BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, MARCH l, %965, at 7..30 P.M.
Mayor Mahoney called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Banks gave the invocation and Vice-Mayor Madsen led the
Salute to the Flag.
Minutes of February 18th meeting were brought up for appro-
val. Mr. Archie asked that the minutes be amended to add on
Pag? 8, line $ ~nd ~s~ble county participation to Mr. Madsen's
mot!0n that the bids for'sh~ll rock and lime rock be turned over
to a committee. And on page 12, a typographical error in para-
graph 2, line 4, the word and appearing on the very first of the
line isa ~cup±toa~xon~' -' and s-~uld be struck. Mr. Madsen moved
that the minutes be approved as corrected. Mr. Boos seconded.
Motion carried 5-0.
moll[ion Of Structures Corner of N. E. 2nd Ave. and U. S. #l
Mr. Madsen moved that the above item be removed from the
table. Mr. Banks seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Archie stated that the Council had authorized the City
Attorney approximately three oz four weeksago to proceed with
the condemnation, however, at the last meeting, the matter was
tabled as Mr. Tomberg, representing the owner of the property,
had said that he would get in touch with Mr. Kain within three
or four days regarding a deal that was to take place regarding
the property. Since Mr. Tomberg had not done so, Mr. Archie
said that he would move that the City Attorney be instructed to
continue with the condemnation suit. Mr. Banks seconded.
Motion carried §-0.
City Council
Boynton Beach, Fla.
~arch 1, 1965
Annual S~Dplv. of Shellrock and Limerock (On the Table)
The item was removed from the table by a unanimous vote
of the Council.
Mr. Kain stated that the committee appointed by Council
had tabulated the bids and recommended that the low bidder,
Ed. Clanton Trucking, Boynton Beach, Florida, whose bid was $1.80
per yard for shell rock and $1.85 per ton for lime rock, be
awarded, asthe material was offered from acceptable pits.
Mr. Arc~iei moved that the Council accept the r~comme~ation of
the committee and award the. bid toed. Clanton Trucking. Mr. Bo?s
seconded. Under discussion, Mr. Madsen stated That he would lzke
to see the City get the fili from the County which he understood
was available at fifty percent, of the normalcost. Mr. Kain ex-
plained that he had spoken to the Couniy Engineer and that he had
been assured by him t~
t' ' t f '
· on on any Pr93~c ? a 3
amount of participation would
ity of the rock was needed for
case, the County would not
question the motion carried
record reflect that his
rock and Lime rock the city
great major-
ect~ in which
UpOn a call for the
that the
any shell
· on a fifty
Annual Supply of Pip9 (On the Table)
At the request of the City Manager this item was left on
the table until he and Mr. Allan could complete an investiqa-
tion currently in progress.
Highway Island Maintenance (On the Table)
Mr. Kain requested that this item remain on the table in
order that he could continue his investigation as to the amount
of money involved and sources for the funds. Regarding the
bidder who had requested that his bond check be returned and he
be allowed to substitute a bend, it was decided to let Mr. Kain-
handle this administratively, upon the advice of the City Attor-
ney. Mr. Archie moved that the matter be left on the table and
that Mr. Kain report to Council at the next meeting. Mr. Banks
seconded. Motion carried unanimously,
~ity Council
Boynt on Beach,
March 1, 1965
Fla ·
Mr. Charles Claypoot, representing a group ~f concerned
citizens, requested a progress report from Council on the issue
of assessments that Hrs. Kathleen Kirton had brought to the
Council's attention during the February 18th public half-hour.
Considerable discussion ensued regarding the need, or lack of
need, for a reassessment of the City. Mayor Mahoney requested
Mr. Claypool to name the members of the group he represented.
Mr. ClayPOo1 woUt~ not name the members. Mayor Mahoney asked
anyone in the audience to stand who was a member of the group
would isten to them.
rock from
LeFort questioned Mr. Madsen regarding shell
Nfs. Emily Jackson, 728 N. E. 9th Avenue, praised Mr.
Madsen for his work in regard to the parks throughout the City
and requested that Council give consideration to naming the
picnic area at the public beach, Madsen Park. ~r. Archie moved
that the request be taken under advisement by the entire Council.
Mr. Banks seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
A petition, with approximately eighty signature~ was pre--
sented to Council. It petitioned the Council to take the nec-
essary steps to abate the nuisance located on the premises of
the business of DeI~rco Tractor and Implement Company located
on 910 Old Boynton Read and the adjoining residence. Mr. Ralph
DuPee, 6 Coral Court, spoke to Council,as one of the petitioners
and urged their attention to the petition. It was pointed out
that Mr. Kain had an appointment on the following morning with
Mr. De,arco to discuss the matter. Mayor Mahoney requested
Mr. Kain to send a written report to Council on the results of
that meeting.
~rogress Report~ on Special Committees
The committee on street improvement composed of Mr. Madsen
and Mr. Archie had no report since they were meeting the next
City Council
Boynton Beach, Fla.
March 1, 1965
Mir. Archie reported that the committee on drainage, composed
of Mayor Mahoney a~[d himself, had received a map f~om Russell
& Axon of the d~wntown area~hich showed the location of the
large main storm drains. He stated that the State Road Depart-
ment had not yet determined the size of the main storm drain to
be located on 2nd Avenue North and, until the final size of this
drain was determined, the committee could not determine what
larger size would be needed.
from the comInittee on downtown
revitalization composed l~r. Boos and himself, in which the
following recommendations were made:
t. Survey of properties that need' immediate attention,
Opening of all platted streets and alley-ways in
downtown section, and co-ordination with committee
on storm drainage.
OSSlOlltty of a reserve fund for renewal and re-
placement of water and sewer service for new develop-
Creation of a separate Parks department, and a new
park in the northeast section.
5. Police Department update study on off-street parking
and enforce ordinance covering inoperative vehicles.
6. Owners of undeveloped property be encouraged to improve
their property.
7. Citation for persons and businesses showing interest
and taking action.
~. Madsen requested Mr. Kain to check the area in the
vicinity of the old city dump as a developer had contacted him
about building in that area.
The City Attorney advised the Council that he had received
a letter from a property owner to the north of the City request-
ing annexation of approximately seventy-nine acres to the City.
Mayor Mahoney brought to the attention of Council the resig-
nation of Mr. Robert Sclish from the Industrial Board. Mt. Banks
moved that the Council appoint Mr. Henry Thompson to serve at
the pleasure of the Council to fill the vacancy made by Mr. G~o,
lish's resignation. Mr. Archi, seconded. Motion carried
City Council
Boynton Beach, Fla.
March 1, 1965
AYES: Messers. Banks, Archie and Mahoney; NAYES: ~r. Madsen;
Mr. Boos abstained. ~r. Madsen re.q~.ested that the record show
that his No vote implied no reflec{ion toward ~ir. ThomPson,
other than his connection with Seacrest Realty.
Mr. Boos moved that Mr. Golish's resignation be accepted
with regret by the Council and that the Council-'s thanks be
tendered to Mr. Goulish for his splendid efforts and that the
record of same be spread on the minutes, Mr. Archie seconded.
Motion carried $-0.
~ir. Boos, in the way of a
tion committee,
BoYnton Beach-Ocean Ridge
for use
report from the industrial promo-
that he had met with the
~nd their industrial
of railroa~ people, com-
people in co~piling and
~to be kept up to date
Councilman James Jurney
the audience. M~. W~ll~am
r and Purchasing Agent was
~rimes Contract for Water Service
Mr. Moore explained that the contract which had been sent to
Warren Grimes t~ss than a week before had not been returned. He
said that he did not believe reasonable time had been given for
its return, and requested that the matter be tabled. Mr. Madsen
moved that the item be tabled. Mr. Bank~ seconded. Notion
carried 5-0.
implementation of Junk Car Ordinance
Mr. Kain recommended that an amount not to exceed $500.00
be appropriated to facilitate removal of junk or abandoned auto-
mobiles in the City. An income account would also be established
for the collection of the costs of such removals, Mr, Madsen
moved that the Council accept the City Manager's recommendation
andappropriate' the $500.00. The motlon was seconded by Mr. Boos.
Carried unanimously.
City Council
Boynton Beach, Fla.
March 1, 1965
Pay Sgale for Position of Assistant Police Chief
Mr. Kain recommended that the Council establish range 26
for this ~ in the PoliCe DePartment, which he said
was commen les for equal posi-
tions. Mr the City Mana
ger's recommendation and at range 26 for
assistant police chief. Motion carried
Appointment of City Engineer
Kain =it that he had interviewed nine-
teen of City Engineer, and recom-
mended that the Robert Carnahan, who had re-
cently been affl~ Cleary Brothers,at a salary of
$9,000,00 plus a car allowance. Mr. Archie moved that the
Council accept
point Ro
$75.00 a month
a non-classi
or City Attorn~
prepare an
and setting th~
to the motion
of an engineer.
Boos, Banks
recommendation of the City Manager and ap-
annual salary of $9,000.00 with a
position o~ City Engineer,
to the position of City Manager
City Attorney be instructed to
the position, naming the duties,
Boos seconded. Mr. Madsen objected
was bitterly opposed to the hiring
~d 4-1. AYe: Messers. Archie,
~;Lr. Madsen.
Master Plan Implementat$on
Upon the
the Cont
Item 5,
further this
of the City Manager, Mr. Boos moved
and $1,000.00 be appropriated from
to Special Projects Account #5900,
'materials and equipment to
seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr, Kain said~that this item should be considered annually
when the budget was prepared.
Cleary Brothers Change Order
The change order provided for the extension of a sanitary
sewer line ~n System 10Al on S. E. 18th Ave., from U. S. ~l
westward a distance of Z45 feet. The total cost would be
$1650.00 and five days would be added to the contract. Mr. Archie
moved that the change order be authorized in the amount of $1650.0~
Mr. Madsen seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
[lity Council
Boynton Beach, Fla.
March t, 1965
E~tension of Sewer Service Line to Toyland Shoopinq Center
~4r. Kain advised the Council that sufficient easement had
been obtained to extend the existing sewer line from S. E. 4th
Street eastward to the shopping center located on South Federal
Highway; the line would al~o serve for the vacant lots to the
south when developed. The total cost would be $1§00.00, and
he would recommend that the line be extended to this shoppzng
center. ~r. Arohie moved that the recommendation of the City
Manager be accepted and that City crews be utilized to install
the line. Mr, Boos seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Appraisers Short Course
Upon the recommendation of the City Manager, M~r. Madsen
moved that the Council authorize N_r. Allan to attend a Short
Course at the University of Nebraska April 19th thr~ May lst~
total cost not to exceed $600.00. Mr. Arohie seconded. Motion
carried 5-0.
Paving of Bicycl~ Paths
After discussion, Mr. Banks moved that the Council proceed
with paving bicycle paths located throughout the City with a
plant mix, or some suitable substance that will be in keeping
with the type of property in front of which they have been placed.
Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Extension of Employment Date of Treasurer
Mr. Kain recommended to Council that Mrs. Rena Carrier be
retained in her position as TreasureL although she had reached
retirement age, until the end of the current calendar year.
Mr. Madsen moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be
accepted and Mrs. Carrier be employed until the end of the current
calendar year. Mr. Boos seconde~ Motion carried 5-.0.
Departmental Reports
Departmental reports were removed from the table by a unan-
imous vote of the Council.
City Council
Boynton Beach, Fla.
March 1, 1965
Mr. Madsen moved that the Departmental Reports of the
Police, Fire, Public Works, Recreation, Budget, Treasurer and
Personnel be accepted, Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried
Palm-Glade Council Cookie Sale
Mr. Council Grant the request of the
~ ........ C't
Palm-C il conc~ue~ a cool, lC sage. in ~ne t y on
March 7th and that Clerk be authorized to fill out the
proper forms and waive Mr. Boos seconded, Motion
carried 5-0.
Mr. Madsen asked Mr. Kain to check into a letter from
Mrs. 3. Kuhman, 103 N. E. t6th Avenue, concerning bicycle paths
on North Seacrest and report to him at the next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30
james J, ~ahoney, Mayo~
'~ '~ ' , 1 n
Allison B~nks, Councilman
~as. N, Boos~, ~ouf~ilman