Minutes 06-05-67MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL F~W. ETING, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 5, 1~6___7___A~ 7:30 P-'_M.____ HELD IN Mic~.ael V. Michael, M~yor Thomas A. ~ers, Vice M~yor Gilbert H. Collins, Councilman Leonard E. Nylund~ Councilman A. Clyde Worrell,Jr. Counci~aan Ronald Fruda, City Atty. Grady W. Courtney, City Mgr. Tereesa Padgett,City Clerk Mayor Micheal opened ~e meeting. The Invocation was given by Councilman Worrell, and the Flag Salute was led by Councilman Worrell. INTRODUCTIpN OF CITY Mayor Micheal introduced the new City Manager, Mr. Grady W. Court. ney, and welcomed him to the City of Boynton Beach. Mrs.Tereesa Padgeta, the City Clerk, read the Proclamation designating the week of June llth through June 17th as Flag %~eek. Mr. J. Lo Breedlove, i~anager of Florida Power and Light Co. presented the City wi~ a check in the sum of $58,271.93. MINUTES: ~ .......... = ~ov~d ~sat ~he Minutes of ~he May 15th, 1967 Meeting be accepted. Se~,~a D~ m~r. Nyiund. Unanimously carried. $IDS~ Call for Tende=~, R~l'undin9 Bonds. Z~b Issue - $26,000.00 The City Clerk had ~4mzs. Bi~hop draw the following twenty-six numbers: 557 - 395 - 811 - 432 - 552 - 251 - 420 - 460 - 2S - 81 - 684 - 352 - 682 - 390 - 85 - 384 - 50 - 32 - 34 - 44 - 541 114 - 108 - 337 - 408 - 458. Mr. Nylund moved that we publish notice in the paper of redemption and also in a Financial Journal published in the City of New York. Seconded by Mr. Worrell. Unani- mously carried. MINUTES REGUI~.R CITY COUNCIL JUIqE 5~_ 1967 _ PUBLIC F~EARING 8:00 P.M.: Request for Ch~ge in~_Z__onin.q3 Request for change in zoning from R-3 to C-1 Parcel: W.200' of N.620.8' of S.650.8' of NE% of NE% east of U.S. Highway ~1. Address:lSlO S. Federal ~ighway O~ner: Fred G.Benson Mr. Fred G. Benson came fo~ard to speak in favor of said request. Mr. Olds came foz~;ard to answer questions by the Council. Mayor Michael asked if there was anyone else in ~e audience who was in favor of the zoning change, b~o one came forward. At this time Mayor Michael read a letter opposing t~e request for zoning cl~ange from ~r. W. G. Lassi- ter, Jr. from Sunshine Square Inc. F~yor Michael asked if ~ere %~as anyone in the audience opposed to the granting of this changing in zoning. No one c~e fo~vard. Mr. Summers moved that the zoning of subject parcel located at 1810 South Federal Highway be changed from R-3 to C-1. Seconded by Mr. Collins. Motion carried 4 to 1. Mayor Michael opposed. Rec~uest for_Abandonment of Rights-9~-~ay: Parcel: A portion of rights-of-way in Boynton Ridge lying between N.E. 20th Avenue and N. E. 22nd Avenue & N. E. 1st Court on the East and N.E. 1st St. on the West. Requested by: Yaros-Ma~vez, Architects ~. Taros came forward and presented a sketch of the prop- erty to the Council. Considerable discussion was had at ~is time. i~ayor Michael read the letter from Russell & Axon setting forth things to be done before they would approve their part of the project. It was suggested by the City Attorney that the owners of this property have the property completely re-platted where they would have a correct legal description of the property showing the dedicated street, easements, etc. and requested that the owners give the City a letter stating they (the owners or developers) would put the street in at their own expense. Mr. Su~mers moved that we request tl~ese people to replat this piece of property and bring it to us at that time showing ne%~ road and new location and this would be a 20' easement. Seconded by Mr. Collins. Unanimously carried. MI~JTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~EETING JUNE 5, 1967 PUBLIC AUDIENCE: ~S. Emily Jackson came forward to advise that she is known as a constant critic according to the n~3spapers; that Mr. Fruda is not acting as a substitute City Attorney, he is acting as City Attorney in the absence of ~. Joseph I~umphrey, who as we all know is in Tallahassee. Mr. Fruda is doing a very good job. Regarding the access to Sun- shine State Parkway, Mrs. Jackson advised that if there are too mawr access roads leading onto the Parkway~ it could possibly cause more