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Minutes 12-08-65
MIL~JTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD IN CITY HALL, BOSTON BEACH, FLORIDA, DECEMBER 8, 1965 at 8:30 A.M. PRESENT: JAMES J. ¥~HO,VEY, MAYOR WALTER A. MADSEN, VICE MAYOR JOP~ L. ARCHIE, COUNCILM~N J. A~JLISON BANKS, COUNCILMAN CHAS. N. BOOS, COUNCILMAN GENE MOORE, CITY ATTORNEY F. T. KkIN, CITY MANAGER TER~E~A PADGETT, CITY CLERK MAyor Mahoney called the meeting to order at 8:30 A.M. to canvass the returns of the general election held December 7, 1965. Mrs. Mildred Hallier, Clerk of the North Precinct read her report; Mrs. Zetta Tergesen, Clerk of the South Precinct gave her report and the City Clerk read the totals of the two precincts. Mr. Banks moved that the reports be s~ccepted and the returns be de- clared offioialo (Copies of same attached hereto s~ud made a part hereof. ) Moti*n seconded by Mr. Madsen mud unanimously Ccrried. The straw vote taken on establishing a pension plan for employees passed. The clerks read the report from their respective precincts on the nine bond proposals voted by paper b~llot. The totals read by the City Clerk indicated defeat of all nine proposals. M~. ~dsen moved to accept the report and declare the returns official. Motion seconded by Mr. Banks and unanimously carried. The ~yor brought to the attention of the Council the extra hours worked by the election board due to counting the paper ha~ots. Mr. Madsen moved that the workers he paid an additional $7.50. Motion seconded by Mr. Boos an~ unanimously carried. The City Manager recommended that Advance Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. be a~arded the ~id for the air conditioning and heating units to be installed in Wilson Recreation Center. Dirk Grootenboer, con- sulting architect, reviewed the plans for the job. ~tr. Archie moved that the aWard be made to Advance at a figure of $3,635.00. Motion was seconded by Mr. Boos. Mr. Madsen questioned the variance in price between this bid and the installation at the Senior Citizen's Building at a cost of $2,425.00. Mr. Grootenboer explained that additional work w~s included in the Wilson Recreation Center project such as: -1- ~N~ NUTES City ~-Juncil, Boynton Beach, Florida Special Meeting, December 8, 1965 1. New service from the pole 2. Insulation of entire ceiling 3. Vent f~u from kitchen Motion~ carried 5-0. The City Clerk was requested to provide the Counci~ ~th a current list of the membership of the Boards and Committees of the City. ~fee%in~ ad jou~ned. ~LTER ~ ~ AT~T: TEREESA PADGETT, CITY CLERK CFTC. N. BOOS, COUNCiLM~ -2- STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) SS TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We the undersigned llerks of the General Election held on the Yth day of Decemher~ 196S A.D. for the pum~ose of electing two (2) candidates rom 2ouncil do hereby certify ~hat at such Genemal Election the results were as follows: CANDIDATES JOHN L. ARCHIE GILBERT (GIB) COLLINS JAMES J. MAHONEY FRANK MC COY~ JR. WRITE INS FOR PENSION PLAN AGAINST PENSION PLAN ABSENTEE TOTAL VOTES CAST TOTAL WRITE INS South Pre ciffct' Clerk, North Precinct Sworn to.and subscribed before me this 7th day o£ December~ 1965. City Clemk gtt: ' STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) ss CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) TO THE HONORABLE M~YOt~ AND COUNCILMEN ~ THE CITY OF BOYNTON B~CH~ ~LORIDA: We the undersigned Clerks of the Special ElecTion held on the 7th day of December~ 1965 A.D.~ do ~ereby certify that au such Special Election the results were &s follows: BOND PROPOSAL NO. FOR AGAINST.. TOTAl.. SPOILED BALLOTS ABSENTEE BALLOTS TOTAL VO~ES CAST II ?0, C~rk~ SoutK P~e~cinct" Swomm To and subscribed before me this Clerk~ North Precinct 7th day of December, 1965. Tereesa Padge~ City Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) ss CITY OP BOYNTON BEACH ) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF I%IE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: We the undersigned Clerk ~nd Inspecvops Election held on the 7th day of Decembers-1965, A.D. for the purpose of electing two (2) candidates for Council do hereby ~ertify that at such General Electiom~ the to~al roves cast at the South Precinc~ were of which JOHN L. ARCHIE GILBERT (GIB) COLLINS JAMES g. MAHONEY FRANK MC COY, JR. received received received received votes vo es votes vo~es WRITE IN VOTES FOR PENSION PlAN ~ AGAINST PENSION PLAN ~ y'O THERE WERE ~ SPOILED BALLOTS. THERE WERE ~ ABSENTEE BALLOTS. And we~ such Clerk and Inspectors~ do make the foregoing as our rerarn ~o you Df the results Df such General Election and we do declare the above and foregoing to be the result of the General Election in fne South Precinct. pector ~/ ' T~s~ee~or Inspe c~or Inspector Ins' c~or ~ns~eeto? ~ Inspecsom STA%tE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) ss CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We the undersigned Clerk and Inspectors of the General Election held on the 7th day of December, 1965 A.D. for the purpose of electing two (2) candidates foz Council do hereby certi£y that at such General Election~ the total votes cast au the No~th Precinct were GILBERT (~IB) 20LLINS received ~ votes received I ~ CO votes JAYMES d. HAHONEY received ~ ! ~- votes FRANK MC COY, dR. received / ! ~0 ~ votes WRITE IN VOTES FOR PENSION PIJ~N ~ % ~ AGAINST PENSION PLAN ~ q~F %tHERE WERE . ~ SPOILED BALLOTS. THERE WEiRE ~ ~ ABSENTEE BALLOTS. And we, such 21erk and Inspectors: -do make the foregoing as our revurn to you of the results of such General Election and we do iectare tNe above ~nd foregoing to be the result of fne General Election in the North Precincs. ~l}eputy ~ lnspecvor ~ Tn§pec~or Clerk Inspecvor ~ ' ' ~l_nspe crop Ins~ e etor · tnS~e crop Inspe cEoP Inspector STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNT? OF PALM BEACH ) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) SS TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OP THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: We, the undersigned Clerk, Deputy: and Inspectors of Special Election held on the 7th day of December, A.D., 1965~ hemeby certify that the following votes were cast on the lo BOND PROPOSAL NO. 1 Shall the City of Boyn~on Beach issue not exceeding one mitlion~ nine hundred thousand dollars ($1:900~000) General Obligation Bonds of said city~ bearing interest at a rate or r~es not exceeding four and one hal~ per cent (4.5%0 per annum~ and ma~uring not l~ter than foSty (40} years from date of issuance thereof~ fop the purpose of financing the cost of s~reet, drainage and sidewalk ins~ellation in said city~ and other purpeses a~purEen%~t or/imcidental thereto and levy ad valorem taxes for ehe payment thereof~ all as pr.ovvi4ed in Ordinance 65-47~ adopted by the City Council of said city on the 5rd day cf November~ 1965. TOTAL VOTES CAS~ of which FOR AGAINST And we, such Clerk~ Depu~y~ and In~pecEors of the South Precinct, do make the foregoing as our Pe~urn to you of the results of such Special Election: and we do le~are the above and foregoing ~o be the result of such Special Election. Inspecvor [ I~spec~or Deputy Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector STATE OF FLORIDA ) C~NTY OF PALM BEACH ) ss ~ITY OP BOYNTON BEACH ) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL~N 0P THE CITY 0F BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We, the undersigned Clerk, DepuTy~ and Inspectors of the Special Election held on the ?th day of December~ A.D., 1965~ do hereby certify that the following votes were cast on Bond Proposal No. 1 Shall the City o£ BoMnton Beach issue not e×eeedin~ one millio~ nine hundred ~housand dollars ($1~$00~000) General Obligation Bonds o~ said citv~ bearing interest a~ a rate or rates not exceeding four ~nd one half pez cenv [4.5%) pe~ annum~ and ma~ring not laTem than ~orty (40) years from date o~ issuance thereof~ for the purpose of financing the cosE o£ sTree~ drainage and sidewalk installation in said city, and othez purposes appurtenan~ or incidentaZ thezauo and levy ad valorem taxes ~or the pa~vnent thereo~ all as provided in Ordinance ~5-47, adopte4 by the C~ty Council of said city on the 5rd day of November, 19~5. TOTAL VOTES CAST ~q.[ AGAINST of which And we, such Clerk, Deputy~ and Inspectors of ~ne North Precinct, do make the foregoing es our re~urn TO you O£ the results of such Special Election, and we do ~eclare the above mhd foregoing To be the result of such Special ~leetion. Clerk Depuvy Inspector ~ Inspector ~nspector ~/ Inspector InspecTor InspecTor Enspector Enspector Inspector STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) CITY OP BOYNTON BEACH ) SS TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND~0~ HNC±LMEN- OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We~ the andemsigned Cterk~ Deputy~ and Inspectors of the Special Election held on the Yth day of December~ A.D.~ 19657 do hereby certify that the £}llowing votes were cast on BOND PROPOSAL NO. 2 Shall the City of Boynton Beach issue no5 exceeding three hundred nun thousand dollars ($310,000) GenemaI Obligation Bonds of said city~ bearing interesr at a rate or rates not exceeding four and one half per cone (4.S%) per annum~ and ~aturing no~ later than forty (40) years from the dave of mssuance thereof, for the purpose of financing the cost of acquisition of additional Municipal Beach ~ropem~y for said elty~ and other purposes appurtenant cz in~idenual there=o, and levy ad valorem taxes ~or the payment thereof~ all as provided in Ordinance 65~47, ~dopEed by the City Council of said city on the Srd day of November~ 1965. TOTAL VOTES CAS of which AGAINST And we, such Clerk, Deputy~ and Ins~ecvors of the South Pmecincv, do make the foregoing as our return to you of the results of such Special Election, and we do declare the above and foregoing To be the result of such Special Election. Inspector () I~r~pe~or pecvor ~ Deputy Inspe c~or InspeeEor STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH SS TO ~HE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We~ the undersigned Clerk~ Deputy~ ~nd Inspectors of the Special Eteetion held on the 7th day Df December~ A.D.~ 1965~ do hereby certify that t~e following votes were cast on BOND PROPOSAL NO. 2 Shall the City of Boyn~on Beach issue not exceeding three hundred ten thousand dollars ($S10,000) ]eneral Obligation Bonds of said eity~ hearing interest at a rave or rates not e×eeedin~ £our and one half per cent (4.5%) per annum~ and mavaring not lateY than ~orty (40) years from the date of issuance~ thereof~ ~or the purpose of £inancing the cosy of acquisition of addftional Municipal Beach Property ~or said city~ and other purposes appurtenant or incidental thereto, and levy ad valorem taxes for the payment thereof~ all as pm~vided in Ordinance 65-47~ adopted by the City Council of said city on the 5rd day of November, 1965. TOTAL VOTES 2AS~ FOR 3 ~% AGAINST which And we~ such Clerk~ Deputy, and Inspectors oi the North do make the foregoing as our revurn ~o you of the results o~ ~uch Special Election~ and we do declare the above and foregoing ro be the mesult of such Special Election. Clerk Inspecto~ ctor Inspe etoR~ \~ Inspector Ins~ e crop Inspector Inspector Inspectoz STATE OF FLORIDA ) COHNI~Y OF PALM BEACH ) CIT~ OF BOYNTON BEACH ) ss TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ PLORIDA: We~ the undersigned Clerk~ Deputy~ and LnspecEoms of the Special Election held on the 7th day of December~ A.D., 1965, do hereby certify that the following votes were cast on BOND PROPOSAL NO. Shall the City of Boynton Beach issue not exceeding one hundred, fifty thousand dollars ($150~000) General Obligation Bonds of said city~ bearing interest at a rate or Pa~es not exceeding four and one half per cent (4.5%) per annmm, and maturing not later than forty (40) years from the date oi issuance thereof, f~r the purpose of ~inancing ~he cost of constructing a Municipal ~ire Station on ~roperty now owned by ~he city~ and other pmrposes appurtenant or incidental themeto~ and levy ad valorem taxes for the paymenE thereof, all as provided in Ordinance ~5-47~ adopted by the City Council of said City on the 5rd day o~ November~ 1965. TOTAL VOTES CA~ of ~--~O AGAINST which And we: such Clerk, Depuvy and InspecEors of the South PPecinct, dc make the ~oregoing as our return to you of the results of such Special Election: and we do lectare the above and foregoing ~o be the result of such Special Election. Inspecter ~ Ins~ecter I~gp e cuor [ns:e c~or Inspector Inspector t~spe ctor U Inspector STATE OP FLORIDA ) COUNTY OP PALM BEAOH ) CIT~ OP BOYNT©N BEACH ) SS TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF THE 2ITY OP BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We, Ehe undersigned Clerk~ Deputy~ and Inspectors of the Special Election held on the 7th day of Deeember~ A.D., 1965, do hereby certify that the following votes were cast on BOND PROPOSAL NO. 5 Shall the City of Boynvon Beach issue not exceeding one hundred~ fifty thousand dollars {$150~000} General Obligation Bonds of said city~ bearin? interest at a rate or rates not exceeding four and one half per cent (4-.5%) per annum, and marering nov later than forty (40) years from the date of issuance thereof, for the purpose of financing fhe cost of constructing a Municipal Fire Station on proper~y now owned by hhe eity~ and other purposes appurtenant or incidennal thereto~ and levy ~d valorem taxes for the paymen~ themeof~ all as provided in Ordinanee 65-47~ adopted by ~he City Council of said city on the 5rd day of November~ 1965. TOTAL VOTES CAST O O I AGAINST of which And we, such Clerks Deputy ~nd Inspeevors of the North Precinct~ do make the foregoing as our re~rn no you of the results of such Special Election~ ~nd we io declare the abo~e and foregoing To be the result of such Special Election. 2lerk [1 Inspect°r I ~spe ctor / Inspecvor Inspector Insp e c~o r Deputy Inspector Inspector Inspector STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OP PALM BEACH ) 2ITY-OP BOYNTON BEACH ) ss TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OP THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: We, the undersigned Clerk~ Deputy~ and Inspectors of the S~ecial Election held on the lth day of December~ A,D., 1965, do hereby certii]~ that the following votes were cast on BOND PROPOSAL NO. a Shall the Ci~' of B0yn~on Beach issue nc~ exceeding one hundred forty thousand dollams ($!40~000) General Obligation Bonds of said eity~ bearing intereat at a rate or raves not exceeding four and one half per cent (4.~%) par annom, end maturing not later than forty (40) years fro~ ~e date of issuance ~hereof~ for the purpose of financing the aost of the construction of a Munici~i Swimming Pool on proper~y now owned by,the City and other purposes 5ppumtenant or incidenq~t th~meto~ and levy ad valorem taxes for the payment th~reof~-all as.pmevided ~n Ord~nande~65-%7, adOPted by the 2it~ C~uncii of ~id zity on the 3rd day of November, 1965. TOTAL VOTES CAS of which / ~__/~ AGAINST And we~ such Cterk~ Deputy and InspecEors of the South Precinct: do make the foregoing 5s our reParn uo you of the results of such Special Election, and we do declare the above and foregoing Eo be the result of such Special Election. '!nspectoP ~ Inspector }ilnsp e cto~ Deputy Inspe cEor Inspe crop /~ Inspector Ins Inspector STATE OF ~LORIDA ) ~OUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) CItY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) SS TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OP THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: We~ the undersigned Clerk~ Dep~y, and InspecTors of the SDecial Election ~eid ~n the 7th day of December~ A.D.~ 1965~ do hereby certify that the following voves were cast on BOND PROPOSAL NO. ~ Shall the City Df Boyn~on Beach issue not exceeding one hundred fomty thousand do%lars ($140~300) General Obligation Bonds of said city~ bearing mnterese ay a rave or ra~es non exceeding four and one half per cen~ (4.5%) per annum~ ~nd maturing nov la,er than~for~y (40) years from the date of issuance thereof, for the p~r~ose of financing the cosy of the construction o£ a Municipal Swimming Pool on properEy now owned 'my the city and other purposes ap~urvenan~ or incidental uhereto~ ~nd levy ad valorem taxes for the paymen~ thereof, all as provided in Ordinance 65-47, adopted by vhe City Council of said city on the 5md day pf November, 1965- TOTAL VOTES CAST 2~f AGAINST of which And we~ such Clerk~ Depuuy and Inspectors of the North Precinct~ do make the foregomng as our return ~o you of the results o£ such Special Election, and we do declare vhe above and foregomng vo be the result o~ such Special Election. Clerk I~spe c~or ~ Inspe c~or ~ Ins~ e ctor !/ Inspect Inspecvor Inspector Inspecvor STATE OF FLORIDA ) COll~TY OF PALM BEACH ) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) SS TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ ~LORIDA: WeD the undersigned Clerk~ Deputy, and Inspectors of the Special Eleet~n held on the 7th day of Deeember~ A.D., 1965~ do hereby certify that the following voEes were sas~ on BOND PROPOSAL NO. 5 Shall the City of Boynvon Beach issue no~ exceeding thirty-five thousand, dollars ($35~0g0) General Obligation Bonds of said city~ bearing interest at four and one half per cen's (4.5%) per annum~ and ma~mring not later than forty (40) years from the date of issuance thereof~ for the purpose of financing the cos't of ~he installation of a Municipal Boa~Ramp and Basin in said city and other purposes appur~enan~ or incidental thereto~ and levy ad valore~ taxes fo~ the paymen~ thereof~ all as provmded in Ordinance 65-%7: adopted by the City Council of said city on the Srd day of November, 1965. TOTAZ VOTES CAST--of which / ~ AGAINST And we~ such Clerk~ Deputy and Inspectors of the South ~recinet~ [o make the foregoing ~s bur ~e~u. rn vo you of the results Df s~ch Special Election~ and we do declare the above and foregoing Eo be the result of suc~ Special Election. )eoEor )ector Inspector Inspector ingpeator STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) SS TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We~ the undersigned Clerks Deputy: and Inspectors of the Special Election held On the 7th day of December, A.D.~ 1985~ do hereby certify that the following vo~es were cast on BOND PROPOSAL NO. 5 Shall the City of Boynton Beach ~saue not exceeding thirty-five thousa~d dollars ($~5~000~ General Obligation Bonds of said city, bearing i~terest at ~er and one half per cent (4.5%) per annum~ and ma~rmmg not la:~r than forty (40) yeams from the date of issuancD ~there~f~ fo~ the purpose of financing the cost o~ the ins~-tlation oz a Municipal Bo~t Ramp and Basin in said city and othez purposes appurtenant or incidental thereto~ and levy ad valorem, ra~es fo~ the payment thereofs all as provd4~d in Ordinance 65-47~ adopted by the City Council of said city on the ~.rd day of Novembers 1985. TOTAL VOTES CAST i ~0 AGAINST of which And we, such Clerk~ Deputy and Inspecuors oi the North Precinct~ do make the foregoing as our reramn to you of the results of such Special Election~ and we do declare the above and foregoing to be the result of such Special Election. Clerk Inspeceor ~ Ifispector ~nsp~o~ (~ Inspector Inspecvor Inspe c~6r Deputy ~n~:pector InSpector Ins~e a:or ~i/nspe etor · / Inspe cuoz Inspecuor STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) CItY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) SS TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ PLORIDA:' We~ the undersigned Clerk~ Deputy~ and InspecTors of the S~eziat Eiection hetd on the 7th day of Decembem~ A~D.~ 1965~ do hereby certify that the £ctlowing votes were cast on BONI PROPOSAL NO. 6 Shall the City of Boyneon Beach issue not exceeding thirry-£ive thousand dollars ($55~000) General Obligation Bonds of said city~ bearing interest a~ a rate or rates not exceeding four and one half pem cen~ (4.5%) per annum~ and maturing not later than forty (40) years ~rom the date of issuance thereo£~ for the purpose of financing the cost of Street Signalizatdon Improvements in said city, and other pumposes appurtenant or incidental thereto~ and levy ad valorem taxes for the payment thereO£~ alt as provided in Ordinance 65-47~ adopted by the C~ty ~ounnil of s~id ~ity on the 5rd day o~ November~ 19~5. TOTAL VOTES waioh t AGAINST And we~ such Clerk~ Deputy and Inspectors of the South ?recinct~ do make the £ore~oing as our rerarn to you of the ~esults of such Special Election~ and we dc declare the above and foregoing to be the result of such Special Ele_tmo . /~. spector Inspe c~or Inspe cto? (~ spector t Deputy ~ Inspe :tom Inspector Inspector STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) SS TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL~BN OF THE CITY OP BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We, the undersicned Clerk, Deputy~ and Inspecuors of the Special Election held on the 7th day of December~ A.D.~ 1965~ do hereby certify that the following v~tes were cast on BOND PROPOSAL NO. 6 8hall~ the lity os Boynton Beach issue not exceeding thirty-five thousand dollars ($35~000) General Oblig{tion Bonds of said city, bearin? in!retest at a ~ate oP rates not exceeding four and one half per cent (4.5%) per annum~ and maturing not later than forty (4~) years from the date of issuance thereof~ for the purpose of financing the cos~ of Street Signalization Improvements in said zity~ and other purposes appumtenanr or incidental thereto~ and levy ad valorem taxes for the payment thereof~ all as provided in Ordinance 65-4Y~ adopted by the City Council of said cimy on the 5rd lay of November~ 1965. TOTAL VOTES CAST ~f AGAINST OF WHICH And we~ such Clerk, Deputy and Inspectors of the North Precinct: do make the foregoing as our re~urn to you of the results of such Special Election~ and we do declare the above and foPegomng to be the result of such Special Election. Clerk Lnspec~om Inspector Inspector In~pecvoz Inspector Deputy ~ Inspecror In§pe., dto~~ Inspe esop Inspector Inspector STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) CI%~f OF BOYNTON BEACH ) ss TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: We~ the undersigned Clerk~ Deputy~ and Inspectors of the Special Election held on the 7th day of December, A.D., 196S, do hereby certify that the following votes were cast on BOND PROPOSAL NO. Shall the City of Boynton Beach issue nov exceeding seventy thousand dollars ($70~00C)General Obligation Bonds of said city~ bearing interest at a raEe or rates not exceeding four and one half per cent (4.5%) per annum, and maturing not later than forty (40) years from the date of issuance thereof, for the purpose of financing The cost of the Acquisition and Development of Municipal Park Sites in said city, and other purposes ap- purtenant or incidental thereto, and levy ~d valorem eaxes for the payment thereof~ all as pro~d4ed in Ordinance 65-47~ adopted by the City Council of said city on~t~e 3rd day of November~ 1965. TOTAL V~TES AGAINST Of which And we~ such Clerk~ DeRuty and Inspectors of the South Precinct~ do make the foregoing as our re~urn to you of the results of such Special Election~ and we do declare the above and foregoing ~o be the result of such Special Election. ~ Cl~r~ z De p u Ey ~ I~pe Inst~e ctor 0 ' Inspector Inspectoz Inspector Inspe~vor // InspecEor ~TATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) SS TO THE HONORABLE ~AYOR AND COHNCILMBN OF THE CITY DF BOYNTON BEAQH~ FLORIDA: We~ the undersigned Clerk, Deputy~ and Inspectors of the Special Election held on the 7th day of December[ A.D,, 1965, do hereby certify that the following votes were cast on BOND PROPOSAL NO. 1 Shall the City of Boynron Beach issue nov exceeding seventy thousand dollars ($70~000) General Obligation Bonds of said ~ity~ bearing interest at a rare or Paves hoe exceeding four and one half per cent (4.5%) per annum~ and maturing not latez than forty {40) years from the date of issuance thereof, for the purpose o~ financing the cost of the Acquisition and Development ~f ~unieipal Park Sites in said city~ a~ other purposes ap- purtenant or ~ncidental thereto, ~nd levy[ ad vatore~ tax6s for the payment ~hereof~ all as provided in Ordinance 65-47, adopted by the City Council of said city On the 3rd day of Novembem~ 1965. TOTAL VOTES CAST I ~ AGAINS2 of which And we, such Clerk~ Depusy ~nd Inspectoms of hhe North Precinct, do make the foregoing as our re~drn to you of the results of such Spe c~i&l Election~ and we lo declare the above and. foregoing vo be the resuls of such Spec&~l Election. Clerk Ihl~pe crop ~' Deputy Inspector 'Inspector Insp~ctor~ - InspecEor Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY DF PALM BEACH ) CITY OP BOYNTON BEACH ) SS ~0 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We, the undersigned Clerk, Deputy~ and InspecTors of the Special Election held on ~the 7th day of ~eeember, A.D., 1965, do hereby certify that the following votes were cast on BOND PROPOSAL NO. 8 Shall the City of Boynton Beach issue nov exceeding sevensy thousand dollars ($70,000] General Obligation Bonds of said city, bearing interess as a rate or races not exceeding four and one half per cen,~ (4.5%) per annum, and maturing not laser than forty (40) years from the date of issuance thereof~ for the purpose of financing the cost of Acquiring and Developing Off-Stmeet Parking Facilities i~ sci4 city~ and other pumposes appurtenant or incidental thereto~ and levy ad valorem taxes foz the p~yment thereof~ all as p~ovided in Ordinance 65-47: adopted by the City Council of said ,city on_the 3rd day of November~ 1965. TOTAL VOTES CAS~ FOR /'L3f ~ AGAINST of which And we: such Clerk, Deputy and Inspectors of the South Precinct~ do make the ~inq as our meturn vo you of the results of such Special Election: and we ~o declare the above amd foregoing ~o be the result o£ such Special Election. ~spector Ins~ecto~ Inspector ~sp e ctor g Inspector Inspector Inspector STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OP PALM BEACH ) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) ss TO THE HONORABLE HAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OP THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We~ the undersigned Clerk~ DepuEy~ and Inspectors of the Special Election held on the Yth lay of December~ A.D., 19652 io hereby eertify that the following vo~es were easy on BOND PROPOSAL NO. 8 Shall the City of Boynvon Beach issue noE exceedin~ seventy thousand dollars ($?0~000) General Obligation Bond~ of said city: bearing interesv au a rave or rares not exceeding four and one half per cent (4.5%) per a~num~ and maturin~ not later than forty (40) years from the date of issuance ~hereof~ for the purpose of financing the cost of Acquiring and Developing Off-Street Parking Facilities in said city~ and other purposes appurtenant or ia~idental thereto, and levy ad valorem ~axes for the payment thereof~ all as provided in Ordinance 65-4Y~ adopted by the City 2ouncil of said city on the Srd day of November, 1965. TOTAL VOTES CAST ~ 7~L AGAINST of which And we, such Clerk~ Deputy and Inspectors of the North Precinct: do'make the foregoing as our re~urn vo you of the results of such Special Election~ ~nd we io declare '~he above andforegomng' Eo be the result of such Special Election. 21erk Inspector ~ I~specvor / mnspector ' Inspe cEor Inspector Inspector STATE OP PLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) CITY OF B©YNTON BEACH ) SS TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OP THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We~ the undersigned Clerk~ Deputy~ and Inspectors of the Special Election held en the 7th day ef December~ A.D.~ 1965~ do hereby certi£y that the £ollowing votes were cast on BOND PROPOSAL NO. 9 Shall the City of Boynuon Beach issue not exceeding fifty uhousand dollars ($50,000) General Obligation Bonds of said city~ bearing in~eresr ar a rate or rares not exceeding four and one half per cent (4.5%) per anmue~ and maturing ne~ later than forty (40) years from the date o~ issuance thereof, for the purpose of financing the cost of Acquisition of Additional Street Ki~hvs of Way~ Including Needed Railroad Crossings said city~ and other purposes appurtenant pr incidental thereto~ and levy ad valorem uaxes for the payment thereof, all as pro- vided in Ordinance 65-47~ .adopted by the City Council of said city on the 5rd lay of M~vember, 1965. TOTAL VOTES 2ASY of which ~-~ FOR AGAINST And we~ such ClePk~ Deputy and Inspecvors of the South Precinct~ do make the foregoing as cur reuurn ro you of the results of such Special Election~ and we io declare the above and foregoing ~o be the result of such Special Election. Deputy ~nspeetor Inspector ~nspe cto~ Inspector Inspe crop Inspecvor STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OP PALM BEACH ) CIIY OF BOYNTONBBEACH ) SS TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We~ the undersigned Clerk~ Deputy~ and lnstectors of the Special Election held on the 7th day of December: A.D,~ 1965~ do hereby certi£y that the following votes were cast on BOND PROPOSAL NO. 9 Shall the City of Boynton Beach issue not exceeding fifty ~housand dollams ($S0,000) General Obligation Bonds of said city~ beaming interest at a ~ate or gates not exceeding £our and one half per cent (4.S~) per annum, and maturing nov later vhan forty (40) years from the date o~ issuance thereof~ for the purpose of financing the cost of Acquisition of Additional Street Rights of Way~ Including Needed Railroad Crossings for sa~d city, and other purposes appurtenant om incidental t~ereto~ and levy ad valorem taxes for the payment Ehereof: all as pro- vided in Ordi:ance 65-47, adopted by the City Council of said city on the ~rd day o£ November, 1965. tOTAL VOTES CAST POR ~O~ AGAINST of which And we~ such Clerk, Deputy and Inspectors ~£ the North Precincv~ do make the foregoing as our return eo you of the mesults of such Special Elect~on~ and we ~o declare the above and foregoing t¢ be the result of such Special Election. Clerk Inspector ~nspector ~ ~nspecto~' ~ Inspecvor Inspec:o: InspecEom Inspector