Minutes 04-11-66Minutes of Special Meeting of City Council, Boynton Beach, Florida,
held in City. P~L_i., April 11~
Walter A. Madsen, Mayor
Frank J. McCoy, Vice F~yor
J. ~llison Banks, Co~oil~an
Charles N. Boos, 0ounc~l~u
Gilbert Collins, Councit~n~u
F. T. Kain, City Manager
Callie Clanton, Deputy City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Madsen at 7:30 P.M.
Political Signs
Mr. Kain reported that the political signs in question, namely, '~oynton
Beach is for Burns", were not provided for in the sign ordinances. Mr.
Kain suggested that he be given a few days to get more information on
this problem and he will try to clarify this problem to persons calling.
Mr. Paul Harrington stated that these signs are on private property and
are set back 25'. He stated that the word~g constitutes a slogan and
did not feel it is illegal. Mr. Madsen suggested that the matter be
held in abeyance unt~ further clarification.
~Lr. Madsen recognized M~. Hugh David, ~yor of Briny Brazes, and Mr.
and ~irs. McKone in the audience.
Br.iny Breezes Sanitary Sewer Pro, ram
M~. Kain stated that the officials of Briny Breezes have contacted the
city several times recently urging some consideration by the City of
Boynton Beach on a program whereby Briny could deliver sewage to our
system for eventual treatment. Mr. Kain stated that he has spoken with
Mr. David and that he feels that a joint study by the two communities
is in order. He also rec~aested information from the H.U.D. offiee iu
Atlanta on Public Law 89-117 which provides Federal grants for projects
of this particular type.
Mr. David stated that Briny Breezes now has a system which is a septic
tank system. At present they are encountering many problems and want
to do something. Russell & Axon made a feasibLlity report for them
about three years ago and recon~mended several ways of taking care of
sewage. The first reco~endation was to join in with Boynton Beach or
b~ld their own plant. Mr. David reported that they have over 500
connections in Briny Breezes .although this is not year round.
four months they have the maximum and in August ~nd September ~nly
about 85 fame1 ies. Mr. Madsen stated that he felt they should be
charged whether they are there or not. ~Z~r. David said that they have
a report and now they want to know what arrangements can be made.
Mr. Banks noted that Briny Breezes would qualify to apply under Public
Law 89-117 and that under this law the reports and planning wottld be
~id for, This report could then be tied i~ with~what ~? have. Mr., Banks
Special City Council Meeting
April ll, 1966
stated that this would be advantageous not only for the 500 connections
now, but also the potential for Briny Breezes. Mr. Banks mede a motion
that council has expressed a desire of having Briny Breezes connected
to our sewer system, that we pledge our support along with the present
city administr~,t~io_,n~_t~ help with ~ problems in bringing this about,
that we also ~h~yr.~ with them ~n any way we can to aid in getting
a feasibility report. We ask that they apply nnder Public Law 89-117
for aid to offset the expenses of this ~t~dy. In reeking the study,
we would provide any assistance through our engiueering personnel in
the city now to help them With it. Mr. McCoy seconded.
Mr. Boos stated ~hat Briny Breezes should have a clear understanding
of the situation. He noted that Boynton could serve Briny and Boynton
too and that the sa~e rate would apply to both. He felt that if a
program could he worked out that they deliver the sewage to Boynton
the same as Sterling V~l~ge, Hampshire Gardens and otber~, t~t~this
would be satisfactory. He stated that Mr, Carnahan could give thom
any information needed on what this involves. He noted that Briny
Breezes would find a friendly ~cceptance in Boynton. The motion was
unanimously carried.
Medi~ ca~e- Blue Cross - Blue Shield C.ompl~mentary Health Insurance CoveraEe
M~r~ Kain explained that bhe employees who are eligible for Medicare are
automatics~ly dropped by Blue Cross-Blue Shield unless they can be
covered under a program entitled "Complementary Coverage under Blue
Cross - Blue Shield of Florida". This would increase the base or indi-
vidual coverage amount from $~.13 to $5.50 per month, or an increase of
$1.37 per month per employee to be insured under complementary coverage.
The city has eleven employees who are now eleigible for Medicare and
who, consequently, will be dropped from Blue Cross - Blue Shield unless
this coverage is provided. ~m. Kain recommended that this coverage be
extended to the employees in question. Mr. Boos moved that this cover-
age be extended to the employees in question. Mr. Banks seconded and
it was unanimously carried.
Resolution 66-R - Consolidation of Election Procedure with the Co~t~
~<r. Kain read Resolution 66-R and stated that this procedure is becom-
ingwidespread and w~]] eliminate duplication. ¥~. Kain recommended
adoption of this Resolution.
Mr. Boos moved for adoption of Resolution 66-R. Mr. McCoy seconded and
it was unanimously carried.
Resolution 66-S - Lease of State Road Department Lands on the west side
of U.S. #1 north of the Boynton Ca~a~
Mr. Kain stated bhat this is the site where the Chamber of Con~nerce has
proposed construction of their new building. The terms of the lease
Special City Council Meeting
April ll, 1966
offered by the State are not sufficient to justify construction of a
building; however, he recommends execution of the lease in order that
the matter may be kept open for future negotiations.
Mr. Banks moved that the recommendation of city manager be accepted·
Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried.
~r · Bar, ks withdrew this motion when Mr. Fain located the Resolution.
