Minutes 12-21-64MINUTES OF REGULAR NEETING OF CITY COUNCIL, HELD IN CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, DECE~BER 21, 1964, at 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: J. ALLISON BANKS, MAYOR JOHN L. ARCHIE, COUNCILMAN W~ALTER A. MADSEN, COUNCILMAN THO~S A. SLV~V~RS, COUNCi~NJAN ABSENT: JA~ES J. MAHONEY, VICE MAYOR F. T. KAIN, CITY NANAGER GENE MOORE, CITY ATTORNEY TEREESA PADGETT, CITY CLERK ~ayor Banks called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Randolph Lee of St. John's Baptist Church gave the invoca- tion. Mr. Summers led the Salute to the Flag. Mayor Banks announced that Vice Mayor Mahoney was absent due to the fact that he was in the hospital with a broken foot. MINUTES ~. Archie moved ~hat the minutes of November 16, 196A, be removed from the table. Mr. Summers seconded. Motion carried 4-0. Mr. Archie moved the minutes of November 16th be accepted as corrected. ~. Madsen seconded. Motion carried 4-0. Nr. Archie moved the minutes of regular meeting of December Vth be approved. ~r. Summers seconded. ~otion carried 4-0. PUBLIC HALF-HOUR Mr, Joseph Burns, Chairman of the Beautification Committee, read a report to the Council in which he expressed appreciation to donors for island beautification on Federal Highway; requested that the committee be desolved and the duties be returned to the Parks & Playground Board; and resigned as chairman of the Beauti- fication Committee. Mr. ~adsen and ~yor Banks expressed appre- ciation to ~r. Burns for the work he had done in beautifying the City. Mr. Leroy Harris of 212 N. W. 12th Avenue, complained to Council of the new bar he had heard was to be opened on Seacrest Blvd. close to the cemetery. He wanted to know if it was true. Mr. Kain explained to Mr. Harris that an ordinance had been -1- MINUTES City Court,i!' Boynton Beach, Fla. December 21, 1964 passed in order to allow this bar and that two advertised hear- ings had been held on the ordinance. In addition, the question had been submitted to the Inter-Racial Committee and by letter to the Cemetery Board. No objections were raised. Mr. Harris stated that he was a leader in the community and a large majority of the people were against it. He asked if it were possible to move the cemetery. It was pointed out that no perrmit had as yet been issued, but all necessary action had been taken, so that a permit could be issued if applied for, Rev. Randolph Lee of 259 N. W. 12th Avenue spoke against allowing the erection of a bar on Seacrest Blvd. He stated that the people in the immediate area were not notified by letter of the plan to build a building for a bar and sited Lena Robinson as one who lived within 200 feet that did not receive, a letter. Rev. Lee said that in his opinion the opening of a bar on a main thoroughfare would create problems t~t did not now exist. He asked if something could not be done about it, and cautioned the Council not to make hasty decisiOns as had been done by past administrations. Mr. Archie moved that the matter be tabled for investigatiOn. Mr. Summers seconded. Notion carried 4-0. ~EW BUS~ESS Letter from Gladys and Bertha Hartley re: City Name ChanEe Mrs. Padgett read a letter from Gladys and Bertha Hartley in which they requested to go on record as wishing that the name of the City of Boynton Beach be retained. Messers. Archie, Madsen, Summers and Mayor Banks all went on record as opposing any name change. Letter from Eta Phi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi re: Beautificatio,, ~s. Padgett read a letter from Mrs. J. Tomlinson, corres- ponding secretary of Eta Phi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, affirming that Club's interest in the continuance of the beautification pro- Contract - Architect~_~_for ~__~L~brawv Mr. Kain directed the Council's attention to a proposal received from Ditek Grootenboer to perform architectual duties in the construction of the addition to the library. NLr. Kain -2- N I N U T E S City Council Bo2nton Beach, Fla. December 21, 1984 recommended that a contract be executed with Mr. Grootenboer for this purpose. Mr. Archie moved that the Council authorize Mr. Moore to draw up a con.tract with Mr. ~rootenboer and the Mayor be authorized to execute the document. Mr. Nadsen seconded. It was pointed out that Mr. Grootenboer was the architect in the original plan for the library and also that the contract would be dra~ on the usual fee for architects of 6% of cost of construc- tion. Motion carried4-O. .LEG,AL Ordinance 64-24 - 2~d Reading - Conditional, Use for edmcal ~ Dental Ctnter - 2830 So, Seacres~ Blvd. ~r~ Moore read Ordinance 64-24 for the second reading by caption only. Mr. Madsen moved the Council adopt Ordinance 64-24 on second and final reading, Mr. Archie seconded. Notion carried 4'0. Emergency Ordinance 64-25 - Re: Board of Adjustment M~. Moore read Emergency Ordinance 64-25 which was drawn for the purpose of. amending the system of appointments from staggered terms td indefznite terms at the pleasure of the Council. ~r~ Sum]mere moved that the ordinance be tabled. The motion died for ladk of a second. ~r. Archie moved that the Council adopt Ordinance 64-25 as an emergency ordinance of the City of Boynton Beach~ Mr. Nadsen seconded. AI~ES: Messers. Archi~, ~adsen and and Banks; NAYES: Mr, S~mmers. Mr. S~mmers stated that he voted No because with a staggered board it was impossible to stack the board. ~,~reement with State,Road Department Subordinate Right to 10~ Easement at So~th 15th Avenue Bridge Site Mr. ~oore requested Council to a~thorize execution of the agreement which had been requested by the State Road Department which he stated was routine in such cases and a standard form. Mr. Archie moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement ~th the State Road Department. Mr. Summers seconded. Motion carried 4-0. N I N U T E S C ~ ity Council Boo. ton Beach, Fla. December 21, 1964 ADI~IN ISTRAT IVE Receipt of Nine Cremation Certificates - Chase Manhattan Bank t~r. Kain requested Couucil to accept receipt of cremation certificates from the Chase Nanha~tan Bsnk as tendered in a letter from Paul L, ~tin, Corporate Trust Officer, dated Nov- ember 30, 1964, and corrected with regard to Issue of 1949, dated July 1, i949, from l~l Bond~ to 11 Coupons by a letter from John J. 0'C~nnell~ Assist~ Vice President, letter date~ December 14, 1964. Cancelled coupons and bonds of the City of Boynton Beach as follows: Cpupons B~nds ~ater Revenue Bonds 4% Bonds, datsd Dec. 1, 1950 158 10 4~ Bonds, dated Dee. 1, 1960 1,355 10 ~ef~nding Bonds Issue of 1946, dated Oct. 1, 1946 204 Issue of 1949, dated July 1, 1949 11 ~uniciDal Civic Cen~er BuitdinE Bonds Issue of 1961, dated Dec. 10, 1961 115 Svimming ~ool Bonds Issue of 1960, dated Sept. 1, 1960 Series "E" 90 t0 Nr. ~adsen moved that the Council accept receipt of these certi- ficates as listeS. Nr. Archie seconded.Not,on° carried 4-0. R~ee~est for Solzc~_tation Permit - ~others March of Dimes 1-25-6§ ~r. Sub, ers moved that the request by the ~others ~arch of Dimes to solicit funds on January 28, 196~, house to house, be granted. Nr. Archie seconded. Notion carried 4-0. -4- N I.N.U.T E.u City 9ouncil B0yntSn LBeach, Fla. D~ember 21, 1964 Approval~of Bills 1. Cleary B~os. Estimate ~2 System 10-A-l, $19,788.66. Mr. Kain recommended payment of this bill which repre- sented work on the installation of system 10-A-1 for the period from 0ctooer 26, 1964 to November 27, 1964 from funds available in 1964 Bond Issue. Mr. Nadsen moved the bill be ~aid as recom- mended. Er. Archie seconded. Notion carried 4-0. 2. Russell & Axon - Invoice #1 - System 10-A-l, $2~036.57. The invoice represented engineering fees for work through November 27, 1964 and resident inspection charges through November 1964. ~r~ Eain recommended payment from the 1964 Bond Issue. Mr, Summers moved the bill be paid. Mr. Archie seconded. Notion carried 4-0. 3o Rubin Construction Co. Invoice #945, $2,953.20. Mr. Kain presented this invoice to Council indicating that it was for paving work performed during the previous fiscal year and broken down as follows: .Levelin~ and Surfacin~ Castilla Lane 2289 Sq, Yds ~ 54~ $ 1236.06 N. E. 9th Avenue 2654 Sq. Yds @ 54~ 1433.43 Surf~cinE S. E. Vth Avenue 675.5 Sq. Yds @ 42~ 283.71 Funds for Castilla Lane and N. E. 9th Avenue had been encumbered in street maintenance and S. E. 7th Avenue was chargeable to street assessment. Mr. Kain recommended payment. Mr. Nadsen mo~ed that the bill be paid as recommended. Mr, Archie seconded. Notion carried 4-0. Departmental Repor'~_~s Mr. Nadsen moved that departmental reports from Fire, Recrea- tion, Public Norks and Police be accepted~ but that the Budget Report be deferred as he had just received it. Mr. Archie seconded Notion carried 4-0. -5- N I N U T E S City Council Boy. ton Beach, Fla. Dceember 21, 1964 0T~R Nr. ~rchie stated that the City had begun proceedings to revitalize the downtown area by posting letters of condemnation on two buildings located on the corner of Federal HigHway and North Bud Avenue. He said the letters had been seat out on this date by registered mail. The ~ayor and Council wished everyon~ p~esent Nerry Chirstmas and the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 Lj ArchiVe, Councilman ~}~alter-A. ~en, CoUncilman Tereesa Padgett,~ty Clerk Thomas A.~ Summers, Councilman -8-