FLORIDA, OCTOBER 3, 1966 at 7:30 P.M.
Walter A. Y4adsen, ~fayor
Frank McCoy~ Vice Mayor
J. Allison Banks, Comucilman
Charles N. Boos, Councilman
Gilbert Collins, Councilman
F. T. Fain, City Manager
Gene Moore, City Attorney
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Mayor ~Ladsen called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. The invocation was
given by Ye. }~Coy and the flag salute led by Mayor Madsen.
Mr. Boos moved for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of
September 19, 1966. M~. Bsmks seconded and it was uomnimously carried.
~Lr. Boos moved for approval of the minutes of the special meeting of
September 26, 1966. M~. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried.
~fir. Banks abstained from voting.
Mayor Mads~u recognized ~[r. Robert Olds and Mr. Eugene Cooper of the
Planning and Zoning Board. Also, recognition was given past mayor, Mr.
James ~iahoney.
_~.e_quest for~License - The Pub - 400 N.E. 2nd Ave. (on the table)
N~r. Boos moved to remove this item from the table. Mr, McCoy seconded and
it was unanimously carried.
Mr. Ka~u stated that the application is signed byMr. Estabrook as the
owner and Mr. and Mrs. ~;feir are the operators. Council also had a report
from Chief Thon~0smu listing seventeen complaints during the months January
through May, 1966.
Mr. Estabrook came forward and stated that he hopes to remedy this situation.
He stated the establishment has been run in absentee o~mership and he was
not aware of these complaints.
Mr. Banks stated that in addition to the many complaints about loud noise,
there have been a number of other more serious complaints, one of which is
serving intoxicating beverages to minors.
Mr. McCoy stated that the police department gets more complaints from this
place than any other place ~n the city. He stated that another serious
complaint is operating a~er hours.
3, 1966
M~r, Boos
asked if this license is now in ~. Estabrook's name. Mr. Kain
that it is and ~. Boos noted that Mr. Esbabrook would now be
if these things happen again,
Mr. Boos
vote was
cast the
moved that the request be granted. Mr. Col~i~ seconded~ The
2 - For and 3 - Against. Mro Banks, Mr. McCoy and Mm. Madsen
dissenting votes.
Mr. Banks stated his reason for voting against this request was because
they have served intoxicating beverages to minors. Mr. McCoy stated another
reason for his voting against this request was because they were convicted
of operating after hours.
$~. Estabrook stated that he would like to have one more chance to 9perate
this b~rproperly. He said he had made a n~istake by having the last manager
in there. Mr. Madsen stated that the vote is final with the majority voting
against this request.
Request fo~ Chan~e in Zonin~ - Lott~o,~arcel - ~on the table)
Mr. Banks moved that this matter be left on the table. ~. McCoy seconded
and it w~s unanimously carrisd.
Further Report on P~rcel ~- Demolition Pro~ram~ R~esotution No, 66-MM
~r, KaLu stated that he e~m!ned the properties in question owned by
Coil ~ashington and wo~ld like more time to see what it takes to bring
these buildings up to the standard of the minimum housing code.
~ Banks moved t~hat this report be left on the table ~nd the request of
the citymanager be granted. Mr. McCoy secondedand it v~s unanimously
carried. '
Approval of Change Orders Covering Improvements in Blocks D and E of the
~oynton Beach Memorial Park 0emetery
~r. Kain stated that in accor~.~ce with the recommendation of the Cemetery
Board and by Council action at the meet~ of September 26, change orders
for additional work at the n~uicipalceme~ery have been prepared and funds
have been made available from the CemeterY Trust Fund° The change orders
are as foll°WSi:
Cart Soil and Sod
Original Contract Price
Addition to Contract
New Contract Price
OCTOBER 3~ 1966
Trieste Const_r~ction Compan_~
Original Contract Price
Addition to Contract
New Contract Price
Mr. Eain stated that ~. Hughson has em~m~=.ed the proposals and signed the
change orders.
