Minutes 02-07-66Minutes of Regular Meeting of City Council, B~_y~ton ~each, Florida,
held in City Hall, February ?, 1966, at 7:30 F.M.
F. T. Kain, City M~nager
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Gene Moore, City Attorney
Walter A. Madsen, Mayor
Frank McCoy, Jr., Vice Mayor
J. Allison Banks, Counci!~nn
Chas. N. Boos, Councilman
Gilbert Collins, Councilmau
The meeting vms called to order by Mayor Madsen at 7:30 P.M. The invo-
cation was given by Rev. Vernon Perkir~s, First BaptiSt Church, and the
Flag Salute was led by Mr. J- Allison Banks.
Mr. Walter Dutch accepted Resolution No. 66-C commending the Boynton
Beach-Ocean Ridge Board of Realtors.
Mr. Boos noted the following corrections to be made in the minutes of
January l?, 1966: on page &, under No. 3, second line, it should read
"...of fill from a tract of land..."; this eliminates the words "two
acre"; on page 5, second paragraph, line 6, it should read "...the one
low area lying north of 17th Ave...", instead of "...on 17th Ave...",
on page 6, parsgraph 3, second line, it should read "...on N. E. 7th
St.", instead of "S.E. 7th St." Mr. Boos made a motion that the
minutes be accepted with the corrections. Mr. Banks seconded and it
was unanimously carried.
Mr. Boos explained that the County Tax Assessor is reviewing all com-
plaints on over-assessments and is making refunds and adjustments
where necessary. He noted that the property owner must make the
request in order to secure this review. He stated tb~t the press
could help notify property owners and that any publicity, or any
method that this information can be brought before the publi$ as
to the procedure of getting proper adjustment, will be greatly
appreciated by the council members.
¥~. McCoy brought up the matter of agenda revieWs and workshops meet-
ings, and stated that he was left with the impression that they would
be held in council chambers. Mr. McCoy moved tbmt council have work-
shop meetings on the 2nd and lth Monday nights and if therD by any
need to have a review or anything additional comes in, then Mr.
Madsen and Mr. Kain can call a special at their discretion. There
was some discussion as to the feelings of each members concer~ing
these meetings and where they should be held, and Mr. Madsen requested
a meeting for Friday night at 7:30 P.M. to discuss this matter. This
will be ai meeting for council members and Mr. Kain only to discuss th~
· ~ ' no~ existir~-
~y situation
Regular Council Meeting ,
BID - 7:~5 P.M.
February 7, 1966
There were no further bids from the audience. Mr. B~nks noted tD~t
the cow~tttee to handle the bids after received by council will be
Mr. Allan, Mr. Kain, Mr. Carnahan and Mrs. Padgett. Mr. Banks made
a motion that council acknowledge receipt of these bids and the
company from which received, and have councilmen initial. They should
then be turned over to the committee for opening and return tabulation
to council. Council can accept their recommendation at that time.
Mr~ McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried.
M~s. Padgett reed the names of the bidders on each item as follows:
1. Annual Supply of Gasoline and Oil
Sinclair Refining Co. , P.O. Box 2762, Tampa, Florida
Pure Oil Co. , P.O. Box 307, Bixcayne Annex, Miami, Fla.
Gulf Oil Corp. , P. O. Box 369, Miami, Florida
Cities Service, Dr. ewer 2890, Miami, Fla.
Standard OilCo., P. O. Box Z, Jacksonville, Fla.
Annual Supply of Pipe
a. Galvanized pipe and copper and brass fittings
Ferquhar Maohinery Company, Box 3275, Jacksonville 6, Fla.
Gulfstream~ Steel Corporation, P.O. Box 850, Delray Beach, Fla.
B & H Sales, Inq., P.O. Box 3555~ Cocoa, Fla.
All State P~P~ Supply Co., Inc., Jacksonville, Fla.
A. & B. Pipe ~d Supply Co.., ~ N.W. 5th St., Miami, Fla.
Southern Meter & Supply Co., P.O. Box lll, Hapeville, Ga.
Peninsular Su~ppty Co., P.O. Box 5A9, West Palm Beach, Fla.
Smith Blair Co~ 300 Waco St., Texarkmna, Texas
b. Cast iron pipe and fittings
United States Pipe and Foundry Company, 3300 First Ave., North,
Birmingham, Alabama
~. & B. Utility Supplies, Inc. P.O. Box 1309, Miami~ Fla.
Mc~¢ane cast' Ir~n Pipe Co., P.O. Box 2601, Birmingham, Alabama
Amer~can~st Iron Pipe Company, P.O. Box 8835, Orlando, Fla.
B & ~ Sa]~ Inc., P. O. Box 3555, Cocoa, Fla.
M & H Valve & Fittings Co., Box 158, Anndston, Alabama
Annual Supply of Tires and Batteries
Boynton Auto Supply, Inc., 519 N.E. 2nd Ave., Boynton Beach,
Annual Supply of Chlorine
Delray Chemical Company, Inc., P.O.
Box 22[23, Delrey Beach,
Regular Meeting of Council
February 7, 1966
Allied Chlorine & Chemical PrOd,, Inc., 6100 Nk~ 14th St.,
Miami, Fla.
Jones ChemiCals, Inc., 1~400 N.E. 20th Lane, North Miami, Fla.
Colonial Chemicals, Inc., P.O. Box 7937, Orlando, Fla.
Shellrock and Limerock
Ed Clanton Tr~cking, P.O. Box 153, Boynton Beach, Fla.
Herb w~ard Truck~g, P~.O, Box ~O~I6,.Lan~ta~na, Fla.
Keatts Trucking S~rvice, Boynton ~eacn, ~a.
Asphalt and Cold Mix
Belvedere ConstrUctiOn Co., P.O. Box 28~9, West Palm Beach, Fla.
Rubin Construction Co., P.O. Box 2771, West Padre Beach, Fla.
Dixie Asphalt Co., P. O. Box 6308, West Palm Beach, Fla.
7. Water Meters
Badger Meter Mfg+ Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Davis Meter& Supply CO., Inc., P.O. Box 696, Dani~, Fla.
Neptune Meter Company, Atlanta, Ga.
Gamon/Calmet Meter Division, 296 South Street, Newark, New
HersheY~Sparling MeterCo,, 250 Elm Street, Dedham, Mass.
Rockwell Mfg. Co., P~O, Box llS1, Atlanta l, Ga.
Public Hearing - 8:00 P.M.
Zoning Change Requests:
1. That part of Lot 19 being the E 2~0' of W 392.29' of N 107.31';
also, that part of Lot I9 being the E 5~0' of W 1t87.38' of
N 107o38', Sam Brown Jr. S/D and Lot ~, Lot 5 less S 5' thereof,
Lot 17, 18, 19 and 20, Boyntonborough S/D.
Request: R-1 to
Location: ApproXima~,lylO7, undeveloped strip joining and to
the Northerplatted lots along the North side of
N.E. t6t~ AveDue, between N.E. ~th St. and N.E. 2nd Ct.
Owner: W.R. Borough
Mr. MoOre stated that any persons that oppose this particular appli-
cation should c°me forward. THere were no Objectors in the audience.
Mr. Moore noted that the Planning and Zoning Board accepted this
request by unanimous vote.
Regular Council Meeting
February 7, 1966
Mr. Boos noted that ~. Borough was indebted on a bond relative to
putting in streets in this area and moved that this request be tabled
pending the payment of that indebtedness. Mr, Borough was asked to
come forward and there was some discussion as to why these streets
were not put in. Mr. Borough explained that he was having ~troubl_e selling
the lots and houses in the area and that it did not seem practical to
build streets to create more lots when he could not do anything with
what he already had. Mr, Boos noted that he would like to see Mr.
Borough given some relief on this Situation, but thought his obli-
gation should be properly recognized, Mr. Moore explained that the
matter does require the adoption of an ordinance to effectuate an
amendment to the zonmug code .a~.d recommended fmrst read.rang o.f_th
~- ~d in the interim time attempt tO resolve this ma,%er Wl~n
~.~h--.' This Was agreeable to co'oil. Er. Moore read proposed
Ordinance 66-5.
Mr. Banks moved that Ordinance 66-5 be passed from first to second
reading. Mr. Boos seconded and it was unanimOusly carried.
Mr, Moore suggested that Mr. Borough should contact Mr. bain to re-
solve this matter on the roads before the next meeting.
2. South 125' of Lot 8 lying North of Boynton Road, less E 3 acres,
Request: R-1 to C-1
Location: 681 N.W, 2nd Avenue
Owner: Wilfred Couture
There were no objectors at this public hearing.
Mr, Kain noted tb~t four letters of objection to this rezoning had
been received. Three of these objectors had attended the meeting
of the Planning & Zoning Board January 6, 1966. Mr. Kain read these
letters from Mrs. Don Austin, Box 226, Cellegedale, Tenn., Mr. and
Mrs. Laskowski, ~16 N.W. 7th Ct., Beynton Beach, Mrs. Bertie Goodwin,
317 N.W. 7th Ct., Boynton Beach and Mr. John W. Aa~s, 317 N.W. 7th
Ct., Boynton Beach.
Mr. McCoy stated that he did not like to go against the Zoniug Board's
recommendation, but moved that this request be denied. Mr. Collins
seconded. The~ was some discussion, and it was noted that the big
objection is the fact that Mr. Couture w~11 be parking trucks there.
Mr. Banks noted that this property is right in a C-1 area, but would
like to know if trucks could be prohibited from being parked in this
area, Mr. Moore explained that C-1 is a limited commercial zoning
and he did not believe that C-1 property could be utilized for
storage of trucks.
Regular Meeting of Council
February 7, 1966
Mr. Boos stated that he has been disturbed over the years when the
Zoning Board makes recommendation and then council counts noses
politically and passes decisions on that. Me feels that the council
should place trust in recommendations of the Zoning Board if they
want to maintain a good Board. The vote was 2 in favor of the motion
3 Against. -
Mr. Banks made a motion that this be tabled until next meeting and
that Mr. 'Kain and Mr. Moore check with applicant to see if he intends
to park trucks there and explain to him that is the major reason that
council does not want to grant the request. Mr. Moore stated that he
thought this type of usage could be specified. Mr. McCoy seconded
and it was unanimously carried.
3. Lot l, Dewey Heights S/D
Request: R-1AA to R-2 with permissive use for a doctor's office
Location: 2869 South Seacrest Boulevard
Owner: J.H. Dewey
Mr. Madsen noted that this request had been withdrawn.
4. Lot 135, Block A, Boynton Hills Subdivision
Request: R-1 to R-2A
Address: llON. W. 3rd Avenue
Owner: Eugene T. and Jean E. Wilt
There Were no objectors in the audience and no one spoke in favor.
2~r. Banks moved that the reco~nendation of the Board be accepted,
which was that this request be denied. Mr. McCoy seconded and it
was unanimously carried.
NAr. Moore read Resolution 66-D for adoption of the following abandon~
ments as recommended by the Planning & Zoning Board.
Unimproved dedicated road rights-of-way lying within the
subdivision of Sections 29 and 20, Township 45 S, Range 43E,
Palm Beach County
1. Thirty foot road right,of-way lying along the north side
of Lot 93 and thirty foot road right-of-way lying along
the north side of Lot 86 of said subdivision.
Regular Council Meeting
February 7, 1966
~. Boos
2. Thirty foot road right-of-way lying adjacent~ to and
between Lot 79 and Lots 82 through 93 inclusive on
'~est, and Parcel "C" and Lots 68 through 78 inclusive
on the East, running northward from the north right-
of-way line of Old Boynton Road P~est, to the South
right-of-way line of the Boynton Canal.
3. Thirty foot road right-of-way lying North of the North
right-of-way of the Boynton Canal and South of Lot 9&
of said Subdivision
moved for the adoption of Resolution 66-D. ~r. Banks
and it was unanimously carried.
