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Minutes 08-26-65
MINUTES OF ~PECiAL ~.~ETING ON' CITY COUNCIL, HELD IN CIT~ HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AT 9:00 A. l~.., AUGUST 26, 1965. PRESENT: JA~S J. },La~O~Y, P~AYOR WALTER A. F~SF~, VICE MAYOR JOHN L. ARCH21~, CO~NCILMAN F. T. KAIN, CITY MANAGER GENE ~©ORE, CITY ATTORNEY TEBJ~ESA PADGETT, CITY CLERK J. ALLISON B~, COUNCILt~d~ CHAS. N. BOOS, COUNCIL~i~N l~yor F~honey called the meeting to order at 9:08a.m. and requested that the record show that ~r. Banks was unable to attend the meeting as he had a previous appointment which he could not break. Mr. Boos was out of the state on a vacation. .Ladies Professional Golf Association Tournament - ~L~rch 1966 Support for a tournament to be held in Delray Beach, Florida, in March 1966 by the Ladies Professional Golf Association was solicited by Mr. Luigi ~risola. ~he tournament was being sponsored by the Delray Beach Chamber of Commerce and it was necessary that $tO,000 be in an escrow account before the Ladies Professional Golf association would sign the contract to hold the tournament in Delray Beach. ~his $10,000 was being raised by selling certificates for ~lO0.O0 and the money realized from the rodent would he used to pay hack the certificate holders for the~ r investment~ up to the total cost of ~he certificates. All profit over and above this would be held over for t~e follow~ng tournament. He requested the City to support the project by ~he purchase of certificates. Mr. Mirisola cited the benefit tocsl businessmen would derive from the event end also the possibility of it bein~ held in Boynton Beach in coming years. Mr. Archie stated that he felt ~that since the City of Delray Beach had cooperated with Boynton Beach in th~ Soap Box Derby for the past several years, that he would mO~e that the C~ty of Boynton Beach purchase four certificates in the amount of ~00.00 and that the funds be drawn from the Community Promotion F~nd and that the Mayor present a second place trophy to the runner-up in the golf tournament. 2~r. ~dsen seconded, 2~tion carried 3-0. -1- ,~ity Council Boynton Beach~ Fla, August 26, 1965 ~ids for Fill Fmte~l t~ fill the Kerr and Barrett propertie,. An invitation to bid had been issued tO supply fill material for the Kerr and Barrett properties~ The n~cesSity for filling these properties a deternkination that a nuissnce exists. The owners with sufficient time to perform this Work in accordance with the requirements of the city Code. The City Manager recommended that the award of contract Be made. The following bide were opened: 1. Herb Willard Trucking Boca Raton, Florida per cubic yard 2, Hardrives, Inc. Delray Beach, Florida 755 per cubic yard (Both bids were for 2500 cubic yards) ,Mr. Archie moved that the bid be awarded to the apparent low Bidder, Hardrives, Inc. in the amount of 755 per cubic yard. ~ir..WLadsen seconded Motion carried 3-0. Sanitary Sewer Construction ProEram - Authorization for Hece/ot of Bids Mayor Mahoney read a letter addressed to the Council from Councilman Banks which stated that he was in favor of the completion of that portion of the sanitary sewer program which was previously designed by Russell & Axon but was not advertised for bids previously, and that if the matter was considered that the letter be read in support. A copy of the letter is attached to and made a part of these minutes. The City ~L~nager recommended that the Council authorize the receipt of bids on this work for the first meeting in October. Cost of the extension was estimated to be $124,000. Mr. Madsen moved that the recommendation be accepted and authorization be given for ~he receipt of Bids. Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried 3-0 .,Air Conditioning and Hea~,~nE W~l.~on Recreation Cent=& Mr. l%adsen moved that the Council authorize the advertising for bids for air conditioning and heat/rig the Wilson Recreation Center; 50% of the total cost to be ~4d in this fiscal year and the remaining ~0% in %he 1965-66 fiscal year. Mr. Archie seconded. ~btion carried 3-0. H I N U T E S City Council B~}mtom Beach, Fla. August 26, i965 .Extension of Sick Leave Time to Henrv F. Crawford Mr. Kain brought to the attention of Council a request by Henry Fo Crawford for an extension of sick leav~ time. ~ir, Crawford was seriously ill and had usedhis 54 accumulated sick leave days and all vacation time. Fir. Ifain recom~ende~ an extension of five additional days, It was the optrcion of the Mayor that no pOlicy should be established but that every case should be j~dge~ on its own merito Pfr~ Archie moved that the ob granuen uo mr. u~aw~or~, ivr~. Madsen seconded. Motion carried 3-0. ~e~uest to Hold Revival Meetimas in the 500 block on H. W. 12th Ave. A request from Rev. Hopkins to hold a Revival }~eting in the form of the Deliverance ~rayer Band in a tent in the 500 Block of N. W, 12th Avenue was brought up for consideration. Hr, train stated that he had received some objections to this type of meeting due to tare hours and the loud noises. A citizen 3 0 objected for the same reasons based on the recent held on l~orth Seacrest Boulevard. er 15 to October 17 andwas for the] 7:30 to ~0:45 p.m. Mr. Madsen moved that the request be denied. }~r. Archie seconded. *Motion carried 3-0. ~Dlication for Liquor License -Alfrede~s Resta,rmn{. Mr. }~ore explained to Council that Alfred and Sylvio Carpanzano o~aers of Alfredo's Restaurant, ~405 S.E. 2nd Street, were requesting tentative approval of a liquor ligense in order ~o complete their plans for expanding the business. Mr. Madsen[moved that tentative approval be given subject to the building being completed according to specifications. Mr. Archie seconded. Motion Carried 3-0. ~uthorization to Advertise for Bids Mr. Madsen moved that the City ~nager be authorized to advertise for bids for the Tractor and Lifter and the Two ]~olice Cars which had been included in the coming years budget in order ~o facilitate delivery shortly after November 1st. Mr. Arehie seconded the ~otion which carried 3-0. Mr. Archie moved that the City Manager be authorized to prepare plans and specifications for the planned work on the Boynton Beach Memorial ~ark Cemetery. Mr. Hadsen seconded. Motion carried 3-0. -3- MINUTES City Council Boynton Beach, Fla. August 26, 1965 Authorization was also given the City Manager to start work and advertise the bids on the planned library expansion for which money was budgeted in the 1965-66 fiscal year. Use of Ro~al Patm ¥i11.~e Recreation Center for Votin~ Place Discussion as to the us~ of the Royal Palm Village Recreation Center for a voting place was held. It was brought to the Council's attention that the original reason for having tw~ voting places in' l~eal elections was the lack of space in the old Shuffleboard Building, the station used before the erection of the Civic Center. However, there was plenty of space in the Civic Center and it was felt that the~e would be less co-~fusion on the part of the voter if only one place was used. In addition to this the Royal Palm Uillage Association had indicated that Letter. from Russell and. Axmn~Re: ~sDectors for Sanitary Se~er Project Mayor i~ahoney read a~ let~t~r dated August 23, 1965, from D. R. Neff of Russell & A~0n. The letter ~erred to the number of inspectors to be used on th~ Sanitary Sewer p~j~e~t, and indicated that there was not a ~efi~nit? understanding. ~. ~Eai~ was requested to get in touch with ~. oanders in this matte~.an~ to. inform ~ir. Osteen of the decisions of Council and the understanding that had been reached. There being no farther basiuess the was adjourned at 9:55 a~m. Tereesa Padgett~ ¢ity~Cle~ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH 720 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH. fLORIDA 33435 August 24, 1965 Honorable Mayor and City Council City Hall Boynton Beach, Florida Gentlemen: I understand that, in a special meeting which has been called for 9:00 a.m., Thursday, August 26, one of the topics for discussion and possi~e action will be the completion of that portion of the sanitary sewer pro- gr~mwhich was designed by Russell &Axon but which was not advertised for bids recently. Due to the fact that the bids for the first portion of this Work were considerably below the estimates, I be- lieve that it would be very desirable to authorize ad- vertising for bids for the balance of this work at this time. It is my understanding that the estLmates to complete this project are $124,000. tf a motion is made at this meeting to complete this work, I would like to have this letter read as support- ing that motion. Thank you. / / ~e~/~tru ly yours,/_/ / .//J. Allison Banks //City Councilman cc: City Manager