Minutes 06-18-65F. ~. Kain~
(on vaeatiOa)
GitY Attorney
City ~anager
M~or ~ahoa~y ealted tJae m~g to em~r at 1~:19 P-M~ as ~ sp~cmal
meeting with the appra~al of the fo-~r me~bers of Oo~cit presems.
~e Cluy,A~ter~y r~ad Eesolmtion ~o. 6~0 establis~,~ a salary
rst'e of ~!~0 ~e? month for each ~ci~. ~id ~ha~e to become
effective ~e~iately.
~. ~e~ meted ~at,~esol~tion 6~ be admpte~. Motion seconded
~ Mr. Barks ~d Carried 3-1- ~. Boos Voted N~.
~. ~$ ~q~r d as to so--ce of ~ds and the Sitl ~ager smated
that it would ha~e to come ~om COntingency ~d.
Meeting adjourmed.
: ~ Co~ei!~an