Minutes 12-05-66HELD IN 0ITY NAIL~ DEC~ER 5, 1966 AT 7:30
Walter k. M~dsen~ ~yor
Frank J. l.~icCoy~ Vice M~vor
J. ~s.on.Bard~s, Councilman
Charles N. Boos, Councilman
Gilbert Collins, Councilms~
F. T. Kain, City ~4anager
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Gene Moore, City Attorney
The meetLug ~s called to order hy Mayor N~dsen at 7:30 P.M.
The invocation was given by Rev. Robert ~L~y, St. John's
Methodist Church and the flag salute was led by Councilmen
Charles N. Boos.
Mayor ~Zaadsen recognized ~Lr. James Mahoney, past mayor.
~L~yor l~adsen said he had asked ~[r. Schecter and ~r. Rappaport
of the Hamps~uire Gardens and Sterling Village to visit tonight.
They were unable to be here but he w~ted to remind the people
tD~t these two gentlemen have done a wonderful job for this city.
Maser ~adsen stated a month ago he was authorized by the City
Council to ~make a trip representing the City of Boynton Beach
as mayor at Las Vagas, and that after he saw the bill which
involved the flight, etc., he did not go. Mayor ~dsen then
asked for recognitio~ of City Manager, ~[r. F. T. Kain.
He then made a statement requesting the people not to bring up
the election as he vould not permit it.
Mr. Kaiu then read from a document which was his official
resignation and requested that this be made part of the minutes
of this meeting. ~iayor l~dsen then asked the members of the
council if they led any comments relative to this matter and
each member individually expressed their sincere regrets
regarding the resignation of ~. Kain.
Mr. Banks made a .motion that the council accept the resignation
and statement and to make this part of the minutes.
~. McCoy seconded and with regrets it was unanimously carried.
Mr. Banks recommended that Mr. McCoy be appointed to arrange
an appropriate get-together honoring ~. Kain sometime between
now and December~ 22, 1966.
DECEMBER 5, 1966
Mr. Banks moved for approval of minutes of November 21, 1966.
¥~r. McCoy .seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Mr. Banks made a motion to correct a misspelled word in the
minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of November 22, 1966.
The word "made"should be changed to '~ake" which was located
under Determiuation of Dress for Board Dinner. The motion was
seconded by Mr. McCoy and carried &-l, Mr. Boos abstaining from
the vote.
Further Consideration of Ordinance 66-15 Re Conditional Usage
of Fleck Property - 730 N. W. 2nd Avenue
According to the previsions of the ordinance, work on the
building was to begin on or before November 15, 1966.
By Council action Mr. Fleck has been asked to show cause on
or before meetiug time December 5, 1966 why the ordinance
should not be repealed. ~r. Fleck was not present at the
meeting but a letter had been received by the council from
Mr. Walde, builder for Mr. Fleck, stating he had encountered
some difficulty in financing the building he had anticipated.
k definite date could not be ~iven when it would be started.
~r. Banks moved to repeal Ordinance 66-15, seconded by
Mr. McCoy and it was unanimoUSly carried.
A. Opening
1. Four Mobile Radio Units
These bids were taken with the stipulation that four cid er
models will be taken in trade by the bidder. Mrs. Padgett
stated they had received three responses to the bids,
as follows:
I. No bid from R.C.A.
2. First proposal from General Electric, ¥~iami, Florida:
Less trade 220
Net Price ~
Second proposal from Motorola, Inc.,
Boynton Beach, Florida: $1,836
Less trade 57Q
Net Price $1,266
DEC~ 5, 1966
MX. Boos moved t~at these bids be turned overI to the proper
authorities~ seconded by ¥~. Banks and it was unanimously
Nr. Kain stated there was quite a di£ferenc~e in the prices.
It ~as decide~ to che~k_ this o.ut..with?abut~?~io_~n~s ~dectric
recC~mnendations. The representative ~rom ~enera~
,.,~ .... ~ ~_~t at the meeting, pointed out there ~as a
dif2~rence in ~he w~tt units, themr's bezng ~5 watt units as
comDared to thel5 watt unite of the others, and that
General Electric does not Eake anything less than a 35 watt unit.
Mayor ~{adsen announced that they wanted to advertise for a
new city manager. Mr. Bank~ moved tc instruct the city clerk
to place an advertisement for a city manager, seconded by
¥~. Boos and it was unanimously carried.
N~yor Madsen stated that a permit was requested this afternoon
for a loud-speaker. Mrs. Padgett was contacted and no permit
had been isSUed. Authorization was secured from Mr. Banks and
Mr. McCoy and it was granted without fee. Mr. McCoy moved for
the acceptance of this permit for a loud-speaker, seconded by
Mr. Boos and it was unanimously carried.
Ordinance 66-26 - DeclarLng Intent to Annex Annan Tract
Second Reading
Mr. Moore read the second reading of Ordinance 66-26.
Mr~ Boos moved it be passe, d for second reading, seconded by
~r. McCoy and it was unanimously carried.
Resolution 66-gU - Establishin~ a Trust Fund Acconn~.
~. Moore re~d Resolution 66-UU. Mr. Bauks moved for adoption
of Resolution 66-~, Mr. Boos seconded and it was unanimously
DECEMBER 5, 1966
Request for Conditional Use - Lots 125, 126, 127 and E. 30'
of Lots 128 and 129~ Lakeside Gardens -.'George Burgelin
F~yor {~dsen asked Mr. Burgelin to come forward and he then
asked if he could arrange to have the existing house removed
in less than 12 months. ~Ir. Boos ~anted to know if the
house could be converted into an office, and Nr. Burgelin stated
that it could. Mayor Madsen, Mr. Boos and Mr. Bttrgelin then
engaged in a discussion regarding the drainage problem,
paving, etS:, and assured Mr. Burgelin of their desire to
cooperate within their power.
Mr. Banks made a motion the re,quest be granted ~ accordance
with the Planning and Zoning BOard's recon~nendat!ons, seconded
by Mr. Boos and it was unanLmously carried.
Mr. Moore read the first read'~ng of Ordinance 66-27 dated
December 5,. 1966. Mr. Banks n{oved to accept Ordinance 66-27,
seconded by Mr. Boos and it was tmanimously carried.
~lrm. Emily Jackson, 728 N.E. 9~h Avenue, ~Lr. Michael Youngjohn,
815 Chapel Hill Blvd., and Mrs. Thompson came fo~ard and
individually expressed regreta relative to the resignation of
}~. Kain and wished him success and happiness in his new position.
Rev. Robert May, Orange Street, came forward inquiring about
the possibility of some action on m park in the 3300 block of
Seacrest Blvd., on the west side, which wottld include plantiug
some trees and perhaps dividi~ the abandoned playground
equipment from the Rolling Green Park.
Mr. Hank Thompson came forward inquiring about the possibility
of obtai ~ning payroll deductiorm for the United Fund Drive.
Fmyor Madsen stated this matter had been discussed at the
conference and decided against.
Mr. LaForte came forward and ~sked if Mr. Henderson had
received severance pay when h~ left. He stated that Mr. Kain
certainly deserves it. Mayor Madsen stated it had already been
taken Luto consideration.
DECEMBE~ 5~ 1966
Abat~t of Nuisance - Lots 53 and 5&, Dewey's S/D
~. Moore stated this was an item south and west of the
bridge, and constituted a nuisance. It would cost $~0,0OO
to fill it in at this time. He further stated they had tried
to resolve this matter with the owners for the past year
without success. The oW'alternative now is toq~-a-. ~/
~et and after that is done, plaoe a lien aga~ns~ the
Mr. Banks suggest.ed we .proceed to get the legal picture
cleared up and eliminate the health hazard here. A discussion
relative to the amount of fill ~needed ensued between the
members of council and then l~yor ~V~dsen recommended that
~ir. Kain investigate the matter further.
Resolution 66-~V Commemorating the Memory of Sgt. Daniel Bennett,
U.S .M.C.R
Mr. Moore read Resolution 66-W.
~ Banks moved for adoption of this resolution, ~Ar. McCoy
seconded and it was unanimously carried.
At this time there was a five minute recess,
Request for Transfer of Beverage License - 1905 South Federal
Hishway from John Haley to Tor .Nyman
Mrs. Padgett stated that everything was in order regarding the
above-mentioned transfer. }~ McCoy moved the request be granted,
seconded by Mr. ~nks and it was unanimously carried.
Determiue time to canvass the ballots
Mr. Banks moved that council set time of 12:30 P.M., %~ednesday,
December 7, 1966 for this purpose, seconded byMr. Boos and it
was unanimously carried.
DEC~.~ER 5~ 1966
Discussio~n o£ Waiver of Sewer Connection CharE~
Mr. Kai~ stated this sewer connection charge does constitute
incon~ to thesystem and that they had used this waiver as an
inducement to get thes~ nbtLconnected. Inview of the recent
efforts made to strenEthen, the water-sewer s~s$~m, it is
income they ~ould ord~arLly hot have. He further stated he
f~ the cSurse of h0tii~ the owners of subject properties
that they w~11 have 90 days tO connect without bharge will
help greatly to spe~d~Pt~e connection, andlf, council will
re~confirm~his, we wilLgo ahead and mail the'letter
origi~ally.~.~scussed, t~ge~e~.with a coPY of the letter
~ho~the Board eE He~ltk~ ~ an of the affebted p~?pertieso
NLr. McOoymoved ~o re-coh~i~mthe' original in§tru~ons to
~. Kain, seconded by Mr~ Bahks a~d it was unanimously carried.
ReDort on .P~oE.r~..s~ of Rate St~
¥~. Kain stated ~. Hays of Russell and Axon has begun his
prel~narywork necessary For the preparation of the rate
study. He said. he had alsocont~cted Development Consultants,
Inc., of Orland% Florida, fcr the tabulation work whichw~11
be necessary to ~e this stndy.. The totsl price of this study
is $~800 d~sbr~buted as fOllo~.
