Minutes 07-18-66MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING, ~p~,B IN CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, Jb~Y 18, 1966 at 7:30 P.~i. ~a!ter Ah ~i~dsen~ Mayor FrankMcCoy, Jr., Vice Mayor Charles N. Boos, Councilman Gilbert Collins, Councilman F. T. Kain~ City Manager Gene Moore, City Attorney Tereeea Padgett, City Clerk ABSENT: J. All,son Banks ~L~yorMadsen called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Rev. Robert Mays, St. John's Methodist Church, gave the invocation and ~Lr. F. T. Kain led the flag salute. Members of the ElectricalBoard were recognized. ~ Wright, Mr. Gr~mmons and Mr. Dean were present. Mr. Wright stated that Mr. Allan P~quist has attended each meeting of this Board this year, and Mr. Madsen noted that Mr. Nyquist is doing a good job on fire prevention~ MJ~TES Mr~ Boos moved for the acceptance of the minutes of the reEular meeting of July 5, 1966. Mr. McCoy seconded and it ~s unanimously carried. OLD BUSI~S~ Report by City Attorney on f~11~ of Lots 5~ and 5~. Dewey's S/D ~. Moore recommended that this matter remain on the table. Consider Bids Received on Cemetery Improvements (on the table) Mr. Boos moved to remove this item from the table. M~. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried. N~. Kain noted that the bids for this work exceed the total amount pro- videdby$1,79&. Mr'. Kain said that it is impractical to attempt to delete any portions of this work. He stated that Mr. Hurfo~d~c~ the. Cemetery Board said the Board was in agreement to provide a loan from the Cemetery Fund in this amount so that the bids could be a-~rded. This lo~n could then be repaid to the Cemetery F~nd by appropriations Lu the forth- comir~ budget. ~. Kain reconmnended that the origdnal amount previously agreed upon in the amount of $11, O00 be trar~ferred from the Cemetery Fund to the General Fund and that Council approve the loan from the Cemetery Fund in the amount of $1,79~ to provide for the work which was covered by bids. -1- ~fi~JTES Regular City Cozaucil ~!eeting 1¥oo July 18, oi, Mr. McCoy so moved for the recommendation of the city manager. Mr. Boos seconded, Mr. ~&adsen asked Mr. Hurford and ~tr. Hughson to come for~rd. ~[r. Hurford stated that %f~th this revitalization, there will be a greater number of people using the facilities here. ~. Hughson stated work can start as soon as the contract is signed. Motion was unanimously carried. Prooosed 0rdins~ce 66-1~ re Conditional Use of Lots 27~ 28 and 29, Dewey's ~/D-(on the rabid).._ Mr. Kain stated that he has r~peatedly asked ~[r. Irving to have this deed executed which would dedicate rig.~t-of-way around the proposed marina. To dat~ he has not complied with this request. Nm. Boos suggested that this matter be left on the table until ~ir. Kain contacts Mr, Shook and reports back. a~ Wm=son Park Consider Request for Concession Stand + ~ ~.rTM . KaLu explained that he received the plans and cost estimates this afternoon and would like to have time to look them over before making a rec ommendat ion. ~ao_=tal Imorovement ProEram ~. Madsen stated that he has requested Council to set aside one night to talk about this program. This meeting is set for Tuesday, July 19, 1966, at 7:~O P.M. Di__s~cussion of Consolidation of Tax Collection and Tax Assessi~ Y~. Kain noted tha~ Council has issued a statement of policy desiring this consolidation. Mr. Kain stated he had gotten some figures from other areas and some figures are estimates. He stated that in Broward County the fee cbmrged is 1% of the tax roll. Based on the amount of taxes this year, our fee would be approximately $4,900. Estimated exoenditures for the year amounts to $26,500, which means a savings of $18,000 to $20,000 if this co-told be consolidated. Not included in this fi~3~e is the cost of an appraisal service every four or five years to Hunnicutt and capital ex?enditures, such as a billing machine that is needed. _~;~. Kain said the initial investigation does show that there would be an annus~t savings of $18~000 to $20,00Oo ~ir. i~adsen asked [~o Kain to continue gstting further iufo~.~mation. PUBLIC A~JDIENCE Mr. Ray Allen came forward and asked who is respopmible for the tax roll ~n~der this consolidation. Mr. BLain stated the city would use the county · ¢~. roll s.nd county assessments. 1~. Allen noted that there have been -2- Regular City Co~ucil Meeting july 18, !956 approximately lOY, O00 corrections made in the county tax roll and stated he felt it is not properly prepared. He said he felt the county tax assessor is not in line with his assessing program. Mr. ~dsen noted that this ~ll go to referendum. Mr. !~lau G~ner, La~ence Rd., came forward an~ stated that his property in Ac. Sec. 20/29 was assessed last year for $5,8~O. He stated he has this prope~%y for sale for $2,500 and was told by the tax assessor that the assessme~t would be reduced to $2,800. He had written a letter to the Board of Equalization and received a reply stating his assessment is $~950. He again asked for this to ~e reduced. Iz~. Madsen asked 1,~r. Kain to check this out. Mr. Gene Keyes came forward and asked that the canopies be put back on the beach. Mr. Madsen stated that ~r. Richardson said he would put them up again. ~EW BUS~TES S A_Rpoint Alternate Member to Board of Ad.iustment Mr. Boos moved for the temporary appointment of Ward C?~mtngs as an alternate member to ths Board of Adjustment. Mr. McCoy seconded and it · ~s unanimously carried. PUBLIC HEARING 8:0C Zoning Change Requests: Lots 7 thru 10, Block 3~ Lake Boynton Estates S/D Request: C-1 to C-2 Address: 7~0 N.~. 2nd Avenue Ortner: Wallace L. Fleck Mr. Kain noted that the Planning & Zoning Board declined to approved requested change in zoning, but they did unanimously recommend grouting a conditional usage to enable the applicant to do the work which he tended to do under the C-2 zoning. There were no objectors in the audience. Mr. Moore read Ordinance 66-15 amending Ordinance 62-9. Mr. Madsem note~ that a building is bo be erected at this location to do repair work in, and he would 15d~e to know when the owner contemplates putting up this building. ~. McCoy moved for passage of Ordinance 66-15 from first ~o second reading. Mr. Collins seconded and it was unanimously carried° -3- ~NUTES Regular City Council ~eeting July 18, 1966 Lots 16 and 17~ Block 7, Bowers Park S/D Request: R-2 to C-2 Address: 225 S~E. 5th Ave. (h,hers: Advance Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. Mr. Kain noted this request v~s granted by the Planning & Zoning Board by a unanimous vote. There were no objectors is the audience. M~. Moore read Ordinance 66-16 granting the zoning change. Mr. Boos moved for passage of Ordinance 66-16 from first to second reading. ~.~. Collins seconded and it was tuuanimouety carried. Consideration of abandonment of 20' alley lying W%st of Lot 22 and east of Lots 23, 2~ & 25, Block 2, Boynton Place Request: Jean C. Cottrill Address: 612 N.E. 7th Avenue ~. Kain noted that the Planning & Zoning Board denied this request by a unanimous vote. No one in the audience spoke in favor of this request. Mr. }~LadsenasP~d Councilto hold this matter over to the next meeting because of the death of Mrs. Cotsr]l] s mother, b~. Moore recommended that the hearing be postponed until next meeting. ~o Boos moved for postponement and continuation of this hearing until the meeting of August l, 1966. ~. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried. ~. Kainread a letter from Mrs. Hartley objecting to the Fleck request. ~. Hanson, a representative of the Telephone Company, came forward and asked the disposition of the~Cottrill request and he was informed that this hearing had been postponed until August l, 1966. BUSINESS Appointment of Pol. ice Chief ~. Kain stated that three candidates had passed the Civil Service tests. These were ~. Taylor, ~. Werle and ~. Thompson. ~r. Kain said M~'~ Taylor had asked that he not be considered as a candidate. N~. Kain recommended Mr. Gerald Thompson be appointed Police Chief because of his experience and service to the City of Boynton Beach. McCoy moved to acceot the recommendation of the city manager appoint~_ug Cera!d Thompson as Police Chief at the salary that is ~u the budget. Boos seconded and it was u~uanimousty carried. 2~Udl~JTES Regular City Council Meet~_~ug July 18, 1966 Mrs. Padgett admLuistered the Oath of Office to Mr. Thompson. Mr. Madsen and other Council members congratulated Mr. Thompson. ~r. Madsen said he hoped ~. Thompson would serve in this capacity for many years to come. ~ir. Kain presented Mrs. Thompson with a corsage. Latin _American Exchar~e Students · ~r. Kain stated that a group of approximately forty Latin American exchange students will arrive at the Woman's Club on July 23. ~r. Madsen said Council members w~]] be there to greet them. .R._esolution 66-JJ UrEir~ Grade Separation at Ocean Avenue ~r. Kain noted that the list of roads which have been tentatively approved for grade separation or 5_uterchauge with 1-95 does not include Ocean Avenue. Also it was noted that~ there is a proposed grade separation at 17th Avenue and it was hoped that this would be an interchange. ~r. Moore noted that all resolutions have been directed to the County Commission and the State Road Department. ~. Moore read Resolution 66-JJ urging a grade separation at Ocean Avenue. M~. McCoy moved for the adoption of Resolution 66-JJo 2~. Collins seconded and it was unanimously carried° PLr. Boos moved to have a resolution drawn similar in character to the one just passed urging a ~]1 interchange at 17th Avenue North. ~. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried. ADMINISTRATIVE Consider ReGuest for Buildin~ Permit - Amoco Station Mro Kain stated that there is some question regarding the pro, wiry of the existing building to the Womau's Club w~_th the requirements of Chapter ll of the Code. He said the Lmprovement of this property w~11 eliminate an unsightly condition and a serious traffic hazard. Mr. Kain pointed cut. that there is a total contemplated capital investment o~ $135,0OO, and recommended the application for permit be approved. F~. McCoy moved to accept the city manager's recommendation. Mr~ Collins seconded. It was unanimously carried - Mr. Boos abstained. Resident..I~soection - Sanitary Sewer Repair ~'~rk ~. Kain stated that Russell &Axon has agreed to hold their inspection fees on the sanitary sewer repair work to within 5 per cen~ of the contract _~ount. Mr. Kain recommended that if this figure is agreeable, not. to exceed 5% of the contract amo~, a letter of ~%gre~.ment be executed MIh~JTES Regular City Council ~,ieeting July 18~ 1966 ~ussell & Axon stipulating precisely what this would run in dollars based on the contract fiMure. I,M. McCoy moved to get a letter of agreement from Russell & Axon stipulating a figure of not more than 5 per cent of the contract amount for resident inspection. ~,~r. Collins seconded and it was unanimously carried. L__ist of P~ents ~ade in June Mr. ~!~cCoy moved to accept the list of payments =~de in June and make them a part of the minutes. M~. Boos seconded and it was unanimously carried. P~nents ~de by Funds: Genersl Fund_ $ 76~309.91 ~Jater Revenue Fund 36~ 955.97 Sewer Revenue Fund 13~02~.69 ~,~ater De vositcrs Fund 625.00 Sewage Depositors Fund i9.OO Civic Center Sinking Fund 5.55 B.B. Memorial Park Fund 3,000,00 Escrow Fund 69.16 Ffacemen's Relief & Pension Fund 2~.50 L & S. Fund 96.60 Sewage Fund 959.97 Police Retirement Fund 2,O69.53 Publicity Fund l, 589.26 $13~,783.ti ADproval of Bills Russell & Axon $1~165.85 Mr. Kain stated this bill is for engineering seN¢ices in connection E'ith preparation of plans and specifications - Sanitary Sewer Line Repair, Rolling Green Ridge. Council had previously by resolution authorized expenditure from our reserve funds for this work. Mr. Boos moved that the b4]l be paid. ~ir. McCoy seconded and it was unani- mouslycarried. Keatts Truckin¢ Service $667.9~ 1"~. gain stated that this an item which was accepted on bid. Payment should be authorized from Activity 2110-280. M~. gain reco~ended approval of the bill. -6- ~zNUTES Regular City Council Meeting July !8, 1966 Sir. McCoy moved for payment of the bill to Keatts in the amount of $667.98. Mr. Boos seconded and it was unanimously carried. ~eoartmental Reoorts ~L~. Boos noted that Sir, Richardson found the trouble with Car No. 8which had been using so much oil and is working out a program wher~oy this type of thing will not reoccur. License Aoolication F~, Kain stated he had a license application for the Pub due to change of ownership. He stated this is a transfer of license to Raymond F. Pappe and that everything is in order. ~r. Kain recommended approval of this transfer. Mr. Boos moved for recommendation of city managero Er. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried. Mr. Boos comm~nded those concerned with making the departmental reports. He said they are most comprehensive and complete. N~. Boos moved that the departmental reports be received. Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried. OTHER ~. Madsen asked about the traffic light at N.E. 10th Ave. Mr, Kain stated that the city has a license from Tallahassee and that the city will pay the total cost of installation and he is attempting to get these figures. ~. McCoy inquired about a letter from Mr. Curt Joa about the city providing roads to his property. ~. Kain said to his knowledge there were no state- meats made by anyone that the city would provide roads to this property and that ~. Joa purchased the land with the full knowledge of the road situ- ation there. ~. Kain stated that th~ city doss like to encourage industry and does make certain concessions, but that the cost of private roads is usually borne by the developer. ~° Kain stated he had written a letter to }~Lr. Riley making it clear that before any liberalization of permit for removal of sand is considered by Council~ they should explain to the city how they are going to restore those ele,Jations and where the material for restoration is coming from, ~,~. Madsen stated that some time ago ~. Moore spoke about a swale law iu Boynton Beach and asked Mr. Kain to look into this. -7- MIk~JTES Regular City Council ~eeting July 18, 1966 Mr. M~dsen asked ~,~r. Kaiu if there is any way the city can do their own paving of streets with the same men now employed. He asked ~Lr. Earn to check this out. Mm. Kain said ~s. Lottie Pierce had requested Council to meet with Greer on the Day Care Center. Mm. Kain said he would have a list of properties available on this matter. Mr. Madsen asked that he set up meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. 1-118 1-17WA ~-.Na~e and Mailing Address ~Chas Pinkney off Jas H. Ellis well 1015 N.W. 3rd St Consump t ion W G S Address 311 N.E. 12th Ave 115 N.E. llth Ave $?j+O/ $2.oo $%*.8o 16.00 19.05 ~--282 2/38/lZ -'-~287A 69 3-361 %'222 ~'~9 182 Teresita Gardner off Jas L. Johnson ~ Jas H. Ellis well ~oe Nelson off j Mrs. F. Si~coff on Tommy Gilliland R ~ 2 Arley, Ale. Dr. ~ohn Heitz R 3 Box 308 0rlando, Fla. John Fitzoatrick well Wm. Marvin well John J. McGuire 1701 S. Canal St Carlsbad, N.M. G.F.Gumprecht well Robert Fellows 610 E. Atlantic Delray Beach, Fla. Bernice Arnold well JLayton Timm ~ we:~, Walter Bock wsii Kendo Corp well P.0.Box 16~ E. Fiat Rock~ N.C. .77 Kendo Corn ~,,~318 ~Oaul McBride P.0.Box ll02~City i 336 ./Paul McBride 15~68A 1st Federal of B.B. 1~-180 /Paul Johnnon ~ 512 N. Federal well 310 N.E. 10th Ave ~33 N.W. 13th Ave 1015 N.W. 3rd St $01 Railroad Ave 3~% N.E. 3rd St 508 N. Seacres= 315 N.W. 1st Ave 101 S.W. Sth Ave 108 S.W. Sth Ave 119 S.E. 6th Ave 133 S.E. 7th Ave 131 S.E. 8th Ave -~'> ~.E. 9th Ave .... ~ S.E. 8~h Ave 129 S.E, 9~h Ave 1~2 S.E. 10th Ave 729 S.E. llth Ave 270~ S.W. ~. S~ 2701 S.W. ~th St 3111 Canal Dr. 205 S. Federal 8.00 ,~ 9.80,/ 26.00 9.00 .15.oo 18.00 '7.8~ 6. O0 13.oo a&aa 7. O0 55.80 66.80 ~2.77 72.80 273.5o 25'.20 ~0.05 73.06 57.06 5O. 8] 89.17 62.80 26.00 75.99 30.4o 95.05 23.25 ~8.