Agenda 10-10-16
CRAAdvisory BoardMeeting
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
at Intracoastal Park – 2240 N. Federal Highway
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
I.Call to Order
II.Roll Call
III.Agenda Approval:
Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda
Adoption of Agenda
Reports: None
Pending Items:
1. Discussion of the Feasibility of a Regular Art Walk Event on Ocean Avenue
2. City Services Survey for the CRA-Assignment Date
New Assignments:
1. Research for a Potential CRA Grant for Job Creation
V. Consent:
Approval of Advisory Board Minutes – Sept. 9, 2016
Approval of Period Ended Sept. 30, 2016 Financial Report
Monthly Purchase Orders
VI. Information Only:
Public Comment Log
Marketing and Business Development Campaign
Reminder-CRA Oct. Meeting Scheduled for Mon., Oct. 10, 2016 @ 6:30 pm, City Hall
International Festivals & Events Association Award
Movies in the Park
The 5Annual Boynton Beach Haunted Pirate Fest & Mermaid Splash
FRA Packets to CRAAB Members attending the 2016 FRA Annual Conference (Linda Cross, Allan
Hendricks, Paula Melley & Rick Maharajh)
CRA Economic Development Grant Application Process
VII.Old Business:(Recommendations on CRA Board Agenda Items for October 10, 2016)
Consideration of Appointment of Interim Director and Terms of Position
Discussion of Providing Severance to Former Executive Director
Consideration of Community Benefits Agreement between the CRA and Ocean Breeze Housing
Partners, LP (NuRock Development Partners, Inc.) for the Ocean Breeze East Project in the Heart of
Consideration of Community Benefits Agreement between the CRA and Heritage at City View
Housing Partners, LP (NuRock Development Partners, Inc.) for the 2.97 Acre Project Site Known as
MLK, Jr.
Consideration of Purchase and Development Agreement with Heritage at City View Housing
Partners, LP (NuRock Development Partners, Inc.) for the 2.97 Acre Project Site Known as MLK,
Consideration of Interlocal Agreement between the CRA and the City for the Required Local
Government Contribution in the Amount of $1,000,000 to Heritage at City View Housing Partners,
LP (NuRock Development Partners, Inc.) for the 2.97 Acre Project Site Known as MLK, Jr.
VIII.New Business:(Recommendations on CRABoard Agenda Items for October 10, 2016)
Consideration of Additional Year Extension of Agreement of Real Estate Services between the CRA
and Anderson and Carr, Inc. – Tabled 9/13/16
Consideration of the Selection Process for hiring a CRA Executive Director.
Consideration of Fuel Discount Policy for Boat Slip Tenants at Boynton Harbor Marina.
Provide Direction to Staff for Potential Acquisition of 128 NE 11th Avenue.
Consideration of moving the Nov. 8, 2016 CRA Board Meeting to Wed., Nov. 9, 2016 due to the
National Election Day Schedule.
Consideration of Casa Costa DIFA Assignment.
Consideration of ILA between the City of Boynton Beach and the CRA for the Neighborhood
Officer Policing Program
IX. Public Comment:
(Note: comments are limited to 3 minutes in duration)
X.Future Agenda Items:
Responses to Cottage District RFP/RFQ
Discussion of District Clean Program
Disposition of 222 N. Federal Highway
Results of The 5 Annual Boynton Beach Haunted Pirate Fest & Mermaid Splash
Linda Cross, ChairMichael Simon, Assistant Director, CRA
Robert Pollock, Vice Chair Theresa Utterback, CRA Development
Paula Melley Specialist
(arr. at 6:12 p.m.)
Allen Hendricks Mona Laventure, Prototype, Inc.
Thomas Murphy, Jr.
Rick Maharajh
(arr. at 6:10 p.m.)
James DeVoursney
I.Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:00p.m.
II.Roll Call
Roll was called, and it was determined a quorum was present.
III.Agenda Approval
. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda – None.
. Adoption of Agenda
made by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Vice ChairPollock to approve the agenda.
In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (4-0).
A. New Assignments: None
B. Reports by Advisory Board: None
C. Pending Advisory Board Assignments:
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 8, 2016
1. Discussion of Feasibility of a Regular Art Walk Event on Ocean
Avenue – September 2016
Mr. Simon did not believe the City expected theBoard to conduct the research without
the help of designated staff.
[Rick Maharajh arrived at 6:10 p.m.]
Discussion ensued on who might be able to help with the project, with the conclusion
being that they ask the City’s Public Arts Administrator to come to the October meeting
to make a recommendation based on the research she has already performed.
[Paula Melley arrived at 6:12 pm.]
2. City Services Survey for the CRA – September 2016
ChairCross requested that this item be put on the agenda for the next meeting so they
can discuss the possible survey questions. Sheand Mr. Simonexplained the purpose
of the survey to Mr. Hendricks.
Mr. Hendricks requested a general discussion on grants. He wanted a regular follow-up
and tracking on businesses that have been given grants. Chair Cross said they have
been tracking them since 2008, but Mr. Hendricks said he had asked that question ofa
business owner, but was told they didnot know. Chair Cross said there is a report in
their binders.She added they awarded79 grants, and 70 of those businesses are still
in existence.
Ms. Utterback explained that in the pastthey have asked for small businesses to put
together a businessplan, but many did not know how to do it. Because of that, they
removed that requirement. Instead, they now request financial information, tax returns,
hours of operation, etc.
If desired, Mr. Simon said they could devise a form that would have the businesses
reply to questions that would ordinarily apply to the creation of a business plan. He
thought this matter would be better addressed in a discussion of grants in general, and
then start out the new year with any changes.
Mr. Hendricks said he wanted primarily to know that new businesses were tracked so
that the CRA knows the money is being used wisely.
Mr. Simon clarified that staff does not make decisions on the grants – the staff presents
the information to the Board and the Advisory Board for their recommendations. Chair
Cross elaborated that the only grants on the ConsentAgenda are ones thatare asking
for increases for additional expenditures, but Ms. Melley objected because the Board
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 8, 2016
had never seen them before. Mr. Simon pointed out there is a lot of information in the
backup documents, and wondered what she would like to see that is not there. Ms.
Melley felt they were given the material at the last minute, and thought the CRA
Advisory Board should make a recommendation to the CRA Board to revisit the process
of how they are issuing the grants. She feared that somebusinesses were taking
advantage of the grants.
Ms. Utterback stated that the grant funding for the last year was $600,000. When the
fiscal year begins in October, there will be$1,100 left.
Discussion ensued on the utilization of the grants, with Mr. Simon pointing out that the
ones who have not yet utilized the grant have not reached the point in their construction
where they can request reimbursement. Ms. Melley asserted that the process should
be tightened up, when grants come in,the Board needs to see them in their natural
form. She wanted the CRA Advisory Board/CRA Board to see the entire application
packet prior to it being on the agenda.
Chair Cross said thatall the applications that come in (approximately 48 per year)with
complete packets make it to the Consent Agenda of both the CRA Board and the
Advisory Board. Mr. Simon said that if the Board wanted to analyze and discuss each
grant, then they could be pulled from the Consent Agenda.
Chair Cross discussed the steps necessary for each grant to go forward, noting there
are 25 steps involved. She said that if Ms. Melley is not satisfied with the 25 steps, she
can make a request to put that item on the CRA Advisory Board agenda. At this point,
Ms. Melley stated she was requesting that they put on the Advisory Board agenda to
revisit the process of how the grants are reviewed, issued, and submitted to this Board
for Consent Agenda items.Chair Cross reiterated that items can be pulled from the
Consent Agenda at each meeting. Ms. Melley clarified that the Advisory Board does not
know enough about how the items get to theCRA Board or the Advisory Board, and
she wanted the CRA Board to direct the Advisory Board to take a review of the process
on how the grants are delineated, distributed, and followed up on.
Chair Cross advised Ms. Melley that as a citizen, she can recommend to the CRA Board
that they put it on the Advisory Board’s agenda.
Chair Cross asked if anyone wished to pull any item on the Consent Agenda for
Mr. Hendricks stated he did not have issue with the Consent Agenda per se, and he
said he trusts the process and people who review the grants. However, he did think
there was a lot of informationto review in a short period of time.Mr. Simon responded
that staff would do what he could to accommodate the Board’s suggestions.
Ms. Melley requested that Item C be pulled from the Consent Agenda.
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 8, 2016
made by Mr. Hendricks, seconded by Mr. Maharajh, to approve the remainder of
the Consent Agenda as it appears below (without Item C).In a voice vote, the motion
passed unanimously (6-0).
A. Approval of Advisory Board Minutes 7/21/16 – CRA Plan Consolidation
Special Meeting
B. Approval of Advisory Board Minutes 8/4/16
D. Approval of an Eligible Commercial Interior Build-Out Grant Increase to
Jamerican Cuisine, LLC in the amount of $5,000 for a Revised Grant
Totalof $11,875
E.Approval of Side Walk Café Permit Application for East Ocean Café
located at 412 E. Ocean Avenue
F. Financial Report for Period Ended August 31, 2016
VI.Information Only
A. Public Comment Log
B. Marketing and Business Development Campaign
C. CRA October Meeting Scheduled for Monday, October 10,2016@6:30
pm, City Hall
D. Florida RedevelopmentAssociation (FRA) Annual Conference
Chair Cross andMr. Hendricks aresigned up. Mr. Simon reminded the Board members
they are invited to attend and advised there is funding available. Board members
should call staff if they are interested. He reviewed the conference schedule.
E.Florida Festival and Events Association Presentation of Awards to the
CRA,MLK Committee and City of Boynton Beach for Project Seahorse,
Boynton Beach Celebrates MLK and the Boynton Beach Haunted Pirate
Fest and Mermaid Splash
F. Movies in the Park
Items Pulled from the Consent Agenda:
C. Approval of an Eligible Commercial Façade Grant Increase to 508 EBB,
LLC in the amount of $5,000 for a Revised Grant Total of $10,000
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 8, 2016
Ms. Utterback explained that the increase was for the parking lot. The business owner
was not aware of how much grant money there was, so he added the $5,000 on top of
the amount to redo his windows, doors, and paint
made by Mr. Hendricks, seconded by Vice Chair Pollock, to approve Item C of
the Consent Agenda. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Simon explained the process of re-allocation of grant monies not spent.
VII.Old Business: (Recommendations on CRA Board Agenda Items for
September 13, 2016)
A. Consideration of Resolution No. R16-02 Adopting the CRA Budget for
Chair Cross directed the Board’s attention to a handout showing what this Board
recommended to the CRA Board. Whatwas shown on the screen was what the CRA
Board returned.
There was a discussion about the deletion of the MLK Pocket Park from the budget,
with Chair Cross mentioning that the Police Department did not want that, and Mr.
Simon said there is another park in the area that is not being utilized.
Chair Cross reviewed their decision on the Neighborhood Policing Program.She stated
that the Board has to make sure that their money is not used to offset what otherwise
would be a City expense. Mr. Simon said the CRA Board did not want the additional
officer in the program because the program was still in its early stages and they wanted
to monitor its success before putting more money into it. They also made a suggestion
to the Police Chief and members of the unit that they better coordinate the bulk of the
officers’time so that they work the same hours.
Chair Cross mentioned the CRA Board did not put any extra money into Special Events
or Kinetic Arts. The Business/Culinary Incubator was given an additional $20,000, and
the MLK Corridor was given another $162,000.
Ms. Melley asked if the Advisory Board had talked about the fund balance, since she
was not in attendance at that meeting. Chair Cross reviewed the discussion for her.
Ms. Melley wondered if they could put the fund balance roll-over towards Debt Service
or letit go back “into the coffers.” Chair Cross pointed out that the Debt Service is a
fixed debt, and has just been refinanced; it is a bond. There is no reason to retire it
sooner. Ms. Melley believed that the $700,000 could be used for projectsthat have not
yet been done.
Ms. Melley also asked about the old high school, which has a matching grant with the
EPA. Mr. Simon clarified that the $225,000 from the EPA is an additional amount, not
included in the $450,000. The project will cost about $600,000.
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 8, 2016
Ms. Melley brought up the MLK Corridor improvements and wondered if there were
pictures and surveys of the land. Mr. Simon replied affirmatively, noting that the CRA
Board also has that information.
Chair Cross and Mr. Simon reviewed theprevious presentations to the Advisory Board
in response to Ms. Melley’s questionsabout the Complete Streets program,
Neighborhood Code Enforcement, Boynton Boulevard project, etc.
Mr. Simon advised that the CRA Board will approve its budget on September 13, 2016.
This Board can either support their recommendations or not.
Chair Cross wondered why the CRA Board allocated additionalmoney to the MLK
Corridor, and Mr. Simon said they had extra money and did not have anew project to
put it into. They did not reallocate the $75,000 that was left over from the Advisory
Board recommendations.
Mr. Murphy suggested some of the extra money ($87,000) could be taken out of the
Corridor project and be putinto the Neighborhood Policing, since that would benefit the
MLK Corridor. Discussion ensued on Mr. Murphy’s idea, with general agreement being
Vice Chair Pollock said he has not seen any progress being made on the MLK Corridor,
and they should put the money into the additional policing.
made by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Vice Chair Pollock, to recommend to the
CRA Board to reinstate the Neighborhood Policing Officer for $87,000, but keep the
extra $75,000 in the MLK CorridorDevelopment, for a total of $1,075,000 for the MLK
Corridor and $87,000 for the Neighborhood Police. In a voice vote, the motion passed
unanimously (6-0).
B. Consideration of Contract Addendum to the Purchase and Development
Agreement Entered into with Ocean Avenue Pride, LLC for 480 E. Ocean
Avenue Development Timeline
Mr. Simon explained that the addendum is to adjust the timeline so that it will match the
actual construction progress (they got a modification on the original agreement to
enclose the outdoor patio space).
made by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Mr. Hendricks, to recommend approval of
this item to the CRA Board. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (6-0).
CConsideration of Purchase and Development Agreement with Ocean
Breeze Housing Partners, LP (NuRock Development Partners, Inc.) for
the Ocean Breeze East Project in the Heart of Boynton
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 8, 2016
Mr. Simon explained that the CRA Advisory Board and the CRA Board had already
recommended and selected NuRock as the developer, and now the CRA Board is
returning theagreement with the developer.All the terms and conditions are consistent
with what was discussed at the meeting.
Chair Cross wondered if the CRA would be obligated to sell them the land if they did not
receive funding, and Mr. Simon replied in the negative. He also said thedeveloper
would not be obligated to purchase the land.
made by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Mr. Hendricks, to recommend Item C to the
CRA Board. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (6-0).
DConsideration of Community Benefits Agreement between the CRA and
Ocean Breeze Housing Partners, LP (NuRock Development Partners,
Inc.) for the Ocean Breeze East Project in the Heart of Boynton
Mr. Simon provided an overview of ItemVII-D.
made by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Mr. Hendricks, to recommend Item VII-D to
the CRA Board. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (6-0).
EConsideration of Interlocal Agreement between the CRA and the City for
the Required Local Government Contribution in the Amount of $100,000
to Ocean Breeze Housing Partners, LP (NuRock Development Partners,
Inc.) for the Ocean Breeze East Project
Mr. Simon provided an overview of the item.
made by Mr. Hendricks, seconded by Mr. Maharajh, to recommend Item VII-E to
the CRA Board. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (6-0).
