Minutes 03-14-16
MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2016
Barbara Ready, Chair Warren Adams, Historic Preservation Planner
Eric Salomonsson, Vice Chair Brigitte Chiappetta, Recording Clerk, Prototype Inc.
Jason Shaffer
Dr. Ginger Pedersen
Susan Oyer
Hollis Tidwell, III, Alternate
Cheryl Black, Alternate
Roger Cope
Michelle Dion
1. Pledge of Allegiance
Chair Ready called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
2. Agenda Approval
Mr. Adams noted items 6F and 6G were informational items only.
Ms. Oyer moved to approve the agenda as amended. Ms. Black seconded the motion,
which unanimously passed.
3.Approval of Minutes
Mr. Adams stated the workshop mentioned under #4 had been held on March 3, not
March 12. Ms. Oyer stated it should be Historical Society, not Historical Club.
Ms. Oyer moved to approve the minutes as amended. Dr. Pedersen seconded the
motion, which unanimously passed.
4. Communications and Announcements
Mr. Adams had nothing to report.
5. Old Business:
A. Boynton Woman’s Club grant-funded window and door repairs
Mr. Adams reported REG Architects had prepared the draft progress report and window
and door analysis which would be used by contractors to submit bids for the work. He
described the report and said it was assumed all widows would need some work but he
did not feel it was as bad as they had thought.
B. Historic Site Markers
Mr. Adams had nothing to report.
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resources Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, FL March 14, 2016
6. New Business:
A. State Comprehensive Historic Preservation Plan meeting for public input
Mr. Adams had attended the meeting on March 3 where they discussed desired
changes to the Statewide Preservation Plan, ways the State could help municipalities
and education and grants. Mr. Adams had suggested the following:
The State should have greater involvement and support for issues such as
homeowners’ insurance
Bring back the local State representatives
Hold an annual CLG conference
Create a new grant category to provide funding to municipalities or CLGs to
distribute to private property owners
Mr. Adams said someone had asked about improving the State website. He explained
that funding was an issue.
B. Magnuson House Redevelopment Proposal
Mr. Adams stated the architect and a restaurant adviser had worked on concept plans.
The Board would review any application. He explained the first floor would be the
restaurant and the second floor would comprise offices. He reminded the Board that
they had no control over the interior but he had urged them to retain as much of the
original interior as possible. They also intended to reinstate the front porch. The 1950s
addition in the rear would be demolished and he hoped they would keep the wood
frame windows. Mr. Adams said this could change in the actual application; these were
just preliminary ideas. He believed the building would remain in its current location.
C. Potential honorary street names in the Heart of Boynton
Mr. Adams said a request had been submitted to the City Manager to name NE 10
Avenue for Robert E. Wells. At the City Commission meeting, there was a concern they
would be swamped with naming requests and the Commission had directed Mr. Adams
to research honorary street names in the heart of the City. He had determined that 13
Avenue had been Washington, 12 Avenue had been Lincoln, 11 Avenue had been
Central and 10 Avenue had been Wells. Mr. Adams would recommend that if the
honorary naming program moved ahead, the requests should be presented to the Board
before going to the City Commission.
Mr. Adams recommended the following:
The street should have had the requested name at some point in the past
The person must have had some historical significance in the City
The street must have been named prior to the 1950s numbering system
The applicant must provide the research
Limit the number of applications/approvals per year
Specify an application date every year
Limit the number of street signs per street
Install the signs at street level away from intersections
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resources Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, FL March 14, 2016
Ms. Oyer suggested using the title “Historic” instead of “Honorary.” Mr. Adams did not
feel it mattered.
Mr. Shaffer suggested this could be an annual Boynton Beach school contest. Chair
Ready suggested limiting the designations to the month of May, since that was National
Historic Preservation Month. Regarding an application fee, Mr. Adams said the
Engineering Department had the resources but Mr. Adams needed to confirm how
many they could handle per year. Mr. Tidwell did not feel the street needed to formerly
hold that name, just that the honoree should have some geographical relationship to the
street. Mr. Adams feared they could have too many confusing signs. Mr. Tidwell stated
a resident might be required to enlist the help of a City Commissioner to support a
request. They could also include a sunset provision for the naming. The Board had
consensus for Mr. Adams to proceed with the guidelines.
D. Potential site designation update
Mr. Adams intended to encourage several prospective applicants about moving forward
with properties he felt were eligible.
E. Small Matching Grant 2017
Mr. Adams reported the application period was open but he probably would not be
applying. He wanted to hold off pending the high school application to ensure there was
no competition.
F. Little House Alterations
Mr. Adams explained there was an application to put an addition on the east side of the
Little House but he did not know the material yet. This would provide additional seating
for the restaurant use.
G. Woolbright Road Pipe
Mr. Adams had been called by an archeologist who was concerned the pipe would be
installed adjacent to the cemetery. Mr. Adams was aware that five burials had been
relocated in the past. He explained the pipe would be buried in the little league park,
not near the cemetery; it was just being staged there. Mr. Adams would be notified of
any construction near the cemetery in the future.
7. Other
No discussion.
8. Comments by members
Ms. Oyer asked about the Conrad Pickel Studios tour and Mr. Adams said it was
moving ahead. The Historical Society had agreed to cover the cost of the buses and
they were organizing the speakers.
Chair Ready stated May was National Historical Preservation month and Mr.
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resources Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, FL March 14, 2016
Salomonsson and Mr. Shaffer were helping Mr. Adams with his Power Point
Mr. Adams confirmed for Mr. Tidwell that there were standards for plans presented.
Chair Ready reminded everyone that Boynton Beach was established in 1920 so they
were only four years away from their centennial. She wanted Board members to think of
ways to recognize the centennial. Ms. Oyer suggested they consult the 100-year
founding celebration in 1995 and do something bigger and grander.
Chair Ready reported that she had suggested ways to pay for the medallion program at
the Historical Society meeting.
9. Public comments
- None.
10. Announce date of next meeting
– April 11, 2016
11. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:34 p.m.
Minutes prepared by:
Jamie Opperlee
Prototype, Inc.