HALL, BOYNTON D~CH, ~ORIDA~ iI~2~:~, i5~ 1965, at 7~30 p.m.
Vice-Hayer Madsen called the meeting to order in the ab-
sence of the Mayor~ who couldn't attend the meeting due to an
injured foot. The Rev. Vernon Perkins of the First Baptist
Church ga~ the invocation° Sue Bouton, Senior Scout led the
Salute to the
You~th. in. Ggver~_ment Day
Vice Mayor Madsen called the ~ames of these students par-
tiaipating in~h~eEouth in Government Day and the positions they
were chosen to fill. Mrs° Padgett gave them an oath of office.
Mike Regan, who was the student chosen to be Mayor, gave a talk,
followed by short talks by Joe DeMaroo, President of the 9th
Grade, Suzan Schultz, President of St~udent Council, ~a-zid
Wilson, Future Scientists of America, Susie Bates~ President of
Fmture Homemakers of America and Diane Lee~ of the school news-
Mr. Banks moved that the minutes of regular meeting of
~rch l, 1965 be approved as submitted. Mr. Boos seconded.
Motion carried 4-0.
Wa~reM Hunnigutt~ Sro Re: Hunnioutt Contrac~t
Y~. Kain directed questions to Mro Hurnaicutt regarding
the general level of assessments in the City, the present
standing~ in his opinion, of the City in the State-wide pic-
~are~ and ~nether or not the tax assessment roll of the City was
equitable° Mr, Hur~uicutt said t?nat assessing properties was
not an e~aet science ~ud that it was the ~s~sso~ ~im to take
the cost of the b~ilding, less sa~jydeprec~ation and weigh this
information against ~arms length:: sales of property s~d come
up with zn appraisal yardstioko He said that an assessment
City Council
Boynton Beach, Fla.
March 15, 1965
roll that comes within ten to fifbeen percent, either over or
under the average~rms lengtl~: sales price would be considered
satisfactory. In regard to the assessment in the City with
regard to the State-wide picture, he cited the post-war boom in
population growth in the State and stated that the boom came
to a halt in 1959 or 1960, at which time speculative buying of
real estate came .to a halt, however, he predicted s~nother boom
by 1970o He said that he had examined a list of sales made in
th~ City in 1965 and from a sales assessment r~tio study the
general ass:essment picture in the City appeared to be consistent
with reasonable m~rl~et value, there in
the City, particularly in~' outlyinE neede~
ad j~us~ment.
Upon questioning by ~,Lro Boos, Mr. H~ur_~icutt stated that
~ion ~o know the problems o~ financing, a~d ~hat ~h~ tax roll
could be equal!~ed ~by maki,i~ng an ~us~!~ysis ~£ ~he s~l~s ef pro-
perty in the ~=io~ area~ ~ the C~y that had: b~ dep~ssed
since ~e 19~9 tax roi1 w~ es~abIi~ed, ~d mdjust~ the assess-
m~ts in those a~e~s.
have stopped.
Mr. Smith of Z08 $. Wo 3rd~ Avenue asked Mr. Hunnicutt
about the assessment on his particular house and was told that
as an individual, Mr. Hunnicutt would talk to him the next
morning in City Hall.
Annual SuRply of Pipe (On the Table)
The item was removed from the table by a unanimous vote
of the Council.
Mr. Eain recommended that awards be made on the annual
supply of pipe in accordance with the attached tabulation sheets
with the exception of mechanical joint gate valves. He ~urther
recommended that this particular portion of the bids be reject~xl
City Council
Boynton Beach, Fla.
March 15~ 1965
and authorization be granted to readvertise for these items.
Mr~ Archie moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be
accepted~ ~Ir. Boos seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
Highway Island Maintenance (0njc~
The item was left on the table at the request of the City
Review of Bid Award on Diesel Lubrication Oil
~M. Kain reported to Council that the Gulf Oil Company had
notified the City by letter that the bid awarded them on diesel
lubricating oil at the February 18th meeting to Gulf Oil Company
in the amount of 59~ per gallon was made in error and that they
could not supply the product at this price. Mr. Kain recommended
in view of the small ~mount involved and the corresponding high
price of a law suit, that the next high bid be awarded, that
is, Pure Oil Company's bid of 78~ per gallon for diesel lubri-
cation oil. Mr. Banks moved that the recommendation of the
City Manager be accepted and the bid be awarded to Pure Oil
Company a~t 78~ per gallon. Mr. Archie seconded. Motion car-
ried 4-0.
Appeal of Barber Board Examin~_tion
This matter was by-passed with the unanimous
consent of
Re~.... Discussion of Sewer Rate~...and.Extensions
Mr. Boos gave his opinion regarding the expansion of the
sewer system in the City. In resume, he said that he would
b~ in favor of extending sewers to those parts of high density
of population wherein the City could derive the most revenue
for the least amount of expenditure and thereby be able in
the near future, to reduce the sewer rate. He gave priority
to system 2, 2B, and !-A with a spur to serve the industrial
area just west of the Seaboard tracks, stating that these
installations Would cost the City less than $850~00 per oon-
nectiOno ~b~o Boos further stated that he was in favor of
leaving a minimum of $100,000.00 in the construction fund as
a contingent fund to beused only when expansions are econo-
mically profitable to the system. F~rther, that a
Boyn~on Beach, Fla.
March 15, 1965
connection charge for future connections be collected at the
time that the building permits are issued and that this money
~e place,_in ~h~contingency fund, and that studybe' give~ to
y~tems 5~ an~ DA.
Mr. Archie stated that he also held the opinion that
extensions should be installed in the densely populated sec-
tions first and also that all the fund should not be expended.
Mr. Boos moved tha~ format ~uthorization for the pre-
paration of plans~and specifications for new sanitary sewer
construction for systems l-A, wi'fhaI SpUr to Ihdustrial Park,
2, 2B, l0 and ~0A be authorized by Council. Mr. B~r~s
seconded. MOtion carried 4.0.-°
Grimes Contract for Water Service (On the Table)
Mr. Moore informed Council that Mr. Grimes still had not
returned the contract so that no aetion could be taken tonight~
the item v~s~' therefore., left on the table.
Resolution 65-0 - Abando~_~nent of Road Right of Way
Mr. Moore read thei resolution which affected abandonment
of thirty feet of road ~ght of way lying along the north side
of Lot 93, and also thi~y feet of road right of way lying
between Lots 86 and 87~iSection 20, To~mship 45S, Range 43Eo
The Zoning Board had h~d a pub!ic hearing and had recommended
the abandonment. M~. Boos moved that Resolution 65-0 be
adopted. Mr. Banks seconded. Motion carried 4-0°
.Ordinance 65-2 - 1st R~ading
Mr. Moore read the ordinance which declared the intent
of the C~ty to annex L~a~s 38 and 58, Trade W~nds Estates ~n
zone C-1 at the request~ of the owner. ~.~. Arch~e moved that
0rd~nance 65,2 be pass~ tO second and f~nal reading. ~r. Boos
seconded. Motion carried 4~0.
Ordinance 65-3 - !st. R~sxiing
Mr. Moore read ~h~ ordinance which declared the intent
of the C~ty to.annex t~ Dye~ tract ~n acreage~ Sectlonsg~snd 16
the North 30G ~eet ptu~$ha~ port~on west of the Seaboard as
C-2 and the balanceas~l ~o permit cemetery and crematory.
Mr. Archie moved th~di~nancle 65-3 be passed to second and
final reading. Mr. B~D s~conded. Motion carried 4-0.
City Counci~i--
~oynton Beach, Flao
~rch 15, 1965
Ordinance 65-4 - 1st Readir~
Mr~ Moore read the ordinance which declared the intent of
annexing seventeen acres of land that is owned by the City
lying west oF the City limits at zone R-2. Mro Boos moved that
Ordinance 65-4 be passed to second and final reading° ~roB~nks
seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
Ordinance 65-5 - 1st Reading
~o Moore read the ordinance which declared the intent of
annexing tract of land in Section 30, which lies on the New
Boynton Road West, ~mmediately south of the Lions Club building
and west of the high. school site, at zone C-2o Mr° B~ks
moved that the ordinance be passed on first reading to second
reading. Mr° Archie seconded. Motion carried 4-0°
Exchange of Properties in Arden Park
F~ro Moore explained to Council that the City had been
negotiating with ~. JohnDo Malcolm for the exchange of
properties in Arden Park, the object being to trade Lot 108
presently owned by the City for Lot 141 owned by Mr. Malcolm.
Lot 141 is a single parcel located within a large tract owned
by the City west of ~, Eo 3rd St. Mr. Malcolm had agreed
to the exchange and had submitted an exe~ted deed to Lot 141~
for which h& expects a deed bo Lot 108. Mr. Boos moved that
the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign a deed of
conveyance o~ Lot 10~ ~ Mr~!i¢~Icolm in order to affect the
trade for L~t t41o Mro~Arch~e seconded. Motion carried 4-0°
Ordinance 65-6 - 1st Reading
Mr. Moore read Drdinance 65-6 which established the posi-
tion of City Engineer as a non-classified position to serve
at the Council's pleasure and setting forth the duties and
compensation. Mr. Banks moved that Ordinance 6~-6 be passed
to second reading. Mro Boos seconded° Motion carried 3-1.
AYES: Messers. Banks, Boos and Archie$ NAYES: Mr. Madseno
Mr. Madsen asked that the record show that his No vote meant
no reflection of Mr. Carnahan but that he was against the City
spending ~10,000.~0 for an engineer°
~ I ~ U T E S
City Council
Boynton Beach~ Flao
March 15, 1965
Mro Ralph Dupee, 6 Coral Court, Treasure island, spoke
to Council regarding petition that had been presented to
Council at the last regular meeting bearing approximately
eighty signatures and petitioning the Council to abate the
nuisance located on the premises of DeMaroc Tractor & Imple-
ment Company and adjoining residence° Mr. Dupee urged the
Council to take action, since nothing had been done to im-
prove the condition. ~%r. Archie moved that the City Attorney
and the City ~anager be instructed to proceed along whatever
legal avenue ~s necessary to abate the nuisance located on
the property~!o~edb~t~. De~arco andon which he operated
the De~o!~actor & I~pl~ment ~omp~ny and~the adjoining
residence. ~ ~o0~ se~Ondedo Motion carried 4-0°
Mrs° Geor~ Lau~et, 1115 No Federal Highway asked the
Council when s~e ~o~l~ ~xp~0t s~wer service fo~ her place of
business located at~ei~b~e~address. S~nce it was deter-
mined that service to ~h~tI a~ would ~ot be too bi~ a job,
the Council instruoSec~Mro,mKain ~O.c~erwith t~e engineers
on the project and rePOrt to Council.
Mr. Forbas~ 425 N~. Sth Avenue~ called the Council's
attention to a violation o~ the overni~t street parking
ordinance of a vehicle D~rked on Mo Wo 4th Street° M~ Kain
said that he would-check it.
Mr. Forbas a!~o urged the Cou_uc~l to award the bid on
highway island mainte~noe~ Mro Kain informed Mro Forbas
that Council had h~ld ~p action on his reconnuendation and
that he did not exPeot to r~COmmend to Council that they
spend $9,000°00 of th~.~x~yers'money until he was assured
that it was in the Be~in~reSt of t~e City.
Special Council Meeting - March 22~ 196~
Vice-Mayor Madsen announced a ~pecial meeting of the
City Council to be held on Monday, March 22, 1965, at 10:00
Change Order ~6 -.Cleary Bros.
Mr° Boos moved that Change Order ~6, Cleary Bros. be
approved° The change order was to extend sanitary sewer line
City Council
Boynton Beach. Fla.
March 15, 196~
from So Eo 4th Street eastward to the property known as
Toyland Shopping Center. The Council at the last regular
meeting had authorized the work to be done with City crews~
however, it had since been found that tolerances and soil
conditions indicated that city equipment would not do the
Job. Mro Archie seoonded Mr. Boos motion. Motion carried
F~lorida Inland Navigation District meeting scheduled fo~
April 9o 1965
Mro Archie moved that the City appoint ~. Joe Cook of
the Junior Chamber of Commerce and I~o gain as a committee tO
attend the meeting of F.t.NoDo at Titusville, Florida, on
April 9, 1965, at the expense of the City'for the purpose
of discussing the proposed Jaycee project for the park on
F.I.NoD~ property in the southern part of the City°
Mro Boos seconmedo Motion carried 4-0°
~eport from Police Department re: Removal of A~ando~ed V~hlcl?~
Mro Main submitted.a report to the Council from the Police
Department on the progress of removal of abandoned vehicles
throughout the City--to~al number removed to date was 170
vehicles. Mr. Boos moved that the report be accepted and
that Sgt. Ramilton~ who was in charge of the project, be
co~mendedo Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
Report on re-laying Eas$~th Street - Street Improvement Comm.
Upon the recomm~nd~tion of the committee, Mr. Archie
moved that the City ~ar~ger be empowered to go out for bids
on East 4th Street fr~iNorth Eas~ 2nd Avenue to South East
12th Avenue and that t~$ possibility of paving that portion
of South East 2nd Avenu~ ffrom 4th Street to the railroad by
assessment be investigaSed and included in the same program,
if the property ov~ers agree. Mr. Boos seconded. Motion
carried 4-0°
Report on Improvements in Dov~atown Area - Revitalization
Mr. Banks explained the report which was presented to the
Council as a result of a study made by the Do~mto~ Revitatiza~
tion Committee and listed twenty-four properties in need of
lot clea~ing and thirty-seven properties in need of filling
and seawalls and two demolitions, He asked that the report
be accepted and made a part of the minutes and that necessary
action be taken for affecting the improvements on an assess-
ment basis° Mr. Archie moved that the Council accept the
Boynton Beaoh~ Flao
March 15, 1965
report and make it a part of the minutes, but that any action
be deferred until the Mayor was present~ Mr. Boos seconded.
Motion carried 4-0.
A__pplicat.ion for Permi~ to Solicit - Kiwanis Club
Mr. Banks moved that the application of the Kiwanis Club
to sell tickets to a Smorgasbord dinner to be held in the
Civic Center on Saturday, March 20th :be granted and any fees
be waived. Mr. Boos seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
Application for Permit t.oSoticit - Eastern Star
Mro Archie moved that the Council grant the application
of the Eastern Star for permit to sell tickets to a barbecue
to be held at the Women's Club on March 27tho Mr. Boos
seconded~ Motion carried 4-0.
A_~Pproval of Bills
l~ Cleary Bros. Estimate #5
Mr. Archie moved that Cleary Bros. Estimate #5 for work
from January 6 to January 28, 1965, in the amount of $8,547.60
be approved for payment from the 1964 Revenue Bond Issue.
Mro Banks seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
2. Russell & Axon Invoice ~4
Mr. Banks moved that Russell & Axon Invoice ~4 in the
amount of $642°97 for engineering services and resident in-
spection for ll days in February be paid from the 1964 Bond
Issue Fund. Mro Boos seconded. Motion carried 4-0~
~2p~tmen~al ~eDorts
Mr~ A.rchie moved that the Council accept the reports of
the Building Department~ Tax Collector, Treasurer, Police,
Fire, Public Works, Recreation and Personnel, and that the
Budget Report be excepted as Cmuncil had just received it
before the meeting. M~. Banks seconded. Motion carried4-0o~
The meeting was adjourned at 10~10 pomo
Boy,ton Beaoh~ Fla.
Maroh 15, 1985
~as N. Boos~ Councilman