Minutes 05-16-66Minutes of Regular Meeting of City Council, Boynton Beach, Florida,
held in City Hall, May 16, 1966 at 7:30 P.M.
Walter A. Madsen, Mayor
Prank McCoy~ Jr., Vice Mayor
J. Allison B~aks, Councilman
Charles N. Boos: Councilman
Gilbert Collins: Councit~n
F. T. Kain, City Manager
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Gene Moore, City Attorney
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Madsen at 7:30 P.M. The
Lnvocation was given by Reverend Willard Thrash, First Baptist
Church, and the Flag Salute was led byMms. Tereesa Padgett.
Mr. Madsen gave recognition to former mayor, James Mahone¥.
Recognition was also given members of the BuildLng Board. These
members are as follows: Howard MallOry, William Q. Hays, Henry
ThomDson~ Lou Samyn~ Leonard Nylund, Clyde Worretl and Harold
Mr. Boos noted the following corrections to be made in the minutes
of Special Meeting of ~y 4~ 1966: on page 1~ 5rd paragraph~ 7th
line, change "...for payment of bond~ to ~...for payment on bonds".
Also in the 4th paragraph~ 2nd line~ change the word ~legal" to
"counsel~. Mr. Boos moved that the minutes of the Regular
Meeting and minutes of the Special Meeting be accepted with the
above corrections. Mr. Banks seconded and it was unanimously
Presentation o~ 1-95 Development Plans -Dirck Grootenboe%
Mr. Grootenboer outlined several items for possible consideration
by the council in connection with the 1-95 development. He
stated that at 23rd Avenue ~here will be a grade separation; at
tSth Avenue, South~ there will be an interchange which will be a
diamond-type interchange; there will be an interchange at 2nd
Avenue which will be a combination horseshoe and diamond inter-
change because of the Junior High School location. At Ocean
Avenue there is no definite plan as yet. It looks like the Road
Department wants to shut it off at 1-95. Mr. Grootenboer
sugges~d that council go on record as being for a continua tion
o~ Ocean Avenue. Plans are being submitted for a grade separation
at t7th Avenue. ~4r. Grootenboer said that there should be some
sot= of commitment for the extension of 17th Avenue westward to
Congress. A grade separation is planned for Miner Road and this
Regular City Council Meeting
~iay 16 ~ 1966
road should he extended to Congress. Mr. Grootenboer stated that
1-95 will be a raised road and wilt bisect the city north and
south, and if these roads do not go through it will slow the
development of the community. Mr. Grootenboer stated that a
resolution should be made and sent to the county recommending
these items and also to the S~ate Road Department.
Mr. Boos moved that the city attorney be ~nst~ucted to prepare
the recommendatior~s of Mr. Grootenboer in proper resolution form
and se~d it to the County and the State Road Department. Mr.
Moore noted that rights-of-way should be obtained on N. W. 17th
Avenue as this would be necessary before this road could be cnn-
tinued westm.~ard. Mr. Boos stated tD~t Mr. Fields indicated to
him that he wougd pay $20,000 ~or extending N.W. 17th Avenue
west%~ard and that this information should be given to the High-
way Department.
Mr. Banks seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried.
There was no one that spoke at this time.
Consider request of Chamber of Commerce re "Veterans' Memorial
By a letter of Mqy $~ the Chamber of Commerce requested that the
City of Boynton Beach consider naming the park at the corner of
Ocean Avenue and N.E. 4th Street ~'Veterans' Memorial Park
Kain stored that since no n~me apparently has ever been given
to this park that it is recommended that the pequest be re-
ceived favorably.
Mr. Banks made s motion to have the city attorney and city clerk
check into all legal aspects o~ this property to determine owner-
ship and ~ title is clear~ to draw up a resolution to this
effect naming it '~Veterans~ Memorial Park"~ then present it to
council. Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried. Mr.
Boos suggested that a monument in which the people could partici-
pate or contribute to would be more meaningful.
Mr. Collins complimented Mr. Kain on his report eoneerning occupa-
tional licensing and stated that with the proper enforcLng it will
be a great benefit to the city.
Regular City Council Maeting
~{ay 16, 1966
Ordinance 66-12 - 2nd reading - ameRdir~ Sec. 29-8 of the Code ·
_(re Junk Ca_r~)_~_
Mr~ Moore read Ordinance 66-12 by ception only. Mr. Boos moved
that Ordinance ~ -12 be passed on second and final reading.
McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Proposed Resolution 66-V - commemorating the memory of 1st Lt.
La~mence D. Knuth
Mm ~ v -
~.a~n read Resoiu~ion 66-V. Mr. McCoy moved for the adoption of
Resolution 66-V. Mr. Banks seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Request to_ ~ange im zoning:
Parcel ~i - Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 12~ Boynton Ridge
Request: R-1 to C-1
Address: 543 N,E. 22nd Avenue
O~er: SCM Center Stores~ Inc. and %~,_J Co.~
'"~ Inc.
Parcel ~2 - Lots 1, 2 and 3~ Block 13~ Boynton Ridge
Request: R-1 to C-!
Addmess: 544 N.E. 22nd Avenue
~aler: Arthur and Estelle Schaap
Mr, Moore no,ed +hat the Planning and ZonLng Board at their meeting
of April 12, 1966 voted unanimously to grant this ree~est. There
were no objectors in the audience. Mr. Banks moved to accept the
recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board and to have the
attorney read the Ordinance. Mr. Boos seconded and it was unani-
mously carried.
Mr. Moore read OrdLnance 66-13. Mr. Banks moved for passage of
Ordinance 66-13 from first to second reading. Mr. Boos seconded
and it was unanimously carried.
Parcel ~3 - Lots 27, 28 and 29, Dewey's S/D
RequesT: Conditional use as a marina
Address: 721 N.E. 2nd Avenue
Owner: Juanita Reading and Alva Shook
The Planning ~nd Zoning Board at their meeting of April 12, 1966,
by unanimous yore recommended the granting of this conditional use
to council.
Regular City Council Meet/nj
May 16~ 1966
Mr. Moore suggested to council that certain restrictions for use
as a marina be set forth~ possibly the same as are being used
for Gulf Stream Narina. Also~ that the city get rights-of-way
for £uture use of the area. The suggested rights-of-way are as
follows: the wes~ 25~ o£ Lot 27~ north 25~ of Lots 27 and 28~
north 25~ of the west 25~ of Lot 29. Mr. Irving~ 1620 North
Federal~ c~e forward and stated that this would be agreeable
to him and he thought it could be worked out. Mr. Irving stated
that it may take longer than a year to complete the job because
the dredging may be a problem~ but stated that 18 months should
be sufficient time to complete this job.
There were no objectors in the audience.
Mr. Boos moved for the preparation of an ordinance on this matter~
the ordinance to contain the above right-of-way requirements and
follow the plans as presented. Mr. Banl~ seconded and it was
unan~]ously carried.
Mr- Ramsey~ a member of the Jaycees, came forward and requested
the use of the Civic Center for a Bar-B-Q to be held June 5th.
The proceeds will go for use toward the Jaycee Park on S.
Federal Highway which he suggested for a Veterans' Memorial Park.
Mr. Banks moved to allow the Jaycees the use of the Boynton Civic
Center on June 5th for a Bar-B-Q, under the direction of ~.
Johnson. Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried.
the city
Resolution 66-W - requesting County Commission to deed to
40 ~cr~$ for us~ as sanitary land fill
Mr. Moore read Resolution 66-W. Mr. Kain recommended the adoption
o~ this Resolution requesting the County to deed this proper~y to
the city for use as a dump site, ~.{r. Banks moved for the adoption
of Resolution 66-W. Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously
['.~r. Boos noted that there are 5500 5o 3600 trips made annually to
the dump. The road is in bed condition and creates a maintenance
problem on the trucks. Mr. Boos said he would like Mr. Kain to
look into the possibility of using the 18 acres of city-owned land
west of the Seaboard Railroad off N.W. 17th Ave. If the dump were
closer in: the city could save on these costs as well as in time
and operating expenses. Also~ Mr. Boos suggested tha~ Mr. Kain
make proper inquiry into the matter of using a much deeper cut in
the land fill program. Mr. Boos noted another matter that he
would like ~,~. Kain to look into; that is, outside sanitation
Regular City Council Meeting
May 16:t966
cOmpanies who are using these facilities. He felt the city should
collect a fee that is equitable and fair to the city or dispense
with the dumping operation. He mentioned that 35d per yard is
the generally recognized cost for this service and tb~t 20-yard
packers were dumping for $2.00 per load at a net $5.00 loss to the
city. Mr. Banks also asked Mr. Kain to check into the possibility
and practical aspects of using property off Boynton Road on
Boynton Canal for a dump site.
Proposed Resolution 66-X - urging the County Commission to estab-
lish an area-wide Dtannin~ facility
Mr. Kain recommended the adoption of Resolution 66-X urging the
County Commission to proceed with all possible haste in the imple-
mentation o£ an area-wide planning facility.
Mr. Moore read Resolution 66-X. Mr. Banks moved for the adoption
of Resolution 66-X. Mr. Boos seconded and it was unanimously
Proposed Resolution 66-Y - urging President Johnson: our Senators
and Representative to use their efforts to bring about a speedy
and victorious end to the war in Vier Nam
Mr. Moore read Resolution 66-Y. Mr. Banks moved for adoption of
Resolution 66-Y. Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously
~onsider request for use of sound truck - May 19 thru 24
Mr. Ka~n recomJnended that this request from Mr. Henry Thompson be
granted and that~e fee of $5 per day for occupational license
fee be charged. He suggested that this operation should be con-
ducted within the normal business hours~ that is: 8:00 A.M.
through 7:00 P.M.
Mr. Collins made a motion that this request be granted for five
days and a fee of $5 per day be charged. Mr. McCoy seconded.
Mr. Banks stated that he felt using the sound truck for this
long might be irritating rather than beneficial and that he felt
the fee should be waived. Mr. Thompson came forward and stated
that it vmuld be used in different sections of the city and would
no~ be used continuously. He stated they hoped to get more voters
out for the coming election. The vo~e was 4 For - 1 Against. Mr.
Banks voted against the motion stating he felt tile fee should be
Regular City Council Meeting
May 16~ 1966
Discussion of financing of drainage participation in State Road
D~eDartment pro__jec~ for the widening of North Second Avenue
Mr. Kain explained that in accordance with instructions of council,
the banlcs were contacted but that he had not heard further from
either bank. He stated they did have the original proposal.
Kain re3ommended that the city notify the State Road Department
of the acceptance of their participation requirements and give
them a letter of intent to proceed wit~ the project and notify
the consultants to proceed with their plans and also ~no,tify the
First Bank of Boynton Beach of the city's intent to finance this
loan with cigarette tax revenues.
li~o Boos moved to accept the recommendations of the administrator.
Mr. Banks seconded and it was unanimously carried. Mm. Kain ex-
plained that this is a $!00~000 loan for a seven year term at an
~nterest rate of 4.75 per cent. Cigarette tax revenues for the
~irst three months of each year will be pledged to ~epay the loan~
with the first year's princ~ipal and interest amounting to about
$22,000. Mr. Madsen noted that the council would like to have
put this ma tter on referendum but the time clemens makes it
Request of the Detray Beach Police Benevolen~ Association for Water
Mr. Kain explained that a request has been received for the ex-
tension of water service to an area outside of the city limits in
the vicinity o~ the westerly extension of Mission Hill Road, The
cost of the entire installation will be borne by the applicant.
The meter will be installed on the north line of the road.
Mr. Boos moved that the request be granted and proper surcharge
be added. Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried.
List of Pavmenn~ made in April
Mr. Bar~s moved that the list of payments be accepted and made a
part of the minutes of this meeting. Mr, Collins seconded and it
was unanimously carried. The payments made by funds are as
Regular City Council Meeting
May 16~ 1966
General Fund $ 98~492.~$
Water Revenue Fund 16,923.65
Sewer Revenue Fund 27~501.04
Water Depositors Fund 547.50
Sewage Depositors Pund 16.10
Publicity Fund 602.50
Police Retirement Pund 60.40
Special Assessment 95.00
Firemen's Relief & Pension Fund 57.00
$14%~295'~50 -
Mr. Kain noted that petty cash items are now run on a charge
account and paid once a month,
~pproval o~ Bills
Whitmime-Mock Lift Station Contract - Fin~! Payment
Mr. Kain stated that these stations have been approved and accepted
by the consulting engineer of the city. Ail necessary documents
are in order. This is an item provided for in the sanitary sewer
construction trust fund and payment in the amount of $4:670 is
~. Banks moved that the bill be paid. Mr. Boos seconded and it
was unanimously carried.
Russell g Axon - Resident Inspection
11 days, month o~ April $523.81
Mr. Kain stated that ~his item had been che~<ed by the engineer
and Mrs. Wallace. This item is provided for in the sanitary sewer
construction fund and payment is recommended.
Mr. McCoy moved that the hill be paid. Mr. Boos seconded and it
was unanimously carried.
Equipmentat Rental Service~ Inc. - two pumps and fittings April
May t5~ 19.~6
Mr. Kain explained that this is equipment necessary to keep the
sewer system working in the north section, payment is recommended
in the amount of $614 from Activity 6230~ Acct. 416.
Mr. Boos moved that the bill be paid. Mr. Banks seconded and it
was unanimously carried-
Regular City Council Meeting
May 16~ 1966
~unnicutt -
Mr. Kain recommended payment as follows:
$ 475 Activity 1560, Acct. 212
1,765 Activity 5800
Mr. Kain stated thatthe original contract price %.~s $2~800 and
thatthis figure of $2,240 was arrived at because of the work per-
formed by city employees,
Mr. Boos moved that the bill be paid. Mr. Banks seconded and it
was unanimously carried.
DeDartmentai Reports
Mr. Banl~ moved that the departmental reports be received and
accepted. Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Boos again mentioned the condition of Car Nos. 7 and 8~ which he
feels indicates a breakdo~ in a proper program of maintenance.
Mm. Kain noted that they are getting better tire and gas usage on
the model cars now being used.
Mr. Boos stated that each year the city is required from our
General F~nd to pay the sewer and water bondholders a service
charge of $75 fo~ each and every fire hydrant we have. There are
more than 50 h~Dants in Ocean Ridge on which we pay this service
charge. He stated that he felt Ocean Ridge should pay their faim
share and that they wanted to do so~ but under the conditions
that have been existing for some time that they have not and it
has been up to our taxpayers to raise about $2~000 per year to
put in our bond fund. He stated that he sees no reason why the
people of Ocean Ridge should enjoy a particularly low water rate
which is costing the city a great deal of money to distribute
~ to them due to the expense of suhaqueous crossings. This
should be called to their attention and proper charges should
be made.
Mr. Boos moved to instruct the administrator to straighten this
matter out and also resolve the fire protection problem. He
Regular City Council ~eeting
May 16~ 1966
asked for a report on these tx~o items as soon as pmactical.
Banks seconded, i~lr. I~{oore stated that he felt a court determin-
ation is needed to resolve this matter since Ocean Ridge feels
that they are not hound by this $75 charge. TD~ motion was unani-
mously carried.
l~eeting adjourned at 9:10 P.H.
vro/nk Mctzoy, or. ,~9or
'~~V vlty Clerk /Giibei Collins~'~-ounciiman