FConsideration of Addendum to the Purchase and Development
Agreement entered into with Heartfelt Florida Housing CLT of South
Palm Beach County, Inc. for two lots located in the Model Block Project
in the Heart of Boynton
Mr. Simon provided an overview of the item.
made by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Mr. Hendricks, to recommend Item VII-F to
the CRA Board. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (6-0).
VIII.New Business: (Recommendations on CRA Board Agenda Items for
September 13, 2016)
A. Annual Performance Evaluation of Executive Director by CRA Advisory
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 8, 2016
Chair Cross thanked the members of the Boardfor their input on the annual
performance evaluation. Mr. Simon explained this item is not a decision item, it is just a
reviewof the process.
Ms. Melley pointed out that the organizational chart does not show the Advisory Board
having any say over the Executive Directors’ performance. Mr. Simonsaid it was an
oversight on the part of the CRA Board and staff not to have a box for the Advisory
Board. They will change it and rename to chart to Version 2.
Chair Cross mentioned they also need to add the City Commission to the chart, since
the Commission can put items on the Advisory Board’s agenda. The City Commission
should be at the top of the chart.
Ms. Melley said she felt uncomfortable making any recommendation on the Executive
Director’s performance, since she has had limited contact with her. Mr. Simon said the
Advisory Board can state that they were uncomfortable if that is their desire. If they
wish to make a recommendation, they also have that opportunity.
Chair Cross thoughtMs. Brooks had done a great job, but felt there was room for
clarification of the Board’s role. Ms. Melley wanted to have materials sooner to process
the information, and perhaps there was room for better organization. She also wanted
to see projects come to fruition, but did not know whose responsibility that was. Ms.
Melley suggested having benchmarks to evaluate the position. Mr. Simon pointed out
that the list of accomplishments that were expected of her are the only benchmarks
B.Review and Recommendations for the Renewal of CRA Executive
Director’s Employment Agreement
Chair Cross wondered if there was a City salary increase, and Mr. Simon replied
Mr. Murphy thought it was difficultto recommend any salary increase and said that
should be done by through negotiation. Mr. Hendricks said the CRA Board would
ultimately make that decision. Mr. Simon clarified that a neutral position on salary
increase was not because they thought she did not deserve an increase, but because
they did not feel it was their role.
Chair Cross advised that the Executive Director’s employment agreement states that if
the employee’s performance is above satisfactory, the salary shall be considered by the
Board for a salary increase.It was noted that the Advisory Board determined her
performance to be above satisfactory. Mr. Simon clarified that the CRA Board has
flexibility to decide the amount of the increase.
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 8, 2016
made by Mr. Hendricks, seconded by Ms. Melley, to recommend renewal of Ms.
Brooks’ contract with no recommendation one way or another on a salary increase. In a
voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (6-0).
C. Consideration of Issuance of Request forProposal for the Cottage
Districtin the Heart of Boynton
Chair Cross explained Item C.
made by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Ms. Melley, to accept ItemVIII-C. In a voice
vote, the motion passed unanimously (6-0).
D.Consideration of Additional Year Extension of Agreement of Real Estate
Services between the CRA and Anderson and Carr, Inc.
Mr. Simon provided an overview of Item D. He said the CRA does not pay the broker
any fee to look for properties, and the CRA is in an exclusive agreement with them.
Anotheragent couldbring a listing to the CRA, but the agent of record is Anderson and
Carr, Inc. The brokerage firm represents the CRA. Mr. Simon reviewedthe
transactions they made over the past year (as listed on page 378 of the agenda packet).
made by Mr. Hendricks, seconded by Mr. Murphy, to approve Item VIII-D. In a
voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (6-0).
E. Consideration of entering into a Purchase Agreement with D & J
Housing, LLC in the amount of $19,000 for Lot 10, NE 10Avenue in the
Heart of Boynton
made by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Mr. Hendricks, to approve Item VIII-E.
F. Consideration of entering into a Purchase Agreement with Islam
Shamsad in the amount of $425,000 for 513 SE 4Street
Chair Cross said this item is for the dog park. She referenced the materials in the
backup, pointing out that the property was appraised for $485,000.Mr. Simon said this
property was selected for a dog park as part of the Strategic Plan.
Mr. Hendricks wondered if they could move the dog park when they develop across the
street. Mr. Simon replied that could be mentioned to the CRA Board at that time, but the
amount of investment may not make it an easy decision. He said it is going to have
separate areas for dogs based on size, etc.
Mr. Hendricks mentioned that the area is prime for development along the Federal
Corridorand did not want to see a dog park there that might block any future
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 8, 2016
Chair Cross said they need greenspace, and she thought the dog park was a good
made by Ms. Melley, seconded by Mr. Murphy, to approve Item VIII-F. In a
voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (6-0).
G. Consideration of Economic Development Grants for FY2016-2017
1. Commercial Rent Reimbursement
Chair Cross said this item was to reduce the hours of a full-service restaurant from noon
to 10:00 p.m. to noon to 9:00 p.m. Mr. Simon clarified that the item was based on a rent
recipient’s comments.
Chair Crosswas not infavor of changing the minimum to 9:00 p.m., citing she would
rather have someone apply for an exception to 10:00 p.m. Ms. Utterback advised they
had not had many full-service restaurants apply for grants because they have to have
50 seats or more. The few that do qualify do not have many people eating at that hour.
Mr. Simon stated that experience has shown that making them stay open until 10:00
p.m. is a “hurdle” for the restaurants to meet.
Criteria for Tier Two businesseswere discussed. It was confirmed that if the business
has “1099” employees, they could be eligible.
The list of businesses that are eligible for rent reimbursementwas reviewed. Ms.
Melley thought nail/hair salons,fitness centers, and take-out foodshould not be
excluded. It was pointed out that the list is reviewed each year, and certain businesses
are excluded whenthere is already an abundance of that type of business. Ms. Melley
spoke about a particular nail salon that is struggling to make itfinancially.
Mr. Hendricks suggested reviewing the list more thoroughly.
made by Ms. Melley, seconded by Mr. Murphy,to not remove fitness centers,
hair/nail salons, and florists from the ineligible list for the Commercial Rent
Reimbursement Program; and, to amend the hours of a restaurant being open to a
minimum of nine hours in operation versus a time window. In a voice vote, the motion
passed unanimously (6-0).
2. Commercial Interior Build-Out
Mr. Simon reviewed the bulleted points (on page 504 of the agenda packet) indicating
suggested revisions to the program.
Regarding the lien search, Ms. Utterback advised they added that in because they have
to pay for it through the City.
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 8, 2016
Ms. Utterback confirmed they have 90 days to complete theprojects from the time of
permitting with a 90-day extension.
made by Mr. Hendricks, seconded by Ms. Melley, to approve the revisions to the
Commercial Interior Build-Out. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (6-0).
Ms. Melley confirmed that the ineligible businesses that were added back into the
eligible list would be included in this item.
3. Commercial Façade
Mr. Simon reviewed the language changes to this item.
Ms. Melley brought up her desirethat the CRA review the vetting process for grant
applicants, noting that the Commercial Façade grants were a part of that. She wanted
to recommend that the CRA examine the process of issuing and recommending the
issuance of façade, interior renovation and rent reimbursements for businesses in
Boynton Beach, emerging and existing. Mr. Simon confirmed that the CRA would bring
back ways to better facilitate theBoard’s review of grantsprior to approving them.
Ms. Utterback clarified thattheCommercial Façade grant does not have the same
criteria because it is beautifying the outside, not the inside.
Chair Cross suggested that they discuss the process so it is clear to them before
making recommendations for change.
Mr. Simonstated that either for the October agenda, or no later than November, they
would provide a breakdown of the process as it is now for staff. Chair Cross said they
want to understand how it got to where it is so that it is easier for them to make grant
recommendations. She also said it would be helpful to know more about the
applications that are turned down.
4. Commercial Construction Permit Incentive
Mr. Simonstated they used to require a copy of the Countywide Municipal Building
Permit Application Form, but they no longer need it because theCity uses the same
made by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Mr. Hendricks, to approve Item VIII-G-4. In a
voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (6-0).
H. Consideration of FY16-17 Boynton Harbor Marina Dockage Lease
Agreement and Slip Rate
Chair Cross noticedthat thetwo Loggerhead marinas (North and South Lantana)will be
charging less than the Boynton Harbor Marina with electric and water included, and
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 8, 2016
wondered if Boynton would lose customers because of that. Mr. Simon replied that they
are comparing to other municipal marinas for pricing purposes, but hedid not think
Loggerhead was similar to Harbor as far as proximity to businesses, location, quality of
existing facility, etc.He said that Harbor generally has a waiting list for tenants. Mr.
Simon added there has not been an increase in four years.
made by Mr. Hendricks, seconded by Mr. Murphy, to recommend the increase in
the rate from $16.00 to $18.00. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (6-0).
Mr. Simon suggestedthat the CRA Board provide an abatement of the first month’s rent
that tenants would be paying October 1 for their slips due to construction, whichwould
negatively affect access to their slips.
made by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Ms. Melley, to approve the abatement of the
first month’s rent that tenants would pay October 1, 2016. In a voice vote, the motion
passed unanimously (6-0).
I. Consideration of First Addendum to the2006 Grantof Easement between
the CRA and DSS Properties a/k/a Two Georges
Mr. Simon provided an overview of the owner’s request. He stated that the owner is
asking forthe use of four parking places in the garage to replace thefour parking places
onthe road.Mr. Simon elaborated that the four parking spaces would say “Two
Georges” instead of “Public Parking.”
made by Ms. Melley, seconded by Mr. Hendricks, to approve Item VII-I. In a
voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (6-0).
J. Consideration of Purchase Agreementbetween the CRA and Kim
Newtonfor the property located at 120 NW 11Avenue in the amount of
$130,000 for the Model Block Project in the Heart of Boynton
Chair Cross asked what the City was paying for the easement, and Mr. Simon advised it
is less than $130,000 and is part of the eminent domain.
made by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Ms. Melley, to approve ItemVII-J. In a voice
vote, the motion passed unanimously (6-0).
IX.Public Comment
– None.
X.Future Agenda Items:
A. Consideration of Purchase and Development Agreement with Heritage at
City View Housing Partners, LP (NuRock Development Partners, Inc.) for
the 2.97 Acre Project Site Known as MLK
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 8, 2016
B. Consideration of Interlocal Agreement between the CRA and the City for
the Required Local Government Contribution in the Amount of
$1,000,000 to Heritage at City View Housing Partners, LP (NuRock
Development Partners, Inc.) for the 2.97 Acre Project Site Known as
C. Consideration of Community Benefits Agreement between the CRA and
Heritage at City View Housing Partners, LP (NuRock Development
Partners, Inc.) for the Ocean Breeze East Project in the Heart of Boynton
D.Review of Bid Proposals and Drawings for Amphitheatre Awning
Structure Renovation
Mr. Simon advised that the consideration of changing the Board meeting in October
(ItemVI-C) was for the CRA Board meeting, and was not something this Board needs to
vote on. It will not affect the October 6 meeting of this Board.
made by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Ms. Melley, to adjourn the meeting at 8:29
[Minutes transcribed by J. Rubin, Prototype, Inc.]