Agenda 11-21-00The City of City Commission AGENDA NOVEMBER 21, 2000 Gerald Broening Mayor At Large Ronald W~ilan d Vice Mayor District I Bruce Black Commissioner District II William A. Sherman Mayor Pro Tem District III Charlie Fisher Commissioner District IV Kurt Bressner City Manager CT ICT Ii DISTRICT I Visit our Web site www,cLboynton-beach.fl.us Thank you c~rY Ol THE AGENDA: Them san offcia agenda for every meet ng of Be City Corem ssioners, which determines the order of busineSS conducted at the meet ng ~e City CommiSsion, will' not take ac~0n::~u~o~ a~Ymatter, pr°p°sal, Or tern of business, wh ch is not ist~d upon the offcia a~enda, unless a maj0~i~ of the Commission has fir~ consented to the presentat on for cons ~erat on And action. · Consent Agenda Ztems:, These are items~ which the Comm ssion does not need to discuss individually and which are voted On as a group. · thAeg~n~na~a~..tems: These are items,, which the Commission. will discuss individually in the order ~/~ V;te: ~ Voi~e vote by the commission indicates approvat of the agenda item. This can be by either ' a ~g~ta'r voice v0t~ with "Ayes 8~ Nays" or by a roil call vote. SP ~F. AKZNG AT COPlI~t~rSSTON F,IEETZNGS: Ther I~§liC is encouCag~d to offer comment to the Commission at their meetings during Public Hearings, Public Audience, and on any regular agenQa item. City Commission meetings are business meetings, and as such, the Commission retains the rignt to limit discussion on an issue. Comment card~s,,are located on the table by the entry door to the Chambers. Please complete a "Comment by the Pub c Card and give it to the City Clerk at the left end of the dais before the "Openings" portion of the meeting, As a general practice, comment cards will not be accepted after presentation of an agenda item has begun. · Public Headng$~ Any citizen may speak on an official agenda item under the section entitled "Public Hearings". · Public Audience: Any citizen may be heard concerning any matter within the scope of the jurisdiction of the Commission. Please use the yellow colored card for matters not listed on t~e agenda. The Mayor will call for speakers by n.a. me from the ye ow cards provided by the City Clerk. · R Ular Agenda Ztems. Any citizen may speak on any official agenda item(s) listed on the agenda after a m~o~tion h~s been made and properly seconded. Please use the green cOlored card for matters listed on the agenda. The Mayor will call for speakers' by name from the green cards provided by the City Clerk. ADDRESS'ZNGTHE COMI4ISSZON: When your name is called, please step up to either podium and state, for the record, your name and address. DECORU 14: Any person making impertinent or slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Commission will be barred from further audience before the Commission by the presiding officer, unless. . permission to continue or again address the Commission is granted by the majority vote of the Commission members present. Please turn off all pagers and cellular phones in the City Commission Chambers while the City Commission Meeting is in session. City Commission meetings are held in the Boynton Beach City Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach. All regular meetings are held typically on' the first and third Tuesdays of every month, starting at 6:30 p.m. (Please check the Agenda Schedule - some meetings have been moved due to Holidays/Election Day). TUESDAy, NOVEI~BER 2'/, 2000 AT 6:~ p.j~, PUBILZC BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BO YNTON BEACH REGULAR CITY COHM!rssION HEE'r~NG AGENDA November 21, 2000 6:30 P.M, OPEN/'NGS: Call to Order - Mayor Gerald Broening Invocation - Reverend Rick Riccardi - Police Chaplain Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Chadie Rsher 1'Fy -~ HT: ADDRE -THE: MHZ- Z N: ; F..L.L_O_~UT._T_HE APPROPI~T. ATE REQUEST F ~.~v= ,ri: TO THE CZTY CL ORM PORTZON OF'THe .,,_.._-_ERK {ON THE DA,T.S) BEFORF: ~; ~t:~UA HAS B '"' ' · COME TO THE w',r~]'ll~a .... .,- EEN COMPLETED. "OPENZNGS" '~ '""--- · ~V.EN -HE MAYOR CALLS YOUR NAME ZND~DUALS MAY SPEAK FOR THREE UNZNTERRUPTED MZNUTES, E. Agenda Approval: 1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections 2. Adoption PUBLIC AUDIENCE: ZNDI~V~DUAL SPEAKERS WZLL BE L~MI"TED TO 3-MZNUTE PRESENTATIONS ADMZNI*STRATI'VE: A. Appointments to be.made: City of Boynton Beach ~,Acjenda :~guiar City CommiSsion Meeting November 21, 2000 Appointment 1¥ Fisher Hayor Broening "I Weiland I Weiland I[! S~terman [V Fisher II Weiland Mayor 8roening Bldg. Board of Adjurent &~ APPeals Education AdviSOry Board Planning 8~ Development B6ard' Recreation & ParkS Board Length of Term At- Ai~ 1 vr te~to 4/0~, Tabl~ (3) ~lt ~ yr te~ to 4/0[ Ta~ed (2) ,~ t ';2 ~ term to 4/02 T~led (3) A~' ;~ ~ ~ yr te~ to 4]0~ Tabl~ (3) Alt 1 yr te~ to 4/01 Tabled (2) Nt 1 yr term m ~/0~ Tabl~ ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTAT/ONS: AnnouncementS: 1. TNT Concert - From 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m, on December 8, 2000 at Oceanfront Park (Holiday Tunes) Presentations: 1. Proclamations: None Orientation PowerPoint Presentation - Parks Department -]ohn Wildner Presentation from Paint Your Heart Out of Palm Beach County, [nc. te the CiW of Boynton Beach made by Octavia Sherrod, community Development Manager V. CONSENT AGENDA: Matters in this seddon of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the Oty Manager for "Consent Agenda" approval of the action indicated in each item, with all of the accompanying material to become a part of the Public Record and subject to staff comments. Minutes: l. Agenda Preview Conference - November 2, 2000 2. CiW commmsion workshop Meeting - November 2, 2000 City of Boynton Beach Agenda Regular CityCommission Meeting November 2~., 2000 Bids - Recommend Approval - All expenditures are approved in the 2000-200I Adopted Budget Award the "REBID FOR PARTS & LABOR FOR THE REFURBISHMENT OF ONE (1) DIESEL POWERED, 1988 LEIBHERR WHEELED EXCAVATOR", BID #004-2516-01/KR, to Masthead Hose & Supp.y, in the amount of $15,164.86 Approve the piggyback of C~I'Y OF DADE C~TY, BID # 99-06, for the "PORCRASE 0~ ~. NEw SELF-pROpELLED ASPHALT SPREADER W~'H OPTIONS from Tr ~County Equipment in thE'amount of $26,867.86 and utilizing STATE OF FLORIDA, CONTRACT ~#760-001-99-1 for the "PURCHASE OF A TN (10) TON, T~LT BED TRAILER from Custom Trailer, Inc., in the amount of $11,145 Utilize STATE OF FLORIDA, CONTRACT NO. 425-001-97-1 for the "PURCHASE OF OF~CE CHAIRS FOR POLTCE DEPARTMENT from Thomas W. Ruff & Company in the arno'unt of $11,522.73 Approve the purchas? of a. FOUR (4) TON CAPAC~q~' RMV "HOT PATCHER~' W~ OPTIONS from vantag~ Equpment Company uUlizing SNAPS II AGREEMENT #845139 )n the amount of $16,371 Piggyba,c,k COU 1'ER COUNTY .BID ~/:99,2927 to Insituform Techno ,o,g es, Inc. for TRENCRLESs $~ER SYSTEM REHASiL~q-AT~ON SERVICES with estimated expenditures of $33,617 to Trio bid to two (2) companies for JFT'STAT~ONS #316, #317, #319 & Ft. Lauderdale, Florida part for additional typical submersible station for an estimated Approve the "PURCHASE OF VARIOUS NEW/REPLACEMENT VEHICLES" in ~e amount of $278,~5 utilizirtg STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT #070- 001-99-1 aS awarded ~ t~'e Stat~ to multiple vendors .U, tilize STATE O.F FLORIDA CONTRACT NO, 760-960-100 for the 'PURCHASE OF A N~INDU~L TRACTOR. LOAdER from Pioneer Machinery )nc. in the a~h0~nt of $27,801 29 Approve the piggyback of PALM BEACH COUNTY CONTRACT NO. R-gg- 742D to Stephen Boruff, AIA, Architects & Planners, Inc. for City of Boynton Beach Agenda Regular City Commission Heeting NOvember 21, 2000 "ARCHI-fECTURAL AND ENG[NEEP,/NG SERVICES' with estimated expenditures of $55,ooo ~.10. Approve *-the piggyback of Miami-Dado County Bid #1072-1/00-1 ta Wall Innovators, [nc. f0r 0ffice renovations inithe amount of $22,520.50 Resolutions: l. Pr~,po ~. ~eso!~t[0n*No,,.,R.0~-,1,,6~:~ Be!, ~p[~ng the execution of an · !9~grlo~rlA~'~?o~':',~:~ig]~o!-i~ e~ ~e ~al~ BeaCh County (PBC) Surplus '~ri~ 5tom~ fc~r the~ipurpo.Se'"0( ~i~p~os~ihg[~i[ ~u.rplu~pgi~le personal property 2. ;Pm~d ResoluUon~N°~R00,i~2' P'e~ L ; fi~p~p~ing appointment of Watly 3. release of a the ]~nterlocal of Boynton Beach ~ a United States the Hayor to ar Community Policing the Department of ¸7. fOr eleven (11) contracts (CDBG) sub-recipients the re~ease of the ), approving the responsibilities of None Approw . an-AURA Ductless Fume Enclosure and filters Trust Fund Approve change Orders, N0~s;;2, ~3;;a~ ~ pn the Ocean Avenue Promenade project (Change Order #1' ~a$.the elj~n~fJ~n~ ~',~00 61°Ck from the project.) Accept the report fro~ ~e ~0~u~W: ~elatio~ns Board r..eg?rdi~cj their recommendatio, for P~TCH (Planned Appr0~ch m Commuti W,~H~alth) Steenng Committee membership City of Boynton Beach Agenda Regular City Commission Meeting November 21, 2000 N Approve Task Order #36 between CH2M Hill and the City of Boynton Beach for Engineering Services for the Des gn and Repair of the Deep InjeCtion Well 1W in the amount Of $981, :~O1 Approve State Housing InitiatiVes Partnershi SHIP of $10,000 to Asnor and ~--.~ ...... . P.( ) Grant funds n the a oun : ,-,~,,;,,~ uur no purchase, as first-time homebuye'rr~i thlet property located at 454 SW 2" Avenue Approve the expenditure of $26,200 for the purchase of one copy of ArcSDE8 e~lt~erprise sol'are and two copies of Arc/Info8 Software, required components of ~he G.LS. Implemehtatibn Plan Approve Task Order #1 With CH2M Hi l for the design, permitting, bidding services and services dui;ifi~:~or~stt~J~ion fciC the replacement of water ~ains and st°rmWat~r'impr°vements' i;q Seacrest Estates in the amount of $:[60,110 Approve ~ Police £ to make modifications to the of $11 ,Ystem in the amount Approve exDenditure of $26,006. for the purchase of eighteen copies of A.rcView3.2 GZS so.are and the ?tsnua?~.~aintenance/technical support to be obtained through the: SNAPS Agreer~ent Nb~ ~521878-1. Approve expenditure of Route SoftWare and: one ArcLogistics Solutionslthrough SNAPS ~ndle from C & C Approve expenditure of $31,408, for a GIS- :~erver and 3 G]S workstations compaq ComPUter through State of Flor/da ~Contract 250-040-99-1, from C1TYMANAGER~REPORT: PowerPoint Presentation by City Manager and Commissioner Black Murals of Lake Placid, Flodda - Proposed Policy for Community Activity Grants (November 21, 2000) Follow-up report on Non~Conforming Signs Authorize Public Affairs Director to utilize COMCAST and subsequently, Adelphia CATV:for ~nformational and~ Promotional spots on Boynton Beach City of Boynton Beach Agenda Regular City Commission Meeting November 21, 2000 P~iBET. c HEARZNG:" 7:00 P~M. ~OR AS Soon THEREAFTER ~'THE AGENDA PERMZTS ProjeCt: Agent: Applicant: and Owner: Trustee Winchester hocatio n: (PCD) Description: Club Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Winchester to construct a gas station drive-in bank 28~ 2000 ~nc~ Agent: Owner: .Drive, south of Gateway Location: between Description: FUTURE AGENDA [TEMS: of Planning Consultant fo~;Federal Highway Zoning in Recornmendaben of A. ProgreSS Study (December, 5~ 2,.0 ~ .~00'!. Report on CRA Appoinb'nent 2000) r 19, 2000) Ordinance ~Se~ice~Speclal Assessment (December 19, 2000) C. D. E. F. Resolution Future Annexation Areas (3anua~y 2, 2001) Review policy for cemetery rate. arrival fee and space requirementS pending review by Cemetery Board and funeral business (3anuary 16, 2000) _ I City of Boynton Beach Agenda Regular City Commission Meeting November 21, 2000 G. "Name Pond B" Contest H. Demonstration of GIS Project to ..Cty Development Boa~-d (Februar;/6~ 2000) DEVELOPMENT PLANS: None NEW BUSINESS: Commission, CRA and Planning & LEGAL: A. Ordinances - 2"o Reading - PUBI TC HEARING None 8. Ordinances - 1~ Reading Proposed Ordinance No. 000-64 Re: Deleting Article X of Chapter 1 and Section 3.B. of Chapter 23 of the Land Development Regulations and Article I! Section ] of Chapter 21 of the Code of Ordinances and amending Chapter 1.5, Sections 4.1 and 4.3 of the Land Development Regulations in order to dadfy and further specify the procedures applicable to variances Proposed Ordinance No. 000-65 Re: Deleting Chapter 18. Article IX, Eady Retirement Incentive Program, in its entirety, reserving Sec-dons 18-223 through 18-230 Proposed[Ordinance No. 000-66 Re: Creating an Eady Retiremen.t; Incentive Program; providing requirements for partici ation i the Early Retirement Incentive Prooram .... ~: ...... p,.~ in for early -~ ..., ~,uwumg cncena for qualincation retirement; approving and issuing a statement of actuarial impact; approving the form of agreement for participation n the Eady Retirer~er~t. Incentive Program; d recting City A~minis;cration to furnish copy to thel Division of Insurance a Proposed Ordinance No. 000-67 Re: Amending Land Development Regulations as follows: Chapter 1, Article LT Definitions; Chapter 9. Community Design Plan; and Chapter 21 Signs, Article II, to create a definition for wall murals anti establish a process and guidelines to review future wall murals City of Boynton Beach Agenda Regular City Commission Meeting November 21, 2000. Land to' allow the .= use in Land 6,E. 1.B Resolutions: 1. PrOposed Resolution Non R00-168 Re: Approving Stipulation for Settlement between the C1b/ of Boynton Heavens U S.A., ThC. a 8each and Other: 1. Discuss process for appointment of Commissioner for District III to replace Mayor Pro Tem William Sherman XZZ. UNFINISHED BUSTNESS: XZZZ. OTHER: X~V. AD3OURNMENT: NOT[CE (F.s, 286.0~.05) CONTAC'r JOY~ COS"rELLO, (561) 742-6013 AT L.EAb-r TWENTY-FOUR HOURS pRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVT~' iN oRDER FOR THE Q'TY TO REASONABLY ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. FTNAL AGENDA 11/17/2000 4:31 PM \\O-I\NAZN\SH RDATA\CC\WP\CCAGENDA~,AGENDAS\I ~'2 ~'00'DOc IqEET~NG ~ovember 21, 2000 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA OPENZNGS: A. Callto Order -Mayor Gerald B, Invoca C. NAME V Deletions, Corrections 2. Adoption PUBLI~AUDZENCE: [ND~¥[DUAL SPEAKERS W~LL BE I.tM[TED TO 3-M~NUTE 'PRESENTATIONS ADMINI'STRA'rZVE: A. Appointments to 'be made: Meeting November 21, 2000 kppointment 'o Be Made v Fisher lavor Broening Weiland Weiland Sherman Fisher Weiland Broening Board Advisory Bal. On Children & Youth Advisory Bd. On Children & Youth 31dg. Board of Adjustment & Appeals Education Advisory Board Nuisance Abatement Board Nuisanca Abatement Board Planning & Development Board Recreation & Parks E Length of Term Expiration Datu Alt i yr term to 4/01 Stu/Reg/NomVoting i yr term to 4/01 Alt 1 yr term I Tabled (3) Alt ] Tabled (2) Reg Tabled (3) Tabled {3) term to 4/01 Tabled (2) Tabled (2) ~.m. on December 8, 2000 at None 2. Orientation PowerPoint Presentation - Parks Department - 3ohn Wildner Presentation from Paint Your Heart Out of Palm Beach County, Inc. to the City of Boynton Beach made by Octavia Sherrod, Community Development Manager CONSENT AGENDA: "CH; ters in this ~ection,, of the Agenda are proposed: and recommended by. the City Manager for ~n~ent Agenda approval of the action nd ~ated in each item, with at of t~e accompany ng mi :erial to become a part of the Public Recordand subject to Staff commentS. A. Minutes: Agenda Preview Conference - November 2, 2000 Oi:y Commission WorkshOp Meeting - November 2, 2000 November '2Z, 2000 Bids - Recommend Approva - All expenditures are approved in the 2000-2001 Adopted Budge~ ~)Nwa_r~_t, he "REBZD FOR PARTS & LABOR FOR THE REFURBISHMENT OF ~: (1) DIESEL POWERED, 1988 LEIBHERR WHEELED EXCAVATOR'; BID ~004-2516,01/KR, to Masthead Hose & Supply) of $15,164.86 2. At, prove the for the "PU for the [nc., ii :ustom Trai e~, the RMV "HOT Company utilizing t of $t6,371 /f99-2927 to Insituform Technologies, SEWER SYSTEM REHABILITATION SERVTCES" with $33,617 Approve the split award of bid to two (2) companies for "REHABILt-FATION FOR MASTER LIFT STATIONS #316, #317, #319 & # ,r 356, BID #094-2821-00/QlD tO Wide,, Inc. Of Ft. Lauderda e, Fodda for an expenditure of $1,$47,000 and the line item part for additional .work to convert existing can type station to a typica submersible station to Trio Development of Pompano Beach, Florida for an estimated expenditure of $250,000 (,~RO~OSED RESOLU~ONNO. RO0~..) Approve the "PURCHASE OF :VARIOUS NEW/REPLACEMENT VEHTCLES' in the amount of $278,505 utilizing STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT #070- 001-99-1 as awarded by the State to multiple vendors Utilize STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT NO. 760-960-100 for the ,,p URCHASE OF A NEW INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR-LOADER from Pioneer Machinery [nc. in the amount of $27,801.29 Approve the piggyback, of PALM BEACH COUNTY CONTRACT NO. R-99- 742D to Stephen Boruff, ALq, Architects & Planners, Inc. for Commission Meeting November 21, 2000 la. "AR CHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES' with estimated expenditures of $55,.000 Approve the piggyback o,f Miami-Dade County Bid #t072~1/00-1 to Walt Inn0~ators, [nc~ fo~ office r(inovations in the amotJnt of $22;520.50 Resolutions: ~roposed Resolution No~ R00- Re: Interlocal Agreement ,for cotutilization Thrift Store` for the P~se of disposing PropOsed Resolution No. R00- Majors as ,¸ an appointment of Wally 5. Proposed lntedocal ~ ofiBeynton Beach a United States grant Re: Authorizing the Hayor to a Community Pocng I of Beynton and the; Department of R~: Approving eleven (11) contracts for services i for Community Development BlOCk Grant (CDBG) sub- recipients previous y approved for, funding on A~Jg~st 1, 2000 7. Proposed Resolution N~. R00- Re A~Jthorizing the release of the remaining surety on Ci ~.fJ~s Park aka Boynton Estates ($45,977.33), approv ng the subdivision, and acce~ng the dedications and ~aintenanC~ r~nsibilities of those improvements d~Jdic~ted to .the City RatificaUon of Planning & Development Board Action: None aA~dP~Ve purchase from L[ghtnii3g Powder Co,, ~n~ an AURA Du filters m the amount of $8,687.40 from the Law Enforcement ~f~u '~SFuFnU~e Enclosure Approve Change Orders Nos. 2, 3 and 4 on the Ocea~ Avenue Promenade project ~Change Order #1 was the elimination of the ]:00 block fr0~ the project ) Approve the Community Relations Beard;recommendation for~ PATCH (Planned Approach t(~ ~ommunity Health) Steen~'ng Committee membership November 2~., 2000 Approve Task Order #36 between £H2M H I and the City of Boynton Beach for Ehginee~ing ServiCes for the 'Design and Repair of the Deep InjeCtion Well 1W in the amount of $981,101 Approve State Housing In t~ at ves Partnership (SHIP) Grant funds in the amount o~ ~10,000 to Asnor and Caddne Dor t:o purchase, as first-t mi the property located at 454 sw 2.d Avenue Approve the expenditure enterprise software ar of the G.I.S.' Zm of ArcSDE8 Approve Task Order services an, he amount copes of support to be $12,080 for the purchase ;of one copy of ArcLogistcs 3ne copy of ArcView3 2 GIS EXtension B~Jndle from C & C rough SNAPS Agreement No. 991t742~1.' Approve expenditure of $31;408 for a GIS server and 3 GIS workstations from Compaq Computer through State of Flodda Contract '250-040:99-1. CZTY MANAGER'S REPORT: PowerPoint PresentaUon by City Manager and Commissioner Black - Murals of Lake Placid, Ftofida Proposed Policy for Community Act v ty Grants (November 21, 2000) C. Follow-up report on NomConforming Signs Bt Authorize Public Affairs Director to ~uUlize COMCAST.~nd subsequenUy, Adelphia CATV for Informational and Promotional spots on Boynton Beach November 21, 2000 PUBU:C HEAR/NG: 7:00 P.t4. OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMlrTS A. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: B3s Wholesale Club~ (Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD) Southwest Winchester Park Request for conditional a and as of Boynton Beach Boulevard and BoUlevard Request approva for a Planned Commercial Development (PC:D) mast;er plan for 14.~7 acres to include a B.ls Wholesale Club store, gas station, a bank, two future retail/restaurant outparce s and related improvements Agent: Owner: LocaUon: BescripUon: FUTURE AGENDA I'TEMS: Grotto 2ooo .]oni Brickman, AICP, of Winston Lee & Assodates, Inc. Quantum Park & Village, LLC The east side of Quantum Lakes Drive, south of Gateway Boulevard Request for 20' utilib/easement abandonment between Lots 6Oand 6! in the Quantum!Park PtD A. Recommendation of Selection of Planning Consultant ~for Federal Highway Zoning in Progress Study (December 5, 2000) ' B. Report on CRA ApDointment Process (December 5, 2000) 6 November 2Z, 2000 G, H~ I. Review poticy for cemetery late ardva fee and space requirements review .by Cemetery Board ~;nd funeral b~siness (December 5, 2000) Report on CATV Promotion (December 5; 2000) Resolut on of Intent to Establish Fire service. 2000) Future Annexation Areas (3anuary 2, 200].) "Name Pond B".Contest Review of Cemetery pending None Ordinances - 1= Reading 1. -'PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Ordinance No. O00- Re: DeletJog Article X of Chapter 1 and section 3~B. of Chapter 23 of the Land DeYelopm~et Rogula,~t OhS and Art cie ~1 Section i hr:Chapter 2! of the Code Of Ordinances; and amending Chapter 1 5, Sec~:ons 4.1 and 4.3 of the Land DevelOpment Regu ations in order to clarify and further'speclfy tfie prOCedureS applicab i~ to variances Proposed Ordinance No. O00- Re: Deleting Chapter 18 Article ZX, Early Retirement Incentive Program, in its entirety', reserv ng Sections 18-223 through ~8-230 Proposed Ordinance No. O00- Re: Creating an Early Retirement Incentive program; providing requirements for partidpation in the Ear¥ Retirement ~n~:efitive PFC)gram; providing cdteda for q~alificati0n for earl;/ retirement; approving and i~suing ~ stet~ent of actuarial impact; approvir~j the City Commission Meeting November 2:t, 2000 fo, tm .ofI a~reemen? ,for p.articipation in the Early Re~rement Incentive Pr ram. d~rectmg QtY Admln~strabon to fbm~sh a copy to the Division of Insurance og , Proposed Ordinance No. O00- Re: Amending Land Development Regulations as follows: Chapter l; Communib/Design p an Chapter 9. for wall n~urals :~nd establish a murals Proposed Ordinance No. O00- Rec~ulatibns, Chapter; allow gas sales ancillary tO a Prindple and other site standards minimum acreage ~00- 5herman Commissioner for District III to replace AD3OURNMENT: (F.s THE EQU~ NO~CE 28~.0~05) AND L=V[DENCE UPON WHICH 'rilE APPEAL'IS TO BE BASED, Requested City Commission Meetino Dates November 21. 2000 'tV-ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTATIONS CiTY OF BOYNTON BEA.C_! Item B,3. AGENDA ITEM REQUEST F¢ Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office November 9. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commission Meetino Dates [] January 16, 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Citv Clerk's Office Januar~ 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) ~ December5,2000 November22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) [] February 6. 2001 January 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) [] December19.2000 December 6. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) ~ February 20. 2001 February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) [] January 2.2001 December20.2000 (5:00 p.m.) [] March 6,2001 February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDAITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Bus~ness [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Presentation from Paint Your Heart Out of Palm Beach County, Inc. to the City of Boynton Beach made by Octavia S. Sherrod, Community Development Manager. EXPLANATION: For recognition of the City employee effort on "NATIONAL MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY" Saturday, October 21s~, 2000 for Paint Your Heart Out Palm Beach County. Octavia Sherrod, a member of the Executive Home Selection Committee of Paint Your Heart Out, as well as the staff of (he Division of Community Redevelooment, spearheaded this project beginning in April of this year in order to find qualified residents and solicit volunteers. PROGRAM IMPACT: Paint Your Heart Out enlists corporate sponsors that pledge both money and volunteers to assist in painting the homes of eldedy and/or disabled county residents. This year, six (6) houses were painted in Boynten Beach, three (3) by teams composed of City employees and their family members. The Boynton Beach Faith Based Community Development Corporation, Children of the American Revolution, and the Local Initiatives Support Corporation are ail receiving a Certificate of Appreciation tonight because of their physical and financial assistance with other homes in Boynton. Short on teams this year, three (3) other properties in the City that were to be painted were not done on paint day, but the supplies were secured todo scat a later date. FISCAl. IMPACT: All of the properties were in need of painting, some having been cited by Code Compliance, and owned by residents who could not have afforded to pay someone else to paint. The approximate cost of this project may have exceeded $22.500, but was paid for instead with donations and volunteer sweat equity. ALTERNATIVI~S: ...None. '~-~J* ! Deparlb~6t H~d~s Signature -City Manager's Signature Department of Development Division of Community Redevelopment Department Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources LIST OF PAINT YOUR HEART OUT VOLUNTEERS Assistant City Manager: Code Corn pliance: Dale S. Sugerman, daughter Jennifer Scott Blasie Luney Guillaume Richard Laverdure Skip Lewis Mike Melillo Sunny Surajbally Willie Webb Community Redevelopment: Sal Belloise Brenda Cornelius Christopher L. Mitchell Debbie A. Reamsnyder Octavia S. Sherrod, son Curtis, daughter Surya, & nephew Julian Linen Department of Development: Nancy Byrne, husband Jim Trinchini Don Johnson Facilities: Charles Barden Randolph Dean Paula LeBlanc~ daughters Amanda & Sara Fabian Proano Rocco Rossetti Bernard Russell Neighborhood Specialist: Dan DeCarlo Special Recognition: Boynton Beach Faith Based Community Development Corporation Children of the American Revolution Local Initiatives Partnership Program Volunteers: Lynn Myers Nicole Steele LIST OF PAINT YOUR HEART OUT VOLUNTEERS Charles Barden .; ............................................................................. ........... Facilities Scott Blasie ................................................................................. Code Compliance Sal Belloise ................................................................ Community Redevelopment Nancy Byrne ..... .................................................................................. Development Husband Jim Trinchini Brenda Cornelius ...................................................... Community Redevelopment Randolph Dean Dan DeCarlo ..... ' ......................................................................................... Facilities ................................................................. Neighborhood Services Luney Guillaume ........................................................................ Code Compliance Don Johnson ........... Richard Laverdure. ' .......................................................................... Development ..................................................................... Code Compliance Paula LeBlanc ........ .................................................................................... Facilities Daughters Amanda & Sara i ............................................................. Code Compliance i ................................................. -' ........... Code Compliance Christopher L. Mitchell... Lynn MYers ...............' .......................................... Community Redevelopment Fabian Proano .................................................................. Citizen Volunteer · · ' .......................................................................................... Facilities ~Debble Reamsnyder .................................................. Community Redevelopment jRoccc ....................................................... Facilities ' · ~'S" .................................................................... Facilities :tavia herrod ......................................................... Community Redevelopment Jr., daughter Surya, nephew Julian Linen ................................................................ Citizen Volunteer ................................................... Assistant City Manager ifer Code Compliance .............................................................................. Code Com pliance ii~Specia~ Recognition to: Boynton Beach Faith Based Community Development Corporation Children of the American Revolution Local Initiatives Support Corporation V~CONSENT AGENDA ITEM A-1. MINUTES OF THE AGENDA PREVIEW CONFERENCE HELD IN CONFERENCE ROOM C, WEST WING, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2000 AT 5:00 P.M. Present: Gerald Broening, Mayor Ronald Weiland, Vice Mayor William Sherman, Mayor Pro Tem Bruce Black, Commissioner Charlie Fisher, Commissioner Dale Sugerman, Assistant City Manager Nicholas Igwe, Assistant City Attorney Janet Prainito, Deputy Clerk Call to Order Inthe absence of the City Manager, who s attending the quarterly Board Meeting of the InnovaU0ns Grou~, Assistant City Manager Sugerman presided and cai ed the meeting tb order at 5:00 p m. Mr. Sugerman distr/buted a listof follow up action items from the October 17, 2000 City Commission meeting. Mr. Sugerman stated the only item not resolved was the last item and he will speak with Vice Mayor Weiland to deal with the issue of the fire hydrant audit. Vice Mayor Weiland responded that as of yesterday the C ty Manager had a different oPin ~n and thought perhaps the City could utilize coil performege students to the audit. Mr. Sugerman said the City needs to decide if it wants to meet the ISO ratng date, which could not be met by using college students. This could only~.be ,met if the audit were performed under a contract. Mr. Sugerman has available the figures ~o support the ISO rating. Commissioner Black suggested that when the item comes up at the meeting Wednesday nght that Mr. Sugerman present the importance of the ISO rating, which Mr. Sugerman stated he has material available to back this up. Discussion IV. Announcements and Presentations Mr. Sugerman confirmed that State Representative Green would :)e present at the meeting. V. B. 1. Approve the use of Metro Services Consultants Incorporated for an independent fire hydrant audit based on the same pricing schedule as offered to the City of Austin, Texas (Contract #S990219 {with estimated expenditures of $66,000 (Tabled on October 17, 2000) Meeting Minutes Agendapre~'iew Conference Boynton Beach Florida November 2, 2000 Mayor Br(~ering asked if the nformaton would be available in advance of the me~eting ~ Mrs.. ~uge~man suggested that the item could be tabled for one more meeting in order to allow him to distribute the information we n advance of the. meeting. V.B.6. Award the "Annual Supplemental Laboratory Analys s for Water Wastewater etc."BID #0r01-2821-01/KR,'to Spectrum Laborato[ies, Inc. and Envirodyne, Inc. for an estimated annua expenditu~e of $13,000. Mr. Sugerman pointed out that this is a doub e award to Spectrum Laboratories, Inc. and Envirc~dyne, Inc. Mr. Sugerman noted that there was one lOWer biddbr on the dollar amount, but they company :must bewithin e Staff was V.B.9. Approve the purcl InvensyS Meterinc. Mr. Sugerman reported that this meter reading device. are 300 of in meters in;the system, the old dial meters; Vehicle ~eters can ~it (VXU) from -adio-read and the["e Vice Mayor Weiland asked about ;. Mr. Sugerman stated that it would not only be a'cost savingS, accuracy. In real ty, this would replace meter readers, who could ;do Other jobs; Howeve{', a cost ~nalysis has not been done. V.C;3. proposedResolution Ne. R{)0-155 Re: Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to accept and execute the Florida Department of Transportation Highway Safety Plan Grant in the amount of $38,036, providing for a DUI Enforcement Officer position Mr. Sugerman stated this was 75% of the Office~s position with the City picking up the other 25%. The goal of the grant is to make 100 additional DUI arrests and to reduce DUI related accidents by 25% dbring the one-year period. Vice Mayor Weiland questioned the necessity of having this one add tonal Officer. Chief Gage stated as part of the grant i)roiect, the Police Department is required to run a certain amount of DUI roadblocks yeady and this is done with the other agencies in the area that receive the grant. Meeting Minutes Agenda Preview Conference BoyntonBeach,, , Florida . November 2. 2000 Commissioner Fisher inquired if this Officer would become a regular Officer if the figures didn't add up? Chief Gage replied that this grant requires the City to fund the Officer 100% in the last year and is not required to keep the Officer onboard. Chief Gage noted this is a continuation of a grant that was app'roved last year. V.C.5. Proposed Resolution R00-157 'Re: Approving a contract fo~ professional services between the City of Boynton Beach' and Smith, Ballard & Logan, PA for legislative consulting services. Mr. Sugerman noted this would be a continuing contract with a relationsh ip that has already been establ shed. Vice Mayor Weiland said there has been a void in the relationship with Ballard & LOgan andthe Mayor c~nfirmed it was six months Mayor Broenin~ thou ht six-month void wa~ attdbutable to *~,-- ~-,-~ .... ' ,~... ~ g the L, I~:~,lHHy U[ a new L;ity Manager, since the City Manager's staff would be dealing the most with the consultant. Mayor Broening noted that MS~ Amy Young will be working with the City and she .is located in their West Palm Beach office. Commissioner Black asked if an appraisal could be taken to determine the benefits the City derived from utilizing this firm? Mayor Broening felt that a letter from Mr. Ballard was fumished to the City on a quarterly basis. Also, Commissioner Black would like to know how Ballard's performance had been rated in the past to justify the new contract. Commissioner Fisher requested copies of the quarterly letter. Vice Mayor Weiland inquired about the amount of the contract and was informed it was $40,000. Commissioner Black would like to see the quarterly reports before the Wednesday meeting. Mr. Sugerman will follow through on this. Commissioner Fisher requested that a representative from the firm be present at the next City Commission Meeting and if not, the resolution could be tabled. VI.B. Discussion Regarding Reduction of Code Compliance Fines. Mr. Sugerman noted that there is a full report prepared by Mr. Scott Blasie, Code Compliance Administrator in the back up. No action will be required on the part of the Commission. Commissioner Fisher requested a report on three years of fines. Mr. Sugerrnan will follow through on this. VII. PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Broenlng asked if any action had to be taken on the two Public Headng items since they have all been postponed? Mr. Sugerman suggested that the 3 Meeting Minutes Agenda ,Preview Conference Boynton ~Beach, Florida November 2, 2000 Mayor announce the items and then formally postpone them to the November 14, 2000 meeting. Attorney Igwe agreed with this procedure VIiI.D. : Future Agenda Items The word "District' needs to be added-after "Special Assessment" and before "(November 21,2000). X, NEW BUSINESS Mayor Broening requested the addition under New Business of "Discussion/Action on City Manager ComPensation Benefit Package. Co There being no ,further business, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tern Commissioner Commissioner ATTEST: Deputy Clerk Recording Secretary (one tape). 4 V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM A-2 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP ON NON-CONFORMING SIGNS HELD IN CONFERENCE ROOM C, WEST WING, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA, NOVEMBER 2, 2000 AT 6:00 P.M. Present Gerald Broening Mayor Ronald Weiland, Vice Mayor William Sherman. Mayor Pro Tem Bruce. Black, Commissioner Chadie Fisher, Commissioner Call to Order Dale Sugerman, Assistant City Manager Nicholas Igwe, Assistant City Attomey Mike Rump, Director of Planning & Zoning Lusia Galav, Senior Planner Scott Blasie, Code Compliance Admin. Mayor Broening called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. Assistant City Manager Dale Sugerman presided in the absence of City Manager Kurt Bressner, who was out 0f t0wn ~ttending the quarterly Board Meeting of the Innovations Group. Backqround on Non-Conforminq Siqne Mr. Sugerman stated the purpose of the workshop was to review the issue of non-conforming signs. There is an Ordinance on the City books which mandates that certain types of non-conforming s gns w thin certain areas of the C ty must be removed The deadline for compliance was extended to December 31, 1999. To date, the City has not enforced the Ordinance. Prior to ,the December 31s' deadline, the City Commission and the Planning & Development Board (P&D) reviewed the issue. As a result of that workshop, staff wa~ asked to review, revise and make recommendations for an entire Code revision relating to signs, Th s has been ongoing since August 1999 when the City Commission and P&D Board reviewed the Code. Staff is now prepared to make recommendations and modifications to the current sign Code. Inorder to keep the two issues separate, staff would like to keep the issue of removal of non-conforming signs apart and distinct from the modifications to the sign Code. Therefore, tonight's workshop will focus upon the non-conforming sign deadline of December 31, 1999. After that, discussion on the overall revisions to the sign Code could I~e discussed. Recommendations Mr. Mike Rumpf stated that staff has reported on three occasions to the City Manager on this subject and has investigated the issue thoroughly. Mr. Rumpf had copies of staff's prior reports available. From these studies, staff Came up with some criteria to address the signs that are most inconsistent with the Meeting Minutes ~ Workshop Meeting November 2, 2000 regulations.' ~n inventory wa~ performed and it was determined that there are approx.~matel~, $O to 35 ~igns that match the criteria. When. the December 31, 1999 deadlir~ arrived, because the planning Department and the City were in trans tion, t was not a pr ority tern. Staff actual, y d d not start stt° communicate, ai-' with the owners of the non-cOnforming s gns unt after January 1 of th s ye Staffisprepared to move forWard on,whatever the Commission deteCmines. The options' are as follows: Enforce the cUrt~en~'"Code as"~it 'i~i~ritten' This ~;,,ould~inCl~e'a ~o~rtesy n0tificati0h wi~'dbad~in:e :f61t~d~§Y Citations fr~m'th~?C~e C:~dmpJr~=i~ce Department. ~ Another option would be to enfome the mandate and provide some type of funding ass ~an~. If this option, were selected, fu~her details would be compliance when the properties are redeve oped or improved to a major degree. ~ Consideraton could be g~ven to deq!~aring .a moratorum a, nd postpone everything untitthe CommiSSion d~cide~here t Wants~t° ~d'Oi~ thiS"., -~ . Mr. Rumpf presented some pictures:of the City corridors showing some of the non-conforming signs. Commissioner Fisher noted there are interfere with other businesses Commissioner Fisher did not ~ ~)ecause some businesses could many signs are non-conforming and Mr. Bl~s~e Commissioner Fisher inquired if a neighbors on either side do Attorney Igwe responded that you cannO[ grandfather thereby creating a pm be treated the same way Comm ssioner appeal process in place. Comm ssi0nei' Tech said another sign was blocking her business. ; that don't businesses. in how provided 9f view? ~ignS to must kind of Mobil- Mr. Blasie stated there is no appeal process in the Code for non-conforming si ns. Ms. Galav stated there are four criteria for granting a sign 'variance, but if ' y are prohibited signs they cannot receive a variance. Msi 'GaJav stated that hardship is the main criteria for granting a variance. 2 Meeting Minutes City Commission Workshop Meeting Boynton Beach, Florida November 2, 2000 Commissioner Black ~nquired if the City had Economic Development funds available to assist these business owners. Mr. Sugerman stated there is no specific line item to offer grants. However, if the Commission would like to start a program, staff could try to identify a funding source. Vice Mayor Weiland inquired how woUld this affect those businesses that have already, complied if th~ citY Were tS 'offer funds to those business that have not complied? Mr. Sugerman said that he did not know,of any bus nesses that actually complied under the December 31sT deadline. All signs that h'ave gone u p since August of 1999 have met the existing ,Code Vice Mayor Weiland did not think it was fair that new signs going up had-to conform to Code, when existing signs d.o not. Mayor Broening stated this meeting was addressing non-conforming signs and these are two different issues. Mayor ~reening also felt that the possibil ty existed that the City could g~ve some financial incentives to these business owners to meet compliance. Mayor Broening would like the City to move forward on this, as there are other more important issues that the City needs to address. Mr. Sugerman stated that staff discussed a lowing businesses three more years for co~p iancef they came into compliance within the next compliance date, the City would COntribute 50% of the cost up to a certain maximum. If they complied within two years, the City could contribute 25% and if they complied within the three years they would rece ve 10%. Commissioner Fisher noted that these businesses knew that they had five years to get a conforming sign and Mr. Sugerman said that it was done this way to allow the businessperson five years to depreciate the value of the sign or five years to accumulate money to replace the sign. Mr. Paul Raffa, 1810 South. Federal Highway, Boynton Beach stated that he was not sure if his sign was non-conforming because he did not know how to measure the height of the sign. He was under the impression that there were a lot of different interpretations on whether a sign was or was not conforming. Also, Mr. Raffa thought from the last workshop that the signs were going to be grandfathered in. Mr. Raffa noted that many, many businesses on Federal Highway have closed up and there are not as many signs left and the signs should be left to natural attrition. Mr. Raffa said he cannot put any kind of sign at his North Congress Avenue restaurant. Mr. Dom Desiderio, owner of Atdum Place, stated he has a sign, which is non- conforming by two feet in height and it would cost him $5,000 to take two feet off 3 Meeting Minutes City Commission Workshop Meeting Boynton Beech, Florida November 2, 2000 the top. Also. this would take major construction and a new s~gn could cost around $1,0.000, fromwhichhe would rea ze no addi~i0nal monies. CommiSsioner: F sher inquired about businesses being blocked by, nora nformi~i' si na'~'a'nd S°meo~ie sugg'e~t~d<tl~a(?'th~: ~siglnage'i'c0uid be co g g ............ .+..,~,..~.,~Hg lu~/¢;;- R~h&ni~ ~' 'ed' f ther~ are an bus nesses-th~t'are n ~ct, _ sk - Y blocked by a nomc~f0rmmg mgn7 ~omm~s~,ner E~sher ~dthe only one he knew 8f~as',the Go6~year Sigh, ~lbckihg' MbbiP~edh. Good f,~o[e~ ask~ how,,his sign Mr. Doug aesdecker, the Manager,~?? s gn, :~n~' reqd~d tb~t ~mmfssi~, E[~h~ ~e out t0~'tde ~p[~y o C0dS; it ~U;18 blbck M~JI=TbcB'~' ~g~ evem~:re:- Mayor Broening didn't real y see any ~e~efJ!~;~o ~he City by enforcing compliance. Mr SugeCman, ~aid a, few C~ommiss;io~s!ia~;?t~iS ;comPlianCe' issue was b~oa~bt ....'~;- .;;. ~;-~4,~tlc ssue Mr SUaer~hlS~l~i(~at't~here are Some nomconfdtm~rig s~gns that are e&'tremely non-conforming. Vice Mayor Weiland as Mr. conforma,n, ce and Mr. [ McDonald s' the height is in to edge; and"this was determined the sign is' closer than 10' to the exact measurement. Mr. Rumpf stated t. hat, of the sign, the setback would not be ~ ~ssue. Commissioner Blacl aown 2'. He felt this made no ser havin reason to meet makes Commissioner Black would Ii Vice shared sign with another 4gn was out of edge ALSO, not have the irea aesthetic value at the a sign 2' and dropping it could see no point to ~ere was no logical feet. corr'dor visually", it is and what doesn't determine whether or not it in all the non-conforming signs, hat have conformed and would s. Mr. Sugerman said he did not fomed to comply. ~obit-Tech sign, the owner had a and wanted a stand-alone sign. 4 Meeting Minutes City Commiss on Workshop Meeting Boynton Beach, Florida November 2, 2000 The owner came in for a permit and the sign had to comply with the current regulations. Mayor Broening felt it made no sense to make an issue over an existing sign that doesn't meet the current criteria. However, he wants to make sure that the Code is enforced for all new businesses. -He would like the City to ,provide incentives to the businesses to change their non-conforming signs. He would like to see the signs grandfathered and that the City move on to more important issues. Commissioner Black requested that Mr. Blasie furnish a list to the Commissioners of the non-conforming signs and the reasons why they are not in compliance. Commissioner Black Would like the item placed on the November 21s' Agenda in order for the Commission to address the issue once and for all. Commissioner Black would like to make a motion at the meeting that all non- conforming signs be grandfathered Commissioner Fisher would like the Board to have some type of means to address any non-conforming signs that are way out of sync. Attorney Igwe stated that you could put some standards in place, that would require modification to the existing Ordinance and would require public hearings. Conclusion v' Mayor Broening would like to review the list of non-conforming signs and the reasons why they are nonconforming. ,/ Mayor Broening requested that the item be placed on the November 21st Agenda entitled "Enforcement of Non-Conforming Signs". v' No legislation would be drafted. · / Mr. Sugerman pointed out that there are 30 nonconforming signs that are illegal and the City has to take code action against them, ¢ Commissioner Black would like to make a motion at the November 21s~ Commission meeting to remove those 30 signs from the books as being illegal. v' Attomey Igwe will research if this could be accomplished by Resolution or Ordinance. · '~ Mr. Sugerman asked if the Commissioners would like to see the revisions to the entire Code and Commissioner Black requested they be furnished before the end of this year. 5 Meeting Minutes City Commission Workshop Meeting Boynton Beach, Florida November 2~'2000 There being no further business ~he meet ng properly adjourned at ~:00 p.m. CITY,OF BOYNTON BEACH Mayor V~ce Mayor~ Mayor PlO Tern' Commissioner Commissioner Recording Secretary (one tape) 6 Reciucsted City Commission Meetin~ Dates [] November 2L 2000 [] December 5. 2000 [] . December i0, 2000 [] January 2, 2001 V'CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEA( Item B-1. AGENDA ITEM REQUEST Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Ciw Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m.~ November 22. 2000 I5:00 p.m.) December 6. 2000 {5:00p.m.) December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.~ Requested City Comrcdssion Meeting Dates [] January 16, 2001 [] February 6. 2001 [] February 20, 2001 [] March 6, 200I Date F~nal Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) January 17, 2001 ($:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.} NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presemation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to award the "RE-BID FOR PARTS & LABOR FOR THE REFURBISHMENT OF ONE (1) DIESEL POWERED, 1988 LEIBHERR WHEELED EXCAVATOR". Bid #004-2516-01fKIL to Masthead Hose & Supply, in the amount of $15,164.86. EXPLANATION: On October 24, 2000, Procurement Services received one proposal for the above mentioned bid. The proposal from Masthead encompassed ouly the replacement of the specialized hydraulic hose system. After reviewing the proposal, it was determined that Masthead Hose & Supply of West Palm Beach. Florida should be awarded the bid for the refurbishment of the hydraulic system. Chris Roberts, Interim Director of Public Works and Bob Lee, Fleet Administration concur with this recommendation (see attached Memo 00-179); all work will be completed on site. PROGRAM IMPACT: The purpose o[ this bid was to establish a firm price for parts and labor to refurbish the air cooled Deutz diesel engine, hydraulic system, brake system, and operator compartment of a 1988 Leibherr wheeled excavator used by the Utility Department. Partial awards to local vendors working in any of the specialty areas were encouraged since the first advertising attempi resulted in "No Bids". FISCAL IMPACT: BUDGET ACCOUNT NUMBER BUDGETED AMOUNT EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE $15,164.86 401-2820-536.46-20 ALTERNATIVES: Deputy Director of Finuncial Services City Manager's Signature Procurement Services Department Name S:kBULLETINkFORMS AGENDA ITEM KEQUEST FORM.DOC City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM 00-179 - BILL ATI~INS, DEPUTY DIRECTOR,OF FINAN To.' Thru: From: Bill Atkins, Deputy. Director of Finance Chris Roberts, Interim Director of Public Works Robert H. Lee, Fleet Administration ~ Subj: Bid #004-2516-01/KR Date: October 30, 2000 After multiple, unsuccessful attempts at finding a vendor to complete all aspects of this bid, we are recommending the following. After receiving the first "no Bid" response a second bid was written and advertised. A local vendor submitted a quote for one small section of the bid. Fleet would like to award the bid for the one quoted service. Seeing that this resource, unit #8060, a 1988 Leibherr Wheeled Excavator, is in need of specialized hydraulic hose replacement, I would like to award the complete hydraulic hose, f'dter and fluid replacement to: Masthead Hose & Supply 6581 Southern Blvd. West Palm Beach, Fl. 33413 The vendor quote in the amount of $15,164.86 will be paid from account #401-2820-536.46-20, Utilities Construction division. When the vendor receives the purchase order, arrangements will be made for the hydraulic repairs.to be completed. All service work will-be completed on site, at one of two locations, the Public Works Compound or the Utilities Department East Treatment facility. cc: Jim Hart Barbara Conboy , EET BiD~INISTRAT~Oi RE-BID FOR PARTS & LABOR FOR THE REFURBISHMENT OF ONE (1) DIESEL POWERED, 1988 LEiBHERR WHEELED EXCAVATOR "Offers from the vendors listed herein are the only offers BID OPENING DATE: OCTOBER 24, 2000 received timely as of the above receiving aate anti time. BID OPENING TIME: 2:30 P.M. LOCAL TIME BID//: 004-2516-01/KR AIl other offers submitted in resDonse to this so icitat~or. if any, are hereby rejected as late" VENDORS MASTHEAD HOSE & SUPPLY B581 SOUTHERN BLVD. WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33413 ATTN: CESAR FIGUEROA, Jr. (561 ) 683-2800 ]'RANSPORTATION CHARGES (to & from vendor facility) NONE ~'RANSPORTAION CHARGES Per Mile $0.00 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM *SEE ATTACHED Total Parts **SEE SPEC SHEETS T~i~ii~'~ .................................................................................. BRAKE SY$¥~-M Total Parts %i~ii~'~ ................................................................................. .................................... '6'i i6' ......................................................................................................... Page 1 of 4 RE-BID FOR PARTS & LABOR FOR THE REFURBISHMENT OF ONE (1) DIESEL POWERED, 1988 LEIBHERR WHEELED EXCAVATOR "Offers from the vendom listed herein are the only offem BI D OPENING DATE: OCTOBER 24, 2000 received timely as of the above rece[v ng date ana time. BID OPENING TIME: 2:30 P.M. LOCAL TIME ~"~,i~ other offers submitted in response to th,s sohc~tat,on, BID #: 004-2516-01/KR if any, are hereby rejectea as late" VENDORS MASTHEAD HOSE & SUPPLY 6581 SOUTHERN BLVD. WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33413 Al'TN: CESAR FIGUEROA, Jr. (561 ) 683-2800 ENGINE Total Pads Total Labor ..................... ~ ............................................... h'6'§ib' ....................................................................................................... Total Cost for Engine OPERATOR COMPARTMENT . · Total Pads 'oral Labor %i~i'6'~i'f;~F'6~'r~t'~F~Ft~'~fii ........................ fi'~i[~ ................. OPTIONAL REPAINTING Total Labor :l:~)i~] '(~'~i'f~: '~'~ [i;~r~ ~] ' ~ ~'~i'[{'~i~'~ .............................. ~'d ~il~ ........................................................................................................ RE-BID FOR PARTS & LABOR FOR THE REFURBISHMENT OF ONE (1) DIESEL POWERED, 1988 LEIBH ERR WHEELED EXCAVATOR BID OPENING DATE: OCTOBER 24, 2000 BID OPENING TIME: 2:30 P.M. LOCAL TIME BID #: 004-2516-01/KR ~IISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS Total Parts %i~i '~'~,;i:,~F~'~;~i~'~ ~i~'~F~h'~i .......... GRAND TOTAL OF ALL COSTS ~XCAVATOR CALENDAR DAYS AFTER P.O. ISSUED CALENDAR DAYS AFTER PICKUP NUMBER OF BID PROPOSALS SUBMIT[,-I) ~TION "CHECK-OFF" SHEETS (Pages 3-5) ~OSE & SUPPLY 6581 SOUTHERN BLVD. WEST PALM BEACH. FL 33413 ATTN: CESAR FIGUEROA, Jr. $15,164.86 ***SEE NOTATIONS ***SEE NOTATIONS ONE YES/INCOMPLETE "Offers from the vendors listed herein are the only offers received timely as of the above receiving date and time. All other offers submitted in response to this solicitation if any, a~ hereby rejected as late" Page 3 of 4 RE-BID FOR PARTS & LABOR FOR THE REFURBISHMENT OF ONE (1) DIESEL POWERED, 1988 LEIBHERR WHEELED EXCAVATOR "offers from the vendors listed herein are the only offers BID OPENING DATE: OCTOBER 24, 2000 .~received ~imely as of the above receiving date anQ time. BID OPENING TIME: 2:30 P.M. LOCAL TIME ~A, other offers submitted in response to th s so!icitation. BID #: 004-2516-01/KR if any, are hereby rejected as tare" VENDORS MASTHEAD HOSE & SUPPLY 8581 SOUTHERN BLVD. WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33413 ATTN: CESAR FIGUEROA, Jr. 561) 683-2800 LIST OF REPLACEMENTS PARTS/ PARTS/YES NAME OI~ MANUFACTURER MFG/NO COST BREAKDOWN OF EACH PART YES ~,NTI-KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT YES SUBMITTED CONFIRMATION OF MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS SUBMITTED YES/INCOMPLETE CONFIRMATION OF DRUG FREE WORKPLACE SUBMITTED YES COMMENTS *WORK TO BE COMPLETED ON CITY PROPERTY ~'*BID ONLY ON HYDRAULIC SYSTEM ***AVAILABLE TO BEG N 1 ST WEEK OF NOVEMBER - ;***ENCLOSED QUOTE Requested Cit~ Commission Meetin~ Dates [] Novemb~r2I. 2000 December 5, 2000 [] December 19, 2000 [] January2,2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEAC! ITEM B-2. AGENDA ITEM REQUEST Date Final Fonu Must be Turned ~n to City Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22, 2000 (5:00 p,m.) December 6, 2000 (5c00 p.m.) December 20. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested Cit5 Commission Meet/ne Dates [] Januar~ 16,2001 [] February 6, 2001 [] February 20. 2001 [] March 6. 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.rm) January 17, 2001 '5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m./ NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Admiinstrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcemem [] Presentation RECOM/V~NDATION: MOTION m approve the "piggy-back" of CITY OF DADE CITY, BID NO. 99-06 for the PURCHASE OF A NEW SELF PROPELLED ASPItALT SPREADER WITH OPTIONS from TRI-COUNTY EQUIPMENT in the amount of $26,867.86. and utilizing STATE OF FLORIDA, CONTRACT NO. 760-001-99-1 for the PURCItASE OF A TEN (10) TON, TILT BED TRAILER from CUSTOM TRAILER, INC. in the amount of $11.145.00. EXPLANATION: Procurement Services Division received a request from Public Works/Fleet Maintenance Division to purchase a new Self Propelled Asphalt Spreader u~ilizing the City of Dade City, Bid No. 99-06. [u addition, a Ten (10) Ton, Tilt Bed Trailer is being requested to'transport the unit The trailer will be purchased from State of Florida, Contract No. 760-001-99-1. Total costs for the Asphalt Spreader and Tilt Bed Trailer is $ 38,012.86. Procurement Services Division requests Commission's review, evaluation and approval. PROGRAM IMPACT: This purchase will allow the City to properly replace equipment in a timely manner. FISCAL IMPACT: The FY2000/2001 budget shows allocation of $47,000 for the purchase of the Asphalt Spreader The Tilt Bed Trailer is a necessary non-budgeted capital expense for transporting the spreader. Costs of the Asphalt Spreader and Tilt Bed Trailer :ombined is $36,688.49 which is $8,987.14 under budget. Account Deseriotion Account Number Budget Vehicles 501-2516-519-64-30 $ 47,000.00 ALTERNATIVES: To seek other sources for the Asphalt Spreader or develop bid specifications fer Deputy Director of Finanical Serv/ces purchase. City Manager's Signature Procurement Services Departraent Name S:kBULLETINkFORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources STREETS MAINTENANCE DIVISION Interoffice Memo TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Christine Roberts, Interim Public Works Director George Mantell, Supervisor October 24, 2000 Trailer for Asphalt Spreader plus Propane Kit The funding that has been allocated for the Streets Division to purchase an Asphalt Spreader is $47,000; the cost of the spreader is $25,543.49. There are nvo recommended items that the division needs; one is a Propane Kit, which will cost $437.34, and the other is a 10ton Tilt Bed Trailer, which we can purchase off of State Contract for $12,000. The Asphalt Spreader with the Propane Kit and the Trailer will cost a total of $37,981.33; which is a savings of $9,019. The Streets Division has detenrdned that this - for the City than the GlvUpl DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM 00-180- BILL ATKINS, STREETS ASPHALT SPREADER To; Bill Atkins, Deputy Director of Finance Thru: From: Sub j: Date: Chris Roberts, Interim Director of Public Works Robert H. Lee, Fleet Administration ~ Purchase of Asphalt Spreader October 30, 2000 Fleet Maintenance account, #501-2516-519.64-30, for the 00/01 budget year has $47,000.00 approved for the purchase of one new "Self Propelled Asphalt Spreader". We have obtained a bid specification document, (bid g99-06) from the City of Dade City, a copy of the purchase requisition, #29533, in amount of $25,543.49, awarded to Tri-County Equipment for the purchase of one GEITL 1448 Asphalt Spreader. Attached please find two quotes from TH-County Equipment The original quote for the Asphalt Spreader, $25,543.49, a second quote to complete the required functions for service work on asphalt walk-ways throughout Boynton Beach, in the amount of $1324.37, bringing the total charges for this spreader to $26,867.86. This brings the purchase of the Asphalt Spreader in under budget by $20,132.14. Not considered during budget preparations was the need for a large, Heavy Duty trailer to transport this-spreader. The Roads & Streets Division had anticipated the use of a trailer currently in the fleet The trailer met all the weight requirements, but does not have the bed width to load, secure and transport the spreader. Fleet Administration recommends that we use a portion of the funds to purchase a "Heavy Duty" trailer from the Florida State Vehicle Contract Florida State Purchasing contract, #760-001-99-1, good through May 31, 2001 lists a trailer that will meet the needs of the division. Item #070-780-010, a 10 Ton, Tilt Bed trailer equipped with a Pintle Hook and Air Brakes is listed at $10,923.00, add option #7001, a spare tire at $222.00, for a total purchase price of $11,145.00. With the cost of the Spreader and the Trailer totaling $38,012.86, this still brings the total package in under budget by $8,987.14. TRI-COUNTY EQUIP MENT SALES. RENTALS & SERVICE 1910 NW 16th St., Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Website: www.tncountyequipment.com .800-675-5934 ' (954) 972-0076 FAX (954) 972-0077 &:Instant Purchas  ~ a~oo~ 4~ICHRMPlOK Bill To: Acct#: City of Boynton Beach Attn: George Mantel ~/742-6200 Fax Mob [ ~~j~~[~eded Quote No. RewriteofNo. 12 10 O0 Date Terms uote is for 30 days; Equipment is subject to prior saL. Qty Item I New/Used Mfg Model Description . HourslSer No., Unit Price i : Total Bolt On Screed Extensions 6" Left or Right Screed Ext. $ 188.35 2" Left or Right Screed Ext. $ 200.57 [8" Left or Riqht S~reed Ext. $ 239.16 .)4" Left or Riqht Screed Ext For $ 258.45L~ 1438/1439 Only Screed 'Propane Heat Kit without Tank $ 437.84 Notes & Options: Financing Proposal: DwnPymt: Rate: Pymt/#mo. I Financing Sub ect to Credit Approval Standard terms for equipment are payment in lull or financed & Insured ~ga~nst Ioss by time of de iver v. Acceptance of this Proposal & counter~/gnature by an Off cer o Tr -County Equipment constitutes a Valid & B nd ng Contract 1 [ Subtotal f/~,~7 ' T/E Buyer: 3% Ag Tax 6% FL iT ' I Fees, Frt. or Prep Legal Name Representative [Ck# Minus Deposit I Bal. On Delivery Date Date RI COUNTY EQUIPMENT SALES, RENTALS & SERVICE 1910 NW 16th St., POmpano;~eac~ FL 33069 Webslte: www.~ricod~ty~,~bib~ht Corn 1-800-675-5934 · (954) 972-0076 FAX (954) 972-0077 Bill To: Acct#: City of Boynton Beach Attn: Geor e M g antel QUOTE & Instant Purchase Order ~m ~ )'~NE mrBoss iQuote No. Rewrite of No. Mob 0 0 0 We are pleased to submit this quotation for your approval propomng to furnish the equipment as specified below, Quote is for 30 d Qty Item New/Used Mfg Model Description : . Hours/Set No. Unit Price Total I ; · New GEHL Modal 1448 · Paver w/ 25 h.p. Isuzu Diesel ' ' j Enqine ( Rubber Tire Drive) ~, Municipal Price $25,543.49 Notes & Options: Financing Proposal: l'DwnPymt ' Rate: mmt/#Mo Financi~ Subject to Credit Approval. Standard terms for eq~fipment are payment in full or financed & lmured against Joss by time of deli~er~ 4e~ptance of this Proposal & countersignature by an Officer of Tri-County Equipment constitutes a Yhlid & Binding Con met I I Subtotal ~er: -- T/E -, 3% ~g Tax 6% FLI l Fees, Frt. or Prep ~egat Name Representative Ici# Minus Deposit Signature Title Officer Approval I Bal. On Delivery Date Date CITY OF DADE nTm~,y ciTY OF DADE ely, FLORIDA PAGE 8! P U RCHAS, E REQUISITIO. N Tn-county Equipmen~ 121 2000 Streets ;; ACTIviTY: Machinery& Equip ACCOUNT N0~= 64 ORDERED: January 12; 2000 PERSON ORDERING: )D: PHONE MAIL FAX : $omo !$0.oo so. Oo ~0.O0 $0.00 · $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $25,543~4~ Ron Ferc. luson IN PERSON DEPARTM[ HEAD 08/95 ClTYI CITY OF DADE ClT~Y ASPHALT PAVER BID PROPOSALS PROPOSALS DUE DECEMBER 20th, 1999 Prepared by City of Dade City Public Works Division Dade City, Florida INVITATION TO BID BID # 99-06 10/lq./2000 11:05 954~720077 TRI OOW~T¥ ~PM£N, iNVITATION TO B~ID BI]) NUMBER: 99~6 DATE: November 15, 1999 VENDOR: Tri-County Equipment 1910 !~v 164 Street Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Attn'. Gerald Lewis · '~55 Y 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 FOLLOWING ITEMS: Asphalt Paver see attached (List Tecknicai Specifications); see attached specification sheet Prices are to include delivery to: City of Dade City Equipment Maintenance Yard 14535 l0b Street Dade'City, FL 33525 For further information please contact Ron Ferguson, Public Works Director, at. (352) 523-5051 or 052) 523,5050. Page 1 of 9 15 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21, Conflict of Interest: The bidder certifies that this bid has not been arrived at collusively or otherwise in violation of£ederal, state or local laws, Informalities: The City of Dade City reserves the right to waive any informality in bids. Tax Exemptions: The City of. Dade City is tax exempt. Our tax exempt number is 61-04-026065-54C. Pricing: If a unit price when extended, is obviously in error, the incorrect extended price will be disregarded, Training: Unless otherwise specified, supplier (s) may be required, at the convenience of and at no expense to the City, to provide training to City 'employees in the operatioi~ and maimenance of any item(s) from the bid, Interpretations: Any questions concerning conditions and speoifications shall be directed to (name of designated department employe~). Those interpretations which may affect the eventual outcome of this bid will be furnished in writing to all prospective bidders. No interpretation shall be considered binding unless provided in writing by the City, Warranty: The bidder agrees that, unless otherwise specified, the supplies and/or services furnished under this bid/proposal shall be covered by the most favorable commercial warranty the bidder gives To any customer for comparable quantities of such supplies and/or services and that the rights and remedies provided herein are in addition to and not limited any rights afforded to the City of Dade City by any other provisions oft}tis bid. Page 4 of 9 Bid Specifications for Asphatt Paver All Minimum Specifications Or Similar General Dimensions 88" length 118" width (hoPl:>er open) 101" width 8' screed (hopper closed) Paving widths up to 8 foot steel track undercarriage Engine water cooled !3' volt 20,amp Hopper 4 ton 2~iRdependent hydraulic gates optional gate ,cutoff plates gravity flow asphalt ;independent hydraulic operatip, g augers Sc, reed Fully floating & adjustable Length - 88" 8 foot - 101" minimum operating Operator stations dual operating controls isolated dual span platforms asohalt t~opper visibility hydraulic system variabie hydrostatic drive pump hydraulic accessory pump hyrdraulic oil cooler Page lA of g Bid # 99-06 Bid Requirements 2,1 Mark bid envelope, "Bid # 99-06 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Bid format pro~4ded by the City is the orlly acceptable format on which a vendor may remm a bid. Any additional informatibn, specifications or alternate bids should be attached to this format. Bids submitted on any other format may be di~ualifle8 Rid . . .......... sheet must, be signed by an authorized person to validate the bid price, Please mail or hand deliver to the office of the City Manager. City Hall, 38020 Meridian Avenue, Dade City. Florida33525. Bids must be received by I:00 pm, D~ember 20. 1999 Bids will be opened at City Halt in.mediately after bid close, Any bids received after the specified time and date will not be considered. If applicable, a "NO BID" reply would be appreciated and will maintain your company on our currem bid list. Any person submitting a bid or proposal in: response to this invitation must execute the enclosed form PUR 7068, SWORN STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 287.133 (A), FLORIDA STATUTES, ON'PUBLIC ENTITY CRI1VEES, including proper check (s), in the space(s) provided, and enclose it with the bid/proposal. A~ y bidder wx~hing to reccav¢ aeopy ortho bid tabulation is required to enclose a stamped. self-addressed envelope with their bid response: STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS Qu~i. ty:, Any manufacturers name, tradg ri, amc, brend-name or catalog number used in the specifications are for the purpose of de.scribing and establishing general quality levels. Such references are not intended to be restrictive. Bids will be considered for any brand which meets or exceeds the quality of the specifications F.O.B. Point: Products are {o be shipped, F O.B. to the department and address listed under the "Requesting Department" on page one of this specification Invoices: Invoices should be sent in duplicate to the City of Dade City, Finance Deparunent, P, O. Box 1355. Dade City. Florida 33526..1355., It is understood and agreed that orders will be shipped at the established contract ,prices, Invoicing in variance with this will subjeca the contract to cancellation, Page 2 of 9 ~k/~/2008 ~0B ~9720077 TR[ CgUNTV E~UZPNEN~ ~GE gE Bid # 99-06 4. Information and Literature: Bidders are to fi.'mish alt information and literature requested. Failure to do so may be cause for rejection. 5. Time for Considersfion: Bids wilt be irrevocable al~er the lim~nd date set for the opening of bids and for a period of ninely (90) days thereat~er. arld~.to:a~pt: the~b{d, ~i~:~/~ ?~r~l of the.Ci~7, The City m~y award s~tions individually or collectively whkhe~· is~n. a-l~st~inter~a ~nt,ss othe~S~-sP*ciiiea~by the bidder. 7. Non-D~scnm~nation- r~ disoriminat~ by reason of race, eolor~ age, religion, sta,~.d and with specifications and the successful r shatl.be~held accordingly, ,appropriate safety stand~rd orgar~z~/tions- 10. Samples: When requested, samples must be famished as called for, free.of expense to the City. Bidders request for retu~'~o£ s~mples mus, t be in writing with s~bmissi°n of their samples. Return shippin~ costs wi~t bethe ?sp0nsibilltyo£the bidder. Each sample shall be labeled individually with ~e bidder's name and address. 11. Cancellations: Thi,'s contract"sh~!l remain in effect a.t least ninety (90) days from effective date. A~er thiS period, ~his eo~ra~t mayb~ cancelled in whole or m ~i~ by either psrty upon thirty (30) days, written'notice m ~he other par~y. 12. Award: Award shall be made ~othe responsive and,r~spo.nsible bidder,whose bid is most economical according the criteria, designated in the soh¢it~t~on. 13. Assignment: Neither the contract nor payments due~may be assigned~ except with prim approval of the City. 14. Patents and Copyrights: The ¢ont, actor agrees to hold harmless the City, its of~eers, agents and employees from liability of any kind, including cost and expenses, with respect to any claim, action, cost or iudgement for patent or copyright infringements. Page 3 of'9 10/1~/280~ !i:59 B~4972~77 T~I COUNTV EQUIPNENT 'P~GE 02 Bid # 99-06 CITY OF DADE CITY Office of the Cky Manager Ck~ Halt 38020 Meridian Avenue Dade City, FL 33525 BID SHEET Quantity Item .. price Each ~'~nded Price I . ,4 GE~L Mode~l i448'Paver. $25543.49 $25,543.49 Submitted by: ~l ~.(.~oriz~d Representative) For'. Tri-County ~quipmen~ (Company Name) Delivery Date: Please specify when product will be delivered after receipt of Order~ 10 Days from Da be oi~ P. o. Delivery Date may affect award of Bid. Page 5 of 9 10F19 2000 11:09 9540720~?~ TRI 3GU~Tv EQUIPMENT PAGE 03 Bid # 99-06 IDENTICAL TI~E BIg)S In accordance with Section 287 087, of the Florida State Statutes, preference shall be g~ven to businesses with drug-free workplace programs. Whenever wvo or more bi?s~which a~e:equa~l ~with respect to price, quality, and se~Mce are received by the State Or to any p~lific~ subdiviSi6~i ~or the procurement of commoditie~ or con,traemal services a bid re~ived from a bus!ne~s;,that qe~, '~es,that. it has implemented a drug-free workplace program shall be giv,eh, preference in tlie award process, :Established procedures for processing tie bids will be follo~'ved if now ofth~J{i~d'~vendo~/s:hax~e a drug-flee WOrkplace program. In Ord~ to Mve:a/'dmg;free workpla6e program, a basin6ss Shall: action~ tdat w{ll' be tak~;~ifist.eml~iOyees foi'-,vlolau°na~i°f such pro~¢On~- - o ecs about the dan ers o~ drag .abuse in the workphc~, the,!b~ness'a policy of Inform empl .y. g . . · , '~':' "' ' and mainta~rd~g a dmg-fr~ ~orkplace,,,anY avml.:al~:}? drUg.c~unse~t!r~}.,~on, 'r employ~-a~siStance p~0'~?a~s~ ahd ~he:o~naltie~ thht'may be imposeC~ aport *nlpmyees w drug abuse violations~ Give each i~mpk/yee engaged i~ pro,ding the commodities or contractual service that ate under bid a copy of~he statement specified in subseclion (1), In the statement,specLfied in subsection (I), notify the employees that, as~a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the emplOYee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction Im ose a sanction on, or r~eq(iire the satisfactory participation in a drag abuse assistance or P ..... u- -- :~--~"; .... ~lable iff {he employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted, Make a good £akh effor~ to continue to maintain a dru~-free workplac~ through implementa~/on o£ th/s section. As the person authorized to sign the sta~ment, I certify that this ~-m complies f~lly v~th the above requirements. ~ Vendor's Signature Page 6 of 9 2888 1!:89 354972887? ¥~I COUNTv E~UIPMENT PAGE 84 Swurn Statement Pursuant t~ Section 287.153 (3) (a), Florida Statutes, on Public EntRy Crimes THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND SWORN TO IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY I¢{I~LIC OR OTHI~R OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED TO ADMrI1WISTEH OATIIS. 'I~q. is sworn statement is submitted to __ Oily by for of Dade City ~fim name of the public entiU) Brian Hunt Vice President (p~nt i~ividual% name and title) Trt-County Equipment (print name of entity submitting sworn statement) whose business address is 1910 N.W. 16th Street Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 and (if applicable) its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEI'N) is 6500608 1 2 (If the entity has no FERN, include the Social Security Number of the individual signing this sworn statement: ... ,. .) [ understand that a "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.133 (l)(g), Florida Statutes, means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the Un/tM Stat~, including but not limited to. any bid or contract for goods or services. to be provided to any public entity or an agency or political subdiv/sion of any other state or of the United States and involving antitrust, fraud, thoR, bribery, collusion, racketeering, consptraey, or material misrepresentation. I understand that "convicted" or '"conviction" as defined in Paragraph 287.133 (!)(b), Florida Statutes, means a finding ofguitt or a conviction ora public entity crime, with or without an adjudication of guilt, in any federal or state thai court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information at%r luly 1, 1989, as a result ofajuI~ verdict, nonjury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contend ere. I understand that an "affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287.133 (l)(a), Florida Statutes, means: A predecessor or successor of a person convicted ora public entity crime; or An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted ora public entity crime. The terra "affiliate" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, Pag* 7 of 9 members, and agents who are active in management of an affiliate. The ownership of one person of shares constituting a controlling interest in another person or pooling o~equipment~or income among persons when not for fair market value under an ama's length agreement, shall be a prima facie case that oneperson controls another person. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person who has been conYkte~ ara p~ubli9 enfity_crin~e-LnFlorida durigg the p, recedi!!g:36 mcr/tbs.shall be c0ns~deredan affiliate. ~ ' ' ' I understand that a "person" as defined in Paragraph 287;. 133(1)(¢);l*lorida Statutes, means any natural-person or entity organized under the laws of any state or the United States with the legal power to enter into a binding c~ntract and which bidsor applies to bid on contracts for the ~o~sion of goodso~ ~e~i~ l& I~yI~p~Ibli~ ehtity' 6rWhich °ther~i~e~ansacts or applies Pt0, transact busines~ with a pulSlic enfity~. Theterin "p~rson" includes ttmse officers, direCtors, exeCutives, :partners. shareholders, employees, members, and. agems who are acttve in manogemem o~f anpmity. Based on information and belief, the statement which I have marked below is true in relation to the entity submitting ti'ds sworn statement [indicate which statement applies.l Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement nbr any of its officers, directors, cfa public entity crime subsequent to July is 1989. The entity submitting this sworn statement nor any of its officers, director, executives.~ partners, shareholders; eraployees, members, or agents who are active in the management of the entity, nor any affiliate of the~entity has been charged with and convicted of a pubtic'entiLv cfimesubs~quent ~o JUly 1, 1989. The entity submitting this sworn statement nor any of its officer*, direCtor, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in the management of the entity, nor any attiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted cfa public entity crime;subeequent:to July 1, 19,89. However, there has been a subsequenx proceedin before a Hearing Offi~r Of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative publi* interest to place the entity sut~nuttmg tm sworn s~aremum un [attach a copy of the final order] Page 8 of 9 ii:09 954_~72~_~77 TRI ]OUNT¥ EQUIPMENT PAGE I Understand that the submission of this form to the contracting officer for the public entity identified in paragraph l(one) above is for that public entity onlyand, that thi~ form is valid thro.ugh De~.ember 31 of t,h~ calendar year ~n which it is Flied. I ~ .