accidents, and we don't want that to happen. OLD BUSINESS: Further Consideration of Adopting County ~eqis_~ration Books for City Elections: City Clerk advised that on April 11, 1966 Resolution 66-R was adopted regarding permanent voter registration requir- ing only one registration using County Books. There ls only one advantage and that is 1 registration card. The County requires 8 precincts, whereas the City requires only 2. ~neCounty requires 13 voting machines and the City nonually uses 7 machines. The County system would require 6 clerks, 6 deputies and 6 poll workers. The City requires 2 clerks, 2 deputies and approximately 16 poll workers. The cost is much less using the City method. Discussion held. Mr. S~mmers moved that we continue with the present system to maintain our own registration and maintain our own books and have our own elections. Seconded by Mr. Worrell. Unani- mously carried. Consideration of Position of City_~D~ineer (On the Table): Discussion was held. Mr. Summers moved to remove the position of City Engzneer from the table. Seconded by i,~. Collins. Opposed by Mr. Ny!und and ~4r. Worrell. Carried 3 to 2. Mr. ~ylund discussed the fact that they would be discuss- ing tilis tomorrow nig~t at the meeting with tl~e new City Manager. Mr. Summers advised that our present building Inspector is leavin9 bhe 15th and we can't do anything until we get it off tl~e table. Mr. ~rrell, Mr. Nylund and Mr. Summers are on Committee bu' ~' to reorganize the ~lamng department. - 3 - MINUTES ?dEGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 5, t967 Mr°Summers moved that this Committee should include the City ~%Lanager as one of its members and under the organization plans for the building and zoning departments should report back as soon as possible. Seconded by Mr. Worrell. Unanimously carried. BUSINESS: Letters of Commendat_i. on~ City Clerk read letter of commendation from PBs. Alice Blaske regarding the excellent response from the Police Department at time of emergency for mei~ber of her family. City Clerk read a letter of commendation from ~ayor Michael commending Fire Chief %~ri9ht and his dep~rt- ment for the excellent job riley did witk the Del-Trail Fire Departmen~ v~,hen fighting the real bad fire west of the City a fe%~ ~e~s ago. Pool and Possibl~e Beach Charge: Recreation Board has recommended a charge be made at each of these facilities. Parking meters up at the top beach parking lot and monies derived from the meters be used for proper management of the beach. Monies derived from the admission to the pool to be used for maintenance of pool and in that way there would be better control of chil- dren using the pool. Prices for pool admission were listed as follo~,~s: 12 and under -.I0; 17 and under (Jr. & Sr. High) - .15; adults 18 and over - .25; beginnin9 swimming lessons - .50 registration fee. This ~ou!d certainly help control discipline which we are not able to do at ~'~is time. They recommended tt~e pool be open from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. for the older people to enjoy the pool. Further discussion was held. Mr. Worretl moved that we accept the recommendations of Fir. Johnson of the Recreation Board as far as ~ charges for the %qilson Pool and recom- mend that we use the rates set out as follo%,;s: 12 and under- .lO; 17 and under (Jr. and Sr. High) - .15; adults I8 and over - .25; beginning s~imming lessons - .50 registration fee; and that we take the beach meter suggestions and study it further for reco~endation at a later time. Seconded by £,~. Summers. Unanimously carried. Discusszono Pool hours ~o be i:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. - 4 - Mi-Aq3TES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 5 ~__1_967 LEGAL: Resolution 67-L Requesting an Interchange at ~oynton ~d. and Sunsine Statg__Parkway: City Attorney read the Resolution 67-L. i,~. Nylund moved to accept Resolution R-67-L. Seconded by ~. Summers. Unan~uously carried. Resolut_ion_ 67-M ADDointinq th_e City Manager City Attorney read Resolution 67-M. Mr.Summers moved that Resolution R-67-M be passed. Seconded by Mr. %%7orrell. Unanimously carried. Resolution 67-N adoDti_Dg the Brown___Pay Plan as Amended: City Attorney read Resolution 67-N. Mr,Worrell moved t~t ~e approve Resolution 67-N. Seconded by Mr. Summers. Unanimously carried. .Report _o_n Dyer Request for De-annex__a_tion: Mayor Michael read a letter dated March i0, 1967 regard- zng the City not having the right to annex any property. ~illiam H.Dyer referred to Ordinance 65-18 requesting both real and personal taxes in the amount of $2,317.36 paid to date be refunded. The City has been sued by Palm Beach Memorial Gardens. Discussion was held further. Receipt of__Letter from ~ttorn~y GeneL~iRe~ardin~ Annexation: Mayor MiChael read letter from Attorney General's Office dated May 25, 1967 regardin9 annexation under ~arter provisions which are similar to the General Lay4 Section 171.04 Florida Statutes. City Attorney read letter from Bob DeYoung adviszn9 that a Special Act regarding annexa~ tion of property would not be able to be considered for passage due to the fact t]~ere is no time available ~o have it t~cen up at ~e Legislature. ~IlqI STRATIVE o Receiot of Resignation of Leonard E. Smith from the Inter-racial Committee: Mayor Michael read letter dated May 22, 1967 from Mr. Smith. Mr. Nylund moved that ~e accept the resignation of Leonard E. Smith from the Inter-racial Committee. Seconded by ~ir. Collins. Unanimously carried. MII~UTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUIFE 5, 1967 ~4r. Summers moved that t~llie Bagley be appointed to serve the r~maining portion of t~e term of Mr. Leonard Smith's place on the Inter-racial Conm%ittee. Seconded by Mr. Collins. Unanimously carried. Report b~ Vice MayorS~ers on th~ Aquatic ~eeds: Discusslon held. Mr. Summers moved that we go out for bid for control of these weeds ~ich is a budgeted item~ Seconded by Mr. Nylund. Unanimously carried. Confirms__date for the First Me~ing ip ~u!¥.o. Discussion held. Mr. Worrell moved that the first council meeting of July be held on July 10th. Seconded by Mr. Collins. Unanimously carried° Set Time for Board of ~quallzatlon Meeting - July 11, 1967: ~r. Su~n]ers moved that we start the Equalization meeting at 9:00 A.M. on July 11~ 1967. Seconded by Mr. Nylund. Unanzmousiy carried. R~e~uest for Transfer of Funds: ~rSo]~allace requested transfer of funds ($300°00) from account 6t0~-310 too_~u-~b."-'~ ~- ~-.Surm-~ars moved al~au alis cr~nsfer of of $300.00 from accounu 6100-310 to 6110-310 be made. Seconded by Mr. Nylund. Unanimously carried. ~Droval of Bills: Iqeptune Meter Compan~ bill for :~,492.20 for water meters already received by the City. Mr-Su~'mmers moved that Neptune Meter Company be paid $3,~92o20. Seconded by ~r. Nylund. Unanimously carried. Russell & Axon bill for $1,472.14 covering engineering services on sewer system for 2-C. Fg-.Summers moved that Russell & Axon be paid $1,472.14. Seconded by Mr. Collins. Unanimously carried. - 6 - MIS~JTE$ REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Jb_~E 5~ 1967 Gene Moore's Bill for $80.64 covering attorney's fees January 1, January 2 and January 3, 1967. Discussion held. Mr~Summers moved that we do not pay this bill of $80.64. Seconded by Mr. Worrell. Unanimously carried. Mr. Fruda, City Attorney, advised that Gene MOore filed a suit in Small Claims Court for $80.64 attorney,s fees for January l, January 2, and January 3, 1967. F~. Worrell moved that Mr. Fruda, City Attorney, represent the City in this la%,; suit. Seconded byMr. Summers. Unanimously carried. -?h-ambe?~°-f~Comme_r~ee bill for month of May - ~69~.88. Has been Checked by~e Finance Department. Mt. Summers moved that this bill be paid, it is a budgeted ztem. Seconded by ~r. Nylund. Unanimously carried. Discussion held. Mr. Summers moved that Fitzgerald Engineering Company bill for $618.00 be paid. Seconded by Mr.Worreli. Unanimously carried. There was no other business. DJOURbE4EAIT. ~-~Mr' Nylund moved the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Mr. ~orrell. Unanimously carried. Meeting a~journ~d 10:10 P.M. ~iohael V. Michael, ~ayo~ ~ Thomas A. Summers, Vice i~yor G'~<~t H. Collins, C~uncilman Leonard E. ~ylund, C~-~~-~ Attest :~Z~/ Tereesa city Clerk - 7-