~i ~8.51 63.66 .q9.50 19-136A MaMnard Wagner well 20-157 Frank Elder 2~-14 Fred Armstrong on._ 2~-20 Harold Dermeyer on 2~-53 /Joe Surber / well 1113 S. Federal 2~-75 Adam Yurganis 3611 Henry Hudson Prky~ Bro~× ~ N.Y. 10463 ?~-315 O ~' ~ onzzi Kenny on ~-232 '~rs. Fredm Hurst =615 N.E. 3rd Ct I~77 N.W. ls~ St 3021 E. Palm 3055 E. Palm Dr~ 369 S. Palm Dr. 350 Mentone Rd. ~2~9710~ea_n~parkway 619 N.E. 6th A~ 9.00 26.00 52.72 1~0.90 118.35 99.0~ ~2.~0 25;91 726.05 16-162 Wmlter Dutch ~-' 6-16~ " " ~6-!67 " 16-170 " " 16-168 " " ~ ~me ~nd Consumption W G M~i lng Address Address -3-8W ~.~lter Dutch ~00 N.E. 2nd Ave -- ~ ........ ~-~- .... ~ .... p.0.Box 1060 .... 516 E. Ocean Ave ~18 E. " " 522 E. " " ~ ~2~ E. " ~ ~ 526 E. " " ~-86 ,/~Sinc~ir Refining W. Palm Be~ch~ Fla. 319 N.E. 2nd Ave 16.50 26.00 WO.¥O WO.O0 17.2O 16.50 MOIIG.XN ¢;UAII.,hNT~ TRUST COMPANY City of Boyuton Beach 120 N. E. Second Avenue Boyutou Ceach~ Florida Attention ~. J. B. Henderson~ City~nager Dear Sirs: ~/~/~ June 16, 1966 3T36-Ga3 We enclose herewith Cremation Certificate(s) single copy~ 2 in &~plic~te, . ..in tr~ olicate,..~in quad~olice'6e, covering t'he ~tion of the followdnE described sec~ rities: DESCRIPTION PPg NCIPAL AMOUNT face %~lue cancelled Coupons detached fram City of Boynt~n Beach, Florida Water & Sewer Rev. Bas. Iss. of z961 ~er. A d~d 12/1/1961. "(Set. B dtd 12/1/1961.) Copies of Certificates sent to: None $33,737.50 33~025.o0 Yours very tr~ly~ OF NEW YO~K ($33,73 ~ -5~) ' ace v~lue cancelled Compo~.de~ched frOm ~ Beaeh~ Florida Water & Sewer Reven~e Bonds Issue of l~!, Series A d~ted D~cember l, 1R6i,'as follows:- The above Coupomswere paid byNorgsmGmaramtyTrast Compsmy of New · York durim~ the period December~ 1964/M~y ~965, inclusive. MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK & Sewer Reveu~e Bo~ds Issue of !~61. ' ' Ser%es B d~ted December as fol!o~s: - CoUpon, Nos. ~,tur~_ i~ Data - 5 June_ 1, 1964 t0 6 Dec.er l, 19~ 180 The above Co~pons were paid. by Morgan Guaranty Trust Comps~y of deriug the 'period December lg64/Nay 1985: i~clusive. MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY THE CHASE MANHATTAN National Association 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza. New York, New York 10015 BANK June 2/+, 1966 Mr. Francis T. Kain City ~nager City of Boynton Beach 120 N. E. 2nd Ave. Boynton Beach, Florida Dear ~r. Kain: We enclose two counterparts each of eight cremation certificazes evidencing the destruction of cancelled bonds and coupons of The City of Boynzon Beach as follows: $10,000. principal amount, Refunding Bonds dated October l, 19~.6 102 coupons 5f the above issue. $5,000. principal amount, Munici~l Civic Center Building Bonds dated December lC, 1961 ll0 coupons of the above issue. 138 coupons detached from Water Revenue Bonds dated December l, 1950. 20 coupons detached from Swimming Pool Bonds Series "E" dated Septemberl, 1960. ~,335 coupons detached from Water Revenue Bonds dated December l, 1960. 1,20A coupons detached from Refunding & Improvement Bonds dated June l, 196~. Dudley S. Sv~ts Second Vice President or couP'.oN ~., ,.~ THE CHASE MANHATTAN 10015BANK CORPORATE"ANB'~AG~NCYoPERATIONS DiVISiON CREt~AT[~Oi~I cERTIFICATE I~_~ 80 PINE STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. --This is to certify that we have this day cremated the following described coupons: -~ Beac ~ Florida · NAME OF CORPORATION: City of B~y~ton h Bonds DESCRIPTION OF ISSUE: Refuuding & Improvement Revenue 6/1/64 TOTAL NUMBER OF COUPONS I~0~ PRINCIPAL AMOUNT $11? ~T38.24 COUPON MATURITY NUMBER OF COUPON NUMBER BATE COUPONS VALUE i i2/i/~ ~ $ ~-~ 4 93-75 4 100.00 8i 87.50 175 93.75 i56~ 96.88 1~ i00.00 TOTAL VALUE 290.64 1,065.57 375-00 ~.oo 7,087.5o i6,4o6.a5 15,113.28 DATED / / / CREMATioN CERTIFICATE CORPORATE AND OPERATIONS D'~VI~ON O MANHATTAN SANK 'THE CHASE 80 PINE STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10015 Whis is to certify that we have this day cremated, the following described coupons: NAME OF CORPORATION: City of Boy. ton -Beach,. Florida Water Reven~ Bonds DESCRIPTION OF ISSUE: dated -~/1/60 lO TOTAL NUMBER OF COUPONS 1,335 MATURITY NUMeER OF COUPON .. DATE COUPONS VALUE 12/1/65 335 $20.00 1~000 20.75 1,335 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT $27,450.00 TOTAL VALUE $6,700.00 20.7~0.00 $27,450.00 [[ The above coupons were paid during the period of December 1, 1965 thru December 27~ 1965 ~:~ ~300.3-65 AUTHORIZED SlGNATUI~E* / _ .CO~.ON ~A._~ THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK CORPORATE A~D*AQL~RCY CRE ~lVl~"~tO~l C~.RTIFICATE ~.~ 80 PINE STREET, NEW YORK, N, Y. 10015 OPERATIONS DIVISION .... ,This is t~ certify that we have this day cremated the following described coupons: NAME OF CORPORATION: Ci~y of Boyn'oon Beach, Florida DESCRIPTION OF ISSUE: ~.~z1~ Fool Bonds Se~es TOTAL NUMBER OF COUPONS 20 PRINCIPAL- AMOUNT $375.00 COUPON MATURITY NUMBER OF COUPON TOTAL NUMSER DATE COUPONS VALUE VALUE l0 9/1/65 20 $18.75 $375.00 The above coupons were paid on November 22, 1965. DATED / _ cou~o'~ r~'~ THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK CORPORATE ANB AGE~CY~ CREM~TIQN C[RTIFICATE ~ 80 PINE STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10015 OPERATIONS'"OI'~SiO]~F ~ ~-This is to certify that we ha~e this day cremated the following described coupons: k i~ NAME OF CORPORATION: City of Boynton Beach, Florida · ~__~ESCRIPTION OF ISSUE: Water Revenue Bon~s dtd 12/1/50 TOTAL NUMBER OF COUPONS PRINCIPAL AMOUNT $3,450.00 COUPON MATURITY NUMBER OF COUPON TOTAL NUMBER DATE COUPONS VALUE VALUE 30 12/Z/65 ~38 $25.00 $3,450.00 The above coupons were paid during the period of December 2, 1965 thru March l, 1966. CREMATION C~RTIFICATE O MANHATTAN SANK CORPORATE A~I~!D AGEN~Cy , THE CHASE 80 PINE STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y, 10015 OPERATIONS D,rVTSiON '-'~hisist°ceAi~thatwehavethisdaycremated~'h~llowfngdescribedcoupons: NAME OF CORPORATION: City of Beynton:Beach, Florida ~DESCRIPTION OF ISSUE Ymamicipal Civic Center Building Bonds dated 12/10/61 COUPON NUMBER 8 TOTAL NUMBER OF COUPONS llO $1,925.00 12/t0/65 ll0 $17.50 $1 ~ 925.00 ,{!The above coupons were poi8 during the period of December 10, 1965 thrm January ll, 1966. ~ ~rHOR IZED S i G N~-j~j R~ ./ THE CHASE MANHATTAN 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York 15, New York BANK ~; · TRUST DEPARTMENT lgt~is is ta ¢~rtif[l T.AT W..AVE T.IS 0^'~ C.EMATEO T.E PO''OW,.G DES*.,SE~' SECURITIES: 5 ca=celled City of Boy, to= Beach, Florid~ 3~ ~m~ cipal Civic Center Buildimg Bo~s d~ted Dece~er 10, 1961 with ne co~Do~s ~ttached~ aggregating $5:0~0. pri~¢i[~l amom~t, ~mbere~ as sh~w~ e~ attas~d sheet for $1~O00. emch. The a~ove bonds were p~id o~ ~eeember lO~ 1965- THE CHASE MANHATTAN No cou~ a~tached ~e 9ecem~ert lO, 1965 2O To'~G. 5 5 THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK CORPORATE ~D~AG~CY OPERATIONS DIVISION SO PINE STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10015 COUPON C~MA~nO~ CERTiFICaTE · This is to certify that we have this day cremated the following described coupons: -- NAME OF CORPORATION: Oit$~ of Boyntm Beach, Florida 2ef,~uding Bonds DESCRIPTION OF ISSUE: dated lO/l/A6 TOTAL NUMBER OJ~ COUPONS 102 COUPON MATURITY NUMBER DATE 3? 3s PRINCIPAL AMOUNT $1,952.00 NUMBER OF COUPON TOTAL ,COUPONS VALUE VALUE z $2.oo $2.oo 9_22___ 2o.oo ?~.o.oo 38 742.OO 5 2.00 10.00 20.00 1,180.00 __ 59 1,190.00 64 - 102 $1,932.00 The above coupons were paid during the period of October 26, 1965 thru l~rch 1, 1966. DATED OHAESE MANHATTAN BANK · Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York 15, New York TRUST DEpARTMeNT !0 C~ncelled City of Boynton ~Beach, Florida Refunding Bonds Issue of 1946 dated October l, 1946, with coupon ~39 due April l~ 1966 and subsequent coupons attached, aggregating $!0~000. principal amoun% n~mbered as showm on attached sheet for $!~000. each. The above bends were paid during the period of November 4, 1965 tkru Febrmary23, 1966. THE CHASE MANHAttAN CITY OF BOYNTON BII~CE, FLORIDA ~D~G BONDS T_SSUE OF 1~46 mo zo/~/~ ~o~ ~o/z/?z · 0 @ $1~ooo. 7 8 9 9 ~ 0 54 5# 68 77 89 95 98 t02 54# 547 689 TO~!~L ;6 & S.C.A. 1 1 1 2 l 2 1 I 0 PAYMENTS MADE IN JUNE BY DATE JuN£ 1, 1966 JUNE 2, 1966 JUNE 3, 1966 JUNE 6, '966 ~uN~ 77, 1966 JUNE 84 1966 JUNE 9~ 1966 JU~E 10~ I966 Ju~E 15~ 1966 JumE 14, 1966 Ju~E t5, 1966 JUNE 16~ 1966 Jum~ I7, 1966 JUNE 20, !966 JumE 21, 1966 Ju~ 22~ IP66 J~z 23~ %966 JUNS 24, 1966 ~u~E 27, 19~6 JUNE 29~ Jum~ 30~ 1966 8~495.12 294.77 15,603.96 47.o6 2,457.67 1 ~ 420o36 I ,325 ~38 19,485.13 7,728.50 %046.90 2,616.44 3,031 7~142.09 26,989.16 5,842;28 496 · 08 695.23 PAYMENTS MADE BY FUNDS GENERAL FUND ......................... 76,309~91 WATER REVENUE FUND ...................... 36~955o97 SEWER REVENUE FUND ...................... 13~024.69 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND .................... 625°00 SEWAGE DEPOSITORS FUND .................... 49.~0 CIVIC CENTER SINKING FUND .................. 5-55 BOYNTON BEACH MEMORIAL PARK FUND ............... ESCROW FUND = - ; ...................... 69.16 F~REMEN~S RELIEF PENSION FUND 28.50 iD & S. FUND ......................... 96.60 S~WAGE FUND ......................... 959.97 POLICE RET~2EMENT FUND ..................... 2,069o53 PUBLIC{TV FUND ........................ 