Mr. Banks moved to have the follow, Lug change orders approved, Cart Soil and
Sod in the ~mount of $12~404 and Trieste Construction Company in the amount
of $3,560. ~ McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried.
N~. Madsen requested ~r. Kain to ~rite Mr. Ed Hurford a letter and compli-
ment h~ and the Cemetery Board on the fine work they are doiug, Council
was in ~greement.
Award - Once Validating ~chine
Mr. Ksin explained that only one bid for this equipment was received and
that ~s from the National Cash Register Company. The total price was
$5,741.75. On a three year contract the first year's p~yment, to be m~de
in the fiscal year I966-1967, totals $2~22~. ~e have budgeted $2,259 for
this ~rpose in ,Activity 1500, Account 510. M~r. Kain stated that the
equipment offered by N.C.R. meets the specifications and this award is
recommended to that company.
~r. Boos moved for recommendation of city manager. Mr. Banks seconded and
it was unanmmously carried.
~Lr. Allan Nyquiet came forward and presented Councilmen with calendars and
stated that next week, October 9 through 15, w~l~ be Fire Prevention ~eek.
~yor ~dsenread a Proclamation naming October 9 through 15 as Fire
Prevention ~eek.
~,ir. Moore stated he was asked to express appreciation from Ocean Ridge
for help in training their firemen and services received from the Fire
M~. Wehreli asked if he could speak tomorrow night on C.I.P. It w~s stated
that he could speak at the meeting Tuesday at 7 P~M.
OCTOBER 3, 1966
~gco2nition of~CityEmp!oyee
~. Kain stated that Mr. Richardson, Public Works Director, has asked for
a formal recognition of the efforts of Mr. Jay Moseley on the repair of the
D-&bu3ldozer. The estimated cost of this work as supplied by manufacturer's
representative xeas $976. By innovation and performance of this w~rk at the
City Shop, the total cost of restoration of the bulldozer was $442.35.
Mr. l~L~dsen stated he vms glad to make this recognition and that this work
can be handled here.
g.rdi ~ra~u_.ce. 66-21 - 2nd Reading - .Amending Sec. 15 of the
Y~r. Moore read Ordinance 66-21 by caption only.
Mr. Banks moved that Ordinance 66-21 be passed on second and final reading.
Mr. Boos seconded and it was unan~usly carried.
ProDosed Ordinanc9 66-22 - re CAT~ Franchise
~Ir. Moore stated tbmt it was not intended to act on this Ordinance tonight.
He recommended t.hat Council study this Ordinance at their convenience and
adopt it at the next meeting.
Mr. Banks so moved to table this matter for further discussion. ~o Boos
seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Mr. Hansen of the Telephone Company came for~mwd and stated there a~e tw~
additions which they are requesting be added to the Ordinance. Mr. Moore
stated he sees no objection to these additions at this time.
Consider Lease of Lots L42, 143 and 14~, Arden Park, to Boynton Beach
Child Care Center, Lnc.
Mr. Moore stated that formal approval for leasing this property to the
Boynton Beach Child Care Center, Inc. was given at the special meeting of
September 26, 1966. Mr. Moore stated he had prepared a lease on a one
year basis with the option to renew for $1.00 per year until such time as
the property is needed for municipal purposes. He recommended that the
Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the lease.
Boos so moved and l, ir. McCoy seconded. It was t~nanimouslycarried.
OCTOBER 3~ 1966
Mr. Moore stated that a letter had been received from the First Bank of
Boynton Beach in which they request that the revenue certificate be vali-
dated by Circuit Court. ~. Moore requested the authority to institute
validation proceedings,
Mr. Boos moved that the proper suit be instigated to validate the bond.
Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unanimoasly carried.
Receipt of petition requesting angular parking in the 500 block of East
.Ocean Avenue
Mr. Kain stated that the city constructed a mnnicipal parking lot on
property formerly occupied by the old shuffleboard courts. When this was
opened, diagonal parking was removed from Ocean Ave~ae and a para]]el
parking system was installed. The parking lot was constructed at a cost
of approximately $5,000. Mro Kain stated that he feels that the method
of parking now is proper a~ should be maintained.
Mr. Main also read the list of accidents which have happened due to
diagonal parking on this street before it was changed to parallel parking.
Chief Thom~oson stated these accidents were associated with the diagonal
parking in some way. Mayor Madsen also noted that only three spaces are
lost in parallel park~ing.
Mr. Collins stated t~hat the petition is signed by twenty merchants on this
street and feels they need this help for their business.
Mr. Bob Phelps came forward and stated there are many complaints from
customers on the parallel parking. He stated there are plenty of parking
spaces but people just do not like to park parallel.
Y&r. Banks moved that Mr. Kain have Chief Thompson and a traffic officer
make a traffic survey of this area and give a reconm~ndation to Council.
~Lr. Boos seconded.
Mr. Boos stated he thought Council-was concerned with helping the merchants
there and showed this when the city spent money to develop a parking lot.
He feels that it is of the utmost importance to consider the welfare and
safety Of the people.
Mr. Kain stated that public thoroughfares have a basically principal pur-
pose and that is for safe and rapid moving of treffic. He stated that
Ocean Avenue is not suited for diagon~.l parking on either side.
Mr. Banks said he would like to see the survey made and then Council ~ill
consider this question again.
Motion was unanimously carried.
OCTOBER 3, 1966
A l~ion for used c~_~_ lot - 506 N.E.__3rd Street
~Lr.Kain stated that this application is signed by Kenneth Snow and Robert
Chenoweth who have requested a license to operate an office and a used car
lot at 506 ~.E. 3rd Street. Cars w~ll be purchased from insurance com-
panies and resold. This property is in M-1 zoning which permits this use
and all requirements have been met.
Mr. Boos moved that the request be granted suh~ect to meeting all require-
ments of the city. ¥~. Banks seconded and it was unanimously carried.
A o~al of ~i!ls
Allen Insurance Agency - $528
~. Eain explained that this is for fire, extended coverage, vandalism and
m~licious mischief on the Casino and contents - first year's premium.
Monies are available in Activity 5600~ Account
Mr. Banks moved that this bi~l be paid. Mr, Boos seconded and it w~s
unanimously carried.
~arr Soil & Sod .$2~O68.65
~ir. Kain explained that this is the second draw on sodding and planting
contract for the cemeteries. This work has been approved by the super-
vising architect. Funds are available ina transfer made from the Cemetery
Fund. ~. Eainrecommended that the b~l~ be paid.
Mr. Ba~s moved that the bill be paid. ~Lro Boos seconded and it was unani-
mously carried.
Har~drives, Indic. $9~982.7~
~. Eain explained that this is for S.E. 23rd Avenue improvement° The
work has been inspected and approved. This bill is chargeable to Activity
2110, Account 280 - street repair and maintenance.
Mr. Banks moved t~bat the bill be paid. He thanked Mr. Kain, Mr. Richardson
and Mr. Carnah~n for their efforts on this street improvement.
~,Lr. Boos seconded the motion and it ~s unanimously carried.
2~r. Madsen asked if this cost was more th~u estimated and ~fr. Kain stated
it is actually $17 less than the contract price.
OCTOBER 3, 1966
Bee~~own A~ency ~537. t O_
~ir. Kain asked to hold this bill over until he gets the accounts to ~*hich
it is chargeable. He said it is chargeable to six different places. This
was agreeable with Council.
~r. ~adsen read a letter from Robert ~etherley requesting that ~r~ Jeff
Davis be called on and helped any v~y possible. ~r. Davis worked many
years ~ith the BOy Scouts and is now in failing health. ~Ir. Madsen
asked ~Lr. I~ain te write a letter on behalf of Council to ~Lr, Davis re-
gretting his illness and thanking him for all he has done for the city,
Chief ~Yright stated that the Fire Department helped i~r. Davis yesterday
by putting his shutters down in preparation for the hurricane.
2ir. Madsen read a letter from Mr. Roscoe Grumm~ns inviting city officials
to a Square Dance on October 7th.
Meeting adjourned.
~~rk Gilbert Collins, Councilman