BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ~l~Y 1, 1967 AT 7:30 P.M.
Michael ~. Michael, Mayor
Thomas A. SUmmers, Vice Mayor
Gilbert H. Collins~ Councilman
Leonard E. Nylund~ Councilman
A. Clyde Worreli~ Jr., Councilman
Ronald J.Fruda, City Attorney
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
~¥?.r Michael V. Michael opened the meeting. The
~ .r~le Rev..Ve~rnOn Pe~kins~ First Baptist ~huroh. Invocation was ~iven
Dy Eugene Wright, Fire Chief. Flag salute was led
· ~. A~ymuna moved that w~ accept the Minutes with CO~eetion on Page 3,
Legal - was not un~tnimously carried as there was one dissenting
~ M~. Collins. Seconded by Mr. Stz~me~s. So carried.
Mr~ Albert Wehrell of Boynton Isles spoke about the many attempts by
the PreSs~ namely, By,on Leggett of the Sun Sentinel~ to downgrade or
ridicule the City of Boynton Beach and interference with the various
councilmen about City business.
Mrs. Emily Jackson spoke briefly regarding the City holding closed
Mr. A1 Busher of 204 Second Street, spoke regarding his being penalized
with the $100, charge of connecting up to the sewer'-on propeDty p~r-
chased by him with no knowledge of the property not already being on
the s~wer hookup. Both he and the real estate company he purchased the
property f~om had checked with City Hall regarding the sewer connection
bein~ done and were advised by City Hall that it had been done and again,
after checking, found that it had not been done. Considerable dis-
cussion was held at this time.
M~. Worrell moved that this ~e tabled for further consideration. Sec-
onded by Mr. Collins. Mayor Michael, Mr. Summers and Mr. Nylund op-
posed the motion. Motion didn't carry~
Mr. Summers moved that we do not make any exceptions or change the fee
as set out by the Ondinance. Seconded by Mr. Nylund. Mayor Micbmel,
Mr, Summers and Mr. Nylund in favor of motion. Mr. Worrell and Mr.
Collins were against the motion. Motion carried.
Mr. Byron Leggett, resident of Delray Beach and representative of the
Sun Sentinel: spoke with reference to accusations made by Mr. Albert
Wehrell earlier in the meeting.
MAY t: 1967
Consideration of position of City Engineer (On the table )
Mr. Summers moved that we nm~A~this from the t~ble. There was no
second and it will be left on the table. Motion died for lack of second.
The City Clerk read a letter from Russell g Axon regarding the ~eorgan-
~zation of their office in Detray Beach and giving the address as
~oom 23~ Second Floor~ ProfesslonalBuildinq~ p. O. Box 957, Delray
Beach, Florida.
Mr. John Klinck, Delray Beach representative from Russell g Axon office,
discussed the water service to the ITV Building and the Vocational Sch-
ool West of Congress Avenue in Boynton Beach. Considemable discussion
was had on this matter between the City CoUncil, John Klinck and John
dazr, w~th Mr. Kl~nek i : a s ·
~ost of $11,100.00. y o ~ransm~e ±zne could be run at an'estimated
Mr. Worrell moved that the City of Boynton Beach furnish a water line to
the ITV facility as p~esented by this sketch whem. the City puts it out
for bids andwe £urn~sh' ~t' on the basis of the City's cost, not to ex-
ceed $3,500.00. Seconded by Mr. Summers. Motion carried 4 to 1.
Mayor Michael voted
Mr. Nylund moved that the bidding be closed at this time.
Fir. Worrell. ~nanimously carried.
Seconded by
1. .Demolition of Casino
The City Clerk opened and read the following bids:
B~q Bear Wreckinq Co., Lake Worth, Florida
$1,425.00 and enclosed a cashier's check in the amount
of $142.50 with their bid.
Ha~drives, Inc., Delray Beach, Florida
$1,350.00 - no check enclosed,
Waho, Inc.~ Fort Lauder~le, Florida
$1,880.00 and enclosed company check for $188.00.
~, FOrt Lauderd~le, Florida
~,+z~.ou an~ enclosed a cashier's cheek ~
o . . - - --, the amount
f $112.70 wzth their bid.
MAY 1~ 1967
~IDS - Continued
Mr. Worrell moved to accept these bids and tUrn them over to the Tab-
ulating Committee for tabulation. Seconded by Mr. Summmers. Unani-
mously oaz~ied.
2. Repairs to Swimming Pool
The City Clerk ~ead the only bid on this item.
~ Pompano Beach, Florida
$5~500.00 and enclosed a cashier's check in the amount
of $350.00 with their bid.
M~. Nytund moved that this bid be turned over to the Tabulating Commit-
tee. Seconded ~y Mr. Collins. Unanimously carried.
1. Rgmoval of Junk Cars (On the table)
Mr. Summers moved that it be moved from the table fop dis-
cussion. Seconded by Mr. Worrell. U~aanimously ca~ied.
Mr. Summers moved that we accept the bid from the South Speed Shop.
Seconded by Mr. Worrell. Unanimously carried.
Further consideration of installation of water line - Ja cee Park.
Mr. Cook spoke on behalf of the Boynton Beach Junior Chamber of Commerce.
Discussion followed. Mr. Sal DeCanio, 3211 Fernwood Dr.~ also spoke
on the subject.
Mr- Worrellmoved that we install the 4" water line to the Jaycee Park
as discussed upon the promise of the Jaycees to furnish proper land-
scape plan for the city's approval, and put one (1) 2" meter on one (1)
4" line. Seconded by Mr. Nylund. Unanimously carried.
F_urther consideration of specifications for annual insurance bid.
Mr. Summers moved that we go out for bids under the same specifications
thc t were furnished last year and confine it to OUr local agents.
Seconded by Mr. Nylund. Unanimously carried.
~uthorization requested to ~o out fo? bid on repair of Cit~ Hall.
Mr. Ny!und moved we authorize the drawing up of the specifications for
the repairs of the City Hall and go out for bids. Seconded by Mr.
Collins. Unan~nously carried.
Report by Vice Mayor Summers on installation of traffic light on
~.S.~I at N.E. 10th Avenue
MAY 1, 1967
Report was given by Vice Mayor Summers.
Mr. Summers moved that we purchase the two (2) cement poles needed for
the traffic signals at N~E. 10th Avenue and Federal Highway. The money
is available and is approved by the Finance Department and it is legal.
Seconded by Mr. Collins. Unanimously carried.
.I, nst~llation of tmaffie li~qht at 15th Avenue and U.S. #1
Mr. Summers gave a report of the need of a traffic signal at 15th Ave.
where the new bridge is being installed. (S. Federal Highway)
Mr-. Summers moved tb~t we go out for bids for S.E. 15th Avenue and
Federal Highway for traffic signals. Seconded by Mr. Collins. Unani-
mously carmied.
At this time ~fm. John Schrock of Countdown Signal Company of Florida~
came forward to advise that his company would supply free of charge
to the Cit~- of Boynton Beach~ for a period of six ~months trial basis,
a traffic light at S.E. 15th Avenue and Federal Highly. He suggested
that the City of Boynton Beach write a letter to the State Road Depart-
ment advising them that we are going to try this light out for approxi-
mately six months~
Mr. Summers moved that the motion he just made be reconsidered. Sec-
onded by Mr. Collins. Unanimously carried.
Mr. Summers moved that we do not go out for bids on the traffic light
at 15th Avenue & S. Federal Highway. Seconded by Mr. Collins. Unani-
mously car~ried.
Mr. Summers moved that we go out on bids for four (4) ~VT~ Cement poles~
for S.E. 15th Ave. g S. Fed. Highway traffic signals. Seconded by
Mr. Worrell. Unanimously carried.
Receipt of letter from Henry E. Thompson re annexation of Banos-
Pandelly and Annan tracts
The City Clerk read the letter.
Mr. Hank Thompson came forth to discuss the matter. A lengthy dis-
cussion was had on this subject between the Councilmen: The City
Attorney and ~. Thompson~nd it w~s agreed that Legislative action
would have to be taken in omder to annex any property into the City
of Boynton Beach.
~- ~[. A. Gundersdorff on behalf of the Joy Manufacturing
The City Clerk read the letter from Joy Manufacturing Co.
MAy t~ 1967
~ek with Departme~nt Heads and Resglution
~itl be prep~amed to take care o~ pay situatio~n_.
Mayor Michael advised that a meeting would be held with
the Department Heads on the Pay Plan for City employees.
A. Omdinance 67-5 (2nd Reading) mezoning Lot 35, La/nhart's
of 3 S/D from R-1 to R-2A.
The City Attorney read the mdlnance 67-5 on second reading.
O '
Mr. Summers moved that Ordinance 67-5 be passed on second
and final reading. Seconded by Mm, Nylund. Unanimously carried
B. Ordinance 67-6 (2nd Reading) establishing mates~ fees
and other charges for the use of services and facilities
of the sewerage syStem~
The City Attorney read the Ordinance 67-6 on second reading.
[~. Summers moved that Omdinance 67-6 be passed on second
and final reading. Seconded by Mr. Collins. Passed on
a 4 to 0 vote= Mm. Worrell abstaining.
Appoint resident membem to the Board of T~us~ees of
~--~unicipal Police. Off icem~s Ret/mement Trust Fund,
M~. Nylund moved that John Howell continue on the Board of
Trustees. Seconded by Mr. Worr~ll. Unanimously carried.
Appoint residen~ member ~O the Board of Tmustees of
Municipal Firemen's Pension Trust Fund.
~im. Worrell moved that David McLaughlin continue on the
Board of Tmusrees. Seconded by Mm, Collins. Unanimously
.Consider appointment to Intem-Racial Committee.
Mrs. Annie Miller: formem member o~ the committee resigned.
Mr. Summers moved that we appoint Eddie W. Cooper ~o serve
in place of Mms. Miller in this position. Seconded by
Mr. Collins. Unanimously carried.
_Approval requested for ~ansfer of funds
The City Clerk read the request fmom the Building Depamtment
by Harold Blanchette and approved by Mrs. Olive Wallace, to
transfem funds from Account 3300-210 to:
MAy 17 1967
D, -Approval of transfer of funds - continued
$60. to Acct, 3300-274
20. to Aeet. 3308-440
i5. to Act. 1900-250
Mr. Summers moved that we transfer the funds as read by the City Clerk.
Seconded by ~r, Nylund. ~nanimously carried.
The City Clerk read the request f~om the Police Department by
Chief ThOmpson: to transfer funds from Aeoount 3100-400 to
3100-278 and AccOUnt 3100-448 to Account 3100-278, and the
t~ansfer has been recommended by Mrs. Olive Wallace.
Fir. Nylund moved that we accept the transfer as read by Mrs. Padgett,
Seconded by M~. SUmmers. ~nanimously carried.
Mrs,_Wal~/~,ee stat~.d .~n~mt funds have been u
~al supp±les and it : ~^~ ~ ...... b dgeted for Chemi-
would be needed . . ~ ~Cltional amount of $200,
to fmn~sh the budget ear an
the transfer of funds . : - . Y 7_ d has requested
f-~om Account 6120-29~ to 6120-330.
M~. Surm~ers moved that this transfer be g~anted as read by the City
Clerk. Seconded by ~ir, Worrell. ~knanimousl¥ carried.
Car allowance for Tax Assessor and Pumchasing Agent,
A transfer of $216.66 is recommended from Account SS00-210
to 15 ~0-210.
M~, Nytund moved that we accept t~ansfe~ as read by the City Clerk,
Seconded by Mr, Summers, ~nanimously carried.
E. Consider appointment to Palm Beach County Health Planning
This was a request from the Palm Beach County MedicaI Soeiety.
The City Clerk sta~ed that she had checked with several doctors
and they were all in accord with this Health Planning Council,
and felt it advisable to appoint someone to serve in this
Mr. Worrell moved that the Mayor be authorized to appoint a person to
this office, Seconded by Mm. Summers. ~nanimously caZ~ied.
The City Clerk read a bill from the Chamber of Commerce
in the amount of $829.00 which has been approved by the
Finance Department.
M~. Summers moved that this bill be paid. Seconded by Mr,Nylund. ~n-
animously carried,
MAY 1~ 1967
There was no other business.
M~. Nylund moved the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by M~.
Worrell. Unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M.
Thoma A. S' ~c~ ye
Gilbert H. Coll~ns~ Councilman
Leo~d-E .-Nylund ~ ~lma-n~
A. Clyde Wo~rell
Attest: ~ ~~
Tereesa Pad~ City Clerk