Minutes 12-15-16
ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2016, AT 6:00 P.M.
Dr. Stephanie Hayden, Vice Chair Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Carol Lundquist
Valencia Spells Anderson
Angelica Nevin
Alana Thomas, Student Reg. Voting Member
Dariana Rodriguez, Student Reg. Non-Voting Member
(arrived 6:21 p.m.)
Dr. Tiffany North, Chair
Lori Wilkinson
Hattie Miller
Kathleen Wilkinson, Student Reg. Voting Member
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. Roll call was taken.
II. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silent Reflection
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment of
Self-introductions were made.
III. Approval of Minutes of September 22, 2016
The minutes were not available.
IV. Approval of Minutes of October 27, 2016
The minutes were not available.
Ms. Claude added the minutes of the November 12,2016, workshop to the agenda as
the minutes were circulated to the members.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida December 15, 2016
Ms. Thomas moved to approve the November minutes. Ms. Lundquist seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
III. Approval of Agenda
Ms. Nevin moved to approve the agenda as amended with the November minutes. Ms.
Spells Anderson seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
IV. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence
Ms. Claude advised she sent a letter with a check for $500 to Freedom Shores
Elementary School. The Board approved the expenditure at the September meeting for
the SECME program. She read the letter.
Dr. Hayden did not know if the Board gave a donation for football for Boynton Beach
High School and commented one of its athletes received the Heisman. She thought it
would be nice to see if the Board made donations to the football team and he could
attend a board meeting, as the team benefited from the donation. It was noted the
Board had only made one donation to the Department.
V. Public Audience None
VI. New Business None
VII. Old Business
A. Board Retreat/Fundraising
Ms. Lundquist thought a lot of good things were discussed during the retreat and they
had discussed selling items at the holiday parade. Ms. Nevin noted during the retreat,
the members thought of new initiatives for fundraising for the Board and its different
accounts. One came to fruition quickly and they were extremely well supported by the
City to sell water, Capri Sun and snacks at the holiday parade. They received positive
feedback from the community. She did not know how much was raised, but commented
it was a positive experience. She thanked all from the City for their assistance
gathering ice, delivering the golf cart and decorating it as it far surpassed their
expectations. Ms. Nevin explained once Seacrest Boulevard was closed, they drove up
and down the parade route. She thanked Lori Wilkinson for her idea to tail the parade
and engage the community. Dr. Hayden commended Ms. Claude, Ms. Nevin, Lori
Wilkerson, as they did a great job.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida December 15, 2016
B. Account Expenditure Review
Ms. Claude advised the Board made $193 selling beverages at the parade and she
recorded the money under the Borovy Account. The Board could move the funds to
Community Contributions or elsewhere. She had a handout she distributed to the
members pointing out the last page showed the funds that were taken out and put in.
Ms. Nevin commented when they were fundraising, she and Lori Wilkerson had
indicated they were going to the scholarship fund. She favored keeping the funds in the
scholarship fund.
C. Youth Volunteer Bank/Bob Borovy Award
Ms. Lundquist asked if a lot of youth were signing up for the Youth Volunteer Bank and
learned they were not and they were not actively soliciting the program. It is up to the
Board if they want to publicize it. Dr. Hayden noted the retreat minutes discussed ways
to publicize the Volunteer Bank if it seems like it is not attracting youth. Ms. Claude
asked if the Board wanted to keep it as a priority.
Dr. Hayden asked if testimonials could be posted on Facebook to say how the Borovy
Award has helped them. Ms. Claude explained they were two separate programs. She
asks the last year’s winner to be a judge and agreed to ask for a comment. It was noted
volunteerism is still a requirement for graduation and the volunteer bank is for any child
at any age. It is just getting them to log hours and Ms. Spells Anderson did not know if
a lot of students want to go above and beyond what they are required to do for school.
Ms. Claude explained the program has been in existence before 1999 and the Board
has to determine the value of the program, value to the community and if it was
something the Board wanted to focus on. Over the years, different boards have
considered giving semi-annual recognition, and going to the schools. Some initiatives
can reach the end of a useful life, but the Board has to examine the goals of the
(Darianna Rodriguez arrived at 6:21p.m.)
Dr. Hayden thought civic engagement was good and needed and this was something to
consider. Ms. Spells Anderson thought the issue should be tabled to ensure all could
provide input. Ms. Nevin requested Ms. Claude send the members the information she
has to-date so they could all be familiar with the issue before discussion. Ms. Lundquist
asked if some schools support volunteerism more than others.
Ms. Claude explained for a few years they had a parent open house day at Poinciana
Elementary School so they received many forms from them. If someone goes to
different schools then they receive applications for those schools. If a student and
parent fill out the application, they get a welcome letter from Ms. Claude and then they
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida December 15, 2016
do not hear from the student until it is time to turn in hours. The Board should consider
if a certificate and recognition from the City Commission at a meeting is enough
Ms. Lundquist suggested calling the volunteer during the school year and reminding
them they signed up for the program and they hoped they are doing well as it may
prompt the student to do more. Ms. Claude has their email addresses and it would not
be difficult to contact them. Ms. Nevin thought this item should be added to the next
agenda so the members can bring back recommendations and then vote. Ms. Claude
explained there is a brochure, and she has a list over the years of how many students
turned in hours and a running total of the hours. She could forward the spreadsheet
showing what ages and schools participated, although it has been a while since she
added volunteers to the database. Ms. Lundquist requested receiving the form by email
so she could make copies to distribute.
VIII. Future Meeting Dates:
January 26, 2017
February 23, 2017
If members cannot make the meeting, they should notify the Clerk’s Office.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Lundquist moved to adjourn. Ms.
Rodriguez seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:27 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist