BEACH, FLORIDA, OCTOHER 7, 1966 at 7:00 P.M.
t,~alter A. M, adsen, 1JL~r
Frank McCoy, Jr., Vice Mayor
Charles N. Boos, Councilman
Gilbert Collins, Counci~m~n
F. T. Eain, City ~L~nager
Gene Moore, City Attorney
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
J. A~l~son Banks
M~yor ~dsen called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M.
2:Lt. Moore read Ordinance 66-22 which is an emergency ordinance calling a
special election for submission to the freeholders who are qualified elec-
tors residing in Boynton Beach, Florida, the questions of the issuance of
$~25,000 storm drainage bonds and $75,000 municipal fire station bonds.
~ir. McCoy asked if this will be advertised in both papers, the Boynton
Beach Star and the Delray Beach News Journal. M~. Moo~e! stated that the
law requires that this be published in a paper that is published in the
City of Boynton Be~ch.
Mr. McCoy m~ed for the passage of Ordinance 66-22. Mr. Boos seconded
and it ~ unanimously carried.
It v~s clarified that this Ordinance would run in the Boynton Beach Star
only. ~h~. Boos noted that v~ should not run ads in both papers at the same
time, but that the advertising should r~u one-half in one paper and one-
b~lf in the other for fair distribution. It ~ould be up to the City Clerk
to see that the proper ads are placed in the appropriate newspaper.
Nro Boos brought up a matter relative ~o a sign a ~u has been trying to
put up for a long period of time. Apparently there was some fear in the
minds of some members of the B~tlding Department tb~t the sign would he in
violation. ~,Lr. Boos stated that he has gone into this thing and the in-
terpretation he got was that the lot was zoned in harmony ~rith all other
lots on U.S. I and not as residential. The lot is zoned commercial. The
man wanted to make a sign that may have been too large, but now will make
it smaller and it will not violate any ordinances.
~Lr.- Boos made a motion to have the city manager instruct the proper per-
sons to issue the appropriate permit. ~r, McCoy seconded and it was
unao~mously carried.
OCTOBER 7, 1966
~r. ~dsen thanked 2~. Moore for the prompt and efficient work done in
getting the ab~e ordinance prepared.
~. Moore asked who will h~ve the responsibility of educating the people
about what is proposed in the ordinance.
}~. Boos asked Mr. Kain if he ~uld get in touch with all local service
clubs and ask them to invite one or more members of the Council to speak
on this m~tter.
Meeting adjourned.
r esa Padget~Ci~y Clerk ....