Mayor Mahoney called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Reverend
Edgar E. Stauffer of the First Methodist Church gave the invoca-
tion. Councilman Bauks led the Salute to the Flag. Mayor Mahoney
requested the records to show that Vice Mayor Madsen was on vaca
tion in Chicago and therefore absent from the meeting.
Mr. Archie moved that ~he minutes of regular meeting of June 7,
3965, and special meeting of June 15, 1965, be approved as written
Mr. Banks seconded. Motion carried ~-O.
Pavin~ S. E. 9th Avenue between S. E. 1st Street and F. E. C..
Railway (0nthe Table)
Mr. Archie moved that the item be removed from the table. Mr.
Banks seconded. Motion carried ~-O.
Mr. Kain reported to Council that it was his recommendation that
the work be done at an estimated front-foot cost of $3.25 per foot
and that advertisements for bids be published. Mr. Archie moved
that the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted and the
City Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids. Mr. Boos seconde&
Motion carried 4-0.
Request to Solicit Poinciana School Quarterback Club (On th9
Mr. Banks moved that the item be removed from the table. Mr.
Archie seconded. Motion carried ~-0.
Mrs. Padgett reported to Council that the Principal of Poinciana
School recognized the organization as worthy and recommended
approval of the request. Mr. Boos moved that the permit to
City Council, Boynton Beach, Florida
June 21, 1965
solicit be granted to Poinciana School Quarterback Club. Mr.
Banks seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
Upon the recommendation of the City Manager~ Mr. Archie moved thai
the Council give tentative approval for the organization of an
Employee Payroll Credit Union, in order that the employees inter-
ested could formulate plans for a legal organizations said plans
to be approved by Council at a later date. Mr. Boos seconded.
Motion carried 4-0.
It now being 7:45 P.M. the Mayor called for Bids on Insurance ss
BIDS (7:45 P.M.)
Armual Insurance CoveraE9
Mr. Banks moved that all bids be opened and initialed by each
Councilman and turned over to s committee for tabulation.
Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
Bids were opened from the following firms: Beery & Brown, Delray Beach, Florida (1)
Seacrest Insurance Agency, Boynton Be~ch, Florida (1)
Plastridge~ Agency, Delray Beach, Florida (1)
Frank J. Kelly, State Farm Insurance, Boynton Beach (2)
NationwideInsurance Company, Marcus Gilbreath, Agent,
West Palm Beach, Flormda (1)
Chas. R. Dorsey, West Palm Beach, Florida (2)
Jo~hn Turrentine, Inc., West Palm Beach, Florida (2)
Mr. Boos and Mr. Banks thar~ed the agents that participated in
the bidding. Mr. Banks moved that the bids be received and turne~
over to a committee for tabulation consisting of Mr. Ray Allen,
Mr. Clarence Beery, M~. Kain and William Allan, Purchasing Agent.
Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
BUSINESS (Cont'd.)
Sewer Relocation
Mr. Kain explained that due to the location of sanitary sewer
system on the piece of land in Ac Sec 27/4%/~3 on which New
Horizons housing complex was going to be built, it would be
necessary to relocate the line which runs down the middle of the
City Council, Boynton Beach, Florida
June 21, 1965
property, at a cost of approximately $t5,000~ He stated that
every possibility had been explored. He recommended that the
Council provide half the funds necessary to relocate this pipe
and the developer would provide the other half. The developer
would do the initial installing and the City credit them with
the expense of installation at a later date. Mr. Boos moved
that the Council accept the City Manager's recommendation and
authorize the relocation. Mro Banks seconded. Motion carried
Board of Equalization
The Mayor.announced that the Council would sit as a Board of
Equalization on Tuesday, July 137 1965 at 9:BO A.M. to hear
complaints regarding tax assessments.
Ordinance 65~22 - 2nd Reading
Mr. Moore read Ordinance 65-22 by caption only for the second
reading. The Ordinance established a zoning classification of
R~3~ for multiple dwellings. Mr. Archie moved the adoption of
Ordinance 6~;22 on second and final reading. Mr. Banks seconded,
Motion carried ~-0.
Ordinance 6~-2g - 2nd Readin~
Ordinance 6~23 ~as read for the second reading by caption only.
The Ordinanc~ rezoned ~creage p~rcel~located at 702 South
Federal High~i~y from R 1AA to C.1. 1ir. Boos moved that Ordinance
65~23 be pas~'edon second and final reading. Mr. Banks seconded.
Motion carried ~-0.
Ordinance 6~424 - 2nd Readin~
Ordinance 6~24 was read for the second reading by caption only.
The 0rdinanc~ rezoned a parcel in Boynton Ridge from R-1 to
R-3A. Mr. Archie moved the ~doption of Ordinance 65-2~. Mr.
Banks seconded. Motion carrmed 4-0.
Ordinance 6~-2~ - 2nd Reading
Ordinance 6~-2~ was read for the second reading by caption only.
The ordinance levied assessments for street improvements on:
N. W. 13th Avenue between N. W. 8th Street and N. W.
City Council, Boynton Beach, Florida
June 21, 1965
9th Street; also N. W. 7th Court from N. W. 13th
Avenue southerly 167 feet; and N. W. 8th Street
from N. W. loth Avenue to N. W. 13th Avenue
Mr. Banks moved thet Ordinance 65-25 be passed on second and
final reading. ¥~. Boos seconded. Motion carried 4-0°
Ordinance 65-26 - 2nd Readin~
Mr. Moore read Ordinance 65-26 for the socond reading by caption
only. The ordinance levied assessments for street improvement
N. W. 13th Avenue and N. W. 7th Street to N. W.
7th Court
Mr. Banks moved that the ordinance be passed on second and final
reading. Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
Ordinance 65-27- 2nd Reading
Mr. Moore read Ordinance 65-27 for the second reading by caption
only. The ordinance levied assessments for street improvement on~
Alley lying between N. E. 2nd Avenue and N. E.
1st Avenue from N. E. ~th Street eastward to
u. s. #1
Mr. Archie moved that Ordinance 6~-27 be adopted on second and
final reading. Mr. Boos seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
Ordinance 6~-28 - 2nd Readin~ ,
Mr. Moore read the ordinance for the second reading by caption
only. The ordinance amended the sewer rate structure as explained
in the minutes of June 7th. The ordinance itself had been
amended from the first reading to the second reading to include
an additional classification pertaining to rates for hotels and
motels, and it was therefore deemed necessary by the City
Attorney to have a third reading before final passage. Mr. Archie
moved that Ordinance 65-28 be passed from second reading to third
reading. Mr. Banks seconded.
Under discussion of the motion, Mr. Boos read a statement of his
position which was opposed to the motion. He stated that it was
his opinion that the Council would be forced some day to stop
compounding errors and fairly charge each user of the municipal
facility; that the program had had unprecedented public resist-
ance, calling particular attention to the refusal of government
agencies to pay their monthly sewer bills;that the City~ sewer
rates were the highest effective rates for comparable cities in
the S~te; that a long term sewer assessment program couidredncethe
City Council, Boyn~on Beach, Florida
June 21, 1965
sewer charges and provide for continuing expansion of the
Upon a call for the question, the motion to pass the ordinance
from second to third reading was carried 3-1~ Ayes: Messers.
Archie, Banks and Mahoney; N~yes: Mr. Boos.
Ordinance 6~-29 - 2nd Readi~..¢
Ordinance 6~-2% which declared the intention of the City to
annex Lots ~l, ~2 and W 231 feet of Lots 51+ and 55, Trade Winds
Estates, was read by caption only for the second reading. Mr.
Archie moved that the ordinaace be adopted on second and final
reading. Mr. Boos seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
Resolution 6~-DD
Resolution 65-DD was re~d by ~r~ Moore. The resolution declared
the necessity for thedemolitlon of s~rucvures located on sixteen
parcels within the City dee~ed hazardous to the health and
welfare of adjoining residents and also the adjoining buildings,
and directed the City Clerk to notify the owners of the City's
intent by registered mail. Mr. Banks moved that Resolution
65-DD .be adopted~ Mr. Boos seconded. Motion carried $-0.
Mr. C. U. ~enny, speaking i~ behalf of t~e boating interest in
the community sited recent ~mprovements ~n the boat ramps
located at the park on the north sida of the City and asked
Council consideration for fGture improvements in the area. The
City Manager was directed t? call a meeting of the committee,
formerly appointed, consistzng of Mr. Joe Cook of the Jaycees,
Mr. Archie andMr. Penny to cosider the suggestions.
Mr. Harry LeFo~t asked for more information on the amended sewer
rate structure, asking the Council if they thought it was fair
and stating that he thought that the rate charged to the single
family residence was too high.
Mr. M. E. Dittes, ~12 S. W. 9th Avenue, also stated that the
sewer rates were unfair in his opinion and asked that the Council
study it more.
City Council, Boynton Beach, Florida
June 21, 1965
Approval for Bids to Pave 01d Shuffleboard Court Site
Mr. Kain called the Council's attention to a sketch presented
them showing the proposed parking41ot. Total cost of the
improvement was estimated at $3,g 8 of which $750 had already
been expended for the clearing of the property. He recommended
that $2~800 beappropriated from the Contingency Fund to provmde
funds for the completion of the project. Mr. Boos moved that
the City Manager'srecommendation be accepted and the funds be
appropriated as above stated. Mr. Bar, ks seconded. Motion
carried 4-0.
Ratification to Advertise for Bm s on Sewer Extensions - Systems
lA, 2B and l0 -
Mr. Archie moved that theCouncil authorize the City Clerk to
advertise forbids for the construction of sanitary systems lA,
2Band l0 on plans and specifications presented to Council by
the Ci~ty Manager--the bids to be opened July 19, 1965. Mr. Banks
seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
List of Payment by.Funds in May 196~
Mr. Archie moved that the list of payments
1965, be ma~e a part of these minutes. Mr.
Motion carrmed 4-0.
by fund made in May,
Banks seconded.
General Fund
Water Revenue Fund
Water Depositors Fund
Sewage Fund
Sewage Deposit Fund
Firemen's Relief & Pension
Payroll Fund
Police Retirement Fund
Publicity Fund
Special Assessment
Approval of Bills
1. Russell & Axon - $500
Mr. Boos moved that a bill in the amount of $500 from Russell &
Axon for engineering services performed in connection with the
preparation of ~ Supplementery Sewer Rmte Study~s authorized by
~uncil, Boynton Beach
June 21, 1965
Co~ncil on February 22nd be paid. Mr. Archie seconded. Motion
carried ~-0.
2. Ronlee~ Inc. -
Southern Gulf Utilities, Inc. - $~,000
Mr. Kain reported to Council that Ronlee, Inc. and Southern
Gulf Utilities, Inc. had represented to him that, in accordance
with their contracus~ they had completed the cleanup work in
connection with their sewer installation work and asked for pay-
ment of their $5,000 reserv~,~~ Mr. Kain recommended disburse-
ment of the funds held back'in the amount of $~,000 to each
concern. ~. Banks moved that the Council accept the recommenda-
tion of the City Manager and_ pay the amounts indicated above.
Mr. Boos seconded. Motion carried ~-0.
Mr. Banks moved that the Council defer approval of the Depart-
mental Reports until the next regular meeting as the Budget
Report had not been received. Mr. Boos seconded. Motion
carried 4-0.
Mr. Banks thanked the Fire Chief for the cleanup work done on
the west end of 10th and llth Avenues and also thanked Mr. Kain
and Mr. Carnahan for the progress made in plans for improving
the cemeteries~
The meeting was adjourned at 8:90 p.m.
~ N. [LMAN