1~89.28 13~,783,14 JUHE 30~ 1966 GENERAL 14139 141~4o 14141 14142 14143 14144 14146 14147 14148 WATER PAYMENTS MADE IN JUNE 1966 (CONT) FUND CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH (PEYROLL FUNO) 14878.34 FLORIOA~GEORGIA TRACTOR COMPANY~ iMCO 93-77 MtAM HE~ALO PUSL~SHINm COMPANY 37.80 K, C~ Mock & ASSOO~ATE$~ SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY 15.75 UNITED AUTO SE~V~OE~ IMco 7.21 FLORIOA CIVIL SERVICE & PERSONNEL ASSOCIATION l~.OO 3~558o19 REVENUE FUND CITY oF BOYNTON BEACH (PAYROLE FUNO) 596.37 25.o0 SEWER REVENUE FUND 1380 TtSOALE'$ POL[CE RETIREMENT FUND 21986 M~CHAE~ j. iTROM~OE 6,162~69 PAYMENTS MADE IN JUNE 1~6 (CONT) JUN~ 28, 1966 SEWER REVENUE FUND 1377 ALLEN CHEMICAL COMPANy 5.12 dUNe 29, 1966 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 6592 6593 6594 6595 6596 6597 6598 6599 SEWAGE DEPOSIT FUND 314 RO~SNT NUTTER GENERAL 14128 14129 14130 14131 14132 14133 14134 14135 14136 14137 14138 7.50 5O. O0 7.50 7.50 7,50 7,50 7.5O 15.00 WATER 9391 9392 9393 9394 110.00 7.00 SEWER 1378 1379 FUND C~TY OF BOYNTON BEACH (PETTY CASH) 16.61 = ' ' ' ( ' ' ) 58.14 N. R~ F~ELo 9.90 FLOR$OA NEWS COMPANY 41.01 FLOriDA POw~N & LIGHT COMPANY 1~0~.94 HALSEY & GN~FF~T~ ~NO. 58.36 WN~TT MACDOWELL 20.35 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH~OMPA~Y ^ 54.50 1 ~ 992~ 13 REVENUE FUNO C~TY OF BOY~T~N BEACH (PETTY CASH) 3.68 ~ " " " ( ' " ) 25.71 C~A~LES L. MEvz~ & SoN I13o63 SOUTHER~ ~ELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY REVENUE FUND EQUIPMENT RENTAL SE~V~C~ iNC. RINKER MATERIALS CORPORATgON 445.00 61o94 506 o 94 824.09 2,644~49 PAYMENTS MADE ~N JUNE 1966 (GONT) du~E 27, 1968 dUNE 284 1966 WATER REVENUE FUND 9374 T. A~ F~tGNETT 9375 GEORGE MooDY 9376 JO~N R~ MURPHY 9377 FLORIDA POWER & Ll~sT OOMPARY SEWER REVENUE FUND t374 FLOriDA EA~ OOASY RA~WAY DOMPANY 1375 FLORIDA POWER ~ L~GNY COMPANY WATER 6580 6581 6582 6589 699o 6591 DEPOSITORS FUND ACCOUNT OF DENISE Butt ACCOUNT OF CNA~LE$ ~LOYER ACCOUNT OF ~LLIAM A~ W~L$OR ACCOUNT OF JO~N R. ~URPH¥ 3.10 13o50 1~856~31 1,873~31 401 o 10 3,00 332.82 332.00 1,068~92 7.50 15~00 7.50 7~50 7.50 7.50 52~50 GENERAL 14116 14117 14118 ~4119 14120 14121 14122 14123 14124 14125 14126 14127 WATER 9378 9379 9380 9381 9382 9383 FUND 0~TY OF ~OYHTON BEAOH (WATE~ DEPARTMENT~ MOO-MOo~$ D~¥E ~N REVENUE FUND ALLEN CHEMICAL COMPANY CON~GLIDAYED DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION E~[R$O~ HALE DA~A BA~TLATT 15,25 16~38 59.70 71 ~ 27 63 ~ 77 134.80 31 47.87 98.13 44~25 653.99 5.13 18.65 6.00 2,20 2.50 13~50 47.98 3,968o61 PAVHENTS HADE ~N JUNE 1966 (CONT) 24, I966 WATER REVENUE FUND 9366 9367 9368 9369 9370 9371 9372 9373 C~TY OF BOYNTON BEACH (PAYROLL FUND) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH (PETTY CASH) SOUTN[RN 'M~TgR ~ SUPPLY CD~ INC~ ERIC F~ YALLOP ~US~NES$ ~ADR~N~S~ iNC~ CITY OF ~OYNTON BEACH ('~fATER DEPT.) Co N, BROWN SEWER REVENUE FUND 1369 0~TY O~ BOY'TON B~AO~ (PAYROLL FUHD) I370 ITT ~ARLOW 1371 CiTY OF BOYNTON BSACH (PETTY CASH) 1372 RID~EWAY PLUmBinGS INC. WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 6583 6584 6585 6586 658? 6588 S~WAGE DEPOS!T FUND 313 ACCOUNT oF ANDREW 2~fi27~93 51.00 12.37 1.OO 318.25 12,97 1t,60 2.00 2~537~12 7e8.1o 36.43 5.36 !16.98 886.87 7.50 7.5O 7.5O 7°50 7.50 7.50 45~00 12.00 duN~ 27~ 1966 PUBL~CITY FUND 21898 J~TEREATIONAL CiTY ~ANAGERS ASSOC~ATfOH GENERAL FUND 14ilo 14111 14112 14113 14114 14115 C~T¥ OF BOYNTON BEACH (PETTY CASH) FLORIDA PO.~Em ~ LIGHT CO.PANT 46°9O 694.~ 31.~ 973.88 16,465.75 PA'¢dENTS MADE IN JUNE (OONT) JUNE 21~ !966 Uu~£ 22; 1966 uu~£ 23~ 1966 JUNE 244 !966 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8576 H£NRY MERKEL JR. 6577 ACCOUNT OF MILTON RUSSELL 6578 ACCOUNT oF LEON CLOUT~ER 6579 ACCOUNT OF J. A. SHOOK GENERAL FUND 14100 THE BOYmTON BEACH STAR PUBLiCiTY FUND 21896 GENE MOO~E 21897 WILLIAM M. PLUM GENERAL FUND 14086 F. ED HALSTEAD 14087 S.G. COSBY GENERAL 14o88 14o89 14o9o 14091 14092 14O93 1'4094 14o95 1 14o97 14o98 14099 14101 14102 141O3 14104 14105 14106 14107 141o8 14109 FUND BOYMTON CITY FEDERAL C~EBIT UNION CITY OF BeYNTON BEACH (PAYROLL FuNm) ME~LE M. D~XON ~AYMON~ JARA DONALD S~ LAV~GNE~ ~M~. MIAMI ~E~ALD CITY OF BOYNTON BEAON (PETTY CASH) PALM ~EAOR 0FFIDE S~PPLY COMPANY PIOARD CHEMICAL COMPANY SOUTHERN METER ~ SmPPLY COMPANY~ ~NC~ EARL ~ALLACE FORD~ INC. TROP~GAR ~RC. OF F~OR~OA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH (~e'ATER DEPARTMENT) 7.5o 7.50 7.50 7.50 30.00 426.08 35. co ~5.oo 194.96 500.27 695-23 ~54.00 10,741.16 li.86 73.18 I2.00 110.O0 26o.15 10.50 394.88 79.63 i7.i6 150.oo 72.8I 6.00 IO2.OO 299.94 i2.98 45.00 ii.36 188,55 12,977.76 m,8.2o28 496.08 695.23 JUNE 20, 1966 JUNE 21~ 1966 PAYMENTS MADE tN JUNE 1966 (CONT) WATER REVENUE FUND 9361 NOLAN WILL~AMS 9362 REFUND. & IMPROVE~ REV BOND SLNKING FUND SEWER 1367 1368 REVENUE FUND H~ Go JACOBSEN REFUND, ~ IMPROVE. REV* BOND $1NA~NE FUND WATER 6567 6568 6569 657o 657~ 6572 6574 6575 DEPOSITORS FUND H. G~ JACOBSEN ACCOUNT OF HAROLD POTTER ACCOUNT OF JOEL GARO[A AOOOUNT OF GILBERT FLANA~IN ACCOUNT OF JoEy WiNDNAH ACCOUNT OF E. BONSCNARDY ACCOUNT OF NOLAN WILLIAMS PUBLICITY FUND 21894 BERNARD VETTED 21895 $OA~ BOX BERSY GENERAL FUND 14076 1 ~077 14078 14079 14080 14O81 14082 14083 ~ ~HD84 1 4O85 20,023.67 WATER 9363 9364 9365 3.6o 6~567o68 6~571o68 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7°50 7.50 7.50 7~50 60.00 ~o.6o 57.5o lo8.1o BIO CHIEF iNC. 345.00 BOYD~S BOeY SHoP 88.00 BOTH?ON AUTO SUPPLY~ ~NC. 100.