~..o understand that I am reqm~d to inform· . the public, entity Prior to. r:~ntering, into a contraS, in ex~,es~ of the threshold .am.oun. t .prov,dec[m Section, FLO' ~.~A STATI/TES'for.catego/~'b~o Of any change in me m~ormatinn contained in this form. ~ Sworn to ~Lnd subscribed before me thi.s Personally known OR Produced identification (Type of identification) 9th day of.. December , 19 99 Notary Public of State ~.~ ~ ~ ~r ~ ~ .... -~ .... e'.~ .Y ;'~ ' '-' ~ c~e7 II i1~ ~s: J~ ~, ~ l (printed ~ed or ~m~d~d~ssion~ ~e of nota~ public) Page 9 of 9 FOR DEP'T DELWER 22.2 N.E. 9t:h A~E. TO / 'FT,EI~.T REQUISITION TO PURCHASING AGENT NAME' '~- ¢O~vTy- SPURS VENDOR CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH APPROVALS QUAN. DEaSCRIPTION EXTERIOR COLOR: INTERIOR COLOR: FOR DEP'T NO. ~']C)~ PTTRT.T~ T~CI'R~ / 'F'T.'~.F,T ,R'F..RVTP..~.~ DATE_ VE. 222 N.E. 9th AVE. PAtS - NEEDED A. S. A. P. REMARK' DIRECT BLT. INQUi_RiE~T H' LEE (561)742-621~: ~ VE~DOR~ ~) 742-6211 _ SPURS VENDOR # ,.~170~"~-~-~01 REQUISITION TO PURCHASING AGENT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH APPROVALS DEPARTMENT HEAD ~'~'~CTIVE DATES: '- 05/31 QUAN UNIT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMBER ="~===== ~ AMOUNT I FUND DEPT. BASI( ELE OBJ I : I I ~ I ~ I COLOR: 6-f · t'~c~- INTERIOR COLOR: Requested City Comm/ssion Meetin~ Dates [] Novembcr2I. 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] December 19, 2000 [] lanuary 2. 200] V-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACI ITEM B-3. AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FO,._.._ Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m~) December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.j Requested Ci~ Commission Meetin~ Dates [] January 16 2001 [] February 6, 200] [] February 20. 2001 [] March 6. 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) January 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 21, 2001 5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDAITEM [] Admlnistrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfiuished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: MOTION ro utilize STATE OF FLORIDA. CONTRACT NO. 425-001-97-I for the PURCHASE OF OFHCE CHAIRS FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT from THOMAS W, RUFF & COMPANY in the amount of $11,522.72. EXPLANATION: Procurement Services Division received a purchase requisition from Police Department for the purchase of forty-two (42) new desk chairs utilizing State Contract g425-001-97-1 One of the awarded contractors for this bid is Steelcase and the local distributor for the chairs is Thomas W. Ruff & Company. Procurement Services Division requests Commission's review, evaluation and approval. PROGRAM IMPACT: The desk chairs currently used by Police Department are old and in need of replacement. FISCAL IMPACT: The desk cbaks were allocated in the FY2000~2001 budget as follows: Account Descrintion Operating Equipment <$750 Account Number 001-2110-521-52-20 Budget $ 12,000.00 ALTERNATIVES: Continue to use existing desk chairs which need maintenan~ce. Deputy Director of Financial Services ' ~ity Manager s Signature Procurement Services Division Department Name City Attorney Finance / Human Resources cc: Michael Munro - Police File SABULLETIN~FORMS~AGENDA ITEM RJEQUEST FORM.DOC index Page I of 2 Furniture: Office 425-001-97-1 Effective: 01/16/97 throug~ 01/15/'01 Certification Special Conditions Order' Revisions Complete Contractors: Allseating Corporation American Seating Artopex Cramer Creative Dimensions Crown Furniture Dauphin Design Options Design Resource Group Dowcraft Eckadams Executive Office Concepts Flex-Y-Plan GF Office Global Groupe LaCasse Gunlocke Harpers Haworth Herman Miller Hickory Leather Highrnark Hon Indiana Desk ISE Jasper www.creativedimension.com www.dauphin.com www.designoptions.com www.eckadams.com www. fumiture-office.com/eoc www.fvp.com www. gfoffice.com §lobaltotaloffice.com www. groupelacasse.com gtmlocke.com www. furniture.kimball.corn/home/~ov~ www.haworth-fum.com www.hermanmilter.com www.hlc-usa, com www.highmarkergo.com www.honcompan¥.com www.visual-~r gonomics.com http://fcn.smte.fl.us/st_conaacrs/425001971/ 11/92/2000 index Page 2 of 2 JOFCO Kimball Knoll Krueger La-Z-Boy Miller National Nello Neutral Posture Nova Solutions Novikoff OFS Stvline Omrfi Packard Panel Concepts Paoli Pleion Pride Purelite Rosemont Sitmatic Sit On It Sm/th Systems Softview Spectracom Steelcase Steelcase / Details Superior Chair Tab Products Teknion~ Tiffany Trendway United Cha/r Vecta Via Viking Acoustical Workrite Ergonomics Wright L/ne http://www,jofco.com www. fumimre.kSxnball.com/home/govt www.knoll.com www. ki-inc.com www, iag.net/-cdp/or lzbcontract.com www.hackimflorida, com www. fumiture.kimball.com/home/~ow www.neutralposmre.com www.novadesk, com www.noviko ff. com www.ofc-inc.com www,furniture-office,convpaneleoncepts www. paoli.com www.pleion.com www,pridefl.com www.sitmatic.com sitonit ~earthlink.net www.smithsystem.com www.spectranomics.com www.steelcase.com www.tabgovt.com www.tiffanyindustries.com www,trendway.com www.unitedchair.com www.vecta, com www.viaseating.com www.wrea~com http://fcn, state.fl.us/st_contracts/425001971/ 11/02/2000 STEELCASE Page 1 of 3 NOTE: STEELCASE ORDERING ~NSTRUCTIONS ALL ORDERS SHOLrLD BE DIRECTED TO: SERVICING DEALERS SPURS VENDOR NUMBER: VENDOR: STREET ADDRESS OR P.O. BOX: CITY, STATE, ZIP: TELEPHONE: T©LL FREE, NO.: ORDERING FAX NO.: REMIT ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PRODUCT INFORMATION: DIRECT INQUIRY TO: SERVICING DEALERS NAME AND TITLE: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: TELEPHONE: TOLL FREE NO.: URL HOME PAGE ADDRESS: ELECTRONIC MAIL ADDRESS: COMMODITY NUMBERS THE FOLLOWING COMMODITY NUMBERS ARE TO BE USED TO ORDER FURNITURE FROMT THE MANUFACTURER LISTED ABOVE: ERGONOMIC CHAIRS: WOOD CHAIRS: WOOD DESKS, CREDENZAS, COMPUTER FURNITURE: SYSTEMS FURNITURE: TABLES, ETC.: 425-100-810 425-140-805 425-210-805 425-510-805 425-560-800 STEELCASE SERVICING DEALERS SPURS#: 59-1497093-001 SPURS#: 310849755-001 http: 7fcn.state.fl.us/st_comracts/425001971/order52.htm 11/02/2000 STEELCASE Page 2 of 3 OFFICE FURNITURE & DESIGN CENTER (A) (A) 2323 CLEVELAND AVENUE FT. MYERS, FL 33901 941-337-1212 FAX 941-337-4910 DAVID BLACK (REV 9 JUNE 00) SPURS#: 111694695-001 E & I COOPERATIVE SERVICES INC. (V) INc. (A) 450 WIS~LESS BOULEVARD 100 HAUPPAGE, NY 11788-8827 800-283-2634 / FAX 954-385-2566 LINDA BUGLIARO (REV 9 JUNE 00) SPURS#: 310849755-014 THOMAS W. RUFF & COMPANY (A) 3201 COMMERCE PARKWAY MIRAMAR, FL 33025 954-435-7300 / FAX 954-435-7212 FRANK VUYOVICH (Rev 26 Sep 97) SPURS#: 59-2347840-001 PERDUE, INC. (A) 8443 BAYMEADOWS ROAD JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256 904-737-5858 / FAX 904-737-6088 MICHEAL GARCIA THOMAS W. RUFF & COMPANY 911 SOUTH ORLANDO AVENUE MAITLAND, FL 32751-6407 407-628-2400 / FAX 407-628-8941 IOHN LUKASEK SPURS#: 59-1676045-001 INTERIOR DESIGN SERVICES, 11200 9TH STREET NORTH. SUITE ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33716 813-576-7055 / FAX 813-222-0972 CAROLYN CORNAGHIE SPURS#: 59-2914842-001 COMMERCIAL FURNISHINGS (A) 27t 8 CENTERVILLE ROAD TALLAHASSEE, FL 32317-3386 850-386-2354 / FAX 850-386-4171 CRAIG JOHNSON (Rev 30 May 98) SPURS#: 59-1676045 INTERIOR DESIGN SERVICES (A) 1618 MAIN STREET SARASOTA, FL 34236 941-954-0791 / FAX 941-953-3299 JAKE JACOBSON SPURS#: 59-2193752-004 GLT OFFICE SUPPLY COMPANY OB) INc. (A) P.O. BOX 3829 LAKELAND, FL 33802-3829 863-686-1799 / FAX 863-687-0816 BRENDA WISE (REV 9 JUNE 00) SPURS: F 56-0296097-001 THOMAS W. RUFF & COMPANY (A) (A) 7830 BRYON DRIVE, STE. 2 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33404-3332 561-840-8600 / FAX 561-840-1873 SPURS#: 59-1441275-001 OFFICE SYSTEMS OF FLORIDA, 5150 N. W. 167TH STREET MIAMI LAKES, FL 33014 305-620-0654 / FAX 305-620-6097 CHUCK WILLIAMS (REv 9 JUNE oo) SPURS#: 59-2866517-001 OFFICE ENVIRONMENTS CENTER 2393 SW COLLEGE ROAD OCALA, FL 34474 352-620-2888 / FAX 352-620-2891 http://fcn, state.fl.us/st_contracts/425001971/order52.hma 11/02/2000 STEELCASE Page 3 of 3 DONALD LaCERRA (REV 28 FEB 97) SPURS#: 59~3078387 LEITZ & REED OFFICE PRODUCTS, 1NC. (M) 427 EAST 15TH ST. PANAMA CITY, FL 32405 850-784-6935 / FAX 850-785-3236 LAJOYCE'LEITZ (Rev 30 May 98) SPURS#: 59~2866517-002 OFFICE ENVIRONMENTS CENTER, INC. (A) 4805 sW~32~TH STRE- ET GAINESVILLE/~& 32~08 352-377-0884/F,~X 352-377-1215 BOB DAVIS WILLIAM SALTER SPURS~: F 721380289-1~01 OEC BUSINESS INTERIORS (C) 3914 N. DAVIS HWY: PENSACOLA, FL 32503 PHO~: 800-801-2232 c6 qr×c r: D.j. (NEW 22 SEPT 99) SPURS#: 59-1229162-001 AMERICAN BUSINESS INTERIORS 03) P.O. BOX 2048 MELBOURNE, FL 32901-2048 321-723-5003 FAX 321-984-4221 ROBERT PERERS (REV 9 JUNE 00) http://fcn, state.fl.us/st_contmcts/4250C 1971/order52.htm 11/02/2000 STEELCASE Page 1 of 4 STEELCASE PRICE SHEET SERIES NAME DISCOUNT AVENIR, 9000, VALENCIA WOOD (Rev 13 Oct. 00) SEGMENT PANELS PRICE LIST GS-28F-8021H USE PRICE LIST #150 USE PRICE LIST INTELLUME & INTERNODE (REV 22 SEPT 99) CONTEXT (Rev 13 Oct. 00) SECANT (NEW 22 SEPT 99) ELLIPSE, 8500 COMPUTER SUPPORT (Rev 13 Oct. 00) ACTIVITY TABLES (Rev. 13 Oct. 00) GENTRY, ALERION, ENGLAND, BELMONT, ASCOT. ALCOVE, DEJA DECORUM, THEORUM, MASQUE, INTERVAL, # 152 2/9/99 GS-28F-8021H USE PRICE LIST #150 GS-28F-8021H USE PRICE LIST #152 2/9/99 USE PRICE LIST #150 GS-28F-8021H USE PRICE LIST #150 GS-28F-8021H USE PRICE LSIT #150 TOPAZ, COLLABORATION, GLENDALE (Rev 13 Oct. 00) 8500 SERIES GS-28F-8021I-I TABLES & 8600 SERIES (New 30 May 98) PURCHASE PRICE $ 0 - 93,000 $ 93,001- 400,000 $ 400,001- 500,000 68.7 72.2 74.25 $ 0 - 125,000 17.4 $ 125,001 -500,000 23.5 $ 0 - 93,000 $ 93,001-400,000 $ 40C,000-500,000 65.7 67.7 69.2 $ 0 -400,000 66.7 $ 400,001 -500,000 72.2 730 BOOKCASES 730/970 STORAGE CABINETS (Rev. 13 Oct. 00) $ 0 - 500,000 64.7 PALADIN, TABLES $ 0- 25,000 59.6 $ 25,001 - 50,000 59.8 $ 50,001- 75,000 60 $ 75,001 - 200,000 60.2 $0-15,000 68.7 $15,001-25,000 69.0 $25,001-35,000 69.3 $35,001-50,000 69.7 $50,001-100,000 70.3 GS-28F-8021H $ 0 - 400,000 66.7 USE PRICE LIST $400,001 - 500,000 72.2 #150 $ 0 - 15,000 58.6 $ 15.001- 25,000 59 GS-28F-8021H USE PRICE LIST http://fcn, state.fl.us/s_comracts/4_______.t 25001071 price55.htm l 1/02 2000 STEELCASE Page 2 of 4 BROADMOOR TABLES ~150 WALDEN.300/320, 400/420, BALLUSTRADA, ASHBURY GS-28F-8021H USE PRICE LIST #150 25,001- 35,000 35,001- 50,000 0 - 3OO,OOO 59.4 59.8 58.6 MONARCH, ARBOR. CHURCHILL GS-28F-8021H USE PRICE LIST #150 $ 0 - 300,000 60~9 TEAMWORK, TEMPLATE GS -28F -8021H USE PRICE LIST ~150 $ 0 - 300,000 54.5 CRITERION, SENSOR, GS-28F-8021H $ 0 - 25,000 SEATING, TRILOGY, 454, USE PRICE LIST $ 25,00t - 50,000 RALLY, PROTEGE, =150 $ 50,001 - 75,000 SNODGRASS, DRIVE $ 75,001- 200,000 SEATING, RAPPORT, PLAYER, MAXSTACKER, PARADE TURNSTONE GS-28F-8021H SPRINGBOARD SEATING USE PRICE LIST ONLY #150 68.7 68.8 69.0 69.2 $ 0- 25,000 59.6 $ 25,001- 50,000 59.8 $ 50,001- 75,000 60.0 $ 75,001 o 200,000 60.2 PERSONAL HARBOR GS-28F-8021H PURCHASE PRICE $7.033.35 WITH 0% DISCOUNT USE PRICE LIST ~150 (REV 13 OCT. 00) BALANCE OF LINE: (WITH EXCEPTION OF SPRINGBOARD-SEE PRICE ABOVE.) TURNSTONE SEATING, CASEGOODS, TABLES AND ACCESSORIES AND SYSTEMS-NOT GSA BUT AVAILABLE AT SAME DISCOUNT. TURNSTONE SEATING: 54.0 SURPRISE. 318/320 LEATHER, 330, 55.5 SLIPPER, SWOOP, 395, UNO, 56.5 POUNDCAKE, SONATA. SWEEPER NEG. (REV 22 SEPT 99) TURNSTONE CASEGOODS: PL152 PL152 $ 1 23,000 $ 23,001- 55,625 $ 55,626- 108,750 $108,751 - $ 1 - 23,000 hrrp://fcn.state.fl.us/st_contracts/425001971/price55 .htm 11/02/2000 STEELCASE Page 3 of 4 54.0 5300 SERIES, 55.5 5710 SERIES, 56.5 5770 SERIES NEG. (REV 22 SEPT 99) TURNSTONE TABLES & ACCESSORIES: 54.0 GROUPWORK TABLES, 55.5 MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES 56.5 (REV 22 SEPT 99) NEG. PL152 TURNSTONE SYSTEMS: 59.0 ANSWER 60.5 PLI52 61.5 (SERIES) 59.1 LEAP CHAIRS 59.3 PLI52 59.5 59.7 (REV. 13 OCT. 00) PATHWAYS (SERmS) QUOTIENT, PORTAL, 56% ADDITION, CONJUNCTION, UNDERSCORE (REV 13 OCT. 00) PL# 152 QUICK SHIP PROGRAMS ARE AVAILABLE FOR ' DESIGNATED ITEMS, PER GSA SCHEDULES SPACE PLANNING COSTS: $55.50/HR. ADDITIONAL SHIPPING/DELIVERY COSTS: $ 23.001- 55,625 $ 55,626- 108,750 $108,751 + $ 1 - 23,000 $ 23,001 - 55,625 $ 55,626- 108,750 $108,751 + $ 1 - 20,500 $ 20,501- 49,375 $ 49,376- 96,250 $ 96,251 * 100- 25,000 25,001- 50,000 50,001- 75,000 75,001- 200,000 PURCHASE(PRICE) $ 0- 300,000 $ 300,000 - 1,454,546 58 $1,454,547-1,960,784 60 http://fcn.state.fl.us st_contxacts/425001971 price55.htm 11/02/2000 STEELCASE Page 4 of 4 ALL PRODUCTS F.O.B. DESTINATION, DROP SHIP. ALL PRODUCTS WILL BE BROUGHT TO THE TAILGATE OF THE TRAILER AND MUST BE REMOVED BY THE AGENCY. ALL ADDITIONAL SERVICE SUCH AS DELIVERY IN THE AGENCY'S PREMISES OR iNSIDE DELIVERY MAY BE NEGOTIATED BY THE AGENCY WITH THE PARTICIPATING DEALER ON A JOB-PER-JOB BASIS. ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION COSTS: WiLL BE NEGOTIATED BY THE AGENCY WITH THE PARTICIPATING DEALER ON A JOB-PER-JOB BASIS. (REV 9 JUNE 00) STEELCASE/I)ETAILS PRICE SHEET SERIES NAME DISCOUNT PRICE LIST PURCHASE PRICE DETAILS GS-29F-0141G $ 0 - 500,000 54.5 SHIPPING/DELIVERY COSTS ALL PRODUCTS F.O.B. DESTINATION, DROP SHIP. NO ADDITIONAL SHIPPING OR HANDLING CHARGES. INSTALLATION COSTS: TO BE NEGOTIATED BY THE AGENCY WiTH THE PARTICIPATING DEALER ON A JOB- PER-JOB BASIS. IF THE AGENCY REQUESTS INSTALLATION SERVICES, DETAILS EXPRESS WILL HAVE A PARTICIPATING STEELCASE DEALER CONTACT AGENCY FOR A QUOTATION. (New 30 May 98) http://fcn.state.fl.us/st_ con,acts/425001971/price55.btm 11/02/2000 Quotation QuO'ri; TO: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT SHIP TO: MICHAEL CIT~ OF BOi~TON BF~ACH CI~ OF ~N !00 E~T ~ ~ B~ ~LI~ ~ ~X 310 100 E. ~O~ON B~ Boym~on B~ach, FL 33425-0310 BoSton ~a~. ~ 3342S-0310 Terms ~T zo ~YS Sales ~c.,: · , .~ ~~.~. * PRICIN~ ~F.R ~ STAT ~ 0I~ FLORIDA CONTRA[.~ * ~42S-001-97-1. * STATE O~ER NO ~S. * ~IS O~. * P~E ~L ~I ~ 16 45S1427 S'&'~CA ~ 333 458 ~WORK, SZ 2,~ HI "0" ~.~Su ~T,~S ~ P~IC :6205 ~CK ~ ~LS~Y: 5518 3 4581436W S~EL~ ~ 326. 4S8 ~R-WO~,SZ 2,~I BK, P~TIC :620~ B~CK i 4588431W S~EL~ S 458 ~L-HI~, SZ1,MI; BK, ~,~S,HGT/WID~ ~j ~OFT P~STIC :6205 B~ i %581406 S~EL~ ~ 458 ~IR-WO~,SZ 2,~ BK, NO ~,~ ~GT, ~S P~TIC :620~ B~W · · ~ * -Quotation :~S~Y: 5518 ~ ~ 3 ~S81437W ~T~L~ ~ 360.56 1,081.7~ P~TIC :6205 B~CK , - UP~S~Y: 551~ ~ ~.H~ S~SOR SOFT ~ TO BE D~"~I~~ /, . 42 F~. PROTECTI~ ~O~ 15.00 6~0. 7 F~C ~ION - 2~ W~ A~INST ST~S, FO~ ~L S~L~E ~TI~ ON 8 i DEL~RY ~S~ . ' ~. 840.00 ~ ~F TO R~C~I~, INSPE~ DELI~RY 2~ I ,ra~ Total ADDITIONAL '1 OF SALES PROPOSAL ANI PRICES Pdces quoted are firm for :30 days from date of' ~reposaL .axes will be added to the invoice at the time of billing, ACCEPTANCE Accae£ance of the proposal is only upon receipt by Seller of on behatt' of Customer. Thedate of this Agreeme~ is the de CAN CELLJt. T1ON SICHANGES Sailer agrees Ia acoet~t written carlcellation of any order with Manufacturer without penalty to the Seller. The Seller will u~ penalty imposed wil! be paid for by flleClJstomer, In the respqnsJbility.of the CustOmer t0 a~ca~ and pay for the met PROGRAM ARENOT SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION. DELIVERY AI~O IhL-~TALLATION DELAYS In me event that construction delays, or other causes whic the furnishings will be stored until installation Can be resu~ had been delivered. TranSfer and storage charges ncurr and ~ns[a ation exped t on w~ be based upon the sat ers GENERAL LIABILITY No ~iabi!ity shall accrue against the Seller as a result of any ACtS of Ged. Unatffhodaed delays by the manufacturer, or u PAYMENT TERMS A deposit of 50% of the total I~ce is required with all ¢ Terms of Sale are payment in full of net total pr~e ten monthly againsl any amounts not paid wilhln 30 days Assuming there is timely notk:e of shortages, damage: may be withhe d for any m::~iv dual item invoiced but n( situation'. Payment may not be withheld far the baianc SECURITY INTEREST Cuslomer hereby grants and Seller retains a secudty inten indebtedness remaining unpaid horeunder. Customer Seller ce~uires in connection with such security interest. MISCELLANEOUS Terms andcondttions as set forth herein may be elte~ By aCCeptance of this Agreement, Customer a~knowl ERMS AND CONDITIONS, CONDITIONAL SALES ~.GREEMENT Pd~ .~s quoted do not include apI;~licable sales, use or exdse ta~es. Such duplicate of this Agreenqen! ahich has been dated and executed by or :e of Customer's signed a~cal~tance, =ut penalty Io CUstomer provided thai the cancellaUon is a~-epted by the the best effort to ar. ute catlcel[atJon without penalty; however, any nt that cancellation is not a,'~eptad by the Manufacturer, it will be the handise as ordered10ROEFt$ PLACED UNDER ANY "QUICK SHI.~ to installation. ice will bo ~umished without c.~arge to Se,er. Adequate facilities for off- [~g bourn. Ad.riehl la~ tests m~l~g f~ ove~i~ w~ pedo~ ~ml! ~ ~e r~b[~ of ~e Cus~m~. c~t~r m~t ~ ~a~di~, in:~ting, ~t~ (10) ~ ~ ~,ve~ ~t~ S~er M~ nd;~ aS ~ ~n.da~g~ at t~ Ume of C~[o~s r~t by ~mons All ~ ~e s~.be d~med te have b~n ~Uy a~pt~ by [ ~ be ~E~ by the~iiar, S~let or i~-~ip~r ~ s~ul~ $h~l ~ ins~ ~d fu,y a~ptad at al i~tlafi~n ~r~f te ~ ~ffo~d ~ ~e ~ll~. Fa~e to re~ a~y al~e~, ~ll ~nstitule CushineSs ~ll a~p~ of~e ~dise are not within the ¢0ntm~ of.Seller, fane postponement of the installation d. ItWalcos w~l be suni te th .~ Customer and pa d as if the m~chandise shall be paid by the Customer. E~ra labor charges for loading, unlcading, ~rrnal haudy rata schedule. ~reach of these terms and conditions resulting from any wor~ stoppage, her delays beyond Sellers ca~ntroL lets unless other terms h,awt previously been established in writing. I~) days from ~lata of invite. A delinquency charge of 1 .S0% sssesse¢ ~11 be add=d t= such anm,~n~;;. ; er errm~ -aa provided un~e~: Delivery and Installation al~ve~ payment ~t recaived or received in uns,.~.eptabl= ~nd~t[nn until Seller remedies the e of items Ihat are received in accoptable condltien on each invoice. st in [he sub~ect matter of thio Agreement to secure the payment of ~es to execute lliqan~ng statements and tO parterre such other actions as ad only ul:~n the wdttae approval of beth the Customer and the Seller. Iges ree~fipt of a duly cxecu:ed duplicate copy of this Agreement. Accepted by Date 2000-01 POLICE DEPARTMENT CHAIR REPLACEMENT TYPE Training 4 Side $ 6 6 6 Training Cale I High-Back "O~ Arm 1 Det Yannuzzl Det Yannuzz~ Oet Briganfi Det Smith Del Smith Der Cash Det Mahoney Det Renshawe Det Mitchell Der Mitchell Crime Scene Laurie Evid Matson High-Back" O "Arm 1 Sled Base SideChelr 6 6 Sled Base Side Chair 6 6 x~ High-Back" O "Arm Sled Base Side Chair 6 6 6 xxx High-Back" O "Arm 1 High-Sack" O"Arm 1 High-Back" O "Arm 1 High-Back" O "Arm I Sled Base Side Chair 6 6 xx Sec. Chair w/o.arms 4 High-Back" O "Arm I DPU Wallace DPU Wallace DPU DPU 1 High-Back" O "Arm 1 2 Sled Base Side Chair 6 6 xx 6Desk 1'1 1 1 11 xxxxxx Vice Passalaque Vice Vice 2 Sled Base Side Chair 6 6 xx 2 Desk 1 1 Ranzie Ranzie Bean Bean H gh-Back" O "Arm 1 x S ed Base S~e Chair 6 6 6 6 xxxx High-Back" O" Arm I x Sled Base S!de Chair 6 6 Patrol Sgt Office Back Patrol Sgt Office Back Patrol Sgt Office Front Patrol Sgt Office Front Patrol LL Office Patrol Leonard Patrol Sheddan Patrol Sheridan Patrol Cummings Traffic Sgt Desk 5High-Back Soft Am1 I I I I xx I Mid-Sack NoArm 3 2 High-Back Soft Arm 55 2 Sled Base Side Chair 6 6 I Higri-Back "O "Arm 1 2 Sled Base Side Chair 6 6 2 High-Back" O" Arm 1 I xx I Sled Base Side Chair 6 x 3 Sled Base Side Chair 6 6 6 1 High-Back" O "Arm I Adm. Munro Adm. Danysh Adm. Danysh Adm, Sarah I High-Sack" (:3 ' Arm I High-Back" (3 "Arm 1 3 Sled Base Side Chair 6 6 6 1 High-Back" O" Arm 1 x Records Front Desk Records NCIC Records Glass / Open Desk I Stool High-Back 3 1 Mid-Back No Arm 4 x 3 Mid-Back Soft Arm 2 2 2 T.S. Presanad 1 High-Back Soft Amn 001-2110-521-52-20 Pricing 10-10-00 1. High-Back" O" A~m $333.66 ,,"~.1~' $5,672.22 2. Mid-Back Soft Arm $326.15 -" 3 $978.45 3. Stool High-Back no arm $294.53 ,/' I $294.53 4. Mid-Sack NO Arm $263.55 ,,' 1 $263.55 5. High-Back Soft Arm $366.21 ,-' 3 $1.098.63 6. Sled Base Side Chair $115.50 ~ 18 $2,079.00 7. Break Room Chair $36,31 0 $0;00 Fabric Treatment $15.00 ¢~. 43" $645,00 Shipping $20.00 ,~. 45- $860.00 $11,891.38 1011950 Requested CiO Comrmssmu Mcetin~ Dates [] November 2], 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] December 19. 2000 [] January 2, 200] V-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ITEM B-4. AGENDA ITEM REQUEST Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20, 2000 15:00 p.m0 Requested City Coram~ssion Meeting Dates [] Januar3 16. 2001 [] Febmary 6, 200I [] Febmary 20, 200I [] March 6, 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) January, 17. 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 200l (5:00 p.m.) February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Admiins~ative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Pubhc Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Busmess [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOM3{ENDATION: MOTION m approve the purchase of a FOUR (4) TON CAPACITY RMV "HOT PATCItER" WITH OPTIONS from VANTAGE EQUIPMENT COMPANY util/zing SNAPS II AGREEMENT g845139 in the amount of $16.371.00. EXPLANATION: Procurement Services Division received a request from Public Works Fleet Maintenance Divisinn To uffiize SNAPS II Agreemem #845139 for the purchase of a four (4) ton capacity RMV "Hot Patcher" with options. This purchase will replace nnit #80t I which is a 1985 Aero Asphalt Hauler. Procurement Services Division requests Commission's review, evaluation and approval. PROGRAM IM?ACT: These purchases will allow the City to properly replace vehicles in a timely manner. FISCAL IMPACT: The FY2000/2001 budget has an allocated amount of $13,500.00 in the capital budget for this purchase. The additional costs of $1,871.00 over budget will come from savings generated from other purchases in the same Account Description Account Number _amount Replacement of Vehicles 501-2516-519-64-3t $16,371.00 ALTERNATIVES: Delay the purchase which could impact operations and,inc]~e costs. Deputy Director of Financial Services City Manager's Signature Procuremant Services Division Deparunent Name cc: Chris Roberts - Public Works Robert Lee- Fleet Maintenance File City Attorney Finance / Human Resources S:~BULLETIN~ORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC RECEIVED NOV ! ~2000 I"U RCHA~ D~I. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM ' -' ' 00-180 ~ BILL ATKINS, HOT PATCH TRAILER To.' Bill Atkins, Deputy Director of Finance Chris Roberts, Interim Director of Public Works From: SubJ: Robert H. Lee, Fleet Administration Purchase Hot Patch Trailer Date: October 31, 2000 Fleet is requesting the purchase of one new 4 run capacity "RMV Hot Patcher" off of the "SNAPS" agreement. Attached please find one copy o£each of the following: 1- Letter from the vendor with quoted price with options. 2- Price listing of Hot Patcher with option listing and costs. 3- SNAPS vendor record. 4- SNAPS agreement document with number 7551822-1 5- SNAPS agreement query. 6- SNAPS agreement price schedule. Fl~e?a~eplacement account #501-2516-519.64-31 has funds in the amount of $~1/,500.00 to replace unit #8011, a 1985 Aero Asphalt Hauler. The new RMV "Hot Patcher", with options to meet the needs of the division is priced at $16,371.00. This brings the new resource in over budget by $~,871.00. This account has purchased several replacement resources for the Roads & Streets.Division that have come in under budget, saving enough dollars to cover the increased cost of this resource. October 24, 2000 Mr. George C~y o£Boynto~ B~ 222 N. E. ~ Av~auo Boy~to~ Be~ch, Dear George: We are please to ¢~md to the City of Boyaton Beach all p]i~ing' te~ms and conclkions of the SNAPS Agreemmt # 84~139 on Spaulahg Asphak Patchem Your d~:,e to purchase the 4 Ton RMV "Hot Patcher" can be processed by issuln~ a Purc~se Order to us for the u~it phs oplion~ RMV "HOT PATCHER" 4 TON CAPACITY $11,519.00 Automatic Temverature Control for I2 Gas $ 926.00 30 Gal. Spray Tack Tank w/Pum~ & Heated Wand $ 3,166.00 Hoist W'~h Compact Area $ 475.00 Thermometer 50-5~0 Degrees for 4 Ton $ 28~.00 $16,371.00 Terms: Net on Delivery FOB: Boynton Beach, FL Territory Manager 9365 PHILIPS HIGHWAY JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32256 105 CANDACE DRIVE, SUITE 101 - MAITLAND, FLORIDA 32751 (904) 363-3008 (407) 677-7771 VANTAGE EQUIPM'I~NT COMPANY FAX ! Spauld g Mfg., Inc 5366 East'Road Saginaw. Michiga~ 4860 1~ (517) 777-4550 (517)777-0694 Fax(5 17) 777-7430 PRICE LIRT EFFECTIVE DATE November Ia, 199~ RMV "HOT PATCHER" ROAD MAINTENANCE VEHICLE ELECTRIC BRAKES STANDARD RMV 'HOT PATCHER' I TON CAPACITY double wall RMV 'HOT PATCHER' 2 TON CAPACITY d~,blo vza~ RMV HOT PATCHER 4 TON, C PAC T RMV 'HOT PATCHER' 4 TON CAPACITY redaimer S~.I PRICE SNAPS II PRICE $ 6,445.00 $ 6,123.00 S 7,445.~) S $ s,125.oo S 7,719:00 S 9,458.00 S12,125.00 $11,S!9.OO ELECTRIC HEAT S 1,000.00 S DIESEL FIRED BURNER WITH AUTO CONTROLS $1,333.33 $ 9000 WATT GENERATOR INDUSTRIAL S4,~.~ S3,8~.~ CNG $ 4666.00 S 4.433.00 SURGE BRAKES tangle axle S 546.00 $ 519.00 SURGE BRAKES ON TANDEM AXLE S 800.00 S 760.00 -x AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR L.P. GAS S 975.00 S 926.00 LIQUID ASPHALT TACK TANK W/AUTO TEMP CONTROL $1,700.00 $1,615.00 ~-~0 GAL. SPRAY TACK TAI~( Wa;~MP & WAI~) ~I'-~.A~ S 3,333.00 30 GAL. NON-HEATED TACK TANK S 500.00 S 475,00 WARNING LIGHT S 125.00 S 119.00 SOLVENT TANK standards on 4-ton $ [25.00 S 119.00 HAND HELD TORCH $ 125.fl0 $ l lg. ff) ARROW STICK $ 750.00 S 71300 7000 LB. AXLE W/9:~0 X 1~.5 TIRE TANDEM $ 900.00 $ 855.00 8 ON 6.50' DISK RIM 8:~0 950- 165 TIP, ES TANDEM S 780.00 $ 741.00 FIRE EXTINGUISHER S 100.00 S 95.00 ,~PARE ~ & RIM 8:00 X 14.5 ADD $58 FOR 9.~0 X 14.5 S 150.00 $ 143.00 ROI 1 ~R WITH GAS ENCONE $ L,535.00 S 1,458.00 15 GAL. WATER TANK IN METAL BRACKET $ 190.00 S 181.00 '~ HOIST WI~CO~ S 500.00 HOSE RI~. WITH MA_ND HRID T~I~H S 399.00 S 379.00 '" T~~~ FOR 4-TON S 300.~0 $ 285.00 CHANGE OVER VALVE S 88.00 S 84100 3/M REFLECTIVE TAPE S 125.00 S 119.00 BAFIERY PACK $ ?..3.3.00 S 221.00 BATTERY PACK WITH Il0 CHARGER $ 2BZ00 S 249.00 FOB SAGINAW~ MICHIGAN U.S. PAT. #3,633,563 CANADA PAT. ~926,668 Purchas~ngDIRECT - SNAPS Vendor Record IW°~~agoA" ..... http://fcn state, fl . us/oraweb/owa/...m _ sa~593237257&vendor_se.x~s tr=¢ City, Name VANTAGE EQUIPMENT CO DBA I Address- 9365 PHILLIPSHWY ?hone Number :~8007668163 Fax Number. ~-mall address Web Page loll 03/27/2000' 1:49 I'~ SNAPS Agreement Page 1 of 1 SNAPS AGREEMENT TITLF.: ASPHALT PATCHER, HOT AND COLD, TRAILER MOUNTED AGREEMENT NUMBER :755 t822 -1 TERM OF AGREEMENT: Begin date: 03-24-2000 End date: 03-23-2001 VENDOR: VANTAGE EQUIPMENT CO DBA 9365 PHILLIPS HWY JACKSONVII.I.F., FL 32256 SPm~S NO~ F593237257-001 ~. CONE: NON-MINORITY(A) CONTACT: GARY E ADI.FJtURG PHONE: 8007668163 COMMODITY CLASS:: 755 COMMODITY GROUP: 100 DELIVERY: 60 days ARo WARRANTY :12 mon~ pts.lab APPROVED PRICE SCHEDULE & DATE: 1.) Price list eft. 11/1/99 Expire date: 03-23-2001 CONTACT VENDOR FOR COPY-OF PRICE SCHEDULE & CON TILakCT llh~FORMATION. Trailer mounted asphalt patchers - for both hot and cold patch applications. Can use recycled asphalt. Available in one, ~o, and four ton capacities. P~irchas]ngD[R£CT _ Resuks of SNAPS Agreement 0uery 3G4-295G = Renewed Dates New Search SNAPS fOund 4 agreement(s) matching your query. B'ought to you by: ~'~e~'x.'~let~ &e~tgc~.~ ~,~?.: E~'¥© i o fl ',~ ........................... 03/27/2000 1:50 P~ 0~*-~04 O0 11: 1Sa Davs~: Henize · ?urcha~ingDlRECT - Agreement Pr~ce Schedule(s) 3G4-~DSG p. 4 h~:l/fcn.state, fl .us/oraweb/owa, ...u lcs.sho w?agre~..nurnber_sz~-- 7551822 Agreement Price Schedule(s) , Vendor number: ] ] Sequence] Description Expire Date ] I _ IPricelistef'f: II/I/99JMAR23.2001 Description: Trailer mounted asphalt patchers - for both hot and cold patch applications. Can use recycled asphalt. Available in one, two, and four ton capacities. Ordering Limits: Total agency wide acquisitions during the term of the agreement shall not exceed the threshold amount for Category V, except that acquisitions by agencies with decentralized purchasing hmetions shall be considered on the basis of each purchasing office that maintains full-time purchasing staff. SPURS Users Note: · Use Commodity Class: 755 and Commodity Group: I00 for this SNAPS agreement. If you require three d/git Item and/or Detail levels for the Commodity Code please call (g50)-488-8694. · Enter the SNAPS agreement number in the "Quote/Bid No./Contract No." field as fallows: SNAPS No. 7551822 -1 · Enter "N" in the "Purchase Code" field. Brought to you by: Requested City Commkssion Meeting Dates [] November 2I, 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] December 19, 2000 [] January 2, 200] V-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACI ITEM B-5 AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOl Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 ~5:00 p.m./ November 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 6. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commissmn Meetin~ Dates [] January 16, 2001 [] February 6. 2001 [] February 20, 2001 [] March 6.2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 [5:00 p,m.) January 17. 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 21. 2001 (5:00p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: MOTION to "piggy-back" COLLIER COUNTY BIDg99-2927 to INSITUFORM TECItNOLOGIES. INC. for TRENCHLESS SEWER SYSTEM REHABILITATION SERVICES with estimated expenditures of $33,617.00. EXPLANATION: Procurement Services Division received a request from Utilities/Wastewater Collection Division m utilize the Collier County Bid for rehabilitation of an estimated 795 feet of sewer mains at three (3) locations: Boynton Beach Boulevard and Lawrence Road N.E. 26~ Avenue and Ocean Parkway N.W. 1~ Lane and N.W. 17t~ Avenue Procurement Services Division requests Commission's review, evaluation and approvaL PROGRAM IMPACT: Insimform Technologies has performed these services for the City for several years and has proven to be a reliable and effective alternative to the costs of replacing sewer lines. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are allocated in the FY 2000/2001 budget as follows: Account Descrintion CIP R&R Sewer Account Number 405-5000-590-96-04 Alnoun~ $ 33,617.00 ALTERNATIVES: Replacement of sewer lines at a significant higher cost Deputy Director of Financial Services C~ty Manager's Slgnatnre Procurement Services Division Deparlxnent Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:XBULLETIN~ORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC RECEIVED MEMORANDUM Utilities #00-247 OCT $0 2000 PURCHASING DEPT. TO: FROM: Bill Atkins Procurement Services John Ouidry ,,i [..~ Utilities Director DATE: October 27, 2000 SUB:~ECT: Trenchless Sewer System Rehabilitation Piggy-Back Collier County Bid #99-2927 Agenda Item The Wastewater Collection Division is involved in a program each year for sewer main restoration. In the past. we have contracted with Insituform Technologies, Inc. The Division has had great success with Insituform Technologies, Inc. and would like to continue. The Wastewater Collection Division is requesting approval to piggyback the Collier County contract. The award has been renewed for an additional year with Insituform Technologies, Inc. and the renewal will expire on August 2, 2001. The rehabilitation of sewer mains will take place in the following areas around the City: Boynton Beach Boulevard and Lawrence Road NE 26th Avenue and Ocean Parkway NW 1st Lane and NW 17th Avenue We estimate 795 feet of sewer main rehabilitation at a cost of $33,617.00. Funds are available in account 405-5000-590-96-04, SWR064. Attached are maps of the area, copy of the proposal and renewal letter. A copy of the original contract is on file in the Procurement Division. Please place this onthe next City ofBoynton Beach Commission Agenda for their approval, If you have any questions please contact Mark Law at ext. 6403 or Tony Lombardi at ext. 6421. Attachments - maps, proposal, renewal letter cc: Dale Sugerman Mark Law Tony Lombardi Barb Conboy File , Oct-O9-O0 02:39P Gordon Marshall 813-754-4553 P.02 Worldwide Pipel/ne Rehab~lffafion 2892 Hammock Drive Plant City, FL 33567 Tel: 954-325-3600 Fax. 813-754-4553 gmamhall~insituformcom October 5, 2000 Mr. Anthony J. Lombardi Supervisor Boynton Beach, City of i24 E. Woolbright Road Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Boynton Beach Blvd at Lawrence, NW t7m Ave. and 1~ Lake, Seacrest and Ocean Pkwy. Dear Anthony: Insituform is pteased to quote on the above referenced sanitary sewer lines. 1) Boynton Beach Blvd at Lawrence; 180 LF 8~ x 6mm $ 38.00 LF Bypassing $530.00 EA $6.840.00 $ 530.00 Total 2) NW 17~n Ave & 1~ Lane 245 LF 12' x 7.5mm $ 43.00 LF Lateral Reconnections (6) $ 1.00 EA Total $7.370.00 $10.535.00 $ 6.00 $10.541.00 Seacrest & Ocean Parkway 370 LF 10" x 6mm $ 41.00 LF Bypassing (if necessary) $530.00 EA Lateral Reconnections (6) 6.00 EA $15,170.00 $ 530.00 $ 6.00 Total $15,706.00 Total 1, 2 & 3 $33,617.00 Pdces are from the existing Codier County Contract. tnsituform is pleased to allow the use of this contract bythe City as we did last year. The terms and conditions governing this proposal are as follows: Proposal Inclusions: · Certificate of Insurance with standard coverage · Pre-installation video inspection recorded on VHS tape · Thorough cleaning of the existing pipe prior to installation Post. installation video inspection recorded on VHS tape · Standard one year warranty · Reinstatement of service connections · Actual field measurements will detem3ine final invoice quantities Oct-O9-O0 Oz:3gP Gordon Marshall 813-754-4553 P.03 Mr. A~thon¥ Lombardi October 6, 2000 Page 2 of 2 · Premiums for spec. ia nsumnce coverage requirements · Point repairs of any collapsed Sections of the existing pipe ice · Permits · Dewmedng · Disposal site for debds removed du~ng cleaning . Please note that if any hazardous or toxic materials are encountered during the ~)roject. the Owner will be responsible for the removal and disposal of the materials o Clearing and stabilization of sewer easement for equipment access- . PaymentrdUe within 30 days of compie§on of the project · Papal ~!~l~ payments ~nay be requesteq LIMn'ED WAREANTY IN UEU OF ALL OTHER EXPRESSED, IMPLIED AND/OR STATUTORY. WARRANTIES, INCLUDING wARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS' FOR FAR.,cu-,R FU..O E, CO..RA roR A=.= DEFECTS IN THE MATERIALS OR SERVICES PROVIDED BY CONTI~J~r~! WHICH ARE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION O,F, CONTRACTOR WITHIN ONE YEAR FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF CONTRACTOR S WORK, PROVIDED oWNER AFFORDS CONTRACTOR SUITABLE ACCESS AND WORKING CONDITION8 TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH CORRECTION. Mutual Re_~e of Conseouentia! Danm~e$~ Neithe¢ paffy shall be liable to the other for consequential damages relating to or arising ou~ of the Contract. We appreciate the opportunity to quote on this project, if you have any questions, please call me at 954-325-36g0, Respectfully, INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES~ INC. Gordon Marshall, Regional Representative Owner Acceptance: Date: Please sxgn and return or~ copy of this proposal to thb office for our IN$ITUKORM Ka×:9042925195 Oc~ [6 2000 9:01 P. 02 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT I~uttCHASII~G,..-.DEPARTMENT ~01 EAST ~AMIAMI '~RAIL SUI~PORT SERVICES DIVISION GENERAL SERVICES BUILDING NA~LE~, FLORIDA ~4112 (941) 774~425 FAX (941) ?$1-0544 ACEEYIFIEDBL~E May 30, 2000 Gerald Addington, Regional Vice President lnstituform Technologies, Inc 11511 Phillips Hwy $, Jacksonville, FL 32203 RE: Contract f~99-2927 -"Trenchless 8ewer System Rahab" Dear Mr. Addington: Collier County has been under Contract with your company for the referenced service for the past one year. The County woulC like to renew this contTact for one additional year in accordance with the renewal clause in the agreement. The contract has multiple vendors, if all vendors agree to renew, the contract will be renewed with no further notice. If one or more vendors fail to indicate renewal intentions, the commodity may be place out for bid at the end of this term. If you are agreeable to renewing the referenced contract, please indicate your intentions by providing the appropriate information as requested below: I am ag reeable to renewing the present contract under the same terms and conditions as the existing contract. I am not agreeable to renewal of this contract, If you are agreeable to renewing the contract, this letter (upon your signing and return) will suffice as the contract and will be consummated upon receipt of a County Purchase Order for this renewal period, commencing 08/03/2000 and ending 08/0212001. Also, please provide an updated certificate of insurance for our files. INSITUFORN Fax:9042925198 Oct 16 2000 9:02 P. 05 RENEWAL LETTER PAGE TWO BID NO. 99-2927 Your prompt attention is urgently,requested. Please return this letter t0 the Purchasing Department With your,response I~y june 16 2000, ' Very truly yours, Acceptance: Insitufonn Technolocli~s, Inc. Signature ~ Gerald/~ddington, I~glonal Vice, President Typed Name and Title Date: 06-_27-00 10/26/00 14:48 FAX LOCKTON COMPANIES ~001 FAX TRANSMITTAL Date: Company: Attention: Regarding: October 26, 2000 City of Boynmn Beach Tony Lom~ InsiUlform Total Pages Sent: 3 NOT[CE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The flocummnm ae~orrv)anymg this mlep~nc ~ssi~ ~m~Ic:m confiding, Ie~lly p~flc~ ~d · e exclusive pmp~ ~e s~fl~, ~e ~n~d inf~fi~ is m~d~ exclu~ely for~ u~ ~e ~dividual or~fi~m whom d~u~ should be d~li~d ~Y°u ~ no~ ~e ~ed ~ you ~ h~by no~fi~ ~t ~y ~1~, c~g d~ufi~ ~ ~on Message: Requested Certificate oflmsurance is following. Hard copies will go out in today's mail. Please feel flee to call our office, should you have any questions. Thank you! Company's Fax Number: Sender: Patti I-Iull 561-375-6298 LOCKTON COMPANI.~ One CityPlace Drivn, Suite 160, St. Lores, MO 63141/(314) 432-0500/FAX (314) 812-3289 10/26/00 14:48 FAX L~CK~ON CO~tPtNIES ~002 hockton Com~anies/S~- LoUiS C~=~rplace Drive, Suite 160 Louis MO 63141 ~hone: 314-432-0'500 ~$URED THiS C~.~/iFiCATE h~ LSSUED AS A MA ~ I =~ OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFER~ NO RIGHTS UPON TI.rE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT A~END, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE ~ Mu~uaZ ffire Insurance P.O. BOX 41 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32203-1629 COYERAGES ~0 ¢or~cuu. 1~G2-641-004218-030 07/01/00 07/01/01 BLKT, WAi'gER .OF $1,000,000 100,000 10,000 000,00( ,0O0,000 ~ ~ $1,000,000 18-020 07/01/00 07/01/01 ~,~0z smmo $ WC?-641-004218-010 SLK~ WAI%tEK OF S'O~O 07/01/00 07/01/01 000,00( E.LO~S 000,000 OT~R 07/01/01 PE~ OCC 2,000,000 ALL RISK I~ST FLTI~ MM2-R4L-004218-050 T~ANSIT E~/~THQU~*KE & FLOOD $1,000,000 THE CITY OF BOIrRTON BEACH IS I~CLODED AS ~DITZON~ INS~ ~ ~L LI~ILI~ ~ ~ AS ~SpECTS ~ OP~TIONS OF ~ C:~ OF Bo~N B~ ~ I~ ~ [ ~, ' RD G~Po~ON 10/26/00 ~4:49 FAX LOCKTON COMPANIES 003 IMPORTANT If the cadi~:ato holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED. the pol{cy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement an this~certifica~ does nat confer rights to the certificate holder ~1 lieu ~f such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED. subject to the terms and cene~tiens of the policy, certain polities may require, an endorsement. A statement on this certificate d~s not confer ,fights to the carfir~cato holder }n lieu of such endorsement(s}. DISCLAIMER The CerUficate .of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not c~s~bJte a contract between t/le issping, insum~(s), authorized representative or producm', and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or nega~vely amend, extend or atter the coverage afforded by the policies {isted thereon. 3 463 Terra Rosa ~ ~ = ~ =Marseilles r1,1 I'1'1 i'~ ~? Butiony~ood* Ln ~ ' + ",, Li'~¢ Oak! Ct Bid No. 99-2927-Trenchless Sewer Sys[em Rehabilitabon Contracting Services Page 16 CONTRACT PROPOSAL BID FORM Board of County of County Commissioners Collier County Govemmem Center 3301 East Tamlami Trail Naples, FIorida 34112 DUE: Mav,~. 1999 RE: Bid No. 99-2927: "Trenchless Sewer System Rehabilitation Contracting Services" Dear Comm[ss;oners: The ~ndersigned~.as bidder hereby dec~ares that he has exarmned the scec:fic~-uoC~s sna informed himse!f:fully in regard teat[ conditions pertaining to the work to be .16ne for provicmg 'Trenchless Sewer SysTem Rehabilitation Contracting Services" as cer me at[ached specifications. T~e Bidder further dec~ares mat the only persons, company or oa~]es ~nteres;eo in this PropOSal or the Contract to ~e entered into as prlnc~pals are named herein: that this Proposal is made without connection with any omer person, company or companies submittmc a Bid or ProposalS: and it is in all respects fair and in ~ood faith, without collusion or fraud. The B drier p~opeses and agrees, if this Proposal ~s accepted to contract with the County to furnish work in fu[, in complete accordance with the attached specifications, according to the following unit prices: SEE FOLLOWING PAGES Any discounts or terms must be shown on the proposal form. Such discounts if any, wiI] be considered and computed in the tabulation of the ~ids. In no instance should terms for less than 15 days payment be offered. Prompt Payment Terms: __%__ Days: Net Addenda received (if applicable): #1 J #2 Matedal Manufactured? Yes No [] Statement of Experience of Bidder Yes No [] List of Subcontractors? Yes E~' No [] 30 ,Da3/s V Proposal :ontinued on nex~ page Bid No. 99-2927-Trenchless Sewer System Rehabilitation Contracting Services Page 17 ADDENDUM PROPOSAL (continued) The prices offered shall be based on a unit price amount. Where the Contractor is net able to provide for any item described, the Contractor shall indicate N.B. (no bid) in the space provided for that item's~unit priCe. Mobilization and Demobfi'izafioni per lob (none if work order is for morethan 1,200 LF}. Item Description Unit Price CURED,IN-PLACE PIPE~NING TECHNOLOGY t Cum..d-jn~lace Pipe' Lining 1.1 8: d~ameter (0to 5 ft deep) ~3~' ~--- 1.2 =8~ diameter (5 to 8 ft deep) ' ' ' LF A1.3 8 diameter (8~to12 ff deep) $_~ ~.LF S M ¢. U= 38' 1.4 S" diameter(12 to 16 ff dee~) · 1.5 10"~diameter (0 to 5 ff deep) -~..~ 1.6 10° diameter (51,o 8 ff deep) $ 1.8 10~ diameter (i2 to i6 It deep) $~LF 1.9 12 diameter (0 to 5 ft deep) $~LF ~'~ 1.10 12 'diameter (5. to 8ff deep) A1.11 12' diameter (8 to 12 ft deep) $~F 1.12 12' diameter (12 to 16 lt~deep) $~.F 1.13 Reinstatement of Service Laterals $ [ ~ EA 1.14 Add Mobi[izatiort/Demobilization if less than 1,200 LF, per job I B FOLD-AND-FORMED TECHNOLOGY B I Fold-and-Fen'ned Pipe Lining Using HDPE I B 1.t 8" diameter (0 to S ft deep) $ /,J~ ~ LF - B 1.2 8" diameter (5 to 8 ff deep) $ ~./ LF Bid No. gg-2927-Trenchless Sewer System Rehab~itation Contracting Servfces Item B1 B 1.3 B 1.4 B 1.5 B 1.6 B1.7 B 1.8 B1.9 B1.10 B1.11 B 1.12 B 1.13 B 1.14 Item PROPOSAL {continued} De$cflption Foid-and-Foymed Pipe Lining Using HDPE (contJnued) 8" diameter (8 to 12 ft deep) 8' diameter (12 to 16 ft deep) 10" diameter C0 to 5 ft deep) 0 d~ameter (5 to 8 ft deep) 10" diameter (12 to 16 ~ deep) ' 12' diameter (0 to 5 ft deep) 12 "diameter (5 to 8 ft deep) '12' diameter (8 to 12 ft deep) 12' diameter (12 to 16 ff deep) Reinstatement of Service Laterals Add Mobiliza~n/Demobilization, if less than 1,200 LF per job CATEGORY B1 TOTAL B B2 B2.1 B 2.2 B 2.3 B 2.4 B2.5 B 2.8 B2.7 B2.8 B 2.9 B2.10 B2.11 B 2.12 B2.13 'B 2.14 FOLD-AND-FORMED TECHNOLOGY Fold-and-Formed Pipe Lining Using PVC Pipe 8" diameter (0 to 5 ft deep) 8' diameter (Sto 8 ft deep) 8' diameter (8 to 12 ft deep) 8' diameter (12 to 16 ft deep) 10" diameter (0 to 5ff deep) 10' diameter (5 to 8 ~ deep) 10' diameter (8 to 12 ff deep) 10' diameter (12 to 16 ft deep) 12" diameter (0 to 5 ff deep) 12 'diameter (5 to 8 ft deep) 12" diameter (8 to 12 ft deep) 12' diameter (12 to 16 ft deep) Reinstatement of Service La~erats Add Mobilization/Demobilization, if less than 1,200 LF ~er iob CATEGORY B2 TOTAL Page 18 ADDENDUM #2 Unit Price $ LF $.. LF $- LF $- LF $ . ~LF $ LF $, LF $. LF $- LF $, _LF $_ EA Bid No. 99-2927-Trenchiess Sewer System Rehabilitation Centra~ng Services Page 22 PROPOSAL CONTINUED The service To De furnished uv us is hereby declared and guarantees ~c ee ir conformance with the specifications of the County. The undersigned do aaree that snould this Prooosa~ ~ ~=,,'=~ ,=,-,,,= - form of coRtrac~ ~d ~ .... L ,In pr=~en, the same [c ,hu County Purcn¢_,ng Director fcr aDurcvs .... ~ fifteen (15) days after being notified of ~ne awarding of ~he Ccmmc~. The undersigned do fu~her agree that failure to execute anc deliver sa~c fcrms cf contract with n fifteen (1 5', nays. will result in damages to the Ccunty IN WITNESS WHEREOF. WE nave nereumo subscribed cur names cn :ms ['7.. ca'. of ¢~,A~ 1 =~8 in the Coumv of ~'-.)oV~,,-- . in the' S~.ate' cf ,¢,~,~D¢', Firm's Complete LeCal Name Checx one of the fcllc',vit, g: [~ Sole Proprietorship F-,,4,' Corporation of P.A. I'~ Limited Partnemhip [] General Partnership Phone No. ~ - ~00~'f~'~-~-~-~ FAX No. Address City, State, ZiP Typed and Written Signature c~- Title" NOTE: If you choose to bid, please submit an ORIGINAL and ONE COPY of your proposal pa:ges. Bid Ne. 9c_2a27-Trenchless~ . Sewer System Rehabilitation Contractina_ Sera, cas Page 23 MATERIAL MANUFACTURES The Bidder is required to state below, material manufacturers ne uroposes to utilize on this project. No change will be allowed after suDmlE~i Bid. ~¢ suDs;~u~e ms~eri21 proposed and listed below is not approved by Engineer. Bidcer sna~ furnmh the manufac:urer named in the soecification. Acceptance cf this Bid does nc~ constitute " %lUST EE ~.~,,., ...... ac~ep~¢nc~ of material prcposed on this list. TroIS L~ST BtD WILL BE DEEMED NON-RESPONSIVE. MATERIAL · .IA. NUF-',CTU RER Dated: ,~ ~,, ~-¢~?7-TrcmchtesS Sewe* System Rehabilitat an Contract no Services - Page 24 LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS The undersioned states that the following is a full and comelete list of the oroposed subcs,mrsc:ors on ;r~ts :rolec: and ~he class of work to se oeP, armed :} eaCh. ann ;na~ such ',ist wi] 2c; ge 3cc~ ;c ncr a~;ere~ w t~out wr ~ten'consent of the Project Manager. The unders~gn~ fumher acxnowleeGes ~s respcns;:~ii~} for ensuring that the subcontractors listed herein meet afl ieg~i recu~reme'nts s2:l~g2b[e tc anc necess~ta~e~ b~' this Agreement. ]nc',¢ing, mu[ no~ tin, ted ~o. Droner licenses, cemiflca::ems, reg:s~'a::c~: anc insurance coverage's; The Coumg' rese~,'as tAe d~h1 to c:scua~' an} btcaer '¢,-c ~mc:uges mcm- commiiam subcontractors in h~s b~d offer. Fu~her the C~um}. ~ay c~ec: the b;cmer.:ccni:ac:c' tc rem~ve~reDiaca any suacantrac:or ~ns~ is found [o be non-compiiam w~ tR1s recuirem~%: suusecuem :c aware of the contract al-no additional cos;.[o the County ,Sub¢ontrac e and ,address Class of Work to be De.~er--ec Date: Bid No. 99-2927-Trenchless Sewer Sys[em Rehabilitation Contracting Services Page 25 I I I I I I STATEMENT OF EXPERIENCE OF BIDDER The Bidder is required to stale uelow wna~ work of similar magnitude ~s a judge, of h:s experience, skill and business _,~.n~an_,= an,~ ,., ~,,l_ .==aht~ to ccncu~, th= .... ~ ~s ccmcte~e.', a-c as rapidly as required under the terms of the contract Also attach a signed s~a[emem anc ~s; installati~ns where the Bidder has rehabiiitated a~ least half-a-million fee~ cf o~oe bv methods The Bidder sh~it include as sn s:~cnmem the n~me sewer lines rehabilitated snc rensoJiita~icn me[nets useo suomit mvo sets of S~atemem of Excsr:encs. no~uclng ail prooosal. =roiec~ and Locadon Reference ! i I Date: DEPARTMENT Of BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONST INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD ¢904) 7~7-~530 7960 ARLINGTON EXPRESSWAY SUITE 300 JACKSONVILLE FL 32211-74&7 ! ! ADDERHOLD, TERRY WAYNE INSITUFORN TECHNOLOGIES INC 702 SPIRIT 40 PARK DRIVE CHESTERFIELD MO &3005-1&29 I 1 1 !1 II ~ STATE OF F~ORIDA ~DEPARTMENT OF .USINETSiS ~' PROFESSIONAL RE~UL~ N C~ -C0~3~&3 0~/1&/I~99 ~80~I~ CERTIFIED ~E~RA~ CO~RACTOR ADDERH~, T~RY ~YNE INSITUFORM TECHNbLO~IES INC IS CERTIFIED : ~erm.:,~. ~m.~n O~:e: AU~ 31, ~000 ADDERHOLD, TERRY WAYNE I NSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES INC SPIRIT 40 PARK DRIVE HESTIBRFIELD MO &3005--l&29 I dEB BU~~-' ..................... CYNTHIA A HENDERSOA RESOLUTION NO. R 00° V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEH B-6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA. ACCEPTLNG THE BIZ)PROPOSAL OF TRIO DEVELOPMENT (NO. 094-2821-00/CJD) AS IT RELATES TO A SUnB- COMPONENT OF THE ADVERTISED BID. FOR THE REHABILITATION FOR MASTER LIFT STATIONS #316, #3 ! 7. #3 I9 & #356; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR Al,ID CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SA.ID CONTRACT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. V~HEREAS, Procuremem Se~wices received and opened Bids for the above mentioned project, and it was determined that Trio Development was the most responsive bidder who met and exceeded all specifications; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TIIE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida hereby accepts the bid proposal of Trio Development as it relates m the following described sub-components of the advertised bid No. 094-2521-00/CJD. An itamzed listing of the sub-components are attached hereto as Exhibit "A'. Section 2: City administration may, without further necessity or proposals, some or all of the work set forth on Exhibit "A" to Trio Development on a project by prospect basis for the remuneration set forth in the bid documents. Nothing herein contained is a guarantee of the work to Trio Development and the City reserves the right to cancel pending or contemplated work, as se~ forth on Exhibit "A" at anytime. The City Administration and City Attorney ar~ directed to prepare a contingent work agreemer~ with Trio Development to implement the forgoing. Section 3. That..this Resolution shall become effective immediately. PASSED AND, .ADOPTED THIS day. of NO~ember,. 2000 CIT¥:OF~BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ViceM~yor Commi~ioner ATTEST: Commissioner City Clerk (Corporate Seal) s:Reso~Bid Aw~rd~Trio Development. - Master Lift Station BID PROPOSAL The Bidder agrees to .accept as full payment for the: Master Lift Station Rehabilitation, Lift Stations 316, 317, 319, and 356 as defined in these Contract Documents based upon the rmdersigned's own estimate of quantities and costs, the following total sum of: Dollars and. SEE BID FORM Cents (amormt written in words has precedence) $. The Total Sum amount is based on as follows: (if applicable) The undersigned Bidder agrees to commence work within ten (10) calendar days after the date of Notice to Proceed and shall complete the work within the time limits as follows: 330 calendar days after the commencement date to be indicated in the written "Notice to Proceed." The undersigned Bidder hereby represents that he has carefully examined the Drawings and the Contract including all Contract Documents and will execute the Contract and perform all its items, convenants and conditions, all in exact compliance with the requirements of the Specifications and Drawings. The Bidder, by and through the submission of his Bid, agrees that the he has examined and that he shall be held responsible for having theretofore examined himself as to the character of the route, the location, surface and underground obstructions, the nature of the groundwater table, conditions, and all other physical characteristics of the work, in order that he may thereby provide for the satisfactory completion thereof, including the removal, relocation, or replacement of any objects or obstructions which will be encountered in doing the proposed work. The Bidder, by submission of this Bid acknowledges that the Bidder has been advised that in the event Bidder contests the award of this project to another Bidder, that the Bidder damages, if any, are limit~ to actual Bid preparation costs ami Bidder hereby waives any claLrn it may have for other damages coming from the City's failure to award the project Bidder. THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMI t-i'~D ALONG Wtil-I PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLI~'I'i~ AND ACCEPTABLE BP-1 BID 'FORM MASTER LIFT STATION REHABILITATION NOTE TO BEEDER:: Use t?pewriter or BLUE ink:for c0mPl~ti.~g ~is Bid Form. BEE NLIIv~ER: 094-2821-00/CID BID OF: Tr5o Bovo_lor~re~n~- Corrmra'cJ_on (Bidd~rj.' ~95z,)971-2288 (IncludingArea Code) Telephone Number: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PALM BE&CH COUNTY, FLORIDA 9-27 ,2000 TO: Purchasing Agent City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 3342543310 Dear Pursuant m and in compliance with your REQUEST FOR BIDS and the INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS AND OTHER CONTRACT DOCLrMENTS relating thereto, the undersigned hereby proposes to furnish all tools, labor~ equipment, and materials to perform all work necessary for the Master Lift Station Rehabilitation, Lift Stations 316, 317, 319, and 356 for the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, all as required and in strict accordance with the Contract Documents, schedules and Drawings, and with all Addenda at the unit prices listed herein. This bid ba~ed on Addenda Nos. 1 , 2 .... (Bidder shall insert number of each Addendum received) and agrees that Addenda issued are hereby made part of the Bidding Documents, and Bidder further agrees that this Bid includes impacts resulting from said Addenda. BF-I BIDDER'S DECLARATION AND UNDERSTANDING, 1.1 This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm, or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or roles of any group, association. organization, or corporation: Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a false of sham Bid: Bidder has not solicited or induced any person, firm, or corporation to refrain from bidding; and Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or over OWNER. 1.2 The Bidder further agrees, as evidenced by signing the Bid, that if awarded a contract, the Florida Trench Safety Act and applicable trench safety standards will be complied with. 1.3 The Bidder understands and agrees that if a contract is awarded., the OWNER may elect to award all schedules under one contract, separately, or in any combination that best serves the interests of the OWNER. 1.4 In submitting this Bid, Bidder acknowledges and accepts CONTRACTOR's representations as more fully set forth in the Contract Form. 1.5 In submitting this Bid, Bidder certifies Bidder is qualified to do business in the state where the Project is located as required by laws, roles, and regulations or, if allowed by statute, covenants to obtain such qualification prior to contract award. CONTRACT EXEC~ON AND BONDS. 2.1 The undersigned Bidder agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into a Contract with OWNER on the form included in the Bidding Documents to perform and furnish Work as specified or indicated in the Bidding Documents for the Contract Price derived from the Bid and within the Contract Times indicated in the Contract and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents. Bidder accepts the terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents. INSURANCE. 3.1 Bidder further agrees that the Bid amount(s) stated herein includes specific consideration for the specified insurance coverages. BF-2 CONTRACT TIMES. 4.1 Bidder agrees to accept Contract Times set forth in the Contract Form. LIQUIDA,TEDDA~AGES 5:1 ~Bidder,~accepts the provisions in the Contract Form as,-t0~ liquidated damages. SUBCONTRACTORS. 6.1 Bidder agrees that, ii they are the apparent Success(ul Bidder, an eiperien~;-S, iliteEent for !!hose Sub~)ntract~ri or S~lPPli~s identified by Bi~ider mill ~-Sa bmitted: for the i~011°win g porti0ns~ of. the W 0rk within' 5 days after the, Bid Opening: 6.2 Bidder further proposes, in the event Bidder is awarded the Contract, that the:followiag firms or:businesses wilI be awarded subcontracts: 6.2.1 Mechanical N/A Nallle Street City State Zip 6.2.2 Electrical Mollie N/A Street City State Zip BF-3 WORK BY BIDDER, 6.3 Bidder proposes to perform the following amount of Work in terms of labor with its own forces for the amount indicated. Work Item Amount Estimated Total Cost of Work Performed By Bidder SAI,FS AND USE TAXES. $ $ $ 100% 8.1 The Bidder agrees that all federal, state and local sales and use taxes are included in the stated Bid prices for the Work. BASE BID. 8.1 Lump Sum Work for Lift Station 316 Complete: Bidder further agrees to accept as full payment for the Lump Sum Work proposed within the Bidding Documents based upon the undersigned's own estimate of quantities and costs and including sales, consumer, use, and other taxes, except as provided bolow, and overhead and profit, the following lump sum of: NO BID and Cent Dollars $. 8.1.1 Bid Breakdown: The following bid breakdown shall be provided as part of the Lump Sum Bid for Lift Station 316: Bonds/Insurance $ Mobilization $ Civil/Sitework $ Demolition $ Bypass Pumping $ BF-4 Diesel Engine Generator Set and Transfer Switch Pump Repiacemem Trench Safety Odor Control System Pipe and Fittings $. Mi~cellaneousRekabilitation S Etec~cal and:Switchg~ $ TOTAL LUMP SUM ,BID FOR LIFT STATION 316 8.2 $ NO, BID Lump Sum Work for Lift Station 317 Complete: Bidder further agrees to accept as full paYment for the Lu,m~ sum Work proposed within the mdding D~umei~ts based u.~0n the~unders~g~ ed!~ OWn estimate of quantities and costs an4inct~d/ngs~les, con~umen tlge, and other taxes. except as provided below, and-overhead and profit, the followir[g lump sum of: N0 BID Dollars and Cent $ 8.2.t: Bid Breakdown: The following bid:breakdown:shall be provided as part of the Lump Sum Bid for Lift Station 317: Bonds/Insurance $ Mobilization $ Civil/Sitework Demolition Pump Replacement Pipe and Fittings Miscellaneous Rehabilitation $ Electrical $ TOTAL LUMP SUM-BID FOR Llt~'r STATION 317 $ $ $ $ $ NO BID BF-5 8.3 Lump Sum Work for Lift Station 319 Complete: Bidder further agrees to accept as full payment for the Lump Sum Work proposed within the Bidding Documents based upon the undersigned's own estimate of quantities and costs and including sa[es, consumer, use, and other taxes, except as provided below, and overhead and profit, the following lump sum off Dollars and Cent $ N0 BID 8.3.1 Bid Breakdown: The following bid breakdown shall be provided as part of the Lump Sum Bid for Lift Station 319: Bonds/Insurance $ Mobilizaffon $_ Civil/Sitework $. Demolition $_ Bypass Pumping $ Trench Safety $. Diesel Engine Generator Set and Transfer Switch Pump Replacement Odor Control System $ Pipe and Fittings $. Miscellaneous Rehabilitation $. Electrical and Switchgear $. TOTAL LUM1~ SUM BID FOR LIFT STATION 319 $ tqO BID 8.4 Lump Sum Work for Lift Station 356 Complete: Bidder further agrees to accept as full payment for the Lump Sum Work proposed within the Bidding Documents based upon the undersigned's own estimate of quantities and costs and including sales~ consumer, use, and other taxes, except as provided below, and overhead and profit, the following lump sum of: Dollars and Cent $. N0 BID BF-6 8.4.1 Bid Breakdown: The following bid breakdown shall be provided as part of theLump Sum Bid for Lift station 356: Bonds/Insurance- $ Mobilization $: Miscellaneous Rehabilitation $- 8:5 Base Bid Summary: 8.5.2 Total Bid forLS 317 $ 8.5.3 TOtal Bid for LS 319 $ 8.5.4 Total Bid for LS 356 $ SUB-TOTAL BID Inderrmification and Hold Harmless $ 500.00 TOTAL BASE BID $ NO BID TOTAL LUMP SUM BID FOR LIFT STATION 356 $ NO BID 9. SURETY. 9.1 If Bidder is awarded a construction contract from this Bid. the surety who provides the Performance and Payment Bond (s) shall be: UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY CO. whose address is 6191 ORANGE ~)RIVE-SUITE 6159E DAVIE FL 33314 Street City State Zip 10. POTENTIAL MISCELLANEOUS WORK, AT CAN PUMP STATIONS. I0.1, Bidder further agrees to :accept as full payment for the Unit Price Work proposed within the Bidding Documents based upon the following unit price amountS, it is expressly understood that the unit prices are independent of the exact quantities involved. Bidder agrees that the unit prices represent a true measure of the labor, materials, equipment, and services required to install the item, including all allowances for overhead, profit, and taxes for each type and unit of Work. Bidder acknowledges that the unit prices have been computed in accordance with the General Conditions. Bidder further acknowledges that quantities are not BF-7 guaranteed and final payment will be based on actual quantities as provided in the Contract Documents. 10.1.~ Bid Breakdown: The following bid breakdown shall be provided as of a Unit Price Bid for the Pump Stations: Item Unit Unit Cost Trench Safety System (5 to 7 feet) LF $ 2.00 Trench Safety System (7 to 10 feet) LF 4.00 Trench Safety System (10 feet +) LF 4.00 Concrete Sidewalk Repair (0 to 20 SF) SF 20.00 Concrete Sidewalk Repair (20+ SF) SF ! O. O0 Asphalt Repair (0 to 100 SF) SF 5.00 Asphalt Repair (100+SF) SF 4. O0 Sod Repair SY 3.00 Pump Installation (0 to 9 HP) EA-ST 800. O0 Pump Installation (10 to 15 I-~P) EA-ST I, 000.00 Pump Installation (16 to 25 HP) EA-ST I, 200. O0 Bypass Pumping (5 HP) DY 300. O0 Bypass Pumping (10 HP) DY 350. O0 Bypass Pumping (25 HP) DY 400. O0 Excavation (0 to 5 feet deep) CY t 10. O0 Excavation (5 to 10 feet deep) CY 125.00 Excavation (10 to 15 feet deep) CY 200. O0 BF-8 Item -Unit Unit Cost Pipe Installation 1~4-inch ' Diameter) ' Pipe InStallati6n (6-inch Diameter) Pipe Installation (8-inch Diameter) Concrete Structure R~pp.%ov~ments, Lid ia¢~ment L~I~i0V kments; Tube Replacement RemOve,/Reinstall Cha~ Link Fence Remove/Reinstall Wood Eence LF $ . tO0~.00 ': LF t10.,00 LF 120. O0 EA-ST 5,000.00 LF 3,350.00 LF 25.00 35.0o 10.2 All work associated with the Can, Pump Stations shall be negotiated under a,separate Contract tung the utut price hsted above. I1. LICENSE. 11.1 Florida General Contract License No.: CGC01 i008 BF-9 NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT OF PRIME BIDDER State of Florida .) : County of Broward Lawrence R. Shortz deposes and says that: · being first duly sworn. He is President of Trio Development Corporation (Title) (Name of Corporation or Firm) the bidder that has submitted the attached Bid; o He is full.,, informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached Bid and of all pertinent circumstances respecting such Bid: 3. Said Bid is genuine and is not a collusive or sham Bid; Further the said bidder nor any of its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant, has in any way colluded, c~onspired, connived, or agreed, directly or indirectly with any other bidder, finn or person to submit a collusive or sham Bid in connection with the Contract for which the attached Bid has been submitted or to refrain from bidding in connection with such Contract,~ or has in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement or collusion or communications or conference with any other bidder, finn or person to fix the price or prices in the attached Bid or of any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the Bid Price of the Bid Price of any other bidder, or to secure through any collusion, conspiracy, connivance, or unlawful agreement any advantage against the City of Boynton Beach or any person interested in. the proposed Contract; and The price or prices quoted in the attached Bid are fair and proper and are not tainted by any collusion, conspiracy, connivance or unlawful agreement on the part of the Bidder orany of its agents, representatives, owners employees or parties in interest, including ti-ds affiant. (Signed) (Title) Lawrence R. Shortz President Subscribed and swom to before me is 27th- day ofSepteraber Secretary ........ (Title) My commission expires ~1~7:~:~.-- ~xm~s:s,~u~a. ~ /I THIS PAGE TO BE S~MI~ ALONG WI~ PROPOSAL ~ O~ER FOR BID PAC~GE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE A~ ACCE~ABLE NCA- 1 BIDDER. An Individual By A Partnership By (tndi~ idual's name and signature) (Name and signature:Of general partner) ('Title) A Corporation By Trio Development Corporation By (Corporation name) Florida Lawrence R. Shortz President (State ofincOrporafion) (Name and signgureofpemon authofizedto sign) (Corporate Seal) (Title) BF-IO A Joint Venture By (Business name) (Name and mgnatum of person authorized to sign) By (Business name) (Name and signature of person authorized to sign) (Each joint venturer must sign. The manner of signing each individual, partnership, and corporation that is a party to the joint venture should be in the manner indicated above. Name. Phone Number, and Address for receipt of official communications and for additional information on this Bid: Lawrence R. Shortz-President (954)971-2288 1701N.W. 22nd Court-Pompano Beach, FL 33069 SUBMITtED ON September 27 · 20o0 END OF SECTION BF-II STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS Each Contractor bidding on work included in these General Documents shall prepare and submit the data requested in the following'schedule of information. This dam must be includ~d ia andmadeapart o£each bid document. Failure to ,comply with thi~ ihstrtm$ion may be regarded as jugt{ficati6n for rejecting the Contractor s proposal. Name of Bidder: 2. Trio Developmenn Corporation Business Address' 1701,N~rtttwest 22nd Court · ~,~pan~ iB;iac~ ':~ 3~b69" WhenOrganized: 1956 , Where Incorporated: Florida How many years have you been engaged in the contracting business under the present firm name? 44 Years Contracts on hand: *Gross Amount of largest eight contracts:* $5,200,000.00 General character of work performed by your company. Engineering Construction and General Contracting Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? If so. where and why? No BQ-I 9. List of more important structures erected by your company, including approximate cost. Pump Master Station 26 Recons=ruction Ft. Lauderdale Station D-41 Reconstruction Ft. Lauderdale Station D-19 Reconstruction $550,000.00 $150,000.00 $145,000.00 10. Have you ever defaulted on a contract? NO If so. where and why? 11. List your major equipment. See attached. 12. Experience ~n constmcuon of work similar in importance to this project. See attached 13. Background and experience of princip~ membe~ of your pe~onnel, inclu~ng Officem PRESIDENT Lawrence R. Shortz-30 years experience underground utility construction. VICE-PRESIDENT Frank Johnson-28 years experience underground utility construction. Scott Christie-12 ~ears mechanical contracting experience. BQ-2 14. Credit available. (If requested) ~ 15. List all lawsuits to which you have been a party an which: arose from construction project~: None occurred within the last 4 years: . None (Provide case # and style) 16. Financial statement. (If requested) Attached additional sheets when necessary to fully answer statement. Dated ~ 2:30 By Lawrence R. Shorrz President (Tit ) , this 27th day of ,qmprmmbor ,20oQ END OF SECTION BQ-3 BQ-4 ANTI-KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ~ ) SS: COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) I, the undersigned, hereby duly sworn, depose and sa~ that no portion of the sum her¢i~ bid Will b~ ~aid .to any employees: 9f the:City of; B0~ym$a Beac~ as a, ¢o~s~io,, ld;ckback, r~CL 0r~gift, directly 0r :indi~ectly~. by me. Or/any mbmber 0f/ny ffrm:oi; by an off'fcdr of tile corporation. BY: Lawrence R. Shortz President Swom and subscribed tO before me this 27th day of September ,20 O0 NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Florida at Large My Commission expires: (SEAL) THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMI'I-I'I~D ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE CONFIRMATION OF DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE{PRIVATE } DENTICAL TIE PROPOSALS Preference shall be given to businesses with dmg-free workplace programs. Whenever two or mom proposals which are equal with respect m pnce, quality, and service are received by the City of B0ynton Beach or by any political subdivision for the procurement of commodities or contractual services, a proposal received from a business that certifies that it has implemented,a dmg-free workplace program shall be given preference in the award process. Established procedures for processing tie proposals will be followed if none of the tied vendors have a 6rug-free workplace program. In order to have a drag-free Workplace program, a business shall: 1) Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution. dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohiNtion. 2) Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drag-free workplace, any available drag counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assastance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drag abuse wolations. 3) Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection(i). 4) In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employee that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual sen, ices that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occumng in the workplace no later than 5 days after such conviction. 5) Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drag abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community by, any employee who is so convicted. 6) Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of this section. As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this firm complies fully with the above requirements. VENDORS SIGNATURE THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE DFW-I CONFIRMATION OF MINORITY-OWNED BUSINESS A~ requested~form robe made apart: of ot~r files f?f-future 9ge, and' ihf~om~,a¢om Ple~ fill out, and3ri~¢ate !n:th¢ aplsr0Pria~ spaceg p~/Svid~d~hi~h chtego~ Bes~d6~bes~y0t~¥ company:~, RetUm ~is/o~¢~i~ ~u~:BidProP~S~:.Shee~'~a~n~tt-~.om~i~ p~ bf Y°u~ Bid g&smn~. ' ' BLACK HISPANIC WOMEN OTHER (Specify) Do you possess a Certification qualifying your business as a "Minority Owned Business"? Yes XX No If YES, Name the Organization from which this certification was obtained' and date: Issuing Organization for Ce~fication Date of Certification THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE CM-I SAFETY PROGRAM COMPLIANCE Safety is a high priority in the conducting of business in the City of Boynton Beach. Preference shall be given to contractors with an established safety program following OSHA guidelines and documented results establishing a safe working enwronment. Bidder shall provide a copy of the Safety Program ~s) to be in effect for the duration of the Contract (attach to the back of this form) The City reserves the right to conduct periodic safety inspections of the contractor, subcontractor, employees, agents, etc. throughout the duration of the Contract. The City reserves the right to terminate the Contract where it is determined that the contractor is in non-compliance of the safety terms, regulations or requirements established by OSHA or the State. As the person authorized to sign the statement. I certify that this firm complies fully with the above requirements. AUTHOR/ZED SIGNATURE THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE 0g,'15,'00 '~'~{I l&:0l F~ ! g$4 Sg~ ~010 CH2X HILL/DF]~, CH2MHILL 'Fo: Fax No~; - Voice No:: Message: FAX DFB Tel C H MHILL ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO THE CONTRACT DOCUMEN2S Master [d~t Sta~on Rehabilitation Lift Stations 316, 317, 319 & 3~6 for the City of Boyr~ton Beach Date: September 14, 2000 Project No: 152~4.LS To AU Planholdezs and/or Prospective Bidders: The fo]lowing changes, additions, and/or deletions are hereby made a part ol the Contract Documents for the lVl~ter Lift Station R~ehabilitation Li~ St~t~ons 316, 317, 319 & 3,56 for tim GENERAL The minul~ and ¢la~-ications mem~m~l~m of the pre-bid mwting, attad'tecl as part of the Addendum~ are hereby made a ~ of the contact clooaments. TECHNICAL SFEClJ~ICATIONS Section 02734, TEMPORARY WAS'I'~ WATER BYPASS PU'MI~G SYSTEM Page 4, Paragraph 2.2 (A), REPLAC~ the sentence that reads, "The pumps ~ be ele~'ically operated with diesel engine backup power" with the "The pump~ shall be ~y operated wi~ a ~ engine generator ~or backup power or, in place o~ the ~ engine generator, the CONTRACTOR maY. chOose a diesel backup pump sized to one and a hall~ time~ ~e maxmmm rated flow." P~ge 4, Paragraph 2.2 (B), DELETE in its entirety and ~EPLACE with the 'On~ OWNER declare~ ti*~at bypass pu-~lng has been ~tablid~l, the CO .N~CTOR is r~c~os~le ~r operating aaa maintainir~ the t~-~uy _ PUmping equipment 24 hours a day tor th~ duration of the project eiflm~ by having a ~ o~ automatic control* or having personnel 0n call 24 hours a day? rm or oy submitting the Addendum with ~e bid package. Bid fon~ submifl~d without ~H2M HILL B~d~ City of Boynton Beach Master Lift Station CH2MHILL AI'T'F. NOEE$: Jason Parrillo/CH2M HILL John Monaco/TLC Phil Gilli§/Boynton Beach John Martin/Boynton t~each Tony Lombardi/Boynton Beach caro a l,p er/Be to Barbara Convoy/Boynton Beach Dave $chuman/C. H2M HILL Mark Carpenter/Sou~ Florida Utilities Mark Law/Bov'nton Beach Bezzis Delgad~/ABS Bob Hodges/Widell Greg Townie/Widell Dave Dubbert¥/A~S S~eve KLm/~ Iason Pdt. earrillo September I0, 2o00 The following is a summary of what was di~-u~sed at the pre-bid ~ on 5et~.m~r 6, 2000 for the City o~ Boy,ton 13,~. __-_h Master Lift Stations 316, 31~, 319 & 3.56 Rehabilitation The City of BoFnton Beach wishes to provide the pumps for installation. ~ raised Some question~ as to who would be responm'ble fOr hhe details of the pump package. The City will discuss the options it has with the ~ngmeer by Friday. TI~ City is going to discutss options for the bypass pumping. It was ~ that a sraall crew to work ~ will be required to accommodate ~e specifications. The Engineer w~U clazify paragraph 2.2 (A) in ration 027"a4, indetifSin8 whether ~ contractor is to provide a diesel engine for backup power or a diesel pump for backup. The City wanta to use all stand alone equi~t for the bypass pumping and will not accept the use of the ex,sling generators pmtx~sed to be removed. Cleaning of the wet-weI~ also includes the disposal of sludge from ~ w .... The City will also ad~rass any encounters with contaminated soils urtcler a change order. H there are any questions regarding the~ minutas please contact me as so~n as l:U:~le at 954-426-4008 x2,~?. Thank you. MEMORANDUM gH~.-.,~||LL any qu~im~ ~T~,di~ ~hese clarihcatio~, please ccmt~ct ~ :,~ 9~-42.6-6t12 x2~ Thank you. 954 695 ~010 CR2~ RILL/DF]~ OO7 CH2MHILL ~^× TO: Company:. Fax No.: Voice No.: I~lCB 09/25/00 ){0.~ lB:iS F.~ 1 9~4 BBB 4}010 CH2!{ B[LL/DICl~ ~]00~ Bid Date: September 27, 2000 DISTRIBUTION FAX CH2M HILL Phone 954'426-4oo8 8oo r-airway Driv~ STE 350 F~ 9~4-698-6olo Jason Pam'lto Plsnholder City Of Bo~,~tua Beach Phone: 56z-74~6~.3 loo E~ Boyn~nBeach Blvd. ~ 56~.742~3o6 ' 23~57 Siate Road 2'$te ~ l~'it'oil, l~. 334~8 NMne 3S,So~ Nw ~ Ave F .W. Dad~e ~ Phone: ~-8oo-393-6343' Commerce Polar, Ste ~ Tele. 861/697-38m 18z8 Sou0x AUsU-alian Ave. West Pslm Bea~ FL 334og ~ S61'687'°O~8 Plam-oom Trio D~-~l~,l~u~uC Corporaliou Phane: 954-97i-~88 Pompm~o Be~ FI, 35o69 Name: Lm~y Shoriz General Contz~r TLC Di,~ Ira: Phone: 561-478-~o~ laratell, Ira: Pbane: 954-587-o.~o 5365 ~ aced Fax: 9S4-~8'7-66S3 Ft. Laudez~e, FL 333~ Name: Mr. G.E. Tow~ United l~-n~n,~jng Corp. Phone: 9~'994-736o ~o~45 NW ~9· b~ee~ Suite ~oo Fax~ 3o~94-9'774 o9/25/ao HO,N 16:15 F.%I 1 ~$4 6~$ S010 CH2M HILU'DFB ~004 CI"i2MHILL ADDENDUM NO. 2 TO THE CONTRACT D(X//MENTS Master 13/-t Station Rehabilitation Lift Stations 316, 317, 319 & 356 for the City of Boy'nton Beach Date: September 25, 2000 Project No: 15'273A.LS To All Planhold~s and/or Prospective Bidd~s~ The following ctmng~, addition% and/or dek~ions are hereby made a part of the Contract Documems for the Mas~ Lift Station Rehabilitation Lift Stations 316, 317, 319 & 356 for the City of Bo)rnton Beach dated May 2000 as fully and completely as if t,he same were fully set forth GE'N~RAL In response to a request for inform~tion concerning ~rmits for this project, Lift Station 316 is the ordy lift statiffa w. qoiring a permit through Palm Beach County. Lift Stations 317, 319 and 356 am all within the City o/Boynton Bead% TECHNICAL $FECI~ICATION$ A. Section 15060, PLANT PIPING - G ]HNT. RAL Page $, Paragraph 2.6 (A), RI/PLACE the s~ntence that reads, '"teflon Bellows Connector:. ......... "with the following. "Nitrlle or Buna-N Bellows Connector. ................ ". 0gz~,o0 ~0~ ~$:~ F.,kX L g$4 ~g8 ~O!O CH2H HIt.I.,'DFB ~00.S Dave Schuman. P.E. Receipt acknowledged and co~clitions agreed to tim day Of 20O0. Bidder By 1/94 STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNTY OF PALM SEACH) BID BOND KNOWN ALL MEN 8Y THESE PRESENTS, that Zrio Development Corporation as Principal, and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company , a$Surety, a Corporation charter and existing under the laws of the Stateof Maryland with its Principal Offices' in the City _o.f_Bal~imore, l~mryland and authortzed to do business in the state of Flodda are held ancJ firmJy bound unto the Owner, City of Bo3~'nton Beach in the penal sum of Five Percent of Amount ,Bid Dollars ($ 5~; ) lawful money of the United States,' for the payment of which sum will and truly to be made, we bond ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that whereas the Principal has submitted the accompanying bid, dated September 27, 2,000 2000, for: Master Lift Station Rehabilitation, Lif~ Stations #316, 317, 319 and 356 NOW THEREFORE, Ao if the principal shall not withdraw said bid within ninety (90) days after date of opening of the same, and shall within ten (10) days after the prescribed forms are presented to him for signature, enter into a wdtten contract witi~ the Owner in accordance with his bid as accepted, and give bonds with good and sufficient surety or sureties, as may be required, for the faithful performance and proper fulfillment of such contact, then the above obligations shall be void and of no effect, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. BIB-1 or the the of the WITNESS: (if Sele Ownership or Parthership, N/o (2) Witnesses required]. PRINCIPAL: Trio Development Co'¢'poraJc~.on Name of Rrm Signature of Authorized Officer (affixed seal) Title 1701 N.W. 22 Court ' Business Address Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 City and State BIB-2 WITNESS: - SURETY: ....... ....... .~_ _.~_ ............ , United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company Corporate Surety Attorney-imfact Arthur K. (affix S~al) Resident Licensaa A. gemc 6191 Orange Drive #6159E Business Address Davie Florida 33314 City State Broder i& Company Name -' ' -- Agency BIB-3 Seaboard Surety Company St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurahce Company St, paul Guardian Insurance Company St. Paul Merc~. Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty insurance Underwriters. Inc. Power of Attorney No. 20007 Cei-tific~ata NO~ - KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:, That Seaboard Surety Company ~s a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New York. and that St, Paul Fire and Marine lnsurafice Cor~p~y. St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company and S!. Paul Mercu~y,Insuranc~ Company are corporations duly orgawzed under the laws of the Stem of Minnesota, and that United States Fidelity and Guaranty C6mpany is a cprporatiofi duly orggnized under the,laws of the State of Maryland. and hat Fidelity and G[aranty locumnce Company is a corporation duly organized under the aws of th9 State of Iowa, ~ad that Fidehty and Guaranty lnsuran~ce Underwrte[s Inc ~is a c~rporation duly organized uhder the laws of the State of Wisconsin therein collectlvelv called the 'Companies"l. and that the Companies do herebv make. tonsil}ute ~a'app~int Axthur IC Broder ' ' ~ t of Davie State Floritt~ their tmeaedlaw~ Attorney(s)- n-Fact each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, to.sign its name as surety to. and to execute, seal and acknow~edgu any and all bonds, ndertak g, contracts and other wfiRen instruments in th~ nature the,r~of on behalf of the Compam~s m ~t~tr b~mess of guarantee ng thee fidal!ty of persons, guaranteeing the IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Companies have;caused this instrument to be signed and sealed this lst day of December , 1999_ Seaboard Surety Company St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company State of Maryland City of Baltimore United States Fidelit~ and Guaranty Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company Fidel ty and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters. Inc. ®® MICHAEl. R. MCKIBBEN, Ass stan Sccrerar~ On this 1~ any of [~:t~llll~r , 199~ , before me, the undersigned officer, personally appeared John F. Phinney Michael R. McKJbbon, who acknowledged themselves to be the Vice President and Assistant Secretary, respectively, of Seaboard Surety Company, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insuranc~ Company, United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, and Fideiit) and Guaranty InsUrance Underwriters. Inc.; and that the seals affixed to the foregoing tnstrament are the corporate seals of said Companies: and that {hey as such be ng authorized so to do executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by signing the names of the corporations by themselves as duly authorized officem in Witness Whereof. [ hereunto set my hand and official seal. M) Comratssmn expares the 13th day of July. 2~2. 86203 Rev. 11-99 Printect in U.S.A. I, Chris R. Shortz , certify that I am the Secretary of the Corporation named as Principal in the within bond: that Lawrence R. Shortz who signed the said bond on behalf of the principal, was then President; of said corporation; that I know their signature, and their signature hereto is genuine; and that said bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body. (corporate seal) STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) Before me, a Notary Public duly commissioned, qualified and acting, personally appeared Arthur K. Broder to me well known, who being by me first duly sworn upon oath, says that he is the Attorney-in-fact, for the Surety United States Fidelity that he has been authorized by and Guaranty and to execute the foregoing bond on behalf of the Contractor named therein in favor for the Owner, the Cify of Boynton Beach. BIB-4 B/20/O0 Collinswor[h. Alter, Nie~son, Fowler & Dowling,mc.{WMCfDlA) 5979 NW 151 Street, Suite 105 Miami Lakes, FL 33014 Mr, Larry 6hortz 1701N.W. 22nd Cou~ Pomp'eno Beach FL 33069 CON31566996 UMB1287550 Z046226001 6/01/00 6/01/00 6/01101 6/01/01 5/01/01 5000 1000000 2000000 ~000000 100000 500000 BID/PROJECT ~152734,L8,O1 Master ur~ btat~ Stations 316, 317, 319 and 356. In the event that the job Js awarded to insured, policy will be an additional insured. City of Bovton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boyton Beach, FL 33435 DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION September 25. 2000 't701 N.W,,22nd Court Pomoano Beach, Florida 33069 Phone I954) 971-2288 Fax I954~ 971-0030 City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL Procurement Services Re: Master Lil~ Station Rehab-Li~ Stations 316, 317, 319 and 356 Gentlemen: Trio Development's bid is submitted for the above mentioned project in accordance with the following: 1. Paragraph 12. Alternates, page IFB-5, infommtion to bidders states that "The Owner reserves the fight to accept or reject the alternatives or base bid or any combination thereof'. 2. Paragraph 13, .Evaluation Factor% Page IFB-5, information to bidders states that "The City expressly reserves the right to: (H') Consider and accept any alternate bid as provided herein when most advantageous to The City. 3. Paragraph 8. Riv. Jat to Accept and Reject Bids, Page IFB-3, Information to bidders states that "The Owner reserves the unqualified right, in the Owner's sole and absolute discretion, to reject any and all bids, to waive any irreg~darities, or to accept that bid or combination of bids which, in the Owner's sole and absolute judgment, will under all circumstances best serve the public interest. Based upon the foregoing, Trio's~bid for Item No. 10 in the bid form (potential mis~llaneolls work at c~l pump stations) is considered responsive. Lawrence R. Shortz TRIO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LRS:sbk Caterpii ar Cate~iiiar Ca=erpillar Cater~il ar 235 235 235 $~ca~ Acme Miller ~ller Qflan Komnng Stew Kenworth1 ~detl 50 Ton Fon~aine 40 ' ;ontaine ~.0' Excava~r Excavator Excavator _Ca--on T~iler Trailer Truck ' 701 N.W. Z2r~d Pcmpa~o ~ea¢'~,,, ~c~id~ This L/st Doe= Not Contain ~ul~rnersible by. pass pun~p~, power tools, hand tcots, miscellaneous equipment or =~rnpan~ vehicles. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUS[NESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATIUN CDNST INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD S7960 ARL!NGTON EXPRESSWAY TE 300 JACKSONV ! LLE FL 3Z ;~1 l-7~67 (90~) 7Z7--6530 SHORTZ, LAWRENCE R TRIO DEVELOPMENT CORP 1701 NW 22ND CT POMPANO BEACH FL 33069 IS CERTIFIED under the provis~ns of Ch. ExpiratlohOate: AUG 31, ZOO2 DETACH HERE CYNTHIA A~ HENDERSON SECRETARY OF BUSINE:SS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION LICENSIN~ BOARD EXPRESSWAY FL 32~11-7467 SHORTZ, LAWRENCE R TRIO DEVELOPME~iT CORPORATION 1701NW 2~ND CT POMPANO BEACH FL 3306~ CNTR HAS REGISTERED u~derthe°r°v~i°ns°lCh-'4Sg) DETACH HERE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPAR'FMENT: 0~ BUSIMEiE4S AND PR~WE.SS ~LtNAL CONST iNDUSTRY LiCEN,~3IN(_, I~f]ARD 7960 ARLIN~;rrOhl EXPRESSWAY SUITE 300 JACKSONVILLE FI_ 3;'~2;~. ~ -"7,167 RE(;ULA FtON TRIO DEVELOPMENT C(')NPORATION 170I N W .... ND COJR¥ POMPANO BEACI4 FL 33069 ~ STATE OF FLORIOA AC# ~5~387E' ~'RIO D~VELOF~NTh~RPORA~IS~ (NQT A LICE~I~E ~'[~'~£RPORM MORK ALLO[4S COMPANY TO DO BUSZNES,S 'IF · IT HAS A LICENSED ~UALIFIER. ) · ~: ~UALIFI ED u~r~ep~s~. 48~ E~m~Oa~: AUg 31. 200] DETACH HERE dEB ' BUSH GOVE,RNOR :.~ ~ ' DIsPLAy ~$ REQUIRED BY LAW CYNTHIA A. HENDERSON SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF COMPE~NCY Detach aha SIGN the reverse sloe of this MMEDIATELY upon receipt! you sl~ould carry this card with you a~ all times SHO/TZ, LAW'fENCE R 2951 NE 22 CT COCONUT CREEK FL 33063 503-207 5/98) STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTHENT CF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONST INOUSTRY L[CENS[~ B~RD 7960 ARL[~TON EXPRESSWAY STE 300 JACKSONVILLE FL 3ZZL~--7~67 727--6530 CHRISTIE9 SCOTT H TRIO DEVELUPHEHT CORP ~00 N E ZTTH CIRCLE BOCA RATON FL 33~3! DETACH HERE CYNTHIA A. HENDERSON SECRE[ARY STATE OF FLORIDA ~THFNT OF BUS[NESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULAI'[ON JAC~SO~ ~ LLE FL (oxOn) 727-~530 3335~ " 'D IS CcRTIFIE ExoirationOate: ~IIG 31~ u~cier the provisions of Ch ~1,89 ZOOZ DETACH HERE ~"IN~G~It I~ANKLIN JOE RIO DEVELOP~EN~'CORP [70! N-~ Z2 CT POHPAMG BCH FL'3336'~ JER .R. US H GOVERNOR DISPLAY AS REQUIRED BY LAW CYNTHIA A., ~4Et, IDE~SON SECRFTARY TC:B ~ ~ ' ~ BROWARD COUNTY OCCUPA'~ONAL. LICENSE T~ ~ FO~ ~F ' ?: ' .'* ~. ~ . ~.=~ .' OR P~RIq~R ~,rH~.~EMBER 30 2000 POHPANO · · · ~ ~ ~ .......... -- -- ~ ....... ~15 T'UN ETS ...... ~= .', .""ow~""~.~.. ~u~_.~....~v.......v.==.=,c°~¢°"~,e, ~ ........ 1999 "-2~0 ........ --~ .... ; --FOR~ ~UDERDALE~ ~ ~t :,~...:- -:-._~ _ " --O~O000bO00 OJO00~5~O0 O000,~SOUOOZ2,2 1au1 4S~O0 0277~ Board of County Commi~ioner~ Orowarcl County F~ort~a ~ ~: '~--'~/ 7 06 8 8 :i~- ,-. -',' 8oarcl of Ceemy Commisslor, em. erowar~ C~m~ Fi~ S ..~. 70687~; '~ '~-~A~RUNO? .... . FOR PERIODCqC~qBER ~;~9~ ~R~PTEMBER 30~ 2~0- ~'-=~ = -, -~---~,,~. i ~ ';' ~ ~ UC~SE T~ PAID ~ : ENGZNEER[NG CONTR CAT .$~ ~ 5 ~ BROWARD COU~ R~EN~ COLd.OR =° ,,~*.~n~......,~.~.~,~.,~...~ 1999 - ~00 ~UDERDA~ ~E ~C[ FOR ~SFER INFORMA~ON PA~ENTRE~ ~ V~A~E O~,ZOOCL-OO C -000L~40~ o000C~189C~009L~ loc. IMPORTANT! THIS IS YOUR CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA P-~ BEACH COUNTY CONTRACTOF EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30~ 20 0 ~ SIGNATURE: ATTEST: pomPaNO ~;ACH, Fl. - :~3o~,. . 1) pL~ECH~KALLINFORMA~ONTO 2) CE~ATEMU~ESI~EO I~URE ~ ~ ~ CORRECT comaoL 1701 NW ZZND COURT STATE OF FLORIDA CLASSlRCA~IO~, CON I'RACI [.]l~, PALM BEACH COUNTY UC-O~2 COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE 1997-11204 ]'RI0 DEVELUPHEI~[:~U~ ~,:--"~tl~ ~.~ LI]C~i~':[ED ~-A~ r:.'~"~% ~ ~ CN[Y [UTAL ~26-?~ THIS IS NOT A BILL ' DO NOT PAY $ H~Y UC~ AT ~OYE AOUne== FOR ~E :~Hm~ on ~E RRST DAY OF ~OB~ AND ~_C~_G~n ~ OC( ONOERGROUNO ~ONTRA~OE 0o8021.:~, JOHN K. CLAR~CFC' TAX COLLECTOR, PALM BEACHCOUNTY PAID. PBC IAX COLLECTOR $26.25 OCC 49 [5319 08-22-2000 THIS LICENSE VALID ONLY WHEN RECEIPTED BY TAX COLLECTOR UCENSE MUST BE DISPLAYED CONSPICU?USLY AT ESTABLISHMENT OR PLACE OF BUSINES RESOLUTION NO. R 00- V-CONSENT AGENDA [TElq B-6 A RESOLUTION OF TIIE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLO 'R:IDA, ACCEPTING THE BID PROPOSAL OF TRIO DEVELOPMENT (NO. · 094-2821-00/CJD)AS IT RELATES TO A SUB- COMPONENT OF THE ADVERTISED BID, F~R_ T~NH~ REHABII~ITATION FOR MASTER LIFT STATIO ~316, #3~I7~ g319 & #356; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR CITY .CI~ ~x~-TOrEKECUTE S~ CONTRACT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTWE DATE. WHEREAS, Procurement Services received and opened Bids for the above mentioned project, and it was determined that Trio Development was the most responsive bidder who met and exceeded al! specifications; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1.. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida hereby accepts the bid proposal of Trio Development as it relates to the following described sub-components of the advertised bid No. 094-2821-00/CJD. An itemized listing of the sub-components are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" Section 2, City admires' tration may, without further necessity or proposals, award some or all of the work se! forth on Exhibit "A" to Trio Development on a project by project basis for the remuneration set forth in the bid documents. Nothing herein contained is a guarantee of the work to Trio Development and the City reserves the right to cancel pending or contemplated work, as set forth on Exhibit "A" at anytime. The City Administration and City Attorney are directed to prepare a contingent work agreement with Trio Development to implement the forgoing. Section 3. PASSED~ ADOPTED THIS That this Resolution shall become effective ~mmediatel% day'of November. ,2000. crr¥ 0?'Bo'~ ~ON BE^CH, FLOP, m^ Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Commissioner ATTEST: Commissioner City Clerk (Corporate Seal) ~:Reso~Bid Award\Trio Development. - Master Lift Station CIIY OF g~ BEACh. FLOIIiDA F. equ¢~ted ~ity Commission Meeting Dates [] November2I, 2000 [] December 5. 2000 December 19,2000 [] January 2. 200] V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM B-6, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACE AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOI ,. Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Cit~ Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22. 2000 (5:00p.m.) December 6. 2000 (5:0Op.m.) December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Comm/ssion Meeting Dates [] January 16. 2001 [] February 6, 2001 [] Februa~ 20, 2001 [] March 6,2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Ciw Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) January 17. 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00p.m.) February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Bus/ness [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: A Motion to split award the bid to two (2) companies for: 'REHABILITATION FOR MASTER LIFT STATIONS: #316, #317, #319, & #356." BID#094-2821-00/CXD to: WIDELL. INC. of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida for an expenditure of: $1,547,000.00 and the line item part for additional work to convert existing can type station to a typical submersible station to: TRIO DEVELOPMENT of Pompano Beach, Florida for an estimated expenditure of: $250,000.00. EXPLANATION: On September 27, 2000, Procurement Services received and opened six [6) bids for the "REHABILITATION FOR MASTER LIFT STATIONS: #316, #317~ #319, & #356." After review of the six (6) proposals, it has been determined that Widell, Inc. and Trio Development are the most responsive, responsible bidders who meet all specifications. ~ohn Gaidry, Utilities Director concurs with this recommendation (see attached memo #00-250.) PROGRAM IMPACT: The purpose of this bid is to obtain a firm price for the Rehabilitation of Master Lift Stations #316, #317, #319, & #356 to include line item cost~ for additional work to convert existing can type station to a typical submersible station. FISCAL IMPACT:Funds are available in the following accounts: 1996 Bond Issue Utilities General Reserves Utilities Renewal & Replacement '~eput,) Director of ~"n~a~cial Services Account #: Budget Amount: 407-5000-590-96-04 $800,000.00 403-5000-590-96-04 ] $747,000.00 405-5000-590-96-0~ City Manager's Signature Procurement Services C: John Guidry - Utihties Director Barbera Conboy -Procurement Specialist File City Att~'~ Finance / ~Iuman Resources S:~BULLETINXFORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC MEMORANDUM UTILITIES # 00-250 To: Bill Atkins Lro~urement ~ervices From: John Guidry U,~ Utilities Director Date: October 23. 2000 Subject: ,ization to Execute Contract- ,317, 319 and Bids were received and opened by the City's Procurement Division on September 27 2000. Bid proposals were :reViewed by the Ut lities Department and CH2M H , our consultant on this project. After review, the Utilities Department is recommending award to ~/Videll Inc. of Ft. Lauderdale FLJ for the~rehabilitation work of Master stations 3t6. 317. 319 and 356. They are the lowest most r~sponsible bidder with a bid of $1,547,000.00. Also attached is a concurrent fecom~ehdatibn from CH2M Hill to award the contract to Widell Inc. Funds are avai!abie in ;~he 1996 Bond Issue, $800,000100, a;=count number 407-5000- 590-96-04 and Ufi!i{e~General Reserves $~47 000.00 account number 403-5000-590- 96-04. As a second and separate issue within the bid document we requested line item costs for additional work to convert existing can type station to a typical submersible station. Those conversions will be handled by requesting proposals based on the line item pdcing submitted. The most responsive, responsible bidder for that type Of work is Trio Development of Pompano Beach. FL. There is $250,000.00 in the Utilities Renewal ana Replacement account ~-405-5000-590-96-04 for this type of work. Please present this recommendation to Commission for award of both parts of the bid and authorization to execute a contract for the rehabilitation of Master Wastewater Pumping Stations 316, 317, 319, and 356. If you have any questions please contact Mar~( law at ext. 6403 or Tony Lombardi at ext. 6421. Dale Sugerman City Attorney - original contract Mark Law Tony Lombardi Barb Conboy Georganne Barde~ David Schuman P.E. CH2M Hill File HOST RESPONSIVE, RESPONSIBLE BIDDER NltO I'IEETS ALL SPECIFICATIONS******* · 1 A kins~ Dep~t~, Di=ector of Fina~ial S_ervices NA~E: OF'~i~: MASTER Li~ STATION REI, BID OPENING DATE:SEPTEMBER 27,.2000 Cr~ BID OPENING TIME:2:30 P.M. ~) ~/ BID #:094-2821-00/CJD ~f ION LIFT STATIONSJC~I~,i~3r~, ~r~e~,t~r~f#~tities "Offers from the vendors listed herein am the only offers received timely es of the above receiving date and time. All other offers submitted in response to this solicitation. if any, are hereby rejected as late" VENDORS ACUTEC, INC. ' ~I~E~BLOM cONTRACTING, INC. INTRASTATE CONSTRUCT CORP. 5485 N.W. 22ND AVENUE 2017 S.W. 28TH TERRACE 8488 STATE ROAD 84 FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 33312 DAVlE, FL 33324 ATTN: TONY WEDDERBURN ~,TTN: JEANNE AKERBLOM ATTN: LISA BISOGNO (954) 486-1588 (954) 792-3599 (954) 472-1377 TOTAL COST $1,585,000.00 1,617,128.00 $1,593,500.00 ADDENDUM #1 RECEIVED ACKNOWLEDGED BUT NOT ENCLOSED YES ACKNOWLEDGED BUT NOT ENCLOSED ADDENDUM #2 RECEIVED ACKNOWLEDGED BUT NOT ENCLOSED YES AKNOWLEDGED BUT NOT ENCLOSED 5% BID BOND ENCLOSED YES/INDEMNITY INs. CO. OF N.A. YES/MID STATE SURETY CORP. YES/N. AMERICAN SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS SUBMITTED YES YES YES NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT OF PRIME BIDDER YES YES YES ANTI-KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT YES YES YES SUBMITTED CONFIRMATION OF MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS SUBMITTED YES/YES A MINORITY OWNED YES/NOT A MINORITY OWNED ' YES/NOT A MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS BUSINESS BUSINESS CONFIRMATION OF DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE SUBMITTED YES YES YES SAFETY PROGRAM COMPLIANCE YES YES YES Pa of 2 ~_ NAME OF BID: MASTER LIFT STATION REHABILITATION LIFT STATIONS #316, #317, #319, AND #356 - - ~'Offers from-the vendors.listed herein are the only offers BID OPENING DATE:SEPTEMBER 27, 2000 received timely as of the above receiving date and time. BID OPENING TIME:2:30 P.M. A, other offers submitted in response to this solldtation, BID #:094-2821-00/CJD ...... i'~an-"~-a~e~r-~ ~'eJ'~e~';a-'s I~at'~; VENDORS ACUTe=C, INC. ~,KERBLOM CONTRACTING, INC. INTRASTATE CONSTRUCT CORP. 5485 N.W. 22ND AVENUE " ~-~:J~-~..'~'TH'~:~'R~O~ ..... ~4~"SYATE'RO/~D 84 FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 33312 DAVIE, FL 33324 ATTN: TONY WEDDERBURN ATTN: JEANNE AKERBLOM ATTN: LISA BtSOGNO ~'954) 486-1588 (~)~) 79~'~9 (954) 472-1377 SUBCONTRACTORS FORM YES I NOT SUBMITTED NOT SUBMITTED (1) COPY SUBMITTED '(1)' C(~I~Y (:~) CC~PIES COMMENTS Page 2 of 2 NAME OF BID: MASTER LIFT STATION REHABILITATION LIFT STATIONS #316, #317, #3J9, AND #356 "Offers from the vendors listed herein am tt~e omy offem BID OPENING DATE:SEPTEMBER 27, 2000 BID OPENING TIME:2:30 P.M. received timely as ofthe above receiving date and time. BID #:094-2821-00ICJ D All other offers submitted in response to this solicitation. if any, are hereby rejected as late" VENDORS TLC DIVERSIFIED, INC. TRIO DEVELOPMENT CORP· ~VIDE/L, INC. 7233 SOUTHERN BLVD. #B-1 1701 NORTHWEST 22ND COURT ~365 STIRLING ROAD WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33413 POMPANO BEACH, FL 33069 :T. LAUDERDALE, FL 33314 ATTN: THURSTON LAMBERSON ATrN: LAWRENCE SHORT ~,TTN: G.E. TOWNE (941 ) 756-8045 (954) 971-2288 954) 587-0520 TOTAL COST $1,651,900.00 *LINE ITEM BID SUBMI ~ ~ ~-u $1,547,000.00 ADDENDUM #1 RECEIVED YES ACKNOWLEDGED BUT NOT SIGNED YES ADDENDUM #2 RECEIVED YES ACKNOWLEDGED BUT NOT SIGNED YES 5% BID BOND ENCLOSED YES/U,S.·FIDELITY&GUARAN'FYCO. · YES~U:S;~'FIDELITY&'~U,~RANTY COMPAN~ YES/HARTFORD ACCIDENT STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S . & INDEMNITY CO. QUALIFICATIONS SUBMITTED YES YES YES ~ONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT OF PRIME I BIDDER YES YES YES ANTI-KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT SUBMITTED YES YES YES CONFIRMATION OF MINORITY OWNED E~USINESS SUBMITTED YES/NOT A MINORITY OWNED YES/NOT A MINORITY OWNED ~ YES/NOT A M NORTY OWNED BUSINESS BUSINESS BUSINESS CONFIRMATION OF DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE SUBMITTED YES YES YES '~AFETY PROGRAM COMPLIANCE YES YES YES P~ ~of2 NAME OF BID: MASTER LIFT ~TATION REHABILITATION LIFT STATIONS #316, #3t7, #319, AND.#356 "Offers-from'the VendorS ii,ted hemin ~e the on y offers BID OPENING DATE:SEPTEMBER 27, 2000 received timely a~ of the abo~e r~e v ng date an({ time. BID OPENING TIME:2:30 P.M. All other offers submitted In response to this solicitation. ~i~ ~:~)~Z~:~8~ 1-00/C JO i, any, are hereby rejected as late" ~/ENDORS ' ]'LC DIVERSIFIED, NC. TRIC) DEVELOPMENT-CORP, ~- : ql ELL, IN' .;...F7 ~233 SOUTHERN BLVD. #B-I ~'~i':'~I~R'fhWE~s~I' 22ND COURT J65 sTIRLING ROAD WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33413 ~OMPANO BEACH, FL 33069 ET, LAUDERDALE,:FL 33314 ATTN: THURSTON LAMBERSON ~'TTN: LAWRENCE SHORT ~;FrN: G.E. TOwNE 941) 756-8045 954) 971~2288 954) 587-0520 NOT SUBMITTED · YES SUBCONTRACTORS FORM NOT SUBMITTED COMMENTS (3) COPIES SUBMITTED ~,.SEE~[ETTEI~ATTACHIED/A[.TERNATE ~'~! ! '.(3).COPES~SUBMITTED Page 2 of 2 CH2MHILL October 2, 2000 152734.LS.02 CH2M HILL 800 Fairway Drive Mr. Mark Law Deputy Utility Director City of Boynton Beach 124 East Woolbright Road Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Subject: Master Lift Station Rehabilitation Lift Stations 33_6,317, 319. and 356 City of Boynton Beack, Florida Recommendation of Award We have reviewed the bids received for the above-referenced project on September 29, 2000. Bids were received from the following contractors: · Akerblom Contracting, Inc. · Acutec, Inc. · Intrastate Construction Corp. · TLC Diversified, Inc. · Trio Development · Wide]l, Inc. The low bidder, at a bid of $1,547,000, was Wide]L, Inc. We have reviewed the bid and bid attachments and find that the bid is complete and appropriate for the proposed work. The bid contains no inconsistencies. A bid tabulation summarizing all of the Base Bid results as well as a detailed breakdown of the bids is attached. We recommend that the City of Boynton Beach award this contract tc the low-bidder, Wide]l, Inc. We have reviewed their references. The contractor has appropriate experience in th~s type of work and has received positive recommendations based on previous work. Please contact me i~ you have any questions or if you require any additional information. Sincerely, HILL Davi~ Project Engineer DFB\15865 10/25/00 I4~D 10:ll F~ 1 954 698 6010 CH2H HILL/DIi~B ~001 CH2MHILL To:. Company: Voi~ No.: Message: DFB Fax 954-6~-6010 To~l Pages: Please Call If page.~ are missing er illegible or if you receive this fax In etYor. ~0/25/00 ~.b~ 10:12 F.~T 1 954 69~ 6010 CH2~ HILL/DFB ~002 CH2M HILL October 25, 2000 1527~LLS.02 lvlr. Mark Law City of Boyntcm l~each 124 E. Woolbri~ht Road Boynton Beach, FL 3,3435 CH2M HILL fllllsbtxo ~ Cemm-Norm 800 Falna~y Drive Suite 350 De~ield Beach, FL Sut~ect:' ~ward for Master Lift Stations 316, 317, 319, and 356 Project Dear Mr. Law: The bid opening for the above-~ project was Sepmmber 27, 2000. The project had two distinct components, the large roamer ptmap station work and the small can pump wo,rlc to be ~er~ormed- tm~. er the awarded contract The can pump staticm work was bid tmaer a umt price scanano with the work to be perfommd on a as rteeded basis und~ separately executed contracts. The bid evaluation was based on the low bid for tim master llft station lump sum work. Widell was the low bidder and CH2M HILL recommended that the bas~ bid be awarded to stan~a,y lower mt pnce work for the small can pump stations. The City subsequently asked ~ HIIZ to evaluate whether they had the option ~o split ~ work up and award the master;lift station work to the low bidder and award the can pump station work to another contractor that will result in lower costs and greater efF~iancy for the City for that work. Sect/on 8 o~ the Information for Bidders states "The Own~ reserves the unqual~ed r/ght, in the Owner's sole and absolute discretion, to reject any and all bicls, to waive any/rregu- larities, or to accept that bid or combination o£ bids which, in lite Owner's sole and absolute judgement, will trnder all ciroamstances best serve tim public's in~exes~ In Section 9 of the Information for Bidders it states that "Cortttacts or ~ orders are awarded by tim City to the best responsible bidder whose bid represents the most advantageous bid to the City, price and other factors considered." These two statements permit the City to split up the bid if ffmy feel it results in a more advantageous situation for the CRy. Sincerely, David"~.humax,,, PiE. Project F.n~ineer DFB \ 003676606 \SET1730.DOC CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA MASTER LIFT STATION REHABILITATION, LIFT STATIONS 316, 317, 319, AND 356 ITEM CONTRACTORS Akerblom Contracting, Inc. Acutec, Inc. ;,b.=;.;~ Construction Corp. TLC Diversified Inc. Trio Oevelopment Wldell, Inc. Fort Lauderdale~ FL Fort Laud~dal~ FL Davlei FL Sarasota~ FL Pompano Beach, FL Fort Lauderdale, FL FOTAL BASE BID $1,617,128 $1,585,000 $1,563,500 $1,651,600 No Bid $1,547,000 NDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD $500 HARMLESS $500 $500 $500 $500 ,UBCONTRACTORS Wide~l, Inc~ Mechanical Akerblom Contracting, Inc. Acutec Mecheci~l Contractlng'~o. Electrical Eleclron Corp of South FL, Inc. Acutec Electrical Contracting Co. Edwards Electric Corp Elecfron Corp of South FL, Inc. Enbrgy Efficient Electric )ther Subcontractors Aculec Controls Systems Co. All Speciality Sales _. TOTAL BID FOR L.S. 316 $635,705 ~5~,0~0 ' - $~§~,000~' ' $674,~00 $638,500 Bid Summarv for LS. 316 $15 ~00 $16000 $.~_~,00~ -': . [~ !00~( $30,500 Bonds/Insurance $~ .... $"i~,000 $~),~ $ , 0 ,30,500 Mobilization $25 0~0 ~P,~ .... ~..,., .) ,~,~) . $3,600 ;ivi/Sitework $52,000 )<~molition ' $3~ 0~0. $15,~0 ~_1_0~,.0~0~+ f~ ' $43,200 ~ypass Pumping ~ $4~,990 ...... $2(~,0q0 ........... ~40, ~0~ $33,~00 . )iesel Engine Generator Sel and Transler - $71,900 ~wi ch $80,000 $65,000 $70,000 $63,100 Sump Replacement ' $120,715 . $150,0~0 ....... $I~? · $1~13~%00 $100,300 $100 rrench Safo~/ $~,000 ......... ~_$;I,:0~:_~: . .......... ~_~ ....... ,i:~ ~60 $'i 00,900 3dot Con rs System ~95,0~0 ......... ~_t~p.,~ ........... ~,u~_, _~_ ........... ;~9'~{~ $61,600 tOTAL LUMP SUM ' $6~5,~05 ........ $657,~00 .......... $~6~9,~00 ........... $-~"/~1 600 $~38,500 rOTALBIDFORL.S. 317 $3(~),6b~' - - .'$2~4~,~)~_ .... _;_.$~;/~ .... $~4000 ' $246,S00 BdSummarv orL.S. 317 ' - ..... ~i~ ................. $~'~ ..... "' ; _ ' - $10,060 Bonds/Insurance ..... $10,000 ~ ' ..... {(~,~(~ Mob,izalion $~0000 .... $ 000O ..... ~_-~'[~,.~..__-._'"~_~ - - $~,~0' - $10,o00 Civi/SItework ' ' $~ 0~0 $:~"(~00' ......... $4 009 $1 ~400 $3,600 )emolition $14,000 $5 000 $~ , ~0~_~_'_ . $~,10~ $11,900 .......... .......... $67,200 Pump Replacement :~)~ $90 000 .... '99 000 '77,900 TOTAL LOMP SUM $$09,609 ~2F~9,5oO $272,000 ~.74,~00 $246,600 TOTAL S~D FOR LS. 319 $645 90,~ " $~7,600 - $65§,006 ' $671 9O0 $638,300 ;ivi/Sgework $5,000 ' '" $20,000 $g0,00~ $1 ~,~ $3,000 French Safety $3,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1 O0 $100 ~witch $70,000 $65,000 $70,000 $63,000 $71,900 Pump Replacement $107,000 $I 50,000 $160,000 $123,000 $100,200 Odor Control System $95,000 $150,000 ${(jO,000 $92,~00 $101,000 Pipe and Fillings $110,000 $75,000 $~0,~O0 $6~,300 $60,300 Miscellaneous Rehabilitation $34,000 {30,000 $46 000 " $64,000 $42,900 E[ectrical and Swilchgear $105,000 $105,000 $93,000 $121,500 $100,000 $671,900 $638.300 OTAL LUMP SUM $645.904 $657.000 $659,000 $21,00~ ~2~,000 ~30~g00 $22,900 ,i~ Summary for L.S. 356 . . $~,000~ ~50~ $400 $1.200 ~onds/Insurance $2 000 $ , 00 __~!, ~0 .... ' ~ $3,5(~0 $1,200 vlobilization $6 000 ~2~,0~0 ~23.~) ~3~,900 $22,900 tOTAL LUMP SUM $25,410 rOTAL BID SUM ' $1.617~:~ - $1,~e~,~)(~J ' -$i ,5~'3,-~ ........ $-1,"6 ~ 1,9~0 $1,547,000 Yes , Yes Indemnily Insumtl~e Co. of North Norl~ American Speciality- Unii~d Stales Fidelity and United States Fidelity and = Har0ord Accident Fgd Bond Mid-State Surety Corp. America .tn.~u. ran. ~ Co. _ ..... Guaraf3ty.~..o~pany Guaranty Co Indemnity Co. Statement of Bidder's Qualilication~ ' ' Yes ~ ...... _ Yf~s_ ....... ~es ' Yes Yes Noncollusion Affidavit of Prime Bi~Jder Yes ¥~ ...... ._~es . Yes Yes Yes ........... ~ ......... V~s ' Yes ' Yes Congi:mation ol Drug-Free Wokplac~ Yes Yes Y-es/N ~t YesiNot Con ma on of M nodty-owned Bus ness Yes/~(~{ - - ' ' .' ~.~ye$~- ' '~ '._'.. Yes/Not Yes/Not Safety P~ogram Complianc~/Backup Ye,~No ...... ._ ~es .... - ...... ~¢~& ........... '~e~/N'(~ ' ~e~N& ' Yes/Yes G.C. License CG-C055076 CG-CB19391 .... ~-(~i2~)~3 .... ~-CO418'i6 ' CG-C01100~ CG-CA45308 RESOLUTION NO. R 00- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE ClTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE AWARD OF A BID (NO. 094-2821-00/C3D) TO WIDELL, INCORPORATED, FOR THE REHABILITATION FOR MASTER LIFT STATIONS #316, #317, #319 & #356; AUTHORING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SAID CONTRACT; AND RROVIDING AN EFFECI-lVE DATE. WHEREA~, Procurement Services received and opened Bids for the above mentioned project, and it was determined that Widell, Incorporated was the most responsive bidder who met and exceeded all specifications; NOW, THEREFORE, BE lrr RI:SOLVED BY THE CZI'Y OF THE cz'rY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA~ THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby approves the award of a bid for the Rehabilitation for Master Lift Stations #316, #317, #319 & #356, and authorizes and directs the Mayor and City Clerk to execute said Contract between the parties, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 2. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS A'FI'EST: City Clerk (Corporate Seal) __ day of November, 2000, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tern Commissioner Commissioner Project Bid # 094-2821-00/CJD ~ CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of A.D. 2000. by and-between the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. a municipal corporation of Florida, hereinafter called the "CITY" and Widell, Inc. ( ) ( ) ( ) Check one hereinafter called "CONTRACTOR". WlTN'ESSETH That under the due procedUre of law, bids were heretofore received by the City Commission of said CITY for the performance of work and supplying materials, hereinafter described, and said Commission having canvassed said bids, has determined that the bid in the total amount of: on~ m~l~n Five hundred forty-seven thousand dollars and no cen=$ submitted by the aforementioned CO~CTOR was the best and most desirable bid submitted, and has authorized the execution of this contract. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these premised and the mutual conditions and covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1.0 AGR la~.MENT 1.1 The CITY does award the contract to and does hire and employ the CONTRACTOR and the CONTRACTOR does accept the award, predicated upon the bid of the CONTRACTOR, dato. d Sentmaber 27 ~ 2000 , which is hereby incorporated by reference into this agreement, and the CONTRACTOR does agree to furnish the necessary labor, tools, equipment, materials and supplies, etc., and to perform all the work provided in the bid, contract documents, bond documents, plans and specifications for the Master Lift Station Rehabilitation - Lift Stations 316, 317, 319, and 356, City of Boynton Beach, Florida, all of which are ~ncorporated herein by reference at such unit prices/or lump sum prices as specified in CONTRACTOR'S bid totaling: $i, 547,000.0o. 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES 2.1 Contractor further agrees to furnish all materials, supplies, machines, equipment, tools, superintendents, labor, insurance, and other accessories and services necessary to complete said project in accordance with the conditions and prices as stated in the contract conditions, supplemental general conditions and special conditions of the contract, plans which include all C-1 maps, plats, blueprints, and other drawings and printed or written explanatory matter thereof as contained in the bid, contract documents and specifications for the project. 2.2 All the work and labor performed under this contract shall be performed, and all of the 'material furnished shall be, in strict conformity with said plans and specifications, and contractor accepts and consents to the conditions contained in said plans and specifications and expressly agrees to comply with every reqmremem and stipulation therein contained to be performed by the party contracting to do said work. 2.3 THE CO~CTOR further agrees to furnish ali tools, eqmpment, materials and supplies and to do all the work above mentioned in a first-class, substantial and workmanlike manner, and in conformity with the details for said work on file in the office of the BOYNTON BEACH, ~ DEPAR'IrlVIENT, for C1TY ~and stricttym accordance with the specifications, to and made ~' part of this contract, as well ~hich'may be ~n by th0,said:CITY MANAGER or his work or materials-, receipt receipt of the writtefi notice. defective or faulty the contract and s of 2.5 To comply with the provisions of Section 215.19, Florida Statutes, if applicable: 2.6 CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with the public construction bond requirements of Section 255.05, Florida Statutes. 2.7 To pay promptly before final settlement, any and all claims or liens ~ncurred in and about this work. Furnish release of liens forms from all subcontractors and suppliers of materials. Forms to be specified by CITY. 2.8 The CONTRACTOR shall remove and clean up all rubbish, debris, excess material, temporary structures, tools and equipment from streets, alleys, parkways and adjacent pr~ny that may have been used or worked on by the Contractor in connection with the project promptly as such section or portion is, completed and ready for use, leaving the same in a neat and presentable condition: Payment of monthly or partial estin'mtes may he withheld until this has been done to the satisfaction of the DIRECTOR OF UTRATIES, Final acceptance and payment for the entire project will not be made until the site is satisfactory to the CITY. 2.9 The CONTRACTOR small at all times observe and comply with the provisions of the charter, ordinances,, codes and regulations of the City of Boyntoh Beach, Florida and all applicable State Laws, municipal ordinances, and the roles and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of the project shall apply to the contract throughout, and they will be deemed to be included in the contract the same as though herein written out in full. c-2 2.10 Upon completion of the work. the DIRECTOR OF UTR.1TIES shall satisfy himself. by exarmnation and test. that the work has been fully completed in accordance with the plans. specifications and contract documents. When the DIRECTOR OF UTILITIES is so satisfied, he shall .recommend ~ceptance thereq~ to fiae City Manager, who shall, if he agrees with such recommenda_ tion,,present~the final payment ~aPplication to. City Commiss/on for review and vote to formally accept~the projoc~. ' The fight of general supervision of the.CITY as hereinafter provided under '~autholSty of the engineer" shall not make the CONTRACTOR an agent or employee of the CITY. but the CONTI~.AGTOR~ shal!,:at all times~ and-in: all .respects ha~ve tlae .fights arid liabilities of an mdepe~n. ~fleat conw~ ctor:. defers :ondition of:all own 3.0 3,1~ C0ntractor, hereby agrees m commence work under this contract on or before a date to be sgeCitied in the written "Notice to Proceed" of the CITY and to fully complete the project within 330 days following the Commencement date as specified in same. 3~2 Time is the essence of the contract. In the event the CONTRACTOR shall fail in the performanceof the work specified and required to be performed within the time limit set forth in the contract, after due allowance for any extension or extensions of time made in accordance with set forth;~ the CONTRACTOR shall be liable to the CITY, as ~ in the amount stipulated therefore in the Supplementary contract docume~nts for each and every calendar day that the default of completion. ~e ~ shall have xhe right to deduct said the CONTRACTOR, or to or his surety. 3.3 CONTRACTOR shall, as soon as practicable, after signature of contract, notify UTILr'I~. ENGINe. ER in parts of work, and roi not employ any that L reasonable time, object to~ as incompetent or as unfit. c-3 4.0 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES AND CONTRACT TIME 4.1 The CONTRACTOR further agrees to pay liquidated damages as specified in Paragraph 17.4 of the General Conditions and Part I of the Supplementary Conditions, for failure to begin 'within ten (10) days of "Notice to prOCeed," or failure to complete the work within 300 ~vncod~mod~i,_Y.S f. r3~ the. c°...n~.~ en~c..e.mem .date.robe ,ndicated in the written "Notice to Proceed." or ~ tJ~te me work w~tmn ~o uays after ~ssuance of Substantial Completion. 5.0 PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACII_ITI]~S 5.1 The prices include the protection and continuous use walks, bridges, and other construction to them during~tbe progress .of the all filling, backfilling, tamping, ramming, puddling and consolidating; the removal and disposal of all mbhish and sm'plus material; also all of all excavations, incidental to the execution of the detailed plans and specifications ,necessary to each and-every one of*he maintenance of the entire wOrk and construction in good 5,¸2 of all public and private! property, stmcturas, water mains, sewers, utilities, etc., both above and below ground, at or near the site or sites of the work being performed under the contract, or which are in any manner affected by the prosecution of the work or the transportation of men and CONTRACTOR shall give :reasonable written notice in of any property or utilities owned by the CITY and u owners Of gublic or Private property or utilities when they will be pmu~a~m, o~paxunems, owner or owners tot the removal and replacement or protection of such property or utilities. 5.3 take all necessary precautions to prevent the generation of ~ith his operations at the work site. Internal combustion eqmpment shall be equipped with mufflers, as required by the Code of the City of Boynton Beach, and the CONTRACTOR shall comply with all other requirements of this Code as. they ger!ain to prevention of no,se No pile driver, excavation or other cons ' ui ' · ' tmcuon exl, .;p.ment, pneum~tag h er, detach, the use of which is attended by loud or unusual noise, snan ~ operated betWeen the hours of 6:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M.. except by written permission of the City ivianager, and then only in case of emergency. 6.0 INDEMN~CATION a _ 6~.1. T~,,e C,O. NTRACTOR shall indemnify and save harmless and defend the CITY, its gents, tang~neer/~a'cmrect, servants, and employees from and against any claim, demand, or cause C-4 of action of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of error, omission or negligent act of Contractor. its agents, servants, or employees in the performance of services under this Agreemen~ 6~2 .Contractor shall indemnify and save barrel,ess ,and defend City, its~ agenLq, servants, and employees fr0m and ~g~i~s~t'~any~ an~ 'all :~es; ci~alms; demahds, actibns, !o~s~s; liabilities, :setttem~nts~ judgments; daihages;,'eO~sis,¢, ~¢~c~e{ises,' an~, fees Ohcl~iig } ~ithout,,- l!~'t~ifiOn reasonable ati0mey's'~ and :aPPellate ;arrivers:fees):6f ~ha~0~ver Bnd' 6r h/~tdi-e for ~ages to persons or .property its agems, servants, and ~ credit tO one IS 6.4 The obligation of the hrmtauon or defense as a ~sult of any ~ Contractor. ;Ci~ or the 7.0 ,! PAYME~ BY CITY 7.1 .The of the the CONTRACTOR"in current~fund~ for the performance 8.0 CHANGES IN THE WORK 8.1 The crrY. without invalidating the Contract, may order extra work or make chan es by altering, adding to or deducting from the Work, the Contract sum being adjusted accordii~gly. All such work'Shalt be executed under the c~ndiuons of ~e pn~n~ Con, tra~. t. A .y claim for exteflsion Of time i:aused thereby shalFbe made, in writing, fat th~/ume such change ts ordered. 8.2 All change orders and adjustments shall Manager or City Commission if required, otherwise, no the City 8.3 The General Contractor and all of his subcont~ctors shall be apprised of, and familiar with, the following conditions and procedures governing extra Work under the Contract: 8.3.1 Any change order has to be recommended b;y Ce City Manager and officially approved by the City Commission bef6r~ any steps are taken to implement the change order. C-5 8.3.2 Should the Contractor or any of his subcontractors commence with his work without making a claim in writing for unforeseen extra work he encounters. ~t will be construed as an acceptance and agreement by him that any such work is required under the contract and no future claim for such extras will be considered or allowed by the CITY. 8.3.3 No claim for extra work will be allowed unless and until authority for same by written Change Order has been obtained from the City Manager and the City Commission of Boynton Beach, if necessary, which authorization will be signed by the Mayor. 8.3.4 Changes in the work directed in writing by the CITY's Representative under the following procedures shall become a part of the Contract by a written Change Order. 8.3.5 Informaraon regarding changes in the work involving claims to the CITY for additional work, credits, 'and/or adjustments under the Contract shall be promptly transmitted in writing by the General Contractor to. the CITY's Representative with full explanations and justifications for his consideration in preparing a Change Order to the Contract. 8.4 The value of any change ordered under the Contract for extra work and/or any reductions in work required,, shall be determined Under one or more of the following procedures before a written Change Order is issued: 8.4.1 By such applicable unit prices, if any, as are set forth in the Contract except in those cases where increas~s in quantities exceed fifteen (15) pement of the original bid quantity and the total dollar change of that bid item is significant in the opinion ~0f the Engineer the unit price shall be subject to review to determine if anew unit price should be negotiated; or, 8.4.2 ff no such unit prices are set forth, then by a lump sum or other unit prices mutually agreed upon by the crI'Y and the Contractor; or, 8.4.3 By cost reimbursement wba'ch is the actual cost for labor, direct overhead, materials, supplies, equipment and other services necessary to complete the work plus fiffee0 (15) percent to cover the cost of general overhead and profit. For all labor and foreman in direct charge of the authorized operations, the Contractor shall receive the current local rate of wages to be agreed upon in writing before starting such work, for each hour said labor and foreman are actually engaged thereon. An upper limit of total cost and of profit shall be agreed upon and shall not be exceeded Unless approved by the City. The Contractor shall submit sufficient cost and pricing data to enable the Engineer to determine the necessay and C-6 reasonableness of costs and amounts proposed and the allowability and eligibility of costs proposed. ,~ ~ The Contractor shall have an accounting system which accounts for suc~h COSTS imaccordance,with generally accepted accounting principles. This system-shall provide for the identification. accumulation and segregation of allowable and unallowable Change Order costs: I that the Contract is Federally or State rules labor costs exceed In r general [15) percent benefits, direct overhead, directly related services the items considered as general : incidental job burdens, In no ease shall the Contractoffs cost for administering subcontracts exeeed~five (5) percent of the sUbcontractors' cost not including subcontractors~ profiv. For · s required for the the the work provided CBITeng in the such as power driven or other equipment. the authorized work, the agreed rental time of its use on shall not exceed the Company Construction Equipment". the end of each day by Such daily records shall hone under the contract and Duplicate copies of accepted daily by the Contractor and the Engineer and one copy retalnedby each. C-7 8.5 Claim of payment for extra work shall be submitted by the Contractor upon certified statement supported by receipted bills. Such statements shall be submitted for the current Contract payment for the month in which the work was, done. No claim for extra work shall be allowed unless the same was ordered, in writing as aforesaid and the claim presented at the time of the first estimate after the work is completed. 9.0 PROJECT ENGINEER 9.1 ' The project Engineer shall be CH2M I4111., Inc and its designated representatives. .I have general supervision and direction of the wo~ku The the contract documents and when in to act, and in such instances he shall upon request. He has authority tO stop the work whenever such 9.3 [nstance~ the interpreter ,of the :conditions of the he~ shall side~ neither with CITY nor with the contract to enforce its faithful performance by 10.0 ]~SURANCE t0.1 The CONTRACTOR shall maintain during the term of this contract commercial }i, ab!lit~, ~oto.r ~h,c. le, .~d p~operty damage insurance,, acceptable to the CITY, covenng the work ontractea cna an operations in connection herewith, and whenever any of the work covered in the contract is to be sublet, CONTRACTOR'S contingent or protective liability and property damage insurance. Such insurance shall provide limits not less than those set forth on the insurance requirement schedule specified in the Supplementary Conditions. 10.2 Required insurance shall be documented in a certificate of insurance which provides that the.CITY of ~ton Beach s~hail be notified at least thirty (30) days in advance of ,cancellano. p, n.onrene~,al~or adverse change. Contractor agrees to furnish policies if Certificate of insurance is not acceptat~le. 11.0 GUARANTEE AND WARRANTIES 11.1 All the work shall be guaranteed to remain in good condition for one year from date or,acceptance or longer as specifications reqmre. C-8 12.0 ' TERMINA~ON OF CONTRACT 12.1 If the work to be performed under the contract is assigned by the CONTRACTOR other than provided for herein; if the CONTRACTOR should be adjudged as ban,k~ .pt; if a general assignment of his assets be made for the benefit: of Ms creditOrs!:if a r~ceive~ shbfila be appOinted the City. Manag~ delayed or that the CONTRA- CTOR is otherwise not in or bad faith or completed work the as possible: 12.1.1 COmplete 12. L2 terms the lowest though con~aet l which the Su~ty in this )r its even the the as used tO thereto, less 13.0 CONTRACT CONTROLS 13.1 The subject contract between the C1TY and the CONTRACTOR shall supersede any and all documents executed between the parties relative to the project. In the event of any inconsistencies the terms, provisions and conditions set forth in the subject contract shall supersede all other documents and shall be controlling. C-9 14.0 ~ OF ESSENCE 14.1 Inasmuch as the provisions hereof, and of the plans and specifications herein, and of all the other c,ontract docmnen~s relating to the times of performance and completion of the work are foi- the pUrPose Of enabling the CITY to complete the construction Of a Pu[~liC improvement in accordance with a predetermined program, all such time limits are of the essence of the contract. 15.0 REMS. Dy FOR DELAY 15.1 In the event °f anY detay in the project caused by any act or onmssion of the City, its agent or employees, by ~e act or omission of any other party including the Contractor, or delay caused by weather cbnditi6ns or unavailability of material~, the sole remedy available to ContraCtor shall be by extension of the time allocated to complete the project. No monetary damages shall be claimed or awarded to Contractor in_ association with any d~lay inthe project caused by an act or omission of the CITY, its agents or ernt~loyees, by the act or omission of any other party'ihcluding the Contractor, or delay caused by weather conditions or unavailability of materials. 15.2 Failure on the part of Contractor to timely process a written request for an extension of time to complete the work within IO business days of the act, occurrence or omission which is the reason for the request, shall constitute a waiver by Contractor and contractor shall be field responsible for completing the work within the time allocated by this project. 15.3 All requests for extension of time to complete the work shall be made in accordance with the General and Supplementary Conditions. 15.4 For the purpose of this section the phrase "the City, its agents and employees" shall include but shall not be limited to the architect, project manager, and consulting engineers. (The remainder of this page left blank intentionally) C-10 In WITNESS WHEREOF. the CITY has caused these presents to be signed by its Mayor and City Manager, attested by the City Clerk with the Corporate Seal of the said CITY and the CONTRACTOR has executed these presents the day and year herein before written. Signed, sealed and ~vimes~ed in the presence Of: Mayor Attest: APproved~a~to~rm; City Clerk Signed, sealed and witnessed in the presence of: CONTRACTOR President or Vice l~sident Attest as .to Contractor State of Florida ) )ss: County of Palm Beach ) Personally appeared before me duly authorized to administer oaths tO me known to be the persons described herein and who executed thc foregoing inatrament and have acknowledged before me and they have executed same. Notary Public My Commission Expires: ContracO..doc - Rev. 5/8/97 C-Il Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] November 21, 2000 [] December 5 2000 [] December 19. 2000 [] January 2. 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ri'EM B-7. AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOK ,. Date Final Form Must be Turned m to City Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m.. November 22. 2000 5:00 p.m.) December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commission Meetin~ Dates [] January 16,2001 [] February 6, 2001 [] February 20.2001 [] March 6, 200I Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Ciw Clerk's Office Janua~ 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) January 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) Febmmy 7, 2001 5:00 p.mj February 21,200I (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Admm/strative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcemem [] Presentation RECOM1ViENDATION: MOTION to approve the PURCHASE OF VARIOUS NEW/REPLACEMENT VEHICLES in the mount of $278,505.00 utilizing STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT #070-001-99-1 as awarded by the STATE to multiple vendors. EXPLANATION: Procurement Services Division has reviewed the PUBLIC WORKS/FLEET MAINTENANCE request ro purchase three (3) new and nine (9) replacement vehicles. These purchases will utilize STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT #070-001-99-1 ,comracr period 10/01/98 through 09/19/011 roi' AUTOMOBILES AND LIGHT TRUCKS. Total requested purchase will be $278.505.00 The breakdown of the purchases are as follows: New Vehicles: Sohd Waste WasteWater Pumping Utilities Adrnini~tration 1 - Chassis Cab Track 1 - Chassis Cab Track 1 - ~A Ton Ext. Cab Track* *Not available as a % bi-fuel vehicle Reolacement Vehicles: Code Compliance Fleet Maintenance Police Streets Maintenance 1 - ¼ Ton Alt. Fuel Track 1 - ½ Ton Alt Fuel Track 2 - Economy Vans 1 - Cargo Van 1 - ½ Ton Bi-Fuel Track 2 - One Ton Dump Tracks 1 - One Ton Track State Contract #070-001-99~ State Contract g070-001-99-1 State Contract #070-001-99- State Contract #070-001-99-1 State Contract ~q)70-001-99-1 State Contract g070-001-99-1 State Contract #070-001-99-1 State Contract g070~001-99-1 State Contract #070-001-99-1 State Contract #070-001-99-1 Procurement Services requests Commission's review, evaluation and approval. PROGRAM IMPACT: These purchases will allow the City [o properly replace vehicles in a timely manner. S:XBULLETIN~ORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are allocated in the FY2000/2001 for these vehicles as follows: Account Description ACCOUNT Number Budee~ Allocation Vehicle/New 501-2516-519-64-30 $ 113,000.00 Vehicles/Replacement 501-2516-519-64-31 234,000.00 ALTERNATIVES.' Any delay in the purchase of the vehicles could impact City operations and increase vehicle Deputy Director of Financial S~nces Deparm~ent Name ' mrec~ty Manager s S~gna City Attorney / Finance / Haman Resources cc: Chris Roberts - Public Works Robert Lee - Fleet Maintenance File S:~BULLETINL~ORMS AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC TO: VIA: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #00-184 Bill Atkins, Deputy F/nance Director PURCHASING Chris Roberts, Interim Public Works Director Robert H. Lee, Fleet Administrator November 3. 2000 Vehicle Purchases REC !V D NOV 6 2000 ~tf.,l:lAS~ ~G OF. Pt, Listed below are the various departmental requests outlining funding, replacement vehicle numbers, and notations on any purchases exceeding budgeted mounts; all the vehicles are to be purchased from the State Contract which is referenced. Please note that the budget account number for new vehicles is 501-2516-519-64-30 and for replacement vehicles is 501-2516-519-64-31. CODE COMPLIANCE. Dural Ford: 1 - 2001 Bi-Fuel LPG ½ Ton, 4x2 Pick-up Truck w/options Replacement for Vehicle #663 State Contract #070-100-99 / Commodity #070-500-722 Budgeted Amount: $25,000 Actual Cost: $20,194 ($4,806 under budget) FLEET MAINTENANCE Duval Ford: 1 - 2001 Bi-Fuel LPG ½ Ton, 4x2 Pick-up Truck w/options Replacement for Vehicle #21 State Contract #070-001-99-1 / Commodity #070-500-722 Budgeted Amount: $25,000 Actual Cost: $20,194 ($4,806 under budget) POLICE Maroone Dodge 2 - 2001 Economy Passenger, 4x2 Van w/option Replacements for Vehicle g401 & #467 State Contract #070-001-99 / Commodity #070-300-220 Budgeted Amount: $20.000 each Actual Cost: $19,708 each ($292 each under budget) 1 -2001 Cargo Van, Type C, 4x2 Van w/options Replacement for Vehicle #316 State Contract #070-001-99 / Commodity #070-300-405 Budgeted Amount: $23,000 each Actual Cost: $18,651 each ($4,349 under budget) Bill Atkins November 3, 2000 Page 2 RECREATION Duval Ford 1 - 2001 Bi-Fuel LPG V2 Ton, 4x2 Pick-up Track w/options Replacement for Vehicle #516 State Contract #070-001-99 / Commodity #070-500-722 Budgeted Amount: $25.000 Actual Cost: $20,194 ($4,806 under budg?t) STREETS MAINTENANCE Duval Ford 2 - 2001 Chassis-Cab, [-lfD Single Axle, 17,5001b. GVWR, 4x2 w/options Replacements for Vehicles #53 & #33 State Contract ~70-001-99./Commodity #070-650-015 Budgeted Amount: $33,000 eact~ Actual Cost: $27,38t each ($5,619 ea. under budget pending util. bodies) 1-2001 Chassis-Cab, Single Axle, 15,000lb GVWR, 4x2 w/options Replacement for Vehicle #31 State Contract #070-001-99/Commodity #070-650-010 Budgeted Amount: $30,000 Actual Cost: $29,126 ($874 under budget) SOLID_ WASTE Duval Ford 1 - 2001 Chassis-Cab, Single Axle, 15,000lb GVWR, 4x2 w/options New Vehicle State Contract #070-00t-99 / Commodity #070-650-010 Budgeted .Mnount: $30,000 Actual Cost: $25,293 ($4,707 under budget pending liftgate) UTILITIES Duval Ford 1 - 2001 Chassis-Cab, H/D Single Axle, 17,5001b. GVWR, 4x2 w/options New Vehicle State Contract #070-001-99 / Commodity #070~650-015 Budgeted Amount: $56,000 Actual Cost: $28,508 ($27,492 under budget pending util. body & crane) 1 - 2001 3/4 Ton HiD, Extended Cab, 4x4 Pick-up Track 2/options New Vehicle State Contract #070-0131-99 / Commodity #070-544-428 Budgeted Amount: $27,000 Actual Cost: $22,167 ($4,833 under budget) *Note Bi-fuel not available in 3/4 Ton. Bill Atkins November 3, 2000 Page 3 Listed below is the total mount to be purchased, showing the total budgeted mount and the differences. New Vehicle Total Replacement Vehicle Total BudgetedAmount Actual Cost Difference $113,000 $ 75,968 $37,032 $234,000 $202,537 $31,463 $347,000 $278,505 $68,495 Please contact me if you need any additional information as [ would like to try to make the agenda for the November 21 st Commisston Meeting. PL/RHL/pl 070-001-99-1 = Automobiles & Light Trucks * Page 1 of 1 Automobiles and Light Trucks 070-001-99-1 Effectives: 10/3!/98 ~hrough 9/19/01 Certification S~ecial ,Conditions Or( Pr t tions ~ct Contrfletors__ Factory/Production Cutoffs, Read Before Ordering Bill Heard Chevrolet Caruso Chrysler PlWnouth Jeep Champion Chevrolet Don Reid Ford Duval Ford Duval Honda Garber Chevrolet Hill-Kelly Dodge. Jack Caruso's Regency Dodge Kaiser Pontiac-Buick-GMC Maroone Chevrolet Orville Beckford Ford Proctor & Proctor www.butlerchrysler.com www.champion-cheW.com www.donreidford~.com www.duvalhonda.com www.HiltKellyDodge.com www.maroonefleet.com http: fcn. state.fl.us/st_contracts/070001991 11/07/2000 [Contract Number] -- Vendor Information Page 1 of 3 Automobiles and Light Trucks 070-001-99-1 Price Sheets_ GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUELED VEIt[CLES 070-100-050 Pursuit Vehicle, Compact, 2 Door, Hatchback (RWD) ?0-100-205 hivesti gative Vehicle, Mid-Size, 2 Door _070-100-375 Pursuit Vehicle, Largel 4 Door, (FWD)- 0077~-~0~0-3~ ~8~0 ~Local,L~w, E. ,nfor. cement pumuit Ve. hicle, Large, 4 Door (FWD) u- ~ uu-,~uu ~ursmt v emcle, Large. 4 Dbor, (RWD~ ~00-~0~0-~4~0~4 ~Lo, cal~a_w ~,n.fo, r,cement Pursuit VehiCle, Large, 4Door (RWD) -zuu-u~u muo-uompa~t vehi'cle, 4 Dr S6dan 070-250-080 Sub-Compact Vehicle. '4 Dr Station Wagon 070-200-140 Compact Vehicle, 4 Door Sedan 070-200-300 Large Mid-Size Vehicle,:4 Do0r Sedan 070-200-310 Large Mid-Size Vehicle; 4 Door Sedan 070-250-310 Large Mid-SiZe Vehicle, 4 Dr S~a~ion V~ago. _0¢0-200-325 Large-size Vehicle, 4 D~., s6dani (FWD)' 070-200-330 Large-size Vehicle, 4 Dr. Sedan, (RWD) 070-300-205 Carg6 Van, Economy 050-300-220 Passenger Van, Economy 070:300-398 Cargo Van, TYPe A~ Short Wheelbase 070- 070 4x? 4x4 4x? 4x7 4x2 4x? 4x4 4x4 4xd 4xd 070-5( 4x¢ 4x? 070- 4x? 4x? http://fcn.state.fl.us/s~_contract, s/O70001991/price.htm 11/07/2000 [Conl~act Number] -- Vendor Informauon Page 2 of 3 070-500-414 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck, 4x2 070-500-416 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck, Crew Cab 070-500-420 1/2 Ton Pickup Track, 4x2 070-500-422 1/2 Ton Pickap Truck, Extended Cab, 4x2 4x2 4x2 4x2 07( · 4x4 4x2 070-' 070-2 070- ALTERDIA~ http://fcn.state.fl.us/st_contracts/070001991/price-btm Il/OW2000 [Contract Numberl - Vendor Information Page 3 of 3 070-300-525 CNG Fifteen Passenger Van, 4x2 070-300-601 Bi-Fuel CNG Cargo Van, Type B, 4x2 070-300-605 Bi-Fuel CNG Cargo Van, Type C, 4x2 070-300-616 Bi-Fuel CNG Twelve Passenger Vain 4x2 070-300-625 Bi-Fuel CNG Fifteen Passenger Vain 4x2 070-300-820 Flex Fuel Passenger Van, Economy, FWD 070-300-822 Flex Fuel Passenger Van, Economy~ FWD 070-500~522 CNG 1/2 Ton Pickup Track, 4x2 070-500-622 Bi-Fuel CNG 1 2 Ton Pickup Track, 4x2 070-500-722 Bi-Fuel LPG 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck. 4x2 070-500-800 Battery Powered Economy Pickup Truck, 4x2 NO AWARD 070-500-840 Flex Fuel Compact PU Tmck~ FWD 070-500-842 Flex Fuel Compact PU Tmck~ Extended Cab FWD 070-5Z[4¢622 Bi-Fuel CNG 1/2 Ton Pickup Track, 4x2 070-544-722 Bi-Fuel LPG 1/2 Ton Pickup Track, 4x2 http:/, fcn. state.fl.us/st_contxacts/070001991 price.htm 11/07/2000 Requested City Cormmss~on Meeting Dates [] November 21, 2000 ~-- December 5, 2000 [] December 19, 2000 [] January 2 200I V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM B-8 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned ~n To City Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] January l6.2001 November22,2000 (5:00p.m.) [] Febmary6,200I December6,2000 ~5:00p.m.) [] Febraary 20, 2001 December20,2000 (5:00p.m.) [] March6,2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in ro City Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 5:00 p.m.) January I7, 2001 (5:00 p.m. February 7,2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m. NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearmg [] Legal [] Bids [] Unrra/shed Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: MOTION to utilize STATE OF FLORIDA, CONTRACT NO. 760-960-100 FOR TIlE PURCIIASE OF A NEW INDUSTPdAL TRACTOR-LOADER from PIONEER MACHI-NERY INC. in the amount of $27,801.29. EXPLANATION: Procurement Services Division received a request from Public Works/Fleet Maintenance Division to purchase a new industrial tractor-loader (replacement for #8010) in the amount of $27,801.29 from Pioneer Machinery Inc. utilizing State of Florida. Contract No. 760-960-100. rhe base price of the industrial tractor-loader is $25,500.00 with an optional back blade for $2,301.29. Procurement Services Division requests Comraission's remew, evaluation and approval. PROGRAM IMPACT: This purchase wi/1 assist in meeting the operational needs for the department. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are allocated in the FY2000/2001 budget as follows: Account Descriction Account_Number Budder Vehicle Replacement 501-2516-519-64-31 $ 30,000.00 ALTERNATIVES: Continue to use the existing ~'actor-loader w~th high maintenance costs. Depuw Direct°r °f ~inanciat Services "City Mauager's Signature Procurement Services Department Name City Attorney Finance / Human Resources S:~BULLETIN~FORMS~AOENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC To: Via: From: Date: Subject: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMET MEMORANDUM No. 00-172 Bill Atkins, Deputy Director of Finance Purchasing Chris Roberts, Interim Director of_ Public Works II~U RC!4 A'~, '.~G DE'PT, Robert H. Lee, Fleet Administrator October 12, 2000 Purchase New Industrial Tractor for Streets Maintenance Streets Maintenance Division has a replacement budgeted for Unit #8010 for FY00/01. Funds were budgeted in the Fleet Replacement Account #501-2516- 519-64-31 in the amount of $30,000.00. This new Industrial Tractor with Back Blade is available on Florida State Contract, #760-960-100. Contract pricing for the complete package is $27,801.29, which brings the unit in at $2,199.00 under budget. Fleet is requesting purchase of this unit through the State Contract Vendor, Pioneer Machinery Inc., Orlando, Florida. Please prepare this request for Commission Approval as soon as possible. BL/pl 760-001-99-1 = Corm~ucuorfflndustr/al Eqmp. & Forklifts Page 1 of 1 Construction/Industrial Equipment & Forklifts 760-001-99-1 Effective: 8/20/'98 through 5/31/01 CertificatiOn Special Conditions Specifications Price Sheet Revisions Complete Contract Contractors: Badger Equipment Company Bnmgart Equipment Company Coastline Equipment Company Custom Trailer, Inc. Industrial Tractor Company JCB, Inc. L. B. Smith, Inc. Lift Power, Inc. Mid-Florida Forklift, Inc. National Lift l'mck Services Pioneer Machinery Inc. Ringhaver Equipment Company RWG Farm Trailer Sales The Gradall Com~C~m~z~ Tmx h~://www..gradall.com ht~p://£cn.state.fl.us/st_contracts/760001991 / 11/03/2000 [Conlract Number] -- Vendor Information Page 1 of 2 ' ' Construction/Industrial Equipment & Forklifts 760-001 99-1 Price Sheets How to Purchase Additional Models, 070-780-010 Trailer, Tilt Bed~ Plnd~ Hitch 10 Ton Capacity 070-780-020 Trailer, Pintl~ Hitc:h:l~:0 Ton Capacity 070-780-030 Low Bed Tra~'n,l~i~' ~2)~e[,::3~5 7t'o~.Capacity Additional Models ofl~) ~:~73i~' ~-ailel-s ran~g from 25 Tons to 60 Tons 560-650-250 Fo~'ldiff Tr~.:~G:~E~!g~'~chh'SVCheel, Cushion Tire, 3,000 lb. Capacity_ Additional Models o£E0{{~ ~eel} fc~asl~i°n. Tli'e l~6rkliffs; up to 4,500 lbs. Pneumatic Tire, 3,000 lb. CapaciW Additional Models of Eour.~eel, i.P~,~pnma~ Tire Forklifts, up to 4,500 lbs. 560_650_35Ol~0rlr~[~Tm~!~] {:.Three ~eel, CUshzon Tzre, 3,500 lb. Capaczty 360z6502500-Fomiiffff~i~.iG~.{~;:~stir. whe~l,75:Lz;3-~:'~'~;- Cushion Tile, 5,000 lb. Capacity' X~itianfl Models of Fo~mq~[~¢gi0n:~re ForkUas, ~om 5,000 lbs. up to 10,000 560*650,550 For~iff Track, IC Eng~e, Fo~: ~eel, ~emafic Tke, 5,000 lb. Capd~W Affffition~ Models ofFo~ ~eel, Pnemfic Tire Models, from 5~000 lbs. up m t0i60o 560;650~00 Forklift Track, Rough Teton, 6,000 lb. CapaciW AgdiHon~ Modeh of Rough T~n Forklifts 7~23~0~050~ :. . Compact Motor Grader, ~culated, 75 ~ . . ~0fi~.Models of Motor Grade~ up t0 100~ ~d 16,000 I~S: Op~tmg Weight ~0~g~0}100 Motor ~Mer, 12 Foot Biade, ~iculat~, 135 ~ 760~05150 Motor GrMer, 14 Foot Blade, ~culmed~ 140 ~: 7~o~obloo sh~ Steer ~Mer, Diesel PoW636d, 1J00 lb. Lift C~l~aciW ~a~d6~al:Models of S~d S ~.25 Cu. Yd. Capacity Wheel Loader ,152 Net lip and 3.25 Cu. Yd. Capacity 170 HP ) and 5.1 Cu. Yd. Capacity and 3.5 Cu. Yd. Capacity lb. GVWR 16x6) htrp://fen.state.il.usdst_contracts/760001991/price.btm 11/03/2000 [Conlract Number] -- Vendor Information Page 2 of 2 Additional Models of Tractor-Loader Combinations 760-960-110 Tractor-Loader-Backhoe, [nclnstrial, 7~0 HP Additional Models of Tractor-Loader-Backhoe Combinations http://fcn.state.fl.us/st_contracts/760001991/price.him 11/03/2000 760-960-100 TRACTOR-LOADER, INDUSTRIAL. 52 lip Page i of 6 760-960-100 TRACTOR-LOADER, INDUSTRIAL, 52 HP (65) (KEV 22 DEC 99) NOTE: This detailed specification is not complete unless it is used in conjunction with specification SRCI-I. Special Reqmremems All Construction/Industrial Equipment. INTENDED USE A 87 CUBIC YARD BUCKET FOR LOADING DIR:T, ~AND, GRAVEL AND AGGREGATES. AVAiLAISL, TWO TYPES OF OPTIONAL SCRAPERS AND A REAR GRADER BLADE. 10. ENGINE: A. Diesel engine, minimum three cylinder, four cycle, hqind cooled, mmimum 52 SAE Net I~, per the lat of SAE J1349. B. Displacement, mmmaum 3.2L [201 CID). C. M/nimum 12-vok electrical system, with an electric starter and a t~ansrmssion neutral safety start devic~ D. Permanent anti-freeze and corrosion protection for liquid cooled engines. E. Vertical exhaust with rain cap or curved exhaust p~pe F. Cold start aid. G. Dry type air cleaner with service (resa'iction) indicator. H. Hand and foot throttle. 20. DRIVE TRAIN: A. Power shift or power reversing transrmssior., with at least four forward and four reverse speeds, with or torque convener. B. Differential lock or torque proportioning differential on rear axle. C. Standard rear wheel drive. D. Steering brakes. 30. FRONT AXLE: Heavy-duty, freed Ixead width, industrial-type. 40. STEERING: Power assist or hythostatic power steering, factory installed. 41. LOADER PERFORMANCE: (Per latest issues of SAE I732 and J742.) http:/~ fcn.state.fl.us/st_con~racts/760001991/price40.htm 11/03/2000 760-960-100 TRACTOR-LOADER, INDUSTRIAL, 52 liP Page 2 of 6 Minimum lift capacity of 4000 lbs. To full height. CAPACITY: 4,000 LB$~ Minimum SAE breakout force of 6000 lbs. BREAKOUT: 6350 LBS. 42 43. C. Minirnum d/gging depth of 3.5 inches. DIGGING DEPTH: 3.9" D. Minimum reach of 25 inches at 45 degree dump angle. REACH: 32'-- E Minimum dump angle of 45 degrees. DUMP ANGLE: 48° F. Minimum dump clearance height of 8 feet 5 inches. DUMP CLEARANCE: 8'7" G. Minimum bucket width of 80 inches. BUCKET WIDTH: 82" H. Maximum raise, dump and lower cycle time of 10.5 seconds. CYCLE TIME: 7.3 SEC. LOADER. FEATURES: A. Minimum .87 cubic yard buckel (SAE heaped). CAPACITY: 1 CU. YD. Lift arm support device (refer to SAE J38). C. Single lever loader control, with either mechanical or hydraulic bucket self-leveling feature while hftin~ D. Tractor-loader to be integral. No add-on or agriculture type equipment. E. Automatic return-m-dig. COUNTERWEIGH'[: Max/mum rear counterweight and/or rear wheel weights available from manufacturer mus installed on machine when delivered. Also. calcium chloride (CaCI2 ~ in rear fires [only), 90% full. Total counter must be sufficient for safe operation and adequate performance. State type of counterweight(s) bid, mounting po~ total number of counterweights, and total weight of solid counterweight added, including mounts. TYPE: %~tEEL WEIGHTS MOUNTING: 2 PERSIDE TOTAL NO: _4 TOTAL WEIGHT: 1,140 LBS. http://fcn.state.fl.us~st_conrracts/760001991/price40.htm 11/03/2000 760-960-100 TRACTOR-LOADER, INDUSTRIAL. 52 lip Page 3 of 6 50. 60. 70. 80. 90. ROPS: A 2 or 4-post roll over protecuve su'ucture with canopy shall be provided. Must conform to latest issue ot J1040C and SAE ~1043 (FOPS). ACCESSORIES: A Ganges/Indicators: EngLne tachometer, engine hourmeter, fuel. engine coolant temperature, converter o temperature (if so equipped), engine off pressure and charging system. B. Working light(s), headlights, taillight(s), wamhxg~(fla ~s~.' g~ lightsgaum s,i,g.n~ ~, (,may be provided and in: the dealer, if not available from the manufacturer), and mstmmant pane~ ngntts). C. Rear fenders. D. Hydraulic controlled, category I or H, three-point hitch and linkage with position control and linkage st~ E. Swinging or fixed drawbar, with provisions for safety chains for towed equipment. F. Tool box. lockable. G. Manual master bakery disconnect switch. Safe access to machine and servicing points to be in accordance with the latest issue of SAE J185. Safel par latest issue of SAE J115. I. Provisions to prevent unauthorized starting or movement of machines, per lates~ issue of SAE J1083. J. Self-adjnsting volume backup alarm (may be provided and installed by the dealer, ff not available from manufacturer), per the latest issue of SAE J994. K. SM~ (slow moving vehicle) emblem mounted on rear of machine (may be provided and installed by th if not available from the manufacturer) per the latest issue of SAE J943. L. Warning horn (may be provided and installed by the dealer, if not available from the manufacturer), pe~ issue ofSAE Jl105. Deluxe suspension seat with foam padding and a backrest. Seat belt with metal-to-metal fasteners, per the latest issue of SAE J386. N. TIRES: A. Front: 11L-16, F3, 6 PR minimum, or largar. State manufacturer, size and designation. MANUFACTURER: ARMSTRONG_ SIZE AND DESIGNATION: ~ B. Rear: 16.9-24, R4, 6 PR mininmm, or larger. State manufacturer, size and designation. MANUFACTURER: .~VISTg_ ONG SIZE AND DESIGNATION: 16.9X24, 8PR (R4) PAINT: Manufacturer's standard paint and color, factory painted. CONDITIONS: http:~ fcn.smte.fl.us/st_contrac~s/760001991/price40-hma 11/03/2000 760-960-100 TRACTOR-LOADER, IN'DUSTRLa~L' 52 liP Page 4 of 6 At a minLmum, the manufacturer's standard warranty for state and municipalities shall be provided. A c warrafiry sha~l be provided with the bid. Any and all non-specified features or components requfi'ed to provide a complete unit shall be provided vendor. See Special Reqmrements All Consu'uction/Industrial Equipment (SRCI-1 ). 760-960-100 MAKE: NEW HOLLAND STATE OF FLORIDA BASE UNIT The D~scounted Bid Price for the Base Uuir applies. The Percentage Discounts apply to Attachments/Equipment only. DISCOUNTE *DISCOUN'[ BID PRICE BIDDER F.O.B. DEALER MODEL BASE UNI] PIONEER _MACH. 445D 0.00 25,500.00(21 Percentage discount off current published retail prices for "Base Unit". (The percentage discount applied to the manufacturer's current published retail prices to determ/ne the discounted price of the "Base Unit". Tlus percenta discount must be the same percentage discount as was used to determine the thscounted bid price for the "Base U shown above.) 34~% "Base Unit" "'~Date of current published retail price book: 10/1/97 Percentage discount off current published retail prices for Attachments/Equipanent. (The percentage discount app manufacturer's current published retail prices for additional Attachments/Equipment for the "Base Unit".) 34% Attachment/Equipment ""Date of currem published retail price book: 10/1/97 NOTE TO USER: The Percentage Discount indicated for Attachments/Equipment applies only to Attachments/Equipment supplied directly from the manufacturer of the brand unit bid and listed in manufacturer's current published retail price book. Attachments/Equipment supplied by the contract holder from a source other than the manufacturer of the brand unit bid may not have the same percentage discount. On the followuig page(s) rifled "Additional Models", list other models of tractor-loaders that can be provided for the same or greater percentage discounts off the current published retail prices as listed above for the State of Florida Base Unit and Attachments/Equipment. Provide descriptive literature on all models offered. *Discount for pickup by ordering agency at contractor's place of business. **NOTE: ALL DATES MUST BE FOR THE CURRENT PUBLISHED RETAIL PRICE BOOK. Approximate delivery t/me required after receipt of order: 120 DAYS http://fcn.state, fl.us/st_conu:acts/760001991/price40.hun 11/03/2000 760-960,, I00 TRACTOR-LOADER, INDUSTRIAL, 52 lip ' ~ Page 5 of 6 OPTION CODING: 760-960-101-Option Number, Tractor-Loader, Industrial, 52 HP, Spec. 65 NOTE: The options listed below apply to the State of Florida Base Unit and any other models bid. [f other models are offered by the bidder, option puces for these models may be different than net/discounted option puces for the State of Florida Base Unit. If opuon prices are different for other model(s) offered, enter the net/discounted option price(s) and model(s'}/number(s) for the additional model(s) by the appropriate option price blare. OPTIONS: (1) 6005. Box scraper, 6 feet wide, with six (6) teeth minimum, manual vertical adjustment, and hinged r~ Gannon Landscaper (Phone 1-800-843-3447) Model H-220 or approved equivalent: State ~!an~ and model no. bid. MANUFACTURER: MODEL NO.: _N/A IBASE UNIT) NET DISCOUNTED PRICE: _ EQUIVALENT OPTION FOR OTI-IER MODELS BID MODEL NET DISCOUNTED PRICE (2) 6006. Hydranlic-controlled scarifier, Gannon 4x2 (Phone 1-800-843-3447) Model HD-4280HB or ap' equivalent. If operated from remote valves, must include valves to operate both loader and land without disconnecting remote hoses. Mounted and ready for use. State manufacturer and model MANUFACTUKER: MODEL NO.: (BASE LrNIT~ NET DISCOUNTED PRICE: N[A EQUIVALENT OPTION FOR OTHER MODELS BID MODEL NET DISCOUNTED PRICE 3~ 6007. Rear grader blade, reversible, with manual angle adjust, 6 feet wide. (BASE UNIT) NET DISCOUNTED PRICE: N/A EQUIVALENT OPTION FOR OTHER MODELS BID http:dfcn.state.fl.us st_contracts/760001991 ,price40.htm 11/03/2000 760-960-100 TRACTOR-LOADER, INDUSTRLAL, 52 HP Page 6 of 6 MODEL NET DISCOUNTED PRICE (4) 8001 Special state color; DOT Yellow, Federal Yellow No. 13538, DuPont #L9069A. ACME No. 27 No. PT102, or approved equivalent, (may be dealer painted if factory painting is not available/. The entire unit, kxcluding options and attachments, shall be painted the same color. (BASE UNIT) NET DISCOUNTED PRICE: N/A EQUIVALENT OPTION FOR OTHER MODELS B1D MODEL NET DISCOUNTED PRICE htrp://fcn.state.fl.usl s~_contracts/7 60001991/price40.htm 11/03/2000 Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] November 21,2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] December 19, 2000 [] January 2, 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM B-9 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Fonm Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m.~ November 22. 2000 ~5:00 p.m.) December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested Cig Commission Meefin~ Dates [] January I6. 2001 [] February 6, 2001 [] February 20, 2001 [] March 6, 200i Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office lanuary 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m. January 17, 2001 rS:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.rru) February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: MOTION to approve the "piggy-back" of PALM BEACIt COUNTY, CONTRACT NO. #R-99-742D to STEPHEN BORUFF, AIA, ARCItlTECTS & PLANNERS. INC. for ARCI-IITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES with est/mated expenditures of $55,000.00. EXPLANATION: Procurement Services Dimsion received a request from Department of Engineering Services to "piggy- back" Palm Beach County, Contract No. R-99-742D to Steven Bomff, AIA. Architects & Planners, Inc. for architectural end engmeenng services. These servaces will be used to design, permit plans and specifications for various City projects. Procurement Services Division request Commission's review, evaluation, and approval. PROGRA31 IMPACT: Deparunent of Engineering Services has identified eight (8) current City projects which require amhiteetural and engineering services and a conungency of $15,000 for any potential future projects. These services are necessary to provide the design, perra/t plans, and specifications. FISCAL IMPACT: The funding for the architectural and engineering services will be as follows. Account Descri tion_ Building Improvements Building Improvements Building Improvements ConUactual Services Parks Improvements Contractual Services Binlding Improvements Maintenance Eqmpment r~ ~-~ ~ ~De~uty Director- o-f ~inancia~ Services Account Number Amount 001-2210-522-62-01 $ 7,500.00 001-2730-572-62-01 3.500.00 001-2511-519-62-01 3,500.00 001-2710-572-49-17 2,500.00 001-2730-572-63-05 t,500.00 001-2511-519-49-17 1,500.00 001-5000-590-0247 9,800.00 001-2511-519-64-21 6.200.00 Sub-Total $ 40,000.00 Contingency for Future Projects n 15.000.00 Total '~S~gnamre Procurement Services Division Department Name S:kBULLETIN~FORMSK4.GENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING MEMOR.S~YDUM NO. 00-I58 TO: ~ ~Bill Atkins, Deputy Finance D~rector THRU:~ ~: Ouidry, Interim Director of Engineering FROM:~(O Bill DeBeck, Project Manager _.~. DATE: November 2~ 2000 ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING SERVICES (STEPHEN BORUFF) I have reviewed the budget and.met with the Deparunem Heads to discuss their capital project for 2000/2001. At this time, I have found only seven (7) projects that will require Architectural/Engineering drawings and I would like to use the services of Stephen Boruff. 1) Fire Station #2 Addition $7,500 (approx.) 2) Pence Park Restrooms $3,500 3) Fire Station #2 Duct Replacement $3,500 4) Hester Park Shelter $2,500 5) Galaxy Dugouts $1,500 6) Library HVAC Replacement $9.800 7) Hester Park HVAC $6~00 (approx.) #001-2210-522.62.01 #001-2730-572.62.01 e001-2511-519.62-01 #001-2710-572.49-17 #001-2~30-572,63-05 #001-5000-590.02-47 g001-2511-519.64-21 All the other planned capital projects can be handled by staff in Facility Management or Engineering. The only other project we will do is an as built drawing of Fire Station #2 for Facility Managemem for $1,500 (Account #001-2511-519.49-17). Please produce a P.O. to cover these seven (7) services for $40,000. Actual proposals for each project will be submitted as each one is started and the exact scope of work and design needs are established. Also please include $15,000 to cover future unplanned or unfunded projects that normally occur every year with changing priorities, grants, etc. Any questions please contact Bill DeBeck at ext. 6286. JAG:WMD/ck ~CI-1WIAINXSHKDATAkEngineeringXDeB eckkArchitectural-Engmeering Services (Stephen Bomffi.doc # ~DDITIONAL rr~ POSITIONS (Cumul~fiwe),, Is Item Inc]~d~ in Cureen~ Bud~. Ye~ ~ No ~ It~n Included in Cmeent Bud~e~? y~___ -. No' Buci~e~ Account No: Fund ~At~c~ Or~ Obbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb~ ~ Rec~m'~ -*holed Sourc~ of F~Summary of F~;~Jr Tm ? ~,: fort. he work author/zat/on~ wfl] be fr~m various capita] a~d opa~a~on a~c~mm. III. ~: A. OF~IB Fiscal and/or Con~rac~ Development and C~n~ol Comment~: C. Othe~ Depm~ent Rm~/ew: ~ts s~m'~°'~'/s not to be v~d ~ a bof/s fo~ psyment. pl.nne.~, L'~, (E-99-';'42D). 1. Amendmen~ No. 1 2. ~ 4, ].~oo BCC A~enda Item oF DAte R2000 05. 4 AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR ARCHITECTURAL/PROFESSIONAL SERVICES This Amendment #1 dated APR 1 B ~ . , to the Agreement (R-99-742D) dated May 4. 1999. by and between Palm Beach County, a political subdivision of the State of Ftodda, by and through its Board of Commissioners. hereinafter referred to as the COUNTY and Stephen Boruff. AIA. Amhitects & Planners. Inc..~a corporation authorized to do business in the State of Florida. hereinafter referred to as the CONSULTANT. WITNESSETH WHEREAS. the parties have entered into an Agre.ement under which the CONSULTANT provided certain professional services to the COUNTY for various projects in accordance with Consultants Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA)F$ 287.055; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to amend the Agreement to extend it for an additional one (1) year period. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual convenants hereinafter set forth and for such other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which the pares hereto expressly knowledge, the parties convenant and agree to the following terms and conditions: 1. The term of this Agreement as set forth in Section 4. Article 4.1 is renewed for one (1) additional year to May 4. 2001. 2. Except as specifically modified above, the terms and conditions of the Agreement are hereby confirmed and remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, l~e. Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida has nl~de and executed l~is Contract on behalf of the COUNTY and CONSULTANT has I~ereunto set its hand the day and year above written. ATTEST: DOROTHY H. WILKEN, Clerk PALM BEACH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTI" COMMISSIONERS R2000 05~4 WITNESS: FOR CONSULTANT SIGNATURE Name (type or print) ! - -'1 Signa~re St. at=hen ~.. ~ Name (type or print) Title (Coroomte Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY Architectural Services Con~nuln~ Cont~raet Basis PrinciPal $105.00 Project Architect 90.00 Project Manager 75.00 Drafting Technician §0.00 Clerical 30.00 For the purposes of the Agreement, the Principal shall be Stephen L. Boruff, AIA and the Project Architect shall be Philip F. Luchner. The multiplier for -qtephez~ L. Boruff. AIA, Archi:ec~ + Planners, Inc. is 3.0. 701 FLO~tlOA 33407.1956 AA 0002226 Requested Cit3 Commission Meeting Dates [] November21, 2000 [] December 5. 2000 [] December 19, 2000 [] January 2, 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACE ITEM B-:tO AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOI ,, Date Final Form Must be Turned in to CiW Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.ra./ November 22, 20~0 (5:00 p.m.~ December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.¢ Requested City Comm/ssion Meefln-* Dat~ [] January 16, 200] [] February 6. 2001 [] February 20, 2001 [] March 6, 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Offi~ Jarltlary 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) January 17, 2001 5:00 p,m · February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.rr% NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve the "piggy-back" of Miami-Dade County Bid #1072-1/00-1 to Wall Innovators, Inc. for office renovations, in the amount of $ 22.520.50. EXPLANATION: Procurement Services received a purchase requisition to Wall Innovators, Inc. totaling $22,520.50 for office renovations. Wall Innovators, Inc. offers a 50% on this Minmi-Dade County bid. PROGRAM IMPACT: These renovations ineinde the removal and replacement of interior wall petitions in the West Wing, Second Floor along with accessories necessary to complete the project. The completed office spaces will accommodate the Engineering Department. FISCAL IMPAC~I: The FY 2000/2001 budget has funding for this project as follows: Account Deserintion Account Number ~ Engineering/Building 001-5000-0.02-70 $ 22,520.50 Improvements ALTERNATIVES: l~p~t}-Director of Financial Servi~s mreC~ Manager s S~gna ProclIrelllen! Services Department Name City Attorney / Finance Human Resources cc: John Guidry, Utilities Director Bill DeBeck, Project Manager, Engineering File S :~BULLETINkFO RMSkAGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC PURCHASE REQUISITION NBR: 0000011934 STATUS: DEPT APPROVAL REQUISITION BY: ENGINEERING REASON: REMOVABLE WALLS FOR ENGR. DEPT RENOVATIONS SHIP TO LOCATION: ENGINEERING SUGGESTED VENDOR: 3088 WALL INNOVATORS INC. LINE UNIT EXTEND NBR DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UOM COST COST VENDOR PART NUMBER 1 REMOVE AND REPLACE WALLS IN WEST WING 2ND FLOOR 1.00 EA 22520.5000 22520.50 COMMODITY: BUILDER'S SUPPLIES SUBCOMMOD: PARTITIONS,OFFICE, CUSTOM REQUISITION TOTAL: 22520.50 DATE: 10/30~00 DELIVER BY DATE: 11/05/00 ACCOUNT INFORMATION LINE ~ ACCOUNT PROJECT % AMOUNT 1 00150005900270 100.00 REQUISITION IS IN THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR REQUISITION COMMENTS: MI;%MI DADE COUNTY CONTRACT SEPTEMBER 13, 2000 RENEWAL - 50% OFF LIST 22520.50 22520.50 Corpo~ata Headquarters 5415 West Crenshaw, P.O. BOX 261089 Tampa, Flori~ 33685-1089 Phone [815~ 8~-6003 OCT ~7 01:56PM ~LL IbIHOVRTORS INC 54.15 Wes~ Cmnshaw Taml:~, Ftaflda ~3685-"IOB~ PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO WATS(800) 4S~-6S2~ FAX (81~ )NAME T~moa (81:3) 884.6o03 AltamonteSlm'k~ (407) 862-4958 Jae~onvt~er (904),281~35~ $o¢n Fk~da (8O0) 4S1~5~.1 PAGE 2 OF 2 D~T~ ITEM II- INSTALL APPP..OXIMATELY 19'9 L~ O1: $' ~ ~" HIGH WALL IN~OVATOR,~ "$~ ~ MOVABLE WA f .i'.- 12 ][A.C~ 2 EACH W'fNDOW~rTEESgCTJON 14 ~CH NOT~$: 1. NO ~UILD~/G PF, RMIT OR pERIvET COST INCLUD]~D. WE PRO~SE H~Y TO ~URNI~ MATERI~ ~O ~ ~ COM~ IN A~R~E WI~ ~ ~CIF~T~ ~R THE SUM O~: ~ ~ PRO~ MAY ~[ WITH~WN AC~A~ OF ~L.,, ~E A~VE P~IC~, ~CIFI~TIO~ DATE OF ~O ~N~T~ ~E SATISFA~ORY AND ~E HE~ ~m ~. ~ MADE ~ ~ A~VE P.i×i CORPORATE P.O. I~x Tampa, cri'Y o~ BoYi, rl'ol,,./B~Y~CH PROPOSkL NO. 1~-~ WATSta0o) 4~1-SS~.1 F.'~ 742-6285 ,,~8 NAME Ta~ [813} B84~303 AJfltmonte ~.pdn~ (40Ti 8624955 Ja~onville ('904) 281-0157 ~uth Ft~ ($00) 45t-6521 2000 C~TALOG 22500-108 2253'0 TD 225 RIl~r 1~-1279 RID PH FAB MOD [INIT PRICII~O DADE ~ #107~ 9' HIC,--I~ SOLID W~L (20 OZ.) 128 L/F ~ $183.00 ~ - ~ 2~00 9' ~~N 2 ~ ~ 137,~ ~ = 274.00 9'O~~E~ON 2 ~ ~ 31I.~ ~ = ~2,00 9' ~CO~R 4 ~ ~ ~7_00 ~ ~ ~00 ~L~~~ 5 ~ ~ ~3.00 ~ ~ 3~15.~ 2~I~B~&$~p 5 ~ ~ 1~00 ~ ~ ~0.~ ~ST~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 214.00 ~~O~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0.00 ELE~DROPS 14 ~ ~ ~.~ ~ = ~6,00 ~O~X~A~R ? ~ ~ ~-~ ~ - 175.00 ~L~F~C~~ 1~ ~ ~ ~,~ ~ = 1,420.~ I~ HIOH O~ ~S~Y ~ ~ ~ 101.00 ~ = ~.~ IOTAL PRIC~: TOTAl, WE PR'OP0~E HEREBY TO ~URNI.~H MATERIAL AND LAEOF~ -- ~M~ IN A~DA~E W~H A~ S~ECI~A~ON8 ~R THE SUM ~ ~-~ ~OU~D ~ H~ ~ ~ ~1~ ~ ~520.~ ~ ~H PA~ENT TO nE ~DE ~ ~LLOW~ ~ ~O~ ~ P~ ~ O~ --- ~ O~ A~I~ ~~. / ~: ~IS ~O~ ~Y BE ~D~WN ~ ~ IF NOT AC~D ACCEPTANCE OF ~,.. THE A~ PR~, SPECIFI~TiONS OA~ OF ~OE AND ~NOITtO~ A~ ~TIS~ ~O A~ H~ A~PT~. ~U ARE AUT~RI~ TO ~ ~RK ~ SPECIFIC, ~ ~ BE MADE ~ OUTUNEO ~E. ~GNA~RE ~ FO~ GENERAL COND~TION~ REFER TO BACK SHEET OCT ~? '0~ WALL INNOVATORS WE PROP(:;~ HEREBY TO FURNISH MATERt~L AND LA~OR -- COM~'LE-rE ~N ACCORDANCE WITH ABO'v~ $~IFICAT1ONS FOR THE SUM Of=~ W~TH ~AYMENT TO ~E ~,D~ A~ FOL, LOW~ ' ACCEFTANCE OF PI~OPO~AL .., THE ~ PR~, 8PE~ FICATiQN$ DA~ OF A~E~T~ AND ~DI~O~ A~ ~FA~Y ANO ARE H~Y EE M~E ~ ~N~ ~= F~ GEN~ ~N~ON~ REFER ~ BACK ~E~ ~ THI~ PROPOSAL MAY B~ WfTHORAWN BY US IF NOT ACC. E~q~ DAYS. '00 O~:~PM W~LL tNNo¥~qTOR~ INC ~ :INNOV~ SOFI. P.~-/8 82 &UI~E ~ ~O?~OCT 2~ ~0~ 0~:53PM ~ALL I~OYATORS IMC WA~- I~'~OVATO~ S~ P..~__8 ~3 &O/~OCT 2~ "00 O~:$:BPt4 NRLL T,NNOV~TORS II'qC ~JC~LL .~I',ENOV~TQI~ ~ P.5../~ 04 ~D NO.: APPENDIX AFFIDAVITS BID NUMBER 10"/2-1/00-I ~tten~ou: Pho,~: 305-375-4260 ~S/:OCT ~ '09 0~:53PM ~LL ~NNOV~TORS ATTENTION: AGENT WALL:D6~OVATO~ ~F~ 22~ MOVABLE WA!:_r_~ SYSTEM $ 0 = $ 20,~00 4~% $~oo,ooo = mdup CaU~ 1. F,O,B. Tm: 4-. SeI~ Tax: T~, ~ ~SG-lOSG Phor4 ~1~I) ~ ,__{~BZ~OCT ~6 '00 02:54PM ~RLL ZNNOV~TOR~ IMC %yARD SHEET (P~.evieus Bid Ne. ) CONTRACT PERIOD: ~ZTY CODE: AWARD BASED Oa P. EASURES: Yes ( P6RT #1: VENDORS A~IARD_E~. PART #2: ~TEMS AklAROEO OTR Aside ( )Bid Prefe~'ence ( ( )HaG ( )WeE ~vnec~ Local P~fe~ace ( P~va~g ~l~s Ckeso. PART #3: AWARD G2OS & C~CTS REL~SE TOTAL CONTRACT VALUE: pROCUREMENT AGENT: ~d,:,"'~ HODZFZED CONTRACT VALUE: $ METROPOLITAN DADE COLI#TY ITEM MANUFACTURER NO. WTR(E~I ! ,~cl~C:~ )FFiC~E LTD. · D NO. t072-1/0~4TR-CW NET ADDON ],01 .,I~IMTE EXPRESS, IKC~, ~lrlGE FURNflURE USA lilY*RITE DFF~,E FUR~ MI~GflTLINE NOBIO 43.75 42.0a 4B.~ DISCO~NT V/~J~E8 ON $ Nd~UNT Requested City Coramission MeetingDates [] November 21, 2000 [] December 5. 2000 [] December I9,200( [] January 2,200I CITY OF BOYNTON BEAC AGENDA ITEM REQUEST F(. Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Cit~ Clerk's Of Sce November 9~ 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m., Requested Ci~ Comm/ssio~ Meeting Dares [] January 16, 2001 [] February 6. 2001 [] Febmary 20.2001 [] March6, 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM C.1 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Adurinislzative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcemem [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: MOTION for the CITY to enter into an INTER-LOCAL AGREEMENT FOR CO- UTILLZATION OF TEIE PALM BEACIff COUNTY (PBC) SURPLUS THRIFT STORE for the purposes of disposing of surplus tangible personal property. EXPLANATION: Currently all surplus tangible personal property is collected, as needed, and stored in the old school. A surplus property listing ~s prepared and made available to departments. Any surplus property that is not utilized is placed on listing of items to be auctioned. In recent years the City auctions have had very 1/mited success and the mount of staff resource time spent m preparing and working the auction has provided nominal return. Staff feels that the PBC Surplus Thrift Store will offer a more cost effective and efficient manner for disposing of surplus tangible personal, property. PROGRAM IMPACT: The PBC Surplus Thrift Store will provide a better method of disposing of surplus equipment in a more cost effective and timely manner. It is the City's discretion on items presented to the PBC Surplus Thrift Store for disposal. FISCAL IMPACT: Commissions will be paid to Palm Beach County based on the Inter-Local Agreement fee schedule. The balance of the proceeds will be remitted to the City. ALTERNATIVES: Continue to hold an annual auction to dispose of surplu~ Deputy Director of Financial Services City Manager's Signature Procurement Services Division Department Name City Attor~inance / Human Resources Dominic DeMauro - Warehouse File S:~BULLETIN~FORMSXAGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC RESOLUTION R00- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXEC~ PALM FOF TANGI AN EFFECTIVE DATE, OF THE STORE S DI,NG WHEREAS, currently all surplus personal property is collected, as needed, and stored in the old school, and a listing is prepared and made availableto City depar[ments; and WHEREAS, any surplus property not utilized by City departr~ents is placed on a listing of items to be auctioned, which requires staff resource time in preparation ant working the auction, at a nominal return; and WHEREAS, the parUes desire to enmr into this agreement for the purposes of disposing of surplus tangible personal property; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission does hereby authorize and direct the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Interlocal Agreement between Palm Beach County and the City of Boynton Beach, for the purposes of property, which Agreement is disposing of surplus tangible personal attached hereto as Exhibit "A"~ Section 2 That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upo~ passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this __ day of November, 2000. CITY OF E~OYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tern Commissioner Commissioner ATTEST: City Clerk (Corporate Seal) lnterlocal Agreement For Co-Utilization of The PBC Surplus Thrift Store This Interlocal Agreement is made and entered into this day of ,2000, by and between Palm Beach County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, by and through itZs Board of County Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as "County" and the City of Boynton Beach, State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "City ofBoynton B~ach". Witnesseth: Whereas, Chapter i63.01, Florida Statutes, known as the "Florida Interlocal Cooperation' Act of 1969", authorizes local governmental un/ts to make the most efficient use of their powers by enabling them to cooperate with the other localities on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities in a mariner and pursuant to forms of governmental organization that will accord best with geographic, economic, population, and other factors influencing the needs and development local communities; and Whereas. County and the City of Boynton Beach wish to enter into agreement establishing the terms and conditions governing the utilization of the County's Staphis Retail Thrift Store operation. Now, therefor, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and representations herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION 1: BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE A. The purpose of this agreement is to establish the terms and conditions governing City of Boynton Beach's co-/ttilization of the County's Surplus Retail Thrift Store for the disposal of it's surplus tangible personal property. B. County and City of Boynton Beach agree to share the use of the Surplus Retail Thrift Store in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. County and City of Boynton Beach agree that co-utilization of an existing operational system is far more cost effective than having the City of Boynton Beach create it's own operation. In consideration for this co-utilization, City of Boynton Beach will remit to County a "Seller's Commission Fee", based upon the revenues generated from the sale of City of Boymon Beach's surplus tangible personal property. SECTION 2: RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES TO THIS AGREEMENT County will sell the surplus_ tangible property of the City of Boymon Beach tkrough its Surplus Ketail Thrift Store. (By mutual agreement sales may be conducted at City of Bo)nton Beach's sites to minimize transportation requirements.) County's Surplus Retail Thrift Store is managed by its Fixed Asset Management Office, under the direction of the Office of Financial Management and~Budget Department. C. ReSponsibilities of County are as follows: Meet with the applicable City of Boynton Beach representative on an as needed basis to review surplus assets for disposal and determine what should be delivered to the Surplus Retail Thrift Store. Accept- and sign for a predetermined listing of surplus tangible personal property from the City of Boyntun Beach. 3. Store and display the items for sale. 4. Collect monies from the sale items. Provide monthly activity reports to the City of Boynton Beach along with net proceeds from any sales. a~ Proceeds from sales of the City of Boynton Beach assets will be conveyed, less a seller's commission, based upon the following schedule: First $50,000 20% Commission Next $100,000 15% Commission Excess Over $150,000 10% Commission (Commissions are based upon annual sales during the County fiscal year. Commission rates for the sale of vehicles of other heavy equipment will be a flat 5%.) Proceeds fi:om the sale of unclaimed evidence; found/abandoned property will be paid to the City of Boynton Beach Police Department: Unclaimed evidence first $25.00 per item. Found/abandoned property first $25,00 per item. Forfeiture property 100% sales revenue per item. The County will retain the second $25.00 per item for unclaimed evidence and found/abandoned property to cover administrative and handling fees, including appraisal service for jewelry. All proceeds exceeding the first $50.00 for unclaimed evidence and found/abandoned property will be placed in a liability account for one year, at which time the County will generate a check to the state school fund m accordance With Florida State-'Statutes. MOnthly reports -shall be conveyed to the City of Boynton:Beach Police Department, including net proceeds from -saleS' each month, showing all activity on related merchafldise, including a copy of each sales lnVolce. County reserves, the right to r~lace monet~,~consideration for the commissiofi' :fee: ~ith;~qu]¢alent ~altie,~rehandise from the City ofBoynton. Beach s[~lus program The value o?such merch~ndis~, ~hi~h. ~ay~ ;~a~ed!~ the ~0unt~} will..be established b~sed on the 'average sale price from th~ last sale. If~thi:mereh:ahdise-dee~ n0t;~h~re, a~s~e r~cord: the wal ' . . '- · ~ ' ue vall be estab}i~hed by mum~ agr~ment. If the City of Boynton Beach desires for County to coordinate disposals requiring .a~ formal sealed bid disposal process, the costs associated with-p~aring ~d*ma//aging a~sealed bid sale must be reimbUrsed t6 County-in'~a~ddition :t6 'the seller's commission. For the initial year of this agreement, b,a:se costs associated with a required formal sealed bid ~l~,be $400; including the placement of the required legal ads. Specialty advertising will be an additional COSt· If the City of Boymon Beach desires toparficipate in any public auction sponsored by the County, they' may do so under the following provisions: Payment of the auctioneer's fee based upon the related revenue generated from the sale of the City of Boynton Beach assets. Payment of the related administrative expenses of the auction, including but not limited to advertising, printing, postage, etc. This payment is based upon the pro-rate share of revenue generated. Provide a proportionate number of support employees for the driving of:vehicles; support of the invoicing function; support of the title transfer function; and support of the registration function. The number of. staff will be determined based upon the number of assets and the type of assets being sold at the public auction. If staff support at the public auctions cannot be provided, an additional adrn/nistrative charge, equivalent to 3% of the gross revenue will be retained by County to cover the hiring of additional support personnel to handle the volume of assets provided by the City of Boynton Beach. County will advise the City if Boynton Beach if items have not been sold within a reasonable time frame and are available for pick-up by the City of Boynton Beach for the purpose of alternative disposal methods. Responsibilities of the City of Boynton Beach are as follows: 1. The appropriate representative from the city of Boynton Beach will coordinate the required meetings with the County representative on an as needed basis to review what materials are available for delivery to the Surplus Retail Thrift Store. Tl~e meeting will be used to determine items for sale, the initial price to be affixed to the item, and - when the delivery wall occur. The City of Boynton Beach is responsible for the delivery of the required items to the Surplus Retail Thrift Store. The City of Boynton Beach is responsible for assisting in the set- up and display of the items delivered to the Surplus Retail Thrift Store at the time of delivery, if so required. The City of Boyntun Beach, when advised that items have not been sold within a reasonable time frame, will be respo~asible for the pick-up and disposal of said items within a reasonable time after notification. SECTION 3: MANAGEMENT AND LIABILITY OF THE SURPLUS RETAIL THRIFT STORE. The parties agree that the Surplus Retail Thrift Store is owned and managed by County. The County is acting as an agent for the City of Boymon Beach in the disposition of surplus property. Neither the County nor the City of Boynton Beach assumes the responsibility for any County for City of Boynton Beach surplus items lost, stolen, misplaced, damaged or destroyed in conjunction with the operation of the Surplus Retail Thrift Store. SECTION 4: TERMINATION This agreement shall continue m full force and effect until terminated either party upon not less than ninety (90) days written notice to the other, provided, however, that if the County of the City of Boynton Beach fail to perform their responsibilities under the provisions of this agreement, either party may, upon notice to the other, immediately terminate this agreement. If this agreement is terminated, each parry shall retain their respective rights to any equipment held within the Surplus Retail Thrift Store. SECTION 5: NOTICE A. All notices ~:equired to be given hereunder Shall be deemed sufficient to each party when delivered by registered of certified mail as follows: County Administrator Palm Beach CounW 301 North Olive Ave. West~Palm Beach~ FL 33401 With a copy of notice to: Director of Office of Financial Management and Budget Palm Beach County 301 North Olive Ave. West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Fixed Assets Manager Fixed Asset Management Office Palm Beach County 301 North Olive Ave. West Palm Beach, FL 33401 City of Boynton Beach: City Manager City of Boymon Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 With a copy to of the notice to: Director of Financial Services City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Warehouse Manager, City of Boynton Beach N.E. 9th Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 SECTION 6: FILING Prior to becoming effective, this Interlocal Agreement and any subsequent amendments hereto shall be filed with the Clerk of the Circuil Court of Palm Beach County. In witness hereof, the parties hereto have executed this agreement and it ~s effecuve on the date first above written. ATTEST: DOROTHY H. WlLKEN, CLERK PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA BY IT'S BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BY: DEPUTY CLERK BY: CHAIR (SEAL) WITNESSES: BY: MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY BY: COUNTY ATTORNEY BY: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ATTORNEY 6 Requested City Commission Meetin~ Oamq [] November ~ [.2000 [] December 5,2000 December 19, 2000 [] January 2:2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ITEM C.2 AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOK , Date Final Eon~ Must be Turned kn to CiW Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 '5:00 p.m. November 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.} December 20, 2000 (5:00 p. IIaj Requested City Commission Meeti~e I)ams [] January 16, 2001 [] February 6, 200I [] February 20, 2001 [] ivlarch 6, 200t Date Final borm Must be Turned m to City Clerk's Of Sc! January 3, 2001 5:00 p.m. January I7, 2001 5:00 p.m February 7, 2001 '5:00 p.m. February21,200I 5:00 p.m NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consem Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing ]7- Legal [] Bids [] Unf'mished Business [] Almouncemem [] Presentation RECO3'IMENDATION: Conl~mrt the appommaent of Wally MaJors as Recreation Director of the City of Boynton Beach. EXPLANATION: This position has been vacant since the departure of the Recreation Director on April 21, 2000. and Wally Majors has. been serving as Acting Recreation Director. The position was posted, advertised, and interviews were conducted. Ir was the recommendation of the inrervxew comrmtree to the City Manager to offer this appointment to Wally Majors. The City Manager concurred_. PROGPOd~ IMPAC'I: FISCAL IMPACT: None. ALTERNATIVES: Do no~ confm-n appointment of Wally Majors and res Department Head's Signature ,~(r~ City Manager's Signature Depamnent Name ~ttom ~e / Hur~an Resources S:kBULLETINZFORMSXAGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM. DOC V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM C.2. RESOLUTION NO. R00- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, CONE RMING MAJORS THEAPPOINTM = THE CITY AS THE DIRECTOR OF AN THE CITY APPOINTMENT ON' BEHALF' OF THE AND CITY WHEREAS, upon the recommendation of staff, the City desires to employ the services of Albert E. 0Nally) Majors as the Director of Recreation of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission to prowde certain benefits and requirements regarding the employment of Albert E. (Wally) Majors by the City; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, FIodda does hereby confirm the appointment of Albert E. (Wally) Majors as the Director of Recreation of the City of Boynton Beach, FIodda and authorizes the City Manager to execute an Appointment Contract on behalf of the City of Boynton Beach with Albert E. 0Nally) Majors, said Contract being attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and incorporated herein by reference. Section 2.. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this. ATTEST: day of November, 2000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Commissioner Commissioner ~ity Clerk s:caVes~employment~Vlajors Resol 11300 November 13, 2000 Mr. Wally Majors Acting Recreation D~recror City of Boymon Beach Re: Appointment Letter - Recreation Director, Boynton Beach Dear Mr. Majors: I am pleased ~to o~f£er you ~ apppmtmem,as the Recreation Director under the following terms and conditions: m this nosition you are representing to the City that you have the professional By accept g ~ ' , .... ~ .AL~ --rovided to you pursuant to the terms of expertise and experience to pertorm tiae serv~ce~ tu ut t~ : this Agreement. You have been advised and understand that the position you are accepting ~s not a civil service position and the City's Civil Service Rules and Regulations are not applicable to you. By entering into this agreement, you waive all rights under the City's Civil Service system. : You will be an at will employee of the City and you acknowledge that there has been no representation or promise, expressed or implied fixing the term of your appointment, except as provided for herein. The job description for Recreation Director is attached as Exhibit "A, and that you agree to prowde the City with the services included in the job description. Except as otherwise expressly provided by this Appointment, as Recreation Director you shall at all times: a. devote all your time, attention, knowledge, and skill solely and exclnsively to the business and interests of the City during normal working hours and at City related events after normal business hours. b. perform your duties and obligations faithfully, industriously, and to the best of your ability. c. not engage in conflicting outside employment except with prior written authorization of the City Manager. d. keep the City Manager fully informed in advance of all travel and activities that take you out of the office for more than a day at a time. All travel must receive prior written approval of the City Manager. I will, as City Manager, cause the review and evaluation of your performance at least once annually in advance of the adoption of the annual operating budget. The review and evaluation shall be in accordance with performance criteria developed by the City Manager, which criteria must be provided to you in advance o£ the commencement of the period of evaluation. The initial performance criteria ~s as set forth on Exhibit "B", attached hereto. Subject to discussion with you, criteria may be added to or deleted from as the Manager may from time to time determine. Further, the Manager shall provide to you a summary Written statement of the evaluation and provide an adequate opportunity for you to discuss your evaluation with the Manager. Periodically, you will meet with the City Manager or his designee and define such goals and performance objectives that are determined necessary for the proper operation of Recreation and Community Event Services in attainment of the objectives and shall further establish a relative priority among those various goals and objectives, which shall be reduced to writing. Such goals and objectives shall be generally attainable within the time limitations as specified in the.annual operating and capital budgets and appropriations provided by the City. Compensation reviews are not subject to any specific formula applicable to other City personnel. Wage adjustments shall be at the sole discretion of the City Manager and are subjec~ to the appropriation of funds by the City Commission~ You shali receive an annual salary of Fifty Five Thousand ($55,000) Dollars, payable in equal installments paid at the same intervals as the City's management personnel are paid. The City agrees to execute all necessary agreements provided by the International City Management Association-Retirement Corporation (ICMA-RC) or the Public Employees Benefit Corporation (PEBSCO) for your participation hi said ICMA-RC or PEBSCO retirement plan, and in addition to the base salary paid by the City to you, the City agrees to pay $4,500.00 into the ~ICMA-RC or PEBSCO on your behalf, in equal proportionate amounts each pay period, and to transfer ownership to succeeding City or you upon your resignation or discharge. This amount is m addition to any amount that you may wish to continue contributing at your cost. The City shall pay or reimburse you consistent with reimbursement policies for City Managerial employees. You shall receive the same Health Insurance benefit provided to non-union City employees hired prior to 10/1/91. You shall receive the same benefit Disability Insurance provided to non-tmion City employees hired prior to 10/1/91. You shall receive the same Life Insurance benefit provided to non-un/on City employees hired prior to 10/1/91. You shall receive the same Retirement System benefit provided to non-union employees hired prior to 10/1/91. You shall be entitled to observe the same paid legal holidays as non-union employees hired prior to 10/1/91 You shall be entitled to observe the same vacation accrual as non-umon managerial employees hired prior to 10/1/91. -2- You shall accumulate sick leave as provided under the roles and regulations for other managerial employees of the City, including pay-out for unused sick leave on termination based on the standard for employees of the City hired prior to October 1, 199l. The City shall: a. defend and inderarfify you agmnst ail claims and actions, civil or criminal, provided the ol~(nus or a¢t~ign~ ar~se 0m of and m th~ course of the performance of your dmies ~n~ res' ~si6i'~ties pursuant to this Appointment; and a an iud~ment that may be entered against you in a civil action arising out . b. p y t~ygjA 2~r~.~ance of ~vo. ur 'duties and .responsibilities. pursuant m this of and in the course o.~ m~ }?,~w~,,~ ;. ,~.=. '. _ ~ Appointment, excep~ a~udgm~nt based on-intentt0na} Wrongdoing t)y you. c. reserves the rights to select, appoint, retain, or discharge legal counsel necessary to provide the foregoing defense. Your appointment and the term of this Appointment shall commence on the date of execution._. This Appoinunent shall terminate: a. at any time by mutual agreement of you and the City; b. upon your sustained inability for all or substantially all of 180 calendar days in ·erform all or substantially all of your duties and.. obligations. . pursuant., to this a 190.daY Penod to _p_~_..,; hr ~hVsic~I or mental illness or condition, which ~nahihty shall be Appo~nuuent as a r~u,~ u~ v... verified at the City's expense (to the extent not covered by applicable medical insurance maintained by the City) by a licensed physician mutually agreed upon by you and the City, provided that state or federal law or regulation would not preclude or prohibit your separation on a physician within under the conditton. In th event the parties are unable to mutually agree fifteen days of a request for selection, the examining physician will be selected solely by the City. c. at any time by the City Manager's unilateral terannation of your Appoinunent for the position. d. your death. e. your resignation. A resignation shall be submitted in writing and shall provide for an actual resignation date no later than forty-five (45) days following the date of notice of resignation. Unilateral termination shall be in writing, signed by the City Manager, and need not reflect performance-related reasons. If this Appointment is terminated by unilateral action by the City Manager, you shall be entitled only to: -3- a. PrOrated base salary for the effective date of the termination plus ninety (90~ days, calculated as follows: Employees annual base salary shall be divided by 365 days, and that sum shall be multiplied by 90 days, less customary withholding. b. Credit of a maximum of $1,125 into your ICMA/RC or PEBSCO account. This amount represents 25% of the annual amount of $4,500 agreed to be paid on your behalf mto the ICMA/RC Or PEBSCO by the City. c. reimbursement for as-yet unreimbursed expenses pursuant to this Appointment; d. an amount for accrued and unused vacation leave~ not ro exceed the maximum number of days permitted by law, accord/rig to the schedule/formula for non-union employees hired before 10/1/91; e. an amount for accrued and unused sick leave, not to exceed the maximum number of days permitted by law, according to the schedule/formula for non-un/on ~mployees hired before 10/1/91 ~ £ the total accrued deferred compensation in the ICMA-RC or PEBSCO as contributed by you or the City on your behalf, or execution of a transfer agreement with a successor public agency. If this Appointment terminates upon mutual agreement of the parties, you shall be entitled to: a. reimbursement for as-yet unreimbursed expenses pursuant to this Appointment; b. an amount for accrued and unused vacation leave, not to exceed the max/mum number of days permitted by law, according to the schedule/formula for non-umun employees hired after 10/1/91; c. an amount for accrued and unused sick leave, not to exceed the maximum number of days permitted by law, according to the schedule/formula for non-union employees hired after 10/i/91; d. the total accrued deferred compensation in ICMA/RC or PEBSCO as contributed by you or on your behalf by the City, successor public agency, or execution of a transfer agreement with a If this appointment terminates due to your physical disability or deat. · personal representative shall be entitled only to the-fo~--.:-~ h...you or your guardian or ,~,~,,~vmg compensauon and benefits: the CITY; a. base salary through the last day that you performed services to or on behalf of b. reimbursement for as-yet unreimbursed expenses pursuant to this Appointment; c. an amount for accrued and unused sick and vacation leave, not to exceed the '4- maximum number of days permitted by law, according to the schedule, formula for non-union employees hired before 10/1/91; and d. life and/or disability benefits if applicable. e. the to~al accrued deferred .compensation in ICMA/RC or PEBSCO as contributed by you or on your behalf by the City. If this appoinunent, terminates due to your resignation, you shall be entitled only to the following compensation: and benefits:; a. base salary through the date of resignation or such other date as mutually agreed to between you and the City Manager b. reimbursement for as-yer unreimbursed expenses pursuant to this Appointment; c. an amount for accrued and unused sick and vacation leave, not to exceed the maximum number of days permitted ,by law, according to the schedule/formula for hon-union_ employees hiredbefore i0/1/91; d. life and/or disability benefits if applicable. e. the total accrued deferred compensation m ICMA~RC or PEBSCO as contributed by you or .on your behalf by the City, or execution of a transfer agreement with a successor public agency. No modification of or amendment m this Appoinunent shall be valid unless reduced to writing and stgned by both parties. No collective-bargairfing agreement to which the CITY is a party shall in whole or ~n part govern, apply to, or be deemed pm of or incorporated into this appointment. Any civil acuon arising out of this Appointment or the nonperformance or breach of any covenant contained in it shall be brought only in Palm Beach CountY, Florida. The CITY's waiver of any breach of any term. condition, or covenant of this Appoinanent shall not constitute the waiver of any other breach of the same or any other term, condition, or covenant of this appomunent. This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of: a. Your heirs and personal representatives; and b. the City regardless of changes in the persons holding office as members of the City. If any provision of this Appointment or the application of any provision to any party or circumstance shall be prohibited by or invalid under applicable law, the provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity without invalidating the remaining prov/smns of this Appointment or their application ro other parties or circumstances. This Appointment and the ten-ns, conditions, and covenants contained in it shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. This Appointment Letter contains the entire agreement between the City and you.. A/1 prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, pertaining to the City's appointment of you are fully abrogated and of no further force and effect from and after the date of this Appointment letter. Regardless of which party's counsel Prepared the original draft and subsequent revisions of this Appointment, and the City and their respective counsel have had equal opportunity to contribute to and have contributed to its contents, and this Appointment shall not be deemed to be the product of and, therefore, construed against either of them The omission from this letter of a term or proms/on contained in an earlier draft of the letter shall have no evidentiary significance regarding the intent of the partieS. If the ~bregoing terms and conditions are acceptable to you, please sign the original of this le~er in .the space provided below and remm it to me. ~ Very truly yours, Kurt Bressner City Manager Revl 1/12/00, 11/13/00 -6- Class Code 61019 Grade 37 EXHIBIT "A" 53.224 / 63,869 / 79~836 FLSA: E FLORIDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, CLASSIFICATION TITLE: pURPOSE OF CLASSIFICATION The purpose of the d6sigrg develdpment and constm ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The following duties are normal for this position. The omission of specific statements of the duties does not exclude them from the classification if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this classification.r Other duties may be required and assigned. Supervises, directs, and evakmtes assigned staff, processing employee ~conc~'ns and problems, directing ~ork, cotmseling, diseiplining, and completing employee performance appraisals: interviews and selects new emplo5tees; provides training and development. Coordinates daily work activities; organizes, prinritizes, and assigns work; moa/tom stares of work m progress and inspects completed work; consults with assigned staff, assists with complex/problem situations, and provides reclmical expertise. Ensures compliance with all applicable codes, laws. rules,, regulations, standards, policies. ' orandviolations.Pr°cedures; ensures adherence to established safety procedures; ia/tiates any acuons necessary, to correct demattons · review d/vision activities, Consults with manager, city management, city commissioners, and other officmls as needed to provide recommendations, resolve problems- and receive advice/d/rection; serves in advisory capacity to city manager and city commission in all matters pertaining to recreanon services, programs, and facilities. Coordinants division programs/activities with other divisions, other departments, coramumty organi?ations, businesses, outside agencies, or others as needed; coord/nates/consults with other agencies/o amz ri°ns to conduct surveys, assess program needs, provide new programs, secure sponsorship funding, eliminate duplication of sermces, and ensure harmoa/ouS working relala2>nships. Prepares and justifies recreation division budgetS, including general fired, enterprise fund, and capital fund; monitors and controls expend/tares; directS revenue development and solicitation of corporate sponsorships: coordinates grant writing for recreation d/vision; writes/reviews contractS. Establishes short and long range strategic plans to acIdeve goals through involvement of stuff, business Ieaders. and coramumty members; directs marketing, promotion, public relations, and prlblieity opemtioas for the division; develops marketing plans. -and romotes city P°licies and reereatiou d/visi°n pr°grams; f°nunlates °peratmg p°hntes and regulate°ns Intmprers P Publicizes programs through press releases, speeches and radio addresses, through representation on interagency councils and committees, and through ongoing contacts with public/private community agencies/organizations. Last Revised: November, 1998 © David M. Griffith & Associates, Ltd. Page 1 Ci of Bo ton Beach, Florida · Director, Recrea~on , . 61019 Represents the city as liaison to various city boards and local regional agencies; attends meetings; serves on comrmttees as needed; makes speeches or presentations. Plans, supervises, and coordinates muracipal recreation programs; ensures that diversified recreational programs. facilines,; and. services are proVided, for all groups, .ages' abilities,, and. interest leve~s; moniters/ensures the effective and ~effic~,ent deli;~ry of recrea~o.n, progra~ns and services .to city residents; coordinates the plannm , ac uisiti · uevetupment, nnprovement, construction, and renovaUon of recreation/park fac/1/tieo ~,~ g q ~on, design, identifies trends, and takes corrective action for cantmuous improvemem of division systems, processes, programs, · o ,~u programs; anatyzes data, facilities, and stafl~ makes site visits to observe and evaluate recreation programs and facil/ties Leads. guides, and coaches citizen project teams such as Ch/ldren & Youth Advisory Board, All America City 2001, communityAmerica's PromiSe,volunteersandon eachKid'Sproject.Kingd°m playground design, fundraisthg, and construction; coordinates activities of Leads/facilirares city staff and business/communny leaders' teams towards events; coordinates community focus groups and strategic planningreams, consensus on major projects and special Leads city-wide marketing team to produce videos, apply fur awards, and enhance city image Assists with special projects as needed. Performs administrative tasks: prepares or d/rects preparation of periodic/special reports; submits reports toZciry manager, city commissmn, city advisory board, and local/state agencies; ' · dev~elopmental establsshes and updates division policy manual, programs for youth manual, and new employee orientation manual. Prepares or completes various forms, reports, correspondence, project stares reports, analyses/repons, monthly repons, special project reports budgets income s attendance reports, statistical Receives.. . various forms, reports,, correspondence,, rex(enue/expenditure reports, budgets, attendance repons, customer sat~stactiun surveys, construction project management repons, demographic ' - data, civil service policy, union contracts, bluep.rm, ts, zonmg maps, codes, ordinances, laws, regulations, policies, manuals rofe ' materials, or other doo ..... *--^-- -- · · , p ss~onal journals, reference ~v *~, processes, mrwards or retains as appropriate. Operates a computer to enter, retrieve, review or modify data; utilizes word proeessmg, spreadsheet, database, presentation, communications, or other software programs Answers the telephone: provides information, guidance and assistance; takes and relays messages or directs calls to appropriate personnel; returns calls as necessary. Communicates with supervisor city management, connmssion departments, c~ty advisory boards ,q ....... , , mployees, volunteers other divisi .... ~,,,~,y mgainzauons, nre officials, medical personnel, government agencies, architects, engineers, the public, outside agencies, and other mdividuals as needed to coordinate work activities, review stares of work, exchange information, resolve problems, or give receive adviee/direction. initiaresResp°ndSproblemt° complaintsresolution.and questions related to division operations; provides information,' ' researches problems, and Maintains a comprehensive, current knowledge of applicable laws/regu/ations; mathla/ns an awareness of new trends and advances in the profession; reads training sessions as appropriate, professional literature; maintains professional affiliations; attends workshops and © David M. Griffith & Associates, Ltd. Page 2 Last Revised: Noven~er, 1998 61019 Ci of Bo nton Beach, Florida · Director, Recreation AI)DITIONAL FUNCTIONS performs clerical tasks as n6~ded, which may include typing documents Operates a motor vehicle to conduct work activities. Provides aSsis~e or coverage to Other employees ~s needed- performs other related duties as required. or copying documents. MINIMUM QuALI~CATIONS Bachelor's degree in Recreation Adrainistration, Public AdmtoSs~ation, o~ closely related field; supplemented by six (6) years previouS experience and/or tmtoing that [ucludes progressively xespous~le recreation/parks program administration or public administration; or any eqinvalant combination' Of education, b-~ining, and .experience. which. 's provides the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities for this job. Must possess and maintain a valid Florida driver license. PERFORMANCE APTITUDES dete~gtime, place and/or sequence oI operauum-, ~ ~, of organiTational components, and in the formulation of operational strategy. }tmnan Interaction: Reqmres ~e ahili~y to funcUon m a director capacity for a major orgamzauonal umt requmng Significant internal and external mteracUon. Equlpmant, MachinetW~ Tools~ and Materials Utilization: Requires the ability to operate, maneuver an&or control the actions of equipment, machinery, tools, and/or materials used in performing essential funcuons. ~: Requires the ability ro utilize a wide variety of reference, descriptive, and/or advisory dam and information. M~th~matieal Antitude: Kequires the ability to perform addition, subtraction~ multiplication and division; ability to . - · fractions; abili.ty to compute calculate decimals and percentages ability to perform mathematical operaUons with weights, and discount, interest, profit and loss. ratio and proportion; ability ~o calculate surface areas, vulumes, measures; ability to interpret graphs. - ciples of nenee syste , snch as m.oti atior ince[ , and Functional Reasoning: Reqmre ..... : "--~ ..... and .-rinci~les for developing approaca~ and l~adership, and to exercise independent judgment to apply ra~ v -r techniques to resolve problems. tuational~' Requires the ability to exercise judgment, decisiveness and creativity in situations involving ~a~d ~lanning of an entire program or set of programs. the direcUon, comz ~' Last Revised: November, 1998 © David M. Gritlith & Associates, Ltd. Page 3 Ci . of Bo-~lo ir da 'Director, Recreation . 61019 ADA COMPLIANCE ~: Tasks reqmre the ability to exert very moderate physical effort in light work, typically involving some combination of stooping, kneeling, crouching and crawling, and which may involve some lifting, carrying, pushing and/or pulling ofobjeets and materials of moderate weight (12-20 pounds). _Sensory Requirements. Some tasks require the abihty to pemeive and discriminate colors or shades &colors, sounds, dc'pt/a, texture, and visual cues or signals. Some tasks require the ability to commun/cate orally. ,. _ , u~, pouen, wetness humidi~ rain fi~m~.- - nmantal l~glat, machinery ~raffic hazard~ fr,-~,/~,,~£- '. ' ·-J, ':'~ ~,,~,~ temperature and noise extremes b ' -J, ,~,-~,-v,u~ ~ ~ms v~olenc ' ~ , , right/dim * , e, disease, or pathogemc substances. The City of Boynton Beach, FIorida. is an Equal Opportunity Employer. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City will provide reasoml~le accommodations to qualffied individuals with disabilities and encourages both prospective and current employees to discuss potential accommodations with the employer. David M. Grtffith & Associates, Ltd. Page 4 Last Revised: November,'1998 Exhibit B: Initial Performance Criteria -Wally Majors GOALS/OBJECTIVES: Recreation Department STRATEGIC BUSINESS FOCUS: Community Involvement. Be the communication conduit of the City. Goal No. 1: To promote, market and receive feedback on our programs and facilities in an effort to project a positive public image. th mail sur~ey of recreatio~n program Obj~ Objective 3: Increase Black one Day Picnic) Awar STRATEGIC BUSINESS FOCUS: Economic Development; Develop, Implement and Promote Quality Of Life Programs. Goal No, 2: Expand the size and scope of our programs and events Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: Offer monthly teen-onented tournaments at Hester Center beginning November 2000. Expand the CIT program to include a minimum of 20 teens aged 13-15 by June 2001. Expand the Annual Sud Contest to include men's and women's divisions by March 2001. STRATEGIC BUSINESS FOCUS: The Environment. Improve the Presentation of City Green Space. Goal No, 3: Provide Safe & Fun Recreation Activities in World Class Facilities Objective 1: Improve facility aesthetics through new coordinated signage for at least three (3) Recreation facilities by june 2001. Objective 2: Remodel City Hall in the Mall for improved customer service, aesthetics and utilization of space by November 2000. Objective 3: Apply for a minimum of three grants to expand programs by September 2001. STRATEGIC BUSINESS EOCUS: The Organization. Goal No. 4: improved customer service and public communications Objective 1: Ensu re a minimum of 15 hours of a variety of professional training for all full-time staff by September 2001. Objective 2: Develop a department marketing plan, including budget, by January 2001. Objective 3: Conduct a needs assessment for the Recreatio~ Department by September 2001. Measurements of Achievements: Goal #1: *Survey results, prepared by September 2001. ~New professional sign for each special event by July 2001. One nev~ community member served on each of the seven special event committees by September 2001, Goal #2: *Monthly teen tournaments held at Hester Center beginning November 2000. *C.I.T. program expa ~ded with a m~nimum of 20 teens serving as Counselors in Training by June 2001. *Men's division added to Surf Contest by March 2001. - Goal #3: *Signage purchased and installed by June 2001. *City Hall in the Mall remodeled by November 2000. *Applications completed and submitted for a minimum of three grants by September 2001. Goal #4:'15 hours of training completed by aLI full-time staff by September 2001. *Marketing plan developed and initiated by January 2001 *Needs assessment completed by September 2001. Requested City Comm/ssion Meeting Dates [] November 21, 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] December t 9. 2000 [] January 2. 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM C.3 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUES Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office Requested Ci~ Commmsion Meeting Dates Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office November9,2000 ~5:00p.m.) [] January l6, 2001 January 3, 2001 5:00 p.m.) November 22. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) [] February 6, 2001 Januar~ I7. 2001 (5:00 p.m December6.2000 (5:00p.m.) [] February 20. 200t February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m. December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) [] March 6~ 2001 February 21, 2001 5:00 p.rmj NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Pubhc Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Annotmcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: To release cash bond of $42.185.00 to Case Health Care Contracting. EXPLANATION: On .March 21, 2000, the Building Division sent to the Finance Deparunent a cash bond for $42.185,00. which was to be held until all outstanding issues of the permit for the Manor at Newport Place were completed. Ail issues are now completed and a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. PROGRAM IMPACT: None FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES: Development Deparunem Name City Manager's Signature City Attorne~fF-'ma~ce / Human Resources Attachmenv copy of memo & check XC: perrmt file #98-2902 · j:\s HRDATA\DevelopmentlBuil din g-6870\Documents/MisclAgenda Item-Refund of Cash Bond for Manor at Newport Place.doc RESOLU'I-[ON NO. R00- A RESOLUTION OF THE :)F THE C['P( OF A RELEASE $42~185-~,00 FOR AND :. WHERE', Case H ~ealth Car~ Contracting previous y posted, cash surety in the amount of $42,185.00 to ensure that all outstanding issues of the 0ermit for Manor at Newport Place Certificate of Completion are met; and WHERE/~; a final inspection has been conducted.on this project and has been issued a Certificate of Completion; NOW, THEREFORE, BE TI' RESOLVED BY THE CiTY COf4MTSSTON OF THE CTrY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR[DA, THAT: Section :~. The City Commission of the City of Beynton Beach, Florida, upon the recommendatior of staff, hereby approves the release of the cash surety in the amount of $42,185.00 to Case Health Care Contracting. Section 2. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this City Clerk (Corporate Seal) day of November, 2000. CTI-Y OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR'~DA Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Commissioner commissioner DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DMSION MEMORANDUM NO. 00-081 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Diane Reese, Finance D/rector Don Johnson, Building Official March 21, 2000 CASH.BOND - MANOR AT NEWPORT PLACE Attached is a check in the mount of $42,185.00 from Case Health Care Contracting. This is a cash bond for the Manor at Newport Place and is to be held until all outstanding issues of their permit are completed. This should occur in the very near furore. Attached are the check and letters from J. Craig Stone of Peacock & Lewis and Stephen J. Spack of Case Health Care Contracting concerning the deficienmes. Upon completion of the permit deficiencies, the bond will be returned. DJ:bg Attachinents XC: Michael E. Haag, Building Code Administrator Permit File #98-2902 I:\SHRDATA~Development\Building-6870\DocumentsXivlcmo$ in Word\Cash Bond for Manor at Newport Place.doc FIRST CHICAGO CASE HEALTH CA~E CONTRACTING 2311 Turkey Creek Road Ptant City, Fiorida 33567 (813) 754-3477 ~A~ · ORDER OF The First National Bank of Chicago 71c GENERAL ACCOUNT DATE CHECK NO. CHECK AMOUt~J' VOID A~ER 90 DAYS HEALTH CARE CONTRACTING 2311 TURKEY CREEK ROAD PLANT CITY, FLORIDA 33567 (813) 754-3477 - FAX 752~6732 October 20, 2000 City of Boynton Beach E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL Attn: Mr. Do~ Johnson Chief Buikiing Official Re: Release of Cash Surety for Manor at Newport Place: Original Permit #9800002902 Dear Mr. 3ohnson: As a follow up to our meeting with you this week, we are herein requesting release of the funds that are being held in escrow as a cash surety for our project under permit # 9800002902. All requirements have been satisfied as discussed in our meeting. Attached is a copy of the cancelled check in the mount of $42,185.00. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. A SUBSIDIARY OF CASE CONTRACTING COMPANY CASE HEALTH CARE CONTRACTING 2311 Turkey~Creek Road Plant City, Florida 33567 (813) 754-3477 FIRST CHICAGO The First National Bank of Chicago GENERAL ACCOUNT DATE CHECK NO. CHECK AMOUNT [~[ ~1~ ~/~..~ ~= ~¢:~y./V,~-~/' ~'~}~--H c: VOID AFTER 90 DAYS ii, OOa?6O,,~l:O?~OOOO~l: 5~ ~c~6"'- W ,,'OOOk~SOO,~' PEACOCK + LEWIS License NO. AAC 000~320 Planning Interior Design Programming Graohic Design Project Delivery' February 11,2000 Mr. Don Johnson, Building Official City of Boynton Beach, Building Division 100 E. Boynton Beach ~3oulevard; P.O, Box 310 Boynton Beach Florida 33425-0310 RE: Manor at Newport Place F'~'~,~ ~¢- 5' 5¢~,~ ~") Boyntdn 'Beach. Fiorida Requ~st~or Temporery Certificate of Occupancy Peacock + Lewis Project No. 97-026 Dear Mr. Johnson: As required by the 1997 City of Boynton Beach Administrative Code - Section 106.1.'3 "Temporary/Partial Occupancy", we hereby request the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the above referenced project. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. ~reJg Ston~, AIA, NCARB ~eaccck + Lewis Architects and Planners. Inc. JCS/!tb Enclosure: Letter from Case Contracting dated February 11,2000. cc: Reis Kayser, SLD Established ' 961 2705 Park Street Lake Wortl- :lorida 33460 RO. Box 6877 West Palm Beach Florida 33405 561/582-2705 Fax561~533-9135 ~ww.peacockandlewis.com HEALTH OARE OONT~ACI1NG February 11 200,[1 Mr. $. Craig Stone Peacock + Lew~ Al'~hite~ts 2705 ir~rk R~r ~e Wo~ Flofi& 3~60 R~u~t for Ten~orary Ccriifica~ of Occupancy D~ ~. ~t~le: 2311 TURKEY CREEK FagAD PLANT CITy, FLORIDA 33567 The Owner respecrthlly requests tt~ tssuanc-~ ot'a tcraporary ee, rtificat~ of occupancy for a thirty (30) day period fi-om the date o£issuance of ~he ccrti~catc. 'IRc inco~lc~; ilc~ mJd eubse, quc,',mt cos~ of ~omplerioil are as follows: Mechanical a. Test ~ B,da~ h. In~tnll rPampet at RTU f/3 ~,O~.~ $500.00 2. Right-of-Way Restoration of Newport Place $3,500.00 ~ Intelior lRuildlng Signage (minimum iaterior building slgnagc $13,900,00 shall be provided), 5. Thr~ O) KTU Roof Tie-Downs 6. l~.mch List IleiTis (as pre!~rgd by P~ck and T~d~ Lobn~ & 7. Nurse CaB Sy~m ~ Sec~W Pl~e do ~ot h~i~te to ~1 Jf~u ~ve ~y ~io~ of commen~. Sincerely~ ~SE CO~G COMPA~ Project M~agm $920.00 $2.500.00 $10,000.00 $38,350.00 A SUBSIDIARY OF CA,.~ C:ONTRACI1NG COMPANY Requested Ci[y Commfission Meeting Dates [] Navember 21, 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] December t9. 2000 [] Januar,~ 2. 200t V-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEAC} ITEM C.4 AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FO1 Date Final Form Must be Turned m to City Clerk's Off[ce November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m. November 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 6. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20, 2000 5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] January 16,2001 [] FebruaD 6. 2001 [] February 20. 200I [] March6. 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) January 17,2001 15:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 2i, 2001 ~5:0(p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Developmetxt Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfmished Business ' [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve the Interlocal Agreement between Palm Beach County, Florida and The City of Boynton Beach to lease (4) transit coaches purchased by the County through a United States Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration grant. Effective date for this agreement is January 1.2001 for a period of four years, expiring on January 1, 2005. EXPLANATION: This Interlocal Agreement is a renewal agreement with the County for leasing four (4) transit coaches and to keep one of the existing coaches for backup purposes. The coaches are used to support the Shopper Hopper transportation service offered through the Transportation Division in Public Works. One change in the agreement is the opportunity keep one of the current coaches for backup purposes in the event a coach goes down for repair. Once this agreement is approved the County will procure four (4) new coaches to be leased to the City for $10.00 per year. The four (4) new coaches will replace the ones that are currently being used. PROGRAM IMPACT: The new coaches are desperately needed as the current coaches have exceeded their usage are and are breaking down frequently. Coaches are used to support the Shopper Hopper program and to transfer seniors to and from the Senior Center. FISCAL IMPACT: $10.00 per year (includes all coaches). ALTERNATIVES: Without approval we wiU have to turn all coaches over to Palm Tran and discontinue the ~n~ro~~r the City. Department Head's Signature ~ ~'""~'City M anag er ' s Signature Public Works Department Department Name ff Ci~ Attome~{[~m~ce / Haman Resources S:~BULLETIN~ORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC RESOLUTION NO, R00, ~A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING, AND DIRE CITY C BEACH AND PROVIDING AND :~LOCAL ~ OF BOYNTON ~1~'¥, CLORIDA, lNG AN WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, upon recommendation of staff, has deemed it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Boynton Beach to enter into an Intedocal Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County, Flodda, said Agreement being attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 'L WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County currently have in effect an Intedocal Agreement under which the County has leased to the City four (4) transit coaches purchased by the County through a United States Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration grant; and WHEREAS, the City has advised the County that the vehicles currently leased to the City have exceeded their durable useful life and are in need of replacement; and WHEREAS, the County is willing to continue to lease to the City one of the coaches currently used by the City and to procure and lease four (4) new transit coaches to the City for $10.00 per year; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement ~etween the City 0f'Bbyi~ton Beach and Palm Beach County for the City to lease four (4) new transit coaches and retain one coach currently being used ~y the City, said Interlocal Agreement being attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 2. That this upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ATTEST: City Clerk (Corporate Seal) s:ca',Re~o',P~C 4 Transit Ve~ciles Resolution shall become effective immediately day of November, 2000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tern Commissioner Commissioner I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #00-182 TO: FROM: SUB J: DATE: Kurt Bressner, City Manager Christine Roberts, Interim Public Works Director Interlocal Agreement - Palm Beach County November 1, 2000 Attached is an Agenda Item Request Form placing the Interlocal Agreement between the CiW and Palm Beach County on the November 21sI Commission Agenda. Joe Haigood, - Tra~nsportation Supervisor and I have reviewed the agreement and approve its coments. One change to the agreement is the addition of a 5th coach (the County is allowing us to keep one of the current coaches for backup purposes). Upon your approval please forward the originals (retained in your office) to the City Clerks Office for processing. By copy of this memo to RoseMarie in the City Attorneys Office I am asking that a resolution be prepared for this item. If you have any questions please give me a call. CRJcr Attachments Cc: Joseph Halgood, Transportation Supervisor Rose Marie Lamarma, City Attorneys Office INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEE~ PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA AND THE CITY OF. BOYNTON BEACH TH IS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is made and entered into this __ day of 200(3, byand between Palm Beach County, Florida, apolitical subdivision of the State of Florida, by and through its Board of County Commissioners (referred to hereinafter as "County") and the City. of Boynton Beach, a Florida municipal corporation, by and through its City Commission (referred to hereinafter as "City"). which ;caches purchased by County through l Administrationgrant; and WHEREAS, the City has advised the County that the vehicles currently leased to it have:exceeded their durable useful life and are in: need of replacement; and WHEREAS, the City has requested that the .County procure and lease to I? Ci~ four new [tans t veh Cles and that the County continue to lease to City 0r~e of. the older' transit coaches c~rrently used by the City; and W,HEREAS, the County has obtained a grant from the United States Department of Transpbrtation Federal Tra.n, sit Adm n strat on (FTA) to assist in the procurement of four (4) new twenty-five foot (25) E Dorado transit c~aches (a so referred to herein as "CO ~ '; ' aches, and veE~cles ) to replace the coaches currently leased toand used by the C ty; and ~HEREAS the County's w' 'ng to continue to lease one of the coaches currently use. d b~/Gity~and [0 procure and lease :~our' (4) new trans t coaches to the~City provided tl~at, th~,:Ci~. 0,P. erat~, maintain and use the coaches in accordance w th th~ ~erms .and con~litions of!thi~ Agreement and the U. S. Department of Transportat on Federal Transit AdminiStration Grant which will provide the County with the funds to purchase the vehicles; and WHEREAS, the City has agreed to operate the five (5) vehicles on a continuous basis during the term of this Agreement, and to use the coaches only to provide public transportation services. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the forego ng and the other mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: Section 1.. Incorporation of Facts: The facts set forth above in the preamble to this Agreement are true and correct. Section 2. Purpose: The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the various duties, rights, obligations and condit ons of the agreement between the parties regarding the lease, operation,.maintenance and use of five' (5) County-owned transit coaches. number is ( shall be the Cit~ SeCton 4 The, F Section5 below:(ref~d Federal Transit Act~ asa~ ,,rdllihg~,~Ck!~de f~inde~l~i i~ipa¢~ th ~tl The or "Pro join." recipient4of,Ei grant, described in ¢~Ag~eeme~f!~;~o rized: U.~d,e'r't he ~;~ 8&~¢~thAi~¢~[~8 ,,S~¢ ck was of d cenditic Transit · city to Dorado into on pay ~rst and tra[ ~of~e I be used ~ubiic I be used ~e of the , that, shall operate and use the transit coaches by providing services on certain Boynton Beach routes approved by the County's representative, as part of the County's public transit system. The vehicles may be used for other public transit services only if the City has obtained the prior written approval of the Cou. nty's representative. The coaches shall be operated within the City's geographic limits or such otherareas, approved by the County, so long as such areas are not outside o_f the County'S geograph c boundares, The City shall advise the County's representat ye of any proposed alterat ohs to the trans t services for which the transit coaches are utilized including but not limited to routing, mode(s) of operation, hours of service Or headways. Alterations.in serv.iceshatl be approved by the County's representative pdor to implementation, in accordance with the County's policy change. and Registration of Vehicles: Title to the transit remaill vested ir~ COU:~during the term of this to a :ransit coaches i~ a~co:r~lance.~ith ~ the ~ Grant, ~f the bear ~ use. City shall an~ Agreement. risk of this the County. the )blig listration notor vehicle · all labor, ma[er aLs,and equipment the general public tr~nspor~tion serv ces ~gre ;ment. City shall, r~°tl grant an~ security any person, transfer,~its:in{~rest in this~!.ease · in part, to any other ent ~ ao~sha I it permit any ;e to be filed againstl~tbe,transit coaches or ;ounty on account of any labor, servi~e, good, t furnished or inStalled upon an~ t¢ans ~ COach rleased consent of the County. Moreover, County shall be made an intended third party beneficiary to any sublease, assignment, use agreement, or other arrangement which grants or endeavor to grants, to any third party, a right coaches. a~y~ hereunder. or for all All of im[ and comme~c~a~J~, or toga develo~gl~ sole e transit nd/or ~ Act , - Ibeo erate o hr' s~fe carefu ~. Eachtrans~coa~sh~[ . ,p ~ ~Y Y ..~ ~v nn a nrooe~lmens~ A I dnv~s~![ hag~and- ~nta~n a ~d ~nV ~her i~se Or be~[et on m~ ro~ )y ~B~ aw rule ~u~ t~ t~P~ti~h ~f~h~ Ira~b~h~ C,~ shall ~ ~nfl~a ~hol~$t~pmgra~ lhat ~s ~fu~lY compI~a~t w~th 49 C.F.R. Parts, 40, 653 and 654, as they may be Emended f~m time to time and a oth;i rules, regulat OhS and policies of t,.he U.S~ Department oflT~al nsportat on Federal Transit Administration. All drivers shalib~selected, employed, ¢o~trolled and paid by the City, and conclusively presumed to .be the emp oyees of the Ci~. The parties agree that no liability shall inu[-e to COunty as ~'~esult o{ ar{y act or omission of C ty or its (J~'ivers. Section 12. Base Fare: The City may establish a base fare for the service provided hereuqder upon notice of such to the County. The City agrees that the elder y and the disabledwill be permitted t~ -board and ride the transit c0a~hes at a ~ate of on'-half the effective base fare. Any p01ice officer wearing his/her unifbrm will be permitted t° ride free. Children ~who met the age guidelines established by the County as theY may be amended from time to time will be Permitted to ride free City shall not'ir~e~se its base fare unless the i~ by the County and a public headng held as prov ded n sp~ Routes: The coaches leased hereunaer will be u{ili~ed ;to provide rOutetransit services approved by the County. One c0a~h;.Wil-be used comp does service of ~of Continuing Control: City ack~OWledgesa, nd uqderstands that ;[pient of the Grant, has a continUh~g iobiigation tolt~e FTA to ~the transit coaches. Accordingly, ifatany time, the C(~Unty shall retion, that the use of the coaches is not in accordaaee with the ~is Agreement or the Grant Agreement, that the usedoes not eral, County, or mumc~pal law, regular on or rule, .[hat the use 'id pub!lc purpose, or that the veh',icles should bei~?itaced nfo the County s public transit system, the,City shall, up°r~':f~e request use (including any use being 3thor party with a right one return the coac[ No liability shall inure to County as a any such termination of this Agreement. ~t en 15 etiCe Injuries and Suits: ~ ~ of Accidents, the request of ( sit coaches furnished hereunder are involved, in an accident or any passenger or wa ting p,assenger p~ operty or person, including death the City :agreeS ~o its insurer and County of such accident or inju~. UpOn the City will provide ..all information relative to the B. City shall promptly notify and deliver to County, copies of-any and all papers, notices, summonses, processes and any other document whatsoever, s~erved upon or delivered to it or its agents or employees ~n action or aw :or. ir in any ' or shall( used regul, Florida use, ~hall and rule or equ (ADA~i law, failu~ and/or f 1990 )RS its including of any ~: ~:Ci~: a~s;thati~he 'cra~i~t!!c~9~~ ~ ~he ~reas ~;' ~. P~ ~n~{ ~a~ e dur ng normal bus urs. C~ ,t~nsi~'coac~ available to Coun~ or ~s coCa.m, for the installation of any equipment deemed necessary for public transportation services by County, or upon County's request, City shall install, at its sole cost and expense, any transit related equipment provided to City by County. city shall also make the coaches available, on at least an annual,basis for inspection by the F bdda Department of Transportat on and shall take all necessary acts to facilitate their inspect on and to obta n a sat s{act0ry resu t Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City' is solely responsible for the operation and maintenance of the transit coaches and all equipment iocate(~ thereon. City acknowledges that County has no obligation to furnish or install any transit-re ated equipment Rather such duty or obligation is vested solely with the City during the lease term Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be. construed to relieve the City of its cibligations under this Agreement. The City will, at all times and atitssole good working order, condition and Irepair, and shall orits earlier{ermination, deliver the transit coaches and , in the same condition as damage. ~ compatible with ~ its by~ C shall. nor t such in transit r as being fit for a particUlar'purpose: No oral officers or employees whb~herl given before or warranty, and C~ty is not enticed to rety on any MPLIED AND .~LUDED. A ' OR IN-fY NG Section 22. Ha Id Harmless and Indemnification: To the extent permitted by law. the City agrees to protect, defend reimburse, save, indemni~ and holdthe County, Palm Tran, Inc.., their successors or asmgns, and their respective directors, officers, employees, / .harmless at and all suits, kind o coaches, and on in of. City obi roi the personal injurY, including death, as well as from claims for property damage, which may arise from the lease, use. maintenance oroperation of the transit coaches, whether such use, maintenance or operation be by the City or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by the City., Upon the request of County, City shall increase the policy limits and/or expand the coveragei if the County determines, in its sole discretion, that such is necessarY. C. The City shall ma ntain during the life of this Agreement, adequate Workers, Compensation Insurance and Employers LJab ty nsurance n at least Such amounts as are required by law for all of ts e~p oyees, orShall Provide i~r°of of adequate se f-insurance. D A insurance otherthan Workers' Com ensat on .~. , . ,, , , P to be,procured and ~amtai?edbyCityshallspecifically inc!~de the Countyand Pailm 'i'ran lnc:, and their SucCessors or assigns as '~add tional insuredS." n no even~ sha I anything cc)nta ned here n act as a wa ver of the mmunities granted to cities and ~ounti~s L~der the Florida COnstitution and Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. Section 25. Effective Date, Term and Renewal: This Agreement shall take effect upon January 2, 2001, and shall remain in full force and effect for'a period of four.(4) years, exp ring on Jan uary 1, 2005, unless sooner terminated as provided herein. Section 26. :Default and Termination: Should the City decide to discontinue the public tran~portati0n sen/ces contemp ated hereunder, the City will!notify the County of such di.~c~3flnu~ance, at east sixt~ (60) days pror to the effecti¥~ date of the discontinuance, anddeliVer the transit coaches to County in the manner and to the place specified'by county, no less than f'tve (5) days after d scontinuanceof Service. The County may terminate th!s Agreement with cause immediately upon three (3) days written notice to the City.. TheI (; ~unty may terminate this Agreement without cause upon notice to the City at least si~ ~0) days prior to the effective date of the termination. NOtwithstanding an~hing set fort~ :~ this:section, nothing contained herein shall affe(~tor d m nish, in any manner, lth~ Co~a~ ~'s ;right to immediately terminate this Agreement under Section 14 o'f this Agr~eme~ !'~, 9 liability will accrue to County for termination Under said Section 14. Section 27. Com liance with Federal ' · * · any deficier~.eieis ~found by the County or federal review comPlianc~offic als Upon notice of such deflc~encie.~ from tl~e County or federal review compliance officials~ Section 28. Preparation of Certifications, Documents and RepOrts: Should the County'be required by the FTA or the U.S. DOT or any other agency of the federal government ~o p~ovide any certificat ons,documents or report.~ related in any manner to the Projecti= tb~ ~i~ will (~ooperate and assist, the County wi(h the Preparation of such certifications, documents or reports, or prepare and furnish any such certifications, documents or reports requested by County. The City shall provide any and all reports, documents or surveys required for the National-Transit Database referenced by the Fede rules and regulations of the FTA. These fi~(ed-route ',oui3ts~ and any other of in the: Section 29. Interest of delegate t6, the =' Agreement or to an) . for Nen;Construct~on Contracts: Section 30 Labor. Previsions ' r ~ ' mec~hanic in such territory), be 3.0- SU of the Department of Labor. ~withholc~ or cause to be withheld, from any monies payable on a¢cou,nt Of work performed byC ty, such sums as may be determined to be necessary to satisfy any liabilities of City for unpaid wages and liquidated damages 'as provided n the clause set forth in subparagraph (b)(2) of 29 C.F.R. Section 5.5.r D. Non-Construction Grants: The City shall maintain payrolls and basic payroll records during the course of the work and shall preserve them for a period of three years from the completion of the Agreement for all laborers anc mechanics, including guards and watchmen, working on the contract. during working hours on the jOb. require the City to insert in lany~such records to be maintained under this of Section 31, Charter Service: City sha I comply with 49 U.S.C. 5323(d) and 49 C.F.R. Pa~ 6~4'~ which provides that recip ents and subrecipients of' FT/~-assistance are pr°hibit~:~r~m ?rovidin_g.charter Service usingfederally funded equipment or fac it es if there is at least One private charter operator Willing and ab e to provide the serv ce, except under one 0f:th~ exCeptidn~ :at 49 C.F ,~. 604 9 Any charter ~erv ce provided under one of the exceiSfions mu~t be incidental, ii.e, it must ~ot interfere with or detract from the prevision of mass transportation.) 49 C.F.F Operations: In accordance with 69 U.S.C. 5323(0 and in school bus operations exclusively for the personnel in competition with pri~ate ~school bus qualified under specified exemptionS. Section 33. Energy Conservation: The city agrees to comply with mandatory standards and policies relating to energy which are contained in the state energy conservation plan issued in Compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. Sectipn 34. Clean Water: The City agrees to comply with all applicable standards, Il- orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1251, et. seq. The City agrees to report each violation to the County and understands and agrees that the County will, in turn report each violation as required to assure notificatiomto the FTA and the appropriate EPA RegiOnal Office. The City agrees to include this requirement in any subcontra¢.exceeding $i00,000.00rfinanCed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by the FTA. Section 35. Access to'Records: . A. TheCity agrees:te~pmyide O:0unty, the FTA, the Comptroller General of t ,~h~ ~:,nj;te~i~t~a~,~o,~.~any~,,* pf,~hei~Tau{~0riZed~ rePresentatives aCCesS.'tq apy b~l~d~e~s,i~i~,rs ~:~re~rds~i,~0fFjhe City ~e~.hen~'"thi~ ,g ~ ~e~pUq3°seS~°f~makihgiaud'ts' e~amin~ion~, C. The City agrees to maintain, ccounts, .and r all book{ of litigatiorn directly~:0 ires, or exceptions tel with all, applicable FTA those listed may be Section 37. Recycled Products: The City agrees to comp!y with all the items B of 40 C.F:R. Section 38. No Federal Government Obliga:tion: a.~ City ( 3.2~ the procurement of the notwithstanding any of the solicitation or )mss written consent by the Federal Government. the Federal Government is not a party to this Agreement and shall not be subject to any obligations or liabilities of the County, City, or any other party (whether'or not a party to this Contract) pertaining to any matter resulting from an underlying contract. B, The City agrees to include the above cause n each subcontract financed in Whole (~r in ¢)art With Federal assistance provided-by, P'FAi 'It is'further agreed that the clause shall not be modified, except to identify the subcontractor who will ,be subject to its provisions. Section 39. Program Fraud and False or,Fraudulent Statements: -~ provisions of the Program Fraud Civil 31 U;S.C. Section ~801~ e_{ seq. and Fraud Civil Remedies;" 49 C.F.R. Par~ 31, ~ of this ~the truthfulness and accuracy of any app f it makes 0t causes,to be or financedin in C. The City agrees to i financed in whole or in it makes, or causes to be made a ubmission, or certification to contract connected with a project that is Federal assistance originally awarded by lment reserves the right to .,,and 49U.S.C. Section 5307 Government deems appropriate. ;e provided by FTA. It is be modified,.except to deritEy the the provisions. The f. ol Owing ~equ rements app y to this Agreement: A. Nondiscrimination: In accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act as amended, 42 U.S.C. Section 2000d, Section 303 of the Age Discrimination 13- Act of 1975, as amended, 42 U.S.C. Section 6102, Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. Section 12132,-and Federal transit law at 49 U.S.C. Section 5332, the City agrees that it will not discriminate a,~aip, st any E race, color, agrees . Sex. National Origin, 42 and comply as addit issue. C. ",to: incldde The City :agrees 14- subcontract financed, in whole otlin Pa'~ ~th Federal assistance provided by FTA, modified only as necessary to~:identify the affected parties. Section 41. ~ncorporation of FTA Terms: This Agreement contains certain standard terms and conditions required by U S.. DOT. All contractual provisions required by U.S; DOT; as set forth in FTA Circular 4220.1D dated April 15, 1996, arehereby incorporated by reference. Anything to the contrary herein notwithstand ng al FTA man~lated terms sba be deemed to contro: nthe event:of a Confl ctwith other provis ons contained'in th s Agreement. The citY shall not perform any act, fail to perform any act, or refuse to comp y with any ~ounty requests which would cause the County to be in rio ation of the F'~/~ terms and conditions Cty wil immediately remedy any d~Cenc es found bY CoUnty or federal review compliance officials bpon notice of ~uCh d~ficienCies. Privacy Act: The the penal1 with provided by FTA. part to¸ funds. appr~ Busi rprises: I~ is ,the policy ~f the Disadvantaged [Business En/~erPdses as amended; shall have themaximum opportunity financed, in whole or in part, withfederal of 49 C.F.R. Part 26 through its Con~se¢ DBE the the term natil app!i ass remedy out 1 shall n~3t d scdminate on the bas sl of mr*~ r_nl,,, ,e of this Agreement. The City sha~ll!carry ~ut the .- , , Part 26 in the award and administ~ation ~f ~DOT- t-aiiure by the City to carry Out these requirement~ S a materiai b'reach which may result in the t~rmination of this Agreement~ or SuCh Other ' deems appropriate. ' Agreements,: The City agrees to carry work on the underlying contract in compliance with the terms and 15- conditions determined by the U.S. Secretary of Labor to be fair and equitable to protect the interests of employees employed under this Agreement, and to meet the employee protective requirements of 49 U.S.C. 5333(b), and D.O.L guidelines at 29 C.F.R. Part 215, These terms and conditions are identified in the letter of its a ,.the City. and corn to ~any to ing by the pub ' of 3.6- discontinuance, and deliver the trolley coaches to County, in the manner and to the place specified by County, no less than five (5) days after discontinuance 0fservice. The County may terminate this Agreement with cause immediately upon three (3) days written notice to the City. The County may terminate this Agreement without cause upon notice to the City at least sixty (60) days prior to the effective date of the termination. 'Notwithstanding anything set forth in this section, nothing contained herein shall affect or diminish, in any manner, the County's right to immediate y term nate this Agreement under Sect on 17 of this Agreement. No liability will 'accrue to County for termination under said Section 17. of the requirements of Chapter 119 , of Records: The Cityshall maintain r at the U.S. Office ~ to comPly with · - The C ty represents,and warrants that In or ancestry. wilH3e treated equally and cOlor, religion; disability~ handic.ap, age, Section 51 Assignment: Neith,er th s Agreement, nor any interest herein shall-be assigned,.transferred or Otherw se encdmbered n who e or n part by C tywithout the prfor wr tt~d cc~r~Sent of Coun . '' , ' ' : .... ', ty .Moreover, Q tyshallnotconvey, assign orothetwlse encumber [ne iease granted hereunder, or any lesser r~terest ads ng out of the lease, except as expressly perm tted in Section 9 of this Agreement Section 52. No Agency Relationship: Nothing contained herein shall create an agency relationship between City and County or C ty and Palm Tran. Section 53. Remedies: This Agreement shall be construed by and governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Any and al egal action necessary ito enforce the Agreement will be held in Palm Beach County. No remedy herein conferred upon any party is intended to be exclusive of any other ~emedy, and each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise. No single or partial exercise by any party of any right, power, or remedy hereunder shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof. Section 54. Enforcement Costs: Any costs or expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, associated with the enforcement of the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be borne by the respective parties; provided, however, that this clause pertains only to the part es to this Agreement. Section 55. No Waiver: No waiver of any provisions of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing, signed by the party against whom it is asserted, and any such written waiver shall only be applicable to the specific instance to which it relates and shall not be deemed a COntinuing or future waiver set, forth are for a joint that no dignity herewitl ~of All written notices required under this Agreement Shall be sent I, ~eturn receipt requestedl, and if sent to the County shall: be :mailed to: Director of Palm Tran Building S - 1440 PBIA West Palm Beach, FL 33406 and if sent to the City shall be mailee to: City Manager City of B(~/nton Beach ~100. East iBoynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33436 Each party may change its ~adq~ress upon notice to the other. Section 61. Survivability: Any provisIon of this Agreement which is of a continuing nature or imposes an obligation which extends beyond the term of this Agreement, shall survive its expiration or earlier termination. Section 62. Execution: This document shall be executed in four (4) counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original. 3.8- Section 63 Filing: A copy of this Agreement shall be filed with the Clerk of tl~e Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and County have hereunto set their hands the day and year above written. Attest: Dorothy H. Wilken, Clerk PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By: By: Deputy Clerk Chair (SEAL) Attest: CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA By: By: City Clerk Mayor (SEAL) Approved as to form and legal sufficiency County Attomey '~;ity Attorney G:\mm.\ENG\DRANEY~BOYNTON2000.PT EXHIBIT A Delivery and Acceptance of Transit Coaches County has delivered to City and City has accepted the following vehicles to be used only ~n accordance with the terms and conditions~of the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County. Description of Vehicles: Make Make Model Model Year Year Vin# Vin# and # Condition Condition Odometer Reading Odometer Reading Make Make Model MOdel Year. Year Vin# Vln# ~,' Capacity S~p~acity Engine Type and # E~g~he Type and # Equipment Ecluipment Condition Odometer Reading C~ndition Odometer Reading City acknowledges that it has inspected the vehicles and that it has accepted each one and found it to be in good and satisfactory conditioh, City acknowledges that the transit coaches and installed ..~e~.,uipment is ofasize design capacity constructionandmanufaCtu~ersafisfactorytoCityandsuitableforCitysintended usel county has not made and does not make e~n~/representation, Warranty, or covenant, express or implied, with respect tothefitness, merchantability, design, oonstruction, capacity suitability of performance of the vehicles and equipment provided hereunder. City of Boynton Beach Palm Beach County, Florida By: (Signature) (Date) (Print Name) 'rifle By: (Signature) (Date) (Print Name) Title 2(;.- RECEIVED BY: THE CITY OF BOYTON BEACH, FLORIDA SERIAL NUMBER: 1FDEE30M3RHC0~056 VERIFICATION OF DELIVERY O~ ONE (1) 1994 25FT PARATRAN$IT BUS SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS AND TERMS OF THE CONTRACT BETWEEN PALM BEACH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND TBE CITY OF BOYTbN BEACH. FLORIDA.  · SIGNATURE Requested City Comra/ssion Meetin~ Dates [] November 21. 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] December 19, 2000 [] January 2, 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA I'TEM C.5 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACI AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FO}tdv Date Final Form Must be Turned in tO City Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22.2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 6. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested Cl~ Commission Meeting Datq4 [] January 16.2001 [] Fel~ruary 6, 2001 [] February 20, 2001 [] March 6, 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) January 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m.j February 7, 2001 (5:00 p-m.1 February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Adminislxative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOM1VIENDATION: Motion to join m with the Law Enforcement Planning Council, the Department of Corrections and the City of Boymon Beach to endorse a Community Policing Partnership. EXPLANATION: The purpose of the community policing partnership is to enhance the supervision of Department supervised offenders, thereby lirmting and or preventing recidivism and other criminal activity which uhimately enhances public safety. The Department's role or participation is limited to affecting only those offenders supervised by the Department. PROGRAM IMPACT: The Cities participation in partnership initiatives or activities is voluntary. FISCAL IM~PACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: / / ~l~ntraent Head's Signature C~ty Manager's S~gnatm-e Police Department Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:~BULLETIN~ORM S~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC RESOLUTION NO. R00- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND D~TING THE MA~oR A-ND cF~Y-CLERK TO EXECUTE THE COIVlMUNITY POLICING PARTNERSHIP MEMORAND~UM OF UNDERSTB2NI)ING BETWEEN CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~ FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS~ REGION mi ~ EFFECTIVE'DATE. ' WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City oi: Boynton Beach, upon recommendation of staff, hereby deems it to be in .the best iaterests~ of the citizens and residents of the City of Bo.~nton Beach, to approve a Community Policing Partnership Memorandum of Understanding between the City and 'Florida Department of Corrections, Region m, to enhance the supervision of Department supervi.sed offenders, thereby limiting andor preventing recidivism and other criminal activity which enhances public safety;-Zand NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TFIE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does hereby approve, and authorizes and directs the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Community Policing Partnership Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Boynton Beach and Florida Department of Corrections, Region 111, a copy of Memorandum of Understanding is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of November 2000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Commissioner Commissioner ATTEST: City Clerk (Corporate Seal) FLORIDA DEPARTMENT of CORRECTIONS 2601 Blair Stone Road* Talb. hasse~. FL 32399-2500 September 25, 2000 I V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM C.5 JEB BUSH XrIICHAEL ~,'. MOORE Chief Marshall Gage Boynton Beach Police Department 135 N. E. 1a Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Dear Chief Gage: Please recall that the Law Enforcement Planning Council voted to endorse a Community Policing Partnership with your agency and the Department of Corrections. Attached is a revised Memorandum of Understanding for your review and consideration. If this Memorandum of Understanding meets with your approval, please sign both copies and return to me at the below listed address. I will then forward them to our legal department for stgnature. Upon return, you will receive an original for your records, Sincerely, Valerie Rolle Circuit Administrator - DC 15th Judicial Circuit attachment cc: Michael Grant, Criminal Justice Commission 423 Fern Street. Suite I00 · West Palm Beach. Florida 33401 · Telephone: (561) 837-5175 COMMUNITY POLICING PARTNERSHIP MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This CommuniW Policing Understanding is between the F10nda Department of Corrections, Region III (Department) and the Boynton Beach Police Department. I. Purpose: The purpose of the community policing partnership is to enhance the supervision of Department supervised offenders, thereby limiting and or prevenung recidivism and other criminal activity which ultimately enhances pt3blic safety. The Department's role-0rpafticipatien is hmited to affecting only those offenders supervised by the Department. II. Department Responsibilities, Authority and Limitations: Correctional Probation Officers (CPO) Participation m partnership initiatives or activities is voluntary. Any ~PO who participates in any imtiatives under this Agreement will be trained in the follo~g: us~ of force; use of firearms, warranfless arrests and search per Department procedhres (Rules 33-302:. 103, 33,302.104 and 33-302.105. Florida Administrative Code). ' During ride-al0ngs or any initiatives, CPO is limited to affecting only Department supervised offendei-s. CPO will respond within the scOPe 0f his/her training, authorit~ and certification to assist law enforcement if a confrontational situation with a Deparmaent supervised offender occurs. CPO will act in accordance with Use of Force in Community Corrections and/or Use of Firearm procedure as follows: a/ react m the different levels of resistance from offenders and apply the appropriate force against them; and b) engage in handcuffing or restraints, use of chemical agents, or firms if warranted by the situation. CPO will wear body armor during any partnership or activities The Depamnent will participate in the following partnership activities: Law Enforcement Ride-alongs - are joint operations where a CPO accompanies a law enforcement officer (LEO) inthe field or communiw to familiarize the LEO with a department supervised offender's community and residence. a) CPO and LEO will exchange information on department supervised offenders, current criminal activity in the geographical zone and other information that will improve each professionals prospective of the other b) Prior approval from a supervisor is required for a ride-along. c) During a ride-along, a CPO is only to participate in encounters, if any, with Department supervised offenders. CPO will no~ participate in law enforcement activities with non-department offenders unless the CPO's lifeis m danger. CPO's role is not to serve as the LEO's back up. Planned Compliance Initiatives are activities involving CPO volunteer teams and/or law enforcement officers. These include the following: a) Sex Offender Planned Compliance Initiatives, conducted to: Provide resident verification incluclmg a walk through search of the sexual offender's li~ing quarters, m ~nst~re ~cpmp[ian, cp ~i~,90n~it~0ns impgsed, and Ihat there is n° illicit ~omput~ u~e~¢ pgrnogr~Phy, Ce pregea~,ge of children or items that would attract children in Or around the residence. b) Community Control Planned Compfi~a~.ce Initiative c) Gang Task Form planned Compliance~In{tiative d) Multi,Agency C~ld Alert, Resp.0nse Team e) a list will c) d) i) ~) currgn~ s~ and the o~al~jail or Limitations: The Department's participation in this partnership is limited to affe~ing only those offenders supervised by the Department. The Department will not participate or engage in any initiatives or activities affecting first time and/or non-department s,ugervised offenders. The Department camaot provide law enforcement with monies or funding for confidential informants. The Department cannot provide law.enforcement with guns or weaponry, The Department cannot provide law enforcement with hand held radios or communications equipment. Department Liaison: The Department's liaison for any activities or initiatives associated with the commUmty policing partnership is Karla Felton, (561) 83'/-5175. The liaison wi!l serve as the first point of contact for any coordinated initiatives or activities, once approved by the Circuit Administrator, and will also serve to represent the Department at any law enforcement meetings assocmred with the Community Policing Partnership Agreement. The liaison's duties include but are not limited to the following: 2 A list of all active offenders under community supervision m Palm Beach Coumy. A list of all sex offenders under supervision, Including their names, race, sex, eurrem address, Depamnent of Corrections' number and supervising probation officer. This list wilI be updated on a monthly basis. A list of security threat group/gang members. This list includes Department of Co ect~ons number, race, sex, current address, monikers, date of birth, teleplione number, name of gang and the officer currently supervising the offender. Thc liaison cannot release any confidential information, per Section 945.10, Florida Statutes (1999) such as an offender's medical, mental health history, H1V stares and substance abuse treatmer~ records unless by order of a court of competent jurisdiction. Advise law enforcement of any Department-only initiatives including.' The location and presence of the correctional probation officers, and The likelihood of the need for law enfomement assistance, if violations are discovered that require mediate arrest and transportation tn the local jail or detention center. Coordinate any of the following activities with law enfomement. Ride-along program Planned Compliance Initiatives Sex Offenders Community Control Offenders Gang Task Force Multi-Agency Child Alert Response Team Smnmarize any notes and comments from meetings and disseminate to Department staff and/or law enfomement personnel. III. Law Enforcement Responsibilities: Law enforcement officers will assist the Department with monitoring the compliance of Deparunent supervised Offenders. This will reduce the likelihood of an offender violating conditions of his or her supervision as well as immediately addressing any offender non-compliance. Ifa LEO witnesses a Departmem supervised offender violate a condition of his or her supervision the LEO shall: Call the offender's probation officer and/or Make a warrantless arrest of the offender in accordance with Section 948.06(1), Florida Statutes (1999). Law Enforcement will share any intelligence or information regarding suspects and/or Department supervised offenders. Upon the Department's request, law enforcement will assist with transporting and/or arresting a ~,[~ir Deparmaent supervised offender. Participate in any~of<the,aforementioned~planne d comp!iaace iniflatix~es. IV. Termination: Thirty (30) days after written notice to all of the aforementioned parties, a party to this understanding Val istmtor> . :.. . < : Date c}'~g/to-) Flor/da Department of Corrections Louis Vargas, General Counsel Florida Department of Corrections APPROVED AS TO FO1LM/LIqD LEGALITY SUBJECT TO EXECUTION BY THE PARTIES Marshall Gage, Chief of Police Boynton Beach Police Department Date Date 4 COMMUNITY POLICING PARTNERSHIP MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Commumty Policing Unde~rstandJng is between the Florida Depamnent of Corrections, Region III (DepamUent) and:the Boynton Beach Police Department. I. Purpose: The purpose of the commumty policing partnership is to enhance the supervision of Department supervised offenders, thereby l~miting and or preventing r~cidivism and other criminal activity which ul_t_imately e. nhances public safety. The Department's'rote or participation is limited to affecting only those offenders supervised by'the Department. II. Department Resp0n~Sibilities, Authority and Limitations: Correctional Probation Officers (CPO) Participation in parmership in/tiatives or activities i~ voluntary. Any CPO who participates m any in/ha}fives un[ter~this Agreement will be trained in the' foilowing~ ~se of force; use of firearms, Warrant]es,s arrests and search per Department proced~tres (Rules 33-302:103, 33-302.104 and 33-302A05} FI0rida Administrative Code). During tide-along~ or any initiatives, CPO is limited to affecting only Department supervised offenders. CPO will respond within the sc0pe of filS/her training, authotity and certification to assist law enforcement ifa confrontational situation witha Department supervised offender occurs. CPO will act m acfiordance with Use of Fbrce in Community Corrections and/or Use of Firearm procedure as follows: a) react to the different levels of resistance from offenders and apply the appropriate force against them; and b) engage in handcuffing or restraints, use of chemical agents, or firearms if warranted by the situation. CPO will wear body armor during any partnership or activities. The DepartmEnt will participate in the following pa~merst~ip activities Law Enforcement Ride-alongs - are joim pperations where a CPO accompanies a law enforcement officer (LEO) in the field or eommun/ty to familiarize the LEO with a department supervised offender's commmty and residence. a) CPO and LEO will exchange informa~on on department supervised offenders, current ctimJaal activity in the geographical zone and other information that will improve each professionals prospective of the other. b) Prior approval from a supervisor is required for a tide-along. c) During a tide-along, a CPO is only m participate m encounters, if any, with Department supervised offenders. CPO will not participate in law enforcement activities with non-department offenders unless the CPO's life is in danger. CPO's role is not to serve as the LEO's bgck ,up. planned Compliance Initiatives are activities involving CPO volunteer teams and/or law enforcement officers. These include the following: a) Sex Offender Planned Compliance Initiatives, conducted to: Provide resident verificauon including a walk through search of the sexual b) c) d) offcnder¢ s ,li:¥ingr thdrd iS n0 ilii~it c that W°uid attract Community ConU Gang Task Force Plan MultirAgencg. Child~ e) d)' e) i) ii) list a o~the in¢lsding: officers, and ~ are jail or Limitations: The Department's participation in this partnership is limited to affecting only those offenders supervised by the Department, The Department will not participate or engage in any initiatives or activities affecting first time and/or non-depar~nent supervised offenders. The Department cannot provide law enforcement with monies or funding for confidential The Department cannot provide law enforcemen[ with guns or weaponry. The Departmen~ cannot provide law enforcement with hand held radios or communications equipment. Department Liaison: The Department's liaison for any activities or initiatives associated with the community policing partnership is.Karla Felton, (561) 837,5175._The liaison will serve as the first point of contact for any coordinated initiatives or activities, once appr0ve~d~by the Circuit Administrator, and will also serve to represent the Depamnent at any law enforcement meetings associated with the Community Policing Partnership Agreement. The liaison's duties include but are not limited to the following: Information A list of all active offenders under community supervision in PaLm Beach Coumy 51,ist of~l sex offenders.unde[ su:p, ervts~on: Including their names, race, sex, current anaress, t~epartment of Correet~ous number and supervising probation officer. This list will be updated on a monthly basis. A list of sectmty threat group/gang members. This list includes Department of Corrections' number, race, sex, current address, monikers, date of birih, telephone number, name of gang and the officer currently superv/smg the offender. The liaison cannot release any confidential information, per Section 945.10, Florida Statutes (1999) SUch as an offender's medical, mental health history, ~ status and substance abuse treatment records.unless by order of a court of competent jurisdiction. Advise law enforcement of any Department-only initiatives including: The location and presence of the correctional probation officers, and The likelihood of the need for law enforcement ass/stance, if violations are discovered that require immediate arrest and transportauon to the local jail or detention center. Coordinate any of thc following activitics with law enforcement. Ride-along program Planned Compliance Initiatives Sex Offenders Community Control Offenders Gang Task Force Multi-Agency Child Alert Response Team Summarize may notes and comments from meetings and disseminate to Department staff and/or law enforcement personnel. IlL Law Enforcement Responsibilities: Law enforcement officers will assist the Department with monitoring the compliance of Department supervised offenders. This will reduce the likelihood of an offender violating conditions of his or her supervision as well as immediately addressing uny offender non-compliance. If a LEO witnesses a Depamnent supervised offender violate a condition of his or her supervision the LEO shall: Call the offender's probation officer and/or Make a warrantless arrest of the offender in accordance with Section 948.06(1), Florida Statutes (1999). Law Enforcement will share any intelligence or information regarding suspects and/or DeparUnent supervised offenders. 3 Upon the Depazmaent's request, law enforcement will assist with transporting and/or arresting Department supervised offender. Participate in,any of the aforementioned planned compliance initiative. IV. Termination: Thirty (30) days after written notice to al! o~f the ~o?mfintione.d parties, a party to this terminates its pa~_'c!patibn in the C°rnm~ty. ro!~¢m~ ~e[slup. . Valsrie'P~lle,~i~Cuit 3;dmiu~i~trator ' uate FlOr/da Department of Corrections Louis Vargas, General' Coansel Date Flor/da Departmem of Corrections APPROVED AS TO FORIv[ AND LEGALITY SUBJECT TO EXECUTION BY THE PARTIES Marshall Gage, Chief of Police Boynton Beach Police Department Date understanding 4 Requested City Commission Meetin'e Date~.. _ [] November 2% 2000 [] December 5. 2000 [] December 19, 2000 [] January2. 2001 ;V-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ITEM C.6 AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must-be Turned ~ November 9. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 8. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) .Requested City Commission ~ [] January 16, 2001 E~ February ~, 2001 [] February20, 2001 [] March 6, 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Cftv Clerk's January 3, 2001 (5:00 P.m.) January 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 o.m.) February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda J-- New Business [] Public Headng [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the approval of eleven contracts for services for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) sub-recipients previously approved for funding on August 1, 2000. EXPLANATION: Eleven sub grantees have submitted required budgets, scopes of services, and timelines for performance as addendum to the contracts for services to be performed. PROGRAM IMPACT: The impact of this program is the provision of' much needed services provided to our community by various organizations, and the emphasis on the stimulation and growth of the economy. These factors meet the City's objectives and priorities as set forth in the Five Year Consolidated Plan. FISCAL IMPACT: A total of $144,500 has been awarded to these grantees for fiscal year 2000/2001, with an additional $25,000 reprogrammed from fiscal year 1999/2000 ,~: I~at this time, as all activities are eligible under CDBG guidelines Department of Development Division of Community Redevelopment Department Name City Attorney, ? Fih'ance/Human Resources RESOLUTION NO. R00- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOSTON BEACH, ~LORIDA, AUTHORING EX.~E'~E TIlE ELEVEN (l~ i)'~ XGRE, E~NTS BETWEEN CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ AF~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPSr,~NT "BLOCK GRANT SLrB-~CrPmNTS~ PREVIOUSLY APPROVED. FOR FUI'ff)!I~G; AND PROVIDI~4G ~M~F~I~FEC~TtVE DATE. .WItEREAS, the .City Commission of the City 0.f Boyn~0n Beach, upon recommendation of staff, hereby deems it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Boynton Beach, to approve the following eleven (11) agreements for Community. Development Block Grant sub-recipients, previously approved for fan. ding on August 1, 2000: : 1. Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse, Inc. 2. Boynton Beach Faith Based CDC 3. Colnmunity Caring Center of Boynton Beach; Inc. 4. Fair Housing Center of the Greater Palm Beaches, Inc. 5. "I Have a Dream" Foundation - Boynton Beach 6. The Juvenile Transition Center, Inc. 7. Palm Beach County Resource Center 8. Palm Beach County Resource Center for Construction Management 9. Urban League of Palm Beach County, Inc. 10. Vetsville Cease Fire House; Inc. 11. We Change Foundation NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boymon Beach, Florida does hereby approve, and authorizes and directs the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the eleven (11) Community Development Block Grant sub-recipent Agreements with City of Boynton Beach, a copy of the eleven (1 t) Agreements are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" ATTEST: Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ day of November 2000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tern Commissioner Commissioner City Clerk (Corporate Seal) DEPARTMENT O F DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT Communit~ )ment Block Grant Sub-G The following is a list of the Sub-Grantees to receive Community Development Block Grant Funding,for Fiscal Year 2000/2001 and the grant dollars awarded. AVDA Community Caring Center GRANT AWARD 10,000 10,000 Fair Housing Center Faith Based CDC I Have A Dream Juvenile Transition Center PBC Resource Center* *Economm-Small Business Development PBC Resource Center** 15,000 35,000 7,500 15,000 30,000 25,000 **Job Training-Construction Management with Fla. Atlantic University Reprogrammed from FY 1999/2000 Urban League Vetsville Ceasefire House 5,000 12.000 We Change Foundation TOTAL 5,000 $169,500 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 00-088 TO: FROM: THRU: DATE: Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Kurt Bressner,'City Manager Octavia S. Sherrod, Community Development Manager Quintus Greene, Director of Development Nevember 14, 2000 SUBJECT: Community Development Block Grant Requested Information Concerning Sub-Grantees Twelve appliCations for fund ng n.~FY ~0 ~01 - - ...~ u ....ommunltv ueve opment Bock Grant program were received as a result of an advertised notice o~ fund n.g and request for pr(~po~a s. These apPli(~ati0ns we~:e reviewed by acomm tree wh ch cons sted of John"V~/ildner; Parks Di~'~ctor; Hai3na 'Matr~as, Plan~er; Dan DeCarlo Neighborhood Special st,:and myself. Each of the applications were scqred n the following ~ia~mum numbe~ 6f POints that cobl~ be earned: categories, with a lA0 being the · How the activity benefits Iow/moderate ~ncome persons · How the activity benefits the target area · Justification forneed of the activity · Cost reasonableness and effectiveness of delivering the activity · Activity management and imp ementation · Experience · Past Performance · Matching Contribut OhS · Self Suffic!ency · Application completeness The following :is a. brief summary of the organ zations that applied for which funding is being recommended for FY 2000/200rl. We Change Foundation - An organization established to empower young adults through motivational training customer service training, providing an accredited high school diploma, and job placement support. There s no evidence that any other municipality has ever provided a subsidy, however, they have indicated that they have, in the past, received funding from the Palm Beach County School Board, which has been discontinued..They have also received $2,500 in funding from the City of Boynton Beach Police Department Staff in recommending a grant of $5, O00. Division of Community Redevelopment Memorandum No. 00-088 Page 2 of 3 I Have A Dream Foundation -A ~rogram for children ages 10 through 16 years of age from Iow-income communities, which provides academic support, cultural and recreat onal activities and ind v!dua attention The program provides tuition assistance to assure that'these Children wi i have the Opportunity [c~ attebd a College Or a vocati0na, l school. There is no evidence that they:have received ~aDY'support-,ffom any oth~i' municipality. They are currently expending $.12,47~ in CDBG fundi;ng for 'FY 19~9/2000 and $7,500 s be ng recommended for FY 2000/2001. Juvenile ' - An ~ :o increase the amount Aid For Victims of I~ emergency Sheter, cour elder organization h~ the Sun Sentinel Ch Idren s The the City of funding level be maintained. Urban League - Provides home ownership ed;ucati?n counseling to residents, of publicly assisted housing. For fiscal year 1999/2000, the~/ r:'ece~ived $12i0~;O from the City of De ray Beach; and $85,000 from the Palm Bea(~h county Housing and community Deveiopment .Department.. They have beer11 a~Pr°ved for ~ndi~g!· !n tfie amount of $2,000 fmm ~he (~ity of'Boca Raton. S[aff iS reprehending a ;grant 0f.$5,O00. ' Fair Housing!Center - Provides act v t es de~icjned to i..nform and educate t~e general ub c h0usin~ hdustry, groups the'media, ahd~fina~cial ·nStitati~¢1~ abO~t fa;ir housing P · - ,- -, ; ;"~--,, nr,4~irt~ rnon to¢ind f(~r ~omplian~e;~Vi~i~ fair hd~ing laws, ri htsand'~Dllg~tlons: ~Y ~-' ........ : :~.-~ ..... . ,, · - ~ ~ - ~gnd instruct the pul)lib tb ldentify i nc dents of d '~cnm~nat on, as~ we 1, as rnfc~rm,ng, v~cti..ms who :seek access .tO legal redress and relief.: They currenty ,receive funding trom me City of Delray in the a~ount of $2,000, the City of;Boca Ratonlin the amobnt of $6,000, Division of Community Redevelopment Memorandum No. 00-088 Page 3 of 3 and the City of West Palm Beach in the amount of $12,000. They have also applied to other agencies, i.e. the MacArthur Foundation, the State Attorney's office, the U.S. Justice Department, and-directly to HUD. They previous V received funding from the City ef Boynton Beach under Housing Opportunities for E~(cellence (HOPE). They now provide service exclusivey for Palm Beach County. The grant amount of $15,000 recommended for FY 2000/2001 is based on extensive services they will be providing for the city, specifically, they will be assisting in Identifying the Impediments to Fair Housing in the city, as required by HUD. Vetsville Cease Fire House, Inc. - A shelter for homeless veterans located in the City of Boynton Beach target area geared to rehabilitating and returning these veterans to productive lives. The residents also maintain the home. They currently only receive funding from the Palm Beach County Housing and Community Development Department. Staff is recommending a grant of $12,000. Faith Based CDC - A Community Based Development Corporation which consists of members of vadous churches in the community. This grass roots organization provides minor housing rehabilitation services to residents in the community. They will be targeting the elderly and single female heads of households. They currently receive no other funding from other municipalities, as they are based solely in this jurisdiction. Staff is recommending a grant of $35,000. - Palm Beach County Resource Center, Inc. - Provides economic development and job creation services within Palm Beach County. They assist in providing job plans, loan packaging, workshops, and procurement assistance for existing and new up-start businesses. They curi'ently receive funding from American Express, and have received $15,000 from the City of West Palm Beach. They currently have a $20,000 CDBG grant from the City of Boynton Beach. Staff is recommending a grant of $30.000 for FY 2000/2001 Youth Making A Change - is a grass roots neighborhood organization, comprised of volunteers who interact and mentor with neignborh0od youth. This group who has worked for the last two years, teach sewing, cooking and crafts. Staff is recommending a continuation of the $5000 in funding recommended to this organization in FY 99-00. Requested City Commission Meeting Dales November 21. 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] December 19 2000 [] January 2, 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM C.7 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 'AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Citw Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December& 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20, 2Q00 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Cormmssion Meeting Dates ] January. 16, 2001 [] Febraary & 2001 [] February' 20. 2001 [] March6, 2001 Date Final Form Must be ruined to City Clerk's Office Jantaary 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) January. 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m3 February 21- 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Heating [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Annoancemem [] Presentation RECOMMIgNDATION:: Approve resolution releasing the remaining surety on Citurus Park aka Boynmn Estates ($45,977.33), the approval of the subdivision, the acceptance of the dedications and the maintenance responsibilities of those improvements dedicated to the City. EXPLANATION: The project ~s complete and the C~ty has received the Engmeer of Reco d s certification, the "As-Built" drawings and Utility Depanmem approval. PROGRAM EMI~ACT: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: N/A x~City Manager's Signature Department of Development Departmem Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources RESOLUTION NO. R 00- ~A-RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHOR/ZING A FULL RELEASE OF THE SURETY (LETTER OF CREDIT SM49560-095) FOR ~'ITRUS PARK A/KA BOYN~ON ;E'~rA;rES IN ~:.~ vlQUNT OF $45,977'.33; APPROVAL OF THE ..SUBD.FV THE' DEDIC~rJIONS,; ~ RES ONS m ,OF ION, ACCEPT~CE OF iHE MAINTENANCE VOtEREAS, the project I~S'"cOmplete ~1 the .City has received the Engineer of Record's certification, and Utility Depa~m~ent approval for Citrus Park a/k/a Boynton Estates Development; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, based upon the recommendation of staff, hereby approves a full release of the surety for Citrus Park a/k/a Boynton Estates, in the mount of $45,977.23, approves the Subdivision, and accepts the dedications and the maintenance responsibilities of those improvements dedicated to the city. Section 2. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED A~ND ADOPTED this ATTEST: City Clerk (Corporate Seal) s:cakResokL\Credit - Citrus Park- Full Release day of November, 2000, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Commissioner Commissioner DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM NO. 00-139 TO: THRU: FROM: DATE: Quintus Greene Director of Developmen[ John A. Guidry Interim Director of Engineering H. David Kelley, Jr.; PE/PSM"'~ Civil/Utility Engineer September 19, 2000 UTILITY AND SITE IMPROVEMENT SURETY CITRUS PARK P.U.D. NEXT BOYNTON HOMES, LTD. The current developer for the above noted project, Larry Abbo of Prime Investors and Developers, Inc., has inquired to this departmem requesting a release of the surety in the remaining amount of $45,977.33. This will be the third (and final) ~eduction of the original Letter of Credit surety issued on this project on March 1, 1995, in the amount of $855,917.00. As a recapitulation, the first reduction was dated June 4, 1996 in the amount of $709,939.67, per City Commission Resolution #R96-75, and the second reduction was dated October 6, 1998 in the amount of $100,000.00, per City Commission Resolution #R98-162. Copies of these instmmems are attached for your information. Based upon this department's field inspection, the department approves the final reduction of this project's surety in the amount of $45,977.33. Please have the appropriate Resolution prepared for City Commission action. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mr. Dave Kelley, PE, in the Engineenng Department at x6496. IAG:HDK:ck KC: Peter Mazzella, Assistant to the Utility Director Dave Kelley, Utility Engineer Frantz LaFontant, Engineering Inspector File C:~My Documents\Citrus Park PUD ~ Utility & Site Improve. Surety.doc F~D~ : C!T~ 5F BOYNTON BCH JTiLiTIES FA> NO. : 5~1742~98 ~o~. 09 2000 ii:I?AM Pl MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPARTMENT NO. 00-259 TO: FROM: DATE: Quintus~reen~. Director of Development Pvter-~-'~-Mazzclla,'~/A'~'""'~ Asst. to ~e DirectOr nf Utilities November 9, 2000 SUBJECT: Boynton Estates - Release of Surety This morning, a member of my staff conducted a final inspection of the Boyraon ~states proJect'~ watw and esanltary sewer systems. The ~y~mm.~ were fouIld to be acceptable, and all of the punch list items have been corrected. We therefore have no objection to the full release of aurety 'for this project. PVM Xc: John Guidry Peter Mazzella File Requested Ciw Comm/sslon Meetine Dates [] November 21, 2000 [] December 5, 2000 December 1~, 2000 [] January 2, 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ITEM E. AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOR ,. Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Comrmssion Meeting Dates [] January 16,2001 [] Febmary 6, 2001 [] February 20. 2001 [] March6, 200t Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Offic$ January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) January 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (~:00 p.m.) Felmaary 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATIJRE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Admiinstrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfmished Busmess [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to purchase from Lighming Powder Co., Inc. an AURA Ductless Fume Enclosure and filters in the amount of $8,687.40 from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund. EXPLANATION: This ductless fuming enclosure provides safe working conditions when latent print powders are being used end chemical latent print development is done. There is no need for building renovation. Ctm'ently we are going to Delray Beach Police Depamnent to process latent prints requiring fume processing. PROGRAM[ EVIPACT: We will be able to this type of processing in house, saving time and expense in travel. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding is available in State Forfeiture Funds 691-5000-590-04-25 $8,687.40 ALTERNATIVES: Continu~e?armaent equipment, / Department Head's Signature ~ ~ Uity Manager s Signature Police Deparmaent Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:~BULLETIN~ORMS AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC Angel Peracm @ Ligmmng Powder Co City of Boynton Beach FinanceD~pa~tmcnt PO Box 310 Boynton Beach FL 33425-0310 ~ Nov, ~-2000 G12:12PM ~111 Lightning Powder Co., Inc. 1230 Hoyt Streel SE Salem Oregon 97302-2t21 USA .Tel 503-585-990q or T-800-852-0300/.--~ FAX 503-588-03-98 or 1-800~588-03-9~ info@redwap.com - nternet wwW.redwop.com Quotation No. 8505 Cityof Boynton B~ach Polic~ D~partmcnt Attn:MichaelMun~o 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach FL 33435 cu~ .o. 615] 1 11/6/00 cus~.o. 6399 Net 30 Days UPS Prim Yalidity Customer Order Numbe~ DOD 60 Days Salem Catalog Number Dnscripti~ Unit Prim Amount 1 1-4850 AURA Ductless Fume Enclo~axe 7,048.00 7,048.00 1 1-4801 Particulate Pre-filters/6 pk for Ductless Fume Enclosure 150.00 , 150.00 2 1-4851 Hydrocarbon Filter for AURA DuctlessFumeEnclosure (2 424.00 848.0(Y~ R~qn;ved @ ~n;Ha~lp~chase) .~ HEPA Safety Filter for AURA Ductless Fume Enclosure 509.00 509.00 1 1-4854 Plea se reference Quotation # 8505 if you decide to place this order. Thank you! Sub-Total Freight nsurance, Packing Tota Cost $8,555.00 132.40 $8,687.40 Quoted by: Angel Person Title: Customer Service Representative Signed Page 1 of 1 Requested City commiS~on Meeting Dates [] November 21. 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] Decembex 19. 2000 V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM F CITY OF BOYNTON BEAC[ AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOR ,x Date Final Form Must be Turned into CiW Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m) December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Deceanber 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requgsted City C OlmlllSsion Meefin~ Dates [] Januaw 16,2001 [] Fobnmty 6, 2001 [] February 20, 200t [] March 6. 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Ct~ Clerk's Offic~ Ianuary 3,2001 (5:00 p.m.) Sanumay 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m-) Februa~ 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) FcbrvaW 2I, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ffEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] announcement [] Presentation~ RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve change orders no. 2, 3, and 4 on the Ocean Avenue Promenade project. (Change order #1 was the elimination &the 100 block from the project.) EXPLANATION: There have been some changes needed to the Ocean Avenue Promenade project, now that construction is underway. To date we have found the following changes necessary: The design engineer asked that aluminum baffles be added to storm drain mainholes C-11 and C-12. The cost of this change order is an additional $1,900.00. It does not add any additional time to the project. Change Order #3 The original design plans mislocated a 24" storm sewer which then came into conflict with a 12" gravity sewer. Therefore, the contractor had to both repair the 12" gravity sewer and install a conflict manhole for the 24" storm sewer. The cost of Change Order #3 is $t,650.00 for the repair to the 12" gravity sewer. However, since this was a design error that should have been caught at initial design, the design engineer will be reimbursing the City for this error. It does not add any additional time to the project. S:kBULLETINWORMSKAGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEMREQUEST FOR31 Change Order #4 This change order is the cost for the installation of the conflict manhole needed t~om the conflict between the 24" storm sewer and the 12" gravity sewer. This change order is for $7,500.00. It does not add any additional time to the project. PROGRAM IMPACT: The City's purchasing rules state that administrative staff has the authority to authorize change orders to construction projects, up to a cumulative total of $10,000.00. These 3 change orders cumulatively total $11,050.00, however,, $1,650.00 will be paid by the City's design engineer. Notwithstanding the fact that the net cumulation of these three change order is only $9,400.00, it was thought that it would be best to bring these three to the City Cornmi~sion at this time, rather than waiting until change order #5 causes the cumulative total to exceed the $10,000.00 threshold. FISCAL IMPACT: Currently there are enough funds in the project's comingency account (302-1211-512-63-30) to pay for these three change orders. ALTERNATIVES: There are, realistically, no alternatives to this recommendation. Not to pay these change orders could result in the City defaulting on its contract with the General Contractor. --Department Heads S[~nature ~Ci~ ~Man~s Signature Capital Projects Department Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:kBULLETIN~ORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC CHANGE ORDER #2 FOR CHANGE PROPOSAL Distribution to: OWNER x ARCHITECT x CONTRACTOR x FIELD x OTHER PROJECT: Ocean Avenue Promenade Project No. CP9920 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: ~2 INITIATION DATE! September 1,2000 TO ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 99-025.4 Burkhardt Construction 1400 Alabama Avenue 420 CONTRACT FOR: Silt ~affles @ West palm Beach, FL 33401 Manhole %3 & ~5 CONTRACT DATE: July 14, 2000 You are directed to make the following changes in this Contract: Not valid until signed by both tl~ Owner and Archito~ Sig3mtor¢ of tho Contractor indicams Wu awwm~ herewith~ including any adjush'ncnt in the Contract Sum or Conlta~ Timo The original (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Cost) was... Net change by previously authorized Change Orders... ~2L the (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Cost) prior to this Change Order was... The [Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Cost) will be (increased) ¢I:~. :reed/} by this Change Order .... f2 The new (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Cost) including this Change Order... The Contract Time will be ~) (clmlmaa~) (unchanged) by... The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is - a- _ - - . $ 1,635,685.60 $ -0- $ 1,635,685.60 1,900.00 $ $ 1,637,585.60 ~) Days. Authorized: ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR OWNER Gee & Jenson Burkhard~ Const. City of Boyn~on One Harvard Circle 1400 Alabama Arm.20 p.O. Row 310 W.Palm Bch.F1 33409 W.Palm Bob.FL 33401 Boynton B~-ach..FL 33425 Change Proposal, #2 Burkhar~ Construction, inc. '/40Q Alabama Ave. Wesl Paim Beach. FL 33401 At~ Dennis E. Haynes Teledhone: 659-14(]O Fa~ 659-14C0 To: iorida Project: Revision: Slit Baffles.~ Manhole ~3 & ~5 PerNOe ~; G~ & J enso~ Letter Datod 9/11/~ Plans: None Prof~sai Date: 27-Sep-00 Storm Drainage C-11 Aluminum Baffle Installed In Manhole, 4' Diam. C-~-2 Aluminum Baffle installed In Manhole, 5' Diam. Quantity Unit Price Amount ILS $ 950.00 $ gs0.~O ILS $ 950.00 $ 950.00 Change Proposal #2, Net Add $ 1,900.00 Special Provisions 1 pnce is Net Add To Original Contract Amount For Item C-11 & C-12. 2 Pdce Is Based On A~thodzat~on By October 4 2000, So As Not To Impede The Progress Of The Work. CHANGE ORDER #3 FOR PROPOSAL #4 Distribution to: OWNER x ARCHITECT x CONTRACTOR X FIELD x OTHER PROJECT: Ocean Avenue Promenade Project No. CP9920 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER! INITIATION DATE: TO Burkhardt Construction 1400 Alabama Ave. ~20 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 ARCHITECT'S PROJECTNO: 99-025.4 CONTRACT FOR: Repair Sanitary Sewer Line/ Install Conflict Manhole CONTRACT DATE: July 14,2001 You are directed to make the following changes in this Contract: Not valid until signed hy both the Ovmer and Ar¢lfriect Signature of the Contractor indicates his agreement herewii~a, including any ad[ustment in the Con.act Sum or Con. act T'nme The orig/nal (Con,act Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Cost) was... $ 1,635,685.60 Net change by previoualy authorized Ch~ange Orders... *~2 $ 1,637,585.60 The (Conwact Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Cost) prior to this Change Order was... $ The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Cost) will bo (increased)~) [, 650.00 by tl~ Change Order....#3 $ The new (Con,'act Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Cost) including this Change Order... $ 1,639,235 · 60 The Contract Time will be ~ (~ (unchanged) by... (0) Days. The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is Authorized: ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR OWNER One Harvard Circl~ 14tiff A]ah~ma Av~_~?0 D_~_ R~ 310 W. Palm Beach, FL W. Palm Beach, FL Boynton Beach, F1 v~-- 334~9 _ ~ 33425 DAT~E----~'~_~___ DATE Burkhardt Construction, Inc. 1400 Alaoama Ave. ~20 West Palrr Beach. FI. 33401 Att: Dennis E. Haynes Telephone: 659-1z[00 Fax: 659-1400 To: City Of Boynton Beach, Florida 100 Bast Boyn~on Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach Florida 33425 Att; Dele Bugerm, a~ Telephone: ~61 -~42~6456 Fax: 561-731-0065 Project: East Ocean Avenue Promenade City Project Arch.: Gee 8, ,Jenson One Harvard Cimle West Palm Beach, FL. 33469" Att: Ray DavJdson, P.E. Telex)hone: 561-515-6500 Fa~(; 561-5;[ 5-6502 Revision: Plans: Repair Sanitary Sewer Une and Install Conflict Manhole N.E. 3rd St. & E. Ocean Ave. Proposal Date: October 20. 2000 Item Description Quantity Unit Price Amount 1 12art 12 gravity sewer ~n direct conflict With 2" 1 $ 1.650.00 $ 4 storm sewer (Labor. Equipment and MaterialsJ 1 Pdce is based on AuthorizaUon Dy October 20, 2000. So as not to impede the progress of the work Respectfully Submitted, Burkhardt'Oonstruc~ Inc. LT~vid Lockey, As~. ~roJ~ct ~r CHANGE ORDER #4 FOR CHANGE PROPOSAL #5 Distribution to: OWNER x ARCHITECT x CONTRACTOR x FIELD x OTHER PROJECT: Ocean Avenue Promenade Project No. CP9920 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: ~qITLAIION DATE: TO Burkhardt Construction 1400 Alabama Ave., ~20 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 ARCHITECT'S PROJECTNO: 99-025.4 CONTRACT FOR: Construction Conflict Manho~ @ NE 3rd Street/Ocean Avenue CONTRACT DATE: July 14,2001 You are directed to make the following changes in this Contract: The original (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Cost) was.., Net change by previously authorized Change Orders... #3 The (Contract Sum~ (Guaranteed Maximum Cost) prior to this Change Order was.. The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Cost) will be (increased) by this Change Order.... #4 The new (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Cost) including this Change Order... The Contract Time will be (daelra~ (atgala~) (unchanged) by... The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is ~P, 635,685.60 -- $ $ 7,500.00 $1,646,735.60 (o)Days. Authorized: ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR OWNER Gee & Jenson Burkhardt Const. City of Bovnton Beach One Harvard Circle 1400 Alabama Ave.20 PoO. Box 310 W. Palm Beach, FL W. Palm Beach, FL Boynton Beach, FL ~ _ 33409 /~ 3q4n] J 33425 B Y ~ From: To: Project: Arch.: Revision: Plans: Proposal Date: Change Proposal, Burkhardt Construction, inc. 1400 Alabama Ave. ~c'20 West Palm Beach. FI. 33401 Att: Dennis E. Haynes Telephone: 659-1400 Fax: 659-1400 City Of Boynton Beach Florida 100 East Bo~nton BeaCh B vd. Boynton Beech. Fl~iCf~r 33425 Att: Dale Sugerman Telep~o n ~: L~8!1~,~6456 ; Fax: 561-731-~)065 East Ocean AvenUe P~omenade City Project #992O Gee & Jenson OwneHarvard Circle est P~lm Beach, FL 33409 Att: Ray Da~iSson. P.E. Telephone: 56%515-6500 Fa~(: ~61 ~515~502 Repair Sanitary Sewer Line and Install Conflict Manhole N.E. 3rd St. & E. Ocean Ave. None Octoeer 20_.,2000 I Construct conflict manhole with steelcasing on 12" gravity sewer (Labor. EqJpment and Materials) $ 7,500.00 Amoun~-~--- Change Proposal #5, Net Add $ 7,500.00 ~ based on Authorization . 00. ,~,, ~ .ur ~u ~mpeoe rne progress of the work. Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] November 2L. 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] December I9. 2000 [] J'anuary 2. 200I V-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ITEM G AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOR ,i Date Final Form Must De Turned LO ~o City Clerk's O£fic~ November 9, 2000 '5:00 p.m.~ November 22, 2000 [5:00 p.m.j December 6, 2000 ~'5:00 p.m./ December20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commission [] January 16, 2001 [] February 6,2001 [] February20, 2001 [] March 6,2001 Date Final Forrr Must be Turned ~n ro City Clerk's Offie~ January 3,200I (5:00 p.m.) January I7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 200I (5:00 p.m.) February 2I, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [~ Consent Agenda [] New Bns/ness [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfiuished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: TO be hereby informed that the Community Relations Board is reporting on the Committee.eStablishment of the City of Boynton Beach PATCH (Planned Approach to Community Health) Steering EXPLANATION: As a follow-up to the PATCH Commission Workshop held on Oct 1 i'" and the Community Relations Board meetings held on October 11th and NovemUer 1st, the Community Relations Board would like to report that a Steering Committee has been established. The committee's primary focus for the first quarter will ~e on developing a knowledge base and gathering data. The Community Relations Board recommends that the Steering Committee establish its mission, goals, and operating procedures in compliance with existing PATCH models. PROGRAM IMPACT: Not applicable. FISCAL IMPACT: Not applicable. ALTERNATIVES: Not applicable. Neighborhood Projects'Specialist Department Name *Staff Liaison to Community Relations Board S:~BULLETIN~ORMS'xAGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC City Manager's Signarare City Attorney / Finance Human Resources To promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury an.d disability To facilitate collaborative community based programs and develop a well planned delivery of health services at the community level .. To act in an advocacy and ombudsman role for people from the neighborhood To obtain input and concurrence from the community regarding health needs within their respective neighborhoods · :- To monitor and evaluate community progress To inform the community regarding Health Care District Services To assure that the Health Care District is viewed as an agency that manages and focuses on health care and preventative care rather than as a bill payer Requested City Commission Meetinz Dates [] November 21. 2000 [] December 5. 200£ [] December 19 2000 [] January 2. 2001 VI-CITY MANAGER'S REPORT ITEM B CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOlCdvt Date Final Form Must be Turned ~n ro Cirv Clerks Office November 9. 200( (5:00 p.m. November 22. 2000 5:00 p.rn.l December 6. 2000 5:00 p.m.) December 20, 2000 '5:00 p.m.) Requested CiB Commission Meeting Dates [] January 16, 2001 [] February6.2001 [] February 20. 2001 [] March 6, 200] Dare Final Form Must be Turned lB ro C4tv Clerk's Off[ce Jmauary 3, 2001 5:00 p.m.) January 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m. February 7, 2001 5:00 p.m.) February 21,200I '5:00 p.m. NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM Corrected Version: ll/21/00 RECOMMENDATION: of the City Commission. [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business ~] Public Hearing [] Legal ['- Bids [] Un£mished Business [] Announcement [] Presentanon Review of proposed guidelines for community investment funds to be distributed by members EXPLANATION: Included in the City of Boynton Beach Budget for Fiscal 2000-01 program year is $125,000 in Comraumty Investment Funds. The funds are available to each ~fthe five members of the City Commission in the amount of $25,000 to support community projects and activities. The attached report provides basic guidelines for the distribution and use of these public funds for community projects or activities. PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: Provides funding for commnnity improvement projects. Department Head's Signamre Department Name $125,000 budgeted in FY 2000-01 Do not proceed with p~ogram and transfer funds to Neighborhood Improvement Program currently admiinstered by staff. City Mana=er s S~gnamre City Attorney / Finance Human Resources S3~BULLETIN\FORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORaM.DOC Draft Guidelines for Distribution of Community Investment Funds Introduction: Included in the City of Boymon Beach Budget for Fiscal 2000-01 program year is $125,000 in Community Invesrmen~t Fun.ds.. The funds are'available to each. O£~h¢ five members of the City Uommlssmn m the amount of $25,000 to suppor~ community projects and activities. This report will suggest basic guidelines for the distribution and use of these public funds for community projects or activities. Program Eligibility Period: October 1, 2000 to September 30, 2001 Amount available to each mem:.~er of the City Commission: $25,000 broken into two eligibility periods: October 1, 2000 to February 28, 2001 - maximum of $12,500 March 1, 2000 to September 30, 2001 - maximum of $12,500 The purpose of the two eligibility periods is to assure funding opportunities to outgoing and incoming members of the City Commission based on the March 2001 election. Eligible projects may consist of assistance to local community organizations for physical improvements to public property or public rights of way such as parks, medit~-~ or other City-owned property. The assistance may be in outright grants to support improvements to public property or on a cost-sharing basis with local organizations. Before funding, the proposed improvements must receive necessary permits, staff review for compatibility with design plans or capital construction plans and must be approved by the City Commission by motion on the Consent Agenda. Ineligible projects include direct financial support or gifts to individuals, businesses, or associations including funding of any operational activities. Funds may not be used to support or otherwise subsidize the operational expend:es of City Departments. KB: 11/10/00, 11/21/00 Requested City Commlssmn _Meeting Dates [] November 21. 2000 [] December 5. 2000 [] December 19. 2000 [] January 2. 200l V-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ITEM G, AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOR Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office November 9. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22. 2000 5:00 p.m3 December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m. i Requested City Commmsion Meeting Dates [] January 16. 2001 [] Febmar~ 6. 2001 [] February 20,2001 [] March 6. 200 t I~te Final Form Must be Turned ~p to City Clerk's Office January 3,2001 (5:00 p.m.) January I7, 2001 (5:00 p.m3 February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 2,1, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [~ Consent Agenda [] New Business ~ Public Hearing [] Legal [-'" Bids [] Unfinished Bnsmess [] Announcement [] Presentauon RECOMMENDATION: To approve the Community Relations Board recommendation for PATCH (Planned Approach to Community Health) Steering Committee membership. EXPLANATION As a follow-up to the PATCH Commissio.n~W_orks~op held on Oct 11th and the Community Relations Board meet ngs held o. October 11 and N6vember 1st, the Community Relations Board would like to recommend that the following individiuals be aopointed to serve on the PATCH Steering Committee. The committee's primary focus for the first quarter will be on developing a knowledge base and gatherin~ data. The Community Relations Board recommends that the Steering Committee establish its mission, goals, and operating procedures m compliance with existing PATCH models. PROGRA~ INIPACT: Not applicable. FISCAL I1VIPACT: Not applicable. ALTERNATIVES: Not applicable. Dan/el DeCarlo* Neighborhood Projects Specialist Department Name ~i~ ~anager s Signature City Attorney / Fhaance / Human Resources *Staff Liaison to Community Relations Board S:~BULLETIN~ORMS AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC Memorandum Date: Nowe,-~,b e~- 3; To: From: City. Manage; Copy: City, Manager Re: · As a follow-up ~o the pATCH Commission Workshop held on Oct 11'n and the Community Relations Board meetings he~ 0n, Qctober 11~ and November 1st, the Community Relations Boa~'~ would li~e to [e, commen.d,,thi?~ ~h~i~!?~!ng in. dividua, ls be appointed to serve on the 15ATCH Steering Committee. Jne comm~t~ee,s pdm~ry fOCUS for the first quarter will be on developing a know edge base and gathering data.,The;C(~r~n~unity R~iations Board recommends that the S~eering Comm ttee establish its mission, goals,~and oP~erafing I~roc~dures in compliance with existing PATCH models. ' . The Communit~ Relations Board requests that the Commission support the formation of the Boyn~on Beach PATCH: Steerir~ C"6~rnittee as a Consent Agenda tem The'Community Relations Board would then assume s~perViSi~n 0fthe committee through its city liaison. Sister Lorraine Ryan Community Caring Center 145 NE 4th Avenqe Boynton Beach, :~L 33425 Brian Edwards 629 NE 9th Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Tim Andrasek 1220 NW '13t~ SI.! C-1{~7 Boca Raton, FL ~486 Angela Girtman 101 NE 5~n Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Dan DeCarlo 19 Baytree Circle Boynton Beach, FL 33436 Elizabeth Jenkins 711 NW l~St. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Tom Blum P.O. Box 790 Delray Beach, FL 33447 Pat Norgiel 1921 SW 15~n Avenue B-203 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Ralph Conca 10135 Eaglewood Terrace Boynton Beach, FL 33436 With the Commission's approval of the Steering Committee, additional names may be added from time to time, as needed, by the Community Relations Board. Requested City Commission Meetin D~g_Q~_ [] Noveanber 2L 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] December 19, 2000 [] January 2, 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 14 CITY OF BOYNTON BEAC[ AGENDA ITEM REQUEST Dat~ Final Form Must be Turned into CiW Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 pan.) November 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.n~) December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requ~tod City Comm~$ion Meetine Dates [] January 16, 2001 [] February 6, 2001 [] February 20,2001 [] Mmch 6, 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office Janua~] 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) Januar~ 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) Febraal~ 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.1 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing ' [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve Task Order ~36 between CH2M Hill and the City of Boynton Beach for Engineering Services for the Design and Repair of the Deep Injection Well IW. This task includes design of injeetio~i well repairs, evaluation of the existing surge control system, assistance with Consent Order negotiations, permitting services for the modification of the injection well, services during construction, preparation of an engineering report summarizing the well repair and mechanical integrity testing services. EXPLANATION: In July 1999 the injection well experienced a lightning strike which caused a loss in pressure that we later identified as a leak. On August 5, 1999 we submitted a plan to DEP to identify the source of this leak and attempt to repair. We advised the Commission on December 7, 1999, and were authorized payment of $12,000 for repairs of this well with a "Plan of Further Action" that could escalate to $750,000. +/-. All attempts to repair were unsuccessful, and on July 6, 2000, we identified at least four holes at depths of approximately 2500 feet. On July 13, 2000, the DEP issued a Notice of Non-Compliunco and requested a meeting with the City that we attended with CH2M Hill to discuss the failure in the well, possible design solutions and entering into a Consent Order. This Consent Order will have an administrative fee but we do not expect any penalties or fines as this failure resulted from lightning, the City has kept the DEP informed, and we have been proactive in our repair effort to date. PROGRAM IMPACT: This well must to be repaired to provide service for the disposal of concentrate, and to comply with Florida Dept. of Environmental Regulations rules. FISCAL IMPACT: Total cost of this Task Order is $981,101. This includes design of well repairs, surge analysis, Consent Order Negotiations, permit modification, subcontracting services, construction/subcontractor costs, engineering report 0f repair, mechanical integrity test plan and field services, mechanical integrity test report, and a contingency for unanticipated repairs and/or additional testing or services that may be included in the pending Consent Order. Funds are available in the Utility Reserve Account//403-5000-590-96.02. ALTERNATIVES: There are no alternatives. There are holes in thc tubing and this well must be repaired to comply with the existing, permit, and to provide for the continuing disposal of concentrate. S :~BULLETIN~ORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC D CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM rUnent Head's Signature ° ' ' , C~Y~Manager s Signature Utilities Department Name ~m]~APa/tl~j ~ ~.~ City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources Xc: City Attorney John Guidry Barb Conboy File S :~BULLETINWORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECTi CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH MEMORANDUM NO. 00-237 Dfile Sugerman, Assistant City Manager John A. Guldry, ~~ Director of Utilitie_~s ~' ' Bob Kenyon, ~ Deputy Utilities Dii%ctor October 11, 2000 Deep Injection Well- Consent Order FlOrida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) On July 26, 1999, there were lightning strikes and power outages at the West Water Treatment Plant resulting in a loss of pressure in the 3,312-fL Deep Injection Well annulus between the tubing and outer casing. This loss of pressure indicated a leak and loss of system integrity. At this time, we contacted our General Consulting Engineer, CH2M Hill, to assist with resolution of this matter. We informed the regulatory agency on July 28, 1999' and on August 5, 1999, we submitted a plan to identify the source of this leak and attempt to repair. On December 7, 1999, the Commission was advised ofthe situation and auth,o, rized paymem of $12,000.00 for repairs of this well With a "Plan of Further Action that could escalate to $750,000.00+/-. The department attempted several repairs and all efforts were unsuccessful. On April 24, 2000, we submitted a "Plan of Further Action" to the Depamnent of Environmental Protection (DEP), and on the same day we were given notice the well, lacked mechanical inte ,g3uty as reqmred by Rule 62-528.307(3)(e)1, F.A.C. On June 12, 2000, the DEP apprbved our amended "Plan of Further Action" for repair. This repair attempt also failed ~md identified at least four (4) holes in the tubing and extreme degradation of pipe thread in the vicinity of the damaged area. On July 13, 2000, the DEP issued a Notice of Non-Compliance and requested a meeting with the City that we attended with CH2M Hill-on Augu~st 21, 2000 to discuss the failure in the well, possible design solutiOns, and entering intoa Consent Order. This Consent Order will have an administrative fee. but we do not expect any penalties or fines as this failure resulted from lightning, and the City has kept the DEP informed, and we have been proactive in our repair effort. We have requested the professional engineering services of CH2M Hill to continue in their roll for providing assistance to the City to effect the permitable repair of the well and resolve all regulatory requirements. CH2M Hill has provided the original design, permitting services and construction management services for this well. They have also shared an intimate role with this investigation and repair attempt since July 1999. There are eleven key tasks critical to compliance with the proposed Consent Order and subsequent repair ofthe well, These include: 1) Design of well repairs and valve replacement $9,570.00 2) Surge Analysis 2,900.00 3) Consent Order Negotiations 11,600.00 4) Permit Modification 11,740.00 5) Subcontracting Services 2;900,00 6) 843?20.00 7) 0,7 0 00 8) Plan 3;080,00 9) ~,2~0,.00 10) i o.oo 11) 7~000~00 r be *This includes a.~igaific~ amoung ($,~18;000) of subcontracted work to Yoangquist ' Brothers, Inc., Fort My~&~; FL, tt~ 6rigina!~drilling contractor for this deep injection well. We have attachedg~n, Ology of the ~vents and actions, which have transpired to date We have a. task ord~,l~epared, for this~orl~ and have included fiberglas~ reinforced pipe for the tubing, filling of the,annular, spaCe With cement, and performance 0fthe required mechanical integ~i~,'~g. ~?h,~e~ite~ ~e more expensive than replacement with steel p~pmg without c? tfie:!annul,ar spa~ but we have requested a fail safe repmr unmune t~om fu~u?e ~i~ng ~ge. ' In the near future w~y6ll ~e eseatLag~ (2)items for , pr ~, _~ ~ ~: Commission approval: I ) Taski~Ordeg ,wi/la Utility Consulting Engineer CH2M Hill for Design and R6p~ 6f~ peep !~jegtio~W~ll ~ubing in the amount of $981,010, and; 2) C:6~t o~de~; to b~ sig~d,~by the Mayor, from the Dep~ent of E pr°t~ti6i/ih~0wledging the failure an~i agreeing to responsibl~ repair the well in~ a timely manner. Funds are available for this rep~ in. the u~ity Reserve Account. /gb Attachments cc: James A. Cherof File 2 Date 26-Jul-99 27-Jul-99 28-Jul-99 05-Aug-99 10-Aug-99 24-Aug-99 02-Nov-99 16-Nov-99 06-Dec-99 05-Jan-O0 ' 10-Jan-O0 02-Feb-O0 16-Feb-00 23 -Feb-00 24-Apr-00 18-May-00 23-May-00 I2-Jun-00 Boynton Beach West Water Treatment Plant Deep Injection Well Summary of Annulus-Related EVents Action Lightning strike causes leak at 1W-I. Inspection of surface piping indicates leak not at surface. Letter informing FDEP of leak is sent and faxed. Submitted plan to FDEP to identify source of annular leak. Conducted geophysical logging at 1W-1 after receiving FDEP approval. Submitted plan to FDEP to identify and fix annular leak. FDEP approved August 24, 1999 plan. Placed 100 lbs. of barite in annulus. Placed 300 lbs. of barite in annulus. Commission authorization td spend $12k for repairs and possible $700k for expenses. Placed 300 lbs. of barite and 100tbs fine sand in annulus. Placed 300 lbs. of barite and 100 lbs. fine sand in annulus. Placed 600 lbs. of barite, 100 lbs. f'me sand, and 100 lbs. phosphate in annulus. Attempted pressure test on annulus, test failed. Placed 700 lbs. of barite and 200 lbs. f'me sand in annulus. Submitted Plan of Further Action to FDEP. DEP letter-well lacked mechanical integrity. FDEP submitted RFI regarding Plan of Further Action. City provided RFI response to FDEP. FDEP approved Plan of Further Action. 3 16-Jun-00 03-Jul-00 06-Jul-O0 13-Jul-00 24-Jul-00 29-Jul-00 21-Aug,-00 Placed 250 lbs. gravel, 250 lbs. f'me sand, 250 lbs. bentonite in Proposed and received verbal approval for conducting video survey of well. Conducted video survey, identified 4 holes in the 13-3/8 diameter robing. Notice of Non-Compliance issued by FDEP. Submit~edplan forpressure testing the 16-inch casing of, lW~t. Successfully conducted pressure test on 16-inch casing after receiving FDEP approval. Meeting with FDEP to discuss entering into a Consent Order. 4 1500 Internal Casing Patch 2,214' to 2A44' Baker Packer Assembly 42" 34" ~-- 26" ---~ 2720' ~' 3,312' FIGURE 2-2 Concentrate Disposal Well Completion Diagram Task Order No. 36 August 23, 2000 Engineering Services for the Design and Repair of the Deep Injection We Agreement for Boynton Beach A. Bacl(ground The City softening reject fluid well is a (FAC), with a 16-inch (bpl) and a 13-3/l The inj L to dispc~se of membrane Plant (WTP). ection Florida AcLministrative Code 3,312 feet bpl. leak. Several a on the well and revealed 2,488, and 2,635 feet bpl 62-528, FAC. As a result requiring that the Cit, also requiring well to take place. UI violation of Rule 62-528, FAC. used to p}ug the armul~,r wa~ then conducted (FDEP) is order to repair the fulling leak. FDEP is allow tl~e repairs to the t wilt be necessary to dbnduct t~e inj~ti~'well i~no ~nger in During testing previously the existing not I on the injection well WTP to the injection well an( will be left in place and a of the reject line. The other two' not have to be taken ou' will be out of service for a of the well. 4 weeks during three of piping This valve portion well The CITY has requested CH2M HILL to provide services to repair the injec¢on well and services associated with this task. These associated tasks include design of injection well repairs, evaluation of the existing surge control system to protect the repaired well, assistance with Consent Order negotiations, permitting services for the modification of the DFB/003675629/SET1652.DOC injection well, services during cortsl2tction, and preparation of an engineering report swmmarizing the well repair. Mecl~anical integrity testing services are also included in this Task Order. B. Scope of Services Task 1 - Design of Well Repairs and Valve Replacement CH2M HILL will provide professional engineering design services to the CITY for the removal of the existing tubing andinstallation of a replacement tubing and assodated wellhead modificatxons. The Work will include preparation of Drawings and Specifications to be used for construction and permitting purposes. The specific scope of services to be provided by CH2M HILL in this Task includes the following: · Prepare Construction Drawings for tubing replacement, associated wellhead modifications, and replacement of both faulty 12-inch butterfly valves on the surface piping and installation of a new 12-inch butterfly valve in the above grotmd piping to take the placeof the buried faulty valve in the reject line from the WTP to the injection well. Prepare Specifications for removal of the existing tubing and testing of the 16-i~.ch diameter casing. Testing of the 16-inch casing will include video survey of the casin~ and the existing packer polished borehole receptor to determine if the receptor can be re-used during the installation of the replacement tubing.,The replacement tubing wifi be a fiberglass aromatic amine cured epoxy resin tubing with a minimum inside diameter of 10.7-incbes. The repair will also be designed to have the replacement tubing cemented from the base of the tubing to land surface. Provide five copies of 95 percent complete Drawings to the CITY for review. CH2M HILL shall meet with the CITY to discuss review comments after submittal. CITY comments shall be incorporated into the Drawings and Specifications as appropriate. · Provide to the CITY two copies of full-size final Drawings and Specifications. Task 2- Surge Analysis CH2M HILL will conduct an analysis of the existing surge control system to evaluate the effectiveness of the surge system to protect the repaired injection welt system. Modifications to the surge control system, if required, will be designed as part of this Task. Structural modifications to the surge system are not anticipated. However, if required, wiI1 be a contingency item. Task 3- Consent Order Negotiations FDEP has informed the CITY that it will be necessary to enter into a Consent Order with the CITY to address regulatory issues related to the holes in the existing tubing. CH2M HILL will assist the CITY in negotiating a Consent Order with FDEP for the injection well. The specific scope of services to be provided by CH2M HILL in this Task includes the following: · Attend up to 3 meetings with FDEP and the CITY to discuss the drafting of the Consent Order. Meeting minutes ~yill be prepared and distributed following each meeting. DFBIOO36756291SET1652.DOC Provide the CITY with revzew comments o£ drafts of the Consent Order. Comments will be formally provided to FDEP for each draft of the Consent Order after discussing review comments with the CITY. · Attend up to 2 public meetings associated with the issuance of the draft Consent Order and Notice of Intent to issue the Consent Order. Task 4 - Permitting Services Prior to constructing modifications to the injection well, the existing operating permit will have to be modified to allow the modifications to take place in accordance with regulations. The following services will be pr0~ided bY ,CH2M HIEL: · prepare ~pd submit to FDEP an op,e, rating, perrnit, modification application With supporting information, as ~:e~e~t by EDEP: · Respond to upto 2 FDEp requests for jnfo~mation (RFI) regarding the permit modification application. · Attend up to two meetings with the FDEP during the permitting process. · Review Draft Permit modification and Notice of Intent to Issue an operating permit- modificahon and provide comments to the City and FDEP. · Attend up to 2FDEP permit public notice meetings. Task 5 - Subcontracting Services CH2M HILL will provide the following subcontracting services: · Subcontract directly with a well drilling/service company to conduct the well repairs, · Respond to subcontractor's questions and requests. Task 6 -Construction Services The specific construction services to be provided by CH2M HILL include the following: · Review submittals for general compliance with the design concept of the project and the provistons of the Contract Documents. Conduct a pre-construction meeting with the subcontractor and City staff prior to the subcontractor mobilizing to the site. CH2M HILL will prepare a meeting agenda, conduct the meeting, prepare a meeting summary, and distribute to meeting attendees. · Provide an onsite construction manager. The manager shall be on site during the entire well repair procedure. · Attend weekly construction progress meetings and provide a written summary of the issues discussed. · Respond to subcontractor requests for information or interpretations. DFB/OO3675629/SET1652.DOC 3 · In coniunction with CITY staff make preliminary and final inspections and prepare and assist in the resolution of the contract punch lis~. Advise the CITY as to the Substantial and Final Co .mplefion of ~he project in accordance with the Contract Documents. · Upon completion of the project, prepare a Certificate of Construction for submittal to FDEP. Task 7 - Engineering Report A Technical Memorandum describing ~he well repair shall be prepared for submittal to the City and the FDEP. The following services will be provided by CH2M HILL: · Prepare Technical Memorandum detailing the repmr of the injection well for submittal to the City and FDEP. · Respond to up to 2 FDEP request for information (RFI) regarding the Technical Memorandum. · Provide City with two copies pitts anadditional 7 copies for distribution to FDEP and Technical Advisory Committee Task 8 - Mechanical Integrity Testing Plan and RFI Responses The following services willbe provided by CH2M HILL: · Prepare Mechanical Integrity Testing plan for submittal to FDEP. · Respond to up to 2 FDEP request for information (RFI) regarding the MIT plan. · Contract with suitable well testing service company. · Organize and attend the pre-MIT meeting with the CITY and selected well testing subcontractor. · Manage MiT subcontractor services, including contract clarifications, submittal review, and pay requests. Task ~ - MiT Field Services CH2M HILL will provide on-site resident manager during MIT activities. These activities will include the following: · Pressttre test of the well · Perform video survey of the well to at least the base of the 16-inch casing · Perform a temperature and casing collar locator log on the well · Perform background gamma ray log · Conduct radioactive tracer survey Task 10 - MIT Report A report describing the MIT procedure and results shall be prepared for submittal to the. City and the FDEP. The following services will be provided by CH2M HILL: DFB/003675629/SET1652.DOC · Prepare MIT report for submittal to the City and FDEP summarizing test4ng results and historic monitor well water quality. -~,, Respond to up to 2 FDEP request for information (RFI) regarding the MIT report. C. Assumptions The following assumptions were made for the preparation of this Task Order: · Construction management based on 4 weeks of actual construction and testing (7 days a week). · The CITY will be responsible ~or all permitting fees. · CH2M HILL's estimated repair and testing cost for the services in.this scope is $906,010. All tasks that FDEP is anticipated to require associated with the well repair and testing are include4 i~ this~askOi:der~.Becanse conditions trf the injectiqn vcell canno't be determined tmti] work is underway and FDEP could require ta~ks notincluded with this Task Order, a contingency allowance of $75,000 should be a~ded to a.cfount for unimticilSated repair~te~ting Costs. SUch Work, if necessary, ~he~e~taken only after consttttation with CITY staff. D. Additional Services The following are examples of some specific additional services that may be re~tuired, but are not included within this Scope of Services. · Provide additional Consent Order negotiations/permitting assistance in excess of that specified in this Task Order. · Additional construction resident observation in excess of person-hours specified in this Task O~der. These and other servtces can be provided, if desired by the CITY, under separate Task Order(s) or by an amendment to this Task Order. Services performed will be on an as- directed basis in accordance with a written Notice to Proceed from the Utilities Director. E. Obligations of the CITY · The CITY shall provide to CH2M HILL, as required for the performance of services specified herein, record data and information related to the injection well system. · The CITY will provide plant operations personnel to operate values and route concentrate fluids to disposal facilities other than the DIW during portions of the testing. · The CITY will provide access to the site. F. Corn pensation Compensation by the CITY to CH2M HILL will be on a lump sum basis in accordance with Article 2.A of the Agreement. The estimated compensation for the services described in this Task Order is $906,010 plus a $75,000 contingency allowance to be administered by the City to account for unanticipated modifications to the injection well system for a total cost not to DFB/003675629/SET1652.DOC exceed amount'of $981,010. The tabl~ betow presents the fee breakdown for this project by task: Injection Well Repairs anc MIT City of Boynton Beach Labor Person- Labor Expense Grand Hours Cost Cost Total 32 $2.550 280 $21.320 112 $10,300 32 $2.880 48 $3,930 60 $5,200 Task I - Design and Specifications 92 $8.570 $1,000 $9,570 Task 2 - Surge Analysis 30 $2,630 $270 $2.900 Task 3 - Consent Order Negobat~ons 96 $10,600 $1,000 $11.600 Task 4 - Permit Modification 120 $10.740 $1.000 $11.740 Task 5 - Subcontracting Repair and MIT $350 $2.900 Task 6 -Construction Services $4,400 $25.720 Subcontractor Costs' 818.0~30 Task 7 - Engineering Report S450 $10.750 Task 8= MIT Plan and RF] Reseonses $200 $3,080 Task 9 - MiT Field Services $320 $4,250 Task 10 - MIT Report $300 $5.500 Total 902 S78,720 $9;290 $'906,010 Contingency 75,000 Total $981,010 *A cost breakdown of Subcontractor costs is attached to this Task Order. G. Schedule The 95 percent compIete design will be completed within 7 days from the-Notice to Proceed. The permit modification application will be completed within 21 days from the Notice to Proceed, Construction will begin within 30 days of receipt of the modified permit and final Consent Order. Construction will be completed within 120 days of receipt of the modified permit and Consent Order. The Technical Memorandum summar~qng the repairs and Report §mmmarizing the MIT will be complete within 45 days of the completion of construction and testing, respectively. APPROVED BY: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA By:. Kurt Bressner, City Manager Dated this day of 2000. SUBMITTED BY: CH2M HILL, INC. Thomas M~. Mc(~ormick, P.G. Vice President, Area Manager Dated this l~ day of ,2000. DFB/OO3675629/S ET1652.DOC 6 99/11/90 ~ON ~0;$9 FAX 9414~94545 YOL~G~UI$I BROI~ER$ ~NC ~002 2000 Youngquist Brother% I~c. 15465 Pin~ Ridge Road Fort Myers, Florida 33~08 941-459-4444 David McNabb CH2M ~ i801 Au~alian Ave. S¢m/h,.Suite 102 ~%at Palm Beach. Florida 33409 Re: Cost Proposal - Boyaton Beach Tub~ R~ofit (Revi~l) ,Item DeseriDtfon Oualltitv UMt Prie~ Total I.) ~{ob'gimtion 1 LS $150,000 2.} Kill Well 1 EA 54,000 i.) RemoveT~spos¢ Tubing 2,720 LF $50 40 Cm4ng TV Survey 1 EA ~,000 5.) ~ New FRP Tubing 2,'700 LF $I 64 60 Tubing Pressure Test 1 EA $3,500 7.) Cement Tubing to Surlhc¢ 1 LS $12,000 7.) Tubii~g Pressure Test 1 LS $3,500 90 RTSi! ,Complete) 1 LS $17,000 10,) Irtie~a'on Test/Plant Equip. 1 LS $4,200 1 LS $40,000 I1.) ~bilization. $15&000 $4,000 $136,0~0 :~442.800 3,500 $12;000 $4;200 $40i000 Total $818,000 Plea.se call if you have any questions or need any addition,al im%rmation. Resp~etfully, Edward McCallem, Vice Preddent V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM C)TY OF BOYNTON BEACF AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOtura ReQuested City Commission Meetino Dates [] November 21. 2000 [] December 5. 2000 December 19. 2000 [] January 2.2001 Date Fina: Form Must be Tumed in to City Cierk's Office November 9. 2000 [5:00 November 22.2000 (5:00 p. mJ December 6. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20.2000 (5:00 p.m.) Rex]uested Ci~ Commission Meetine Date~ [] January 16. 2001 [] February6.2001 February 20.2001 [] March 6. 2001 Dare Final Form Mustbe Turned in to City Clerk's Offir,~ January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) January 17, 200t (5:00 e.rn.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation ' RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the approval of State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Grant funds in the amount of $10,000 to Asnor and Cadrine Der to purchase, as first time homebuyers, the property located at 454 S.W. 2"° Avenue. EXPLANATION: The applicants have requested a grant in the amount of $10,000 in SHIP funding to assist in the purchase of the above referenced property, located in the City of Boynton Beach's Housing Programs target area. The family's annual income of $47.709 meets SHIP requirements and 31acas them in the moderate-income category with a family of four (4) members. PROGRAM IMPACT: This will allow another family to settle in Boynton Beach and achieve the "American Dream" of homeownership, which is in keeping with the City of Boynton Beach Five Year Consolidated Ptan adopted in 1997. FISCAL IMPACT: The expenditure of these funds fulfills the "Gap Financing" component of the City's Local Housing Assistance Plan. and is a part of the $445,580 received in the second year of SHIP allocation funding. ALTERNATIVES: The approval of these funds is necessary for these applicants to close this deal, as the pending first mortgage is based on the applicant's debt ratio and ability to pay. ~Z "" /~p art m e h'CH ~ad's 'STg~a~u~e ' nature Department of Development Division of Community Redevelopment Department Name City Attorney, / Finance / Human Resources SUMMARY OF LOAh TRANSACi/ON - PUBLTG/PR~VATE SUBSXDIES DATE: '~,= 3, 2000 APPI/CANT(S): Gea. ch, r~.: 33435 TRANSACTZON SUMMARY: $ .98,300 RATE: LTV: 90% ' SECOND. MORTGAGE AMOUNT: LENDER: LOAN *TYPE: $ ~tv Of Boy~.%on ~each. THIRD MORTGAGE AMOUNT: LENDER: LOAN TYPE: APPLZCANT FUNDS: PREPA~DSI ESCROWED FUNDS. pA/D $ 3,385.14 $335 '2000 _ 1050,14 SELLER CONCESSZOH: TOTAL: SZGNED: TITLE: $, 111,685,,].4 g~,/~'~ x~,~*"~' , DATE: ,~:~'r, be.r ~, 2000 Uni~ VL:~, ~:esidmnt, ~ ~ ~ Requested Ci~ Commission Meeting Dates [] November 21. 2000 '~ December 5 2000 NATURE OF AGENDAITEM CITY OF ] NDA Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m4 November 22, 2000 ~5:00 p.m.) December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20, 2000 (5:0C p.m.) [] Administrative [] Consent Agenda [] Public Hearing [] Amaomacement Requested City Cormmission Meeting Dates Date Final Form Must be Turned in to CiW Clerk~ s Office [] January 16,2001 Jallllary 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) [] February 6, 2001 January 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m. [] February. 20. 2001 February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m-) [] March 6. 2001 February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.rm ~ [] Development Plans · [] New Business [] Legal [] Unf'mished Business RECOMZVIENDATION: c~ ,~_ ~ ~-> Mohon' to a rove the ex end ture of $26 200 for the purchase of one copy of ArcSDE8 enterprise ~oftware and two,sopie~... . . · ~. PP P . . ~, ,, ~ Arc/info8 Software. This purchase will be made through Enwronmental Systems Research Institute th~ ~91e ,ma?facturer of this software. [Sole Source Letter Attached) Funding is available in G.I.S. Software Account 001-5Q00~590-02-53. ~ EXPLANATION: - The pu~,_chase of this software s a req, uired component of the G.I.S. tmpiementat'on Plan. ArcSDE is th~e 'gateway' t~t~een the City s mu t-user GIS and the citYs existing SOLServer Database(see attached documentation!~ This Wil ~!bw ~EGIS essexsti dataaboutc rd ramsandfac t es to perform spat al ana ys s The resbi~s 0{ the ~fiiysis b~ the userstoacc ng typ g · - ' '~'"" b City staff w produce charts, graphs, tables reports, and d~gltal and hardcopy maps. The Arclnfo software wflt,~ ut[!~z~ y the two GISlCadd Technicians to create new layers of dig ta information ( e -zoning, land use, vari~incbs pa~s~:;ci~ o~ined property) for the entire City to use va the City of Boynton Beach ntranet. This data can dSO b&,pubished'~fi th~ Ci~ of Boynton Beach web site. if desired, to provide information about the City of Boynton Beach to the co~muflity. ~ .... PROGRAM IMPACT: The City Comm ss on, through the FY 2000-01 budget process approved the GIS Implementation Plan. Year (~ne. of ~d;te~lan · 'fin thefoundatonofanaccuratedatabaseand nkng ttotheCtyGSbasemap Ths sacc~mpli~he~'b¥ idl~.~the ArcSDE Software to the existing City's SQLServer database and HTE database. The ArcSDE and Arolnfc~ ~ffware ~re cdtical components of the GIS Implementation FISCAL IMPACT: · The two copies of Arc/Info8 Software was approved in the FY2000/01 budget in the amount of $18,000 Tfie;c0stfe[lhis software is $16,200. · The one copy of ArcSDE was approved in the FY2000/01 budget in the amount of $10,000. The cost for th~s~sgf[wa_re is $10 000. 3~LTERNATIVES: This software,s are(Wi) Ed component of the G.I.S. implementation Plan. D~ntHead s Si~e / I~o~on Tec~ology Se~s/G.I.S. Depment Nme ' ~ty Manager's signature City Attorney / Finance l-Iuman Resources S:~BULLETIN~ORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC Ax-cSDE CN-ervzew http://ww~v.esri.com~ so t'tware/ar~intb/arc sale/index.hr Overview ArcSDE 8: The GIS Gateway to Relational Databases ArcSDE plays a fundamental role in both multi-user and distn~buted GIS systems. With ArcSDE 8 your GIS sofYware (Ami. nfo, ArcView GIS, AmlMS, and others) can work directly with spatial data managed in a DBMS. ArcSDE provides the gateway between ESRI's GIS software and the DBMS, filling three roles: .4rcSDE works with Arclnfo and,4rcJ3~ to act as a gateway to the DB3~. As an integral part of a multi-user ArcGIS system As an application server to deliver spatial d~ta to many users and applications As.a developer tool for open access using either ArcObjects or its own Java or C application programming interface (APl) ArcSDE is completely integrated with and supports all the major functions and capabilities of a "spatially enabled" DBMS like sOpracle Spatial, IBM's DB2 Spatial Extender, ,,a~_d Informix's atial D~itaBlade. ArcSDE ~nables Arclnfo 8 s geodatabase to use the extended spatial types of a spatially enabled DBMS to 1 0/'2 11/2/00 4:00 PM AreSDE Overview ht~p :tA~vw. esn.com/so Rware/arcm2b/arcsde/mdex.h~ st~r,e ~and ,manage _feature. ~g~_0m~try. At Arc/afro 8, ~cSDE work~ oracle?nd ~cr0soft:Sq~I4 server; at Arclnfo 8.1, ArcSDE Mll:~so w6rk wi/h Info~}. and IBM DB2 8, Combi~ied with'Arclufo 8, provides new fimctionality versioning, direct editing of spatial data, and support for new data types including raster files and locaters (addresses). In addition, multi-user Arclnfo 8 geodatabases are managed by ArcSDE 8. The geodatabase model is an object-orient~d model that allows user~ to add behavior, properties, rules, and relationships to their data. ArcSDE 8 Enterprise includes: · ArcSDE forDBMS Server, available foryour choice of Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server (and soon IBM DB2. and Informix) · Five AmSDE:Read-Write Client Connects · O~e 12-month term license of Arcinfo 8 · One'Year Maintenance and Technical Support for ArcSDE Next >> ArcSDE Features Software-Data-Beoks-Consulfing-GIS~Store J News-Events:Careem-AboutESRI Support - G S Educa§on & Tra n n~ -~G S foil,Your Spec airy - Farmer Sokr~ons - Library Copyright © Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. Bend your commentb:to: webmasterl~tesri.com ESRI Web Sit~ I~rlvacy Policy 2 of 2 11/2/00 4:00 PM &rcSDE ?~equently Asked Questtons http://www.csri.corn/sottware/arcmtb/arcsdejlbqs.l~t[ Frequentl ~O: What is'ArcSD'E 8? ~.A. ,2.~, 9S~E 8 S0ft~..am~ p~..~01e; ~to provtde gateway access ~ ai~ti~mer~ ~!S: 2e~ ~, ~0~at :to,sga~al dat~ stored in a DBMS. ~C~ ~ld~p~t~p;,~t~andard DBMS teclmology and enables ~clnfo 8, Arc~, S 7, Are.V;i~~ an,dMapObject~ to store, manage, access, analyze, and publish spatial datlin a DBMS. A. ArcSDE I role in a multi-user GIS by and interested in application spatial I of 2 O. What is a geodatabase? . A geodatabase is a repositorY of your spatial information spatial-data, business roles, relationships, and behavior) inside a ditabase manP, gement system (DBMS). Geodatabases can scale from small, single-user databases to large work group and enterpris~ ge°databases used simultaneously by many users. Q. What DBMSs work with ArcSDE 8? A. ArcSDE 8 works with a variety of different databases. At ArcInfo 8.0.2} ArcSDE Works with Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server; at Arclnfo 8. l, ArcSDE will also work with Informix, and IBM DB2. See y.o_ur ESRI repr~entative for additional information on client, server, and DBMS support. Q. Why:did ESRI change the name from SDE to ArcSDE? A. At the 8.0. l release, we renamed SDE as ArcSDE tO accentuate its integrati°n with Arclnfo 8. We truly believe that Arclnfo 8, ArcSDE 8, and ArclMS 3 combined will revolutionize the way you think about GIS. Q. Howdo I purchase ArcSDE 8? 11/2/00 4:04 PIV Axe?DE Frequently Asked Questions http:/Avww.esri.comlsol:Cware/arcmtb/arcsde/t'aqs.htr Q. How do I purchase ArcSDE 8? A. You ~an purchase ArcSDE as an extension to Arclnfo oras ArcSDE Enterprise, which comes with ~ Next >> How to Purchase ArcSDE Software - Data - Books - Consulfin~l - GIS Store I . News - Events - Careers - About ESR[ Supp°r~' GIS Educatl°n & Traininlt - GIS f°r Y°ur Specialty - Partner $olufiens - Library j Copyright © Environmental Systems Research Institute, rnc Send your comments to: webmeatar~esrLcom ESRI Web Site g'nvacy ~'Ol~Cy July 10, 2ouo ' 2 of 2 11/2/00 4:04 PM PURGHASE REQUISI~ NBR: 0000011987 STATUS: INSUFFICIENT FUNDS REQUISITION BY: ITS/GIS REASON: REQUIRED COMPONENT OF GIS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN SHIP TO LOCATION ITS VIA WAREHOUSE SUGGESTED VENDOR: 6406 ESR/, INC. LINE NBR DESCRIPTION UNIT EXTEND _ QUANTITY UOM COST COST DATE: 10/31/00 DELIVER BY DATE: 12/01/00 VENDOR PART NUMBER ARC/INF0 SINGLE USER FLOATING LICENSE/SOFTWARE 2.00 EA 8100.0000 16200.00 52382 CO~4ODITY: COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC SUBCOMMOD: SOFTWARE APPL. FOR MICRO ARCSDE SOFTWARE 1.00 EA 10000.0000 10000.00 COMMODITY: COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. SUBCOMMOD: SOFTWARE APPL FOR MICRO REQUISITION TOTAL: 26200.00 LINE ~ ACC0[3NT 1 00150005900253 2 00150005900253 ACCOUNT INFORMATI ON PROJECT % AMOUNT 100.00 16200.00 100.00 10000.00 26200.00 REQUISITION COMMENTS: CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL 11/21/2000 SOLE SOURCE PROVIDER - LETTER ATTACHED. REQUISITION IS IN THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR. - OOT-li-O0 WED 05~49 ~ ESRt S~LE$ F~× ~0. 909 307 3049 ?, O] October 1 I, 2000 City of Boynton Bcach, FL- GIS Coordinator - ITS Dept. Dear Regina l lagger: This letter is ro confirm that F. nviromnental Systems l~esem.ch Instimm (ESRI) is thc sole manufacturer or Arclnfo & AreSDE software & software extensions, supported oaal[ hardware platforms_ ESRI is also the soIe provider of consulting/implementation services for Iheir products, as well as the sole provider of all technical support services relative to ttTeir software. If you have any questions regarding this matter, ple&qe call me Back at 1-800-447-9778. Sincc~gly, ~ I '-Li,sa Farrington ESRI - Senior TelcbuMnes.q Representative DATE: 10/30/100 TIME: 08:36 AM TO: +1 () 561-742-6298 ESRI PAGE: 002-00~ ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. ESRI-RedPand; 380 New York St. Redlanda CA 92373 Phone: 800-447-9778 F~c 909-307-3049 Quotation # Q--800-66922 Date: October 27, 2000 REGINA HAGGER CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 124 E WOOLBRIGHT RD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 To expedite your order, p~ase a~tach a copy of this Quotation to your purchase order. Quote is valid for 30 days as of quotation date. PHONE: 561-742-6Zl86 FAX: 561-742-6298 Material Qty Description Unit Pdce Total 52,382 2 ARC/tNFO$incjleUserFIoatingLicense 8,100. O0 16,200. O0 I ArcSDE 10,000.00 10,000.00 before Ship[=u~tg & Handling 26,200.00 Shipping $24.97 Price per Caroline Staab at ESRI-Charlolte By: Lisa Farrington Ext: 2392 Entail: Ifarrington@esd.com This Quotation ~ made in confidence for your retCew only. It may not be d~sclosed to third oar~as. *Subtotal does not include applicable saias talc If sending remittance, please address to: ESRI, File No. 54630, Los Angeles, CA 90074-4630 LICENSING: ArcView end its Extensions. MapObjects. and Atlas all ca*ne with "si3rink wrapped' license agreements. C~;ain ESRI 3roducts may require s~gneci licen se agreements. Some non-ESRl data products also redu~e signed license agreemonts. This means. ~at ~he data will not be shipped unffi the signed license agreement hes been returned to the data vendor. If applicable, the appropriate license agreement will be maJ~ed or faxed to y~u when yon ptace the ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. ESFU4Redianda 380 New York St. Redlande CA 92s73 Phone: 800-447-9778 Fax: 909-307-3049 Quotation # Q-800-66922 Date: October 27, 2000 Page: 3 To expedite your order, either attach a c~py of thin quotation to your purchaee orderwhen it is remitted to ESRI, Or sign below and return this quotation to indlcote your acceptance. ESRI'e sddrees and fax number are lit~tad abev~. By signing below, your am Indicating that you am authorized to obligate funds for your company or organization. If your organization Is a US Federal Government agency or a company that will not pay an invoice without havln~l*iesued a formal pumbese order, · signed quotatlonwill not be accepted unless it Is aCCOmpanied by your pumhase order. Signature of Authorized Representative Name (Please Print) Title This quotation is valid for 30 da~. The quotation information is proprieta~ and may not be copied or released o~es' than for the express purpose of sysbem selestlon and purchase/licanse. This information may not be given to outside pa'tias or used for any o~er purpose wizhcxJt consentfrom ~menteJ Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI). Any estimated sales and/or use tax reflected on this quote has been calculated as of the date of this quotation and is merely provided as a c°nvanienca f°r Yosr organiza~don's budgeta,'Y purposes. ESRI raser,,~es theright toedjust and collect satasand/or usetex at the actual date of invoicing, if your oganization is tax axernpt or p~js state taxes directly, then prior to invaic~tg, your orgasizat~on mas~ provide ESRI with a cc~y of a current tax exanptK~n certificate issued by ycur stme's taxing auth ~-;'ty for the gk~n turisdiction By: Lisa Farrington Ext: 2392 Emaih Ifarrington@esn.com This Quo~tk~n is made in con~dence for your re,few only. It may r~ot be disclosed to ~hird ~rties_ ff sending remittance, please address to: ESRI, File No. ,~t830, Los Angeles, CA ~0074-4630 LICENSING: A~cView and its Extensions. MapObjects. and Atlas all c~"ne with =shrink wrapped" license agreements. C~'tain ESRI products may require signed lice3 se agreements. Some n~-ESRI data produ c~s also require signed license agreern~ts. This means. ~hat the data will not be sl~ipped unt~ the signed license agrea'nent has been returned to Ihe data vendor. It appl~ble, the Requested City Conunission Meeting Dates [] November21. 2000 --] December 5, 2000 [] December I9. 2000 [] January 2. 200I V-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEAC ITEM K AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FC Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office November 9. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22, 2000 5:00 p.m.) December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commission Mcetin~ Dates [] January. 16. 2001 [] February 6,2001 [] Februar~ 20,2001 [] M~rch 6, 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in ~ City Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.I Jmmary 17, 2001 f5:00 p.m.) Februar2 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) Februa~ 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m3 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve Task Order #1 with CI-I_2M Hill for the design, permitting, bidding services, and services during construction for the replacement of water mains and stormwater improvements in Seacrest Estates in the amount of $160,110. EXPLANATION: The Utility Department has identified several areas in the water transmission system that need improvements. Most of these improvements are needed to replace aging galvanized or unlined small diameter cast iron mains, many of which are located in rear easements. Problems include: low volume, deteriorated water quality due to increased iron levels, loss of disinfection, fire flow, and access to meters and mains in fenced areas. PROGRAM IMPACT: We recommend replacement of approximately 10,250 feet of water mains in this area and replacement of all rear easement services. Additionally, concurrent with this project, we propose to install swales and other stormwater improvements as identified in the October 1999 Camp, Dresser and McKee Stormwater Master Plan Update. This project is bounded by SE 23~a Avenue to SE 27t~ Avenue. and from Seacrest Blvd. To SE 2na Street. and also approximately 2100 feet of unlined cast iron main along South Seacrest Blvd. from SE 28t~ Avenue to SE 36m Avenue. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of this Task Order is $160,110 which includes: design, permitting and services during construction. Funds are available for this Water Capital Improvement Program (#O1041) in the Utility General Reserve Account g403-5000-$90-96.02, WTR054. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Leave alone, 2. Perform work as design-build project, 3. Perform water mains and stormwater work as separate project. We recommend proceeding with the design, bid construct method for this water main project and include stormwater improvements to maximize the benefits to the residents, reduce costs, and reduce overall disruption to the neighborhood. ~1 Department Head s Signature . anager s Signature CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Utilities Department Department Name Cit~ A~ora~/Finance g Human Resources cc: Finance Legai Barbara Conboy File S :~BULLET1NWORMSL~GENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC SE 36 Avenue is'otd unlined cast iron pipe. Poor water quality has also been reported in fids area. This section of water main requires replacement and upsizing to a larger size compatible with service needs. The work will be developed for inclusion in the bid documents, however the CITY may cho6se to perform fids work with CITY personnel. To mirdmize disruption to neighborhoods, the City will continue implementation of it's swale impro.v~ment program on streets receiving water mare improvements. On.these streets, the project will incorporate drainage improvements mcludmg swale, driveway and s~dewalk reconstruction commensurate with the water main work and bid/in the same construction contract. It is understood that there will be future projects throu~gh0ut the City consisfir~g,of water main replacements and swale improvements. Therefore, construction documents sUch as specifications and standard details will be developed in a manner that will make them easily reusable on subsequent projects. The CITY has requested engineering services from CH2M HILL (CONSULTANT) to implement the Seacrest Estates Area improvements for the small diameter lines and swales in the general area bounded by Seacrest Boulevard, Southeast 31 Avenue, Southeast 21 Avenue, and the railroad tracks at Dixie:l~ghway. Items included in fids Task Order provide for the preparation of biddable drawings and specifications, bid-and construction phase services. B. Scope of Services Task 1 - Design The CONSULTANT will provide professional engineering services to the CITY for replacement of the small dLameter water lines, the 6-inch water main on Seacrest Boulevard and the swale improvements as detailed in Exhibit A-1. The Work will include preparation of Drawings and Specifications to be used for bidding, construction, and permitting purposes. The specific scope of services to be provided by the CONSULTANT in this Task Order includes the following: 1. Perform a field survey, utilizing a licensed surveyor, of the streets identified in Extn'bit A-1. Survey will need to provide topography and street cross-sections and well as location of all surface features, including vegetation, manholes (with inverts), driveways, walks and curbing. Using surface features, existing record drawings, known utility information and City mapping, prepare base plans for the project. If compatible, the City's available aetial mapping will be used as a background for the survey and base plan~ The mapping must be rectified and scaleable. The background will be used as a visual aid to design and construction only, since it is unlikely that the scales of the survey and the mapping will match exactly without performing the survey as aetial photogran~metry. The area is to small for cost effective photogrammetry. 2. Perform a walk through of the area identified for new piping to verify water line and sanitary sewer locations and alignments based on observations of manholes, surface features and valves. DFB10014A~3.DOC 2 Task Order No. 1 November 7, 2000 Technical Services for Design, Bidding and Construction Phase ~SerVices,Between CH2M HILL and · A. Background In 1989, the City o~ Boynton Beach (CITY) completed a Water and Wastewater Master Plan that i~!ent~fied major,capital improvements in the CITY's utility system throu~h~the year 2~00 Tho projects identi/ie~:m ~r p~ r~latea to the, water system included impro~emen~ts to t~ Cll~'s drinking water facilities to improve operations and increase water production capacity as well as ~mprovements to the water transmission system. Several o£ the identified improvements related to areas where water mains smaller than 6- inches in diameter are located and areas where the water mains were located behind residential propertiesin a utility easement. The Seacrest Estates Area contains small diameter water mains (2 to 4-inche~ in diameter) many of which are also located behind residences in the utility eaSements..: The'e~fing ~wat~er ~ains Lu this area are mOstly aging, galvanized or unlined, cast iron pi?e~ _~. e~ have ~enio.g0m~ ~omp!a~ts o~ low Vress~e ana poor Water ~u~ty in ~s area.. ,Maintainii~ the.wate~ mains ~n~the Utility easement has been problematic since many of the residents have buitt on the easements. There have also been incidents with dogs and the residents d°n, 't appreciate having utility workers in their backyards. Replacement of the small diameter water mains with minimum &inch diameter water mains and,lo~pi~3g~hhe?~ys[em ~i!!.increase.~are~ pre~ssures, improve water quality, and prov£de a more re!iable sys[~, ~ ~r~i.' ~cUIarly ~qr~ fir~ s~ei 'M0vi~ig ff~e location, of the water mains to the ro~/dways ~1!' ~t~e the Pr6blems~ss°ciat6d~vi~ the backy~rd easements and improve meter r~adihg:effi~iency. CITY staff t ~ater mains throughout the CITY; CITY's resources. The crrY has ~he desired time schedule and water main replacement work. The Task Order~shall be performed The applicability: In addition to the small diameter water mmn replacement work, an approximately 2,100-foot section of the 6-inch diamete~ water main on Seacrest Boulevard from roughly Mission Hill to DF810014A2.3.DOC Determine appropriate pothole locations for inclusion into the sttrvey sub-contract. Potholes will determine top of pipe elevations relative to nearby permanent structures. All pipes that ,cross the path of proposed piping are required to be located. In addition any pipe paralleling and within 10 feet of proposed path of the new piping shall be potholed and elevations determined every 250 feet or until the 10 foot separation is obtained. Prepare Construction Drawings for small diameter water main replacement, the replacement of the approximately 2,100 foot section of the 6-inch water main on Seacrest Boulevard anck the swale improvements. Note: Swale improvements will not be conducted on Seacrest Boulevard. Provide five copies of 30 percent and 90 percent complete Drawings to the CITY for review. CONSULTANT. shall meet with the CITY to discuss review comments after each respective submittal. CITY comments shall be incorporated into the Drawings as appropriate. · Drawings will be provided at the 30%, 90% and 100% (bid documents) stages. The 30% and 90%'drawings will be provided at haft-size. The Drawings will show the new water main and the service laterals to the right-of- way limits in the plan view only. Spot elevations will only be provided at conflicts. Drawings will be a scale of 1' = 20' and will show two rows of plan views per shqet. * The new &inch water mains willbe located within the fight-of-ways of the neighborhood streets Swale improvements and sidewalk replacement will be shown by use of standard sections keyed to the plan drawings. Driveways to be regraded and replaced will be shown on the drawings. Swales and sidewalks will be replaced on both sides of any streets were water main improvements are made. Provide to the CITY five copies of full-size final Drawings along with an electronic version of the Drawings in DWG file format, compatible with the CITY AutoCADD system. · All existing and proposed tight-of-ways shall be indicated and dimensioned, as shall public utility easements. Drawings will show locations of existing water lines, sanitary sewers, and storm sewer inlets. Streets, driveway, and buildings will be outlined on the Drawings. Underground storm sewers will not be shown unless they are in an area of conflict between water lines. · Existing pavements shall be indicated and dimensionally located within the right-of- way. Rim elevations and pipe inverts on all sanitary sewer manholes and storm sewer inlets shall be indicated where they will be in conflict with the proposed routing of the water main. Otherwise, only rim elevations will be provided. · Accessible benchmarks shah be listed on all plans using N.G.V.D. DFB10014A23.DOC 3 Topographic details such as fences, sidewalks, walls, curbs, vegetation, signs poles, etc. will be shown as required to fully depict the swale, driveway and sidewalk [mprov, ements. · II~e:proposed alignment for new water hneE ag,~c~ .sarri~at7 sew?~rs~wfll:b,e slT0wn with locations of tie-ins and sample points. No horizontal or vertical survg}~ ~e-ips will be provided except where conflicts are detected. The length and diameter Of pipe will be noted. Existing underground utilities y~ill be shown on the Drawings,basedton:field survey a%d e~sting ~ecor,~t ~inf~0~ ~rm~o%x~.~t~,~s~h0w~D are,q~,~y.,~,gs~e, ~u~s~l~ated, wittfir~ ~e work area.' Util~ ]0catiom will be~v~ifie& W%~ ~.~so .r~, el?and No- Cuts'(. · Profiles will be provided for sanita .ry sewers only where conflicts are antiCiPated. · The CITY's Standard De~ails shall be incorporated into the Drawings. The project drawings are expected to consist of the following sheets: Estimated Sheet Count for Seacrest Estates Improvements City of Boynton Beach ' Sheet No. Drawing No. Title 1 G:I Cover Sheet, 2 G-2 Legends 3 C-1 Overall Site Plan 4-10 C-2 to C-8 Water Main and Swale Improvements Plan 11 and 12 · C-9 and C-10' Seacrest Boulevard Water Main Plan 13 D-1 Typical Swale Sections and Details 14 D-2 Typical Driveway and Sidewalk Details 15 D-3 Standard Details 16 D-4 IStandard Details Prepare Specifications and Contract Documents for bidding purposes for the water main replacement and swale improvement work.. Contract Documents will use the City's existing "front-end" modified as appropriate for this project. Di~zision 1-16 technical specifications will uHlize CH2M HILL master specification format. · Separate bid schedules will be provided for the water main and the swale related work. The new water mains will be 6 inch diameter, C-900 PVC. The main in Seacrest Boulevard will be either C-900 PVC or cement lined ductile iron; size will be as determined by the City. DFB10014A23.DOC a · The Contract Documents may allow for either directional drilling or open-cut for the new pxpe installation. · The existing water mains will be cut and abandoned in place. · Specifications will include all restoration requirements, tir~tation on Contractor activities in residential neighborhoods and public notification requirements. · The contract documents will provide coordination for City installation of meters and installation of service lines to individual homes by the existing City contractor. Installation of honse services willbe included in the Contract Document as a additive alternate ~o be selected at the City's Option. 6. Prepare a cost:estimate based on the bid proposal for the project. Task 2- Permitting The CONSULTANT will also assist the CITY in obtairdng Palm Beach County Public Health Unit construction permits for the pipe replacgment by obta~ and completing .t~.e permit forms for CITY approval/signature and providing required background ircformation. Permitting for the Palm Beach County public Health Unit willbe perform ~e~:t co.ncurre.n.tly with final design services. This effort is expected ~minima!, s_ince the project ~s consxde~ed,, to be water main rehabilitation and not extension of the systems. The use of the "long-form will be required due to the project being:in excess Of 5000 LF and the fact that water mains are being reloca-ted (i.e.; not in the same trench). - There is no;anticipated permit requirement fo; the swale improvements or sidewalk work. Any City, Building Permits will be made the responsibility of the Contractor. Task 3 ' Bid Phase Services Bid p~ase services to be performed by the CONSULT~ are,* 1. ?re, are D~awin§ and Specification packages for biddin§ pu~oses. Dis~bute copies of the Contract Documents to the prospective bidde~. $. ?;ovide document ma]Hn§ and pre-bid services, such as assistance with advertisement, malta--s p~n holde;'s Us~, answe~n§ questions ~om potential b~dders, and issu~g addenda to plans a~d s~ecLh*cations. 4. Respond to questions ~zom prospective bidders and suppUe~s and ~ssue addenda as a~propz~ate. 5. Prepare agenda and. conduct a pre-b~d meetly§ with inte;ested co~tracto~ and C~' staff, l~epare and dist~bute meetin§ m~u~e$. 6. Review the b~ds receiYed and recommend award. 7. Co~form and prepare Contract Docu.ments for executio~ b~ contracto; and review Coni~act Documents and bonds before fo~ardin§ to the C~ for e×ecutio~. DFB10014A23.DOC Task 4 - Services During Construction The specific construction phase services or services during construction (SDC) to be provided by the CONSULTAlX~F include the following: 1. Prepare agenda.and-conduct pre-construction conference with selected contractor. Prepare and issue written meeting minutes of meeting, 2. Review submittals for general compliance with the design concept of the project and the provisions of the Contract Documents. 3. Provi'de an onsit? construction observer: The resident observer shall be onsite during all ii, jo construction a~d restoratiotx activ~ttes. · 4. Assist public awareiXess program to be prepared in 3 ' .the 7. Review ~y utilizing staff 'of the ;project; Meetings w~ll be held orders 8. Respond to contractor requas~ for information Or interpretations. 9. In conjunction witlx C1TY,:~ta~:~,m,~' ~ pr ,,.eli~ and~ final inspections and prepare and assist in the resoluti0kl of the cp~t,E~c~ ~ p~,~/i~;t. Advis~ the CI 1'¥ as to the Substantial and Final Completion'Of ~ proje~ in A~anc~ with"the' C~n~ract Documents. 10, Prepare and slabmit to ~th~ ~ on~ fuLl~sLze ~et of ~.epro;dlacible; 2 full-size sets of blue- es, and 5 half~s~e ~se~ as ~.ll as:k~ elL<k0hiyrver,sLon ~o£the Record Drawings. The Record Drawings will show tt~,e;~ge~, made d~uring~ co!n~trUctioi4, based on marked prints, drawings, and ether da,~ pr°v'~e4i,by ~¢ ~ont~actor 11. Upon completion of the project, prepare a Certificate of Construction for submittal to FDEP. C. Assumptions The following assumptions were made,for the preparation of this Task Order: i. Full time construction observation will be provided as an option to be selected by the City. Construction supervision hours are based on 14 weeks of actual construction (Monday through Friday); I0 homes per day for a total of 700 man-hours. This amount was then reduced by the amount of time allotted in the base contract if full-time DFBI0014A23.DOC 6 observation is not to be provided. The total budgeted time for a resident observer, in addition to the base construction phase services is 624 hours. 2. The City will provide "front-end" contract documents in digital format. 3. The City will providestandard water maixx and street details in digital format. 4. There are no permitting requirements for the swale improvements. 5. Definition of and taking of any easements will be the responsibility of the City. 6. The CITY will be responsible for all permitting fees. D. Additional Services The following are examples of some specific additional services that may be required, but are not included within this Scope of Services. 1. Provide additional permitting assistance in excess of the person-hours specified in this Task Order. 2. Additional construction supervision in excess of person-hours specified in this Task Order. Construction phase services are based on an estimated 4 month construction period from the time of contractor mobilization to final inspection. If the period of construction is extended, additional time and expenses may be necessary. 4. Assisting the City in the settlement of construction contractor claims. Replacement of small diameter water mains and swale improvements other locations other than those identified in this Task Order. Additional lump sum fees will be developed as requested by the City for future work to include additional drawings, revised "front-ends" and the preparation of additional bid documents. Bid services and SDC will be extended as appropriate. Surveying services will be provided at an additional cost. These and other services can be provided, if desired by the CITY, under separate Task Order(s) or by an amendment to this Task Order. Services performed will be on an as-directed basis in accordance with a written Notice to Proceed from the Utilities Director. E. Obligations of the CITY I The CITY shall provide to the CONSULTANT, as required for the performance of services specified herein, record data and information related to the water distribution system and streets within the project. 2. The CITY shall review all drawings and other documents presented by CONSULTANT; obtain advice of an attorney, insurance counselor, and others as CITY deems appropri- DFB10014A23.DOC ate for such'review and render dectsions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to unreasonably delay the services of CONSULTANT. With assistar~de by CONSULTANT, as described herein~ the CITY, as applicant, shall obtain 9pP~:0~a~s ~and permits from all g°¥er~2~nental ~uthqrities having jurisdiction over the project. Th~ CITY is responsible for the p~{ymen~ ~ all {~t fees. F. Compensation Compensation by'the CITY to CONSULTANT for all tasks except 4.3 wil! be on a lump sum basis in accordance with the Agreement. Task, 4.3, Resident-Ol~servation'wiil be invoiced on a time and materials basis fort-he amount of work ac.tually requi~ed by the:project. The estimated compensation for the services described in this Task Order is $160,110.00 ~s ~escrihed in the table below: Seacrest Estates Improvements City of Bo),nton Beach Labor Labor Expense Grand Hours Cost Cost Total Task 1 - Construcfion Documents Task 2 - Permitting Task 3 - Bid Phase Services Task 4.1-4.2 and 4.4-4.11 - Services During Construction 602 $43,950 $25.330 $59,280 10 $680 $190 $870 72 $5,420 $1,430 $6,900 300 $25,820 $3,340 $29,160 Sub-Total $75,870 $30,290 $106,160 Task 4.3 - Resident Observation 624 $49,370 $4,580 $53,950 Total $125,240 $34,870 $160,110 G. Schedule The 30 percent complete Drawings (including field survey) will be completed within 60 days from the Notice to Proceed. The 90 percent complete Drawings will be completed within 30 days of receipt of CITY's review comments on the 30 percent Drawings. The final Construction Drawings will be completed within 20 days of receipt of CITY's review comments on the 90 percent Drawings. DFBlOO14A23.DOC 8 APPROVED BY: CITY OF BOYNTC~N BEACH, FLORIDA By: Kurt Bressner, City Manager Dated this day of ,2000. SUBMflTED BY: CH2M HILL, INC. Vice President, Area Manager Dated this ~_ day of MO'Z' ,2000. DFB10014A23.DOC 9 Boynton Beach, Exhibit A-1 . Water Main Replacement and Swale Improvements Seacrest Estates Area Sheet Street Name Des~iption ,- , , New Pipe Existing Justification Length Pipe (feet) Diameter , (inches) 1 SE 27~ A~enue Between Seacrest Boulevard and SE 1st 950 o ~ . Easement Street 2 5E 26~ Avenue Between Seacrest Boulevard and SE 1st 750' 6 Easement Street 2 SE 26~ Avenue Between SE 1st Street and SE2nd Str~t 530 ~ 6 Easement SE 25 Avenue From Seacrest Boulevard to SE 1st Street · 520 4 Easement 3 SE 25~ Avenue Between SE 1st Street and SE2nd Street 575' 6? Easement 4 SE 24~ Avenue From SeacreSt Boulevard toSE 1st street 490 3 . Easement E rd , 5 S 23 Avenue From Seacrest Boulevard to,SE 1st Street 490 3 ~Easement E 4 S 24 Avenue BetwEen SE 1st Stree[ and SE2nd Street 650 67 :Easement E 5 S 23 Avenue Between SE 1st Street and SE 2nd Street 350 67 Easomo~t 6 SE 2~d Street From!SE 24th AvenUe to no~th of SE 23rd 460 6 Loop Avenue 6 SE 2~a Street F~Om~E 24th Avenue to SE 26th Avenue 920 4 Loop 7 SE 22nd Avenue ~ '~ '~ ' Fi~m?~Seacrest Boulevard to SE 2nd Street 600 2 Easomoqt 7 SE 1st Street ?r0m~orth of SE 23rd Avenue [o SE 21st 515 3 Siz~ ~v~nue 5 :SE 2~ Street Ftom~orth of SE 23rd Avenue to SE 21st 350 2 Easement Avenue 8 Seacrest Sou~Section of Unlined 6-mch Cast Iron 700 6 Size Boulevard Pipe 8-9 Seacrest M~ddIe Section of Unlined 6-inch Cast 700 6 Size Boulevard Iron Pipe 9 Seacrest NIO~ Section of Unlined 6-inch Cast Iron 700 6 Size Boulevard Pi~e Total 10,250 ~FB10014A23.DOC 10 Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] November 2I, 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] December 19. 2000 [] January2. 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON ITEM L AGENDA ITEM REQUEST t . Date Final Form Must be Turned In to City Clerk's Offi~{ November 9. 2000 5:00 p.rm) November 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 6. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20, 2000 (5:00p.m.) Requested City Commission Meeting Date_s [] January 16,200I [] February 6, 200l [] February 20. 200l [] March 6, 200I Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Offic~ January 3,2001 (5:00 p.m.) January 17, 200I (5:00 p.m.i Febrtmry 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m3 February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDAITE~VI [] Administxative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal ~ [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation .. RECOM3IENDATION: Motion to contract with Queues Enforth Development ( QED ) to make modifications to our current dispatch / records management system in the mount orS11,560.00. EXPLANATION: In August 1999 we purchased from QED our currant dispatch / records management system. From time to time changes are required in keeping with changes within technology. At this time we are requesting changes to the network soB:ware connecting our mobile data system to the host system for more efficient report submission. This will allow uploading of data from the laptops to the host system. The U.S. Department of Jnstice. Office of Community Policing Services will be funding the project in its entirety. PROGRAM 12MI'ACT: This will allow the dcpm'tment to make necessary changes to enhance the existing software. FISCAL IIV~ACT: COPSMORE Grant 1999CMWX2785 funded Account 105-3215-5,13-64-15 $11,560.00 ALTERNATIVES: Department Head's Signature Police Department Name C~ty Manager s Signature ity Attorney / Finance / Human. Resources S: BULLETINAFORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC Boynton Beach Police Department Price Proposal October 20, 2000 Base Products '~?..n~er - Computer Aided Dispatch POLICFJPartner - Police g~d~-Management FIRE/Parlner ~ Fire Records Partner - Java aEO/Vartner* PERSONNEL/Partner* # of Users * required componmts List Discount Initial Annual Net Maintenance Services Installation i[,.Developmcat- see Database Informix Relational Database Optional Modules # of Days Initial Annual Proposed List Discount Net Maintenane~ # of Purchase Initial Annual Users List Discounl Price Maintenance # of Initial Annual Users List Discount Net Maintenance Boynton Beach Police Department Marshall B. Gage, F.B.LN.A. 162ND Session Chief of Police April7,2000 100 E. Bo)-nton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach Florida 33435 (561) 742-6100 (561) 742-6185 Fax Line US Department of Justice Office of Community Policing Services Grants Administration Division 1100 Vermont Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20530 Attention: Dear Please accept this letter as a request for a reallocation of funds on or COPS More Grant Our initial grant allocated $100,000 for a nmgshot imaging sysmm. Due to hardware and sofiware licensing price changes, the enl~re system ended up costing $49,000. We are requesling that $28.260 of the remaining $51,000 be directed toward the hardware end software necessary to implement Mobile Field Reporting. : Currently the Boynton Beach Police Department has a RF System in place for Mobile Commumcatians. providing officers with the ability to communicate car to car, and to NCIC/FCIC directly from thek mobile comlmters. However, officers do not have the ability to upload reports from their laptops into the Records Management System, and supervisors have no means to review and approve~reject reports from the field. This results in officers constantly rettmaing to the Police Station to mm in reports, and supervisors spending additional time m the station reviewing repons. The requirements to add this functionality includes an upgraded mobile network server ($8500)~ a software module from our Mobile Communications vendor ($8200), and custom programming flom our CAD/PalMS vendor ( $11,560). The following is the breakdown of the p'l ~ that would result from this additional functionality. (50 minutes to drive to stalion, print and turn in report and drive back to zone - 15 minutes to enter report directly into Records Management System) x 2 trips to station each shift x 228 nhiOs per year x 80 officers and/or supervisors using Field Reporting. 35 minutes x 2 trips = 70 minutes x 228 ~ = 15960 x 80 officers = 1276800 mia/60 sec = 21.280 hfs (divided by 1824 = 1 tqm) = ll.67zq't~s Addi~onal gains from Field Reporting includes officers not having to leave patrol zones during their shifts and supervisors spending adaitinnal time in service on road. We expect increased retnnas as pa~ol personnel become more familiar with the Report Entry process/technology. Thank you for your time, and if you have any questions please call me at 561-742-6102 Sincerely, Michael L. Munro Support Service Administrator V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM M CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested Ciey Commission Date Final Form Must be Tamed Requested Cit~ Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meetin~ Da~s in to CiW Clerk's Office Meetin~ Dates in to City Clerk's Office [] November21.2000 November9.2000 (5:00p.md [] January I6, 2001 January3,200I(5:00p.m.~ [] DecemberS, 2000 November22,2000 (5:00p.m [] Februa~ 6, 2001 January I7, 2001(5:00 p.m.) [] Decemberlg, 2000 December6,2000 (5:00p.rm) [] February20,2001 Febraary7,2001(5:00p.m.) [] January2.2001 December20,2000 (5:00p.m.) [] March6.2001 February21,2001 (5:00~m.) [] Administrative [] Development Plans NATURE OF [] Consent Agenda [] New Business AGENDA ITEM [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business Announcement Presentat/on RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve the expenditure of $26,006 for the purchase of eighteen copies of ArcView3.2 GIS software and thi~ annual 'maintenance/technicel support which will be obtained through the SNAPS Agreement No. 2521878-1. · Funding for the purchase of 15 copies of the software and maintenance is available n G.I.S. Software Account 001-5000- 590-02-53 in the amount of $18, I65. · Funding for the purchase of the remaining 3 copies of the software and maintenance to be utilized by the Utility Department is available in the 401-2821-536-64-14 in the amount of $3,633. · Maintenance for 8 existing copies of ArcView software is $4208. Funding is available in the G.I.S. Software Account 001- 5000-0590-02-53. EXPLANATION: The purchase of this software is a required component of the G.I.S, Implementation Plan. The ArcView3.2 software will allow the GIS users to access existing data about city programs and facilities from the GIS Database, The sharing of information between departments will improve the productivity of city staff and provide an improved level of service to the residents through accurate and timely information dissemination. In addition, city staff will have additional tools to complete their job responsibilities efficiently. City staff will be ab e to produce charts, graphs, tables, reports, and digital and hardcopy maps by spatially analyzing existing program data. Currently, staff does not have this capability. The AmView software will be utilize~ by city staff to create new layers of digital information (i.e., zoning, subdivisions, voting districts, building permits, code citations, ) for the entire city to use via the City of Boynton Beach Intranet, This data can also be published on the City of Boynton Beach web site, if desired, to provide information about the City of Boynton Beach to the community. PROGRAM IMPACT: The City Commission. through the FY 2000-01 budget process, approved the GIS Implementation Plan. Year One of the -plan provided Arcview 3.2 software for the [ollowing departments: Engineering, Development, ITS, Library, Public Works, Utilities, Parks, Fire Rescue, and Code Compliance. This will enable city staff to access the GIS database over the network and create new layers of information in the database. FISCAL IMPACT: The twenty-one copies of ArcView 3.2 Software were approved in the FY2000/01 t3udget in the amount of $27,900. It has been determined that eighteen (18) copies will be sufficient. Total cost for the purchase of this sol. are will be $26,006. S:kBULLETIN~ORMSkAGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM ALTERNATIVES: This sol.are is a required component of the G.I.S. Implementation Plato Deparanent He~(d's Signature Information Technology Services/G.I.S. Department Name C~ Manager s S~gnamte ~ City At~oin~fLFinance / Human Resour S :~BLrLLETIN~ORM S~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC SNAPS_ · I/- SNAPS Agreement http://t~n. State.tl:us/owa_srtaps/owa...ements.show?agree number str=2521878 SNAPS AGREEMENT TZTLE: ARCVIEW/F-~RI/ERDAS/MR, SID /IKONOS/SATI=LLITE PFIoTos AGREEMENT HUMBER :2521878 -1 TERM OF AGREEMENT: Begin date: 04-28-2000 End date: 04-27-2001 VENDOR: IDAS 4651 PONCE DE LEON BLVD STE 201 CORAL GABLES, FL 33146- SPURS NO: F592643586-001 MBE CODE: HISPANIC, CERTIFIED (I) CONTACT: BERNARD SPINRAD PHONE: 305-665-8303 COMMODrrY CLASS: 252 COMMODITY GROUP: 030 DELIVERY: 7 DAYS ARO WARRANTY :PUBLISH ER/MANUF APPROVED PRZCE SCHEDULE & DATE: 1.) Price list eft, 4/08/2000 Expire date: 04-27-2001 2.) Part 2 of Price list eff4/2B/O0 Expire date: 04-27-2001 CONTACT VENDOR FOR COPY OF PRZCE SCHEDULE & CONTRACT ZNFORMATZON. ERDAS Imaging GIB Software, including Imagine 8.4.1, Virtual GIB, OrthoBarse and. MapSheet~; IKONOS, LandSat and IRS (Indian) Satellite Imagery; Hr. Sid Image Compression Soffcware Copyriqhb~ 2000 St~t~ Of Flodd~ Privac - Statement 1 ofl 10/19/00 11:47 AM htr .//rbn. state.tJ.us/owa snavs/owa...eaules.slxow?a~-ree nurnoer str=-2521878 SNAPS 12 - A~reement Pmce Scl~ed.u3e(s) P. - ~ - - Agreement'PriCe Schedule(s) L zoos , : Vendor nu tuber: F 592G4358G O0:/ Sequence Description ' ExPire Date l Pdc_~ APR 27, 200~ 2 Pa~2of Pdce,lis~eff4/28/O0 AP,R ~7~ 200~ Description: ERDAS Imaging glS Software, inc ud ng Imagine 8.4.1, Virtual GIS, OrthoBarse and MapSheets; IKONOS, LandSat and IRS (Indian) Satellite Imagery; Mr. Sid Image Compression Software Ordering Limits: State agencies may issue single purchase orders or State Purchasing V/SA card procurements up to Category Il, and total cumulatively up to Category [V in an agreement year. Total agency-wide acquisitions during each year of the agreement shall not exceed the threshold amount for Category IV, except that acquisitions by agencies with decentralized purchasing functiohs shall be considered on the basis of each purchasing office that maintains full-time purchasing staff. SPURS Users Note: ' Use Commodity Class: 252 and Commodity Group: 030 for this SNAPS - I! agreement. !f you require three digit !tern and/or Detail levels for the:Commodity Code please Ca (850)-488-8694. · Enter the SNAPS - !! agreement number in the "Quote/Bid No./Contract No." field as follows: SNAPS - T/No. 252:/878 · Enter "N" in the "Purchase Code" field. ~Desk Coovdaht~ 2000 S~te Of Rorida Privacy Smtament 1 ofl 10/19/00 11:49 AM MAINTENANCE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1. Annual Desktop Technical Support Descr pt on (Telephone Suppor~ for One Contact- ~es not include Sof~w~re Up,c/rades- No Shippincj) ArcView GIS ~ WindOws 1 $349 $339 · UNIX I $549 $539 ArcView Ex'tensions - Windows · Spatial Analyst 1 $595 $585 · 3D AnaJyst 1 $595 $585 · ImageAnayss 1 $595 $585 · NetworkAnalySt 1 $295 i $290 ° ,Tracking Ana yst 1 $29~5 I $290 ArcView Extensions - UNIX · Spatial Analyst 1 $695 $680 · 3D Analyst 1 $695 $680 · Network Analyst 1 $495 $485 · Tracking Analyst 1 $495 $485 PC Arc/Info 1 $595 $585 ArcCAD 1 $295 I $290 ESRI GIS SOFTWARE (4) PRICE SCHEDULE State of Florida SNAPS Program MAINTENANCE/TECHNICAL LIST SNAPS SUPPORT (Cont'd) Quantity PRICE~ PRICE~ 2. Standard Maintenance (Tweive Mo~ths of Technical Support for One ( l ) Contact and Upgrades for one License) ArcCAD 1 I $545 $535 PC Arc/I nfo 1 $845 $830 Data Automation Kit 1 $395 $385 Atlas GIS 1 $375 $365 Plus Shipping Plus Shipping 1-5 $595 $585 ArcView G S - Windows ' 6-25 $536 $526 · 26-50 $476 $466 51-100 $417 $407 1-5 $949 $934 ArCView GIS - UNIX 6-25 $854 ' 26:50 $759, $744 51-100 $664 , $649 ArcView Gl S EXtensions - Windows 1-5 $1,095 $~1,075 · Spatial Analyst 6-25 $986i , i~,$966 · 3DAnalyst 26-50 $876;-~ i,, $861 $76, ~ ,: ~ :~$752 .mage Ana yS s 51-f00 Arcview GIS Extensions - UNIX ~ o' Spatial Analyst 6:25 $!~21,4 $1,,194 · 3D Analyst 26L50 51~100 ~ '$~4. ArcView GIS Extensions - Windows 1-5~ · Network Analyst 6-25 · Tracking Analyst 26-,54) ~i', ; ~$~. 51400 ArcView G S Extensions - UNIX !~ ~, - ~9Z~5 · Network Analyst 6,25 · Tracking Analyst 26:50 : 51-~00 Nov-07-O0 10:45 International Development Advisory Services, Inc. 465'1 Ponce de Leon Bird,, Suite 20'1, Coral Gables FL 33146 Telephone: (305) 665-8303 ~- Fax: (305) 665-8063 E-maih info(~idasnet.com FACSIMILE COVER SHEET TO: i Ms. Regina Haggar, GIS Coordinator City of Boynton Beach FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: (561) 742-6298 Bernard Spinrad Email: bspinradC, idasnet.com Quote Price - ArcView Standard Maintenance November 7, 2000 Trahsmittieg (1) peg/e($) ~du~mg cover slleet P/ease ed~ee (30~ ~ 8303 ~ document ~ not ~ee~ed ~ ~$ en#rety. Following up on, your request, we are pleased to provide you with our price ouot¢ for the products requested tITEM DESCRIPTION Unit 'l . --_ ............................... Price ~ ArcView GIS - Standard Maintenance {12 mont~s of technical support for One (1) Contact and Upgrades for one License) No. of/Total -~ Units / PriCe ~ 8 t $4,20&00/ 526I If you require any further information, please feel free to contact me. Thank you. ........... ,-~,,~.,, ,.-~=v~l~J{JITlel3; ~.QVISOFy Services, Inc. 4651 Ponce de Leon Bird., Suite 201, Corat Gables FI. 33148 Telephone: (305) 665-8303 -- Fax: (305) 6658063 E-mail: ~tt'o~.idasnc~com -Intemet Site: www. idasnet.com FACSIMILE COVE~ SHEET TO: Ms. Regina Hagger City of Boynton Beach PHONE: (561) 742-6486 .~ FA~: (561) 742-6298 FROM: Lig a Mora es, Executive, Assistar~t ~ e-mail-lmorales{~idasnet.com SUBJECT: Quote Pdce -Under SNAPS~II Agreement DATE: October 25, 2000 Dear customer: In response to your inquiry, I am pleased to provide you with ther fello, wing quote for software: Unit No. ITEM DESCRIPTION Price UnOfits Total Price Arcview els V.3.2 for Windows 770.00 '. 18 '~ .: 13,860;00 Maint.& Technical Support(day-One) 436.00 i8 ..7 848.00~. . Shipping Charge_s ................... 1 _ 18 " 90.00 It is noted that this price ~s according to our SN_APS ri Agreement (2521878-1, April 27, 2001 ) with the State of Florida. *Shipping price quoted will vary according number of units requested, If you require any further information, please feel free to contact me. ~. ank you, ~O'd ESRI GIS SOFTWARE (1) PRICE SCHEDULE State; of Florida SNAPS Program LIST J SNAP~ PRODUCTS i Quantity PRICE~ PRICE- ~rcCAD fornutoCAD ,{Veer; 14) , · (A Ii $4~)5 $445 ArcL°g~Stics Route: ' ' 1-5~ = · $8,995 $7,995 ArcView GIS Version 3.2 ' , ~ ' ~ -- "~' .... F~ Windews 98~NT~20(~{~ ., I 1 $1,195 $855 6~25 $1,07'6 · $/'70 I $2,195 $1,975 'For UNIX 6-25 26-50 $1,T56 $1,595 51-100 i $1,537 51,405 ArcView GIS Up,qrade to version 3.2-'~ Fo'rWindows From vet. 3.1 (All} $149 ' $145 From ver. 2.x or 3.0 (Al) $395 f $385 For Unix From ver. 3.1 (Ail) $ 99 ' $ 96 From vet. 2.x or 3.0 (All) $495 $485 ArcView Extensions for Windows · SpatialAna yst (individual licenses) I 1 $2,495 ° .3-QAn.alys.t (individual licen~ses) r 6-25 $2,246 $~n23~5~ · ~ma e Anal--Sis.individuaHib~&es- _~--2~_~~ · Network Analyst (individual licenses) ~ $1,495 $1,340 · ~ Trackin9Andy_st (individual Jicedses) $'1;346 $1;210' B~.~i~ Analy~i ~ -- 1 $11 ;995 $10,99,~ StreetMap (Dynamap 1000) {All) $495 $ 445 streetMap 2000 (Dynamap 2000) (All) $9;995 ' $8;995 ArcPress (All) $295 $ 285 Intemet Map Deployment License (ind. Server (Free ArcView IMS software + initial (All) $5,500 $5,100 upgrade to 12-month depl. license) per server ArclMS when Additional Deployment (All) $5,000 $4 600 avaiJab e) License ~-' Plus Shipping -~' Plus Shipping ESRI GIS SOFTWARE (5) PRICE SCHEDULE State of Florida SN~S Program TENANCE/TECHNICAL LIST SNAPS MAIN . 9~ CE~_~ SUPPORT (Cont'd) i~ ~ Quanbty PRICE- PRI ArcVew GIS-wind0ws ' 6-25- ' , $446 ' , , 26-50 : ,$396 "' ' , 51-100 ,$347 r $337' , , 1-5 $849 $834 Ar,~ew G1S ~UNIX; 6~25 $764 $749 , 26-50 . :$679- -$664; 5~1-1;00 $594 . $584 t-5 $995 ' $975 A~-~ieW GIS E~en~(ons - windows o, ..Sp~tialAnaY~t 6,~25 $896 ' $88;t °;' ~'~ Analyst-. ' 26:50 .;$796 ;$781 · 'lmageAnal~!s Ar¢~f,ew GIS; E~t~nsions - UNIX '. 1'-5 $i,-;149 $1,t2 · Sl~atial Analys't ' ~+25 $1~;034 $;1.~0;14 · ~!3'D Analyst ; 26~50 *$9.19 ~ $899. ''; '8 "' E ens ons- W ndows . ° ,,:.. N~ etwork A ~n~., I,yst 0 ° ii~acking A~Jyst , ~5 }$4-39 ~$~t2 5i!:100 ,$38~ ~ $37' ", '~l+5 : $895 ~iew GIS ~slons - UNIX "~25 ~e~.:~ Plus Shipping ~--~ Plus Shipping V-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ITEM N AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOl w Requested City Commission Meetin~ Dat~_s November 21. 2000 December 5. 