Minutes 09-19-66A
Walter A. Madsen, Mayor
Frank McCoy, Jr.~ Vice
J. Allison Banks, Councilman
Charles N. Boos: Councilman
Gilbent Collins, Councilman
F. T. Kain, City Manager
Gene Moore, City Attorney
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Mayor Madsen called the meeting ro order at 7:30 P.M. The invo-
cation was given by Mr. J. Allison Banks and Mr. Gens Moo~e led
the flag salute.
Recognition was given to members of the Library Board. Those
present were: Mrs. Nan Gold, on, Mrs. Mildred ~%ite~ Mrs. Clorice
Keatts~ Mrs. Kathleen Kirton: Mrs. Lottie Pierce, Mrs. Estelle
Sabot and Mrs. Janice Wertz.
Mr. Banks made a motion that the minutes of the regular meeting o£
September 5~ 1966 be approved. Mr. Boos seconded and it was unani-
mously carried.
Mr. McCoy moved for the acceptance of the minutes of the special
meeting of September 12: 1966. MT. Boos seconded and it was unani-
mously carried.
Mr. Madsen recognized past mayors, Mr. A1 Summers and Mr. James
~equ~st fop change in zonin~ - Lotto pa~cet (on the table)
l~ayo~ Madsen stated that this matter will ~emain on the table at
the request of the parties concerned.
Mr. Fred Hollingsworth, 401 Pan-A Bldg.~ attorney fo~ Peter Sachse
came forward and stated he %~uld like to u~ge this Council to re-
peal that portion of the Ordinance that ~equires a person to be a
citizen of the ~.S. or show proof of declaration of citizenship
before they can Obtain a license in Boynton Beach. He stated he
could Cite a number of cases where this violates the H.S. Consti-
tution. Mr. Madsen stated this would be brought up later in the
SEPTEMBER 19, 1966
A - ~__din~ ~n Private Proper
Ordinance 66-18 - zna
The first reading of this Ordinance was September 5 ~ 1966. Fir.
Moore read Ordinance by caption only- Mr. Banks moved for pass-
age of Ordinance 66-18 on second and final reading. Mr. McCoy
seconded and it was unanimously carried.
p_rpposed Ordinance 66-21 - Amending Section 15 of the code
M~. Moore read proposed Ordinance 66-21 which amends Section 15
o~. the code. He stated that ove~ the years the city has had some
difficulty with this provision and feels that it would be better
e Sachse case just brought it to light
to have it taken out. Th ...... ~e decision of finding Mr.
a~ain. This proposal would not azz~uu
Sachse guilty in municipal court~ as there were several other
factors involved also.
Mr. Banks moved for the passage of ordinance 66-21 from first to
second reading. Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Request for Permit to Solicit - palm Beach Jr. College Alumni
~ssociat~~ember 25~ 24 and 25~ 1966
Mr. Boos moved that the permit be granted and the fee waived. Mr.
Ban~s seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Request for approval to ho!dW/~ite Cane Sale - Boyn~on BeaCh Lions
Club - September 24~ 1966 --
Mr. Boos moved that the request be granted and the fee waived. Mr.
Banks seconded and it was unanimously carrzed.
Application for BeveraGe License_s
1. Otls Allen Estabrook - The Pub~ 400 N.E. 2nd Avenue
Mrs. Padgett noted that everything has been check out and the new
license would become effective October 1st. It was stated that
there is an existing license.
Mr. A1 Summers came ~orward and asked Council to table this re-
quest for further study and consideration. He stated that all
officers in a corporation must be listed on the application and
that Mr. Estabrook has been in the business for sometime and has
hired other people to run the business for him and had the li-
cense in their name. Mr. Summers said he is not opposing the
~ssuance of the license: but it should be studied more thoroughly
to see that it is a legitimate business.
SEPTEMBER 19 , 1966
Mr. McCoy moved to table the request for application for further
study. Mr. Banks seconded and it was unanimously carried.
2. Charles Andrews - 126 N.E, 10th Avenue
Mrs. Padgettstated that all requirements for operation have been
satisfactorily met. Mr. Andrews is licensed as a g~ocery and
fish market at the above toeation and this application is for a
take-out license for the sale of alcoholic beverages.
Chief Thompson came forward and stated that Mr. Andrews has had
no alcoholic beverage violation in the past.
Mr. Boos moved for approval of this license application. Mr.
Collins seconded. The vote was 4 FOR - 1 AGAINST. Mr. Banks cast
the dissentLng vote.
~emolition Program - Resolution 66-MM
Mr. Moore stated that there are eight structures which should be
considered for demolition. The owners of these buildings have
been previously notified to have them removed and have also been
notified that this is a public hearing to give them an opportunity
to show cause why the buildings should not be demolished.
Mrs. Padgett stated Mr. and Mrs. Bacon have authorized the demo-
lition of their building and asked to be billed.
Mr. Koil Washington, 191 N.E. Railroad Avenue~ Came forward and
stated that he is the owner of the apartments on parcel 4 and
has been doing work on them.
Mr. b~ore stated that the city has a minimum housing code and all
structures should reach these standards. He stated Mr. Washington
should show cause why his place is habitable.
Mr. Washington stated that he has made a move to fix his place up
by doing some painting. Mr. Kain stated it has been three months
since anyone has lived there and read the various reasons why this
place was unsafe.
Mr. Kain stated that he would look at '~hes8 ~uild'%nq~ again with
Mr. Washington on Saturday morning~ September 24, 1966 at 9 A.M.
M .T.~U ~ES
SEPTEMBER 19~ 1966
Mr. Moore noted that with the exception of parcel 4 there were no
objections to the existence of the conditions as previously deter-
mined by Council. He recommended at this time~ based upon the
fact that there were no objections to pareels 1~ 2~ 3~ 5 and 6~
that the existence of the conditions which are in violation of the
appropriate ordinances be ratified andconfirmed' and that the city
manager be instmucted to obtain competitive bids fom the demolition
of these particular stmuctures ~ and that a determination of pareel
4 be held in abeyance until next meeting.
Mr. Boos so moved for the recommendation of the city attorney. Mr.
McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried.
C~onsider Zoning of MunieiDa1 Center
Mr. Kain suggested that the Council recommend to the Planning and
Zoning Board that they consider the rezoning of privately owned
rea! estate in Block I, Shepard Funk Addition~ Block 14, Sawyer's
Addition and Lots 2~ 5~ 16, 17: 18, 21 and 25~ Boynton Center: for
municipal use. This will provide the city with the opportunity to
use this land in the future for municipal purposes. If the ' .
Planning and Zoning Board is in accord with this suggestion, that
they be asked to consider the recommendation of an ordinance which
would set UP a classification for municipal purposes and make it
part of the zoning code.
Mr. Banks moved to request the Planning and Zoning Board to make a
study of this and give their recommendation for zoning this ares
fOrcarrieda muncipal, center. Mro Collins seconded and it was unanimously
..R. equest Approval to Purchase Accounting Machine,
Mr. Kain explained that earlier this year Council approved the pur-
chase of a new accounting machine for the tax department. This was
to replace a machine which was Originally leased about three Fears .-
ago. This machine did not prove satisfactory for tax purposes.
The origip~l cost of this machine was $8,535. The city has paid
out all but $1:821.76. Mr. Kain recommended the purchase of this
machine which has definite use in the Finance Departmen.t. Current-
ly budgeted funds will ~educe the balance to $1:~21~ which can be
paid out by October of next year.
Mr. McCoy so moved for the city manager,s recommendation. Mr.
Banks seconded and it was unanimously carried.
SEPTEmbER 19 ~ 1966
Re,est for use of Civic Center - Joe Nelson
Mr, Kain explained that the Floridian Fast Draw Club of Boynton
Beach has requested fmee use of the Civic Center fom the days of
October 8 and 9 for conducting a national fast dmaw championship
cOntest. Certa/n activities use the Civic Center without cost
but those conducting activities separate and apamt fmom the city's
~ae?eationat progmam have been required to pay a $30 fee. Mr.
· n recommended that the city retain the right to charge for the
use of the Civic Centem in accordance ~ - ~
established earlier, ~lth the rules that were
Mm. McCoy made a motion to grant this request and cha~ge for the
use of the Center. Mr. Boos seconded.
Fir. Collins stated that he felt since this 9~oup is not charging
waived,for any space or making a charge to get in that the fee should be
The vote was 4 FOR ~ 1 AGAINST~ Mr. Collins voting against the
~st of Pavments made in Au~qust, 1966
Mr. ~4cCoy moved that the list of payments be received and made a
partcarriedOf, these minu~es. Mr. Banks seconded and it was unan/mously
Payments Made By Funds
General Fund
Water Revenue Fund
Sewer Revenue Fund
Water Depositors Fund
I. & S. Fund
~unicipat Swimming Pool Bond
Sinking Fund
Publicity Fund
Sewage Deposit Fund
Special Assessment Fund
_Trieste Construction Corporatign $1~560
Mr. Kain stated that this is a pa~tia.1 payment on c~t~act rom the
installation of spminklers a~ the cemetery. Womk has been per-
for~ed and materials /nstalled to that amount. This is budgeted
in the overall cemetery /mpmovement pmoject.
SEPTEMBER 19~ 1966
Mr. Banks moved tb~t the bill be paid. Mr. McCoy seconded and it
was unanimously carried.
Chamber of Commerce for August 1966 $558.78
Mr. Kain lexplained that this is for the accumulated bills for the
month of ,August and funds are available in Activity 7000-1A and
Mt.was unan~oustyBanksl moved carried.that the bill be paid. ~. McCoy seconded and it
~dair, Brady & Fishe: Inc. $8,492.50
Mr. Kain explained that this bill is for engineering services in
connection with the storm drainage participation - North Second
Avenue. This is a composite bill based on preliminary design of
the inter~al drainagesystem and complete desSgn of the n~in o -
fall system. Inasmuch as the cos*~ ~* +~ - i .... ut
and ~on~,~4 ...... ~ ~ ~,~ wor~, DO~ engineerin
............. ~,,, ~re ~o come from czgarette tax funds, Mr. Kain g
recommended that steps be initiated to consummate this loan immedi-
ately. T~e 'o'
] znt agreement has been approved and executed by the
State RoadDepartment and funds for the city's share of the ~rk
will have to be pledged prior to the acceptance of the bids by the
State Road Department.
Mr. Madsen asked Mr. Kain and Mr. Moore to have the necessary
papers re~dy for this by the 21st of September.
Mr. Boos moved that the city go ahead and complete the loan in the
amount of $160:000 and take the proceeds of the loan and invest in
short term treasury bills so that the money is available in a few
hours notice. Mr. McCoy seconded.
Mr. Moore stated that it might be possible to make arrangements
with the b~nk to complete the loan with no interest charged until
money is drawn for use. Mr. Boos stated either way would be satis-
factory as long as no interest is charged until the money is used.
The vote was unanimous.
Mr. Madsenlnoted that the city is only $7,000 short of the quota
set for the entire year on cigarette revenues and it can be ex-
pected to go way over the top.
Atlantic National Bank of West Palm Beach $825
Mr. Kain e~plained that ~hese are bills from Atlantic National
f~g~e~ ~g f~bond issues. This is an annual
blllBank~ar~aS eOanv%i ri~ Activity 6100~. Account 213.
SEPTEmbER 19, 1966
Account No.
g Improvement Bonds Sinking Fund
Account No. C. 214, City of Boynton Beach Outstar~ing
Water Revenue Bonds ds ted 12/1/50
Account No. C. 215~ City of Boynton Beach Outstanding
1960 Bond Retirement Account
213 A & B, City of Boynton Beach Refunding
Account No. C. 216A, City of Boynton Beach Outstanding
Series A & B Bonds Retirement Fund. Series A $t00 -
Series B $i00
Account No. C. 217, City of Boynton Beach 1961
Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds
Russell g Axon $835.50
Mr. ]fain explained that this represents engineering and inspec-
tion costs for the repair of the Rolling Green Ridge Sewer System
through August 12th. Monies were approved by Resolution for the
renewal and replacement of this line.
Mr. McCoy stated that he would like to see the repair job when
they bring the Oamera back to inspect the longitudinal crack.
Mr. Boos mOved that the bill be paid, Mr. Banks seconded and it
was unanimously ~arried.
Frank C. Brown g ~ompanv $2,087.50
Mr. Kain explained that this represents the balance due on the
wage and classification study recently completed, Funds are
available as follows: Activity 5700-485 and 6700-485,
Mr. Boos moved that the bill he paid. ~. McCoy seconded and it
±~v~re? on s~ptember 28th when the Brown Company comes to re-
port to Council.
Cart Soil & Sod $2:068,65
Mr. Kain explained that this is the first draw on the contract for
work on the cemetery. Funds are allocated from the Cemetery
Trust Fund.
M~. Boos moved that the bill he paid, Mr. Banks seconded and it
was unanimously carried.
SEPTEMBER 19: 1966
The Penet-~vn System, Inc. $3,832.40
Mr. Kain explained that this /s a bill for the internal routing
method where the leaks were Observed and covers everything Council
authorized for repair - the 19th Ave. crossing~ 22nd Ave. west of
Seac~est and various manholes that were patched north and south
of 26th Ave. lif t station.
Mm. McCoy moved that the bill be paid. Mr. Banks seconded and it
was unan/mously carried.
Departmental ReDorts
Mr. Madsen complimented each department on the nice reports sub-
mitted for the month of August. He recognized Mr. Nyquist and
Chief Wright of the Fi~e Department and stated that they did a
good job on follow-up on matters concerning their department.
Mr. Boos noted that car No. 7 is now using excessive oil and needs
looking over.
Mr. Ksin reported that the city had hired the services of a m~ to
repair the bulldozer at a cost of about one-third of the $900
approved for this repair.
Meeting adjoumned.
walte~ A. Madsen, Mayor
· a Padgez~f
City Clerk