Walter A. Madsen, Mayor
Frank McCoy, Jr.~ Vice Mayor
J. Allison Banks, Councilman
Charles N. Boos, Councilman
Gilbert Collins, Councilman
F. T. Kain, City Manager
Gene Moore, City Attorney
Janet Petersons Deputy City Clerk
The meetin&was Galled to order by Mayor Madsen at ?:30 P.M.
The invocetion was given by Rev. Vernon Perkins, First Baptist
Church and the Flag Salute was led by Vice Mayor McCoy.
Mr. Ulrich Hallemeier, exchange student from Bochum, Germany
was introduced. Mayo~ Madsen expressed his pleasure at meet-
ing him again. Ulrich gave s short speech on his experiences
while in Boynton Beach and stated he had enjoyed his stay here
and that his time in Boynton was made most pleasant by the
Rotary Club.
Mr. Boos made a correction in the minutes of the regular
meeting of May 16~ 1966: on page 8, 5th paragraph, 12th line,
change the word 'it' to 'water'. Mr. Boos made a motion to
appz~ove the minutes as corrected. Mr. McCoy s6conded and it
was unanimously carried.
Mr. Boos made a correction in the minutes of the special
meeting of May 25, 1966: on page 3, 3rd paragraph, last
sentence. It should read '...as to just what they are asking
for.' Mr. Boos made a motion to approve the minutes as
corrected. Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Mr. Banks made a motion to approve the minutes of special
meeting June l, 1966. ¥~. Boos seconded and it was unanimously
Old Business
.Discussion on r~e: Locat±ou Child Care Center
Mr. Ksin stated that st the last meeting Council considered
s request from directors of the Child Care Center to affirm a
previous action of Council which will make city-owned lands
available on a lease ur sale basis for the construction of a
Child Care Center. Mr. Kain stated a letter had been received
from Mrs. Earley stating the purpose of the Center and that
there was inquiry as to the availability of facilities; that
is, sewers~ streets and water. Mr. Mr. Kain stated that no
extension can b~ mede of sewers to this area. He said it is
up to Co%~cll if they wish to reaffirm their statement of 1965
or make available some other lands.
Mr. Boos stated that he had a certain service club in mind that
MinutQs of Regular Council Meeting~ June ~ 1966
this type of program might~finterest and feels that if they
are properly approached that they might consider favorably
a site that has all facilities or maybe assist the city in
providing more desirable land than that under consideration.
Mr. Madsen suggested that Mr. Kain take further steps to
seek another area that may be more raadily usable and have all
~ids - ?:4~ P. M.
~all for Tenders - lq~6 Refundins Bond Issue
Mr. Kain stated that the city advertised for tenders up to
the amount of $25,000 for these bonds. Publication was made
in the local newspaper and in the Daily Bond Buyer.
Mrs. Peterson stated that no tenders were received. Mr. Ulrich
Hallemeler then drew 25 numbers as follows: 690, $7, ~6~, 328,
83, ~16, 326, 358, 558, 25, 87, 396, 560, 30, 31, 550, 116,
39~, ~70, log, 383, 370, 456, ~il, and li3. Mr. Moore stated
that a motion would be in order to have the Clerk proceed in
accordance with the bond indenture 5o notify the holders of
these bonds that the interest will be cut off and that they
should surrender the bonds for payment and~that certain adver-
tisement requxrements in the New~ork Bond Buyer and locally
too, are necessary.
Mr. McCoy made a motion to have the Clerk proceed with the
entire proceedings as stated by Mr. Moore. Mr. Banks
seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Mr. Kain
stated that Mrs. Padgett is on vacation and Mrs.
Deputy Clerk was absent because of illness in the
Mrs. Peterson was filling in as Deputy Clerk.
Eeoai~ of Gravity Sewer L~nes.
Mr. Kain explained that plans and specifications for this
work have been prepared by Russell & Axon and bids are to be
received at this meeting for this work.
There were no further bids received from the audience at this
time. Mr. Boos made a motion to open the bids. Mr. Banks
seconded and it wss unanimously carried.
~ue_fi~s~ bid_wa~.from .Inter~ou~.ty Construction Corp., Ft.
~erca±e, F±orm~a, to~al bmd mtems I through 7, $29~1~6.20.
A statement of qualifications is attached and bid bond in the
amount of 10% of bid was enclosed. Job to be completed in 90
calendar days. The second bid was from Southern Line Cleaning
Inc. Cass~lberry, Florida, total bid, $33,073.50. Bid bond'
Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, June 6, 1966
in the amount of lO~ of bid attached snd executed. Job to be
completed in 90 calendar days. Mr. Boos moved that the bid
of Intercounty Construction Corp. be accepted and work proceed.
Mr. McCoy seconded.
Mr. McCoy suggested that the bids should be tabulated and a
report made to Council in a couple of days. Mr. Kain noted
that representatives of Russell & Axon and Mr. Carnahan were
present and could check extensions~ unit prices and any statel
merits in the proposals and report back to Council.
Mr. Banks explained that his concern with the plans is the fact
that they call for going in and replacing a broken joint, then
skip and then replace another broken joint leaving the line in
between just as is and there is the possibility that Z
have to go back in and repair again, and it could be ne~t we~k.
He explained that when the joints are repaired that a new type
instrument can de~ect if there is any leakage in between points.
If any leakage does show up after the test is made that this
will be sealed with a new type of interior sealing compound
but does not assure us that the joint will not give away again
in the future just as these did. He stated that the city is
spending $30,000 repairing under an ~emergency situation and
possibly if we could look into the bids as to what we are going
to do, that we could come up with an entirely different figure
for meeting the emergency that we have now. He stated that he
felt Russell & Axon have done the best possible job under the
circumstances. Mr. Banks said he does not like to spend this
kind of money to patch this up when it could happen again.
Mr. McCoy again stated that he would like to see the bids
studied for several days. Mr. McCoy withdrew his second to the
Mr. Boos withdrew his motion.
Mr. McCoy moved that this be turned over to the engineer and
consultants for tabulation and to report back to Council. Mr.
Banks seconded and it wss unaqimously carried.
~blic Audience
Mr. Charles Senior of the Florida Power & Light Company pre-
sented the city with check No. 3131887 in the amount of
$~2.q22.62 which is the annual fraz.chise check. This check
represents 6~ of their gross earnings.
Mr. Banks stated that there has been research done ~ecently on
July Sth and it has been found that 2 P. M. in fh& aYthrnoon
was the time the Declaration of Independence was signed and
bells were ringing in Philadelphia. He asked that a Procla-
mation be issued suggesting that at 2 P. M. on July 4th all
bells in the city ~ing celebrating the time of the signing
of the Declaration of Independence.
Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, June 6, 1966
Mr. Madsen recognized Mr. John Archie. and Mr. James Mahoney,
past mayors.
Mr. Edgar Hurford and ¥~s Bertha Chadwell of the Cemetery
Board were recognized at this time.
Mr. Madsen asked Mr. Kain to write a letter of commendation to
Rev. Edgar Stauffer for his services as a member of the Plan-
ning & Zoning Board. This is to be signed by the Mayor and
council mem~ers~ .
New Business
Bequest of Mr.
Statio_ n
Barksda!e in re:Location of a Service
Mr. Kain explained that Mr. Barksdale owns property on the
south side of West Boynton Road and has approached the~~i~y for
a permit to construct a gasoline service station on this prop-
erty. He has requested a variance to enable him to construct
such a facility. However~ Chapter ll of the Code sets down
specific distance requirements between gasoline filling
stations and other types of buildings. This stipulation is
separate and apart from the zoning code. Mr. Barksdale has
asked consideration of Council by letter, of an easing of the
situation by lessening the distance requirements. Mr. Kain
stated that he could not recommend the granting of this re-
quest. It would require amend~_ng the code and reduction of
distance requirements and he felt a wide variety of cases
could be presented to Council for consideration. Mr. Kain
stated the 600' measurement is reasonable and urged Council
to maintain the Ordinance as it is.
Mr. Doughty came forward and spoke for Mr. Barksdaleo He
stated that Mr. Barksdate wanted to pursue this request to
the level as far as it can go as it will have an effect on
his lease and he can get on with his deal or call if off.
Mr. McCoy moved to deny this request. Mr. Banks seconded.
Mr. Madsen asked if anyone else wished to speak on this matter.
No one came forward to speak on this matter. Motion was unani-
mously carried.
Receipt of Petition objecting to the City's acquisition of
additional lands adjacent to the axe,tins dump site.
Mro Kain noted that the Council had, on his recommendation,
addressed a resolution to the County Commission requesting a
~=sibte dedication o£ ~ ~0 ~cre tract adjacent to the e~isting
dump ~ite. Hz-. Kain said he had received a petition from Mr.
Warren describing why the people in that area object to the use
of the site as a dump. The petition mentioned smoke, some
problem with sanitary land fill and several other things. Mr.
Kain stated that since the city has no immediate critical need
for this additional land, he would recommend that the city
defer any further action in urging conveyance of this lando
Minutes of Regular Council meeting Ju~ue 6~ 1966
Mr, Kain explained that with the plans they have now~ the
existing dump facility can be used more intensively, the north
15 acres have not been touched. The County will excavate
deeper cuts for us so that we can get more use out of the land
over the next four or five years. Mr. Kain noted that when the
dump was originally made that there were 15 fewer buildings
within a mite of the perimeter of this site and that some of
the names on the petition are living 4~miles away.
Mr. Madsen suggested that the men in charge of the dump be
told not to burn.
Mr. Kain again suggested that the city defer ~ further
request to the County and to meet with them about lands fur-
ther to the west that we might obtain.
Mc. McCoy moved that the city manager be instructed to get in
touch with Mro Warren and tell him the city does not contem-
plate any action on this and withdraw our request Mr. Banks
seconded. '
Mr. Boos noted that 20-yard packers are dumping for $2.00 per
load at a net $5.00 loss to the city. These are privately
owned garbage collectors who use our dumpy and he would like
to see a revision of the rates. Mr. Boos also noted that
garbage is not being burned; trash and trees are being burned
when the wind is in the proper direction. The refuse is being
operated on a land fill basis. Land fill is costing the city
considerably over 35¢ per yd. There are no pumps to pump the
water down and garbage goes all over everything when put in
water, He stated diggin~ a ~eeDer h~le will not help unless
you get the water out so you cen cover the garbage.
The motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Boos moved to have the dump charges reviewed by our engin-
eer and a recommendation made to the Council for proper re-
vision of the rates. Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously
Ordinance 66-1q - Second ReadinE Re: Rezoning Lots 1:2 and
Block 12 and Lots !~ 2 and 3~ Block 13~ Boynton Ridge from
R-! to C-1.
Mr. Moore
adopt Ordinance 66-13 on second and final reading.
seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Proposed Resolution 66-CC amending Resolution 62-ZZ re: turn-
on/off charge for water service
Mr. Moore read Resolution 66-CC amending Resolution 62-ZZ.
Mr. Boos moved for passage of Resolution 66-CC Mr. Banks
seconded and it was unanimously carried.
read Ordinance 66-13. Mr. Banks made a motion to
Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, June 6, 1966
~ .... g tlonal use as a Marina
Proposed Ordinance 66-14 grantin condi '
\Lots 27~ 2o and 29, Dewey's S/D
~Mro $anks moved ~at.~s item be tabled at this time until
~ further information is provided. A deed ~as been requested
~f0r rights-of-way which ~as not been.received yet. Mr. Boos
~s,ecanded and it was un~u~mously carried.
Resolution 66-DD appointing Lewie S. Hunter Superintendent of
_~bl~c Works
Mr. Moome read Resolution 66-DD. Mr. McCoy moved for adoption
of Resolution 66-DD. Mr. Banks seconded and it was unanimous-~
ly carried~
Appointment of Additional Alternate Members ~o Board of Adjust-
Mr. Banks submitted the name of Mr. Vince Earley and stated
that he has agreed to serve. Mr. Boos submitted the names of
Mr. Don Besecker and Mr. Gill Dresser.
Mr. Boos moved that Mr. Vince Earley, Mr. Don Besecker and
Mr. Gill Dresser serve as alternate members to the Board of
Adjustment. The appointments ~o serve at pleasure of Council.
Mr. Banks seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Appointment to fill vacancy on Parks and Recreation Board
~aused by the resi~natioD of Mr. Kay
Mr. McCoy moved to appoint Mr. Joe Har~ for appointment to
fill the va_~ncy on the Parks and Recreation Board. Mr. Banks
seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Appointment to fill vacancy on Planning & Zoning Bcard caused
~y the resignation of Rev. Edgar Stauffer
Mr. McCoy moved to appoint Mr. Eugene Cooper to serve on the
Planning & Zoning Board. Mr. Boos seconded and it was unan-
imously carried.
Representstives of Russell & Axon stated that they had con-
tacted Mr. Vanditti of.Intercounty Construction .Corp. and
scheduled a meeting for sometime after 9 A. M. in the morning~
J~mue 7, 1966~ to clarify some questions.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P~ M.
~ Council Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 6, 1966
alter A. Madsen, Ma~or --
rank McCoy,J~o, j~or~
ereesa a~tt
City Clerk
J. Allison Banks, Councilman
Charles N. Boos, Councilman
Gilbert Collins, Councilman