FLORIDA, OCTOBER 4, 1965, at 7:30 P.M.,
Mayor Mahoney called ~he meeting to order at 7:30 P.M, Reverend Henry Jarvis
of the Southside Baptist Chruch gave the invocation and Vice Mayor Fmdsen
lead the salute to the Flag.
The Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 20, 1965, and Special Meetings
of September 22 and 24, 1965, were approved as submitted by a unanimous vote
of the Council.
Mayor Mahoney recognized i~r. Ward Wagner, Jr,, attorney, Mr. Wagner stated
that he had been asked by a group of approximately seven hundred and ninety-
five signers of a petition to appear before the City Council to request that
a portion of emergency Ordinance No. 65-4I be rescinded. The petition was
read and presented to the Clerk. The petition requested that Ordinance 65-41
be amended to allow fishing at the new salt water dam at the Boyntom Canal.
Mr. Wagner said that Boynton Beach is advertised as a fisherman's paradise,
yet the best fishing in t~rn has been prohibited to the local anglers, The
group represented by Mr. Wagner felt that approximately 70 yards on the
south side of the spillway and approximately 50 yards on the north bank could
be made available to the citizens of Boymton Beach provided they conduct
themselves in a proper manner, the same as they would in any residential area.
tn answer to a question by Mr, Madsen, Mr. Wagner said that Mr. Halle had
told him that all signers of the petition were residents of Boynton Beach.
Mr. Ernest G. Simon, attorney, appeared to speak for the residents of Coquina
Cove and Harbor Estates. These people are in favor of the ordinance as
passed and object to any amendment dealing with allowing fishing.
7:45 P.M. - ~yor Mmhoney interrupted Mr. Simon ~o issue a final call for bids.
}4r. Simon went on to say the area residents were annoyed by dead fish, loud
noises, traffic congestion, and ~pt~ alcoholic containers and other litter
as a result of fishing at the locks. These people want only peaceful enjoy-
merit of their homes and feel that Ordinance 65-41 is in the best interests
of public health and welfare amd should stand on the books.
City Council, Boynton Beach, Florida
October 4, 1965
Mr. Archie said that he felt that a middle ground could be found by the two
parties mostly affected and suggested a meeting of representatives of the
homeowners, fishermen and the City Council and the Flood Control District
to bring about a sensible answer to the problem because this is evidently the
best fishing in the area.
Mr. Ymdsen disagreed, pointing out that representatives of both groups were
present at this Cou%~cil meeting and the matter eould he decided immediately,
However both Mr, Wagner and F~. Simonwere agreeable to a future meeting and
Mayor Mahoney set it for October I1, 1965j at 7:30 P.M., to be held in the
Council conference chambers on the first floor of the City Hall. Each of
the attorneys was requested to brLqg along two interested parties and there
would be a rePresentative of the Council present amd the City would also
endeavor to have a representative of the Flood Control district present.
Mayor Mahoney requested that the City Attormey also be in attendance.
Two Police Cruisers
Three bids were received for 1966 models as authorized in the 1965-66 budget,
1. Florida Chrysler-Plymouth 1 unit $24246.55
2 units 4,493.10
Delivery 60 days, cashier's check for $445 enclosed
Adams Chevrolet $2,345 each for two units
4,690 total
Delivery 45 days, cheek for $469 enclosed
Joe Rose Motors, Inc.
Belvedere I Series $2,235 each, 2 units $4,470
Fury I Series 2,277 each, 2 %mits 4,554
Delivery 60 days. No check enclosed with bid
Mr. Archie moved to turn the bids over to a committee consisting of the
City ~nager, Purchasing Agent and the Police Chief for tabulation, Motion
seconded by Mr. Madsen and carried unanimously,
One Trash Tractor
Five bids were received:
1. Trail Ford Tractor Company - letter stating they were again written
Out of the bidding due to smell technical specifications.
DeMarco Tractor and Implement Co.
Vmssey-Ferguson $4~195~ t0 days or less delivery
add $200 for Model 200 loader
Cit~y Council, Boynton Beach, Florida
October 4, 1965
F & C Tractor and Equipment Company
John Deere $5,349,83, 7-day delivery
Thornburg Tractor Company
Minneapolis-Moline $5,274.44, delivery within 30 days
Engineering Machine Co., Inc.
International Harvester $4,271, 75 days delivery
FZ. Banks moved that the bids be turned over to Mr. Kain, Mr. Allan and
Ralph Hughes for tabulation. Seconded by Mr. Boos. Mr. Archie said he
would llke an explanation of Trail Ford Tractor's comments back with the
tabulation and asked l~r. Banks if he would so amend his motion. Mr. Banks
stated that he believed that this company did not formerly bid on the mowers
because of the specs and said he would so amend his motion that a report be
submitted at the next meeting as to why Trail Ford Tractor sent no bid.
Again seconded by Mr. Boos. Unanimously carried.
Library Addition
~ibrary Addition - Air Condition~,M
Four bids were received:
Young and Waldie - Base bid $12,900, Alternate ~!, $3,200
Alternate #3, 475
$808 check enclosed. Start in ten days, complete project within
75 working days
Jay Same Builders Inc. - Base Bid $!1,468.04, Alt. #1 $3,478.75
Alt. #3 672.00
$800 bid bond enclosed - Start within 10 days, complete within 100 days
Monmouth Fund, Inc. - Base Bid $15,015, Alt. #1 $2,860
Alt. #3 490
$893.75 bank draft enclosed. Start in 10 days and complete within
90 working days
Modern Roofing - for Air Conditioning for the Addition.
$1,750 - wiring and cutting not included. Cashier's check in amount
of $82.50 enclosed.
Mr. Madsen moved to return check to Modern Roofing as only one bid has been
received and to readvertise the item. Motion seconded by Mr. Boos and
unanimously carried.
Mr. Archie moved to accept the bid of Jay Same Builders, Inc., as low bidder
on base bid and alternate #1 and ~3 for the Library Addition. Motion seconded
by ~r. Banks. Unanimously carried.
City Council, Boynton Beach, Florida
October 4, 1965
Sewage Works Projec~
These additions are part of the total designed system planned under the most
recent extension program. Tg~elve bids were received. ~Mr. Sanders of Russell
and Axon assisted wi~h the opening and reading of the bids, all of which had
bid bonds attached, all totals for items 1 through 28. All bids acknowledged
addendums #i and ~2 Unless otherwise noted:
1. M.B. Construction Company $158,312.62
2. Gulfstan Corporation 128.804.27
(Southern Gulf Utilities reorganized)
3. National Construction Company 117,735,50
4. Dargel Construction Company 164.911.95
Based on Add. #1
5. Bumby and Stimpson 135.638.70
If ~hell rock base allowed instead of limerock, deduct $4~419 from total
6. int~reoUnty C_o~struction Co. 155.963.25
7. H ~S Constructors
8. ~Unitmire }~ock, Inc. 113,102,50
9. Widell Associates 123,711.00
10. Hosey Oomtractors 145~371.30
11, Cleary Bros. Construction Co. 139,266,75
RecOgnize #1 only
12. Goodwin. !nc. 128.242.50
Mr. PAdsen mo,ced the bids be turned over to the engineers, Russell & Axon
for tabulation amd report. P~otion seconded by Mr. Archie. Unanimously carried.
Paving S. ~. 9th Av--,,e between S. E. Ist Street and F.E.C. Railroad
Mr. Boos moved to table this item due to a possible difference in footage
assessment. Fmtion seconded by ~. Banks and carried unanimously.
Request from Boynton Beach-Ocean Ridge RePublican ClUb for use of Council
Chambers On Thursday evening, October 21~ 1965, to present a program of public
interest and discussion regarding the United Nations. There is to be no
charge made to the public for attendance and the program is one of ~eneral
interest and education, PLr, Boos moved to grant the ~equest. Seconded by
Mr. ArChie. Unanimously carried,
City Council, Boynton Beach, Florida
October 4, 1965
A City employee has reached the age of 65 years and wishes to know whether
or not she will be kept on in the employ of the City. Mr. Banks moved that
the City Mamager handle this administratively and the reappointment to come
later, according to Civil Service rules. }-~. Boos seconded the motion.
Carried unanimously.
Mayor Fmhoney brought up the subject of discounts and the fact that many
businessmen grant discounts for early payment of bills. He noted that although
the City has a tO%penalty for not paying sewer bills on time, there is
nothing offered those who pay their bills on time. The Mayor stated that he
had gone over the matter with F=. Kaiu and that Mr. Archie and Mr. Mmdsen had
looked into the matter and it had also been§one over with the Finance Director
and that he believed it would be proper and right to grant a 10% reduction on
sewer bills paid within ten days. F~. Archie moved the City Attorney be
reduction i~ rate if it meets with the terms of the bonding agreement a~d
if a penalty was included against those who do not pay.
F~. Boos said he was under the impression the City Was about about $20,000
, I(ain ~ that there was an
utilities. ~zm.
Mad: 5~ o~ the sewer.
Fz. reduetionwould
amount to made by l~ro Archie
Ordinance No. 65.-40 - 2nd readins
Ordinance No. 65-40 was readby the City Attorney by caption only. This
ordinance established ~he position of license inspector. F~. Archie moved
to accept the ordinanceon second and final reading. Motion seconded by
Mr. ~dsen. Carried unanimously.
Resolution 65-LL
This resolution would authorize Fz. Kain to act on behalf of the City under
Public La%; 876 to obtain emergency funds presently available from the Federal
G~vernmant to offset local expenses caused by hurricane Betsy. Mr. Banks so
moved and Mr. Archie seconded the motion. Unanimously carried.
City Council, Boynton Beach, Florida
October 4, 1965
.,Ordinance No. 65-44
Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No, 65-44 amending the City's parking code.
Standards for the design of parking spaces presently recommended nationally
are incorporated. Fir. Archie moved to pass to second and final reading. Mr.
Madsen seconded. Unanimously carried.
Ordinance No. 65-42
Ap e~er~enc~0~dinance amending the plumbing code by.establishing specific
s~anaaras whereby only qualified persons would be eligible to take the
plumbing examinations, F~. }~dsen moved the adoption of subject ordinance.
Upon the request of lit. Archie, ~. P~dsen amended his motion to the effect
that the ordinance read anyone failing the Master plumber's exam could be
re-examined in three months rather than six. Motion seconded by Mr. Archie
and carried unanimously.
Mr. Harry LeFort, 725 Ocean Inlet Drive, asked the Council why the front.
footage assessment for the sewer project had been done away with. Mayor
Mah°ngy advisnd him that it had been recommended by the fiscal agent, Mr,
LeFort 65-28 establishing the new sewer rates and wanted
had recommended this reduction. Mr. Kain stated it
by Russell & Axon and the report was in the form of a
Daytona Office which Mr. LeFort could examine in
time. Mr. LeFort also wanted ~o know whey owners of vacant
free. The Mayor advised him that there is a $100
property owners in a sewered area when they build on
~everaEe License
A request has been made to add Jacqueline R~-;e's name to existing beverage
license of the Palmetto l&~rket by Mrs. Robinson. Mr. Archie moved to grant
the request. Seconded by ~, Boos. Motion unanimously carried.
City Manager's Report on Filling and Bulkheading of Lots 53 and 54,
Dewey's, Subdivision
Inspection has sho~m these lots to be low and that they are breeding ground
for vermin and mosquitoes. The required work has been estimated at $35.000
and the owners have been contacted by letter from the City Manager and by
telephone by the City Attorney. Mr. Fain recommended additional time be
granted before further action is taken. Mr, Archie moved that one more month
be granted. Seconded by P~, Banks and carried unanimously. }~, Boos asked
City Council~ Boynton Beach, Florida
October 47 1965
that the property owners be advised of the additional time being granted.
~eport for Central and Southern Florida Flood Control Dlstrict re Boynton Cm~m~
It was noted here that this matter had been discussed earlier and would be
taken up October ll~h at 7:30 P.M.
.Cemetery Beautification
The Cemetery Board has agreed to appropriate $11,000 from the trust funds to
be used for refurbishment of both cemeteries. The Council is requested to
1. Transfer $1!~O00 from the trust funds to a capital expenditure
account for both cemeteries
2. Prepare plans and specifications for the work
3. Advertise for bids for portions of the work.
N~. Archie moved to grant items 2 and 3 and to table item 1. MM. Banks
seconded. ~otien carried unanimously,
Approval of Fee Schedule for 1964 Improvemnt & Refunding Issue for Services
~endered by At!antic~ National Bank
The various accounts referred to are set up to retire prior obligations and
to make present construction fund disbursements.
C. 212 Construction Funds
C. 213 1964 Bonds
C. 214 1950 Bonds
C. 215 1960 Bonds
C. 216A 1961 Bonds - Series A
C. 216B 1961 Bonds - Series B
C. 217 Registrar 1964 Bonds
Mr. Banks moved the fees be approved.
$ 500 flat fee
1,000 annual fee
50 annual fee
50 annual fee
100 annual fee
i00 annual fee
1.50 per bond or
fee annually
$25 minimum
Seconded by 1~. Archie and unanimously
Change Order #2 - Bumby and Stimpson Comtracl
Approval is required to authorize execution of Change Order #2 which will
add three extensions to the existing contract. The extension and amounts
are as follows:
1. Extension of force main Laurel Hills-Industrial Park $3,500.00
2. Extension of Ymin 2B - Bethesda Hospital Area 2,263.75
3. Extension of main on N. E. 22nd Avenue 3,150.40
Mr. ~;mdsen moved to grant requested authorization. Seconded by ~. Archie.
Uninamously carried.
City Council, Boynton Beach, Florida
October 4, 1965
ADDlicatton for Permit to Solicit Funds - Lions Clltl,
The Boynton Beach Liens Club has requested permission for a fund solicitation
on Saturday, October 9, at the corner of Ocean Avenue and U. S. ~1. This is
for the White Cane Day and the program will be conducted only during daylight
hours. F~. Boos moved the request be granted ~rith waiver of fee. Seconded
by P/r. Madsen. Unanimously carried.
1. Hardrives, Inc. $1,887. Mr. Boos moved for approval. Seconded by
Archie and carried unanimously.
2. Neptune Meter Co., $1,084.50. Mr. Archfe moved for approval. Seconded
by Mrl Banks and carried 5~0,
3, Boynton ~.fetalcraft, Inc, $964,65, ~r, Archie moved for approval, Mr,
4. Atlantic ~ational Bank. $1,825. Mr. Boos moved for approval. Seconded
5. by Mr, Arehie and carried unanimously.
BentonEr~ineering Co. $1,680.75. This was for extension of sewer llne
cras. Busby Sti sun no equipment to s are
or thd job~ Mr. Archie moved to table ~h~ ~ .... ) P
- ...... ~, ~econaea by Mr. Boos.
Motion~carried 5-0.
6. $16,279.56 as authorized by Russell & Axon. Hr. Archie
, bill and to express to Bumby & Stimpson the appreciation of
a job well done. Seconded by P~. Boos and carried
Mr. Madsen inquired how the beautification of the Canal banks was coming along.
1~, Fain said the FCD had agreed to supply the City with grass seed and fer-
tilizer for the banks.
F=. Boos said relative to the 10% discount on sewer bills, he did not recall
the City givin§ discounts since 1950. Mr, Archie said that this had been
done prior to 1950.
Mr. Fain r~minded the Council of the Capital Improvements Program meeting
scheduled for 9:00 A. M., October 5, 1965.
City Council, Boymton Beach, Florida
October 4, 1965
cr~s. N. ~oos,