ON THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 2016, AT 6:00 P.M.
Dr. Tiffany North, Chair Sherri Claude, Assistant to the Director
Dr. Stephanie Hayden, Vice Chair Mona Laventure, Prototype, Inc.
Carla Colebrooks
Angelica Nevin
Carol Lundquist
Lori Wilkinson, Alternate
Kathleen Wilkinson, Student Reg. Voting Member
Valencia Spells Anderson
Hattie Miller
Joshua Braten, Student, Reg. Non- Voting Member
Alana Thomas, Student Reg. Voting Member
Alice Robinson (resigned)
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. Roll call was taken. It was noted that
Alice Robinson (Alternate) has resigned.
II. Pledge of Allegiance /Moment of Silent Reflection
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and Chair Tiffany North
called for a moment of silence.
III. Approval of Minutes of May 26, 2016
Chair Tiffany North stated that the May 26, 2016, minutes reflected no vote was taken
on the motion for donation request from the Sister Cities, and she sought clarification on
that. In addition, she said the minutes reflected no vote was taken on the motion for
approval of the minutes for the March 24, 2016, meeting.
Angelica Nevin said the initial Sister Cities request was higher than the need. The
Board needed to put it to a vote to amend the request, which was $300, and she
believed that was approved.
Angelica Nevin explained that they approved the minutes for the March 24, 2016,
meeting and then it was brought to their attention that there was a discrepancy that they
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 23, 2016
had not caught as a Board, so they went back, made adjustments to the minutes, and
approved them later in the meeting.
It was noted that the minutes say the motions were not brought to a vote.
Sherri Claude suggested adding those two items to Old Business and having a new
motion and vote so that it is clear.
Motion made by Lori Wilkinson, seconded by Carol Lundquist, to approve the minutes
of the May 26, 2016, meeting. In a voice vote, the motion was approved unanimously..
IV. Approval of Agenda
Motion made by Angelica Nevin, seconded by Lori Wilkinson, to adjust the agenda as
follows: add to Old Business, voting on the two previously unspecified votes. In a voice
vote, the motion passed unanimously.
V. Announcements /Presentations /Correspondence
Sherri Claude said they received another "Thank You" card from the Taz Bots from
Poinciana Elementary School. There were two cards altogether, but she did not know
which one was brought to the last meeting. One was for their trip to Arkansas, and one
was the International Competition in Spain. She passed the card around.
Chair Tiffany North mentioned the two Student Citizen Awards, and said the event was
very nice.
VI. Public Audience - None
Carla Colebrooks said she will be resigning from the Board effective June 30, 2016, due
to personal and family issues. She said she hoped to return to the Board.
VII. New Business
A. Back to School Bash at St. John Missionary Baptist Church
Chair Tiffany North thought this was a good opportunity for the Board to get known to
the community by having an informational booth at the event. She requested feedback
from the Board. The date is August 13, 2016, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. She said
they would have a table and let the public know the Board can support the students
when it comes to volunteering.
Angelica Nevin suggested having a small flyer describing their mission and some of
their initiatives.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 23, 2016
There could also be applications for the Bob Borovy award and a sign -up for the
Volunteer Bank. It was noted they do not have to pay to be a vendor, but there may be
an unspecified donation involved. Angelica Nevin said she could be there if needed.
Chair Tiffany North will fill out and submit the application. A sign -up sheet will be
available at the next meeting.
B. Board Retreat
Chair Tiffany North said that the purpose of the Board Retreat would be to talk about
how they could engage the public more and get their name out. She asked for
feedback on whether to have the Retreat (outside of regular meeting times).
Angelica Nevin was in favor, and Chair Tiffany North said it would be a maximum of
several hours. Angelica Nevin said she would create a "doodle" (doodle.com) to see
who could come at what time and dates.
VIII. Old Business
A. Shred- A -Thon /Fundraising — nothing to add
B. Youth Volunteer Bank/Bob Borovy Award
Chair Tiffany North stated that the Youth Volunteer Bank has a balance of $1,248, and
the Borovy Award has $2,111.
C. Volunteer Request for Sister Cities
Motion made by Carol Lundquist, seconded by Angelica Nevin, to approve $300 for
Sister Cities. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
D. Approval of March 24, 2016, Minutes
Motion made by Angelica Nevin, seconded by Lori Wilkinson, to approve the minutes of
the March 24, 2016, with corrections noted. In a voice vote, the motion passed
IX. Future Meeting Dates: July 18, 2016 and August 25, 2016
X. Adjournment
Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.
[Minutes transcribed by J. Rubin, Prototype, Inc.]