Minutes 11-01-65 OF
~e Mayor called the meeting to order and the ~vo~tion was given by
Revere~ Ro~rt E. May of St. John's Methodist Chur~. Mr. Boos lead
the Flag Salute.
Mr. Archie moved to accept the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October
18~ 1965. Seconded by Mr. Boos and Carried 4-0.
ProDosed Chan~e Order ~3 - Bumbv and Stimpso~
This order would authorize Bumby and Stimpson to install $ sleeve around
the force main which cA-osses S. R. ~9 right of way at an additional cost
of $3:590 with no additional time allowed under the contract. M~, Archie
moved to authorize the P~yor and Clerk to sign the Change Order. Motion
seconded by Mr. Boos.
Fir. Madsen expressed the opinion that there were too many change orders
and ~ir. Kain explained that ~his change was necessitated by a recent
rulin~ of t~ State Road Department per letter from Col. Neff of Russell
and Axon and that the State Road Department would not issue a permit to
cross the right of way unless the City encases the force main in a steel
sleeve and it is dropped to a t2-foot depth. Motion carried 4-0.
Receipt.of List of Pagments made in September
Motion for approval of list was made by Mr. Madsen and seconded by
Mr. Boos. Unanimously carried 4-0.
Air Conditionin~ and Heating Units for Wilson Recreation Center
Mr. Ptadsen moved to remove this item from the table. Seconded by Mr.
Archie and the motion carried 4-0.
Mr. Madsen stated he felt that $5,600 was too high a bid for this item
and moved to reject the bid of Boynton Metalcraft and go out for bid
again and advertise in additional newspapers. Motion seconded by
~-~--~uncit, Boynton Beach, Florida
November 1, 1965
Mr. Boos and carried 4-0.
7:45 P.M. - The Mayor issued last call ~or bids
Demolition F.E.C. Station
Mayor Mahoney read a telegram from the Florida East Coast Ra/lway Company
granting the City permission to remove thei~ station in Boynton Beach.
Mr. Boos moved To go out for bid on the demolition and to accept the
proposition of the F.E.C. with the "hold harmless~' clause ~nd also ~o
instruct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary resolution. Motion
seconded by Mr. Archie and carried 4-0.
Mr. Moore requested permission to express to the F.E.C. the appreciation
of the Council for thei~ consent to the removal of the Station. Mr. Boos
so amended his motion with Mr. Archie's consent. Unan/mously carried 4-0.
Air Conditioning System for the Librarv Additio~
1. Modern Roofing and Ai~ Conditioning - Delray Beach
Cashier's check in amount of $87.50 $1,750 Typhoon unit
2. Boynton Metalcraft - Boynton Beach
Cashier's check $90.00
$1,738 Lennox unit
Monty's - West Palm Beach
Check in the amount of $87.05
$1,741 General Electric unit
Mr. Archie moved the bids be turned over ~o the Purchasing Agent~ City
Manager and Mr. Grootenboer~ architect for the library addition, for
tabulation. Motion seconded by Mr. Madsen and unanimously carried 4-0.
Two Decorative Fountains
Tropical Sod - Boynton Beach
Cashier's check in amount of $230 and bid of $2~044 highway ~fountain
2,556 beach " ~-
John Churey Cement Work - Boynton Beach
No bid bond enclosed - bid of ...............
$1~175 highway fountain
1,350 beach "
Mr. Boos moved to turn the bids over to Mr. Lain and Mr. Allan, Purchas-
ing Agent, for tabulation. Motion seconded by Mr. Madsen and carDied 4-0
City Council, Boynton Beach, Florida
November 1, 1965
Assessment Roll for Paving that portion of SE 9th Avenue lying between
SE 1st Street and FEC Rag-road
No one appeared to speak either for or against the roll. Mr. Moore read
Ordinance 65-43 authorizing adoption of the roll. Mr. Archie moved to
pass this ordinance to second and final reading. Seconded by Mr. Boos
and carried 4-0.
A thank-you-letter from the Jr. Chamber of CommerCe was read expressing
their appreciation for the assistance of the City with the JayCee park
project. The Council recognized Mr. Joe Cook in the audience and con-
gratulated him for his fine work as chairman of the Jaycee park project.
Ordinance 65-46 - 2nd reading - re collection of Sewer Service Charges
The City Attorney read the ordinance by caption only. Mr. Archie moved
for adoption. Motion seconded by Mr. Boos and carried 4-0.
Resolution 65 -~I.
This resolution authorized the execution by the City Manager of the
Housing and Home Finance Agency Planning Grant application. Motion for
adoption was made by Mr. Madsen and seconded by Mr. Archie. Carried 4-0.
Resolution 65-NN - removal of nuisance: lots 53 amd 54~ Dewey's S/D
The thirty day waiting period given the owners for eliminating this
nuisance is up and Mr. Moore read 65-NN to initiate further action.
Mr. Boos moved to accept the resolution. Motion seconded by Mr. Madsen.
Mr. A~chie stated his feeling that the City was overstepping its bounds
in attempting to force people to spend $30~000 to $40,000. It was
Mr. Moore's opinion that the City had the right to proceed with the
abatement and that in the event the matter ever went to courts the City
could prevail because the high value of this property would offset the
large expenditure necessary to alleviate the nuisance. Mr. Boos ex-
pressed the opinion that the City should have the resolution properly
recorded at the present time.
The fact that a precedent would be set by this aCtion for property north-
ward from Ocean Avenue to N. E. lOth Avenue was put forth by Mr. Archie
and he said he did not feel individual owners should be forced to spend
~t0,000 to $20:000 filling and bulkheading their property. The question
City Council, Boynton Beach, Florida
November 1, 1965
was called. The vote was 2-2, Mr. Boos and Mr. Madsen voting YES~
Mr. Arehie and Mr. Mahoney votin~ NO. Since it was not a passing
motion there is the possibility of it arising again when the full
Council is p~esent, Mr. Banks being presently out of town on pressing
personal business. Mayor Mahoney indicated that there were a few things
he %~uld like to check further with regard to this matter.
Mayor Mahoney asked Fir. Rain to accept on behalf of the City a plaque
from the Chamber of Commerce and expressed the appreciation of Council.
Mr. George Miles asked why a new £our-inch water main had been recently
installed at Greenwood Lane and was advised that this had been authorized
by the Council in workshop session to improve service to the residents
of the area. The expense of the new main was not charged to the bond
is sue.
Mr. Leforte addressed Council and stated he felt ordinance 65-28 with
its revised sewer rate schedule was in violation of an ordinance passed
in 1959 prohibiting the subsidizing of developers by the City. After
further remarks by I~. Leforte the ~ayor reminded him that a regular
Council meeting was not the place for politics.
Mr. Thomas Canavan of Roberts Addition requested that a 100 foot F.E.C.
parcel in his neighborhood be cleaned up. The Clerk advised that the
F.E.C. had agreed to do so and requested the City to obtain a price for
the job for them.
19 $5 Tax Roll
The 1965 tax roll (copy of total figures attached) was presented by
William Allan~ Tax Assessor. Motion to accept the roll was made by
Mr. Madsen and seconded by Mr. Archie. Carried 4-0.
Acceptance of Nominations - settinc of meeting date
Mayor Mahoney set Wednesday: November 3, 1965 at 8:30 a.m. for the
Special Council Meeting to accept the nominations for the upcoming City
election. It was requested that the bids for the ai~ conditioning of
the Library addition and the construction of the two decorative foun-
tains be ready for Council at that time.
ADptication for Per--it to Solicit - Soroptimist Club
Mr. Madsen moved the permit be granted with waiver of fee. Motion
seconded by Mr. Boos and unanimously carried 4-0.
City Cohncil, Boynton Beach, Florida
November 1, 1965
Approval of Bills.
Mr. Madsen moved for approval of bill from Bumby & Stimpson for periodic
estimate ~2 in the amount of $79,334.42~ the work having been certified
by the engineers. Motion seconded by Mr. Archie and carried 4-0.
Mr. Archie moved approval of bills from Jay Sa~no in the amount of
$2:602.80 and DeMarco TractOr and Implement Company for $4,395. Motion
seconded by Mr. Madsen and carried 4-0.
Mr. Boos stated his objection to the fact that the letter which went with
the 1965 tax bills over his signature had not been submitted for his
approval and took exception to several phrases.
Mayor Mahoney commended [Mr. Kain on the letter and said he felt Mr. Kain
did not mean to mislead anyone.
· 0
Meetinq adjourned 8.~ P.M.
Tereesa Padgett//City Clerk
Chas. N. Boos: Councilman
~ssesse~ Value
~w &
· 199,eeoo~o
. 59,353,527o00
Assessed 'gal~e
~ew & ~isability
Assessed Yalue
~m~mw & Disability
A~ver rising
7% 076,616.00
&37, 596,61
Tax Assessor