BOYNToN BEAOH, FLORIDA, NAY 3, 1965, at ?:30 P.~.
~. N. ~OS. C0UNCIL~
Prior to the opening of the meeting, Mrs. ~aroella Province,
representing the Soroptimist Club, presented the i~ayor and City
Council with framed and mounted pictures of Mayors serving Boynton
Beach from 1921 to the present time. Mayor Mahoney expressed the
great appreciation of the Council for the presentation.
Mayor Mahoney called the meeting to order at approximately
?:45 p.m. Councilman Banks gave the invocation, followed by the
Salute to the Flag led by Councilman Archie.
Recognition was given to those in attendance as special invited
guests in the "Very Important Citizen" program.
Mr. Madsen moved that the ~unciI approve the minutes of
~ril 19, 1965, as submitted. Mr. Boos seconded. ~otion carried
Relocation ..of Shook Buildin.~. (On the Table)
Mr. Boos moved that the item be removed from the table.
~adsen seconded. ~otion carried 5-0.
Mr. Kain informed the Council that his office had sent out
letters to various owners of adjacent properties on this street~
as directed by the Council, in an effort to ascertain if they
would be willing to participate in the cost of removing this
structure from the right of way, The letters had gone out on
Thursday, April 29th. Thus far~ one affirmative answer had been
~r. Ray Brandewie spoke to the Council as representing Inlet
Vista Corporation, owners of property located on and adjoining
the intersection~ He said that the Inlet Vista Corporation would
not be interest~ in participating financially in the cost of
removing the structure.
Boynton Beaeh~ Fla.
Mr. Paul Johnson, owner of property which would be assessed
for the cost of the street improvement, stated that he would not
be interested in participating in the cost of removing the
Both Mr. Brandewie and Mr..Johnson suggested that the City
give the right of way to the adjoining property owners.
Mr. Archie moved that the Council proceed with the next order
of business. Mr. Banks seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Reqqe~t for BeveraKe License - 110-114 N, .E~ lOth Avenue
Mayor Mahoney explained that the request for a beverage
license for 110-114 N. E. 10~.t~.hAvenue, which was considered at
the last regular Couneii meeting and denied by a three-two vote~
was placed on the agenda as ult of the appearance of the
owner of the building at the m~etihg of the Council.
However, in order to
prevailing side,
to be tendered. No
record, that he had
owner to appear
a second call for a
(The attorney ~eprese
item later ~n the mee~
a motion from the
Mes~ers, Ban~s~ Boos or Madsen, had
~r. Moore stated, for the
attorney representing the
by the Council. Upon
~, ne motion vr~s made.
Report by C$~ ~a~a~er on ~.iareo. Property. on 01d Boynton Road
The City Manager reported to Council that conditions at the
DeMarco property were substantially the same as he reported at
the last regular meeting when the Council had granted a two-week
extension due to Mr. De~arco's difficulty in obtaining the
material for fencing. Mr. Archis moved that Mr. De~arco be
given until Wednesday, ~ay 5th, at 5:00 p.m. to re-start con-
struction on the fence; at which time, if no start had been made,
that the City Attorney be instructed to proceed with legal pro-
ceedings against Mr. DeMarco. Mr. Bar~s seconded. Each Council-
man expressed the desire to be as lenient as possible with
Mr. DeMarco and at the same time see improvement in the appearance
of the property, ~r. Ma~oney and Mr. Madsen felt tha~ the time
allowed in the motion was insufficient. Upon a cell for a vote,
the motion carried 3-2. AYEs: ~essers. Boos, Banks and Archie;
NAYS: Messers. Mahoney and Madsen.
~ity Counci----~--
Boynton Beach, Flao
May 3, 1965
C~ty Manager,s Report on Shell S~ation Improvement
Mr. Kain reported to Council the progress that had been made
by Mr. Moseley under the permit issued him to improve and repair
his structure located on the corner of N. E. 2nd Avenue and U. S.
Highway ~1, however, there was still work to be done. l~e .rec omme~de~
to the Council that Mr. MoseleY be allowed to complete the work.