Russell &Axon $2,~00
Dev. Consultants 1,500
Because of the time requirements, he stated he felt it was
essential that the tabulation be done by a firm that offers
the service Development Consultants, Inc., does. The complete
data processed tabulation can be commenced within two or three
days of authorization and can be completed within three weeks.
He stated he would like to request authority to authorize both
of these proposals so that the workmay continue and be
completed within the time agreed upon with Bachs & Co.
~Lr. Banks moved that this recon~nendation be carried out,
NAr. McCoy seconded and it w~s unanimously carried.
Establishment of Holidays in Accordance with Civil Service
Rules Article X, Section 5, paEe 33
Mr. Hain stated he would like to recommend that December 23 and
26 be designated as the days to celebrate Christmas Eve and
Christmas Day and that Monday, January 2 be designated as
the New Year's Holiday in accordance with the same section.
DEC~ER 5, 1966
He further stated that a decision should be reached at this
time establishing the time £or the first meeting in January,
which would ordinarily fall on the first Monday, which is
January 2.
P2r. Banks moved to accept the city mauager's recommendatisn
regarding the holidays and also ~hat the first council meeting
be held on Janua~Y 3, 1967. Mr. McCoy seconded and it was
unanimously carried.
Presentation of Assessment Rolls - Demolition Resolution
No. 66-~DD .
¥~. Moore recommended that w~e set an assessment roll which
was prepared b2 the city clerk, and that it be set for the
second meeting in January which would be January 16, 1967.
Mr. Boos moved that this be done, seconded by Mr. Banks and
it was unar/mously carried.
ADproval of Bills
Chamber of Commerce
This bill is in the total ~_mount of $531.07 and represents
the expenses for the month of November, 1966.
Distribution of these costs are as follows:
Activity 7000-!a $ 60.00
" lc BOO .00
,i !d 271.07
Mr. Kain recommended payment of the bill.
Mr. Banks moved t~at the bill be paid, seconded by Mr. Boos
and it was unanim, ously carried.
Florida League ~f Municipalities - Membership dues 66-67
This membership ie in the total amount of $250 and charged
as fo!lov~:
Activity 18BO-&~O $300
" 6100-~40 150
~{r. Kain recommended payment of the bill.
Mr. Boos moved that this bill be paid as recommended, eeconded
by l~r. Banks and it was unanimously carried.
DECE~ 5, 1966
Fiual Bill - Intercounty Const~action Company for Repair
Roll~u~ Green Sewer System
This %ork has been reviewed and certified by Russell & Axon~
Consulting Engineers. This final b~ll is in the amount of
$!1,632.19. This amount is $2,~16.68 less than the contract.
Mr. Kain recommended payment of the bill.
~. Boos moved the bill be paid as recommended, seconded by
Mr. Banks and it was unanimously carried.
Finst Bill Russell & Axon for Services rendered - Repair
~RolLin~ Green Ri__d~e Sewer S~vstem
This is the final b~11 for this work and is in the total
amount of $235.57.
Mr. Kain recommended this hill be paid.
M~. Boos moved on this recomendation, seconded by Mr~ Banks
and it was unanimously carried.
Meeting adjourned.
Tereesa Padgett,
City Clerk
Walter A. Madsen,
I would like for the following to be considered as my official
statement on my resignation from the service of the City of Boynton
Beach. I handed to the City Council my resignation on Friday evening,
December 2, 1966. It was my intention that this resignation would
be formally accepted at the regular meeting of the City Council on
December 5, 1966. Although the event might seem precipitous and
timing may lead to speculations that my resignation might help or
harm individuals concerned with the affairs of the city government,
there was absolutely no intention on my part to do so
Decisions on the course one's professional career should follow are
based on a number of factors. These, of necessity, must always be
carefully considered before steps are taken to alter or change that
course. They must always be made without influence by animosity
or personal attachments. I want it clearly ~p~erstood that animosity
and personal attac~uents are not factors in our decision. We have
carefully weighed all factors which have led to our decision and
have now taken the course indicated. Z believe the best interests
of the citizens of Boynton Beach and our own personal interests will
be served thereby.
Anyone who bea~s management responsibilities i~ his work must recog-
nize the attitudes that may affect tho~ decisions. If these are
likely to change, then steps must be taken to assure the highest
possible degree of harmony in future acts. Z believe that change,
which is an essential ingredient in our society~ is imminent and I
acted accordingly. This belief is the paramount reason for my decision.
Recent public writings would leave the impression that I would take
sole credit for our accomplislnnents and would di~ciaim any respon-
sibility for those problems which still challenge us. This is not
correct. I want to acknowledge the positive role of not only this
Council, but also of past Councils and past administrators. I
want also to recog~nize the efforts of all employees which have
benefited Boynton Beach. No one individual can be designated as
the key to our successes and our growth° Our present stature is
the result of community spirit. It is my fondest wish that those
whom our lives have touched will feel a sense of good. We want it
known that our feelings reflect this, that all those in the community
with whom we have lived and worked have blessed our lives. For this
we are deeply grateful.
FTK: jp
F. T. Kain
DeCember 5, 1966