Minutes 02-01-65MINDTES 0F REGUT~AR ~ET~G OF CITY COD~CIL, B~LLD IN CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLOHi~DA, FEBRUARY l, 1965, at 7:30 PRESENT JANES g. ~W~AH0~Y, ~ALTER A. N~DSEN, VICE MAYOR JOHN L. ARCHIE, COUNCII~AN J. ALLISON BANKS, COUNCI~IAN CHAS. N. BOOS, COUNCII~AN F. T. KAIN, CITY ~ANAGER GENE NOORE, CITY ATTORNEY TEREESA PADGETT, CITY CLERK ~yor Mahoney called the meeting to order at ~:30 p.m. The Rev. Harry NeSmith of St. John's ~ethodist Church gave the invo- cation. Councilman Banks led the Salute to the Flag. ~rs. Helen Glass presented the Council with a placque which had been presented to the City by former Governor Farris Bryant for Boynton Beach participation in the promotion of Florida. NINUTES Mr. ~L~dsen moved that the minutes of regular meeting of January lSth be approved as submitted. Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried 5-0. Storage BuildinE at Bo~uton Beach ~emorial Park (On the Table) A motion to remove the item from the table was made by Mr. ~adsen, seconded ~y ~r. Archie and unanimously passed. Mr. Banks moved that the Council authorize Mr. Kain to pro- ceed with the construction of the plan as presented to the Council after the Cemetery Board had been contacted and had given their approval. Mr. Boos seconded, Mr. Kain explained that the City was going to attempt to build the structure, which was approxi- mately ~800.00, with City personnel since the estimate that had been ~eceived for the construction was some~hat higher than had Deen ~uticipated. ~otion carried ~-0. Statement by ~r~, ~adsen reEard_nE Councilmen Suoervisory Duties Mr. Nadsen made a brief statement reEarding his feelings on the fact that this year Councilmen were not appointed as super- visors of various departments as had been customary in the past. He stated that he would go along with the majority feeling of the Council, but that any citizen was welcome to call him at any time reEarding city business and he would see that the matter was referred to the City Manager. -1- MINUTES C ity CoUncil Boynton Beach, Fla. February 1, 1965 BIDS . OPENING At 7:45 p.m~ the Mayor called for any additional bids to be eubmltted by the appointed time. There were none submitted. ~a.soline and 0il - Annual Supply _~. Nadsen m?~d that due to the detail involved ~ th~ ~olin? and~.oil.bi~, that ~he bids be opened and tab~ te~ by name on±y. ~. Arcn1~ seconded. Motion carried 5-0. Bids ~ere receivedfrom the following companies on the annual supply of gasoline and oil: 1. Standard 0il Company Jacksonville, Fla. 2. Gul~ Oil Co2p~. Nia~ Fla. 3. City s:ervie~ ~t co.,'~' ~ ~i ami, Fla. 4. Pure O~l Co., Niami, Fla. .. mamn, A~r. rayxor and the fUroh~s~g Agent for tabulation.~d reco~endation to Co~oit. M~. Ba~ks secon~d. Notion carrmed 5-0. ,,Annual SuDoly of Pipe The Council agreed to open and tabu]ate these bids by name only. Bids were received from the following companies on the annual supply of pipe: 1. Smith-Blair, TeXakana, Texas 2. GulfStream lSteel Corp., Delray Beach, Pla. 3. B. & H Sales, Inc., Lake Park, Fla. 4. A & B Pipe ~ Supply Co., Miami, Fla. 5. Boynton ~ell Pump and Sprinkler Supply, Boynton 6. A & B Utility SUpPlies, Inc., Miami,Fla.Beach'Pla' B & H Sales Inc., Lake Park, Fla. 8, State SUpply Co., HOllywood, Fla. 9. A & B Utility SUpPlies, inc., Miami, Pla. 10. American Ca~t Ir~n PiPe Co., Orlando, Fla. ll. B & H Salesi inc,, Lake Park, Fla. 12. M & H Valves & FiStingS, AnniSton, Ala. 13. U. S. PiPe & Foundry, Birmingham, Ala. Mr. Banks moved that the bids be turned over to a committee of ~. Kain, ~r. Taylor, Supt~ Of Public ~orks N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ Brown Supt~ of ater Plant, and the Purchasing Agent~ Mr. Archie sec6nded. Notion carried 5-0.. -2- ~ I N U T E S ~ty Council-' Boynton Beach, Fla. February t~ 1965 An__n_ual Su~op.ly of Tires and Batterie.s The Council agreed to open and tabulate these bids by name only. Bids were received from the follo~ng companies: 1. Don~s Firestone, Bo~nton Beach, Fla. 2. Bo~nton Auto. Supply Inc., Boynton Beach, 3. Standard 0il Co~any, Jacksonville, Fla. Fla= Nr. ~adsen moved that the bids be turned over to a committee con- sisting of the City ~ager and al~ department heads and the Purchasing Agent to tabula'te the bids and recommend Council action~ Mr. Banks seconded. Notion carried 5-0. Annual Supply of Chlorine The following bids were opened and read: 1. Allied Chlorine & Chemical Products, I ton cylinders 150 # cylinders 2. Delray Chemical Co., Delray Beach, i ton cylinders 150 # cylinders Inc., ~iami, Fla. ~ 5.98 per 100# 12.75 per 100~ Fla. $ 6~00 per 100~ $ 9.75 per 100~ 3. Jones Chemical Inc., North Miami, Fla. ! ton cylinders $ 6.12 per 100# 150 # cylinders $ 9.99 per 100~ Banks moved that the bids be turned over to a committee of Katn, Mr. Bro~ Nm. Taylor and the purchasing agent. Archie seconded. Notion carried 5-0. Shellrock and Limerock One bid only had been received on this item. Mr. Taylor, when asked, informed Council that there was still shellrock and limerock on h~ud--enough for another t!mirty days, Nr. Nadsen moved that the one bid be held unopened and that the City ~anager be instructed to secure additional bids and notify the one biddsr who had answered of Council decision. Nr. Archie seconded. Motion carried 5-0. -3- MINUTES ~ity Counc ~~- BoYntOn Beach, Fla. February l~ 1965 Two New Te~is Court_~s Two O0~rtse 1o bids were received on the construction of two new tennis They were as follows: F. C. Feise Co,, Norburg, Penna. $12,16Oo00 per plans and specifications (A certified check which was mentioned as enclosed in the letter was not enclosed.) 2. Tru-Bounce, Inc., St. Louis, No. $10,614.00 per plans and specifications. (Bid bond of 8% of bid price was enclosed) The City Manager was requested to write to F. C. Feise Co. and advise them of the absence of the bid bond. Nr. Archie moved that the bids be turned over to Mr. Kain and ~r. Johnson, Recreation DirecTor for study and recommendation. Nr. ~adsen seconded. Notion carried 8-0. Tennis Court FencinE Since only one bid had been received on this item, the City Manager was requested to endeavor to obtain additional bids and notify the one bidder of Council action. The one bid was held k~opened. Hiahway Island ~ainten~uce The following bids were opened end read: 1. Hasten J. Johnson, Delray Beach Fla. $9,~88.00 per year (Bid bond of $1,000.00 enclosed) ~ 2. Year-Round Lawn Service, Boynton Beach, Fla. $18~216.00 per year~(Cashier's Check for ~1~821o60 enclosed) Grand Estate Lawn Service, Boy, ton Beach, Fla. $83,832.41 per year.(Bid bond of $8,383,24 enclosed) Nr. Archie moved that the bids be turned over to the City ~uager and Nr. Taylor for tabulation and recommendation to Council. ~r. Banks seconded. Notion carried 5-0. -4- M I N U T E S Otty Council Boynton Beach, Pla. February l, 1965 BIDS - AWARDING · n Radio Base Stat~o and Four ~obi~ Units Mro Kain gave the following report on the committee's find- ings and recommendation. R.C.A. $994 - Base Station ~452.25 - Mobi]s Units Unit Price ~803o00 Total Motorola ~1007 - Base Station ~459.00 - Mobile Units Unit Price $2843.00 Total "It is reeonmnended that the award for this equipment be made to i~otorola for both mobile units and ba~e station. Although this is a higher dollar bid, it is recommended that the purchase be made of the Motorola equipment for the following reasons: "In the case of the mobile units, the R.C.A. equip- ment required greater power drain when transmitting. In addition, more e~pen~ive installation would be required. In the ease'of, the base station, the equipment offered by R.C.A. prov~des only one microphone input. It is estimated to cost app~axima~ely ~20 to convert this equip- ment to meet the sp~cifica%zons. "A late bid was made by the General Electric Corporation which was recei~ 0~ Tuesday, ~anuary 19. This firm was requested to submit a proposal in letter form, which they agreed to dO. The price for all units was considerable in excess of that offered by either Motorola or R.C.A." Mr. Boos moved that the recommendation of the committee be fol- lowed and that the b~d be awarded to Motorola Corporation in the amount of ~2,843,.00. Mr. Madsen seconded. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC HALF-HOUR ~r. Richard ~oodruff, representing the Shell 0il Compan~ had requeste~ an oPp°rtunity to speak to the Council regarding condem~ nation proceedings on buildings leased by Shell 0il on the north- west coPner Of U. S. #l and N. E. ~nd Ave. He stated that he was Shell 0il's real estate representative in Palm Beach County and that the comp~aY had been endeavoring to acquire additional pro- perty to the no~th, without success, however, it appeared that they were going to be able to acquire the property to the west -5- M I N U T E S ~'ity Council Bo,~nton Beach, Fla. February l, 1965 on which the auto parts was now located. A letter was read by Mr. Kain from 0. A. Bittles, District Nanager of the Shell 0il Company, in which he stated that the Shell Oil Company was will- ing to raze the two buildings which were the subject of condem- nation proceedings by the City wlthin a two-week period from the date of bhe letter which was January 28, 1965, at their expense provided the building permit for a service station~which had expired January 23,.. 1965, be reissued. The relationshi~ between the reissuauc,e of the building per- mit and the problem of the revitalization of the downtown area was discussed by Counc&I. It was pointed Gut that a service station license had been maintained on the building to date. The City Attorney advised the Council that due ~to the fac~ that wide- ning was an initial hardship¢ it would be wp to the Cottucil to ~ule whether the hardsh2p still existed. ~ said that he felt zt was a situation ~at was not completely ruled out by the ordinance, n~r w~s it comp~ tely su~taine&, He suggested that if the Co~nezl did deem ~ th~ mSi~ation ~onstituted sufficient hardship to renew the buil~in~ permit, whic~ expired approximately a week ago, the issuance, be e°n~i~gent on the destruction of the existing buildings Within ~he time Stated i~ the letter and, if the City had any mor~ difF~cu:ities with theI problem,.the Council would be completely Justified not to renew ~e building permit. ~ro Nadsen moved that the building permit for a service sta- tion be renewe~, subject to the destruction, at no expense to the City, of the bttildings located on the s~bject property by February ll, 1965. Nrc Banks seconded. A~ES: ~essers- ~dse~ Ban~= ==~ Boos; NAT~S: ~essers. Archie and ~£~honey. Not~on car~ed ~Z~.--- ~r, Charles Claypool, 2651 N. E. 3rd St. read a letter to the Council 0b'ectin to the fact th t o _S g a nly t~o ~ounc~lme~ attended ~ meeting on ~anuary 2Tt~. NayQr Nahoney explained to N~.Claypool that the meeting was not a Council ~eeting but a c_~nfe~ence arranged for the benefit of Nr. Boos, Nr, B~os had ~equested the meeting with ~r. Hunnicutt, who~e contract ~as up forrenewal¢ to familiar- ize himself with She ~s~ assessments. ~. 01aypool a~so reqUested that the two suits now pending aigainst bhe city be consummated as soon as possible. t' Nrs,.Emil~ Jackson, ~28 N. E. 9th Aver, requeste? clarifica- ~on on check ¢10004¢ da~ed October 8~ 19~, to the Czty Attorney, for an investigation of a candidate for a Councilo seat.. explained that it cover?d a let~e~ he had wrztten to Fairfield -6- ~ I N U T E S City Council Boynton Beach, Fla. February 1, 1965 [~s. Lottie Pierce, 203 N. E. llth Ave., requested that the Inter,Racial Committee be notified when a meeting was to be held. Mr. Thomas A. Summers, 316 ~. Ocean Ave., stated that he had a building at 415 S. E. 4th St. which was unsitely and that the city had his permission to demolish it at no expense to him. Nr. John J. Ryan, 212 S. W. l~h Ave., spoke to the Council regarding his not being reappointed to the Inter-Racial Committee. Mrs. Edythe Hood spoke to Council regarding her not being reappointed to the Inter-Racial Committee and the Library Board. Mr. Harry LeFort asked about a ca,paisa contribution from the firm of Ports & Shepp~rd to the eampaign f~unds of Mr,~ Banks and Mr. Archie. Mr. Paul Startzman stated thathe had met Sheppard and Mr. Ports bothbetween Christ~mas and New Years and that Mr. Sheppard had said that his firm had made a donation to the campaigns of Mr. Banks and Mr. Archie. Since Mr. Archie was not running at that time, he didn't know about that. Public Hearin~ Charter Changes Mayor Mahoney announced that on February 8, 1988, a Public Hearing would be held at 81:00 P~m. regarding charter changes to come before the 198§ leEisla~ure. NE?~ BUSINESS A~..erican Le~ion - Poppy Day Mr. Banks moved that the request of the American Legion to hold their Annual Poppy Day on February 12 and l~be granted and that all fees be waived. Mr. Nadsen seconded. ~otion carried 8-0. Appointment of Tax Assessor and Purchasin~ AMent Er. Kain recommended that Mr. Nilliam Allan be appointed to the position of Tax Assesso~ and Purchasing Agent. He pointed out that in the examinations for both positions, Mr. Allan had ranked within the top three, and that he had had experience that quali- fied him for the position of Purchasing Agent and possessed inherent qualities for the Tax Assessor's position. Salary for the Tax Assessor was $4,680 per year and the Purchasing Agent's salary was ~75.00 per month or ~900.00 per year. Mr. Madsen -7- M I N U T E S ~ity Council Boynton Beach, Fla. February l, 1965 moved that the recommendation be followed and that Mr. William Allan be appointed Tax Assessor and Purchasing Agent for the City effectively ~mmediately. Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried 5-0. ,LEGAL 2nd Reading_- 0rdinance,65-1- Rezonin8 Lots 3 &~4~ Blk 1, Roberts ,Addition from C-1 to C-2 ~r. Moore read the Ordinance for the second reading by cap- tion only. M~. Madsen moved that Ordinance 65-1 be passed on se- cond and final reading. Mr. Banks seconded. Notion carried 5-0. ~esolution 65-J - Tribute to Late L. S. Chadwell Resolution 65-J was read in its entirety by Mr. Moore. It paid tribute to the late L. S. Chadwell who had served the City as Councilman and ~yor in the yea~s of 1957 and 1958. Er. Archie moved that the ResolutiOn be adopted and requested that copies be sent to members of the immediate family. ~r. Banks seconded. Motion carried 5-0. ~esolutions68-K & 65-L SetPublic Hearing Date Mr. Moore read Resolution 65-K which set February 18th as a Public Hearing for the proposed opening and paving for: That portion of S.E. 1st Ave. from U. S. #1 westward to 4th St. Er. Archie moved the adoption of Resolution 68-K. Mr. Banks seconded. Notion carried 5-0, Mr. Moore read pertinent data on Resolution 65-L which set February 18th as a Public Hearing for the proposed opening and paving for: That portion of public alley between N. E. 2nd Ave. and N. E. 1st Ave., U.S.#i westward to st. Er. Madsen moved the adoption of Resolution 65-L, Er. Archie seconded. Motion carried 5-0. M I N U T E S City Council Boynton Beach, Fla. February 1. 1965 Suoply of City Wate? to Grime,s ,Property ~. Kaln brought to the attention of Council a request by Mr. Warren ~rimes to supply water to his property located on the southwest City limits and occupied by Grimes Manufacturing Mr. Kain recommended to Council Company. sn lines · o mum p~ ,enter into of 25% the a maxi- contract, tha~ ' any addi- water in the future, oons~ructedunder . Mr. Archie year maximum, a five ~ear maxi- the City Attorney Motion carried 5-0. that these services. y City .,.ADNIN ISTRATIVE Permit to Solicit -Le~kemla~S~ciety, /nc. Mr. Boos moved the to solicit funds for thei~ be g~auted. ~r. Banks bion Society. Inc., for the month of N arch carried 5-0. Bills Paid in December 196~t M~. Banks December 1964 be made ~r. ~adsen seconded. following list of bills paid in of this meeting. General Fund ~¥ater Revenue Fund Neter Depositors Fund Sewage Fund Se~er Depositors Fund Publicit~ Fund Firemer~'s Relief & Pension Fund Interest & Bt~ing~ Fund ~unictpal ~wi~ingi Pool Bond Fund Civic Oenter Bond Sinking Fund 211,275.19 22,819.88 360.00 16,583.V0 8.60 536.38 28.50 60.41 .15 .12 -9- $ 251,672.93 MINUTES Ci%y Council" Boynton Beach, Fla. February 1, 1965 Purge Votin~ Registration Books Mrs. Padgett presented the Council with a list of names that should be purged from the registratioz~ books. Mr. Madsen moved that the books be purged according to the list. Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Mahoney stated that the list would be posted at the entrance of City Hall and that any errors therein coming to ligh~ even the day of election, would be corrected and the person, or persons, involved would be allowed to vote. Departmental Reports Mt. Banks moved that the January reports of the B~llding Department and Tax Collector be accepted and that the December report of the Treasurer be accepted. Mr. Nadsen seconded. ~otion carried 5-0. OTHER DrainaEe Survey Com~Itte~ Mr. Archie gave a drainage survey committee report. He said that the committee had been endeavoring to ascertain the size of the drain DiRe that would be needed on 2nd Avenue from U.S. to the Seaboard in order that the drainage flow from the surround- ing areas could be handled by the pipe. To do this it was neces- sary to find out the amount of the water flow. Upon his request, Mr. Madsen moved that the Council instruct Mr. Kain to have Russell & Axon conduct this survey at a cost of ~200.00. Mr. Banks se- conded. Motion carried 5-0. .Apoointments to Board of Ad~ustment N~. Archie moved that George Davis, Dave Swank, Merle Doughty be reappointed as members and Al~e~t ~ehrell and Rob~r~ Hueston as alternates to the Board of Adjustment to serve at the pleasure of the CoUncil. Mr. Madsen seconded. ~otion carried 5-0. Mr. Boos requested that the Tax Assessor be appointed as an ex- officio member to attend ail meetings. The meeting was adjourned a~t~ ~:~0 p.m. ~James J. N~ah~ney. ae. N~ Boos, ~ouncilman -lO~