Minutes 05-25-66Minutes of Special Meeting of City Council, held in City Hall,
Boynton Beach, Florida, May 25, 1966 at 7:30 P.M.
Walter A. Madsen~ Mayor
Frank McCoy~ Jr., Vice Mayor
J. Allison Banks, Councilman
Charles N. Boos, Councilman
Gilbert Collins, Councilman
F. T. Kain, City Manager
Tereesa Padgett~ City Clerk
Gene Moore, City Attorney
Mayor Madsen called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
S~ewer Construction Bills
Bumby & StimQson, Inc.
Mr. Kain explained that the construction work and cleanup are
now complete and disbursement of the final holdback of $5,000
is recommended. In addition, this final payment contains a
reconciliation agreement to cover three authorized changes
which were made during the process of this work,
This is Change Order ~/6. ~ionmes for this payment are avail-
able in the sanitary sewer construction fund.
Mr. Boos moved for the payment of this bill as recommended.
Mr. Banks seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Whitmire-Mock Sanitary Sewer Systems $31,580.96
(National Construction. Inc.)
Mr. Kain explained that all of this sewer system work has been
completed and ~s acceptable. It is recommended that $5,000 be
retained from this final payment to assure the balance of
several cleanup items. Payment of $26,580.96 is recommended.
Monies for this payment are available in the sanitary sewer
construction fund.
Mr. McCoy moved for payment of this bill as recommended.
Boos seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Advertisins for Bids for Rolling Green Ridze Sewer ReDair Work
Mr. Kain explained tha5 the short form consracs plans and
specifications have been prepared by Russell & Axon for this
repair work. A number of contractors have already picked up
materials for this job~ however, in accordance with our
regulations, formal advertisement should be made. Mr. Kain
recommended that advertisement be published on May 26 and
Special' Meeting of City Council
May 2~, 1966
June 2, and that the bids be received at the regular meeting
of Jun~ 6.
Mr. McCoy moved to follow the recommendation of the city
manager that advertisement be published on May 26 and June 2,
and that the bids be received at the regular meeting of June
6. Mr. Banks seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Resurfacin~ Program
Mr. Kain recommended that the following streets be authorized
for resurfacing under our annual contract which is presently
held with Rubin Construction Co.:
A. S.E. 21st Avenue from Seacrest Blvd. to S.E. 2nd St.
B. S.E. 22nd Avenue from Seacrest Blvd. to S.E. 2nd St.
Co S.E. 1st St. from S.E. 23rd Ave. to S.E. 21st Ave.
D. S.E. 2nd St. from S.E. 23rd Ave. to S.E. 21st Ave.
Mr. Boos asked why the repair work on S.E. 23rd Avenue could
not be done under this contract. Mr. Kain explained that this
is s different ~ype of work and also that the work on 23rd Ave.
is a bid item and the others are not, they are a contract
Mr. Boos moved to follow the recommendation of the city
manager to authorize the resurfacing of the recommended
Mr. Banks seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Reconstruction and repair work - S. E. 2%rd Ava
Mr. Kain explained that the plans and specifications for the
repair and reconstruction of S. E. 23rd Ave. have been com-
pleted and submitted by K. C. Mock and Associates. Mr. Kain
recommended that advertisement be published for bids for
this work on June 2 and 9 and that the bids be received at
the regular meeting of June 20.
Mr. McCoy moved for the advertisement to be published as
recommended by the city manager. Mr. Banks seconded.
Mr. Boos asked if the part being resurfaced had been widened
to a standard. M~. Kain explained that it had been widened
at the poorest point about 8 inches, that there is a problem
of right-of-way acquisition. Mr~ Moore stated that the city
has gotten as much available right-of-way gratuitously as
possible. Mr. Boos stated that if all possibilities to get
Special Meeting of City Council
May 2~, 1966
these rights-of-way gratuitiously have been exhausted that
the work should proceed, but he did not want to see it done
substandard. Mro Kain explained that what is being done is
to build a street which is in very bad condition right now and
correcting only the minor problems, and that we are trying
to do this based on an economy Type operation.
Motion was un~uimously carried. Mr. Moore stated that the
Building Department could be asked to set a proposed right-
of-way for building set-bsck purposes through there for pro-
jected right-of-way purposes to avoid any more encroachments.
Bovnton Beach Child Care Center, Inc. - Site Donation
Mr~ Kain explained that on August 6, 1965~ the City Council
approved the donation or lease of approximately 20~2~0 square
feet of land to be used for a permanent building to house the
Child Care Center. The Board of Directors of the Boynton
Beach Child Care Center, Inc. have requested reaffirmation
of this statement by the City Council. Mr. Madsen suggested
that this item be tabled until more information is furnished
as~just what they asking.
Mr. Banks made a motion to have the city attorney draw up a
resolution stating that this site is being leased to them.
This motion died for a lack of a second. It was again
suggested that this be brought up at the first council meet-
ing in June. ¥~. Boos stated that he would like to have Mr.
Kain write these people to express the feeling of the council
that they do w~sh to encourage them in this project and would
like to see some sort of plan and have some idea of what they
are planning.
~erminal Pay - Michael J. Etromic~
Mr. Madsen stated that he requested Mr. Kain give Chief
Stromick severance pay. Mr. Kain stated that in the past on
three occasions, the Council has authorized terminal pay for
department heads who left city employment, This has not
been considered an established policy, and that no precedent
was set by these grants. He stated that he felt each case
should be treated spearately. Mr. Kain recommended favorable
consideration of a grant of two weeks salary as severance pay
for Chief Stromick in view of his services to the city since
Special Meeting of City Council
May 2~, 1~66
Mr. Boos moved for the 9cceptance of the resignation of
Michael Stromick as police chie~ ~ud to grant him.two weeks .
salary as severance pay. Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unani-
mously carried.
Cemet~ry_I. morovements
Mr. Kain explained that Mr. Hug~son has prepared final plans
and specifications for this cemetery improvement, and recom-
mended that a call for bids on this work be advertised on
June 2 and 9 and that the bids bs received at the regular
meeting of June 20.
Mr. Banks moved to follow the recommendation of the city
manager. Mr. McCoy seconded and it w~s unanimously carried.
Employee Pension Pro,ram
Mr. Kain noted that because of the complexity and wide variety
of plans which may be offered for employee pensions, he would
like to recommend to council that Dro William Mo Howard.
Professor of Insurance at the University of Florida, be'in-
vited to meet with council in order ths~ he may present
possible methods ~f e~abl~shing specifications for a pension
program and also ~or ~ne establishment of such a plan.
Mr. Boos moved to invite D~. Hgwgrd to meet with Council. Mr.
McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Classification and Pay Pla~
Mr. Kain noted that it is becoming ~ncreasingly apparent
that the present pay plan and classification system is in
much need of revision. He feels that professional advice
is needed in es~ablishin~ a new pay ~ystem. Mr. Kain stated
~hat he would like Council,s permission to contact firms that
~o this work and to receive propSsals from them as to what
work they would recommend~ and a~so to obtain
cgsts of this work. Monies were budgeted
p±an adjustments and he feels that this should be done in ad-
vance of the budget year.
Mr. McCoy moved to give Mr. Kain permission to contact firms
that do this work. Mr. Banks seconded.
Mr. Boos asked what kind of money we are talking about for
such a plan. Mr. Kain svaBed he zhought it would be about
Special Meeting of City
May 25, 1966
$1500 to $1800 and if it is more, that a modified study could
be made.
Motion was unanimously carried.
Ulrich Hallemeier
Mr. Kain stated he would like to request that Council invite
Ulrich Hallemeier to attend the regular Council Meeting of
June 6. Mr. Kain noted that Ulrich is an exchange student
from the city of Bochum, West Germany, and has lived in our
community since August of last year and will return home the
lan~er part of June. Council unanimously agreed that he
should be written to and invited to the meeting of June 6.
Mr. Banks suggested that he be asked to give his impression
of our city and his experiences here. Mr. Boos stated that
he felt the invitation should be from the ~yor.
,,Special Meetin~ - June
Mr. Kain recommended that a special meeting be called for
Wednesday, June l~ at 7:30 P.M. in order to recognize the
members of the school patrol. The program will be conducted
by Police Officer Gatlin, who has suggested that this event
be a memorial to the late Mr. Dick Johnson. Council unani-
mously agreed to call this special meeting.
Site of Old Methodist Parsonage
Mr. Kain explained that Rev. Stauffer has informed the city
that they have no further use for this building. Mr. Kain
received a bid from Big Chief of Ft. Lauderdale in the amount
of $3~g to demolish and clear the site. This is an item
which can be provided from the contingency fund. Mr. Kain
recommended execution of the contract with Big Chief and have
them proceed with the work.
Mr. McCoy moved for the acceptance of the city manager's
recommendation. Mr. Banks seconded and it was unanimously
Board of AdjusTment Membership
Mr. Kain recommended that Council consider the appointment of
additional alternate members to the Board of Adjustment.
According to ~he code, five members ~re needed at every meeting
and, of the fmve, a 4/g vote is requmred for approval of any
Special Meeting of City Council
May 25, 1966
request coming before the Board. Because of absences, the
decision of this Board has been delayed several times in the
past. Council was requested to present the names of three
more alternates at the next meeting.
ConsideraDion of ReQuest of Jean C. Cottril]
M~. Kain explained that Mrs. Cottrill has requested the clos-
ing of an alley in Block 2 of Boynton Place. By the pro-
visions of Resolution 62-U, these matters are to go before
the Planning and Zoning Board, and a $~0 fee is charged to
cover administrative costs. This Resolution was adopted
March 19, 1962. On June 6, 1961~ the Cottrills had requested
abandonment of this alley and council indicated this would be
considered after the wa~er program was completed. Mr. Kain
recommended that the fee be waived since this request was in
before the adoption of the Resolution in question, but that
the process of going to the Planning and Zoning Board be
maintained and the request be processed accordingly.
Mr. Boos moved to follow the recommendation of the city
manager. Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Sanitary Sewer Construction WorR
Mr. Kain explained that tentative plans were submitted to
Council by Russell & Axon for the balance of sanitary sewer
construction work. Mr. Kain suggested that a meeting be
set up with Russell & Axon to decide which areas will be
sewered to complete this present program. Mr. Kain explained
that he had picked out five sections, lC, 2B1, 2BB~ 3B, and
lOA, that would total approximately $80,90? and still hold an
amount approximately~ $25~000 to $35,000, tn reserve for
additional extensions at a later date. Council agreed to have
Mr. Kain set up a meeting with Russell & Axon for June i after
the special meeting.
Memorial Day Proclamation
Mr. Kain read a Proclamation declaring May 30, 1966, Memorial
Day, a legal holiday.
Resolution 66-Z-re: Authorizing City to convey to State of
Florida requested right-of-way so they can
... oroceed with construction of SR 80~
Mr. Kain explained that he had a City Deed conveying rights-
of-way to the State of Florida which the city has acquired
Special Meeting
May 25, 1966
of City Council
but the State has not on State Road 80~. The State is re-
questing this conveyance so that they can proceed with con-
struction in that area between 1-95 and U.S. 1.
Mr. McCoy moved for adoption of Resolution 66-Z. Mr. Banks
seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Resolution 66-AA re: Interchanges and Grade Level Crossings
for I-9~
Mr. Moore read Resolution 66-AA requesting interchanges at
SW l~th Avenue, N.W. 2nd Avenue and N.W. 17th Ave.~ grade
separations at S.W. 23rd Ave., Ocean Ave., and Miner Road.
Mr. McCoy moved for adoption of Resolution 66-AA. Mr, Banks
seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Ooenin~ of N.E. 6th Street
Mr. Boos asked Mr. Moore if he was proceeding with getting
right-of-way on N. E. 6th Street. Mr. Moore said that nego-
tiations had been reopened with Mr. Lyman. Mr. Boos noted
that if it is necessary to go in there and condemn, then it
should be done so that 2nd Ave. can be opened up. Mr. Moore
stated that the 50' right-of-way would be rather costly and
suggested going for 2~' on the north half now. Mr. Boos
noted an appraisal was made on this property last year.
Mr. Boos moved that whatever proceedings are necessary be en-
gaged in without delay to open up N. E. 6th Street from Casa
Loma to 2nd Avenue. Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously
Mr. Boos noted a letter from Mr. Hawkins recommending an in-
crease in connection charge from $1.00 to $3.00. Mr. Kain
recommended this change in the flat charge noting that it
would be a simple turn-on or a reconnection, and which~ould
require the amendment of Resolution 62-ZZ.
Mr. Boos moved that the recommendation of Mr. Kain be acted
on to have a flat charge of $3.00 for reconnection and to
amend Resolution 62-ZZ accordingly. Mr. McCoy seconded and
it was unanimously carried.
Mr. Boos noted another letter from Mr. Hawkins recommending
the consideration of a new employee to figure discounts on
the bills. ~. Boos suggested modernizing the machinery and
equipment rather than consider a new employee. He asked Mr.
Special Meeting of City Council
May 2~, 1966
Kain to check on this item and report back to Council.
Mr. Boos noted a letter from the Palm Beach County Health
Department re: water pollution problem from boats docked at
the marina. Mr. Boos asked for Mr~ Kain's recommendation on
this problem. Mr. Kain stated that he was not prepared to
make one at this time. He stated he had made inquiry to the
Health Department and is going to study the problem further
as no how best to meet these needs.
Mr. Boos stated that some action will have to be taken rela-
tive to zoning to implemen~ the Municipal Center Project Plan.
He stated that in due time this area should be zoned for
public use, and if it is .done now it will not run into pro-
digious costa at a later date for acquiring land we know we
have to have for public use.
Mr. Boos moved for the city to initiate a program to investi-
gate the possible methods to acquire title and reserving the
utilization for future governmental use of the following des-
cribed property:
Block 14, Sawyer's Addition - Block 17 Shephard-Funk
Addition and the block City Hall is presently
located on which is bounded on the south by Ocean
Ave.~ on the north by N.E. 3rd Ave.~ on the west by
Seacres~ Blvd.~ and on the east by N.E. 1st St.
Mr. Banks seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Mr. Banks suggested that Mr. Madsen, Mr. McCoy and Mr. Kain
attend a meeting of the Tri-County League~ June 4 in Holly-
wood. If anyone of these persons cannot go, to appoint
somebody else to attend. Mr. Banks explained that the
program will concern a rapid transit system and that this
will be a part of the ~lanning of this Planning Committee
of the County when it ms organized and will be of good use
to us in the near future. Mr. Kain was instructed to answer
this letter stating that four members were going to attend.
Special Meeting of City CoUncil
May 2~, 1966
Mr. Madsen noted a letter from Mr. Phil O~Connet! requesting
ettendance of members of council to discuss the P.G.A.
Championship next year. Mr. Banks said he would attend the
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M.
Walter A. Madsen, Mayor
~Frank McCoy, J .~_e~Mayor
//A~lison Banks~, Councilman
Attest: i , ,~ ~ '
~Tc~cccz ~ a~gc~ ~, City Clerk~