OY, JULY 1, 2016, AT 6:30 P. M.
Barbara Ready, Chair
Jason Shaffer
Dr. Ginger Pedersen
Michael Wilson
Hollis Tidwell, III, Alternate
Cheryl Black, Alternate
Eric Salomonsson, Vice Chair
Michelle Dion
Susan Oyer
1. Pledge of Allegiance
Warren Adams, Historic Preservation Planner
Chair Ready called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. Dr. Pedersen led the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
2. Agenda Approval
Dr. Pedersen moved to approve the agenda
unanimously passed.
3. Approval of Minutes
Mr. Hollis seconded the motion that
Mr. Adams noted a change on page three, Item 6.A, first and fourth paragraphs,
Certificate of Approval should be Certificate of Appropriateness.
Mr. Shaffer moved to approve the minutes as amended. Ms. Black seconded the
motion that unanimously passed,
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resource Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 11, 2016
4. Communications and Announcements
Mr. Adams noted Vice Chair Salomonsson, Ms. Oyer and Ms. Dion advised they would
not be present. Mr. Adams also recognized new Board Member, Michael Wilson.
5. Old Business: None.
6. New Business:
A. COA 16-001: Magnuson House, 211 E. Ocean Avenue
Certificate of Appropriateness application for the proposed
rehabilitation of the Magnuson House for use as a restaurant. The
application includes alterations, repairs, site works, demolition and new
Mr. Adams explained the Magnuson House was built circa 1919 as a two-story frame
vernacular house having many original features. It is on the Local Register of Historic
Places. The proposal is to rehabilitate the structure and convert it to a bar/restaurant.
The details were emailed to the members. Mr. Adams had no issue with the driveways
and walkways. There was a section of a buffer wall that is required by Code that the
applicant will apprise the Board about. Site features such as a trellis, dumpster
enclosure, bocce court, fire pits were all acceptable amenities as they are not attached
to the building. The applicant has also agreed to relocate the Heritage Trail sign to City
owned property to the east. All Heritage Trail signs are located on City -owned property.
The chimney will be removed and was not original to the building. One jalousie window
on the first floor and the front door will be replaced, and in addition to those
specifications, Mr. Adams will need the detail and the finish of the proposed wall mount
The front porch will be replaced based on historic evidence and an access ramp
required by the Americans with Disabilities Act will run parallel to the building along the
east side. Details how it will be attached were needed. One main change is the interior
staircase will be removed, but Mr. Adams did not have any issue with it as they do not
review the building's interior, which was proposed to have an open floor plan on the first
and second floors. Dr. Pederson asked if the materials from the staircase could be
saved, and learned the applicant agreed to salvage whatever could be reused. Mr.
Adams will review anything that could not be reused and will try to find another use for
it. The applicant has also agreed to contact Mr. Adams if they find any artifacts and he
will contact the Historical society.
Another major item was demolition of the existing rear addition, built approximately in
the 1950's. It was not significant enough to keep as it is in a deteriorated condition.
The solid wall addition behind the house would house the kitchen, and was where the
restrooms and bar will be. There will be a canopy east of the building with no solid walls
which will have a lot less impact on a historic structure. Mr. Adams noted when
converting residential structures to a new use, there will be some changes.
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resource Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 11, 2016
His recommendation to the Board was to approve the application with conditions for
drawings and specifications for the new buffer wall to be submitted for review; all
necessary repairs and patching be done with appropriate materials methods; if any
windows or doors are replaced, justification for the replacement must be provided with
new specifications and drawings submitted for review; clarification of the proposed color
and finish for the proposed wall mounted lights; and how the access ramp is attached to
the building must be submitted. Specifications for all new doors, windows and moveable
glazed panels on new additions must be submitted for review. If the applicant agrees to
the conditions, Mr. Adams requested the Board allow him to review them instead of
coming back to the Board.
Jim Williams, AW Architects, 7700 Congress Avenue, Boca Raton was present. Ms.
Black asked about fencing to the east and west of the building. Mr. Williams explained
they were trying to resolve the buffer wall issue with the CRA and the City. If a wall is
built, it will match the columns that are in the front of the structure with the same
spacing and solid stucco wall between the columns. Dr. Pederson asked about the plan
for the interior of the house and learned the kitchen and restrooms will be in the addition
and the ground floor of the house will be restaurant seating. The upstairs will be
administrative and storage only with no public access.
Mr. Wilson asked if windows would be removed on the back of the property or if they
would open a doorway. Mr. Williams explained there was an addition in the back which
is in bad shape. The addition will be removed and there will be openings where the
addition was attached so the restaurant seating area will connect to where the old
addition was. Mr. Wilson asked if the enclosed addition would wrap around to the side
and learned there will be an open area on the side that has a bigger outdoor porch that
will have an exterior bar protruding behind a trellis. Almost all of the addition is to the
rear and side. There will be windows on the first floor east elevation in the rear of the
building and two windows will be converted to a door.
Mr. Tidwell asked about the wood species on the trellis and learned it would be made
from cedar. He commented the detail on the trellis looked clumsy and segmented and
he inquired if it could be made more historic looking. Mr. Williams agreed to look at it,
noting the rafter tails on the house. Mr. Hollis asked if more natives could be included in
the landscape. Mr. Williams explained the idea is to heavily landscape and save the
trees that are there. The proposed owner preferred landscaping similar to Guanabanas
in Jupiter.
Chair Ready asked about the staircase and learned it will only attach to the house on
the top landing. The siding will stay, but Mr. Williams explained they will have to find a
good replacement siding, and some areas need patching. The colors have been
submitted using a historic palate. He wished the CRA would remove the bollards by the
low wall.
Mr. Adams liked to see the architects address their concerns and felt there was a good
middle ground. The majority of the addition that can be seen was a covered porch and
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resource Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 11, 2016
the reuse would be a great addition to Ocean Avenue. Chair Ready asked if the buffer
wall is required. Mr. Williams explained there was a lot of interpretation as they were
buffering against the rights-of-way. The CRA did not favor the wall, and Planning and
Zoning indicated they must have a wall. If there is agreement who will pay for the wall,
there will be a wall. Chair Ready thought a wall with an art feature could suffice. Mr.
Williams questioned if a City urban site really needed to be walled off as the adjacent
duplexes would be heavily screened.
Dr. Pederson noted Harborside in Jupiter has had problems with noise. Mr. Williams
explained that was discussed and the operator was notified they have to adhere to not
exceeding a certain decibel level. The owner intended to provide small group, live music
on the weekends and for dining, otherwise small speakers hidden the landscape will be
oriented towards the building.
Chair Ready asked if the signage would have a historic look. Mr. Williams explained the
sign would be similar to Dada's in Delray Beach and would be located in the
landscaping, 10 feet off the property line. Mr. Wilson asked how far the front porch that
would be added would extend and learned it would match what was originally there. In
front of the patio are brick pavers for outdoor dining. There would not be a driveway for
vehicles; it will be all pedestrian area in the front of the building on the east side of the
building and attached at the top of the ramp, and it could be wood, if needed.
Dr. Pederson moved to approve. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion.
Mr. Adams suggested the motion should be to approve subject to the applicant meeting
the conditions of approval and the condition that Mr. Tidwell mentioned (the trellis
needing a more historic look.). Dr. Pederson amended her motion to include the
additional language. Mr. Shaffer seconded the amendment that unanimously passed.
Dr. Pedersen moved that the conditions are submitted to Mr. Adams for approval and
the application will not require further approval by the Board. Mr. Shaffer seconded the
motion that unanimously passed
B. Potential NW 1St Avenue Historic District
Mr. Adams explained the City is changing its redevelopment plans including future land
uses. There was a block of properties on NW 1St Avenue. Currently, it is zoned low
density residential and the lots to the north on Boynton Beach Boulevard are zoned
commercial. One proposal was to redevelop Boynton Beach Boulevard and to change
both the lots on Boynton Beach Boulevard and the blocks on the north side of NW 1s' to
commercial. In the future, developers could come in and start to assemble land. More
depth was wanted for frontages on Boynton Beach Boulevard to pull it back towards
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resource Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 11, 2016
NW 1 st Avenue.
A second option pertained to a historic district. Mr. Adams noted there was a
concentration of 1920 historic homes in that area and in January had spoken to the
owners about a potential for a Historic District. If so, some lots would remain residential
and commercial development would occur on the northwest side of NW 1St Avenue
jutting up and down to allow some of the homes to remain residential.
One option was to adopt the future land use change as proposed and move ahead.
The residential owners could apply for individual historic designation. If sold to a
developer in the future, Mr. Adams would encourage the developer to relocate those
homes. Two other homes on the north side were eligible for the individual designation.
This option would allow those homes to remain where they are. Mr. Adam had a
meeting with the residents and six owners showed up and voted what their preference
would be. He will contact everyone else again to give them the opportunity to have their
say and the CRA agreed if residents want a historic district they will support it. If the
residents favor the district, it would only start the process. Homes not within a potential
historic district could submit applications for individual designations and Mr. Warren
would push for developers purchasing those lots to relocate the home. There was
nothing to panic about if the future land use change moved forward. He did not know
when the physical changes would occur and it could be 20 years for developers to
assemble the lots.
If the future land use is changed, a home could be purchased and converted to a salon,
but the only access to the properties will be off Boynton Beach Boulevard. If moving
ahead, a boundary wall will be built on the north side of NW 1St Avenue, which will be
screened and have a bike path. Mr. Adams noted there was a historic home on the
corner of NW 1St and 3rd, another on the corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and 1St
Avenue, and another on NW 2nd Avenue.
Mr. Adams reiterated he would contact the property owners who did not attend the
meeting to see if they were interested in forming a District. Chair Ready asked if two
homes on the edge of a potential district could be included in the district and learned
they could, but it would affect the future potential development of another block and it
did not appear to have the support of the CRA. If it goes to the City Commission and it
was not approved, there is nothing stopping the owners from individually designating
their property, and if done, any future development of the site would be reviewed by the
Board. If lots are designated individually, relocation or demolition of the sites would
have to be reviewed by the Board. Seven of 13 property owners have responded. He
thought if the other property owners individually designated, should the land be
assembled; any future proposal for the buildings would have to be reviewed by the
Board which strengthens the position the developer would have to move the buildings.
Discussion followed if a property owner did not attend the CRA meeting, they would not
know the plans for the area. Mr. Adams commented the CRA held public information
meetings, and he also spoke with the residents. Chair Ready thought the public
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resource Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 11, 2016
information was provided quickly. She realized it would impact this potential district and
had raised objections. The CRA Advisory Board was also given the information and
indicated they did not have enough time to properly review the plans. She thought all
needed more time to understand the plans and get the word out and the neighborhood
on Old Dixie should also be reviewed. Mr. Adams explained that neighborhood was
surveyed extensively and half is in the City and the other half is County. Of the City
properties, one owner owns a majority of the sites who was amenable to forming a
district, but Mr. Adams has not heard from him. They could not create a district there
without the property owner's permission. Mr. Adams thought there were potentially six
historic buildings that could be impacted in the future and the subject sites had the most
significant concentration of old homes.
Mr. Tidwell thought the homes on NW 3rd Street to the corner were the most important
and was the longest block. Chair Ready thought it was important to share with the
homeowner they do not have to sell their home no matter what is zoned and the gas
station would be grandfathered in as commercial.
Discussion followed about including other homes in a historic district and approaching
other homeowners. At a minimum, they could apply for individual designation as
opposed to trying to change the boundary of what the CRA is on record of supporting.
Whatever happens must be approved by the City Commission. Mr. Adams commented
it would be better to have homes designated now so if a developer purchased them,
there would be a stronger case to relocate the homes. The subject homeowners were
informed by letter about a potential district and he spoke to seven of the thirteen and
would reach out to them again. If they do not respond, it will be considered a negative
response. Approval by 51 % of the property owners was needed. Chair Ready asked if
individually designated homes could be added to the District, and learned it was
essentially the same as being in District, but it would mean if there was a vacant lot in
the district, another historic home could be relocated there. There were five or six
options for a district boundary. Mr. Adams agreed to contact the homeowners that have
not responded and give them another option, but if a district is not created, at least the
homeowners know they can still be individually designated. Mr. Adams explained he
conducted surveys, made proposals, spoke to the CRA, and mailed letters.
7. Other: None
8. Comments by member
Chair Ready announced the Historical Society starts meeting again in September. Ms.
Black pointed out Dr. Pedersen and Ms. Oyer made the newspaper. Dr. Pedersen
noted Agnes Ballard was the first woman architect and the first woman elected
Superintendent in Palm Beach County.
Mr. Tidwell inquired about parking for the Magnuson House project and learned they
would use the new parking lot, walkway and parking by Dewey Place. There is also on -
street parking.
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resource Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 11, 2016
9. Public comments.
10. Announce date of next meeting — August 8, 2016
11. Adjournment
There being no further to discuss, Chair Ready properly adjourned the meeting at 7:31
p. M.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist