Michael V. Michael, Vice N~yor
Gilbert Ho Collins, Counc~lm~
Leonard E. Nylund, Councilman
Thomas A. Summers, Councilman
Robert E. Carnahan, Acting City Manager
Ronald j. Fruda, City Attorney
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Frank F~cCoy, Jr o, ~yor
Vice brayer Michael called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M.
The invocation vms given by Rev. Douglas Smith, First Presbyterian
Church, and the flag salute was led by City Attorney~ Ronald J. Fruda.
Mr. Ny!und moved for approval of minutes of Regular Meeting dated
January 16, 1967, seconded by Mr. S%m~ers and it was unanimously
A representative of the Boynton Beach Jaycees came forward requesting
a waive of the city ordinance prohibiting ¢=~Ding within the confines
of the city liw~its on February 10, i1 and 12, 1967 to allow the
Boynton Beach Boy Scouts to hold their Camporee in connection v~ith
National Boy Scout i~Yeek. He also requested that the men from the
grass cutting crews mow the front portion of this park, and that they
be given two trash cans down there for their use during this period
of time. ¥~r. Carnahan stated that these two requests would be
fulf~ll ed.
Mr. Su~mere moved that the Boy Scouts be altowod to use the Jaycees
Park for their Camporee, seconded by ~. Nylund and it was unanimously
Mrs. Robert Gill, a representative from the League of Women Voters of
South Palm Beach County, came forward stating as a public service they
have just issued a pamphlet which they are distributing to ail colleges,
libraries and municipalities throughout the South palm Beach County
which gives valuable information regarding voting. Copies v~re
distributed to members of the city council and a supply w~s left with
the city clerk.
FEBRUARY 6, 1967
~. William %~fohD_leb, Chairman of the Planniug and Zoning Board cam~
forward to speak. He stated, as Chairman of the Pl~ and ZoD~
Board, he ~ished to advise that they have recommended the armeX~tio~
of the property on the beach if council finds it economical]y feasible
to do this~ and this was the basis for their motion. He also wanted
to ta~e this opportunity to spell out about three areas that they are
finding very difficult to work with. He stated the city is in need of
a new Master Plan, plus a new City Ordinance as they are lacking in
any brdinance that c, ~c., and
~rdinance that they
pr~ on the table for
that for -study and
~ 9th.
He said grant ~o one
~fr. Wohlleb th, n stated he ~ould like to orally give Council his
r ss Tt ? as c_na n o£.the due to the
iac~ ~Da~ ~e ~s ~e~v~ ~ ~ - · · ·
. Z. ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~, ~d ~s ~k~ a ~sitm~ else~ere
~ ~lorm~ ~ ~1 be m~. ~ the near ~r~.
Vice ~r ~chael th~ e~essed the co~c~'s reg~ts regard~
~. ~o~b's resection as C~i~ o~ the P~ a~ Zo~ B~rd.
~EI,PT OF ~%~ B~
1. Davis Meter and Supply, Dania, Florida
2. Mueller Company, Chattanooga, Tennessee
~. MoWane Cast Iron Pipe .~. B~iZ~E ~% Alabama
~. American Cast Iron Pipe Company, Orlando, Florida
5. U. S. Pipe and Foundry Com~y, Birmingham, tlabama
FEBRU~RY 6, 1967
Galvanized Pioe and Fittings and Brass Goods
1. Southern Meter and Supply Company, Lakelsnd, Florida
~Yorld Iron and Pipe of Florida, Inc., 2~j Florida
3. Davis Meter and Supply Company, Dania~ Florida
A. A&B Pipe and Supply Company~ Miami, Florida
5. Peninsular Supply Company~ ?~est Palm Beach, Florida
6. Smith Blair, Inc.: Texarkana, Texas
7. Gulfstream Steel Corporation, Delray Beach, Florida
8. Mueller Company, Decator, 7~]inois
9. Farquhar ~chmuery Company, JacP~onv~lle, Florida
Gasoline and Oil
1. Seacrest Petroleum Company, Boynton Beach, Florida
2. Pure Oil Company, Tampa, Florida
3. Sinclair Refining Company, Tampa, Florida
4. Cities 8er~ice Oil Company, Atlanta, Georgia
5. Royal Petroleum, Inc., Lake ~forth, Florida
6. Gulf Oil Corporation~ Miami, Florida
7. Standard Oil Company, Jacksonville, Florida
Tires and Batt_ eries
1. Pierce Tire Company, Delray Beach, Florida
2. Boynton Auto Supply Company, Boynton Beach, Florida
3. Don's Firestone, Boynton Beach, Florida
4. Goodyear F~sy Pay Tire Store, Inc., Boynton Beach, Florida
FEBRUARY 6, 1967
~ater Meters
1. Neptune Meter Company, Atlanta, Georgia
2. Davis Meter and Supply Company, Dania, Florida
3. Rockwell Mznufacturing Company, Atlanta, Georgia
Hersey Sparling Meter Company, Dedham, ~ssach~setts
5. Southern Meter and Supply Company, Hapev11~e, Georgia
6. Badger Meter ~L~nufacturing Company~ Milwaukee, ~isconsin
Chlorine for ~'gateE and Sewer Plants
1. Delray Chemical Company, Delray Beach, Florida
2. Picard Chemical Company, West Palm Beach, Florida
3. Colonial Chemicals, Inc., Orlando, Florida
Allied Chlorine and Chemical Products, Inc., M~mi, Florida
Road Rock ~terials
1. Keatts Trucking Service, Bo~aton Beach, Florida
2. Ed Clanton Trucking, Boynton Beach, Florida
1. Belvedere Construction Company, ~est Palm Beach, Florida
2. Rubin Construction Company, ~est Palm Beach, Florida
Mr. Summers moved that the committee they name be accepted and that
some of the councilmen check on the tabulation. ~. Collins seconded
and it was unanimously carried.
1. C. A. k~itman, Jr. & Sons, Lake Worth, Florida
John L. Archie Plumbing, Boynton Beach, Florida
Ridgw~y Plumbing, Inc., Boynton Beach, Florida
Mr. Summers moved that these bids be turned over to the tabulating
committee for their awarding thereafter, seconded by Mr. Nylund and it
was unanimously carried.
FEBRUARY 6, 1967
1~'~. Carnahan, Acting City Fmmager, explained that he was in receipt of
a letter from Russell rand Axon, consulting engineers, with their
recommendation for the award o£ Sewer Project No. 5754-8j. After
analyzing the four bide received, it was the recommendation of the
engineers that the city accept ~he low base bid of $59~296.?0 submitted
by Tropic Builders of Delr~y Beach. Approximate completion time would
be 180 days from execution of ~he contract and that funds me available
from the x~ter and sewer bond issue.. Area 5B is located East of U.S. #1
and I~f.est Of the IntrmcOastal Waterway. The South l~ts of this work
will include the Seaview Trailer, Par~ and pr°CeedmNorth to the
properties acquired by ~o~r~iw Sea Suns, form~erly known as Rainbow Gardens.
Area 2BB is located East of U.So #1 and South of S.E. 2nd Avenue directly
behind the La~s Apartments.
Mr. Carnahan suggested they, delay final decision on this nmtter until
their regular meeBing of February 20, 1967, for the purpose of reviewing
this situation a little further.
~fr. Summers requested that Tropic Builders be advised regarding this
decision giving our reasons for the delay on this particular project.
~r. Nylund moved that they postpone the decision on this matter until
the ne~t regular ~eeting of February 20, 1967, seconded by Mr. Collins
and it was unanimously carried.
Rezoning Request from R-3 to C-1 from Bo~ton Nurseries, Inc.
The North 650.8' of the NE~ of the ~.~¼ lying East of U .S. #1,
33/~5/~3, and Lots i and 2, ~ of FIND Canal R/W located in
Sec. 3~/t5/i3, Rousseau's S/D
R-3 to C-1
2820 South Federal Highway (office)
Property location: 1620 S. Federal Highway
Boynton Nurseries, Inc.
The Planning and Zoning Board recommended that this parcel be rezoned
for C-luse by a vote of 4-0.
Robert Griffith of the firm of Griffith and Moore, on beB~lf of
Roynton Nurseries, Inc., came forward to speak in favor of this request.
Vice Mayor Michael asked if anyone else wished to speak regarding this
zoning request and no one came forward.
FEBRUARY 6, 1967
Mr~ Summers moved for the acceptance of this zoning change from
R-3 to C-l, seconded by Mr. Coll~us and it was unanimously carried.
i~r. Fruda read the first reading of Ordinance 67-~ dated February 6,
Mr. Summers moved to accept Ordinance 67-4, seconded by Mr. Collins
and it ~s unanimously carried.
sy ss_
M~r. Car~ahan related they have received a letter from M~. Joseph
tTomberg~ attorney for ~. Kenneth Lyman. Mr. Lyman is of the opinion
h~t ~ city has been ur~ecessarily delaying the completion of this
transaction. He has so stated that if the sum of $3,150 is not
forthco~ by February 7, 1967, the sale of this property will be
declared null and void,
Y~s. Edith Thompson, 914 N.E. 7th Street, came forward stating she
felt the city should not spend another nickel on buying ground for
new streets if it cannot repair 7th Street. M~. Carnahan stated he
felt the ssle of this property should be delayed at this particular
time, and the members of council were in agreement with h~ regarding
this matter.
~. Summers moved that they do not make this purchase, seconded by
~. Collins and it was u~nimously carried~
Mr. Carnahan stated at the meeting of JanL~ry 16, the roll was read at
the Public Hearing and only one objector came forward. Mr. Mason
~Cloud, o~.~mer of the demolished structttre at 207 N.E. llth Avenue.
He stated that the $256.32 v~s in excess of the estimated amount that
was anticipated for the removal of this building. He further indicated
that he would pay the $150.00 that was originally estimated.
Mr. Carnahan recommended that the ~ssessment ro3_l he accepted as
presented with an abatement to I~Lr. NcOloud in the amount of $100.00.
l~Lr. Nylund moved for the above recommendation, seconded by ~Lr. Sun~ers
and it was unanimously carried.
There was no new business.
FEBRUARY 6, 1967
Ordinance 67-1 - 2nd Reading - Declaration of Intent to Annex Banes
and Pand. ell¥ ~o_~ty
Mr. Carnahan explained that they have received a recommendation from
the Planning and Zoning BOard that tkis parcel be annexed by the city.
It is their recor~nendation that this property be zoned C-1.
He stated it was his understanding that a letter ?~ill be forthcoming
by meetin~ time requesting that the phrase %railer park" be
eliminated from the ordinance.
Mr. Thompson, ~ Velair ~rive, representative for the abova-mentioned
property o~mers~ c~me forWard and read a letter addressed to the
Acting City }.~nager, City Council and the Planning and Zoning Be~rd
stating it v~ alright to delete the ~hrase "trailer park" from the
o~dinance. He Stated he now hoped this m~tter can be carried forward
as promptly as possible.
PLr. F~da pointed out at this time that C-1 zoning would allow
d.rcial str~ctures~ra.nging from shops, motels, to apartments but
not ~.1~0~ cqndomini~ms or cooperative apartments, but rather this
wo'~ld come under zonir~ R-3-A.
After a lengthy discussion regarding this matter between Mr. Thompson,
the members of c~ouncil and the city attorney, it was decided that the
interested parties sho~ld study the planning and zoning ordinances
involved and altar this was done, the matter cottld be further pursued.
Mr. Summers moved ~o table this matter until the next regular meeting,
seconded by
.~r..Nylund and it was unanimously carried, It was also
sngEested that the parties ccmm~nicate directly regarding this matter.
Mr. Michael requested that the city manager supply them with information
regarding the cost of having them annexed.
Ordinance 6~7-2 - ]_st R~ea~di.ng - Anne~t~_=o_on of .Annan P_roosrtv
The city rear. get related that the Planning and Zoning Board has
recommended that this parcel be annexed by the City and should be
zoned C-!.
Mrs. Elza Oliver, representCtive for the above-mentioned property oysters,
came forv~rd to speak in beh~alf of this matter. As in the above-
mentioned instance, the interested parties were asked by council to
study the plarmaing and zoning ordinances and the matter would be
further pursued at the next regular meeting of city council.
Mr. Summers moved to table this matter until the next regolar meeting,
seconded by ~Lr. Collins and it was unanimously carried.
FEBRUARY 6, 1967
Ordinance 67-3 - 1st Reading - Authorizing Conditional Use Clapper
Parcel, l~l North_Federal H_i~
2~. Fruda, city attorney, read the first reading of Ordimance 67-3
dated February 6, 1967o
~. S~ers moved to accept Ordinance 67-3, seconded by Mr. Nylund
and it was ~uuanimously carried.
~JLr~ Fruda related that sometime during t~he last election it was
suggested that the council term be l~mited to two terms and in order
to do this, they b~d to amend the charter. They have prepared a bill
to amend the charter.v~th the City of Boynton Beach which they have
presented to the Legislative Delegation this morning~
A.vplications for Permit to Solicit
American L_e~ion Auxiliary - F___ebruar~ 17 and 18
~. Sun~ers r~ade a motion the permit be granted and the fee ~aived,
seconded by~. Nylund and it was unanimously carried.
Pa~_~B..ea~ch__C.p~unty Uni.'t_~_Ameriqan Can.c_er S~ociety - Aoril i through 15.
Mr. Nylund made a motion the permit be granted and the fee waived,
seconded by ~r. Collins and it was unanimously carried.
Ref~und Reque~t_e~~ Lot~
M~r. Carnahen explained that they have received a request from
Mr. Joseph H. Hill asking that they refund his money for the pur~_hzse
of Lots 153 and 15~, Block F, Bo~uaton Beach Hemorial Park.
He further steted this has been an established practice of the City.
~r. Summers moved for the above recommendation, seconded by ~. Nylund
and it was una~uimously carried.
2~Lr. Carnahen e~o!ained they have received a similar request from
~s. Emily Wilkins for Lots 100 and lO1, Block E, Boynton Beach
Memorial Park.
Mr. S~mm~ers moved for the above recommendation, seconded by
Mr. Ny!und and it was unanimously carried.
R_~equest f_or Us~ of Council Chambers
Little League - M.~rch 1~ 1967
FEBE~I~Y 6, 1967
~r. Carn~han related the Little League Association has requested
use of the Chambers for ~rch 1. They iutend to show a film to
promote Little League activit±es~ This has been z practice in the
past and the Council C~hers are available for that date.
2~'~. Summers moved for the above recon~endation, seconded by Mr. Collins
and it was -~nimously carried.
~. G. A. StevenS_mOrt- M~r~ 10__~_~1967
Mr. C~rnahan e~Dlained that Mr. Stevenson has requested use of the
Council Chambers on ~rch l0 ~n order to present a program featuring
the noted radio commentator, ~. Richard Cotten, who ~I deliver ~n
address sntitled "The Unsettled I~orld'~. Mr. Stevenson feels this
program w~3_l be of general interest.
Mr. ~w~ers moved for the above recommendation, seconded by ~Lr. Nylund
and it was ur~nimously c~rried.
Ap~ulication~ Transfer of Beer and Wine License from llO1 North
~r.o.~d~_Av~enue t_o A28 N. E._lOth ~venu%-_~E~a_r~nestine Frederick .
Mr. Carna5zn ~xp!ained Earnestine Frederick has requested this transfer
from~ the present lOCation to 428 N. E. lOth Avenue. These premises
have been checked by the police ~ud fire departments and by the
engineering and inspection department, and h~ve been found to be in
compliance with the City code. During the discussion, the matter of
%~ether she wo~ld be serving food at her new place of business w~s
brought up and it TM~s brought out that she ~ll not. }~. Carnahan
stated they c~nnot issue the transfer of this licenee if it is
located less than 200 yards from an existing building.
~. Nylund ~oved that the transfer of this license be denied,
seconded by ~. Collins and it was unanimously carried.
Vice Mayor ~chael requested Police Chief Thompson to go to the
applicant and explain the situation, and ask her to come to city
hall tomorrow and try to straighten the ma%ter out.
Consider Request of Kiwanis Club for ~'~aiver of Fee for Use of the
C__ivic Cent~e.r~, T~_.e~day~ Marc~h 7, 1967~ . _
Mr. Carnahan explained they have received a verbal request from the
Kiwanis Club as~cing the City to ~ive the $30 fee for use of the
Civic Center. The Kiv~nis is sponsoring a dinner for the school
teachers of the city~ He further stated the rules covering the
use of the Civic Center do not permit the waiving of fee for any
group v~shing to ~vail themselves of this facility. The small amouut
they receive for the use of this building by no means pays the cost
of utilities and necessary clean up afterv~rds.
FEBRUARY 6, 1967
After considerable discussion among the m~mbers of council,
~Lr. Summers made a motion to ~ive the rent~2~ fee, seconded by
~ir. Collins and it was unaraimously carried.
Rj~uest for T~ansfer..._o_f. PGnds~
Burro~_AccountinE ~.L~chine - Finance Department_
~r' Carnahan e~olai~ed that he reco~ended transfer of $1,22+3.87
rom Activity 5~00-~98, Contingency, to Activity l?.O-SlO, Finance
Depar.t~. ent, Capital Ou61ayi Monies have been P~ovided in this
activity i~ th~ t96~ ~et. This is the f~inal payment to
~epar~mento ~, N~jur~i moved for the above recoE~endation~ seconded
by ~Lr. Summsrs and ~t ~as uuanimously carried.
Mainte~n~ance.Cg~nt~act gor .E~uipment Utilized in the Utility Billing
and C oLlect~o ~
¥~r..C~arna~han ~!ained he reco~ended the transfer of $300 from
Actmvity 6120~518, Water Treatment-Capital Outlay~Handrail at ~ter
Plant, to Activity 6110-274, Utility Cottection~~quipment Repairs.
Due to an error iu budget~, this mainten~ce contract is short
$300. The han~drails at the water plant have been completed and
~re. in.st%!e~ for~ ~ess than the budgeted amoUmt; therefore, funds
can oe ~ameu zrom this account without i~pairi~ this capital outlay
¥~r. Summers moved for the above recommendation, seconded by Mr. Nylund
and it ~as tuuanimously carried.
Establish Sala~ry for 0ity ~t~orne~y
Mr. S~mers made a motion that the salary for City Attorney be as
City Attorney $8,500
Secretary ~
Mr, Collins seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Dis~ cu_~ssion -_I..ssuance~of Night Club Licen~se~s
Mr. Ny!und made a motion to amend the ordinances to allow the issuance
of a night club licens~ which would e~ble the place of business ~o
remain open until 5:00 A.M., to anyone interested for an additional
fee o£ $500.00. Mr. Collins seconded and it was unauimously carried.
FEBRUARY 6, 1967
Consider Amendments to Civil Service - Personnel Rules Additional
}~Lro C~ explained the City Council at the meeting of November
1966, moved that the Friday followdng Thanksgiving be declared a
holiday for the employees of the city. This is an amendment to
Article X, Section 5, ~-nd can be done by resolution dra~n by the
city attorney.
Mr. Summers made a motion to table this m~tter unt~_l a later date,~
seconded by !~Ir. Coll~us and it w~s unanimously carried.
Residence Requirement~s
~r. Carnahan explain~ed it has been reconm~ndedbythe Civil Service
Board that the residence requirements be changed for the various
operating departments. The recommendation of the Board reads as
That all employees of police and fire departments, in the
classified service, v~th the exceptic~ of police dispatchers,
live v~thiu a seven mdle radius of Boynton Beach.
That all other employees in the classified service live within
the follo~,ing boundriss: Northern limit to be the north end of
h~est P~LmBeach$ Eastern l~t the Atlantic Ocean~ Southern limit
to be the south end of Boca P~ton~ ~estern ~m~t State Road 7."
He further stated he believed in order to acquire and hold w~ll
qualified and experienced help, the city shoald relax the residence
requirements to encompass a l~rger area than the present restriction
of the corporate limits.
Regarding Item l) pertaiuing to police and fire dep~rtments, he said
he believed this to be a reasonable request and would strongly
recommend Council look favorably upon this request.
As far as Item 2) for other classified service, he said he believed
the limits as outlined may be some~t Lu excess of our needs for
acquiring qualified personnel. ~Yith some adjustment of these
boundriee, he related he would recommend this ch~ge.
After some discussion among the members of cc~ucil, ~h~. Summers moved
to table this matter until a later date, seconded by ~. Nylund and it
~s unanimously carried.
E_~eg~ue~s~t ApDro~val ~o~Purchase Thirt. -six ~ater Meters $&, 560
Mr. Carnahan explaiued these meters are on the city's annual bid.
FEHRUARY 6, 1967
Monies have been budgeted fo~ this purchase in Activity 6130-Accotmt
581. i~'Ieters are being purchased at this time in lieu of the 2act that
the new purchase price of meters in the comi~ year will be some
30 per cent higher.
l~Lr. S~mners moved for the above recommendation, seconded by Mr. Nyt~nd
and it was unanimously carried.
R, equest .Autho~r~izsti_on to~ Proceed w%'th Street Improvement ProEr~
~. Carnahan exp!aLned that this is a request for authorization of
contract in the amount of $1,~00 with Ha~drives, Inc. of De!ray for
the pr~ of various streets within the city. Funds are available
from Sforeet Department ActiviSy 2110-280. ~He ~s~f~ted this work is
necessary to complete our resurfacing program already under contract.
~. Summers mc~ed for the above recommendation, seconded by ~fr. Nylund
and it was unanimously carried~
Approval of Bill~
Adair & Brady~ Inc~ Consulting Er~ineers
Mr. Carnahan explained that this bill represents the engineering costs
incurred for the survey of the internal draiuage system~hichwill
ultimately be incorporated with the State Road Department's drainage
system on North Second Avenue. He further stated he had checked the
bill with our conlract and D~ve found it to be in order. He therefore,
recommended payment of the bill. He related monies are available from
the special cigs, rette tax fund set up for this purpose.
Mr. Nylund moved that the above-mentioned bill be paid as recommended,
seconded by2Lr. Summers and it ~s unanimously carried.
~llied Qhlori~ne &~Chemical pr..0ducts, Inc..
}~. Carnahan explained this ball represents the monthly usage of
chlorLue at the ~ter and sewer treatmen~ plants and lift stations.
He further stated thism~terial is secured byannualbids and monies
are available in the various accounts.
~r. Summers moved that the ~bove-mentioned bill be paid as recommended,
seconded by Mr. Collins and it was unanimously carried.
Russell & Axon 0onsttltin~ Engineers ....
Mr. Carnahan explained this bill represents engineering fees incurred
by our consulting engineers for the preparation of plans and
specifications for sewer project No. 575~-8j. He stated he had checked
FEBRUARY 6, 1967
this bill and found it to be in accordance with the city's contract
and, therefore, payment is recommended. He further stated funds are
available in the water and sewer construction fund account for this
2-~r. Summers moved that the above-m~ntioned b~l] be paid as reco~ended,
seconded by ~:~. Nylund and it vms unanimously c~r~d~
~nt C~%a~ Inc. ~ .....
~. Carnahmn e~la~ed ~ b~ re~esents se~ice rendered
Development CensUrers, ~c., f ' '
or the~ penmen of the ~ter and
se~r ~te study. He f~ther stated this ~rk ~s authorized by
Co~c~ on Dece~r ~ ~966. He said he h~ checked t~ ~oice
~dJ~ ~ ~o .~e ~ 0?~e~ a~d ~nd~ pa~e~ of the b~.
~ z~ner ~e~%e~ ~e ~o.~h? ~act %~t the study ~ authorized a~er
ne pre,rani?heX %he 19~-67~ ~et, ~ f~ds v~re ~de ava~ble
for thins se~%ce. He said f~d~ ~ ~ve to be sec~ fr~ ~he
~ppropria~ed s~l~ f~ of ~e ~ter ~ se~r s~tem.
~. S~srs moved t~t the ab~e-~ntioned b~l ~ ~id as reco~ended,
seconded ~ ~. N~l~d ~d it ~s ~m~ c~ried.
Ed~ ~ · · $791~
ectrmc Co~oratmon
~. C~ s~ed these ~oices represent emergency se~ice to
the ~ter ~ se~r treatment plants. ~e to some boo~eepi~ error
by Ed~s ~ectric, they ~re del~q~nt in r~der~ statements to
the city for the work perfo~ed. Th~ ~rk was actu~ly ~ndered
the 1965-66 buret year and, therefor, without these ~voices,
f~ ~re not enc~bered to c~er this ~t. ~ o~er to re~t
a t~e audit for the ye~ 1965-66, these ~oices should be ~id from
tD~ ~appropriated s~l~ ~d of the ~ter ~d server system.
He ~her related mo~es are ava~able ~ this
F~. S~ers ~ed that the above-~ntioned b~l be ~id as reco~ended~
seconded ~ ~. Nyl~d ~d it ~s ~an~ous~ c~ried.
Nept~e Meter Como~v
~. 9arnah~ e~l~d th~ b~] ~presents an e~endit~e for the
p~c~se of one s~-~h f~-~ow Crest meter for ~ta~tion at
the Colonel Ri~e Develo~ent. ~e Colo~al ~e Develop~nt
Corporation ~s re-~b~sed the city for the enb~ cost of the meter.
~ds a~ ava~able f~m Activity 6130-A~ 581.
~. Nyl~d moved t~t the above-~ntioned b~ be ~id as ~co~ed,
seceded by ~. Collins ~d it ~s ~n~ous~ ca~ied.
~ ~Qle t. ~c. ~ $5~ 799.~
-13 -
FEBRUARY 6, 1967
Mr. Carnah~n explained this bill represents payment for the three
police cruisers as per bid of November 7, 1966. These bil3s b~ve
been checked by the purchasing and finance departments and are in
order. He further stated that payment is recOn~ended and monies are
available in Activity 3100-215-1.
~r, Summers moved that the above-mentioned bill be paid as
recommended, seconded by 2~.Nylund and it was u~mimously c~rried.
Ch~mber_.o f C 9mm~ .r~c~e'
?~r. Carnahan exp_.a~ned this ball represents expenses Ecurred for
the month of January by the Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce.
He further related monies for payment of these bills are available
and should be distributed as follows:
General Promotion
Ad~ oistrative
'7ooo 1-c $115.76
7000 1-d 536,01
l*~. Summers moved that the above-mentioned b~ll be paid as recommended,
seconded by ~. Nylund and it was unanimously carried.
Purge Voters registration in accordance with Sec. 8-3 of the Code of
Mrs. Padgett stated there v~re 180 n~mes on this list who have either
moved a~y~ changed their n~mes or are on the deceased list and
reco~.ended council accept this p~rged list,
~. Summers moved for the above recommendation, seconded by Mr. Nylund
and it v~s unandmously carried.
Mr. S~w~ers requested ~r. Ferrar to spot check and try bo find out
from some of the ones who have moved, why they have moved out of the
City of Boynton Beach.
Meeting adjourned: 11:05 P. M.
Tereesa Padget~ City Cler~
Thomas A
Counc~ lm~n
, C ouncilm~n