HALL, BO.YNTON Bw~i0~, FLORII1A, A-~RIL 5, 1965, at ?~'30 P~M.
M~yor Mahoney called the meeting to order. The Rev. Edward
Stauffer of the First Methodist Church gave the invocation.
Mr. Boos led the Salute to the Flag.
The Mayor, assisted by Vice ~Smyor Madsen, presented certi-
ficates to the participants in ~Youth in Governmen~ Day.~' Mike
Regan, who served as K~yor, presented the Council with a scrap
book of their experience in serving in City Government.
Re~lution 65-R
Mr. Moore read Resolution 65-R which recognized the honor
brought to the City by excellent ratings earned by Boynton Beach
Junior High students in County-wide Mathamatical Examinations°
The students were David Abbott, Jon Arohie, Christine Weaver,
and Scott Wilt. Mr. Madsen moved that Resolution 65-R be passed.
Mr. Banks seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Madsen moved t~h~t minutes of regular meeting of March
15, 1965, be approved. Mr. Archie seconded° Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Madsen moved that minutes of special meeting of ~rch
22, 1965, be approved as submitted. Mr. Banks seconded. Motion
carried 5-0.
Regarding the minutes of special meeting of March 27, 1965,
Mr. A~chie moved that Page 2, Paragraph ~s be corrected to read,
"Mr. Banks made a motion that the City Manager contact Bob Rose
t~odetermine if any of his vacant property .... ~ The word "to~'
is inserted° Mr. Arohie moved that the minutes be approved with
the correction as noted. Mr. Banks seconded. Motion carried 5-0..
Mr. Madsen moved that minutes of special meeting of April l,
1965, be approved as submitted. Mr. Arohie seconded. Motion
carried 4-0; i~. Banks abstained from voting since he was u~ble
to attend the meeting.
Boynton Beach, ~-~!a.
April 5, 1965
Report of Downtow~n Revitalization Co.~-~nittee (On the Table)
The report was removed from the table by a unanimous vote of
the Council.
~. Boos gave a short review of the progress the committee
had made thus far, stating that there were twenty-five lots, or
parcels of land, requiring the removal of debris, thirty-four
parcels requiring filling, seven parcels requiring bulkheading~
and two parcels requiring demolition or removal of buildings.
Mr. Banks requested that Council consider the following
slogan which he proposed that the Council adopt to aid in the
campaign: "Boynton Beach's Beauty, Every Citizens~ Duty."
Mr. Archie moved that the slogan as submitted by Mr. Bauks be
adopted and that it be used throughout the campaign. Mr. Boos
seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Mahoney stated that in view of the fact that the point
had been reached in She pmogram where very technical items were
coming up and very vital decisions ~egarding costly projects to
individual property ownerswould have to be made, that he would
at this time combine the committeemen do~to~ revitalization
with the full Court°il ~o work together on the completion with
the co-operation 0ftheiCity ~&~nager and the City Attorney.
Report of Progress on Boat Rmmp Improvements
Mr. Archie reported to-Council on a meeting he and the City
Manager had: had with a representative from the State Road Board
and following receipt of a resolution from the Council authorizing
them to proceed with the improvement, the State Road Department
would construct ~wo new boat ramps at the site, with three Jettys
in conjunction thereto, The present boat ramps would be broken
up and used in the building o£ the jettys. Completion of the
project had been promised for June. Mro Moore read Resolution
65-Q which authorized ~he work. Mr. Archie moved that the Coun-
cil adopt Resolution 65-Q. Mr. Madsen seconded. Motion carried
At 7:45 p.m. the Mayor called for receipt of additional
bids on annual supply of mechanical joint gate valves.
Bo~ton Beach, Fla.
April 5, 1965
O_p~ing.~ Ann~al Su~pty of, Mec_~b~uica~. ~o'int Ga_to Va!~es
Two bids were opened and read. They were as follows:
A&B Utility SUpply, Inc.
Miami~ Florida
4" $ 57.15
6" 71.35
8' 105.75
10" 159,80
M&H Valve end Fittings Co.
Anniston, Alabaum~
4" 52.70
6" 64.60
8" 94.95
lO~ 141.15
Mr. Archie moved that the bids be turned over to a committee
consisting of FLr. Kain and Mr. Carnahan for their ta~t~tion
and recommendation. Mr. Banks seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Highway Island ~in~enanoe (On the Table)
The item was removed from the table by a unanimous vote of
the Co~uncil.
Mr. Eain recommended that all bids be rejected and that the
City continue to maintain the islands. Mr. Kain based his
recommendation on the fact that the estimated a~uual cost for
maintaining the highway islands on U. S, #1 with City personnel
was $9,?14.51 and the low bid received on the work was $9,?85.00.
In view of the fact that money for a contract to maintain these
islands would h~ve to come from the parks budget and also, in
view o~ the closeness of ou_~ cost as compared to the bid fig'~re,
it was his recom~endation that all bids be rejected. ~. Madsen
moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted
and that all bids for highway island maintenance be rejected.
Mr. Banks seconde~. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. George Miles presented the Council with his resigna-
tions to the Police Officer~ Retirement Fund as Trustee and to
the Firamen"s Pension Fund as a member. Mr. I~misen moved that
the resignations be accepted with regret and that a letter of
commendation and appreciation be sent to Mr. Miles for his past
service. Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Boynton Beach, Fla.
April 5~ 1955
0r~~i~_anc~e 65-6 - 2n~d R~_ding_ - Cit~~~
Mr. Moore read the ordinance by caption only for the second
readir~o Mr. Archie moved that Ordinance 65-6 be adopted on se-
cond and final reading. Mr. B~ks seconded. Motion carried 4-1.
Mr~ Madsen voted "No.~
0rdinanee 65~? - 2nd Reading -.Rezoning Lot 12g Lakeside Gardens
Mr. Moore read the ordinance by caption only for the second
and final reading. Mr. Madsen moved that Ordinance 65-7 be
adopted on second and final rea~ing. Mr. B~nks sesonded. Mo-
tion cam~ried 5-0~
Ordinance 65-8 - 2nd Reading -Rezoning Sturz and R~uz~in Trmtct
Mr. Moore read the ordinance by oap~ion only for the second
reading. Mrs Archie moved that Ordinance 65-8 be adopted on
second and final reading. Mr. Madsen seconded. Motion carried
Grimes Contract - Water Servio_~e (On the Table)
Mr. Rain reported that representatives of the Grimes firm
had contacted his office and had requested that the period of
the contract be ten years instead of the five-year periedo All
other aspects of the contract were acceptable to Mr. Grimes°
Mr. Madsen moved that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized
to sign the contract with Grimes, term of the contract to be ten
years and all other aspectsto be as originally approved.
Mr~ A~ohie seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Walter Dutch, on behalf of the Boynton Beach-Ocean
Ridge Boa~'d of Realtors., requested Council consideration to
constructing off-street parking facilities on the property
located on Oce~.n Avenue, just east of the railroad on which
is located the old Shuffle Board Building and Courts. He
read a resolution from the Boynton Beach Board of Realtors
urging demolition of the old building existing on the property
City Council
Boynton Beach, Flao
April 5, 1965
and the construction of off-street parking facilities. He
presented the Council with a layout sketch of the facility as
proposed by the Boynton Be~oh-0cean Ridge Board of Realtors°
He read letters to the Council urging construction of down-
town parking facilities from the Boynton Beach First National
Bank, and the First Bankof Boynton Beach. He presented the
Council with a petition co~taining twenty.se~en signaturos of
people doing business in the do~to~n~ business district which
supported the proposition. Mr. Boos stated that he was in favor
of implementing the program as quicl~ly as possible, but wanted
to make sure that the facility ~s beautified alone the street.
~ir. Archie mowed that the City Manager be instructed to
demolish the old shuffleboard b~ilding and requested to Obtain
estimates on the black-topping of the property for off-street
pa~king. Mr. ~dsen seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
F~o Forbas, 425 No W. 4th Avenue, ~tated that he felt t~t
Council should not eliminmte the old shuffleboard court and
that he did not feel that' the Cityshould furnish parking spaces
for store owners.
Blvd., addressed ths
of tdue oas~ of former
Poli~ out of C~urt for a
~ he had advised
the ~ge limit
the action
was which was
that as a
rec ty Manager
the court
costs and that
the He
sai by
regarding his ~
which would
the purchasin~
to the Council
large expenditures
the taxp~y~er. He spoke ~gainst
~ic beac~f~ontage.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted
the Boynton
complained ~f
in construction,
complained to
the locks on
house. They
that it had been
hours, of the sand piles
~ty Council
Boynton Beach~
April 53 1965
over the months and of the recent washing out of the banks and
destruction of their property. Mrs. Rericha stated that if
some action were not forthcoming she and her husband would be
forced to sell out and leave town° She stated that she had
been put off by the Corp of Engineers, the Flood Control Dis-
trict and Rep. Paul Rogers. She felt that the City should
help them.
Upon the recommendation of the City ~ger, Mr. Arohie
moved that the Council gra~. him the authority to s~op thee
work on the contro~ ,: ~O a.m. TuesdaY, April 6, 1965,
~nd tha~ he be ~ ~all Or ~ire Rep. ~sl~l Rogers and
request an ~. Madsen s~oonded. Mo~ion carried
Renew of Assessment
and Weinstock
Mr. Kain reported to Council that he had investigated the
tax assessment on the property owned by Sohlissel and ~einstock
located in Boynton Ridge Subdivision on which the assessed
valuation had been increased on the 1964 tax roll and that it wa~
his recommendation that the 1963 tax assessment figure be re=
stored since the increase w~s made, from all indications, arbi-
trarily or by error. Mr. Archie moved that the Council accept
the recommendation of the City Manager and Tax Assessor and
re-establish the values at the 1963 level on the Schlissel and
Weinstook property. Mr. Banks seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Gerald Lo Hawkins~Audit Contract
The contract, as explained by the City Manager~ would
cover auditing services of the firm of Gerald L. Hawkins for
the performance of the services from November l, 1964 to
October 31, 1965, ~ud was identical in all respects to the
contract of the pre~ous year. Total amount of the contract
was $4,150.00. Mr. MadSen moved that the Mmyor and the City
Clerk be authorized to sign the contract with Gerald L. Hawkins
for auditing services. Mr. Banks seconded. Motion carried 5-0~
Drainage Study Report
Mr. Wain explained that the State Road Department had
requested a study of drainage needs on Seaorest Boulevard
City Council
Boynton Beach, Fla.
April 5, 1965
similar to the one already supplied on 2nd Avenue since both
systems are inter-dependent. Mr. Madsen moved that the'Council
approve the drainage study for Seacrest Boulevard to be made
by Russell and Axon in the amount of $200.00. ~[r. Archie seconde
Motion carried 5-0.
Approval of Fireworks Purchase
Mr. ~dsen moved that the Council authorize the purchase
of fireworks for July 4th in the amouut of $598.87. Mr. Banks
seconde~i. Motion carried 5-0.
City Manager Reports
1. Clean up on DeMarco Property
I~Lr. Eain reported that a fence was to be constructed
around the prope~rty to be completed within 15 or 20 days and
progress had been'made in cleaning up the front of the pro-
2. Progresso.on Paving Bike Paths
Mr. Kain r~e~0rt~d that all bike paths on Seacrest Blvdo
will be finishediSy ~he 14th of April, at which time the ones
on 10th will be s~rted.
3. St___reet ~esurfacin~
All street~ in the current program to be resurfaeed have
been completed. S. E. 4th Street will be started shortly.
4. Sewer. eXtensio~ - lll5 North Federal Highway
~. Kain re~d that estimated cost for the installa-
tion would be $~SDOo~00 ~ich would serve thirty-four outlets
at an estimated~6~hly in$ome of $35.00~or $429.00 per year.
He said that it ~PPears~ that it would be a profitable install-
ationand requested tha~ this be grouped with several otheF
small extension~and undertaken when the present contract ~s
5. Canal Weed Eradication
Mr. ~ain reported that the project had been started ten
or twelve days ago and that the first application had resulted
in killing of risk, however, a second application had not
damaged wild life and the weeds were being eradicated.
Boynton Beach, Fla.
April 5~ 1965
6. Florida East Coast Rai~r?~a~ PrgJect~
Mayor Mahoney appointed Mr. Kain, Mr. Moore and Mr. ~rchie
as a committee to meet with a representative from Florida East
Coast Railroad on joint projects effecting the City Of Boynton
Beach in St. Augustine on April 15th.
?. L~brary Addition
~r. Kain reported that it was the feeling of the Library
Board and other i~terested groups that plans for the library
should be expanded possibly and that a report on this would be
made at a later meeting~
8. Tennis~ ~ourt Construction
Mr. Kain reported that the construction ~of the new courts
and the r~surfaoing of the old would be completed on April
10th at which time~nopening ceremony would be held.
9. Cemetery Improvements
F~r. Kain re~o~$e~ that at Boynton Beach Memorial Park
the building h~!b~c~mpleted and the road to it completed.
At Sara S~w~s M~o~i~ Ga~ens the road on N. W. 9th Court
had been oomple~ i~d ~eb~ilding the curbstones was in progress~
Landscaping wou~d be thene~t project°
10. Final ~rt~-~bandoned Automobile Cleanup
Mr. Kain r~D~ed tha~ a total of 283 cars had ~een dis-
~osed of throug~U~ ~e !city at a total cost to the city of
$?2.00. The p~&~$~had~o~ been turned over to the sanita-
tion department~Or~mai~t~ance.
llo Progres~s~.~e~rt ~ Operation Bootstra~
· ~ro Earn r~po~d~ t~a~t there were approximately f~fteen
structures th~ho~the city that were bemng considered for
demolition and thati~& world have a report on it at the next
~ncinerator Committe~A~ointment
City had received a letter
from Greenleaf Associates in referense to incin-
erators to take '~aste materials, garbage and rubbish,
Boynton BRach, Fla.
April 5,. 1965
and that he would like to appoint a committee eonsisting of
Mr. Banks, ~r. Archie, Mr. K~in and himself to study the
incinerator problem for joint disposal of refuse.
Ao~rov~ of Bills
1. Gutters and Do~spouts for Civic Center Complex
Mr. ~dsen moved that the bill from Carpenters Roofing
and Sheet Metal, Ino~, in the amount of $2,944.00 be paid from
the following accounts:
!~1400.00 - Activity ~4100-Z
$1544o00 - Contingency Fund ~5800
l~r. Banks seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
2. Fire Chief's Car - Earl ~,~allace Ford~ Inc.
Mr. Madsen moved that the bill from Earl Wallace Ford, Inc.
in the amount of $2,127.30 be paid from Activity #3200 Account
Z-~. Mr. Banks seoondedo Motion carried 5-0.
3. Cleary Bros. - Final Bill
Mro Banks moved that the final bill from Cle~ry Bros. for
work performed in the in~allation of sanitary sewer system
10-a-1 in the amount of ,~6,317.95 be paid from the 1964 Bond
Issue. Mr. Archie seoon~edo Motion carried 5-0.
4o Tennis Court Fencing
Mr. ~dsen moved that fencing for the new tennis courts
in the amount of $1,012.~0 be paid from Activity 5900 Accto ~lo
It was pointed Gut by th~ City F~nager that the bid price of
$733.00 was exceeded bec~se of the fact that the existing
west side of the' fencing ~*hich they had planned to move and
use as the west side of t~e whole compound was not used$ as
it was found that the removing of it would break up the old
courts and it was determined to be impractical. Mr. B~nks
seconded the motion to pa~ the bill. Motion carried 5-0.
Budget Report
The budget report for the month of February was removed
from the t~ble by a unanimous vote o~ tho Coun~il~ Mr. M~d~
City Council
Boynton Beach, Pla.
April 5~ 1965
moved that the report be approved. Mr. Banks seconded. Mo-
tion carried 5-0.
Permit to Solicit -American Cancer Society
Mr. Banks moved that the ~pplication of the American Can-
cerSocietY for p~rmit to solicit be granted and all fees
waived. Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p,m.
Tereesa ~aU~e~ CiTy Clerk