Mrs. Boos presented a deed from Mr. and Mrs. Boos to the Mayor for
the City of Boynton Beach for the old parsonage of the Methodist
Church. Mr. M~lsen expressed his thanks.
Dr. Manthy came forward and asked abo.u.t~! ~e a~c~at, ions~_.~d+e ~g~e~
Mr. Moore. He a~ked Council m~mber~ m~ ~ey hove mnves~mg~ea n
accusations. Mr. Collids sta~ed that he found ¥~. Moore extremely
competent in his job, he is cooperative and informative. He stated
he was not in the charges. Mr. McCoy explained that he
did stated that the ladies still stick
had called both ladies
to He sta~ed that the city
and believe that there was a vie-
has a
lation B~nks stated that he talked to Mr.
Moore about' counsel and could not determine
that the~¢ was He said he took Mr.
Moore's word and interest of the city. Mr.
Boos stated that he felt that the best interest of the city was
served in the action council took. He also stated that one of the
ladies had made the remark that she felt there was a misunderstanding
or misrepresentatiOn.
Mr. Jim Goodwin, hl6 N.W. 2nd Ave., came forward and complained
about a water hole which exists at the Suncoast Apartments and stated
that the situatkon should be corrected. He also complained about the
area at Ocean Ave. and the railroad tracks. He said a person could
not see what is co~ ~because of trucks parking along there and a
tent being ~here. Also that there is a clump of grass that needs
to be rem-oved. M~;~~ B6~s apologized for the conditzon of 2nd Ave.
and stated 4~hatmit ~I?U~.? ~ m~intain~d by the County but wh~t little
maintenance is den? off it is done by the city. He stated tD~t the
county will be doing work on this s~reet by ~uly.
Regular Council Meeting
February 7, 1966
M~s. Emily Jackson, 728 N. E. 9th Ave., came forward and asked about
the time of workshop meetings. ~. Madsen said he had called a
special meeting for Friday night and hoped to clear this matter up.
Request for abandonment of utility e~sement - Board of Public Instruc-
The Board of Public Instruction has requested the abandonment of a
utility easement granted to the City of BoYnton Beach on September 27,
1965. This easement is described as follows:
The West 10' of the West ½ of the SE~ of the N~,
Section 21, Township ~5 South, Range &3 East, Palm
Beach County
Mr. Kain explained that this easement was obtained for the purpose of
installing a sanitary sewer force main. Because of problemS with
other owners, the main was relocated on another easement granted by
the Board. This easement is no longer necessary and the Board of
Public Instruction wishes to develop lands north of the existing
school plant. Ther~ are no other utilities located there nor are
any planned. It is recommended that this easement be abandoned
and the appropriate officials be authorized to sign the release of
this easement and other necessary documents. Mr. Boos moved that
the easement he abandoned. Mr. Benks seconded and it was unanimously
Resolution 66-E re: Vocational School Site
Mr. Moore stated that the School Board has approved the 20 acre site
for this school and has requested that the cit~ formally authorize
the granting of this property and deliver a deed to them.~ Mr. Moore
read Resolution 66-E in regard to the above. Mr. McCoy'~d that·
Resolution 66-E be adopted. Mr. Banks seconded and it was unani-
mously carried.
Ordinance 66-1 - 2nd Reading re purchase and sales of secondhand
Mr. Moore read Ordinance 66-1 by caption only. ~. Boos moved for
acceptance on ~inal reading of Ordinance 66-1. ~r. McCoy seconded
and it was unanimously carried.
Regular Council Meeting
February 7, 1966
Ordinance 66-2 re: Club Beverage Licenses
Er. Moore explained that this proposed amendment is to put club
an exempted category which is now bound by distance re-
licenses in
quirements that exist. After some disCussion on this matter, Er.
McCoy made a motiOn that this request be denied. Mr. Banks seconded.
Er. McCoy noted t~t he felt that there was enough property in the
city already zoned properly for this Club location. Er. Booe
stated that he would like to see these people given some relief
and felt that they were trying to find the right place, but would
go along with the motion. The vote was ~ in favor of motion and
1 against.
Ordir~nce 66-3 re: amending license ordLuance
Mr. Banks moved that Ordinance 66-3 be removed from table. Mr. McCoy
seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Er. Moore read Ordinance 66-3. Mx. Boos moved that Ordinance 66-5
be passed from first to second reading. Mr. Banks seconded and it
was unanimously carried.
Proposed Ordinance 56-~ re: dirculating charges against candidates
for mnnicipal office
Mr. Moore read Ordinance 66-~. ¥~. Banks moved that Ordinance 66-~ be
passed to second reading. Er. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously
carried ·
Resolution 66-F re: '~idening and Improving Seacrest
....... 66 F reurging the county to wor.k o.n Se~a-
Mr. Moore read ~eso£u~w~ -_~ . ~ ~..~ ~ ~A-F be adopteG aha
crest Blvd. ~ir. Banks~ moved tna~ ~eso~
copies be forwarded to the County Commission and the State Road
Dept. Er. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Subordination of Easement
~. Moore ~xplained that in connection with the widening and improve-
ment of N.W. 2nd Ave., the State Road Department has requested the
subordination of an easement the city obtained from Dr. ~kes, which
consists of the E 5' of S lC' of Lot 129 Ridgewood Hills. It has
been examined and there are no utilities involved~ and Er. Moore
recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the
subordination of encumbrance agreement. ~r. Banks moved that the
~yor and City Clerk be authorimed to execute the subordination of
enct~nbrance agreement releasing that portion of easement on Dr.
Akes property~ Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Regular Council Meeting
February 7, 1966
Mr. McCoy moved that the city attorney be instructed to take w~t-
ever legal steps necessary to place on the bal~t of the next general
election a proposal limiting councilmen to two consecutive terms.
If this is the desire of the people as sho~n on the next ballot,
then present it to the next State Legislature as a Charter amend-
ment. Mr. Collins seconded. The vote was t for the motion and
Mr. Banks voted against.
Mr. McCoy stated that he had caused a resolution to be draEn through
Mr. Kain. ~ir. Moore read Resolution 66-H in regard to having the
municipal beach facilities owned and operated by the City of Boynton
Beach called ~alter A. Madsen Park. Mr. McCoy moved that this
Resolution 66-B be adopted. Mr. Banks seconded and it was unanimously
carried. Mr. Nadsen expressed his thanks and stated that he would
like to see the beach area kept in better condition, so it could be
an area the city could be proud of.
Mr. Madsen recognized Mr. Mahoney in the audience.
Presentation o£ Assessment. Roll - filling Lots 5~ 72 ar~ 73 Lawns S/D
Mr Moore sta~ed that a copy of the assessment roll had been submitted
to council. ¥~. ~s moved that assessment roll be approved as sub-
mitted to council. Mr. Boos seconded and it was unaniniously carried.
Mr. Moore read Resolution 66-G formally adopting roll. Mr. Boos
moved for adoption ~£ Resolu~iO~ 66-G. Mr. Banks seconded and it
was unanimously carried.
Youth in Government Da~
The Boynton Beach Junior High School officials have suggested March
15 (Tuesday) as the Third Annual Youth in Government Day. This
arrangement will enable us to hold the ceremonies which have pre-
ceded this day at our workshop session Menday evening, March l~th.
The students who w~l~ participate in the program w~l be afforded
more opportunity to observe the Council at work. It would also be
advisable to invite the designated students to the regt~lar meeting
of ~rch 7 in order that they would have the additional opportunity
of observing an official meeting. Mr. Madsen noted that this was
initiated by Mr. Banks and is something very beneficial to the youth
and inspiriug to them.
Application for permit to solicit - American Legion Auxiliary -
February 18 and !9 ~ Poppy sales
Regular Meeting of Council
February 7, 1966
Mr. Banks made a motion that the request be grouted and the fee
waived. ¥~r. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried~
Establishment of Insurance Committee
In order to assure the city of the widest possible participation of
insuramce coverage, Mr. KaJ.u reco~mended~hat the Counc. il formally
approve the establishment of an insuranc~ committee to.
l) prepare specifications for all fire and casualty lines of
2) to analyze the bids for the several lines to be received and
3) to make appropriate recommendations to the Council on these
The insurance committee would be made up of the licensed resident agents
in the city. There are at present seven agents who would so qualify.
Mr. Kain also recommended tb~t Council authorize as a requirement for
bidding that bidders be restricted to those a~encies who presently
maintain an office in the city and who have done so for a period of
one year prior to time bids are received. Mr. Boos moved for the
adoption of this insurance committee. N~. Banks seconded and it was
unanimously carried. Mr. Moore noted that if any prior procedure was
done by resolution, that motion would include repealing same~
Bulldozer Re~air
Mr. Fain explained that the D~ bulldozer is presently out of operation
and requires extensive repairs. An estimate has been received from
Kelly Tractor Company~ West Palm Beach, indicating that the work will
cost approximately $550. Mro Kain requests that council authorize
this work to be done - not to exceed the ~mount of $550~
Mr~ Banks n~ved to authorize this expenditure for repair of this
equipment not~ to exceed $550 so that Mr. Kaiu may proceed. F~. Boos
seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Confirmation of the payment of the bill for two police cruisers in the
amount of $~,~93.10 from Activity 3100, Account 512. Mr. Kain ex-
plained that these two police cruisers were delivered and placed in
operation several weeks ago. The b~tl was paid and he requests Con-
firmation. Mr. Banks moved that council confirm payment of police
cruisers~ ~Lr. Boos seconded an& it was unanimously carried.
Regular Council Meeting
February 7,, 1966
Advance Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc.
This bill is in the amount of $1,738 and has been budgeted as part of
the Library construction. Activity 5900, Item 2 in the 196&-65 and
1965-66 budget 4
Bumby & Stimpson - Semi,Final Estimate
All of the sewer construction work on thio contract with Bumby &
Stimpson has been performed. The total amount of the retainage is
$23,98h.93. It is recommended that the sum of $5~OO0 be withheld on
this in order to assure completion of any unfiled complaints which
may still be outstanding, payment of $18,98~.9~ to Bumby & Stimpson
is recommended.
Whitmire-Mock, Inc. - Lift Station Contract - Periodic Estimate #1
This estimate is in the amount of $30,657.12 and p~yment is reconmnended.
Whitmive-Mock, Inc. (National Construction Company) Sewer lines contract -
Periodic Estimate ~l
This payment of $66,~02.97 is recommended. All of the foregoing
estimates have been reviewed by Russell & Axon, Mr. Carnahan and the
Department of Finance. This work is done pursuant to the authorization
under the 196~ Utility Bond Issue and monies are currently available
for payment.
Russell & Axon $2,855.62
Engineering services for construction completed through January 20,
Engineering Services $1,855.62
Resident Inspection 1,O00.OO
Extensions on this bill have been verified and monies are available
in the sanitary sewer construction fund. Payment of this bill is
Mr. Banks moved that these bills be paid. Mr. McCoy seconded and it
was unanimously carried.
Regular Council Meeting
February 7, 1966
Mrs° Hood had requested time on the agenda and she came forward at
this t~me and requested further iuvestigation aud review of~ the
Husted matter, and also a review of the past and present method of
hiring and firing policemen.
Mr~ Kain noted that or~ the 29th of January he had received a letter
from ~. H. H~ ~askow request~ council to consider changing of an
ordinance re: presence~ of minors in dance halls. Mr. Eain noted that
he had supplied Mr. MaSs.eh with a police report tistir~ ~4 complaints
in that location and in view of that report and request of the police
department, M~ Kain stated that he could not recommend a change at
this time° Mr. McCoy moved that council deny this request.
Collins seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M~
~alter~. ~a~s~n, Mayork-
. Allison~Ban. ks,
Attest: /~
Frank cCoy, Jr., Vice Mayor
C ounc ilman