Janet Harris, Chair
Terry liams, Vice Chair
Michael Brevda
Marsha Bionta
Andrew Richardson
Jean Young (arrived 2:08 p.m.)
I. Call to Order
Chair Harris called the meeting to order at 2:04 p.m.
II. 'ledge followed by Attendance
Brenton Rolle, Center Supervisor
Amy Blackman, Board Liaison
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
III. Attendance
Self -introductions were made. A quorum was present.
IV. Agenda Approval
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
2. Adoption
Ms. Bionta moved to approve the agenda. Vice Chair liams seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
V. Approval of Minutes of January 9, 2017
Vice Chair liams moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Brevda seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida April 3, 2017
VI. Unfinished Business
A. Special Holiday open bring lunch
Chair Harris recalled at the last meeting, the members discussed lunch on holidays and
the Mae Volen Center. She advised staff will list the days when the Center is open and
the Mae Volen Center is closed so members will know to bring their lunch. Ms.
Blackman advised some members are not aware the Senior Center and the Mae Volen
Center are separate facilities. Discussion followed about having a pot luck lunch on
those days; however, Mr. Rolle explained doing so would create a liability as some
people have allergies. Prepackaged or ordering food, such as pizza is an option.
B. Q & A Brenton Rolle:
1) Code of Conduct Handbook for members.
At the last meeting, the members discussed the Code of Conduct handbook for the
Center members and Board of Directors, a draft of which Mr. Rolle distributed.
Discussion followed about holding a meeting at the Center to discuss the Code with
patrons, or displaying a poster with bullet points from the Code. Most people know what
a Code of Ethics is, but posting it may be beneficial as some patrons may forget some
of the rules. It was decided in addition to it being posted at the Center, current
members will not receive a copy of the Code, but new members would.
In January, Chair Harris had distributed a 211 Resource Brochure for low-income
individuals and she now had a Community Caring Center brochure. Vice Chair liams
asked if the brochures were available for patrons and was referred to staff that stocks
the information.
Vice Chair liams asked if her Board term was expiring and learned hers and Mr.
Brevda's appointments would terminate in December. Members should receive a letter
in advance of the term expiration and can reapply.
Ms. Young noted members move chairs out of the rooms. Vice Chair liams explained
they are playing "Hand and Foot" with eight or ten people. They put two tables together
and bring chairs from other rooms, but they do not return them. Mr. Rolle agreed to
speak to the members involved.
VII. New Business
A. Welcoming new employee to Center
Chair Harris announced Catherine Poole is a new part-time employee at the Center..
B. Changes for the use of the library and/or location or remove
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton• •, April 3, 2017
Chair Harris wanted to discuss changes regarding the Center Library. Two members
have been taking care of the Center Library that is split in two places. She asked if the
Library had too many books and thought the volume of books cannot be
accommodated. Mr. Rolle advised the books are donated and the Center does not
have to accept everything they are given. The Center allows members to take books
home and they are there for all to enjoy. Vice Chair liams suggested if there are any
books that are not wanted, they be boxed and taken to the City Library, or donating
them to Goodwill or some other charity.
Ms. Blackman suggested removing the outdated books and asked if the two library
areas were heavily utilized and learned they were not. A suggestion was made to put
up a sign. If patrons are aware they could have the books, a lot of them would be
taken, reducing the amount of books to a manageable size. It was thought they could
then have one Library location freeing up shelves that could be used for other things or
Vice Chair liams asked about donating DVDs. Mr. Rolle advised there is no room for
them and they have been giving DVDs away to Bingo. Ms. Blackman advised the City's
camps and aftercare programs do not watch TV and have no use for them. She also
pointed out the Center holds a very well attended rummage sale at the Civic Center
twice a year where DVDs could be sold. It is so successful, they are thinking about
adding a third sale. A table is $20 and the cost could be shared between members.
C. Supply cheap umbrellas (front desk)
Chair Harris explained there has been a slight issue with umbrellas at the front door on
rainy days. She noted umbrellas could be purchased at the Dollar Store and asked if
there could be some by the front desk. Ms. Blackman commented the Center cannot
purchase umbrellas and give them away unless there is a City logo on them and then
they would have to supply umbrellas to all. She thought residents should be prepared
for inclement weather. Vice Chair liams suggested keeping three large umbrellas to
walk slower patrons or those with walkers out to their cars when it rains. Chair Harris
advised often, very elderly patrons just hold a piece of paper over their heads. A
complaint had not been made, but staff agreed to look into this issue, noting there may
not always be someone available to assist.
D. Membership cost (increase)
Chair Harris asked how long the cost of membership was $40. No one knew and a
suggestion was made to contact Sherri Claude, Assistant to the Director, Recreation
and Parks. Chair Harris noted the cost of living was increasing and thought there
should be a discussion about a commensurate membership fee increase. Vice Chair
liams pointed out the increase would pertain to members that do not live in the City. Mr.
Rolle asked what the increase would be used for and learned that some at the Center
are always saying they do not have the funds for supplies. Mr. Rolle explained the
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
membership fees go into the General Fund as revenue and activities held at the Center
come from a program line item. There was discussion about patrons donating money
and being recognized for their donation with a star with their name on it. Ms. Blackman
thought a similar program may have been used for sponsors in the past and
commented there is a separate donation account. The Center could institute a donation
program, but would be surprised patrons would be willing to donate. She explained a
donation account is normally used for equipment or something everyone could use. She
asked if there was an occasion the Center could not provide something that was
Mr. Rolle advised some of the issues the Board was discussing, such as cake and ice
cream, are items staff would not purchase. Ms. Young noted the Center used to have
a variety of foods and Vice Chair liams thought donated monies could be used to buy
them. Ms. Blackman explained they could upscale food at parties, but the party fee
would increase. Ms. Young asked where the $3 party fee came from and Ms. Blackman
opined it probably came from sponsors. Sponsorships still go to the Senior Center.
Vice Chair liams explained, in the past, sponsors brought in food such as sandwiches
and fruit cups, pizzas for the dance group and the last time they held an event at the
Center, they gave away 20 gifts. Ms. Blackman thought this may have been done in
lieu of a monetary donation.
Mr. Rolle explained 100 people paying $3 each for a party would barely cover
entertainment. Food service would be at least another $400. Mr. Rolle explained they
use sponsorship dollars to offset activities at the Center. When he considers the cost to
run a program for the year, and that party volunteers are free, the number of paying
participants decreases and there is a deficit. They have to pass on the cost. Vice Chair
liams favored asking sponsors to do so.
Chair Harris commented the patrons had been discussing food. Ms. Blackman advised
each time she comes to the Center she sees loads of sweets. Vice Chair liams
explained cookies and tea were offered in the afternoon at least once a week. The
snacks are offered when they were available. Cookies and different items from Publix
are donated depending on what they have left over. Staff does not purchase cookies,
pies or other high -calorie, unhealthy items. The Center signed a pledge supporting
healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. Staff also has to pick up the left over items. Ms.
Blackman and Mr. Rolle will discuss it and supply a copy of the Healthy Pledge to the
Board, which talks about vendors. It is an initiative for a healthy lifestyle for all
recreation programs. Ms. Bionta inquired about vending machines. Ms. Blackman
responded she would not know where to put one and did not think patrons would buy
the items. It was noted Trader Joes donates a lot of fruit; however, Mr. Brevda noted a
court case as there is a liability with giving away damaged food.
The larger picture is what they provide for the overall sponsorship. Ms. Blackman
suggested adding a sponsorship category for a lunch or party. Mr. Brevda thought it
was a good solution.
I'lleeting Minutes
Senior • •ry Board
Boynton •
Ms. Bionta advised there are changes and patrons should understand what the City
approved. Mr. Rolle explained it is important to follow the rules. Ms. Blackman explained
Board members should encourage patrons to speak with Mr. Rolle when they make
comments. Vice Chair liams agreed to explain the $3 party fee is for entertainment.
On a different matter, Chair Harris noted Sterling Village has a theatrical troupe and
comedians that used to come to the Center and perform.
VIII. Amy Blackman - Q & A
A. Plans for additional renovations
Chair Harris asked about plans for additional Center renovations and recalled they were
going to move items around in the front courtyard and in the back to discourage the
homeless population. Ms. Blackman was not aware of any changes other than the
parking lot. She commented the parking lot has to be totally replaced and they will have
to address traffic flow, but did not know exactly when the work would occur. Chair
Harris asked if the tree could be removed or at least trimmed. Ms. Blackman explained
the City is responsible for the shrubs.
Vice Chair liams ask about the air conditioning as it has been freezing in the front of the
Center and the cooling is unevenly distributed throughout the building. She learned the
air conditioning techs have been to the Center. She suggested a damper be used to
help evenly distribute the air. Ms. Blackman explained Facilities informed her part of the
problem is someone in the building is adjusting the temperature. Ms. Blackman agreed
to speak with Facilities. She noted the building had been renovated and an addition
had been added
IX. NEXT MEETING: Monday, July 10th
Chair Harris announced the next meeting is July 10, 2017. Members should call her if
there is a problem attending. She noted there is an opening on the Board and one
more regular member is needed. The seat does not have to be filled by a member or
volunteer at the Center.
X. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Harris adjourned the meeting at 3:24
8 ::f
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist