FLORIDA, JULY 5, 1966 at 7:30 P.M.
~alter A. Ladsen, ~yor
Frank McCoy~ Jr., Vice ~or
Charles N. Boos, Counc~lm~.n
Gilbert Collins, Counci]~n
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Gene Moore, City Attorney
Robert Carnahan, City Engineer
William Altan, Tax assessor
J. All tson
F. T. Kain
The meeting was called to order by Mayor ~Z~dsen at 7:30 P,M. The invo-
cation was given by Rew Henry Jarvis, Southside Baptist Church a~ the
Flag Salute was led by Mr. Charles Boos.
Members of the Retired Citizen's Committee were recognized as follows:
Mr. Bernard Vetter, ~. Charles Alden, N~s. Jean Pipes, N~. B, A. Mosling,
Mr. Ivan Korp~n, and Mr~ ~eo~ge Wo Carl~o
Mr, Vetter gave a report on the trip to Clearwater by members of the
Senior Citizen's Committee and stated he was very impressed by their
program and felt if this type of program is followed through here that
the very best qualified people are needed to direct the organiZation.
The new P~blic ~orks Director.,.~ N~. Robert J. Richardson, was introduced.
Mr. Madsen stated that ~. Banks is still out of town on vacation andMr.
Kain is on vacation. ~. Carnahan and Mr. Allan were present to assist.
Past N~yor ~honey w~s recognized ~n the audience.
~. Boos moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of June 20, 1966
and the ndnutes of the special meeting of June 27, 1966 be accepted.
Mr, McCoy seconded and i~ wa~un~ni~ous~y carrie~o
Report by City Attorne~y on fillin~ of Lots 53 & 5&~ Dewey's S/D
}~r. Moore reported that this matter was deferred for two weeks since
the last meeting. He stated he has been in touch with the local repre-
sentative of the owners and that they are still looking into the possi-
bility of filling this property by dredging which is cheaper than land
fill. >~. Moors recommended another two week's extension and hoped
to have something more taugible to report at that time.
Regtular City Cotuacil Meeting
July 5, 1966
Paving of ~ortion of S.E. 2~rd Avenue
The low bid on this work was submitted by Hardrives of Delray, Inc. in
the amount of $9,021.50 and ~M. Carnahan stated the unit prices are well
in line on the construction costs.
Mr. Moore stated that this could be worked out under the bond issue since
this work is tbs result of repairs because of the tearing up of the
streets and it was recommended that it be left up to FLr. KaS_u to allocate
what portion of the $9,021~5Owill come out of the water and sewer fund.
t~r. McCoy moved to award the bid to Hardrives of Delray, Inc., in the
amount of $9,O21,50 and to leave it up to ~. Kainto allocate what
portion of that amount will'come out of the water and sewer funds.
Boos seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Cemetery Ymorovements
Mr. 1,Ladsen noted a memo from Mr. Carnahan stating he would prefer not to
make a dec ision on this work tonite because the low bid is approx~m~.tely
$3,500 more than is available for this job.
lit. Boos stated that for two years Council has been trying hard to get
this cemetery looking differently. He said he would rather see the
program progress as far as it could and have Council consider some of
these things, rather than hold ~pthe ~a~tire job.
Mr. ~Coy moved to table this until the ne~b meetiug. Mr. Collins
seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Mr. ~dsen noted that Mr. Kainwill be back July l2th and a s~cial
meeting could be c~]led to expedite this matter if necessary.
~s. Edythe Hood came forward and read a statement concerning the rein-
statement of Edward Swank as Chief of Police. She submitted signed
oetitions to this effect for approval and action of Council.
Mr. Madsen stated that nothing is to be done about the job of Chief of
Police until the middle of the month when lir. Kain returns. Mr. ~dsen
stated that 1~. Swank was a hardworking and conscientious employee and
there is not a thing detrimental to be said against him, but the law
had been incorporated on the age situation, which disqualifies h~m.
Regular City Council Meeting
July 5:1966
Col. Albert ~ehrell came forward and commended the Council for the
spadework done on the Capital ImDrovement Program. He stated the fire
station, storm dr~e and street repairs are badly needed and favors
the pay-as-you-go program°
Mr, ~,4~dsen recognized ~[r. Paul Halenda, Chairman of the Retired Citizen's
Pr0ct~ation - declaring July 9 as South Palm Beach County Soap Box Derby
Day in Boynton Beach .
~Lrs. Padgett read the Proclamation declaring July 9, 1966 as South Palm
Beach County Soap Box Derby Day in Boynton Beach.
Letter to R. E. Carnahan from C~tyManaEer
~WLrs. Padgett read a letter from Mr. Kain commending ~. Carnahan on his
accomplishments in the past year as Public l~[orks Director as well as being
in charge of the Building Department.
l~. Boos moved to accept this letter of commendation as a matter of file.
Mr. McCoy seconded and it was ~uanimously carried.
Consider__request of Horizons South, Inc. -. for exchange of easement
~r. Moore stated that this is a request from the developers of Sterling
Village. In connection with the installation of the original sewer system
when the property was undeveloped, there was an easement several hundred
feet east of U.S. I running north through the old Catholic Church property
and in connection with the development of the property, it became
apparent that they needed to move the easement approximately 200' east
and this removal has been accomplished at the cost of the developer. Y~.
Moore recommended that this exchange of land be accomplished and approved
by the City. ~. Carnahan also recommends the relocation of the pre-
viously e~isting easement. This involves the receipt of the deed from
them ~hioh was previously executed and filed with the City Clerk to the
new location of the easement in exchange for a quit claim deed from the
city of the old location. ~Lr. Moore recommended that the ~L~yor and City
Clerk be authorized to execute the old quit claim deed.
Mr. ~Coy moved to accept the recommendation of the city attorney. Mr.
Boos seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Regular City Council Meeting
July 5, 1966
Resolution 66-HH designating City Park at comer of E. Ocean Ave. & 4th
St. as Bo~vnton Beap~h V~eterau's Memorial Park .....
~. Moore stated that they had found title to this property vested in
Palm Beach County. A deed to the city has now been executed and filed
for record, rM. Moore read Resolution 66-HH.
Mr. Boos moved for adoption of Resolution 66-HH, Nr. McCoy seconded and
it ~as unanimously carried,
~ir, ~dsen asked Mr. Richardson to have a sign made and put in that park.
~esolution 66-II - re condition of Second Ave. North a~.d~Seacrest Blvd.
Moore read Resolution 66-II urging repair of SR 804 and SR 811.
Ns. McCoy moved for adoption of Resolution 66-II. ~. Boos seconded and
it was unanimously carried.
Mr. Madsen stated that he, ~. Carnahan and Nr. Boos called on the
County Commissioners re 1-95 and at that time asked ~, Frost, County
Engineer, some questions. Ns. Frost stated that bids go out this month
on 2nd Ave. and work w~11 start in October. In answer to the question
about when they contemplate doing something about Seacrest Blvd., he
said two to four years. Mr. ~arren was asked when they ~0uld return the
$25,000 which was a~tocated for Seacrest and he stated to them that it
would be in the new budget which will be in October.
~. Boos stated that he felt this Resolution should be delivered in per-
son inasmuch as these gentlemen have had so many things on their minds
and it might be helpful if some member of this City Council would take
it to them. }~. P~dsen delegated ~. Boos to take this Resolution to
the County Camm~ssion.
Proposed Ordinance No. 66-!% - granting conditional use of Lots 27, 28,
29, D~wey S/D (On the table)
Mr. Moore stated that he is still waiting for the necessary right-of-way
deed and recommended that this matter be left on the table.
~. Boos stated he felt this gentleman should be notified that if he is
not going to get this deed, Council sho~ldbe informed.
~r. Boos inquired about the road being built in that area. Mr. Carnahan
stated that the Public k~orks Department is extending the road from 6th
to the lift station to get necessary materials to the lift station.
Regular City Council Meeting
July 5, 1966
Receiot of~66 T~x~.Roll
Mr. Allan presented the 1966 tax roll showing an assessed value of
~fr. ¥~dsen noted that this is an increase over prior years. ~Lr. Boos
stated that going back to 1959, when we had an increase of approximately
$3 mdllion,, a general trend had been to a declining increase. This
year marks s defdr~te change in the trend. He felt the city would be
in a splendid position to go ahead v~lth the C.IoP.
Mr. McCoy moved to accept the roll as presented. ~r. Collins seconded
and it was unanimously carried.
Mr. Moore stated that this roll is subject to equalization in accordance
with the Charter, and it is up to each taxpayer to find out his assess-
ment and if they want to come before the Board of Eq~lizatisn to write
a letter of objection under oath before next Monday.
Tax Collector's report on tax certificate s~e held June 9~ 1966
Mrs. Padgett read the following report:
The annual tax sale was held June 9, 1966 with six individuals partici-
pating. Tax sale certificates were issued on 217 parcels which g~ve us
100% collection on real property taxes for 1965. The breakdownbeing as
Taxes $ 9,626.70
Iuterest 288..81
Advertising 306.60
Cert. Fee 5Ao25
Total Amount Collected $10,276.36 -
The city holds 13 certificates on personal property taxes in the amount of:
T~xes $18~.~7
Interest 5.49
Advertising 18.20
~. McCoy moved to accept the tax collector's report. Mr. Boos seconded
and it was unanimously carried.
Regular City Council Meeting
July 5, 1966
Receipt of cremation certificates from Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. and
Chase Manhattan Bank
Mrs. Padgett re~l letters, copies attached, from ~Iorgan Guaranty Trust
Co. and Chase Manhattan Bank and stated that same had been checked by
the Fin~uce Department.
Mr, McCoy moved to receive the certificates and that they be made a
part of the minutes. ~Lro Boos seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Consider request of St. John Baptist Church to shell rock parking area
and block off oortion o.f Seoond St. . ~
~r. ~dsen stated that the city ~muld sell them shell rock at the same
price that it is sold to the city. He also read a letter from the Fire
Inspector which stated t~hat he felt the request to block off 2nd St.
should be denied becaUSe f~re hydrants are located in that area and fire
appargtus wo~& be ham~ered t0 get through. Mr. Madsen read a letter
from ~r, Thom~Son~ Assistant Polic~ Chief, which stated they would go
along with ~h~ request if given adVanc~ information.
Mr. McCoy stated that if this presents a fire hazard he felt the request
to block a portion of Second SS. shoold be denied and moved to deny
this request. ~,tr. Collins s~cond~d'and it was unanimously carried.
It was again stated that the city would sell them shell rock at the
price sold to the ciby and labor and equipment would be provided by tb~
city within two weeks, If,this is agreeable, the city will provide
them with equipment at no Charge for grading, etc.
Letter from Howard Riley, Jr.
~rs. Padgett read a letter from ~. Riley addressed to ~Lr. Kain dated
June 29, 1966 in answer to a request to meet with Mr. Field. Mr.
Carn~han suggested that this matter wait until 2;Lt, Kain's return.
Purchase of Fire Hose
~r. ALlan recommended purchase from East Coast Fire Equipment of 900' of
fire hose at $1.18 per foot.
~. McCoy moved for the p~rchase of 900' of fire hose, Mr, Boos seconded
and it was unanimously carried.
Regular City Council Meeting
July 5, 1966
Request for concession stand adjacent to %Yilson baseball field
Mr. Carnahan reported that due to conflict of duties, he has been unable
to prepare &uykind of study or plan on this matter and he will have
something by next meeting.
N.E. 6th Ave.
~. Carnahan noted that at the last meeting it was requested that an
estimate be made of the cost involved to resurface this entire street.
He stated the additional cost would be $818 to resurface the street
from U.S. i to the east side of the Catholic Church. Mr. 0arnahan
reco~uded that during the construction of the widening of this street
that this resurfacing be done.
Mr. Boos asked ~r. Moore to check to see if we have right-of-way of
sufficient width in this area.
Mr. Boos moved for the recommendation of city engineer subject to right-
of-way. Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried.
It was noted that ~. Moore should check the right-of-waybefore going
ahead vdth this work.
Deoartmenta! Reoorts
~. Boos moved that the departmental reports be received. Mr. McCoy
seconded and it was unanin~usly carried.
~ir. Boos again mentioned the amount of oil being used by Cruiser No. 8
and stated he felt there is a breakdown in communication between depart-
ments or somebody has little regard for spending public funds. He stated
that someway or other the maintenance department is not giving periodic
checks or not be/rig informed of the vehicle's conditions. ~. Madsen
asked ~h~. Richardson to follow through on this matter.
Mr. Madsen again noted that the motorcycle is not in operation and feels
that this vehicle can cover more ground and do a better job thanother
Board of Equalization mee~in~ set ~or Juiqv 12. 9:30 A.M.
~irs. Padgett announced the Board of Equalization meeting set for July l2,
1966, 9:30 A.M., and noted that this meeting has been advertised in the
local papers.
~Lr. Boos moved for the proper Board of Equalization meeting, July 12,
1966 at 9:30 A.M. Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carr~d.
Regular City Council Meeting
July 5, 1966
C .I.P.
}ir. Boos stated that this program is one of the entire City Council. He
said the program has been sliding for six months and feels that we
should at the earliest possible moment have a referendum according to
Mr, Kain ~s recommendation to determine how the program is to be financed
and that it should be done without further delay.
~Lr. l~dsen stated he ~ould like to wait until there is a full council
present and stated ~M, Banks will be back July 27th. PM. McCoy stated
he felt Mr. Boos should be commended on pu~ting this program together
and feels it is one that ~ill be acceptable to everyone and also the
people. He felt, however, that Mr. Banks and Mr. Kain should be allowed
t9 study the program and that Council should ~it until their return to
take action.
Mr. N~dsen said he WOuld be happy to call a meeting immediately upon
their return.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M.
Walter A. Madsen, ~yor '- ~
Frank McOoy~ Jr., Vice~
Cha~l~s/~. Boos, C~n~cilzj~
Tereesa Padgett~ity Clerk '~' ' ~ '