BEACH, FLORIDA, I~URCH 20~ 1967 AT 7:30 P. M.
~-chael V. ~iichae!, ~V~ce Mayor
Gilbert H. Collins, ~o~meilman
Leonnrd E. Nyl~md, Co~uci]_~Zn
Thomas A. Summers, Counci~man
Ronald Jo Fruda, City Attorney
Cal!ie Clanton~ Deputy City Clerk
Robert E. Carnahan, Acting City M~nager
Vice ~fayor Michael called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M.
The invocation +~s given by Clyde l~!orrell~ Deacon, First B~ptist Church,
and the flag salute v~s led by Cotmcilman Leona~ E. Nyl~&nd.
I_NS~_A..~_~LATION OF ~o MiCPp~ V.~ ~f!CH~.~L AS~}%-tYOR
Deputy City Clerk administered the oath of Mayor to Mr. F~ichael V. N~ichael.
__REC~N__I~T~I_0N OF pAETj[C~ANT~ov-Epd~,.~F~T DAy[' PROC-B'~j~'i
~tayor Michael related t~fi once a year the city participates in this
program aud the yo~zustsrs are able to get an .im~side leek as to how ou~
government is performed, mud tomorro,~g, March gl, 1967~ they will assume
their duties in o~r goven~nent from lO:O0 A~M. to 12:~0 Noon. ~&or Michael
read the list in its entia~ety aloud to the audience and cor~ratulated them
in behalf of the City of Boynton Beach.
Deputy City Clerk adminis+~ared the Oath of Loyalty to this group of
participants. Master Ronnie Scott, ~yor~ camm forward to e~press his
s~ncere appreciation for this wc~derful experience.
~fir. S~mmers moved for apprOVal of minutes of Regod~ Meeting dated
March 6, 1967~ seconded by Mr. Nylmud and it was unanL~.ously carried.
~Lr. Nyltmd moved for approval of minutes of Specisl Meeting dated
i~Larch 8, 1967, seconded by Mr. Collins and it ~ms uns-uimously carried.
i~Layor ~[ichael stated he wished to ncm~inate ~ir. C~rtis A. I~eaver to fill
the vacant council seat, as he felt him to be the most highly qualified
person for the job and cited gl reasons.
~ir. Collins stated he +~shed to nom,_hate Mr. C~ne Moore, former city
attorney, to fill the vacant council seat, He stated FLr. Moore has had
I~LtRCH 20~ 1967
tern 3~,sms of experience in guiding the city and he felt they could not
pick a better man.
· ~ ~ ~c~rs moved the nominations be closed, seconded by ~-r. ~]~ltu~d smd
it ~:as tU~animously carried, ~
Mayor Michael smmounced that the nominations were closed and a vote would
now Ce taken on tho two nominees.
The vote for ~Lr. Curtis A. }'~eaver ~e as follows:
~v. S~rs Yes
~ir. l~c ~m. ei Yes
The vote for
Gene Moore v~s as follows:
},Lt. C ol!Jns Yes
Mr. S:&.~.er s No
Mr, Ny!~d Yes
Mr. Michael No
~yor Michael related at this time if comucil is tmable to roach a docision
regarddng t~his matter by April 3~ 1967, a soeci~l election ?~iIi D~ve to be
held. - -
Mrs. Emily Jackson, 728 N.E. 9th Avenue, came ,or,,;.,rd and asked _Wm. Col]~us
why he felt anyone v~ao had been voted do~m im the city election should be
considered for the city council vacancy. She said it v~s a sb~me to pay
$3500 for an election in order to settle this matter,
I~L~. C~orge C. ~iiles, 695 Chapel Phi]] Blvd., came forward and asked
Mr. Nylund if he ever kept his word.
Mayo'r }~ichael related that ~.~s. Lottie Pierce has suppled the name of
~s. Va~ee I~ of ~53 N.hL ~th Avenue to se~s on this board
sLuce Mme. Barh~a Traylor h~d offend to rel~q~sh her appo~tmen~ to
a~ow someone from tb.~ colored section to se~e_ kr~. La~srt has been
contacted ~ l,L~s. Pierce mad bas agreed to se~e on the ~b~ Bo~d,
~.~. Sumners moved for the able appo~tment aud stated she v~ c~ud~m
very l~y to fill this ~cancy, ~. Nyl=nd second~ ~d it ~s
~us~ c~ried.
}-~,yor ~.c~.el stated the firm of Bates & D'a~y¢ pool cont~ctors,
co~,,,czed relative to do~g the sand blast~ mud fL~s~Zu~ of the pool.
.~=ze notified us t~t the co~!ete job wo~.d be
$2/700. T~.s f&~ is co~iderably less th¢,~ the fi~es offe~¢ by
Snapp ~c. The c~ta ~ager ~s had e%hreme dlffic~lty ~ secumirg
q',~g 4 fled contractors to perfo~ t~s o~e of ~ork. In view of the
rs-wised fi~e from ~tes & D~y, it w~ reco~ded t~t they accept
the prop~,~ of Bates & D~ for the necess~ ~s to the l~son Pool.
~¢ith E'¢.~hsr ~est~ation of the c~&orLue feed l~es, it b~s ~ fo~
that they re~e m~e r~ thmu or~y antici~ted,
mecessitata tBe rem~-~ o~ ~l the '~ ~'
cn~o~e feed 1%ues and ~plac~ent
~,Y_th PVC or ~.her ~itable nmterial. The ~placemsnt of these chlor~e
l~oes c~ be done by pe~o~l from the public vorks dep~nt.
}'~. RicBa~son, D~ctor of ~blic ~¢ork~ c~e fo~,~d and stated they
received the co~ract th~ ~te~oon f~ ~tes & Daly mud that they.~
have a fire contract v~th them. ~. S~ers ~de a moti~ that this
contact be issued to ~tes & D~y for the ~o~t of t
he c~,~act ~ich
is stated to be $2,7~. Mr. Co~s seconded ~d it ~,as ~u~ously
Lots 20 and 21, Block A, Pence S/D #i
as recorded in Plat Book l, Page 33, Palm Beach
COunty Recoz~is
Request: C-1 to C-2
Location: S.E. 5th Avenue and U. S. #1 (~ff corner)
Owner: Fred G. Benson
The North 318o5' of the S½ of the S!~ of the
o~ Section 27¢ ~h~o. 45S: Range 43E, lying krest of
the c~ual r/w less the r/w of
Request: R-1AA to R-3A,
Location: 1402-1¢~t2 South Federal Highway
6~rner: Ez~.~zn J. & Lydia~ffestp,hal
Mr. Ronatd Frud~¢ City AttOrney, recormnended that consideration of tip
above-mentioned rezoning requests be postponed until the next full council
Mr, Su%mners moved for the above rec~endation, seconded ~y PLr.
and it v~s unanLmously carried.
The Deputy City Clerk ~ad the above-mentioned letter <,~ its .... 11 ~
k~ N~?3~nd moved to accept ~. }.~dsen's res~ti~ as stated above,
seceded by Mr, ~rs ~d ~t v~.s ~Lmos~ c~ried.
~. ~,mers related that it ~s c~tc~ry that one of the cc~ncil ~
appo~ated to t!~s ~d ~ich -~l ~ done at the ne~ ~ ~cuucil
M~. Fruda, city atto~ey, road ~eso~tio~ 67-G. M~.
adoption of Resolution 67~. ~M. Co~ seconded ~d it
adoptionMr' F~,ofCitYBesolutionatto~ey~wread!~.Resolution 67-H. M'm~. t~3~tuud moved for
~--~-, S~ers seconded ~d it v~s ~u~ous~
~yOrfo~o~Mic~el: related t~t the City ~ger's r~o~n~tions ere as
I~ith the abandor~ent of the proposed sewer installations in Systems 5B
smd 2BB~ this office has made a further investigation of the poss~ole
areas where seWer lines could be installed at a feasible cost. In revie~M~ug
the several areas, the System ~ appears to be tbs most economical area in
which to locate. At the present tLm~ ~.~ .have one hundred aud thirty-four
actual house co~-uections ~,~th approximate total cost of construction ar~
engineering of $80,000 to $90,000. ~ith these cosz estimates, t?~ would
make it feasible for the city to instalt se~r lines in ihs Forsst Park
School area. Therefore, Z 'weuld reconmend that Co,~mm~ take the necessary
steps to autnor_ze' ~ our consulti~ engineers to proceed ~th the preparation
of plans and specifications for securing bids on this work.
Mr. Stunners mO~ed x%r the above recommendation~ seconded by l~ir, Nyltmd
and it v~ u~asly carried.
.... ast Stated they ~ve received a r~uest z~om Ism. f~falter ~adsen
askL~ that Lots ~ a~ 52~ Block F in the Bo~nton Beach Me~ri~ Park
~ 'oransfe~ed to Mr. E~ H~ford. ~. Madssn has ~ready su~endered
the deed to the city clerk. He stated this ~s not ~ muus~l practice
and the city ~n~er reco~ends t~t Co~cil approve the trausfer~
~. S~rs moved for the above reco~endation, seconded by Mr~ Co,ins
and it ~.as muan~ousty C~ried.
~,fayor ~chael ~lated tDmt the City Man~er's reco~en~tions ~e as
From the stmudpoint of better cost d
ist~outlon, I would like to transfer
the position of ma~utenmuce mechanic to A~vlv~ty 6130 - ~ffater Distribution
to Activity 6220 - Sewage Treatment. The ftmction of t_his particz~r
position is the rmaintensmce and repair of the se~.~e lift stations.
Therefore~ the salary cost houla be assigned to the se~ge treatn~nt
plsmt rather than to the ~ater distribution departmsut.
m. S~umZ~ers moved for the above recommendation, seconded by ~ir. Nylmud
and it +~s musm~ously carried.
~{r. Sommers moved to receive the list of payments and make it a part of
the m~utes. Mr. Nylo_nd seconded and it was unandz~ously carried.
Rubin Construction Company $ 4,341o90
~,yor i-Lichael related this bill is for the restu~fasing of various streets
tkroughout the city. This work was approved by Council at a previous
meetir~. Qua~utities .have been heckem and fotmd to be in order.
Funds are available in Activity 2110-280 and the city manager recomaends
payment of the bill.
~ir. So~ers moved for the above recommendation~ seconded by Mr. Nylund
and it was tmandmously carried.
~L~RCH 20~ 1967
Rubin Construction Compaay
~yor Michael related this bill covers the res~fac~ of S.E. ~th Street,
S.Efo~d. 5thto Avenuebe ~ order.and Oce~dsAvenUe~re. ~deThe ~uantities.~, h~ve been checked smd
aVa~aole ~ Activity
and the city ~uager reco~nds pa~ent of the cml_.
~.ir. ~l~ud moved for the above reco~en~tion, second~ by ~. Co~s
~d it v~ ~m~ously carried.
Jay Sarno ~lders, ~c.
l~,yor I'~cl~ei stated they are ~ receipt of a b~] f - . .
~c.~ ~m the a~o~t of ~00 mn e~ ~- .... ' rom ~ay S~o
across Seacrest ..... -~, ~ne s~e~zon of ~ter m~d ses~r lLues
B~evard to the pro~rty l~e of the ~h Po~t Ao~ments.
This ~ork i~d b~en ~uthorized some t~e ago by the city. ~9 the
been ~st~ed and Luspected ~d fo~d to ~ in accord~ce [~th ~he ~s
proposed p~s and s~c~ications. ~ds are av~ble ~ the ~ter ~d
sever construction f~d ~ the city ~ager recommends ~ent of the b~l.
}~'. S~ners m~ed for the above reco~ndation, seconded by ~.~. Coll~
~d it v~s ~o~ly ca~ied.
[?~?inters, Brackett, ~ & Potter
~yor l~c
· ...~el- ~lated they are ~u receiot of a bill ~ tho' ~ of
$400.00 ;,~ch ~presents leg~ ?
~e~s ~c~red ~ the v~idation of the
City of Boston Beach RevenueCert~zcates' ' ~sued ~ connection '~d~th the
proposed ~a~age ~ North Second Avenue. The city ~ger stated
b~ ~s been checked ~ the ~ance Dep~tment and fo~d to be ~ order
and he rec~nded pa~ent of the b~.
~. S~ers moved for the above recognition, seconded by Mr. Coll~s
~d it v~s ~ously
1. Building 7. Personnel
2. Tax Collector 8. Treasurer
3o Budget g~ Recreation
4. Library lC. Police
5. Public [~rorks ll. Fire
6, Utilities
2~. S~-ers made a motion that the departmental reports be received and
~oproved. ~. Nyl~md. seconded and it was unanimously carried.
~'LAR CITY COT~C'rT~' ~ ~'~fI~
t~ffL~CH 20¢ 1967
Armo'~aoement of Public Hearing ~L~rch 27 at ?:~0 P.M, om the ~fater-Se~,~r
Mayor }'Licnael announced it v~s the intention of council to hol~ t~his
meeting to discuss the water an~ server rate study ~ have received from
Russell & AXon, consulting engineers. He stated they had asked for
additional information mud they ~211 have it on hand at this meetLug.
~rs. Emily Jackson~ 728 ~.E. 9th Avenue, requested that it be published
in the nev~papers, and she was assured that it vmuld be done.
~ter From M. ~ ~ ......
The Deputy ~ty Clark read the above-mentioned letter in ~t~ entirety.
takenMay°r Michaelthis matterStated he would like to ass~are ~r. Doughty that they have
of the ~larm' Under consideravion and he has balked to the members
- rang and Zonir~ Boar~, and they, will have representation.
He z~ther stated they are not going to let this matter pass Unattended.
}~. -~ylund spoke regarding the appointment o£ a CoUncilman and expressed
his ~shes that no undue embarassment be caused any potential candidate.
He further stated that he felt a Un~n~ous decision shortkd be reached
before submittirg a name i,u a public meetly. ~ayor Michael stated
that he felt it ~zas his duty to brirg it before t.~ CoUncil since a
decision must be reached ~ April 5rd or it ~,~11 be necessa_~y to hold a
special election. They both felt that a decision v~ill be reached by
At this time, ~[r. F~d~, City Attorney~ invited the Junior City Attorney
and Assistant City Attorney to his office tomorrow.
A~test o