~ FLORtD~ N~u$ COMPANY 13.94 CITY OF BOVNTON BEADN (WATER REVENUE FUND) 1~268.74 H ~, ~ ~ (SENE~ REVENUE FUND) 966.55 AN~MA~ RESCUE LEAGUE 600.00 ALVA SNOO~ 2~250~00 5,638o15 REVENUE FUND DAVIS METEN & SUPPLY COMPANy 23.81 5~20 174~13 26,989ot6 JUNE 16~ 1966 1966 20, PAYHENTS MADE !N dUNE 1966 (C0NT) WATER DEPOS~TORS FUND 6561 6562 6563 6565 6568 ACCOUNT oF ETHEL OWEN Account oF CARL ~EE~S AccouoT oF NOME8 BY LEON PUBLiC~TY FUND 21893 GEOReZ Wo CA~LOW [NCo G:N~RAL FUND 14064 BDYNYON CiTY FEDERAL CREDit UNION 14065 OITY Or BOYNTOH BEAO~ (PAYROLL FUND) 14066 POIT~AIYE~ U. S. POST 0FR~OE 14067 SOUTH SPEED SHOP WATER REVENUE FUND 9357 C~TY OF BOYNTOI~ BEACH (PAYROLL FUND) SEWER REVENUE FUND 1366 CITY OF BOYNTON BEA°R (PAYROLL FUND) GENERAL 14068 14069 14070 14071 14072 14073 14074 14075 FUND ~ARBOUR~S MOWER SHOP BOYNTDN GLASS SEEVIDE~ COASTAL MAOHINE~ GENERAL G~ TOMOK SALES AND SERV~CE~ )NC. WATER 9358 9359 9360 REVENUE FUND HAaOLD POTTER R. D. FOASlEO 15.~ 7.50 7~50 7.50 52°50 lO%8O 51.40 153.20 116oOO 5,629.9O 12.00 5,782.90 794~ 69 564.50 25.79 47.65 26.63 28.00 38.81 31.45 16.62 3.~0 217.91 1.50 1.~0 1o~0 3,O31o38 7,142.O9 ?AYMENT$ MADE IN JUNE 1966 (CONT) JUNE 15, 1966 JUNE 16~ 1966 WATER 9346 9347 REVENUE FUND $1NGLAtN REFINING COMPANY SEWER 1359 1360 136! t362 1363 1364 REVENUE FUND CITY OF BOYNTO~ BEACH (PETTY CASH) DoN~s FIRESTONE DEALER STORE Co Ac 0STROH PLUMSINGt INC. TISDALEI~ THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK GENERAL FUND BOSWORTH 14055 14056 14057 14058 14059 14060 14061 14062 14063 97.82 93~65 529,68 WA T E R 9348 9349 933o 9391 9352 9353 9354 9355 9356 9.79 1.50 55.39 37.50 169.38 297,56 AERIAL SURVEYS~ INC. (14054) 100.O0 BLUE CROSS-BLUE SHIELD OF FLORIDA 1,682.84 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH (PETTY CASH) 46°88 DAHLSARD LEASING CONPORAT~O~ 75.00 FLORIDA POWEN & L~ST COMPANY 108.18 J. H. HOWARD 49.50 MIAMI N~RALD 31.50 C~ A~ 0STROH PLUMetNe~ INC. 20.50 2,616.96 REVENUE FUND DA~LGARD LEASING CORPORATION 29.00 R. L. GRUMMOHS PRtNTINe 53.60 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANy 3.45 ETHEL OWEN 1.25 F~AN~ KELLY 2°00 COHR;NNE DEEGAN ANOEHSON 4~O0 MRS. EMMA BEGKERT 6.00 ~G~ES S¥ LEON 4,00 SEWER REVENUE FUND 1365 BLU~ CROSS--BLUE S~ELO OF FLORIDA 18o.97 27.75 2,616.44 JUNS 14~ 1966 PAYNENTS MADE IN 6UNE 1966 (CONT) GENERAL 1 4031 14032 14033 14034 14o35 14o36 1 4O37 14o38 14o39 14o41 14042 FUND E. W. BLISS COMPANY Bo--DEL PR:NT~NS 0OMPANY BOWMAN PNODUOT$ DI¥1SION DONas F~RESTONE DEALER STONE EAST COAST FIRE EQUIPMENT Mos-Moods Om~v~ IN STAR PRESS WATER 9341 9342 REVENUE FUND A~OR~SSO6NAPN MULTI~NAPN CORPORATION ~OYNTON AUTO SNPPLY~ SEWER REVENUE FUND 1358 BOYNTON AUTO SUPPLY, ~NO. 19.8o 104~92 68.70 258.62 13o.3o 101.90 23.8O ~4.1o 27.95 76~00 36.00 917.09 22.65 19.11 41.76 1o65 15, 1966 POLICE RET SREMENT FUND 21985 JOHN R. MURPHY GENERAL 14O43 14O44 14O45 14046 14047 14048 14049 14050 1 4O51 14O52 14053 86.40 WATER 93~3 9344 9345 FUND ADIRONDACK CHAIR COMPANY 32.60 CITY Or BOYNTON BEACH (PETTY DASH) 71.42 DON~S FIRESTON6 DEALER STONE 114,70 GOLOEN PNESS~ INS. 39°95 PALM BEACH OFFICE SUPPLy COMPANY 4%61 PIOAR0 C~MIOAL COMPANY 66.15 SINCLAIR REFINING COMPANY 1,O68.99 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY t86.76 EARL WALLACE FONO~ INC. 12.O5 REVENUE FUND CITY OF BOYNTON BEAOm (PETTY CASH) OoN~s FINESTONE DEALER STONE G~LFSTNEAM STE~L CORPORATION 1,789.20 12.60 3.00 322.81 I ~046.90 PAYMENTS MADE IN JUNE 1966 (CONT) 1966 GENERAL FUND 14021 14022 14023 14024 14O25 14026 14027 14o28 1.6029 14o3o RiOMARDSON TRACTOR COMPANY ARNOLS STNOSHE~M CORPORATION " ~ ~? (MUNICIPAL SWIMMIN~ POOL) 19,60 15.00 107.28 1,325o55 434oo3 86~43 " (BOYN BOM MEMORIAL PA~K) 437.50 3,867.14 WATER 9339 9340 REVENUE FUND $0~TNERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY ~ILL~AM Je DO~D 14.40 6.00 20.40 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 6559 AccooNv OF WILLIAM Jo Dow~ 6560 M~$o I. H. PArSOns 7.50 7.50 I. & S. FUND 21886 TNE BON~ 96.60 CIVIC CENTER BOND SINKING FLUID 21887 THe CNAS£ MANHATTAN BAN~, N~A. BOYNTON BEACH MEI~ORJAL PARK FUND 21888 CITY OF BOYN B~N (BOY~ BaN MEMORIAL PARK) 3,000.00 PUBLICITY FUND 21889 CITY OF BOY.TON B~AON (GEnErAl. FUND) 21890 " ' " - ( . . ) · ESCROW FUND 21891 CITY OF BOYNTON BEAON (WATER REVENUE FUN~) 27.12 627.53 654.65 69.16 7,728.50 PAYMENTS MADE [N JUNE 1966 (CONT) ~UNE I0~ 1966 SEWER REVENUE FUND 1355 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH (PAYROLL FUNS) 638.97 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 6547 ACCOUNT OF R. 6548 AccouNT 6549 ACCOUNT 6550 ACCOUNT 6552 ACCOUnt 6553 ACCOunt 6554 ACCOUNT 6556 ACCOUNT 6557 ACCOUNT 6598 ACC(~JNT GF CNA~L~$ OF DAVID O~KEEFE oF E. ~F ~$? FED~ SAVinGS ~ LOAN OF LANTANA SEWAGE 310 311 312 DEPOSIT FUND ACCOUNT OF E. Es~w SEWAGE FUND 0882 C~Tv oF BOYNTON BEACN (SE~E~ REVENUE FUNO) 7.50 7.5C 7~50 7.5O 7.50 7.50 7.5O ?.5O 7,50 82.5O 7ooo 7~) 21 o00 JUNE t3, 1966 PUBLICITY FUND 21883 IVAN KO,PAN 21884 GEOeO~ W, CA~LOW 21885 BERNARD VETTER GENERAL FUND 14011 1 ~4012 14013 14014 14016 !~o17 14018 !~o19 1402o ~5.., oo 35.O0 35.00 105.00 ATLAS ELECTRICAL SUPPL,ES~ ~NC. 17.19 BOYNT9R GLASS SEN¥tCE~ ~NCo 68o14 CItY OF BOyNTON BEAC~ (WATE~ DEPARTMENT) 527.24 COURT RECoROs~ !NC. 50*00 DEMAND0 TRACTO~ & IMPLEMENT COMPANY 69-59 R~ L. G~UMMONS PN~NTi~C 66°30 GENE Moo~E 160.00 P~OA~O ~REM_CAL CO~PANY 39~93 PeRTE~ PAINT COMPANY 63~0 ,AYH~NTS MADE iN JUNE 1966 (CONT) JUNE 8, 1966 JUNE 9, 1966 SEWER REVENUE FUND 1351 DiSPlAY ANT$~ INC* 45.50 1352 NARORIVES, INC. 25.00 1353 SUMMENS ELECT~tC~ 1NC. 13.50 467.08 GENERAL 13998 13999 14000 t 4001 14002 14003 14o04 14oo5 14006 14o07 FUND BOYNTON WELL=PUMP AND SPRtNKkER SUPPLY CORP. 92.08 CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACN (PETTY CASN) 46~52 DISPLAY ARTS, INC. 193.25 SI~OLAI~ REFINING COMPANY 23.96 Sour~ LO~E F~O~ST 7-9~ UN~EaW~O~ 0~FICE SuPPaY 74.25 87%?? WATER REVENUE FUND 9330 MANUFACTURERS LiFE INiU~ANOE COMPANY 6~27 1,420.36 REVENUE FUND 1.71 dUNS !0, !966 PUBL~C~TY FUND 21882 BOY,TON 437.63 GENERAL FUND 1AMD08 BOVNTON CITY FEDERAL CREOIT UN~ON 297.50 14009 CiTY OF BOYNTcN BEAON (PAYROLL FUND) 11,371.88 14o10 CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH (WATEM DEPARTMENT) 2,331.25 1357 ' ' ' '~ {GE~R~A~ FUNO) 846.74 WATER REVENUE FUND 14,847~37 9331 9332 9333 9335 9336 9337 9338 C~TY OF 8OYNT8~ BEAON (PAYROLL FUNO) 2,I51.64 ~ ~ = " (GENERAL FUNO) 666.67 DAVt~ O~KEE~E 3.00 FRAN~ CILUZZi 1o60 HENRY $, BAN~S ~I0 F~RST FEg~REL $~ViNGS & LOAN AES)ClAT~ON I~60 2~830~32 PAYMENTS MADE iN JUNE 1966 (CONT) JUNE 7, 1966 JURE 8~ 1966 WATER REVENUE FUND 9320 9321 9322 9323 9324 9325 9326 SEWER 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 REVENUE FUND ALLIED C~LDRINE ~ CNEMICAL PRODUCTS~ FLORIDA POWER ~ LIGHT COMPANy PRECISION LASORATORY 18.49 257.2o 22.62 102.30 4,75 6.00 425,86 128.60 355-51 45.00 24.50 39.00 592.6I GENERAL 13982 13983 13984 13985' 13986 13987 13988 13989. 1399o 13991~ 13992, 13993 13994 13995. 13996 13997 WATER 9327 9328 9329 FUND ALLEN CREM!CAL COMPAny A~ERIOAN PUmLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION DEMARCO T~AOTOR & [~PLEMENT COMPANY DISPLAY ARTS~ IMCo RD L. GRSMMO~S PRiNTinG HALSEY ~ GRIFF~TR~ INC. REVENUE FUND ADAMS CREVROLET COMPANy 26.00 4.10 21.64 177.89 38.85 91 .O0 2.50 12.95 31-35 4.92 73.25 16.50 1~.6o ~5.75 1.00 7.28 2.60 45~o 55.38 2,457.67 PAYFIENTS MADE ~N JUNE 1966 (CONT) JUNE 3, 1966 SEWER REVENUE FUND 1338 CITY OF BOTNTON BEACH (PAYROLL FUND) 600.21 1341 FLORtDA POWER & LISNT COMPANY 291.t7 1342 Roczm TNEVOR 3.00 1343 FLA. WATER & SEWACE WORK~ 0PR. ASSR, REGION ~6 27.00 WATER DEPOS!TORS FUND 1,33i.68 6539 A0C0UNT O~ ROGER TRZVeR 7.50 6542 ACCOUNT ~F CATHERINE GARNSEY 7.~0 6543 ACCOUNT OF W. Go LAS$1TER COMPANY 6545 PAUL NA~R~N~TON ~O.OO PUBLICITY FUND 48.68 JUN~ 6, 1966 SEWAGE DEPOSIT FUND 309 ACCOUNT OF ROCZR GENERAL FUND 13974 JOSEPH HUMPHREY 7°00 15.61 23.95 15,603.96 SEWER REVENUE FUND 1344 AUSTIN SUPPLY COMPANY JuN~ 7, 1966 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 6546 ACCOUNT OF HOMER TODD JR. GENERAL FUND 13975 ~3976 13977 13978 13979 13980 fl3981 CITY OF BDYNTON B~ACH (PETTY CASH) ~.?0 ~! ~! ~ ~ (~VAT~R DEPARTMENT) 517.70 FLORIDA POWER & LIG~T COMPANY 727.35 '~cCoY~s' LAKE WORTH WRECKING COMPANY 43.50 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY 54.40 POSTMASTER, Uo S. POST 0F~CE 28.55 1,439 o 20 47.06 dUNE 1~ 1966 JUNE 2, 1966 JUNE 3, 1966 PAYMENTS MADE )N JUNE 1966 (CONT) SEWAGE DEPOSIT FUND FiREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION FUND 21643 CHARLES S~NIOm ...... 7.00 28.50 GENERAL FUND 13963 CITY OF BOYNTON B~AO. (PETTY CAS.) 13964 dEmR~ Ro HUON$ON~ LANDSOAPE ARC. IT~CT WATER REVENUE FUND 9311 CITY CF BOYNTON BEAON (PETTY CASH) 76.29 276~29 14,48 SEWER REVENUE FUND 1337 CITy OF BGYNTON BEACH (PETTY CAS.) 4~o0 GENERAL 13965 13966 13967 13968 13969 13970 13971 13972 13973 FUND CITY OF BOVMTON BEACH (PAYROLL FUND) 5,109.79 ~ ~ ~ '~ (WATE~ DEPARTMENT) 13~.20 FLORIOA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY 4,410.61 POSTMAOTE~, U. S. Pest 0~FleE 32.10 GAH~[N STO~[ 421.25 CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH (PETTY CASH) 150.OO 10~446.60 WATER REVENUE FUND 9312 C~TY OF BOYNTON BEACH (PAYROLL 9313 POOTMASTERt U, S. POST OFFICE 9314 FLGRI~A POWE~ & LIGHT COMPANy 9315 F:-L~OSTMASTER$ U* S* POST 0FF~CE 9316 Ro~E~ T~VOR 9318 9319 1,170.11 93.00 2~313o54 58.00 2.70 2.8o W. G. LASSlTER COMPANy~ ING~ 1.85 8,495.12 294.77 PAVIqENTS HADE IN JUNE 1966 1966 GENERAL 13948 139~9 139.50 13951 13952 13953 13954 13955 13956 13957 13958 13959 1396o 13961 13962 WATER 93O2 9303 9304 9305 9307 9308 9309 931o SEWER 1336 1340 WATER 6529 6530 6531 6532 6533 6534 6935 6536 6537 6538 FUND FIRST BAHK OF BOYNTOH BEACH GENS MOORE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH (PETTY CASH) REVENUE FUND HARRY ~YERS GENE MOOR[ NEPTUNE ~STER COMPANY ~AOo HENRY THOMPSON PEARL ~UNCY REVENUE FUND WILL~AM R~ DEPOSITORS FUND ACCOSNT OF ~ARRY ~Y[R$ ACCOUNT OF ALLAN ~ASON ACCOUNT OF ~RS. HENRY THOMPSON ACCOUNT OF JOHN J. OLIVER ~ATTHEW ~ILSOH ACCOUNT OF ELEANOR ~SSELL 4,046.20 514o33 2~6o66 132.00 83.34 56.63 e~.O1 135.39 14.23 22.01 5o.5'2 37.25 58.1~- 5,4O0.55 4.00 24°O0 4t.66 2,895.60 2.70 .7o 6°00 975.36 5.30 3°40 8.70 7,5o 7.5o 7.50 7.50 7~5o 7~5o 7.5o 7.5o 7.50 7.50