2000 December 19, 2000 January 2, 2001 NATURE O1~ AGENDA ITEM RECOMMENDATION: Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Cit~ Clerk's Offiq~ Meet/hq Dates in to City Clerk's Office Novemberg, 2000 (5:00p.m.) [] January l6, 2001 January 3, 2001(5:00 p.n~ , November22,2000 (5:00p.mo [] February6,2001 Januaryl7,2001 (5:00 p.m.) December6,2000 (5:00p.rm~ [] Febamary20.2001 FebruaryT, 2001 (5:00p.m.j December20,2000 (5:00 p.m.> [] March6.2001 February21,2001 (5:00 p.m~ [] Admlnistrattve [] Development Plans [] ConsentAgenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Busroess [] Announcement [] Presentation _ Motion to approve the expenditure of $12 080 for the purchase of one copy of ArcLog sues Route software and one c0-py of ~A[c?e,w3;2 GIS,. E.x[en_si,on,.Bundle. Funding is available in G.LS. Software Account 60%5000-590-02-53. This purchase will ue maon Trom ~ ~, c; ~otm~ons through SNAPS Agreement 9911742-1, EXPLANATION: The purchase of this software is a required component of the G.I.S. implementation Plan. The ArcLogistics Route software will enable the City to establish optimal routes for city vehicles such as Solid Waste operations, Parks Department maintenance, Street Maintenance Division, etc. The result will be an improvement in the level of service to the resktent thus saving money for the City through reduced gas consumption by city vehicles, The software will also enable the City to pla~ for future service demands based upon growth. The route analysis will be perfomed with the exisfing GIS database that the City currenfiy has in-house. The ArcView GIS Extension bundle software is includes the following three software packages: Network Analyst, Spatial Analyst and ArcView 3.2a. The Spatial Analyst will allow the City to do neighborhood and zone analysis to produce layers such as land use. zoning, and create slope and aspect analyses for the City of Boynton Beach. The Network Analyst software will allow the city staff to create new routes for field staff such as Code Compliance Officers, Building Inspectors, and defining service areas based upon travel time for the Fire-Rescue Department, Police Department and maintenance field staff. PROGRAM IMPACT: The City Commission, through the FY 2000-01 budget process, approved the GIS Implementation Plan, Year One of the plan provided for the ArcLogistic Route Initiative. FISCAL IMPACT: · The AroView 3,2 GIS Extentions SoftwareBundle was approved in the FY2000/01 budget in the amount of $5,000. The cost for this software is $4.350. · The ArcLogisfics Route Software was approved in the FY2000/01 budget in the amount of $9,000. The cost for this software is $7,195. S:~BULLETIN~FORMSLA~GENDA ITEM P-~EQUEST FORM.DOC CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM The annual maintenance/technical support for the above Arcview software is $535~ This support was not included in the FY2000/01 budget. This support is necessary in order to receive automatic upgrades and 24-hours technical support for city staff The savings realized on the purchase of the above two items will absorb this cost. ALTERNATIVES: This software is a required component of the G.I.S. Implementation'Plan. ! I[fformation Technology Services/G.I,S. Department Name City Manager's S~gnamre City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S :~BULLETI~FORM S~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC SNAPS Il - SNA}'S Vendor Re~ord : - _ http //tcn.state-tl.us/owa_snaps/owa...num_str--6~0851957&'vendor_scq_str---g/ SNAPS Ven:dor Record Name Address City, State Zip Status Hinority Code Contact Na me Phone Number Fax Number E-mail address Web Page C & C SOLUTIONS INC 2871 SW 69TH CT M~AMI, FL 33155-2829 DMS REGISTERED MINORITY BUS[NESS (FEDEI:~AL) CAROL ROFFER 305-271-4817 305-265-9077 c~ol ndcsolutions.com VENDOR home - e Copvrfaht(C, 2000 ~h,,_h~._ Of Rorid~ Privac, Statement I of~l 10/19/00 11:27 AM SN~S ii - SiNAi'S Agreement hlZp ://tbn~sza~e il.us/owa_snap s~ owa...emcnts.show'/agree_numb er_s~x~, 911742 ..................... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: TERH OF Begin date: 01-24~2000 End date: 01-23-2001 VENDOR C & C SOLUTIONS 2871 SW 69TH CT MIAMI, FL 33155-2829 SPURS NO: F650851957-001 MBE CODE: MINOP~-~F BUSINESS (FEDERAL) CONTACT-' CAROL ROFFER~ PHONE: 30~-271-4817 COMMODITY CLASS: 991 COMMODITY GROUP: 527 DEL/VERY: 5 work days APO WARRANTY: APPROVED PRICE SCHEDULE & DATE: 1.) Price list eft. 1/1/2000 Expire date: 01-23-2001 CONTACT VENDOR FOR COPY OF PRICE SCHEDULE & CONTRACT INFORHATION, C&C Solutions, Inc. is a geographic information systems (GIS) consulting firm offer ng application design, development and implementation services. Specializing in the ESRI product line, C&C provides internet application development, mapping services, spatial layer development, facilities management applications, training and technical support. Our experience includes;systems integration wi~h legacy databases, GPS, digital orthophotography and CADD. C&C offers GIS services for the small application through ~he enterprise-wide solutions for parcel base management, routing, image analysis, crime analysis, emergency management and more. We provide value added Arcview/Avenue training ~argeting specific operational needs and data recl uirements. Over seventeen yearS of combined experience in local government applications on Windows and Unix platforms. Coovrioht© 2000 Stete Of Rorid~ Privac Statement 1 of I 10/19/00 11:27 A SNAPS LI - Agreement Price $chectule{s) ttp~//f~n.state.tt.us/owa snaps/owa edules show'2agree number su:99 [ 17, Agreement Price Schedule(s) t C & C SOLUTIONS INC Vendor number:if 650851957 001 SequenceIDescription Expire Date i Ipdce li~ eft. 1/1/2000 JAN 23, 2001 Description-. C&C SolUtions, Inc. is a geographic information systems (GIS) consulting firm offering applicat on design, development and implementation services. Specializing in the ESR~ product line, CbC provides internet application deve?opment, mapping se~rv cas, spatial layer development:, facilities management applicafions~ traininci and technical support. Our experience includes systems integration-with legacy databases, GPS, d igital orthophotography and C~ADD CbC offers GIS' services for the small app cation through the enterprise.wide solutions for parcel base management, routing, image aka ysis, crime analysis, emergency management and more. We provide value added Arcview/Avenue training targeting specific operational needs and data requirements. Over seventeen years of combined experience in local government applications on Windows and Unix platforms. Ordering Limits: State agencies may issue single purchase orders or State Purchasing VISA card procurements up to Category [[, and total cumulatively up to Category IV in an agreement year. Tota agency-wicle acquisitions during each year of the agreement shall not exceed the threshold amount for Category IV, except that acquisitions by agencies with decentralized purchasing functions shall be considered on the basis of each purchasing office that maintains full-time purchasing staff. SPURS Users Note: · Use Commodity Class: 991 and Commodity Group: 527 for this SNAPS - II agreement, If you require three digit Item and/or Detail levels for the Commodity Code please call (850)-488-$694. · Enter the SNAPS - II agreement number in the "Quote/Bid No,/Contract No." field as follows: SNAPS - II No. 9911742 -1 · Enter "N" in the "Purchase Code" field. E-Nail 10/19/00 11:28 AIVI Solutions, ThC. 2871. SW 69m Court Miami, Florida 331.55 Teh 305. :: 305.262.3408 SOFTWARE QUOTE To: From: Regina Hagger (City ofBoynton Beach~ Fax: Cristy Fern/mdez 56 [.742.6285 11 t07/00 Re: Pages: 2 e - Arc v GIS with and Spatial Analyst ~cViewGISMairrtenance $535 ~oute Software No-Data $7, ~hi, ~ andlin_~ _ Pricing according to SN~S Agreement #9911742-1, 10% discount Terms: Pre-paid unless otherwise arranged (Purchase Orders and Checks) PRICE $4,350 $535 - $7.195 Included Approving signature of authorized client representative Name (Print) Signarare Date: SHIP TO ADDRESS: Name: Address: BILL TO ADDRESS: Name: Address: Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] November 21, 2000 [] Deccrnber 5, 2000 [] December 19, 2000 [] January 2. 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA 'rTEM CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORays Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's OflSce November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m.~ November 22, 2000 (5:00 p.rr~) Dec~mber 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commission Meetin~ Dates [] January 16, 2001 [] Februa~6. 2001 [] Februar~ 20, 2001 [] March 6, 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to CiW Clerk's Office January 3.2001 (5:00 p.m.) January 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM RECOMMENDATION: [] Adm/nisa:ative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] ]?ublicHearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unf'mishedBusiness [] Announcement [] Presentation Motion to approve the expenditure of $31,408 for a GIS server and 3 GIS workstations from Compaq Computer thrb~h ~.t~ of FIodda Contract 250-040-99-1. This expenditure was approved through the FY 2000/01-budget process.-~:~- EXPLANATION: The GIS server and the GIS workstations are the raquired hardware necessary for the success of our City,vide GIS system. The GIS server is the heart of the GIS process, where all of the City of Boynton Beach information is stored in a central location. The SDE software resides on this server and connects with the exiting SQLServer database. The GIS workstations are high-end power computers that enable the GtS division to to create additional GIS digital data layers for the rest of the City staff to utilize. Due to the large file size of the GIS digital files, taster and more powerful comouters are necessary for the GIS staff to utilize their time productivily by accomplishing their work task in a timely fashion, PROGRAM IMPACT: The City Commission. through the FY 2000-01 budget process, approved the GIS Implementation Plan. Year One of the plan provided for the purchase of necessary hardware, FISCAL IMPACT: · The 3 GIS workstations were approved in the FY 200/01 budget in the amount of $12,000. The actual cost to puchase said hardware would be $15, 165. · The GIS server was approved in the FY 200/01 budgetintheamountof$12,000. The cost for this server will be $16.243, * The additional funds needed for this purchase are available due to cost savings realized on vadous GIS software purchases. · Funding in the amount of $24,000 is available in the GIS Account 001-1511-513-64-15, The remaining funds in the amount of $7408 are available in the GIS Services Account 00t-5000-590-02-53. ALTERNATIVES: This hardware is a required component of the GIS implementation Plan. SABULLETINXFORMS~AGENDA ITEM P~QIJEST FORM.DOC CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM C~y ~fm~ager s S~gaamre City Attorney / Finance Human Resources S:XBULLETIN~FOILMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC QEM DI~%ECT - COMPAQ C. om~.q C.o~t~tt~' Cor. l~'tn~ - 20~5 Stat~. tt~,,ay 249 -.'~.fC $90501 - Ho~r,~:~. 2"2' 77070 Government - Eduo~tio~ - Me~lio~l Sale~ PRICE QUOTATION Quote Number:. GA99168 November 7, 2CEO Provided by:, Kara Timmona Carolina Luque CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH Contract:. Ftodda Sta~e (25~040.g6.01) pr~ ct availability md product ~,~v,,~nuafion is ~,lbj~d to c~lar~le with~.l;L=~ ~ The pdce~ in thrs ciuetati~l am valid for ~ days ~Txx, r t quote date six,ye. Please ingJude the quote nuttier frern alis qu~e m ~he corresgort~ing purchase ~der. t61151-00t PmUar~ ML~O XEON 866MHrJ256~ t28MB RA~KI28MB Ram, Processor- PlIL/865 intel Pentium Ill Xeon processor 886 rv~-iz 258~KB ~eveJ 2 writeback cache per proce__~-o_r 128 MB RAM NC3123 Ethernet NtC PC110/100 WOL Integrated Dual Channel W~de Ultra2 SCSlAciapter 218.4 GB max Internal 32X P,'ax DE CD-ROM Drive $4,,640.O0 $4~6,48.00 128279.B~1 512 Rag t33MHzSDRAM DIMM 512 Rag 133MHzSDRAM DIMM 2 $t,948,00 $3,890.00 V 74881-B21 XN 866 2,55 ML~0 Processor kit XN 886 256 ML530 Processor kit 1282S4-B21 ML530 Redundant Fan ML530 XN HP RED FAN 128288-001 ProLiant ML~0 Drive C~ge includes Dri~ Cage & Power Supply Supp~rts6xl" U2 295643-B21 317480-B21 t 81,404.00 $1.464.00 t/ 1 8t82.00 I $648.00 $162.00 ~48.00 ~y Smart 3200 An'ay Controller I Sl,890.00 $1.890.00 ;~/ Smar~ Affay 3200 Corrlmlisr 2 Wide Ultra2 SCSI Channels Providing 80MB/s per Channel 64MB Remo~bie Read/Write Cane On-line Capac~ F_xpenston Dd~e Roaming NC3122 Dual Port Fast E~hamet PCI NIC I $257.00 Dual Port Fast Ethernet NIC ~roV~ies: A cost effective solution for ~r~ers and networksthat require redundancy and nign-perf~rmsnce whieor~ly requiring a s~gle slot. Integration c~mponents like SmartStart and Compaq hsight Manager. Common od~er arohitectum with o~er Intel based NiCs~ $267.00 '~28286.001 ML&10/570 Hot Plug Redundant Power Supply ML5301570 Hot Plug Redu~ant Power Supply 1 $324,00 ~24.00 GEM DIBECT - COMPAQ i!I07/Z000 ~:57: PAGE 005/5 COMPAQ Compaq Computer Corporcdion - 20535 Sram .¥ig~ 249 - ~%[C 590301 - Houston TX 77070 GoYemment - Enuoation - Medical Sales BightFAX PRICE QUOTATION Quote Number:. GA99168 November 7, 2000 Provided by:. Kara Timmona Page2of2 CarOlina Luq?e product avlila:ility and product =iscontinuati~on !~subje,~o =~an~ge witheut notice. The prices in thi~ qu~ati~n am valiit for ~ days from quote date ,,hove ~ ea~ nctud~th ~ e?J~te rtuml~er frOmth s i~u~te~en the~'r espormdl~g purchimse ord~'. HDD 'l-in 18.2GB c~ pacity Wide Ultras SCSI Hot~pl~Jgg~ble, 10,0O0rpm rotation speed New Compaq LVD d~i~e'CaXri~:r (3:5-in X ~ :in~ form factor) f~ use with ComPaq h~-Pl?~gableU~3 se~rs and storage systems ?- · · TO AL $46,243.00 CPC - Price List Load Page 7 of 24 ProLiant DL380 Pentium® IIZ 1GHz/I28HB/32X/256K/Arra¥ ProUant MLS30R ProLiant ML530 XEON 866MHz/256K 128MB RACK ProLiant ML$30R Pentium~ ZZZ XEON 1GHz/128MB/CD/256K 193706-001 Part No, i61153-001 Manager: Standard, Disk Controller: Integrate~ ~ual Pluggable: ¥a$, ~ot-Swappable: Y, Z~d 218.408, Ma~um ~: 4 GB, N~O~: 10/100 Mb/s Ethernet, Numb~ 0f'Modul~: 4, Oper~i~ ~em: Unux, PCZ: 8, P~r Num~r 4.648.00 $ 5.320.00 Adapter Bus Type: .P. CI, Automatic Server Recovery-2: Standard BUS Width; 128 b[~s, CD-ROM l~pe: ~: E~DE Cache Typ~ Level Z wdteback. Compaq Znsight Channet Wide~,,Drive Type: 1.44-MB, Form' Facto~r: 7U, Graphi~v: 1, Hard Drive 1¥p.~: Optional, Not PlugBble.. Yes,. ~0t-$wsppable. Y, Znt~gretid Nema~e Con,!e; Standa~, Meximum 1~4'." ;~ 08,: Ni~twork: i(~/100 Mb/~ Ethernet, Number of M~deles: 4, Op~, r~til~ ~-'y~:~i~; Li~ux, pl~: 8 prOcessor Number (Std./eal~): !/2, proceso% Speed: I Ghz, Redundali~: N+I ~iu~cer H~alth Logs S~md~rd, ~ma"~~ S~a~d~r¢, 5~ ~: 128 MB, Wa~am~ Duo'on: ~yr ~imited, ~ ~50Wa~ ProLiant ML530R Pentium® ZZZ Xeon 800MHz/CD/128MG RAM/256K Cache $ 4.368.00 EIDE, cache. Cache' Manager:..~ Charmel Wide I 7U, I 8, Logs:~tandan 128 ~1 450Wa~ t A~vanced Transfer http://web23pro.compaq.com/catalog/asp/cpc_PriceLisLLoad.asp?product line cd=-1502&produc.../YY¥ 11/7/2000 CPC - Price List Load Page 55 ofSO' 256MB EDO DIMM Kit- 328581-821 4x64M 256MB RDRAM 700 ~dHz 10~995. B21 4Sns RZMM 103990-821 ? 328809aB21 32MB SDRAM ~ 66MHz 125620-821 314890-82! Rage 512MB EDO~ DZMM Kit (4x128/60r~s) for PL6000 128279-82! 306541~821 328582-821 328807-821 317740-821 3136t7-521 287325-B21 i28276-B2! 179864-B21 112.00 $ 98,00 Bus F~equency: 100 MHz. Bus Width: ,128 bit~, Number of Modules: 2 http://web23pro.compaq.com/catalog/asp/cpc_PiiceList_Load.asp?product_line_cd=- 1501 &produc.../YYY 11/7/2000 CPC - Price List Load Page 77 of 80 w/Redundant PPM nC) http://web23pro.compaq.comJcatalog/asp/cpc_PriceList_Load.asp?product line cd=-15Ol&produc.../YYY ll/7/2000 CPC - Price List Load Page 72 Of 80 (Hot Plug) (Non-Hot Plug) Redundant Power Supply V 2t6.00 431.00 162.00 $ 38.00 $ 49.00 119.00 3-year limited: standard. Adapter BusType: PCI 856.00 3-year limited: standard, Network~pe: Ethernet 129,00 183.00 183.00 183.00 127.00 215.00 S 54.00 162.00 324.00 Matrox G200 DVZ/DFP 124807-B21 $ 189.00 Daughter ~ard Matrox Millennium G400 388557-B21 $ 216.00 AGP Graphics Card Multibay Li-Xon 6 Ceil 387937-B25 ~ 183.00 I~ot Pluggeble: Yes, Redundancy: N+ 1 Bus Type: PCI, Graphics Memow: 8 MB 5GRAM, Graphics Type: 3D/2D, Maximum Refresh: 1280x1024 resolution ar I00Hz/, Video Chipset: MGA- G200A Bus Type: AGP 4X, Graphics Memory: 16MB SGRAM, Graphics Type: 2D, Maximum Refresh: 1280x1024 resolution at 60Hz/l, Video Chipset: Matrox G400 270.00 Fault Hanagement: Yes 107.00 http://web23pro.compaq.conffcatalog/asp/cpc_PriceList_Load.asp?product line cd=-15Ol&produc.../YYY ll 7/2000 CPC - Price List Load Page 73 of 80 Powered USB Hub Module 138638-001 ProLiant 1SSDR Hot Plug 327477-001 ProLiant 3000/5500 Cable 306585-B21 ProLiant 3000/5500 Redundant Fan Kit 306558-B21 ProLiant 400 ! 800 Ultra 2 104936-B21 SCSI Cable (4 Device) ProLiant 5800 XEON ProLiant 6000 Hot Plug Redundant Fan Upgrade Kit 312293-B21 ProLiant CL1850 PenUum® III 550MHz/1P/CD/128MS RAM/512KB Cache ProLiant Cluster/F100 Kit ProLiant DL3B0 Media Bay Drive Cage (supports 2~1 inch U2 or U3) ProLiant ML530 Drive Cage Proliant 800 internal 3 device HD 68 SCSI Cable RAID Array S000 Tower SCSI Dual Controller Blue Recovery Server Option - On Line/Standby 46.00 336,00 173.00 $ 49,00 124708-001 $ 12,208.00 309816-B21 s 107.00 157007~B21 $ 216.00 128288-001 ~/ $ 648.00 400046~B21 $ 54,00 400552-B21 $ 28,914~00 213817-001 $ 1 819.00 Adapter Type: External, Dimensions (English): 7 x 8.8 x 17.1 - 177.8 x 223, Hub Size: 10 MB. Input Connection: IEC/CEE-22 t/De maie, Number of Ports: 8, Weight (lbs.): 24.21bs/lg.0kG Hot-Swappable: N, Redundancy: N+i, Watts: 225 watt - :E Mark Com~uanr Hot Pluggable: Yes, Redundancy: N+I, Speed: Single Hot Pluggable: Yes, Redundancy: N+i, Speed: Singie Automatic Server Recovery-2: Standard. Cache Size: 512 HB, Cache Type: Level 2 ECC, Compaq Znsight Manager: StandarD, Disk Controller: Integrated Dual Channel Wide U, Drive Speed: 32X Max, Front Side Bus Speed: 133 MHz, Graphics: 1. Hard Drive Type; O0tional, Integrated Remote Console: Standard, Keyboard: i, Maximum RAN: 1 GB, Parallel: 1, Pointing Device: 1, Processor _ Number (std./cep.): 1/2, Processor Speed: 550MHz Processor Type: Pentium III, R3-45: 1, Serial Bays: 6, LVD: ,'es, Power Supply: yes Altitude: Ua to 8000 ft/2400 m, Cache Bstterv Backup: yes, e~ternal, Color: TOD Gun Blue Controller Cache: 64 MB. Controller Software: Arra~ Controller Software LACS, Controllers: 2 HSZS0, Depth (English): 21.25 in (539.75 mm), Device Channels: 8 ~er con:rouer, Driver Interface Type: 16-bit SE Wide Ultra SCSI. Environmental Monitoring Unit~ Yes - Monitors Dower and temoe, Height (English): 35~25 in (895 mm), Host Ports Per Controller: 2. mu~mus wlrn :ran$~aren~ f. Non-RAID JBOD Support: Yes, Number of Drives Supported: 1 24-slot encmsure_ Optimal Operating Temperature: 64° to 74° F ( L8° to 24~ C). Power Req / BTU Bating: 3070 per hour, Power Requirements: 110 to 240 V AC, 50/50 Hz, Sin, ReBuletory Approvals: UL. CSA, TUV, FCC, CE MARK, CT, Required Operating Temperature: 50° tc 104~ F 10° to 40~ C), Shipping Depth: 29 i~ (737 mm), Shipping Height: 45.5 i~ {1156 mm), Shipping Weight: 298 lb {135 kg), Shipping Width: 38.5 in ~978 mm), Storage Software Supported: StorageWorks Command Console. WeiBht (Ihs.): 225 lb (102 kg), Width (English): 19.16 .- (48.67 cra) ; ht~p://web23pr~~c~mpaq.c~m/cata~~g/asp/cp~-PriceList-L~ad~asp?pr~duct-~ine-cd=~~5~~&pr~duc.~~/YYY 11/7/2000 CPC - Price List Load Page 74 of SO Reader Server Keyboard 296435-006 Smart Array 431 Controller 127695-B21 VHDCZ Cable Option Kit VHDCT to 50 pin cable (12 feet) VHDCZ to SO pin cable (6 feet) WIN 95 FLYER WIN 98 FLYER Wide Differential SC,~I Cable, 5m (For Alpha c~nnectivity to TL895 DLT Library) Wide Uitra2/Uitra3 SCSI Dr Cage Opt Kit (2 x 12 ) (Opal) 288416-B21 386487~B2I 295647-B21 295646-B21 173452-001 173453-001 328215-001 175251-B21 PC Card (PCMCZA) Part No. Compaq 420 56K PC Card Worldwide Fax ~17900-001 $ 9.00 Fault Management: Yes $ 13.00 2.052.00 Data Transfer Method: 64-b~t PCI bus-mas~er. Drive Supported: Up te 32, Pr~ocol: ~V~¢,~ltra3 $~S~,(160 S 756,00 MB/~ per, SCSI Elec~al Z~a~ ~ow V6¢tage Differential (LVD), ~Sl PO~ ~n~e~: Single http://web23pro.compaq.com/catalog/asp/cpc_PriceList_Load.asp?product_line_cd=- 1501 &produc.../YYY 11/7/2000 CPC - Price List Load Page 53 of 80 Lan Connectivity Part No. ~ntel PRO/100+ Management Adapter 127453-B21 (5-pack) Price Product Characteristic~ $ 71.00 602,00 189.00 3-year limited: $~anoara Dimensions (English): 7 × 8.8 × $189.00 3-year limited: sranoara. Adapter Bus Type: 192.00 257,00 $ 73.00 Network: 10/100 Nb/s Ethernet 274,00 219.00 548.00 148.00 842,0~ Fault Management: Yes 674.00 Fault Management: Yes 842.00: Fault Management: Yes Price Preduct CharacterisUcs 336.00: Cabinet Size: 42U $ 25.00 Price Product Characteristics $ 254~00 Bus Frequency; 66 MHz, Standard DRAM: 128 MB http://web23pro.compaq.com/catalog/asp/cpc_PriceList_Load.asp?product line cd=-15Ol&produc.../YYY 11/7/2000 CPC - Price List Load Page 10 of 40 Hot Plug Ultra3 18.2GB.Pluggable Wide Ultra3 15K rpm :LS.2GB Pluggable Wide Ultra3 SCSZ Universal 10K rpm HOD :~-in ~- 36.4GB Pluggable Wide Ultra3 1OK rpm Universal HDD 1-in 72GB Pluggable Wide Ultra3 SCS][ /OK rpm LVD HDD 1.6-in 9,1GB Pluggable Wide Ultra3 15K rpm Universal HDD 1-in 9.1GB Pluggable Wide Ultra3 SCSZ Universal 1OK rpm HDD l-in StorageWorks Eaclosure Model 4314R Part No. 188122-B22 142673-B22 176496~B22 176494-B21 188120-B22 142671-B22 190209-001 $ 906.00 $ 755~?0 1.403.00 $ 3,13L00 $ 571.00 $ 453.00 $ 2,912.00 Product Characteristics Availability: Hot-PluggaDle~ Average Seek Time: 4.5 Driye ~id~h: 3.5 n~/Lagical Blocks I~0~gUraUon:-- 35 d?g~, Rotational speed: 15000 {gm/'.S~'ngle Tfa~ Time,~ }3,7 ms. Transfer Rate: 160 N B/s ms I~/~ector Co,fi~,ii~aiio~.i S~2, Full'St~ke ~ee,k Time: 12 m~, Hard Drive C.apac~ty: iS.~GB, Hard Heigkt: 1-in¢~; Hard,Drive Type:, Wide Uit.-a3. S~SI, Log~ical ~locks:~)afigurat~0~':~,5~5 080 ~p~r~g] , S~: t~000 .rpm~ $~!eTm~.T~m~ 0,9 ~h~ff, Ha~,p~T~i Wi~e UlgraB SCSI~, Logical Ute, 5Q -.95 ~re~ P/lO - 35 ~e~r ~tat ona Henri ~ ~.~ ~c~,Ha~ ~l~T~. W~d~UI~3 ._ ~,77 ~to~e~at .~S9 ? ~ degrees F/~0- Availing: Ho~P u~ ~L&verage~ek ~me: 4.5 ms,.~r ~a~ion: 5~, Eull st~ Seek ~ · ci~: 9:~ ~B, ~ Drive mo~Ogu~t,0~5 2~, ~tmg Te~: ~6 L- ~ ~.~/~0 ~ 33~ ~g~, Ro~tional ms, Ya~ ~te: Avaih~ffi~: Hot-Plu$~l~verage ~ek ~me: 5.0 m~,' ~ec~r ~U{~n: S 12, FOIl ~"~k, ~,k ~ ~,: H~'~ci~: ~,1 GB Hard Drive Hei~ $~i~ch, H~r'b~e: Wide Ultra3 SCSI, Logical ~e~ ~ ~ $,n~ ~ack Seek ;ime: ~3 Front : 5~2 in (13.1 uency:47 O/$ http~//web23pro.compaq.com/catalog/asp/cpc PriceList Load.asp?product line ,cd=-4069&produc.../YYY 11, 7/2000 COMPAQ C~mp~ C~m~ C~t~ - 20J~5 Sm~ I~ii~B~v~y. 24~ - MC $~$0I - Wo~, TX 7707~ .... ~ Govemrnem - Education - Mecllcal Sales PRICE QUOTATION Quot~ Numben GA99172 November 7, 2000 Prov/ded b~ Karo Tlmmons Page Carolin~ Luque CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH Term Oo , ,i~ =ct ~250.040.~g-1) ~day~ fr~ ~u~ cl~ i~ ~ *n~u~e the ~ nurser f~m qu~ ~ c~-e,~b~-lding purchm artier.~ 4/~003-8t6 $2,832,~ 210290-001 PtZll] 21-- Color M~r~ltor Outstanding quall~ and design to meet the most demancl~g re0ulrements of ~wer users. I $1,020.00 $1,02~.0~ 32~60~001 'S Compaq 5910 Color Monitor The Combeq Standard Series lg" Color CRT Mon;1or. =mmotestne ~anS~lon to larger screen sizes wl~ strong front of ~c, men i:erf~rmance at affordable pdoes. -Compaq Vl1:00 Color Monitor t $~.00 The VLI00 21" color monb:~r is the best ~oml~i.~at~n of ~alue and berformance in the 21'Category. Compaq Plt1~ FO~flnitmu 1 The COmpaq Pl ID0:2~' Co, or CRT Monitor. offering new FD Trin~'~n fiat s~reen te;hnol0gY that cil~lays the mo~ accurate end precise images e'~aflab~e. 21" monitor 19.8" ~ewable em; .24 mm A,oe~tum Gdlle Plt~ 1920 x t440 resolution at 75 Hz ma,,~rnum $82S.00 Government- Educ~ti~a-. Meclioal Sales Product_av~K~ilit~ .an~l ~educt d~lnuatim ii subject ~o ~ .li~e~ wimoutn~tica. 'rb,a p~ irt thi,. q~ Atimr~e-.~ld~. 294407.82'1 TOTAL PRICE St0,798,00 CPC - Price List Load Page 8 of 10 Professional Workstation APS$O Deskpro Workstation AP550 866MHz/~.8.2GB/512MB/40X/WNT P55/1.0/~SS/512/XC US Workstation AP550 Pentium~ 733MHZ 9.1GB/128MB/4gx[HIC/WNT Part No. 470003-516 470005-698 101510-006 $ 2.035.00 40X Max CD-ROM F~Z 31-bit: 4.4 avai, PC! 64- bit: 2, 2 avail Parallel: 1. Pointing Device: 1, Processor Speed: 866 MHZ. Processor Type: PenUum III Xe0n, R~-45: 1. Rotational Speed: 10000 rDm Serial Port: 2. Standard RAM: 256 MB USS: 2 Price ProduCt Charo~teristics &GP Pro 4X: ~. Asset Control: Yes. Audio Line Xn: 1 Audio Li~ae Out: 1 Audio Type: Sound Biester PCI Audio 128 So, Cache Size: 256 KB Advanced TFansfeF cache. Cache Type: IntegFateo Leve~ 2, Keyb0~rd; 1, HaXimum RAH: 1 ContrOller: In~t~ 0itra3 SCS! and UIt; Drive $ .~ lll.0I ) C1'otal): 5 Maximum RAM: 1 48X M~x CD-ROM Storage: Device: Standard RAM: 512 M yr Transfer cache~ ~ache Type ~'hte~rated Leve 2, Dimension~ ~E~gl~h).i 9.9 x 12.5 x choide, Hard !~e ~:apaci~yi 9.1 GB, Hard Drive Type: Wide Ultra3 SCSI, Internal: 3, Keyboard http://web23pr~.c~mpaq.c~m/cata~~g/asp/cpc-PriceList-L~ad.asp?pr~duct-~ine-~d=5&pr~duct-~in.../YYY 11/7/2000 CPC - Price List Load Page 9 of 10 ' 1, Rotational Speed: i0000 r~m. Serial Port: 2. Standard RAM: 128 [qB. USB: 2 AGP pro 4X: 1. Adapter Speed: Intel PRO/100+ Hanagement Adap, Adapter Type: Intel PrcrlO0+ Workstation AP550 Pentium® ~hz/18 2GB/256HB/48XIW2000- 47~}005-639 $ 3.178.00 _evel 2 6.6 i~ Workstation AP5S0 Pentium® IIl 866HHz/15GB/ 256HB/ 40X/ W2000 176326-006 $ 2,832.00 Level :: 1, 'r/O milable: Prp/1 IDE Workstation AP550 Pentium® [T~ 866HHz/ g.~GB / 256NB/ 40X/WNT 176326-004 $ 2,832.00 RJ-4$: 4/3, http://web23pr~.c~mpaq.c~m/cata~g/asp/cpc-PriceList-L~ad.asp?pr~d~mt~ine`cd~5&pr~du¢t~in.../YYY 11/7/2000 CPC - Price List Load Page 57 of 80 6GS Hard Drive Upgrade - Armada ES00 and M300 173395-B25 SCSZ Hard Drive Option 201735-B21 Drive L~-120 Drive - 2x MultiBay Carbon 197895-525 CD-ROM/ Multimedia Upgrades DVD-ROM Drive Part No. 316258-B21 S 294.0C s 1,512.0£ $ 351,0£ $ 198.00 Hard Drive Capacity: 6.0 GB, Hard Drive Height~ .4 ncn. Hard Drive Speed: 7200 Mm, Hard Drive Type: SF!ART. Hard Drive Width: 2.75 inch. Transfer Rate: 33 MB/s Hard Drive Capacity: 9.1 GB Hard Drive Speed: 10,000 Access Time: Average 70ms, Color: Carbon, Data Tracks per KB/S, Dimen~ons(English): L27 x 13.25 x 12.61, Drive peed: 10X/40X, Number of Heads: 2, Operating Humidity: 0% to 80% RH, Operating Temperature: 5 - 55 degrees C, oPerating system: Windows 95, Sector lnterloave: 900, Zones/Side: 55 Price Product Characteristics $ 294.00 lOX DVD-ROM 294414-B21 s 178.00 20X CD-RW Drive {For ET00, MT00, M300, Vl00, ES00 or Armada Station EM #120266-0 i36186-B25 32X CD-RW Drive 294407-B21 40X CD-ROM Drive 388116-B21 396.00 CD-ROM Type: PC~ s 0% Cache Size: 512 MB. Color: Opab Data Transfer Rate: CD-ROM: 2,55 - 6,00MB a. Depth {English): Fits in a standard 5.25 DaY, Drive Speed: _ 10X/40X. Height {English); Fits in a standard 5.25 day, Loading Hechanism: Slot-Load, Random Access Time: CD-ROM: 80 ms, Width (English): Fits in a s(an0ard 5.25 - bay 126.00 CD-R media: 1, CD-RW Read Speed: Uc to 20X/3000 KB Der sec, CD-RW Rewrite Speed: Up to 4X/600 KB per sec CD- RW Write Speed: Up to 4X/600 KB OaF sec, CD-RW media: I Dimensions (English): L27 x 13.25 x 12.61 Documentation: Yes, Operating system: Winoows 2000, 98, 95. NT 4.0 Software: Yes. Warranty Duration: one year oar,s anc~ ~aDor. Weight (g): 336 Cache Size: I28 KB Color: Carbon~ Drive Speed: 24X Max 5 259.00 CD-ROM ~/pe: PCI slot, Cache Size: 1 MB (minimum), Color: OoaL Data Transfer Rate: CD-ROM: 2.55 - 6.00MB/s~ Depth (English): Fits - a standard 5.25 $ 97,00 CD-ROM Type: PC~ slot Cache Size: 128 KB, Color: OoaI, Data Transfer Rate: CD-ROM: 2.55 - 6.00MB/s, Depth (English): Fits in a standard 5.25 ba+, Drive Speed: 40X MAX. Height (English): 43 in (1092 mm), Loading Mechanism: Tray-Load, Random Access Time: CD-ROM: 80 ms~ Width (English): ~50.~ mm 48X CD-ROM Kit 187217-B21 $ 122.00 4x DVD-ROM Drive Upgrade - Armada 118103-B25 $ 294.00 Drive Speed: 4X Notebooks 8x DVD Drive - Armada Shared 138230-B25 s 342.00 Armada M300 MEU - 8x DVD 187774-B21 s 496.00 Drive Speed: 8X, Floppy: 1 http://web23 pro.compaq.corn/catalog/asp/cpc_PriceList_Load.asp?producLliae_cd=. 1501 &produc.../yyy 11/7/2000 CPC - Price List Load Page 65 o~80 M510 15" 54kHz Color Monitor [68636-005 bluttime, MPR-*r'r Compliant: NO, Max Scl~een Resolution: 85 Hz/75 M710 Monitor 154499-005 $ 291.00 P1210 21" Color Monitor 210290-00I 1.020,00 Tilt 1792 x 160 .24 Plug Text http://web23pro.compaq.com/catalog/asp/cpc_PriceList_Load.asp?product_line_cd=- 1501 &produc.../YYY 11/7/2000 Requested City Commission Meeting Dat$! [] November 21 2000 [] December 5 2000 [] December t 9. 2000 [] Januar~ 2. 2001 VI-CITY MANAGER'S REPORT ITEM B CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned toro City Clerk's Office~ November 9. 2000 (5:00p.rms November 22, 2000 '5:00 p.m./ December 6, 2000 '~5:0(p.m.) December 20, 2000 5:00 p.m.j Requested City ComroJssion Meeting Dat~s [] January 16,2001 [] February 6, 2001 [] February 20, 2001 [] March6.2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned m m City Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 5:00 p.m. January i7, 200I (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 200I ~5:0( p.m. February 21, 2001 5:00 p.m NA~ OF AGENDA ITEM Corrected Version: 11/14/00 ~ r~ RECOMMENDATION: · of the City ComtrUSsion [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation Review of proposed guidelines for community investment funds to be d/stributed by members XPLA.ATION: Included in the City of Boynton Beach Budget for Fiscal 2000_01 r · - ommuntty Investment Funds. The funds are available to each of the five members of the t2/P~°cg~an~ 3(e~r ~s ~ 1.2,5,000 tn of $25,000 to suppotr commuinty projects and activities, Ihe attached report provides basic guidelines for the distribution and use of these public funds for commuinty projects or activities. PROGRAM IB'IPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: Provides fandthg for community improvement projects. $120,000 budgeted in FY 2000-01 Do not proceed with program and transfer funds to Neighborhood Improvement Program currently administered by staf£ Deparmaent Head's Signature~ty lvtanager~ Department Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:~BULLETIN%FORMSkAGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC Draft Guidelines for Distribution of Community Investment Funds Introduction: Included in the City of Boynton Beach Budget for Fiscal 2000~01 program year is $125,00~.in Community Investment Fmads: ,Th~ funds are available to each,of the five members 0fthe CitY Commission m the amount of $2'5,000 to supp0rt commurfirY projects anti'activities' This report will suggest basic guidelines_ · for., the ~stributi9n. ~.~. ~: . ~. and use of these public fimds fo~) Community projects or activities. Program Eligibility Period: October 1, 2000 to September 30, 2001 Amount available to each member of the City Commission: $20,000 broken into two ehgibility periods: October 1,2000 to February 28, 2001 - maximum of $10,000 March 1, 2000 to September 30,2001 - maximum of $10,000 The purpose of the two eligibility periods is to assure funding opportunities to outgoing and incoming members of the City Commission based on the March 2001 election. Eligible projects may consist of assistance to local communitY organizations for physical improvements to public property or public. rights of way such as parks, medians or other City-owned property. The assistance may be in outright grants to support improvements to pubhc property or on a cost-sharing basis with local organizations. Before funding, the proposed improvements must receive necessary permits, staff review for compatibilitY with design plans or capital construction plans and must be approved by the CitY Commission by motion on the Consent Agenda. Ineligible projects include direct financial support or gifts to individuals, businesses, or associations including funding of any operational activities, Funds may not be used to support or otherwise subsidize the operational expenses of City Departments. KB: 11/10/00 VI-CITY MANAGER'S REPORT ITEbl C CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST ...... E Requested CiLy Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meetin~ Dates [] November 2 I. 2000 [] December 5. 2000 [] December 19, 2000 [] January 2. 2001 in to CiW Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 6. 2000 (5:00 p.m.] December 20. 2000 [5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commission Meedn~ Dates [] January 16. 2001 [] Febmary6. 2001 [] February 20, 2001 [] March 6. 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) January 17, 2001 '5:00 p.m,J February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.t February 2I, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] [] Announcement [] Presentation RECO1HMENDATION: Please place this item described below on the November 21, 2000 City {~ommission agenda under Unfinished Business - Non-conforming signs. This item is to include the information requested from staff for a final review of the ci .ty's non-conforming stgn regulations and specifically those 25 signs currently identified as non-conforming end subject to the removal requirement. EXPLANATION: A workshop was held November 2, 2000 winch facilitated the discussion regarding the city's non- conforming sign regulations, and those SlguS deemed non-conform/ng end therefore subject to the removal requirement that went into effect January 1, 2000. The comrmssion directed staff to update the inventory of non-conforming signs for them to review at their next (November 2, 2000/commassmn meeting. Ilae list has been update by the Code Complience Divisioh using current field information and permit records. The previous list nf34 signs was reduced to 25 stgus [see attached inter- office memorandum from Scott Blasie. Code Compliance Administrator). As indicated in previous reports to the comrmssion, the principle options recommended by staffinclude: A) Enforce the current regulations by requmng the removal or modification of non-conforming S~gns; B) Enforce current code and provide incentives such as financhl assistence toward sign replacement/modification costs; or C) Modify code to allow non- conforrnLng signs to continue to exists as legally non-conforrmng elements and subject to rectification only when the site is redevel0ped or the subject of major improvements. For further information on this topic end recommended options, please refer to the previous staff report numbered PZ 00-281. PROGRAM IMPACT: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: NA Planning and Zonin~ l~irector ~ty Manager s S~guamre ve~p~ent~epartment D~rector City Attorney / Finence / Human Resources CITY OF BOYNTON BEACI-I, FLORIDA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Michael Rump f, ~ DATE: Planning & Zoning Director SUBJECT: Scott Blasi¢~ REFERENCES: FROM: Code Comp~e Administrator 11/6/00 FILE: Non-Conforming signfffpdated listing City. Co,sion directive to further existing inventbry of free smndmg~ non-cOnforming signs ENCLOSURES: The following list represents the updated version/of our non-c0~f°rm{ng, t~ee standing sign survey that was completed earlier this year: Location Setback Ecnroachment Height Area Atrium Plaza 4'6" 26' 136 sq. ft. Aphrodite's 5' 29' 175 sq. ft. McDonald's 4'8" 30' 196 sq. ft. N-lOP ok 26' 90 sq. ft.?~! Arvida 10' 24'4" 104 sq. ft. Yachtsman's Plaza 8' 25'3" 110 sq. ft. K.F.C. 3'6" ok 82 sq. ft. E-Z Rider 7' 24'8" 99 sq. ft. 7-11 7' 25'6" ok Gateway Plaza 8' 25' ok Majestic (gas) 4' 30' 93 sq. ft. Inlet Plaza 10' 29'10" 160 sq, ft. Texaco 5'4" 30'3" 100 sq. ft. Texaco 9' 30' 96 sq. ft. U-Haul 5'6" 26" 32 sq. ft. Moore's 10' ok 90 sq. ft. ~3oodyear 10' 27' 120 sq. ft. Law Realty 10' 25' 52 sq. ft. Washington Mutual 8~6'' 26~8" 119 sq. ft. Amoco 10' I7' 84 sq. ft. Gulfstream lmbr. 6' 26' 160 sq. ft. Sunshine Square 3' 30' 216 sq. ft. Florida Denture Ctr. 4' 30' unknown Yachtsman's Plaza 10' 26' 104 sq. ft. Denny's 11' 30' 80 sq. ft. NOTES: n Twenty-five signs are determined to be non-conforming at this time. [] Three signs dropped from the original list by virtue of redevelopment; with one of those being a r~wly permitted sign. (Showtime to Adult Depot) [] Seven signs dropped from the original hst either because the sign permit on file demonstrated the s~gn conforms, or because of the 20% allowance granted through the non-conforming section of our Sign Code. Bold face numbers indicate violation of the requirements set forth in our Sign Ordinance. Permit records were used when available, and accounted for 10 of the signs. A bucket track from facilities was used to gain as much additional information as we could, but we did not have time to perform measurements on all signs. [] Signs not getting the bucket truck attention, were ones that clearly exceeded at least two of the conditions, with the third one being exceeded as well. Arvida has a sign with four faces, which does not meet our code concerning area, besides which, our Code only speaks to a "double" faced sign. [] An encroachment of 10' or more indicates the leading edge of the sign is at the property line, or in one case, over the line. Let me know ifI can answer any questions, or ifI can be of any further assistance. f~ ~C ' : Marshall B. Gage, Chief of Police C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\Sco~'s Fo lder~Planrming&Zoning Memos\updateo fnoncon fuL mlugsignsurveynov6.2000.doc Requested Cit3 Comm/ssion Meeting Dates [] November 21. 2000 [] December 5.2000 [] December 19. 2000 [] January 2, 200I VI-CITY MANAGER'S REPORT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ITEM D AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOR ._ Date Final Form Must be Tumed in to City Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 5:00 p.m.) November 22. 2000 (5:00 p.m. December 6, 2000 ($:00p.m.) December 20. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commission Meetine Dates [] January 16. 2001 [] February 6, 2001 [] February 20. 2001 [] March 6, 2001 Date Final Form Mus~ be Turned ~n ro Cit~ Cterk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00.p.m.s January 17, 2091 (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001' (5:00p.m.) February 21, 2002 (5:00 p.m.s' NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM ~ Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business --I Public Hearing [] Legal ;-I Bids [] Unfinished Business '-1 Announcement [] Presentation RECOM34]gNDATION: Authorize Public Affairs Dkectur to utilize COMCAST and subsequently, Adetphia CAT~ for Informational and Promotional spots on Boynton Beach. EXPLANATION: Subsequent to Commmsion approval of the Budget, the Public Affairs Director met with representatives of COMCAST to secure pricing for a series of 30 second spots featuring Boynton Beach. The total cost of broadcasting 1,242 such spots between January-December 2001 wiI1 be $17.557. With the eventual merging of COMCAS~ with Adelphia, the spots will also be broadcast on the Adelphia system as well. The staffreport attached, provides the monthly "agenda" of promotional spots and the networks the spots would_be played on such as A&E. Lifetime,, NICK. MSNBC. TNT. USA and Weather Channel (plus more). PROGRAM IMPACT: Purpose of program is to promote Boynton Beach events, amenities and lifestyle. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds have been budgeted for promotional and informational programming. ALTERNATIVES: Do not use CATV and rely on other medium for communication. t~7t D ep ar tm~nt Head'~t~ignat~re City Manager' s Signature Department Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:~BULLETIN~OKMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC emo To: - . Kurt BreSSner, City Manager From: Wayne M. Segal, Public Affairs Director Date= October20, 2000 Re-' Cable Television Advertising Attached is a proposal from COMCAST Cablevision for a yeadong advertising campaign that the company submitted at my, request. Atthough the money to pay for it is contained within my budget due to the generosity of the Commission. the Commission must still approve ~:he expenditure because of the amount, Under the proposal we would receive a total of 1.242:30 spots from January 8, 2001-December 16:2001 at a cost of $17,557, which I believe is more cost effective than any other means we might care to consider. Production costs, which are a separate item, would be borne ~ at least, in part. by giving area businesses the opportunity to. sponsor the messages (i,e,, '~This message,bas been brought to you by the City of Boynton Beach and XYZ Company.") The fo owing is the scope and purpose and goals and objectives of this project. COMCAST was diosen:because its system more fully saturates our target area than does ADELPHIA.. Although the two companies are in the process of merging in this market and ADELPHIA will soon become the sole carrier, I am anxious to sign with COMCAST as soon as ~Dossible because overall not only are their rates less expensive than ADELPHIA but also once the merger takes place. ADELPHIA will be required to honor the existing COMCAST contracts, SCOPE AND PURPOSE · To enhance the City's image · To position the City as a forward-thinking community in which people will want to live, work, play and leam · To provide a showcase for the City's accomplishments · To emphasize the elements that demonstrate the City's positive quality of life · To instill and promote City pdde by highlighting its accomplishments RECEIVED · Page I CITY MANAGER'S OFF!CE GOALS · To increase awareness, interest and participation of citizens in the city's goals, activities and services · T(3 encourage commemiat growth and revitalization OBJECTIVES · To use television as a medium through which to communicate how Boynton Beach is working to reinvent city living for the millennium, so that key stakeholders can begin to take ownership of the process · To use television as a medium for attracting r~ew commercial activity to the City by airing a :30 spot targeted to businesses in the Northeast utilizing the COMCAST system AUDIENCE · Boynton Beach residents · Residents in surrounding communities · Business/Comrnercial interests ADVANTAGES OF USING TELEVlSON · Best for broadly-based target · 7.5 hours of daily household viewing · Compelling (sight. sound, motion, emotion) · Network-Prestige ADVANTAGES OF USING CABLE · High penetration for higher-income, more educated households · Narrowcasting: can reach specific audiences · Reach households with high incomes · P, elatively Iow cost given reach · Flexibility · Availability - Seven in 10 homes are "cabled" · Interconnectivity · Page 2 DISCUSSION With inp~ from ether 'departments~ I have identified severat areas of excellence within the Ci.ty and have laid out a tentative monthiy production schedule, The month of December has been [e/t~open intentionally to accommodate any shifts in the SChedule brought about by other areas we may Want to emphasize during the year, ' January - Schoolhouse Museum February - Black Awareness March-~ GALA ...... May ~- ~Sarks (fOcusihg 'on oceanfront Park) J~4!y,-:- Bolj, ce' [ecruitment~.: August ~ Mentoi-i~g; September- Fire Rescue October - PAL November - Holiday activities December - TBA As you will note from the attached proposal, we have targeted some specific cable networks in pdmetime. These include A&E, L fet me MSNBC N ckelodeon, El, TBS, TVFood, TNT, HGTV, L~SA and TVVC. The lineup would be adjusted according lo our topic in a particu a~. month. These netwerks were selected for the following reasons: -. A&E: Upscale adults 35+, well-educated, professionals Lifetime: Upscale female viewers, both homemakers and working women MSNBC: Adults 18-49, $50.000+ income college graduates Nickelodeon: For the 2-15 year old audience (would be used to promote family odented activities such as "Season of Peace." E!: Viewers are 15-49, incomes of $50,000+ -i-VFood: Only cable network devoted to food and food related topics TNT: Audience vades according to program HGTV: Adults 25-54 USA: Adults 18+, $38,000 income TVVC: Adults 15-54, professionals, incomes of $37,000+ SUMMARY Telewsion is the most powerful mass communications medium ,available. Using cable advertising would allow us to geographically target with very little waste; reach a more qualified customer by targeting specific demographics and lifestyles; and communicate our message with sight, sound, · Page 3 motion and emotion. In my opinion, cable advertising would be an excellent use of the money allocated by the Commission for advertising. I will certainly appreciate your assistance in bdnging this matter to the C. ommJssion at the earliest possible time. · Page 4 Requested City Gommission Date Fina[ Form Mu, s[~be Turned Meeti~ ~ D~tei in~o Citv'Cl&'k s Office [] Novembe[2l 2000 [] December5, 2000 [] December [9.2000 []- January2,2001 . NATURE,OF AGENDA ITEM November 9_2000 (5:00 p,m.) November 22, 2000 /5:00 p.m.) December 6,2000 December;20,: 2000 (5:00 [] Administrauve [] Consen~ AgeX4d~ a [] P~blie Hdarin~ []Bids [] A~mouncemen~ Requested City Colnmiss~on Meet/no- Dates ~ January 16,20( 1 [~ February 6, 2001 TI ~e~y 2o, 2001 [] March 6.2001 Date Ftffal Form Mu, st be Turned in ro Cit9 ~21erk sOffi6e January 3. 2001 (5:00p.m;. J January 17, 2001 (5:00 p.mA ~ebmary 7, 200 I'(5:00 p .m. i F~bm~-y 2t 2001 ($:00p.m.) [] DeveB~pment Plans [] New Biksiness [] Lega [-']' Unflmshed:Business [] Presemation AGE~T; OWNER: LOCATION: D SCmPT O : 2LUB) a:Florida Corpomiion and University of Florlda Foundation square foot BJ~ Wholesale positions, .' foot drive~in bank as a PROGRAM IMPACT: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: _ N A ' S ALTERNATIVE : N A I>lanning~md Zorl~/ ' r D6.v, dl~l~en~lYep~em Director ~ -'- ' Ciiy Manager's signature City Attorney ~ Fhlasace / Human Resources Pmperty size: Land use: Current Zofiing: Location: , 47,302 Square ~fee~ (I~ 86 acres) This ss the~slze for the enm:e pr0per~ including ~ are~ ot~the Phase 1 plan as reviewed,in thi~ ieport and area of OuCafeets #2 an~ #5 designated for, fgmre developments -Loca! RetaiI C0mmereial Plarmed (PCD). S6uthwes~ BJ's Wholesale Club - COUS 00-006 Page2 Memorandum No. PZ 00-319 Ball&ng area: (S~e Exinbit'"B" ± Proposed site Plan): ~J S 7Who}esale Club lJu4tding w/m~zzanine Gas Station Kiosk Southm~sx Bank buildint TOTAL for Phase I ~I 0 4~3 square feet ;/2 s4iaare feet 4,875 square feet 11'5;440 square feet Surroimding Iand useS/zOning: North c Right-of-way o£ Boynton Beach Boulevard, farther north[ Bedding~ Bam 'and~ a va¢.anr parcel, both i designated Local Retail Commercial (LKC~ tanduse and zoned Commu/'iity'.commercial' (C~3); East - ~Post Office, .designated Public~ and' Private Governmental/tnstitationa[ (PPGI) land-use and zoned Public Us~ (PLr); ~omh'of the Post Dffi~e tract, is a parcel in uninC°rp6rated Palin~Beack County de4eloPed as a self, storage use, zoned Light Industrial: South - On the southea¢stem properW line, Congress Middle School with Moderate Density Reside,n, tial (MODR) !a~d use and zoned PUblie Usage (PU); onthe Southwest~ developed residential t StonehavenPUD)With M6dem~ce Density Residential (~IoDK3 l~nd use; an~ zoned pUD; and West - Developed residential (Stone. haven P~) with Moderate Density Residential (MoDR) land use and zoned · pUD. STA, iNDARDS ~OR EVALUATING :CONDITIONAL;USES AN1) ANALYSIS Section 11.2.D of the Land Development Regulations contains the following standards to whic, h conditional uses axe required to Conform. Followingeach of these Standards is ~he Planning and Zoning Division s evaluation of the application as it pertains to standatds. The Planning and DeveloPment Board a.nd City Commission shall consider only ~uch c6nditi0na! uses as are authorized !unde~ the~ term~ of these Zoning regulations and;,,~l in ¢ormection therew~ith~ may gran~ ~cond~fional uses absolutely or conditioned upon the conditions including, but not lira/ted to, the dedioation of property, for streets, alleys, recreation. 5p~ce and sidewalks, as shall be determined:nec~sary for the Protection ~f the surrounding area and the citi~zens' general welfare or deny Conditional USes when not in harmony with the int6nt and purpose of this seqtion. In evaluating a~ applicati6nc~,for conditional use approvatl .~he Board and Commission Shall consider the e£fect of ~e proposed use on the general heal.th, safety and welfare of the commUnity~ and make written £mdings certifying that satisfactory provisions have been made concerning the following standards, where applicable: 1. Ingress and egress to the subject property and proposed structures thereon, w/th particular reference to automobile read.pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe. Thq subjecr property has two points of ingress/egress at Boynton Beach Boulevard. ]hq wqstern access is a 52-foot wide openingproviding right turn in, right turn out Only. ]he.eastern d~;ivecay, at 80feet wide, will provide One entrance lane and two northbOund exit lanes witch on~~ exblu~,ive left-turn and one shared/through lane as per conditions specified bv thd Pain*Beach County Traffic Dr'vision. Two additional roadway improvements to meet safety standards for automobile traffic at access points are required by Palm Beach County and included in Exhibit "C" Conditions of ApprovaL Administrative approval' will be required for both driveways since they exceed the $2-foot maximum opening allowed by the code. The patrons 3'. Reftme~ andr~serVice areasl with Oarfi.¢ulg referenee~to the items in subsection 1 and 2 above; Th~m aFe a total qf:~hree ~3) durnpster$ and~two ~2} ~compaatOrs propos~on .the site 7alan: TwO comPa6tors will ser~,e~ ~be BJ's stdre and ~re localect or~ thb edst-~ide ofth~ BJ'a buildin The dum : ter ser~i.ng $ou~htrust Ba~i~ locat~ on the~s~OutltWe~t cOrPL~r of Outpardel # I; the:t~o rem~aim'ng ditmp~te~:s will serve future restaurant uses on outparbels #2 and #3.: 4. Utilities, with reference to locations availability, and compatibility With incorporation of Utility Department comments, utilities are available and to 'be provided consistent wtth COmprehensive ~°]an poIici~s and eity?egutatio~s. , ' . ~ ' 5. Screening, buffering and landscaping ~th reference m t~e, dimensions, and.character. BJ's Wholesale Cltib - COUS 00-006 P~ge,4 Memorandum: No./PZ 00-319 The project perimeter lan&caging includes q 2J-foot wide [mffer along the west and southwest proper~y lines, a ~t5~7foot wid~e buffer at the northern p~'op~;,iy line and a lO-foot, wide buffer [~n the r~m~ining seetio~ Vf ~he ~erhneter. A 25-f°°t,l~mds~afe buffet ~vil! ,Contai~ a. 6-fo-or high maxon~ wall centered ¢ithin the buyer The J o-foot ~vidk landscape buffe~' includes an J8-inch h[xh hec!gai The "U)nber of trees for perimetei: landscaping sign{ficant¢ exceeds cod~ requirements. However. with ~egards to the vehicular use area, s~aff'?s recommending further enganfemen? of landscaping for the main, 4:605spqqe £a~'ia~g area. As per Exhzlbit "C' Conditions of ApproYal, the developer wilt ~txo provide landscaping on the Boynlon Beach Boald~ard median in front of the proposed project. 6. Signs, and proposed exterior, iighting~ with reference to glare, traffic safety, economic effect, and compatibility and harmony with adjacent and nearby:properties. At.the time of permitt~ng, security li~,h, ting levels will be evaluated for excessi,,vf,,gl,~re, It is recommended that the light levels not excked building code m~imums, yls per Exhibit C Cohditions of Approval, lighting must be )rOvided along the back of the BJ ~ building for securitypurposes. Four wall signs qnd onepee,s?anding monument sign have been s'ubmitted for review, agJ's V~ofesale Club store will fkature a sign.on the elevation above the main entranqe ax: well as a sig'n for;the ~t~re's tike installation facility. The remaining wall ~igns ,will serve the gas station and Sotahtruxt'B,ank. The Southtras t Bank sign will be featured on the building's front elevation and, in smaller size, on the ~ide elevation. The ~roposed wall signs and the freestanding sign mee? the allowable requirements including sign face area ~nd height dimensions as set forth in the Lan~t De!aelopment Regalation~, Chapter 2L 7. Required setbacks and other~open spaces. The setbacks for a PC~ D are 40 feet pont, $0 feet. side, and 40 feet rear. The prOposed project :exceeds these kinimum requi?ements. The peripheral greenbelt dim,ens~ons .as well ~ the-v~ftiaular USe, area tagdscqping meet the code. 'The total lot covdrage is approxirnatel, v 20 percent, well below the 40 percent maximum set by the code. 8, General compatibility with adjacent property and other property, in. the zoning district. In general, the propogerl project is compatible with development to both ?he north and the east. As described in ~;ect~on 5, the greenbelt and the masonry wall abatting the developed residential uses to the south andweSt will serve m a~ melio~a~e negati~elimp~cts. 9. ; Height of building and Structures, with reference ro compatibility and harmony Io adjacent and nearby pm~oertie~ and the city as'a Whole. Thee proposed BJs store ts destgned as, a one-story bmldmg wtth a mezzamne. The general height of the building is approximately 31feet and 41feet 6 inches at the peak of the pediment above th~ entrance. The Sou~httZust ~ffank~buildin~ a a one- story ~tructure, with the g ~neral height of 1Pfe<t and 2 7feet at the peak of the pediment above the 'entrance. The maximum height allowed per code for commercial zoning districts i-s 45feet. The proposed heights are compatible with ~arby p/'operties~ 10. Economic effects on adjacent and nearby properties, and the city as a whole. As stated in the Section 2 above, negative effects such as glare and noise[ specially on the adjacent residential noighborhoods to the southwest and west of the subject properO2, will 'be alleviated by a 25-foot landscape [buffer and a six (6)-foot high masonry wall. In terms of economic impact On the city as a whole, Based;on the discussions contained herein compliance with devel~Jpme~t regulations, and the consistenc with the Comprehensive Plan, s .t~ffrecommends that Ms reque.st be re¢ommen~.~d for approYaI conditioned upon satxsfying 1t conditions of approval as:contained m E~h~b~t C . Furthermore, ~ant to Chamer 2 ~ Zon~n,, Section 11 2 Condition. al Us_es; a ~me limit is to b~e se~ Wi,% which the p~°Po~e~t ~6?Ct is to~ be ~te?°P~d- S~a~ reeom~ ends that a period of one (1) year be allowed tO i~iate th/s project (this.tio~'l~nit ~ippli~es only to the ~mcitlaW fueling facilityI as a o?.n~lifiona! ~se). As lor/g, as 25% 'Or more of the total ~Cos~ 0f'the imProvemehts me c~mplet~d Withi~ one (1)'year, thzs condition is met. Attachments EXHIBIT · · ' EXHIBIT -EXHIBIT EXHIBIT B ELEVATION (~) £L[VATION ELEVAT ON$ U .~, ·- ~ EXHIBITB Con tions of Approval: Project name; BYs Wholesale Club Fik number: TaCO, US 00-006 Re~'e~mce:, 3 ~iew plan§ ~fi~ as Con~tion~ U~/,Site ~. File~ COUS 00-006 ~th~ October ,}~ D~EPARTMENTS , : ~, ,INCLUDE REJECT .P~LIC~ WORKS Comments: NO~E ' ,' ~TILITIES C0mmenfs: ' : ~ i t. Water and. sewer lines to be Owned and operated by lfie City shall be included X within u~ility easements., pleaSe show all proposed easerhents on the engineering ~awings, ~sing a rminmum w/dth of 12 'feet:. The easements shall' be dedicated v/a sep~ate instrument to the City as Stated in CODE Sec. : 26~33(a). 2. All utility easements shglt ~e shn ~Wn:on the rectified site plan and landscaping X drawings so that we may det~e which trees may interfere with util!ties. In general palm trees will be the'only tree spebies allowed with/n Utflily easements. Canopy'tre~s may be plante~i ot~t~id~ Of the ~sement so that roots I : : and branches will not impact thos~ ufihfies within thC eaiement in the ' foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7. 5;18,1.give public utili{~es the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, e£ther in utility easements or public rights-of-way. - Sheet LA-1 reflects several slash pine trees within the p~O, posed utility , ' easement al0ngthe west side of the warehouse building as enhancement to' , the dry retenhoh area. These trees need ~o be rev/sited and changed to some ,type of palm, tr~es if they are to remain in ~e proposed utility easement as shpwn. The,pr0po~ed grasses doln~t pose a problem at this time, FIRE ' Comments: NOI'~E X' POLICE Comment~; NON~ E~G G:D SI ' I : · 3 S When outpareel #3 is siterpl~ed, relocate the parking spaces that back out into the major east/west al$1eway and into the ,egress kisle across the way, i [LDR Chapter 23, 'Article i13. & ArtiCle 6 ~' for msPe~Uo~ s : ~ T, nro~fle a:mole emelem ,cceSs ia~ ~e hte ~d th~ g~ sm~m p!~se cmsider ¢-conff~ng ~ ~n~ rage ~d ~ge ~ ama of ~romde ~dkect ac~e~.l~e lo ~e.~a~on. Remove ~g propped stop s!~ t~ anow cofi~aous:tm mine, ;~tall a s~op si~ f~i ndnh~ofi~d ~e ea~ ~nmet~ just bef~e mwm ea~f~e~t msle~ay ~tac~g.~on~0~s ~d. pm~e a:~Oct route to ~e ~ smnon. 9.. ~en o~l ~ ~s ~te-pl~, els rem~d~ that ~o of ~e . ~ca~ ~t~ iE,0u~el ~ibe loe~ed at ~e n6~h ~ s0 foot ac~sible ~ be.a!i~ the ~s~b~e ~ff0m &e~id/w~. . : PerhaPs ~e s~ ~ea~m co~d[3~ ap~ied for 0h~evl ~3~,. 10 ~en oup~cel ~3 is site-pl~ed; re,orate the 4~' bufl4~g~setback hne from the n~w pIop~hne due m ~. d~e!~non l~a.~ 11, ~e one-way so~ ~*e ~sle in out,eel ~3 ~da~g ~e ~e~s ~ea shall be a ~mdm 6~12 feet ~de P~ ci~Sm~a ~a~B-90013- : 0uCarcel g3'{s si~2pl~, it is recomended ~m a ~sed ~b be ~gt~ed to S~mam sou~bo~d. ~ . ~c from~ 'byzpass ~ffiC ~' ~ven~ sou~bo~d ~d from bm~$;e~o~d ~ve~ ~affic. : ~ 12, Prior to pe~t ~ssU~ ~o~de ap~oved pe~ts ~om all outside agenmes such ~ FDOT S~ ~d L~ ~ 13. Confi~ in ~t~g to ~ P[~i~ D~ent md copy ~he B~l~ng ' Di~sion ~t ~e ~ foot buffer walls sh~ ~ cons~cmd as sho pl~ simUltmeou~ ~th ~e site p~i~ ~d pd~ to ~e~ co~enc~enf . of Consmcfion 0f~~y buil~ngd ia a~r~e ~ ~e 6/t 9~0,a~me~ . be~een S~oneha~~ HOA ~d W~c~gsi~ ~d Sc~oed~.. I B~"s ~hole~aie Club ~ous 00_006 Page 3 of 6 ' 14 Specify o~ the sim a~d landscape plans that the bUffer walls aLnd the X landscaping on both sides of th~ walls;shall remai~.~ vh¢ p~rpemal obligation o~ th~ BJ's ?~holesa}e Club property 6wners and thdlr successors in title. 15. Item (5) or,he 6119/90 !agreement ~pecif/es a maximin building height if125 X feet f~r th6 anchor s~pr¢. 7fl5e north building ~le¢.~fi*n~shows h~ights 6f 28~8' 4'4- AND 1 . Provide amod2fieatmntglthe'ag~eement or aterter .from the ' . Stonehaven HOA~-that ~e proposed ,heigttts .~e aaceptable 16, There appears to,be no l~ghting l~ovided along the back of the BJ's building; X . ShO~ proposed lighting[onth~ ~ite plan for security purposes. ' 17. At both Iocatigns:0f the 22 foot paved fire lane, show appropriate signage to X disal}ow all tr~ffia from enterihg these areas. C0risider gating these 0pe~hgs ' · st~bject t0 F/tel DePattment ~ppmval. BUILDING DIVISIO~ Comrn~B: 18. As required by Chapter 4, Section 7 of the Land,D_ evelopment Regulations X submit for ~:evie~v a floor phn'drawing of the BJ S buitd~ng and the gas station attendant kiosk. · 19 Submit f0rrevie~¢ plat drawings of th& subject pr6'ect The plat will X · . ~ ' ~ ' ' ehrmnate~the need for a umty of role and the abandonment of the 30 foot right,ofZway that is sh6wn on the survey. 20. At time of permit review submit signed and sealed working drawings of the X proposed constmchon. . 21. Add to the submittal a partial elevation view drawing of the proposed . X perimeter mas~onry wal].. Identify on l;he drawing the type.of fence and ~e type of material Ihat supports the fence, including thb typical distance . between supports. Also, provide a typical section view drawing: of the fence ' that includes the depth ~hat the wall supports are bel6w finish grade ah~the height that the wall is above finish grade. The location and height of~di~: fence shall comply wi/h the fence regulations specified in the Zoning Code. . 22. At time of permit re¼ew, provide detaited drawings and documentatipn on X the plans Jchat will yefify that the accessible route that is shoWn from the accessible parkihg spaces to the acbessible building entrancd.is in comPliance with the regulations Of the Florida Aceessibility Code for Building Consmaction. The documentation shall include, bdt not be limited to, identifying the type of material proposed for the route, type of surface finish, · width, cross slope, slope and length of the entire accessible route ineludii!,g, · 25. The develo~r i, kegpq~ble {o~ BoSton ~h Boule~d m ~0gt of ge propose& develqpmem. D?e!o~ : , ~lwork~i~h~B,'~d¢~c~eaaon;D~eat~odete~ne~ FOP~S 26. The fotlo~g e0me*ts ~el~je to C~apt~, S~qn 7, retail feints: ' - P~g mlcahfi~s shom ~ ~e sit~; pl~ do n0t match ~ those skom on ~e hpplic~on. :, ~so., ~e ~mbe~,0f p~g spac~ ~oumea . ~uMs.6S0: $~te ~ta ~n~tes 68i ~acgs promded. Remew~d rew~ accormng~. - Two ~fi~l h~dicgpped p~ki~ Spaces m~t be Provided: for B~' A re tared 2% 0f · p q . s~ces; 8 stokes'are__:. , .~r~°sed. ~ ' ~ -. S~ey in~tes a pl~e~ 3~ foot roag fi~tmf-way easem~t ming 27 ~ Enhronmental Renew Pe~t ~s reqm~ for ~e sMe ofprop~'e ~or gasoline. (Ch. 2, Sec.:6, 5.m) 28 Unified con~oi d°emems ~e ~equk~ f~r this site'. (Cg' 2' ~e~' 0' F'. 3') ~J's, wholesale Club 06-0o6 page 5 of 6~ .29i Pr°vide;a site 1/gh~ing fzxture detail. 2 , , 30. Withinthe siteplan 4at~tablb cotrect'tfienumber for the total site area so ' X tha~ it is consistent with ~he numb~ quOted on the survey, ' ' 31. with/n the site plan,dura tabie, correct land,use designation to Local,Retail X 32, There arc Conflicts betwee~ the locatkm Oftrbes and light poles inthe . X landscape ~s~ds. Reviqw and revise acc6rdingty. ~ 33, Admin/strative approval is required for both driveways along Boynton 13each X Boulex,ard.[ Both driveways exceed the 32 feet maximum oper~ng ail0~d. (Ch. 23, An, !/, HO. Submit iem of request to Deveiopment,Di~ct0r 34. Sign and[seal plans prior to submittal for building permiL X 35. Submit sUrVey with revised plans for buildingpermits. 36. The Palm Be~ch Corn/fy Traffic Divisipn ~as determined that the project ' X meets the Traffic PerfOrmance Standards contingent Upon: a)' Funding of traffic signal modfficafions bxpenses at the intersection'of BoyfitohBeaeh Boulevard/Winchester Pa~k Boulevard. (Must l~e attdres4ea at time of Building Pein'fit.) · b) Provision of an auxiliary fight-mm lane along Boynt0n Beach . Boulevard into the site at western access driveway. (Addressed on ' site plat.) : ~ ' ~ ' i c) ProviSion'of two northbound exit lanes at the project ~stem access ' driveway, one exclusive !eft-rum and one shared/thrOugh lane ' (Addressed on site piano : 37! Add additional tree island centered along second' partdng aisle tO provide X break up of a continuous parking row and add beneficial landsc&pe ~nhancements. 38. Any future sha~ed parking arrangements shall be supported byshared X ~parking 4ara analysis based on the Urban Land Institute shared,parking methodology. Such analysis must accompany ~subsequently filed site plans with proposed shared parking arrangements.', · 39. Future development parcels shown on the plan will require separate site plan X alSproval. 40 All improvements sh0Wmon the site plan shall be construqted prior to X issuance of certificate of occupancy unlbss indicated on plans. - S~ey4~c~ 43 Remse c0~m ~o out0a~e~ buflflmgs: ~ s~ce ~f c ~mmons pr0je~s wi~ ~DITION~ :CITY Co~SI~N CO~I~NS; 45. Tobe det~ed DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT NAME:. BJ'S ,WHOLESALE CLUB APPLICANT'S,AGENT: Roscoe L Biby, P.E,/KJmleY-Hom & Associates, Inc. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 60-1 21s, Street, Suite 4000, Vero, Beach, FL 32960 DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CI.TY COMMISSION: November- 21, 2000 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Cond~tiona! Use/Site Plan LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Southwest comer 0fBoynton' Beach and Wii3chester Park Boulevard DRAWIN G(S): SEE EXH1BIT'~B" ATTACHED HERETO, THIS MATTER came before the Cty Commiss on of the Cty Of Boynton Beach~ F or da app?ring on the Consent Agebda on the d~ite above! The City C~issi~n hereby a~fqpts the fi~ir~gs and recomrner{dmi~)~'of the Planning a~d DeVelopment Boardl WhiCh Bbar~l fo~hd ~s fo tows: OR ,, X -~H[S MATTER came on ~to be heard before the- City Commission of the City ~)f Beynton Bea~, '-Florida 0n :~he da~e 0f hearing stated above ~ The C ty-c~)mmiss on havihg considei'ed th~ strelief s~ughtaff an~d~ the bypubitcthe findsapp idan~as fOllows:and' he'~d' testimony from the ~pplicant, member~ of city' admmls~-a~ive' ' ' 1, AppliCation for the~rel~ef sou,g_ht was made by the App! ~ant in a manner consistent w th Lh~ reiq.uir~ments of the City ~ Land Development R~(:jdiat OhS 2. The Applicant X HAS HAS NOT established by substantia competent evidence a bas s for,the re ef requestad 3. The condi~ons for development requested by ~e Appt cant, admin strafive staff; or suggested by't~,,e. ~ublic and supp. o~tbd bY.s[~bstantJa~ competent evidence are as set for~f~ on Exhibit c~ with ~otatibn Ificiuded. 4. The Applicant s app 'cation for relief s hereby . X GP~TED subjeCt to the cond t ohs referenced in paragraph 3 hereof, · DENIED 5. This, Order shall take effect immediately upon ssuance by the City Clerk 6. All further development on the property sha be made, n accordance w th the terms and cohdifions Of tt'iis order, 7. Other DATED: City Cle¢k Requested City Comnfission Mee,.q~e Dates x [] November 21, 2000 [] December 5. 2000 [-'] December 19.2000 [] Janflary2. 2001 NATURE OF ,AGENDA ITEM ~)ate Final Form Mu~t be Turned Requested City Comm/ssion in mCiw Clerk S Office M~etin~ Date~ Novemberg. 2000 (5:00p.m.) [] January l6, 2001 November 22. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) [], February 6, 2001 December 6, 2000 (5:00 p,m.) [] February 20; 2001 December20, 2000 (5:00p.m.) [] March 6 2001 Dat~ Final Form Must be Tttmed in ~o City CIe~k~s J~muary 3, 200I (5:00 p.m January 17,200t {5:00p m.) [~ Administrative · --] Consent Agenda [] Public H~uring [-- Bids ] Announcement [] Dewlopmem Plans [] New Business [] lint'm/shed Business [] Presentation RECOM~NDATION: Please, place tk/s ~quest.~n the Norcemb .er 21; 2000 City Commission Agenda under Pubt/c mating. ~ Pl~ming mad De3~lop~ent B0drd Wi~h h ~ot~s ~ ~:ecommended that the s~ec~ reqUest be.aPProved (~ere are go ~onilitions recomm~nded by, staff got ethe Planning and D;evglopm~t Bg~d)! For further details pertaining to this request see attadhed Department of Development Memorandum No. PZ 00-320. EXPLANATION: AGENT: i APPLICANT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: BOY--TON BEACH'BOULEVARD :pcD (BJ~S VvttOLESALE CLUB) Roscae Biby, Kiml~ey-Hom 8~ Associate% Mc Birchwood/Bosmton,I:¥L.L.c. University df Florida Fbnndation. Inc.. a Florida Co~oration and Un/versity of Florida Foundation C~rpo~a~on~ as Trustee _ Southwest cpmer of~Boynton Beach Boulevard and 'Winchester Park Boulevard Reques~ ap~r0¥al for a Planned c0mfcial Devet6pment {PCD) master plan for. 14.77 acres to mclu~le ~ BJ's Wholesale Club store wills ancdlary ~as station, a bank, two future retail/restaurant omparcels and related improvements. PROGRAM I~IPACT: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: . N/A D~v~t b~em --~: ,, '. i~ C~ty Manager's S~gnature City Attorney Finance / H~ Reiources S:kBUELETINWORM S~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC T!t, RU: - DATE: 2000 9 Page 2 BJ;s. PCD File N(~. REZN 00-002 expked in June 1997., ~the request must~ be processed asa new application for zoning to PCD, The- ~ysis qon~e~ he;ein qvaluates the PrtP°sed Master.~lan, issues o f particular concern, an~.incindes se~ecied portions o!~ the ab~)ve:described .~tefia that pertain io impacts upon mtmi¢ipat ~erVices, and c0mpatig~lity With-adjacent properties. ADJACENT LAND USES ~D ZONING The land Uses and zo/~ing, in the sUr~0tmdiag area ,~ary and are Presented in the table that follows: Nort;h · Right-of-way o~ Bo~on B?,~h Boulevard then land designated.Local Retail Commerci. al (LRc)!~nd USC and zoned commtmi~y Co~rcia~ iC,3). One ParceI opposi~ the subject ~site is developed Commercial (Bedding Barn) and the 0the{: one remains vacant. East Fronting on. .Boynton Beach Boulevard, Public & Private Governmental/Institutional i(PPG~ land Use and zoned PuBlic Use (PU) for a Post Office. Southlof the Post Office tract are two parcels in unincorporated Palm Beach County, one containing a self-storage ~e, the' Other vacas~tl South . On the..southeastem property line is Congress Middle School with Moderate Density Resident/al (MoDR) land use,at a max/mum density of 7.26 du/ac, .and zo~ed,Public Usage (PU) , The property to the southwest is developed residen0al (s~0nehaven pLrD):~th Moderate Density Residemial (MOOR) ;land use, and zoned PUD witha land use intensity (LUI)0£4.0. West Developed residential (S*onehaven PUD) wi~ Moderate Density,Residential (MoD,R) land USe, and zoned PUD With a land nsc intensity(LlJI) of 4 0 PROPOSED ~DEVELOPMENT A petition ;o rezone land to a Ptarmed Conlmermal Development must include the minimum master plan documents as indicated in the City?s Land Development Regulations. The proposed master plan ~ncludes ~ to~,a.l,,°f ~2~,059 square feet of 6dice and co~nmercial develop~nent (see atYtached Exhibit 'B-Prop&seal MaSter Plan). A more deiailed description oft/tis proposed Master Plan is as follows: Proiect Area 14.77 acres ProposedUsds: The proposed PCD master plan includes a 110,493 square foot BJ's Wholesale Club ~om ~excluding the proposed track well), a t2 elmg positron BJ s gas station with a 72. square foot ldosk, a 4,875 square foot S0~thTmSt Bank and two retail/restaurant outparcets, one ourparcet showing a proposed 5:880 square foot building the other a 5,700 square ftot building. Site Access/Traffic: The subject property has two points of ingress/egress at Boynton Beach. Boulevard. The westerrt access is a 52-foot wide opening ~e~ for Site Regulations: Minimum land area Maximum tot C0v~rage Minimum peripheral' greenbelt Width~ M ,aximum structure height 3 acres 40 percent 101 feet; 25: feet when abutting residential" use 45 feet The pr0po{ed project exceeds these minimum requirements. Both, reel l~efi~h~at'greefib~[t ;¢im~ensi0ni 'and ,the ~ehic~~ :us9, area landgcapihg ~e~t~ ih~ eCcte'.' The total:lot coyerage is aPproximately Page 4 BJ's FCD File iN'o. REZN 00-002: 20 percent, well below the 40 percent maximum set by the code~ H~i~ts of the proposed S{mc~res are within the allo~ed Z~5-foot maximum. The pro~p0sed BJ s Store is dehgned as a One-story building with a mezzamne. The general heigl~t of the building is approximately 3.1 feet and 41 feet 6 inches at the peak of the pediment above the:erttranee. The S0uthTrust Bank building is a one~ sto~ structure, -~ith the general height Of 171 feei and. 27 feet ht the peak of the pediment abi~ve the entrance ISSUES/DISCUSSION A~ CONSISTENCY OF REZONING; WI. TH ESTABLtSHED ZAND USE PATTERN ~ gengral, the Proposed rez6ping is consistent With development to both the north and the eastl 'The~requirement fo? additional greenbett'w/~ landscaping;and maso~ Wall abutting the developed residential uses to .the south and west will serve to ameliorate negat/v~ impacts. · COMPATIBtLIIT OF PROP~SED.REZONI~G WITtt PUBLIC FACILITIES It has been determined that the~ sitg, is vested fo3 120,000 square feet of~ commercial development; ~hich included t 14,375: square feet'6f~re{ail anda },625 square foot drive-in bank. The :propoSed master plan~ shoyq~ 1~7,02~0 square feet Of commercial develoPment (excluding the proposed tmctc well); :which is 7,02t3 square'feet greater {Nan the:Vested square 'footage. Therefore, only the impacts abo~e the vested approval: are subject to concurrency rewew. WATER AND SEWER DEMANDS: The Utilities Department has indicated that capacity is available to serve the project without negatively impacting adopted levels of service standards. DRAINAGE: The applicant has ~ubmitted certification that the stormwater management system proposed for theproject will be designed in accordance with the requ/reme, nts of the City, the South Florida ~ater Management DisU-ict, the Lake Worth Dr~age Distri¢t and the Florida Department of Transportation. ROADWAY CAPACITY A2XIALYSIS: A traffic analysis was submitted to Palm Beach County for Traffic Performance Standards Revie~v. Comments from the County Engineer's office indicate that both Test 1 and Test 2 are satisfied'. C. ANTICII:~ATED ISSUES RELATED TO PROJECTDESIGN According to the PCD regulations, the intent and purpose of the PCD district is "to provide a zomng classification for commercial developments that will better satisfy current demands for commercially zoned land by encouraging development which will reflect changes in the concepts and technology of land development and relate the land development to the specific site...and to allow for the mitigation of negative impacts which result from land development." ATrACI-IMENT~ .Boynton Beach Boulevard CD (BJs.Whlesale) EXHIBIT A SITE EXHIBI "C" Conditions of Approval P~roject name: BJS WHOLESALE CLUB File number: REZN 00-002 Reference: 2 sheet~i~tentifibd as Master Site Plan. File # DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT pUBLiC wORK~ ' i Comment~; NONE- X , UTILITIEs , , , · Comments: NONE . X Comments· NONE , X POLICE i : Commcnts: ONE ' ENGINEERING DMSION Comments: NONE X BUILDING'DIViSION Comments: NONE X ', , PARKS ANY RE~^T~ON Comments: NONE . i · X F ORE S TEPdENViRQNMENTALiST Comments: NONE PLANNING AND-ZONING Comments: NONE X ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEMELOPMENT BOARD coNDITIONS Ccymments: None ' ' X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDiTIONS 1. To be detemain&d. ' J:ISHRDATAI,PLAN N [NG\S HARED\WPIPROJECTS'~J,S WHOLESALE 3LUB (RF~ONIN ~)~d~cZ. NCOND. OF APPROVAL.DOC PROJECT,' NAME!: BJ S ~HOLE~ ~,: APPLI~NT'S AGENT: Roscoe L Biby, P E/K m ay-Horn & AssOCiates; The ApPlicant~ ~: X HAS HAS NOT established by substant!al competent eviden~ce a~basis for-the relief r, ecluested', The COnditions ~or development requested b~/the Ap~ P{icant, admin!~strative~sl~aff,~ o[ sugge?ted'by-the public'~t~d sapp0~ted~ bY s[~bstan§~l ~mpe~ent e~id~nce'a~'e asset for~l~ ~)n E~hibit "C'~ witl~ nb~ation "Included".. 4~ The, Apptica~t's apPlication ~'or relief is hem? : . p ag X GRANT,EDjs~bJect to the conditions referencea, r~ ar raph 3 hereo DENIED: This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk, ,¸ Other DATED: VII-PUBLIC HEARING ITEM C CITYOF BOYNTON BEAC] Requesto~t Cit~ Commission Meeting Dates [] November21, 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] December 19~ 2000 [] Ianuary 2. 200I NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM Date Final Form ~u, st be Turned ~ t~ C'itv Cle~k s Office November 9. 2000 15:00 p.m. No,~ember 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 6. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20~ 2000 ,5:00p.m.) Admimstrative [] Consent Agenda [] Public Hearing [] Bids [] Announcement Requested City Comnussmn Meet/n~ Dates [] January 16.2001 February6. 1001 [] February 20 2001 [] March 6. 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned ~n to Ciw Clerk's Office January 3. 2001 {5:00 p.m. January 17, 2001 (5:00 v.m. February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.~ February 21,2001 (5:00 p.m. [] D~velopment Plans [] ~New Business --] , Legal [] Unrra/shed Business [] ! Presentation RECOM3~IENDATION: Please place this request on lhe Noveraber 21, 2000 City Cdmmission Agenda under Public Hearing. Tlte Planning and Development Board with a unammous vote reco_mmended that the s.ubject request be postponed at the reqUest 6£ the applicant ~o t~e Nogember 28; 2000 planning and Development B0ard meeting. EXPLANATION: PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCP, tPTION: GROTTO BAY ~ BERMIdDA PLACE [Easement] Jori/Brinlcma~ AICP, of Winston Lee & Associates. Inc. Quantum Park & Village, LLC The east side of Quantum Lakes Drive, ~outh 9f Gateway Boulevard Request for 20-foot utility easement abandonment between lots 60 and 61 in the Quantum Park PtD. PROGRAM ~ACT: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ALTERNATI~ES: ;N/A Plannthg and 7~ Director 7 De'~l~pm[i~Yt~p arfimehi D/rector Ci~'Manager's Signature City Attome~ / Finance / Human Resources 11702/2~00 IG:57 1-5~1~S9-5559 ~I~ISTDN LEE PAGE 82 Ii RE¸; Piece As~ociat~ E~amen~:: ~ Abandonment Dear be as soon ; if-this is not 1he case. PIease feet free to call if YOU have any ~ uestions or require any additional information. Jon! S~nkmAn, ~JOP' PrOject Planner T~]:' 56]-6gg-467U · =~;a×~ 561-6~9-~59~ °~ E-mail; ,~instodwIa~aoi.com'~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ORDINANCE O 00- ORDINANCE OF TIlE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY DATE. THE LAND DELVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND ARTICLE II SECTION 1 OF CHAPTER 21 OF TIlE CODE AND AMENDING CIIAPTER 1.5, THE LAND DEVELOPMENT TO CLARIFY AND FURTHER APPLICABLE TO FOR CONFLICTS, MN EFFECTIVE WHEREAS, the City Commissior~ upon recommendation of stall, has determined that it is in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City, to amend Certain sections of the Land Development Regulations to clarify and specify the procedures applicable to variances; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COlVlMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are tree and correct and hereby ratified and confirmed by the City Commission. Section 2. That Article X, "Variances and Exceptions" of Chapter 1 of the Land Development Regulations is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 3. That Section 3. B. "Variances" of Chapter 23 of the Land Development Regulations is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 4. That Article 1I, Section 1. ''Variances" of Chapter 21 of the Code of Ordinances, is hereby deleted in its entirety. Page 1 of 4 XI-LEGAL ITEM B.1 3 4 $ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28¸ 29 30 31 32 Section 5. That Article [. Section 4.1 D. "Variances". of Chapter 1.5 of the Land Development Regulations is hereb.~ amended to add sub-section h. as follows: h. For ~ariances ~o the Chapter,~l' Signs, the Planning and l')evelo~' t Bohr:d maY' m'a~t 'a '~vadan~e~ ~'it;,fi~a~ that the unusual'shape or __ el_.men , ¥ r-~ · t0pograph¥ of the: ~o~ert~ :hi~.questiofl ~re?entS!i~i ,°;na~e ,allowable under the provisions of chapter, 2~ ~6m' ~i~quat~t-i:'ia~tif~}~' the business'or' other aCtiVity located on such property. Thebh'a~d m~¥ oiil¥ ~/mtk variance to: increase~ by Up ~o (3) Allov¢ tl,~ nnmhel: Of signs~,~l~increased over the maximum allowed b4~ this code.:' No variances, may be granted to ~igns expressly prohibited by Chapter 2 t ' -:~ Section6. That Article I, Section 4.3 B. "Authority Granted by" City Commission , of Chapter 1. of the Land Development Code is hereby amended to read as follows: B. The following applications/types of requests that are processed and reViewed by the Planning and Zoning Deparunent shall be approved by the planning and development board: 1. Abandonment. 2, Administrative appeal. 3, Community Design Plan appeal 4. Concurrency appeal. 5. Concurrency time extension. 6. Landscape appeal. 7.. Master plan modification. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 8. Master plan time extension. 9. Major site plan modification. 10 New site plan. 13. Site Plan time extension. 14. Subdivision - master plan. 15. Use approval. 16. Zoning code appeal. 18. Conditional use approval time extension. Section 7. Conflicting Ordinances. Ail prior ordinances or resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. _Section 8. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstamtional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the romaming potions of this Ordinance. Section 9. Inclusion in Code. It is the intention of the City Commission of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, Florida, that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Code of ordinances; and that the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or such other appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such Intentions. .r:~SFii~DATA~CA~Dp, j~i.~R~\Va~O~a~a.a:[mffitlO~iO0.~Oc Page 3 of 4 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ~7 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 Section 10. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective tkirty (30) calendar days after adoption by the City Commission. FIRST READING this day of_ ,2000. SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSAGE this day of_ ,2000. ~ OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor ATTEST: Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tern Commissioner Commissioner City Clerk Page 4 of 4 Requested City Commission M~eting Dates Z November21 200( [-'- December 5. 2000 [] December 19.2000 [] Janua~ 2, 2001 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOI Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission in to Citw Clerk'sOffice Meeting Dates Novemberg, 2000 '5:00p.m.~ [] January l6, 2001 November 22, 2000 5:00 p.m.) [] February 6, 2001 December & 2000 (5:00 p.m. [] February 20, 2001 December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) [] March 6, 2001 XI-LEGAL FIRST READING ITEM B.2 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Citw Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 5:00 p.m.) January 17, 2( 31 5:00 a mo FebruaryT, 2001 (5:00 p.m.] February 21,200l 5:00 p.m./ NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consem Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation ~'~*~" RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve a proposed Ordinance on First Reading, which will elirainate Chapter 18, -, ~ Article XI from the current Code of Ordinances which set forth procedure for an Early Retirement Incentive Program. EXPLANATION: The first time this programwas enacted in 1997, the Ordinance setting forth the program and the procedure was incorporated into the Code of Ordinances. As this is a program that is not intended to be an on-going process, and will only be implemented from time to time, end will be mod/tied from time to time to best suk the needs of the City and the employees, it should not be cod/fled into the Code of Ordinances. PROGRAM INEPACT: None FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES: Leave the outdated procedure in the Code of Ordinances./,/.~,,~6,g~_._~ Department Head's Signature City Manager's Signaurre City Attorney Department Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:~B ULLETINLFO RM SLAGEN DA ITEM KEQUEST FORM.DOC ORDINANCE O 00- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE cr'~Y OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DELETING CHAPTER 18. ARTICLE IX, ~ARLY RET~I~, MENT JNC~NTIVE PROGRAM, IN ITSENTIRE , RESERVING SECTiOi, S 18-223 THRouGH 18-230i 1/ROVIDING :FOR sEVERABIL1TY, CODIFICATION, CONFLICTS AND AN EFFECTIV WHEREAS, the ~Early Retirement Incentive Program set fro-th in Chapter 18, of the Code of,.Or/dinances hasbeen fully implemented;: and WHEREAS, the City is in the process of establishing a new Early Retirement Incentive Program winch will not be codified; and WHEREAS, continued inclusion of the Early Retirement Incentive Program currently set forth in the Code of Ordinances will likely result in confusion once the new Early Retirement Incentive Program is implemented; and WHEREAS, the .City Commission, upon recommendation of city administration, has deemed it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Boynton Beach, tO delete Article IX, Chapter 18. Early Retirement Incentive Program, from the Code of Ordinances; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The foregoing whereas clauses are tree and correct and constitute the findings of the Commission necessary to support this Ordinance. Section2. That Chapter 18. Pensions and Retirement. Article IX: Early Retirement Incentive Program, Section 18-223 through 18-230 is deleted in its entirety, reserving Secfious 18-223 through 18-230. Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. Should any section or provision of this ordinance or portion hereof, any paragraph, sentence or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this ordinance. Section 5. Authority is hereby given to codify this Ordinance. Section 6. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. 2000. FIRST READING this day of November, 2000. SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSAGE this _ day of December, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tern ATTEST: City Clerk Commissioner Commissioner Requested City Commission Meetin~ Dates [] November 21.2000 [] December 5. 2000 [] December 19, 2000 [] January 2. 2001 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office November 9. 2000 (5:00p.m.. November 22, 2000 5:00 p.m.) December 6. 2000 ~5:00 p.m. i December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] January 16. 2001 [] FebruaD 6, 2001 [] February 20. 2001 [] March 6.2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Ciw Clerk's Office JanuaD 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m. January 17. 200l (5:00 p.m. ~ February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.~ February 21, 2001 5:00 p.m NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Adminis~:ative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfmished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOi~-MENDATION: Motion to approve a proposed Ordinance on First Reading, which wilI set forth procedure and implementation of an Early Retirement Incentive Program for the employees of the City of Boynton Beach. EXPLANATION: Based on the City's current staf£mg needs and recommendations from staff, the City adm/mstration would like to offer an Early Retinnent Incentive Program to those fall-time employees of the City, who on April 1, 2001, have been full-time employees for a minimum of seventeen (17) years and are witb/n three (3) years of normal retirement. Actuarial reports have been reviewed by staff and am attached to the Ordinance for c0rmmssmn rewew. The recommended option is to provide a continuation of basic hospitalization for the employee for the three year program. This is similar to the prewous program three years ago. Assumptions as to pammpation are presented on the table on the next page. The assumptions are based on 60% participation in the program. The proposed enrollment period would be from approximately December 15' 2000 to approx/mately February 1, 2001 for those employees who would qualify as of April 1. 2001. The exact departure of employees would be based on the needs of the operating deparunent, ha addition, the replacement of departing employees will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and not be automatic. PROGRAM IMPACT: Program maPact will vary from department to department depending on the experience level and cross-training provided by departing employees. FISCAL IMPACT: Cost savings of $141,657 in personnel costs based on most conservative option. ALTERNATIVES: Not approve the Early Retirement Incentive Program. Department Head's Signamre City Attorney Department Name Manager's Sign,anne City Attorney Finance / Human Resources S:kI3ULLETLNkFORMSkAGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC City of Boynton Beach Comparison of Salary Sayings thru a Proposed Early Retirement Program -:F_-!Es~,t~:2.tb. cir,~.:Y,e.~r ?:,;~(~'~?.~.'thlr~ Y_e~arsed:"'' ~ . First-third Year- First-thirdYear ; ~ fl ~'~[~b~'s'i{d~ ~''~ ~1.~!~ ?;-~Ost~base~ cost fsavinos~ based -- -f~ ' ~, ~*~ . ~- ~: O~ ~ne [o o.w ng ¢ on the ~ollb~g factors: ~.~.~f-O..~ '._~.~ ~$/~¢~i~ ;::;,* ; ~ff ~,-.~,following:~; :,~ ........ Em~gyee Cepla~d mid em¢~yees~ ;~_J~,',li]~d~¢, : - I :~' ¢~e~;:L-" "He~ t~ ns Is ~c Ud¢ Is NOT Inslud~d :~ll~eligible~e~toyee~¢ ,h;--¢~ , ~..; ,;~L,6O,Yeeliglbleemployees 6O%eligibleemplo~ees retire inc~u~eQ AIl * retire retire eligible employees retire Police Pension 21 . $ (50,887) $ (t21,237) $ (30;5~2~ $ ¢ : (72,742) Fire Pension 25 $ (171,201) $ (254,951) $ ('t02,721~ $ (152¢71) General Employees 23 .. ~ .... (!.~,00Z) $ (8~,70~), $ . -..(6:,~0~)$ (52,624) Total ' . .... ee ~,_ _. (2,~6,09¢ . $ .:(463,895) '$ -(!.4~,6~7) $ ~ , (278,33~) (Recommended) 11/13/003:38 PM ORD NANCEO 00~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA CREATING AN EARLY RETIREMENT INCENTIVE, PROGRAM; PROVIDING REQUIREMENTS FOR PART CIPA~'ION IN THE EARLY RETIREMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM; PROVIDING CRITERIA FOR QUALIFICATION FOR EARLY APPROYlNG AND ISSUING A STATEMENT OF APPROVING THE FORM OF PARTICIPATION IN THE EARLY PROGRAM; DIRECTING CITY ON ~TQ FURNISH A COPY TO THE PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE. 1, 2001, have been full-time for a minimum.of seventeen years and:are within three ~ nd ~isslon has evaluated the following actuarial , Gabdel, Roeder support the feasibility of the Early Retirement Incentive PrOgram: Preliminary B01ice; and Fire.study- June 9, Preliminary ~ene(a: Emp oyees-Ju y 20, 2000, Final study- NOW THEREFORE~ BE IT ORDAIN,E.D BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY'OF BOYNTON'E~i=ACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The. foregoing whereas clauses are true and correct and constitute the findings Of the; (~mn~iSsion necessary to support th s Ordinance Section 2. The City Commission hereby creates an Eady Retirement Incentive Proqram for any f~ll-tirne City employee who on Apr 1 2001, has been a full-time employe~ .for a.minimum of seventeen years and is within three (3) years of normal:retirbment; Section 3. Any full~tme City employee who 'on Apdl 1, 2001 has n minimum of seve.n,teeri ~ears service, and is within three years of normal retirement is eli.qible,, to Part!cipate~ conditioned on the employee execut n.q a 3 A.qreement for P'~rtidiPati0h'~afld WaiVer no later than 5:00 P.M., January 19, ~001, J;\SHRDATA\CA\ORD\Pension\ 110200 ~art¥ Retirement.dOC Rev. 11/6/OO desiqnat n.q a last date of employment not later than April 1,2001 .. Section 4. Eliqible employees who elect to participate will receive: (1 }., Three ~yeam added;to years: of s~rvice time and/or years of ~aqe,~l:nt;ho~::e~ei~t~'~iil ~he-~Ci'edlt~:d~:t'~n~ bf service or vearS 'exceed thmeyears:total. - : .~ ~:will' continue to pay health rates for all 2004. · fire but not actually Sl~ail the Section 5. lhoiCit~Oommi~siO~,:ad~Pt~i~ues: and certifieS; as ~ts ~wn the final sta~ment ~ef~ 'a~anal ~mpabt,a~d .:a~a~s' ~ the proposed Eady Retirement S~tem~i~.~.,.~et~,:~R~a~Z~ ~Eh ~r Pohce and F~re Pensions, an~Gea~t~;~r~;~s".;~ch;~am~'a~ched~hereto as Section 6. fili~ible employees who ele~, to ~otimmont In~ntivo prO,mm musteXoeute Waivor of Section 7. Th~ retirement plans, Statutes, and Rule 60T-1.004 Or( 3inistrators of the Flodda Of this the Division of Insurance as is Plan. with the nt Incentive Section 8'. and Clerk to Id~ Early Retirement , of :c.i~ Comm, .......... Section 9~ . The iSsiQn~.ad0~s,and ratifies the, Commencement Not~ce Acknowled,qemeht ~of: Rece[¢t~,0f~,:,~b~lmm, comr~encement Not~ce, Information Fact Sheet, and Employee Deblmat~on to Participate forms, heretoforo prepared by the City administration, cop~es of Which are attached hereto ~ Exhibits "C", "D". "E" and "F" respectively. The City Administration is authorized tn modify these forms when modification is necessary to facilitate the obiectives of this Ordinance Or ~when amendment is required to COnform the forms tn requirements of state or federal law. Section 10. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 11. Should any section or provision of this ordinance or portion hereof; any paragraph, sentence or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this ordinance. Section 12. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. FIRST READING this day of November, 2000. SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSAGE this 2000. day of Decem[~er, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tern Corn missioner Commissioner ATTEST: City Clerk GABRIEL, ROEDER, SMITH & COMPANY ConsuLtants &Actuaries ,301 Eas Las O as B vd · Sue 200 · Ft Lauderdale FL 33301 ~ 954-527-1616 · FAX 954-525-0083 PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL July 20 2000 Ms. Diane Reese Finance Director City of Boynton Beach 100 East~ Boly;nt0n Beach:Boulevard Boynton Beach, Flodda 33425603100 Re: Boynton Beach General Employees Retirement Fund Dear Diane: You have asked us to determine the cost impact of two possible early retirement window scenarios: All participants within three years of normal retirement date would be eligible. Each person who opts to retire would be given credit for three years of service. All participants with ten or more years of service would be eligible. Each person who opts to retire would be given credit for three years of service. Those who with the additional three years are not yet eligible to ret re would have their pension deferred to their normal retirement date. The number of eligible participants would be 48 under the first scenario and 211 under the second. We have determined the cost impact assuming both that all eligible participants elect to retire and that one-half of eligible participants elect to retire. In all of our determinations, we also made the following assumptions: (1) There would be a number of new hires equal to the number of participants who retire. (2) There would be a number of promotions equal to the number of participants who retire. Those promoted are the remaining highest paid participants, and their raise would be 5%. Ms. Diane Reese re: Boynton Beach July 20, 2000 Page Two Results are as follows: Scenario I Assuming Scenario 2 AsSuming All Retire Half Retire i Ail Retire Half Retire A. Increase in Annual Required Contribution to Pension Plan $ 45,985 $ 21,626 $ (302,505) $ (154,991) B. Decrease in Payroll 930,762 465,689 4,378,296 2,211~830 C. Net Savings 884,777 444,063 4,680,801 2,366~821 We welcome your questions and comments, Sincerely yours, J. Stephen Palmquist OSP/or cc: Jim Mahoney GABRIEL ROEDER, SMITH & COI~PANY GABRIEL, ROEDER, SMITH & COMPANY Consultants & Actuaries 301 East Las Olas 8 vd. · Suite 200 · Ft. Laucieraalel FL 33301 · 954-527-1616 · FAX 954-525-00E June 8~ 2000 Mr. Jim Mahoney 6224 Barton Creek Circle Lake Worth, Florida .33463 Re: Boynton Beach Police Officers Retirement Fund- Dear Jim: You have asked us to determine the cost impact of two possible early retirement window scenarios: All participants with 17 or more years of service would be eligible. Each person who opts to retire would be given credit for three years of service. Alt participants with ten or more years of service would be eligible, Each person who opts to retire would be given credit for three years of service. Those who with the additional three years are not yet eligible to retire would have their pension deferred to their normal retirement date, The number of eligible participants would be 21 under the first scenario and 65 under the second. We have determined the cost impact assuming both that all eligible participants elect to retire and that one-half of eligible participants elect to retire. In all of our determinations, we also made the following assumptions: (1) There would be a number of new hires equal to the number of participants who retire. (2) There would be a number of promotions equal to the number of participants who retire. Those promoted are the remaining highest paid participants, and their raise would be 5%. Mr. Jim Mahoney re: Boynton Beach Police June 8, 2000 Page Two Results are as i~ollows: Scenario I Assuming Scenario 2 Assuming All Retire Half Retire All Retire . Half Retire A. Increase in Annual Required Contribution to Pension Plan $ 31,626 $ 15,192 $ (126,630) $ (45,777) B. Decrease in Payroll 617,208 ~ 325,351 1,720,125 812,086 C. Net Savings 585,582 310,159 1,846,755 857,863 I We welcome your questions and comments. Sincerely yours, J. Stephen Pa JSP/or 301 East [.~.s Otas 0[vd. · Suite .'-~00 · F ~J~n:i~e. ~L 2330] * 954-~27-161 ~ · FAX 954-.~25-00~3 PERSONAL AND CONFiDENTiAL June 8, 2000 100 E., Boynton Beach 8outevard BoYnton Beach. Rorida 3342S-0310 Re: Boynton Beach F~efightem Retirement Func~ Deer Mike: You have asked us to determine the cost impact of two possible early retirement window Scar~a~os: Ali oarticipants with 17 or mom years of service would be eligible. Each person who ol~ts to retire woul¢ be given credit for three years of service. All participants with ten or more years of s~vice would be eligible. Ea¢h person who opts to m~m would be given c~dit for three years of service. Those who with the additional three yearn are nm yet eligible [o retire would have their ~ension defe~ed to their normal retirement date. The number of eligible participants would be 28 under the first scenario and 44 under the second. We have determined the cost impact assuming both that all eligible pa~cii~ants elect to retire and that one-hstf af eiigible pa~cipan~s elect to retire. In all of out' determinations, we also mede the following assumptions: There would be a number of new hmres equal to the number of participants who (2) There would be a number of p~'omottons equal to the number of partioipants who relJt'e. Those promote~ am the remaining highest paid I~arti¢ipents, and their raise would be 5%. Mr. Mike !".,. E.-oynto~ .~e.~. ,--ire June 9, 2000 F-age Two '? ""''" "" scenari° I .Ar, sUrelY." ' $~mario 2 AsSuming · ' ;.' ' ' ,' ~lRetJre... HaifRe~im ' ";" Nl'R~tJm ' ."Naif ~re A. increase in Annual F~,equired C. onbtbution to Pension man $ 77,602 $ 50,7~15 $ 27,631 $ 35,748 B. Decrease in Payroll 1;233.122 :: 07 1.760,804 788,680 C. Net Savings~ 1,155.520 499,792 : 1,733,173 749,g34 We welcome your questions end comments. Sincemiy yours, J. Stephen Palmauist JSP/or GAIIItlFJ~ lOlll3a~., $l. ll'n-I & CO(~IF~Ny AGREEMENT FOR PARTICIPATION IN EARLY RETII~_EMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM WAIVER OF RIGHTS THIS AGREEMENT for Participation in Early Retirement Incentive ..Pmgram (hereinafter referred to as Agreement) is entered into between the City o£BoYnt0n Beach Florida (hereinafter referred to as City) and (hereinafter referred to as Employee), this day of ,200_. WHEREAS~-~ Ci~ has anno~u~u~c~d an early retirement ~nc~ enfiye~,.program.~which pr0m~ ~nCent~¥ebenefits forp~q~p~on;, and ~ ~ERE~ the~:~tY'~s Pr~P~ed and distributed a Program Commencement Notice(and ~/:~o~a{i/Sr/~E~She~et .~etting,~fgm~, 4he terms~and conditions for particiP~iii0n in the Early Retirement ;Inbcmfive Program; and WHE~S, ~the .Employee h~,been provided with a copy: of the Program Co~encement NotiC~ and Information Fact Sheet setting forth the terms and conditions for paf~ciPat[on~in'the Early Retirement Incentive Program; and : WHEp,_EAS) the Einpl0yee has been ad¥ised that the Employee has up to forty-five (45) d~aTs~:Which ~to .consi~ the tenns and conditions of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Employee has acknowledged understanding of the benefits associated with the Early Retirement Incentive Program; and WHEREAS, the employee has been advised to consult with an attorney prior to the execution of this Agreement and has had such opportunity; and WHEREAS, the Employee is eligible for participation in the Early Retirement Incentive Program based upon the Employee's years of service and age; NOW, THEREFORE, the City and the Employee, in exchange for the mutual covenants expressed herein and which are derived from the creation of and participation in the Early Retirement Incentive Program agree as follows: All representations and statements set forth in the foregoing Whereas clauses are true and correct and constitute material representations of each party to the other. The Employee agrees to participate in the Early Retirement Incentive Program. o The last day of employment of Employee with the City of Boynton Beach is 10. The City will credit the Employee, who has a minimum of 17 years of credited service and who is within three years of normal retirement, either three years to the employees' time of service Or age or both so that a minimum criteria for normal retirement is satisfied. Employee shall receive any payment for-any unused annual leave and/or sick leave in accordance with current City policy. This pay-out will be made in three (3) equal installments. The first installment will be on the retirement date set: forth-in paragraph 2 above. The second installment will be paid on December i, 200I. The third installment will be paid on December 1, 2002. Employee must complete all termination clearance proced~es established by the City prior to 'the receipt of final payment fi:Om the City. The City shall continue, to pay medical coverage premiums for the EmplQyee until March 31, 2004. The Employee may continue participation in the medical plan offered by the City after March 31, 2004, but such continued participation shall be at the sole expense of thd Employee. The current.monthly premiums are as follows: Health HMO PPO-$100 dod. PPO-$$300 dod. Single Coverage $270.04 $295.39 $270.04 Employee plus spouse $542.74 $595.37 $542.74 Employee plus children $505.23 $554.09 $505.23 Employee plus family $627.41 $688.49 $627.41 Dental insurance coverage wilt not be continued by the City of Boynton Beach after employee's last date of employmem. The Employee will be responsible for the payment of all premiums for insurance coverage for family members o~er than the Employee. City will deduct the premium for additional spouse, child or family coverage for the month of retirement from the Employee's final pay check. Thereafter monthly amounts for additional spouse, child or family coverage will be deducted ~om Employee's monthly pension check. No notice will be sent m employee concerning payments for additional coverage. This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties hereof superseding all communications between the parties, whether oral or written, and this Agreement may not be altered, amended, or modified or otherwise changed; nor may any of the terms hereof be waived except by written instrument executed by both parties. By countersigning below, Employee acknowledges that Employee understands and agrees to this Agreement and that Employee has been advised by the City to consult with an attorney regarding Employee's fights and that Employee has had the opportunity to do so. 11. Emp~yee.: releases the Ck~ ,of Bo~.y~__ton Beach, Florida, its officers, empioy~e~, tm~tgeS ~c[ agents,..from;and against, any.and all liability or .causes. of action arising OUt of the City's offer~ · of~n· Early Retir. ement mcent~e. Pr0gram or Employee's decision to ~¢ipate',in the pmgram. 12. ~mpl0zee acknowledges. ~erstan_d/ng of E~pl~Yee~s: rights under the O!d~r Work~m': Ben~fi~ P~UOn ~Ct and,..~e,~ge- l~iscnmmaUon and Acts against the City. - ~' ~ r ~/ ~ *, '~ 13. Employee :agrees not.to seek or: accept reemplo;~!?ent with the City of 14, This Agreemem may be revoked by the Employee for a period of seven (7) days following execution of this Agreement,' Thereafter, this Agreement is irrevocable by the Employee. IN WITNESS' WHEREOF, the City and the Employee execute and enter into thig Agreement. EMPLOYEE: Witnesses as to Employee: (Print) Witness Name Witness Signature (Print) Witness Name Witness Signature (Print) Employee Name Employee Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH On this day of , 2000, before me, the undersigned Notary Pubhc of the State of Florida, personally appeared and whose name is Subscribed to the within instrument, and he/she acknowledged that he/she executed the same. WHAT 1F INSI_TKANCE PREMIUMS INCREASE AFTER AN EMPLOYEE'S RETIP, EMENT DATE? For the first three (3) years atter the retirement date the City pays the full premium for the employee coverage, regardless- of whether it increases, decreases or remains the same. The employee is responsible for payment of all of the premiums for dependent coverage whether it increases, decreases or remains the same. IMPLEMENTATION DATES: OFFER OF PROGRAM LAST DAY TO SIGN AGREEMENT TO PARTICIPATE LAST DAY OF EMPLOYMENT December 6, 2000 January 19, 2001 April I, 2001 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH EARLY RETIREMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM EMPLOYEE DECLINATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE, C TY OF BOYNTON BEACHS - EARLYRETIItEMENT~~, INGENTIVEt~ROGRAM The undersigned, a current employee of the, City ;o£,,Boyntun Beach, FlOrida, acknowledges that after receipt ,an~ ease ,~1 review and conside, rafion of the PROGRAM COMMENCEMENT NOTICE and¢INFORMATION FACT SIiEET desc~bing the Early Retirement Incentive Program dated offered by the Cky of B;'smton Beach, the UnderSigned:ha~ de~d~d' ~ot tO ae~e 't the Program: : IN WITNESS WHEREOF, [ have hereunto set my hand find §eal this ~ 2000. day of Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of.' WITNESSES: Witness Signature Print Name Witness Signature Prim Name Employee Signature Print Name of Employee DATED: WITNESS my hand and official seal. (Seal) Personally known to me Produced Identification: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH: Notary Public - State of Florida Attested to: Mayor City Clerk City Manager CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH EARLY RETIREMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM COMMJ~NCEMENT NOTICE The City of Boynton Beach, Florida announces an Early Retirement Incentive Program. This program is available for participation by FulI-Time Employees who, on April 1, 2001, will be. within three years of normal retirement and have attained at least 17 years of service. The City has prepared an. Infonu, ation Fact Sheet which provides a detailed overview of the program. The cityhas prepared an Agreement For P ~ticipation in Early Retirement Incehti~e Program an~t Wai~ve~ 0~ Ri~t~'!f6:r/ff' which:.in~er~ecl ~ploye~s will be reqaked to ~ignm Pafficil~at~ ~ the ~ Bath the Inf°nnati0~.~Fa~t 'Sheet and;~ ~om AgE.~,e~g~t ,ar~-.~v~:table for ~eview and my, be ohtained:.fi:~om th~ Finance Department. ., Eli~ble employees who wish to participate in the Early Retirement Ince~!iv, e Program must execute an Agreement for Participation and Waiver of Rights by 5:00 P.M., on January 19,2001. DATED: December 6, 2000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH EARLY RETIREMENT: INCENTIVE PROGRAM ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF PROGRAM COMMENCEMENT NOTICE AND INFORMATION FACT SHEET The Undersigned, a current employee -of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, acknowledges, that he/she: Was given a PROGRAM COMMENCEMENT NOTICE, INFORMATION FACT SHEET, AGREEMENT FOR PARTICIPATION IN EARLY RETIREMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM AND WAIVER OF RIGHTS, and DECLINATION TO PARTICIPATE form, describing the Early Retirement Incentive Program being offered by the City of B6ynton Beach. Was advised that he/she may have rights which 'are protected under the Older Workers Protectxon Act orthe Age D~scnmmaUon m Employment Act. Was advised to consult with an attorney prior to executing an Agreement For Participation in Early Retirement Incentive Program (Agreement). Was advised that he/she may have up to forty-five (45) days m consider th~ Agreement For Participation in Early Retirement Incentive Program. o Was advised that he/she may revoke his/her Agreement For Participation in Early Retirement for a period of seven (7) days following execution of the Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this ,2000. __.day of Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of: WITNESSES: (Witness Signature) (Employee Signature) (Print Name of Employee) (Print Name of Witness (Witness Signature) (Print Name of Witness) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH EARLY RETIREMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM FACT SHEET FACT. SHEET Based on the City's current staffing needs and requests~ of employees, the City is offering an early retirement incentive program: Eligible ~nployees are not requireffto accept the offer and participate in the program. WHO IS ELIGIBLE? to partieip W;iv¢:dq ~?: e~. W~O~ :~n April ~, '20Ol~'t~:.been a mil;time employee for a ::sevent~iyparg ar~.. i~i~ ~wflhin three :~3) ~ars~of normal~ ire~em~t. In order :e anfelig{l~l~ e~mp~oiee must ex~cute ~ Agreemenf f~r participation and m~m_(~.;.~:O0i ~; o~ ~January~ 1~9;,. 20~i1~' desi~ '~a~g ':. a i~st day of An .e~ploye~ who elects ~to receive.the Early Retirement Incentive Program cannot also pammpate m the De~erred Retlremen~ Option :Plan HOW WILL IT WORK? If you are eligible to participate in the program and elect to do so, you will receive: Three (3) years added to your years of service time and/or years of age. In no event will the additional years exceed three (3) total years. (General Employees for example, i.e. If you have 17 years of service and you are age 59, 3 years would be added to your age; if you have 22 years of service and are age 55, 3 years wouldbe added to your years of service; if you have 17 years of service and are age 62, 3 years would be added tO your years of service. For Police and Fire only, 3 years would be added to years of service as there is no age requirement for your pension plan). The City Of Boynton Beach will continue to pay health insurance at the single coverage rate for all employees who elect to participate in the early retirement program through March 2004. Dental insurance coverage will not be continued a~er empl0yee~ last date of employment with the City. IS THIS A ONE TIME OPPORTUNITY? At the time, the City does not anticipate offering this program agmn. HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO 1VLaJ&E A DECISION? You will have 45 days from the date of formal notification, December 6, 2000, to accept or reject this offer. If you elect to participate by signing an Agreement for Participation and Waiver, you will have an additional seven (7) days following signing to notify the City that you revoke your decision to participate. SHOULD I SEEK LEGAL AND FINANCIAL ADVICE BEFORE I MAKE MY DECISION? Yes, you should seek the advice of legal and fmancial counsel before accepting or rejecting this offer. WILL I BE REQUIRED ro SIGN ANY TYPE OF WAIVER TO ACCEPT THE PLAN? Yes, you will be required to sign an Agreement for Participation in Early Retirement which includes a Waiver and a general release of all claims against the City. A copy of the Agreement for Participation in Early Retirement is available for your review. CAN I REVIEW THE AGREEMENT, RELEASE AND WAIVER NOW? Yes, the documents have been released and are available in the Finance Department. WHERE CAN I GET MORE INFORMATION? You should contact either of the following individuals: Diane Reese, Finance Director (561) 742-6312 Barbara LaDue, Pension Administrator (561) 742-6081 BY SIGNING THE AGREEMENT FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE EARLY RETIREMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM AND WAIVER OF RIGHTS, IS AN EMPLOYEE WAIVING WORKERS' COMPENSATION CLAIMS? No. The Waiver contained in the Agreement is a waiver of age claims only. An employee does not waive claims arising from Workers' Compensation claims. BY SIGNING THE AGREEMENT FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE EARLY RETIREMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM AND WAIVER OF RIGHTS, IS AN EMPLOYEE WAIVING WAGE AND HOUR MATTERS? No. The waiver contained in the Agreement is a waiver of age claims only. An employee does not waive claims arising from wage and hour matters. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH .... AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM XI. LEGAL B. 4 Requested City Commission Meetin~ Date_s [] November 21. 2000 [] December 5. 2000 [] December !¢, 2000 January 2, 2001 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Citw Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 5:00 p.m.) November 22, 200( (5:00 p:m Decembert, 2000 5:00 p.m. December 20. 2000 (5:00 p.m. Requested City Commission Meenntg Bates [] January 16. 2001 [] February 6, 200~ [] February 20, 2001 [] March 6.200t [] Admimstrative [] [] Consent Agenda [] [] Public Hearing [] [] Bids [] [] Announcement [] Date Final Form Must be Turned m to City Clerk's Office January 3,200I 5:00 p.m.y January 17, 200] (5:00 p.m.) February 7,200I (5:00 p.m. } February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.} Development Plans New Business Legal Unfinished Business Presentation RECOMMlgNDATION: PleaseplacethisrequestontheNovember21 2000City Commission agenda under Legal, Ordinance - First Reading. As you may recall, a prior version of this request was approved on First Reading at the September 19, 2000 City Commission meeting, and due to the magnitude of subsequent changes, should start over in the ordinance process. Second reading was originally postponed to allow time to conduct research and incorporate fmther changes related ro outstanding issues. The ordinance has been revised and reviewed the Boynten Ocean District Association (BODAI who will act as the review cormmt[ee. EXPLANATION: The proposed mural regulations have been modified to incorporate further comments generated by staff and BODA. These changes establish a 1 -year pilot period dtmng which time the ordinance will be applied to only the Central Business District (CBD), followed by a program evaluation conducted by staff ,a~,_d presented to the cormmssien. Other changes intlude all0wing murals on fronts of building when presented as trompe 1 oeil elements (art work in the form of false windows, doors, or other architectural/decorative elements); requiring professional artist quahfications and samples of work; and increasing [he review period from 30 days ro 50 days to accommodate potentia/scheduling issues. Lastly, the ordinance was revised to elaborate on the removal rights and obligations by the proper~y owner, and identified the rewew comm/ttee as the BODA until changed or appointed by the Commission. It should be noted that the Planning and Development Board reviewed the frrst draft of the ordinance and commumcated mixed opinions with some members generally opposing murals in the city; however, there was a consensus that the ordinance be thorough/y reviewed by legal staffrelafive to consututional ramifications, and that any religious content also be prohibited to avoid opening the door for controversial themes and inequitable treatment of requests. Staff recommends that the subject ordinance be approved knowing that unanticipated problems will be detected, and subject m evaluation at the conclusion of the pilot period. PROGRAM IMPACT: If successful, th/s program could contribute to the city's knage, marketability, and therefore demand for downtown redevelopment. ' FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: Modify. or not adopt proposed ordinance. C~ Manager s S~gnarare 12~el0'~eta[ Dep-amnen~' Director City Attorney 1 Finance / Human Resources \\C H~MAINkq I-[~'DATA~!?LANN]~GkS HAi~ED\ W~X'S PECP RO Ikl~E GULA~[iO NS WilJP~ L S \ 11 ~ 1 - 0 0 C C AGENDA ITEM R~QIJE~T DOT ORDINANCE NO. O 00- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORI]3A AMENDING LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AS FOLLOWS: CHAPTER 1, ARTICLE 5I DEFINITIONS; £~TE'R 9, gO~ DESIG~ . PLAN; AN~ c~TER.~21 ~!GNS~ ARTICLE 1~ CREATE ^ DEF2CmON F, OP. W t,L ESTABLISH. A ~KQC~$S ~AND: GLrlDEL~S TO tLEVIEW FHTURE ~/V~k ~S; PROVIDING FOR CONFuCTS, sg mrr¥, COD F CA'rION AND AN EFFECTIVED~.~E- WItEREASa,staff. has recommended an amendment to the City's zoning code to create a definition for wall murals and establish a process and guidelines to review- future wall murals; and WHEREAS, upon recommendation of staff, the City Commission of the City.of Boynton Beach has deemed it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Boynton Beach to amend Chapter 1, Zoning, Article ri, Chapter 9 Community Design Plan, and Chapter 21 Signs, Article II of the City's Land Development Regulations to create a definition for wall murals and establish a process and guidelines to rewew future wall murals; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TIlE CIT~ COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The foregoing whereas clauses arc true and correct and are now ratified and confirmed by the City Commission. Section 2. That Chapter 1 General Provisions, Article ri Definitions is hereby amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type, as follows: VEHICULAR SIGN - A sign or sign structure... WALL MURAL - A form of artistic express)on }n w.h~ch d,.em..gns ~ee r.?_r;Sn~snt~o°~l~::. imaginative, or abstract created in two d]menmo_n.s by, the appnca~uo,n, or colored media to a flat surface. The elements oft. he aesi~n may oe une, torm, cram, and texture, and they may be combined in1 an infinite variety of ways. A mural shall not contatn ~raffiti, nudity, a political statement, an organization or corporate logo or any ryp,. ~fcommercial advertisement for any business; ~toduct or service. Section 3. That Chapter 21 Signs, Article 11, Section 2. Exemptions. is hereby mended by creating a new subsection M. as follows: M. Wall Murals (See Chapter 9. Community Design Plan) Section 4. That Chapter 9. Community Design Plan is hereby amended by creating a new Section 1.2. Wall Murals., as follows: section 12. Wall Murala The function ora wall mural is to add interest to an otherwise blank walt and/or to fill gap left on the adiacent side of construction when buildings are abandoned demolished. In many cases the exterior walls of the adiacent side of construction wes,. never intended to be seen fi.om the streets. -As such, they are generally unpainted unfinished and often windowless. When they are left exposed, some buildings convev~an .both the overall physical appearance and economic health of the community. When wall murals are properly executed the general appearance of a building wall can be improved and mined from a liability into an asset for the city. The following regulations shall apply to all new wall mural~ and the repainting of pre existin :wall murals:_ A. Wall murals shall be permitted only in the Central Business District (CBD) zoning,. district. Other than trompe l'oeil architectural embelliahments, wall murals shall not be permitted on the fronts of buildings, except as may be approved by Design Review Committee or by the city commission. B. Wall murals shall be: l. Installed in strict conformity with their approved plans and any special conditions. 2. Installed by professional artists or licensed painters, or under their dire~t supervision. 3. Properly applied to building surfaces using proper exterior paim or othr,~ materials. 4. Suitably weatherproofed and protected against deterioration. 5. Maintained in their ori~qnal condition. 2 C. Applicanon. A written application for mural approval ~hall be submitted to the Development Deparunent DirecTor or his/her designee using forms which shall be provided. The application shall'include the following informauon: 1. The name of the. applicant. 2. The name and ~ddress of the properW owner.~ 3. The~'street a~ess ~d location of the proposed mural. 5. A w.rlt[~/i d~n~em o~tbe'building~°wner includin.e the acknowledgment of mspunsibi, lity for ~nplianee ~itl~ city.regulations, maintenance .... ~. obligations and removal a~reement. ~ 5. A written description of~insufication for the proposal ~wh~ch specifically addresses how tl~e mural:~fies the criteria contained in this section~ 6. Renderings and ~..tches~pmpared in a professional manner clearly indicatin,g the iat?~,~.~le., d-appearance of the proposed mural. ~A sketch oftbe mural ~hall be sufficiently detailed and depicted on a scaled elevation of. the wall(s) on which it will be applied. Colored photographs ortho : building shall acc~ ~o~pan¥ Xhe mural sketch~ showing :the wall to be painted in relation to adi~e,ent streets andbuildings. 7. Color samples to.accUrately identify wall mural colors. 8. Qualifications of.the artistYpai~ter who will execute the mural, a statemen~ of his/her ability to com,pl~t¢ the work within a reasonable period of time, and a minimum of two (2) comparable ~amnle of the artists work. 9. Other such reasonable;and relevant information as the Development. D .artment ma- re ~uire. D. Procedure.: 1. Application for approval of a wall mural is submitted to the Director of Develol~ment (or his/her designee) who will present the application to the. Design Review Committee, 2. The Director (or his/her designee) ~hall. within twenty (20) working days of receiving a complete application, convene the committee to review th~ 3. The meeting of the review committee shall be subiect to the sunshine law, open to the public, and follow reasonable public notice pursuant to Florida law. 3 4. The applicant shall be notified~in writing Within thir~ 1'30) working da¥~,; of submissmn whether the wall mural application has been approved or .d. enied. Appeals. :When an aggrieved party wishes to appeal a decision of the Design Revtew ..Committee,.it must be filed as outlined in Chapter 1. Article VtI, Appeals. Minim.m Design Obiectives. .All wall mural applications shall meet the following criteria: .3. Improve~the value and aesthetic appearance of the city. 2. Not constitute or create traffic or pedestrian hazards. 3. Contribute to the efforts of community .identity .and redevelopment, particularly in areas where buildings have been demolished leaving otherwise unsightly or blighted gaps in thephysical fabric Of the community 4. Promote the design theme applicable to.the geographic area within which th~. _mural is proposed (the e~tablishment of themes for any geographic area sEall not be a prerequisite for a mural[. 5. Be a solution to the problem of. existing or totally blank walls visible by th... public. 6. Foster cultural identity, history and enrich the public envkumnent for both th,, residents and visitors_. 7. Respect community s~ndards relative to deCency and obscenity. Wall Mural maintenance and modification. The owner of any wall mural as defined at the time of approval shall be required to properly maintain said wall mural. Maintenance shall include painting and touch-ups. 1. Should the mural become faded, peeled or severely weathered as determin~l by the Design Review Committee, the property owner shall, upon writte. .notice of violation fi.om the Director of Development (or his/her designee), re~alr the mural or repaint the wall on which the mural was painted within 60 days (extensions may be granted if sufficiently justified and necessary h, .s. atisf3, the obligations of this section). Removal of wall mural~. Should a deteriorated wall mural not be rectified within the allowed time, th,. .following procedure may be used to abate the mural: 4 1. Notice to owner:.. Notice to the owner advising them of the non-conformity shall conform with the provisions set forth in section 162.12, Florida Statutes. 2. Appeal by owner... The owner shall have.thirW (30) days from.the date o.f service to appeal the ~ecision.of the Eode l~.n£arcement Board to the City Commission, or to rectify or remove the wall mural If the Commission ~?flrms the decision of the Code Enforcement Board the owner ~hall have fifteen (t5) days from the date of the C om m i~[On ~meetin g~o r~:~.o~:~o~e*-t~ ~all~mu~al- The,Commission ,~,i 1~, it~ awn, dis~i;~tionk,lmC~)s~¢oi~ditions~or~'the'°wneri~'therest°ratm of the mural. ~ ,_ 3. CiW's dgh[to enter and.abate.. If the owner fails to comply with the:GiW Order, the Ciw max, at its own disc~etion,.take such reasonable action~ as necessary toenter the properW and remove the mural from theptuperW, or restore the mural t9 a conditmn which is in compliance with the original t _e~Tns of the approval... 4. Cost of abatement bythe City. U~p0n the City's abstain em of the mural, the costs thereof, including the administrative costs incurred by the CiW, shall be assessed against the real ptupetW from which the mural was removed.. Mural abatement assessmems ~hall be levied by.resolntion of the CiW Commission, and shall be recorded ir!. the public records of Palm Beach Counw, Florida, to afford notice to the publiq_. 5. Altemati,ve remedies. Nothing in this section shall in any way limit the CiW to the remedy listed above. This remedy ~hall be in addition to any other remedy which the City .6. Recording reqmremems. The mural approval and agreement to remove shall be recorded and bindinv .upon the heirs, personal representatives, grantees, successors in interest, ¢,, assigns of the parties. Once a mural has been removed, an instrument shall be recorded releasing the property owner from further obligations or duties; 7. Removal b- owner._ .The property owner may remove any mural at any time. .8. Removal agreement. Approved murals shall not be in,tailed until the city receives a writt~,~ r~moval agreement properly executed by the'applicant and the building Owner. Such agreement shall be furnished by the City. Design Review Committee. 1. A design review committee shall review all applications for wall murals. Th, committee shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny all requests fo, _ wall murals. The Design Review Committee shall be the Boynton Ocea,, District Association (BODA) for the pilot period, or until othenv~s~-, directed/appointed by the City Commission. 2. The Design Review Committee may apply reasonable administrative policie,. conststent with these rem. ~lations to assist them in the review of ptu~Jos~ [ murals. Once approved bythe Design Review Commmee, such _administrative policies may be reviewed by the Director of Development or his/her designee for consistency with the requirements and objectives herein Pilot program and one (1) year evaluation. These regulations shall be in effect for one (1) year fi.om the date that the first wall mural application is submitted. At the end of the pilot period, staff shall prepare a report for Commission consideration. Said report shall provide a summary of wall murals applications processed, feedback ofprop4~am i~nes, and a recommendatio. whether to continue, amend, or discontimm the prop4'mn. The Commission wil~ then determine whether to contlmm, amend, or discont/mm the wall mural program. Notwithstanding any provtsions of this ordinance regarding the pilot program and one (1) year e~;alnatlon, paragraphs "G" and '7-1" shall remain m effect indefinitely to ensure proper maintenance or removal of murals created under ~ Section 5. Each and every other provision~ bf the Eand Development Regulations not herein specifically amended, shall remain in full force and effect as originally adopted. SectiOn 6. :All-laws and ordinances applying to the City of Boynton Beach in conflict with any provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 7. Should any section or prowsion of~ this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared hya court of competent jurisdiction to be im?alid.~such decision shall not affect the remainder 0fthis Ordinam:e. Authority is h~erebY giyen to codify this Ordinance. This Ordinance shall become effective-immediately. Section 8. Section 9. FIRST READING this .. day of November, 2000. SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSAGE this December, 2000. day of CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Commissioner Commishoner ATTEST: City Clerk s:caxordXAmend LDR - Wall Murals090700 Revlll300 7 XI'-LEGAL I'TEF4S B.5 ORDINANCE NO. O 00- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, CHAPTER 2, SECTION 11.L. TO ALLOW THE REGULATIONS TO BE MODIFIED TO ALLOW GAS SALES ANCILLARY TO A PRINCIPLE USE IN A PCD, SUBJECT TO MINIMUM ACREAGE AND OTHER SITE STANDARDS; I~ROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILtTY, CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, staff has recommended an amendment to the City's zoning code to allow the regulations to be modified to. allow gas sales ancillary to a principle use in a PCD, subject to minimum acreage and other site standards; and WHEREAS, upon recommendation of staff, the City Commission' of _the City of Boynton Beach has deemed it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Boynton Beach to amend Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 11. L. Commercial Establishments Engaged in the Retail Sale of Gasoline and Gasoline Products. to allow the regulations to be modified to allow gas sales ancillary to a principle use in a PCD, subject to minimum acreage and other site standards; NOW THEREFORE~ BE 1'!' ORDAINED BY THE CITY COI~I~ISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA~ THAT: Section 1. The foregoing whereas clauses are true and correct and are now ratified and confirmed by the City Commission. Section 2. That Chapter 2. Zoning, Section 11. L.COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS ENGAGED IN THE RETAIL SALE OF GASOLINE OR GASOLINE PRODUCTS. is hereby amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type and by deleting the words and figures in struck-through type, as follows: I 1. Purpose. The purpose of these regulations is to establish development standards for commercial establishments which engage in the sale of gasoline, or other motor fuels. These regulations .... 2.Definitions. ' For the purpose of this0rdinance, tile following definitions shall apply: Ancillary Buildinq or, Structure. A building or structurefncidentat to, subordinate to and subservient to the principal buildinQ or structure iocated on the premises. Ancillary .Use. Ause incidental to, subordinate to and subservient to the ~rincipal uSe?of,the~p~emises. ~ Automotive service staUon. The use of a building... --3. Development standards which apply to all gasoline disoensino establishments except those described under Subsection 4 of this Section L. below: a. LocaUon (1) All gasoline dispensing establishments not determined to be ancillary uses as described in Subsection 4, below, shall be located only at the intersection of any combination-of the following roads as designated in the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan: ... g. Desiqn Criteria. (1~ All gasoline dispensinq establishments located on desiQnated out- parcels to shopoinq centers, business centers, or other planned commercial developments shall conform in design to the aooroved design plan of the princioal center. (2) GaSOline dispensinq e¢~blishments shall conform to. the community desion olan. (3) All gasoline disoensing establishments shall not install exterior site liqhUnq which exceeds photometric levels of 60-foot candles averaee maintained. Uqht fixtures must be baffled, shielded, screened or recess~ to orevent visibility of the lit portion of the fixture from off the oremises. 4. As to all gasoline dispensing establishments that are an ancillary use located or operated in or from an ancillary building or structure within a parcel or land of not less than ten (:[0) acres-within a "Planned Commercial District" (PCD) governed by Section 6.F. of the City of Bovnton Beach Zoning Code, and which gasoline dispensinq establishment is c;;'ncd ~,.~d o~erated by the personfs) or entity(s) that 0wr. c cr.d operates the orindoal use located on such oarcel of land; and do not meet all of the,recluirements set forth under Subsection 3, above, the followinq shall be aoolicable: a. Setbacks, Setback requirements shall apply to all structures on th~ portion of the property on which the qasoline dispensincl establishment i~, located, including the primary structure for the qasoline dispensing establishment, or any accessory structures such as above ground storaq~ facilities. (1) Front - 35 feet (2) Side - 20 feet (3) Rear - 20 feet (4) Other: fa) No canoo¥ shall be located, less than twenty (20) feet from any orooerty line. (b) No 9asoline pump island shall be located less than thirty (30~ feet from any property line. (d) No gasoline pump island or canopy shall be located less than two hundred (200) feet from any public riqht of way. (e ]~ No qasoline disbensinq ~ablishment shall be Iora~-d within two-hundred (200)'feet from a residential structure. Distances for the purpose of this subsection shall be measured from the closest qasoline pump island or canopy of the Qasoline disbensinq establishment to the closest boundary wall of the residentialstructure. b. Buffers, Except for permitted driveway openinas, a five (5~ foot wide landscaDed buffer shall be located around that oortion of the parcel on which thP aasoline disoensina establishment is located. When the buffer separates the orion of the DroDertv on which the aasoline-disoensinq establishment is located from a residentially zoned orooertv, the buffer shall contain a s~x (6) foot hiqh concrete wall landscaoed on the exterior side by a continuous hedge no less than thirty-six (36~ inches hiclh and planted twenty-four (24) inches on center at time of plantina; trees ten ~10~ to fifteen (15) feet in heiqht with three-inch caliper every forty (40~ feet: and aroundcover, When the buffer separates the port on of the property on which the gasoline disoensina establishment is located from other commercial Droeertv, the buffer shall no~ be required to contain a concrete wall, Landscapinq shall be continuously maintained, 1; The Wail shall be kept in qood repair and appearance at ail times. 2~ Openinqs ,with qates may be allowed where deemed aporooriate by the City Commission, c. Desiqn Criteria, 1, All gasoline dispensing establishments defined os r, ndllor~' to o pfindpol tcnont of; p~onncd commcrdol diuril, sh;ll conform in Which ancil premises. lishments defined as ~ ~: EACh~amd every other provision of the Land Development Regulations nOtherein specifically amended, shall remain in full force and effect as originally adopted,- Section6. ~A!I laws and ordinances applying to the City of;Boynton Beach in confiict with !any provisions of this ordinande are hereby repealed. Section 7. Should .any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereO~ be declared/by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such derision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 8. Authority is hereDy given to codify this Ordinance. Section 9. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately. FIRST READING this day of October, 2000. SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSAGE this October, 2000. ~,TTEST: City Clerk s:ca\ordVVnend LDR - Gasoline Establishment~ - PCD092700 Rev. tllO00, Rev. 1111300 day of ClTY OF BOYNTON BEACH., FLOR/DA Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tern Commissioner Commissioner X/-LEGAL ZTEM:B.6 ORDINANCE NO. 00- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AS FOLLOWS: CHAPTER 2, SECTION 6.C.1.; CHAPTER 2, SECTION 6.D.1. TO INCLUDE NIGHTCLUB AND CHAPTER 2, SECTION 6 E. 1, B.; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, s~aff has recommended an: amendment ~o the Cit~$ zoning code to amend certain,sections~of the Land Development Regulations to ¢ladfy definitions of Restaurant, Ber or Cocktail lounge, and Nightclubs; and WHEREAS, upon recommendation of staff, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach has deemed it to be in the best 'interests of the citizens and residents of the City of. Beynton Beachto amendl the City's Land Development Regulations to clarify definitions; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITYOF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The foregoing whereas :clauses are true and correct and are now ratified and confirmed by We City Commission. Section 2. That Chapter 2. Section 6.C.1. is hereby amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type, as follows: 1, Uses permitted, Within any C-3 community-commercial district, no building, structure, land or water shall be used except for one (1) or more of the following uses: ff. Nightclub* Section 3. That Chapter 2. Section 6. D.1. is hereby amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type. as follows: 1, Uses permitted. Within any C-4 general commercial district, no building structure, land or water, shall be used. except for one (1) more of the following uses: k. Nightclub* Section 4. That Chapter 2. section 6. E. 1 .b. is hereby amended by adding Lhe words and figures i~ underlined type and by deleting: the words, and figures in struck-through ,type, as followS: 1. Permitted and conditional uses. Within the central bus~ness district, no building, structure, land, orwater, or portionthereof .... b. Nightclub*, bars and cocktail lounges, excluding adult entertainment establishments. Section 5. Each and every other provision of the I~and Development Regulations not herein specifically amended, shall remain in full rome and effect as originally adopted. Section 6. All laws and ordinances applying to the City of Boynton Beach in conflict with any provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 7. Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not, affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 8. Authority is hereby given to codify this Ordinance. Section 9. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately. FIRST READING this day of November, 2000. SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSAGE this December, 2000. ATTEST: ~ity Clerk day of CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Commissioner Commissioner Requested City Commission Meetin~ Dates [] November21. 2000 [] Decmnber 5. 2000 [] December 19, 2000 [] January 2, 200I CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Einal Form Must b~ Turned into City C1~rk~'-s Office November 9,2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m:) December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.rm) December 20. 2000 (5:00 p.m. Requested City Commissxon Meeting Dates [] January 16, 2001 [] Febmmy 6, 2001 [] February20, 200I [] March 6, 200] XI-LEGAL ITEM C.1 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to CiW Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.rru January 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearmg [] Legal [] Bids [] UnfinishedBnsiness [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve Stiplation for Settlement betwecm the City of Boynton Beach and Heavens U.S.A., Inc. EXPLANATION: Heavens USA, Inc., and the City of Boynton Beach have been involved in litiation with respect m two Code Enforcement Liens which were placed on property located at 508 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard. as well as a dispute regarding Code Enforcement Liens placed on property at 202 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard. By exeenting tliis Stipulation for Settlement Agreement the City will receive the amount of $40,000 to settle the litigation end clear the hens on both parcels. PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: City will receive the sum of $40.000 in full settlemem of all Code Enforcement liens on property ar 202 and 508 East Boynton Beach Boulevard. ALTERNATIVES: Do not accept the settlement, and proceed with litigation. Deparm~ent Head's Signature City Manager's Signature City Attorney Department Name City Attome]~'1~'mence / Human Resources S:kBULLETIN~ORMSXAGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC RESOLUTION NO. R- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY~ O~ BOYNTO~, BEACH~ FLO~A~ A~UTHOR~ING AND D~CTING THE MAyOk'~ CITy CLERK TO EXECUTE A STIPULATION FOR. SETTLEMENI AGREEMENT BETWEEN THEy CITY. OF. BOYNTON BEACH AND t~VENS; U~S.~., INCi, PRO4v'IDING FOR Pi~OVIDING ~AN;EFFEC.~ DATE. WHEREAS, the parties hereto are currently involved in litigation with respect to two Code Enforcement Liens which were placed upon the property located at 508 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, within the municipal boundaries of the City, said litigation knows as Heavens U.S.A., adverse City of Boynton Beach, Case No. AP 99-10119 (AY) pending in the Circuit Court of the 15~h Judicial Circuit in and for Palm Beach County, Florida; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto also have a dispute concerning the request for a reduction of two Code Enforcement Liens pertaining m a separate parcel of property owned by Heavens, said property located at 202 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Florida, WItEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, upon recommendation of staff, has determined that it is in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City to settle the pending litigation and Code Lien disputes on both 508 East Boynton Beach Boulevard and 202 East Boynton Beach Boulevard. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and City Clerk to settle the dispute between the parties pertaining to both 508 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard and 202 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, by executing the Stipulation for Settlement attached hereto as Exhibit "A" between the City of Boynton Beach and Heavens U.S.A. [nc,. providing for settlement of pending litigation in PaLm Beach County Circuit Court between the parties (Case No. AP 99-10119 AY), and the dispute regarding the Code Enforcement Lien for 202 East Boynton Beach Boulevard. section 2. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of November, 2000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Commissioner Commissioner ATTEST: City Clerk (Corporate Seal) F!LE No. 180 11/07 '00 I2:20 !D:rlPY,~ENCHP~&DAVELL 95,1 76,1 536'7 PgC¢_ 2 MAY, MEACHAM & DAVELL November 7, 2000 .lames Chcmf City Attorney P.O. Box 310 Boyaton Beach, Florida 33a25-0310 RE: Hea~e~ns U.S.A., Inc,/City of Boynton Beach Our File//' 20-1406 Dear Mr Cherof: Attached please fi~d the Stipulation for Settlement lbr your review. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to coatact Very Trttly Yours, willtm~ C. Davel~ For the Firm WCD/jno Euclosure cc: Davkt A. Rustine FILE No. 180 1t~07 '00 12:21 iD:F'~YdlECC~ClgDf-tVELL 9F~ 76,~ 5367 PP, C~ 3: STIPUI~ATI~D~ FOR SETTLEMENT T~IS STIPULATION FOB SETTLEMENT ~the ~Setttement") dated this day of November,2000 a~d' ~xecuted by and between the parties, Heavens U.S.A. Inc.,a Florida cbrporation("Heavens-).and The City of Boyn~on Beach. a Florida Municipal Corporation ("City"),hereby enter Into this Stipulation for Settlement. WITNEB S ETH~ W~EREAS, the- parties hereto are currently involved in litiga:~on with respect to two Code Enforcement Liens which were placed upon t~e property located at 508 Easz Boynton Beach Boulevard [hereinafter "508 Property") within the municipal boundaries of the .City, said litigation known as Heavens U.S.A., Inc., adverse City of Boynton Beach, Case number AP 99-10119(AY) pendinglin the Circuit Court of the 15TM Judicial C~rcuit in and for Palm ':Be~ch County, Florida (hereinafter the "Lawsuit"); W~R~AB, the partiee hereto also have a dispute concerning =he request for a reduction of two C~de Enforcemen~ Liens pertaining to a separate parcel of property owned by Heavens, said property located at 202 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boyn~on:Beach, Florida (hereinafter: . "202 ProDertu"%= = ,, a true and correct copy of the Orders Imposing penalties/Liens are a~ached hereto as Composite Exhibit "A",.respectlvely, dated March 3, 1997 and July 28, 1997; W~EREA~, with respect ~o the 508 Property, the parties entered 1nfo a Stipulation and Agreement dated April 11, 2000, which permitted Heavens to sell the parcel while placing proceeds from the sale into a Certif'icate of Deposit as security f~r t~e disputed Code Enforcement Liens, a true and correct copy of said Stipulation and A~reement is attached hereto as Exhibit"B"; W~EREAS, the parties hereto have ag.reed to settle the disputes between them pertaining tO the Code Enforcement Liens e~cumbering both parcels (the '202 P~Operty and 508 Proper~y"), contingent upon the City of Boynton Beach Commissions' approval of said settlement under the aforementioned terms and conditions NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40.000.00), and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged by the parties, the parties do hereby agree as follows: 1. Preamble. The preamble as set forth above is hereby No. 180 II 37 '00 I2:21 ~n- 954 764 5367 incorporated by reference herezn. 2. ~, Heavens agrees to pay the Total sum Forty Thousand ($40,000.00) Dollars to the City of Boynton Beauh in fuli satisfaction of all Code ~nforcsmsnt Liens persalnlng to the 202 Property and 508 Property. Said sum shall oe paid as follows: A. The sum of Forty Thousand ($40,o00.O0)Doltars shall be paid out of the jointly held Cercifzca~e of Deposit account Which was created under the Stipulation and Agreement dated April 11, 20~0 (B~h~bit B. Said sum shall be paid con=lngent upon City Commission approval of this S Settlement and ...... ' tipula~ion for' = . ~=~lp~ of recordabl Release o~ Llens pertalni~g to the m-~_ e~ P~nal~es/Lie~s · ~=as ~n%Poslng a~tached here,to as Composite forExhibit Heavens."A" to be held in escrow by COUnsel The ~eteases shall be deliv to Counsel for H~ ered i a~ens the day a~ - approval of this A~reeme~t 3. Balance of The balance of-j~-~.. ~._~ - ~- o~it created by .... lp~lation an~ ~---~ =~&lcate of Deposit ~ ~w~==~ent (Exhibit-B-} sha~l b~ released and retained by Heavens. .inclusive of accumulaued thereon. Thls Release Shai~ ~ake place all interest City Commissions, approval of this Agreement. the day after 4. Di~missal o£ Law Sui~ U~on Clearance of the funds paid to C~ty and release to Counsel ~or Heavens of recordab/e Release of Liens as set forth above, ~eavens shall dism~s~ ~he pending Lawsul~ With prejudice. ~' Contingency of Sti~_q~_a_tion for SeCtleme~ -The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that this Stipulation for Settlement ~s contingent upon the City Commissions approval of 6. ~ o~a% Modifica~t~... This Stipulation for Se=tiered= raa¥ no~ be amended except upon the written agreement of all parties hereto. 7- ~ver~Xn La~. T is Stipulation for Settleme accordance wlth the laws of the State of Plorida. · FiL£ ,~o. 1~,'0 i1,07 '00 ~2:22 iD:~AY.~CH~DAVELL 95Z 7ga 5387 ~ 5 8. Bi~$n~ ~UDon Successors and Assion-. Th~s Stipulation for Settlement shall inure to the benefit of, and shall be binding upon, the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns sub]ecu to the terms and conditions of the Stipulation for Settlement. 9. Hesdin=s. The headings of the ar~lcles, sections and subsections of this Stipulation for Settlement are for convenience and reference only and shall not be construed a part hereof nor shall they be deemed to limit or otherwise affect any of the terms o~ provisions hereof. 10. A=~ornevm Fe99. Each par~y hereto shall be responsible for their own attorneys fees and costs pertaining to this dispute, including, bu= not limited ~o, all attorneys fees and costs associated with the Lawsuit. 11. Certificat$on The undersigned hereby certify that they fully understand the terms, effects, and legal significance of this Stipulation for Settlement, and that they hays had the opportunIty to consult with counsel of their choice, and tha~ they are freely and voluntarily, without undue pressure or coercion, execun~ng this Stipulation for Settlement in the presence of the witnesses noted herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Stipulation for settlement this day o~ November, 2000. Signed, sealed and delivered in the ~resence of: HEAVENS U.S.A., INC., a Florida corporation By: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk EXI.{! BIT "__A '~' Petitioner, BRANDY BAIL BONDS INC. Respondent. __/ 954 784 5387 P.qtt~ CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITy OF BOYNTON BEA~, FLORIDA THIS CAUSE came before a public hearing before the Code ' Enforcement Board of the City of Boynton Beach, FlOrida on ~ after due notice to the ReSpondent, at which time' the BOard heard testimony under Oath, received evidence, and iSSued ~ts findings of fact and Conclusions of /aw and thereupon ISSued its oral Order which was reduced to writing and furnished to the ReSpOndent. Said Order requlred the ReS~undent to take Certain corrective act&on by the time certain, ae more Specifically set forth In that Order with e compliance date of~_~ Under oath, the Code InSpector testifted to the BOard that the required Corrective act{on Wau not taken as ordered. This case did not Comply to date. -1- FiLE No. ~80 t~,O? '00 ~2:22 :D:~y.,~'IECCHCfl&D~vELL 764 5367 A¢cordingl~, it having been brought to the Board's attention that the RespoNdent did.not comply with the order dated O~TOBER 29. 1996. it is hereby ORDERED that Respondent pay to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, a fine in the amount of TWENTY FIVE f$~S.O0) dollars a day plus administrative costs for the violations that exist at 202 E BOYNTON:BEACH BLV£.. Boynton Beach, Florida, more fully described as: TOWN OF BOYNTON LT · (LESS E 23 FT), LT 10 (LESS NWLY 20 FT RD & 20 FT ABNDBD ALLI¥ ,T, YG S OF & ~DJ Tfl~lTO BLK 3 a~co=ding to the pla~ the=eof a~ ~eco=d~ In ORB 0001P~GB 0023 of =he public ~N: 08-43-45~28-03-003-0091 From ~ which was ~he da~e p~ev~ou~ly set by ~he Board's order ~or compliance unC~l the date of cpmpl~ance. ~s Order can be recorded and shall constitute a lien against the above described property pursuan~ =o C~ap~er 162 of the Florida Statutes. ORDERED this 3rd day of ~arch Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. ATTEST: ~L96-4335.C£S .., 1997, at Boynton CHAIRMAN CODE ENFORCRMENT BOARD CITY OF BoYNTON BEACH -2- F;L£ No 180 I~L/07 '00 12:23 ID:~c,¥,HEp, E~DCCeELL CI~Y OF~BOYNTON BEACH, Petitioner, ¥$. BRANDY BAIL BONDS, INC. Respondent(s). 764 5367 PPGE 3 ,lll~ I~.,Jlllill~l~,~. ..... ..6. a .... ,=~IlllI I~ ~llll IIIIIlffi CODE ENFORCEMSNT BOARD CITY OFF BOYNTON B.a.S'H, FLORIDA CASE NO. 97-604 ~IF ' ORDER,IMPOSING PENALTIESILIEU THIS CAUSE came bet'orc a public bear/hi before the Code Enforcement Board ofthe City of Boynmn Beach, Florida on March 19, 1097 after due not/cc to the Respondent(s), at which time lhe Board heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and issued its findings of fact and conclusions o£1aw and thereupon issued its oral order which was rcduccd to writing and fi~mished to the Respondent(s). Said Order required thc Respondent(s) to take certain corrective action by thc time certain, ~ mote specifically set forth in that Order with a compliance date o f Ap_dj 15. 1997 Under oath, the Cede Inspector le~tified to the Boml that the required con'ectivo action was not taken as ordered. This case Did Not Comply to date. -1- Accordingly; it having been bro~,~ ght to the Boa~d's attention that tile Respondent(s) did not comply with'the Order dated April 28. 1997, it is hereby ORDERED that Respondent(s) pay to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, a fine in tile amount of lrqftv ($~0.1)0'i dollars a day plus administrative costs for the violation(s) that Exist at 202 E ~ Boynton Beach, Florida, more f~ ly described as: TOWN OF ttOY'NTON LT 9 (LESS E 23 FT), LT 10 (LESS N",VL¥ 20 FI' RD R/W) & 20 FT ABNDED ALLEY LYG S OF & ADS TI-IEP~:.TO BLK 3 according, to the plat thereof as recorded in a685 PAGE OSSa, of the Public Records of Palm Beach C/~y, Florida. PCN:-- 08-43,45-28-03-003-0091 / From ,hme 16. 1997, which was the date previously sot by the BeaM's order for compliance until the date of compliance. This Order can be recorded and shall constitute · a lien against the above d~'acribed property pursuant to Chapter 162 of the Florida StatuRes. Ordered this ~day of' ,.~,.~_% ,1997, at Boy~ton Beach. Palm Beach County, Florida. ATTEST: -2- CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF BOY2CTON BEACH 180 II,07 '00 ls.g3 ID-MpY,P~:~LHDJ'~gD~VELI_ ~4 764 5367 F~LE No. 180 TM r,'= - .. ~,, '00 22:25 ',D:~IAY,1EPCHC, flgD~VELL ~SJ 764 5367 PC, GE 12 p~epared by and aoca Rato,. Fb 33432 Now, cheNe~ore, in constdexat~on of the mutual promises. paid. receipt the Cloy o~ C*t.y of Boyn~-On Lie~ No. Page aeac~: Code Fa~O~Cemer~t which ia rccordcd, in ' Flo when City No. 9~&6S1 12, of the allo! a~a~st 202 E Boyncon B~ Order re Boo~ 9938 Coup[y. and and Page Board Lien oificLal Page l~rida and all rder :B~ok ;ions $';LE '40. ~.~0 07 '00 i2:24 !D:,'lgY,~EC, C~,~4V_;_L 95,4 ,,'7q5,4 5:-;67 PP~ 13 Se~,~i(.t~ co ~s,634.~ In ~ten No. ~4-3T?~ ~nd from G~,~S~,]2 co S1.6~4.xz tn 2672 reduction ut ReiVenlUf&(l abXlgetian to M~tafl Beach II ~o ~Jefl~o. t¢-~117 and ~len over. id CO BO~COh ~.c~ II decerm~d &n Chi lt:L~cten, m~ lnceregc accrued on cafc~flei~e et ~1~% foxcX~ng tflcirel~). O~ up. the expiration oe any thirty F~L£ No 180 11,07 'O0 1~._4 ,~, ~Y, ~E~Lm~S,U~ 954 764 {;ha{; real L~e~ 9;-604 ~o. L~d in any Th~ ~3~e~ent may nsc be changed altered excep~!~fl wc~Ctng executed by all o£ Agreemen: oha~l be ~onetrued and enforced zn with the' laws o: the S~a:,~o~ Flotxda, and venus ~o~ ~ame shell be Palm 9each ~o~nt¥, Cl:y o~ Boyn~on Heavens , a Florida F~LE No. ~80 .1.O'~ '00~.~'-"~.? ~D:dC~Y,~'~CHC,~I~,D~VE{_L "~34 784 53157 STATE OF ?LOR]'DA COUNTY O[:' PALM BEACH ~rnely and voluntarily and . n /nh~ i~ ~ kno~me or has pro~uced aa idenci~-~ ~ a~O~ TO. ~ S~SCR~a~ before me thin ~/~ day O~ Hatch. ~ca~e of Florida My Commission Expires: STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF P~..J,4 BEACH ) ~gf~Rg ME, :he underefgned authority, personally appeared ...... aa a~ __~aL~_~Cd .~=,~, thia g~ d -~090. who after ~n9 duly' a~orn, depoaed and said chat he/aha baa reed the foregoing Stipulation and Agreement and freely and voluntarily and that~ahe Xe oereon&liv hen produced as idenciEicac~on. - Swo~ To ~O BU~OC~I~ED ~o~e ~ this ~da7 H¥ Commieeion Expitea: