BEACH. FLORIDA, OCTOBER 6, 1965, at 10:30 A.M.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Mahoney at 10:30 A,M. The Council
took action grantimg Mr. Kain permission to sign the application to the
Housing and Home Finance Agency for advance planning and to have the Clerk
attest his signature. The ~otion was made by ~r, Banks and secon4ed~ by Mr.
Madsen, Carried unanimously 5-0.
The euestion of what to present to the voters for their approval or disapprove}
in t~e forthcoming election was discussed. I~. Sanders of Russell & Axon
presented what he termed a '~pre~-preliminary report in the form of a map which
designated the needs of the various areas of the city. There is need of re-
surfacing and reconstruction of some s~reets, sidewalks and tie-in of traffic
patter~s, He stressed the fact that this is omly "pre':-preliminary in advnnce
of the rep~£t for which the advance planning loan is beir~ requested, He
indicated the drainage areas showing where storm drains are needed with out-
fall into Lake ~,~orth, [~, Sanders stated that this program is coordinated
~;ith the city's sewer construction so we can be sure no streets will be re-
surfaced until after the sewers are in. ~.~, Archie moved that the Capital
Improvements Program be placed before the voters on December 7~ 1965. in an
amount not to exceed 1.9 million dollars for st=eets~ drainage and sidewalks.
Seconded by P~, Banks and unanimously carried
Mr. Kain stated that several parcels had been offered to the City and he felt
that one should be selected by the Council to be put before the voters. His
recommendation was the 300 feet directly north of and adjacent to our present
public beach, primarily because there was already an existing facility at this
lecation thereby minimizing expenditures. The point was made that none of
the parcels were presently zoned to all~ public beach and parking facilities
by any community ether than theTown of Ocean Ridge. The Ocean Ridge Council
would have to give its consent and ~. P~ore said that a letter to that effect
was coming from ~. }{erring, Ocean Ridge city attorney. However, Mr, Moore
said that it would be normal procedure to put it to the voters first. The
land acquisition for beach purposes would naturally be subject to the approval
by Ocean Ridge. F~. Boos moved that subject to our attorney's restrictions
relative to zonimg~the purchase of the 300 feet north of and adjoining our
present beach be placed on the raferendum December 7th at a cost to the city
of $300,~OO. Seconded by ~zm. Archie.
City Council, Boynton Beach, Florida
October 6, 1965
~rs. Hood was recognized by the Mayor amd said that she did not want the patce~
of land available at approximately S, Eo 15th Avenue precluded from considera-
tion. P~ Roes stated that he thought each parcel should stand on its own
merit, that possibly beth parcels could be presented to the people so as to
give the voters equal choice.
Fz. l~oore said that such a proposal would have to be put to the bonding people~
He stated also that a stipulation should be placed that the city receive,
within one week~ ~ f~rm exclusive option to purchase the property at $300,000,
~%e option not to exceed 90 days, and it would become a contract immediately
upon approval of the voters. ~r. Boos asreed to this stipulation and the
motion was carriedt~animously.
Mr. Banks moved to place on the referendum the 440 foot parcel of beach prop-
erty at $300~000o Seconded by 1~_~o Mads_~n, Mz. Archie said he would like to
see the question sec up ~,,ith ~ "Yes~ or ~]o~ to a $300,000 p%~rchase of beach
property~ the~ with a prefer~ace as to parcel, i,~otien carried u,nan~mousty.
1~'. ~,o~re pointed out ~,at the questi~, cf zcni~g of the parcels wo~ld be in
the contract amd not on ;he referendum.
11:!0 A,M. 1~. Madsen left the meeting due to a prior engagement.
Mr. Kain recommended construction of a fire station at a cost of $135,000 on
a site east of the City Hall building. This site was the first choice of
the Underwriters bureau which examined four sites. The present location was
third choice due to its proximity to U. S. #t, ~. Banks moved to place
this item on the referundum. Seconded by ~. Archie. Motion carried 4-0.
~nis item has been requested by several civic groups in the City. ¥~. Kain
gave an approximate cost figure of $125~000 for construction of a municipal
pool with complete facilities. This figure does not include property. How-
ever he stated there is recreation land available in the city. Mr. Archie
moved to place this item on the referendum December 7th at a cost of $125,000
with the voters to mark their preference of a site either east or west of
the waterway. Seconded by Mr. Boos. Motion carried 4-0.
I~. Ifain made a final recOrmnendation of a "catch-al!~ item to include boat
ramp, traffic signalization, miscellaneous land acquisition for parks and
master ptar~ning and off-street parking facilities at cost of $!25,000=
Several parcels of land were discussed ¢~ith possible prices including the
old Methodist Church parsonage and the Shepard, Boedecker a~d Lyman properties?
t~r. Kain stated that there was a possibility of leasing traffic signals in
the future and thereby stop expenditure of capital for this item, P~. Banks
City Council, Boynton Beach, Florida
October 6, 1965
said he felt they should be more specific with ftgttres, and ~Mr. Archie ex-
plained the reason for lumping items together was so it could appear in
abbreviated form on the referendum; however the i~for~tion~ould be spelled
out in the brochure,
M~. Boos said he felt development of the block immediately north of the City
Hall was very important for municipal development and mentioned use of '
revolving fund for such purposes whereby money will be returned through
assessment liens. Mr. Archie moved to place this item of $250,000 for m~_uici-
pal improvements on the December ?th referendum. Seconded by Fw, Banks and
carried 4-0,
Mayow Mahoney iusuired as to the inclusion of the pension plan on the referen-
dum. ~¢r. Kain s~id this definitely should go to the voters as it would have
to be supported by a special millage and requires a large !~p s~ur~, to initiate.
Mr. Archie asked if the revolving fund could't be vtilized for this purpose.
Mayor liahoney said tfaat many other cities had a pension plan and the Council
should follow through on it and give the people a right to express their
wish, Mr, George toiles expressed the opinion from the flooz that the pension
plan should appear as a separate item on the referendum. Mr. Archie moved
to place-the pension plan for city employees in the amount of $25,000 on the
December 7th referendum on a '~Yes~' or ~'No'~ basis. Seconded by 1¢r. Banks.
Motion carried 4-0.
Mr. Moore mentioned that there were three items for the charter which required
a referendum: t) setting of date for adoption of the budget on or before
second Monday in September, 2) question of exclusive garbage franchise, and
3) conflict of charter with civil service rules regarding the };,21yor appointing
to positions of chiefs of fire and police. ~. Archie said he felt the Capital
In~rovement prOgram was more important at this time. Iz~. Moore pointed out
that the charte~ changes required only a simple majority of tke voters
there was no time limit as toi-~hen they must be put to a referendum.
Archie moved that these items be deferred. Seconded by M3f. Banks. b~tion
carried ~-0.
t~r. Archie then moved that the city attorney and the city manager be authorized
to take ~he necessary steps to accomplish the referendum for the December 7~h
1965 elec:tion. Seconded by Ilr. Boos. Motion carried 4-0.
City Council~ Boynton Beach, Florida
October 6, 1965
Meeting adjourned 12:00
Tereesa Padge~ City Clerk