Mr. Kaiu then r~d Resolution 66-S. Nr. Banks moved for adoption of
Resolution 66-S. ~ir. Boos seconded and it was unanimously carried·
Mr. Madsen asked where the service club sign would be relocated which
is now on this site. Mr. Faiu stated that it could be put some place
Florida Archery Association - Daytona Beach Tour~ut
~. Fain read a letter from the Florida Archery Association requesting
the city to have a representative at the tournament to present the
"Boynton Beach Trophy". The awards will be made Saturday, April 16,
in the evening at Ormond Beach.
Mr. Banks suggested that Mr. Fain should check to see if we have someone
entering into the contest as a member of the Association and if we
did then appoint them to do this for the city. Mr. Boos suggested
that as an alternate that we authorize the president of the Association
to make the award.
Mr. Banks made a motion that we have a member of the team make the
presentation. If no one is entering from Boynton, then have the presi-
dent of the Association to make the presentation for the city. Mr.
Kain was asked to handle it. F~r. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously
Retired Citizens ' Cnmm~ttee
Mr. Kain noted that the na~es of a number of individuals have been given
to Mrs. Padgett as possible members on the committee. Mr. Kain suggested
that the names be submitted to council and proceed to have an organi-
zat ional meeting.
Mr. Boos moved that each of the members who have been suggested be
written to inviting them to an organizational meeting at which time
they will elect their interim officers. Mr. Banks seconded and it
was unanimously carried.
Mr. Boos said he would be glad to attend this first meeting.
Special City Council Meeting
April ll, 1966
.B,,~d Award - Disposal of Old
The following proposals for disposal of old equipment are recommended:
Items #2, ~, 5, 6, 7, 10, ll, 12, lA and 17 be awarded to
Mr. James Moseley for the sum of $660.
Item #16, Asphlundh Chipper (1961) be awarded County
Sanitation for the sum of $301.
Mr. Boos noted that ¥~. Moseley is an employee of the city and said he
hoped that none cf these items ~33_1 be repaired at the city garage,
but will be removed at once.
Mr. Donald Ward came forward and stated that he had made the same bid
on two Cusbm~u scooters as the one awarded to Mr. Moseley and that he
felt that these two items should have been readvertised and that he
should have ~ccasidaration on~thi~ bid.
Mr. Kain stated the committee decided to award to ~Lr. Moseley because
of his bids on other items totat~ $660.
Mr. Boos moved for aoceptance of recommendation of city manager for
the awarding of the bids. Mr. Banks seconded and it was unanimously
~Lr. Banks said that the city might ask Mr. Moseley to let Mr. ~4ard
have one of the scooters at the same price.
~.ir. Kain explained that there are several items that were not bid on.
The price of scrap metal is such that there is no market for it. He
stated that the citywill attempt to sell the material to people in
this business if council is agreeable. Mr. ~Swdsen suggested that Mr.
Kain handle this matter.
Mr. Ward stated that he would like the city to investigate the awarding
of these bids or else he would go before the Grand Jury.
Mr. Kain requested permission to send Mr. Allan to Orlando, April 22,
1966, for a meeting set up by the Department of Conm~rce concerning
priority on certain materials and equipment. Mr. McCoy moved that
Mr. Allan be authorized to attend the meeting in Orlando. Mro ~3aks
seconded and it was unanimouslycarried.
Special City Council Meeting
April 11, 1966
Sewer Line Repairs - Rg,~I~M Green Rid~,
Council members discussed a memo from Mr. Carnahan concerning the
sewer system in Rolling Green Ridge. Mr. Kain noted that this needs
a f~l scale examination and investigation as the situation may be
severe and critical. Mr. Carnahan stated that-the present collapsed
area of the system only serves 17 houses but that three other later
built systems are tied into it making a total of ~bout ~00 homes
actually affected. .~e stated, that-it is no~ costing the city approxi-
mately ~75 per day mn operatLug costs, Mr. Kain stated that it would
cost approximately $27,000 to repair the collapsed system and said
that would take almost all Of the city's earned s~rplus. He felt the
system Should be completely inspected before spendiug this money. Mr~
Carnahan suggested the city expedite some survey of the problems we
now have and also analyze the other lines and correlate these plans
with wh~t we already have.
Mr. Boos moved that the city follow the recommendation of the engineer
and get the services of a sewer line inspection firm. Mr, Banks
Mr. Kain suggested that we get three or four reputable firms to submit
proposals and make them available to council.
Motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Boos noted a letter from the Southeastern Underwriter's Association
and suggested that a copy be sent to the Insurance Board so that they
know what is necessary for reducing the rate and also send a copy to
the Planning Board.
¥~. Boos also noted a letter from Palm Beach County dated March 25th
and stated that they should be notified what to do with the $25,000
for resurfacing Seacrest Blvd.
Mr, Kain stated he had written Mr. Frost and asked that a meeting be
set up to go over this situation, but has not received a reply as yet,
Mr. Boos suggested to council that a motion be adopted urgi6g this.
Mr. Boos moved that we instruct our administrator to set a time of
meeting with these people and with council so that we can determine
where we can spend the $25,000 to the best advantage. Mr. McCoy
seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Special City Council Meeting
April 11, 1966
Mr. Boos would like some clarification on a report by Russell & Axon
dated April 1st. He said these items could cost a lot of money and
he would like to know where these funds are coming from and Just what
is involvsd.
Meeting adjourned at 9:&O PiM.
lter A. Madsen, Mayor
Tereesa Padge~Ci~y Clerk
G~!bert Collins, Councilman