ~:~:ive the da~oF , ' 1 Section 2 All ordinances or parts of ordinances ~onfl~ct herewith be and the Same are - hereby repealed. in this 0rdinance',- Authority is he~Y .granted become to codify effecuive ~5 .~ This this day 2000. ATTEST: City clef cITY OF BoYNTON ~ACH, FLORIDA Mayor ~ce MayOr Commissioner ~missioner CZ'FY OF BOYNTON BEACH MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Hayor and City Commission THRU: 3ames, Cherof, City A~orne~ ( Phase out:of non conforming, signs an~~ F~d~y, D~cember 03, The Ci~ ~hrough sever~I ordJn~nc~ c~ified'under Ch~p~er 2~ oE i~ L~n non conforming sign~ and blJ/~asr~; ,~ Development Presenuy, ~ere are several non conforming sings and billboards Ioca~d within the Jimi~ who may no[ be able ~o meet ~h em Ioyees , . e December th?~,~..- ~ve met w~th Republic Nedi-, _ 3~, 1999, phase out de dl/ - .,~ ~,~ ~u alscuss options. ~,:~,~ ~_~ .n~. o~rato~ of three ~: ne. · .~u~,,u ~eaia ha = ~o~ ,___ OUtdoor b~llboards in s. ~.~. ~se agreement with the landowner to operate and maintain the billboar~ through September 30. 2003. There are additional three or four non conforming billiards in the C[~ owned by other billboard operab~. Based upon discuss~n with the ]~en "~,W owned prope~ agreemen~ e . . . 'mci~Mana er · . . P ~[~m th g , one o ~ g e b~llboards ~.._= . P on *s to enter infn I~ ' ~"~"[~ [O relocate o- ~ ..... along ]nter-S~te 95. ~is op~on w°uldrequireCommissio · given that it involv~ a significant poli~ issue, n s discus~on and di~ion CC: Wilfred Hawkins, ]nterim Ci~ manager Mike Rumpf, D/re.or of Planning Sco~ Blasie, Code ~forcement Supe~isor S:ca/Comm/Signage C~e memo ~ Comm. XI-LEGAL ZTEM B.2 ORDINANCE NO, O 00- ~ E OF THE CITY COMMiSSiON OH THE AN ORDINANC ..... ~EACH I=LOI~DA AMENDIN? C~-[Y OF BOYNYU~ ,or-~ , ARTICLE LAND ; IN , DBY OWNE ~A5 A THE AN DATE.. , ~ also ,~0v~n as-'0utd0°r~a~dvertising signs, ,are WHEREAS/: billb°ards~' ' currently prohibited in all zoning districts; and WitERE~, the Cib/Commission of the Cib/of Boynton Beach, Flodda ~ the determined that it is in the best interests of the citizens and resident~ Of to allow billboards on property in public use districts oWned by the Ob/and to:I-95 as a conditional use; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CO~4I~IlSSION. Section That Article II, Chapter 21, Se~lon 3. Of the LDR is hereby figures in underlined WPe and by- deleting the and figures in struck-through WPe, as follows: VART~NCES/EXEMPT~ONS AND pROHIBiTiONS Prohibitions. The following signs and related equipment are prohibited in ail districts: T~. Off premises signs, except those permitted under Article III, Section 6 or Chapter 22~ Article ii, Section 7, Paragraph O ~ ~n this Cha _-ter shall W, Billboards b. , n ueach ~ad' ~ the Ci of Sect/on 3. All laws and ordinances applying to the City of Boynton conflict with any provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sect/on 4. Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. / / / / Ordinance shall become effective immediately, . Section 5. This . ':.] -, ~' ' ] F[P. ST READING this ~ day:of April, :Z000~ ~ ' i. SECOND, FINAL READING AND pASSAGE this ~ day of April, 2000. Mayor ,Ha~er Pro Tern commissioner Billboards 032900 Requested City Commission {~ March 21, 2000 [] April 4, 2000 [] April 18,2000 [] May 2, 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM XI-LEGAL ITEM C. 1 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.n~) March 22, 2000 ~5:00 p.m.) Apffi 5, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) A~ri119, 2000 (-~:q0 pax~) Requested City Commission Date Final Form Midst be Turned Meettfie Dates in to C~tv Clerk's Office [] May I6, 2000 [] June 6, 2000 [] June 20, 2000 [] July 5, 2000 May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.r~) May t7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 7, 2000 (5;00 p.m.) June 21, 2000 (~:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM RECOMM~NDATION: EXPLANATION: [~ Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] UnfmishedBusiness [] Announcement [] Presentation Appoint representative to the Metropolitan Planning OrganizaUon (MPO). MeeUn~gs are held every third Thursday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in the 12~ Floor Conference Room of the Governmental Center. Current representaUve is Mayor Broening and all Commissioners serve as Alternates. PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: Sue Krus'~. CMC/AAE, City Clerk City Clerk's Office City Attorne~/¢ Finance / Human Resources imp 03/28/2000 9:39 AM \ch\main~shrdata\gc\wp x¢c agenda\gener al info for agenda~agenda item request form for mpo.dot S:~BULLETINWORMS AGENDA ITEaM REQUEST FORM.DOC Palm Beach CountY League of Cities The Palm Beach County League of Cities shall advocate the collective interests ? the municipalities in Palm Beach County in accordance with the principles of self-government:.: The Municipal League of Palm Beach'~;OUn~ meets on 'the fOurth wedne~sdaY Of e~ch month at 10:30 a;m. Thermembershiptei'm~j~dh~'~a~. : ' =~ ~ 'r ' '~ ~. ' ~'L - ~ :(Pr~sei~tiy = Nell e De~Eari; RepreSentative "' All Co~i~issioners are Al~eri~tes)' Multi~3urisdictional :issues Coordinatio!! Forum The Muir =3edsdict ona Tssues CoordJ:natio~ ~Forum has been in place for five years under the auspices~of two ~nterloca[ agreemen~cs that~eres~gned by all mun~c!pa!it~es~ The School Board, the Wete~ Management District rand severai ~edal districts? The:members :of this Forum meet quarterly ;to ~iiscuss iSSues Of inter-jurisdiCbon signifi~:~nce~. Each individual local government decides the len~ o~ the term. (preS~ntl~ , Nellie:De~ahan, Representative - RonWeilend~ Alternate) Metropolitan Planning Organization · (MPO) The Metropolita~ Planning Organization was created by federal regulations and .Florida Statutes to meet federal requirements-~[or obtaining: and eXpending federal transportation funds. The MPO is comPosed Of local .;elected officials from County; and municipal governments and applicable transportation authOrities, and~.is independent of local elected bodies. The responsibiliUes Of the MPO encompass mu ti-modal, t~ansportation planning and address Short- term (five-year) and ong-range (20-year) time frames. The MPO meeting is held every third Thursday of the.month at 9:00 a,m. in the 12~ Floor Conference Room of the Governmental Center. (Presently: .lerry Broening, Representative - All Commissioners are Alternates) Coalition of Boynton West Residential Associations (COBWRA) The Coalition of Boynton West Residential Assodations is an assembly of representatives of the various subdivisions in unincorporated Boynton Beach. As a courtesy to. the City of Boynton Beach, a City Representative and Attemate are welcome to attend the meetings to address issues of interest or concern. The meeting is held the second Wednesday of each menth at 10:00 a.m. at various locations throughout the COBWRA area. (Presently: Nellie Denahan, RepreSentative ' No Alternate) 'March 28, 2000 imp ]:\shrdata\co\wp\ccagenda\general info for agenda\commission representation on various committees - 2000.doc ~Esottrr~o~ r~o. ~O0- A .~SOLUT~oN OF ~ ~uP, n)A,cz'n~ P~NNZNG ~o~~'°~FA~E TO ~- ~ ~EHBER ~e WHEREAS, ~he Ci~ Commi~ion of ~e Ci~ o~ ~oyn~n Beach, Florida, is ~o representaUon on ~ Hetropoli~n Planning Organ~on; and WHEREAS, ~he Ci~ Commission has considered ~e qualifications necessaw repr~enta~on and wishes ~o below upon ~he fo~owing named individuals se~ice. NOW, THEREFORE, BE. ~1" RESOLVED BY.THE CITY COMM~.SSzoN OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA THAT: ~ The."WHEREAS. clauses above are hereby, ratified and confirmed true and correct and incorporated herein by reference. ~ The City Commis.~on of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby -'--'-------'--~----------_ as a representative to the Hetropolita n Organization and appoinb; any City Commission member as alternate t:o the Hetropolitan Planning Organization. ~ That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon XZ'LEGAL ZTEM C. 1 / / / / day of Aprit, 1000. BRACH, FLORIDA Oerl< Cor~)orai:e Seal) planning organization032800 Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] March 21, 2000 [] April 4, 2000 [] April 18, 2000 [] May 2, 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Ciw Clerk's Office March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.n~) March 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 5, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April I9, 2000 (~:q0p.rn.) Requested City Commission Meetine Dates [] May 16,2000 [] June 6, 2000 [] June 20, 2000 [] July 5, 2000 XI. RESOLUTIONS C. o Date Final Form Must be Tarned in to City Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.rm) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Stme 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM RECOMMENDATION: EXPLANATION: [] Adminisffative [] Consent Agenda [] Public Hearing [] Bids [] Announcement Development Plans [] New Business [] Legal [] Unfinished Business [] Presentation Appoint representative to the Palm Beach County League of Cities. General Meetingsare held every 4~ Wednesday of the month at :LO.~30 a.m. in a different City Hall each month. Representative was Nellie Denahan and all Commissioners serve as Alternates. PROGRAM INIPACT: ~SCALLMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: Sue Kmse, CMC/AAE, City Clerk City Clerk's Office imp 03/28/2000 9:39 AM \~ch\main~shrdata\cc\wp xccagenda\general info for agendaXagenda item request form for PBC League of Cities.dot S:~B ULLETINXFO RMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC Palm Beach County League of Cities The Palm Beach County League of Cities shall advocate the collective interests of the municipalities in Palm Beach County in accordance with the principles of self-government:. ;3'he: Municipal League of Palm Beach Counb/meets on the fourth Wedn, esday ~f ea(;h mont~ a~ I0:30 a.m~ The membership;t~rmJs o~e year~ ' '"~' -'i' · ~ ~ . . . ... - (preser~uy.' Nellie Denahan, EepresentaUve Ali Commi~sieners are Aiternates) ThE t~he Water Multi-3urJsdictional Issues Coordination Forum for five local government Eon Weilancl, Alternate) Metropolitan Planning Organization- OqPO) The Metropolitan Planning Organization was created by federal regulations and-Florida Statutes to meet federal, requirements foe obtaining and expending federal,transportation funds. The MPO s composed of ocai, elected officials from County .and municipal governments and applicable transportation authorities, and is independent of local elected bodies. The responsibilities of the MPO encompass multi-modal transportation planning and address short- term (five-year) and long-range (20-year) time frames. The MPO meeting is held every third Thursday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in the 12~ Floor Conference Room of the Governmental Center. (PresenUy: .terry Broening, Representative Ali Commissioners are Alternates) Coalition of Boynton West Residential AsSociations (COBWRA) The Coalition of Boynton West Residential Associations is an assembly of representatives of the various subdivisions in unincorporated Boynton Beach. As a courtesy to the City of Boynton Beach, a City Representative and Alternate are welcome to attend the meetings to address issues of interest or concern, The meeting is field the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at various locations throughout the COBWRA area. (Presently: Nellie Denahan, Representative No Alternate) · March 28, 2000 imp ]:\shrdata\co\wp\ccagenda\general info for agenda\commission representation on various committees - 2000.doc ~ XI. RESOLUTIONS C. 2 RESOLU'r~ON NO. R00- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING AS A REPRESENTATIVE TO THE PALM BEACH COUNTY MUNICIPAL LEAGUE AND APPOINTING ANY CITY COMMISSION MEMBERS AS ALTERNATE REPRESENTATIVE TO THE PALM BEACH COUNTY MUNICIPAL LEAGUE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. _ WHEREAS~ the City Commission of the City of Beynton Beach,. , Florida, is ~ntitied to representation on the Palm Beach County Municipal League; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has considered the qualifications necessary :or such representation and wishes to bestow upon the following named individuals such right and honor of service. -- NOW, THEREFORE, BE ZT RESOLVED BY THE CZTY COHI~IISSI'ON OF THE CZTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA THAT: Section 1. The ~'WHEREAS' clauses above are hereby rat!fled and confirmed ~s being true and correct and incorporated herein by reference. Section 2. The City'Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby ]ppoints as a representative to the Palm Beach County qunidpal League and appoints any City Commission member as alternate 'epresentative to the Palm Beach County Municipal League. Section 3. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon assage. CiWClerk PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of April, 2000. CTrY FLORIDA vice'Mayor Commissioner Commissioner iCorporate Seal) ;:ca\Reso\appointments\ Palm Beach County Munidpel League032800 Requested City Coramission Me6fing Dates [] March 2l. 2000 [] ^p~l 4, 2000 [] ^pffi ~s. 2000 [] May 2, 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in~te CiW Clerk's Office March 8,2000 (5:00 p.m.) March22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 5, 2000 (5:0{~ p.m.) April 19, 2000 (5:O0 p.m.) Requested City Commission Meetine Dates [] May 16, 2000 [] ~rune 6, 2000 [] Jufie20, 2000 [] July 5, 2000 XI. Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 21, 2000 (5:00 p.rm) LEGAL C. 3 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM RECOMMENDATION: EXPLANATION: [] Administrative ~I Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] UnfmishedBusiness [] Announcement [] Presentation Appoint representaUve and alternate to the CoaliUon of Boynton West ResideeUal AssOCiaUon (COBWRA). MeeUngs are held every second Wednesday of the month at 10:00 a.m. (Coffee at 9:30 a.m.) in various condominiums iN the areas. The City's RepresentaUve was Nellie Denahan and there is no one filling theposiUon of alternate. PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: AL2ATIVES: Sue Kmse, CMC/AAE. City Clerk City Clerk's Office · ' ~ity Manager's Si~t~re City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources imp 03/28/2~00 9:39 AM \~ch~nai~shrdata~cc\wp\ccagenda\generat info for agenda~agenda item request form for cobwra.dot S:~B ULLETrN~ORMS~AGENDAI ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC Palm Beach County League of Cities The Palm' Beach County League of Cities shall advocate the collective interests of the municipalities in Palm Beach County in ac~cordance with the principles of self-government. ,The Hun dpal League of Palm B~ach County meets oq the fourth ,Wednesday c~f eachl,.m~hth at 10:30 a.rff.i~ Tl~e mernbershi151~erm:!~ one year.~ (Pr~;;ently: Nellie J:)er~a~ha~; ~presentaUve :A I C0m~n ~ bners are Air,create{) The Multi;Jur sdiddopal ~ssues Coordination FOrum has: b~en in.place ~for five years under the ausp'ces of two, , 'ntefloca[ ag reements that'wer~Sr, ,. g ned b'y a mun c pa~es,, The ,$ch°° Board, the,Water Hanagement D~strict and several sp,~ial; distil ~c~' Thememb,ers ofthis Forum meet quarterly to disCusS ,issUeS of nter-jursd ctibi:~ ~ignificance, 'Each individual lOCal government decides the length of the terin. ' (Presehu-y=~,;;~ ~Neltie Denahan, Representative - : , Eon Weiland, Alternate) The Metropolitan Planning Organization was created by federal regulations and Florida Statutes to meet federal requimr~enta, for obtaining.and expending feder~l' transportation funds. The MPo is compased of~loca! elected offi~;i~ls from County and municpal governments and applicable transporta~on authorities, and'is independent of local elected bodies. The responsibilities of:the HPO encompass muir-modal transportation planning and address short- term (five-year) and long-range (20-year) time frames. The MPO meeting is held every third Thursday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in the 12~ Floor Conference Room of the Governmental Center. (Presently: 3erry Broening, Representative All Commissioners are Alternates) Coalition of Boynton West ResidenUal Associations (COBWRA) The Coalition of Boynton West Residential Assodations is an assembly of representatives of the various subdivisions in unincorporated Boynton Beach; As a courtesy to the City of Boynton Beach, a City Representative and Alternate are welcome to attend the meetings to address issues of interest or concern~ The meeting is held the second Wednesday of each. month at 10:00 a .m. at various locations throughout the COBWRA area. (PresenUy: Nellie Denahan, Representative No Alternate) March 28, 2000 j:\shrdata\cc\wp\ccagenda\generat info for agenda\comrniss~on representation on various committees - 2000.doc RESOLUTZON NO. R00- A RESOLUTION OF THE CZ'FY COMMISSION OF THE C~I'Y OF ' BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA, APPOINT[NG AS A REPRESENTATB/E TO THE COALTT[ON OF BOYNTON WEST RESIDENTZAL ASSOCZAT[ONS, INC., (COBWRA) AND APPOINT[NG REPRESENTA'rZVE TO THE COALL-TZONAs ALTERNATE OF BOYNTON WEST RESIDENT[AL ASSOCZAT[ONS, INC., (COBWRA); AND PROVIDING AN EFFECT[VE DATE. XI. LEGAL C. 3 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach; Florida, fs to representation on the Coalition of Boynton West Residential Associations, Inc., (COBWRA); and WHEREAS, the City Commission has considered the q. ualifications necessary representation and wishes to bestow upon the following named indMduals honor of service. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TI' RESOLVED BY THE CI'TY COMMISSION OF 3F BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR/DA THAT: Section 1; The "WHEREAS" clauses above are hereby ratified and confirmed ~g true and correct and incorporated herein by reference. ~ The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Flodda, hereby as a representative to the Coalition of West Residential Associations, Inc., (COBWRA) and appoints as alternate representative to the Coalition Boynton West Residential Associatioos, Inc., (COBWRA). Section 3. Tliat this. Resolution shall become effective immediately upon ~ OE BGYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Vice M~yor HayorPmTem Commissioner Commission~' ' Clerk [Corporate Seal) COBWRA 032800 Requested City Commission Meelin~ Dates [] March 21, 2000 [] April4, 2000 [] ^p~ is, ~000 [] May 2, 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office March 8, 2000 (5:00 March 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 5,2000 (5:00 p.m.) Al~ril 19, 2000 (5:00p.m.~ Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] May 16, 2000 [] June 6, 2000 [~ June 20, 2000 [] July 5,2ooo XI. Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office May 3; 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m~J June 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) LEGAL C. 4 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEI~I RECOMMENDATION: EXPLANATION: [] Administrative [] DevelopmentPlans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] UnfinishedBnsmess [] 2Mmouncemeur [] Presentation Appoint representative and alternate to Multi-Jurisdictional-Issues Coordination Forum. The City's Representative was Nellie Denahan and Ron Weiland served as Alternate. PROGRAM 13'IPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: Sue Kru'-~, CMC/AAE, City Clerk City Clerk's Office City Manager's Signature City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources jmp 03/28/2000 9:39 AM \~ch\maln~shrdaat\ccxwp\ccagenda\general info for agend~agenda item request form for Multi Jurisdictional Issues Coordination Forurmdot S:~BULLETIN~ORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC Palm Beach County League of Cities The Palm Beach County League of OUes shall advocate the collective interests of the municipalit es in Palm Beach County in ~ccordance with the pdnc pies of se!f-government. ~e MuniCipal League of palm 8eai:h Coun~ m~ets-on: the .f0.urth W~dnesday of each m0htl~' at (presenUy. Nell e,Denahan, Representative ~,1I Commissioners are Alternates~ The MUiti-.ludsdictional Issues Coordin~Ue~ Forum has b.e~n/ia place ,f(~r five yea~s un~er, the ausl~iC;~--~ Of" tWo' interlocal?greeme~ i~6~?Wer~sighed ,bY ~lt-municipalities, The SChoO~ Board, theWater Management Dis~ct and SeVe~:specJ~tdist~icz,.S; ~emembers of this :FOruD- meet quarterly tO discuss issues of inter.~UriSdi~idn ~gnifi¢~nce~ Each. individualiloca{ government Ciecide~ ~e leng!h ~f the term.: - ' (Presee~l~:-: ~, Nellie D~ahan, Representative - 'Ron~Weiland, Alternate) (l po). The Metropolitan Planning Organization was created by federaliregulations and Florida Statutes to meet federal requir~en~ents~, ~ fOr obtaining and exp?ding fe~lerat ~ansportation funds. The MPO is composed of' lOcal elected officials: from COunty ai~d municipal governments and applicable transportation authorities, and is independent of local elected bodies. The responsibilities of the MPO encompass multFmodal transportation planning and address short- term (five-year) and long-range (20-year) time frames. The ~PO meeting is held every third Thursday of the month at 9:(~0 ~,m. in the 12m Floor Conference P. oom of the Governmental Center. (Presently: ;)erry Broening, P. epresentaUve - All Commissioners are Alternates) Coalition of Boynton WeSt Residential Associations (COBWRA) The Coalition of Boynton West Residential Assodations is an assembly of representatives of the various subdivisions in unincorporated Boynton Beach. As a courtesy to the City of Boynton Beach, a City Representative ~nd Alternate are welcome to aDend the meeUngs to address issues of interest or concern. The meeting is held the second Wednesday of each month at ~0:00 a.m. at various locations throughout the COBWRA area. (PresenUy: Nellie Denahan, Representative No Alternate) · March 28, 2000 ~ j:\shrdata\cc\wp\ccagenda\goneral info for agenda\commission re~resenta'don on various committees - 2000.doc XI. LEGAL C. 4 RESOLUTION NO. R00- A RESOLU-I-[ON OF THE CTI-Y COMMISSION OF THE CTI'Y OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING AS A REPRESENTATIVE TO THE MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL ISSUES COORDINATION FORUM AND APPOINTING AS ALTERNATE REPRESENTATIVE TO THE MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL ISSUES COORDINA'I'[ON FORUM; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, ~s entitled to representation on the Multi-.lurisdictional Issues CoordinaUon Forum; and WHEREASt the City Commission has considered the qualifications necessary for such representation and wishes to bestow upon the following named individuals such right and honor of service. NOW, THEREFOREt BE Ti' RESOLVED BY THE CTI'Y COI~lt4I$$ION OF 'HE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOI~DA THAT: Section 1. The "WHEREAS" clauses above are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and incorporated herein by reference. Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, FlOrida, hereby ~ppointa as a representative to the MulU-Judsdictional Issues Coordination Forum and appoints as alternate representaUve to the MulU-3urisdictional Issues Coordination Forum. Section 3. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of April, 2000. Mayor~ ...... Mayor P~o Tem COmmisSioner Commissioner Cib/Clerk (Corporate Seal) s:ca\Reso\appointmenls\Hult~-.ludsdictional issues forum032800 Requested City Commission Meefine Dates [] March21,2000 [] April 4, 2000 [] A~I ~8, 2000 [] May 2. 200~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office March 8, 2000 (5:00p.m.) March 22. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 5, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 19, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested Ci[y Cmum/ssion Meetin~ Dates [] May 16, 2000 [] June 6. 2000 [] June 20, 2000 [] July 5, 2000 XI. LEGAL D.:I. Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 rS:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 r5:00 p.m.) June 7, 2000 (5:00 p-mO June 2l, 2001) (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation Caridad Sarnovskw v. City of Bovnton Beach PLAINTIFF COUNSEL: Robert V. Romani, Esq., Farish Farish & Romani, P.A. DEFENSE COUNSEL: Benjamin L. Bedard, Esq., Roberts & Reynolds, P.A. ~Ou TE: Defense Counsel is assigned by the Risk Management Division from the Florida League of Cities / Florida uicipal I~suranee Tru~t list of approved'counseL) RECOMMENDATION: Accept the agreed upon settlement with plaintiffin the amount of $30,000. EXPLANATION: On February 4, 1998, the Plaintiff was sitting in her car, parked on the grass beneath a tree. A large limb from the tree broke and fell on the vehicle occupied by Plaintiff. She alleges neck and back injuries and resulting para and suffering, disability, disfigurement, mental anguish, loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life, expenstve hospitalization, medical and nursmg care and treaUnent, loss of earnings, loss of abihry m earn money and aggravation of a pre-existing condition. She is 'also claiming damage to her automobile and the loss of the use of it during the period required for its repair or replacement. Plaintiff's original demand was $100,000. Discovery had been ongoing. Settlement was agreed to at voluntary mediation PROGRAM IMPACT: Settlement of this nature is part of the ongoing responsibilities of the R/sk Management Division. FISCAL IMPACT: Settlement will be charged to the Risk Management Division budget reserves. Sufficient funds are in reserves to cover this settlement. ALTERNATIVES: Failure to approve settlement will result in this case going forward by litigation through the courts. Value of this c},s~ t~a~timated at $75-100,000. Additional defensff l~aI costs are,est/mated at $20,000. Department Name City Attorney / Finance / [-Iman Resources CjnfClaimgt/samovskyc01 .dot SABULLETINL~ORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC The City of Boynton Beach, Florida COMMISSION AGENDA MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Wilfred Hawkins Interim City Manager Charles J. Ma~ ¢ Risk Manager - DATE: Mamh 21, 2000 R/sk Management recommends the City Commission ratify the: X Settlement_ Judgement in the above stated manner. RESERVES: Indemnity: $ 22,000 Expgmes: $ 20,000 Demand: Origthal: $100,000 Final: $ 55,000 Offer: Original: $ 2,500 Final: $ 30,000 NOTE: SETTLEMENT: $ 30,000 This se~lement is the compr~mise ~f a claim f~r damages. Payr~ent by the City is n`at t~ be c~nstrued~ in any way, as an n_#miesion of liabili~y of responsibility for any damages or injuries resulting, therefrom. $ 900 Current Legal Fees: $ 19,200 Current Adjustment Fees: IF NOT SETTLED Projected Legal Fee~ $ 20,000 Projected Jury Verdieta $ 75-100.000 JUDGEMENT_: $ CurrentAdjustntent Fees: $ Current Legal Fees: $ CASE NARRATIVE: On February 4, 1998, the Plaintiff was sitting inher car, parked on the grass beneath a tree. A large limb from the tree broke and fell on the vehicle occupied by Plaintiff. She alleges neck and back injuries and resulting pain and suffering, disability, disfigurement, mental anguish, loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life, expensive hospitalization, medical and nursing care and treaunent, loss of earnings, loss 'of ability to earn money and aggravation of a pre-existing condition. She is also claiming damage to her automobile and the loss of the use of it during the period required for its repair or replacement. ROBERTS & REYNOLDS, P.A. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33409 March 16, 2000 ~~Confidential matter exempt from disclosure or inspection per FS 119 07, 768 28 & 768 301 VIA FACSIMILE AND U.S. MAIl. Mr. Chuck Magazine Risk Management City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Caridad Sarnovsky v. City of Boynton Beach Claim No.: 1110-980119-059 D/A: 02/04/98 R&R File No.: 99161 Dear Mr. Magazine: This letter serves to confu'm that the above-referenced case has settled for $30,000.00, contingent on City's Council's approval. Once approval has been given, please forward your settlement check in said amsunt to the undersigned made payable to Caridad Sarnovsky, and Robert Romani, herattomey Mr Romani's Tax/den ' ' · nficat~on NUmber is: 59-0686004. In the meantime, we are forwarding the General Release, Stipulation and Order af Dismissal, and W-9 Form onto Plaintiffs counsel for execution. Upon receipt of the executed settlement documents and the Court's Order of Dismissai, we will provide you with copies of same. Leifer v. IRC Mro Jon Morrison Page 2/March 16, 2000 We will continue to keep you advised accordingly. Very truly yours, For the Finn BLB,'Ick cc: Jon Morfison, FLC Please issue a check in the amount of DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION $ 7,526.~8~ To: Slavin Management Consultants 3040 Holcomb Briage Road Suite B1 Norcross. Ga 30071-1357 For: Fees and exper~es associated with the search for City Manager Invoice 2 of 4 #SMC0115.008 January 17t~, 2000 Total 5.472.28 Invoice 4 of 4 #SMC0315.033 March 15'~.2000 Total ~.~ Total amount Due is 7,526.81 Requested by CITY MANAGER Date March 21,2000 Approvals: 9ept. Head Finance Dept. City Ivlanager 001 1211 512 49 17 7,526.81 . $7,526.81 Janua~ 17, 2000 INVOICE TERMS: Net due upon receipt Ms. Sue Kruse City Clerk City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Project ~663-01 - City Manager Search Invoice # SMC0115.008 This invoice is for professional fees and/or expenses associated with the .search for a City Manager for the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. TOTAL PROFESSIONAL FEE- $12,550.00 INVOICE 2 OF 4 EXPENSES $ 3,765.00 Aid'am $ 311.50 Hotel 98.10 Car rental 71.84 Meals 40.64 Mileage 13.95 Parking/Taxi 20.00 Tips/Tolls 3.00 Telephone 000.00 Advertising 1,148.25 Total Expenses $1,707.28 TOTAL INVOICE Thank You! $ 5,472.28 2, $0~t0 Holcomb Bridge Road · Suite B1 · Norcross, GA$00?l-l$5? ° (??0)449~656 · FAX: (??0)416-0848 O0 HAR 20 P:i 3: March 15, 2000 INVOICE TERMS: Net due upon receipt Ms. Sue Kruse City Clerk City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach. FL 33425 Project ~663-01 - City Manager Seamh Invoice # SMC0315.033 This invoice is for professional fees and/or expenses associated with the search for a City Manager for the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. TOTAl. PROFESSIONAL FEE - $12,550.00 INVOICE 4 OF 4 $1,255.00 EXPENSES Airfare $ 677.00 Hotel 421.86 Car rental 256.80 Meals 65.14 Mileage 27.90 Parking/Taxi 47.00 Tips/Tolls 6.00 Telephone 175.00 Advertising 000.00 Background checks 147.10 Total Expenses $1,823.80 Expenses limited by contract to: $ 799.53 TOTAL INVOICE Thank You! $ 2,054.53 3040 Holcomb Bridge Road · Suite B1 · Norcross, GA 30071-1357 · (770) 449-4656 ° FAX: (770) 4160848