Mr. Boos moved that the City ~L%nager's recommendation be accepted
and that Mr. Moseley be allowed to complete repairs on the old
Shell Station. Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Special Committee Reports
there was nc
the reports on Street Improvement and
been given at a prior meeting and
information to report at this time.
A report on Drainage appears later in the minutes.
Mr. Kain read the minutes of the April 5th meeting of the
Beautification Committee°
Mr. Rank Thompson reported on the Industrial Promotion Com-
Mr. ~alter Dutch, r~presenting the Boynton Beach-Ocean Ridge
Board of Realtors, read a letter addressed to the Mayor and City
Council regarding industrial promotion and requesting that the
Industrial Promotion Committee be enlarged to include a wide
cross-section of interested leaders.
Mr. Kain reported that the license study was progressing
and a recommendation would be made at a later date,
Assessment Roll - Street Impr~vemen,t - S, ~. 4th Street from
Avenue to So W. 1st Avenue
Mayor Mm-honey called the public hearing on the above item.
No objections were presented. Mr. Moore read Ordinance 65-11
levying special assessment against property benefited by subsect
Mr. Banks moved that Ordinance 65-11 be passed from first to
second reading. Mr. Archie seconded° Motion carried 5-0.
Oity Council
Boynton Beach~ Fla.
May 3, 1965
Assessment Rot~ - Street Improvement - N. E. 4th Avenue fro, l,
No E. 4th Street,to F. E. C., R~Iroad ~i~ht of
Mayor Mahoney called the public hearing on the above item,
Mr. Louis V. Tanner, owner of Lot 6~ Block 3, Roberts Addition,
objected to the There were no other objectors.
Mr. Moore read 'ng spocial assessment against
~r. Madsen moved that
Ordinance first reading to second reading.
Mr. Boos seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Assessment_ Roll . Pavin~ S. E. 2nd S~reet from
~o a Point 296 Fe,0t North
lZth Avenu
Mayor Mahoney called the public hearing on the above item°
No objections wore presen~e~ to Council. Mr. Moore read Ordi-
nance 65 13 which levied ssment against property
benefited ~e~t. Mro Banks moved that the ordi-
nance be s~ rea~ing to second reading~ Mr. Archie
seconded~ Mot ~-0o
Assessmen~ Roll - Pavi~g S. E. ?th, Avenue from S. Eo 1st Streeb
Eastward to th~ ~, E. 0, Railroad R%Eht of
I4ayor M~honey called the public hearing on the above item.
No objections were presented to Council. Er. Moore read Ordi-
nance 65-14, ~hi'ch levied special assessment against property
benefited by subject improvement. Mr. Archie moved that the
ordinance be passed from first to second reading. Mr. Boos
seconded. Motion carried
Pavin~ S. Eo 9th -~venue between S. E., 1st Street and Florid~
East Coast R~ailroad
Public Hearing was called on the above item. No objections
were presented to Council.
D~r° Boos moved that the item be tabled and returned to the
City Engineer for recalculation regardin~ the estimated cost of
the project. ~4r. Archie seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
M t N U T E s
Cit-----~' Council
Boynton Beach~ Fla.
May 3~ 1965
San Castle Civic Associ~t.ion . Re:_~ Sun Sentinel Article
Mayor Mahoney read a letter~ tendered at the meeting, from
the San Castle Civic Association signed by Kay Peterson stating
that an article appearing in the ~ay 3rd, 1965, issue of th~
Sun Sentinel regarding the desire of San Castle to be annexed
into the City was completely erroneous.
0r~inance 65-20 -- Amendment to.Mas~er Plan (On the Table)
Mr. Archie moved that the item be removed from the table.
Mr. Banks seconded. Motion carried 5--0.
Mr. Moore read Ordinance 65-20 which amended the zoning
as outlined in Ordinance 62-9 with regard to the area lying
north of North 6~h Av~n~e boun~ed on the north by Boynton Canal,
on the east by FI0ri~a East Coast ~Railroad, and on the west by
State Road ~9~ A. zonin~ map showing the affected zoning was
attached to and a part Of the o~dinance.
Mr. Boos moved that the Council adopt Ordinance 65-20 on
e . Mo=ion carried 5-0. (Motion was rephrased.)
Mr. Boos with the of the Council requested that the
City Manager be instructed to write a letter to the Planning
and Zoning Board thanking them for their efforts in working this
plan out.
Mr. Archie moved that the plrevious motion be reconsidered
for the purpose of reph~asing~ Mr. Banks seconded. ~otion
carried 5-0°
Mr. Boos rephrased his motion as follows~ ~ove that the
Council adopt Ordinance 65-20 on first reading as presented by
the City Attorney in all aspects except that the ordinance be
amended in such a way as to direct that all City owned property
throughout the City be classified as "City-Owned" and be so
designated on all colored maps by the color black. Mr. Archie
seconded° Motion carried 5-0.
parroll~R~.ley inc. Excavation
Mr. Charles Carroll explained the position of Carroll-Riley
regarding the excavation going on on land owned by them and
located west of the Seaboard tracks in the vicinity of No W. l?th
Avenue. He requested a permit for the excavation.
Mr. Archie moved that the matter be taken under advisement.
Mr. Mads~n seconded. Motion carried
City Council
Boynton Beach, Fla.
May 3, 1965
Board and Commission Appoint~n_e~s
Mr. Banks moved that David 2,icLaughlin of the First Bank of
Boynton Beach be appointed as Tru~stee of the Firemen~s Pension
Trus~ Fund and John Howell of the First National Bank of Boynton
Beach as Trustee of the Police Officers~ Retirement Fund.
Mr. Archie seconded, Motion carried
Mr. Archie
the va,
be appointed to fill
Semite Board, Mt. Banks
Mr. Boos
amount of work to
he would
to the necessity of a tremendous
regard to Industrial Promotion,
owing persons to serve
are of the Council for the
Clyde Worrel!, Howard Riley~
s Alden, John Rogers and
the motion. ~otion carried
that he did not favor large
Ordinance 65-15 - 2nd.~eadin~ - Regulatin~ Parades
Mr. Moore read Ordinance 65-15 for the second reading by
caption only. Mr. Ma4sen moved that it be passed on second and
final reading. Mr. B~n~s seconded. Motion carried 5-0,
Ordinance 65-16 - Znd ~eadin~ -,Re~ulatin~ Speed of Trains
Mro Moore read
caption only. Mr.
final reading. Mr,
65-16 for the second reading by
~e ~oved that it be passed on second and
Banks~seccnded. Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinance 65-~? - 1st R~a~in~ . AnnexinE Lots 38-58, Trade Winds
Ordinance 65-17 declaring the annexation of the above named
lots was read by Mr, Moore. Mr. Archie moved that the Ordinance
be passed from first to second reading. Mr. Banks seconded.
Motion carried 5-0°
City Council
Boynton Beach, Fla.
May 3, 1965
Ordinance 6~-18 - 1st Readin~ . Annexin~ Dyer Tract
Ordinance 65-18 declaring the annexation of the Dyer tract
located in acreage Sections 9 and 16 was read by Mr. Moore.
Mr. ~adsen moved that Ordinance 65-18 be passed from first to
second reading. Mr. Banks seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinance 65-19 ~ 1st Reading ~ Annexing,Malcolm Tract on
Mr. ~Oore read Ordinance 65-19 which declared the annexa-
tion of the Malcolm Tract as petitioned by ~he owners. Mr. Boos
moved that the Co~nci~ pass' the Ordinance from first reading to
second reading, mir. ~ffads!en seconded. Motion carried 5-0°
Re___~uest for Transfer of Cemetery Lot - Gerald Ro Skinner
~ro Archie moved that the Council grant the request of
Gerald H. Skinner for the t~ansfer of cemetery lot ~207 BIk~E from
the deceased to the be~e£iciaries of his estate in accordance
with the City Attorney,s recommendation. Mr. Banks seconded.
Motion carried
Mrs. Emily Jackson directed several questions concerning
expenses of the trip to Florida East Coast Railroad Meeting in
St. Augustine, attended by ~r. Archie, ~r. Kain and Mr. ~oore.
Donald Kohl, attorney for Alfred ~right, owner of the
building located on 110-114 No E. 10th Avenue for which a
beverage license application had been denied at the April 19th
meeting, spoke to the Council regarding the lack of a motion
earlier in the meeting to reconsider the decision to.deny the
application. He stated that his client would file a mandamus
action against the City in this matter.
A~Droval to Advertise, for Tenders - 1946 Bonds
~r. Aa~chie moved that the City Clerk be authorized to
advertise for tenders in the amount of $25,000.00 for the 1946
General Obligation Bond Issue, to be opened at the June ?th meet-
ing. Mr. Boos seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
City Council
Boynton Beach, Flao
14ay 3, 1965
~raina~e Partic.ipation - North Second Avenue and Seacrest Blvd,
Mr. Madsen moved that the Council notify the State Road De-
partment that the City cannot participate in the drainage project
in connection with l{orth 2nd Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard at
this time andthat the pro,oct proceed without City participa.
rich, and tha$ the notification be by letter. ~r. Banks seconded.
Motion carried
Mr. Archie stated that he was of the opinion that the figure
of $194,145o00 as the cost of City participation for the addi-
tional size pipe that would be needed to carry wa~er from surround.
lng areas, was an figure and requested that the City
Engineer continde into the situation. He
further stated that he would like the record to show that' he
voted Yes for the motion as he had beep informed that the decision
as to whether or not the City was participating in the drainage
was holding up the building of North 2nd Avenue.
Ratification of Contract for Demolition of Shuffleboard Buil.din~
Mr. Archie moved that the I~ayor and City Clerk be authorized
to sign the contract with the Waho Demolition Company in the
amount of $750.00 for the clearing of the site located on the
southwest corner of Ocean Avenue and Fourth Street. Mr. Madsen
seconded. Motion carried
Authorization for ~urchas~ Of Pickup Truck - Recreation Department
Mr. Boos moved that the recommendation of the City ~anager
be accepted and that the Oouncil a~thorize the purchase of a
Used 1960 Chevrolet 3/4-Ton Pickup from Adams Ohevrolet, Delray
Beach, Florida, in the amount of $~00.00.~'~r. Archie seconded.
totlon carried 5-0.
Approval of B%lls
1. Rubin Construction Company - $3,305.52
Comprising the following work to be paid from the
following sources:
$414.73 - S. E. 2nd Ave.
$151.68 - Alley between N.
(Street Maintenance Acct.)
E. 1st Ave. and No Eo 2nd
~ity C~uncil-
Boynton Beach~ Fla.
May 3, 1965
$708.53 - N. W. 9th Ct. west of Seacrest Blvd.
(Street ~Iaintenanee Acct.)
$ 70.49 - Parking area east of Lee Manor Business Center
(Ronlee Reserve Acct.)
$741.81 - N. E. 1st St. from Ocean Ave.North to N.W. 2nd Ave.
(Street Maintenance Acct.)
$1218.28 - Riviera Dr. from Uo$.~i east to Cul de Sac
(Street Maintenance Acct.)
Mr. Banks moved that the bill be paid from the sources as recom-
mended. ~ir. ~iadsen seconded. Motion earried 5-0.
2. A & B Pipe Supply Company - $656.13
Mr. Banks moved that the A&B Pipe Supply Company be paid
$656.13 from Account 6130-Z for pipe and fittings purchased under
the purchase contract. Mr. Archie seconded. ~{otion carried 5-0.
Ocean Ridge - Fire Contract
t~ir. Banks moved that the City Attorney prepare a contract
with the Town of Ocean Ridge along the same line as the previous
contract in the amount of $9,000.00 for the calendar year 1966,
and that the ~ayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same.
Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
The meeting was ad3ourned at 10:00 p.m.
~¢,~,~/ Arohie, Councilman
~'. · ~1~// ,//-----'
~~ ~~ ~lison_Ba~s, Councilman